the social media gravy train is over

The Social Media Gravy Train Is Over DiGiDAY September 22, 2011

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My 2011 DiGiDay Social presentation on how marketers and organizations are getting more sophisticated with social media. Part of that sophistication is hiring battle tested veterans to lead social media. Those battle tested veterans are taking aim with the sad state of social media "experts,' consultants, agencies and companies that are all claiming to have the holy grail for generating meaningless metrics, like..."likes."


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The Social Media Gravy Train Is Over

DiGiDAYSeptember 22, 2011

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Good Afternoon#digiday

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Return On Investment

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Return On Amazing

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This Won’t Be Your Typical Conversation

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Obligatory Social Media Stats

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700mm Users Worldwide

230mm Users Worldwide

Fastest Growing Social Network Ever

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700mm Users Worldwide

Growth Declined 4 Months In A Row

230mm Users Worldwide

Fastest Growing Social Network Ever

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700mm Users Worldwide

Growth Declined 4 Months In A Row

230mm Users Worldwide

21mm Users Are Considered Active

Fastest Growing Social Network Ever

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700mm Users Worldwide

Growth Declined 4 Months In A Row

230mm Users Worldwide

21mm Users Are Considered Active

Fastest Growing Social Network Ever 40% Decline In Use

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Have We LostOur Minds?

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2011 Feels A LotLike 1997

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Expert22K/DayWriting A Book On Google+ For Business

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“In my mind, it’ll be a pretty useful book for anyone who wants to get started with Google+, but also useful for people looking for some tips and tactics to get even more out of their efforts on Google+ for their business.”

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Enter The Chief Listening Officer

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“"Our chief listener is critical to making sure the right people in the organization are aware of what the conversations on the web are saying about us, so that relevant people in the business can connect with customers," said Richard Binhammer, communications executive at Dell. Mr. Binhammer points out that "Dell has been listening for four years and created a position called 'Listening Czar' two years ago. We are a leader in the listening space."

AdAge, 2010

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374.05 vs. 14.24

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We’re In A Race To Collect Likes

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Is Facebook Our Friend? Or Our Frenemy?

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We’re Buying & Selling “Engagement”

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But Why?

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“Engagement, that phrase / name, is not a metric that anyone understands and even when used it rarely drives the action / improvement on the website.


Because it is not really a metric, it is an excuse.”

-Avinash Kaushik

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We Have Made The Exception The Rule

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What AboutSome Answers

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No Seriously

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I Believe People Have Always Been Social

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Companies Are Getting Smarter Sellers Of Hope Beware

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Stop Talking In Buzz WordsStart Talking In Reality

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Great Products + 0 Social > Poor Products With Great Social

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Invest In Amazing Products

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