the star - summer 2012

S TR the HEALTH GROWTH DEVELOPMENT SUMMER 2012 SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES REVIEW There’s a new STAR on the horizon. The STAR and many of our district publications will soon be available in new digital formats online. This is the last full print edition you will receive by mail. Look inside for more details on page 5. Congratulations Ordination Class of 2012

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The South Texas Assemblies Review


Page 1: The STAR - Summer 2012

ST Rt he


S U M M E R 2 0 1 2


There’s a new STAR on the horizon. The STAR and many of our district publications will soon be available in new digital formats online. This is the last full print edition you will receive by mail. Look inside for more details on page 5.

Congratulations Ordination Class of 2012

Page 2: The STAR - Summer 2012

- South Texas Assemblies Review PAGE 2

The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly (plus a special December issue)

and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCIL-

ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc.11102 East Freeway (I-10)

Houston, Texas 77029Don Wiehe - Executive Editor

Mailing address:South Texas Assemblies of God

P.O. Box 9714Houston, Texas 77213-0714 <> 713-455-1221

Executive District OfficersTim R. Barker - Superintendent

Don Nordin - Assistant SuperintendentDon Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer

Executive PresbytersSteve Banning and Gene Summers

General Council PresbytersTim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Robert Hogan

District Sectional PresbytersDarold DeHart - San Jacinto Section

Donny Flippo - Beaumont SectionMike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section

Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston SectionErny McDonough - Victoria Section

Joel Nabors - Neches Valley SectionMario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section

Doug Roberts - San Antonio SectionWilliam Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section

Steve Weaver - Houston Section

Honorary PresbytersHoward Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham,

Joseph Granberry, Sidney Watson

District Ministries Departmental OfficersRoger Bailey - Missions and HonorBound Men

Tammy Calderon - Church Ministries/DiscipleshipMelanie Griffin - Womenʼs Ministries

Phil Jackson - Hill Country Camp & Conference CenterDavid Plank - Church Planting & Revitalization

Kendall Reavis - Church Planting FacilitatorMatt Rule - Youth Ministries

___________________________________________Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.


Send your church news, ministry reports, or other items of interest to the office of

Don Wiehe, Executive Secretary/Treasurer, ℅ Sherry Turner.

[email protected] 713-455-1221



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If% we’re% going% to% TRANSFORM% SOUTH%TEXAS,% our% concern% has% got% to% be%REBUILDING%THE%COMMUNITY%not%just%ERECTING% MORE% BUILDINGS% in% hopes%that% more% people% will% come% to% the%church.% % It’s % about% rebuilding% our%SOCIETY% from% the% INSIDE% OUT.% % We%cannot% simply% look% at% EXTERNAL%THINGS%that%are%just%symptoma?c.

From%the%book%of%Nehemiah,%there%are%principles% that% apply% to% our% efforts % in%TRANSFORMING% SOUTH% TEXAS.% % God%has% called% us% as% Chris?ans% to% receive%instruc?ons%from%above,%that%we%might%live%successfully%here%below.%


Nehemiah% 1:4^11%(MSG)%When(I( heard(this,( I( sat( down( and( wept.( I( mourned(for(days,(fas/ng(and(praying(before(the(God3of3Heaven.( ( I( said,( "God,( God3of3Heaven,( the( great(and( awesome( God,(loyal( to( his( covenant( and( faithful( to(those( who( love( him( and( obey( his(commands:( Look( at( me,( listen( to(me.(Pay( aFen/on( to( this( prayer( of( your(servant(that(I'm(praying(day(and(night(in( intercession( for( your( servants,( the(People(of( Israel,( confessing(the( sins( of(the( People( of( Israel.(And( I'm( including(myself,( I( and( my( ancestors,( among(those( who( have( sinned( against( you.((We've(treated(you(like(dirt:(We(haven't(done( what( you( told( us,( haven't(followed(your( commands,(and(haven't(respected( the( decisions( you( gave( to(Moses( your( servant.( All( the( same,(remember( the( warning( you( posted( to(your(servant(Moses:( 'If( you(betray(me,(I'll(scaFer( you(to(the(four(winds,(but(if(you(come(back(to(me(and(do(what(I(tell(you,( I'll( gather( up( all( these( scaFered(

peoples( from(wherever( they( ended(up(and(put(them(back(in(the(place( I(chose(to(mark( with(my( Name.’( ( Well,( there(they( are—your( servants,( your( people(whom( you( so( power fu l l y( and(impressively(redeemed.(O(Master,(listen(to(me,(listen(to(your(servant's(prayer—and( yes,( to( all( your( servants( who(delight(in(honoring(you—and(make(me(successful(today...”

Nehemiah’s%mission%first% of% all,%was% to%TURN% THE% CHRISTIAN% COMMUNITY’S%HEART% back% toward% God,% Bringing%healing% to%the%Land,%along%with%moving%or% removing% APATHY% in% the% society.%%First%of%all,%we%seek%SPIRITUAL%CHANGE.

On% Friday,% April% 27,% I% received% a% call%from% my% cousin,% who% is% 15% years% my%elder.%%His%message%said,%“Tim,%I%need%to%talk% to%you%as %soon%as%possible.%Please%call%me%back.”% %My% immediate%thought%was%“Who%died?”% %When%I%returned%his%call% he%explained,% “Tim,% I% just% need%to%get%my% life%right%and%knew%you’d%know%how% to% help% me.”% % % My% prayers% are%being% answered,% turning% the% heart% of%my%cousin%back%toward%God.

Principle% #2% ^% The% principle% of% FIRST%FRUITS!

