the story is a 31 - anderson hills · day 3: read exodus 20:8-11. what example did god set for us...

12 Children’s Bible Reading Plan August 26-October 4, 2019

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Page 1: The Story is a 31 - Anderson Hills · Day 3: Read Exodus 20:8-11. What example did God set for us when it comes to resting? How do you use your time of rest to honor God? Day 4: Read






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Page 2: The Story is a 31 - Anderson Hills · Day 3: Read Exodus 20:8-11. What example did God set for us when it comes to resting? How do you use your time of rest to honor God? Day 4: Read


Overview for Parents: Welcome to The Story for children! The Story is a 31-week series in which everyone in our church, children, youth and adults, will participate. This series has 31 beautiful messages of God’s love and care for His children, no matter their age. Each week is designed so that your child (and you) will be made completely aware of God’s message through the Bible stories, as well as the various lessons and activities they will experience at church on Sunday mornings. We encourage you to share your own love of God’s Word with your child, and talk with them about what you are learning in your daily reading, on Sunday mornings, and in your group sessions. Allow your child time to freely talk about and ask questions about what is being learned. The Story Bible Reading Plan for children is your opportunity to encounter God in His Word with your family in a meaningful way. Preschool age children will be learning from their Beginner’s Bible. Elementary age kids will read through the basic stories of the Bible that tell the whole story— from beginning to end. Through this series, you and your children will get a bird’s eye view of the Bible. Enjoy this experience of being “on the same page” as your children as together you embark on this spiritual journey through the Bible.


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 6: Wandering September 30-October 4

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

God had promised His people that He would bring them out of Egypt and into a new land. But when God showed them the land they were to have, the Israelites were terrified of the people that already lived there. Only a few people trusted that God would take care of them. No matter how scary the situation may seem, we know that we can always trust God to be with us. Day 1: Read Numbers 13:1-3, 17-20. Why did God send 12 spies out to explore the land?

Day 2: Read Numbers 13:25-29. What did the spies report to Moses? Were they scared to conquer the land? Did they trust God?

Day 3: Read Numbers 14:6-9. Who trusted that God would be with them? Why were they not afraid? Should we ever be afraid when we know that God is with us? Day 4: Read Numbers 20:1-13. How did Moses disobey God? What was the punishment for his disobedience? What consequences do we face today when we don’t listen to God?

Day 5: Read Proverbs 3:5-6. How do we trust God with all of our heart? Who in the stories this week trusted God with all of their heart? What happens when we seek God’s will in all that we do? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you trust God with all your heart and never be afraid, because He is always with you!

Page 3: The Story is a 31 - Anderson Hills · Day 3: Read Exodus 20:8-11. What example did God set for us when it comes to resting? How do you use your time of rest to honor God? Day 4: Read


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 5: New Commandments September 23-27

God gave us commandments so that we can know Him better. He loves us so much and wants us to be like him, holy and pure. When we obey God’s commandments, we show Him how much we love Him.

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

Day 1: Read Exodus 20:3-4. Why does God want us to worship him only? What are “idols” (things that we care about more than God) in our lives today?

Day 2: Read Exodus 20:7. What does it mean to misuse God’s name? Are there any phrases you have said or heard others say that could be a misuse of God’s name? How should we use His name instead?

Day 3: Read Exodus 20:8-11. What example did God set for us when it comes to resting? How do you use your time of rest to honor God? Day 4: Read Exodus 20:12. What do you think it means to honor your mom and dad? How should we treat our parents? How should we NOT treat our parents?

Day 5: Read Exodus 20:13-17. Describe each of the command-ments in these verses in your own words. Which one do you struggle most to obey? Why do you think that is? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you obey God because you love Him and trust that He knows what is best for you!


Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 1: The Beginning August 26-30

This week read these two stories in The Beginner’s Bible with your child and use them to talk about how God made everything there is, including him/her! Remind your child that God made us like Him. He created us perfectly, just the way He wanted. Name some of the things you love about your child and the way God created him/her. Tell them you expect a lot from them and have high standards because they are God’s perfect creation. Encourage them to always follow God and His will for their lives.

