the stingray status

1 B R E A K F A S T * P O I N T The Stingray Status November 4, 2014 Volume 1, Issue 2

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November 2014 Volume 1, Issue 2


Page 1: The Stingray Status

















The Stingray


November 4, 2014

Volume 1, Issue 2

Page 2: The Stingray Status


Page 3: The Stingray Status




4 & 5




Sports 7 & 8

Technology 9

Art 10 &


Meet the







Then &



By: Alex Downing

For the first time in

the history of Break-

fast Point Academy,

touchdown was

scored!! Number 22,

Ryan Pettys, ran the

ball 79 yards “to the

house” after catching

a 20 yard pass from

Quarterback Zach

Sinclair (12). When

asked about the play, Head Coach Sean Robinson

said, "We would score on the play eventually; they

played man coverage with no safety." Coach Robin-

son believed in Ryan saying, "He had the speed to get

past the corner."

The whole football team was flowing with joy when

the ball passed the goal line. Coach Robinson and his

staff were, "So Excited!! It's great to finally get that

weight off of our shoulders." The rest of the season is

only looking up now for the Rays. Coach Robinson

thinks the score will provide "positive momentum"

for all. Now that we finally rolled the stone off of the

scoring drought, the Rays turn their sights to a victo-

ry better yet; a potential victory over The Surfside


Volume 1 Issue 2 November 4, 2014

Breakfast Point Academy

The Stingray Status

History Made

Page 4: The Stingray Status


School News

The NO Bullying Zone


These days it is impossible to turn on the news without hearing a story about a student’s

struggle with bullying, ranging from classroom taunting or hallway shoving to cyberbullying. It

has become an epidemic that caused parents to become more vigilant about protecting their

children, and rightfully so. As a teacher, I find myself watching student interactions closely,

trying to identify when good natured ribbing suddenly becomes hurtful or worse. But do we re-

ally know what we are looking for?

According to the website, the definition of Bullying is, “Bullying is un-

wanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power

imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.” In short,

bullying is purposefully “mean” words or actions that is repeated, or could be repeated. To

help students who are dealing with bullying, the District has developed an APP for that. All in-

cidents of bullying, regardless of whether you experienced it or just witnessed it, can be report-

ed anonymously. Mrs. Baily’s new club, Not At Our School, is another welcome resource to help

“keep an eye out” on students at school, especially vulnerable new students.

Through both my life experience and my teacher training, I know a few undisputable

facts about bullying situation. One, it can end; you just have to report it. No bully will continue

to his/her actions once everyone is watching that person. He/she will move on to a less noticea-

ble target. Two, bullies are often created by having been victims themselves at some point. They

are desperately trying to find their own identify and power due to situations where it was

stripped away. Looking at it this way, a bully is not someone to fear, but someone to pity be-

cause someone once treated him/her badly.

Will an app, a club, or a degree in psychology stop bullying altogether? Sadly no. Bullying

will stop when we all remember to treat people as we want to be treated-always! Next time you

start to make a comment (even if you

think it’s a joke) think to yourself, “How

would I feel if someone where to say that

to me?” Nine times out of ten, half of the

things that are said to others would not

be said-ever. I encourage all students to

be positive role models and leaders and

STOP the hurtfulness that adults often

call, “kids being kids”. Adolescence is hard

enough without dealing with the non-

sense associated with bullying. Remem-

ber, just be nice!

Jamie M. Tibaquira

Stingray Status Staff supporting Anti-Bullying Day! Be

proud to be yourself!!

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School News

Interview with Mrs. Van Dellen By: Kaley Denaro

Mrs. Van Dellen has taught it all, which is ironic since she actually never plan on be-

coming a teacher. Originally, she went into counseling and ended becoming a teacher.

“Sometimes what you want and what God wants is not the same thing. He nudges you

until we’re where we are supposed to be,” she says. Her favorite part about our school is

the nice faculty and respectful students. She also says “It’s a lot of work, but its worth-

while work. It’s where I want to be; I’m happy to be here!”

“See You at the Pole” FCA Event

By: Seth Ward

A couple of weeks ago FCA held an event outside at the flag pole, it was a successful

event. This event is held annually for a day of pray. Everyone was invited; it was full of

good moments of worship and unity as an FCA club. The main speaker Brian Hasty

(from Woodlawn church) comes every year including a different guest each year to cele-

brate this day at our school. Every year our club grows and this event is to help increase

the number of people in this club so we can share our beliefs. If you are interested in this

club, come to the band room on Wednesdays and we will get you signed up! We provide

donuts and granola bars as our treat on the way out. So come be a part of our movement,

and to share the word of FCA.

