the song of truth

The Song of Truth Chapter ONE Calcutta, India Many sat with Dadaji this morning at his family home, in an atmosphere of peace. A man whose work was that of a barrister-at-law, appointed Chief Justice of the High Court, spoke. "D adaji, would you speak to us of God. And how do we know that what you say is true?" Dadaji smiled gently and spoke.... Because the Supreme Authority of the Universe told me. But, you must not believe Dadaji either. You must go to the Supreme within and find the Truth of these words. Dadaji never claims to be Saint Guru, or God. If I am God, you too are God. God is misunderstood and described in so many ways, depicted in so many forms. Countless churches, temples, mosques, statues, images, and dolls have been created by humanity for the purpose of worship. All claim the true faith, the only God or Gods as their own. God does not belong to them, instead they belong to God, all belong to God. God is not one in three or three in one. God, ~ the Supreme

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Worldly Dialogues with Dadaji


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The Song of Truth

Chapter ONE Calcutta, India

Many sat with Dadaji this morning at his family home, in an atmosphere of peace. A man whose work was that of a barrister-at-law, appointed Chief Justice of the High Court, spoke. "D adaji, would you speak to us of God. And how do we know that what you say is true?"

Dadaji smiled gently and spoke.... Because the Supreme Authority of the Universe told me. But, you must not believe Dadaji either. You must go to the Supreme within and find the Truth of these words. Dadaji never claims to be Saint Guru, or God.If I am God, you too are God. God is misunderstood and described in so many ways, depicted in so many forms. Countless churches, temples, mosques, statues, images, and dolls have been created by humanity for the purpose of worship. All claim the true faith, the only God or Gods as their own. God does not belong to them, instead they belong toGod, all belong to God. God is not one in three or three in one. God, ~ the Supreme

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Almighty Authority of the Universe is all in all. There is only God.

Dadaji refers to God as He, but that is not masculine gender. We are all both he and she. God is that which is infinite and eternal, the essence itself. God is not a concept but the only reality. With our minds so inhibited we cannot realize Him, we are caught up in the illusion of good and bad and right and wrong. Science has done many things to make our lives easier, but it cannot free the mind or bring us the peace and joy of realizing Him.

"Some say God is within us, some say God is outside us. Dadaji says God is both within and without. There is no place in the Universe that God does not exist. So why the need for churches, temples and holy places. The whole Universe is holy. People for the purposeof business, for the purpose of collecting money have created these institutions, made them tax free, for their own benefit.The innocent people are cheated, exploited and convinced to worship falsely. They are told that they must talk to priests, to dolls, that they through themselves, can not be in communion with God."

Every so often One comes on this earth and speaks Truth, saying that He who created the One created all. The messenger may be called Christ, Krishna, Buddha. The label may be Allah, Brahman, Vishnu, or Shiva, it matters not. We must remember the message, not honor the messenger and worship him as the Almighty.

They never claimed to be God. They came with simple messages. God loves you.Remember Him. Do your Duty. Enjoy. You have come to taste God's Love. You havecome to taste God's Peace. You have come to live as One with God.God, all at the same time is the Creator, the Preserver, the Destroyer.

Many people no longer want to speak the Word, God, yet it is the most wonderfulword. It contains all form and name, yet remaining nameless and formless.The Christian speaks of sin and the devil, although Jesus came to speak of our Father, God, and His love for all His children. The Buddhist speaks of suffering and practices mental and physical exercises to escape from the body, while Buddha taught that God wasbeyond realization of the mind, and to live the royal noble middle path. The Hindusspeak of austerity, penance, and karma, when Krishna said simply take refuge in God.

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The Jews speak of dietary laws and traditions while Moses said, ~"God is one, love Him with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength." Dadaji says, " God is within, nopenance, no devotion, no Gurus, no meditations are necessary or required.

God is already with you, do not worry.God is the easiest, the nearest, the dearest. God is chanting within you twenty-four hours each day. Truth is One, the same for all. All religion is superstition. How can it be Truth if it all claims to be the only way and is making a business out of God? It separates people, creates wars and conflicts. God does not know about Christians, Hindus, and Moslems. They are manmade. No caste, no religion, all are one in the same, brothers and sisters ofthe One Father and Mother." WE CAN DO NOTHING. GOD DOES ALL.

"God is the giver and the taker. In the mind and body we are forced to live within the laws of action and reaction. Only in love, beyond mind can we experience God's love. That love that is perpetual, that has no barriers, knows not t i m e or dis t a n c e • A s y@!' o u 1 o v e a n d remember God, God seems to love and remember you more.

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But, in fact, it has always been present. God is steady and unchangeable. Without expectations God ispresent. God's love is present as the eternal sound of Name, chanting within you. This was with you at the birth of the body and before. This will be with you until the death of the body and after.

"God gives indications of this love and only patience is required to feel it. You will feel it in all your actions and be guided by this presence. A bout God be careful. God is truly your nearest and dearest.

"God is our real best friend. God is Truth. People always want God, or Truth to live up to their expectations or mental images. According to Dadaji, where there is mind there must be actions and reactions and waves of desire.

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Satyanarayan, Creator of Truth, is beyond mind and intellect, beyond our reach, but yet the dearest to all residing within as pure existence, as life. Those who do not try to understand or assess Him, He holds them firmly by the hand. God remains far away from those who try to understand Him.

"Above all, God is fair and just and merciful. We run away from God, do not want God, deny Truth, curse ~Him, yet He is always with us, ever helpful, permitting us

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life itself. If one thinks, 'I will make an effort to love God,' then one cannot reach Him. "

Dadaji has not saffron robes. He is amongst you all as a simple and natural Elder Brother. "There is no need for costumes, diet changes, name changes, or for going off to live in a cave. Worship God by doing your duty, joyfully, not in sorrow. Do not make a stage play, a musical, a drarna or a comedy out of your devotion. Never trouble yourself with what is happening here and there with the faults of others. Whatever you received in life, take that as God's blessing or Grace. Grace can be not getting what you want. It is held back because you do not need that experience. If you can open your heart to this, the road to peace is opened to you.

"There is a Bengali saying that, 'Whoever seeks me, I place before them all dire adversities and even then if they do not leave me and still seek me, then I become their humble servant.'

"In the worldly life the best medicine is to have patience. People are impatient, they want things right this moment, and are willing to pay for it.That is how God-men, Babas, Saints, and Bhagwans prey upon them. They offer salvation through techniques, mantras, and photo worship, for a price. The price is so high, complete surrender to them, not to God. They want you to become their disciple,

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not God's. Remember if you can see God in their photo and not in your own, it is not God you are seeing. God does not require anything other than remembering Him, do your work for Him, in love for Him."

Remember, this life is Truth or Consequences. Life or Truth itself exacts payment for not conforming to it.

The Bhagavad Gita says in the discourse that speaks of reality, "He who knows me,the unborn, without beginning, also the mighty Lord of the worlds, he among mortals is undeluded and freed from sins.I am the self seated in the hearts of all creatures. I am the beginning the middle and the very end of all beings."


I will tell you a funny story, that if you think of it, is not so funny. A person was being chased through the jungle by a tiger. The person came to a cliff atop a 1000 foot drop and fell over. A little way down, he grabbed onto a vine protruding from the side of the cliff.Holding on for dear life, they started to scream, "Someone save me! Someone up there save me!" A voice deep and resonant was heard saying, "I will save you my child." The person said, "Who are you? What can I do?" The voice said, as if from within, "I am God. Let go my child. Let go." The person looked down into the 1000 foot drop and started screaming again, "Is there anyone else up there who will help me?"


