the soci ety€¦ · soci ety after the or.tlngof the country club at del monte the season out of...

SOCI ETY After the or.tlng of the Country club at Del Monte the season out of town will practically be closed. Those who are still ay iy will iv- turu to town and the social sea* v here will commence. It does not always do to look ahead along the vista, of time and predict Just what the winter season will brine to v-, but at piesent the outlook is favorable for a compara- tivelypay perioil. Tbe past week lias been ;i pleasaut one in many ways, aud the appended resume will nbow wliat our society people have beeu dciiii}; and what they propose to do in the near future. BETROTHALS. Miss Lilabel Crane, daughter of L.P. Crane, willbe married ne*t Wednesday evening In the First Congregational Church to Joseph Henry Marshall, wbo is connected wittitiis Dunham, c.uiiuau & Uayden Company. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Amies L). Curtis. daughter or ex-Supervisor Curtis, to Fieilerick Lawrence Wight. The wedding \.ill taue place at the residence of Mr. Curtis, 1543 Page street, at noon on Thursday, August 31. Hie wedding of Miss Marie Koeilingand F r- dinand Weber will lake place at the First Pres- byterian cinireh at noon next Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Gi es A. Eastun of Beikeley liave issued Invitations for t tie wedding of their daucbter. Miss Mny Elfzabetb Easton, and Waneu K. Porter, son of Mr. aud Mrs. John T. Porter ol Pajaro, which Will t.tke place at St. i\i ' Church. Berkeley, next Wednesday. he ngaeemeut is announced of Miss Annie E ta le and Carl H. Edsoo. A....,.uncemeat is made of the engagement of Miss Charlotte Colin, sister of Ellis Colin, of Los Angeles, to Isador Kamier of tins city. They held their betrothal reception yesterday at 14 Park avenue. The engagement of Miss Jennie Feder of 631 Larkin street to Meyer Levy of Oakland has been announced. They will receive on the after- noons or August 27 and 30 and September 3. The betrothal is announced of Miss Bertha I'eiser, daughter of Mrs. F. I'ei<er, and Jacob Colin. They willreceive their friends next Sun- day at 13 Sixth stieet. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Camilla Kosenblatt. daughter or Mis. Rose Rosenblatt and the late Sam sou Rosen- bl tt, i o Samuel Heller or Spokane, Wash. Mr.and Mrs. Henry Mori i* liave announced Hie engagement <>! ''.fit daught-r. Miss Ida May Morris, to Ki^ ,i Davis, both (if tins city. They will lecc- next Suuday at 708 McAllister street. Miss Belle Collins of this city and Harry S. Godfrey of Alameda will be united in marriage next Thursday. The wedding of Miss May Kurtz and Simon Cohen will take place at the Hotel California to-morrow nigh;. The announcement is made of the eneaae- ineni of Miss Mamie Geisendorfer, a San Fran- cisco society young lady, and Thomas \V. \\ um^eldest son of the late Thomas Winn of Jg^lersOeld, Yorkshire, England. The wed- a ill take place some time in October. X WEDDINGS. 'Hue wedding of .Miss Bertha Sclioen and ""^ael Iteisincer took place last Thursday eveni. lg at Lafayette Hall, 730 Mdnunmery street, tne Da n being tastefully decorated for tle Occasion. At 8 o'clock the guests began to ari ive and soon the spacious ball was filled. At - .?:30 o'clock the bridal party arrived and the marriage ceremony took place, Key. J. M. Bueliler officiating. Miss Jose Mesenburg was the bridesmaid and H. Wickersheimer the groomsman. At the conclusion of the ceremony congratulation!* were extended to the hapi y couple, after which an hour or more was spent inconversation and dancing. At 10 o'clock all were Invited to the banquet hall, where a most excellent supper was served. After supper dancing was resumed until the small hours of the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Relslnger left on an early morning train for/ a two weeks' trip through the interior of the State. / Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Me- senburg. Miss Josle Mesenburg, Master .C. Mesenburg, Mr. and Mis. Wickers- heimer and family, Miss Mamie Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. K. Lauipe, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Klefer, Mr. and Mis. M. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs.Nolle, Mrs. Eltel, Misses Annie aud Angel Bite I, p. Meyer, Mrs. Fritz, Misses Annie and Gussie Friiz, Mrs. Stoltz, Miss Eniilie Stoltz, Mr. aud Mrs. S. Berel. Mrs. Harrington, Miss Maud Harring- ton. Miss Nellie Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vocke and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Feslenkv, Mrs. Hardes, Mr. and Mrs. M. Schneider, J. Ensmiuger, J. Gassmann, A. Hardes, W. Hardes, C. Meyer, G. Meyer. A. Vautten, E. Reraond, J. Kelly, E. Giraud, P. Carves, L. Antoine. A. Bartbe. A. Lanalie, A. Jasquot, M. Baiie de Ei, J. Conuely. Morrow-Muller. The wedding ofMiss Mary St. Lawrence Mul- "ler and William Morrow, son cf .Robert F. Morrow, took place last Thursday evening at the home or the bride, CIO Bush street. The .residence was artistically decorated with bright "blossoms, ferns and potted plants appearing particularly attractive. Only a few relatives and intimate friends were present to witness the ceremony. During the evening an elaborate suiper was served under the direction of Lud- wig. The evening was parsed in a most enjoy- able manner. The happy couple were the recipients of many costly gifts. Collier- Caswell. A very quiet wedding took place at Grace Church last Saturday when Miss Julia Caswell and Robert Collier were united la marriage. There were no guests present except the reli- tives of the contracting patties. Mr.Collier, who Intends lo reside here, is a son of Professor 5 Collier of Oregon University. The bride is a sister of George W. can well, who is well known here in ineicautlle circles. Peters-Mitchell. Miss Alice Mitchell of England and W. Peters of San Francisco were married last Wednesday evening at the handsome residence of Captain aud Mrs. W. Smith on Grove sued, in Lorin, Alameda County. This is the happy ending of a somewhat ro- mantic engagement. Some years ago Mr. Peters left his fiancee to the old country while he trav- eled around the world seeking the best place In which to build a home lor his bride. As a re- sult of experience he wisely chose California, . aud as soon as all was ready Miss Mitchell has- tened to join him. The lady, a stately blonde, traveled alone from Southampton to Ban Fran- cisco In fomieeu day«. It» fact, she rested In New York two days, reducing the actual trav- eling lime to twelve. Hie numerous and valuable wedding pres- ents given Miss Mitchell in England are follow- id her by ie longer route around the Horn, ihe marriage ceremony was performed by the '\u25a0 •Key. Aaron William*, after which those pres- . cut sat down to a wedding supper worthy of me Hospitable captain and his Wife, who spared no exertion to lusuie the enjoyment of their J\ , s . 18 * The linr-'Y couple leit soon after for Oakland amid a showei of rice and good wishes and the remaining i;ue>ts Kept the fun going with song and speech until a late hour. Saunders-Grogan. The residence of Mrs. George W. Sauuders, 734 rive street, was tne scene of a pretty wed- ding last Tuesday evenlnc, when her sister, Miss Eleanor ttrocan, m untied in marrlaiie to Harry M. Saundeis. The parlors wen- pro- fusely decorated win, flowers, ferns and foliage. Infront of tin? bay.wlndow a beautilul floral weddlne-beli was sustjended, beneath which the Drlde and groom mood while Hi.- ceremony was peifomieci by Eey. Jullun Kuendelin". Miss -Carrie' lvory <>i Coppi-ropolN was tir« bridesmaid nod wore a \u0084,eiiy cown of India silK. William Donevan acted as best man The bride looked lovelyIn a rob« of miver-crav siiK. A wreath of rink ro»ebu<ta adorned her coiffure and she carried a buuque ; of. Dride roses. After the ceremony congratulations we<e extended aud the evening was pleasantly passed. PRIVATE RECEPTIONS. Rarely is a more harmonious evening enjoyed than the one participated In by the literary and atti<tic minds assembled Wednesday evening at me parlors of Mrs. Louis P. Diexler on Vuu Ness avenue to discuss the new book, "She of the Holy Light," by John G. Claxton. An animated discussion followed the reading t>y Chatles Edwin Markham of selections from the book. Later in the evening the hostess lead witii deep feeling another strong chapter. A charming feature of the evening was a trio of vocal selections rendered by Miss Susie K. Heit. The evening was one ol unqualified suc- cess iv a social and lueiaiy Way. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Diexler, Mr. and Mm. K.B. Pond, Dr. and Mrs. Ueniy i.lbbuns, Mi. and Mrs. L. H. Brown, Mr. and Ah>. Staples, Mr. anu Mm. Walter D. Witham, Mr. aud Mrs. Albeit Stet- son. Mr. and Mrs. Homer S. Kiug, Mr. and Mi*. L". H. \\ a eman, .Mr. and Airs. Hampton Field, Mrs. Nellie B. Eyster, Mrs. William Keith, Mrs. a. C. Waterman, Mrs. \\ . K. Peaslee, Mr*. Cadwaiader, Mrs. a. M. Burns, ">is. Aionzo Wakeman. Mrs. E. A. On, \iis Taylor, Mrs. Alexauder MacCallum, Miss Bri'dg'-iiiau. Miss Caawalader, Miss May . Keeler. Miss Krin-niine Poole, Miss Mindoia Berry, Miss Juliet Lr.inba:d. Miss Alice Chlt- teudti), Miss Elinor Pratt, Miss Susie E. Heit, ! Miss Marian Bvbee, Miss Lister, Charles Ed- wiu v..v Kiiam. James a. Stephens, Curtis iiill- yer aud Reuben H. Lloyd. The Wedekind Reception. Mr. and Mrs. F. EL Wedekind gave a brilliant : reception last Tuesday evening at their real- i deuce. 812 Van Ness avenue, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jolmsou (nee W'dekiud), who have just returned from their wedding tour of two months' duration thiough the Eastern states. The rooms were artistically decorated with beautiful floral pieces, aud loose draperies and flowers hung promiscously about. Shortly after 9 o'clock the guests began to arrive and were usheied into the huge pai lors, wheie danetns was indulged In, Interrupted only by many pleasing vocal aud instrumental solos. > At 11 :30 o'clock a band serenaded the party with seveial choice s-lectious, alter which ihey entered the house and played for the dancing. Late In the evenlni: the guess partook of a delicious repast, after which games and merry- making were continued until the small Hours of i be morning, when the festivities ended by the departuie of the meny guests. The fair bride, the charming daughter of F. H. Wede- kind, formerly of Maxoo, Ackley & Co., has lived here from her earliest years, aud the groom Is (he president of ih Cosmopolitan Trading Company, aud Is well kuown through- out the Slate In business circles. Thefollowlim were invited: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bean, Mr. and Mis. CJ. W. Maxon, Mr. and Mis. Jesse A. Galland. Mr. and Mrs. George Smiih, Mr. aud Mis. F. H. Wedekind, Mr. aud Mis. A. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallenrod, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Mr. and Mis. Hartzell of Sauta Rosa, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Pwoss, Mr. and Mrs. Eugiisii. Mr. aud Mi -. E. It. Miles, Mr. and Mis.i. Meyer, Mr.and Mrs. C. 11. DecW-r. Mr. and Mrs. Caffrey of Be- nicia, Dr. and Mrs. Kowat, Mr.and Mis. A.J. Lyon, Mr. aud Mrs. Sherwood. Mr. ami Mrs. Kobmson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gannon, Dr. and Mis C. Cruii!, Mr. aud Mrs. Bo to, Mr. and Mrs Carroll, Mr. aim Mrs. C. C. Maxon. Mr. and Mis T. B. Hart of Chico, Mrs. J. \v . Bowers of Chlco, l*r. aud Mrs. T. A. Shellai, Mr. and Mrs. *ied Kaabe, Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Krelllng. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Johnson, Mr. and Mis. .Io- Ji.nsen, Mr.and Mrs. 0. J. Wedelund ol Chico, Mi. and Mrs. Diamond of Denver, Mr. aad Mis. E. A. Wedekinrt of Chico, Mr. at«d Mis. John Bmkett of Chicn. the isses E. Spencer Kittle Hopkins, Lillian Corsaut of Chico, Peail and Leila Laws. Agues Hoikins and .Mab'-l Shearer, and Messr«. Jesse li. Miller. J. A. Kitchie. Jui'ge Frank J. dray, J. A. Uallaad, (.eoi^e F. Wedekind. Frank P. JacoDs. Georee Flilmer, William Hun is, Joseph "'aiK.lel. C. F. Mast. D. 15. Green, Louis Meyer. Frank (iriflin, A;chie NoTlngtOU, Louis llageiikamp, .Samuel O. Meyer. John J. Neubaitn. (ieorge C.tni-ion, Fred B Sunhyue, William Heurlcksoii. Hart Kline, J. Jonnson, Audiew llylauo, tlcniy .schroeder, A. If. O'Biien. Mr. Lovd, E. Elku's of Saciameuto, Henry Boyer o! O^klaud, >*U. !iam Schoolar of Chico. F. Miller and (ieorge \u25a0 urphy ol New Yoik, Ma«te;s Frank aud Leo Maxon, Colonel William F. Kruse, Dr. D. B. Green, Geueial M. Howard, and Mr. aud Mrs. ; K. E. Montgomery of The Norwood Party. An Interesting affair of the past week was the party given on Saturday evening at Golden Gate by Clatence Norwood upon his return from Sau Jose. Norwood Hall was beautified by a profuse display of flowers, ferns and buntine, and a String orches- tra furnished the music for dauciuii. Bongs and games were also enjoyed until nuduight when an elaborate supper was scived amid putty decorations. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. McLellan, Mr. and Mrs. Aydeu. Mr. and Mi«. Wake, Mr, and Mrs. Kice, >ir. and Mr*, X niy. Dr. and Mi8. Span. Professor Crawfoid, Dr. Bartman. The Misses W. Ayden. T. Lellau, M. liiordan. B. Gnadciiii!>. G. Mass. E. Mcl,f Man. U Klor- dan, K.Gregory. V,. R. McDmald, Messrs. C, Norwood. J. McLeUaii, F. Buelah. \V. Douelas, B. Mcl.ellau, A. (iregory. fti. Marry, T.Avden. F. Cunuiughani, K. Ab!»-. T. Whiting, Dr. I. Wlntl«, A. Fiaser. A. Merry, M. Pinkham, B. Clinton. S. Gilinore, M. Noble and U. Fralus. The Walters Party. Incog Specialty Club tendered a party to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walters last Friday evening at their residence, 752V2 Harrison street. Th* hours were pleasantly Dassed with music and dancing. Vocal selections were given by N. McLaughllu, Frank Patterson, Warren J. Ty- son aud Thomas McGiaih. A sumptuous supper was one of the pleasant events of the evening. Those present were Mr.and Mrs. L. A. Wal- ters Miss Lizzie Tierney, Miss Sarah Tierney. Miss May Tierney, Miss Jessie Postlcton. Miss Camille Williams, Miss Josie Ash, Miss Bliale Madison, Miss l>izzie Giilespie, Miss M. Mei- len. Miss Birdie Isaac, Miss Marule I.eonaid, Miss May Cook, Miss Birdie Fisher, Miss Jessie O'Donnell, Miss L. Cull'-u. Warren J. Tyson, John McDonald. Hugh Kelly. I'aiil Duni.hy, George Smith. Edward Thles, TbMMU McGraiU, William Dunpny, James Tierney. Edward Failou, James Sack. James Jyson, William Istead, Harry Kuff. N*. McLaughllu, Frank Patterson, Louis Elkers, Maniu Tler- uey, Frank He»s and Samuel McGlbOou. Spellan Scent-Bag Party. Miss Gertrude Spellan cave a scent-bag party last Friday evening, at her residence on I,eav- enwortb street, iv honor of Miss Clan Kettle- man ot Loai. who has been visiting ber. The parlors were handsomely decorated with flowers and Japanese lantern?. Each guest was the recipient of a small white box, tied with colored ribbons, which contained a pretty sceut-bRK. At 11 o'clock flash-light photo- ciai hs ol the liapuy g>oup were taken by G. J. Fowzer. alter which some clever exhibition irickn were done by J. O. Eicbe), W. W. Gale ami K. Matneson. Then a bounteous supper was served and the games and daucing were resumed until early morning. Among those present were Miss Clara Keitleman, Miss Alice Bailie, Miss Sadie Hallle, Miss Irene Gove, Miss Nellie Bridger, Miss Gertrude Spellan, George Fowzer, J. C. Elchel, William Sale. 