the spooky castle

The Spooky Castle by Juho Markkanen

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In the city Bern


Page 1: The Spooky Castle

The Spooky Castle

by Juho Markkanen

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Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there lived a boy called Mike. He was 8 years old. He was in class 3K. He loved school so much that he almost kissed it!

One day, Mike was really happy when he came home. Geas his sister was at home too. She was so rude to Mike that she ones through her food on his face! Now back to the part when Mike came home. “Why are you that happy?” asked Mike’s mom. “We have a one day field trip to Bern!” Mike replied.

The next day…Mike was an hour early. When they got there, he ran to a map. When he came back, no one was there. Of course he didn’t cry, but he got more lost when he saw a man.

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Chapter 2

The Man

He ran to the man and asked: “Where is the zoo?” ”Follow me” said the man. So Mike followed.

Later they got to a house. “That lo-lo-looks scary!” shouted Mike. “Ha-ha-haa” laughed the man. “Why are you laughing?” asked Mike. “Cause this!” and then the man disappeared. “Aaaaaaa” shouted Mike. It was a ghost. He ran inside, and the ghost followed behind him.

He ran so up that the ghost had to go out, and come in from the top window. Meanwhile Mike was looking for a hiding place. “Where should I go, where should

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I go?!” shouted Mike while looking around. He heard footsteps coming up. He jumped in a box and closed the lid.

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Chapter 3

The Footsteps

The footsteps were going louder and louder. Then Mike looked from a small hole. It was a zombie! “O-oh” Mike said to himself. The zombie came closer and closer to the box. Quickly Mike found a baseball bat, and he jumped out and hit the zombie. The zombie fainted. He closed the open window. But the ghost didn’t know that Mike had closed the window, so he crushed it. The ghost fainted as well. “That was easy”, said Mike.

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Chapter 4


Mike ran outside. When he got out, he noticed it was still morning. Suddenly he saw the school bus leaving. “Hey bus driver, wait for me!” shouted Mike. The bus stopped. Mike ran to the bus. When he got in, he saw monsters. He ran off the bus and quickly hid under it.

The monsters ran outside as well. “Where did he go?” asked one of them. Then one of them looked under the bus. “Found him!” he shouted. “Want to play tag?” asked another one of them. “Sure” said Mike, in a worried voice.

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Chapter 5


So they went off to play. When the monsters got sweaty, they melted and melted until they disappeared. “Well, I’ll go back” said Mike. While he was walking back, he saw a video game store. He ran in it and played the game NHL 11.

After an hour of playing, he went out again. He saw one of his classmates, Jason. “Hi, Jason!” shouted Mike. “Come here!” replied Jason in a loud voice. Mike ran there. “Why are you here?” asked Mike. “I got lost” said Jason. “Well, we could go back to the bus together” said Mike.

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Chapter 6

The Bus

As they arrived to the bus parking lot, they saw the bus leaving. “Wait for us” shouted both of the boys. But the bus didn’t stop. Suddenly they heard a sound behind the bushes.

“I think it’s only a cat” said Jason. “No, it can’t be a cat. It’s a monster!!!” shouted Mike. “Run for your lives!” shouted Jason. They ran until they lost the monster. Then they ran to the closest bus stop.

When they got there, Mike remembered that he had a phone with him. He put his hand in his pocket, but it wasn’t

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there. He looked in all of his pockets but it was in none of them.

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Chapter 7

The Phone

Mike asked Jason: “Have you seen my phone?” “No, but I think it fell on the bus” replied Jason. “Oh, no” said Mike.

Soon, they saw a stadium. (I mean a soccer stadium). They walked in, but suddenly Mike stopped. “Why did you stop?” asked Jason. “I just remembered that we have a final in football” exclaimed Mike. They hurried to the dressing room. They walked in just in time.

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Chapter 8

The Soccer Match

When they walked in to the dressing room, they met the coach. “When does the game start?” asked Mike. “In ten minutes” replied the coach.

When ten minutes were gone, Mike and Jason were on the field ready to start. Mike was in the start with Jason. Mike passed to Jason. Jason passed to the team’s right midfielder and he ran straight to the other net. When he was at the edge of the goalie box, he passed to Mike and shot cross bar in! The crowd was shouting: Mike, Mike, Mike! Mike saw familiar people in the crowd. It was the whole third grade and the teachers.

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Chapter 9

The Penalty Shot

When the game ended, the score was 1-1! Everyone was tired. It was time for the extra time.

After the extra time, the score was still 1-1! Now it was time for penalty shots. Mike got to shoot the last shot to finish the game. Mike thought about being the first star of the game. He also thought where he was going to shoot.

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Chapter 10

The Win

Mike was ready to shoot. He put his hand in the air for a signal to ask if he could shoot. The goalie lifted his hand to show he was ready. Mike shot in the top corner, cross bar, goal line, cross bar in! Mike had a really happy feeling. He had scored the goal to win the cup! The crowd cheered more than ever!

After the game, Mike and his class went to the bus. Mike and Jason were exhausted.

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Chapter 11

The Awful Thing

When they were almost back at the school, something awful happened! The bus split into half! The teachers were on the other half, and the children on the other.

Soon the children’s half stopped. “Where are we?” asked one of them. “I’m bus sick!” shouted another one. “Where is the teacher’s half rolling?!” shouted Mike. All the children were gasped as they saw the teacher’s part of the bus. It was coming towards them…

The End

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Find out what happens in the Spooky Castle II!!!

Books published by Juho Markkanen

Ice hockey

Spooky Castle

Coming soon:

The Spooky Castle II

The Football Life!