In%Nehemiah,%chapter%10,%he%points %out%the% fact% that% we%must% not% only% PRAY%F O R% C H A N G E ,% b u t% w e% m u s t%CONTRIBUTE% FOR% CHANGE.% %Churches%that%are%willing% to%DIVIDE% in%order% that%it%my%MULTIPLY%THE%KINGDOM.% %This %is%happening%in%South%Texas.%%On%Monday%evening,% April% 16,% I% met% with% a% long^tenured%pastor% in% our%district%who%has%?relessly% prayed% and% financially%contributed%toward%the%change%needed%in%his%diverse%community.%%With%various%demographics% represented,% he% has%recruited% three% ethnic% pastors% to%

partner%with% him% in% reaching% their%city%for% Christ,% with% four% congrega?ons%sharing% the%same% facili?es,% in% aNempt%to%win%the%lost%to%Christ%and%transform%lives.%%His %mentality%says,%"I%want%to%use%the%resources %that%God%has%given%me%to%reinvest%them% in%such% a%way% that%they%will%roll%out%into%eternal%benefits".

Principle% #3% ^% ^% Comprehensive% well^being

The% concept% of% being% WHOLE,% being%totally% fit% to% do% God's%plan% and% God's%program.% %The%principle%is%that%we%are%to% stabilize% the% household% of% God% by%overseeing% it's% total% welfare.% % What%beNer%place%than%to%have%the%church%as%your% PRIMARY% INFORMATION% CENTER%IN% THE% COMMUNITY.% % Where% people%can%find%out%about%the%things%rela?ve%to%their%total%well^being.

Monday,% May% 7,% I% received% this%message% which% beau?fully% expresses%the%heart%of%this%principle:

Dear(Brother(Barker,I(thought(I(would(let(you(know(what(is(happening( here( at( Faith( Family(Fellowship(in(Alvin.( (God(is(really(doing(great( things( here.( ( Recently,( I( was(approached( by( Community( in( Schools(and( the( Alvin( Independent( School(district.( ( They( asked( me( if( the( church(would(be( interested(in(partnering(with(them( in( conver/ng( our( gym( into( the(Alvin( Family( Community( Center.( ( The(Church( Board( and( I( agreed( that( this(would( be( an( excellent( way( for( our(church(to(make(an(impact(on(the(city(of(Alvin.( ( Star/ng( in( June( there( will( be(several(different(groups(coming(to(help(renovate( our( gym.( ( These( are( non3profit( organiza/ons( that(want( to( help(build( the( Alvin( Family( Community(Center.(((((((((((((((((con/nued(on(page(6)

South exasTTransf rm

- South Texas Assemblies Review PAGE 3

From Our Superintendent

Reverends Tim & Jill Barker

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Faithful#GivingOn% behalf% of% the% South% Texas% District% I%want% to% personally% thank% you% for% your%faithful% giving% and% faithful% support% of%your%District%Ministries.% %Your% reputa?on%con?nues%to%go%before%you%as%you%assist%in% raising% our% missionaries'% budgets % to%fulfill%God's%call%on%their%life,%as%you%meet%each%year%our%budget%for%District%Council%and% the%many%many% things% you% do% and%sacrifices %you%make%that%most%are%simply%unaware.% % Thank%you!% %God% keeps%good%and%perfect%records%and%one%day%you%will%be% paid% back% in% full% for% every% act% of%kindness,% support%and%sacrifice%that%you%have% made% for% His % glory% and% for% His%Kingdom's%work.%%Remember%the%parable%of%the%Good%Samaritan%as%he%came%to%the%rescue% of% someone%whom% no% one% else%had% the%?me.% % Remember%his%comment%to%the%inn%keeper?%%

Luke%10:35!The(next(day(he( took(out(two(silver( coins! and( gave( them( to( the(innkeeper.(

‘Look( a]er( him,’( he( said,( ‘and( when( I(return,(I(will(reimburse( you(for(any(extra(expense(you(may(have.’(%(NIV%^%1984)

And% when% the% Lord% returns%He% will% pay%you% back% in% full;% completely% reimburse%you% for% any% and% every% expense% and%investment%you%have%made%in%this%life.%%So%what% is% our% response?% % Let's% keep%radically,%passionately%and%with%abandon,%con?nue%serving,%giving%and%praying%un?l%He%returns.% % %God%bless%each%of% you%and%thank%you%for%your%ministry%and%for%your%sacrifice.%%

- South Texas Assemblies Review PAGE 4


Reverends Don & Beth WieheExecutive Secretary-Treasurer

Recommended!reading...! %%"The%Church%Life%Model%^%A%Biblical%PaNern%for%the%Spirit%Filled%Church",%by%Doctors%Wayne%&%Sherry%Lee.This %book% through% the% Church% Life% website,

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ST Rt he

There is a new STAR on the horizon.  We are transitioning the STAR to a quarterly format that will be published on-line available through the South Texas District website.

The Summer 2012 edition of The STAR is the last edition that will be printed and mailed to all of our ministers and churches.

If you have access to the internet you will be able to view all future editions of the STAR. The online version will have active links to more information, emails, registration forms and posters. You will also be able to print as many copies of whichever pages you choose. Go to and click the link to view The STAR. 

Our annual South Texas Minister’s Yearbook and Constitution & Bylaws will also be made available online later this year. One of the benefits of the digital format will be keeping the ministerial and church changes up to date and always available to our ministers.

We are working toward mobile device options as well for all of our online resources and publications. Our world is becoming more digitally based. We desire to be technologically current and be good stewards of our financial resources. These changes will help us in both of these areas.

PLEASE NOTE!! If you do not have an email address nor access to the internet, please call the office during the month of June to let us know.  Only those who contact us will continue receiving a hard copy of our South Texas District publications in the mail. (713) 455-1221

Thank you for your patience during this transition. We hope that you will find advantages and enjoy the convenience of these upgrades. See The STAR online for extra articles and features.

