the spidey – clifford · you're a lot...

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Page 1: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


The Spidey – CliffordTalks

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Page 2: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


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Page 3: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Table of Contents

As Humble as Possible.....................................4

Buying a Rose...............................................7

They Fall Into Dreamy Land.............................16

I've Never Done That Much Damage...................19

These Guys Teach People to Meet People............29

I Will Leave You to Your Fun............................33

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Page 4: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


As Humble as Possible

Spidey: I spoke to both Amanda and Larissa yesterday.

Clifford: And...?

Spidey: I needed some advice for my date tomorrow, so I thought they could help. Because I know for a fact the girl finds me arrogant, and I wanted to tone it down. So I spoke to Amanda and asked her, “Was I different when we were one-on-one, as opposed to when we were with my friends? Which one was better?”

Spidey: She said, “You were always amazing! I got the best of both worlds! You changed my life forever...blah blah blah.” She was no help whatsoever.

Spidey: Very reminiscent.

Spidey: Larissa gave it to me like it is. She said, “Stop talking about yourself.” She said sometimes it's overwhelming, because the girl feels like she's nothing compared to me, and she told me how she loved it at first when I would ask her about her dancing career...because it felt good that someone who's so well-established in the entertainment industry cared about her career.

Clifford: Yes, it's a good idea to leave your self-importance at home.

Spidey: Yeah...see, the thing is, often I’m so eager to impress a girl that I tend to talk a lot about my accomplishments...

Spidey: But then it comes off as arrogant. I guess I'm really proud of a lot of the stuff I've done.

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Page 5: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: My way has been to try and get them to talk as much as possible. The things about you will come out naturally. You should try and let her know things in as unassuming and humble a manner as possible.

Spidey: Yeah, I know...I lost sight of that with this girl because she was so amazed when she first saw me, I thought I could keep going down that road. I misread her.

Spidey: No worries, though...tomorrow it's all about her.

Clifford: It's all about the shoes...don't forget that.

Spidey: Lol

Spidey: Mine, or hers?

Clifford: Mine, of course.

Spidey: Haha.

Spidey: What happened to that girl who was calling you at 4 AM?

Spidey: You ever see her again?

Clifford: She told me she was going to Cherry last night, but I didn't go out.

Spidey: I did line-up game with Ron at Cherry that other time we went lol...we never went in.

Spidey: Ok now...forget need to pop hers lol.

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Page 6: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: I think I am too late for that one.

Spidey: Ok gotta friends are here.

Clifford: Ciao.

Spidey: Talk to you later.

Spidey: Have fun tonight.

Clifford: Will do.

Spidey: I want a full report tomorrow lol.

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Page 7: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Buying a Rose

Spidey: Two girls alone often want to be left alone...and they kinda use each other to push guys away.

Clifford: Funny, that's not my impression. Two girls are usually the most approachable set for me, next to a girl alone.

Spidey: No lol.

Spidey: I like anything that’s 3 or more with at least one guy.

Clifford: That's totally the opposite of me.

Spidey: But I'm social and indirect. You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense.

Spidey: There were these two girls sitting all the way in the corner, and my friend Eric wanted to open. I told him, “Listen, I know you can do it, but keep this in mind: if you go up there, they know you went there to talk to them. You can't be going anywhere else, so it can't be anything like, 'Oh I was walking by I noticed such and such and commented.'”

Clifford: Well...

Clifford: I can see your point.

Spidey: I also said that if they're in a corner, they might want to be alone right now...

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Page 8: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: So you know what opener he uses?

Clifford: Tell me.

Spidey: He walks up to them and says, “Girls, I have a you want to be left alone and meet no one all night?”

Clifford: Lol.

Spidey: And it worked! He was sitting down within a minute.

Clifford: Really!

Clifford: That is interesting.

Spidey: Then I opened a 2 set of 10s...gorgeous both of them. I was in set for like an hour, then I walked away. Then Eric told me he was walking down the stairs, and they were walking in front of him and one of them was ranting and raving about me, like I'm the coolest guy she’s ever met.

Spidey: Man it was nuts...too many girls.

Clifford: So what ended up?

