the sun. (new york, ny) 1867-09-03 [p...

I M - f 1 aLIT N3SW YORK SUN! r rcunU) DAJXT SOTtDAYB IIOXI'iTO. c comer of Muni tod nUoo iUmu, tws.TS Ccau pet wtfk-- eu buUari pr jtu. m vnmaretn, I altos Io!!ar per rear atngts copies tbrM rerla, 1 MOtMBS tt. BKACjI, Proprlf tor of I The am Establish sal THE OLD WORLD, iSunOablo Dispatcher. THE 1LAB1M1 CLAIMS. .Britijh Propositions fir Stttlimenf, THE WAR IN CAND1A. Unolhor Announcement by tho Enbllms Foit). I c Jte., Mm. Tfce AUbnm Claim. Lonnosr, J. The Foreign Office liaa Issued a Dine Book containing tho docu- ment which hire teen MM In tint detri- ment In the Alabama cane, and tho which hu passed between the 0Tf ramrnU of Great Britain and the United 8latet for the settlement of the claims. The latest despatch In the collection thowi ""bat progreaa haa tern made In the controv- ert)-, "d itatea the condition! upon which he English government It willing to attempt final settlement. The despatch U addteised by Lord Stanley, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affaire, tc Sir Frederick Bruce, the Brltlih Mlnliter at Washington, and li dated May 21, 18C7. Lord 8tanlcy Informa Sir I 7redcrlck Bruce that Eoglind li willing to submit the claim! of American citizens for Jamages canacd by tho Alabima, and all other similar damage! on the part 6f the United Slatca, to a commuuloo of arbitra- tion, If the clalmt of British lubjccta agalmt the United Stale for losses suffered during the late war of rebellion are llkowUe aubralt-fe- d to the decision of the tame comralwlon. Tke mil Jaha T. rerd. Losno-t- , September 2 The name of the only turrlror of the crew of the miniature yacht John T. Ford, which wai tost In the English channel, la Armstrong. 1 kc War ! C1U. Lofiwi, Stpt. J Etenlng In a circular note the Sublime Forte announce! to tho Mlnli Icrs at foreign Courta that the war In whs Itland of Candla hu been brought to a elotc, ancl that a general amnesty haa been granted to the Insurgents. The aame note promises that many rcformt will lie forth- with Introduced In tlie lawt and adtalnlitra-jilo- n of the Iriand. I The I saahtn Flrrltana. Brnt it, Sept. 2. The Llt.crals have Mr- - led I lie ilcctloiis for Iho North German Par- liament In alt the MARINE. larfe towns of the Coufed-itrsliu- Lntisn-eisrnn- September 2- - Noon Tlie steamship Perm I in, from (Jicbccon ibc'J.'d Liverpool. if August, hu arrived hero iru her way to Sonr iiamptom, Prplember 2 Noon. The Wrscr, Captain Wcnkc, from New Vork uu the 2.M of August, nrrlrcel here at 12 o'clock last night FINANCIAL. ru the way to Hi emeu. Lnyisnsi, 8es(. 2 -- Evening Consols, clus-tie- d steady at 91 IMC for money. Amrrlcan securities closed at the following rites: I'lilled Hlati'S 7.V.ft Illinois Ccn-fr- al tharcn. 774; Kilo Kallw.aj shares ilWj Atlantic ami (licet Western Kkah k i tint Sept. United flrntej bonds closed COMMERCIAL. at 7!) for the issue of LiVKRt'ooi., Sept. 2 Ecnlg.--Cc)llo- n -- l'lie cott'iu market clo-n- l Orin at the follow ,. aiilhoilri-i- l nuotattoiK: Middling ui'lancls I iOi.d.i Middling Orlraos lOUd. Tlie ..le-i- .f - I Ihe day nniiillninl to 10.00U balm, 1 llrujil-lulT- n -- Corn closid at :Cn. for mixed '' ' AC"teni, Wheat, 13f, for California whlu-- . II. rley. fi., .In. 6d, I'taa. Us. ,1 I'rovldons-Chee- se. s0. llorf, His. 61. 3 tard, SI". Dd. Folk, 7.'i. d, Iliron, 42. Produce- - Spirits rT'rolcum Id. higher, f" rlolng at !d, per gallon. Tidlow 4 In. Cd. : !liilts turpentine 0t. Itix-l- 7s. Od. for il common, and 12s. for medium. ' Ixikii, Sept. Nn. 12 Duteli at indtrd sugar 2s. 6.1. Seoteh pig Iron Ms. AVbalr oil 10. Sperm oil H.V I.ln-iv.- 1 li (ill X:l0, I.ln-e- cakes 10 6s. Calcutta i l linseed 6. Cd. ' ANTivmr, Sept. 2 -- Noon. Fcttolium, 17 ti aucs for staudui d w hltc. It. From Enropo by Etoamor. Hrrltal r lb tllj of llln-3U- II Ncwa la Auust U J. Thp Intdin slcamcr City of Boston, jfrom iiis QuceuitoH u the 22d of August, baa arrived 4 IJarsa'a Hprrch In I ntL The following la tho text of the Queen's , speech on tlie prorogation of Parliament, a lt synopsis of which has been received by tele-an- d BrPni tai hereloforo published i n'rs My tortt and Gtntltmtu x hni I am happy to be enabled to release vou from lliocndiavoraofaloug aud imirvllim HIP Usually creulful acsslon, and to ntreryou my jTJ aekuowledgementa for tho successful dill iurj k'Ciicc with which you have applied yourself to your Pailiamcutary duties. New My relations with foreign countries con- - . tlnuc on a friendly footing. At the com- - lorn, mencementof tho prent)car great feara mis, v,ere entertained that dllferencca might arise betwetn France and Prussia, which might t'ork, have led to a war of which It was lmpolMo to foresee, tho ultimate result. llupitly tho snta, silvlee tendered by my government, and if1! i hy 100,0 "f 1,10 ""'r neutral statca, akled bv 'Jiemo,lcratlonnfthotwo liowirs ehlillv lii-- :erestedv eulllerd to avert the threatened ,;, calamity i and I trust no grounds at preixnl tl .i. valst for apprehending any dlalurbaucc uf t.m'b the general peace, lit The communications which I have made In - :lio reigning Mounrch of Abyssinia Uh n 'JI-- ilcw '" "uli,ln "1C flej "I llie British tub-- ,.C, i,uin he c'etalns In hladomliitoua hate, I regret to say. thus tar proved li.i It lave, thercfoic, found 11 necessary to addrixa n sn4 o him a peremptory demand lor their Ininie-- Hate liberation, and to take measures for , upporllng that demand should It ultimately ' ie tonnd necessar' to resort to force. ' The trcoonalilc conilracy In Ireland, lo ( v iliieh I have before called jour attiullon, . roke nut In the early part of the present I, e it in a futile attempt at Insurrection. Tint was suppressed almost without bloodshed, l ilue not more Ul the dlsclnllno and value ot .., f ly troops, and to thu ailmlrabln conduct ot fie police, than to tho general loyally of the ; Orsr- - Population, and the of anv token of i inpathy w Itli the Insurgents on the part of ), eon iiy conlderablc portion of my sublicts. I 'Jolcc that the mprcmncy ot tho law waa . i..i. indicated without imposing on mo the palu-- i il ntcessltv of saciinclng u slugle life. of 1st The bill for tho abolition of certain local irrs for Muiptlom from laiallon enabled mo to (Vntrsl ill myself of a lllieral concession made In .t Mu- - illcipatioii by the Emperor of tho French, liereny aevcrsl taxes wero removed which is with essed heavily tin British shipping, ills sua I have concluded a postal convention with e United States ot America, whereby the ii. lied ' f xle hetween the twocountrlca snd u dl be diminished by f, and further rjisiin- - "ingementa aro In progress for Increasing Intercourse between this couuliy and the n" 111 "ll'ienl of North America, o. TLp lct ,ar Uie unon of h(! nrUlh N)rlh nasiloa "erlcan Provinces Is Ihe flnal accomplish-i- t fausl ' n' or a scheme lopg enutemplated, where-thos- e colonlea, uow comblued in one do-A-ts nt. m,y be expected not only to gain nvrii! dltlonal strength for the ordo-vn-A'- i,!ff l0,t J lnul aggressfon, but may TtiUif ,Vnl ,"mnG thcmsclvea by fre sh lies of Interest, and attached to the mother untry by the only bonds which can ctrec-wa- r, t ""i" ""ure tuch Iwportaiu ilepeudtuclct, t . i those of loyalty h the Crown and attwh-mc- to Brlil-- h connection. Grirt'ri't rfde llmitr fifCmin I thvnk yon for the IiIkjmI supplloi whkh rou have Totid for the public acrwec. J nrilt nnH (itntlevi'nt I hare had great sstUfvctlon In gM-i- mv acnt to a bill tor amending the reprenenl.u i h of thecopla In Parliament. I urnell It thu the extenshonnd liberal moamre wtile.i you liavc may etrect the durable settle- ment of a question which has long engsgid pi bllc attention, and that the Isiae n uiiIm r of mr siibjecls who will t for lh" flrd lime admitted to the exerd-- e of the elective fran-chl- may, In the ill'Chargc or the dm In thereby devolving iin Ihcm. proie them-ehe- s worthy of the confidence whlih has reposed In tin in, It l gratifying tomclonud tint tho lcngiln'nd eon ' It ra- tion which you hwc iircenr.!v glw n to tlili lnisirtaut ijuesllon ha" not p'n vrntid vour entering on many subjects to whleli your altciition wa directed at tne commencement or the session, and partlculailv t.v such ai have Immediate reference to ttc wilbbelng or the Industrial classes. I have had especlsl pleasuro In giving my assent to bills for ex-- , tending to various trades, with su'li modltlea-- ! tloni a have lieen fouud nectsvary, Ihe pro--1 visions of the Factory act, the succcsj of which hs proved the possiblllry of cxlend-In- g etrectiial protection to the lalxir of women and ihlldren with a due for the Interests of the trades Immediately concern- ed. I confidently anticipate from the opera-- 1 Hon of tho present acts tho samr Improve- -' ments In the, the social, and the moral condition of the working classes which ! has been found to acconipanr the aiipllc itlm of the acts or tho.c trades lo'whlch they have hllhcrto been conflneil. The reitrnlnts al- leged to have lieen lniiosed on workmen and their employers by trades nnlous and othr associations appeared to me to call Tor In- - lulry, aiKltherrvilsllons derived Irom ths exaiiiinalloiu U Tore Ihe ooinmlslon towkleli yougavoyour lri;llnllve sanction Ii.ivedis-clo.e- d a slate of things which will deserro yonr most earnest sltrnilon. Tha admlnlstrutloR of the Poor Ijiws. which generally has ronlirrrd gr at benellt on Iho communlly.and eieciilly on the poor them- selves, rcmilrcs constant supervl-lo- and I have readily consented to a LIU which, to the metropolis ulonr, will tend to cquallra) tho prrun of taxation, and Im- prove tlie tieatinenl of the skk poof, wbo-- e condition will be greatly Undated bv yo-i- The hill lor the legulillon of the met' haul shipping contains Important prinl-lon- s cli- ent Ucd to add to Urn health ami comfort of those engaged In the mercantile marine. I These uud other valuable aiuendiuciiU of, the law have been Ihe ll i.r join lal ors during the present session, and In rctunilna I to jour own homes you carry with you Ihe gratifying contclou-nes- s vour lime and pains hare not been ml'.ipp'lc I, and that they have resulted In a sirlesnf measure which I hoo and earnestly prav niay contribute, lo the couleuluieut aud ofmj- - peoide. Fyrtbrr Particulars of llie I'kolerit In lll. Alarming atcouuts contlnueil to Ix; reel tied as to the spread ol the cholera In Soalhcru Italy. The Florence corresKindcnt of the London 'ui'y .V, Uili ult., deinlls lustaiieis of popul ir Unballtyso appiilllug as lo be Ullef In any country except Italy, where popular education and Intelligence haic alivujs Ufli at Ihe lowist point i ' The iwpular U II, f In the agency of (kiIs. on still cciillnii, s and le ids to hocking le-- soils. At Chita, n null In u scene waa latelv witnessed unparalleled In inudcin times. Tin. ni uaot the Hi at cuiC ot which occurred there spnad fear and consternation. Uufortcnitely, too, lhec fullngs vviro as usuil accompanleil bv Ihe driad of (Kilson. The rumor that the wells, clstems, and ri'crvolra of the district were iMilsomd got wind, and spnad like wlldDrc. The unfurtunale luhalillants, paruly-- il bv linr. shut tlieiusihc- - up luthilr dilllng-- , mid did not dare to drink vj venter, or cveu In U'e It Tor Ihe purp'.MH of chatillne. Whilst tills cxcltiUKlit the public mind a malignant minor got abroad, if n certain Hiiinuii ns the author of the evil died. The woman (minted nut to the Mi,ulnr inilluiiatlon was a luiinlcss ciea-- I lure, well known In the ns n forliine-tclli- r. No coinplilul li.iil ever been intend attain, t her, and she was evuy ono's friend. No soonerdld the rumor git llrm i him and iry was raised. A irnnd h d, and It was iletiriulne 111, at litis poor creatiiru should I e setr.ed and put to il'Mth. llailn uiiidv their wuy to the 's ilnelllng, they Iclli d ogn und, torebu lidy to pieces, and, lU'hllng a lure bonllrc, threw the bleeding remain luio ft, A daiiL'hlci of the victim, ugitl of 15, Until- ing hiiIi Imrror at I r mother's minder, sercauiid wildly at this terrible sight, and bercrlia attracted tlie nollee of tlnnrnnd, who would have sclcil her an I haic made short wwi; i,f her !", had she not leu saved by a brave man, at tho ju rll of Ids life. Alter this bloody mirk, the croud -- oujKi.rd of men, women and ihlldren (pent a good portion of thu night In dandug an I revelry 1 1, wo to llis- - smt where the charred remains of their vlrlim weie lying, At l.oii'T ilnieco, lie ir I'n saun (we are still In t lie Neai1ltan leriitorv). another cloploratila Incident took place. ITie first cae ol eholera lu the incurred In the person of nn iudlild-lia- l In easy ilrcunutsnios, who had pre- - too luelfot the draures Xaistyparlaken fill M' eral friends. ot the case the man was awrrlrvl od within the hour en at. d sdipl-clou- s of mlnn lu the mind of Id" nearest relative.. Ills frli mis weie Hgardtd as the authors of bis dentil. Ills mother, wife Hiid sister roe up from the ride of theeorpc, weeping, morning, tearing their lialr, unit clamming lor ii venire. This at once stirred tho multitude, who collected aiouud lh''m. (ircnl ceeiUlnelil mhiii pievnlKil. Pikes, sticks, ilioppirs-cve- ry avullstle Instrument were si in d on the spur of Ihe moment, uud the mob proceeded to the dwelling of one u' tlio-- e Iricnds ot the dcci'i-e- d who had turn pointed out ns tin Ino-- t lullmate l tin in, nnd tliiieforo the run-- 1 gulllv The uuliirtunate mm, ns well ns Km otlur In- mate ol I.I- - hiiti-- n .o ue. I in tliuc ol lliu I fri nr.y. h id Uude his Tint e line was the ci i with lln'oilieriouipanloin of the di ce.i.-- i d. The inultllude could Iheii'-for- o ouly wiuak tl.ilr V1.112e1.11co on the goods and cliulleh of tlulr intemled vlellius by sma.lilnj- - evi rvlhlng Ihev could Uy their hinds on. L liable to copo wllh lliesn mud-m- i n, the lew ritlrmcn In the pi ice hut them-- '. si lies up In llulr Lnn.iek'. Mob v pi - vullid Ihimiiil oiit Ihe wl, ,1c ,,i tin ulj;lil,uu, vaiious ncc.ured. had on'lllen of Allnlra In 'lain. In regard to thr threateidug condition of air.ilis In Spulu the Palls coircsp nditiit of ' the London I'imtt. wilting on the llilh says 'Although the re mt that lien. Prim hid enlered Spain has Un contra-ellctea- l, and I appriullv unfiuiided, Uu Pari l.ilirir neiiitliiless insists that an has biokcn out In Unit country, ' and there would be nothing surprising In Its prmlng true. The tyranny nud gross mis-ru- ol suf(-lv- e governments, nnd espc-- 1 il illy of the pieniii one, h no long len n Volution -- nml Ihli l the season of the year when si., h things generally bleak out (until of the Pyrenees, Tho last attempt that of 1'ilin una mnde In win- ter, and turned nut a signal failure not fiom want of sympathy on the art of the people, but bccau-i- - innny who were to hue tiken a prominent part In It were t Ither lukewarm or cowed, and broke down at the last minute. Since then the atrocltlei committed Ihe wholseale shootings and tiansportatlon, and luniimeruble acts of Injustice aud oppiesslon havcexnspemted the nation to sui h a point that It I dlillcult to licllevc the mr.