Beta Club

By: Cole McGuire

Beta Club is a group that helps out around the school. They do many things such as run

school events, fundraisers, dances, and more. Meetings usually take place once a week

to discuss upcoming events. This club is important because it gets students involved

with their school, which is something that a lot of people need. Representing your school

is a great thing to do and will help you out in many ways. It is an excellent experience.

Speaking of representing, members of Beta Club have the opportunity to go on a trip to

Orlando. This is called the Beta convention. Students compete in competitions such as

making posters, creating a song, a dance, a skit, and more. As a fun bonus, students get

to go to an amusement park of their choice for a day. Last year, Beta Club went to Is-

lands of Adventure. The Beta Convention is a great way to have fun and spend time

with friends. Beta Club is open to all students in middle school; however, you must have

a 3.0 GPA or higher, and pay the $20 dues to join. Mr. Whitfield is in charge of the club,

so ask him if you have any questions. You can also find forms in the Ray Café.

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Ruthless ISIS Beheading

By: McKayla Davison

“Alan Henning was our local and national hero; we will remember him as a tireless and self-

less volunteer aid worker whose only concern was to help people in need.” This was the quote

released by the mosques in England in to attempt to stop the radical militants from decapi-

tating Alan Henning. Henning was a 47- year old taxi driver near Manchester, England. By

joining a group of volunteer workers that traveled to Syria, his life was changed. In this

group, he delivered water, food, and medical supplies to people during the civil war, in Syria.

This was in December 2013. December 26th he was abducted. People pleaded for his release,

including his wife, Barbra. Aid workers of Henning think that the abduction was related to

the decision that the British Parliament made to authorize bombing ISIS in Iraq. Gruesome-

ly, on October 3rd the beheading video of Alan Henning was shared. The Mosques were quot-

ed, “The killing of Alan Henning was a cowardly and criminal act of appalling brutality by a

group who does not represent Islam at all and in fact is an insult to the Islamic faith.”

Ukraine Update

By: Kenneth F. Dryslewski

The on-going turmoil in Ukraine, while no longer a Russian invasion of Ukraine

due to the cease fire agreed upon between Russia and Ukraine, is a problem to

Ukraine as a country. The Separatists that proclaimed independence and established

the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics are planning elections for parliament.

The Ukrainian government disbanded their current supreme council and is holding

elections on Oct. 26. Russia supports the self proclaimed republics. The elections for

the republics have been announced for November 2nd. The head of the Donetsk Peo-

ple's Republic said they might move the election to November 9th due to slow candi-

date registrations. Out of 2,000 polling places in Donetsk, only a third will be open for

"security considerations." Ukraine's government expects to open polling stations for

their election within the controlled districts, but only less than a third of the 34 dis-

tricts due to security concern, despite the established cease fire since September 5th.

Ukraine's government has made statements towards the republics claiming that no

country in the world would see them as legitimate. The republics are made up of the

Separatist rebels. The area the rebels control is home to about 6.5 million people.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has offered to form an autonomous relation-

ship, but it was rejected, and they stated that they want independence. Some repre-

sentatives from the region might settle for broad autonomy based on economics and

foreign policies, while others admit that their aims are secession and annexation to

Russia. Igor Plotnitsky, leader of the self-pro-claimed Luhansk People's Republic, has

been quoted by Russian media as saying that they would sooner or later join the

Russian Federation.

Current Events

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2014 – 2015 Lady Rays


Abby Cox

Mia Dixon

Hope Gillardo

Sarah Linvingstone

Sydney Painter

Kayla Pippen

Hope Reynolds

Reece Rhodes

Anna Vaught

Kacey Zulliger

Spirit Squad

Sheneen Thomas

Kaylynn Richburg

Faith Reynolds

Kaylen Quinn

Joanna Manna

2014 – 2015 Rays Soccer

Matt Benjamin

Alex Downing

Javier Elias

Taylor Fields

Camden Hart

Carson Kelley

Chad McCann

Cole McGuire

Ryan Pettys

Seth Ward

Wes Wilmot

Connor Winchester

Nick C.

