the sun. (new york, ny) 1869-05-10 [p ]....!some nf nur tlow coiitcniiirnrlef, lintli niul...

4 TrTMllf''fTWlffllWff i m ii mm JSOWEnT THKATHU-Wh- o's to Win, anl El rirdcr. I Xiaunee on faturdav tM Monday. Jinil AVKNUK TIIEATIin-s- lh r. and Jltri li- lies Dragons de Vitlsra (the Hermit's lull). WALL.ACK'S itolterltoa'a beautiful comedy- -" Cast " Maimrt suttnrday. TBK TAJLixfANr-ltoblni- on Crnioe and lilt Man rnday, y Aft. MatinCeonSslnrdsv. I r.OOTII'S TIIEATtlK.CVI St. between Sib an 1 ft, art. f i Othetlo. Maunfe on Saturday. . OLTill'tC TllEATIlB-Ilunr- -ty rnmpty. Matinees at I ', MMiniin im Saturdays. ! KIKLO'D OAUPKN-ro- rtr Thlevci or. "fUrtklng OU'tn Tsmtty Jars." Matmr-eo- Batnrdsv. TUB COLISKUM-Itost- en, Jntc National IVare Jtbttre tad VrsHrtl Fctlvil. isew y ohk vi:u)ciruui: acadi:my- -i creihy at. Now open. JKW rwiK cincPJ. Uth si. cprswlte Aesleaivof Maue-IIM- ey's Japanese. WOOD'S MI'SEI'M, too ( nnot. R'ATrilLKV TIICATRC , hroslwar - Mirlsn.'a Crime, MslJy Ashore, (in I tci on l"rtr rrancsis. Usttnee Sstarair. MAMMlUlt niU.IAHI mAm.1llMKST ttl 10 5(5 WasMtsrtoa M, nrooklyu-Urs- nd cmnlnz Day, May n. NATIONAL ACAPKUr OK flKlliiN, Cot N4 at tail tlLST.-ABBi- isd Et hit. 'ion. , tH0AIWAT AND M.OOMK BTtir.KT -- Wonderful ' ltn ind Co. UOS PARK IIOTF.L Orsnd Opening Coticr-ft- . it Mss r.f km MONDAY. MAY 10. Terms (iMIir ftsm. Dsilt. pet ft ovs'l tlrcrlN rt trim ! per yrsr t 00 Tsn copies to onr astdrrts is i IWIIT Copses 10 one addicts a no Fifty retries io one sddrees M Oil Wzxilt, per year If Twenty e' k one edd. ess I" on copii tn one s t li cm "J so Addition! copies. In t lib packs. et, l ( u1) rales. riraut hl'trujlj In advance. I1 tSriSIKd HATH. rotnt roE. rr in s cents Three lines wordai or im 1s renin ! fiTCISL MOTtcSt, per lint 30 ends ' ItntjiEM .S'oticu. par .In 75 I.isnin Auraa-n-t tttSKTs charged oulj for tl.t tot eccnpsrd. 1 WrnLT-p- fr tin m ihoro 8i;x u wrroO lo uhpri'r l llmlr linmtt ll,e Mrlropolllaa hi i: ccnlt ptr (Till; (Jrdti. rr lb pi ptr rcuolmJ t Uw ii. (id., t of Kmii and I raukrort tu , or tl in; of Ilia HlIMllllJl. a, Tho Wrrkll nn ...Jl anVSr ooWHic! ..n nVirtiH"11"". JP!' ' liHtti I" i lltaii iniTniltr mrrnlTi. mrn wbwNt loraapn roHrili)- 'ininmrrt wip Pn.l tln4 rlltlon i.fTiit 'Mi .a'l.ih'.' medium. A Hh.liM nuiu of a Irr I imnll rnu tp I it w r.nlt per lint- 'In iDtarcinirrtion I'.cr nml tc lit-- It-- lu bfl.iro tu'i litck , on TanHlajr ct ti.iii I American A itrti t Ioiih for .rv Arriulfcl- - llllll. nf nur tlow coiitcniiirnrlef, lintli !Some niul Hi'iiuMii'nti, nro iiiiKtil to nil rapusiirvH Unit ti'iid tutvnnl of any of the Vit India lulniiJn nr nny jKjr-Ho- of tlu IlrHiali MiKSPittoiiK tu tliln t'liinn. I It to n war wllli I'uroK'an )jith Wu inlglit iiii'ol thiH HtinKfRtinn nt tlio out-ro- t by nnUiifr, wliat fiinilaini'iitnl llfilit nny nutimi Imyninl tlio Atlntitlo Iikh to object to nlliiinciD uliicli 'oo.ln ilvclllii)f on tlio Norlli Aiiicrlcnii run tliiunt niny con fit tu furiii nniiiiitr tlicni-Bolvc- or lo uucb i1Ifw;iIou of tlio Icrrllorlcn trlicrcon tliev r mUIo nn mitH llii-l- own It tvitH In rcimtllntioti ortbis tin pnit of (1 rout Drltnln, that our thirteen Colonic vn;il tint war of tlio ltovoliit'.on. The Aiiii'ricnn ilnctrinn on this Bulijict miib first irocbilmtil in tbn of liiiU'M'nib'iiri'. nml It rrmrtlttitci tlio IiusIh on which our OmHtltutlon rostH, nH well rut Hint whunim BtnmU nvcry (lovorn-men- t In tlio Wivlcrn