Spidey: Number close and stuff. We were there for a friend's birthday, I didn't wanna leave her alone too long.

Spidey: Left on a good note...

Spidey: But you know me...I don't “pick up.”

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Page 9: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: You “meet.”

Spidey: Before we left, we decided to open one last set together, just for fun. He walks up to two girls at the bar, puts his arms around them and says, “Hey girls, why aren’t you on the dance floor...with me?”

Spidey: Lol.

Clifford: Cute.

Spidey: Then one of them laughs and he goes “See, I made you laugh...that's step one.”

Spidey: She says, “Yeah, but you still have a ways to go...”

Clifford: Shit test!

Spidey: He says, “No worries, the night is young...I still have 2 hours before this place closes...”

Clifford: How did they react to that?

Spidey: Laughed some more.

Clifford: That's good.

Spidey: Blah blah blah...then we left.

Clifford: Sounds like a fun night.

Spidey: Amazing.

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Page 10: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: Did any one get a bj?

Spidey: Lol.

Spidey: No.

Spidey: Dude we don’t do that.

Spidey: You know what my opener was? (We were testing new stuff last night.)

Clifford: Tell me

Spidey: It was mainly a Quebecer place...but these two hotties, and I mean hotties, were speaking English. So I go up to them with a huge smile and say “I hear English!”

Clifford: Were they impressed?

Spidey: They were laughing, so I asked, “What’s going on? How come you're speaking English?”

Spidey: Lol.

Spidey: Then we spoke for a few minutes...she asks me to sit...I oblige.

Clifford: What a gentleman.

Spidey: At some point, I say something really sweet and she gives me these little puppy eyes, and I say “I know...try not to fall in love with me.” She

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says, “I think it's too late.”

Clifford: That's a good sign, I think

Spidey: Yeah for sure.

Clifford: So how many numbers did you collect?

Spidey: But she was talking about her ex a in trying to be sensitive towards her, I was secretly impressing her more available friend.

Spidey: Just that two set. I was in there for an hour, then I went back to my friends. I don't approach everything, me. I pick my sets, and these two were prime.

Spidey: Check out my awesome disqualifier. It was weird...she was talking a lot about her ex. Now normally, I'm all for bashing down exes, but hers sounded really sweet, and I'm all for encouraging nice guys, too...

Spidey: So I asked her, “And have you moved on? Like do you talk to other guys?" She says, “Yeah, I go out. I talk to other guys. I'm talking to you right now.”

Spidey: Shit test!

Spidey: I said, “Yeah, but there's a significant difference...I'm not here to hit on you.”

Clifford: Cute.

Spidey: She says, “Yeah but you could have been. I mean, I didn’t know that at first.” I say, “Yeah, well to tell you the truth, I probably would have, but

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this went in a totally different direction than I had planned.”

Spidey: We all laugh.

Clifford: You suave devil you.

Spidey: You like?

Clifford: What's not to like?

Spidey: Haha

Spidey: So how was your night last night?

Clifford: Not bad - went to Trinity.

Spidey: With Ron?

Clifford: Ron came by, couldn't get in. So I went out, and we dropped in at Le Local, which was ok but not great. Then we returned later to Trinity and they let him in with me (since I had already been in.)

Spidey: And was there potential at Trinity?

Clifford: Some, definitely.

Clifford: I had a few good sets, but I wasn't really pushing it.

Clifford: I have been kind of letting things happen naturally lately.

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Page 13: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: Yeah, I totally respect that.

Spidey: I have to go buy a rose soon lol

Spidey: I'm actually nervous for my date tonight...I haven't been nervous in years!

Clifford: That's good.

Clifford: Enjoy that feeling. It ends up going away (at least, it seems to have for me...)

Spidey: It had for me...awhile back.

Spidey: But it's back right now...I hate it.

Clifford: It's important.

Clifford: It makes it all worthwhile.

Spidey: Last time I had a date, I showed up half an hour late without a damn clue as to what we were going to do. This one I've gone through my head a hundred times, and planned each second of it.

Clifford: Don't go overboard.

Spidey: I's subtle in execution, but precise in plan.

Spidey: Which is how I am all the time. They won't see any of the effort I put in...but it's there.