-.m-ci will end without nn outbreak. No man, how. ever aloof ho may keep from politics, H safe from poison and even words aud from uch a gcnernl state of personal livecutltv Ihe nation Is eager to escape. This ft can only do at Ihe price ol a rebellion, which wo may rcainnably expect to prove the most serious that has occurred In Spain (luce the death of FiTillniml. This time It Is not the overthrow of the CaMcet but that of the dy- nasty thai will be aimed at, and doubtless iichleved, Tho days of the rtlgn of tho " Innocent Isabel," as It was tho fashion to call her In Infancy, looked upon as uumbcroel, Tho illireruicu of views not long ago existing upon that head among Iho mout- hers ol the Liberal party has given way un- der repealed creecutloa, anJ uie, tqriu ip; longer he ' Ih.wn with the Minister and long live the Queen," tut Away with them all.' Ilrella. af Itrllal.,, He.,,,,,,,,,, i.jj.. It will be gnllfylng to ourresdrrs to know tliit the rcllglom Immolations In Indli, which were onca so common, and for the prevention of which the fjorti of th- -, huauno lu all Christian coutitrlea havo hul l?in put forth, ire gradaally fiding out, ond Put the time appear to be not fir distant when Ihe hUj of lui'la, as Is Incoming the cae lu China, will fall Into disrepute and be forgotten. A cotrefjoadent In India, writ- ing to tlie London 7iivi, Ihu refers to tho gr v f tunl of Jt.ggcnvul, once the (Igual i I lie dMuubljge of iulllloni,and for scutes of rvltgiotu excitement carrlid to frenny.bul no' to reOiici'd In luiijutttuco that there aro n if found enough devotees to drag forth tho old Idol from Its temple i Afnrt from the- - fvmlne, the l.lotitrom I festivals seem to be lining their hold ni the masse- s- partly under the lallueucc or greater prosperity ami cnllhtciimcut, partly from our Indirect dlsconragement of ihcm for sml-- 1 lry and moral reasons. Tntte the Juggcr. tiMit Poolab at Seramnore, w Weh li second lu ponularlly lothat or Poorcc. lu Itlt'il jou rccirrdrd how one of the tars ran m er six worshippers, killing four. This year the , crowds were inueh less than u.ual, and con- sisted cMefly .'f wuuicu and child rn. Due or the to ears was not dragged nt first, Iho people would not assist In an act zeiierally,T,H.lderrdasgiiiug(alintlii, and he pries' t- -l iiliyaJJnsd ai.Uihm lo the , magistrate, if which the followlug la sliaus- - "On aeenriri sf the hsKry rala and the smtl gsthf rim-o- f twyle on Ik-- Brst Aj of tho jtnth (car) frsllTal the- - ear eoaM not he mored. will - xmlar. there will be a IWit oweoorse of iop!e. UuleM your honor wita fsror It will M dlfflfolt to more the csr. no Ipt-S- Ihst the csisl msr ta reerlsed from or, snd Ihst orders msr ! ,rlreo br best of drum, and the ml r msjr W dcputcO lo tlie soul to ba- - tliecarniurp.L" Of course, Ihe ma titrate gave no assist ancc, and dually the evil omen was averted' and the prlesi's pmkiis filled when the ear wu dragged a little dlilancc after heavy pendllurc. It Is a am,teeiu en c lion on tell of wheels, each node of one e normnus pk rc of wood. The iliitcd block which ebM-- duty for. Iiiggs-ruau- t Is In a tower on the tup. and the other turrctts me Ailed with priests, who clang', strike bells, beat drums, blow conch shell, and Infuriate or amuse tha people with oUecno ciuoiUlluiia lu a truly Jrilli.h fashlou. Will of ItatOT ihe llorw Tner. I An. HngUsh iaper thus refers to It A eorrespondetit ha fivorc.l us with a copy ,,f thp Ul of J. 8 Bircj-- , the fninoua Amerlran horse tamer. The iVeiiuicnl 1 trulv cihaiaclerisllc of the ilec.'4iil, loss, much as Kii! are mail t of reirnd h.'iscs, whom he luenllons by name and he- - qneaths to varlim members or UU family. The cek'hmted hor-- e Cnil'cr, by the tatuliig of whom biMnilnly made Ids reputation, he h aves to hi brother, Frederick lUrey, but (.ruber Is not to be1 usid for anv other pur-- I xw th in as n stallion, nor for liuv iKinioses ofexhll'ltion. but be Is to be kept ami main on the farm where' he now is. aivl Willi-- u the sbthlenivl euel'Kiiie now i.c n Inl by him, or sltiillirones, ns long as he lnr. The will iiroccil-- i The sail slilll.u Crul-- i r must h" well taken care of bv the (aid Ficil-en- d Karey and Id heirs, nnd must never bo fold by either my Mild broth, r or anv of his hilis. And I ti riht nuke II a , clil elisriro km Im uinbi'iuic! on all that part r my lionteslesd tann ljlug east of the canal, so long n v Hid stallitm t'riil-- . r shall live, that Ihe Mid eiiilo-ur- i' end stable now occu- pied nnd to bn occupied by hltn on the aid pntt or tho ail J farm (hall ! kept in gml repair and Comfi'il-M- o nnd alo ismdillou, and tlut the (aid Crul . t shall, ra long as Ito litre, bo fiirulshrd wltli suitable aud (utuclcnt fiKsl and oilier us for bis comfort " Ho then pmvldea tint his biother, nnd nuv (tterossor nt hli In the ownership of Crtilsr'r, liill have frco nc- - cesi to CrnVcr Tor the ii:nro of lolng him ns a stallion, Il upwuta that Mr. Ilirey lell it largo propeity In Ameilin, nnd his lemeiii-bniii- o ofa Iiikc iiiiiiiIkt ol rebuke shows that his heart was In Iho right place ha I ro le In I'liwals. II on ihe way from Cheibo'irgh to Kronstadf, put In nt Stittlu, Pius.L, to lukc on boaid Mrs. Adinlnl Fnmgtil and party, ho had onic oicrlmd, Cologi.e, Ult the fllilni'. nnl Berlin, from Pails. The appearance ol the Fi dlcat Stiiiluwis thu flr-- t visitation of nn Ameilciti ship to Pru I dan waters, and the greate-- t cuiloslty wa mnnlfesled on the part of the Prussian. At llrt there wti a kind ol hiMlailon nlwnit tlie progrcsnf ihe ship up the Oder nil the put of the Pni'-lau- vvho weie takm c by (iirpit-- o at the flrl nppeaninco of i.u nnned ship steain.Iitg so fui Inland. As the kind Intention of the Frolic was the hesitation of iho l'nn-hu- n pan wmy In ctirlosllj', then uiilsiiiiidcd courtt'sy, thin cnlhii lasiii, with It went on Increasing amid idiotttlng. n Joking, bring of cannons, an 1 buud of music, till ono giai.d, wild and spontaneous oiaUon fiom laud aud shoie Ihe Fmllc In Pri.s-la- u waters As the Frolic tipiTotched Metlln, lint shorn bitter-- . lis pralul lorUi the national .ilule to Amer- ica, nnd on nil aldis was run up the Auieit-ca- n II ig, Tin) I'eoplo tbrongid Ihe ihorn In crowds, while Ihe Prussian gnnlsoii wu marched nut and itood nt parade n t, to .welcome ihe Fiollcs nrrlvid. Hienewrn-- J per ciiine nut with extra eilltjons iitinoniie-Ingth- a slilp's ui rival. On thu morning of the 1 Us. the people, uobllltj', ollleers nudlt-ilic- s cum' thronging on bo.ird, nnd dining I the' day about 1i(i0i) people looked ou r tl c Frolic with the gr,"tle t riirl'wllr nn I admir- ation, Chi the srrivnl of Mrs. V irragut Mid I I'lcl" from Ilmlin, Ihe Pnis'lan uiitboiille f furnished iiisifiilfleent carrliges convey tin m to (lie ship. The m oplet throngi'd Ihe Ihrowitig tKiuipit'is nnd (bottling Ameitci from the rnlliond to the Frolic's , hoar, wlieies Pnuslan bunds and el egantly dre's-f- d neenin pinled Ihe lull' s mi ltnnl. Once on loanl, tlie grnnd sslvoi of nrllllerj' burst out I mm tlie shore and eiery housi'tn,, nnd elirv. avallnliln si' nfgiiHtnd on cither side of the Oder was thronged wllh (suple, wnvlnir Ameilean color-m- l sho'itlng. Amer- - leal The sb inti'is cirrjlng Urn Ameilenn Hag now i loin d out liom the shorn with Iniid plivlng Auiei'leiin airs, nnd llrnnge.l with olllci- - and uobllltj', who ae, nuipnnlcd the Frolic to hivin, mnde, win le n ltiiiiiI lull wnn liiinrovl-i- d lu honor of Hi, Aun rli'iii ship. .No f'lic ein nei'onnt for the va.l en-- 1 tl,itlasnt of lit l'ni,in', i nless It po. ' lltlcilly thrnti'rh the command or King Wil- - Haiti ni II Tlln. It would be nproiHii to menllou the faff, that the Frolic wn- - on of the Chile I lit ' M, iimers lllliil run In I'ltglaiul ns a 11 ok ,., ' nil nrr for Hit' re'H Is. Shi cnptui,l U our Meet oir Chi lesion, during Uu war. JI original nnmo w- - Ihe l.on Clyde, and her 1 bil name A. L. Vance. ' Harvesting operntlotu were falrlj' uudir v IJ la all aita , f lh gl n d tii'l Ihe sv ther w is cuns, riu, nilv anlchesl i,h gr it It cfiullnuul warm, and, on the wl le, favornble; but the hot spell had lwn by icvere tliurilir storuis nnd heavy rains In some sections of the country. Lf.n-- I don, on tb" mnrnlognf the '.mill, w.'m vlsltnl by one of lite titml violent storm' ol" ibuii- - dir. lightning ai d rain ever i viK-r- nei I In that elly. It lasml lor sevrrnl I. our nnd ire tied considerable nlirm, Minv bu.nlim-etc- ., wt re struck by the lightning, and much damage was done. The llcfotm league h..d on eih- - brallng tho passSgu of Iho llel'.rm bill In banquet or fo.tlval. Lrttcr rrot.i Mi. JJilght ,:,d Mr. John Stuart Mill had been ibliuJd, In which those gcnltcmin rftoumieiul it.c Lcagac Kivt to turn their .itumli.n tu , eic. i.iaiiJ for the lallut. r " " - I , , tm'mmWmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmm ' mWmmmmmmmmmmmwmm: i si Thirty-Iurt- h Year. ' KKW-YOHI- T. TlTRSflAV Rivinvitt.n .on, Fair nfihe New I'sia'nnil Asrleu'inral PttovinrM'K, II. I., H,pt. The Fnlr or tho New England Agricultural Society aud Iluodo ltlaud Industrial Soslely will at Narrajanutt Paik, and continue four daji. The initios, partlculatly of stoik, arc vcrj huge. Il Is Ihnughl iho ibow ol catllc aulrioitca will be the) fli.Osl eier tew lu Ncv Eniiland. AUiul ono hun- dred horses ;o chll'll'd In Ihe varlvua llasscs, for fcj'vcii, t FROM WASHINGTON, Wasiiisoto!, tVpl. 2. An old cltlien of Texas, now la Washing- ton, (aya " Nerer Uroro has the yelhrw feicr prevailed to inch an extent on that covd as at the present time." For Ihe week ending TitC'daytho lOllrof Soplcmlcr there will le hsucd from the p tcut oillco 2,'n) paicnL. During the post week over ! applications and 00 csvcaU have been filed. Atigustln Itnrbldc, the adopted heir of Maximilian, Is now nl llossdale, the residence of 'his grandmother, Mrs. Oiecn, on the heights of Georgetown, aud Is a robust beiy, 1 years old. Tho rrcsldent toiLiy sftldgc L. 0. Eras, formerly member of Congress from Texas-- , Collector of Internal Revenue for Uio 4tli Olrtrlctof that State, and Ctd. Miner, of Ohio, Collector ofCnetomt at (Miction. The receipt of Internal Revenue from dis- tilled ipltlu and tobacco wero largely in for the scal year ending with June hut, over those i any previous j'ear. A verbal error In a former prlnteJ dispatch rendere tills correction accesssrj'. The tni'lncsc of the Fen.-o-n Ortlee shown thi whole nunil-rr- claims .cccliid during the month of Aurnt'l, original and Increase of w'dows, etc., l,eWl 1 of lavalals. 85C tetal. t.tW. The number or claims sshnlttcd, and Increase cf widows, etc, 4,ioi of Invallsfb. 1,4.10 totalj (1.412. Tim nnnttr of claim !rjectel, nrigl-ia- l aud Increase of wldl nw, etc., W7: of iuwUlds, 1VI7 total. PI I. The lots! number of italms dlspoctd of dur- - ng tho uionth was 7..UI. The tumlicr of lelteis wtlleii was 0,117. The n imber or circulars rant, lei9. In tho boimtv land division, 4Vwarranls erit acre s crsli were Issiiedt ilgkt or HO ncrev. The who's-nni- Iser of warrants Issued storing lite month wV!ly c "ftli'g i cres, The l.winber of claims received AI, und t (pedal tifs 0. renewed coscj admitted 2C rejected 17 SIOMiV III' TIIK 1IIIIIMI. flan of Ihs .IfsnrlAir Cenrkmire U WAsitlNe.rei.v i'd.-- ho Dcpartu tut t f Slate ha rrc.vrd from Mr. Samuel B. LhSKlc., delegate from the Unitid States, In tin reienl Dlplcoiatlc Monclovy Confercn al ?lirls, full rqi'wt of Its proceeding, nn I etfllso plan agreeitupon for the tinUloitloii of gold coin, which Is to be propo d for adop- tion by the dlirorcnt nations. Delegates duly letndltrd crre In attendance from twenty uallon- - or 3urope and Ainerlca, li g on aggregUc population exeecllng three hundred iiiUlloos. The leading fiatuua of tho plan nrr: First. The moie'-ii- f the world lo be It of guld und Jill er, except for change lu smnU 3111011111- - t bo ouly nil arlltlo of cennineieei. Hccond. The five fiane gold piece or irancc to Is, the rstoti, tarv null with Its iniilliph", rntilrlng a nslue'iloii In jirlgltt id the I tilled Males doll ir cf nearly three and a half per cent., and or tho lhllUh of neat ly sxiu isr cent. Tlilid.-liol- coins ofthe s.anto ilriiomlna-tl'ii- i. by whan vir natbn lo tc u in wc Ight, illauielrr aud oil ililv, aud to he iilni-lent-lis i!i-l- ti tiUl. Fn trlb. To he decimally dlv I I. .1 Filth. To bo a legal u tiller hi all Ihe The rcjsirt embrace many Interesting de- tail of the em nnl, and pi ogress ofthe colli- ng ofll.e United Stalls, (heat Britain and Mr 1! tggles It beret on leave cd ab- sence, In confer with Die (loieriimrnt nn Iho prtiwr Hindis sif presenting this measure of lelonn to the rfiusldcmtlon of Congress nt Its next session, lie will shortly riturii to tncninplete hi- - dull, a a. Cotiuulstloni r il'irl P.xpodlloti, which li lo clo.o cm tho uf Nuicnilsir. ii:m:i:ai. Milium in. Iteerpllsn I Hip Onltr or llnnasnl. Nkiv Oi i.r.VNs, HepfriiiK'rS The nlllclil order relieving llcneril Sheridin wss nt hi'iiliinuli'ps this morning, (len-cr- .l (lililln lei, gmplisxl to, and upon his arrival (ieneral Sheridan will Inko his ile-- i' ofiirc, ntiasiopanii'.l by L'olonils l'orsjlltc, Shrridali and Moore. llvtillou tn (, ii, Mierldnn, Sr. Liu Is, N pt. 2. - 'i he Kadtinl cIiiIm ami ehlcg-itlon- s from pails or Ihe tlrand Army of lo niruugo fcr a public recepllon toll n. Sherldinnu i'. (ion. Clinton II. Fl k,, and Major Tliotni- - and (lovemor Fletcher in iilu (Hit lies. Colors d peoplo will bu lo participate 111 the dfutnnittattou, II Ihey dceUc.j new Yonir. Tin ('oitirlillin Mxl. Uuilli llisr'a Proeee'd'nun. Aliivm, StplouiUr 2. Tho touvintlon met ul 7 o'clock this evening, - Iltl'llllllllM. for the of the hoard or Uecrents nl the I'nlvei-ll- Of thu cills.ens ol Albany 011 the (nine sub-'Jic- t. Of the (Itltciis ot Wushiuglon on tho samu subject. From 1I10 Clllinis' Assoc Intloii inibniilng a pluu for New York City (ioverumeiil. 01 Ihu illlzuisnt go lor tint ubeilitloii of Hut II01111I ol Regents of the Unlveisliy, Ol Iho cilUeii of county on thu suuio subject. lir.ot.iriovs. By Mr. Wales Tliut tho C'oiiimlllin 011 ho lustruilsd lo so nun nil tho nrth le on the nrgioUsUoti ol Iho Legislator" so that 1111 oilers of to bo cleutist lu N'oii'iiilar next sh ill reivho Iho ciutjK ii. willou pioildid lor lu this CoiiMulioii. Ta- bled. Mr. H. Towiiind called up the losolutlon nib n il by him lot tho up) oliiliueut ol 1 coiuuillleu In liMpilri' and lel'ort whether lid- - l.'omi iillnii his legally iinil cdlcil, ltilcriod lu Ihu Committee ol thu Whole. I'ounis ,1ms ociimot 1.(1111. vtioi. The'titlon went Into Coiiimltb 0 of tit. Whole 011 the retiort of ihe Committee 11 tlie l'uwci - an I D'lth- 1 f Levi Iitlon, Mi . Uuker In lh" lull. 'I he fulluwlng section was adopteil : - Nnofnea shall berreati.l for tjoatf-Inc- ciU'mtor lloni O114 any merchandise, man ntsrltnes, or eotnm silly wlinlevt'i; bill li.u.u' it! 'I, - en' i, foi.tuiiied slull atre,'i any otlhit deal-- l (h tha jr)r uf iiintr, llust Die public houlllt 01 tl s iii'ete'sts of thu tfLeteiutl liiioitrt lessutie, tuls or purchases, or e.f llie icnlt w'ttl a correct (landaril uf wulg'il and mess,),-- , or sluli rv''i,t it.,, rrea. th.s. of blir isftlosi - fur sin It put lieresltei-- ' Adjotiined 11111II inortilug. CRI UU. Trimrdr lu Tiuiiris-e- , Mi Minis. S. pt. 2- - A ten toil .tilalr o, c:tr-m- l at Vln'ion, Ark . on Fridiy A miui tiauird Hr.dl y, an uverseir on Mr. Kcje'c planutiun, oiduisl a negro In dosomu noil;, and tho negro peremptorily relnnd, when lliadley attempted lo cha.-tls- Itlm. The ne- gro ro lslid and ulhei Intuitu,, aud B.uiV Icy drew a 1st d and linal killln.- - n'nagroas. The negro I ce mi,' lofitrl ii I, ami Uradloy tl'il not I" nw'i In b.l killed the, wuil ill. Al bis iitstiti.c two ol ihe lu ciots conooriied lulhonttaek on him were ai n sb el, and on S.turdiy wirs- I might Lloro Mugulute Mareuia Daring Iho trial one negro utllrd B udliy a times, wheu he struck Ihe negro. A party df ncgroce ihcn (ct tipn hlin, aud Bradley drew u hlul nnd tired on them, killing lro He then turned aud Uid, aud boa not Ueu heard from ilricc. Another afurdrr la New Jns.