Ui'iHiriilicra which hiui Uimwn oil' tho yoV.o of Kuriiii nn monnrchlcH. TuHtml by thin iriiiiorilln1 irliiciilii, tho f otinimcHH of which no t'!iutmi Aiucilcnn will iliHputo, neither Knclaml nor Hpiiln has tho ri,'ht to rulo nny niot in lliiH lit trilfjihoro for ono moinunt lunger tbnn tho innjorlty of tho liomu'liorn luhnbltniits thereof iluttim. Tho Hop of their llnft for n clnj:ht hiflnnt livyoiul iIiIh jhtIihI Ih n clear UHurM(ion which wnrrniitH nil nirinni,' of thu ho0o to lonr It down. Hut It limy bo mid thnt tblt In n very illf- itrciit (jut'elion from Hint of tbr nniit-xntio- to thin oouiitry of poitloiiH of tho Ilritii-l- i or Kpimlli provinces. Tins Is finely ooncctlwl ; nor Is it projKiKtvl to annex them unless by ptircliuw, or In pn.tliicnt of our cJiiIiiih, or by coiKjueHt In houornblo war, tint 11 their people bitvo ilirauilvftl their connection with foreign rulers, nnd oxprcrtmil n wlbh to unite with this republic. This ouiioeHiinn, however, docs not inipnir tho right nml duty of our people to estend tholr iictivu sympathies to thu bi.ive Culmns who nro struiriflintf to enct oil' the chains of n foreign dusiiotism ; nor, tmbs our just claims mo otherwleo ndjustixl, will it pre- vent our (loveriiment nt mnio favonible period in thu futuro from tiikine; mi much of tho Ililtlsh dominions lying nonr us ns blndl bo tieodlul to Inpiiduto our l de-- , innnils. Tho dcslro to cxtrnd our jurisdiction nil around us is mi Inborn mid home bred nspi-rntio- of tbo American mind. It uchieved Its first triumph in tho ncqulbllbm of lmUl snit by Ji;i'ri:iiM).N moro than tlxty years ngo. 'J'ho innrch of empire then moved on- ward with unbroken step till it was nrrostod by tbo sectional jenlousies that sprung from tho (Slavery controversy. That controversy having now dimppinred forever from tho field, tho line of march is nmnn resumed, mid f that party or faction which attempts to cross i Its pulh will bo truinpUd down by the nd s vauclng column. v tVho Ouclit to Itnlo this City t Tho Tri-'mi- bus bouu lor u lung timn n f warm advocate of thu plan of governing this city through thu rgency of tho Htuto l.egs-luturo- . According to Its habitual liuigniig , k tho innjority of our local juliticians nro thioves nnd rntcnls, our cltirons nre ono hull fools unil tho other half villains, nnd tho only potelblo wny of preserving us from tho doom of Sodom and Oomorrah is to take our bfl'alrs nut of our hands and place them lu I charge of tho lawmakers who are annually Bont to Albany from tho purer portions of tho I State. How these latter gentlemen have J , performed tho tatk thus Iiiiqkx1 upon them, I J wo all Know only too well. They hnvo cro- - I. , nUd conimlsfaluns fur tho mnnngi mi nt of our jiolico, our fio department, our ttreets, our vrharvej) tind piers, our almshouses, nml ovtrythlng cIbo of that sort that they could "lay hold cf ; nnd wo bollovo they havo even harbored tho glgautlc prtjtct of abolishing v ull our electivo ofllccs, nnd appointing one ulnglo commission over us instend. Now, wo could stand this sort of thing tol ' )rably woll, If wo could bo euro funt our AI bony rulers were as superior to tho native thu habit of rfprcfentlnr; them to bo. But jndglng frotnsoinr things In tho Into editions of that paper, there Is ronsidrrnhlo doubt on this point, to say tho least. On Saturday, the first paragraph nt tho top of tho second column of Its ctlitnrinl pugo was this: "Ttiflilllismenillnir Ihf