'Kenneth M;iUe«on, Ralph lieruot, .Monroe J Urr Loiter Washburn and Lawrence Ttirkelsou. Prince Birthday Party. The tenth birthday anniversary of Miss Haz I Prince was celebrated at Hie residence or Mr. and Mis. Henry Prince. 2012 Laikln street, last Wednesday afternoon. The principal feature of the event was a large horn of plenty, tilled with candles and nuts, suspended from i tie large chandelier in the reception-room. Each guest was blindfolded in order to break the horn and secure the contents by !>ciani- blins. The afternoon was Das«ed In playing game*, ringing and dancing. The parly broke up shortly after 6 o'clock, the many young roiniet wishing the hostess many happy birth- days to come. i hose present were: Miss Hazel Prince, Mis* Lottie Foster. Miss Grace l'errault. Miss Beatrice Hughes, Miss Alice Claus. Miss Jo«ie Hoffman. ,is« M.iy ilollmau, Miss Evelyn Smith. Mint Mabel Knight, Miss Mildred Wiit-iiton, Miss Mabel Peck, Miss Geraldioe Coles. Miss Mario Sliaiictc. Miss Margaret Ross, Miss Roberta Gilbert. Miss Edna Morrow. Miss Laura Christiansen. Miss Alviua Christiansen, Master Heitte Friedberg, Master Arthur Rags- dale, Miss Rosa Joiinsou and Master Howard Doane. DINNERS AND LUNCHEONS. Miss Mac Dimond, daughter of General W. H. l>lmond, celebrated the anniversary of her birth In a very pleasant manner last Thursday by giving n charming dinner party at her resi- dence, 2224 Washington street. Hundreds or lovely La France roses formed the decoration Of the dinlug-table, and (heir color was repeated in the tapers that were set in the silver delabra. Sliver wlsiibones and silver hat pieces tied with pink silk ribbons were the souvenirs for the ladles and gentle men who were invited. A delicious menu was served, after which a couple of hours were passed In the drawing- rooms, which weie beautifully decorated with. fragrant flowers. Tlio^e uiesent were: Miss Mac Dlmond, Miss Eleanor Dimond. Miss Alice Hobait, Miss Ella Hobait, Mt«s Nellie Hillyer, Miss Pratt. Mi^s ],»uia McKlnstry, Miss Mamie Hoinrook. Mi«s lonipkins, .Mis* Tobin. Harry Dimond, Edward M. ttreeaway. Walter 8. Houart, Frank OweD, Joseph Tobin. Kobeit L. Coleman, L<n- slnc Mjzner, Peter 1). Martin, Lieutenant Me- Kenna, Mr.Lawson, A. Tobiu aud ueueral W. H. Dimond. The Coy Lunch Party. Mr?. G. If. Coy cave a delichtful red lunch party at her residence. 43'.t Geary street, last Wednesday in honor of Mis. Theodore Mayer. The table was ornate with bright red popples ana carnations, fronded with delicate ferns. The repast was a delicious one, aud ilie afiernoon was madt* very iuteiestlug. Those present were: Mrs. G. H. Coy, Mrs. Theodore Mayer. Mrs. H. Tobin, Mrs. Dr. Smith. Mrs. Neber. Mrs. Julia A. Tenuy. Mrs. Heniy Mayer, Mrs. Bachelder. Mrs. A. W. Furst. Mrs. D. L. Nelson, Mrs. B. A. Clark, Mrs. M. \V. Belshaw and Miss Delia Hlltou. The Jud^e and Jury. The Judge and Jury pave its fortnightly banquet last Monday evening in the parlors of the Maison Doree. This is a literary and social organization of college graduates who meet tegulailyat the festal boaid to discuss Hie best ideas in gastiouomy and liteiature. The last meeting was ;in Interesting our, ihe menu excellent aud the affair highlyenjoyable. Those piesent were: Sidney B. Nlezes, S. c. Moll tt, Ferdinand I. Vassault, J.J. Dwyei, W. Lock wood l"cer. James c. cuy, George Davis Boyd, Lawience S. Vassault. Seih, 1.. A. Keduiau, E. s. ln-uer aud A. A. Sander- son. THE COUNTRY CLUB. The fourth annual outing, picnic and shoot of the Country Club, which wlil be held at Del Monte next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Is the principal topic of conversation In clubdom and society circles. Fair maids uud matrons are itiepHring stunning toileis for the ball and feichmi; lieh', towns for the shoot. Ciubmen aif making be is on the shoot and the membeis of the shooting teams are in daily practice. It willundoubtedly oe an event of eieat Import and is looked forwmd to with much pleasuie by the hundreds who will be pn-senr. A si>ec.iil train will le;ive heie at 2 o'clock next Friday afternoon for Del Moute. stopping only at Venlo P;irk aud San Jose. On Friday evening the stiootlne team will meet to arrange skies for the match between the Reds and Blues, and there will be a concert Dy the Coun- try Club Baud of seventy-five pieces under the direction oi A. Spadlna. Satinday moiuiug at '\u25a0* o'clock the club shoot for prizes and medals willcommence, and there will be a mutch be- tween ihe Keds aud Blues. Luncheon "Under i i«t- Greenwood Tiee" will be served at 1 o'clock. At x o'clock In the evening there will be a concert followed hy a bail and tapper. Sunday morning at lo o'clock the baud will giva a sacred conceit in fiont of the hotel. At 8 o'clock in the evening iheie willbo a grand illumination ..nd fireworks at Del Mont'- Lake and a concert by the baud. The pyrotechnic displjy willbe r.i-st elaborate. The fireworks were secured In the F.ast at laige expense, and comprise twelve fancy exhibition pieces en- tirely different (rom anvthin^ ever j'-eu on this coast. The display will tei mlnnie with a caudle batteiy motto of the club, "Under the Green- wood Tree," followed by the discharge of an extra large aerUl bouquet consisting of 100 rockets of assorted colored stars and effects turd simultaneously. 'ihe lirst match on Sunday willbe a contest of twenty five birds to each man betweeu sides to be designated as "Reds" aud '•Blues." Five gold medals will be given for the live highest scores made at the twenty-five birds, handicap rl«e. The Hot twelve birds shot at shall s*cor«s for the aeaaou'a prises. Thr prizes and medals aie valued at (600. The names of those who willparticipate are: Faxou D. Atherton, Harry Babcock. S. C. Buckbee, Geoige Crocker, Edw.iru Donohoe, Cbarlri P. Eells, lliomas Ewiug, Andiew .1.i.-k- --koo, William S. Xi tie. William (.". UurdocU, Walter S. Newnall. Bobert Oxnaid, K. F. Pres- ton, J. D. KedUing, C. O. Rlclur.l-i, B. H. Bprague, George B, >t>eriy, A. C. 1nub-", W. B. Tubbs. F. W. Tallant, Cliutmi E. Woiden. Ramon E. Wllsoa, FiedeilcK K. Websier and Itubeit B. Woodward. The music will be a special feature of the outiiiL.'. The promaiuuKs for the several cun- cei ts are as follow i: Friday, 9 v. m.— "Dragoons' Call" (Ellen- beiK); overture, 'Oberon" (Yon Weber); ••Un- der the Greenwood Tree" <Hiiho,o; selections from "1Lombards" (Verdi); walcz. "Flowers or Sr. .Petersburg" (Kesch); "Hide of tlie Walkure" (Warner); "American Patrol" (Meacliam); seen* c aria, '"II Trovatore" (V? rdl); galop, "To the Park" A. Spadlua). > On Saturday the band will tender a number of choice selections during the luncheon hour ou the picnic ground!). Saturday. 9 p. m.— Match, "Cadets," Sousa; overture, "Son and auger," Mendelssohn ; "LaCzarine." Caune; finale, tlilrd act ol "Rig- oletto," allegro, quartet and storm scene Veidi; waltz, "Artist's Life," Strauss; over- ture. "lilenzl," Wagner; "Hebe." duet for trombone, Redding; selection from ••(.avalleria Ru*ticana," Mascagtil; overture, "Semiram- Ide," Rus«lui; grand medley troin "Boccaccio," YonMi|iue. ttutMlay, 11 a. sr.— Overture. "Stabat Mater." arranged by.Mercadaute; "seieuade/'Schuhcrr ; "Aubade Prlntaniere." i>icombe; "Scenes i'ir toresques"— (l) inarcne, (2) "Air de Ballet," (3) "Angclus," (4) "Fete Boheme,'* Massanet- grand selection. " Huauenots," Meypibeer: prelude from "Loheußiin." \\ agnei ;tantasla, "F.nist," Gounod; waliz. "Blue Danube,"' Strauss; overture, ••Tann!iau«er," Wagtier; niarcii, "Salute I.ointaln," Doting. Suuday. 9 i-.m.— Overture. "Light Cavalry," Su; pc; selections from "Itubiti Hood." "De Koveu; mosaic from the opera of "Lucia." Domzrttl; overture. "Orplieus." OfTenb.icii ; '•Le Fils de Ponhos"— Defile, Henri Seuee- overture, '•William Tell," Ro*slni; Interuiezzu stnfoniea ftom "Cavalterta Rastleana," Max cagni; w«Uz, "Loin dv Bal," Gillet; "Lorelei," paiaphiase. Nesvadbe; inlioductiou aud bridal chorus from ' Lohengrin," Wagner. The oflicers, directors and ciiairmeu of the committees are as follows: I'iesioeiit. Frederick S. Webster; vice-presi- dent, Koliert Oxuard; secretary-treasurer, \\ illiam C. Muidoch; attorney aud counselor Ramon E. WHsou. Directors— Frederick It. Webster, William (' Muidoch, Kichaid 11. Spraguc, Heinv W Woodward, Kobert Oxiiard, Uamon E. Wllsoui (ieorge Crocker and Williams. Kiltie. ChauiD'.-ii ol Conimlit*-es— Eutertaiumentsand outino, Kobert Oxnaid: trap-shooting and .ntli.etlcs, George Crocker; clubhouse, Heniy W. Woodward; stable and dog-kennels William S. Kittle; patiolrueu aad keej^eis Blcbard 11. Spraitue; game, hsh aud preserve, Bamon E. w ii.son. The memb' ishiu of theclub is limited to 125, and there aie now thirteen names on tin: wait- ing list. The list of members is as ioilows: William Alvord, Faxon D. Athenon. Harry Babcock, -William Babcock, C. il. Belknaii \S illiam Berg, T. B. Bishop, Gordon BlanCuig A. H. Boomer. William B. 8011111, A. J. Bowie, (ieorge Davis Bovd, .\alh,,niel J. liiiuan Emile A. liiuuiileie. Spencer C. ISuckree, .). William Byrne, C W. Bouyiige, Joseph Clai k (ieorge Crock r. Wiiliam H. (Jroefcer, J. M Cuunlughain. Ch rles F. Crocker, Joseph B. Cioc ett. George I>. Cooper, E. P. Danfoith, Waltor E. Dean. Walter Loonaid Detn, Peter J. Donahue, Edwaid Douohne, Yiadimer d'Artslmovltcli. Joseph A. Donohoe Jr., li. .\ E.idy, Charles P. Eells, Ihomas Ewlnc, Bernard Faymonvllle, John g. Follausbee, Aitliur W. Fos'er. Ji. B. Forman, Byron Gil- man. Daniel B. Gillette Jr., Joseph D. Giant lloiMt H. Giayson, E. V. Uerald, J. 08. Gunn, Louis T.Ilaguln. Henry E. Hall, Alex- ander Hamiltou. Kobert Harilsnn, Jerome A. Hart, J. Downey Harvey, William li. Hearst, Ho ace L. Hill, William H. Howard, E. W. Hopkins, Andiew Jackson, Harry A* Jeanne, Charles Jo«selyn, Lansing O. Kellogg, Homer S. King, William S. Kiltie, Nicholas (i. Kittle. Jerome B. Lincoln. W. 08. McDouough. H. R, Mann, Waid McAllister Jr.. E. J. Mc'Juic'ien, Robeit McMurrav, W. S. MeMuitry Jr., Euse- bius j. Moieid. S. J. Moore. C. F. * niiins. William C. Muidoch, Daniel T. Murphy, 1). M. Muruhy. W. 11. Martin, Waller S. Newhall. Kobert Oxnaid. Hermann Oelricns, James (J. Oxnard, Charles Pace, Louis B. ParroU, Theodore F. Payne. G. W. Peltier. James D. Phelan, Edgar "F. Preston, Evans S. Plllsbury, Joseph M. Quay, Joseuu D. Redding. GL O. Richards. R. P. Rltnet. G. H. Koe. A. W. Kose Jr., J. I. Sablii, Baron J. H. yon Sihroeder, F. W. Sharon, It. H. Sprague J. B. Stetson. O<car T.Sewall, Heniy T. Scott, Frederick W. Tallant. John W. Taylor. W. S Tevis, Austin C. Tubbs, Alfred S. tubbs, Wii- Ham B. Tubbs. James E. Tucker, Charles W. Tattle. 11. liem'y V< uve, Fiederlck R. Web- ster. George Whittell. W. B. Wilshlre, Ramon E. Wilson, John Scott Wilson, Charles L. Wat- son, J. Parker Whitney, Wiiii .m S. Wood, Henry W. Woodward. Robert B. Woodward. Fred L. Wooster. Clinton E. Wortfen, Thomas C. Vau Ness, Fredeiick w. Zeiie. AT MARE ISLAND. The presence of the "Higli Court" and of ex- Suigeon-G neral John Miles Brown. C. 8. N., at the yarn has made ceremonious dinners and oilier entertainments the order of the day dur- ing the last two weeks. First came the house- warming by the Commandant and Mrs. Bowtsea on the assumption of command— a unique, un- ceremonious affair which embraced a reception, parlor theatricals aud a dainty supper. The programme comprised music, tableaux and recital lons, concluding with a fan drill in which the young ladlfs In charming costumes handled expansive faus with military precision under i lie command of Captain Maizey Clark. Nothing prettier can be im -glued than the maneuver of '-gossip ne fans,' 1 and the whole formed a 9erles of artistic Watteau plctuies. lhere was some excellent guitar and mando- lin playing, a lecltntiou of l.ochluvar illus- trated by comic grouping and action and a richly humorous tableau of "The Graces," rep- resented by three officer* who rip the sc .les at 250 pounds, draped in classic sheets, the group uudiiiaung and vibrating wllli the suppiessed enjoyment of its own fun. A lepeiltlon being demanded, thiee lovely young ladles iook the places of the pondei ous antiques and gave the true Interpretation. Another tableau was iv honor of the surveying man-of-wai, the only vevse! then at the yard, anil lepresented Tlietis presenting the swon! to Achilles. 1 he only guests ou this occasion not of the navy weie the wife and daughters of Judg-- W. W. Moriow of San Francisco. The eldest daughter Miss Maud, Is soon to join the seivice asi the bride of Lleulenaut Fechteler of the Albatross. The commandant's dinner to Admiral Bel- knap and the other members of the court- martial, concluded a few ilays since, was a par- ticularly biilllant affair. The menu was elah- oiate aud the table most artistically decorated, being a pasture of piuk Rowers, illuminated by lamps shaded with the same delicate color. The dinner of Doctor Woods to ex-^urgenn Geneial Brown and the visltlug members of the coiiit an equally admirable entertain- ment and that of surgeon Lewis In honor of the ex-Surgeon-Geiieial ranged with th \u25a0 other two. At the latter dinner the tints were green, the table decorations being maiden hair ferns combined with wavy lines of narrow ribbons and the center pi cc a little plantation of ferns within a silver fence. On Friday Captain and Mrs. Cotton gave a much-enjoyed entertainment, divided Into two P»r;«. me first, a musical recital by the tal- ented soloists of the independence band, and ike second part a concert of choice dauce music, to which the guests responded, alter- nating the dance with uood mu-ic and a choice sapper. Soon tno lecelvlnu ship willlie aglow with electricity aad add additional attractlou to the type of the navy of eighty years ago. CLUB PARTIES. Walter (J. O'Brien's souvenir basket party, winch was giveu last Tuesday evening at Franklin Hall, was a brilliaui commencement of the dancing season In the Western Addi- tion. The hall was filled with merry dancers, over 150 couples being In tun grand march, wiilcli was lea by Walter (i. O'Brien and Miss Dollie Martin, who looked very pretty In a be- coming gown ol pale blue silk. The direction <>f Hie souvenir basket dance was in charge of Louis Schumacher and Miss Lena Dobion, miniature baskets being dlstrlb- uted durtnc its progress. The pleasant affair ended at midnight. The committees were as follows: Reception committee— Miss Nellie Keere, Miss K. blass. Miss Rebecca Jacob", Miss Susie Lonley. Miss Ida Rowine, Miss Nellie Connor, Miss Fannie Dobson, Miss Grace Benjamin and Miss Dolile Martin; floor committee— William I)incl'\ Charles Landers. John J. Van Xo«trand. Emit llahti, William Landers, George McKay and Tfuwaa E. Rock. The Fern Leaf Club. The second party of the Fern Leaf Club, which was held at Foresters' Hall, was a notable suc- cess. About 150 couples participated Id Die grand march, which wa« led by Robert Bauman and Miss Julia Murphy.