-j- . NrwAiiK, N, J,, Sept. 2. A horrible dor hai Just been dlicJowd at Boonton, Mor-'t- li coualy, N. J, A Toung tiwa uamcd hfin Carroll, aged twnitj-ot- u years, wa found 1) In' lu the etrect evening nearly efmifftom the loss of bloo-- t Ho had Ken (tabbed, and before bl death ko (bvleel that ho had st.abls?d by a man named ir-,- n. !)ll"l?f-f- s Dcmtiscy was arivtsted. a f0sr,Vr W Wi n'l rerident oriavoiiton. Ilfood was round 1111 his ceMh. ng aiM uuin hi hand, b it ho dculis tUl lie i u Cuiioll. Tho ailslr cause, grnt cxcltemiut In Uwnlon. cit.. iii-m-Ii .r nVsrlsarl. SrniTntM,, Ct., Sept. 2 On Ihe occasion cf the mart,gc of a Mr Wetsoti, at his liusc, three miles frei here, a utnber of ynrug men (tinted a rVritari, (v-- d finally priHWdrd tesbmk IntheeVssr-iaii'l'Vliidow- s, whrr-uo- u timl a shot gn them, woun.tng two nned Merdle pan, lh former viry sirlou !r. Vsi,m ha. Kill VestixenceT Tenlble Ustraaes r Ike Vell.W l'.V el Issalsewiaa. Wa Sept.. X -- Tlie LVcretaryof the Treiuurj receded a dL-- atch fril (pcclal agent IsVll, at 0 ilvTeton, shtlng thtv the yellow fei 1 r at that ont Is fata: bej ond precedent. O11I iiftwcutyalx olllcc-r- s con- nected wllh the Custom Ilcuse onlj' three ic fit for duty. Tho remalrekr are tltlier (Ick or dead. In ctwiac'iucncc f Uds su-i- o of affairs the Dcpatlaent has Iswicxl Instruc- tions for Ihcntuovil of tho Cjsslora Hove to a point futUirr down tho is lav!, outside the elty limits, which fas said lo bt Tree frura the epidemic. Vrlhsir Fryer teSNew (Irlrstsss. NkwOkkais, Sept. vrre thlr-- 1 IJ'j'cllo feicr Inlcrmlt hsyestcrday among them Tom King, the tiglllst, au.l IJeut. McOomtfek, of the Iron-- . Hid Mahraika. Cohsnsdo and sw .Ileal DtV easrrles. 9t, Lssrsi, Bept. 2. .(lem. Palmer, Plral-de-- it (rf the t'nlon FacUlc Railway, of Kansas, and Dr. I P Cuute, of Ihe survey. Ing Jiartj-- , have engager! for a mo.ith pal Invedlgmlng the coal regions of the itatoti mountains, In Colorato aud New Mexlso, un the. line osf that road. They report msny Urge deHsstvr my le eoal, and one vein, fifty niUV-- s North of Furt Union, Is Un rt ttilck, audi more than fifty mites s'usrs In extent. The ami Is nl lo the best lMURiirg coal. Iron ore has alto iicu dUtou'lcd la. Iho rame locality, Tti-- s Indlaan nener,sl. iMIHiive.Mt., 1,,,., H.'pt. 2 F.ivtythlng Is I'l readlnes for IbcoiK'nlng of tieSieu-ixtr- e st Ihe principal streets aro handsomely with erergrreis an I American nnd Herman tligs. Concert Hall which has I mi ereeled lor the occi-l- was coiophiii'd i.dav TI1.1 deeornlloiis of Ihe hill are miller Use iiee M' Mr. Isiorgo , e,r New ork, nnd nre snld lo surpass lu Imairty ismlblng r the kind ever golli 11 up In Uh West. Tlie various soesrllcs areevpeclesllts arrltsi In tin euly trains 'II,, Wsstem I'lihm 'Ti leraph has nuenidiiss nlliiv nl the Press loioliiuiiiters in Mossrl Hall for llie u ol tinw.pseper concsi,ndeuis. CltlHlls ol tso llorhs .Moiii.titlns. Thero u sonttUiIng dcmlile, iuld ami cheeiloso s'iggcslcd by the words Ilivekv Monut-ilns- . t, the mo'iutalns arc approach-es- t the lelut. Is by no uieafts ripelled tho inoiintaltulook IJuck anil dismal, aud all thn ebitUr rroui tho contniil or thu puro and glltterlnij mow that luisrs Iho cveilasllng JK iiks. But i.p,,u npi' blng the Ir bac and entering Into Iho Toot hills, (lie dirk masc assume tho lorm and color of Hi lug nature, uud line I struck wllh the rlehne-- s In treiM. uppniently i, pine. Tho boundless forisls 1; ein rtiflh lent lis supdy Iho wauls ofa nation. Un li jand IniurLint gni'fcs soon como lutes iiinv, flowers lu gn-- il mrlely and or hues Might and 'ofuse, gladden the eye on ciery I (lie, when ll.otlaik Illusion rudos away, and the' slntmrcr fueU thai, o Iho wild and' iiiggid p .iks, even In tho viry mldt of, rough upheaval nnd finntle enerluinlng, llieic a pi'.ar spots ol tlth that might l' undo into luxuriant giriliu. Along tho guhli, ami nun at Iho summit, thin- - li llcli black soil Ircpis nily iiiuity futln elrplli, which, uiidr the ikllllul inaulpulalloii of m in, would, lu Ihl i h'ilrlc 1 llmatc, compelo wllh California In luxiirlontnc of priluc-tlo- while Iho many slirnnt that 00c out on eieiy hlenilord this mo-- t ample meant ol In Ig it 1,01. Vs hlle, with nur sin ill popula- tion, 1,0 urn almost ilrpriidrnt iiion thu lal-lo- y foi ll.o eoiiiiuon priHlii' ls nl the kitchen garden, wo hntc jet within a circuit of Unco lit, Ins mound Central City enough unpiir-liis-c- d llcli soli lo supply a populnllou of twenty thousand persons, and icady mentis f, biilldlii,r, liotiFi's nud fences on Iho (pot. lu hu t, thu using of the loom siones for Unit I una Mi would uncover moriisoll than could leaillly U inadn uiailablu lor profitable Ue. V'llorttilo 'i'imtt. Titr. appllcillons for bankrtiitcy In Vir- ginia, during Iho past week, exceeded thu total number mudo since tho Bankrupt law wa pn-o- A Omiiia dl'pntcli snys humlird ami rlxly miles of the Union Pacific Itallrond are in.w Ctd htd, nud It Is cxpictol Unit Iho tiuck lo Ihu lloclcy Moiiutnlii', 617 miles, will lie all laid lu about it month. (lov. 1'i.mox has bicu (lopping at West Point lor 11 lew d aj s. 'I ho revli w nf (he took i licc In hs honor jctuilaj A Inrgu coucas.irse. of people gatlaiid lo wllucsa the ceremony. ADui'Aieit fioin Picsldont Woodruff, nf the Meiuphls and Ohln Railroad states tint the Interest due the H late nf Pennsylvania by the toad lias been paid, and Iho road lias beeu le leased by tho Salo authorities, A Disi'iTi 11 liom Washington itatea that oiihia hiivu been nnl by District Attorney Dor-h- t liner at Ilullalo, N.'V., for the lele-is- ol Iho aims belonging to the Feulatis, which wire, siiud In June, I BliU. Tur conic r stoue of the new .lewlsh Ilos-- lu Chl ago, wua held Jislenl.iy Tha lirtiuuiiy was UaruclcrUuil bj' duo pomp und display, and the JewUh orgiuiznlioiis lu Ihe city participating. Tur. agmt cf Dlilietu Is lfilgcd with letter fiom nil parts of thu country, otkliig llie gn il uoiili't to give hi, riadiii, I lu rend Uuk a printed loriuul 1, the purport of which - that us va Mr Die ken' plans ore .not drildcd. Tiik stdi of Charles llurrell gilnst the illy ot Boston ccinmcuccd jotenUy lu that eltj in the Urcult Court, Tho plalutltfj claim ob mi 11,000.0110 fur fmulshlug sol-di- nud Sksllons towaid the unuv irsjulrsci ol Huston iu the war. . Pon. lias, been apjdM to oy dtlrrn, to 1 as older similar In tho one iiuitul by (len Sickles- - to stay luo procc-s- a of Ihe oeiurb In iho cidlicllun, ufdelAs. Hu very decllus's, and thinks lhat thoalivu is lu lionise cexins lied with Iho btninen of ' Ileion-tructlo- which form Iho biulueis hlih lie Is npi olntid to luiictlutcnd. Tin- Newark and Now York and Ncwsa-l-; and Patcr'O.T, Railroads, aro likely to be con- solidated and fotmune Company, whle.h will reach New York by the ferry of tie New Jertey Central Railroad Compajiy. The Ncwatk rrct'sln adiocatlnj tho measure, predict with corlaluty that Ncwatk la ipcodl-l- y to have a fopulallon of halfa million, and wish trjjjo Went dlrcct.vla 1'atrriOD, without, i.iUp New VotW ou lUeir routvt SOUTH ATV5ERIO A. Tts Ness rensststr renselt.atsstf-V- o atfser llrlUlass batik I asbotle A'Howed vt ersSalis-ltuai- ors a y v unsiilraehs, 1 tc, Ue. The F. H N. Co, 'a (tcaifT 8intl'i"xf0. from Valparaiso and InttrtncdlaM ports, ai 'Ivcd at Panama ou the morning nl ito 20th ult. s Vrtm. ConaTvs)ennllmird mill In rvrtnn, wlrt--- , sh-- 1 ginuih. Oni lately nlrndnrrd by Me sr. Luna nnis'I'alo will liscet will, the at proTil not uttiy nf the pub- - li,,IV;ill"s"1' '10rJ- - nN'rcs(he!tli.i or (kat ntigurt body. lis prartjloni nic i.i follow sli'L!sj?l,u ''e"s-7i- o ' iKsini ""nlff tl.. .te,'Ioes ul lbs i.srs r;ir.fTt,Ln,rT -- d- im.V- u,. .Mtl' nlolnSrm I the rouuiu'liiiw in,rr they Intend to l,srr or '1ST. Akn.VoU.h f lnt 1 In any wH !I?s.' .i 1 L:1.,c",'!.n!"UD",. cotnmll sot art gullij J IVl'i treason. be tried and pantslssd as tsi,l-,T- t .'!' '"'hl il"srt"j of nt tliknfMtv. by rsrssnt liw snnnlicd In so far as V is contrarr to I so. Tlie romtnltVe It wr.-- r referrc? to hu faromh'y about tMs hill. Oongros Is In fsrnr or mincing the sfond-hi- g army 01 Perv to C.OOo-me- which hln-w- l utllelctOy hcjvj- - burden on Hut Ilumons nfnew rontplracVs and rremertl-ta- f. outbreak! Ms again rife, ll Is saU thr.r at Arifiulpa a e rsunrll nf some of IV ehler leveitsillonlsts I be'ssg he ld, but (len. Pladey scents lo ts) ,re.an1. (len. Hsistamriile hue eft rcr Ihe dlsairect, proyn.s wtalvera-- , prememllllnry command. festivities of annlvei1iryofrrj- - 1 "S.rl''ndcneo wrre keit tp for Ihree day. The fears of tli return r the Span, tinlj has- - almost en lrely dhappcired In s . cm, niief tho works n the baitcrtcs hail bscti enllr-I- r susri,,1e,l. I It will tt Interesting lo many of our read- - rHiiJ's ,.,N.",!c,lll" lut'there3srCon-stltillo- wklch ha Ma n ghrn by llongress, rjii.I iTssr tmscUiaml tsn th, vSthof July. W c Ihc rif we some of Its which havo 110 1 special lm.sortauce tor lo.ignerrt , "J'1i;JIS "Itrton, beside Mse rsUtoll.- -, la psbU rirrrlsa of 1,'s wivsiiio. 1 onci-- s slors cm Ir,y ecu Irlballons. L" u'T'j M fJf anr (Mtta. lions r any eomns las made hr ! W1' m r hsr. swst Irs the csoltalof Is'liVjssiJ.r.aslisna ssirh oMli nlons lmjn!iii"'''J' '"" '''""'J b' Rtovooal Notsjdr Li d.s whs' l isot nre' rtfed lVXiVCAM,i frcu ", lluinsti lire sil.l rnwaieltj,. dnrr-s- t; vcrell M llie ol isiiess srs Inslnlsl . Rf,b1r1,(r'n.andsannoi ba .as slates Ictbo N"tidy eanVsrr!s'dwllhou'. a wrll fro a eosstpe.ent Jiinaj.. rs.,h,.,ly ens; l nsmi (rom tielsnblle nr rmnshlsresldei-st-wtiisotseiili'- t r fsssln- - " lixti KserjlNslsrsmsskc tsn n( the press wllhi-- st lrrlousreuM,r,,.,r(s.n,slhl lyjbutsll pnij. lratlojisw ilrha:i.Jil;;ct,.lul, tssslKiK.J . tlirlrsuthors. . Krrrlii,li.trrmelvnX..s.ouwllil,linolecn ' iwllullleil niorsllty net health, le. t Kse ry f.irelirnrr .r tilre 1st Vr,t protwrly, sni lu leaiaril las l, retnsln sahject lis the saint l.kMs sm) bll;stsV,ii. a ike Petiiil s. llie rlc it orlndlt. lust rollrsil stlltl,in Is fie., as slso that of ;ihllclr or pilv-u- tr ssss utM- - lu s I I fill Irruof IVrttysta fsvU ers or reassess, eren I ski si twin abiisad, sue caw. ids red I estHTlsns by b.l lh, It tiltlsns by naturallistlon srs rull ritlr, us, m, r,s esleo all f.sre', user jesrs s.f a.'e, residing o Peru, whu e stlIsc suiiiu isli ttf, Imliislrr, or pnferslosi, aud tatet Ihslr nans, s In III,' f till All iltltrusrsti ohlslu pnhllc plsirs, If twssvas-l- it i.riherr,,ilslrs ,ri'4!slird by law. I tie Judl.lsiy Is luilsisiidrut Insvsll other tsssssrra. I'.uimcss Is llis ouly li'KUlslls nowar. Hit who Is mil born la I'tiu. isnuul In eJunrCsM, Minister, our lrco,lulil ol ths Itepuhllc. 'I he isnsi ofottlce uf t!ta Prosldout of I'm llriiais-I- c Is the yus." lissela. The late-- t news frn-- a Bogota datm that on the Dili of Julj', Mos.etr was fornmlly sua-- 1 ln'inlcd Irom hi (Ktsltlon as President, Ly Iho j Semite, nnd that he noahl hn tiled I r (he Sn- - pri-ui- Court for cnniinoii tieoson. Mosoue-r- a lias rcinoii-lrak- ngaluti iMs Imt In yaln. Dr. Sleiens, nn Amerlenii gpfslesghr, Is said l hale f'oitud mid I'XnuilnisI u vnlu tblo cnnl iiilni. lu Ihu inlley esf tlsetSInu whrri' he also tumid strong Inillcntloiis of ctioleum. (hill. A furious (lorm made It elf fell in Uio bay nf Vslpaialsn tin lite '.'7lli of last monlh. Allhoiigh of short duration It slid ninth da- mage, not only In the bay but also among the ilnrlllng houses of the illy. The nrilvul of the Spunlsh armada la still lookeil for with nnvtetj'. Tho fl Jeri un,, nij a i ' In Internal not much fuilhe r iidinnccd thin lu fun Ign airahs. Tito ministry keeps firm In spite, of Ihe combined uttacks of tho rudl- -' c.tls snd lhie nn will call (cpamrUts, as j being old supporters who hnvn now lallcn nut with Ihe (Internment. All the discus, lion lu the (Jongies havo triolviel on the runts nxlt this .Vllnlslera me Incapable, let Ihcm go out. To this li e Ministers nnvwer that they will ilo sis, whemvi r Cungresa or Iho Prs rl lcnt of the Republic withdraw tbilr dipport." rtrntii. Tha Brnxlllau built lron-cb- d guuMiat Pura has gono for thu river Paraguay, to tako patt In the operations thercj and tho steam Iran-(m- rt MaripiU do Cnxlas has de ailed wllh a cargo of various iiiuulllvtia fur Ibu lories lu campaign. Thu S Icndld lle.imers, Un. Ijidy laing and the Regulator, b uu uiiiiml from Iho United Stiilevs to fairy cm the liiulu la tin en liio and Snila Cathuilna ami aiils, nnd It Is prnluhlu that Iho sc'iUo will bu .iixdlly lu ot enillon. Ills Royal Illghneua the Duke of P.dlnbiirg anhed nt Klo ou Ihu 1Mb, lu command nt the team filgulo (iiilaUii u, and recoil lal Ihe customary courtesies clue hi rank. Tho llnllsli In ihe city t tisintid un ud-- I ilits lo him, cud gave lot night 11 grand bill In hit honor, at which their Mujcsllc-an- d ho, tlio Piliiee sr, Imperial nud Uu Comb dX'u, Ihe BrayllLiii Mlulsfi r nud olhrr high oll'.cl.i).- -, the Diplomnlio Coirs, loemlie rs of the Leg! Inure, Iho olllcus nl Iho war ti lit In port, and a laigc uu her of dUungul bid llralllius and nil.ers wire piisiul, foimlttg, with tl.e liilil.'li risJiliii, u total of some l.odO pet om. Prlui.c Alfml hi nude himself liMlimcly popular und nun I, liked. Tlie Ifsilathci le ins Klo cm the 2l'.h lo pursue her Voj ice tun ud India. The nth wn, Urn tiiiuhi istirv of the Hull inn's colon iUoii, but II. I. M t..itpomi! the u.ual levee-lu- Ihe purposu sir dining with Pttvuc Alfred. The Aloe t lean ship Nelly ifog.illj 'as de- stroyed by lire MiiliciM of duly. Cujitaln Husscy and the cuvv uil.lrd,,li Iho M at Fern iiiibui-- ,. Henry W 1111 tin Kill t. an Miliar of the I "ill's .1 hl.ilcst Mill Inc. I.l hem Used and n t mt lid lor l,llllui:,lii '.In stir, - ol Hlo, i Irving lo i , Thi .Sidfc hai- - ass. ngulnsl tho uceiaitla). The I'rsj, lines. iHinfiriiiMInn has Is en rrrsln.l rtf the by llruiill.vo lories ol Mntio (irnsto, of the raratfuaiwu tori upon Uio Ap.i, and nl tl .1 lr Iseing In Parnguainn ler-- I riloxy. A eoi.ideiable force und. r I lies d of Ibu ot Matlo lirosso hud li tl CiifUba.lo attempt thu e xpiiltlon o Ihe 1'aitigiiiiyi.n-- i from Uie fort of Coruuiba, the only (Kssluow hild by Ihl so withlu the prui-Itie- Tlie s.iejwt from the seat of war In Southern Paniguiy nil of no ho.tllliles beyond Iho UMial lu ten Inline of picket firing andean-noii'sellu- This balloon iiscentloi.s tun o al- ter ily rrudereil lmmtuni Inlormallon. The dhatlictcd Argentine provinces still rAiilret the prt enco ot Iho ge iitlne troops vent Ihliher. Itloju waa scoured by Mindt of , and Un ollnrs ivcru lu atlstc of mure or li is aturihy. PANAMA. More Itcssleillonary Trauble. Ksrorlrd.) The iteatnthlp Henry Chaunccy arrlied nt Ihli ort yciterday morning from Aipluwall, wllh mall aud passenger fi urn California, and 11,103,322 In treasure. t The Panama UtraU tayi i A party of reckless revolutionary charao' era stnonir whom (lirnrc nrnmlucullv lUo 0-- lJ VV J lUlll,') noli 1 Lconar.U Cslancha, who h.n been debarred rrom the State for over Iwu years past, and waa only permitted, thronih the clemency of (Ieneral Olirte. to return some ten days ago, have been making a itupid attemtit lo get up a revolution for . , thu p irsrsso or overthrowing the existing government and placing themselves In pow-- 1 er, rromyfiatwecanleirn of Uie affair, It cctna (hat n conspiracy wa Inaugurated to I make (Ieneral llutlerrea virtually Prc'ld'nt i f Ihe Republic, and now In this dty, pris- oner. iiet tho government of O-- n. Olarte, I TnsUlI the rriolullotilsti Instead, nnd declsrc hi aiorof Oen. Moso,iicri now Imptisoueel ' th BognU on a charge of high treason. ! Tar nicely laid plan wa to have been carried Into etfect on the night ct the 21st , liifsit, but the authorities haling a sharp kKikotit or the sucphlou characters i couui'i'trsl with ho plot became coirnlant nf tbcficttand niietlv nlppel the tnovemcnt In the bti-f- , hy arrirUng tho cMef ringleaders, nsnsl'thiL' of the noted Calancbn, Manuel Iiinda. f tie llesa. IXevan Csjt Isln ,xx and several cHhera. The , sclirmo waa divulgeil by a mlllury officer ihrsui the nrrolutlonar party hid attempt-- t ti buy ov-- r. Stiflle.Vut eitdersce or tlie I or the rtlesi un.Vr arrest ha. we liam, been nbttdnsM In durnmenu (mnd In I Ihslr isossrwslou. The authorities are still actively engaged in hunt up the balance of the