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Page 14: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: Why, you scheming son of a gun...

Spidey: Lol

Spidey: Well it’s like a magic trick, right?

Spidey: You see one major “trick”...but to accomplish that one trick, I probably have 3 or 4 things that you have no idea I ever did or used...

Spidey: Whether it's a secret move, a prop or a preparation...

Spidey: It's the same with girls. The end result is subtle but impressive...but the work that actually goes into each moment is complicated and planned.

Clifford: I see.

Spidey: Oddly, I don't look at this girl and think “I wanna do her.”

Spidey: I look at her and say, “I wanna hold her.” I know it’s sappy and shit, but it's true.

Clifford: What, you want to put her on a shelf and feed her sugar cookies?

Spidey: Yeah! Lol.

Clifford: You need a slap

Spidey: Hahahaha.

Spidey: Dude, I'm not driven by horniness.

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Page 15: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: But she is, once you get past the qualifying as a nice enough guy to do.

Spidey: Lol...not there yet, my friend.

Clifford: Women are ten steps ahead of us.

Clifford: She's already made breakfast and put you on the bus home.

Spidey: No, women are 10 steps ahead of you...I’m 10 steps ahead of women...

Clifford: Right.

Spidey: Lol

Spidey: I'm gonna go buy a back in a bit.

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Page 16: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


They Fall Into Dreamy Land

Spidey: Lol dude you're gonna love this...

Clifford: Okay.

Spidey: I'm talking to this girl Laura on Facebook (you met her...I brought her to your house...Laura and Andrea) and I'm talking bout White Tiger Tantra. So she goes, "Maybe you should do it to me or Andrea, and we'll vouch ;);)"

Spidey: Lol

Clifford: Do you have any body switching magic in your toolbox? You can work here while I help the poor women out.

Spidey: Lol.

Spidey: I got a private message on Facebook two nights ago from Amanda.

Clifford: And...

Spidey: Hey, I just wanted to tell you I'm really proud of you, and I hope you're having the time of your life! Live it up, and I hope we stay in touch, because I know I'm going to need your advice sometime in the close future. So I just wanted to let you know you're an amazing person. And you'll always hold a special place in my heart. Amanda.

Spidey: Funny thing is, this wasn’t a new thread she started. It was a response to a thread that ended about 2 months ago, which means she had to go look for it and read some old messages.

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Page 17: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: So what's the point of creating all these lovesick puppies out there?

Spidey: Hey man...the break-up was mutual. She can regret all she wants. She was responsible for 50 if not 60% of the break up...

Spidey: Not my fault I'm strong.

Clifford: I wasn't only talking about her.

Spidey: I honour the affection girls have for me.

Spidey: Well...

Spidey: The rest aren’t lovesick. It's more of an infatuation.

Clifford: Women don't get infatuated. They fall into dreamy land.

Spidey: Call it what you will.

Spidey: I do to them what they do to us.

Clifford: How cruel!

Spidey: :P

Spidey: You know the girl Victoria...Armenian. Went on a date with her, then ran into her at Tabasco and had a talk about how she didn't wanna get into anything?

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Page 18: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Clifford: Yeah, and you believed her.

Spidey: Lol...after that, I went and opened some more girls and she saw it. She texted me the next morning, and today Peter told me that she told him she's sad because I don't call her anymore to include her in our

Spidey: So tomorrow night when I go out with those 2 girls I met last week, she's coming as well. Do you know what that means? They can fight over me while I go find some new victims lol.

Clifford: She's definitely still in the game, only I am not sure you're really at the table.

Spidey: Lol I left a while ago.

Spidey: But see, I don't mind that...going direct...let them think I'm into them more than I actually am...let them get cocky about it...then just back the fuck off.

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Page 19: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


I've Never Done That Much Damage

Spidey: It's happened before, where I kinda sensed a girl wasn't into me, so I didn’t make a move. I friend zoned her, really dropped my goals, and a few weeks later she showed me a lot of IOIs. But it was too late for me.

Clifford: She missed her chance.

Clifford: The poor thing

Spidey: That's why I've been rushing in lately though...because I lose interest fast...