T South Transf rm


Congratulations Ordination Class of 2012Congratulations to each of our newly ordained ministers!  The Class of 2012 was another record year with 37 people receiving ordination. (Complete list of names is on page 2.) Are you planning to be ordained? If you have held License for two years as a South Texas Assembly of God minister, then make it your goal to complete your courses and apply for Ordination.  If you hold the Certified credential then go ahead and complete the requirements to move up to License.  To begin or continue the process please call my office to "get the ball rolling!"

Don Wiehe

Page 6: The STAR - Summer 2012

If%I%were% to%sum%up% the%enTre% Budapest% trip,% % I %would% say% it% like%this:%"A%team%of%14%women%traveled%to%Europe%with%nothing%but%a%pouch% filled% with% smooth% stones.%Those% stones%were% their% lives,%and%they%delivered%them%with%precision.%Those%stones%took%down%the% walls% that% would% divide% women% and% opened% up% an%opportunity% for% the% Lord% to% touch% their% souls% in% ways% that%otherwise% would% not% have% happened.% This% team% of% women%brought% love,% hope,% healing% and% deliverance% to% the% women% of%Hungary.% God% used% them% to% sTr% up% the%gils%within% the% College%Professors% and% give% them% a% hope% to% believe% for% more% of% the%presence%and% power% of%God.%This% team%of%women%shagered% the%hopelessness%of% the%women%@% the%Rehab% Center% and%created%an%atmosphere%for%them%to%ask%and%believe%God%for%the%dreams%they%held%in% their%hearts%for% life%and% love.%Some%of%the%women%@% the%Rehab% Center% experienced% SalvaTon% and% they% were% not% all% an%"easy% birthing% process"% but% they% were% Rehborn% nonhtheh% less.%

There%was%ligle%this%team%could%do%to%MAKE%IT%HAPPEN,%and%there%was%NOTHING%THEY%COULD%DO%TO%STOP% IT!%God's%power% was%at%work% and% this% team% flowed% in% that% power% everywhere% they%went."%%%I%would%go%anywhere%in%the%world%with%these%ladies.


- South Texas Assemblies Review PAGE 6

Around South Texas...

“Here’s your sign.”

Church sign for sale. It cost $12k about 6 years ago,

current value is about $3k.

Contact:[email protected] or call 713-201-6994


Home for sale at Hill Country Camp on the private road area. All furnished and ready to move into, fully renovated with laminate wood fl o o r s , g r a n i t e countertops, large open living/dining/kitchen area. two b e d r o o m s , o n e bath with Jacuzzi t u b / s h o w e r . Full  laundry room w i t h a l a r g e  s t o r a g e .  1,100 sq. ft. - on c o n c r e t e foundation with a large front porch and side patio.   The property is 4 lots total. Includes an 8' x 12'  storage building and a large waterfall feature. Price dropped to $105,000. Call Marty Burroughs at 713-201-6994.


What(is(amazing(about(this(whole(venture(is(that(all(of(this(is(being(done(by(organizations(outside(the(church(and(at(no(cost(to(us.((In(fact(the(Alvin(Community(Center(will(pay(the(church(five(hundred(dollars(a(month(plus(the(cost(of(utilities.((August(24th(will(be(the(grand(opening(of(the(Center(and(on(that(day(we(will(be(offering(free(immunizations(to(children(going(back(to(school.( (We(will(also(be(offering(wellness(checkups(for(families.((Following(the(grand(opening(classes(will(begin,(and(we(will(be(teaching(English(as(a(second(language,(computer(skills((we(will(have(a(


Nehemiah%9:3% %While(they(stood(in(their(place,(they(read(from(the(book(of(the(law(of(the(Lord(their( God( for( a( fourth( of( the( day( and( for(another(fourth(they(confessed(and(worshipped(the(Lord(their(God.

Nehemiah% 13:14,% "REMEMBER% ME% OH% GOD,%REMEMBER% ME…% AND%DO%NOT% BLOT% OF% MY%LOYAL% DEEDS% that% I% have% performed% for% the%house%of%God%and%it's %services...% %v.31,%saying,%REMEMBER%ME%OH%GOD%h%for%the%good!"

HELP%US,%OH%GOD% h% this%is %a% big%undertaking!%%Could% it% be% that% WE% HAVE% BEEN% CALLED% TO%THE%KINGDOM%FOR%SUCH%A%TIME%AS%THIS?



(continued(from(page(3)!!From Our Superintendent

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South Texas District Council - April 10-12, 2012

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Reverends Don & Susan NordinAssistant Superintendent

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%R.V.$&$Camper$Sites:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $20.00$per$dayTent$Camp$Sites:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $10.00$per$day$Men’s$or$Women’s$Dorms:$$$ $20.00$per$person$per$dayFamily$Dorms:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $50.00$per$family$per$day



%R.V.$&$Camper$Sites:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $20.00$per$dayTent$Camp$Sites:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $10.00$per$day$Men’s$or$Women’s$Dorms:$$$ $20.00$per$person$per$dayFamily$Dorms:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $50.00$per$family$per$day

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Page 12: The STAR - Summer 2012

Win a New GMC TerrainHole in One

Provided By

Soechting Motors

Starcke Park Golf Course - Seguin, Texas7:00 AM Registration & 8:00 AM Shotgun Start

For Info & Registration Call (830) 379-7531 or Visit

Registration & Lunch

$55 Per Person

door prizes!

Men’s & Women’sLongest Drive & Closest to the Pin

Father’s Day Weekend

June 16th

Four Man Scramble1st Place, 2nd Place, & 3rd Place



golf tournamentmissions

Sponsored By


All proceeds to benefit various missions projects locally and abroad.

