the spotlight issue 4

The Spotlight Issue 4

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Newspaper of the XXIV NSC of EYP Italy, Lucca 2011


Page 1: The Spotlight Issue 4

The Spotlight

Issue 4

Page 2: The Spotlight Issue 4



Dear delegates,finally you got this very last issue of The Spotlight. Almost a month has passed since the Session was over. By now all of us have been through the no-torious PED and now are getting back to normal life: school, home, work...Routine, in one word.Despite school being more over-whelming than what it used to be, teachers being strict-er than ever and you feel-

ing everyone is just talking non sense, here come good memories to help you deal with all the parts of your life that used to be normal, but are just disappointing now.

Wanting to leave for unknown places, to visit friends or just to travel back in time (and space).Time-traveling machines are not on sale yet, unfortunately. But hopefully

someone invent-ed newspapers, computers and internet: that’s how we manage to get back to you with this last P E D - f i g h t i n g option.Last sugges-tion: keep all the newspapers from your ses-sions in a draw-er, you’ll see in a few months/years how amaz-ingly back in time you can go just by flipping those pages...Enjoy and... See you soon!With love,



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A pile of problems.

Everything great has to come to an end...The Last Supper.

Spell checking the GA!Party, party, party, let’s all get crazy!

The End.The next step.

A Nerd’s summer.

Last memories...

Page 3: The Spotlight Issue 4




Whilst politicians across Europe suffer from a lack of creativity, the delegates tackle the challenges of today’s world with all their imagination .

The XXVI National Se-lection Conference of the EYP Italy has been outstanding in many aspects, and the Gen-eral Assembly did not fail to deliver the goods either. During two days of almost no sleep, the delegates got engaged in intense discussions on the tricky topics that lie on the desk of EU-politicians.

Much unlike any other GA, the frequent use of the direct response

came as an unexpected and extremely positive surprise. Italians are known to be very pas-sionate, and proof of that was given during the majority of the de-fense speeches.

The activeness of the debate and the inter-ventions was made def-initely clear during the last resolution that was debated, written by the international chairper-sons. They based their resolution on the dis-

cussions and notes of the Committee Work. Their resolution was completely contradict-ing the delegates’ argu-ments and opinions, as they wanted all of them to feel encouraged to express their opinion. It turned out to be noth-ing less!

Still, if a resolution did not pass, no need to feel disappointed: the pur-pose of a General As-sembly is to have a nice debate where new crea-

tive ideas can be pre-sented and discussed, resulting in solutions to the world’s issues. Dur-ing this GA, ideas of this kind were numer-ous, just as so many evi-dences of the delegates’ efficiency!

A pile of problems.By Oscar Duse

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By Erke Can Tellal

Dear Delegates,

what you have felt dur-ing the two days of GA was really unique: you had the chance to ex-press yourselves and to act as a team. You should be satisfied by your great achieve-ments, because these few hours made you different. Be sure to re-member always what you learnt and use it during your everyday life!

On Tuesday, March 22nd you attended one of the most touching experiences of an EYP sessions: the Closing Ceremony. The emo-tion of seeing all those people involved, really trusting what they did and what YOU all did, congratulating with you (being you the “win-ners” or not, it does not matter, because each of you is a champion here) is, maybe, the reason why people choose to

come back and to con-tinue their involvement in EYP.

Many of you may have felt quite bad or disap-pointed, a few of you may have never been so happy before; but what really matters is your emotions. Eve-rything became clear on your faces and for an external viewer this is a source of great ex-citement. Not to men-tion all the officials that went on the stage: from the Editors to the Presi-dent, from the Board to the Chairs, from the Jury to the Journalists. Everyone was so proud of the intense debate you had, of such strong delegates you proved to be. Anastasiia Ianovyt-

ska told us about her satisfaction; Federico Fasol (President of EYP Italy) showed his excite-ment and remembered his experience as a dele-gate; but they all shared one, fundamental ele-ment: you.Unluckily, this seems to be gone; but do not worry, you will have plenty of other chances to feel like that! You just need to want it and every session will be as your first, whether you are a debater or an of-ficial.