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Week 2: Abraham Follows God September 2-6 This week read these two stories with your child and use them to teach about how important it is to obey God. Explain that Adam and Eve did not trust and obey God, and there were consequences because of it. Abraham trusted and obeyed God by moving to a new land. He trusted God and gave Lot the best land and moved to a different place. He trusted God when He told him he and Sarah would have a baby even though they were very old. Talk about ways that your child can trust and obey God. As you travel to different places this week, talk about the rules that you have to follow and obey to be safe. Discuss what happens when you do not obey.

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Page 4: The Story is a 31 - Anderson Hills · Day 3: Read Exodus 20:8-11. What example did God set for us when it comes to resting? How do you use your time of rest to honor God? Day 4: Read


Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 3: Joseph September 9-13

This week read these three stories with your child and use them to talk about all the ways that God took care of Joseph, the people in Egypt, and Joseph’s family. God took care of Joseph in many different places—in a pit, in jail, and in the palace! Let your child know that God loves him/her, and He will take care of him/her, too. God helped Joseph prepare for the coming famine. Help others who are hungry by collecting non- perishable food items for your local food bank. Your child may like to make cards to go with the food donation to remind others that God takes care of them.

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Week 4: God Protects Moses September 16-20

This week read these four stories with your child and share that just as God watched over Moses and His people, God watches over your child too. God watched over baby Moses in the basket. He watched over Moses by talking to him through a burning bush. Throughout all the plagues, God watched over His people. And God protected the people from Pharaoh and His army by making the waters part. Talk about the ways God watches over and protects us. Let your child watch over something this week. You might help your child watch over a pet or an indoor or outdoor plant, even a stuffed animal. Practicing watching over something will help your child understand how God watches over him/her.

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 4: Deliverance September 16-20

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

God chose Moses to free His people from slavery. It wasn’t easy—there was a new Pharaoh in charge who didn’t care about God’s people. God showed His power to Pharaoh and freed His people from slavery. No matter how long we have to wait, or what trials we might face, we can trust that God will always deliver us and fulfill His promises! Day 1: Read Exodus 1:6-14. What happened to the Israelite people after Joseph died?

Day 2: Read Exodus 2:1-10. How did God save Moses from being killed by the Egyptians? How has God protected you in a dangerous situation before?

Day 3: Read Exodus 3:1-10. What object did God use to appear to Moses? What was God’s plan for the Israelite slaves? Day 4: Read Exodus 5:1-2, 6:13. How did Pharaoh respond to Moses when he asked him to free the slaves? What did God command Moses to do despite Pharaoh’s response?

Day 5: Read Exodus 12:31-33, 40-42. How long were the Israelites slaves for? Did God keep His promise to them? Have you ever waited a really long time for God to fulfill His promise? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you know that God watches over you and takes care of you, and that He always keeps His promises.

Page 5: The Story is a 31 - Anderson Hills · Day 3: Read Exodus 20:8-11. What example did God set for us when it comes to resting? How do you use your time of rest to honor God? Day 4: Read


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 3: Joseph September 9-13

Joseph was another man chosen by God for amazing things. Even though he was betrayed by his brothers and suffered as a slave in Egypt, God was with him the whole time. God made Joseph successful in all that he did, and he went from being a slave to being Pharaoh’s right hand man! Joseph trusted God and saw all the bad things that happened to him as part of God’s ultimately good plan to save His people.

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

Day 1: Read Genesis 37:3-4. Why were Joseph’s brothers jealous of him? Have you ever felt jealousy before?

Day 2: Read Genesis 37:23-28. What did Joseph’s brothers do to him? Why do you think they were so mean? How should they have handled their jealousy instead?

Day 3: Read Genesis 39:1-5. Why did Joseph have success in everything he did? Have you ever gotten through a hard situation with success because God was with you? Day 4: Read Genesis 41:39-40. What special gift/ability did God give Joseph to help Pharaoh? What did Pharaoh do because of this gift? What gifts/abilities has God given you to show His power?