"No one else can help you and you should let go of all your superstitions of die ties, Gods, dolls, temples, and giving money for blessings. It is all rubbish and nonsense. Only when you let go, will you fall into God's arms. 'He will always catch you with His love and then you will catch Him. You have forgotten who you really are. 0nly then will you remember."Dadaji then touched many with His hands. Their bodies emitted a beautiful and Divine Fragrance. This was a sign to believers and non-believers alike.


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Someone asked if He could cure their injured back. Dadaji said, "I am not a Doctor, I can do nothing. If it is His will, then it can be done." He touched the persons back, the pain left, a fragrance was emitted. He said, "It is His Will, go now and remember Him."We have come into the world to taste and enjoy God. Let us become His disciple, not the worldly Guru's."

Chapter TWO Bombay, India

This day disciples of a very famous Bhagawan, and of a very famous Babaji weregathered with many others to sit with Dadaji. Someone spoke, saying, "Tell usof Gurus, and miracles."

Dadaji arose from his reclining posture and sat straight in a cross legged position. "Guru, what is Guru? It seems today no one knows what is Guru. Can man be a Guru? Absurd! If I am Guru, all are Guru. Guru cannot be this body, this human form.

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Guru is imperishable. Guru is within a Guru is Truth residing within all and vibrating as Mahanam, the Lord's Name itself. How can I claim I am Guru and you are not Guru?"


"I will explain to you something about Guru. In India we have Gurus who are teachers of art, of dance, of music. They teach students techniques and methods to practice in order to perfect their talents of mind and body coordination. They cannot touch the innate creativity of the student. So you see these worldly Gurus, Bhagavans, Babas, Maharajis ~nd such can only teach methods, techniques, that affect the physical and mental condition of a person. However, if one comes to a teacher to learn to dance and they aretaught to paint instead, a misrepresentation occurs. So it is when one comes to find God and is told that if they practice meditation, yoga postures, worship a man's photo, that they will realize God. They will be deluded for awhile into a counterfeit experience. In the meantime they are being exploited by the worldly Gurus for the purpose of power, fame, and money."


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"Only God is the Guru of the spirit of the heart. He is all pervading, within and without and as you do your duty properly, He is revealed to you as the essence of your being."Body and mind do not instruct the spirit, the spirit instructs the body and mind.That is why only G,-od's Name is necessary for realization of God.God and Name are One.

"Let go of the worldly Gurus. They are false. No one that ever realized the trueGuru for a moment could ever claim that they are a Guru. It is not possible.

Bring them before Dadaji for two minutes and they will be exposed. These Gurus have need to wear costumes and build ashrams to impress people of their power.They are worse than thieves. D adaji can respect a pickpocket. He comes in themarketplace and through his cunning and craft takes your purse. Beware of thosewho come speaking to you of God, yoga, tantra, mantra, kundalini, pranayam, andmeditation to distract you, while their aim is to steal the contents of your purseand to hypnotize you."

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"In the name of freedom and limitation, the worldly Gurus enslave you to rules andrestrictions, what you can do, what you can wear, what you can eat, and what yourname is to be. As Truth has evolved so have rules and commandments. There werehundreds of rules and commandments, then Moses made Ten Commandments. Jesus came and reduced the number to two. Dadaji says only one. Remember God and love God.

God loves you and remembers you. If you break this rule, nothing in life will evermake sense. Always confusion and duality will be present."To these social Gurus some will flock, to the Universal Guru all must flock.Once you have tasted the true Guru, you have tasted Heaven, you will no longerwant to taste Hell. You must let go of all this nonsense. (prayer beads). claim to be God. Throw away your malas I tell you no person can No person can take you"The Westerner has an urgency to find it right now, to do something, to be somebody, to get something. And so they fall prey to these fakes who sell mantras and realization. It is all humbug ism.

The worldly life which people lead is covered by pretensions, hypocrisy, and illusion.This cover of falsehood, devoid of life has become Truth to people's nature. There are a few who genuinely desire to come out of this cover of mind and falsehood. The Guru 'Almighty then comes to hold and elevate them to the genuine natural state of love, affection, and bliss, where true Guru exists as husband, wife, brother, mother, child,sister, and as Dadaji (Elder Brother).

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This contact happens at a destined time to those who are ready."The love that awakens in you to offer yourself to God in extreme sincerity does not come about with one's own will. It does not come to Sadhus, yogis, and sanyasins, inspite of all their adopted practices, methods, rituals, stress, strain, and effort. Yogis do not get it by yoga. Common people do not feel this love due to superstition, blind illusions, and deep attachments to the worldly surroundings.

"Remember your one hand is held by your true Guru, while the other hand is left free for your daily activites. So go ahead, no need for worry. God is always with you. Your sincerity and the depth of your love seated in your heart will become more deepened and purified by the revelation and touch of Mahanam."


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"Dadaji will never offer himself as Guru. Beyond this body of D adaji, beyond your own body there is a D adaji sea ted withing the hearts of all beings as life eternal and destiny. If your body is cared for as the temple of God's presence, but in actuality does not exist, then you are One with your Guru. This is an inseparable existence, this is Satyanarayan and the only Guru.

"The duty of all human beings is to carry out all activities of life with God in view. The mind has the tendency to challenge this and drive us like an unbridled horse. Unless the mind is brought to peace, we cannot taste the nectar of God's Love. By listening andreciting Mahanam, the horse becomes bridled and automatically comes under control.A sense of happiness, sorrow, reputation, fame, and defense slip away even though they were present to begin with. Be with that dearest friend, then there is never anything to fear."


"You asked a bout miracles. Although newspapers an« magazines all over the world have written about Dadaji, calling him the 'Miracle Man of India,' I am telling you

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Dadaji does not believe in miracles. There is no such thing as a miracle. What people call a miracle issimply the way God works naturally.Everything is God's miracle. It is all God's Will. That things manifest and that things are transformed in Dadaji's presence is only God's Will. This too is nothing. Its only purpose is to show a few that God is beyond mind function, beyond magic. God cannot be understood.

God can only be remembered." One great scientist comes and a book is beautifully inscribed by Dadaji's finger without the use of a pen. A journalist comes and an article is written on a blank piece of paper. A dead person is made alive, a cripple is cured, a deaf child can hear, an incurable cancer 12,000 miles away from Dadaji is healed. Water turnsfragrant in His presence and also when he is not present. Slver is turned to gold.Engraving is done with a ~ ouch of His finger. Weather is changed before theeyes of the great scientists. Computers are changed. Manifold experiences arecarefully documented by leading people in the world.

Dadaji says, "I tell you Dadaji can do nothing. Dadaji knows nothing. He has nopower. It is all God's Will. Dadaji does not know how these things happen. Hethinks them and they occur. He sees a cinema screen before Him on which whatyou call past, present, and future appear.I tell you again. With God all things are possible. With faith all things can be accomplished, even what you call miracle.This is beyond mind, beyond science."

In the presence of these occurrences, scientists say they see it, but cannot believe it. And, many bow down as Dadaji challenges, "Explain these occurrences and I will become a devotee of science. If you cannot explain, you must become a devotee of the Divine Satyanarayan (Creator of Truth), not a devotee of Dadaji."