Take care of yourselves, guys, and do not make other people over-whelm you, because this is your life and you deserve to live it com-pletely!

Everything great has to come to an end…By Edoardo Mestieri

The Last Supper.

Just as a masterpiece painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, Gala Dinner was extravagant...

Eating is an essential need for every and each human being.

We all know what to do when we hear strange noises coming from our belly it is a primitive behaviour. Actually the evolution of food cul-ture is quite long: ini-tially we gathered fruits and other vegetables, then we attempted to

hunt animals. Hunting was kind of a revolu-tionary progress since humanity began to act in groups for getting the food as well as for eating afterwards. Therefore eating mutually turned into a daily ritual. Occa-sionally we dress in our most stylish clothes and go to fancy places. This is not just about eating but also about socialis-

ing and impressing our fellow human beings.

The General Assem-bly is quite challenging compared to Commit-tee Work and Team-building, even some-times boring. We all know that G.A. is not the proper way to end this tremendous ses-sion. Delegates need to have fun, excitement and most importantly they need glamour to fell like a celebrity: suits, tuxedos and gar-ments.

That was what the Gala Dinner of the XXVI Na-tional Selection Confer-ence of EYP Italy was all about! The grand buffet

was amazing and every-one was provided with a glass of splendid and fresh Italian red wine. Delegates were sitting by their delegations ac-companied with their chair couples and lovely journos or editors.Nice chats and games all around, people jok-ing and people laugh-ing.

It could have lasted for-ever but the end of night was inevitably reached, just as the dawn arises after an unreal dream, and all the participants got back to reality, all set for GA.

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By Nives Kaprocki & Andrea MontanariSpell checking the GA!

Although the General Assembly was surprisingly dynamic and professional for a National Selection, there were some moments that cut off the formal atmosphere inside the Sala Ademollo. The best mis-takes are certainly worth remembering!Most of the delegates made mistakes when addressing the board and other delegates, and somehow managed to clone our President, or turn her into their own mother in just a few hours! Other par-ticipants got their new roles as well:

“Dear mother president, members of the bird, fol-low geledates…”“Dear Mister president, members of the jary”“Dear members of the president... ”“Dear madame presi-dent, members of the Iuri…“

Very nice opening del-

egates! The speeches didn’t lack in original-ity either, both those in English and in French. Having a funny GA was the main reward for the careful listeners, and these are the highlights for those who paid a bit less attention:

“Good morning and good afternoon!““I would like to respond to the female question...”“In order to shit the eco-nomic borders...““Like states are…“ (Laic states)“Don’t aren’t you…““Salus and Libèrtas““The problem of the analployment is…““We have zero absnut/

abstun/abstenute.““We are all in flavor!““Board: This is not a di-rect response.- Deli: No, but still.”“Board: The proponing committee...” “Board: Rice the plac-ards!““Nous pensons qu’on ne voit pas bien la dif-ference entre les figures des travailleurs” - (“We think we cannot really make a differences be-tween the faces of the workers.”)

Some delegates were even more creative and thought of their own words:

Joblessness standing for

unemployment, Unjob-less for unemployed, Digitating instead of dictating, Estabilescion probably beeing a new form of establishment, and Caltur for which our best linguists are still trying to find a de-cent definition...

Apart from all the mo-ments that are writ-ten down, those most precious ones cannot be printed. However, memory fades, and this will always be around to put a smile on your face. The spelling check is complete!

By Andrea Montanari Party, party, party, let’s all get crazy!

Eventually, when everything seems to be over, it comes at full speed the Farewell Party: the happy endingAnother epic Nation-al Selection got to its end: cries, laughs and screams were the main background sounds of Lucca... But, there still is something gorgeous that you still had to find out: The Farewell Party!

Can you imagine the biggest party ever in Lucca? Yes, it was truly that one: music, good

food, great people and an exclusive theme were the basic elements of this event but, the es-sential ingredient was you! After the long day of debate, every-one dived into the 20s, all wearing fashionable dresses and old style clothes.