Church Name: ___________________________________________

Player # 1 ______________________________________________________Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________Phone: ______________________________________________________Email (optional): ______________________________________________________

Player # 2 ______________________________________________________Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________Phone: ______________________________________________________Email (optional): ______________________________________________________

Player # 3 ______________________________________________________Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________Phone: ______________________________________________________Email (optional): ______________________________________________________

Player # 4 ______________________________________________________Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________Phone: ______________________________________________________Email (optional): ______________________________________________________

Entry Fee: __________ $55 per person (includes green fee, cart, range balls, lunch, & goody bag)

Mulligans: __________ $10 each (maximum of two)

Total: __________

Mail Registration & Payment to:Hillcrest Church, PO Box 267, Seguin, Texas 78155

For More Information, Call (830) 379-7531 or Visit

More From Around South Texas...


 We would like to introduce you to some  of the church plants in the South Texas District.   This issue takes us to Santa Fe, where Pastor Daniel Diaz de Leon and Faith Assembly of League City are p lant ing a Parent Affi l ia ted Church, known as a PAC.  Name of the Church: Faith Cowboy Church

Planters:  Cody and Rachel Rosier

Who is on your heart:  Faith Cowboy Church wants to reach

the cowboys and the bar crowd who don't know of a life beyond the party.  We are also seeking to reach the many people in Santa Fe who have lost sight of their Christian upbringing as well as unchurched young families. 

There is a spirit of unity in the community, but the unity is based on the wrong things. We hope to show them through faith and love that there is acceptance in a church community as well as guidance for their lives.    Faith Cowboy Church will have services in comfortable surroundings, with the sounds of Nashville for praise and worship, and down home preaching.

Launch: We have started our soft launch with preview services and weekly gatherings.  We  plan to have our public launch soon.

Please pray for: Guidance, land and finances. For the hearts and minds of Santa Fe to be open to accept what God has planned.

Cody & Rachel Rosier

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Dear Pastors and churches of South Texas, Please let me make another appeal on behalf of our fellow Christian brother, (South Texas A/G minister) Rev. James Rogers. If you participated in the recent James Rogers Benefit Golf Tournament, you’re already familiar with his story. You’re probably also aware that we were able to raise over $12,000.00 for the Rogers family through the golf tournament. Praise God for a very successful effort!Through my contact with the family during the tournament, I was made aware of another need that I felt compelled to address. James currently has no means of transportation and that makes it very hard on the family to do the daily tasks most of us take for granted. He has to rely on public transportation for the handicapped for his frequent trips to the doctor and any other travel needs of the family. These services are simply not very reliable and very difficult to schedule.Pastor Calvin Durham of Glad Tidings Assembly has located a very reasonably-priced vehicle (see photo) that will be the perfect solution to the family’s transportation needs. For just $17,000.00, we can purchase this minivan that is just a few years old and has been very well maintained. Pastor Durham was able to take the van over to James so he could see it and they were amazed at how perfect a fit it was for him. These vehicles are usually very highly customized to fit the handicapped person that is using it, but this van looks like it was made specifically for James!I’m simply asking you to consider the need, and the solution we believe the Lord has already provided. We need your help. We need the best gift you can offer. And we need it right away. Please consider taking a special offering in your church or simply giving a personal gift if the Lord impresses you to do so.If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at 281-990-9342. The need is urgent because we don’t want to lose the opportunity to purchase this particular van. You can make your checks payable and mail to:

The James Rogers Benefit Fund Glad Tidings Assembly of God 5435 Bingle Rd. Houston, TX 77092

Thanks for your consideration and may God open the windows of heaven to you for your willingness to help a fellow Minister/Christian brother...

Sincerely, Bill Dupree

Even More From Around South Texas...

National Fine Arts Fest ivalA u g u s t 6 - 1 0 , 2 0 1 2L o u i s v i l l e , K e n t u c k yht tp :// lou isv i l

Hill Country Camp and Conference Center is a great place to schedule your next retreat or conference. We also offer our South

Texas credentialed ministers a relaxing time of solitude in one of our finest accommodations absolutely free of charge. (Based upon availability.) To take advantage of this, simply call the camp office at 830-257-5714 to let us minister to you! Phil Jackson, Hill Country Camp Director.

Page 15: The STAR - Summer 2012

���� �������������First Latin AG Galveston Island, Texas















Plans for Columns & Foundational Work

The Walls are built up! 2/12





Vision and Goals %Mentoring'Programs'Senior'Citizen'Outreach'Mission'Church'School'of'Mission'Leadership'Development'

�������������� ��������������������������

New Roof provide by God 1/12

Pastor:$Rev.$Lilia$F.$Rodriguez$$(409)$939@9632$Email:'[email protected]%

Approved%&%Active%��������������������%%Windows%manufactured%����� ��������������%

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Hill Country Camp Kerrville, Texas

August 16, 17 & 18

Retreat Speaker Saturday Morning

Tom Greene National Men’s Director

Assemblies of God

Retreat Theme:


Retreat Speaker Thursday & Friday

Maury Davis Senior Pastor

Cornerstone Church Madison, Tennessee

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Roger Bailey, 713-455-1221, [email protected]

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Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director

Summer is here!!! We are so excited for our upcoming Kid’s Camp Season!! We have Jay Risner coming for all 3 weeks of camp to be our evangelist!! We are praying that the kids “Soak it Up” this year…soaking up Christ and His Word! There is still plenty of room in all of our camps. We pray your summer is anointed and blessed! Congratulations to Braeswood Assembly & Humble First Assembly of God on their advancement to the JBQ National Competition in Orlando, FL on June 7-9. We are so proud of you!!!

Church Ministries and Discipleship 713-455-1221 [email protected]

As of March 2012, the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God has given $40,681.72 to BGMC. Keep up the good work South Texas!! Remember to send your BGMC money directly to the National Office.