Dadaji is here simply as your Elder Brother. He is here to tell you who you really are, to remind you of Truth once again. Do not worship Him, do not touch His feet, do not bow down before Him, do not bring Him gifts or offer Him money.

Dadaji cannot accept anything, for He can give nothing. All comes from God.

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The greatest magicians in the world have come before Dadaji to expose Him.One came with the Police Chief of Calcutta. He produced for Dadaji some sweets from what appeared to be thin air.

Dadaji responded that He could do no such thing, but that God's Will had already been done. Dadaji told them to look in the glove box of the Police jeep in which they had come. The jeep had been guarded by a policeman. Lo and behold a carton of sweets was found in the glove box.

A famous magician came to see Freeman and told him he had exposed a great Indian Guru, who produces ash to give to people.The Guru offered the magician a great deal of money never to perform this ash trick again and to publicly fall at the Guru's feet on a public stage and to say that he had become his devotee. The magician declined and had been caused a great deal of trouble.The magician then performed magic tricks, making things appear and disappear. He washed his hands with plain water and so much ash then started to appear. He told Freeman most of his tricks were magic but after a serious illness he felt Krishna cometo him and give him some special powers.The next day the magician appeared before Dadaji. Freeman asked him to perform for Dadaji. The magician humbly stated, "Before God one does not show off magic tricks." The magician took Mahanam and departed with a sweet smile of peace on his face.

The Bhagavad Gita says, there is that which can be seen, that which cannot be seen, that which has not been seen but can be seen. The first is of the senses.The second is extrasensory. The third we can, but do not perceive because of theinsensitivity of the mind and heart.The first can be called common sense. The second, scientific or a deeper consciousness. The third is called mysticism or extended consciousness or unlimited vision. It is like seeing the Divine form. Arjuna asks Krishna, "0 Supreme Lord, I desire to see thy DivineForm." Krishna responds, "Thou canst not behold me with this human eye, I willbestow on thee a supernatural eye." No sooner does he see all the forms a hundred

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fold, a thousand fold, various in kind, Divine of various colors and shapes, thanhe tries to describe the miraculous visions of the Divine. "Of many mouths, eyes, of many visions of marvel, of many Divine ornaments, of many uplifted weapons, if this light of a thousand suns were to blaze forth all at once in the sky that might resemble the splendor of the exalted being, the whole Universe, divided into manifold parts, gathered together inone in the body of God. I see them everywhere of endless forms."

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Arjuna has great fear and asks Krishna to return. Krishna responds. "Be notbewildered, be thou not afraid because thou hast beheld this awful form. Castfear away and let thy heart rejoice.Behold again my own familiar shape, in the form in which thou hast seen me now. Icannot be seen by the study of scriptures or by austerities or by gifts or sacrifices."


This was cosmic vision. One develop psychic powers, but that is enough and usually leads one astray. is occultism. can not This Mysticism is being at one, all in all with the Divine. No practice other than total devotion is required. This is what Dadaji experiences, a timeless moment when He becomes One with time and space at the eternal diamond point of the timeless and space less. All limitations of the mind are gone, for the mind creates time and space. Can you imagine that what has taken place on a star 5,000 years ago,according to man's time, is just being seen by us now. Try to think about this.

Everything is going on endlessly. This mind and this eye cannot comprehend it.Dadaji, who said he does not believe in miracle asked Freeman and two BombayIndustrialists to accompany Him upstairs to His bedroom. He said, "Freeman, youmust know the difference between magic and God's Will, the work of the Divine.Magicians must always wear some garment to hide things." With this Dadaji strippedHis clothes from His body. He touched Freeman's beard and a gold watch appeared.It was a Swiss made brand.~ All present verified this fact. Then the brand nameunder the crystal was changed to "Sri Sri Satyanarayan. Made in the Universe."Dadaji then turned it over and where it was blank, with his finger engraved, "H.Freeman." He said, "This is not from Dadaji. This is from God. This is not amiracle but simply His Will for you at this time."

There is a story of a mother who took her young son to a Master for enlightenment. The Master said the work was hard and he could not give the boy enlightenment. The mother told the boy to remain and try to learn from the Master.She returned after six months and found her son ill-fed, poorly clothed, and overworked. She went to complain to the Master and found him wearing a silk garment, smoking, drinking tea. He was sitting before a table laden with sumptuous food, with a roast duck in the center. At this sight she berated the Master for her son's treatment. The Master clapped his hands and the roast duck rose from the platter and

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flew out the window. "Mother, when your son is in tune with God and he too can do that, then perhaps he can enjoy all this, without practicing austerity."

Chapter THREE Gujurat, India

Many were seated with Dadaji at one of the homes of the "Salt King of India," Mr. G.T. Kamdar. An insurance executive spoke and asked, "Dadaji, would you speak of penance, of worship, and devotion?"

"Penance, what is penance? How can aperson do penance, and to whom shall they do it? This implies that you have done something wrong and you are asking for forgiveness of the Almighty. This is a mind function that deals with sin, guilt, and punishment. This is childishness, 'please forgive me God, I did wrong.Don't punish me and I promise I'll never do it again.' This type of thinking, this type of belief can never lead to realizing God. God does not punish us, God educates us.

"If you are acting in an unnatural, unwise way that you have accepted from others and are suffering for it, then you simply must understand that if you put rubbish into your body, it will be a rubbish dump. You simply must change your diet and start eating foods thatagree with you. If you want a medicine to make you well only taking God's Name canhelp. More than help, it heals any situation. It is the Divine medicine of

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"In worship, or puja, the worshipper and the worshipped are identical. When you have realized, God comes and worships you as Himself."

Dadaji always asserts that man will enjoy three-fourths of life, and onefourth shall suffer. We lose our patience and will not accept even that one-fourth given by God to educate and strengthen us.

You must remember there are no accidents in life, only surprises. When you need ananswer, usually you are sent a question. When you need faith, a doubtful situationcomes, and when you need courage, a fearful situation arrives on the scene.By seeing it through to God, as corning from God, it will always turn for your good. And you will become greater in faith, strength, and understanding.Patience is the highest of all penances in the world. Due to our emotions and impatience we often jump to conclusions and misunderstand those around us. We curse them and make our minds remorseful. Dadaji advises you, "Have respect for patience. God, in the course of time will remove the situation."

Dadaji himself, and His family have suffered so much, for no reason, but theyhad patience and faith that with God all would turn out well.Dadaji in His own life ~ shows how we should accept and face life patiently. A time comes for difficult situations to change. Truth always wins. This is established and proven. Whenever you have problems in mind try to remember this.The key is with God. In Truth there is no such thing as a problem, only situations which are not compatible with how you would like them to be at a given time or place. If you permit your mind to feed on this energy, a very real cancer will grow.If you take the Name of God, the situation will shrivel up and die for lack of food."We are not sinners. God is with us, we are with God. If you remember God is All, if you do your duty with only this All, if you do your duty with only this thought, there will never be a question of penance. Do not panic. We all have a panic button. Don't push it, insteadremember God. It is harder to unlearn an error than to accept a Truth, but I will help you. Most are not brought up to believe, but that it is proper to believe.After being deprived of Truth for so long we have been conditioned to think the lie is the Truth and we become reluctant to change. Remember guilt is carnivorous, it devours the person, eats at us from the inside."Fear is the mate of guilt. There is a story that Yama, the Lord of Death passed a Sage one day and told him he was going to a city to take 1,000 lives by the plague. Sometime later the Sage saw Yama again and accused him of lying, for 10,000 lives had been taken. Yama defended himself by saying, 'No, you are wrong, I only took 1,000 lives, fear took the other 9, 000

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"You must stop lying, that is the first lesson of Truth. There is a trick in doing what you do not believe in, working at what you detest. It is easy to learn to live a lie, and then you will be caught. "Realize that God is in you, that you same or changed. You can be in a palace or a dungeon. There is nothing to be afraid of, you have found your strength, love, and courage. Once again, I want you to watch out for those in the God business, the exploiters. They will be slick, smooth and knowing. It is not what it seems. No price for God. No price for Truth. Freedom can never be purchased or priced in the marketplace.