lOrhtry hvtn.l priirlj-In- s tifrijniiiilt ni;liiil imtaralizallnn frauil, tj tnino tlntntr- rpfclca of nnfplcJ gooil ;nfk, tncconfol. ft rn tlio Mantlet of the nnal AtrnnUv jeurtnf, nd litto torn? lo the (Joternnr," Imintxllntely after It enmo this: "Tholtifor rrtslr nn the mnnlii tlirmM have been related at tent two mllllnnt. II bat liws a bare tvro liandrM llmnand itoltam. ' la fraud only ihwhI In thnratitr lit that pfrftlnM IMimornlng lj Ih AmnMy on our tWj nml coun'y lertM." A little lower down In the name column we rend ns follows- " lit UHeartral)fli4 Tammany Viintt at Albany lttttniay, rnetnori t for tba rollofof our otrr.croftil eil atrreta trr, of cosric, tlauililcred." In tho nnxt colnmn vran n long doublo-li-sde- pnragrnph with thoso words: Tho brlbf rs nnd tho bribed lisvc won their grcntt st victory nt Albany;" nnd closing thus: N tf tVH cart U lugil ntul toi.1 In Albany for try rift trofl., (or IMrly-ft- t hundrtl OMari ojntet, ,e promlit tt it thr-l- r infamjr ahall nut ilia will, Mark tl.r ntmet Wow of HrpvUleani ho, on ot of Hi tftt o, nnlti-- Willi thu UcuiocraUlb tlilt Ttmmtnjr robbery I" Similar cholco tlowurs of rhetoric have loen npponring from time to tinio In tho 7Wfcnr for tevcrnl days, find tho tjuoslitm naturally rrnggsslH Itself: What has been gained by transferring tho city government to Albsuy? If wo nro to In roblxxl nnd plundered any wny, why not l:rop tho Meal- ing to In divided here, Instead of scattering 1 belli abroad to corrupt the rural districts t Sermusly, it la plnl.i from tho Tribunt'ii own confession thnt Itn prt plan affords no gnnranteu against dii.honcsly, nnd that tho sooner we rosturo to our citizens tho control of their own ufliilm, thu pooncr Wo phnll be nblo to put some ),lnd of thnek ujion tho and miamanngoment under whlrh tto now groan. New it... iCwTnl " Mr. Young. We stinted nut on Nnttirdrty thnt there wns no nitesslty to oblige tho Trihune to part with its Managing I'lltor on nccount of his lielrnynl ot his trust in furnishing tho iiuh belonging to tho Associated I'nss to ono of his two daily pnjiers In Philadelphia. Wo shouiil that tho rules ol tho Associntlon did not absolutely reipiiro thu dismissal of Mr. Yoi'No, or nnytlilng moro than that hit should ho reprimanded. In volunteering to tin this tbut bin own eouiisel had not dune, and something, wo daro say, whlrh bad never ntcurrod oven to tho Tri- bune men tin mcelves wo think wo evinced a generous nnd forgiving disposition townrd tho young limn who hud been misappropri- ating our properly. Wo showed how ho might remain the practical head tho Man-ngin- I'iblor of n grent and leading dally journal, devoted mainly to tho Inculcation of moral Idei.s. We felt proud of our plan, be. cnuso we llattercd ourselves that It wns origi- nal and unlcjuo. It seemed to us a happy thought, bccatiso If, upon experiment, Mr. Younii should bo found to havo abandoned his practlco of betraying his trust, tho same great journal which advocates moral reform would hnvo In the enro of Its Managing lvll-tn- r a conspicuous Illustration of tlio of reforuuitlou. Wo regret to find thnt a further Investiga- tion of the enso leaven but littlu hope that our plan can 1k adopted. It Is only for tho first oll'cuco that the rules of the Associated I'ress provide that tho culprit mny bo h t oh" with n reprimand ; and It Is charged that Mr. Yol'No's have been numerous. When first delected, ho undertook to