Marriage Encounter

June 22-24, 2012 Contact: Reagan & Eugenia Jacks


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Church Ministries and Discipleship 713-455-1221 [email protected]

Upcoming Events 2012

Sept. 8: JBQ Coaches Meeting Oct. 6: Kids in Ministry Oct. 13: JBQ Practice Meet Oct. 26-28: Marriage Encounter Nov. 1-3: Singles Conference Nov. 10: JBQ Practice Meet

2013 Jan. 18-19: All Church Ministries Conference

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South TexasPresident’s ListChristopher BacaMichah CarneyCynthia JacobsRobin VailKrystle SonmoreBrianna Woodson Elizabeth Lopez Anthony Zoucha Elizabeth RokovichAmanda WisehartElizabeth O’Brien

Dean’s ListJohn Alvarez Abrielle BarkerPreston Barnett Joshua Bell

Deje’ BraggFaitth BrooksRonnagail DansJordan Davis Noelle DeJongJulian DominguezAngela DowlingJe!rey Eddy Brittany GarrettNatassia GilesJoshua GolightlyDana Gri"thJordan HawthorneIliana HernandezTravis JonesDavid Jonker Timothy Kolczak Amanda LaneyAubrie MacQueen

Jose MartinezShanae NixClayton O’Neill Tabitha RayLaura RenteriaJason RiceAshley ScogginsNatalie SonnetTravis #ompson Michelle ValdezValerie ValentineCarmen VilchisGarrett VolzKaitlyn WeaverEmily WilliamsBriana WilliamsLindsey Wyatt

SAGU receives $9.3 million in gifts in four months

In the last ten years SAGU enrollment has increased 16 percent. Meanwhile, the combined enrollment of Communication Arts, Language Arts and Music has doubled. #e growth of these programs created a need for additional space and learning tools. #us began the process that would result in the university’s plan for its own World Communication Center.

A monumental endeavor, President Bridges and his administrative team knew the project would be a challenge, totaling an estimated $21 million. #e initial plan was to build the WCC in two phases. Segmenting the project would allow SAGU to construct the facility as resources became available. An unexpected $5 million gift to the WCC last September from a generous family, combined with $8 million authorized by the Board of Regents for $nancing, compelled the administration to consider the feasibility of constructing the entire facility at once.

God has miraculously provided for SAGU throughout its 85-year history and the last six months is evidence of His continued provision. Since September, the university has received an additional $1.8 million from the same generous family who gave the $5 million, as well as a $2.5 million gift from Dr. John and Diana Hagee. #e gift was timely in view of SAGU’s most recent news concerning a challenge grant from the Mabee Foundation.#e Mabee Foundation was instrumental in the construction

of Shea!er Full Life Center and Teeter Hall. #is March, the university submitted a grant proposal for the WCC. On April 10, their Board convened and authorized a $1 million challenge grant on the condition that the remaining $1 million balance is raised by April 2013. #e aforementioned gifts have placed SAGU within striking distance of funding this 79,000-square-foot facility, which will be the second largest building on campus.

“To Every Nation” documentary released on SAGUtv

SAGU Digital Media Arts students joined student-led missionary teams to create a groundbreaking, feature-length documentary of their 2011 journey. “To

Every Nation” premiered January 25, 2012, on Director of World Ministries Chad Germany shares, “#is will be

a powerful, factual demonstration of the Gospel in word and deed. It can challenge and recruit students and even win people to Christ as it is shown in the United States.”

In 2010, the SAGU Missions department introduced Mission TEN (To Every Nation), a humanitarian initiative to send students to serve in 192 nations, 34 Chinese provinces and 35 Indian states over the next 10 years. In two years, SAGU’s Mission TEN has ministered to 37 of the 261 locations it plans to reach.

“To Every Nation” gave Digital Media Arts students hands-on training by telling the stories of missionaries worldwide. Nine embedded journalists divided into 2-person teams to cover 18 Mission TEN summer trips. Each team carried a backpack containing a laptop, a high de$nition camera that shoots video and still photos, a tripod, two external hard drives, a wireless audio kit, and a light and re%ector kit.#e journalism teams $lmed and reported 2-3 personal interviews or

ministries while in each country. #e documentary was student-produced with faculty oversight. Students took particular care to protect missionaries’ identities.

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Ecclesiastes 4: 9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. This month I would like to be evangelist-apologist and explain the importance of revival and the gift of the evangelist for the 21st century church. I want to explain the importance of the local-church evangelist. It is important that we understand the importance of the pastor networking with the evangelist for the health of a church. There is power in twos.

Jesus gave some evangelists (Ephesians 4:11-12) for the perfecting of the saints. All five gifts were given for the perfecting of the church. I have heard people say that the role of the evangelist was not to itinerate. The argument is that the role of the evangelist was to win souls outside the church walls. This is true. However, Paul admonished the church to be commissioned to be evangelists. There are God-called evangelists/revivalists that have the gift to also present a message to revive or to see the saints perfected at the Judgment Seat of Christ. I would like to prove this theology by pointing your attention to Paul, a n e v a n g e l i s t o f t h e N e w Testament. Most people call Paul the apostle, and that is right. I believe he had all 5 gifts to the church. For 37 years I have heard preachers calling Paul's three trips “missionary journeys.” I believe the first journey may have been a missions trip, but I believe the next two trips were itinerary trips to go back and teach correction (revival)

to the churches that had erred into false doctrines. Revival services serve as a tuneup for the church to continue in the true doctrines of God and not man's philosophy or rudiments of this world.

I believe the importance of God-called evangelists to the local church has been attacked by Satan. I believe some television ministries have been a blessing to some, but it has marred the role of the local-church evangelist for the local church . Somehow we mus t convince people of the importance o f t h e e v a n g e l i s t s t o t h i s generation. I hear ministers, church people, and even political figures say that America needs a revival. Revival will not come to America until the church becomes more concerned about its relationship with Jesus and have a greater desire for spiritual numbers than carnal numbers.