"The water from the Ganges is not holier than the water in your home. The Ganges is the river of life blood that flows within you. Can you imagine, one of the astronauts took a few hundred postage stamps on the journey to the moon, in order to sell them at a higher price.When the secret was exposed, thousands were claiming stamps from the moon. Be careful, there are more cheats than ever these days."You ask about wisdom. Top scientists, business people, educators, and governmentofficials come to Dadaji for they have acquired great knowledge, but have no wisdom. Wisdom is completely different from knowledge. The acquisition of more knowledge can never be wisdom, no matter how far it is extended. To see everything, not in the partial, is wisdom.

Knowledge is accumulated gradually. Wisdom is a sudden awakening. Wisdom isperception of the whole. It is what we call coming to us from out of the blue.

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"Wisdom does not come from development of the supernatural powers, it comes frombeyond mind, as surrender to the unknown. The unknown is inexhaustible in wisdom. Itell you Dadaji knows nothing, Dadaji can do nothing. When He is in tune with the Almighty, beyond mind, all things can be done, all things can be known."The mind is kindergarten. It is conceited, it says I have knowledge, I am an authority, I have learned so much, I am smart. It is so limited. . These are the persons who are qualified, ,have studied, and acquired certification. They are interested in communication skills. How to speak to one another, how to encounter each other, how to touch, how to look, how to make God listen, how to listen to God.I tell you this can never bring wisdom or peace of mind."Wisdom is born of communion with the Supreme. Then you can create, invent, write, knowing that you are not the doer. This is called Divine Inspiration. The great poets, inventors,and scientists knew of this and acted as the humble spectators that simply listened and gave energy to these ideas from beyond.

"The true intellectual is the one who knows he or she is one with all intelligence and even though knowing this is always grateful and am a zed when the proper wisdom comes to guide the situations of life. The smart person, the wise guy, can always get out of trouble. The person seated in God's heart of Wisdom, never gets into trouble, or never sees what they get into as trouble."


Dadaji always reminds his brothers and sisters that to live life successfully is always a great challenge. Every moment in life we are creating our problems, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Results of these actions gradually become unbearable and fill our minds with the sense of despondency, insecurity, and failure. If prolonged this leads to drinking, drugs, or suicide.

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Wealth or education are of no help. 0 nly God within one's heart can be depended upon. You will find when you turn it over to the Lord, the burden will be eased. If you surrender completely to the Lord, out of the great darkness will come the greatest bliss or feeling of well- being you have ever experienced."This human birth is the most precious. So try to live this life with God in view.There is no use being concerned about the future. Live your life surrendered to Godthe day before leaving this body. You say you do not know which day you will be offthis body, then you must do it today.That Name of God, it is the only Truth. "Now I will speak to you of devotion and prayer. Who is there to pray to? What is there to pray for? He knows all. You are getting what you deserve. Your little ego brings flowers to God that are His, while God gives you forests and jungles.You sprinkle holy water, while God gives you oceans. You light candles to God, while He brightens your day with the sun. You bring God His jewels to decorate a statue, while He wears a crown of stars in the night sky for you. Let your prayer simply be to help you to help others to help themselves by remembering God."Devotion is the easiest way to reality, to Truth. You must never be a devotee of a person, only of God. Worship is not possible. A human being has no right to worship God. God is worshipping us 24 hours each day. Just remember God.

"Knowledge is of the mind, action is of the body, and devotion is of the heart.These are not three distinct and separate paths. They together make the whole.

Dadaji is telling you that starting from the body or starting from the mind is the most difficult and longest path. The heart will lead the mind and body, not visa versa. When all three are integra ted and become one then there is no question of Devotion. At this time all acquired knowledge can be transformed as a vehicle for wisdom. Then as a devotee something is happening. You are · doing and at the same time not doing. You are speaking and at the same time not speaking. You are singing and at the same time not singing.

This Devotion is being in tune with the Infinite. This is becoming mindless, then there are no distractions."

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says of devotion,

"The one whom the world does not shrink from, the one who does not shrink from the world, who is free from elation and danger, from fear and agitation, who has no expectations, is pure, efficient and unaffected, who holds equal blame and praise, who is silent, content with anything that comes, who has no fixed abode and is in mind full of devotion, that one is dear to me"

"Dadaji tells you becoming fearless is becoming Godlike. You cannot be beset with fear and know God. You must be content with anything that comes and yet be firm in your faith. This does not mean to be carried away by the currents of life, but to simply witness these, and not relate one's life to them. Devotion is being sensitive and discriminate. It is never being addicted to a code, a doctrine, a church, or a Guru. It is free movement in Truth.

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"This person of the faith shall always endure, shall always be a survivor. All others will constantly · be _ victims and perish. When we have discarded all the security the world offers, then we shall know the only true security. "To feel the permanent within the changing is to be at one with Truth, unchanging, always guiding, forever loving."

A man who sought Truth, went to a place of a wise person to find the answer. The wise person was simple, of no worldly education, living in a simple hut. When approached he told the seeker the only way to reveal Truth is to take God's Name constantly and to listen to God chanting within him 24 hours each day. The seeker within him 24 hours each day. The seeker was not very impressed by this wise man.The seeker sought out a great Guru with a palace for an ashram. The Guru said that before Truth can be revealed, twelve years service must be performed for the Guru. The man consented, as he was so impressed by the grandeur of the ashram and the success of the Guru. He worked hard and long and soon even forgot what he had come in search of.0 n the ·anniversary of the 12th year, the Guru called him and said it was time to reveal Truth. The seeker was told to take God's N arne constantly .. and to listen to God chanting within him 24 hours each day. "Why did I waste twelve years of hard work? The other simple fellow told me that, twelve years ago." "You were foolish and not yet ready to hear the simple Truth of God." "Dadaji tells you puja, or worship, is being in tune with the Almighty. When this occurs there is no worshipper, no worshipped, no worshipping. It is all One, the diety is in actuality worshipping you as Himself. Raise God from your heartand make the mind the conscious dwelling place of God."

Chapter FOUR Orissa, India

While many were gathered at the home of the government Minister of Lapor, someone

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asked, "Dadaji, through doing proper service, in an unattached w a y , can we achieve realization?" "Dadaji tells you there is no question of deciding to do a life of service. Weare all automatically doing a life of service. You ha. ve been deluded to think one type of work is of more service, with a greater reward from God than another type of work. I tell you no work is greater. It is not what you perform, but how you perform it, that is the important thing.