- After ihree hours pleasantly passed in dancing the party termi- nated at midnight. The committees were as follows: Reception committee— William Savage. Cliarle< Lnul«, Charles Shebfe, Charles Schott; floor manager, John K. McCarthy; assistants— Frank Rose. Charles Martin, John Dun more. Tim officers of the club are: President, Robert Bauman; vlce-preslaent, Frank Rose; tieasuier, Charles Louis; secretary, John Dunmoie. Flajrg Bonbon Party. Flapg's Dancing Academy gave a bonbon party in Santa Rosa Hall last Filday evening which was well attended and was a great suc- ce*». Mr.Flagg has done all in bis power to make his parties a success, and the attendance Is always select.' P. Farrell and Miss Daisy Truett led the grand march, followed by about 160 pretty ladies and gallant yuuug men. Miss Tiuett looked charming In a white covtuine i mined with white lace. Mr. Man acted as floor diiector and was ably assisted by F. S. Rudders, Waller Tiuett, R. I randier, Mr. Haven. K. H. JuuKaus, Miss Olive Trueti, Miss Josie Gregg, Miss Adeline Trautner, Miss Maude l'lauiotidou and Miss Hawkins. United Social Club. The United Social Club celebrated its second anniversary last Saturday evening at Bear Club Hall. The hall, which was nicely deco- rated, was crowded with young folks, and a long programme of dances was enjoyed. What seemed to be the feature of the evening was a march and lancers. The. march was led by Miss Julia Rloidan and T. Lyncn. In which the participants were presented with bonbons. These bonbons alter being snapped were worn on the lie. ids, and, being of all shapes and colois. caused a gieat deal of laughter. The evening's entertainment was an iniijue-tloiiabl" success. At 11 o'clock the guests were pre- sented with candy. Ihe committee In charge were William Campbell, floor manager; T. Lynch. Miss Barrett. Mr. McGllnckey and Miss Gibbons, assistants; reception commit. lee-Miss J. Rlordan, Miss S. Gibbons, J. Donohue aud T.Ryan. They discharged their duties la an admirable manner. . ENTERTAINMENTS. The regular monthly entertainment of Ibe Western Addition Literary and Social Club was held at Odd Fellows' Hall last Wednesday evening. As is always the case at these affairs t he hall was crowded, and many remained after the entrrtaiument to enjoy a couple of hours of dancing. The programme was a meritorious oue and was well present- d. The selections weie as follows: Overture, Noah Brandt's orchestra; recitation, John Williams; barytone solo, James A. Shook- vocal duet. Mis. John Madden and Miss Stella Lets; an original play, "Id -Honor Bound"— Cast: Sir George Carlyon, M. P., Howaid M Scott; Lady Cailyon (his wile), Miss Maud Stover; Rose Dabymple (hi* waid). MissZilUh CooDley; Philip Graham, William W. Brewer. - Among the Breakers. The two-act drama, "Among the Breakers," was produced very successfully by Richardson Lodge, I O. G. T.. at Mission Opera House last Thursday evening. In th» male characters S. A. Sanders carried off most of the honors as David Murray. Mr. McWhlner was excellent as Hon. Bruce Hunter, Lewis Carrloutoii made a very good Clarence. George L. Flanagan kept the audience In laughter as scud, Geoige J. Sou i h wick as tie eccentric oewsptper man did an artistic piece of character acting, and CA. Sass was exceedingly clever as Larry. Miss Carrie Lake as Mother Cary did her part very neatly. Miss Susie Hall as Minnie Dase was very Dretty and amusing, while Miss Su«ie Kelso and Miss M. A. Cady were very success- ful as Bess Starbrlgtu and Biddy. A Campfire and Ball. A campflre and ball was given at Union- square Hall last Wednesday evening by Fair Oaks Camp No. 15, Sons of Veterans, assisted by Seven Pines Circle No. 3. Ladies of th« Grand Army of the Republic. A programme of sixteen dances was enjoyed, interspersed with vocal selections, and refreshments weie served bounteously. The committees were as follow*: Committee or anaugemeuts— Lleutenaut A. M. Ashen- telter. A. M. Annls. F. E.Wnarff, c. S. Howard. F. L. Griffith, J.J. Bartlett, R. D. Fairbanks, G. B. Walcott, W. K.Bush, J. H. M. Montell. W. E. Lawrence, H. E. Grifnth, D. Buck, G. Audibert, L. Dlesalskl; floor-mauagei, Lieu- t'Miaiit W. K. Bush; assistant floor-manager, Miss Lizzie Bush; floor committee— F. E. Wiiarff. W. E. Lawrence. G. Audibert. C. S. Howaid. Miss M. Sherry. Miss K.Sherry, Miss P. Schnttery, Miss B. Yeazelle; reception com- mittee—Captain A.M. Aiiuis, Georee Walcott, H. E. Griffith, F. L. Griffith, Miss B. Piukson, Miss M. Watson, Miss M. Bonifield, Mrs. M. Auger. MISCELLANEOUS. Mrs. A. M. Easton gave a delightful matinee tea last Monday at the Crocker cottage at Cas- tle Crag. Among the ladles she entertained weie: Mrs. Samuel Hort, Mrs. George C. Boaidman. Mis. I. Lawrence Poole. Mrs. Otto Favre. Mrs. J. F. Foster, Mrs. Horace L. Hill, Mrs. E. B. Colemau, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Fisher Am« 3, Mrs. Page. Mrs. Taylor, the Misses Goad and Miss Eastiand. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. O'Sulllvan (nee Curtis), cave a very pleasant lnlormai reception last Thursday evening at their home on Hush street aud i uteriaiued a number of intimate friends la a charming manner. Musical numbers weru enjoyed and a delicious supper was served. Miss Ellen Cohen cave a tea last Monday afternoon at her home, Feruside. In Alameda. in honor of her cousin, Dr. Daggett of New Haven, Conn. About twenty young ladles weie invited to meet nim. and they passed the afternoon in feasting, bowling and dancing. Inthe evening the young ladies <:;ive a dinner party, followed by an infoimal dance. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hecht gave an elaborate dinuer parly l;isi Tliur«day evening at their residence, on Washington sneer, in honor of Miss Tillie Brandeusteiu and William Greene- baum. of this city, aud Miss llattle Ut-cbt of Boston. A reception was tendered Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper and her daughter. Miss Harriet Cooper, on August 17, hy the teachers aud normal pupils of the Golden Gate Kindergarten Asso- ciation, after their thiee months' trip In the BaaC, Dr. and Mrs. O. F. Westphal (nee Hageman) gave a very enjuyable reception last Monday evenlni: at their cottage In Sausallto and de- liL'htfully entertained Mr. aud Mrs. Eilis Parish. Mrs. Ch .rlesWleland, Miss Flood, Miss Kose, Miss Millie Slebe, Samuel M. Shortrldge, Mr.Cole, Mr. Pvose, Harry Flood, Dr. Wallace and oth-is. Mrs. S. Koshland gave an elaDorate lunch party last Friday at her residence. 2266 Frank- lin siiieet, and eutertained a number of Utly friends very agreeably. The wedding of Miss Tlilie Eitinger aoa Frederick Patek was celebrated very quietly last Monday evening at he residence of i tie biide's paieuts, corner of O'F.irrell aud Gough stieels. Mr. and Mrs. Linkogel celebrated their tin wedding: on Saturday evening, August 12, at their iestdeuc>', 559 Natonia street. About thirty of their frl nds were present and were hospitably entertained. General Georce G. Meacie Corps, No. Cl. cave an Interesting entertainment ana a ball last Tuesday evening, at Foresters 7 Hall. The Chaiacter Club gave a character party Inst Tuesday evening at Washington Hall. It was well attended and was novel ami pleasant in every way. Robin Hood Circle No. r>B. Companions or the Forest, cave an entertainment ana dance at Union-square Hall on Saturday evening last, which was a grand «iucces.«. The committee* weie as follows: Committee of arrangements— Mis. L. Ticoulet (chairman). Miss Mamie Schoeu («ecreiary). Mrs. 11. Ha Illy, Miss Lizzie iSpaar, Mrs. C. Miller, Mis. O. Voll, Miss Alice Tlcoulet. Floor manager— E. I*. Jacobsou: assistant loo* manager. MiM Mamie Floor committee— Mr«. A. Freese, Miss Alice Ticoulet, Mrs. 11. Ballly, Miss Lizzie Spaar, Mis. Kchwarliut.'- Reception committee— Mrs. L. Ticoulet. Mis. C Miller, Mrs. hart, Miss C. Goldwaler. Irvine's dancing classes cave an enjoyable bonbon party list Wednesday evening at Academy Hall. The seVenth party of the Columbians was held at Scottish Hill last Thursday evening and Itproved to be a mo«t delightful success. Los Li ' mas l'arloi No. 7"J. Native Daugh- ters of the Golden West, pave a successful enteMaiiiineiit and dance ut ltouweder's Hall last Friday evening. The California Dramatic Club produced '•M'Hss" In an cxc llent manner at Mission Opera Hall last Friday evening before a large audience. 'l lie Comrades eav« their first anniversary ball M ri'uai B'lith Hail last Saturday evening. The attendance was large, the music excellent, and a long programme of dances was enjoyed. California Rebekah Lodge No. 1 gave a pink paity last Saturday- evening: in its hall, aud the affair resulted very pleasantly. , PERSONAL MENTION. Another bright young California eiri has adopted the stage as her profession. This time ' it Is Miss Blanche L. Bates, the beautiful aud accomplished daughter of Mrs. F. M. Hales of this city. She has every possible advantage to ensure /uccess In the drama as she has in society ciu-les tor*, where she is extremely popular, with a legion of friends. She willmake her debut this evening at Stockwell's Th ater. Seveinl box parties have been formed bf her friends and she Is assured ut a hearty wel- come. Ml«s Marie Voorhles will leave to-morrow on an Kasiern trip and will be away several months. Mi.and Mrs. John S. Dickinson of Portland. Or., are the guests of General and Mrs. John H. Dicklnsou at Craig Hazel in Sausallto. O. F. Willey has returned from his Eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Watts are at Lake George. O. J. Doyen of Oakland is visiting Port laud, MPi E. J. Baldwin is at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Mr.and Mrs. Dani-i Ferguson willleave early ! in September on a mouth's visit, to the Colum- bian Exposition aud relatives in Canada. Mr.and Mrs. K. J. Bowen are passing a fort- nlehi at the Hotel del Monte. Mrs. D. J. Maples and Mrs. Herbert W. ' Yemans left last Saturday for Chicago, where they will remain a couple of months. Walter S. Hobart is passing a couple of weeks at Del Monte. Mrs. Belle Donahue and Miss Marguerite Wallace will go to the Hotel del Moute to-day to remain a week. Mr. aud Mrs. E. R, Dimond went to Del 1 Monte last Saturday. Mrs. Chabot and Miss Nellie Chabot have I reiurued to Oakland after a prolonged visit at ! Del Home. Mr.and Mrs. Henry Scbmiedell are passing a ; few weeks at the Hotel del Monte. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henley Smith are residing permanently at ihe Palace Hotel. Judteaud Mrs. Walter H. Levy will leave cany iv September to visit Chicago and other Eastern cities. Mrs. H. E. Hunlington and family have re- turned from their Eastern trip. Mrs. .James a. Moreland has returned from a visit to Castle Crag. Mrs. Julius Koseustirn has returned from her European tour. Eugene Pissis willleave on September 5 to vi«it the Columbian Exposition. William S. Tevis iutends having a cottage erected on his recently ..cquiied property at i Bt Ivedere. Mrs. Thomas M. Cluff is passing the season at Santa duz. Mrs. M. Bailey and the Misses Bailey have re- turned from Castle Crag. Mrs. M.B. M. Toland will remain at the Hotel del Monte until next month. Mr. and Mr.Henry E. Wise have gone to Chi- cago. Airs. Fiances B. Edgerton is passing a few weeks In Southern California. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tevta have returned to the city after passing the season in San Rafael Mr. and Mrs. William Fries hay returned from San Rafael, where they bave been pass- ing the summer. M:ss Flora Walter willleave in September on an extended tour of the Eastern States. Mi»s Ermentine Poole has returned from a pleasant visit to friends In Oregon. Kiss Helen Bristol Of the Van Ness seminary and her sister. Miss M. Bristol, Have returned from a visit to Chicago and the New England Stares. The Misses Laura and Eunice Bates are pass- ing ihe season in San Rafael. Mr. aud Mis. 'lheoduie Payne are passing a mouth at the Hotel del Monte. Mrs. D. M. D-lmas aud ihe Misses Delmas ! have returned from a pleasant visit to Castle iCrag. Mrs. M. A. WUcox, Mrs. M. W. Longstreet, MIM Artuello aud A. H. Wilcox wont to the Hotel dr-1 ,M<m:e last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Phillip Smith of Santa Cruz , aie at the Murray Hill Hotel in New York city Mis. a. H. Rutherford and family left tor the East last Tuesday. The younger children will be placed in an Eastern school, after which Mi-. Rutherford and Miss Alice Rutherford willco to Europe. Mrs. R. E. Williams and Miss Marie Wil- liams haveieiuined trom a delightful tour of Europe. Mrs. w. H. L. Barnes has returned from Santa Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Towne and Mrs. Eva T. Shaw willgo tbe Hotel del Mont- to-day. Mr. aud Mrs. William H. Crocker and Miss Beth Sperry are at the Hotel del Moute aud will stay there a couple of weeks. Mr.and Mrs. William Waynefßelvin arrived in i.otiiiou last Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. Burnhara is visiting Lake Minne- loutta, Minn. Miss Ada Dougherty will go East next Fri- day and in September will sail for Europe. She willbe away aboiu a year. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Dodge and Mrs. Charles Soantag are inspecting the Columbian Exposition. Colonel soniitag win join ttie'ii in : September when they will goto Europe fora years tour. Mr. and .Mrs. Icnatz Stoinhait have returned ; from a plea-ant sojourn at Castle Crag. Di. G. M. Richardson has returned from a | tour of the Eastern Mate*, f J. C. Horn has gone East to visit Chicago. New York aud Philadelphia. Misi Rose Rich lefi for New York City last Tuesday. S!:e will be away three months, and I will visit Chic.igo when en route home. The .Misses Grant and Miss Butler have been enjoying a visit to the Misses Coheu at their residence. Femside. In Ai.-tmeda. Lieuteunn; and Mrs. tieorge W. Mclver U ; S. A. (nee Smeobergi. will remain here a month uroie before going East. Mis<es Imia and Alice Adler have returned to ! tbe cll?