Paul had to go back and have meetings with these churches, and t h e e p i s t l e s o f P a u l w e r e for corrections. Paul had the power o f a n o i n t i n g t o d e s t r o y principalities, powers of darkness, spiritual wickedness, and rulers of darkness. Let's pray about the role of the evangelist for the church, and if

God says it’s not for us, then you keep building your church the way you want. God never called the Assemblies of God to be a MEGA church; He called us to be anointed with Holy Ghost character and not just with charisma to reach our world with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, and only then, we become a mega church. The first church that was birthed on the day of Pentecost was a mega church, but it was not built on gimmicks, novelties, new-age techniques, or worldly trickery. It was built on one man who got filled with a double portion of the Holy Ghost. Just think, if two gifts (the pastor and the evangelist) can network together and see people filled with the Holy Ghost, we would be a healthy, New-Testament church, r ep roduc ing sou l s in to the Kingdom of God for the 21st century.

Until next month Let's Have Revival! It is good for the Soul!

Love You Enough to tell the Truth,Rod Vincent South Texas Evangelist Representative

E v an g e l i sm C omm i s s i o n

Reagan & Eugenia Jacks- 281-997-3362 Jimmy & Lenete Merritt- 713-824-4048 Gene & Monia Summers- 281-385-2225 Wilbert & Elaine Oliver- 713-861-7023 Rod & Cathy Vincent- 281-319-1277

South Texas Evange l i s ts

Evangelist Rod Vincent


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Class Date Level 1 Courses(Certified)

Level 2 Courses(License)

Level 3 Courses(Ordained)

June 2, 2012MIN 123

The Local Church in Evangelism

THE 245Eschatology: A Study of

Things to Come

MIN 327Church Administration,

Law & Finance

June 2, 2012

MIN 191Beginning Internship

(Students with Mentors, not taught as a class.)

MIN 291Intermediate Internship(Students with Mentors, not taught as a class.)

MIN 391Advanced Internship

(Students with Mentors, not taught as a class.)

July 7, 2012 Church Life Institute Orientation All Levels - Don Wiehe

Church Life Institute Orientation All Levels - Don Wiehe

Church Life Institute Orientation All Levels - Don Wiehe

September 1, 2012THE 142

Assemblies of God History, Missions & Governance

MIN 251Effective Leadership

MIN 311Prayer & Worship

October 6, 2012MIN 181

Relationships & Ethics in Ministry

MIN 281 Conflict Management for

Church Leaders

MIN 381Pastoral Ministry

November 3, 2012BIB 112

Synoptic Gospels

THE 211Introduction to Theology

MIN 311The Corinthian Correspondence

January 5, 2013THE 114

Intro to Pentecostal DoctrineBIB 212

New Testament Survey

BIB 322Poetic Books

February 2, 2013BIB 117

Prison EpistlesBIB 215Romans

BIB 318The Pentateuch

March 2, 2013BIB 115

Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in the Believers

BIB 214Old Testament Survey &Introduction to Missions



Complete all the Global University courses you need for your level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special techniques and group study sessions. The cost is $70 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Sherry Turner at (713) 455-1221, or email [email protected].

Testing will be from 9 -9:45 a.m., Devotionals from 9:45 to 10 a.m., Class 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Page 28: The STAR - Summer 2012

All Certified and Licensed ministers are required to graduate A.M.T. unless exempted. Those

graduating from an Assembly of God Bible School with a ministerial degree are exempt. If you are unsure of your

status, please contact the office of the Secretary/Treasurer for information.

A.M.T. is quality ministry training open to South Texas A/G ministers

and ministerial candidates. The presenters experienced ministers who

are excellent communicators, and the whole event is free of charge. Come to either location to get in on this year’s Accelerated Ministers Training.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:South Texas Assemblies of God

P. O. Box 9714Houston, TX 77213-0714

PERIODICALS P O S T A G EP A I DAt Houston, TXUSPS # 014-651

The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 60, Number 5,is published quarterly (plus a special December issue) by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc.

11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX



" September 8 and 15

(713) 455-1221 or [email protected].


September 8 and 15

2 Great Days of Ministry Training

! ! 2 Great Locations ! ! to choose from


Crossroads Fellowship12110 East Sam Houston Parkway N.Houston, TX 77044713-455-1661

Trinity Worship Center7010 Holly Road

Corpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-4444

M in i s t e r ’s Under 40 Fellowship @ StarbucksFriday, 9/7 from 7 to 9

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- South Texas Assemblies Review ONLINE EXTRA - PAGE 29

Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) celebrated its 101st Commencement ceremony on Friday, April 27, 2012, with commencement speaker Texas Representative Jim Pitts. Two hundred seven students graduated. During the Fall 2011 – Spring 2012 school year, a total of 391 students graduated.

"SAGU has had a long-standing relationship with Representative Pitts, and we are honored that he was able to join us for our 101st Commencemen t ce remony, " said SAGU President Kermit Bridges.

Representative Pitts addressed the students, "As I look at each of you graduating tonight, I am not able to discern what your dreams for the future may be. But, I do want you to know one important thing: you can make your dreams come true."

"Whether you are going to further your education or you are looking for a career right away, the opportunity is here for you," he continued. "So, I challenge you, whatever your vision is, follow it. The world is waiting for you."

Representative Pitts earned a B a c h e l o r o f B u s i n e s s Administration, a Master of Business Administration and a Juris Doctorate from Southern Methodist University. Pitts practiced law in Waxahachie for 36 years with a specialization in General and Real Estate Law.

In 1992, Representative Pitts was e l ec t ed to the Texas S ta t e L e g i s l a t u r e a s t h e H o u s e Representative for District 10. A m o n g h i s r e c o g n i t i o n s , R e p r e s e n t a t i v e P i t t s was Waxahachie’s Outstanding Citizen of the Year in 1999, and Texas Monthly Magazine named

him one of Texas’ Ten Best Legislators in 2005. Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas gave him the “Leader of Excellence Award.”