"How can you judge which work is right and which is wrong? That which may be right today, you may feel is wrong tomorrow. You have come to this life experience with a certain destined program of service. You are bound by it until you have done your duty or service properly.Then you are free from the work itself.You cannot change the work, except by the quality by which it is performed. "The main misconception is that if rou leave your home and family, go off to serve a Guru, or become a missionary to the poor of the world, that you are doing something righteous in the eyes of God. And through your deprivation you will receive a greater Divine reward. This is false and is another sort of ego function.

"In the name of service you go, feeling rich and superior, to help people who are poor in worldly goods but rich in the spirit of faith and devotion. When, in fact, you are the one who is poor.You often in the name of service, try to hand people food with one hand, while withthe other hand you shove a religious doctrine down their throats. You convert them through their bellies."According to our lot, we are getting exactly what we deserve. I am not saying do not share your excess with others less fortunate, but do it properly, knowing you are not the doer. Beware of any Guru, or organization that offers rewards of a Divine nature for unpaid service to them."One person seems to be born into paradise, another must create it. Another is born into hell, while another must create it. Be of service to whatever situations have been allotted to you at each time of your life. It is all God, so do your work only with the thought of God. Take God's Name.

"Try to catch what I mean. This service is also about attachment. So many Gurus say you must give up all attachments. This is not possible. It is how ever possible to give up the fruits of attachment. By this I mean not taking personal pride or credit for the accomplishment. Without attachment, nothing great can be achieved in the world.

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"No great creation is ever possible without attachment. A thought or idea from God will try to catch hold of you to become manifested. Catch it, feed it, become totally attached to it. Be one with it. It manifests. Then let it go."


"Do not accumulate accomplishments and wants. This is true service. Remember you cannot serve God, only God serves you.All you can do as the child, is to permit the Father to serve you and share God's wealth with you.

"So you see these words, service and attachment are misunderstood. In their application, can be the difference between Heaven and Hell."Behind great works of art or music or literature is the driving force of this attachment or love of creation that brings about union of the person and the creation into one identity. If there is no expectation for the result of the action or effort to create, then that action cannot bloom in fullness nor can it be an object for offering to the Lord."The work or service, performed in complete concentration, when one is focused and deeply lost in the action of the work, when the action and the actor become one and the sense of the individual self is forgotten, this is the true service, meditation, and penance."


"I once wrote to a famous Indian dancer, that prior to her dance programs she felt jolts of conflicts and concern as to whether or not her approach was right.That she was considering if her composure was proper. However, when she was engrossed with concentration in the performance itself, there was no longer any consideration of right or wrong. The aim or the target is that the performance should be beautiful in all respects. Let it be an offering to the Lord. This attachment is called Love.

"Expectations, calculation of give and take are meaningless and self-centered.There is a pleasure in giving with no question of return. But this is most difficult, for we feel a need for results and rewards.

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"Do not stop here, but expand your vision and consciousness. You feel pain and concern for a few, a limited number of persons, but when this feeling is expanded to include all humanity, only then will this human birth be successful and realized. In pursuit of a life and work, so much sorrow, so much limitation, narrow ness and meanness make our heartheavy with pain and our progress becomes retarded. When we become inspired with thoughts of union, or oneness with God, the dearest of dearests or we become reinforced by God's touch of Love, then no hindrances can block our way. Because, the attachment is for God, the nearest and dearest.

"In India and in the West, some so called 'Holy' persons are convincing people that the best way to realization is to renounce the world. They are, therefore, renouncing sex, food, work, family, clothing, education, religion, and worldy possessions, for the sake of a new code of behavior that will supposedly take them to God-realization. This is absurd.

Anyone who claims they can take you to God, especially for a fee, is false. They are claiming that they, in fact, are the sole representatives of God, or even God in the flesh. Whereas, in reality, we are all the same part of God.

"The renunciates are in fact, denunciates. They know nothing of the true renunciation. They are only denouncing everything, but their worldly Guru. · You cannot give up money, especially if you never had it to begin with, nor education, nor any other worldlything. When you have successfully experienced all things, in a God consciousness, perhaps therf they will renounce themselves and fall away as no longer necessary experiences.

There is no need to give up or acquire anything. whatever is coming to you, you will get.whatever is to be taken away this also will be done no need to give up or acquire

"Do your duty. Duty itself is service.

This, done properly will lead to realization. And, realization is that we have come to taste God's Love and we have come to taste God's peace."

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"Often it is said that the pathway to human success is in a life of service. This is true. The truly joyous and God realized people, naturally live this way.Whether in business, or the arts, or medicine, or science, they only work for the benefit of others. They do not amass fortunes to hoard and covet for themselves.

"A gain I tell you it is all God. When you think, know, and realize this, you transcend the mind. And, this leads to true service. When your thought is other than this, then right and wrong, mine and yours, enter the picture and God is left out.

"When one naturally becomes aware of a higher life, when one's awareness starts to expand, as if touched by the Divine hand itself, the experience at the same time is joyous, exciting, and to some, frightening. Old values fall away, old alliances, commitments, and bonds start to crumble. We try to persuade our loved ones to come along with us on theadventurous journey, but alas, they cannot see. Instead they fear for us."Those who stay behind cannot understand why the old ways, the familiar ways did not hold us. They ask, 'Why did you abandon us?' But, the thing that hurts them the most is knowing that their affection was not enough to bind you to them.

"In the new awakening to God realization, often it is possible to remain in our present situation, but only if we do not try to convert by other than our example. But, when the situation no longer permits our growth, then, before the poisoning starts, we must separateourselves. The old Gods, the old superstitions, and taboos must fall away.A gain, whether we stay or go is part of our destiny. The important thing is how we go or how we stay.

"With realization, we come to see our family in a way that is not limited to a few. We go out into the community and find our children, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters in the family of humanity. We feel closer to those in the spirit, than those with whom we share the bloodlines.

"Many are getting on the 'growth' bandwagon, but not due to natural, ongoing evolution of consciousness. They are doing it because a friend recruited them, or because it is the latest, fun, fashionable thing to do.

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"Where does this lead and what really motivates it? People are unhappy or unsuccessful in their pursuit of life. They are not satisfied with their mate or profession or surroundings. This is all mind function. They then go searching from one mind control group to another.

"No one ever finds what they are seeking solely in one teacher or teaching, for the mind is curious and prone to fascination.

After using up one mind function group, they graduate to another in the form of Eastern or Western Gurus, who claim to have the only way, the true path. Now instead of changing rna tes and jobs, they change names, clothes, and diet. A greater fascination and play takes over the mind.

"Dadaji is telling you that none of this has anything to do with realization.Realization is not complicated. You need go no place for it, you need not purchase it, you do not have to study it. "Realization is so simple, yet it is the most profound thing known to humanity. It is as if we have been imprisoned in a cell for all our lives, and all the whilethe cell door was actually unlocked.

"The secret is that you have no life without God. God is within you, loving you, giving you life twenty-four hours each day. You can do nothing of your own. This awareness and acceptance will change your life so drastically that you will have a strength so great as to bear any burden that the unfolding of yourself may bring. You will say, 'Sing no sad songs for me, for I walk with the Lord and fear no evil.'

"God was and is always with you as the doer. You try to turn away, and become the doer. You force, demand, push, or you quit, lay down, and give up. Now in the God realized new light of Truth, you are guided and governed. You can accept all that befalls you. You have found true Love in the heart. Now you can feel true Love in the world. Now it is, 'as above, so below.' The horse is finally before the cart. Instead of pushing God and life in directions that we are ever changing, God is pulling the cart of our lives in the intended direction.