*!ter paving tue summer in Hausalito Mrs. Sidney B. Cashing of San Ratael has i been In Santa Cruz during tue week as the | guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Edward Martin I air. and Mrs. Walter Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Campbell have leturned from a de- lightful visit to "Saint's Rest," the summer cottape of Judge Audros, in tne Santa Cruz | Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lincoln and Miss Ethel Lincoln are uassiug a few weeks at the Hotel del Monte. Mrs. waiter M. Ca-?tle and Miss Minnie Weill have returned fiom a prolonged visit at Sau l. 1 Cruz Mr.ana Mrs. Horace L.hill will rem .in at the Hotel dt-l Moots until late In August. Mr.and Mrs, Jacob Luna will rec-lve their friends on the hist and thud Fridays of each month at their lesidence, 2332 Pacilic avenue. .Mis. Peter Decker and Miss Alice Decker are Visiting the Columbian Exposition. Mr. ami and Mrs. Samuel Roseuer are resid- ing at Kill Bush street. The Miss.>s Rosener willreceive on the first aud second Tuesdays of each month. Miss Mabel Love will be at Del Moute du-iu" the outing of the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harjuette have returned from a n>ost enjoyable Eastern trip, Including a visit to the Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Dr. Jennie M. Simpson has returned from a thiee months' visit to the Eastern S:ates Mrs. John Hey ami Iss Isabel M.Hey have, left Paris and aie now in London. Ex-Supervisor J. 11. Wilcox lias sold his home inNaiaand now resides at 512 Golden Gate avenue. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Koselalowski (formerly Miss Coin F. .Moore) will leave next Wednes- day to visit fiieuds in Nebia-ka and then pro- ceed to Chicago and New York. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Worth ;tuu the Misses May- belle and Eva Worth ieit last Friday to visit New York, Boston, Washington and the Colum- bian Exposition. Professor James H. Temple has gone East on a two month*' ui|>. S. B. Carletoo will leave September 1 on a prolonged Eastern trip, ta ing inthe Columbian Exposition. Washington. 1). C\, aud his former home InMaryland. Mr. and Mis. Isaac Rosenthal (formerly Miss Bolle Flgol) have gone to Stockton, where they willreside pci maneutiy. S. Finel went East last Thursday to visit his daughter aud the World's Fair. Benjamin Lev! of the Postal Telegraph Com- pany is passiug his vacation at resorts in Lake County. Mr. and Mrs. M. Banner and family will re- turn today after a tour mouths' trip through Ihe Eastern States. Miss Kate Welsh has returned to the cmv after a live mouths' vM; to Hilo and Honolulu i Mr.and Mrs. S. 11. Greenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ach have returned from a six weeks' visit to the World's Fair and New York Mrs. James 11. Temple left for the East last Wednesday, via Portland, Or. She will be away two months. Mr.and Mrs. Theodore Lunstedt ana Mrs W. P. Stout have returned from a five weeks' visit to Los Angele*. Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Fratlnger and family bave goue East to visit Chicaeo aud New Yor< Mrs. Lou S. Simons of 013 Hyde street left for the vesterd ay. Mis. s. E. Bacon and Miss Mac Hulene Bacon have secured a co;taee at .Ema Spnugs for tbe remainder ot the season. Mrs. Charles Godiel is vlsltlug Mrs. F. Seidemann at Mlllbrae. Mrs. Thomas Davis, wife or Hon. Thomas Davis of Krui!wortb, Ariz., is at Santa Monica. She is rapidly improving in health. Miss Sadie L. Hockiug of Grass Valley is the guest of Mrs. Horace C. Sexton, at her resi- dence, 2637 Howard street. Mr. and Mr-. Woudhouse are staying at Villa Las LOOMS in the Santa Cruz Mountains Mrs. J. W. Wolf, nee Meyer, will receive at ISi" Golden Gate avenue ou me first and third Tuesdays of each mouth. G. F. Flaggof Flagg's Dancing Academy left last Saturday for a short visit to relatives In Weaverville. leaving F S. Rodgers in charge of the academy. Mr. and Mrs. A.Lewis aud Miss Fiances Rels are at Villa Las Lomas in the Santa Ciuz Mountains. Misses Kaiie and Margaret O'Doiinell of Ne- vada City are visirini: fnecd* here after an eu- joyabie visit to Bartlett Springs. Anioud the recrut visitor-* at White Sulphur Springs were: W. T. Alexander. W. a. Mcln- losh, J. B. Maihlen. Miss Herbert, Mis. M. Hrowo. Mrs. VV. Lawler, Miss F. E. Lyons, Miss Josephine Duulop and F. A. Mur- phy, all of tills city. Ml.«s Annie Witzeniann Las just returned from a fery pleasant visit to Los Angeles aud Sauia Cruz. Mr«. a. IVttijohn, Miss Delia and Master Edwin Petiijohn lefi foi the East last Thursday to be abseni a year or longer. Mr. ana Mis. C. K. Hanseii have returned from a visit to sania t'ruz, Capitola, GUroy SpriDßs and several other summer resorts. comino"events. Walter G. O'Brien will eive a World's Fair p.rty this evening at Saratoga Hall. Hand- some souvenirs have been prepared for the altiir. '1 lie invitations are limited. Uutler me auspices of the \ouug Men's lasti- tate an Interesting entertainment will be given this evening at Metropolitan Hall in aid of Hie Midwinter Fair. The ladles of the First Christian Chinch are busilyengaged in making preparations for an entertainment to be given at their Twelfth- street quarters next Tuesaay evening. The oc- casion will be the introduction of a novel feature in the social line which promises to he decidedly amusing, entitled "ADay at the Old Farm." Hie ladies will be attired In old-fasn- loned calico dresses "a la crinoline," with im- mense sunbonuets of.a Puritan design, while the gentlemen willas near as possible represent the "down East" farmer in raiments ol "hay- seed design." The stage will represent a hay- loft, ornamented with wheat-stalks, hencoops and allme rustic paraphernalia appropriate to the occasion.- A well-selected literary and musical programme has been arranged. Alecture on "Etiquette" willbe delivered to- morrow nieht at the Women's Educational aud Industrial Union, 324 Slitter street. The Elutraclu Turn Section will give an en- tertainment at its hall to-morrow night In honor of the prize class who attended the Bunder Turnfest In Milwaukee and won some of the best prizes. G. Ungerman won the first prize in everything. Olivet Y. P. S. C. B, will give an entertain- ment to-morrow niche at the church on Missis- sippi street, near Napa, Fotrei o. Orinda .Parlor No. 66, Native Daughters of the Golden West, willgive its third anniversary ball to-morrow night at Odd Fellows' ll all. _ Yosemite Circle No. 107, Companions of ihe torest, willhold Its monthly entertainment at 102 O'Farrell street next Wednesday even- ing. Ivanhoe Circle, Companions of the Forest, will give its first anniversary entertainm nt and ball at Washington Hall next Weduesday evening. Excelsior circle No. 2, Companions of the Foiesr, willgive an apron-aud-necktio party at 32 O'Fanell street next Thursday evening Oro Flno Parlor No. 9, Native Daughters of the Golden We*t, willgive a dance at Foresters' Hail next Thursday evening. Mrs. Renneil Phillips and Miss Mac Evans, who will soon start on a pedestrian tour to Chicago, have been tendered a farewell ball, which willbe held at Union-square Hall next Thursday evening. The Luther Bund of St. Mark's Church will give an entertainment next Friday evening. The ladies of Howard f'lesbvterlau Church willserve a hot luncheon in the chapel adjoin- ing the church next Friday from 11 a. m. to. 1:30 p. m. The second complimentary concert under the direction of Alfred Wllke will be given next Friday evening in the California-street Metho- dist Episcopal Church, coiner California anil Broderlck streets. Mr. Wilke willbe assisted i "V Mrs. A. E. Munn, Miss Bertha Blancuard I and Mrs. W. T. McLean, vocalists; H. Larsen. violinist; M. Earl, flautist, and Professor Strauss, pianist. These concerts arc part of a plan of the church to provide high-class enter- talumeuts for the community in which it is located. Admission free. " \u25a0 -- The pupils or Flagg's dancing academy will give their eighth party next Friday evening. Arrangements have been made by the Oak- . land Tennis Club to give a splendid exhibition of tennis by some of the best players on me ; coast, to take place Saturday afternoon, August; 26. Among the players willbe C. D. Bates Ji Thomas Driscoll. Samuel and sumner Bardv : -Miss Crouch and Miss Bates, several of t tie I best players of the California Club will also taKe part. Joseph Daly will give an exhibition, ihe complete programme will be given out later in the week. Borrouiean Council No. 129, Young Men's In- stitute, will hold an onen meeting at Mission Opera H 11 next Monday evening. There will De an address aud several musical and literary number*. The First Regiment, uniform rank, and Cali- fornia Brigade, Knights of Pythias, will give their fifteenth annual picnic at Trestle Glen, Oakland, on Wednesday, August 30, followed ;by a ball in the evening. I Oriental Lodge No. 50. Order of the Golden .Shore, will give an entertainment at Social Hall, 102 O'Farrell street, on Friday eveniuir, September 1, as a benellt to F. C. Plise. a joung violinist. The programme will be very Inter- esting. Alfred Wllkie will give his first ballad con- cert of this season at Golden Gate Command- fry Hall, 625 Suiter street, on Friday evening, j September 1. An excellent programme is ueiu^ i pie, aied. Adoipn Bauer will give a Wagner concert at i the Tivoli Opera-house on Friday ifTternoon, j September 1. The programme will be inter- I preted by an orchestra or sixty-eight musicians. j Mrs. Maud Berry Fisher has been specially engaged as solol«t and will sing "Failate : d'Aniore" from "Faust," with full orchestral , accompaniment. ihe Saturday Popular Conctms will be re- i sumed by Mrs. Carmichael-Carr and Slgmuod i Beel early In September at Golden Gate Com- mandery Hall on Sutter street. The novelti s at the first concert willbe a quintet by Sindlns, ; the new Norwegian composer, and .i string : quartet by Schumann. Under "the auspices of the San Francisco I Labor Council a labor-day celebration and ball willbe given at the Mechanics' Pavilion on the afternoon and evening of September 4. . The Aldlne Club will hold irs anniversary ball at Union-square Hall on September 19. The Spanish Benevolent Society will give a ;masquerade ball on Saturday evening, October Miss Blanche Bates. Miss Dolly Martin. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1893. 7 A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. DM. T. FKI.iX GOUKAUD'S OKIRXTAT. CKKAM. or MAGICAL BKAUTIFII&. •== o ? cln yes J r , a"- Pimples, Kreck- «t:— JOS?OSifb ie *' Motn batches. Bash, and S®2 . Jsy~s>r\ , jjf^ Skin diseases, and fc®S— tSf-C«^^i a iKsJll ever - v hlemiuh on »SS° CsMar^-* «, 1c 7* "Pauty. and defies*. V ~ 'MS?' "* figf A .)i J /f detection. On Its °' ' c ° - ff& V/ i JJ virtues It has c=2* V 3 "9/ stood the test of "So ' j 43 years, no other ££\u25a0? y^. V^Vrt 7/ bas - and ls s " ""a'- If harmless we taste ._, SL. /''&' \itto be sure it Is Aijf Js-B Jj*-f?i\ \ rroperly made. vtrvV^/^^yvltf J < \ Accept no conn* V^\f(\^*a~^sZ7 35 < » \ter(eit of similar / \S^s£^J£j Ay /name. The dis. (' y^.V^ X <-J tlnguished Dr. L. \ / I «\ Ij^ A. .Sajre said to L y --t %\# >». a l»dy of the *~-*^ -* hauf-lon (a p<- tlent) : " As yon ladles willme them. I recommend 'Gouraud's Vitam' a* the least harmful of all Skin preparations." one bottle will last six months, usitigit every day. Als > I'oudre Subtile removes superfluous hair without Injury to the skin. FiSRDT. >S,i'ro;i'r, 37 Great Jones St.. N. V. \ For sate by AilDruggists and Vancy Goods Deal- ers throughout the V. R., Canada* and Europe. &sf- Beware or B<se Imitations. SIUOO Reward tor arrest ana proof of any one selling the same. aplG SiiMo ly IMPERIAL HAIR REGENERATOR TNSTANTLY KESI ORES UISAV OR BLEACHKt) X hair to Its natural color, leaves the hair soft and glossy, isharmless, odorless and lasting. llaths do not affect it. We produce seven colors, from black to ash blonde. Lock or hair colored free. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL CO., 292 Fifth Avenne. N. Y. MESSRS. GOLDSTEIN * COHN.B2i Markets'-. STROZINSKI, 433 Kills St.. aud UItAFF BROS. 15 Suiter St.. San Francisco. aplb tf an Mo 427 KEARNY ST. TFYOC HAVE DEFECTIVK VISION; IT WILT. 1 be well to remember that I mike a specislty of examining and measuring ailImperfections of tha eye where classes are required, and grinding sum If necessary. .No other establishment can get t a same »up-rlor facilities as are found here, for the instrument* and methods lined are my own dis- coveries and Inventions, and are far In the lead of any now in usa. 'Satisfaction guaranteed. 427-DO NOT FORUKT THE NCMBER-427 5 tf cod . Time and Money Saved By Taking Printing Orders' to BACON PRINTING COMPANY, N. W. corner Clay and Sansome Sts. no 2 MoWe Fr7D tf INTERNATIONALISM D HOTEtj. NESS HOTEL in San Francisco. Kates $.1 to $1 60 per day. The house has recently been remodeled at an expense of »30,000. KING, WARD & CO.. Fropr's. my6tf WeKrM IT^ 0b A \& or fADED HA IR RESTORED it «LJ9 IF Mm TV youthful color and beauty by Ji^sL 1 * \u25a0 OR. HAYS' HAIR HEALTH. He- jnoTesaanarunaDdscalphQinors. Poes not Biaint-kiiior linen. Best, safest, most cleanly dressing. L/ruggi.-ts oUo. bold by J. G. Steele & Co.. j-aiace Hotel. S. K. apl6 ly MuTh QAOWAY'S 11 PILLS, An excellent and mild Cathartic. . Purely Vegetable. Taken according to directions restore health and renew vitality. Price a Box. Sold by alldruggists, sol lySuit The Widow. By "Monnie Moohe." Who is it, in her weeds of woe. With drooping eyes and acceu's low. Wiio straight Into man* heart dotb co? THE WIDOW. Who knows just how to bMgber hair, And toui-b tic her complexion (air? Of ber ail girls would bent beware, THIS WIDOW. An old maid angles lone in vain, In lioi>e to catch some cherish- il swain. Who does bit beau's love noon retain? SOME WIDOW. A cirl loves well her "heart's deliebt. ; ' She thinks of linn both d iy aad uinlit, Wbo then steps in and takes bim quite ? SOME WIDOW. I tell you girls it Is no use, Of all (nets ibis Is most obtuse, Sbe'll wtu in»pitt» of all abuse, THIS WIDOW. Pray tell me where can be this charm What to her all men's hearts doth warm? How does she all their fears disarm? THIS WIDOW. The '"charm." if you would hear me tell; Her teeth, like peails in ocean obeli, Sbe cleans with SOZODONT— mark well— THIS WIDOW. Pretty Oirls and Plain Girls Both use SOZODONT, and some of tue loveliest of their sex havtt b-eu lieard to declare, when asked what beautified their teeth, that it was SOZODONT. Nalme provides women with beautiful teeth. SOZODONT. If u«ed'.y, keeps those pre ty row*of p#«rt* from deoay- liir. Tins is ii statement wiiicb those wbo use lie article always MrrvUortttft. If SOZO- DONT were not In very null) a preparation of sterliue merit, the public would lone since bave (tiscoveieil tbo fact aua discarded it. /?g2in Baking li^jPowder: MOST PERFECT MADE. Inall the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes, Dr.Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Price's The only Pure Contains Cream of Tartar No Ammonia, Baking Powder. No Alum, Its Purity Or any other Has never been Adulterant. . Questioned. 40 Years the Standard.