cm'Tilrators, til or whim we bops, to l see spstcdlly arrrslrl and c.tpclicd froa the Stale. The rlrsoner Isiu, which arrlrcl at twv the 20th Inst., fiam Old rr.sor'ji havlnirspokrii the Amerlra-- lrk tiotuil tntm ts New York near there on the Instant The Mngd.vkn luul beet, ttnick Is ilsjlilnlng on ltd Inst tnd her rlctng and" teveral uf lerrsp.irs. tl.tnr.geil. All hand iwi Muni, ivaceptlug th- - mate, were down vtiu tick-ns- s. I California. TH lk.r ;vstlsi tarsawrrane'ss. Tlsit .'eeissn.4 Ihtfil, the .tslcf adlfsnitc ln San FritnclscveM'the eight War sy-y- m, lays In- Ha Issue ufVuly Jltt , "Up to the present time tl.etght-1i-n- r (Tileiit m working trs a chirm. Employers ''7 Rd'crallj- - have aespilejici'd Ic It, and isss I hlr rrnincta are tasei uimsii tho iw onlcf no hard'tlp Is cxps rlt naai by thcA from Its , enl.ircetrt.iit, It lensstabli', fuittsnmore, lhat tha rrnmunt of ,mrH .rforind varle! biit serrhcMe If anj' Peons the amnnt uiitKrths' old (ystem, a fact 'tv r 6sr by nf lav i tnd vigor which .the UtM respite n,m ,Klr Intts1 Us thsv jaiyalcil forces. II wtm feaml, i few weeks jluce, lhat the revolution In time, Mntight aljiat by tho oarpvnlers, tonrtlei liJurt'isR to thi Imde, ami would lorce mi y tit n out u ctntiliiyment. tho conlrary, linwerser, I tin Sevrrnl e!iy! (hie. lhi.rvat-rr,i,- the Ismka of the lai-u- e loinii seventy mines of carpenters wlthoU wink. All lilt awi of tl at iisuiiImt are g (ltii.tinnv and in a dais Hum's will not on'ybeool a (It re Hie cariwpiitir In town, bit tl'large ii'iisi'serisf I'liproir uients now i nsti-- way nnd aMstit In ! coin nirncesl will prol.'stily leavt the elly with at pancliy or llUrl.sMof u,hsnlcll., The above aoeount Is thai referred to by ' tlie Sicrainento-Wee- , Aug. !d, which favors tlus and Is Kvleknlly as Id 'evi dill, uu of success as his episonent t ! U'lcnlay ws -- sled wh-- t tht MnntrS ild eonci'iiilmr hn cluht-hoi- ytein lu Han (rauiltco, aud we perceive tltsu lite Ten-ho- Araexlathtv held tt imeilng there on luiwlay night. A report ua'iurscutieirroui tlie Ppcelnl ConimltUc or Flo apt.luted to I wait uisn the ce ntracttira ai d mill men of 'the illy. Tliolaitftr stated that all, with the xci plloii ol one Ann, wrre let tuvor of tho i ?.'1,.,'.',"lr "loveui avt. Il wsu fuiiher atated Uial Iho conttacturs would istopt the tdan i .l,'.'',r,V' llin I''t cngigetucnts were i tiiiniicit, I A ge neral dlseuetlnn took place a lo the niiasiiiis In be takssti In currying mil tho nh-J- e . nl thu Assoelatluii. Duo gevillemaii de- -i elared Unit theilgM hour movement started wrong) It was confined lo the city of San j Fneiiel.cei, and trial In his futnrt, transoc-- I tlont bo would refuse cmpioymi.nt lo any I b'l '"en who wero willing to work a reason-afsl- o numlHTof he ars fur a. reasonable and Just c.mscnatloii. If the extended a over the Htate, and all inrii wero trcntcel alike, the s.vsti m niltrht Ih iM,.rilng of i and hu prs dieted thai lu less thso nine months il heallhy und Just conillll.m of sllalrs would exist, by which wotkiuiii, ts nud conlrac.ois wemld all slund on terms of adranUi;! towaids one' tin, Uu r. Another cmplover exprevft the opinion lhat In his celtsbllshuu'iit le w than it uionth would (co the cud or Uio eight-hou- r sj'slein. A few or tlie trade wero urgaiilrnl un u lining foiinilatlon, and If some niemlicis of Ibu Association wen' lit take iltclslie steps at I enicc, tho lesult woi.kl he Injurious to thdr bullies. It might I Ihe means of proient-- 1 lug Ihcm roiu cinyUig out contnicU they weie plulgcal to pcrfonn, Whco they wero reaely to act, men who cuuld Im obtnlard without j', would lako Iho place of mechanics who entertained unreasonable views aattu Ihu trillions exLatlnje master Wjsk-me- n and employees. It appeared Hull In numernui places !ri the elly ten-ho- mechanics worked cm the same buildings lu harmony with eight-hou- r men t but thero won no disposition to comtsal the dt'trrniliintlon that su soon as suitable me-e- h inlcs of Uio former class were I'c'aiad, the latti r would. Im discharged. Kllllao- - olslsaf.susa al Ike Itrll sU ,ro4rra-- . Ab harlt ne s,arj, Tho I.llt IlrltUh wolf, with her cubs, was not klllud till alsiut iho year liOek Thla cu nt took i'laco ou the coast of iuUtrrlatid, ami wit attended with some rcnarkablo la consi'ipicnca c C mmo ruv nges uiuomr the docks, tho Inhal IhuvU turneil out In a body tor thu purjuseu e.L discovering. the ilciprteLitear, Having lulled in the attempt a man or Ihu name or Poison, aecompiiilc I by bis sou and nil active Irrlcboy, lo Kiarc.lL th wild reces.cs In Uiu iiilghlMii-- . Uirhciod of (ihu Loih. Poison wai uu ohl hunt- s- imt bul tp'ich exprluiir In tracing and ilustrovlng wolvca ouilolhtr predatory auluuii. Formliv: hi own coojtctuies, ho procea.lial lis Ihu wild , and ritggi el ground Hint imeiinels Iho rocky ' tuiiiintilu gitllj', whkh fo ma Iho cbauuil of 11, c iluru oi Mlcdalo. Hit a, alter u luluuto IxTtattlgatlon. he dls. onvirvd a itartow In liio uiadsl of a esiuCiiMtl m isn of Inigianitarj' roi is, which niHi exanilnatlon ho Itutal noma to think nJtrhl lend In a lirgir opening or OtiiiTn, be Vtw is hi. It tltu wolf might iif.5 athhden. tltoiiei were thrown down, nntt ol he i meius rerorled to, to arouse anv anlual ihst might bolinklng within. Nothing formljiblo n- -I earing, the two lad contrrted to sipieezc tliimsehca through Uie fijssure, lint tl.ey liilnht fxanilnn the Inler'a.r, while Poison kept guard on tloo nut-lil- I Tho boys Uirotigli Iho narrnw, sisagt: Into a .mall eamn wdilch was evi deiilly a w oil's ilen, lor the ground wa cov ' creel tsllli Mims and tjorns of animal, fa:, Ihcrs and egshtilsi and the dark (pace wjas somewhat tullieuee) by lw or tlx aillio wolf-cub- Somewftat alatrneil nt (itch a ilhcoierv the ikj Ikij-- s Informed PoUio, of what Uu r found. Hu nt onre told Hi m to destroy the ctilu Ihu beat way they could, foon alter, be beard Iho fublu howliiig of Ihu whtlps at thoy wire attacked le'ow, and i.iw almost at the aame luttant, to hi great horror, u n wolf, cildemly the r, riiglng lutlotijly at the eilei id her young, mid now clo-- itmn the mouth of Iho cavern, which sho hid appiouhod omoug the rocky Irrigtilerlile'S if tho place. hhe attempted to down al one loiiuil from Ihe spot where the wu III tl teen. In this fincrgeticy Pohou Ihrcw liiui.cli foiward ou the wolf, and succeeded lu ciuhlu,' a tlrin h I of her long und lull, lu-- i srl of the boely was within ihe uainov rniiecoflho cavern. Ilo bad unluckily pUced hi gun sgilntt a rock when atl-tlu- g Ihu bovs lo deM'tud, nnd'he ciuihl U"t now h It, uor make e ol it If he cmlil. Without ipprltlng the Uds ul th. Ir Imml-ne- peril, the stout hunlir kept a llrm erlp of Uio wolf's tall, which hr wound i Ibis lell aim i and although Die maddened brute icrambhal and twitted, and itioret with all her might lo lorce herself down to tha res-c- ul li.-- otib, Poison ws.i Ju.i abb-- , wllh I Iliccu'iUoiieilallhlsstreyeih. to kii',s hir fmm flown. In the midst of this das' pilar (tnigj-Ic- s, which saascd lu sllcmee -f- otj Ibe wotr rriaf mntc, and the hinlera Mrth from tbe eugroricd mlnre ol .j hit exertion! and Troto an Bowllllna-- . neM to ilann thtf 6oy, polic net n worst i lattbeUtnnfDgofhiaconflli-hUisonwIi- a f( In the scare. flDdlnff the light extludesj '! from abore, uked In Oartlc, tid In an abr-- p! i tone, "Father, wiltUeUfkenInJTtlOlVI, ; I To which the iscrplexrd FoVoti replied, la tone oulteaa abrupt, ''If the resot ofthe (ssS v tTcak, thy hwd wUI toon auiow'wlUtUelat-t- . ' ctilng the hole." , ' A t4t"l'.rf 9tr"BTl rolaot to get of lil hunting knife, and tttibbii i ltc ,'ro,L'n "s ll,0", "bis Trt her csMlsi reach. The enraged animal now atteoiitesl f to ttirri and face her foci but He hole vymsj too narrow 16 allow of this t and when Pei. awir hi danger he sajinseteti her forward, kerplug her hmmed In while be repeated hhl ttatrs rapidly as be could, until tha animal. ' ) .elrlr; morUllywouudecL ti esully dtsgrosj j hick srrd flnlshctt, : . KATES Of ADKKTISrNO. ratsnu uTsauait us aoTissok t For sery Insertion of hn t line or Um.,,..mrm ' ror st ery xlra line or part of line.. .) cat - O 1' Mr Adrsrvysementii will Ot Inseried In open s style, or In Issued irp, also an snssdtsf snuternerjsj, .,1 notices at roponntnaiJi ",.tSrryt'B"i'" Ppllcallon at the oOem , ttr-at- a words arsooualed aa foer llnttsk SL'l sstrn wurds tot sachllns mors than tnt. .Z The iV. . AW.wtttm Vmm I -- l ad tks tcrstasofs! tyoafs--s ; a a af WllUaat. ' I Coroner IiVcton, of Xainslngbnrgh, on Ba j ortay afternoon, ys tfie Tro niaVs, ot- - I elssted the etsnlnatlon Into J ces-- tho death of C.irotfwe llutWefi'teW f bort-- Tlctltn, ilo wm foohd hi a dylavsjf iMn,lSrm In the tret of lhat rtTIage. Oa i cir UtlUm. one if the parties Implicates 1 In fie twgwly, maelsr a full cifeslon, bt I ir wltl h in swore dlsihttly that Mrs. Warn 1 , prod.n-ei- ! the abortion In her ovrt house ka "l t ihU city, sad thai CarcJn waa taken thara I tor thai nurisose. Mr. Wager wu M 1 ricelve ti.s sum of fifty dollars for Iks) 1 operation; aid upon tbks she lui btmu M ' ld tlO. U lllltms elrksned the entlssj m prfKredlng Ir the case with a clrcumttaatlatV 1, 11 that learn ito doubt whatever In resnsnf I (o Mr. Waret'i guilt, but which from Ua 1 very nalnre li-- nnflt for puMlcatlon. Mrs, 1 iai;rr lufonnrsf wliuess on tirdar- - BlsTM 1 , last that It had hern a dUOeult'eaiio to nuas- 1 Jge, boi that Ctrollne waa t!n all rlghf. 1 .Mrs. Wter Informed witness In' one Of best l" convemtkms that shechargssl tllM tnTtmrnm 1 case. .Mrs. WsgsT and Jitha Jleury, tlkf 1 Pr l.lcn the frirl hi the atrecbiof Laa J Inghurghio die. vt- -rr also placed upflh tskf II stand, but tinder IfCyucllona cf contx 'i ! tl reflusil lo tsltwrr any ernes Uoaaa I on Iho ginttnd tint any evldcnee the .! might give wimld Imd to criminate thesa. I selves and tirg Ihelr name Into Infamy aott 1 oUipraco. Ollkrr llurlbnrt waa alsoawona, and Icsilficl tVit John Henry at first ik'nlesl ilat the girl CVmllne irutitnrd bad been sua Inmate of Mrs Wager" house, but that hsr i subsequently ad kilttul ttsel he carried her It Laoelnburvh. Otlccr II. tosstlAtd that he hast I arroled Mns. Y tne times prrvlously uposa , the charge of else nliin. Hkr honso liaa tha reputaiUsu of ,belatj kept for that ptirpoaa. At tit- - conelualon ri hi tutlmonv, tho Jury rendi"red a verdict .that Caroline Ilublma-- J came to her eliuth from ihstrwrnll nr Imt- - ' Ing an ahorthni pnrforitiod upon her pars. son. by Mrs. PsirueU M. Wearer; and thai said Mr. F M. Wager and -- ohn Henry ars guilty sif auurianghKror a qukk child. O. ear Williams wu iheuHtehl lu (be sum otl '.iswbstlllonpp'aral(etlry when called I liimn.'HU father and brother furnished tb reiulreel bonds, and W.UIams won rrleMsL Tho (Irvtd Jury meet The ewti wJ Inimi'dlately bo prc'colf t Its them, and anUsv. illrttnent will undotiblolfy le r.wmcl against) ' Iho ahortbsnlst nnd Iho man llemry. Bsa more Is at lost a prospect thai, the career oi Mrs. Wagvr will be breiiight to a tcrmlnallc- -t. ' cau hurdly escatvo pu:slli(ueiit this lime. Itn-- men Uio on Ihe average fhrry-t- J J rr, but Ihii poor only tbtrty ycane. ' , llt-r- . Outlet r.a Smi'-en- i low sold Ms rrat. tl'uco lu make hat b mo al ashluglou. tt Tur. ofchestiiiiu, wulnnts, aud baas 1 In ennont this season will be birrs limn any pn ceding season rar many jvari j ' TiiKOrand Jurj-a- t Vasln llie, Tern., ban ' Itxtlrlcd over a thousand enHit for drinks. Ing tier uu Suiiduj-- . Tho (iarmaut- - are la- - , dUsant. j A Waiisjh find.) paper narjea a boso baa flub lu that city the Jcur-iuUH- Ua-- o Ball Club." . Afistn.t wns found finallng in the MUetst. ' ' (lpd Rlrcr at Mt. Louis, Thur day The sinlr cr In thi (trnntre craft was a color man who looked aa If ba bad ijtH'U tins wcekat h oii.Uisj voj'age. F ; f"llln,; sspotiso to her i """.,''!' going a (hoppln-o-d- ay and want it llltle ehange' " Vfrlh- - Ztm. id Iho savage, "that woukl to ne ohaogoaa ' illi you go shopping eiery day," J Tin; Boston Jourjml sa-- at "A lady aa Airtitoga having decided to return by tha middle of Hepiember, has begun to (end hm I ( lnirgage by luttalmenta. Uh will Kcoiupaavr 1 , tho last car load i Oik man wngercdunoUiedhat luthad oeea a horse at a great sice.l and a dog j illllng on Id tall. The man waa right anil . I wontbsimouej-- . Tho dag.wat aUtlng ou it estfis (inf. j Iv iSouth Brooklyn, hoya flth for froga j through the sewer griUng at liio tinsel cor-ner-s. Ignorance I bllja ul i tables whera the ctught are served up. Tlie nn"lers arty able to any, truthfully, that lbs Ir Hues hava I fallen In uuploasant aces. DiRISfi tho fete on the 15th. at MsrselUsa. ' Francs', Madame Po'.tailu made a b.dluonei. . i (out, tail the wind etiddenly veering round, . (hn was blown out to tea, and only escaped! -- ' by means of a ica.cI which went out ess prcssly after her. Tho Lullixin waa unlnJurcstU ' 1 Tut! Hctern Tre! fStng InienU mora r tl ' teitsatlnnsl Hems than that nf any part otl tins Culled Btatea. Anew one, Just out al St. lands. Is tha,t a buy there, who wM ', I "elrowneel" a (ew years ago. and tbea ' , . brought buck to life, hurt recently died andk I. ' tltice Im in seen walk lag on Uie road. ' I Dav, lbs Fuporlntendent of the Blnsfsf 1 aainpton hut rUto Aylum, saya. In exinfutsstf - tlcn of thu current skuidcr about tha Pixtm Icurc nf druiikujinisNi among women, that la i four month he h.vt had fuur eight appllca-- s Hons from vromort Air admls.,Iou. And thessr eight wero mostly ilcUmi ok opium, antt, meistlj' fiinj Canada, A rrw Jsj-- a since twenty-oe- n women oi ' , , Ridtlehl lows, itcfldol to a"iate the whiskey' saloon cf thut plaiT, and they did. The wc ro arra,t,sl and tried before a Justice c4 that ph. :c and aciultted. Subscouently the weren.rcstLd ugiln, and tnken twcnly-flT- ! mllea be.loro another where Ibe w e rei agsln aoiulttcd nlW Ihree days' trlaL A (.LiitlA.N wemm or. Ihe (treat Has tent Roll cad, nl a I oint n. ji. d North Judson, 77 milia Irom t lniiuiutl. white on a (rata uh ch wm tr. inn iwi aty miles per hour, ra. rui lly threw her Is. ay om of tho nir win- - ' t t ill.t, anil then jriapcd out lierselt, Iiea4 - J llr-i- . Both tell u)vu .oil ipols, sjd wera ' I HUU'JIl.iil. J A visr-i- ii lady wss neirlv kllUd by hsrt ii ale Itall a lew days since, (the wis trea ' lor some pnrtt.c nr nihor, anil In a'.teinpllnp In doccitd, the knob nn tho back of her tioasj c night upon , limb. Tb commi.tid idle pre i lone o of mlnJ of her mala atW'udant saved Us.' lemlnltie Absalom, lie et'l the llen'.ureai tud iho lady, "ilropj eel." ' A reinnrjtpoxi rjtr of ihe Clnc)nnatl C t,i. r,i',i, vrltlng Ilcrjuulo, , aj Uut the. cholcr.1 has gone, .'.lul adde ; Thara It ma. h talk lure iibout the unvarying sua cos with wlildi a ynttug M, 1). trcubi luiccllsg tnipl.utic u:Id lata tlulr velus. IK haj never tost ncaj-- i. Oi thr'y on it ln,lc plautatlon, bo 'retutreicU ni. ' to iiau tho 1 .ucfuagu uf mv lu..)i ustvot, tvery dcill of Hum ' If ibis U so, oiw Noithcrn phy-- l ins may t il.c th. Tut wlla I adviubs. to itcin 'He: aiidtlin. (wiietlts. i j i.uit.u - tlsn. tVriiLcd ly a L udea I L'.i'tlp aspect is eu:tiiiilicunUv aga- -I .', hit step l,i, i.itipi. siiooabh' tt lok.u In ..till ua Lord P.tllls' ., bad lint liuttl ha wa- - liunty tiai-old- l.s.u hi crl'Hy- - 'twl.led rauii c a sln.ugei look ol ' iii.uhrooisiii, Il ion iiiiei bun lu Iho lohay with his, lat iKi.eiual prejueleeea an-a- .in ng 411 Bat , this oiuii ol 1 time has she secret, tf set- -. ! ,' pciia! v.. li- la'id l''- .i iva like a ' fin oil fellow who could id; with the tsoyi - t l Mi It like a gay uV, Aomms ,1s tVms4 I i.oinh't, with wbe iniimtiedi.nihario woida haw a ih nice, Ik hul'j,(,lul,toue, Lowe al .Mill, his newest hair, wlthhatu us fierce M that he tlili tlit'lltb'.a ngiintt hit old horror, ' Uu IMJg illiim. HitiMlllB'je.iuTvarlltaViasia " ,"" f k

