the state rights democrat. (albany, or.) 1886-02-19 [p ]. · ik giawrvat warebouae at tangent, bet...

WArebouae at Tangent, bet several Sheriff's Sale. New Goods. Ik giawrvat Th Oohooo itWat. published At thoneand bnahela not abipped yet. The Orange Cbuncll bold here the day waa largely attended. We familiar faoea from alt parta of the county. There waa a auhble given at tho raaidenoe of S. J. Arohibald on I ait a 5. b i e. Sheriffg Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for County of Linn, Z. F. Moody, Governor, R P Earhart, Secretary ofthe Stat.awl Edward Hiraebr Treasurer of the State of Oregon, oonstl-tntl- ng the Board of Commissioners for the sala of school and University lands and tor tbe investment of tbe funds aristae therefrom. Plaintiffs, ve. TUB MKMttBlC K ft MOMMlNf. the We have had placed in our kanda a circular of tho Hendrlok'a Monument Other Association, lately organtae at Indian-apoU- a, eaw lodiAna, for the purpose of rail e fund wllh which to erect a mon ument et that piece to the lete Vice ma Preaident of tho United Statea,Thomaa folka Hendricki. Knowing that a large n..mW of the readera cf the Dekogiut Yaavqutna 13 ay. rollllcally thert ought to bo a good man hero with a big oak cudgel to register Democrat, and get foreign ere to take out their paper, A few Democrat over he re are fore. Full- ed to get appointments, you see. How' the reP.toad, Ia about the next matter. It is all right and make it regular trlps,and we think that it I Bound financially. There la not much doing Juat now tho mechanical 1100, except the erection of a company store building, Fit! DA V FEBRUARY 18, 1886 tiraT.tTI M MRU PAYABLE IN all.fBaV A aorreaponoont who "ia atudyiog tho silver question," ears ho 'takoa .P- iBafCnaaT . fi s 'SyjF Jfm&iil f t PunJy wo have had tho pleasure m: A ... anl. to oon- - isauc" with a autoinoot heretofore mada , in the Dkmih rat that the bonds of the United 8tatee are parable in ailrer.and aaka for the proof. Aa the beat proof of our aiateuient, we giro below a oon- - currant reoelution introduoed into the I United States Henate br Senator Stan- - lor Matthewe, of Ohio, on December I 6th, 1877. Thie reoolutioa waa before tho Senate for diaooaaion for ee?on weeka, and the ableot men of the Sen- - ate,includtng euch men ae Allison, Beck, I Barnum,Bjard,Blaina,Oarland, Ferry, . j- - a a M a a r aa n Uonaiing, e, ianuada,iiiii,iioar,iogaiie, Maxy, Metrimoo, Lamar, Thurman, Windom, and othcro took pert in the diecuaaion. After a fall end elaborate investigation and diacuaaion of the various acta of Ooagreoa bearing upon the qnoition aa whether United Statee bonda are t arable in ailvar, the reeolu-- 1 tien waa adopted by a vote of 43 in favor ot and 22 againai the ratal u tier., It naaeod the Houae at a later date, The following ia the resolution Whereas, By the act entitled, "An act to atrengthen tho public credit, approved March 18tb, isoy, it waa provided and declared that the faith of tho United Statee waa thereby eolemnly pledged to the payment ia coin or ita equivalent of all the lnteroat-beario- g obligations ol tne united tteMxoP i At h l x l r i 1 i in caaea wovrv tar imw Bonoruva m , iMiia nf Biifih nhliffAtinna hkd axnraaalv I provided that the earns might be paid by Senator Voerheea, or Marion, unair-fa- k lawful monev or other currency than man of the enrolling committee. After In tht Circuit Court oth: StrUt of On pn fo JAnn Uountjj. W FSetlltfiiiire, Plaintiff. va. JosUh llitrrell and Isabel Burreli bis wife, end J W Gaines, Defendants. . NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue execution and on order of sale Issued out of the above named Court In tBO Hitfo- v- enlitlnd action and to rue direct ed and delivered. I will on Naturday the wit day or March, imi, at one o'ciooe, p. m., at the Court rleuse door In Albany, Mint county, Oreejsn, at pnollo ouctton for cash ta band 1 tbe blabeet bidder, 11 the real prmoriy described In said asftoutlon and order of sale as follows, to wit : Coincnenolng at the northeast corner tbe Donation Land Claim formerly owned and proven upon by William F. Moore and desltrnated anon the surveys h TTnltArf Hlmtu a Nat 2510 in TeWD- - ship VI M It 1 west Willamette meridian thence Irotn the said northat oorner north 4v west 21 chains and 50 links ; thence south 102 obalna and 2ft link; thence north ho W east 28 chains and 50X links to tbe aoutbeeet corner uf aatd claim : thonoe north 102 obalna and zo links to the place of beainntng, centainiof 340 79100 acres more or lose. Alto tbe west of the northeast of Section 26 la To. 12 at of R one west vv llllamette men dfan. All of the above deecrihed premises vine and boinir in Man county, oragow T he nrooeede of sale to 00 aooi tea ae In foil ws. to -- wit : First to the nay moot . of Z ' M. tbe ooate and disbursement Of suit tax at and tbe costs end expense of this sale Heoond to the payment ana aatlafaotien of the Demndant W Oeince' Imlament of B&3I.0A with lotereet thereon l Pr annum from Fen, sen, Ipu,.., ,l nA aati.r,. i f"v, a aa i vs ev vmw iwyivwu twaew www tion of claim of Plaintiff herein to wit s 1008.25 with aooruina Interest thereon at io per rmt per oonum rrom wev. in. Inst. Fourth tbe overplus if any be paid to Jostah Burreli his heirs or aeaiana. Dated this ir th day of February, use. J. K. CHAmrow, Bberin of Linn county, Oregon, per Jas. J. Cmarotok, Deputy. HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, tn -P- ROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- - choice oomonoiBKT, ONSIS 1TN J OF Pore stick, oeaorted flavors, mixed drops tr drop, borohound tfropa, eat lusepe, extra French mixed, chocolate creams. checoisi chocolate mlr, deoormt- - r. Crated face, almond bare, frail squares, apple slices, cream dales, aeeorted.cftj'omeis, maoaroniiooenat bane, aoeonut brilllant.creem m icecream heart. . fine assortment of large HEARTS AND TOYS In endless variety. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANDIES We are now prepared to eel I at whole sale, aiwavs fraeh and on re at Portland prices to dealers, we awn aoep a iuu una ef HuU and Tropical Fruits, GROCERIES, We keep a full line, atwave fresh and at very tow prices. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO denartmonl is complete. We keep the vory floet stock of smoking and chewing moaeeo, meerseaeum nu oner pipe mw mi a detigbt to smokers. WE8TILL KKB? OUR STAB 1SX real. ! eeaU BEMADISA( BOSS PUNCB aVceal CIBAB Aad a floe assortment of IMPORTED CIQAR8. Conrad Meyer, efKOPBlBTOR O- F- STAR BAKERY, Corn? Broadalbin and First Sts.f -- DEALER IW Canned Pratta, Canned Heats, ! war , a reus ware. Driest Fruits, Vegetable, Cigars, Sugar, galeae. Coffee, Tost, Ete,. El.. In fact everything thsrt to kepi ia a gen variety and grocery store. market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN- - CISCO VIA. JAQUINA Tralaa Leave Corvatlia. Tuesday, Thuraday, Saturday, at 9 a. m. Tralna Leave Vaqo'lna, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 a. a. The fine A I Steamer MYaqutnaM8ails rso TjvtA. nou sas raaacsse, V1J UlW I.L BAmuw 1. Tuoattay, Fabruary lth I W edeaoilay , rabruary IWh radar, Fabruary aeth. isiturttay, rssruary naa. Sunday, March 7th. I Worfneaday, ttarai Sea. Wadnaasay, Haroh lTlh. I Krldar. March ltth. Sunday, March 28th TucaUy, March SSrS. The Company tvaeryei the right to easaga sailing Oays. Paaas Cabin, 614 ; Steersrs, 9? ; frstrhtst resuc sd sad ntofdarste ratea. River boau oa tho Willamette connect at Corvallia Uw (area ami rates. For taraasr iatacasattoa ap ply to r. v. era, A. 0. F. snd P. AfSBt, CeooJas. p DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIQHTNIKG" LINIMENT, IH THE BOSS OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A BEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Nervous headicho cured in three minutes aad Tooth&eha in three ttecondH. For all pains and achea lt has no equal tn tho world 9 Small Dotue. wjots. karfre ootut, Si . Prinevilla, snakes vigorous ittaak upon Governor Moody and Hecretary of State Earhart. with relwenea to their relation to what ii known an Senate ing Joint Memorial, No. 6, pAtMd At the apeoial MMion of ihe legtalature.etkine; OongrtM to Annul certain portion! of A. land grautt made by Oongroot to aid in conatruotmg oortAin military wagon ",w roaiia in this atato. Tho point of at- - iiTiMiiBiiiMiiSitiiiiiHaiiiiiin Tn tack ia thio. Tho Review eeuor aay a whon this manorial waa introduced in the Sonate,it included atnoog the other roada mentioned the W. V. CM. W . R. arant. and that the memorial aa paaeod by both houaa contained a re to cital of the grant to thia road. But the memorial aa printed in the lawa of the apecial aeeaion contaiua no rrfarenoo q tbia grant at all, and the certified eopiee oont by tho Secretary of Stale to m - .5 H both branchea of Cooareea contain no reference to thia grant. We hove ox trained tho journale of both branchea 0f the legialature at the apecial aeeaion, from whioh we gather the following (acta : The memorial wee introduced by Senator Hainee, of Baker, in tho Senate Nov. 20th, end waa adopted at once without amendment. It waa sent to the Houee on the eeme day, and,im- - mediate! v after beintf read, waa adopted without amendment and ordered uriatod. Aa it paeaed the Houae it contained the olause referring to the W. V. & (J. M. W. R , th refore that clauee must have been in the me- - morial when it peaeed the Senate. After it paaeod the Houae it waa placed in loe handa of the enrolling committee, and waa reported aa correctly enrolled which it waa aignad by the Preaidect of the Senate and Speaker of the Houae. ..j tu. ..n t k- - fu.rtr f Sfat. office. The memorial ea printed rn the eoaaion lawa doee not contein eny refer ence to the Albany and Lebanon read Tbe oueation is, wbare.wbso, bow, and by whom, waa the clause stricken out 1 TW itUnu rmmm in ftm iimmmiil arhnn ifc the Sentp' bluM lt wwu to the House alter it paeaed the Senate, and it ia published to fu.l ta tbe House Journal page 210.) end oont si as Now jB wboM hmna, w in wamnai too. n,e w introdeced until it reached the otlico of the Secretary of S' ale. It wee in tbe handa of the Chief cler he of the Houae end Senate, while pending before the houses, in the hands of pages ead doer keepers ia tbe transmission from one Houae to the