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Page 1: THE SOCI ETY€¦ · SOCI ETY After the or.tlngof the Country club at Del Monte the season out of town willpractically be closed. Those who are still ay iy williv- turu to town and


After the or.tlng of the Country club at DelMonte the season out of town will practicallybe closed. Those who are still ay iy williv-turu to town and the social sea* v here willcommence. It does not always do to lookahead along the vista, of time and predict Justwhat the winter season will brine to v-, but atpiesent the outlook is favorable for a compara-tivelypay perioil. Tbe past week lias been ;ipleasaut one inmany ways, aud the appendedresume willnbow wliat our society people havebeeu dciiii};and what they propose to do in thenear future.

BETROTHALS.Miss Lilabel Crane, daughter of L.P. Crane,

willbe married ne*t Wednesday evening In theFirst Congregational Church to Joseph HenryMarshall, wbo is connected wittitiis Dunham,c.uiiuau &Uayden Company.

Announcement is made of the engagement ofMiss Amies L).Curtis.daughter or ex-SupervisorCurtis, to Fieilerick Lawrence Wight. Thewedding \.illtaue place at the residence of Mr.Curtis, 1543 Page street, at noon on Thursday,August 31.

Hie wedding of Miss Marie Koeilingand F r-dinand Weber will lake place at the First Pres-byterian cinireh at noon next Wednesday.

Rev. and Mrs. Gi es A. Eastun of Beikeleyliave issued Invitations for t tie wedding of theirdaucbter. Miss Mny Elfzabetb Easton, andWaneu K.Porter, son of Mr. aud Mrs. John T.Porter ol Pajaro, which Will t.tke place at St.i\i• '

'« Church. Berkeley, next Wednesday.he ngaeemeut is announced of Miss Annie

E ta le and Carl H. Edsoo.A....,.uncemeat is made of the engagement of

Miss Charlotte Colin, sister of Ellis Colin, ofLos Angeles, to Isador Kamier of tins city.They held their betrothal reception yesterdayat 14 Park avenue.

The engagement of Miss Jennie Feder of 631Larkin street to Meyer Levy of Oakland hasbeen announced. They will receive on the after-noons or August 27 and 30 and September 3.

The betrothal is announced of Miss BerthaI'eiser, daughter of Mrs. F. I'ei<er, and JacobColin. They willreceive their friends nextSun-day at 13 Sixth stieet.

Announcement is made of the engagement ofMiss Camilla Kosenblatt. daughter or Mis.Rose Rosenblatt and the late Sam sou Rosen-bl tt, io Samuel Heller or Spokane, Wash.

Mr.and Mrs.Henry Morii* liave announcedHie engagement <>! ''.fit daught-r. Miss IdaMay Morris, to Ki^ ,i Davis, both (if tinscity. They will lecc- next Suuday at 708McAllister street.

Miss Belle Collins of this city and Harry S.Godfrey of Alameda willbe united in marriagenext Thursday.

The wedding of Miss May Kurtz and SimonCohen willtake place at the Hotel Californiato-morrow nigh;.

The announcement is made of the eneaae-ineni of Miss Mamie Geisendorfer, a San Fran-cisco society young lady, and Thomas \V.\\ um^eldest son of the late Thomas Winn ofJg^lersOeld, Yorkshire, England. The wed-a ill take place some time in October.

X WEDDINGS.'Hue wedding of .Miss Bertha Sclioen and""^ael Iteisincer took place last Thursdayeveni.lg at Lafayette Hall, 730 Mdnunmerystreet, tne Dan being tastefully decorated fortle Occasion. At 8 o'clock the guests began toariive and soon the spacious ball was filled. At-

.?:30 o'clock the bridal party arrived and themarriage ceremony took place, Key. J. M.Bueliler officiating.

Miss Jose Mesenburg was the bridesmaidand H. Wickersheimer the groomsman. At theconclusion of the ceremony congratulation!*were extended to the hapiy couple, after whichan hour or more was spent inconversation anddancing. At 10 o'clock all were Invited to thebanquet hall, where a most excellent supperwas served.

After supper dancing was resumed until thesmall hours of the morning. Mr. and Mrs.Relslnger left on an early morning train for/atwo weeks' trip through the interior of theState. /

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Me-senburg. Miss Josle Mesenburg, Master

.C. Mesenburg, Mr. and Mis. Wickers-heimer and family, Miss Mamie Connolly,Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs.P. N. K. Lauipe, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Klefer, Mr.and Mis. M.Joseph. Mr. and Mrs.Nolle, Mrs.Eltel, Misses Annie aud Angel BiteI,p. Meyer,Mrs. Fritz, Misses Annie and Gussie Friiz,Mrs. Stoltz, Miss Eniilie Stoltz, Mr. aud Mrs. S.Berel. Mrs. Harrington, Miss Maud Harring-ton. Miss Nellie Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. A.Vocke and family, Mr.and Mrs. G. Feslenkv,Mrs. Hardes, Mr. and Mrs. M.Schneider, J.Ensmiuger, J. Gassmann, A. Hardes, W.Hardes, C. Meyer, G. Meyer. A.Vautten, E.Reraond, J. Kelly, E. Giraud, P. Carves, L.Antoine. A. Bartbe. A. Lanalie, A. Jasquot, M.Baiie de Ei, J. Conuely.

Morrow-Muller.The wedding ofMiss Mary St. Lawrence Mul-

"ler and William Morrow, son cf .Robert F.Morrow, took place last Thursday evening atthe home or the bride, CIO Bush street. The

.residence was artistically decorated with bright"blossoms, ferns and potted plants appearingparticularly attractive. Only a few relativesand intimate friends were present to witnessthe ceremony. During the evening an elaboratesuiper was served under the direction of Lud-wig. The evening was parsed ina most enjoy-able manner. The happy couple were therecipients of many costly gifts.

Collier-Caswell.A very quiet wedding took place at Grace

Church last Saturday when Miss Julia Caswelland Robert Collier were united la marriage.There were no guests present except the reli-tives of the contracting patties. Mr.Collier,who Intends lo reside here, is a son of Professor

5 Collier of Oregon University. The bride is asister of George W. can well, who is well knownhere inineicautlle circles.

Peters-Mitchell.Miss Alice Mitchellof England and W. Peters

ofSan Francisco were married last Wednesdayevening at the handsome residence of Captainaud Mrs. W. Smith on Grove sued, inLorin,Alameda County.

This is the happy ending of a somewhat ro-mantic engagement. Some years ago Mr.Petersleft his fiancee to the old country while he trav-eled around the world seeking the best place Inwhich to build a home lor his bride. As a re-sult of experience he wisely chose California,

. aud as soon as all was ready Miss Mitchell has-tened to joinhim. The lady, a stately blonde,traveled alone from Southampton to Ban Fran-cisco In fomieeu day«. It» fact, she rested InNew York two days, reducing the actual trav-eling lime to twelve.

Hie numerous and valuable wedding pres-ents given Miss Mitchell inEngland are follow-id her by ie longer route around the Horn,ihe marriage ceremony was performed by the '\u25a0•Key. Aaron William*, after which those pres-. cut sat down to a wedding supper worthy ofme Hospitable captain and his Wife, who sparedno exertion to lusuie the enjoyment of theirJ\ ,s.18* The linr-'Y couple leit soon after forOakland amid a showei of rice and good wishesand the remaining i;ue>ts Kept the fun goingwith song and speech until a late hour.

Saunders-Grogan.The residence of Mrs. George W. Sauuders,

734 rive street, was tne scene of a pretty wed-ding last Tuesday evenlnc, when her sister,Miss Eleanor ttrocan, m i« untied inmarrlaiieto Harry M.Saundeis. The parlors wen- pro-fusely decorated win, flowers, ferns and foliage.Infront of tin? bay.wlndow a beautilul floralweddlne-beli was sustjended, beneath whichthe Drlde and groom mood while Hi.- ceremonywas peifomieci by Eey. Jullun Kuendelin".Miss -Carrie' lvory <>i Coppi-ropolN was tir«bridesmaid nod wore a \u0084,eiiy cown of IndiasilK. William Donevan acted as best manThe bride looked lovelyIna rob« of miver-cravsiiK. A wreath of rink ro»ebu<ta adorned hercoiffure and she carried a buuque;of. Dride

roses. After the ceremony congratulationswe<e extended aud the evening was pleasantlypassed.

PRIVATE RECEPTIONS.Rarely is a more harmonious evening enjoyed

than the one participated In by the literary andatti<tic minds assembled Wednesday eveningat me parlors of Mrs. Louis P. Diexler on VuuNess avenue to discuss the new book, "She ofthe Holy Light," by John G. Claxton. Ananimated discussion followed the reading t>yChatles Edwin Markham of selections fromthe book. Later in the evening the hostesslead witiideep feeling another strong chapter.

Acharming feature of the evening was a trioof vocal selections rendered by Miss Susie K.Heit. The evening was one ol unqualified suc-cess iva social and lueiaiy Way.

Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Diexler, Mr. and Mm. K.B. Pond, Dr. andMrs. Ueniy i.lbbuns, Mi. and Mrs. L. H.Brown, Mr. and Ah>. Staples, Mr. anu Mm.Walter D. Witham, Mr. aud Mrs. Albeit Stet-son. Mr. and Mrs. Homer S. Kiug, Mr.andMi*. L". H. \\ a eman, .Mr. and Airs. HamptonField, Mrs. Nellie B. Eyster, Mrs. WilliamKeith, Mrs. a. C. Waterman, Mrs. \\. K.Peaslee, Mr*. Cadwaiader, Mrs. a. M. Burns,">is. Aionzo Wakeman. Mrs. E. A. On, \iisTaylor, Mrs. Alexauder MacCallum, MissBri'dg'-iiiau. Miss Caawalader, Miss May. Keeler. Miss Krin-niine Poole, Miss MindoiaBerry, Miss Juliet Lr.inba:d. Miss Alice Chlt-teudti), Miss Elinor Pratt, Miss Susie E. Heit,

!Miss Marian Bvbee, Miss Lister, Charles Ed-wiu v..v Kiiam. James a. Stephens, Curtis iiill-yer aud Reuben H. Lloyd.

The Wedekind Reception.Mr. and Mrs. F. ELWedekind gave a brilliant

: reception last Tuesday evening at their real-

ideuce. 812 Van Ness avenue, in honor of Mr.and Mrs.Jolmsou (nee W'dekiud), who havejust returned from their wedding tour of two

months' duration thiough the Eastern states.The rooms were artistically decorated with

beautiful floral pieces, aud loose draperies andflowers hung promiscously about. Shortly after9 o'clock the guests began to arrive and wereusheied into the huge pai lors, wheie danetnswas indulged In, Interrupted only by manypleasing vocal aud instrumental solos.> At 11:30 o'clock a band serenaded the partywithseveial choice s-lectious, alter which iheyentered the house and played for the dancing.

Late Inthe evenlni: the guess partook of adelicious repast, after which games and merry-making were continued until the small Hoursof ibe morning, when the festivities ended bythe departuie of the meny guests. The fairbride, the charming daughter of F. H. Wede-kind, formerly of Maxoo, Ackley & Co., haslived here from her earliest years, aud thegroom Is (he president of ih CosmopolitanTrading Company, aud Is well kuown through-out the Slate In business circles.

Thefollowlim were invited: Mr. and Mrs.F. W. Bean, Mr. and Mis. CJ. W. Maxon, Mr.and Mis. Jesse A. Galland. Mr. and Mrs.George Smiih, Mr. aud Mis. F. H.Wedekind,Mr. aud Mis. A. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.George Wallenrod, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Mr.and Mis. Hartzell of Sauta Rosa, Mr. and Mrs.T. B.Pwoss, Mr. and Mrs. Eugiisii. Mr.aud Mi-.E. It. Miles, Mr. and Mis.i. Meyer, Mr.andMrs. C. 11. DecW-r. Mr. and Mrs. Caffrey of Be-nicia, Dr. and Mrs. Kowat, Mr.and Mis. A.J.Lyon, Mr.aud Mrs. Sherwood. Mr. ami Mrs.Kobmson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gannon, Dr. andMis C. Cruii!, Mr. aud Mrs. Bo to, Mr. andMrs Carroll, Mr. aim Mrs. C. C. Maxon. Mr. andMis T. B. Hart of Chico, Mrs. J. \v. Bowers ofChlco, l*r.aud Mrs. T. A.Shellai, Mr. and Mrs.*ied Kaabe, Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Krelllng.Mr.and Mrs. Andrew .Johnson, Mr. and Mis. .Io-Ji.nsen, Mr.and Mrs. 0. J. Wedelund ol Chico,Mi. and Mrs. Diamond ofDenver, Mr.aad Mis.E. A. Wedekinrt of Chico, Mr. at«d Mis. JohnBmkett of Chicn. the isses E. SpencerKittleHopkins, Lillian Corsaut of Chico, Peailand Leila Laws. Agues Hoikins and .Mab'-lShearer, and Messr«. Jesse li.Miller. J. A.Kitchie. Jui'ge Frank J. dray, J. A. Uallaad,(.eoi^e F. Wedekind. Frank P. JacoDs. GeoreeFlilmer, William Hun is, Joseph "'aiK.lel. C. F.Mast. D. 15. Green, Louis Meyer. Frank (iriflin,A;chie NoTlngtOU, Louis llageiikamp, .SamuelO. Meyer. John J. Neubaitn. (ieorge C.tni-ion,Fred B Sunhyue, William Heurlcksoii. HartKline, J. Jonnson, Audiew llylauo, tlcniy.schroeder, A. If.O'Biien. Mr. Lovd, E. Elku'sof Saciameuto, Henry Boyer o! O^klaud, >*U.!iam Schoolar of Chico. F. Miller and (ieorge

\u25a0 urphy olNew Yoik,Ma«te;s Frank aud LeoMaxon, Colonel William F. Kruse, Dr. D. B.Green, Geueial M. Howard, and Mr. aud Mrs.

;K. E.Montgomery of

The Norwood Party.An Interesting affair of the past

week was the party given on Saturdayevening at Golden Gate by Clatence Norwoodupon his return from Sau Jose. NorwoodHall was beautified by a profuse display offlowers, ferns and buntine, and a String orches-tra furnished the music for dauciuii. Bongsand games were also enjoyed until nuduightwhen an elaborate supper was scived amidputty decorations.