Dorothy Megan Timmerman (Midlothian, Texas) was the Spring 2012 Student Speaker. Timmerman completed a Bachelor of Arts in English with dual specializations in literature and writing.

Timmerman spoke of how she and her colleagues stand on a foundation created by the past generations and

are entering a time when they will lay the foundation for the future generations. She said, "God gave us two stories: the crucifixion of Christ and our personal testimony. God said that with these two weapons we can impact the world."

Citing the literary dragon as a metaphor for the challenges ahead, Timmerman continued, "There will be dragons in our story. But the wonderful thing about dragon slayers is the more dragons they slay, the more adept they become at slaying them."

She concluded, "So, I wish you, Graduating Class of 2012, to have very good lives – through the progressive power of imagination and the faultless foundation of family."

In addition to her academic a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s , M e g a n participated in a Mission TEN trip to Indonesia. She plans to further her education in comparative literature and classical languages and become a novelist in young adult literature.

Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) is a private, Christian university located 30 minutes south of theDallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex in Waxahachie, Texas . The Univers i ty was established in 1927, and now offers more than 60 associate, bachelor’s or master’s degrees on campus or online. More information is available at or by calling 1-888-YES-SAGU.

101st Commencement Ceremony with Texas Representative Jim Pitts

Page 30: The STAR - Summer 2012

President Kermit Bridges was re-elected for a 5-year term by the Board of Regents on Friday, April 27, 2012. After the completion of t h e t e r m , B r i d g e s w i l l be SAGU's longest serving president with 16 years of service.Bridges served as Vice President for University Advancement (VPUA) from 1994 to 1999, during which t ime he di rected what was then SAGU’s most effective capital campa ign , r e su l t ing in the construction of phase one of the Sheaffer Full Life Center (FLC) and t h e a c q u i s i t i o n o f the SAGU’s former North Campus. As VPUA he also provided oversight to a student recruitment strategy, which produced seven consecutive record enrollments.In December 1999, the Board of Regents selected Bridges to succeed Dr. Delmer R. Guynes as president. Under Bridges, SAGUhas added 25 new academic programs, eight of which were in the Harrison School of Graduate Studies. Nineteen additional degree programs are being evaluated for addition in the next five years. Enrollment has increased 16 percent since 2001, from 1,738 students to 2,023 in 2012.

Following the completion of the World Communication Center in Fall 2013, SAGU's developed square footage will reach 706,000, of which 392,932 was constructed in last 10 years. Including his service as Vice President, Bridges has been instrumental in the construction of SAGU's four largest building projects.President Bridges spent most of his childhood in Waxahachie. Upon graduation from Waxahachie High School, he enrolled at SAGU where he graduated in 1982. He later attended and received graduate degrees from Assemblies of God T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y i n Springfield, Missouri, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, where he was awarded a Doctor of Ministry degree. Bridges’ doctoral program focused on church leadership and management.Bridges is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. Prior to his service at SAGU he served as Senior Pastor of First Assembly of God in Grand Prairie, Texas, and as Associate Pastor at Oak Cliff Assembly of God in Dallas, Texas, Park Crest Assembly of God in

Springfield, Missouri, and First Assembly of God in Garland, Texas.While serving on the staff at Oak Cliff Assembly of God, Kermit met his wife Jan Quistad, native of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mrs. Bridges has been a teacher in public and Christian school, fi l led education administration roles, and now serves as an adjunct faculty member at SAGU. The Bridges’ have two sons, James, 18, and Forrest, 15.

- South Texas Assemblies Review ONLINE EXTRA - PAGE 30

Waxahachie City Manager Paul Stevens, Representative Gary Elkins, SAGU President Kermit Bridges and Representative Jim Pitts break ground on WCC on Friday, April 27, 2012, in Waxahachie, Texas.

SAGU President Kermit BridgesRe-elected to a 5 Year Term

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Janice Akers, Tomball - 281-516-7419Pamela Atkins, Fulshear - 281-492-4662David Baca, Humble - 859-948-4177Luciano Bazan, Helotes - 210-488-1067Vivian Boyles, Houston - 281-804-9338Darrell Brown, Batson - 936-536-3154Gus Chupe, Seguin - 830.386.0101P.H. Collins, Porter - 281-572-1130Angus Davis, San Antonio - 210-290-7694Dan Ewing, Alvin - 281-824-0119Greg Garrett, Texas City - 409-256-7716Stephen Gatlin, Spring - 281-288-4220Opal Golden, Friendswood - 832-738-1843Tom Gourly, Houston - 281-458-6812James Hazelton, Spring - 281-443-4437

Don Hickman, Angleton - 979-319-2463John Humphries, Bacliff - 832-386-5653Reagan Jacks, Pearland - 281-997-3362Bob Kucker, Buna - 409-994-5563Fern Lancaster, Kerrville - 830-895-4971Ray McCullough, Sugar Land - 281-904-4174Floyd Miles, Magnolia - 317-714-57llGreg Mutchler, Kerrville - 830-739-3000 Kenneth Myers, Victoria - 361-582-4907Wilbert J. Oliver,Houston - 713-205-3361Donald Paredes, Spring - 832-764-0468, Spanish speaking, wife interpretsDonny Phillips, LaPorte - 713-885-2568Thomas Proctor, Missouri City - 281–835-8036Richard Reyes, San Antonio - 210-884-2908

Jackie Richardson, Spring - 281-350-4142Edward Rowls, Spring - 281-353-1894Mary Sanders, Alvin - 281-331-2325Russell Skinner, Montgomery - 936-449-4378Stephen Sowell, Corpus Christi - 361-985-6880 Jeanine Sullins, Porter - 956-358-6912 David Tosten, Corpus Christi - 361-563-3293Marsha Touchstone, Houston - 713-981-0687Juanita Trevino, Port Lavaca - 361-935-7202Tim Verden, League City - 832-545-0868Alison Ward, Kingwood - 281-361-7966LeyAnne Ward, Kingwood - 281-361-7966David Washburn, Kerrville - 830-896-2171