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1867-09-03 [p ] · I M-f 1r aLIT N3SW YORK SUN! rcunU) DAJXT SOTtDAYB IIOXI'iTO. c comer


M -


c comer of Muni tod nUoo iUmu,

tws.TS Ccau pet wtfk-- eu buUari pr jtu.m vnmaretn,I altos Io!!ar per rear atngts copies tbrM rerla,1 MOtMBS tt. BKACjI, Proprlf tor ofI The am Establish sal


iSunOablo Dispatcher.THE 1LAB1M1 CLAIMS.

.Britijh Propositions fir Stttlimenf,


Unolhor Announcement by thoEnbllms Foit).

I c Jte., Mm.

Tfce AUbnm Claim.Lonnosr, J. The Foreign Office

liaa Issued a Dine Book containing tho docu-ment which hire teen MM In tint detri-ment In the Alabama cane, and tho

which hu passed between the0Tf ramrnU of Great Britain and the United

8latet for the settlement of the claims.The latest despatch In the collection thowi

""bat progreaa haa tern made In the controv-ert)-, "d itatea the condition! upon whichhe English government It willing to attempt

final settlement. The despatch U addteisedby Lord Stanley, the Secretary of State forForeign Affaire, tc Sir Frederick Bruce, theBrltlih Mlnliter at Washington, and li datedMay 21, 18C7. Lord 8tanlcy Informa Sir I

7redcrlck Bruce that Eoglind li willing tosubmit the claim! of American citizens forJamages canacd by tho Alabima, and allother similar damage! on the part 6f theUnited Slatca, to a commuuloo of arbitra-tion, If the clalmt of British lubjccta agalmtthe United Stale for losses suffered duringthe late war of rebellion are llkowUe aubralt-fe- d

to the decision of the tame comralwlon.Tke mil Jaha T. rerd.

Losno-t- , September 2 The name of theonly turrlror of the crew of the miniatureyacht John T. Ford, which wai tost In theEnglish channel, la Armstrong.

1 kc War ! C1U.Lofiwi, Stpt. J Etenlng In a circular

note the Sublime Forte announce! to thoMlnli Icrs at foreign Courta that the war Inwhs Itland of Candla hu been brought to aelotc, ancl that a general amnesty haa beengranted to the Insurgents. The aame notepromises that many rcformt will lie forth-with Introduced In tlie lawt and adtalnlitra-jilo- n

of the Iriand.I The I saahtn Flrrltana.Brnt it, Sept. 2. The Llt.crals have Mr- -

led I lie ilcctloiis for Iho North German Par-liament In alt the


larfe towns of the Coufed-itrsliu-

Lntisn-eisrnn- September 2- - Noon Tliesteamship Perm I in, from (Jicbccon ibc'J.'d

Liverpool.if August, hu arrived hero iru her way to

Sonr iiamptom, Prplember 2 Noon. TheWrscr, Captain Wcnkc, from New

Vork uu the 2.M of August, nrrlrcel here at 12o'clock last night the way to Hi emeu.

Lnyisnsi, 8es(. 2 -- Evening Consols, clus-tie- d

steady at 91 IMC for money.Amrrlcan securities closed at the following

rites: I'lilled Hlati'S 7.V.ft Illinois Ccn-fr- al

tharcn. 774; Kilo Kallw.aj shares ilWjAtlantic ami (licet Western

Kkah k i tint Sept. Unitedflrntej bonds closed


at 7!) for the issue of

LiVKRt'ooi., Sept. 2 Ecnlg.--Cc)llo- n --

l'lie cott'iu market clo-n- l Orin at the follow,. aiilhoilri-i- l nuotattoiK: Middling ui'lancls

I iOi.d.i Middling Orlraos lOUd. Tlie ..le-i- .f- I Ihe day nniiillninl to 10.00U balm,1 llrujil-lulT- n -- Corn closid at :Cn. for mixed

'' ' AC"teni, Wheat, 13f, for California whlu-- .

II. rley. fi., .In. 6d, I'taa. Us.,1 I'rovldons-Chee- se. s0. llorf, His. 61.3 tard, SI". Dd. Folk, 7.'i. d, Iliron, 42.

Produce- - Spirits rT'rolcum Id. higher,f" rlolng at !d, per gallon. Tidlow 4 In. Cd.: !liilts turpentine 0t. Itix-l- 7s. Od. foril common, and 12s. for medium.' Ixikii, Sept. Nn. 12 Duteli

at indtrd sugar 2s. 6.1. Seoteh pig Iron Ms.AVbalr oil 10. Sperm oil H.V I.ln-iv.- 1

li (ill X:l0, I.ln-e- cakes 10 6s. Calcuttai l linseed 6. Cd.' ANTivmr, Sept. 2 --Noon. Fcttolium, 17

ti aucs for staudui d w hltc.It.

From Enropo by Etoamor.Hrrltal r lb tllj of llln-3U- II Ncwa

la Auust U J.Thp Intdin slcamcr City of Boston, jfrom

iiis QuceuitoH u the 22d of August, baa arrived

4 IJarsa'a Hprrch In I ntLThe following la tho text of the Queen's

, speech on tlie prorogation of Parliament, alt synopsis of which has been received by tele-an- d

BrPni tai hereloforo published i

n'rs My tortt and Gtntltmtu x

hni I am happy to be enabled to release voufrom lliocndiavoraofaloug aud imirvllim

HIP Usually creulful acsslon, and to ntreryou myjTJ aekuowledgementa for tho successful dill

iurj k'Ciicc with which you have applied yourselfto your Pailiamcutary duties.

New My relations with foreign countries con- -. tlnuc on a friendly footing. At the com- -lorn, mencementof tho prent)car great feara

mis, v,ere entertained that dllferencca might arisebetwetn France and Prussia, which might

t'ork, have led to a war of which It was lmpolMoto foresee, tho ultimate result. llupitly tho

snta, silvlee tendered by my government, andif1! i hy 100,0 "f 1,10 ""'r neutral statca, akled bv

'Jiemo,lcratlonnfthotwo liowirs ehlillv lii--

:erestedv eulllerd to avert the threatened,;, calamity i and I trust no grounds at preixnl

tl .i. valst for apprehending any dlalurbaucc uft.m'b the general peace,

lit The communications which I have made In- :lio reigning Mounrch of Abyssinia Uh n'JI-- ilcw '" "uli,ln "1C flej "I llie British tub--

,.C, i,uin he c'etalns In hladomliitoua hate,I regret to say. thus tar proved li.i Itlave, thercfoic, found 11 necessary to addrixa

n sn4 o him a peremptory demand lor their Ininie--Hate liberation, and to take measures for

, upporllng that demand should It ultimately' ie tonnd necessar' to resort to force. '

The trcoonalilc conilracy In Ireland, lo (

v iliieh I have before called jour attiullon, .

roke nut In the early part of the presentI, e it in a futile attempt at Insurrection. Tint

was suppressed almost without bloodshed,l ilue not more Ul the dlsclnllno and value ot

.., f ly troops, and to thu ailmlrabln conduct otfie police, than to tho general loyally of the ;

Orsr-- Population, and the of anv token ofi inpathy w Itli the Insurgents on the part of

), eon iiy conlderablc portion of my sublicts. I'Jolcc that the mprcmncy ot tho law waa

. i..i. indicated without imposing on mo the palu-- iil ntcessltv of saciinclng u slugle life.

of 1st The bill for tho abolition of certain localirrs for Muiptlom from laiallon enabled mo to(Vntrsl ill myself of a lllieral concession made In.t Mu- - illcipatioii by the Emperor of tho French,

liereny aevcrsl taxes wero removed whichis with essed heavily tin British shipping,ills sua I have concluded a postal convention with

e United States ot America, whereby theii. lied ' f xle hetween the twocountrlca

snd u dl be diminished by f, and furtherrjisiin- - "ingementa aro In progress for Increasing

Intercourse between this couuliy and then" 111 "ll'ienl of North America,o. TLp lct ,ar Uie unon of h(! nrUlh N)rlhnasiloa "erlcan Provinces Is Ihe flnal accomplish-i- t

fausl ' n' or a scheme lopg enutemplated, where-thos- e

colonlea, uow comblued in one do-A-ts

nt. m,y be expected not only to gainnvrii! dltlonal strength for the ordo-vn-A'-

i,!ff l0,t J lnul aggressfon, but mayTtiUif ,Vnl ,"mnG thcmsclvea by fre sh lies of

Interest, and attached to the motheruntry by the only bonds which can ctrec-wa- r,

t""i" ""ure tuch Iwportaiu ilepeudtuclct,

t .


those of loyalty h the Crown and attwh-mc-to Brlil-- h connection.

Grirt'ri't rfde llmitr fifCminI thvnk yon for the IiIkjmI supplloi whkh

rou have Totid for the public acrwec.J nrilt nnH (itntlevi'nt

I hare had great sstUfvctlon In gM-i- mvacnt to a bill tor amending the reprenenl.u i hof thecopla In Parliament. I urnell Itthu the extenshonnd liberal moamre wtile.iyou liavc may etrect the durable settle-ment of a question which has long engsgidpi bllc attention, and that the Isiae n uiiIm rof mr siibjecls who will t for lh" flrd limeadmitted to the exerd-- e of the elective fran-chl-

may, In the ill'Chargc or the dm Inthereby devolving iin Ihcm. proie them-ehe- s

worthy of the confidence whlihhas reposed In tin in, It l gratifying

tomclonud tint tho lcngiln'nd eon ' It ra-tion which you hwc iircenr.!v glw n to tlililnisirtaut ijuesllon ha" not p'n vrntid vourentering on many subjects to whleli youraltciition wa directed at tne commencementor the session, and partlculailv t.v such aihave Immediate reference to ttc wilbbelngor the Industrial classes. I have had especlslpleasuro In giving my assent to bills for ex-- ,tending to various trades, with su'li modltlea-- !tloni a have lieen fouud nectsvary, Ihe pro--1

visions of the Factory act, the succcsj ofwhich hs proved the possiblllry of cxlend-In- g

etrectiial protection to the lalxir of womenand ihlldren with a due for theInterests of the trades Immediately concern-ed. I confidently anticipate from the opera-- 1

Hon of tho present acts tho samr Improve- -'ments In the, the social, and themoral condition of the working classes which !

has been found to acconipanr the aiipllc itlmof the acts or tho.c trades lo'whlch they havehllhcrto been conflneil. The reitrnlnts al-leged to have lieen lniiosed on workmen andtheir employers by trades nnlous and othrassociations appeared to me to call Tor In- -lulry, aiKltherrvilsllons derived Irom thsexaiiiinalloiu U Tore Ihe ooinmlslon towkleliyougavoyour lri;llnllve sanction Ii.ivedis-clo.e- d

a slate of things which will deserroyonr most earnest sltrnilon.Tha admlnlstrutloR of the Poor Ijiws. which

generally has ronlirrrd gr at benellt on Ihocommunlly.and eieciilly on the poor them-selves, rcmilrcs constant supervl-lo- and Ihave readily consented to a LIU which,

to the metropolis ulonr, will tend tocquallra) tho prrun of taxation, and Im-prove tlie tieatinenl of the skk poof, wbo-- e

condition will be greatly Undated bv yo-i-

The hill lor the legulillon of the met' haulshipping contains Important prinl-lon- s cli-ent Ucd to add to Urn health ami comfort ofthose engaged In the mercantile marine. I

These uud other valuable aiuendiuciiU of,the law have been Ihe ll i.r join lal orsduring the present session, and In rctunilna I

to jour own homes you carry with youIhe gratifying contclou-nes- s vour limeand pains hare not been ml'.ipp'lc I,and that they have resulted In a sirlesnfmeasure which I hoo and earnestly pravniay contribute, lo the couleuluieut aud

ofmj- - peoide.

Fyrtbrr Particulars of llie I'kolerit In lll.Alarming atcouuts contlnueil to Ix; reel tiedas to the spread ol the cholera In SoalhcruItaly.

The Florence corresKindcnt of the London'ui'y .V, Uili ult., deinlls lustaiieis of

popul ir Unballtyso appiilllug as lo beUllef In any country except Italy,

where popular education and Intelligencehaic alivujs Ufli at Ihe lowist point i


The iwpular U II, f In the agency of (kiIs.on still cciillnii, s and le ids to hocking le--soils. At Chita, n null Inu scene waa latelv witnessed unparalleled Ininudcin times. Tin. ni uaot the Hi at cuiC which occurred there spnad fear andconsternation. Uufortcnitely, too, lhecfullngs vviro as usuil accompanleil bv Ihedriad of (Kilson. The rumor that the wells,clstems, and ri'crvolra of the district wereiMilsomd got wind, and spnad like wlldDrc.The unfurtunale luhalillants, paruly-- il bvlinr. shut tlieiusihc- - up luthilr dilllng-- ,mid did not dare to drink vj venter, or cveuIn U'e It Tor Ihe purp'.MH of chatillne.Whilst tills cxcltiUKlit the publicmind a malignant minor got abroad, if

n certain Hiiinuii ns the author of theevil died. The woman (minted nut to theMi,ulnr inilluiiatlon was a luiinlcss ciea-- I

lure, well known In the nsn forliine-tclli- r. No coinplilul li.iilever been intend attain, t her, and she wasevuy ono's friend. No soonerdld the rumorgit llrm i him and iry was raised. Airnnd h d, and It was iletiriulne 111, atlitis poor creatiiru should I e setr.ed and putto il'Mth. llailn uiiidv their wuy to the 's

ilnelllng, they Iclli d ogn und,torebu lidy to pieces, and, lU'hllng a lurebonllrc, threw the bleeding remain luio ft,A daiiL'hlci of the victim, ugitl of 15, Until-ing hiiIi Imrror at I r mother's minder,sercauiid wildly at this terrible sight, andbercrlia attracted tlie nollee of tlnnrnnd,who would have sclcil her an I haic madeshort wwi; i,f her !", had she not leusaved by a brave man, at tho ju rll of Ids life.Alter this bloody mirk, the croud -- oujKi.rdof men, women and ihlldren (pent a goodportion of thu night In dandug an I revelry1 1, wo to llis- - smt where the charred remainsof their vlrlim weie lying, At l.oii'T ilnieco,lie ir I'n saun (we are still In t lie Neai1ltanleriitorv). another cloploratila Incident tookplace. ITie first cae ol eholera lu the

incurred In the person of nn iudlild-lia- lIn easy ilrcunutsnios, who had pre- -

too luelfot the drauresXaistyparlaken fill M' eral friends.

ot the case the man wasawrrlrvl od within the hour en at. d sdipl-clou- s

of mlnn lu the mind of Id" nearestrelative.. Ills frli mis weie Hgardtd as theauthors of bis dentil. Ills mother, wife Hiidsister roe up from the ride of theeorpc,weeping, morning, tearing their lialr, unitclamming lor ii venire. This at once stirredtho multitude, who collected aiouud lh''m.(ircnl ceeiUlnelil mhiii pievnlKil. Pikes,sticks, ilioppirs-cve- ry avullstle Instrumentwere si in d on the spur of Ihe moment, uudthe mob proceeded to the dwelling of one u'tlio-- e Iricnds ot the dcci'i-e- d who had turnpointed out ns tin Ino-- t lullmate ltin in, nnd tliiieforo the run-- 1 gulllv Theuuliirtunate mm, ns well ns Km otlur In-

mate ol I.I- - hiiti-- n .o ue. I in tliuc ol lliuI fri nr.y. h id Uude his Tinte line was the ci i with lln'oilieriouipanloinof the di ce.i.-- i d. The inultllude could Iheii'-for- o

ouly wiuak tl.ilr V1.112e1.11co on thegoods and cliulleh of tlulr intemled vlelliusby sma.lilnj-- evi rvlhlng Ihev could Uy theirhinds on. L liable to copo wllh lliesn mud-m- i

n, the lew ritlrmcn In the pi ice hut them-- '.

si lies up In llulr Lnn.iek'. Mob v pi -vullid Ihimiiil oiit Ihe wl, ,1c ,,i tin ulj;lil,uu,vaiious ncc.ured.

had on'lllen of Allnlra In 'lain.In regard to thr threateidug condition of

air.ilis In Spulu the Palls coircsp nditiit of '

the London I'imtt. wilting on the llilhsays 'Although the re mt that lien.

Prim hid enlered Spain has Un contra-ellctea- l,

and I appriullv unfiuiided, UuPari l.ilirir neiiitliiless insists that an

has biokcn out In Unit country,'

and there would be nothing surprising In Itsprmlng true. The tyranny nud gross mis-ru-

ol suf(-lv- e governments, nnd espc--1il illy of the pieniii one, h no long lenn Volution -- nml Ihli l the seasonof the year when si., h things generally bleakout (until of the Pyrenees, Tho lastattempt that of 1'ilin una mnde In win-ter, and turned nut a signal failure not fiomwant of sympathy on the art of the people,but bccau-i- - innny who were to hue tiken aprominent part In It were t Ither lukewarm orcowed, and broke down at the last minute.Since then the atrocltlei committed Ihewholseale shootings and tiansportatlon, andluniimeruble acts of Injustice aud oppiesslon

havcexnspemted the nation to sui h a pointthat It I dlillcult to licllevc the mr.-.m-ci willend without nn outbreak. No man, how.ever aloof ho may keep from politics, Hsafe from poison and even words aud from

uch a gcnernl state of personal livecutltvIhe nation Is eager to escape. This ftcan only do at Ihe price ol a rebellion, whichwo may rcainnably expect to prove the mostserious that has occurred In Spain (luce thedeath of FiTillniml. This time It Is not theoverthrow of the CaMcet but that of the dy-nasty thai will be aimed at, and doubtlessiichleved, Tho days of the rtlgn of tho" Innocent Isabel," as It was tho fashion tocall her In Infancy, looked upon asuumbcroel, Tho illireruicu of views not longago existing upon that head among Iho mout-hers ol the Liberal party has given way un-der repealed creecutloa, anJ uie, tqriu ip;

longer he ' Ih.wn with the Minister and longlive the Queen," tut Away with them all.'Ilrella. af Itrllal.,, He.,,,,,,,,,, i.jj..

It will be gnllfylng to ourresdrrs to knowtliit the rcllglom Immolations In Indli,which were onca so common, and for theprevention of which the fjorti of th- -,

huauno lu all Christian coutitrlea havo hull?in put forth, ire gradaally fiding out, ondPut the time appear to be not fir distantwhen Ihe hUj of lui'la, as Is Incoming thecae lu China, will fall Into disrepute and beforgotten. A cotrefjoadent In India, writ-ing to tlie London 7iivi, Ihu refers to thogr v f tunl of Jt.ggcnvul, once the (Iguali I lie dMuubljge of iulllloni,and for scutesof rvltgiotu excitement carrlid to frenny.bulno' to reOiici'd In luiijutttuco that there aron if found enough devotees to drag forth thoold Idol from Its temple i

Afnrt from the- - fvmlne, the l.lotitrom I

festivals seem to be lining their hold ni themasse- s- partly under the lallueucc or greaterprosperity ami cnllhtciimcut, partly fromour Indirect dlsconragement of ihcm for sml-- 1lry and moral reasons. Tntte the Juggcr.tiMit Poolab at Seramnore, w Weh li secondlu ponularlly lothat or Poorcc. lu Itlt'il jourccirrdrd how one of the tars ran m er sixworshippers, killing four. This year the ,crowds were inueh less than u.ual, and con-sisted cMefly .'f wuuicu and child rn. Dueor the to ears was not dragged nt first,

Iho people would not assist In an actzeiierally,T,H.lderrdasgiiiug(alintlii, andhe pries' t- -l iiliyaJJnsd ai.Uihm lo the ,

magistrate, if which the followlug la sliaus- -

"On aeenriri sf the hsKry rala and the smtlgsthf rim-o- f twyle on Ik-- Brst Aj of tho jtnth(car) frsllTal the- - ear eoaM not he mored.

will - xmlar. there will be a IWitoweoorse of iop!e. UuleM your honorwita fsror It will M dlfflfolt to more the csr. noIpt-S- Ihst the csisl msr ta reerlsed from or,snd Ihst orders msr ! ,rlreo br best of drum,and the ml r msjr W dcputcO lo tlie soul to ba--tliecarniurp.L"

Of course, Ihe ma titrate gave no assistancc, and dually the evil omen was averted'and the prlesi's pmkiis filled when the earwu dragged a little dlilancc after heavypendllurc. It Is a am,teeiu en c lion on tell

of wheels, each node of one e normnuspk rc of wood. The iliitcd block whichebM-- duty for. Iiiggs-ruau- t Is In a tower onthe tup. and the other turrctts me Ailed withpriests, who clang', strike bells, beatdrums, blow conch shell, and Infuriate oramuse tha people with oUecno ciuoiUlluiialu a truly Jrilli.h fashlou.