other, in tbe haade of tbe enrolline committee and ita clerk durine .BPO,tm.nk. in the handa of iha Prsai- - ' "va w "m" "r 7 "- -f ouao tor the purpose ci neing etgoaa by tbem, in the banda ot a clerk, dear keeper or pace io psssiotr from the p:. .u. PL.,f to th. .'la," smry a oun, VT I I . . . , B wuom wum im "r'" ' lb! Ureioman has an article in ita USD of rah 13th Which StmSIM aa an ' adiiorial. but waa avidentlv written bv - TiminM nMr.r to ,u. Siau Hana than 1" J"'" om ,B wu,cu " ,vuu" ttempt ia mad to myatify and mislead the poblic about thie matter. The writer io tbe Ortaonian eara. notbor raault ef haatv lLMsiation . ....... nM "8ou mrm wmm .co,D i;ow notniog booty about ibis matter ao lar aa the legislature ia concerned. Both house t agreed in the passage of tbe memorial, but tbe trouble ia that some oae has tampered with tbe memorial after its passage. Who the guilty party ia we have no means of knowing. The writer in the Orejonian says that tbs Review editor, "though present wVen the memorial passed, is uofamilisr with the machinery of legislation." "Un familiar," indeed I Why ahould en hen- - oat man be suspected of being"familiat" with that species of "machinery of leg ialation," whioh would mutilate, atrike out, or steal a bill or memorial after ita passags by both bouses ? It is no credit to any one to be familiar with auch a system. The writer of the Orejonian says, "the Secretary of State can only he eoverne i in auch matters by tbe documents properly endorsed, end can not be held responsible for tbe aots of tbs legiclature." Very true, but ae we have shown from the jourouli tbe mu dieting and striking out a part of the memorial was no part of tho act of the legislature, bat mutt have been done by soma villian who ought not to be allowed to ahow his bead anywhere about the halls of legislation. W write not on account of any particular inter, eat in thie road land grant aquahble,but because, from circumstances, we arc led ts believe that during tbe last reg- ular and special session some thief has had fall access officially or otherwise to the files and papers of the legislature, and we desire to ese tbe rascal exposed. Tbe Oregon candidate plant, Ojenus, candidatiif) ia a biennial, indigenoua to oar soil and sprouts spontaneously, but the growth is much improved by care- ful culture and prudent pruning. It blossoms early and often, but oniy a meagre pari of the bloom produces fruit in tbe early part of Juue. In this climate it will not do to plant too many in the hill aad tbe suckers must abso- lutely all be pulled off and not allowed to imbibe the nourishment of maio stalks. Tbe crop to be abund- ant this year. Money ta loan. We have money to loan in sums of from $5)0 to $5300, on good personal or real estate security. Clink, Montbith & Co, Friday evening at wnion tea young bad a good time. F. M. Gulp preached one of the beat, plio and praetioal earmona hare I ait olliateuiug to for a long tims, uaing in ht txt thJ UlUr 0iAUM ol the 7th verse ol 2nd Chanter of Luke. We era very glad to learn that he it to preach Teot oh Mi Ef 0hupoh Q:)Ulh ho,d lher quKrtrlv meeting at thia . place next Saturday and Sunday. Rif, DAVg 0f Albany will preach Tensent the 4th Sunday, at half naat J rv itltnlr ... tn - v.w, B. O. Fellowe the patent g.tU man hae beea around and pot up several lata In thia vicinity whinh awajrtr ItlcA Just the thine. No letting . w w out in tbe mud to open gate. Annual ecbool meeting first day of a March. George Cochran end wife boarded the tratO OO ModdsV A8t fof Harris- - our w - ptlM n.Bj jn tk-- ta nraetioe. j j Ftaard baa raiivad hia Com miesion which givea kirn authority to a IBB aa a OOB a. I handle U.S. mail at i'aogent. Mr. E. L. Bryan on Wodaeeday . a.. a aa aa a moved back to bis old farm at mi plaoo from Albany, and hie son Albert has moved into town, where be baa rented some property. unsKRvea. I larrlsiburu;. Weather Mr. Everybody seems happy. The Village Lyceum I now ran. nlng on full tlme,aod 1 both Instruc-liv- e and entertaining. A Sibbatn School waa organised at tho Christian Church last Sunday, with a full attendance. Mr. R, E. Upmeyer, Supt. Msrrled at the residence of tbe bride's father, In this eity.oo Sunday last, Miss Ella Kelsey and Mr. Wm. School intr. Our bleavstogs attend then. Our new 1. M. was somewhat alarmed at tbe discovery of smoke ejecting from a neighboring building, which had but recently beea con verted Into a smoke houae, but this our Naaby did not know, hence he waa justified in turning in an alarm, thinking, no doubt, that where there la a whole lot of smoke there must be soma fire. The noat came up loot woek from C'rvuUt, bringing the first r.irtfo of freight from San Francisco via Ya- - quioa to tbia point. The freight was for May k Sender's. Dancing school, under the manage ment and Instructions of W. W Crawford, Is progressing finely, end seems to he the most popular resort for fun and exercise. Next Io order wt believe is the skating rink, under the management of Messrs. Douglas ft Scott, but In thia case exercise is tbe first consideration and the amuse- ment consists In getting an amateur, subject to practically apply the ruia for division of fractlons.lnvertlng.etc An Amateur entertainment will be given this evening at Smith's Hall. Mr. L. Seodere,of Albany, has been up for a few daya buying horses. J. P. Schooling of this place has collected together a shipment of hor-ae- o. and atarts with them to-d-ay for California via Portland. Ed. Hendee will accompany Mr. Schooling on this trip. Mr. R B. Hendee has concluded to continue the saloon business, hav- ing taken out a license for that pur- pose. Ho wilt resume business in a F. Wright's building, one door west of his old stand. Mrs. Campbell, of Haleey,ls giving music lessons here, Mrs. Sherrlll, under tbe care of Dr. Mendenhell, Is rapidly recovering ber former health. Hiram Williams returned ' from Cor vail is on Monday. TinevTfTe. While you people ore enjoying a webfoot mist ws are wearing our Bum mer clotbea and reveling in aummer wreathes with green kills and fields. The farmers are busy plowing, snd one would think it was May instead of February. Stock of every kind are doing well, and there is plenty of good beef running on tbe range Prinoville has built up more in the laat year than in any three preceding ones, and if it keeps up its lick will soon rival Albany in size, snd it now does more business. It boasts of two good firs oompsnieSfbotb equipped with ii rat-cla- ss engines. Polities ia beginning to make a stir, sod candidates for the varioaa offices to be filled next J one are ae thick aa pretty girls at a "bussing bee. Our old triond, Liggett, is talked of for Clerk, and I would not be surprised to, see bios carry off tbe prize. At any rate I believe bis chances to be as good as anyone. Tbe Democratic party is consolidated and will go into tbe fight next June un weakened by internal dissension. The factional fight between "moon- shiners" and "vigilante" is over, and a thing ot tbe past. We will roll up a majority for tbe State ticket of over two hundred next June, and don't you forget it. Tba Ocboco Review is just out with Mitchell's letter in reference to. Senate Joint Memorial, No. 6, and the town is wild, and if Moody and Earhart were here they would be lynched. Road company is about all the politics and religion one-ha- lf of the people here have, and they haye it bad. This issue elected Cartwrigbt and Lyle laat time, has sustained and built ap the Review, and will dictate the candidates next June, and tbe memorial wat passed in deference to this feeling, and to have some scoop the kernel all out and leave nothing but the hull is too bad. Well, it is a fact, this company is a fiend and a terrible draw back on this county, but that tbe people here will ever b at them 1 do not believe. J W Gil more, J T OH more, Nancy Daven port and T V Davenport, ber husband, Martha Klrkendall and Natban Kirken. oVii, her husband. Borah Oasslday and L Oaasiday, ber husband. RHaabeth Whoa- - ton and David Wheal on, bar La-ban- d, James Mi I more and M A Gil more, bta wtra 1,.V.. Wllll.n. - " WJ van ifiiii uiVf ' mihiui wiituvi v, a B Wyatt, E A Hawley, Henry Click, and v ji Moniaaue. and EJ Laanintc Admin' of tne estate of Jane A Qilouore, deceased, Defend aat. NOTICE la boreby given that by virtue and an order of sale iteHued out of tne above named Court in tbe above entitled action and to me direct and delivered, I will on Saturday, tbe 2oth day of February. 1S86, at one o'clock, ra , at tbe Court Heoao door, tn Al- bany, Linn county, Oregon, at pub I to auction, for eaeh in band, to tbe high est bidder , sell tbe real estate described In said execution and order of sale ae fol- lows, to-w- it : Beginning at the northeast oorner of 8c tion 6 In Township 12 south, range 1 west, of tbe Willamette meridian, Io Linn county. Oregon, and running, thence east 20 chains ; tbenoe south 4e chains ; tbenoe west 40 chains ; thence north 1Y chains ; thence west 2 chains ; thence north 88 chains to tbe Township line oa north beundary ef Tp. 28, R 1 W j tbenee east 22)4 chains to tbe place of be- ginning, containing 200 acres, more or less, Tbe proceeds of aaie to bo applied s First to the payment of tbe costs of tbia suit, taxed at $107.12, and the coots of making this sale. Second to .be payment of the mount due the Plaintiff herein a certained, to-w- it : $07. 5S with accruing interest t hereon at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum, and tbe further ran of gS6 Attorney o fees. Third, tbe residue, if any, to be paid to E. J Leu nlng. Admin-istrat- or ef the estate of Jane A Gil mere. decrawed' Bated thie 20th day of January, 1886, J. K. CSLAftlffiOST, Sheriff of Linn county. Orego n, per Jas. J. CauJexmsr, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for JAnn County. Wm, MiHer, Plaintiff, vs. Mary E Miller. Lilly J Miller, a minor and (ieo a Miller aa Administrator of tbe estate uf Andrew Miller, deceased, Deferj- - dauti. iHBsm v- - NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue aad ma order of sale imaed out of tbe above named Coast in tbe above entitled action and to me direct' ed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe 27th day of February. 