Spidey: But then by rushing in, it doesn't work frustrating!

Clifford: You need to rush in slowly and make out.

Spidey: Hahahaha.

Spidey: Rush in slowly. I'm confused :P You know what I need? I need to forget what this community taught me and go back to what I used to be before I let this get to my head.

Spidey: I mean, the community increased the number of girls I meet, but before the community I never missed. I met less girls, but I never missed.

Clifford: No one tells you what to do. The idea is to pick out some good things that fit what you have in mind, not obsess about some advice you probably shouldn't have taken in the beginning.

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Page 20: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: Yeah, I know...

Spidey: Plus my motto is, “There's no such thing as rejection...just postponed submission.”

Clifford: I am working on being unattached to the outcome.

Spidey: Yeah, I think as a whole we all need to settle down and stop trying to impress one another. We all know we have our strengths and weaknesses. We should really just enjoy each other's company, and only then will we be inevitably irresistible to women. That’s the underlying principle of the Art of Attraction.

Clifford: It's true.

Clifford: It's doing something by doing nothing.

Clifford: My favourite activity.

Spidey: Doing everything by doing nothing.

Spidey: I mean, we opened a one set last night, and I showed Ron what Yas and I are capable of. He was dumbfounded. But that just happened, you wasn’t forced or anything...

Spidey: We winged the living crap out of him.

Clifford: Lol.

Spidey: She was there with the owner and I told her, “So you're just here hanging with the owner...mooching free drinks.” (neg)

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Page 21: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: She answers, “Well actually I didn’t get this drink from him, I got it from another guy.” (shit test)

Spidey: I said, "Well what the heck are you doing here? He was probably trying to get into your pants or something. You should be thanking him by at least spending some time with him. How rude!” (roll eyes)

Clifford: You guys have quite an act.

Clifford: Like Abbott and Costello.

Spidey: She answers, “I did spend like half an hour with him.”

Spidey: I say, “Hmmm...not good looking enough?” (point to Ron as an anchor)

Spidey: She says, “Not my type...too old.” (The guy who bought the drink)

Spidey: I say, “Alright, so you know what? We'll find you a nice guy in here...not me! I'm too young for you to handle, so get your mind off it. Hey, do you like Akon?”

Spidey: She says, “Yeah...dangerous...that girl is so dangerous!”

Clifford: Akon?

Spidey: Yeah he sings the song “Dangerous...”

Spidey: And Ron has a pic with him.

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Page 22: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: I say, “Ron show her the pic...wait until you see this. You thought you were cool hanging with the owner? You have something else coming...the owner is here (point low) and Ron...(point to the roof with a big smile.)”

Spidey: She kinos him!

Spidey: I bring Yas in and tell Ron, “Hey Ron, look who I found!" Yas goes, “Oh my God, what's up?”...(kisses him twice)...“It's been so long!” (Ron's looking at her like, “Is she losing it? I already said hi to her.”)

Spidey: Lol wing wing wing wing...then we leave...

Spidey: He number closed her eventually.

Clifford: Good stuff.

Spidey: Yeah haha.

Clifford: I think the way you do it is the way to go, no question about it.

Clifford: The only thing is that it's much different without a wing or your social circle around.

Spidey: Oh yeah!

Spidey: I feel pretty darn inadequate without them at times.

Clifford: I feel you.

Spidey: Don’t get me wrong, the whole method was developed when I was alone...but I just feel so comfortable with people.

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Page 23: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: I rarely go anywhere alone.

Spidey: But last weekend I was at Med alone, and I've never done that much damage ever before. I was in different sets all night!

Clifford: Nice, what were you doing?

Spidey: I was originally at a bachelor party dinner, then they ordered a bottle of vodka. Had a drink each, then left to go to a strip club. I didn't wanna go, so I stayed there with the bottle and just opened sets all night long. Although I love having my social group, when I'm alone, I know no one is watching, so I can screw up all I want and it won't matter. That removes so much pressure.

Spidey: I opened an 8 set...bachelorette party.

Spidey: Several 2 sets, a 4 set.

Clifford: Any specific openers, or just situational?