"Dadaji is telling you there is only 0ne. There is only God. 0nce you let yourself be taken over by the mind, One becomes many, all is confusion. You label in so many ways, distortions arise, and finally suffering results. With realization, the mind which was yourtyrannical master, becomes your most dutiful servant."

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"This service, is not something that you must do or must not do. It is not compulsive. If it is questioned, it is not service at all. This realization is not something that one puts on like a new garment. It is an unknowing thing, that we can never claim to be.

"Only when the mind drops away can we feel this oneness. Through the madness of the mind it is not possible. This is putting your faith in the unknown, rather than in the myriad of things of the past that the mind knows or the endless designs for the future the mind creates.

"Your heart is touched by Mahanam. It slowly tunes and trains the mind. It burns away all the tendencies of the past that caused you suffering, and you are free.

"The surrender is to one's own true nature, not to something die ta ted by society or by one 'holy' person. Dadaji is telling you there is only One. There is only God. Do not ever forget that."Once a master had a student who experienced double vison. He told the student to fetch him the jug of water from the table. The student returned and reported two jugs of water.

" The master said, "Break the first, and bring me the second jug." The student carried out the order. He returned sadly reporting that when he broke the first jug, the second disappeared. This is what happens when you break the first and only commandment to remember God's Love. All else can never make sense in your life.Dadaji asked, "Have you listened to what I have said? Have you understood me?I am not telling you what to do or not to do. I am telling you to let go of ignorance, to stop ignoring your true nature. Remember, you are One with the Supreme.

"Then, you will no longer be distracted by the mind. You will no longer seek God.You will no longer seek Truth in Guru's temples, ashrams, or religious disciplines of one kind or another. You will never again be the disciple of a person. You will only be the disciple of t "he Almighty God. You can never be bored with God. God is a constant spiritual adventure.A young man wearing beads with a photo of his Guru asked Dadaji if he could experience Mahanam. Dadaji told him He could give him nothing, but that when he submitted to Satyanarayan, the Creator of Truth, Mahanam would be revealed to him.The young man removed his prayer beads, handed them to D adaji, prostrated before

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Truth and the Name of God was revealed in his heart. Dadaji touched him and a Divine Fragrance emanated from his body.The man said his delusion was destroyed, that he had regained his memory, that all his doubts had been dispelled. He said, "I am at last ready and willing to do whatever God wants of me, rather than what I want, or what my Guru wants of me."Dadaji told him that when he said he would do God's Will, that was the true marriage. That was the merging, or union of individual and Divine Will. The heart and mind then sing the same Divine Song of Truth. You are at peace within yourself and within the world. This is the state of Brindavan lila, or the Garden of Eden.The young man, in his zeal, then told Dadaji that he would take up Dadaji'smission of Truth in the world and spread the message far and wide. He would make many converts to Truth. Dadaji smiled and said, "You cannot do God's work or Dadaji's work. If you go out to expose stupidity, dishonestly, and futility, you will be hunted down. Those who are in the 'realization' business will destroy you."Dadaji is only interested in a few select persons who have achieved something in this world. Dadaji in His own way moves about the world calling those who are ready to affirm the Truth of God, those who can do great service to the family of humanity. Most are not ready, nor are they interested in this. "My sons and daughters, do not hunger aftersalvation. It is a myth. What is there to be saved, and from what?

''God is with you. God loves you. Do your duty. Remember God. Enjoy God'screation."

Chapter FIVE Punjab, India

Many people were gathered from the University. They sat quietly absorbing the peace and the joyous smiles that Dadaji was sending forth. A professor asked Dadaji, " Would you tell us something of politics and world destiny?"

"Politics and separation of people into different nations, using different names and language have made many out of the One. It is now very difficult for most to recognize that we are all brothers and sisters with the same Father, the only Father. When Dadaji travels about the world, many come and forget they are Indians or Hindu, American or Christian, Chinese or Buddhist. All these labels fall away and they become One in Truthsharing the same Mahanam, the Name of God residing within All.

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"At every level, it is very difficult for someone who is honest, who lives with Truth to be a politician. Politics and government go hand in hand. They live off the people and very few governments have ever really cared for the people's welfare. They talk about freedom, butclassify you by number.

"You cannot move about God's world freely. You must have the government's permission. Government wants to know where you got your money, how much you have, and how you spend it. Then they tax you to finance policies you do not necessarily want to support. At times the government will enlist you to support and go to war to 'defend your country' against other brothers and sisters, who are in another country with another government and are experiencing the same thing."Can anyone understand this? So many study history. Universities teach Political Science. The United Nations assembles. It is a farce. All are talking of Peace and preparing for war."So you see, there has never been Peace among nations. How is it possible that this will ever be?

"Some persons come and do not call themselves politicians. They come and act as messiahs, preaching political, social, and religious revolution. They preach overthrowing the old for the sake of the new. This also is false. The one who comes in the name of Truth, does not meddle with politics. They simply teach you that in God's Universe, there are cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction. They speak of living in faith in times of plenty and living in faith in times of scarcity.

"It seems the world is not- working. We decide who are the good people and who arethe bad people. However the bad ones think they are the good ones, and the goodones think the same thing. No good ones, and no bad ones. It is a question of howand where you look at every situation."


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"We tend to blame the governments of our own and other nations for not running the world properly. You must first look into governing your own life. One and husband make war on each other wife For that matter, one person alone, takes a gun, declares war and shoots himself dead. How many homes do you know of where there is harmony, kindness, and understanding?

"Home has become a battleground where husband and wife make war on each other,brother fights sister, parents fight children. They usually do not even hear what they are fighting about for their shouts are drowned out by radio, television, stereo, or they are drowned in alcohol or clouded by drugs. This is what we call 'civilized' world today."When we find God within, then we will know Peace. When we learn to govern ourselves and live in Truth, in harmony and love, perhaps this can extend to our family, community, nation, and the world.

"You ask, 'Should we pray for Peace?' Pray to whom? God knows everything. Theworld is working and fulfilling it's natural destiny, even though you do not agree with it or understand it.

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"The world is interested in War not in Peace. In the History Departments of Universities, they study Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, and Caeser, not Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or Ghandi."We must finally admit that we are in fact, doing it. We are in fact, making the wars, one way or another. Take responsibility to bring Peace into your own lives and families. This is God. This is Love.

"Those who are frightened by the past, present, or future seem to need either guns or Gurus or both to protect them. These Gurus and their followers need guards and guns to protect their own individual Peace. What about God? They do not know God. They are frauds and cheats. They are the worst kind of scoundrels and contribute more to thedisharmony in the world, than all the politicians put together.

"How many have been murdered, raped, and burned in the name of the Gods? In the name of Allah, Buddha, and Jesus? Untold numbers.

"Do not worry. Do not fear. For this is all destined and if you had the proper eye to see, you could see no killed or killer. You would see only one God, in all God's glory of birth and death. When you feel God in your heart and mind, you will have forgotten how to be afraid.

"We are now coming into a most trying period for the earth. It is an end of an Age. In times of change, things become greatly speeded up and exaggerated. The weak are made weaker, the strong made stronger, the doubtful more doubtful, and the faithful more faithful. Those who have awareness of God ever present with them, will survive and will always have the strength and means to begin again.Those who are unaware, will perish and are always perishing.