1886 at 1 o'clock d. m., at the Court Houae door in Albanv. i.i nn county, or., aa puotie auction for cash in band to tbe highest bidder, sell the real property described in said execu- tion an order of sale oe follows, to wit : Tba was af the east K of Use ease X at tbe donation land claim of EC Officer and wife Motifloation Ifo.1592 In Tp.10 8 R 2 west of tbe Willamette meridian ia Linn county, iiegaBL l octasniOL W prooeed of sale to be applied : First to tbe payment or tne ooeta and disbursements of this salt taxed at $25.80 and tbe costs of th a sale. Second to tbe payment of Plaintiffs claim amounting to fOSJM and interest thereon from January 18th, 886 at 12 per cent per annum. Third lb overplus if any to be paid to Geo A Killer as Administrator of tbe estate ot Andrew Miller, deceased. Dated this January 26tbt 1886. J. K. CaTABXTair, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. per Jam. J. Cbabjutoh , Deputy. Sheriffs Sale. In the Ore wit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Z F Moody. Governor, RP Earhart, Sec- retary cf State and t&iward Hirach, Treas- urer of the Htate of Oregon, constituting tbe Board of Com missjtoaaara for the sale of school lands and the management of the oooioaon school fund, Plaintiff, i va. Luc ind a McDermed (Charles Kimball, Luelia Kimball, Emma, Kimball. Frank Kimball, Dtillie Kimball, May Kimball, and Kim bail, children of L.ydia Ellen Kimball, new McDermed, deceased,) Ardella Backus aad Levi Backus, her husband, Hardin Dawson, Melville Daw- son and Dawson, his wife. William Dawson, aod Dawson, hia wile, Maltese Payee aad Morgan Payne, her husband, and Hollingswortb, Hoi lings worth and HoUlnsawortb. ohildien of Mary Jane HoUionworth. deceased, Defendants. VTOTICR is hereby given that by virtue i-- s of an exeoutfon end an order of sale issued out of tbe above named Court, in the above ed tit led action aod to ma direct- ed and delivered, I will on Monday, the 1st day of March, 186, atone o'clock, p. in., at tba Court House door, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at public auction, for cash io hand, to the highest bidder, sell the real property described in aaid execution and order of sale, aa follows, to. wit : Lot six (6) in Block No. one hundred and nine (109) in Haetleuaan's addition to the City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds of sale to be applied : First to tba payment of the eokta and disbursements of this auit taxed i $15.18 and tho costs of thia sale. Second to tbe payment of Plaintiffs claim, to wit : $184.75, with internet at ten par cant per aunum from January 11th, 1886. Thirl the overplus if any to be paid to Lucinda McDermed her helm or assigns, Dated January 28th, 1888. J K. Charlton-- . Sheriff of Linn county, Or. per Jan. J.CataaaaToit, Deputy. pUTLEBY OF ALL KINDS, We keep the beat stoak ol on tier y in tba val.ey. Pocket knivaa and razors a m. cialty. Don't buy anything in thia lin witnout calling on us first. Parana at Stewart, OPE AND CHAIN. R Of all sixes, aa well as halter chains. cow chains, dog chains, rope baiters, etc., for sale by Peters A Stewart. o O OO O o Oregon Kidney Tea! O o OO Nature's own ranee? K X WUl speedily relieve and permanently K K cure all tbe various ditteultiee ariatev KK from a disordered condition ot the K K K K LIVER AND KIDNEYS. TTTTTT T tt is perfectly harmless aad can be T giea to tho noat deUeate woman or T child, ro; sale by alt 'linsslaU. T BaeU, Meitaaw AWeadard, Wholesale Agoatc, PORTLAND, OR.E33-OISr- . JjlOK SALH, One half block in eastern part of the city with fair house aod barn will be sold cheat 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of mc rchandise. All orders from the country filled on short notice for every class or kind af goodt from flrst-ela- Ms stock. Absolutely no charges or commission will be charged or tilling ordeta, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Op s AWS, AXES, EFC we will sell you the famous DiasUa Champion cross .out tuw at a low figure, aid can give you good prices on axes, sledges and wedge. Pbtxbs A Stbw abt. " , innate to ao wormy a c.u.r, w. w... (or aay that we are cuihorued to receiva contributions no to Auiil let. The fund ia to be made a popular one-e- mail ...rat a rl man tipnn n I .III In I - -- e r- -r ------ - ana g.r.. are -v.- -.j -1- "- ae aa at i I oontubute imau auma, ao ton meir namaa may go down to poaterlty aa havinu contributed to ao worthy a pur- - in . . & aa JLiL - B I noae. Ail pereona. oia or young, wuo r contribute become honorary membera of the Monument Asaociation. It is it our purpcee, except wnere omerwiae x . . . a se a t I requeeted, to glvo a uat oi moee who contribute in our iaeue April 2nd. Money can be acnt to ua by postal note, menev order, or a small amount of coin uiA. I. .H nrJlnar. an- - velopo. The little bov or little girl of contribute 25 or 50 cento, or even 10 ceata when the larter amounte cannot be apared. Bvery Democrat la the . A a. a a - a. aa county ahould contribute one dollar, fifty cents or twenty-fiv- e cent. Do I not deloy thia but eond your contribu tion at once. Addreee, Deuocbat, Al bany, Oregon. I MOBBiaOM-- a TABirF BILL. Morriaoo,ef Illinols.haa introduced . . .. . k. a a a ft M M t I S a tarin bill in con g res- -, wmcn puis the following article on tho free Hot: Lumber, timber, wood, (un manufactured,) lathe, shingles, salt, hemp, Jute, iron, sulphur, lead and copper ores, and coal. Besides iheee there ate many articles of lee oonao- - quence to the revenue, such aa pota- - toes, hay, corn, bristles, beeswax, dye woods, manufactured earth, un dressed stone for building purp see, acorns and dandelion, It is thought this .bill will effect a reduction of t20.000.000. There is a reduction w r m on cotton thread, yarn, warpe, or warp yarn, of about 24 per cent. Re- duction on pig iron 5 per cent. Iron railway bare 10 per cent. Steel rail- way bars 2lper cent. Iron or steel T. rails about 20 per cent. There la o alight reduction on bar a- - d rotted Iron, iron beams, lead aad copper. The reduction on sugar ta 80 per cent of present rates, A very slight re- daction on all wools, flax, linen and hemp, window glass, plate glass of high quality, earthenware, glass and china ware, rice, marble, caitor besns, and a few chemicals. Ex -- Governor Seymour.of New Yotk, died at Utioa, N. Y last Friday. CORRB8PONDB 1ST OB 13 roMmsvllle. The ell absorbiog topic at present is tbe Chinese agitation. Mr. Fleckursteln, of Portland, was here last week. He left instructions for bis building to be painted and otherwise thoroughly repaired. In or- - der to receive the supply of liquor that will soon occupy It. Born to the wife of E. Koppe, a eon, Monday night. VT. O. S perry and wife returned to this town Isst week. Their many friends here are glad to learn that they Intend this fir their future home. Qrsnd Master of Oregon, VV. C. Tweedale, ef the I. O. O. F., passed lsst Sunday in our tow. Quite a delegation of Odd Fellows of this place accompanied him to Cohort Saturday night to witness the dedi cation of the new hall at that place. Mis. Tucker and Miss Cynthia Sparry, of McMinnvilie, were here visiting their parents, Rev. O. and Mrs. Sparry last woek. Mr. and Mrs. Adklns, of EtsUrn Oregon, are here on a visit. - The new mill was started Wed-nee- d ay. We now have in addition to our other manufactories a floe grist mill of the latest patent roller improvements, with a capacity of seventy-fiv- e bull per day. Mr. 11 H. Haskell, of Salem, came up the last of lsst week to start the mill. Misses Sarah Smith and Anna Ril- ey gave tboir many friends a recep- tion last Saturday evening. A very pleasant time is reported. Mr. Moore.of Buena Vista, was here Tuesday. He iofotmed your cor- respondent that he would soon bring bla family here and make this place his future home. He has accepted a position in the Woolen Mills. Last Friday night tbe residence of Rev. C. Speiry, the popular pastor of the Baptist Church of this place, was the scene of joyous festivities, It being the thirty-fift- h anniversary of his wedded life. All of his children, be. sides many of his congregation were present. Mr. and Mrs. Sperry re- ceived many nice presents. The guests were treated with a most tempting supper. Everybody pres' ent enjoyed themselves in tho high- est degree. Tho many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sperry wish (hey may yet live to enjoy many more such an- niversaries. Qcose. Tangent. On Dec, lltb, 1884, J. b. Jenka re-ceiv- ed one pair of Jersy -- red pigs, and on July the 5tb, 1885 tbe brat increase same to time in tbe shape of a One lit ter ot pigs. Tbe second brood Came on tbe lltb of Jan. 1886, in tbe shape of nine red beauties, which are doing weli. This fine stock can be seen on tbe farm of J. B. Jenks at Tangent. Wheat all sold that Was stored in 24x80 reet, oneetory high. Conse- quently valley carpotfters need not of hurrv over hnr mxnmMlnu ..mnlnv. T w' IUUIM . I nf niirht hero T will aav thai lt an. pears aa if tho u. r. It. was a fixed se thing, from the (act (hat all thoy do seems to be for permanency. All of tho officiate are good and honorable wen, men who wish to do tbe right thing by all concerned. The road ought and certainly will prosper un- der their sklltful management. The steamer "Yaqulna" arrived I her day before yesterday, bringing goodly quantity of freight for various towna and stations throughout tho ...... . . ... ... . . . . i Willamette valley, rraac in mat direction has itiiDrovcd.Minl will cer- - tainly get BBBtaw yet. 1 understand there will ho a now stestnor hete be fore many months. With the ex tension of the road and two good atfaners, this line wilt offer extra inducement) from the middle vally counties end will greatly bonetit Al bsny,and more greatly If the company can be induced to build ita principal shop In Albany and utliiae that noble water power. D. Holo Oar city is out cf dsbt snd has $400 in tbe Treasury, and bar never made one assessment yet. There waa considerable talk of buy ing a nte eogtae,tat tee idee,we mine:, has tiMn l,mlod I Peter Bilyeu aod 11. A. H otd men waro in Portland Saturday on business, . . , U. S. May baa dropped tbe yard tick at Jfrtce k Ash by s, and taken up tbe chisel end square, and will probably build houses tbe balance of 1835. Tbe I. O. O. T. Ledge wilt give on entertainment on Tuesday