the sun light - 16, 2014  · the sun light! the rotary club...

The Sun Light The Rotary Club of Georgetown – Sun City Club Chartered: October 24, 1997 December 16, 2014 Service Above Self Quote of the Week If God had wanted us to fly, he would have made it easier to get to the airport. Jonathan Winters Last Program (Dec.2) We listened to the bios of Karen Block and Ginny Wagner. Karen was born in Miami, Fl. and lived much of her life in the state. She is most proud of her writer daughter and a son doing his doctoral work. She is currently the manager of Zounds Hearing Aids here in Georgetown. Ginny was born in Tulsa. Her career was spent in accounting, working mostly in Houston. She is also proud of her family. Her favorite pastime over the years has been playing bridge, sometimes professionally. She currently works in Community Standards here in Sun City. Happy Bucks ($112) Lou Gibson was thankful for AETNA Medicare. Many were happy to have celebrated Thanksgiving. Others were just happy to be present. Doug Lowe contributed a buck for each of his 75 years. Harold Bergh was happy he had extra money to contribute. With a new coach, Glynn Hatley was hopeful that SMU can make a come back. So many of the happy bucks were given on the return of Lou Gibson. Rotarians in the News Congratulations to Alex and Patti Munson on their 41 st wedding anniversary. Doug Lowe recently celebrated his 75 th birthday, while Alex Munson, his 83 rd . Ginny Wagner has also celebrated a birthday. Membership Matters Harold Bergh spoke about how our membership has grown over the year and why getting new members is so important to the future and success of our club. Tuesday Dec. 9 th This day was planned for the wrapping, and later, the storage of the gifts. A Rotary meeting was held after lunch where the main business was presenting checks from our August fundraiser. President Bob and Donna Taylor presented checks to representatives from the GT Eagles’ Nest, GT Locker, Jarrell Locker, Assistance League, and Backpack Buddies. These funds will benefit youth programs in our area. Today’s Program The membership will vote on the new officers and board members for 201516. The rest of the program will be spent getting acquainted with new members. Future Programs Dec. 23 No meeting Dec. 30 No meeting Jan. 6 Chief John Sullivan, Georgetown Fire Department Jan. 13 Clark Wernecke speaks about a great archaeological find nearby. Jan. 20 Dr. Henry Savage speaks on climate changes. Jan. 27 Mayor Dales Ross Sam Smith’s Open House There is only one word to describe the Christmas decorations in Sam and Barbara’s home and that is awesome! Thank you for opening your home for all of us to admire and enjoy on Sunday.

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Page 1: The Sun Light - 16, 2014  · The Sun Light! The Rotary Club of Georgetown – Sun City Club%Chartered:%%October%24,%1997 December 16, 2014 !

The Sun Light   The Rotary Club of Georgetown – Sun City Club  Chartered:    October  24,  1997 December 16, 2014


 Service Above Self

Quote  of  the  Week          If  God  had  wanted  us  to  fly,  he  would  have  made   it   easier  to  get  to  the  airport.                                  Jonathan  Winters    Last  Program  (Dec.2)        We   listened   to   the   bios   of  Karen   Block   and   Ginny  Wagner.      Karen  was  born  in  Miami,  Fl.  and   lived   much   of   her   life   in  the   state.     She   is   most   proud  of   her   writer   daughter   and   a  son   doing   his   doctoral   work.    She   is   currently   the   manager  of   Zounds   Hearing   Aids   here  in  Georgetown.          Ginny   was   born   in   Tulsa.  Her   career   was   spent   in  accounting,  working  mostly  in  Houston.   She   is   also  proud  of  her   family.   Her   favorite  pastime   over   the   years   has  been   playing   bridge,  sometimes  professionally.  She  currently   works   in  Community  Standards  here  in  Sun  City.          Happy  Bucks  ($112)        Lou  Gibson  was  thankful  for  AETNA  Medicare.   Many   were  happy   to   have   celebrated  Thanksgiving.   Others   were  just   happy   to   be   present.  Doug   Lowe   contributed   a  buck   for  each  of  his  75  years.    

Harold   Bergh   was   happy   he  had   extra   money   to  contribute.  With  a  new  coach,  Glynn   Hatley   was   hopeful  that   SMU   can   make   a   come-­‐  back.     So   many   of   the   happy  bucks   were   given   on   the  return  of  Lou  Gibson.    Rotarians  in  the  News      Congratulations   to  Alex   and  Patti   Munson   on   their   41st  wedding  anniversary.      Doug   Lowe   recently  celebrated   his   75th   birthday,  while    Alex  Munson,  his  83rd.          Ginny   Wagner   has   also  celebrated  a  birthday.              Membership  Matters      Harold   Bergh   spoke   about  how   our   membership   has  grown  over  the  year  and  why  getting   new   members   is   so  important   to   the   future   and  success  of  our    club.    Tuesday  Dec.  9th      This  day  was  planned  for  the  wrapping,   and   later,   the  storage   of   the   gifts.   A   Rotary  meeting   was   held   after   lunch  where   the  main  business  was  presenting   checks   from   our  August  fundraiser.        President   Bob   and   Donna  Taylor   presented   checks   to  representatives   from   the   GT  

Eagles’   Nest,   GT   Locker,  Jarrell   Locker,   Assistance  League,   and   Backpack  Buddies.        These   funds   will   benefit  youth  programs  in  our  area.        Today’s  Program        The   membership   will   vote  on  the  new  officers  and  board  members  for  2015-­‐16.        The   rest  of   the  program  will  be   spent   getting   acquainted  with    new  members.        Future  Programs  Dec.  23          No  meeting  Dec.  30          No  meeting  Jan.   6   Chief   John   Sullivan,          Georgetown  Fire  Department  Jan.   13     Clark   Wernecke  speaks   about   a   great  archaeological    find  nearby.  Jan.   20     Dr.   Henry   Savage  speaks  on  climate  changes.  Jan.  27        Mayor  Dales  Ross    Sam  Smith’s  Open  House          There   is   only   one   word   to  describe   the   Christmas  decorations   in   Sam   and  Barbara’s   home   and   that   is  awesome!     Thank   you   for  opening   your   home   for   all   of  us   to   admire   and   enjoy   on  Sunday.