the state of the geoserver project

The State of GeoServer Andrea Aime GeoSolutions Justin Deoliveira Opengeo

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FOSS4G 2011 presentation on the status of the GeoServer open source project


Page 1: The State of the GeoServer project

The State of GeoServer

Andrea Aime GeoSolutions

Justin Deoliveira Opengeo

Page 2: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 3: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 4: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 5: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 6: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 7: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 8: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 9: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 10: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 11: The State of the GeoServer project

Project Activity

Page 12: The State of the GeoServer project

Two Years in Review

Page 13: The State of the GeoServer project


Page 14: The State of the GeoServer project

Advanced Projection HandlingDateline wrapping (Plate Caree, Mercator)

Cut polygons to valid area (Mercator, Transverse Mercator, Polar)

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Geometry TransformationsDrop shadow

<PolygonSymbolizer> <Geometry> <ogc:Function name="offset"> <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName> <ogc:Literal>0.00004</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>-0.00004</ogc:Literal> </ogc:Function> <Geometry></PolygonSymbolizer>

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Geometry Transformations<PointSymbolizer> <Geometry> <ogc:Function name="endPoint"> <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName> </ogc:Function> </Geometry> <Graphic> <Mark> <WellKnownName>shape://carrow</WellKnownName> </Mark> <Rotation> <ogc:Function name="endAngle"> <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName> </ogc:Function> </Rotation> </Graphic></PointSymbolizer>

Pointed Arrows

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Rendering Transformations

<FeatureTypeStyle> <Transformation> <ogc:Function name="gs:Contour"> <ogc:Function name="parameter"> <ogc:Literal>data</ogc:Literal> </ogc:Function> <ogc:Function name="parameter"> <ogc:Literal>levels</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1100</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1200</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1300</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1400</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1500</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1600</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1700</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>1800</ogc:Literal> </ogc:Function> </ogc:Function> </Transformation> </FeatureTypeStyle>

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SLD Parameter Substitution <Mark> <WellKnownName> <ogc:Function name="env"> <ogc:Literal>mark</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>square</ogc:Literal> </ogc:Function> </WellKnownName> <Fill>#FF0000</Fill> </Mark>

Normal output ...&env=mark:star

Page 19: The State of the GeoServer project

Unit of Measure Support




Page 20: The State of the GeoServer project

Unit of Measure Support




<Rule> <MinScaleDenominator>18000</MinScaleDenominator> <LineSymbolizer> <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke-width"> <ogc:Literal>1</ogc:Literal> </CssParameter> </Stroke> </LineSymbolizer></Rule><Rule> <MinScaleDenominator>8000</MinScaleDenominator> <MaxScaleDenominator>18000</MaxScaleDenominator> <LineSymbolizer> <CssParameter name="stroke-width"> <ogc:Literal>2</ogc:Literal> </CssParameter> </Stroke> </LineSymbolizer></Rule><Rule> <MaxScaleDenominator>8000</MaxScaleDenominator> <LineSymbolizer> <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke-width"> <ogc:Literal>4</ogc:Literal> </CssParameter> </Stroke> </LineSymbolizer></Rule>

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Unit of Measure Support




<Rule> <LineSymbolizer uom=""> <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke-width"> <ogc:Literal>5</ogc:Literal> </CssParameter> </Stroke> </LineSymbolizer></Rule>

Page 22: The State of the GeoServer project

Label Obstacles

<PointSymbolizer> <Graphic> <ExternalGraphic> <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="..." /> <Format>image/png</Format> </ExternalGraphic> <Size>32</Size> </Graphic> <VendorOption name="labelObstacle">true</VendorOption></PointSymbolizer>

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● Point label displacement● DPI scaling● Faster Recode/Categorize● Performance

And More Rendering

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Faster Raster Reprojection

Piecewise linear approximation

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Faster Raster Reprojection

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Non Georeferenced Rasters


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Image Mosaic Improvements

● Attach attributes to tiles● Filter by attribute● Filter by time/elevation● Autoindexing of directories● External indexes

○ any GT datastore○ third party indexes

● Multithreaded loading of granules● Footprint support

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Automatic Image Pyramids

Automatically:● recognize gdal_retile structure● building mosaic index

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ImageIO-Ext Improvements● BigTiff support

○ Read/Write○ Overviews

● Improved GeoTiff○ external overviews○ new plugin underway

● Improved JPEG2000 support○ kakadu based○ additional code params○ fine grain control on writing

● Improved Tiff metadata management○ wiser caching○ less memory - more speed

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Direct Raster Rendering Path● Hit JAVA2D Bottleneck – Scalability Issue


● Created direct raster rendering path with JAI○ Drop-in replacement (1 raster

at time)○ 2x speedup○ 2x/3x scalability improvement

under heavy load○ Enabled/Disabled via Java Switch

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● Oracle GeoRaster● JPEG 2K improvements● More Concurrency● Simplified/Shrunk Raster Operation


And More Raster

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Web UI

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Web UI

EPSG:32612, UTM 12N

EPSG:32614, UTM 14N

CRS Area of Validity Display

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Web UI

Log viewer

Legend preview

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Web UIGraphical file chooser

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● Recent development by CSIRO ● Full extension status● Feature chaining, polymorphism● Better performance, memory use● GML 3.2, WMS (beta)

Application Schema Support

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Eckert IVWinkel Tripel


Equidistant conic

Page 39: The State of the GeoServer project

Web Map Service (WMS)

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Time and Elevation

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Time and Elevation

...&request=GetMap &time=2001-08-01T18:00:00Z/2001-09-01T00:00:00Z

...&request=GetMap &time=2003-08-01T18:00:00Z/2003-10-01T00:00:00Z

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Albacore Tuna catches, 1986 to 2000. (Params injected in a complex sql view computing each pixel)

...&request=GetMap &format=image/gif;subtype=animated &aparam=viewparams:YR_TA &avalues=1986,1987,...,2000 &format_options=gif_loop_continuosly:true

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...&request=GetMap &format=image/gif;subtype=animated &aparam=bbox &avalues=-180\,0\,0\,90, -165\,0,14\,90...

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WMS Cascading

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GeoWebCacheTransparent caching

Disk usagecontrol

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● WMS 1.3● SE 1.1 / SLD 1.1● SLD GetStyles

And More WMS

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Web Coverage Service (WCS)

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WCS Request Builder

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WCS Limits

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Web Processing Service (WPS)

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Web Processing ServiceFull extension status

Lots of new processes

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Georectification Process

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Georectification Process

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SQL ViewsLayers from SQL

request=GetMap &layers=continents &viewparams=region:2

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Service and catalog views per workspace

Virtual Services

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● OWS request throttling based on:○ Number of concurrent requests total○ Number of concurrent requests per:

■ service■ operation■ output format■ user

● Requests queued when limits reached

Control Flow

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Control Flow

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Control Flow

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Cross Layer Filtering<wfs:Query typeName="sf:bugsites"> <ogc:Filter> <ogc:Intersects> <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName> <ogc:Function name="querySingle"> <ogc:Literal>sf:restricted</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>the_geom</ogc:Literal> <ogc:Literal>cat = 3</ogc:Literal> </ogc:Function> </ogc:Intersects> </ogc:Filter> </wfs:Query>

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Monitoring and Auditing

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Teradata DataStore

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What's coming?

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On the Horizon

● WFS 2.0● DBconfig - Catalog and config in a database● Scripting - Python, JavaScript, Scala, Groovy

(GeoScript)● GSS / GeoGit

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Oh Wait! It's trivia time.

What was the original name of the organization that founded GeoServer?