Day 5: Read Genesis 45:3-8. How did Joseph show forgiveness to his brothers who had sold him into slavery? How have you witnessed God making a bad situation into a good one in your own life? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you know that God makes all things—even the bad things—turn out for good!


Preschool Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 5: The 10 Commandments September 23-27

This week read these three stories with your child and use them teach them that God gave us rules so we can live good lives and know God better. Review each of the ten commandments and talk about how they help us live a good life and know God and what He is like. God is not honored when we disobey Him or when we do what we want instead of what He wants. Not listening to God can bring trouble into our lives. Make sure they know that God loves us no matter what—whether we follow the rules or not! Talk about the rules in your home and why they are important. Play one of your child’s favorite games. As you play, talk about the rules and what happens if you don’t play by the rules.

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Week 6: Believing God September 30-October 4

This week read these two stories with your child and talk about how we can always trust and believe what God says. The people who were travelling with Moses to the land God promised them worried and complained to Moses about their needs, but God was faithful in providing food and water. When they heard that the people in the land were big and strong, they were afraid and did not believe God would help them. Only Caleb and Joshua believed in God’s promise to them. God keeps his promises to us, too! Write down on separate pieces of paper things your child would like to do with you this week and put them in a jar. Throughout the week, let your child pull out one of the promises and then do the activity listed together.

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Page 6: The Story is a 31 - Anderson Hills · Day 3: Read Exodus 20:8-11. What example did God set for us when it comes to resting? How do you use your time of rest to honor God? Day 4: Read


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 1: The Beginning August 26-30

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

In the beginning, God created everything! Out of all the things God made, his most precious creation was us. God loves us so much that he gave us the responsibility of taking care of his creation, and the chance to have a relationship with him and obey him. Adam and Eve were the first people ever made, and they chose to disobey God. That is why sin entered the world. When Adam and Eve sinned, it made God very sad. But he still had a plan to save us all.

Day 1: Read Genesis 1:1-25. How did God create the world? How do you feel when you think about the amazing universe that God created? What does God’s creation tell us about who he is?

Day 2: Read Genesis 1:26-31. What do you think it means that God created us in his own image? How does God feel about his creation, especially us?

Day 3: Read Genesis 2:8-9. What pictures come to mind when you think of the Garden of Eden? What trees did God place in the middle of the garden? Day 4: Read Genesis 2:15-17. What warning did God give Adam? What was the punishment if he disobeyed?

Day 5: Read Genesis 3:1-13. Who told Adam and Eve to disobey God? What happened when Adam and Eve ate the fruit? Have you ever felt shame for something you did wrong? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you be in awe of God, the Creator of everything!


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: THE STORY

Week 2: God Builds a Nation September 2-6

Recommended version of the Bible to read: New Living Translation (NLT)

Abram (later known as Abraham) was one of God’s chosen people. God called him to do really hard things, like leave his home and everything he knew! God asked Abram to do these things because he had a bigger plan for him. Abram trusted God and believed his promises, even when things didn’t go the way he wanted them to. God rewarded Abram for his faith. God loves it when we trust him because it shows our love for him! He always rewards us when we put our faith in him. Day 1: Read Genesis 12:1-3. What did God tell Abram to do? What did God promise to do for Abram? Has God ever asked you to do something difficult? How did you respond?

Day 2: Read Genesis 12:4-6. Why do you think Abram obeyed God? Who do you trust in your life? Do you obey the people you trust?

Day 3: Read Genesis 13:14-18. How much land did God give Abram? Why do you think God blessed him so much? How has God blessed you? Day 4: Read Genesis 15:1-6. Why was Abram sad? How did God show Abram how many children he would have? Did Abram believe God’s promise even though he couldn’t see it yet?

Day 5: Read Hebrews 11:1, 6, 8. What is faith? Can we please God without having faith? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing:

May you trust God and have faith even when you can’t see what is ahead.