The guests included Mr. and Mrs. McLellan,Mr. and Mrs. Aydeu. Mr. and Mi«. Wake, Mr,and Mrs. Kice, >ir. and Mr*, X niy. Dr. andMi8.Span. Professor Crawfoid, Dr. Bartman.The Misses W. Ayden. T. Lellau, M. liiordan.B. Gnadciiii!>. G. Mass. E. Mcl,fMan. U Klor-dan, K.Gregory. V,. R. McDmald, Messrs. C,Norwood. J. McLeUaii, F.Buelah. \V.Douelas,B. Mcl.ellau, A.(iregory. fti.Marry, T.Avden.F. Cunuiughani, K. Ab!»-. T. Whiting, Dr. I.Wlntl«, A. Fiaser. A. Merry, M. Pinkham, B.Clinton. S. Gilinore, M. Noble and U. Fralus.

The Walters Party.Incog Specialty Club tendered a party to Mr.

and Mrs. L. A. Walters last Friday evening attheir residence, 752V2 Harrison street. Th*hours were pleasantly Dassed with music anddancing. Vocal selections were given by N.McLaughllu, Frank Patterson, Warren J. Ty-son aud Thomas McGiaih. A sumptuoussupper was one of the pleasant events of theevening.

Those present were Mr.and Mrs. L. A. Wal-ters Miss Lizzie Tierney, Miss Sarah Tierney.Miss May Tierney, Miss Jessie Postlcton. MissCamille Williams, Miss Josie Ash, Miss BlialeMadison, Miss l>izzie Giilespie, Miss M. Mei-len. Miss Birdie Isaac, Miss Marule I.eonaid,Miss May Cook, Miss Birdie Fisher, MissJessie O'Donnell, Miss L. Cull'-u. Warren J.Tyson, John McDonald. Hugh Kelly. I'aiilDuni.hy, George Smith. Edward Thles, TbMMUMcGraiU, William Dunpny, James Tierney.Edward Failou, James Sack. James Jyson,William Istead, Harry Kuff. N*. McLaughllu,Frank Patterson, Louis Elkers, Maniu Tler-uey, Frank He»s and Samuel McGlbOou.

Spellan Scent-Bag Party.Miss Gertrude Spellan cave a scent-bag party

last Friday evening, at her residence on I,eav-enwortb street, iv honor of Miss Clan Kettle-man ot Loai. who has been visitingber. Theparlors were handsomely decorated withflowers and Japanese lantern?. Each guestwas the recipient of a small white box, tiedwith colored ribbons, which contained a prettysceut-bRK. At 11 o'clock flash-light photo-ciaihs ol the liapuy g>oup were taken by G. J.Fowzer. alter which some clever exhibitionirickn were done by J. O. Eicbe), W. W. Galeami K. Matneson. Then a bounteous supperwas served and the games and daucing wereresumed until early morning.

Among those present were Miss ClaraKeitleman, Miss Alice Bailie, Miss SadieHallle, Miss Irene Gove, Miss NellieBridger, Miss Gertrude Spellan, GeorgeFowzer, J. C. Elchel, William Sale. 'KennethM;iUe«on, Ralph lieruot, .Monroe J Urr LoiterWashburn and Lawrence Ttirkelsou.Prince Birthday Party.

The tenth birthday anniversary of Miss Haz IPrince was celebrated at Hie residence or Mr.and Mis. Henry Prince. 2012 Laikln street,last Wednesday afternoon. The principalfeature of the event was a large horn of plenty,tilled with candles and nuts, suspended fromitie large chandelier in the reception-room.Each guest was blindfolded in order to breakthe horn and secure the contents by !>ciani-blins. The afternoon was Das«ed In playinggame*, ringing and dancing. The parly brokeup shortly after 6 o'clock, the many youngroiniet wishing the hostess many happy birth-days to come.ihose present were: Miss Hazel Prince,

Mis* Lottie Foster. Miss Grace l'errault. MissBeatrice Hughes, Miss Alice Claus. Miss Jo«ieHoffman. ,is« M.iy ilollmau, Miss EvelynSmith. Mint Mabel Knight, Miss MildredWiit-iiton, Miss Mabel Peck, Miss GeraldioeColes. Miss Mario Sliaiictc. Miss Margaret Ross,Miss Roberta Gilbert. Miss Edna Morrow. MissLaura Christiansen. Miss Alviua Christiansen,Master Heitte Friedberg, Master Arthur Rags-dale, Miss Rosa Joiinsou and Master HowardDoane.

DINNERS AND LUNCHEONS.Miss Mac Dimond, daughter of General W.

H. l>lmond, celebrated the anniversary of herbirth Ina very pleasant manner last Thursdayby givingn charming dinner party at her resi-dence, 2224 Washington street. Hundreds orlovelyLa France roses formed the decoration Ofthe dinlug-table, and (heir color was repeatedin the tapers that were set in the silver Sliver wlsiibones and silver hat pieces

tied with pink silk ribbons were the souvenirsfor the ladles and gentle men who were invited.A delicious menu was served, after which acouple of hours were passed In the drawing-rooms, which weie beautifully decorated with.fragrant flowers.

Tlio^e uiesent were: Miss Mac Dlmond,Miss Eleanor Dimond. Miss Alice Hobait, MissElla Hobait, Mt«s Nellie Hillyer,Miss Pratt.Mi^s ],»uia McKlnstry, Miss Mamie Hoinrook.Mi«s lonipkins, .Mis* Tobin. Harry Dimond,Edward M. ttreeaway. Walter 8. Houart, FrankOweD, Joseph Tobin. Kobeit L. Coleman, L<n-slnc Mjzner, Peter 1). Martin, Lieutenant Me-Kenna, Mr.Lawson, A. Tobiu aud ueueral W.H. Dimond.

The Coy Lunch Party.Mr?. G. If. Coy cave a delichtful red

lunch party at her residence. 43'.t Geary street,last Wednesday in honor of Mis. TheodoreMayer. The table was ornate with bright redpopples ana carnations, fronded with delicateferns. The repast was a delicious one, aud ilieafiernoon was madt* very iuteiestlug.

Those present were: Mrs. G. H.Coy, Mrs.Theodore Mayer. Mrs. H. Tobin, Mrs. Dr.Smith. Mrs. Neber. Mrs. Julia A. Tenuy. Mrs.Heniy Mayer, Mrs. Bachelder. Mrs. A. W.Furst. Mrs. D. L. Nelson, Mrs. B. A.Clark,Mrs. M. \V. Belshaw and Miss Delia Hlltou.

The Jud^e and Jury.The Judge and Jury pave its fortnightly

banquet last Monday evening in the parlorsof the Maison Doree. This is a literary andsocial organization of college graduates whomeet tegulailyat the festal boaid to discussHie best ideas in gastiouomy and liteiature.The last meeting was ;in Interesting our, ihemenu excellent aud the affair highlyenjoyable.

Those piesent were: Sidney B. Nlezes, S. c.Moll tt, Ferdinand I. Vassault, J.J. Dwyei,W. Lock wood l"cer. James c. cuy, GeorgeDavis Boyd, Lawience S. Vassault. Seih,1.. A. Keduiau, E. s. ln-uer aud A. A.Sander-son.

THE COUNTRY CLUB.The fourth annual outing, picnic and shoot of

the Country Club, which wlil be held at DelMonte next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Isthe principal topic of conversation Inclubdomand society circles. Fair maids uud matronsare itiepHring stunning toileis for the ball andfeichmi; lieh', towns for the shoot. Ciubmenaif making be is on the shoot and the membeisof the shooting teams are indaily practice. Itwillundoubtedly oe an event of eieat Importand is looked forwmd to with much pleasuieby the hundreds who willbe pn-senr.

Asi>ec.iil train will le;ive heie at 2 o'clocknext Friday afternoon for Del Moute. stoppingonly at Venlo P;irk aud San Jose. On Fridayevening the stiootlne team will meet to arrangeskies for the match between the Reds andBlues, and there willbe a concert Dy the Coun-try Club Baud of seventy-five pieces under thedirection oi A.Spadlna. Satinday moiuiug at

'\u25a0* o'clock the club shoot for prizes and medalswillcommence, and there willbe a mutch be-tween ihe Keds aud Blues. Luncheon "Underii«t- Greenwood Tiee" will be served at 1o'clock. At x o'clock In the evening there willbe a concert followed hy abail and tapper.

Sunday morning at lo o'clock the baud willgiva a sacred conceit in fiont of the hotel. At8 o'clock in the evening iheie willbo a grandillumination ..nd fireworks at Del Mont'- Lakeand a concert by the baud. The pyrotechnicdispljy willbe r.i-st elaborate. The fireworkswere secured In the F.ast at laige expense, andcomprise twelve fancy exhibition pieces en-tirely different (rom anvthin^ ever j'-eu on thiscoast. The display willtei mlnnie with a caudlebatteiy motto of the club, "Under the Green-wood Tree," followed by the discharge of anextra large aerUl bouquet consisting of 100rockets of assorted colored stars and effectsturd simultaneously.

'ihe lirst match on Sunday willbe a contest oftwenty five birds to each man betweeu sidesto be designated as "Reds" aud '•Blues." Fivegold medals will be given for the live highestscores made at the twenty-five birds, handicaprl«e. The Hot twelve birds shot at shall s*cor«sfor the aeaaou'a prises. Thr prizes and medalsaie valued at (600. The names of those whowillparticipate are:

Faxou D. Atherton, Harry Babcock. S. C.Buckbee, Geoige Crocker, Edw.iru Donohoe,Cbarlri P. Eells, lliomas Ewiug, Andiew .1.i.-k---koo, William S. Xi tie. William (.". UurdocU,Walter S. Newnall. Bobert Oxnaid, K. F. Pres-ton, J. D. KedUing, C. O. Rlclur.l-i, B. H.Bprague, George B, >t>eriy, A.C. 1nub-", W. B.Tubbs. F. W. Tallant, Cliutmi E. Woiden.Ramon E. Wllsoa, FiedeilcK K. Websier andItubeit B. Woodward.

The music will be a special feature of theoutiiiL.'. The promaiuuKs for the several cun-cei ts are as follow i:

Friday, 9 v. m.—"Dragoons' Call" (Ellen-beiK); overture, 'Oberon" (Yon Weber); ••Un-der the Greenwood Tree" <Hiiho,o; selectionsfrom "1Lombards" (Verdi); walcz. "Flowersor Sr. .Petersburg" (Kesch); "Hide of tlieWalkure" (Warner); "American Patrol"(Meacliam); seen* c aria, '"II Trovatore"(V?rdl);galop, "To the Park" A.Spadlua). >

On Saturday the band will tender a numberof choice selections during the luncheon hourou the picnic ground!).

Saturday. 9 p. m.— Match, "Cadets," Sousa;overture, "Son and auger," Mendelssohn ;"LaCzarine." Caune; finale, tlilrdact ol "Rig-oletto," allegro, quartet and storm sceneVeidi; waltz, "Artist's Life," Strauss; over-ture. "lilenzl," Wagner; "Hebe." duet fortrombone, Redding; selection from ••(.avalleriaRu*ticana," Mascagtil; overture, "Semiram-Ide," Rus«lui; grand medley troin "Boccaccio,"YonMi|iue.

ttutMlay,11 a. sr.— Overture. "Stabat Mater."arranged by.Mercadaute; "seieuade/'Schuhcrr ;"Aubade Prlntaniere." i>icombe; "Scenes i'irtoresques"— (l) inarcne, (2) "Airde Ballet," (3)"Angclus," (4) "Fete Boheme,'* Massanet-grand selection.

"Huauenots," Meypibeer:

prelude from "Loheußiin." \\ agnei ;tantasla,"F.nist," Gounod; waliz. "Blue Danube,"'Strauss; overture, ••Tann!iau«er," Wagtier;niarcii, "Salute I.ointaln," Doting.

Suuday. 9 i-.m.—Overture. "Light Cavalry,"Su; pc; selections from "Itubiti Hood." "DeKoveu; mosaic from the opera of "Lucia."Domzrttl; overture. "Orplieus." OfTenb.icii ;'•Le Fils de Ponhos"— Defile, Henri Seuee-overture, '•William Tell," Ro*slni; Interuiezzustnfoniea ftom "Cavalterta Rastleana," Maxcagni; w«Uz, "Loin dv Bal,"Gillet; "Lorelei,"paiaphiase. Nesvadbe; inlioductiou aud bridalchorus from

'Lohengrin," Wagner.

The oflicers, directors and ciiairmeu of thecommittees are as follows:

I'iesioeiit. Frederick S. Webster; vice-presi-dent, Koliert Oxuard; secretary-treasurer,\\ illiam C. Muidoch; attorney aud counselorRamon E. WHsou.

Directors— Frederick It.Webster, William ('Muidoch, Kichaid 11. Spraguc, Heinv WWoodward, Kobert Oxiiard, Uamon E. Wllsoui(ieorge Crocker and Williams. Kiltie.

ChauiD'.-ii ol Conimlit*-es— Eutertaiumentsandoutino, Kobert Oxnaid: trap-shooting and.ntli.etlcs, George Crocker; clubhouse, HeniyW. Woodward; stable and dog-kennelsWilliam S. Kittle; patiolrueu aad keej^eisBlcbard 11. Spraitue; game, hsh aud preserve,Bamon E. wii.son.

The memb' ishiu of theclub is limited to 125,and there aie now thirteen names on tin: wait-inglist. The list of members is as ioilows:

William Alvord, Faxon D. Athenon. HarryBabcock, -William Babcock, C. il. Belknaii\S illiam Berg, T. B. Bishop, Gordon BlanCuigA.H. Boomer. William B. 8011111, A. J. Bowie,(ieorge Davis Bovd, .\alh,,niel J. liiiuanEmile A. liiuuiileie. Spencer C. ISuckree, .).William Byrne, C W. Bouyiige, Joseph Clai k(ieorge Crock r. Wiiliam H. (Jroefcer, J. MCuunlughain. Ch rles F. Crocker, Joseph B.Cioc ett. George I>. Cooper, E. P. Danfoith,Waltor E. Dean. Walter Loonaid Detn, PeterJ. Donahue, Edwaid Douohne, Yiadimerd'Artslmovltcli. Joseph A.Donohoe Jr., li. .\E.idy, Charles P. Eells, Ihomas Ewlnc,Bernard Faymonvllle, John g. Follausbee,Aitliur W. Fos'er. Ji. B. Forman, Byron Gil-man. Daniel B. Gillette Jr., Joseph D. GiantlloiMt H. Giayson, E. V. Uerald, J. 08.