nigbt. One of oar most prominent officio le msde quite a little mistake on a door boll o few nigbte ego. Thomas Williams, bead sawrer in D. My era Jt CVa mills, had bis arm broken Thursday last by a large pully breaking H is recovering fast under tbe care of Dr. K. O. Hyde. The fall rin to ike welt in tbe vi cinity of Soio. me voters ore all geoera.iy inquir ing when tbav must register their names for the coming election. Tbey ore generally disss' i4til witk tbe laa. . as a a m m a ntnuers and Custer nought oome very floe horses of tbe farmers in tbia vicinity. A good many more could be bought. No politic si news, except lots of can didates, and aifipMo tbey all want office. Hsv. John Oiborne preached on Sen- - day, tbe 1 lh. J. Parties giveo at the residences of Geo. Bogus and W. Ellis were among the sources of amusement t r tbe young people of our part. Iteiativeo are viaiting with Iiajtoa oood and family. Pi of. Lt m ber t preached at tbe Or- leans school houae on loat Sunday. He with other ehrieuan workers ore hav- ing regular religions services throe times o woek, whioh gives our commun- ity quite o pioue tone. 1 1 ia to be hoped that good wilt be tbe result of bia efforts. Walter Millbolleo is confined to bia bed with a aevere attack of rheumatiam. Dr. J. U. Lee, of (brvallie, ia waiting ea him. The high waters took sway consid- erable fence between here and Corvalita, leaving the road badly ''out up" and a mass of drift wood for some dis- tance. Some of onr wbsat being vsry rank, showa signs of dying. Mutton sbsep are selling for two dol- lar and twenty-fiv- e cento per head. Vera. 1ASOI0ITKS IS JACftttO COVWTV. Ibe following are said to be candi- dates in Jackson county : For Judge P. P. Prim, Cbss. A. Oegswsll aod J. It. Neil. For District Attorney T. B. Kent,W. A. Wilsbire, Wm. Oohig.A. II. Carson,Ssml White, J. T. Bowditeh and Mr. Holmes. SO OJB WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THE BEST OOUGH CURB Thst the world hu wver produced, Dr. Hen ley's Cough uru tlAI not an A.i 111 nn IhefkCSof thn irUihn I foNdlenw the world for it. SOU to erodtioft anv .oujfb preparation, now n tse market to Seat It n promptness in curing a ougn oruoid. Motbcra. take the ad vice of an old pioneer of yearn on this Coast : Don't run the risk of our own life w jrour nitdron's on wiL-a-r and ater. It has sent, thou- - wndstoUu'lr long homes. i uu win rind more v tr- ue in one ef these small Kittles than in a pint of nmmon cough mixtures. Phere la one thlnif very 'rue. 'If you don't kill the ISW0RTH ITS cough the cough lt sure WEIGHT IN GOLD. to kiu you,' " tenure ertlte trade nark The stale oa Ike bottle. WIlOLSSAUl AGKKTH, SKILL, HBITSBie st WSSOWABD, Portland, orkqok. L A.CKSMITH'8 OUTFITS, Anvils, vises, be) lows, haru oners, sledges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keep constancy on band, Also a full stock of iron.of all sizes, horse shoes and honse ahoe nails. Special prices made on email outfits for farmers use, Psxvaa fc Stbwabt. L. E.BLAIN ed Uae tho Largosi and Best slock of p. Clothing the Central Willamette Valley. til. aU nr BOOTS and SHOES, eltber for slae or oualltv, ta not equalled linn county Bsusbt for eaeh and sold cheap. Ule Department is complete with the latest and boat stylos. Hia Furnishing Goods, re tne very boot, embracing the latest style. Bla MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT under Jibe charge of W. R. Graham, an ez port tauor. naa no superior in uregoo. Rptendid line of domestic and imported suitings always in stock. Scott's New Gun Store, HBADQUAMERS FOE SP0RT81EN, - -- O TNE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, SNOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT- ING MATERIALS, CUT- LERY, FISHING TAOvC 1 IE ETC. At tba moat reasonable prices, always la stock. Repairing don on abort notice. Willamette valley nIra rods ahould never "0,u ,,,D 00 W. B. SCOTT, agexppoaito Revere House, AU any, Or. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. WH Rowland, Plaintiff. va. R H Price Administrator of the estate of H D Thompson, deceased, Elizabeth M Nicker-son- , Jasper Thompson, James F Thompson, John M Thompson, Geo B .Thompson, Joseph A Thompson, Isaac an IV o tern, William VauNostern, George Van N astern, Jas. VanNostern Arvill Van Noa tern and Da- vid VauNostern, Defendants. To Isaac VanNostern, William VanNos- tern, George VanNostern, James VanNos- tern, Arviua VanNostern and David Van-NoeSer- a, aix of the above named Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon : You and each of yen are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the motion of the Plaintiff tn the above entitled scion now on file in the office of the County C erk of Linn county, Oregon, on or before the first day of the regular March 'term of laid Court to be begun and held on the second Monday, the 8th day of March, A, D. 1886, in the Court House, in Albany, Lion county, Oregon, after publication of to is Summons for six consecutive weeks ; or judgment trill be taken against you, reviving a judxn ent Si net the estate of H D Thompson, dec aa-- , a whioh was rendered against deceaaed in his life time,ip the Justice Court on the 25th day of January, 1376 in the Justices Court for the Precinct of Brownsville in Linn county, Oregon, for the sum of $142.80 ind for the sum of 42.80 disbursements taxed in said action and sccruing interest from the rendition of said judgment and for costs tud disbursements to be taxed in this proceeding aad for leave to iuue execution, to satisfy said judgment against the property belong- ing to the estate of H D Thompson, deoeat ed. Thia Summona ia published by order of Hon. R. P. Boise Judge of said Court whioh order bears date January 28th, 1886. J. J. Whitniy, L H MONTANYE, Attorney's for Plaintiff. ON'T FORGET IT. If you try to build now while wheat i only worth 54 cents you should by all means go to Peters St Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what you want at their store and at reasonable gold and ail ver ; and I WitBBEAs, All the bonda authorized to be laaued by tne aot entiiieu, "An Aot to authorize the refund inn of tho national debt," approved July 14th, 1870, by the terms of aaid ac". were de clared to be redeemable in coin of the then present standard value, bearing internet payable semi-annuall- y in auch cjio : and Wu.DV.a All nftk. ITn;l Statue authorized to beiaauod under the act entitled, "An Aot to provide for the resumption of apecie paymeota, ap- - proved Jan. Uth, 185,ara required so oe oi o. aooeripiioo m oooa. oi o TlmtAil Hutu i UiKPihaH in I ha Bawl I act of Conare... ooDroved Jolv 14th. 1870. ntitlftd "An A at to uthori the refunding of the notional debt :" and Whcrba, At tee date of the pai- - oage of aaid act of Congress laat afore said, he Uth day of Jaly,180, the coin of the United States of stand ard value of that date included oil ver dollars of the weight of 412c uraJae each, declared by tbe act of Jan. 18tb, lfil? . : l i Hi. i I to the act entitled, Ao Act eetabliaeiag I a mint and roenlatina the coine of the United States," to be a legal tender of payment according to their nominal value for any sums whatever. There- - ore, 1 ... , . , I . . mrm va.wv. vj lw Houae of Itepreaentativea conourriof iharnin i Tkmt .ii th. af tt. TTnitavt Sttataa iaaiial nr an! linrivavl a be issued under the eaid acta of Cm-- 1 hereinbefore recited are payable, the Gerarnment of the United Sutoe. in silrsr dollara of the coioaee of the United States, containing 4121 graina eoch of atandard ailser, and that to re-- wor. vu i coinsga auen surer coins aa legal lender in parment of each bonds, principal and interest, is not in violation of the public faith, nor in do- - rogation of the rights of tbe public creditor Tbia waa followed by the act of Feb 13tb, 1 8 1 8, by which silver dollars were made legal tender 'for all debts end doee, public and private, unlese otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract." Tbia is tbe law to-da- y, bat it baa been violated ia the interest of a epecial claas who demand gold as iho only basis of currency end of payment of the national ohligationa. WBO ABB CARMBATEM. Candidates for county officers are buzzing, around with that indaatr and intentness shown by tbe buay bee on a warm aun-ehi- ny day in March. We hear of the following candidates : . For Sheriff, D. S. Smith, Matt Scott, Pearao Cochran, J. H. Raiaey. Fjr County Clerk, we bear of F. A. Watte, N. Payne, C. H. Ralston, J. P. Ualbriitb, Jeff Myers. For Treasurer, H. Farwell and Mr. Curl. For Assessor, Phil. Smith, For School Superintendent, M. A. Mi!ler,P. A. Moses and D. V. 8. Reid. We do not know that all of the above are candidates, bat we hear them die-cusse- d. We think moat aay of these would getaway with any whom the Republicans may name. The Mercury has a curtoui story to the effect that the father and mother of Acaon Burlingame, who waa minister to China under Lincoln's administra- tion, and who negotiated tbe treaty aa-d- er tfbich the Chinese eirae Io this country, aettlei in 1859 on a home- stead on Fox Prairie in thia county, where they lived several years in a state of poverty and where the mother finally died. The son, Anson, who waa drawing a large salary, waa appealed to for aid, bub he was deaf to the appeal 1 and completely ignored his filial duty. After tbe death of hit wife, the elder urliogame returned to his native etate, Massachusetts. This is a curious story, and w hope soma old citizen of 'The Eorks,'' who knowe the foots about this matter, will write it up for thaa b column. LaGrande ia to have a ohcaa touraamea1; Notice for Publication, Land 08tce at Oregon City, Or. OUf is i east Feb. 2, 1866. . Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of iis claim, and that aaid proof will be saads before the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn Co., at Albany, Oregon, on Monday, March 22, 1886, viz. J, B. Wirt, aa hair of John Wirt, deceased, for Homestead entry 4283, for S J of S of See. 6 T. 12, 8R 1 E. He names tho following witnesses to prove deceased entryman's continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said lands, viz : . L. Beans, Martin Rhiland and J. O. Boyd, of Lebanon, And J. K. Charlton, of Albany, all of Linn ccunty, Or. T L. T. Sarin, Register,