The long-awaited event was hosted in one of the

rooms of the Real Col-legio, the one where the Committe Dinner took place, properly deco-rated for this party with nice old-style posters.There was a DJ mixing the last musical hits and a disco atmosphere that surprised us all.

This night will be well-remembered by all del-egates as a special one

because, after the previ-ous nominees collected during the last day of General Assembly, the winner of every cat-egory was called to col-lect his own (chocolate) oscar!

Now, that even the fare-well party is gone, the only thing left to enjoy is the PED.

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The next step.

PED is killing you? All you can think of is the fabulous days you had in Lucca? You can’t help but spend your precious time going through the pictures the journos and your friends took?

The best way to reduce this awful depression, a must for any EYPer, is indeed to improve your involvement in the or-ganisation.

First suggestion: keep in touch with friends you have met for the first time in Lucca, and

yet you feel you have known forever.

Secondly: become an active member of EYP Italy. Knowing that someday you will ex-perience all this all over again will make you feel slightly better, promise!“How can I join EYP?”

you are probably won-dering. The answer is easy. Send an email to [email protected] ask-ing to join the mailing list of the “collabora-tory PEG”. This way you will receive all you need to know: you will be informed of future sessions all over Eu-rope (remember to check as well), you will be given application forms for Italian and foreign ses-sions, you will get the necessary informations on the PEG-annual-meeting, which usually takes place in October

and you will receive ab-stracts of the periodic meetings of the Nation-al Board (aka Consiglio Direttivo or, for friends, CD).

Recovering from PED is not easy but with some tricks you can help it fade faster and you can have the chance to ex-perience it some more times.

Just Join EYP!

By Gianmarco Battistini

By Nives Kaprocki The End?

Crying or smiling? Both!

The National Selection in Lucca has ended and PED is starting to reach all of you. However, everybody should bear in mind that this ses-sion does not need to be the last one, and that many are yet to come.

Most of the experienced EYPers describe EYP as friendship, love, a magi-cal feeling which is part of who they are. As well as this, there isn’t a bet-ter way to develop as a person and to meet a lot of wonderful people. It is not all about the com-

petition and the Gen-eral Assembly, as it may seem at the beginning. More important is to gain as much as possi-ble from every session, and one day in the fu-ture pass on the knowl-edge and enthusiasm to new delegates.

Even if someone choos-es not to be part of it in the future, it is cer-tain that this is a life changing experience. One should never for-get what he learnt in EYP, and its main goals. Although its approach might be too direct for some people, it is this that spreads the right spirit among the par-ticipants.

In spite of being over, the memories of every EYP experience are al-ways there, unforgetta-ble! All the social net-works and hundreds of sessions every year have made keeping in touch with EYPers quite sim-ple. And as the lyrics of “Imagine” suggest: we “hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one!“

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A Nerds’ summer.By Gianmarco Battistini

We have talked (actually, I had monologues) in the past issues about movies of the past year, such as The King’s Speech and The Black Swan. Now I guess it is time to introduce you briefly to some of the movies that will air in 2011.For all those of you who are nerd or, at least, love comic books: this sum-mer is going to rock!

Four are the mov-ies that will make this summer unforgettable, first of all the last part of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows”. Most of us read the books some years ago wishing to receive the Letter. Personally, even now that I am 19, I still wish I received that Let-

ter, as being a Muggle is not as exciting as being a wizard would be.

This was at the bottom of the list, now comes the really nerd stuff!

April the 4th: “Thor”: The Viking God will soon invade the screens of the best theatres worldwide. Will you be among the lucky who will witness the descent of the god on earth?

June the 17th: “The Green Lantern” This superhero is not as well

known as Thor or the other ones are; yet he’s quite famous among the Marvel heroes. Plus, if you have ever watched The Big Bang Theory, you will know that Sheldon Cooper is a huge fan.

Last, but definitely not least, July the 22nd: ”Captain America”! Can you imagine it? The hero par excellence will be on the screens and we will get the chance to be there and watch it first hand!How awesome is that?

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