Spidey: Mostly situational. The one I use the most often is to comment on the mood they seem to be in. It's either, “Well you're just having the time of your life, aren’t you? Where is this energy coming from?”

Spidey: Or, “You look bored out of your mind!”

Clifford: I've never seen anyone look so horny!

Spidey: Hahaha.

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Page 24: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: This one girl was rubbing herself all over me. When she found out I was a hypnotist, she said, “Well you can hypnotise me tonight and date rape me,” and literally pulled her cleavage down and kissed me. Not make out, kiss.

Clifford: That pig.

Clifford: Who does she think she is?

Spidey: Hahaha.

Clifford: Like you would be interested in some hot chick flashing her boobs at you and kissing you...the nerve.

Spidey: But the guy whose bachelor party it was totally ruined it for me with his AFC behaviour.

Spidey: But whatever.

Clifford: You probably should have left his strippers alone.

Spidey: Hahaha.

Spidey: The opener I used on her was she was snapping pictures and I said, “Are you the official photographer for tonight?”

Spidey: Totally situational.

Clifford: Good start

Spidey: I have 3 very new theories. One involves the approach. The second is

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something I call “Celebrity Status,” and the final is something that has to do with leaving a girl some time, and why it works. They're all excellent. Remind me to tell you about them next time we talk.

Clifford: I think the best thing that works with women is open, leave, return, leave, etc. This seems to give them comfort that you are not rushing them like most guys.

Spidey: Yeah, but I really went into the reason why that works, and also the reason why you can give them some time after the first date and why that works, too.

Clifford: I think it's relatively simple. They have every other guy pressuring them or hounding them space with a little mystery by not pursuing makes you interesting.

Spidey: Yes, but it goes so much deeper than that. In a nutshell, there are two reasons why this is great.

Spidey: 1) Women often think back to small details that they may not have noticed when it happened. Just as much as they can regret sleeping with a guy, they can also regret not sleeping with a guy. If you take a step back, they think about the time you had, and start noticing small things they may not have noticed at first.

Spidey: 2) If you are flirting with a girl who, let's say, has no other guys in her life at the present moment...even if it's just a little flirt and nothing big...if you take a step back, you take with you 100% of everything that was new and exciting in her life. She feels that void...

Clifford: Well...

Spidey: It's as if you broke up with her without ever being in a relationship.

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To salvage that, and to have excitement in her life, her subconscious mind will call out for you.

Clifford: Women will tell you that they get shy when they like a guy. Those situations are the ones where they haven't got the kind of control they have when they aren't interested. They get lots of practice turning guys down, but not much with guys they like.

Spidey: Right...

Spidey: Women are terrible at gaming. They just sit there and wait for a guy to make the move.

Spidey: Then they follow if they must. I'm trying to turn that around, which is where my new approach theory comes from...

Clifford: Yeah, and for the most part, you can't tell when they are interested or not. Not always, of course. If I didn't get surprised when they are interested, it would make a huge difference.

Spidey: Lol...well then what you do is ask them out for drinks, no pressure or anything, even before deciding that you like them. If they say no, who cares? You're not invested. Plus, why the hell wouldn't they? It's casual. If they say yes, assume they're interested enough and work your magic on the date.

Spidey: That’s what I do.

Clifford: I prefer to ask them why they haven't asked me out yet.

Spidey: Hahaha.

Spidey: I love it.

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Clifford: Whatever I think they may be thinking I am thinking, I accuse them of it.

Spidey: “Were you scared I would reject you? Come on, you're not that bad...try it!”

Spidey: Yeah, I really like that theory.

Spidey: It's so good.

Clifford: Me too, that's why I use it.

Spidey: Is that yours? Or borrowed?

Clifford: It's a synthesis of what's out there in many ways. Having her chase you, be the prize, etc.

Clifford: My own wording.

Clifford: I like Brent's idea of not pursuing. You can't be rejected if you haven't asked her for anything.

Clifford: But you can ask her if she's hitting on you.

Spidey: Yeah, it's awesome...

Spidey: Goes hand in hand with a lot of my work.

Clifford: Just watch those hands.

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Page 28: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: Haha

Spidey: Oh come on!