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Page 1: The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1886-02-19 [p ]. · Ik giawrvat WArebouae at Tangent, bet several Sheriff's Sale. New Goods. Th Oohooo itWat. published At thoneand bnahela

WArebouae at Tangent, bet several Sheriff's Sale. New Goods.Ik giawrvat Th Oohooo itWat. published Atthoneand bnahela not abipped yet.

The Orange Cbuncll bold here theday waa largely attended. We

familiar faoea from alt parta of thecounty.

There waa a auhble given at thoraaidenoe of S. J. Arohibald on I ait

a 5. b i e.

Sheriffg Sale.In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon

for County of Linn,

Z. F. Moody, Governor, R P Earhart,Secretary ofthe Stat.awl Edward HiraebrTreasurer of the State of Oregon, oonstl-tntl- ng

the Board of Commissioners for thesala of school and University lands andtor tbe investment of tbe funds aristaetherefrom. Plaintiffs,


TUB MKMttBlC K ft MOMMlNf. the

We have had placed in our kanda a

circular of tho Hendrlok'a Monument Other

Association, lately organtae at Indian-apoU- a,eaw

lodiAna, for the purpose of raile fund wllh which to erect a mon

ument et that piece to the lete Vice ma

Preaident of tho United Statea,Thomaa folkaHendricki. Knowing that a large

n..mW of the readera cf the Dekogiut

Yaavqutna 13 ay.rollllcally thert ought to bo a good

man hero with a big oak cudgel toregister Democrat, and get foreignere to take out their paper, A fewDemocrat over he re are fore. Full-ed to get appointments, you see.

How' the reP.toad, Ia about thenext matter. It is all right andmake it regular trlps,and we thinkthat it I Bound financially.

There la not much doing Juat nowtho mechanical 1100, except the

erection of a company store building,

Fit! DA V FEBRUARY 18, 1886


A aorreaponoont who "ia atudyiogtho silver question," ears ho 'takoa

.P- iBafCnaaT

. f i s 'SyjF Jfm&iil f t

PunJy wo have had tho pleasurem: A ... anl. to oon- -isauc" with a autoinoot heretofore mada

, in the Dkmih rat that the bonds of theUnited 8tatee are parable in ailrer.andaaka for the proof. Aa the beat proofof our aiateuient, we giro below a oon- -

currant reoelution introduoed into the I

United States Henate br Senator Stan- -

lor Matthewe, of Ohio, on December I

6th, 1877. Thie reoolutioa waa beforetho Senate for diaooaaion for ee?onweeka, and the ableot men of the Sen--

ate,includtng euch men ae Allison, Beck, I

Barnum,Bjard,Blaina,Oarland, Ferry,.j-- a a M a a r a a n

Uonaiing, e, ianuada,iiiii,iioar,iogaiie,Maxy, Metrimoo, Lamar, Thurman,Windom, and othcro took pert in thediecuaaion. After a fall end elaborate

investigation and diacuaaion of thevarious acta of Ooagreoa bearing uponthe qnoition aa whether United Statee

bonda are t arable in ailvar, the reeolu-- 1

tien waa adopted by a vote of 43 infavor ot and 22 againai the ratal u tier.,It naaeod the Houae at a later date,The following ia the resolution

Whereas, By the act entitled, "Anact to atrengthen tho public credit,approved March 18tb, isoy, it waaprovided and declared that the faith oftho United Statee waa thereby eolemnlypledged to the payment ia coin or itaequivalent of all the lnteroat-beario- g

obligations ol tne united tteMxoPi At h l x l r i 1 i

in caaea wovrv tar imw Bonoruva m,iMiia nf Biifih nhliffAtinna hkd axnraaalv I

provided that the earns might be paid by Senator Voerheea, or Marion, unair-fa- k

lawful monev or other currency than man of the enrolling committee. After

In tht Circuit Court oth: StrUt of Onpn foJAnn Uountjj.

W FSetlltfiiiire,

JosUh llitrrell and Isabel Burreli biswife, end J W Gaines, Defendants. .

NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtueexecution and on order of sale

Issued out of the above named Court IntBO Hitfo- v- enlitlnd action and to rue directed and delivered. I will on Naturday thewit day or March, imi, at one o'ciooe, p.m., at the Court rleuse door In Albany,Mint county, Oreejsn, at pnollo oucttonfor cash ta band 1 tbe blabeet bidder,

11 the real prmoriy described In saidasftoutlon and order of sale as follows, towit : Coincnenolng at the northeast corner

tbe Donation Land Claim formerlyowned and proven upon by William F.Moore and desltrnated anon the surveys

h TTnltArf Hlmtu a Nat 2510 in TeWD- -ship VI M It 1 west Willamette meridianthence Irotn the said northat oorner north

4v west 21 chains and 50 links ;

thence south 102 obalna and 2ft link;thence north ho W east 28 chains and50X links to tbe aoutbeeet corner uf aatdclaim : thonoe north 102 obalna and zolinks to the place of beainntng, centainiof340 79100 acres more or lose. Alto tbewest of the northeast of Section 26 laTo. 12 at of R one west vv llllamette mendfan. All of the above deecrihed premisesvine and boinir in Man county, oragowThe nrooeede of sale to 00 aooi tea ae In

foil ws. to -- wit : First to the nay moot. ofZ ' M.

tbe ooate and disbursement Of suit taxat and tbe costs end expense ofthis sale Heoond to the payment anaaatlafaotien of the Demndant W Oeince'Imlament of B&3I.0A with lotereet thereonl Pr annum from Fen, sen,

Ipu,.., ,l nA aati.r,.i f"v, a aa i vs ev vmw iwyivwu twaew www

tion of claim of Plaintiff herein to wit s

1008.25 with aooruina Interest thereon atio per rmt per oonum rrom wev. in.Inst. Fourth tbe overplus if any be paidto Jostah Burreli his heirs or aeaiana.

Dated this ir th day of February, use.J. K. CHAmrow,

Bberin of Linn county, Oregon,per Jas. J. Cmarotok, Deputy.



Albany Soda Works,And Manufacturers of--

choice oomonoiBKT,ONSIS 1TN J OF

Pore stick, oeaorted flavors, mixed dropstr drop, borohound tfropa, eat lusepe,extra French mixed, chocolate creams.checoisi chocolate mlr, deoormt--r. Crated face, almond bare,frail squares, apple slices, cream dales,aeeorted.cftj'omeis, maoaroniiooenat bane,aoeonut brilllant.creem m icecream heart.

. fine assortment of large

HEARTS AND TOYSIn endless variety.


We are now prepared to eel I at wholesale, aiwavs fraeh and on re at Portlandprices to dealers, we awn aoep a iuuuna ef

HuU and Tropical Fruits,

GROCERIES,We keep a full line, atwave fresh and atvery tow prices.


CIGAR AND TOBACCOdenartmonl is complete. We keep thevory floet stock of smoking and chewingmoaeeo, meerseaeum nu oner pipe mwmi a detigbt to smokers.


STAB 1SX real.! eeaU BEMADISA(

BOSS PUNCB aVceal CIBABAad a floe assortment of


Conrad Meyer,efKOPBlBTOR O- F-

STAR BAKERY,Corn? Broadalbin and First Sts.f


Canned Pratta, Canned Heats,! war , a reusware.Driest Fruits, Vegetable,

Cigars,Sugar, galeae.

Coffee, Tost,Ete,. El..

In fact everything thsrt to kepi ia a genvariety and grocery store.

market price paid for




Tralaa Leave Corvatlia.Tuesday, Thuraday, Saturday, at 9 a. m.

Tralna Leave Vaqo'lna,Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 a. a.The fine A I Steamer MYaqutnaM8ails

rso TjvtA. nou sas raaacsse,V1J UlW I.L BAmuw 1.Tuoattay, Fabruary lth I Wedeaoilay , rabruary IWhradar, Fabruary aeth. isiturttay, rssruary naa.Sunday, March 7th. I Worfneaday, ttarai Sea.Wadnaasay, Haroh lTlh. I Krldar. March ltth.Sunday, March 28th TucaUy, March SSrS.

The Company tvaeryei the right to easaga sailingOays.

Paaas Cabin, 614 ; Steersrs, 9? ; frstrhtst resucsd sad ntofdarste ratea.

River boau oa tho Willamette connect at CorvalliaUw (area ami rates. For taraasr iatacasattoa apply to

r. v. era,A. 0. F. snd P. AfSBt, CeooJas.







Nervous headicho cured in three minutes aadTooth&eha in three ttecondH.

For all pains and achea lt has no equal tn tho world 9

Small Dotue. wjots. karfre ootut, Si .

Prinevilla, snakes vigorous ittaakupon Governor Moody and Hecretary of

State Earhart. with relwenea to theirrelation to what ii known an Senate

ingJoint Memorial, No. 6, pAtMd At the

apeoial MMion of ihe legtalature.etkine;OongrtM to Annul certain portion! of grautt made by Oongroot to aid in

conatruotmg oortAin military wagon",w

roaiia in this atato. Tho point of at- -iiTiMiiBiiiMiiSitiiiiiHaiiiiiin Tn

tack ia thio. Tho Review eeuor aay a

whon this manorial waa introduced in

the Sonate,it included atnoog the otherroada mentioned the W. V. CM. W .R. arant. and that the memorial aa

paaeod by both houaa contained a reto

cital of the grant to thia road. Butthe memorial aa printed in the lawa of

the apecial aeeaion contaiua no rrfarenoo

q tbia grant at all, and the certified

eopiee oont by tho Secretary of Stale tom - .5 H

both branchea of Cooareea contain no

reference to thia grant. We hove ox

trained tho journale of both branchea

0f the legialature at the apecial aeeaion,from whioh we gather the following(acta : The memorial wee introduced

by Senator Hainee, of Baker, in tho

Senate Nov. 20th, end waa adopted atonce without amendment. It waa sent

to the Houee on the eeme day, and,im- -

mediate! v after beintf read, waa

adopted without amendment andordered uriatod. Aa it paeaed theHouae it contained the olause referringto the W. V. & (J. M. W. R , th refore

that clauee must have been in the me--

morial when it peaeed the Senate. Afterit paaeod the Houae it waa placed inloe handa of the enrolling committee,and waa reported aa correctly enrolled

which it waa aignad by the Preaidect ofthe Senate and Speaker of the Houae.

..j tu. ..n t k- - fu.rtr f The memorial ea printed rn theeoaaion lawa doee not contein eny reference to the Albany and Lebanon read

Tbe oueation is, wbare.wbso, bow, and

by whom, waa the clause stricken out 1

TW itUnu rmmm in ftm iimmmiil arhnn

ifc the Sentp' bluM lt wwu to

the House alter it paeaed the Senate,and it ia published to fu.l ta tbe HouseJournal page 210.) end oont si as

Now jB wboM hmna,w in wamnai too. n,e w

introdeced until it reached the otlico ofthe Secretary of S' ale. It wee in tbehanda of the Chief cler he of the Houaeend Senate, while pending before the

houses, in the hands of pages ead doer

keepers ia tbe transmission from oneHouae to the other, in tbe haade of tbeenrolline committee and ita clerk durine.BPO,tm.nk. in the handa of iha Prsai- -

'"va w "m" "r 7 "--f

ouao tor the purpose ci neing etgoaaby tbem, in the banda ot a clerk, dearkeeper or pace io psssiotr from thep:. .u. PL.,f to th.