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"Name of God, faith in God, will give you the Peace of thinking you are 'saved.'Actually there is no question of being 'saved.' It is all destiny. We cannot die, only the outer shell changes. This is natural. Which is better, to die quickly of a bullet, or to sufferdeterioration of cancer? How can we judge? We cannot. Let it go. It does not make any difference whether you understand. Most are not capable of understanding.


"There is great threat of nuclear war today. The United States is afraid of Russia, Russia is afraid of the United States. Both are afraid of- China. And, all are afraid of the smaller nations with nuclear capacity. Actually no one government knows. Governments usedifferent psychology.

"Russia claims to have so much power. They have great shows and parades displaying their might. Actually they only have half as much as they claim. The United States says they do not have enough power, no displays or parades. Actually they have twice as much. China does not say one way or another.

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"All want 'Peace' and yet spend untold billions on the eventual destruction of the planet Earth. No one government wants Peace, they all want power.

"This nuclear capability is nothing. When God is ready and sees the earth overrun with persons of low character, then God's 'nuclear' will take place. All God needs do is to shake the Earth for twenty minutes. Floods, earthquakes, tidal waves will cause the population ofthe world to be halved in that short period of time. There is no way to a void this, if in fact it is destined.

"Take God's Name. God is always with you. God will always be with you. "This Earth has built up a karma. It too, must be fulfilled. This Earth is action and reaction, cause and effect. It is nature or prakriti. This nature is one of change, so do not despair. What seemsunnatural or disastrous to you is very natural to God. One person in Oregon asked what I thought of the disastrous explosion of Mt. St. Helens. I explained that this was the natural way the Earth breathes, changes its form, and lets off built up pressure. The only disaster was that foolish people chose to build their homes on the side of a known volcano.

"My brothers and sisters, these coming years will see the Earth and humanity experience great upheaval. The only protection, the only way to remove yourself from any fear, born of the mind, is by the Grace of God's Name. Hear it chanting within you twenty-four hours each day. Take God's Name. Remember God. Go about your duty in life. Do not go making revolution, or protesting and disturbing the Peace, in the name of Peace.

"God loves us, His creation, more than we can ever know or understand. God never turns away from us, always understands and forgives. God never doubts us or accuses, even though we do all these things to Him." Dadaji looked to Freeman and said, "Is that correct, or is it not?" Freeman responded, "Yes, Dadaji, it is like yourself. Even though we doubt you, or accuse you, never do You doubt or accuse us. Dadaji, you are the example made flesh for us."

Dadaji is keenly interested in government officials and politicians. Many of these are searching for some light, some Truth by which to make the world a better place in which to live. They come, and if they are ready, Mahanam is revealed in them. They then go out to touch many with this new found Love of the Divine.

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"There is a brother and sisterhood in Truth around the world. They are those who are constantly aware of God's Name, and they are keeping the balance on Earth.The world will be saved. It is being saved, not by those who try to shake the world by making war with their word's, who threaten and demand. But, it is being saved by those workers, men and women, who do the duty that lies nearest them, remembering God's Name.

"Whatever God does is for the Good. If you can accept this, then you have accepted Truth. If even for a few moments, you forget who you are, what you are, or where you are, you will then remember."

There was once a King who had for his Prime Minister a fellow, who, when anything appeared to be out of order would say, "Anything God does is for the Good." For the fact that he was a good, loyal, and honest Prime Minister, the King permitted this amazing statement. One day the two were walking in the woods. The King spied a pear on a tree and asked his Prime Minister to fetch it. This done the King set about paring thefruit with a knife. He was careless and cut off the tip of a finger. Crying, bleeding, and screaming, he vented his anguish upon the Prime Minister, who responded, "Anything God does is for the good." The King kicked the Prime Minister, and chased him fromhis presence.

Just then a band of cult followers were searching the forest for a human sacrifice. They came upon the King and captured him. He demanded to be released saying he was a King. The kidnappers said that their God would be even more pleased that a King was to be sacrificed.Upon arriving at the temple, the Chief Priest examined the King. When he discovered the tip of the King's finger was cut off, he refused to use him as a sacrifice, for the King was not perfect.The King was released and returned to his palace. He called his Prime Minister and asked forgiveness for kicking him and chasing him away. He said, "If not for the cut finger, I would have been killed. Perhaps you are right, that anything God does is for the Good."The Prime Minister said, "Do not apologize, for in fact, I knew when you kicked me and chased me away, that it must have been for the Good. I did not know how, but after hearing your story, I realize had we both been captured, finding you imperfect, they would have sacrificed me. So you see, anything God does is for the Good.

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"Those who are my own are always with me. Whatever happens to them is for their Good. Maybe sometime their load of suffering is very heavy. Know that it is certainly a manifestation of His Divine Grace. You who have accepted God are so dear, in contrast to those who remain slaves to their minds and desires. Due to their overblown egos and preoccupation with self importance, they do not even once remember God, or love God. They run to God in times of strife, yelling, "Save me! Why are you doing this to me?" Never in times of plenty do they offer praise or ask why things are going so well."

Chapter SIX Germany

About forty people, who seemed to have been handpicked, were gathered in the home of a Doctor of Medicine. The Rector of the University, who stated that he had been a Theosophist for many years, asked Dadaji to speak about religion.Dadaji replied quickly, "God is One. Humanity is One. So religion itself must be One. Religion is Truth. Religion is life itself.

"All of these Institutions of God, are not religion. They are not for the purposeof binding us to God, but to separate people from one another. They are all superstitions. They are all made by humankind, made of the mind and designed for the purpose of power and to collect money to perpetuate power. They can never liberate a person.

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They can only enslave people and force them, one way or another, to live by an unnatural doctrine.

"Institutions and discipline are not necessary to find God. God is within you always. How can you find, or how can anyone give you, or sell you what is already yours by your Divine birthright?

"God does not care for, or know about Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or the so many other 'true I religions. Nor does God know about atheists. We are all God's children, we are all God's creation, we are all cared about and loved equally.God loves you and gives you life. When you turn from God, when you make organizations, temples, businesses in God's Name, then you are turning away and closing your heart."


"The Hindu institutions of religion are confusing, are they not? One says worship Shiva, one says Krishna, one Rama, one G anesha, one K ali, and on and on. Other institutions say worship all, others say worship none. And still others say all are the same. The only thing they all have in common, is telling you to bring money and offerings. The more we bring, the greater shall be our blessing and salvation. No priest repeats the words of Jesus to His apostles, "Freely you have received, now freely give."

"Institutionalized religion is all superstition and money making business. It has no connection with God. There are no 'holy' places, each place is holy. God dwells all over the Universe. The whole Universe is God's ashram. You are God's temple. God is everywhere. In Sanskrit, it is said, 'Tat tvam assi.' 'Thou are that. '

"Lord Krishna never spoke of starting a religion. He said, 'Take refuge in the Supreme.' A business also has been made of Jesus Christ. No one seems to know who he was. Years later, they wrote about Him and distorted the words He spoke. He came to say we are all One. One God, within all. No need for churches, or doll worship. We are all children, brothers and sisters, of the One. Jesus said, 'Remember God, love God, and love one another as I have loved you.'

