„the square root of serving multiple experiments is a single dcache“

„The square root of serving multiple experiments is a single dCache“ GridKa dCache CMS ATLAS ALICE LHCb hepcg wisent textgrid kerndgri d ingrid astrogrid medigrid c3grid 9 other D-Grid VOs com- pass cdf auger belle ops dteam D-Grid dCache c3grid astrogri d medigrid kerndgri d ingrid textgrid wisent hepcg GridKa dCache LHCb CMS compass ops cdf belle dteam auger ALICE ATLAS dCache ATLAS ops Procedure 1. Pool migration (hosts only serving ATLAS pools) 2. Installation of new ATLAS administration nodes 3. Complete downtime of original dCache instance a) dump of SRM and PNFS DB b) Remove ATLAS configuration: i. Switch off all ATLAS pools ii.PoolManager iii.Pin- and SpaceManager entries iv.PNFS DBs c) Restart original dCache instance 4. Reload DB dumps in new ATLAS instance a) Remove all non ATLAS entries from DBs b) Change dCacheSetup on all ATLAS pools 5. Start ATLAS instance Deadlock situation One dteam file located on ATLAS pool PNFS id not known to dCache Pool tried flushing file to tape PnfsManager did not know file PnfsManager run in deadlock situation [email protected] e Steinbuch Centre for Computing Motivation Performance problems – bottleneck SRM, PNFS Further single points of failure: PoolManager, PinManager Easier to manage due to less complex configuration VOs do not disturb each other Configuration can be fine tuned for the requirements of the separated VO Further information today: 037 - Improving data distribution on disk pools for dCache 070 - dCache administration at the GridKa Tier-1-center, ready for data taking 069 - Reference installation for the German grid Initiative D-Grid ATLAS nodes Head node PNFS deamon, PnfsManager, postgres DB SRM,utilityDomain, postgres DB gPlazma Billing DB dCap door 4 gridftp doors 23 pool nodes Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Hermann-von-Helmholz-Platz 1 D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen D.Ressmann, S.Halstenberg, C.Jung, A.Trunov, J.van Wezel Separation 9 other D-Grid VOs

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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GridKa dCache. LHCb. CMS. compass. cdf. ALICE. dteam. belle. auger. ops. ATLAS dCache. ATLAS. ops. c3grid. astrogrid. medigrid. ingrid. kerndgrid. textgrid. wisent. hepcg. Deadlock situation One dteam file located on ATLAS pool PNFS id not known to dCache - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: „The square root of serving multiple experiments is a single dCache“

„The square root of serving multiple experiments is a single dCache“

GridKa dCache


hepcg wisent textgrid kerndgrid ingrid



9 other D-Grid VOs


cdf auger belle ops dteam

D-Grid dCache









GridKa dCacheLHCb CMS compass







Procedure1. Pool migration (hosts only serving ATLAS pools)

2. Installation of new ATLAS administration nodes

3. Complete downtime of original dCache instance

a) dump of SRM and PNFS DB

b) Remove ATLAS configuration:

i. Switch off all ATLAS pools

ii. PoolManager

iii. Pin- and SpaceManager entries

iv. PNFS DBs

c) Restart original dCache instance

4. Reload DB dumps in new ATLAS instance

a) Remove all non ATLAS entries from DBs

b) Change dCacheSetup on all ATLAS pools

5. Start ATLAS instance

Deadlock situation One dteam file located on ATLAS pool PNFS id not known to dCache Pool tried flushing file to tape PnfsManager did not know file PnfsManager run in deadlock situation

[email protected] Centre for Computing

Motivation Performance problems – bottleneck SRM, PNFS

Further single points of failure: PoolManager, PinManager

Easier to manage due to less complex configuration

VOs do not disturb each other

Configuration can be fine tuned for the requirements of the separated VO

Further information today:

037 - Improving data distribution on disk pools for dCache

070 - dCache administration at the GridKa Tier-1-center, ready for data taking

069 - Reference installation for the German grid Initiative D-Grid

ATLAS nodes

Head node

PNFS deamon, PnfsManager, postgres DB

SRM,utilityDomain, postgres DB


Billing DB

dCap door

4 gridftp doors

23 pool nodes

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH

Hermann-von-Helmholz-Platz 1

D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

D.Ressmann, S.Halstenberg, C.Jung, A.Trunov, J.van Wezel


9 other D-Grid VOs