.'la,"smry a oun,VT I I . . . , Bwuom wum im "r'" '

lb! Ureioman has an article in itaUSD of rah 13th Which StmSIM aa an

'adiiorial. but waa avidentlv written bv- TiminM nMr.r to ,u. Siau Hana than

1" J"'" om ,B wu,cu " ,vuu"ttempt ia mad to myatify and mislead

the poblic about thie matter. Thewriter io tbe Ortaonian eara. notbor

raault ef haatv lLMsiation. .......nM "8ou mrm wmm

.co,D i;ownotniog booty about ibis matter ao laraa the legislature ia concerned. Bothhouse t agreed in the passage of tbememorial, but tbe trouble ia that someoae has tampered with tbe memorialafter its passage. Who the guilty partyia we have no means of knowing. Thewriter in the Orejonian says that tbsReview editor, "though present wVen

the memorial passed, is uofamilisr withthe machinery of legislation." "Unfamiliar," indeed I Why ahould en hen--oat man be suspected of being"familiat"with that species of "machinery of legialation," whioh would mutilate, atrikeout, or steal a bill or memorial after ita

passags by both bouses ? It is no creditto any one to be familiar with auch a

system. The writer of the Orejoniansays, "the Secretary of State can onlyhe eoverne i in auch matters by tbedocuments properly endorsed, end cannot be held responsible for tbe aots oftbs legiclature." Very true, but ae wehave shown from the jourouli tbe mu

dieting and striking out a part of thememorial was no part of tho act of thelegislature, bat mutt have been done

by soma villian who ought not to be

allowed to ahow his bead anywhereabout the halls of legislation. W writenot on account of any particular inter,eat in thie road land grant aquahble,butbecause, from circumstances, we arcled ts believe that during tbe last reg-

ular and special session some thief hashad fall access officially or otherwise tothe files and papers of the legislature,and we desire to ese tbe rascal exposed.

Tbe Oregon candidate plant, Ojenus,

candidatiif) ia a biennial, indigenoua tooar soil and sprouts spontaneously, butthe growth is much improved by care-

ful culture and prudent pruning. Itblossoms early and often, but oniy a

meagre pari of the bloom producesfruit in tbe early part of Juue. In thisclimate it will not do to plant too manyin the hill aad tbe suckers must abso-

lutely all be pulled off and not allowedto imbibe the nourishment of maiostalks. Tbe crop to be abund-ant this year.

Money ta loan.

We have money to loan in sums of from

$5)0 to $5300, on good personal or realestate security.

Clink, Montbith & Co,

Friday evening at wnion tea youngbad a good time.

F. M. Gulp preached one of the beat,plio and praetioal earmona hare I ait

olliateuiug to for a long tims, uaing inht txt thJ UlUr 0iAUM ol the 7th

verse ol 2nd Chanter of Luke. We eravery glad to learn that he it to preach

Teot oh

Mi Ef 0hupoh Q:)Ulh ho,dlher quKrtrlv meeting at thia

. placenext Saturday and Sunday.

Rif, DAVg 0f Albany will preachTensent the 4th Sunday, at half

naat J rv itltnlr v.w,B. O. Fellowe the patent g.tU man

hae beea around and pot up severallata In thia vicinity whinh awajrtr ItlcA

Just the thine. No letting.w wout in tbe mud to open gate.

Annual ecbool meeting first day of aMarch.

George Cochran end wife boardedthe tratO OO ModdsV A8t fof Harris- -

our w -ptlM n.Bj jn tk-- ta nraetioe.

j j Ftaard baa raiivad hia Commiesion which givea kirn authority to

a IBB aa a OOB a. I

handle U.S. mail at i'aogent.Mr. E. L. Bryan on Wodaeeday

.a.. a aa aa a

moved back to bis old farm at miplaoo from Albany, and hie son Alberthas moved into town, where be baa

rented some property.unsKRvea.

I larrlsiburu;.Weather Mr.Everybody seems happy.The Village Lyceum I now ran.

nlng on full tlme,aod 1 both Instruc-liv- e

and entertaining.A Sibbatn School waa organised at

tho Christian Church last Sunday,with a full attendance. Mr. R, E.

Upmeyer, Supt.Msrrled at the residence of tbe

bride's father, In this eity.oo Sundaylast, Miss Ella Kelsey and Mr. Wm.School intr. Our bleavstogs attendthen.

Our new 1. M. was somewhatalarmed at tbe discovery of smokeejecting from a neighboring building,which had but recently beea converted Into a smoke houae, but thisour Naaby did not know, hence hewaa justified in turning in an alarm,thinking, no doubt, that where therela a whole lot of smoke there mustbe soma fire.

The noat came up loot woek fromC'rvuUt, bringing the first r.irtfo of

freight from San Francisco via Ya- -

quioa to tbia point. The freight wasfor May k Sender's.

Dancing school, under the management and Instructions of W. WCrawford, Is progressing finely, endseems to he the most popular resortfor fun and exercise. Next Io orderwt believe is the skating rink, underthe management of Messrs. Douglasft Scott, but In thia case exercise istbe first consideration and the amuse-ment consists In getting an amateur,subject to practically apply the ruiafor division of fractlons.lnvertlng.etc

An Amateur entertainment will begiven this evening at Smith's Hall.

Mr. L. Seodere,of Albany, has beenup for a few daya buying horses.

J. P. Schooling of this place hascollected together a shipment of hor-ae- o.

and atarts with them to-d-ay forCalifornia via Portland. Ed. Hendeewill accompany Mr. Schooling on thistrip.

Mr. R B. Hendee has concludedto continue the saloon business, hav-

ing taken out a license for that pur-pose. Ho wilt resume business ina F. Wright's building, one doorwest of his old stand.

Mrs. Campbell, of Haleey,ls givingmusic lessons here,

Mrs. Sherrlll, under tbe care of Dr.Mendenhell, Is rapidly recoveringber former health.

Hiram Williams returned ' fromCor vail is on Monday.

TinevTfTe.While you people ore enjoying a

webfoot mist ws are wearing our Bummer clotbea and reveling in aummerwreathes with green kills and fields.The farmers are busy plowing, snd onewould think it was May instead ofFebruary.

Stock of every kind are doing well,and there is plenty ofgood beef runningon tbe range

Prinoville has built up more in thelaat year than in any three precedingones, and if it keeps up its lick willsoon rival Albany in size, snd it nowdoes more business. It boasts of twogood firs oompsnieSfbotb equipped withii rat-cla- ss engines.

Polities ia beginning to make a stir,sod candidates for the varioaa offices tobe filled next J one are ae thick aapretty girls at a "bussing bee. Ourold triond, Liggett, is talked of forClerk, and I would not be surprised to,see bios carry off tbe prize. At anyrate I believe bis chances to be as goodas anyone.

Tbe Democratic party is consolidatedand will go into tbe fight next Juneun weakened by internal dissension.The factional fight between "moon-shiners" and "vigilante" is over, and athing ot tbe past. We will roll up amajority for tbe State ticket of overtwo hundred next June, and don't youforget it.

Tba Ocboco Review is just out withMitchell's letter in reference to.SenateJoint Memorial, No. 6, and the townis wild, and if Moody and Earhart werehere they would be lynched. Roadcompany is about all the politics andreligion one-ha- lf of the people herehave, and they haye it bad. This issueelected Cartwrigbt and Lyle laat time,has sustained and built ap the Review,and will dictate the candidates nextJune, and tbe memorial wat passed indeference to this feeling, and to havesome scoop the kernel all out and leavenothing but the hull is too bad. Well,it is a fact, this company is a fiend anda terrible draw back on this county, butthat tbe people here will ever b at them1 do not believe.

J W Gil more, J T OH more, Nancy Davenport and T V Davenport, ber husband,Martha Klrkendall and Natban Kirken.oVii, her husband. Borah Oasslday and LOaasiday, ber husband. RHaabeth Whoa- -ton and David Wheal on, bar La-ban- d,

James Mi I more and M A Gil more, btawtra 1,.V.. Wllll.n. -" WJ van ifiiii uiVf ' mihiui wiituvi v, aB Wyatt, E A Hawley, Henry Click, andv ji Moniaaue. and EJ Laanintc Admin'

of tne estate of Jane A Qilouore,deceased, Defendaat.NOTICE la boreby given that by virtue

and an order of saleiteHued out of tne above named Court intbe above entitled action and to me direct

and delivered, I will on Saturday, tbe2oth day of February. 1S86, at one o'clock,

ra , at tbe Court Heoao door, tn Al-

bany, Linn county, Oregon, at pub Itoauction, for eaeh in band, to tbe high estbidder , sell tbe real estate described Insaid execution and order of sale ae fol-

lows, to-w- it : Beginning at the northeastoorner of 8c tion 6 In Township 12 south,range 1 west, of tbe Willamette meridian,Io Linn county. Oregon, and running,thence east 20 chains ; tbenoe south 4echains ; tbenoe west 40 chains ; thencenorth 1Y chains ; thence west 2 chains ;thence north 88 chains to tbe Townshipline oa north beundary ef Tp. 28, R 1 W jtbenee east 22)4 chains to tbe place of be-

ginning, containing 200 acres, more orless, Tbe proceeds of aaie to bo applied s

First to the payment of tbe costs of tbiasuit, taxed at $107.12, and the coots ofmaking this sale. Second to .be paymentof the mount due the Plaintiff herein acertained, to-w- it : $07. 5S with accruinginterest t hereon at tbe rate of ten per centper annum, and tbe further ran of gS6Attorney o fees. Third, tbe residue, ifany, to be paid to E. J Leu nlng. Admin-istrat- or

ef the estate of Jane A Gil mere.decrawed'

Bated thie 20th day of January, 1886,J. K. CSLAftlffiOST,

Sheriff of Linn county. Orego n,per Jas. J. CauJexmsr, Deputy.

Sheriff's Sale.In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for

JAnn County.

Wm, MiHer, Plaintiff,vs.