Gunn, Louis T.Ilaguln. Henry E. Hall, Alex-ander Hamiltou. Kobert Harilsnn, Jerome A.Hart, J. Downey Harvey, William li.Hearst,Ho ace L. Hill, William H. Howard, E. W.Hopkins, Andiew Jackson, Harry A*Jeanne,Charles Jo«selyn, Lansing O. Kellogg, HomerS. King, William S. Kiltie, Nicholas (i.Kittle.Jerome B. Lincoln. W. 08. McDouough. H. R,Mann, Waid McAllister Jr.. E. J. Mc'Juic'ien,Robeit McMurrav, W. S. MeMuitry Jr., Euse-bius j. Moieid. S. J. Moore. C. F. *

niiins.William C. Muidoch, Daniel T. Murphy,1). M. Muruhy. W. 11. Martin, WallerS. Newhall. Kobert Oxnaid. HermannOelricns, James (J. Oxnard, Charles Pace,Louis B.ParroU, Theodore F. Payne. G. W.Peltier. James D. Phelan, Edgar "F. Preston,Evans S. Plllsbury,Joseph M. Quay, Joseuu

D. Redding. GL O. Richards. R. P. Rltnet. G. H.Koe. A. W. Kose Jr., J. I.Sablii, Baron J. H.yon Sihroeder, F. W. Sharon, It. H. SpragueJ. B. Stetson. O<car T.Sewall, Heniy T. Scott,Frederick W. Tallant. John W. Taylor. W. STevis, Austin C. Tubbs, Alfred S. tubbs, Wii-Ham B. Tubbs. James E. Tucker, Charles W.Tattle. 11. liem'y V< uve, Fiederlck R. Web-ster. George Whittell. W. B. Wilshlre, RamonE. Wilson, John Scott Wilson, Charles L. Wat-son, J. Parker Whitney, Wiiii.m S. Wood,Henry W. Woodward. Robert B. Woodward.Fred L. Wooster. Clinton E. Wortfen, ThomasC. Vau Ness, Fredeiick w.Zeiie.

AT MARE ISLAND.The presence of the "HigliCourt" and of ex-

Suigeon-G neral John Miles Brown. C. 8. N.,at the yarn has made ceremonious dinners andoilier entertainments the order of the day dur-ing the last two weeks. First came the house-warming by the Commandant and Mrs. Bowtseaon the assumption of command— a unique, un-ceremonious affair which embraced a reception,parlor theatricals aud a dainty supper. Theprogramme comprised music, tableaux andrecital lons, concluding with a fan drill in whichthe young ladlfs Incharming costumes handledexpansive faus with military precision underilie command of Captain Maizey Clark. Nothingprettier can be im -glued than the maneuverof '-gossip ne fans,' 1and the whole formed a9erles of artistic Watteau plctuies.

lhere was some excellent guitar and mando-lin playing, a lecltntiou of l.ochluvar illus-trated by comic grouping and action and arichlyhumorous tableau of "The Graces," rep-resented by three officer* who rip the sc .les at250 pounds, draped in classic sheets, the groupuudiiiaung and vibrating wllli the suppiessedenjoyment of its own fun. A lepeiltlon beingdemanded, thiee lovely young ladles iook theplaces of the pondei ous antiques and gave thetrue Interpretation. Another tableau was ivhonor of the surveying man-of-wai, the onlyvevse! then at the yard, anil lepresented Tlietispresenting the swon! to Achilles.1he only guests ou this occasion not of thenavy weie the wife and daughters of Judg-- W.

W. Moriow of San Francisco. The eldestdaughter Miss Maud, Is soon to join the seiviceasi the bride of Lleulenaut Fechteler of theAlbatross.

The commandant's dinner to Admiral Bel-knap and the other members of the court-martial, concluded a few ilays since, was a par-ticularly biilllant affair. The menu was elah-oiate aud the table most artistically decorated,being a pasture of piuk Rowers, illuminated bylamps shaded with the same delicate color.

The dinner of Doctor Woods to ex-^urgennGeneial Brown and the visltlug members ofthe coiiit an equally admirable entertain-ment and that of surgeon Lewis In honor ofthe ex-Surgeon-Geiieial ranged with th \u25a0 othertwo. At the latter dinner the tints weregreen, the table decorations being maidenhair ferns combined with wavy lines of narrowribbons and the center pi cc a little plantationof ferns within a silver fence.

On Friday Captain and Mrs. Cotton gave amuch-enjoyed entertainment, divided Into twoP»r;«. me first, a musical recital by the tal-ented soloists of the independence band, andike second part a concert of choice daucemusic, to which the guests responded, alter-nating the dance with uood mu-ic and a choicesapper. Soon tno lecelvlnu ship willlie aglowwith electricity aad add additional attractlouto the type of the navy ofeighty years ago.

CLUB PARTIES.Walter (J. O'Brien's souvenir basket party,

winch was giveu last Tuesday evening at

Franklin Hall, was a brilliaui commencement

of the dancing season In the Western Addi-tion. The hall was filled with merry dancers,

over 150 couples being In tun grand march,wiilcliwas lea by Walter (i.O'Brien and Miss

Dollie Martin, who looked very pretty In a be-coming gown ol pale blue silk.

The direction <>f Hie souvenir basket dancewas in charge of Louis Schumacher and MissLena Dobion, miniature baskets being dlstrlb-uted durtnc its progress. The pleasant affairended at midnight.

The committees were as follows: Receptioncommittee— Miss Nellie Keere, Miss K. blass.Miss Rebecca Jacob", Miss Susie Lonley.MissIda Rowine, Miss Nellie Connor, Miss FannieDobson, Miss Grace Benjamin and Miss DolileMartin; floor committee— William I)incl'\Charles Landers. John J. Van Xo«trand. Emitllahti, William Landers, George McKay andTfuwaa E. Rock.

The Fern Leaf Club.The second party of the Fern Leaf Club, which

was held at Foresters' Hall, was a notable suc-cess. About 150 couples participated Id Diegrand march, which wa« led by Robert Baumanand Miss Julia Murphy.- After ihree hourspleasantly passed in dancing the party termi-nated at midnight.

The committees were as follows: Receptioncommittee— William Savage. Cliarle< Lnul«,Charles Shebfe, Charles Schott; floor manager,John K. McCarthy; assistants— Frank Rose.Charles Martin, John Dunmore. Tim officersof the club are: President, Robert Bauman;vlce-preslaent, Frank Rose; tieasuier, CharlesLouis; secretary, John Dunmoie.

Flajrg Bonbon Party.Flapg's Dancing Academy gave a bonbon

party in Santa Rosa Hall last Fildayeveningwhich was well attended and was a great suc-ce*». Mr.Flagg has done all in bis power tomake his parties a success, and the attendanceIs always select.' P. Farrell and Miss DaisyTruett led the grand march, followed by about160 pretty ladies and gallant yuuug men.

Miss Tiuett looked charming In a whitecovtuine imined with white lace. Mr.Manacted as floor diiector and was ably assisted byF. S. Rudders, Waller Tiuett, R. Irandier,Mr.Haven. K.H. JuuKaus, Miss Olive Trueti,Miss Josie Gregg, Miss Adeline Trautner,Miss Maude l'lauiotidou and Miss Hawkins.

United Social Club.The United Social Club celebrated its second

anniversary last Saturday evening at BearClub Hall. The hall, which was nicely deco-rated, was crowded with young folks, and along programme of dances was enjoyed. Whatseemed to be the feature of the evening was amarch and lancers. The. march was led byMiss Julia Rloidan and T. Lyncn. In which theparticipants were presented with bonbons.These bonbons alter being snapped were wornon the lie.ids, and, being of all shapes andcolois. caused a gieat deal of laughter. Theevening's entertainment was an iniijue-tloiiabl"success. At 11 o'clock the guests were pre-sented with candy. Ihe committee In chargewere William Campbell, floor manager; T.Lynch. Miss Barrett. Mr. McGllnckey andMiss Gibbons, assistants; reception commit.lee-Miss J. Rlordan, Miss S. Gibbons, J.Donohue aud T.Ryan. They discharged theirduties la an admirable manner. .

ENTERTAINMENTS.The regular monthly entertainment of Ibe

Western Addition Literary and Social Clubwas held at Odd Fellows' Hall last Wednesdayevening. As is always the case at these affairst he hall was crowded, and many remained afterthe entrrtaiument to enjoy a couple of hours ofdancing. The programme was a meritoriousoue and was well present- d.

The selections weie as follows: Overture,Noah Brandt's orchestra; recitation, JohnWilliams; barytone solo, James A. Shook-vocal duet. Mis. John Madden and Miss StellaLets; an original play, "Id-Honor Bound"—Cast: Sir George Carlyon, M.P., Howaid MScott; Lady Cailyon (his wile), Miss MaudStover; Rose Dabymple (hi*waid). MissZilUhCooDley; PhilipGraham, William W. Brewer. -

Among the Breakers.The two-act drama, "Among the Breakers,"

was produced very successfully by RichardsonLodge,IO. G. T.. at Mission Opera House lastThursday evening. In th» male charactersS. A. Sanders carried off most of the honors asDavid Murray. Mr.McWhlner was excellentas Hon. Bruce Hunter, Lewis Carrloutoii madea very good Clarence. George L.Flanagan keptthe audience In laughter as scud, Geoige J.Sou ihwick as tie eccentric oewsptper mandid an artistic piece of character acting, andCA. Sass was exceedingly clever as Larry.Miss Carrie Lake as Mother Cary did her part

very neatly. Miss Susie Hall as Minnie Dasewas very Dretty and amusing, while Miss Su«ieKelso and Miss M. A.Cady were very success-ful as Bess Starbrlgtu and Biddy.

A Campfire and Ball.Acampflre and ball was given at Union-

square Hall last Wednesday evening by FairOaks Camp No. 15, Sons of Veterans, assistedby Seven Pines Circle No. 3. Ladies of th«Grand Army of the Republic. A programmeof sixteen dances was enjoyed, interspersedwith vocal selections, and refreshments weieserved bounteously.

The committees were as follow*: Committeeor anaugemeuts— Lleutenaut A. M. Ashen-telter. A. M. Annls. F. E.Wnarff, c. S. Howard.F.L. Griffith, J.J. Bartlett, R. D. Fairbanks,G. B. Walcott, W. K.Bush, J. H. M. Montell.W. E. Lawrence, H.E. Grifnth, D. Buck, G.Audibert, L. Dlesalskl; floor-mauagei, Lieu-t'Miaiit W. K. Bush; assistant floor-manager,Miss Lizzie Bush; floor committee— F. E.Wiiarff. W. E. Lawrence. G. Audibert. C. S.Howaid. Miss M.Sherry. Miss K.Sherry, MissP. Schnttery, Miss B. Yeazelle; reception com-mittee—Captain A.M. Aiiuis, Georee Walcott,H. E. Griffith, F. L. Griffith, Miss B. Piukson,Miss M.Watson, Miss M. Bonifield, Mrs. M.Auger.

MISCELLANEOUS.Mrs. A. M. Easton gave a delightful matinee

tea last Monday at the Crocker cottage at Cas-tle Crag. Among the ladles she entertainedweie: Mrs. Samuel Hort, Mrs. George C.Boaidman. Mis. I.Lawrence Poole. Mrs. OttoFavre. Mrs. J. F.Foster, Mrs. Horace L.Hill,Mrs. E. B. Colemau, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs.Fisher Am«3, Mrs. Page. Mrs. Taylor, theMisses Goad and Miss Eastiand.

Mr.and Mrs. C. D. O'Sulllvan (nee Curtis),cave a very pleasant lnlormai reception lastThursday evening at their home on Hush streetaud iuteriaiued a number of intimate friendsla a charming manner. Musical numbers weruenjoyed and a delicious supper was served.

Miss Ellen Cohen cave a tea last Mondayafternoon at her home, Feruside. In honor of her cousin, Dr. Daggett of NewHaven, Conn. About twenty young ladlesweie invited to meet nim. and they passed theafternoon in feasting, bowling and dancing.Inthe evening the young ladies <:;ive a dinnerparty, followed by an infoimal dance.

Mr. and Mrs. M. H.Hecht gave an elaboratedinuer parly l;isi Tliur«day evening at theirresidence, on Washington sneer, in honor ofMiss Tillie Brandeusteiu and William Greene-baum. of this city, aud Miss llattle Ut-cbt ofBoston.

A reception was tendered Mrs. Sarah B.Cooper and her daughter. Miss Harriet Cooper,on August 17, hy the teachers aud normalpupils of the Golden Gate Kindergarten Asso-ciation, after their thiee months' trip In theBaaC,

Dr. and Mrs. O.F. Westphal (nee Hageman)gave a very enjuyable reception last Mondayevenlni: at their cottage In Sausallto and de-liL'htfully entertained Mr. aud Mrs. EilisParish. Mrs. Ch .rlesWleland, Miss Flood, MissKose, Miss Millie Slebe, Samuel M. Shortrldge,Mr.Cole, Mr.Pvose, Harry Flood, Dr. Wallaceand oth-is.

Mrs. S. Koshland gave an elaDorate lunchparty last Friday at her residence. 2266 Frank-lin siiieet, and eutertained a number of Utlyfriends very agreeably.

The wedding of Miss Tlilie Eitinger aoaFrederick Patek was celebrated very quietlylast Monday evening at he residence of itiebiide's paieuts, corner of O'F.irrell aud Goughstieels.

Mr. and Mrs. Linkogel celebrated their tinwedding: on Saturday evening, August 12, attheir iestdeuc>', 559 Natonia street. Aboutthirtyof their frl nds were present and werehospitably entertained.

General Georce G. Meacie Corps, No. Cl.cave an Interesting entertainment ana a balllast Tuesday evening, at Foresters 7 Hall.

The Chaiacter Club gave a character partyInst Tuesday evening at Washington Hall. Itwas well attended and was novel ami pleasantinevery way.

Robin Hood Circle No. r>B. Companions orthe Forest, cave an entertainment ana danceat Union-square Hall on Saturday evening last,which was a grand «iucces.«. The committee*weie as follows: Committee of arrangements—Mis. L. Ticoulet (chairman). Miss MamieSchoeu («ecreiary). Mrs. 11. Ha Illy,Miss LizzieiSpaar, Mrs. C. Miller,Mis. O. Voll,Miss AliceTlcoulet. Floor manager— E. I*. Jacobsou:assistant loo* manager. MiM MamieFloor committee— Mr«. A. Freese, Miss AliceTicoulet, Mrs. 11. Ballly, Miss Lizzie Spaar,Mis. Kchwarliut.'- Reception committee— Mrs.L.Ticoulet. Mis. C Miller, Mrs. hart, MissC. Goldwaler.

Irvine's dancing classes cave an enjoyablebonbon party list Wednesday evening atAcademy Hall.

The seVenth party of the Columbians washeld at Scottish Hill last Thursday eveningand Itproved to be a mo«t delightful success.

Los Li'mas l'arloi No. 7"J. Native Daugh-ters of the Golden West, pave a successfulenteMaiiiineiit and dance ut ltouweder's Halllast Friday evening.

The California Dramatic Club produced'•M'Hss" In an cxc llent manner at MissionOpera Hall last Friday evening before a largeaudience.'llie Comrades eav« their first anniversary

ball M ri'uai B'lith Hail last Saturday evening.The attendance was large, the music excellent,and a long programme of dances was enjoyed.

California Rebekah Lodge No.1gave a pinkpaity last Saturday- evening: in its hall, aud theaffair resulted very pleasantly.

, PERSONAL MENTION.Another bright young California eiri has

adopted the stage as her profession. This time'itIs Miss Blanche L. Bates, the beautiful audaccomplished daughter of Mrs. F. M. Hales ofthis city. She has every possible advantage to

ensure /uccess In the drama as she has insociety ciu-les tor*, where she is extremelypopular, with a legion of friends. She willmakeher debut this evening at Stockwell's Th ater.Seveinl box parties have been formed bf herfriends and she Is assured ut a hearty wel-come.

Ml«s Marie Voorhles will leave to-morrow onan Kasiern trip and will be away severalmonths.

Mi.and Mrs. John S. Dickinson of Portland.

Or., are the guests of General and Mrs.John H. Dicklnsou at Craig Hazel in Sausallto.

O. F. Willeyhas returned from his Easterntrip.Mr. and Mrs. O. H.Watts are at Lake George.O. J. Doyen of Oakland is visiting Port laud,

MPiE. J. Baldwin is at Saratoga Springs, N. Y.Mr.and Mrs. Dani-iFerguson willleave early

!in September on a mouth's visit, to the Colum-bian Exposition aud relatives in Canada.