Port Arthur Faith Harbor A/GResumes to:Pastoral Search Committee PO Box 5100A

Port Arthur, TX 77640-0725


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1 Timothy 4:16- Take heed unto thyself, and unto doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. The Assemblies of God are 98 years old. I have been blessed for 38 years to preach the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Assemblies of God. This is a movement the enemy hates. I have studied church movements for years and find that many started out the right way, but in a few years, died off. I do give the Baptist credit, they continue to preach their mandate and they are not ashamed of it. This month I would like to show the Blue Print of our success and areas where Satan has sneaked in and attacked. There are four areas we must re-inforce. (1) Our Mandate (2) Our Mission (3) Our Mantle (4) Our Message. First- Our Mandate- The Assemblies of God were not called to be a Non-Pentecostal church movement! We were anointed to be a movement that w o u l d e n a b l e o u r c i t i e s a n d communities to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We were not even called to be like some other so ca l l ed Pen tecos ta l /Cha r i sma t i c movements. The Mandate of order was given for a Pure Pentecostal church that had God's Doctr ine. We cannot cheapen the gospel of Jesus Christ just to gain a crowd. We were called to preach JESUS SAVES, JESUS BAPTIZES IN THE HOLY GHOST WITH THE EVIDENCE OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES, JESUS HEALS, AND JESUS IS COMING BACK SOON! We must revive this mandate now or we loose a whole generation to false doctrines, New Age teachings of another gospel, gimmicks of another Jesus, Novelties of another spirit. We are on the verge of having a generation that does not believe in the miracles of a loving and living God. Second-Our Mission- The Assemblies of God has been the leading Missions program for over 50 years. We have always been Missions minded. it first started in Hot Springs Arkansas when a band of believers gathered because they were hungry for the Theology if the Book of Acts. Pentecost is Missions anointed by the Holy Ghost. The people in Hot Springs were not Assembly of God, they were Baptist, Methodist, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and other denominations who were hungry for the touch of God and to win their nation to Jesus. We want to reap

a mega church, without a missions minded seed. Using carnal minded ideas is not the way to grow a 21st century New Testament church. When William Seymour went to Los Angeles, California, he went to preach Jesus, and experienced the anointing of God. He would pray from under an apple crate praying REPENT! The anointing fell and Baptized believers from six continents for one thousand day's. People had witnessed the greatest show on earth in the backyard of Hollywood! The anointing fell and souls were saved and it was not through Sensationalism, Emotionalism, Purpose-ism, or Socialism. The Mission of the Assemblies of God is to win souls to Jesus and not just to a Collective Salvation church. We must define what true Gospel missions is in our churches. We must stop debating and refusing to be what God called us to be. We must revive the home base or we loose a generation that has been morphed to be a church we were never called to be. Let's stop being afraid to say we are Pentecostal. Let's be what God called us to be. The anointing magnifies Jesus in our lives and this world looks beyond the human walls of imperfection.

Third - Our MANTLE- the mantle is the anointing that God placed on this movement. It was not just to have charisma or to seek sensationalism. The MANTLE is a special touch of God and gift of garments we should be proud to wear. In the Old Testament, Elijah had placed the MANTLE of God on Elisha; this was a transfer of the anointing to the next generation. The greatest legacy is to instill into the inner man of the next generation a desire to be what we are. I have no axe to grind with our young generation of Ministers, but your going to have to trust my spirit of burden for this generation. The last generation were not called to be in competition with this generation. This generation must catch the VISION of the dreams our forefathers were given. This generation was called to fulfill those dreams not destroy them. in Joel 2:28 it says "your old men shall dream, dreams, your young men shall see visions." But in Acts 2:17 it flip flops the scripture to say " your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams." The Holy ghost did not make a mistake. there was a reason for the flip flop.

Dreams in Hebrew means recover, cherish, develop. Dreams in the Greek means a Theophany or Manifestation of Deity, to live it out, or Rhema. The word Visions in the Hebrew means to behold, to perceive or Treatise or concept. In the Greek the word Visions means to discern, heed, perceive with concern. or to live it out. As a movement we were called to fulfill the dreams and visions in the last day's of Grace. Here we are in sight and sound of the promise land and we have decided to morph into a vision God never gave us to be. We must let our Visions be greater than our dreams, but we must not loose sight of what got us this far. The Mantle was an honor to wear. It was a sign of the touch of God on our life. The old and the young were not to compete but to compliment each other in this battle. We must trade our old tattered garments for a robe of pure white and win the war on sin in this old world. The Fourth- Our Message- 1 Timothy 4:13- Paul said give attendance to (reading), to (exhortation), to (doctrine). In other words have church services for Gods people to be in the presence of God. Paul was promoting church services! Why? To hear the preaching of the word. We must let the church hear the preaching of the word. Teaching is valuable and that is why we still need Sunday School. Preaching quickens your spirit to action. The Message of the cross has never been more attacked or deleted from the church like it is now. The preaching of the Cross enables the church to know the original Jesus. There are three Jesus’ being taught now in our nation. One is the Historical Jesus. This Jesus is powerless and has as much character as Mickey Mouse. The other Jesus is the New Age Jesus, this Jesus has no deity and is controlled by man's ego and carnal mind. You tell this Jesus how you want to live. The message is Jesus Christ died on the Cross, was buried, placed in a borrowed tomb, on the third day rose from the grave and is alive forever, even in the 21st century. We cannot afford to cheapen this gospel for this generation. We owe to our forefathers and we owe it to this world. We must revive the true message and not give in to false doctrines that deceive people of true salvation.

E van g e l i smC omm i s s i o n Sneak Attack Rod Vincent