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Page 29: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


These Guys Teach People to Meet People

Spidey: Lol you're gonna like this.

Spidey: We went to visit Cynthia (blond chick) at the bar where she works last night, and she showed us a room upstairs that me and Kev (manager) really liked for an after party. So I'm talking to Kev right now and he says...

Spidey: Wait a sec, do you really like her? Or is this going to be 2 weeks? Because it sounds like you want that room.

Spidey: Hahahaha

Clifford: Haha.

Spidey: I was actually laughing out loud.

Spidey: Where did you go last night? Home?

Clifford: Yeah. I had to work today!

Spidey: Ew!

Clifford: Where did you guys go?

Spidey: Stayed there. Technically that was not our field training yet...but they all did great!

Spidey: Ghita helped a lot.

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Page 30: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: Charlie and I went around opening sets left and right with our shirts curled up like tube tops just to show them that it really doesn't matter what people think of you as long as you're happy being you.

Spidey: Then at least one of us had opened every set there.

Spidey: Ghita was pushing the guys to open, Yas was pep talking them, I was winging!

Clifford: Sounds like you guys took over the joint.

Spidey: Yeah man!

Clifford: This is the thing. Very few people make permanent changes in one weekend or seminar. It usually takes a lot longer and is a process.

Spidey: That's why our program is 3 weekends long. I believe we can start the process off very nicely in 3 weeks.

Spidey: Unlike a lot of methods out there, I won't rest until I see each of my students succeed. Their success is my success.

Clifford: lol

Spidey: You know Anthony is taking a Mystery Method boot camp, and last night he told me and Yas how much he loves what we do because it comes from the heart and we believe in it...and how they're getting the raw method from the creators, not a diluted version from a Mystery wannabe.

Clifford: Sounds great.

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Page 31: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


Spidey: Ghita and I work really well together in field.

Spidey: At some point last night there was this old man who started to catch on to what was going on. Ghita pushed one of my students to open a 2 set and went in with him, and this old guy goes up to her and tried to interrupt. But she had to wing, so instantly I walked across the room grabbed the guy on the shoulder and said, “Hey man! What’s up? Let me talk to you over here for a second.”

Clifford: Amog.

Spidey: And he asks me, “What exactly are you guys doing here?” I said, “We basically teach people how to meet people.” Then he goes, “But one of those girls has a boyfriend...” I said, “So? No one's trying to make out with her. We just wanna meet people. Like I’m meeting you right now.”

Spidey: Then the manager was walking by, and the guy told on us lol. He stops him and says "Shawn...I think we have a situation here...these guys teach people to meet people.” Shawn goes “Yeah! And...? Spidey's great.”

Clifford: lol

Spidey: The guy had this look like, “Holy Crap! They know about you! And they probably like you more than they like me.”

Spidey: So now he wanted to be my friend.

Clifford: Haha.

Spidey: But Ghita was gonna punch him across the face!

Clifford: I don't blame her.

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Spidey: Like he was really bothering her. She's trying to talk, he's taping her on the shoulder and leaning in...Yas watched the whole thing and pointed out to the students that not only was Ghita winging Seb, but I was winging both of them by eliminating the asshole.

Clifford: This is the problem. Guys don't get a proper social education and end up like him.

Spidey: He was like at least 53 years old.

Clifford: That's what happens.

Spidey: But it was fun.

Clifford: Sounds like you handled it well.

Spidey: worries.

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Page 33: The Spidey – Clifford · You're a lot more up front and direct. It makes complete sense. Spidey: There were these two girls


I Will Leave You to Your Fun

Spidey: Lol you're going to love this...I just told a girl on MSN...

Spidey: “So yeah, for our date next week that you were asking about...sadly, I can't make it...a hotter girl asked me out that night. Can we postpone to a little later on in the month?”

Spidey: But she never asked me anything...

Clifford: Considerate

Spidey: Hahaha I love it

Laura:No problem!


Spidey:You seem very excited for someone whom I

just insulted the shit out of! You should be more firm, like, “No, Spidey, Ican't bear the thought of you with another women. It's next week or never!”

Clifford: I will leave you to your fun. Time for me to get out of my office.

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