Will of ItatOT ihe llorw Tner.I An. HngUsh iaper thus refers to It

A eorrespondetit ha fivorc.l us with acopy ,,f thp Ul of J. 8 Bircj-- , the fninouaAmerlran horse tamer. The iVeiiuicnl 1

trulv cihaiaclerisllc of the ilec.'4iil, loss,much as Kii! are mail t of reirndh.'iscs, whom he luenllons by name and he--qneaths to varlim members or UU family.The cek'hmted hor-- e Cnil'cr, by the tatuliigof whom biMnilnly made Ids reputation, heh aves to hi brother, Frederick lUrey, but(.ruber Is not to be1 usid for anv other pur--Ixw th in as n stallion, nor for liuv iKiniosesofexhll'ltion. but be Is to be kept amimain on the farm where' he now is. aivl Willi-- u

the sbthlenivl euel'Kiiie now i.c n Inl byhim, or sltiillirones, ns long as he lnr. Thewill iiroccil-- i The sail slilll.u Crul-- i rmust h" well taken care of bv the (aid Ficil-en- d

Karey and Id heirs, nnd must never bofold by either my Mild broth, r or anv of hishilis. And I ti riht nuke II a , clil elisrirokm Im uinbi'iuic! on all that part r mylionteslesd tann ljlug east of the canal, solong n v Hid stallitm t'riil-- . r shall live,that Ihe Mid eiiilo-ur- i' end stable now occu-pied nnd to bn occupied by hltn on theaid pntt or tho ail J farm (hall ! kept

in gml repair and Comfi'il-M- o nnd aloismdillou, and tlut the (aid Crul . t shall,ra long as Ito litre, bo fiirulshrd wltlisuitable aud (utuclcnt fiKsl and oilier us

for bis comfort " Ho then pmvldeatint his biother, nnd nuv (tterossor nt hli Inthe ownership of Crtilsr'r, liill have frco nc- -cesi to CrnVcr Tor the ii:nro of lolng himns a stallion, Il upwuta that Mr. Ilirey lellit largo propeity In Ameilin, nnd his lemeiii-bniii- o

ofa Iiikc iiiiiiiIkt ol rebuke showsthat his heart was In Iho right place

ha I ro le In I'liwals.II on ihe way from Cheibo'irgh toKronstadf, put In nt Stittlu, Pius.L, to lukcon boaid Mrs. Adinlnl Fnmgtil and party,ho had onic oicrlmd, Cologi.e,Ult the fllilni'. nnl Berlin, from Pails. Theappearance ol the Fi dlcat Stiiiluwis thuflr-- t visitation of nn Ameilciti ship to Pru

I dan waters, and the greate-- t cuiloslty wamnnlfesled on the part of the Prussian. Atllrt there wti a kind ol hiMlailon nlwnit tlieprogrcsnf ihe ship up the Oder nil the putof the Pni'-lau- vvho weie takm cby (iirpit-- o at the flrl nppeaninco of nnned ship steain.Iitg so fui Inland.As the kind Intention of the Frolic was

the hesitation of iho l'nn-hu- n panwmy In ctirlosllj', then uiilsiiiiidcd courtt'sy,thin cnlhii lasiii, with It went on Increasingamid idiotttlng. n Joking, bring of cannons,an 1 buud of music, till ono giai.d, wild andspontaneous oiaUon fiom laud aud shoie

Ihe Fmllc In Pri.s-la- u waters As theFrolic tipiTotched Metlln, lint shorn bitter-- .lis pralul lorUi the national .ilule to Amer-ica, nnd on nil aldis was run up the Auieit-ca- n

II ig, Tin) I'eoplo tbrongid Ihe ihorn Incrowds, while Ihe Prussian gnnlsoii wumarched nut and itood nt parade n t, to

.welcome ihe Fiollcs nrrlvid. Hienewrn-- Jper ciiine nut with extra eilltjons iitinoniie-Ingth- a

slilp's ui rival. On thu morning ofthe 1 Us. the people, uobllltj', ollleers nudlt-ilic- s

cum' thronging on bo.ird, nnd diningI the' day about 1i(i0i) people looked ou r tl c

Frolic with the gr,"tle t riirl'wllr nn I admir-ation, Chi the srrivnl of Mrs. V irragut Mid

I I'lcl" from Ilmlin, Ihe Pnis'lan uiitboiillef furnished iiisifiilfleent carrliges convey

tin m to (lie ship. The m oplet throngi'd IheIhrowitig tKiuipit'is nnd (bottling

Ameitci from the rnlliond to the Frolic's, hoar, wlieies Pnuslan bunds and el

egantly dre's-f- d neeninpinled Ihe lull' s mi ltnnl. Once on loanl,tlie grnnd sslvoi of nrllllerj' burst out I mmtlie shore and eiery housi'tn,, nnd elirv.avallnliln si' nfgiiHtnd on cither side ofthe Oder was thronged wllh (suple,wnvlnir Ameilean color-m- l sho'itlng. Amer- -leal The sb inti'is cirrjlng Urn AmeilennHag now i loin d out liom the shorn withIniid plivlng Auiei'leiin airs, nnd llrnnge.lwith olllci- - and uobllltj', who ae, nuipnnlcdthe Frolic to hivin, mnde, win le n ltiiiiiI lullwnn liiinrovl-i- d lu honor of Hi, Aun rli'iiiship. .No f'lic ein nei'onnt for the va.l en-- 1

tl,itlasnt of lit l'ni,in', i nless It po. 'lltlcilly thrnti'rh the command or King Wil- -Haiti ni II Tlln.

It would be nproiHii to menllou the faff,that the Frolic wn- - on of the Chile I lit 'M, iimers lllliil run In I'ltglaiul ns a 11 ok ,., '

nil nrr for Hit' re'H Is. Shi cnptui,l Uour Meet oir Chi lesion, during Uu war. J I

original nnmo w- - Ihe l.on Clyde, and her1 bil name A. L. Vance.


Harvesting operntlotu were falrlj' uudirv IJ la all aita , f lh gl n d tii'l Ihe sv therw is cuns, riu, nilv anlchesl i,h gr it

It cfiullnuul warm, and, on the wl le,favornble; but the hot spell had lwn

by icvere tliurilir storuis nnd heavyrains In some sections of the country. Lf.n-- Idon, on tb" mnrnlognf the '.mill, w.'m vlsltnlby one of lite titml violent storm' ol" ibuii- -dir. lightning ai d rain ever i viK-r- nei I Inthat elly. It lasml lor sevrrnl I. our nndire tied considerable nlirm, Minv bu.nlim-etc- .,

wt re struck by the lightning, and muchdamage was done.

The llcfotm league h..d on eih--brallng tho passSgu of Iho llel'.rm bill Inbanquet or fo.tlval. Lrttcr rrot.i Mi. JJilght,:,d Mr. John Stuart Mill had been ibliuJd,In which those gcnltcmin rftoumieiul it.cLcagac Kivt to turn their .itumli.n tu , eic.i.iaiiJ for the lallut. r

"" - I

, , tm'mmWmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmm ' mWmmmmmmmmmmmwmm: i si

Thirty-Iurt- h Year. 'KKW-YOHI-

T. TlTRSflAV Rivinvitt.n .on,

Fair nfihe New I'sia'nnil Asrleu'inral

PttovinrM'K, II. I., H,pt. The Fnlr ortho New England Agricultural Society audIluodo ltlaud Industrial Soslely will

at Narrajanutt Paik, andcontinue four daji. The initios, partlculatlyof stoik, arc vcrj huge. Il Is Ihnughl ihoibow ol catllc aulrioitca will be the) fli.Osleier tew lu Ncv Eniiland. AUiul ono hun-dred horses ;o chll'll'd In Ihe varlvua llasscs,for fcj'vcii,


FROM WASHINGTON,Wasiiisoto!, tVpl. 2.

An old cltlien of Texas, now la Washing-ton, (aya " Nerer Uroro has the yelhrw feicrprevailed to inch an extent on that covd asat the present time."

For Ihe week ending TitC'daytho lOllrofSoplcmlcr there will le hsucd from the ptcut oillco 2,'n) paicnL. During the post weekover ! applications and 00 csvcaU havebeen filed.

Atigustln Itnrbldc, the adopted heir ofMaximilian, Is now nl llossdale, the residenceof 'his grandmother, Mrs. Oiecn, on theheights of Georgetown, aud Is a robust beiy,1 years old.

Tho rrcsldent toiLiy sftldgc L.0. Eras, formerly member of Congress fromTexas-- , Collector of Internal Revenue for Uio4tli Olrtrlctof that State, and Ctd. Miner, ofOhio, Collector ofCnetomt at (Miction.

The receipt of Internal Revenue from dis-tilled ipltlu and tobacco wero largely in

for the scal year ending with June hut,over those i any previous j'ear. A verbalerror In a former prlnteJ dispatch renderetills correction accesssrj'.

The tni'lncsc of the Fen.-o-n Ortlee shownthi whole nunil-rr- claims .cccliid duringthe month of Aurnt'l, original and Increaseof w'dows, etc., l,eWl 1 of lavalals. 85C tetal.t.tW. The number or claims sshnlttcd,

and Increase cf widows, etc, 4,ioi ofInvallsfb. 1,4.10 totalj (1.412. Tim nnnttr ofclaim !rjectel, nrigl-ia- l aud Increase of wldlnw, etc., W7: of iuwUlds, 1VI7 total. PI I.The lots! number of italms dlspoctd of dur- -ng tho uionth was 7..UI. The tumlicr of

lelteis wtlleii was 0,117. The n imber orcirculars rant, lei9. In tho boimtv landdivision, 4Vwarranls erit acre s crsli wereIssiiedt ilgkt or HO ncrev. The who's-nni-

Iser of warrants Issued storing lite monthwV!ly c "ftli'g i cres, The l.winberof claims received AI, und t (pedal tifs 0.renewed coscj admitted 2C rejected 17

SIOMiV III' TIIK 1IIIIIMI.flan of Ihs .IfsnrlAir Cenrkmire U

WAsitlNe.rei.v i'd.-- ho Dcpartu tutt f Slate ha rrc.vrd from Mr. Samuel B.LhSKlc., delegate from the Unitid States, Intin reienl Dlplcoiatlc Monclovy Confercnal ?lirls, full rqi'wt of Its proceeding, nn Ietfllso plan agreeitupon for the tinUloitloii ofgold coin, which Is to be propo d for adop-tion by the dlirorcnt nations. Delegatesduly letndltrd crre In attendance fromtwenty uallon- - or 3urope and Ainerlca, li

g on aggregUc population exeecllngthree hundred iiiUlloos. The leading fiatuuaof tho plan nrr:

First. The moie'-ii- f the world lo beIt of guld und Jill er, except for change

lu smnU 3111011111- - t bo ouly nil arlltlo ofcennineieei.

Hccond. The five fiane gold piece orirancc to Is, the rstoti, tarv null with Itsiniilliph", rntilrlng a nslue'iloii In jirlglttid the I tilled Males doll ir cf nearly threeand a half per cent., and or tho lhllUh

of neat ly sxiu isr cent.Tlilid.-liol- coins ofthe s.anto ilriiomlna-tl'ii- i.

by whan vir natbn lo tc u

in wc Ight, illauielrr aud oil ililv, aud tohe iilni-lent-lis i!i-l- ti tiUl.

Fn trlb. To he decimally dlv I I. .1

Filth. To bo a legal u tiller hi all Ihe

The rcjsirt embrace many Interesting de-tail of the em nnl, and pi ogress ofthe colli-ng ofll.e United Stalls, (heat Britain and

Mr 1! tggles It beret on leave cd ab-sence, In confer with Die (loieriimrnt nn Ihoprtiwr Hindis sif presenting this measure oflelonn to the rfiusldcmtlon of Congress ntIts next session, lie will shortly riturii to

tncninplete hi- - dull, a a. Cotiuulstloni ril'irl P.xpodlloti, which li lo clo.o cm tho

uf Nuicnilsir.

ii:m:i:ai. Milium in.Iteerpllsn I Hip Onltr or llnnasnl.

Nkiv Oi i.r.VNs, HepfriiiK'rS The nlllclilorder relieving llcneril Sheridin wss

nt hi'iiliinuli'ps this morning, (len-cr- .l

(lililln lei, gmplisxl to, and upon hisarrival (ieneral Sheridan will Inko his ile-- i'

ofiirc, ntiasiopanii'.l by L'olonils l'orsjlltc,Shrridali and Moore.

llvtillou tn (, ii, Mierldnn,Sr. Liu Is, N pt. 2. - 'i he Kadtinl cIiiIm ami

ehlcg-itlon- s from pails or Ihe tlrand Army lo niruugo fcr a

public recepllon toll n. Sherldinnu i'.

(ion. Clinton II. Fl k,,and Major Tliotni- - and (lovemor Fletcherin iilu (Hit lies. Colors d peoplo will bu

lo participate 111 the dfutnnittattou,II Ihey dceUc.j

new Yonir.Tin ('oitirlillin Mxl.Uuilli llisr'a Proeee'd'nun.

Aliivm, StplouiUr 2. Tho touvintlonmet ul 7 o'clock this evening, -

Iltl'llllllllM. for theof the hoard or Uecrents nl the I'nlvei-ll-Of thu cills.ens ol Albany 011 the (nine sub-'Jic- t.

Of the (Itltciis ot Wushiuglon Unui.lvon tho samu subject. From 1I10 Clllinis'Assoc Intloii inibniilng a pluu for New YorkCity (ioverumeiil. 01 Ihu illlzuisntgo lor tint ubeilitloii of Hut II01111I ol Regentsof the Unlveisliy, Ol Iho cilUeii of

county on thu suuio subject.

lir.ot.iriovs.By Mr. Wales Tliut tho C'oiiimlllin 011

ho lustruilsd lo so nun nil thonrth le on the nrgioUsUoti ol Iho Legislator"so that 1111 oilers of to bo cleutistlu N'oii'iiilar next sh ill reivho Iho ciutjK ii.willou pioildid lor lu this CoiiMulioii. Ta-bled.

Mr. H. Towiiind called up the losolutlonnib n il by him lot tho up) oliiliueut ol 1

coiuuillleu In liMpilri' and lel'ort whetherlid- - l.'omi iillnii his legally iinil

cdlcil, ltilcriod lu Ihu Committeeol thu Whole.

I'ounis ,1ms ociimot 1.(1111. vtioi.The'titlon went Into Coiiimltb 0

of tit. Whole 011 the retiort of ihe Committee11 tlie l'uwci - an I D'lth- 1 f Levi Iitlon, Mi .

Uuker In lh" lull.'I he fulluwlng section was adopteil : -

Nnofnea shall berreati.l for tjoatf-Inc-

ciU'mtor lloni O114 any merchandise, manntsrltnes, or eotnm silly wlinlevt'i; bill

li.u.u' it! 'I, - en' i, foi.tuiiied slull atre,'i anyotlhit deal-- l (h tha jr)r uf iiintr, llust Diepublic houlllt 01 tl s iii'ete'sts of thu tfLeteiutlliiioitrt lessutie, tuls or purchases, or e.f

llie icnlt w'ttl a correct (landaril ufwulg'il and mess,),-- , or sluli rv''i,t it.,, of blir isftlosi - fur sin It put lieresltei-- '

Adjotiined 11111II inortilug.


Trimrdr lu Tiuiiris-e- ,

Mi Minis. S. pt. 2- - A ten toil .tilalr o, c:tr-m- lat Vln'ion, Ark . on Fridiy A miui

tiauird Hr.dl y, an uverseir on Mr. Kcje'cplanutiun, oiduisl a negro In dosomu noil;,and tho negro peremptorily relnnd, whenlliadley attempted lo cha.-tls- Itlm. The ne-

gro ro lslid and ulhei Intuitu,, aud B.uiVIcy drew a 1st d and linal killln.- - n'nagroas.The negro I ce mi,' lofitrl ii I, ami Uradloytl'il not I" nw'i In b.l killed the, wuil ill.Al bis iitstiti.c two ol ihe lu ciots conooriiedlulhonttaek on him were ai n sb el, and onS.turdiy wirs- I might Lloro MuguluteMareuia Daring Iho trial one negro utllrdB udliy a times, wheu he struckIhe negro. A party df ncgroce ihcn (ct tipnhlin, aud Bradley drew u hlul nnd tired onthem, killing lro He then turnedaud Uid, aud boa not Ueu heard from ilricc.

Another afurdrr la New Jns.-j- .NrwAiiK, N, J,, Sept. 2. A horrible

dor hai Just been dlicJowd at Boonton, Mor-'t- li

coualy, N. J, A Toung tiwa uamcd

hfin Carroll, aged twnitj-ot- u years, wafound 1) In' lu the etrect eveningnearly efmifftom the loss of bloo-- t Ho hadKen (tabbed, and before bl death ko (bvleelthat ho had st.abls?d by a man namedir-,-

n.!)ll"l?f-f- s Dcmtiscy was arivtsted.

a f0sr,Vr W Wi n'l reridentoriavoiiton. Ilfood was round 1111 his aiM uuin hi hand, b it ho dculis tUllie i u Cuiioll. Tho ailslr cause, grntcxcltemiut In Uwnlon.

cit.. iii-m-Ii .r nVsrlsarl.SrniTntM,, Ct., Sept. 2 On Ihe occasion

cf the mart,gc of a Mr Wetsoti, at hisliusc, three miles frei here, a utnber ofynrug men (tinted a rVritari, (v--d finallypriHWdrd tesbmk IntheeVssr-iaii'l'Vliidow- s,

whrr-uo- u timl a shot gn them,woun.tng two nned Merdlepan, lh former viry sirlou !r. Vsi,m ha.Kill

VestixenceTTenlble Ustraaes r Ike Vell.W l'.V el

Issalsewiaa.Wa Sept.. X --Tlie LVcretaryof

the Treiuurj receded a dL-- atch fril(pcclal agent IsVll, at 0 ilvTeton, shtlng thtvthe yellow fei 1 r at that ont Is fata: bej ondprecedent. O11I iiftwcutyalx olllcc-r- s con-nected wllh the Custom Ilcuse onlj' threeic fit for duty. Tho remalrekr are tltlier

(Ick or dead. In ctwiac'iucncc f Uds su-i- o ofaffairs the Dcpatlaent has Iswicxl Instruc-tions for Ihcntuovil of tho Cjsslora Hoveto a point futUirr down tho is lav!, outsidethe elty limits, which fas said lo bt Tree frurathe epidemic.