Mary E Miller. Lilly J Miller, a minorand (ieo a Miller aa Administrator of tbeestate uf Andrew Miller, deceased, Deferj- -dauti. iHBsm v- -

NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtueaad ma order of sale

imaed out of tbe above named Coast intbe above entitled action and to me direct'ed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe27th day of February. 1886 at 1 o'clock d.m., at the Court Houae door in Albanv.i.i nn county, or., aa puotie auction forcash in band to tbe highest bidder, sellthe real property described in said execu-tion an order of sale oe follows, to wit :Tba was af the east K of Use ease X at tbedonation land claim of EC Officer and wifeMotifloation Ifo.1592 In Tp.10 8 R 2 west oftbe Willamette meridian ia Linn county,

iiegaBL l octasniOL W prooeedof sale to be applied : First to tbe paymentor tne ooeta and disbursements of this salttaxed at $25.80 and tbe costs of th a sale.Second to tbe payment of Plaintiffs claimamounting to fOSJM and interest thereonfrom January 18th, 886 at 12 per cent perannum. Third lb overplus if any to bepaid to Geo A Killer as Administrator oftbe estate ot Andrew Miller, deceased.

Dated this January 26tbt 1886.J. K. CaTABXTair,

Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon.per Jam. J. Cbabjutoh , Deputy.

Sheriffs Sale.In the Ore wit Court of the State of Oregon

for Linn County.

Z F Moody. Governor, R P Earhart, Sec-retary cf State and t&iward Hirach, Treas-urer of the Htate of Oregon, constitutingtbe Board of Com missjtoaaara for the saleof school lands and the management ofthe oooioaon school fund, Plaintiff,

i va.Luc ind a McDermed (Charles Kimball,Luelia Kimball, Emma, Kimball. FrankKimball, Dtillie Kimball, May Kimball,and Kimbail, children of L.ydiaEllen Kimball, new McDermed, deceased,)Ardella Backus aad Levi Backus, herhusband, Hardin Dawson, Melville Daw-son and Dawson, his wife. WilliamDawson, aod Dawson, hia wile,Maltese Payee aad Morgan Payne, herhusband, and Hollingswortb,Hoi lingsworth and HoUlnsawortb.ohildien of Mary Jane HoUionworth.deceased, Defendants.

VTOTICR is hereby given that by virtuei--s of an exeoutfon end an order of saleissued out of tbe above named Court, inthe above ed tit led action aod to ma direct-ed and delivered, I will on Monday, the1st day of March, 186, atone o'clock,, at tba Court House door, in Albany,Linn county, Oregon, at public auction,for cash io hand, to the highest bidder,sell the real property described in aaidexecution and order of sale, aa follows,to. wit : Lot six (6) in Block No. onehundred and nine (109) in Haetleuaan'saddition to the City of Albany, Linncounty, Oregon. The proceeds of sale tobe applied : First to tba payment of theeokta and disbursements of this auit taxed

i $15.18 and tho costs of thia sale. Secondto tbe payment of Plaintiffs claim, to wit :$184.75, with internet at ten par cant peraunum from January 11th, 1886. Thirlthe overplus if any to be paid to LucindaMcDermed her helm or assigns,

Dated January 28th, 1888.J K. Charlton--.

Sheriff of Linn county, Or.per Jan. J.CataaaaToit, Deputy.

pUTLEBY OF ALL KINDS,We keep the beat stoak ol on tier y in

tba val.ey. Pocket knivaa and razors am. cialty. Don't buy anything in thialin witnout calling on us first.

Parana at Stewart,OPE AND CHAIN.R

Of all sixes, aa well as halter chains.cowchains, dog chains, rope baiters, etc., forsale by Peters A Stewart.


OOOo Oregon Kidney Tea!

O oOO Nature's own ranee?

K X WUl speedily relieve and permanentlyK K cure all tbe various ditteultiee ariatevKK from a disordered condition ot theK KK K


T tt is perfectly harmless aad can beT giea to tho noat deUeate woman orT child, ro; sale by alt 'linsslaU.T BaeU, Meitaaw AWeadard,

Wholesale Agoatc,



One half block in eastern part of thecity with fair house aod barn will besoldcheat



Of all kinds of mc rchandise.All orders from the country filled on

short notice for every class or kind afgoodt from flrst-ela- Ms stock. Absolutelyno charges or commission will be chargedor tilling ordeta,

OFFICE 107 FIRST ST.,At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Op


we will sell you the famous DiasUaChampion cross .out tuw at a low figure,aid can give you good prices on axes,sledges and wedge.

Pbtxbs A Stbw abt.


innate to ao wormy a c.u.r, w. w... (oraay that we are cuihorued to receiva

contributions no to Auiil let. The

fund ia to be made a popular one-e- mail

...rat a rl man tipnn n I .III In I- -- e r--r ------ -

ana g.r.. are -v.- -.j -1- "-ae aa at i I

oontubute imau auma, ao ton meirnamaa may go down to poaterlty aa

havinu contributed to ao worthy a pur- - in. .& aa JLiL - B I

noae. Ail pereona. oia or young, wuo rcontribute become honorary membera

of the Monument Asaociation. It isit

our purpcee, except wnere omerwiae x

. . .a se a t I

requeeted, to glvo a uat oi moee who

contribute in our iaeue April 2nd.

Money can be acnt to ua by postal note,menev order, or a small amount of coin

uiA. I. .H nrJlnar. an- -

velopo. The little bov or little girl of

contribute 25 or 50 cento, or even 10

ceata when the larter amounte cannot

be apared. Bvery Democrat la the.A a. a a - a. a a

county ahould contribute one dollar,fifty cents or twenty-fiv- e cent. Do


not deloy thia but eond your contribution at once. Addreee, Deuocbat, Al

bany, Oregon.


Morriaoo,ef Illinols.haa introduced. . . . .k.a a a ft M M t I S

a tarin bill in con g res- -, wmcn puisthe following article on tho freeHot: Lumber, timber, wood, (unmanufactured,) lathe, shingles, salt,hemp, Jute, iron, sulphur, lead and

copper ores, and coal. Besides iheeethere ate many articles of lee oonao- -

quence to the revenue, such aa pota- -

toes, hay, corn, bristles, beeswax,

dye woods, manufactured earth, un

dressed stone for building purp see,acorns and dandelion, It is thoughtthis .bill will effect a reduction oft20.000.000. There is a reductionw r m

on cotton thread, yarn, warpe, or

warp yarn, of about 24 per cent. Re-

duction on pig iron 5 per cent. Ironrailway bare 10 per cent. Steel rail-

way bars 2lper cent. Iron or steelT. rails about 20 per cent. There la

o alight reduction on bar a- - d rotted

Iron, iron beams, lead aad copper.The reduction on sugar ta 80 per centof present rates, A very slight re-

daction on all wools, flax, linen and

hemp, window glass, plate glass of

high quality, earthenware, glass andchina ware, rice, marble, caitor besns,and a few chemicals.

Ex -- Governor Seymour.of New Yotk,died at Utioa, N. Y last Friday.


13roMmsvllle.The ell absorbiog topic at present

is tbe Chinese agitation.Mr. Fleckursteln, of Portland, was

here last week. He left instructionsfor bis building to be painted andotherwise thoroughly repaired. In or- -

der to receive the supply of liquorthat will soon occupy It.

Born to the wife of E. Koppe, aeon, Monday night.

VT. O. Sperry and wife returned tothis town Isst week. Their manyfriends here are glad to learn thatthey Intend this fir their futurehome.

Qrsnd Master of Oregon, VV. C.Tweedale, ef the I. O. O. F., passedlsst Sunday in our tow. Quite adelegation of Odd Fellows of thisplace accompanied him to CohortSaturday night to witness the dedication of the new hall at that place.

Mis. Tucker and Miss CynthiaSparry, of McMinnvilie, were herevisiting their parents, Rev. O. andMrs. Sparry last woek.

Mr. and Mrs. Adklns, of EtsUrnOregon, are here on a visit. -

The new mill was started Wed-nee- d

ay. We now have in additionto our other manufactories a floegrist mill of the latest patent rollerimprovements, with a capacity ofseventy-fiv- e bull per day. Mr. 11 H.Haskell, of Salem, came up the lastof lsst week to start the mill.

Misses Sarah Smith and Anna Ril-

ey gave tboir many friends a recep-tion last Saturday evening. A verypleasant time is reported.

Mr. Moore.of Buena Vista, was hereTuesday. He iofotmed your cor-

respondent that he would soon bringbla family here and make this placehis future home. He has accepted aposition in the Woolen Mills.

Last Friday night tbe residence ofRev. C. Speiry, the popular pastor ofthe Baptist Church of this place, wasthe scene of joyous festivities, It beingthe thirty-fift- h anniversary of hiswedded life. All of his children, be.sides many of his congregation werepresent. Mr. and Mrs. Sperry re-

ceived many nice presents. Theguests were treated with a mosttempting supper. Everybody pres'ent enjoyed themselves in tho high-est degree. Tho many friends ofMr. and Mrs. Sperry wish (hey mayyet live to enjoy many more such an-niversaries.


Tangent.On Dec, lltb, 1884, J. b. Jenka re-ceiv- ed

one pair of Jersy -- red pigs, andon July the 5tb, 1885 tbe brat increasesame to time in tbe shape of a One litter ot pigs. Tbe second brood Came ontbe lltb of Jan. 1886, in tbe shape ofnine red beauties, which are doing weli.This fine stock can be seen on tbe farmof J. B. Jenks at Tangent.

Wheat all sold that Was stored in

24x80 reet, oneetory high. Conse-quently valley carpotfters need not ofhurrv over hnr mxnmMlnu ..mnlnv.

T w'IUUIM . I nf

niirht hero T will aav thai lt an.pears aa if tho u. r. It. was a fixed sething, from the (act (hat all thoy doseems to be for permanency. All oftho officiate are good and honorablewen, men who wish to do tbe rightthing by all concerned. The roadought and certainly will prosper un-

der their sklltful management.The steamer "Yaqulna" arrived I

her day before yesterday, bringinggoodly quantity of freight for various

towna and stations throughout tho...... . . ... ... . . . . i

Willamette valley, rraac in matdirection has itiiDrovcd.Minl will cer- -

tainly get BBBtaw yet. 1 understandthere will ho a now stestnor hete before many months. With the extension of the road and two goodatfaners, this line wilt offer extrainducement) from the middle vallycounties end will greatly bonetit Al

bsny,and more greatly If the companycan be induced to build ita principalshop In Albany and utliiae thatnoble water power.


HoloOar city is out cf dsbt snd has $400

in tbe Treasury, and bar never madeone assessment yet.

There waa considerable talk of buying a nte eogtae,tat tee idee,we mine:,has tiMn l,mlod I

Peter Bilyeu aod 11. A. H otd menwaro in Portland Saturday on business,

. . ,U. S. May baa dropped tbe yard

tick at Jfrtce k Ash by s, and taken uptbe chisel end square, and will probablybuild houses tbe balance of 1835.