"In the name of Jesus, so many businesses, all separate, all making wars on one another. In the name of Jesus, millions of Christians and non-believers were murdered during the Crusades and Holy Wars. Atomic bombs were dropped, offering blessings

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and success in God's Name. To this day, Christians curse and make war on "You kiss the gallows. Jesuscross and this is the was hung there for denouncing just what is going on in t" churches today. The priests are hiding the great tidings of joy, the good news of God that Jesus brought, from the people.

"Jesus had forbidden men to call other men their Masters or Gurus, or to pray in temples. He said, 'Your God is within, remember God in your solitude.' Jesus did not build churches or collect money, or sign up members. He came to destroy and tear down the temples, the business done in the Name of God. Everything going on today, in His name is a mockery of what He said."


"Is it written any where that Gautama the Buddha said to build golden temples to worship Him? Nonsense. He said just the opposite. H e gave a Code to live by , which is the true way of Buddha. Hinayana, Mahayana, Theraveda, Zen, Tibetan, and Shinto, again so much confusion. So many claiming the true way, when in fact, they are denying the message brought by this Divine messenger.

"All this relates to all institutions of religon and their businesses. Each one is splintered into different groups, making war on one another.

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"Guru Nanak came and said, 'There is only One,' as did Zoroaster, Mahavira, Moses, and Mohamed. They left and later the people misrepresented the message of Oneness by saying, 'Yes, there is only One true God, only 0 ne true faith, and it is ours. We had better name it and organize it, so that it will not be mistaken for the others.'


Dadaji has not come to start a new religion, just simply to tell you to let go of all this you call 'religion'. Turn within and feel God's Love vibrating within you, twenty-four hours each day.


"Governments and dictators can deny people going to churches or building temples. They can forbid the wearing of religious symbols. Remember, going to churches, temples, or mosques has nothing to do with God. YOU are the temple where it is necessary to go. Therefore, no government and no person can deny you the one religion of Truth.

"To know and enjoy God, is to be One with God. The trouble is, people are lazy, and are not interested in the Divine. Instead they want an intermediary, who will intercede with God for them, particularly to undo the trouble they have created. People would rather worship a remote God, instead of living their Godlike nature. They prefer the easy, lazy way of penance, confession and repentance, when in fact this is the most difficult and impossible way to realize God."


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"Many today leave religions of their parents to find religions of the mind. This is another kind of busines that can never bring Peace and Divine Love into one's life. Even the astrologers have made twelve new religions. People call each other Geminis and Sagittarians. They say the stars and planets make us do one thing or another. This is all mind function.

"Today there is much talk of the spiritual. What do you mean by 'spiritual?' What is 'spiritual' and what is not? What is 'holy' and what is not?

What is God, and what is not God? "Some people say, 'I am not religious, I am spiritual.' This is another sort of ego, another mind function, another label that separates you from the One in All, the All in One.

"People in the West think that religions of the East are better and more true. They change their names, clothes, and do some unnatural practices to 'realize' God. This is another business and form of ego. No difference in the religions of the East and the West. Theseare all false religious institutions. The one true religion is personal ~ within, for all.


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"Today, even on the streets, in airports, and railway stations, we are being stopped and told, Hare Krishna is the only way, Jesus is the only way, My Guru is the only way, sex is the only way, right diet is the only way, and on and on. There is no way that is possible.

"God is the impossible dream, what a wonderful dream. We are the dreamer, listening to the sound of God's Name. God's Love, God's life is with us. Only this knowing, this listening makes the dream of God possible. "It is incorrect if you think your life is fulfilled just by gaining Divine contact. The lamp that has been kindled by God, in you or anyone, will be threatened by so many crooked andnarrow minded persons who will try to dampen it or blow it out. In the beginning, youwill have confusions and conflicts within yourself. Then your friends and relativeswill try to float you once again in their directions of their worldly religions, Gurus, and pleasures. They judge people by body, by physical and material form.They cannot see the inner self, beyond body, as they are slaves to the perceptions and images of their minds.

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"They lose themselves in the whirlwind of their minds pleasures and excitements. In one moment they are happy, in the next they wail and despair about life's ups and downs. It is important to be among them to taste the variations of life, otherwise you may become like monks, sadhus, and yogis, who are escapists, running away from the natural sequences of life.

"Those who renounce, or more accurately denounce, the life that God has given them, in the name of religion, avoid the responsibilities of the natural life. Their attempt to escape by performing rituals, achieves nothing.

"Your integrity lies in keeping a balance, practicing moderation, and constant acceptance and love of yourself. This will finally prove that although you live among the people, who are always slaves to their minds, you are different from them."Balance and moderation cannot come about through religious practices and austerities. They come by God's Grace.They come by remembering. Once we know God, occasionally we still forget God. It is through this forgetting that we actually remember. We can then face all the jolts and ups and downs that life presents. Everything other than remembering God, is useless, distracting, or nonsense. There is only one thing, to realize God.

The old religious view that people are sinful, lost, fallen, and damned has tended to kill faith, health, and love. When we come to realize we are part and particle of the Divine energy that lives in all, we will indeed be happier, healthier, and more loving.

This Truth I speak of, has nothing to do with Gods, ghosts, spirits, devils, or witches. There is no devil, no Satan.God's Universe has been planned for the Good. This religion of Truth, of life, knows nothing of atonement, sin, Hell, penance, Heaven, or baptism and initiation as a saving grace. It is concerned with today, not with the possibility of past or future lives. It is not so concerned whether scriptures or books are Divinely inspired or not. It does not limit thenumber of Saviors or Messiahs.

This religion of Truth believes that any person, anytime, anywhere, who, by realizing God within, touches that Divine creativity, makes this world a better place to live. This person is in fact, a part of the Savior of humanity.

"This religion of Truth does not believe that the world is not saved and that one day, when someone comes to make it right for us, then no ignorance or superstition will

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exist. It believes that the supernatural or the miraculous is the natural and ordinary way.No one can do harm to you but yourself. Sin is just energy and thought that is misguided. Again, this is a case where a word is misunderstood and misused. At the time of the writing of the Bible, as in the present day, the word 'sin' was used in archery to signify the missing of the mark. As you use it in scripture, it simply means not being right on centerwith God. So in fact, sin is the first step on the path to an aware ness of Truth.When you take God's Name, you cannot miss the mark. Instead you score a center markeach time.

Doing your work, your duty, taking care of your responsibilities is a blessing not a chore. dark is as necessary as light. Death is a part of life and just as good. Believe in here and now. Believe in a power that is in ourselves, that makes for a right life.

Dadaji is like a Krishna or a Moses. He is not a religious fan a tic, but one who leads His brothers and sisters out of captivity. He gives them a taste of the Divine Love and energy, and sets for them a sensible code and mode of living.This religion of Truth is a commonsense one. Dadaji turns away from fanaticism, or any 'ism' and He brings us into the clear sunlight of the Divine. His is truly a Universal religion of Truth with its cornerstone as Mahana m. In a church one time, while seated on the platform containing Christ on the cross, Dadaji lit a cigarette, shocking everyone present. He then spoke of Jesus in a way that touched the hearts and minds of most of the clergymen present. He asked that all stop crucifying Jesus continually by their failing to love God with all their hearts, minds, and strength, and by failing to love one another as He loved them.A newspaper article, published in Germany after this visit by Dadaji, stated, "It took the Allied Forces four years to capture Germany. It took Dadaji forty-eight hours to capture the minds and hearts of the German people.

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