Vrlhsir Fryer teSNew (Irlrstsss.NkwOkkais, Sept. vrre thlr-- 1

IJ'j'cllo feicr Inlcrmlt hsyestcrday amongthem Tom King, the tiglllst, au.l IJeut.McOomtfek, of the Iron-- . Hid Mahraika.Cohsnsdo and sw .Ileal DtV

easrrles.9t, Lssrsi, Bept. 2. .(lem. Palmer, Plral-de-- it

(rf the t'nlon FacUlc Railway, of Kansas,and Dr. I P Cuute, of Ihe survey.Ing Jiartj--

, have engager! for a mo.ithpal Invedlgmlng the coal regions of theitatoti mountains, In Colorato aud NewMexlso, un the. line osf that road.They report msny Urge deHsstvr my le

eoal, and one vein, fifty niUV-- s North ofFurt Union, Is Un rt ttilck, audi more thanfifty mites s'usrs In extent. The ami Is nl

lo the best lMURiirg coal.Iron ore has alto iicu dUtou'lcd la. Iho ramelocality,

Tti-- s Indlaan nener,sl.iMIHiive.Mt., 1,,,., H.'pt. 2 F.ivtythlng

Is I'l readlnes for IbcoiK'nlng of tieSieu-ixtr- e

st Ihe principal streets arohandsomely with erergrreis an IAmerican nnd Herman tligs. Concert Hallwhich has I mi ereeled lor the occi-l- wascoiophiii'd i.dav TI1.1 deeornlloiis of Ihehill are miller Use iiee M' Mr.Isiorgo , e,r New ork, nnd nre snld losurpass lu Imairty ismlblng r the kind evergolli 11 up In Uh West. Tlie various soesrllcsareevpeclesllts arrltsi In tin euly trains

'II,, Wsstem I'lihm 'Ti leraphhas nuenidiiss nlliiv nl the Press

loioliiuiiiters in Mossrl Hall for llie u

ol tinw.pseper concsi,ndeuis.

CltlHlls ol tso llorhs .Moiii.titlns.Thero u sonttUiIng dcmlile, iuld ami

cheeiloso s'iggcslcd by the words IlivekvMonut-ilns- . t, the mo'iutalns arc approach-es- t

the lelut. Is by no uieafts ripelled thoinoiintaltulook IJuck anil dismal, aud all thnebitUr rroui tho contniil or thu puro andglltterlnij mow that luisrs Iho cveilasllngJK iiks. But i.p,,u npi' blng the Ir bac andentering Into Iho Toot hills, (lie dirk mascassume tho lorm and color of Hi lug nature,uud line I struck wllh the rlehne-- s In treiM.uppniently i, pine. Tho boundless forisls1; ein rtiflh lent lis supdy Iho wauls ofa nation.Un li jand IniurLint gni'fcs soon como lutesiiinv, flowers lu gn-- il mrlely and or huesMight and 'ofuse, gladden the eye on ciery I

(lie, when ll.otlaik Illusion rudos away, andthe' slntmrcr fueU thai, o Iho wild and'iiiggid p .iks, even In tho viry mldt of,rough upheaval nnd finntle enerluinlng,llieic a pi'.ar spots ol tlth that mightl' undo into luxuriant giriliu. Along thoguhli, ami nun at Iho summit, thin- - lillcli black soil Ircpis nily iiiuity futln elrplli,which, uiidr the ikllllul inaulpulalloii ofm in, would, lu Ihl i h'ilrlc 1 llmatc, compelowllh California In luxiirlontnc of priluc-tlo-

while Iho many slirnnt that 00c outon eieiy hlenilord this mo-- t ample meantol In Ig it 1,01. Vs hlle, with nur sin ill popula-tion, 1,0 urn almost ilrpriidrnt iiion thu lal-lo- y

foi ll.o eoiiiiuon priHlii' ls nl the kitchengarden, wo hntc jet within a circuit of Uncolit, Ins mound Central City enough unpiir-liis-c- d

llcli soli lo supply a populnllou oftwenty thousand persons, and icady mentisf, biilldlii,r, liotiFi's nud fences on Iho ( hu t, thu using of the loom siones for UnitI una Mi would uncover moriisoll than couldleaillly U inadn uiailablu lor profitableUe. V'llorttilo 'i'imtt.

Titr. appllcillons for bankrtiitcy In Vir-

ginia, during Iho past week, exceeded thutotal number mudo since tho Bankrupt lawwa pn-o-

A Omiiia dl'pntcli snys humlirdami rlxly miles of the Union Pacific Itallrondare in.w Ctd htd, nud It Is cxpictol Unit Ihotiuck lo Ihu lloclcy Moiiutnlii', 617 miles,will lie all laid lu about it month.

(lov. 1'i.mox has bicu (lopping at WestPoint lor 11 lew d aj s. 'I ho revli w nf (he

took i licc In hs honor jctuilaj AInrgu coucas.irse. of people gatlaiid lo wllucsathe ceremony.

ADui'Aieit fioin Picsldont Woodruff, nfthe Meiuphls and Ohln Railroad states tintthe Interest due the H late nf Pennsylvania bythe toad lias been paid, and Iho road liasbeeu le leased by tho Salo authorities,

A Disi'iTi 11 liom Washington itatea thatoiihia hiivu been nnl by District AttorneyDor-h- t liner at Ilullalo, N.'V., for the lele-is-

ol Iho aims belonging to the Feulatis, whichwire, siiud In June, I BliU.

Tur conic r stoue of the new .lewlsh lu Chl ago, wua held Jislenl.iy Thalirtiuuiiy was UaruclcrUuil bj' duo pompund display, and the JewUh orgiuiznlioiis luIhe city participating.

Tur. agmt cf Dlilietu Is lfilgcd withletter fiom nil parts of thu country, otkliigllie gn il uoiili't to give hi, riadiii, I lurend Uuk a printed loriuul 1, the purport ofwhich - that us va Mr Die ken' plans ore

.not drildcd.Tiik stdi of Charles llurrell gilnst the

illy ot Boston ccinmcuccd jotenUy lu thateltj in the Urcult Court, Tho plalutltfjclaim ob mi 11,000.0110 fur fmulshlug sol-di-

nud Sksllons towaid the unuv irsjulrsciol Huston iu the war.

. Pon. lias, been apjdM to oy dtlrrn,to 1 as older similar In tho one iiuitulby (len Sickles- - to stay luo procc-s- a of Iheoeiurb In iho cidlicllun, ufdelAs. Hu very

decllus's, and thinks lhat thoalivuis lu lionise cexins lied with Iho btninen of

'Ileion-tructlo- which form Iho biulueis

hlih lie Is npi olntid to luiictlutcnd.Tin- Newark and Now York and Ncwsa-l-;

and Patcr'O.T, Railroads, aro likely to be con-

solidated and fotmune Company, whle.h willreach New York by the ferry of tie NewJertey Central Railroad Compajiy. TheNcwatk rrct'sln adiocatlnj tho measure,predict with corlaluty that Ncwatk la ipcodl-l- y

to have a fopulallon of halfa million, andwish trjjjo Went dlrcct.vla 1'atrriOD, without,i.iUp New VotW ou lUeir routvt

SOUTH ATV5ERIOA.Tts Ness rensststr renselt.atsstf-V- o atfser

llrlUlass batik I asbotle A'Howedvt ersSalis-ltuai- ors a y v unsiilraehs,1 tc, Ue.The F. H N. Co, 'a (tcaifT 8intl'i"xf0. from

Valparaiso and InttrtncdlaM ports, ai 'Ivcd atPanama ou the morning nl ito 20th ult.

s Vrtm.ConaTvs)ennllmird mill In rvrtnn, wlrt---

,sh-- 1 ginuih. Oni lately

nlrndnrrd by Me sr. Luna nnis'I'alo willliscet will, the at proTil not uttiy nf the pub- -

li,,IV;ill"s"1' '10rJ- - nN'rcs(he!tli.ior (kat ntigurt body. lis prartjloni

nic i.i follow

sli'L!sj?l,u ''e"s-7i- o 'iKsini ""nlff tl.. .te,'Ioes ul lbs i.srsr;ir.fTt,Ln,rT -- d-

im.V- u,. .Mtl' nlolnSrm Ithe rouuiu'liiiw in,rr they Intend to l,srr or'1ST.

Akn.VoU.h f lnt 1 In any wH!I?s.' .i 1 L:1.,c",'!.n!"UD",. cotnmll sot artgullijJ IVl'i tried and pantslssd as

tsi,l-,T- t .'!' '"'hl il"srt"j of nt rsrssnt liw snnnlicd In so far as Vis contrarr to I so.Tlie romtnltVe It wr.-- r referrc? to hufaromh'y about tMs hill.Oongros Is In fsrnr or mincing the sfond-hi- g

army 01 Perv to C.OOo-me- which hln-w- lutllelctOy hcjvj- - burden on Hut

Ilumons nfnew rontplracVs and rremertl-ta- f.outbreak! Ms again rife, ll Is saU

thr.r at Arifiulpa a e rsunrll nf some of IV ehlerleveitsillonlsts I be'ssg he ld, but (len. Pladeyscents lo ts) ,re.an1. (len. Hsistamriile hueeft rcr Ihe dlsairect, proyn.s wtalvera--,prememllllnry command.

festivities of annlvei1iryofrrj- -1 "S.rl''ndcneo wrre keit tp for Ihreeday. The fears of tli return r the Span,tinlj has- - almost en lrely dhappcired In s. cm, niief tho works n the baitcrtcs hailbscti enllr-I- r susri,,1e,l. I

It will tt Interesting lo many of our read- -rHiiJ's ,.,N.",!c,lll" lut'there3srCon-stltillo-

wklch ha Ma n ghrn by llongress,rjii.I iTssr tmscUiaml tsn th, vSthofJuly. W c Ihc rif we some of Its

which havo 110 1 special lm.sortaucetor lo.ignerrt, "J'1i;JIS "Itrton, beside Mse rsUtoll.- -, la

psbU rirrrlsa of 1,'s wivsiiio.1 onci-- s slors cm Ir,y ecu Irlballons.

L" u'T'j M fJf anr (Mtta.lions r any eomns las made hr! W1' m r hsr. swst Irs thecsoltalof Is'liVjssiJ.r.aslisna ssirh oMli nlons

lmjn!iii"'''J' '"" '''""'J b' RtovooalNotsjdr Li d.s whs' l isot nre' rtfed

lVXiVCAM,i frcu ",lluinsti lire sil.l rnwaieltj,. dnrr-s- t; vcrell Mllie ol isiiess srs Inslnlsl .

Rf,b1r1,(r'n.andsannoi ba .as slates IctboN"tidy eanVsrr!s'dwllhou'. a wrll fro aeosstpe.ent,h,.,ly ens; l nsmi (rom tielsnblle nr

rmnshlsresldei-st-wtiisotseiili'- t r fsssln- -" lixti

KserjlNslsrsmsskc tsn n( the press wllhi-- stlrrlousreuM,r,,.,r(s.n,slhl lyjbutsll pnij.lratlojisw ilrha:i.Jil;;ct,.lul, tssslKiK.J .

tlirlrsuthors. .

Krrrlii,li.trrmelvnX..s.ouwllil,linolecn '

iwllullleil niorsllty net health, le. t

Kse ry f.irelirnrr .r tilre 1st Vr,t protwrly,sni lu leaiaril las l, retnsln sahject lis the saintl.kMs sm) bll;stsV,ii. a ike Petiiil s.llie rlc it orlndlt. lust rollrsil stlltl,in Isfie., as slso that of ;ihllclr or pilv-u- tr ssss utM- -lu s I

I fill Irruof IVrttysta fsvU ers or reassess, eren I

ski si twin abiisad, sue caw. ids red I estHTlsns byb.l lh,

It tiltlsns by naturallistlon srsrull ritlr, us, m, r,s esleo all f.sre', userjesrs s.f a.'e, residing o Peru, whu e stlIsc suiiiuisli ttf, Imliislrr, or pnferslosi, aud tatet Ihslrnans, s In III,' f till

All iltltrusrsti ohlslu pnhllc plsirs, If twssvas-l- iti.riherr,,ilslrs ,ri'4!slird by law.I tie Judl.lsiy Is luilsisiidrut Insvsll other

tsssssrra. I'.uimcss Is llis ouly li'KUlslls nowar.Hit who Is mil born la I'tiu. isnuul

In eJunrCsM, Minister, our lrco,lulil olths Itepuhllc.

'I he isnsi ofottlce uf t!ta Prosldout of I'm llriiais-I- cIs the yus."

lissela.The late--t news frn-- a Bogota datm that on

the Dili of Julj', Mos.etr was fornmlly sua-- 1ln'inlcd Irom hi (Ktsltlon as President, Ly Iho

j Semite, nnd that he noahl hn tiled I r (he Sn- -pri-ui- Court for cnniinoii tieoson. Mosoue-r- a

lias rcinoii-lrak- ngaluti iMs Imt In yaln.Dr. Sleiens, nn Amerlenii gpfslesghr, Is said

l hale f'oitud mid I'XnuilnisI u vnlu tblo cnnliiilni. lu Ihu inlley esf tlsetSInu whrri' he alsotumid strong Inillcntloiis of ctioleum.

(hill.A furious (lorm made It elf fell in Uio bay

nf Vslpaialsn tin lite '.'7lli of last monlh.Allhoiigh of short duration It slid ninth da-

mage, not only In the bay but also amongthe ilnrlllng houses of the illy.

The nrilvul of the Spunlsh armada la stilllookeil for with nnvtetj'.

Tho fl Jeri un,, nij a i ' In Internalnot much fuilhe r iidinnccd thin

lu fun Ign airahs. Tito ministry keeps firmIn spite, of Ihe combined uttacks of tho rudl- -'

c.tls snd lhie nn will call (cpamrUts, as j

being old supporters who hnvn now lallcnnut with Ihe (Internment. All the discus,lion lu the (Jongies havo triolviel on therunts nxlt this .Vllnlslera me Incapable, letIhcm go out. To this li e Ministers nnvwerthat they will ilo sis, whemvi r Cungresa orIho Prs rl lcnt of the Republic withdraw tbilrdipport."

rtrntii.Tha Brnxlllau built lron-cb- d guuMiat Pura

has gono for thu river Paraguay, to tako pattIn the operations thercj and tho steam Iran-(m- rt

MaripiU do Cnxlas has de ailed wllh acargo of various iiiuulllvtia fur Ibu lories lucampaign.

Thu S Icndld lle.imers, Un. Ijidy laing andthe Regulator, b uu uiiiiml from Iho UnitedStiilevs to fairy cm the liiulu la tin en liio andSnila Cathuilna ami aiils, nndIt Is prnluhlu that Iho sc'iUo will bu .iixdllylu ot enillon.

Ills Royal Illghneua the Duke of P.dlnbiirganhed nt Klo ou Ihu 1Mb, lu command ntthe team filgulo (iiilaUii u, and recoil lal Ihecustomary courtesies clue hi rank. Thollnllsli In ihe city t tisintid un ud-- Iilits lo him, cud gave lot night 11 grandbill In hit honor, at which their lmiirl.ilMujcsllc-an- d ho, tlio Piliiee sr, Imperial nudUu Comb dX'u, Ihe BrayllLiii Mlulsfi r nudolhrr high oll'.cl.i).- -, the Diplomnlio Coirs,loemlie rs of the Leg! Inure, Iho olllcusnl Iho war ti lit In port, and a laigcuu her of dUungul bid llralllius andnil.ers wire piisiul, foimlttg, withtl.e liilil.'li risJiliii, u total of some l.odOpet om. Prlui.c Alfml hi nude himself

liMlimcly popular und nun I, liked. TlieIfsilathci le ins Klo cm the 2l'.h lo pursue

her Voj ice tun ud India. The nth wn, Urntiiiuhi istirv of the Hull inn's colon iUoii,but II. I. M t..itpomi! the u.ual levee-lu-

Ihe purposu sir dining with Pttvuc Alfred.The Aloe t lean ship Nelly ifog.illj 'as de-

stroyed by lire MiiliciM of duly. CujitalnHusscy and the cuvv uil.lrd,,li Iho M atFern iiiibui-- ,.

Henry W 1111 tin Kill t. an Miliar of theI "ill's .1 hl.ilcst Mill Inc. I.l hem Used and nt mt lid lor l,llllui:,lii '.In stir, - ol Hlo, i

Irving lo i , Thi .Sidfc hai- - ngulnsl tho uceiaitla).

The I'rsj, iHinfiriiiMInn has Is en rrrsln.l rtf

the by llruiill.vo lories ol Mntio(irnsto, of the raratfuaiwu tori upon UioAp.i, and nl tl .1 lr Iseing In Parnguainn ler-- Iriloxy. A eoi.ideiable force und. r I lies d

of Ibu ot Matlo lirosso hudli tl CiifUba.lo attempt thu e xpiiltlon o Ihe1'aitigiiiiyi.n-- i from Uie fort of Coruuiba, theonly (Kssluow hild by Ihl so withlu the prui-Itie-

Tlie s.iejwt from the seat of war In SouthernPaniguiy nil of no ho.tllliles beyond IhoUMial lu ten Inline of picket firing andean-noii'sellu-

This balloon iiscentloi.s tun o al-ter ily rrudereil lmmtuni Inlormallon.

The dhatlictcd Argentine provinces stillrAiilret the prt enco ot Iho ge iitlne troopsvent Ihliher. Itloju waa scoured by Mindt of

, and Un ollnrs ivcru lu atlstc ofmure or li is aturihy.

PANAMA.More Itcssleillonary Trauble. Ksrorlrd.)The iteatnthlp Henry Chaunccy arrlied nt

Ihli ort yciterday morning from Aipluwall,wllh mall aud passenger fi urn California,and 11,103,322 In treasure.

tThe Panama UtraU tayi iA party of reckless revolutionary charao'

era stnonir whom (lirnrc nrnmlucullv lUo

0-- lJ VV J lUlll,')noli 1 Lconar.U Cslancha, whoh.n been debarred rrom the State for overIwu years past, and waa only permitted,thronih the clemency of (Ieneral Olirte. toreturn some ten days ago, have been makinga itupid attemtit lo get up a revolution for .

, thu p irsrsso or overthrowing the existinggovernment and placing themselves In pow-- 1er, rromyfiatwecanleirn of Uie affair, Itcctna (hat n conspiracy wa Inaugurated to I

make (Ieneral llutlerrea virtually Prc'ld'nt if Ihe Republic, and now In this dty, pris-

oner. iiet tho government of O-- n. Olarte, I

TnsUlI the rriolullotilsti Instead, nnd declsrchi aiorof Oen. Moso,iicri now Imptisoueel 'th BognU on a charge of high treason. !

Tar nicely laid plan wa to have beencarried Into etfect on the night ct the 21st ,

liifsit, but the authorities haling asharp kKikotit or the sucphlou characters icouui'i'trsl with ho plot became coirnlant nftbcficttand niietlv nlppel the tnovemcntIn the bti-f- , hy arrirUng tho cMef ringleaders,nsnsl'thiL' of the noted Calancbn, ManuelIiinda. f tie llesa. IXevan Catanoya.ilCsjt Isln ,xx and several cHhera. The ,sclirmo waa divulgeil by a mlllury officerihrsui the nrrolutlonar party hid attempt-- tti buy ov-- r. Stiflle.Vut eitdersce or tlie I

or the rtlesi un.Vr arrest ha. weliam, been nbttdnsM In durnmenu (mnd In I

Ihslr isossrwslou. The authorities are stillactively engaged in hunt up the balance ofthe cm'Tilrators, til or whim we bops, to lsee spstcdlly arrrslrl and c.tpclicd froa theStale.

The rlrsoner Isiu, which arrlrcl attwv the 20th Inst., fiam Old

rr.sor'ji havlnirspokrii the Amerlra--lrk tiotuil tntm tsNew York near there on the InstantThe Mngd.vkn luul beet, ttnick Is ilsjlilnlngon ltd Inst tnd her rlctng and" teveral uflerrsp.irs. tl.tnr.geil. All hand iwi Muni,ivaceptlug th- - mate, were down vtiu tick-ns- s.