Alex Poncel

Bailey Barr

Caleb Williams

Josh Grunden

Carson Prater

Zach Weatherly

Wade Wilmot

Dominic Alberti

Zachary Bischoff

Ethan Coats

Helmer Nava

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2014 Girls Basketball

Thursday, Nov.6

Pre-season Jamboree

Where: Mowat

Monday, Nov. 10

Who: Bay Haven vs BPA

Where: Away

Thursday, Nov. 13

BPA vs Jinks

Where: Home

Tuesday, Nov. 18

Everitt vs BPA

Where: Away

Thursday, Nov. 20

Mowat vs BPA

Where: Away

Tuesday, Dec.2

BPA vs Merritt Brown

Where: Home

Thursday, Dec.4

Surfside vs BPA

Where: Away

Tuesday, Dec. 9

BPA vs North Bay Haven

Where: Home

2014 Boys Soccer

Sat., Nov. 8


Where: NBH

Mon., Nov. 10

Bay Haven vs BPA

Where: Away

Thur., Nov. 13

BPA vs Jinks

Where: Home

Tue., Nov. 18

Everitt vs BPA

Where: Away

Thur., Nov. 20

Mowat vs BPA

Where: Away

Tue., Dec. 2

BPA vs Merritt Brown

Where: Home

Thur., Dec. 4

Surfside vs BPA

Where: Away

Tue., Dec. 9

BPA vs North Bay Haven

Where: Home

Page 9: The Stingray Status



Giants Win! Giants Win!!

By Camden Hart

The Giants defeated the Royals in a 3-2 victory in game 7. Madison

Bumgardner, the M.V.P, pitched a shut-out (or allowed 0 runs). In

fact, he has only allowed 26 runs in his entire postseason career . It

is an interesting fact that the Giants have won the world series every

other year since 2010. In fact, The each time they win , they take a

trolley around the streets of San Francisco. Buster Posey has ridden

the trolley 3 times out of his 5 MLB seasons , as has Madison. Great

job, guys!!

Lady Rays Volleyball

By: Seth Prothro

Lady Rays! Way to go Rays now with 5-3 record congratulations! The volleyball

team has been totally dominating. They have made it through the first round

of playoffs against Mowat. They had beat them all 3 sets Mowat didn't have a

chance. The Lady Rays have a great chance of winning the championship this

year. They just need to get through their rivals Surfside, Merritt Brown, and

Bay Haven. Those are the only teams they have lost to this year. They have

been doing excellent this year with a positive record. This is awesome because

this is only their second year with a team, and they are beating schools that

have been around for years. This shows all the teams we beat that Breakfast

Point is a competing team not just a bunch of losers. They got through the first

round and kicked out Mowat. Now they need to stay in and beat the next team

they play. They don't know who they play yet but they play this Friday at 4; 15

at the Bay Haven gym. The current rankings for Girls Volleyball are Merritt

Brown 1st Surfside 2nd Bay Haven 3rd Breakfast Point 4th North Bay Haven

5th Jinks 6th and Everitt 7th. According to Anna Lee, a volleyball player, she

says, “No matter what our team will always be a family”. Sydney Painter, a

Stingray volleyball player, says that “I am so proud to be on this team we have

come so far and can only improve, win or lose I love these ladies like they are

my sisters”. As long as they are as confident as they are they should be able to

beat anyone.

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By: Jimmy Kirwan

The new update, IOS8 brings tons of new features to Apple devices, including Credit card

scanning and other useful features. If you want to learn more, read the technology article

“It’s up to you- The Phablet or the Six. 4Chan made this so called IOS8 Wave feature up.

4Chan users made an advertisement that states all the details for this new feature called

“Wave.” The ad promises to quickly charge your IPhone, by just putting your iPhone into any

household microwave. Once your iPhone is in the microwave all you have to do is close the

door of the microwave and set a time. Your phone should charge up fast! Except one thing,

this new wave feature doesn’t work, so don’t be fooled. Some IPhone 6 users have tried this

new feature and their phone has got destroyed. Click this link to see pictures of these de-

stroyed IPhones. *Viewer discretion is advised*

Dell’s New 5K Monitor

By: Arcel Rico

In early September, Dell introduced a 27-inch 5K resolution monitor with a staggering 5120

x 2880 resolution at 218 pixels per inch. For those who don't know what, basically means it’s

the highest resolution monitor on the market. Or the highest definition display that any

screen can have at the moment of this article. It has 70% more pixel resolution than any oth-

er 4k resolution monitors or displays. With Dell listing its display at $2500, it is clear pricing

remains a challenge for Apple's ambitions to launch Retina iMacs and standalone displays.