Mr.and Mrs. K. J. Bowen are passing a fort-nlehi at the Hotel del Monte.

Mrs. D. J. Maples and Mrs. Herbert W.'Yemans left last Saturday for Chicago, wherethey willremain a couple of months.

Walter S. Hobart is passing a couple of weeksat Del Monte.

Mrs. Belle Donahue and Miss MargueriteWallace will go to the Hotel del Moute to-dayto remain a week.

Mr. aud Mrs. E. R, Dimond went to Del1 Monte last Saturday.

Mrs. Chabot and Miss Nellie Chabot haveI reiurued to Oakland after a prolonged visit at!Del Home.

Mr.and Mrs. Henry Scbmiedell are passing a; few weeks at the Hotel del Monte.Mr. and Mrs. J. Henley Smith are residing

permanently at ihe Palace Hotel.Judteaud Mrs. Walter H. Levy will leavecany ivSeptember to visit Chicago and other

Eastern cities.Mrs. H. E. Hunlington and family have re-

turned from their Eastern trip.Mrs. .James a. Moreland has returned froma

visit to Castle Crag.Mrs. Julius Koseustirn has returned from herEuropean tour.Eugene Pissis willleave on September 5 to

vi«it the Columbian Exposition.William S. Tevis iutends having a cottage

erected on his recently ..cquiied property ati Bt Ivedere.

Mrs. Thomas M.Cluff is passing the season atSanta duz.

Mrs. M. Bailey and the Misses Bailey have re-turned from Castle Crag.

Mrs. M.B. M. Toland willremain at the Hoteldel Monte untilnext month.

Mr. and Mr.Henry E. Wise have gone to Chi-cago.

Airs. Fiances B. Edgerton is passing a fewweeks InSouthern California.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tevta have returned tothe city after passing the season in San Rafael

Mr. and Mrs. William Fries hay •returnedfrom San Rafael, where they bave been pass-

ing the summer.M:ss Flora Walter willleave in September onan extended tour of the Eastern States.Mi»s Ermentine Poole has returned from a

pleasant visit to friends InOregon.Kiss Helen Bristol Of the Van Ness seminary

and her sister. Miss M. Bristol, Have returnedfrom a visit to Chicago and the New EnglandStares.

The Misses Laura and Eunice Bates are pass-ing ihe season in San Rafael.

Mr.aud Mis. 'lheoduie Payne are passing amouth at the Hotel delMonte.

Mrs. D. M. D-lmas aud ihe Misses Delmas!have returned from a pleasant visit to CastleiCrag.

Mrs. M. A. WUcox, Mrs. M. W. Longstreet,MIM Artuello aud A.H. Wilcox wont to theHotel dr-1 ,M<m:e last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs, J. PhillipSmith of Santa Cruz ,aie at the Murray HillHotel in New York city

Mis. a. H. Rutherford and family left tor theEast last Tuesday. The younger children willbe placed in an Eastern school, after whichMi-. Rutherford and Miss Alice Rutherfordwillco to Europe.

Mrs. R. E. Williams and Miss Marie Wil-liams haveieiuined trom a delightful tour ofEurope.

Mrs. w.H. L.Barnes has returned from SantaBarbara.Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Towne and Mrs. Eva T.

Shaw willgo tbe Hotel del Mont- to-day.Mr. aud Mrs. William H. Crocker and Miss

Beth Sperry are at the Hotel del Moute aud willstay there a couple of weeks.

Mr.and Mrs. William Waynefßelvin arrivedin i.otiiiou last Wednesday.

Mrs. J. W. Burnhara is visiting Lake Minne-loutta, Minn.Miss Ada Dougherty will go East next Fri-day and in September will sail for Europe. She

willbe away aboiu a year.Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Dodge and Mrs.Charles Soantag are inspecting the ColumbianExposition. Colonel soniitag win join ttie'ii in:September when they will goto Europe forayears tour.Mr. and .Mrs. Icnatz Stoinhait have returned;from a plea-ant sojourn at Castle Crag.Di. G. M. Richardson has returned from a

| tour of the Eastern Mate*,

f J. C. Horn has gone East to visit Chicago.New York aud Philadelphia.

Misi Rose Rich lefi for New York City lastTuesday. S!:e willbe away three months, andIwillvisit Chic.igo when en route home.

The .Misses Grant and Miss Butler have beenenjoying a visit to the Misses Coheu at theirresidence. Femside. InAi.-tmeda.

Lieuteunn; and Mrs. tieorge W. Mclver U;S. A.(nee Smeobergi. will remain here a monthuroie before going East.

Mis<es Imia and AliceAdler have returned to! tbe cll?*!ter paving tue summer inHausalito

Mrs. Sidney B. Cashing of San Ratael hasi been In Santa Cruz during tue week as the|guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Edward MartinI air. and Mrs. Walter Campbell and Mr. andMrs. 11. J. Campbell have leturned from a de-lightful visit to "Saint's Rest," the summercottape of Judge Audros, in tne Santa Cruz|Mountains.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lincoln and Miss EthelLincoln are uassiug a few weeks at the Hoteldel Monte.

Mrs. waiter M. Ca-?tle and Miss MinnieWeill have returned fiom a prolonged visit atSau l.1Cruz

Mr.ana Mrs. Horace L.hill will rem .in atthe Hotel dt-l Moots until late In August.Mr.and Mrs, Jacob Luna willrec-lve their

friends on the hist and thud Fridays of eachmonth at their lesidence, 2332 Pacilic avenue.

.Mis. Peter Decker and Miss Alice Deckerare Visiting the Columbian Exposition.Mr. ami and Mrs. Samuel Roseuer are resid-ing at KillBush street. The Miss.>s Rosener

willreceive on the first aud second Tuesdays ofeach month.

Miss Mabel Love willbe at Del Moute du-iu"the outing of the Country Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harjuette have returnedfrom a n>ost enjoyable Eastern trip, Includingavisit to the Columbian Exposition at Chicago.

Dr.Jennie M. Simpson has returned from athiee months' visit to the Eastern S:ates

Mrs. John Hey ami Iss Isabel M.Hey have,left Paris and aie now in London.

Ex-Supervisor J. 11.Wilcox lias sold his homeinNaiaand now resides at 512 Golden Gateavenue.

Mr. and Mrs. P. L.Koselalowski (formerlyMiss Coin F. .Moore) will leave next Wednes-day to visit fiieuds in Nebia-ka and then pro-ceed to Chicago and New York.

Mr.and Mrs.C. A. Worth ;tuu the Misses May-belle and Eva Worth ieit last Friday to visitNew York, Boston, Washington and the Colum-bian Exposition.

Professor James H.Temple has gone East ona two month*' ui|>.S. B. Carletoo will leave September 1 on aprolonged Eastern trip, ta inginthe ColumbianExposition. Washington. 1). C\, aud his former

home InMaryland.Mr.and Mis. Isaac Rosenthal (formerly Miss

Bolle Flgol) have gone to Stockton, where theywillreside pcimaneutiy.

S. Finel went East last Thursday to visit hisdaughter aud the World's Fair.Benjamin Lev! of the Postal Telegraph Com-pany is passiug his vacation at resorts inLakeCounty.Mr. and Mrs. M.Banner and family will re-

turn today after a tour mouths' trip throughIhe Eastern States.

Miss Kate Welsh has returned to the cmvafter a livemouths' vM; to Hilo and Honolului Mr.and Mrs. S. 11. Greenberg and Mr. and

Mrs. Henry Ach have returned from a sixweeks' visit to the World's Fair and New YorkMrs. James 11. Temple left for the East lastWednesday, via Portland, Or. She will beaway two months.

Mr.and Mrs. Theodore Lunstedt ana MrsW. P. Stout have returned from a five weeks'visit to Los Angele*.

Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Fratlnger and familybave goue East to visit Chicaeo aud New Yor<

Mrs. Lou S. Simons of 013 Hyde street leftfor the vesterd ay.

Mis. s. E. Bacon and Miss Mac Hulene Baconhave secured a co;taee at .Ema Spnugs for tberemainder ot the season.

Mrs. Charles Godiel is vlsltlug Mrs. F.Seidemann at Mlllbrae.

Mrs. Thomas Davis, wife or Hon. ThomasDavis of Krui!wortb, Ariz.,is at Santa Monica.She is rapidlyimproving inhealth.

Miss Sadie L.Hockiug of Grass Valley is theguest of Mrs. Horace C. Sexton, at her resi-dence, 2637 Howard street.

Mr. and Mr-.Woudhouse are staying at VillaLas LOOMS in the Santa Cruz MountainsMrs. J. W. Wolf, nee Meyer, will receive at

ISi"Golden Gate avenue ou me first andthirdTuesdays of each mouth.

G. F.Flaggof Flagg's Dancing Academy leftlast Saturday for a short visit to relatives InWeaverville. leaving F S.Rodgers in charge ofthe academy.

Mr. and Mrs. A.Lewis aud Miss Fiances Relsare at Villa Las Lomas in the Santa CiuzMountains.

Misses Kaiie and Margaret O'Doiinell of Ne-vada City are visirini: fnecd* here after an eu-joyabie visit to Bartlett Springs.

Anioud the recrut visitor-* at White SulphurSprings were: W. T. Alexander. W. a. Mcln-losh, J. B. Miss Herbert,Mis. M. Hrowo. Mrs. VV. Lawler, Miss F. E.Lyons, Miss Josephine Duulop and F. A.Mur-phy, all of tills city.

Ml.«s Annie Witzeniann Las just returnedfrom a fery pleasant visit to Los Angeles aud

Sauia Cruz.Mr«. a. IVttijohn, Miss Delia and MasterEdwin Petiijohn lefi foi the East last Thursday

to be abseni a year or longer.Mr. ana Mis. C. K.Hanseii have returned

from a visit to sania t'ruz, Capitola, GUroySpriDßs and several other summer resorts.

comino"events.Walter G. O'Brien will eive a World's Fair

p.rty this evening at Saratoga Hall. Hand-some souvenirs have been prepared for thealtiir. '1lie invitations are limited.

Uutler me auspices of the \ouug Men's lasti-

tate an Interesting entertainment willbe giventhis evening at Metropolitan Hall in aid of HieMidwinter Fair.

The ladles of the First Christian Chinch arebusilyengaged in making preparations for anentertainment to be given at their Twelfth-street quarters next Tuesaay evening. The oc-casion will be the introduction of a novelfeature in the social line which promises to hedecidedly amusing, entitled "ADay at the OldFarm." Hie ladies will be attired Inold-fasn-loned calico dresses "a la crinoline," with im-mense sunbonuets of.a Puritan design, whilethe gentlemen willas near as possible representthe "down East" farmer in raiments ol "hay-seed design." The stage will represent a hay-loft, ornamented with wheat-stalks, hencoopsand allme rustic paraphernalia appropriate tothe occasion.- A well-selected literary andmusical programme has been arranged.

Alecture on "Etiquette" willbe delivered to-morrow nieht at the Women's Educational audIndustrial Union,324 Slitter street.

The Elutraclu Turn Section will give an en-tertainment at its hall to-morrow night Inhonorof the prize class who attended the BunderTurnfest In Milwaukee and won some of thebest prizes. G. Ungerman won the first prizein everything.

Olivet Y.P. S. C. B, will give an entertain-ment to-morrow niche at the church on Missis-sippi street, near Napa, Fotrei o.

Orinda .Parlor No. 66, Native Daughters ofthe Golden West, willgive its thirdanniversaryball to-morrow night at Odd Fellows' llall._ Yosemite Circle No.107, Companions of ihetorest, willhold Its monthly entertainment at102 O'Farrell street next Wednesday even-ing.

Ivanhoe Circle, Companions of the Forest,will give its first anniversary entertainm ntand ball at Washington Hall next Weduesdayevening.

•Excelsior circle No. 2, Companions of theFoiesr, willgive an apron-aud-necktio party at

32 O'Fanell street next Thursday eveningOro Flno Parlor No. 9, Native Daughters of

the Golden We*t, willgive a dance at Foresters'Hail next Thursday evening.

Mrs. Renneil Phillips and Miss Mac Evans,who will soon start on a pedestrian tour toChicago, have been tendered a farewell ball,which willbe held at Union-square Hall nextThursday evening.

The Luther Bund of St. Mark's Church willgive an entertainment next Friday evening.The ladies of Howard f'lesbvterlau Church

willserve a hot luncheon in the chapel adjoin-ing the church next Friday from 11a. m. to.1:30 p.m.

The second complimentary concert under thedirection of Alfred Wllke willbe given nextFriday evening in the California-street Metho-dist Episcopal Church, coiner California anilBroderlck streets. Mr. Wilke willbe assistedi"V Mrs. A. E. Munn, Miss Bertha BlancuardIand Mrs. W. T. McLean, vocalists; H. Larsen.violinist; M. Earl, flautist, and Professor

Strauss, pianist. These concerts arc part of aplan of the church to provide high-class enter-talumeuts for the community in which it islocated. Admission free.


--The pupils or Flagg's dancing academy willgive their eighth party next Friday evening.Arrangements have been made by the Tennis Club to give a splendid exhibitionof tennis bysome of the best players on me; coast, to take place Saturday afternoon, August;

26. Among the players willbe C. D.Bates JiThomas Driscoll. Samuel and sumner Bardv: -Miss Crouch and Miss Bates, several of t tie

Ibest players of the California Club will alsotaKe part. Joseph Daly will give an exhibition,ihe complete programme will be given outlater in the week.

Borrouiean Council No. 129, Young Men's In-stitute, will hold an onen meeting at MissionOpera H 11 next Monday evening. There willDe an address aud several musical and literarynumber*.

The First Regiment, uniform rank, and Cali-fornia Brigade, Knights of Pythias, willgivetheir fifteenth annual picnic at Trestle Glen,Oakland, on Wednesday, August 30, followed;by a ballin the evening.

I Oriental Lodge No. 50. Order of the Golden.Shore, will give an entertainment at SocialHall,102 O'Farrell street, on Friday eveniuir,September 1, as a benellt to F. C. Plise. a joungviolinist. The programme will be very Inter-esting.

Alfred Wllkie willgive his first ballad con-cert of this season at Golden Gate Command-fry Hall, 625 Suiter street, on Friday evening,

j September 1. An excellent programme is ueiu^i pie, aied.

Adoipn Bauer will give a Wagner concert atithe TivoliOpera-house on Friday ifTternoon,j September 1. The programme will be inter-I preted by an orchestra or sixty-eight musicians.jMrs. Maud Berry Fisher has been speciallyengaged as solol«t and will sing "Failate:d'Aniore" from "Faust," with fullorchestral, accompaniment.

ihe Saturday Popular Conctms willbe re-isumed by Mrs. Carmichael-Carr and SlgmuodiBeel early In September at Golden Gate Com-mandery Hall on Sutter street. The novelti s

at the first concert willbe a quintet by Sindlns,;the new Norwegian composer, and .i string: quartet by Schumann.

Under "the auspices of the San FranciscoILabor Council a labor-day celebration and ball

willbe given at the Mechanics' Pavilion on theafternoon and evening of September 4.. The Aldlne Club will hold irs anniversaryball at Union-square Hall on September 19.

The Spanish Benevolent Society willgive a;masquerade ballon Saturday evening, October

Miss Blanche Bates.

Miss Dolly Martin.


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Who knows just how to bMgber hair,And toui-b tic her complexion (air?Of ber ail girls would bent beware,


An old maid angles lone in vain,In lioi>e to catch some cherish- ilswain.Who does bit beau's love noon retain?


Acirl loves well her "heart's deliebt. ;'

She thinks of linn both d iyaad uinlit,Wbo then steps inand takes bim quite ?


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