California.TH lk.r ;vstlsi tarsawrrane'ss.Tlsit .'eeissn.4 Ihtfil, the .tslcf adlfsnitc

ln San FritnclscveM'the eight War sy-y- m,

lays In- Ha Issue ufVuly Jltt ,

"Up to the present time tl.etght-1i-n- r(Tileiit m working trs a chirm. Employers''7 Rd'crallj- - have aespilejici'd Ic It, and isss

I hlr rrnincta are tasei uimsii tho iw onlcfno hard'tlp Is cxps rlt naai by thcA from Its, enl.ircetrt.iit, It lensstabli', fuittsnmore,

lhat tha rrnmunt of ,mrH .rforind varle!biit serrhcMe If anj' Peons the amnnt

uiitKrths' old (ystem, a fact 'tv r6sr by nf lav

i tnd vigor which.the UtM respite n,m ,Klr Intts1Us thsv jaiyalcil forces. II wtm feaml, i few

weeks jluce, lhat the revolution In time,Mntight aljiat by tho oarpvnlers, tonrtlei

liJurt'isR to thi Imde, ami wouldlorce mi y tit n out u ctntiliiyment. thoconlrary, linwerser, I tin Sevrrnl e!iy!(hie. lhi.rvat-rr,i,- the Ismka of the lai-u- e

loinii seventy mines of carpenters wlthoUwink. All lilt awi of tl at iisuiiImt are g

(ltii.tinnv and in a dais Hum'swill not on'ybeool a (It re Hie cariwpiitirIn town, bit tl'large ii'iisi'serisf I'liproiruients now i nsti-- way nnd aMstit In ! coinnirncesl will prol.'stily leavt the elly with atpancliy or llUrl.sMof u,hsnlcll.,

The above aoeount Is thai referred to by '

tlie Sicrainento-Wee- , Aug. !d, which favorstlus and Is Kvleknlly as

Id 'evi dill, uu of success as hisepisonent t

! U'lcnlay ws --sled wh-- t tht MnntrSild eonci'iiilmr hn cluht-hoi- ytein lu Han

(rauiltco, aud we perceive tltsu lite Ten-ho-

Araexlathtv held tt imeilng there onluiwlay night. A report ua'iurscutieirrouitlie Ppcelnl ConimltUc or Flo apt.luted to

I wait uisn the ce ntracttira ai d mill men of'the illy. Tliolaitftr stated that all, with thexci plloii ol one Ann, wrre let tuvor of tho

i ?.'1,.,'.',"lr "loveui avt. Il wsu fuiiher atatedUial Iho conttacturs would istopt the tdani .l,'.'',r,V' llin I''t cngigetucnts werei tiiiniicit,I A ge neral dlseuetlnn took place a lo the

niiasiiiis In be takssti In currying mil tho nh-J- e. nl thu Assoelatluii. Duo gevillemaii de- -i

elared Unit theilgM hour movement startedwrong) It was confined lo the city of San

j Fneiiel.cei, and trial In his futnrt, transoc-- Itlont bo would refuse cmpioymi.nt lo anyI b'l '"en who wero willing to work a reason-afsl- o

numlHTof he ars fur a. reasonable andJust c.mscnatloii. If the extendeda over the Htate, and all inrii wero trcntcelalike, the s.vsti m niltrht Ih iM,.rilng of

i and hu prs dieted thai lu less thsonine months il heallhy und Just conillll.m ofsllalrs would exist, by which wotkiuiii, ts

nud conlrac.ois wemld all slund onterms of adranUi;! towaids one'

tin, Uu r.Another cmplover exprevft the opinion

lhat In his celtsbllshuu'iit le w than it uionthwould (co the cud or Uio eight-hou- r sj'slein.A few or tlie trade wero urgaiilrnl un ulining foiinilatlon, and If some niemlicis ofIbu Association wen' lit take iltclslie steps at Ienicc, tho lesult woi.kl he Injurious to thdrbullies. It might I Ihe means of proient-- 1

lug Ihcm roiu cinyUig out contnicUthey weie plulgcal to pcrfonn, Whcothey wero reaely to act, menwho cuuld Im obtnlard without j',

would lako Iho place of mechanicswho entertained unreasonable views aattuIhu trillions exLatlnje master Wjsk-me- n

and employees.It appeared Hull In numernui places !ri theelly ten-ho- mechanics worked cm the same

buildings lu harmony with eight-hou- r men tbut thero won no disposition to comtsal thedt'trrniliintlon that su soon as suitable me-e- h

inlcs of Uio former class were I'c'aiad, thelatti r would. Im discharged.

Kllllao- - olslsaf.susa al Ike Itrll sU ,ro4rra-- .Ab harlt ne s,arj,

Tho I.llt IlrltUh wolf, with her cubs, wasnot klllud till alsiut iho year liOek Thlacu nt took i'laco ou the coast of iuUtrrlatid,ami wit attended with some rcnarkablo

la consi'ipicnca c C mmo ruvnges uiuomr the docks, tho Inhal IhuvU turneilout In a body tor thu purjuseu e.L discovering.the ilciprteLitear, Having lulled in the attempta man or Ihu name or Poison, aecompiiilc Iby bis sou and nil active Irrlcboy,lo Kiarc.lL th wild reces.cs In Uiu iiilghlMii-- .Uirhciod of (ihu Loih.

Poison wai uu ohl hunt- s- imt bul tp'ichexprluiir In tracing and ilustrovlng wolvcaouilolhtr predatory auluuii. Formliv: hiown coojtctuies, ho procea.lial lis Ihu wild ,

and ritggi el ground Hint imeiinels Iho rocky '

tuiiiintilu gitllj', whkh fo ma Iho cbauuil of11, c iluru oi Mlcdalo.

Hit a, alter u luluuto IxTtattlgatlon. he dls.onvirvd a itartow In liio uiadsl of aesiuCiiMtl m isn of Inigianitarj' roi is, whichniHi exanilnatlon ho Itutal noma to thinknJtrhl lend In a lirgir opening or OtiiiTn, beVtw is hi. It tltu wolf might iif.5 athhden.tltoiiei were thrown down, nntt ol he i meiusrerorled to, to arouse anv anlual ihst mightbolinklng within. Nothing formljiblo n- -Iearing, the two lad contrrted to sipieezc

tliimsehca through Uie fijssure, lint tl.eyliilnht fxanilnn the Inler'a.r, while Poisonkept guard on tloo nut-lil- I

Tho boys Uirotigli Iho narrnw,sisagt: Into a .mall eamn wdilch was evi

deiilly a w oil's ilen, lor the ground wa cov '

creel tsllli Mims and tjorns of animal, fa:,Ihcrs and egshtilsi and the dark (pace wjassomewhat tullieuee) by lw or tlx ailliowolf-cub- Somewftat alatrneil nt (itch ailhcoierv the ikj Ikij-- s Informed PoUio, ofwhat Uu r found. Hu nt onre told Hi m todestroy the ctilu Ihu beat way they could,foon alter, be beard Iho fublu howliiig ofIhu whtlps at thoy wire attacked le'ow, andi.iw almost at the aame luttant, to hi greathorror, u n wolf, cildemly the r,

riiglng lutlotijly at the eilei id heryoung, mid now clo-- itmn the mouth ofIho cavern, which sho hid appiouhod

omoug the rocky Irrigtilerlile'S iftho place.hhe attempted to down al one loiiuil

from Ihe spot where the wu III tl teen. Inthis fincrgeticy Pohou Ihrcw liiui.cli foiwardou the wolf, and succeeded lu ciuhlu,' a tlrinh I of her long und lull, lu-- i

srl of the boely was within ihe uainovrniiecoflho cavern. Ilo bad unluckily

pUced hi gun sgilntt a rock when atl-tlu- g

Ihu bovs lo deM'tud, nnd'he ciuihl U"t h It, uor make e ol it If he cmlil.

Without ipprltlng the Uds ul th. Ir Imml-ne-

peril, the stout hunlir kept a llrm erlpof Uio wolf's tall, which hr wound i Ibislell aim i and although Die maddened bruteicrambhal and twitted, and itioret with allher might lo lorce herself down to tha res-c-

ul li.-- otib, Poison ws.i Ju.i abb-- , wllh I

Iliccu'iUoiieilallhlsstreyeih. to kii',s hir

fmm flown. In the midst of this das'pilar (tnigj-Ic- s, which saascd lu sllcmee -f- otjIbe wotr rriaf mntc, and the hinleraMrth from tbe eugroricd mlnre ol .jhit exertion! and Troto an Bowllllna--.neM to ilann thtf 6oy, polic net n worst ilattbeUtnnfDgofhiaconflli-hUisonwIi-a f(In the scare. flDdlnff the light extludesj '!from abore, uked In Oartlc, tid In an abr-- p! itone, "Father, wiltUeUfkenInJTtlOlVI, ; ITo which the iscrplexrd FoVoti replied, latone oulteaa abrupt, ''If the resot ofthe (ssS v

tTcak, thy hwd wUI toon auiow'wlUtUelat-t- . 'ctilng the hole." , 'A t4t"l'.rf 9tr"BTl rolaotto get of lil hunting knife, and tttibbii iltc ,'ro,L'n "s ll,0", "bis Trt her csMlsi

reach. The enraged animal now atteoiitesl fto ttirri and face her foci but He hole vymsjtoo narrow 16 allow of this t and when Pei.awir hi danger he sajinseteti her forward,kerplug her hmmed In while be repeated hhlttatrs rapidly as be could, until tha animal. ' )

.elrlr; morUllywouudecL ti esully dtsgrosj jhick srrd flnlshctt,



ratsnu uTsauait us aoTissok tFor sery Insertion of hn t line or Um.,,..mrm 'ror st ery xlra line or part of line.. .) cat -

O 1'Mr Adrsrvysementii will Ot Inseried In open s

style, or In Issued irp, also an snssdtsfsnuternerjsj, .,1 notices at roponntnaiJi",.tSrryt'B"i'" Ppllcallon at the oOem ,ttr-at- a words arsooualed aa foer llnttsk

SL'l sstrn wurds tot sachllns mors than tnt. .Z

The iV. . AW.wtttm Vmm I-- l ad tks tcrstasofs! tyoafs--s ;a a af WllUaat. ' ICoroner IiVcton, of Xainslngbnrgh, on Ba jortay afternoon, ys tfie Tro niaVs, ot- - I

elssted the etsnlnatlon Into Jces-- tho death of C.irotfwe llutWefi'teW fbort-- Tlctltn, ilo wm foohd hi a dylavsjfiMn,lSrm In the tret of lhat rtTIage. Oa icir UtlUm. one if the parties Implicates 1In fie twgwly, maelsr a full cifeslon, bt I irwltl h in swore dlsihttly that Mrs. Warn 1 ,prod.n-ei- ! the abortion In her ovrt house ka "l tihU city, sad thai CarcJn waa taken thara Itor thai nurisose. Mr. Wager wu M 1ricelve ti.s sum of fifty dollars for Iks) 1operation; aid upon tbks she lui btmu M 'ld tlO. U lllltms elrksned the entlssj mprfKredlng Ir the case with a clrcumttaatlatV 1,11 that learn ito doubt whatever In resnsnf I(o Mr. Waret'i guilt, but which from Ua 1very nalnre li-- nnflt for puMlcatlon. Mrs, 1iai;rr lufonnrsf wliuess on tirdar- - BlsTM 1

, last that It had hern a dUOeult'eaiio to nuas- 1Jge, boi that Ctrollne waa t!n all rlghf. 1.Mrs. Wter Informed witness In' one Of best l"convemtkms that shechargssl tllM tnTtmrnm 1case. .Mrs. WsgsT and Jitha Jleury, tlkf 1

Pr l.lcn the frirl hi the atrecbiof Laa JInghurghio die. vt--rr also placed upflh tskf II

stand, but tinder IfCyucllona cf contx 'i !

tl reflusil lo tsltwrr any ernes Uoaaa I

on Iho ginttnd tint any evldcnee the .!might give wimld Imd to criminate thesa. Iselves and tirg Ihelr name Into Infamy aott 1oUipraco. Ollkrr llurlbnrt waa alsoawona,and Icsilficl tVit John Henry at first ik'nleslilat the girl CVmllne irutitnrd bad been suaInmate of Mrs Wager" house, but that hsr isubsequently ad kilttul ttsel he carried her ItLaoelnburvh. Otlccr II. tosstlAtd that he hast Iarroled Mns. Y tne times prrvlously uposa ,the charge of else nliin. Hkr honso liaa thareputaiUsu of ,belatj kept for that ptirpoaa.At tit-- conelualon ri hi tutlmonv, tho Juryrendi"red a verdict .that Caroline Ilublma-- J

came to her eliuth from ihstrwrnll nr Imt- - 'Ing an ahorthni pnrforitiod upon her pars.son. by Mrs. PsirueU M. Wearer; and thaisaid Mr. F M. Wager and -- ohn Henry arsguilty sif auurianghKror a qukk child. O.ear Williams wu iheuHtehl lu (be sum otl'.iswbstlllonpp'aral(etlry when called I

liimn.'HU father and brother furnished tbreiulreel bonds, and W.UIams won rrleMsLTho (Irvtd Jury meet The ewti wJInimi'dlately bo prc'colf t Its them, and anUsv.illrttnent will undotiblolfy le r.wmcl against) 'Iho ahortbsnlst nnd Iho man llemry. Bsamore Is at lost a prospect thai, the career oiMrs. Wagvr will be breiiight to a tcrmlnallc- -t.

' cau hurdly escatvo pu:slli(ueiit this lime.

Itn-- men Uio on Ihe average fhrry-t- JJ rr, but Ihii poor only tbtrty ycane. ' ,

llt-r- . Outlet r.a Smi'-en- i low sold Ms'uco lu make hatb mo al ashluglou. tt

Tur. ofchestiiiiu, wulnnts, aud baas 1

In ennont this season will be birrslimn any pn ceding season rar many jvari j '

TiiKOrand Jurj-a- t Vasln llie, Tern., ban'

Itxtlrlcd over a thousand enHit for drinks.Ing tier uu Suiiduj-- . Tho (iarmaut-- are la-- ,dUsant. j

A Waiisjh find.) paper narjea a boso baaflub lu that city the

Jcur-iuUH- Ua--o Ball Club." .

Afistn.t wns found finallng in the MUetst. ' '(lpd Rlrcr at Mt. Louis, Thur day The sinlr

cr In thi (trnntre craft was a colorman who looked aa If ba bad ijtH'U tins wcekat hoii.Uisj voj'age. F ;

f"llln,; sspotiso to her i""".,''!' going a (hoppln-o-d- ay

and want it llltle ehange' " Vfrlh- - Iho savage, "that woukl to ne ohaogoaa '

illi you go shopping eiery day," J

Tin; Boston Jourjml sa-- at "A lady aaAirtitoga having decided to return by thamiddle of Hepiember, has begun to (end hm I (

lnirgage by luttalmenta. Uh will Kcoiupaavr 1,

tho last car load i

Oik man wngercdunoUiedhat luthad oeeaa horse at a great sice.l and a dog jillllng on Id tall. The man waa right anil . Iwontbsimouej-- . Tho dag.wat aUtlng ou itestfis (inf. j

Iv iSouth Brooklyn, hoya flth for froga jthrough the sewer griUng at liio tinsel cor-ner-s.

Ignorance I bllja ul i tables wherathe ctught are served up. Tlie nn"lers artyable to any, truthfully, that lbs Ir Hues hava I

fallen In uuploasant aces.DiRISfi tho fete on the 15th. at MsrselUsa.


Francs', Madame Po'.tailu made a b.dluonei. . i(out, tail the wind etiddenly veering round, .(hn was blown out to tea, and only escaped! --'by means of a ica.cI which went out essprcssly after her. Tho Lullixin waa unlnJurcstU ' 1

Tut! Hctern Tre! fStng InienU mora r tl 'teitsatlnnsl Hems than that nf any part otltins Culled Btatea. Anew one, Just out alSt. lands. Is tha,t a buy there, who wM ', I"elrowneel" a (ew years ago. and tbea ' , .brought buck to life, hurt recently died andk I. 'tltice Im i n seen walk lag on Uie road. ' I

Dav, lbs Fuporlntendent of the Blnsfsf1

aainpton hut rUto Aylum, saya. In exinfutsstf -

tlcn of thu current skuidcr about tha PixtmIcurc nf druiikujinisNi among women, that la ifour month he h.vt had fuur eight appllca--sHons from vromort Air admls.,Iou. And thessreight wero mostly ilcUmi ok opium, antt,meistlj' fiinj Canada,

A rrw Jsj-- a since twenty-oe- n women oi ' , ,

Ridtlehl lows, itcfldol to a"iate the whiskey'saloon cf thut plaiT, and they did. Thewc ro arra,t,sl and tried before a Justice c4that ph. :c and aciultted. Subscouently theweren.rcstLd ugiln, and tnken twcnly-flT- !mllea be.loro another where Ibew e rei agsln aoiulttcd nlW Ihree days' trlaL

A (.LiitlA.N wemm or. Ihe (treat Has tentRoll cad, nl a I oint n. ji. d North Judson, 77milia Irom t lniiuiutl. white on a (ratauh ch wm tr. inn iwi aty miles per hour, ra.rui lly threw her Is. ay om of tho nir win-- ' t t

ill.t, anil then jriapcd out lierselt, Iiea4 - Jllr-i- . Both tell u)vu .oil ipols, sjd wera ' I

HUU'JIl.iil. J

A visr-i- ii lady wss neirlv kllUd by hsrtii ale Itall a lew days since, (the wis trea 'lor some pnrtt.c nr nihor, anil In a'.teinpllnpIn doccitd, the knob nn tho back of her tioasjc night upon , limb. Tb commi.tid idle pre ilone o of mlnJ of her mala atW'udant savedUs.' lemlnltie Absalom, lie et'l the llen'.ureaitud iho lady, "ilropj eel." '

A reinnrjtpoxi rjtr of ihe Clnc)nnatl Ct,i. r,i',i, vrltlng Ilcrjuulo, , ajUut the. cholcr.1 has gone, .'.lul adde ; TharaIt ma. h talk lure iibout the unvarying suacos with wlildi a ynttug M, 1). trcubi

luiccllsg tnipl.utic u:Id latatlulr velus. IK haj never tost ncaj-- i. Oithr'y on it ln,lc plautatlon, bo 'retutreicUni. ' to iiau tho 1 .ucfuagu uf mv lu..)i ustvot,

tvery dcill of Hum ' If ibis U so, oiwNoithcrn phy-- l ins may t il.c th. Tut wlla

I adviubs. to itcin 'He: aiidtlin. (wiietlts. i j

i.uit.u - tlsn. tVriiLcd ly a L udea I

L'.i'tlp aspect is eu:tiiiilicunUv aga- -I

.', hit step l,i, i.itipi. siiooabh' tt lok.u In

..till ua Lord P.tllls' ., bad lint liuttl hawa- - liunty tiai-old- l.s.u hi crl'Hy--

'twl.led rauii c a sln.ugei look ol' iii.uhrooisiii, Il ion iiiiei bun lu Iho lohay

with his, lat iKi.eiual prejueleeeaan-a- .in ng 411 Bat ,

this oiuii ol 1 time has she secret, tf set- -. ! ,'pciia! v.. li- la'id l''- .i iva like a '

fin oil fellow who could id; with the tsoyi - t lMi It like a gay uV, Aomms ,1s tVms4 I

i.oinh't, with wbe iniimtiedi.nihario woidahaw a ih nice, Ik hul'j,(,lul,toue, Lowe al.Mill, his newest hair, wlthhatu us fierce Mthat he tlili tlit'lltb'.a ngiintt hit old horror, '

Uu IMJg illiim.HitiMlllB'je.iuTvarlltaViasia " ,""