Standalone displays may stand a better chance, as Apple has historically been willing to de-

velop expensive large-screen displays priced in the thousands of dollars for its pro-level cus-

tomers. An iMac almost certainly priced well north of $3000 could be a difficult proposition,

however, so Apple may yet need more time for prices to come down before such a machine

becomes commercially feasible. Besides its impressive resolution, Dell's monitor ships with

Dell's PremierColor technology and an edge-to-edge glass that includes both anti-smudge

and anti-reflective properties. Dell's UltraSharp 27 Ultra HD 5K monitor will be available in

the fourth quarter of this year. With twice the pixel count of a 4K monitor, the sort of beastly

rig that could drive such a device is likely out of the price range of all but the wealthiest

gamers. It seems like a good fit for professionals in graphic design or photography, but reso-

lution isn't necessarily the most important feature in a monitor. Important details like real-

ism of color and vibrancy also factor in. But when you're bragging to your friends or proselyt-

izing to the peasants, a 5K screen resolution is a pretty impressive number to throw around.

The screen has 6 USB ports, a card reader, and a pair of 16W Harman Kardon speakers, and

will retail for $2500 USD. Availability is fourth quarter of this year, so just in time for



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Student Wins National Art Competition

Alex Poncel, an 8th grade pupil at Breakfast Point Academy, entered

an art competition and triumphed with a second place win. out of the

58 that started, and then the 27 that contrived to finals. He thought

that the judges were being equitable. From a consultation with him,

we got primary knowledge that the painting depicts a deer drinking

from the spring of a waterfall. Tall grass skirts an oak tree, and a liz-

ard basking in the glow of the sun, ascending higher into the morning

sky. Alex first learned to paint when he was seven. “The meaning of

‘painting’ is relevant” Alex cunningly added, “Technically it is the

spreading of color on a canvas, or in other words, the process or art of

using paint in a picture, as a protective coating, or as decora-

tion.” Alex Poncel relishes painting over drawing because “in a sense,

drawing is much harder than painting. The resistance is much higher

and needs more of a forceful touch.” Alex did not get an accolade for

his undertaking, but he accomplished his goals on the inside. Alex

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Student Submitted Art

By: Jessie Weldon

Want to submit your art? Deliver to Mrs.

Tibaquira in room 506.

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Brain Teasers

A: A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his

dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a

bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?

B: You’re standing in a hallway with three light switches on the wall, each of

which turns on a different lamp inside a closed room. You can’t see inside the

room, and you can’t open the door except to enter the room. You can enter the

room only once, and when you do, all the lamps must be turned off. How can you

tell which switch turns on which lamp?


A: The river was frozen.

B: Turn on the right switch and leave it on for 2 minutes. Then, turn on the mid-

dle switch and leave it on for 1 minute. After 1 minute, turn off both switches

and enter the room. One light bulb will be hot (1st) and one will be warm (2nd ).

The cold bulb will correspond to the switch you didn’t turn on.

Dear Stanley… Ever wonder what the difference is between boy advice and girl advice?

Dear Stanley,

I have been bullied since the first day of school. They really hurt

my feelings and I don’t know what to do, please help me.

Go and tell someone about it and stand up for yourself. Don’t listen to what

the bully says because it is most likely not true. - Boys

We have all been where you are. You need to tell someone you trust like a

teacher, a parent, or even your best friend. After you tell them go to an ad-

ministrator and ask them for help. If you are scared that might make the

bully angry, then confront the bully and tell them “you don’t bother me”.

Bullies just want a reaction from you and if you stop giving them a reaction

they will stop. - Girls

If you need any advice or have comments, write it on a piece

of paper and slide it into locker 1047. You may always remain

anonymous and all of your questions are kept behind a lock. Best of Luck, Stanley

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Then and Now

Mrs. Hayes

Mrs. Collins

Mrs. Turner

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Around Campus

Students in Jazz Band are instructed by Mr. Nichols. The BPA Football players wait for the pep rally.

Mrs. Troia has students engage in experiments for her science class.

Students dress up for Red Day, an anti drug campaign.

The cheerleaders perform for the pep rally. The BPA cheerleaders pose for their final performance at the pep rally.