Tbe I. O. O. T. Ledge wilt give onentertainment on Tuesday nigbt.

One of oar most prominent officio le

msde quite a little mistake on a doorboll o few nigbte ego.

Thomas Williams, bead sawrer inD. Myera Jt CVa mills, had bis armbroken Thursday last by a large pullybreaking H is recovering fast undertbe care of Dr. K. O. Hyde.

The fall rin to ike welt in tbe vi

cinity of Soio.

me voters ore all geoera.iy inquiring when tbav must register theirnames for the coming election. Tbeyore generally disss' i4til witk tbe laa.

.as a a m m antnuers and Custer nought oomevery floe horses of tbe farmers in tbiavicinity. A good many more could bebought.

No politic si news, except lots of candidates, and aifipMo tbey all wantoffice.

Hsv. John Oiborne preached on Sen- -

day, tbe 1 lh.J.

Parties giveo at the residences ofGeo. Bogus and W. Ellis were amongthe sources of amusement t r tbe youngpeople of our part.

Iteiativeo are viaiting with Iiajtoaoood and family.

Pi of. Lt m ber t preached at tbe Or-leans school houae on loat Sunday. Hewith other ehrieuan workers ore hav-

ing regular religions services throetimes o woek, whioh gives our commun-ity quite o pioue tone. 1 1 ia to be hopedthat good wilt be tbe result of biaefforts.

Walter Millbolleo is confined to biabed with a aevere attack of rheumatiam.Dr. J. U. Lee, of (brvallie, ia waitingea him.

The high waters took sway consid-erable fence between here and Corvalita,leaving the road badly ''out up"and a mass of drift wood for some dis-tance.

Some of onr wbsat being vsry rank,showa signs of dying.

Mutton sbsep are selling for two dol-

lar and twenty-fiv- e cento per head.Vera.


Ibe following are said to be candi-

dates in Jackson county :

For Judge P. P. Prim, Cbss. A.Oegswsll aod J. It. Neil. For DistrictAttorney T. B. Kent,W. A. Wilsbire,Wm. Oohig.A. II. Carson,Ssml White,J. T. Bowditeh and Mr. Holmes.


BEST OOUGH CURBThst the world hu

wver produced,Dr. Hen ley's Coughuru tlAI not an A.i 111 nn

IhefkCSof thn irUihn IfoNdlenw the world forit. SOU to erodtioft anv.oujfb preparation, nown tse market to Seat It

n promptness in curing aougn oruoid.

Motbcra. take the advice of an old pioneer of

yearn on this Coast :

Don't run the risk ofour own life w jrournitdron's on wiL-a-r andater. It has sent, thou- -

wndstoUu'lr long homes.i uu win rind more v tr-ue in one ef these smallKittles than in a pint ofnmmon cough mixtures.Phere la one thlnif very'rue. 'If you don't kill the

ISW0RTH ITS cough the cough lt sureWEIGHT IN GOLD. to kiu you,' "

tenure ertlte tradenark The stale oa

Ike bottle.


SKILL, HBITSBie st WSSOWABD,Portland, orkqok.


Anvils, vises, be) lows, haru oners, sledges,stocks and dies and almost every tool usedby blacksmiths we keep constancy onband, Also a full stock of iron.of all sizes,horse shoes and honse ahoe nails. Specialprices made on email outfits for farmersuse,

Psxvaa fc Stbwabt.


Uae tho Largosi and Best slock of p.

Clothingthe Central Willamette Valley.

til. aU nr


SHOES,eltber for slae or oualltv, ta not equalled

linn county Bsusbt for eaeh andsold cheap.


Department is complete with the latestand boat stylos.



re tne very boot, embracing the lateststyle.



DEPARTMENTunder Jibe charge of W. R. Graham, an ez

port tauor. naa no superior in uregoo.

Rptendid line of domestic and importedsuitings always in stock.

Scott's NewGun Store,


- -- O








At tba moat reasonable prices, alwaysla stock. Repairing don on abort notice.Willamette valley nIra rods ahould never

"0,u ,,,D 00

W. B. SCOTT,agexppoaito Revere House, AU any, Or.

Summons.In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon

for Linn County.

WH Rowland,

R H Price Administrator of the estate of HD Thompson, deceased, Elizabeth M Nicker-son- ,

Jasper Thompson, James F Thompson,John M Thompson, Geo B .Thompson, JosephA Thompson, Isaac an IV o tern, WilliamVauNostern, George Van Nastern, Jas.VanNostern Arvill Van Noa tern and Da-

vid VauNostern, Defendants.To Isaac VanNostern, William VanNos-

tern, George VanNostern, James VanNos-tern, Arviua VanNostern and David Van-NoeSer- a,

aix of the above named Defendants:

In the name of the State of Oregon : Youand each of yen are hereby summoned andrequired to appear and answer the motion ofthe Plaintiff tn the above entitled scionnow on file in the office of the County C erkof Linn county, Oregon, on or before thefirst day of the regular March 'term of laidCourt to be begun and held on the secondMonday, the 8th day of March, A, D. 1886,in the Court House, in Albany, Lion county,Oregon, after publication of to is Summonsfor six consecutive weeks ; or judgment trillbe taken against you, reviving a judxn ent

Sinet the estate of H D Thompson, dec aa-- ,a whioh was rendered against deceaaed inhis life time,ip the Justice Court on the 25thday of January, 1376 in the Justices Courtfor the Precinct of Brownsville in Linncounty, Oregon, for the sum of $142.80 indfor the sum of 42.80 disbursements taxed insaid action and sccruing interest from therendition of said judgment and for costs tuddisbursements to be taxed in this proceedingaad for leave to iuue execution, to satisfysaid judgment against the property belong-ing to the estate of H D Thompson, deoeat ed.

Thia Summona ia published by order ofHon. R. P. Boise Judge of said Court whiohorder bears date January 28th, 1886.

J. J. Whitniy,L H MONTANYE,

Attorney's for Plaintiff.


If you try to build now while wheat ionly worth 54 cents you should by allmeans go to Peters St Stewart's, at Albanyfor your hardware. You can get what youwant at their store and at reasonable

gold and ail ver ; and I

WitBBEAs, All the bonda authorizedto be laaued by tne aot entiiieu, "AnAot to authorize the refund inn of thonational debt," approved July 14th,1870, by the terms of aaid ac". were declared to be redeemable in coin of thethen present standard value, bearinginternet payable semi-annuall- y in auchcjio : and

Wu.DV.a All nftk. ITn;lStatue authorized to beiaauod under theact entitled, "An Aot to provide forthe resumption of apecie paymeota, ap--

proved Jan. Uth, 185,ara required sooe oi o. aooeripiioo m oooa. oi oTlmtAil Hutu i UiKPihaH in I ha Bawl I

act of Conare... ooDroved Jolv 14th.1870. ntitlftd "An A at to uthorithe refunding of the notional debt :"and

Whcrba, At tee date of the pai- -

oage of aaid act of Congress laat aforesaid, he Uth day of Jaly,180,the coin of the United States of standard value of that date included oil verdollars of the weight of 412c uraJaeeach, declared by tbe act of Jan. 18tb,lfil? . : l i Hi. i I

to the act entitled, Ao Act eetabliaeiag I

a mint and roenlatina the coine of theUnited States," to be a legal tender ofpayment according to their nominalvalue for any sums whatever. There- -

ore, 1... , . , I. .mrm va.wv. vj lwHouae of Itepreaentativea conourriof

iharnin i Tkmt .ii th. af tt.TTnitavt Sttataa iaaiial nr an! linrivavl abe issued under the eaid acta of Cm-- 1

hereinbefore recited are payable,

the Gerarnment of the United silrsr dollara of the coioaee of theUnited States, containing 4121 grainaeoch of atandard ailser, and that to re--

wor. vu i coinsga auen surer coins aalegal lender in parment of each

bonds, principal and interest, is not inviolation of the public faith, nor in do- -

rogation of the rights of tbe publiccreditor

Tbia waa followed by the act of Feb13tb, 1 8 1 8, by which silver dollarswere made legal tender 'for all debtsend doee, public and private, unleseotherwise expressly stipulated in thecontract." Tbia is tbe law to-da-y, batit baa been violated ia the interest of aepecial claas who demand gold as ihoonly basis of currency end of paymentof the national ohligationa.


Candidates for county officers arebuzzing, around with that indaatr andintentness shown by tbe buay bee on awarm aun-ehi- ny day in March. Wehear of the following candidates :

. For Sheriff, D. S. Smith, Matt Scott,Pearao Cochran, J. H. Raiaey.

Fjr County Clerk, we bear of F. A.Watte, N. Payne, C. H. Ralston, J. P.Ualbriitb, Jeff Myers.

For Treasurer, H. Farwell and Mr.Curl.

For Assessor, Phil. Smith,For School Superintendent, M. A.

Mi!ler,P. A. Moses and D. V. 8. Reid.We do not know that all of the above

are candidates, bat we hear them die-cusse- d.

We think moat aay of thesewould getaway with any whom theRepublicans may name.

The Mercury has a curtoui story tothe effect that the father and mother ofAcaon Burlingame, who waa ministerto China under Lincoln's administra-tion, and who negotiated tbe treaty aa-d- er

tfbich the Chinese eirae Io thiscountry, aettlei in 1859 on a home-stead on Fox Prairie in thia county,where they lived several years in astate of poverty and where the motherfinally died. The son, Anson, who waadrawing a large salary, waa appealed tofor aid, bub he was deaf to the appeal

1 and completely ignored his filial duty.After tbe death of hit wife, the elder

urliogame returned to his nativeetate, Massachusetts. This is a curiousstory, and w hope soma old citizen of'The Eorks,'' who knowe the footsabout this matter, will write it up forthaa b column.

LaGrande ia to have a ohcaa touraamea1;

Notice for Publication,Land 08tce at Oregon City, Or.

OUf is i east Feb. 2, 1866. .

Notice is hereby given that the followingnamed settler has filed notice of his intentionto make final proof in support of iis claim,and that aaid proof will be saads before theCounty Judge or County Clerk of Linn Co.,at Albany, Oregon, on Monday, March 22,1886, viz. J, B. Wirt, aa hair of John Wirt,deceased, for Homestead entry 4283, for SJ of S of See. 6 T. 12, 8 R 1 E.

He names tho following witnesses to provedeceased entryman's continuous residenceupon, and cultivation of said lands, viz : .L. Beans, Martin Rhiland and J. O. Boyd, ofLebanon, And J. K. Charlton, of Albany, allof Linn ccunty, Or.

T L. T. Sarin, Register,