bam-IkhiI- .Mr. KlMii.NTO.v, tho agent of tbo Asso- ciation, by lesnrting to various subterfuges, and Iieptonolloudlng. Korthos'vondollenco thcro Is no alteruativo punishment; tho rules are peremptory, nnd require tho dlsmis- - sal of tho oil'endcr. Wo sco no way, there- fore, that Mr. Youmi can remain tho Man- aging ICdltorof tho 7Woi(nc, nnd tho Tribune remain a partner of tho Assoclnled l'rcss. Will tho Tribune withdraw from the Association fur tho bul.e of retaining Mr. Youmi Wo aro not sure that It will not. Mr. Youmi bus evinced a good ileal of newspa- per talent in his ability to conduct three dally papers two in 1'hiladelphla and ono in New York at tho sumo timu. His extreme youth only "7 Is n strong point hi his fa- vor, boeauo It renders It probable that ho will bo ublo to pcro as Mnnnging Editor many years longer. Tho Tribune has adopted the plan nt least in tho ciisu of Mr. (Jiii:i:i.i:y of Insuring tho lives of ItH prin- cipal men, fur n largo sum, for tho benefit of Its stockholders. Mr.'s life could bo permanently Insured now at n much lower rut' than n much older man's. Then If tho TrViune should withdraw from tho Associated I'rees, there would Im no dan-gcro- f Mr. Younu'b ever again misappropria- ting tho noun of tho Association, because ho would not havo it to misappropriate. If tho Tribune people should still bo afraid of his mis- appropriating their ow n news, might they not nvold this danger by uniting his two Phila- delphia jmpers with their own, and having all threo published by ono concern V To guard ngaliikt tho danger ol Mr. Youmi'h prlvatily offering the Influence of tho Tribune fur sale, it might Ikj publicly offered in nn advertisement, by tho Tribune itself, with directions to upply to some other limn In the olllcit. licn If it should cost tho TrUmne two hundred thousand dollars per annum to get Its news Independently of the Associated I'ress, it would bo practicable to snvo that amount by cutting oil unnecessary outbids mudo under Mr. Younu's editorship, when thu ran up to a million dollars in n single year. A monkey cannot Imltato a man better than Mr. Imitates Mr. Ur.r.i:i.i's stylo of coiiipos.t'oiij mid there Is no likeli- hood that tho Tribune can ever jet any one i lse to do It no well. Aa to Mr. You.Mi's charge ngnlnst Mr. that ho Is nn old fogy, why docs not Mr. HiKCX.Mit suo him for libel? Or If ho doesn't want to do that, let him publish a curd denying that ho Is an old fogy, Kvcryhody will licl ova him. If Mr. should bo compelled finally to retlro from the Tribune, ivo consolo our- selves with tho reflection that ho will hnvo tho hundred thouxand dollars If ho gets it for Which ho has Sued Tun HrN, to llvn on, besides his two daily papers In Philadelphia. Wo hnve now done nil that we ran think ol to keep Mr. Ynt ro li tho TiPmnt. If Mr. Onr.Ki.r.V deems It inconsistent with his own reputation to remain if Mr. Yol'jja does, why he can himself withdraw, boronm tho Cage of Ohsppaipjn, and when not represent- ing his country at somo foreign Court, wrlto owr ,"iil article, over his own signature, fur the ei Itimns of Titr. SrN nd for n nders na niiiii'-roii- ns tho sands on the shores of tho pen. Tho Trenton .SUile (htittlt publishes a very inrnn nttnek on the Hon. Ilantrs (liieiinr, going k fir h to Tine Hrs for holding him up fr public uflic. The Itepubllcnn Ocnsral Committee, which biibU its seiilons nt tbo corner of HromlvrKj ami THcnly.-eon- d strut, under tbo l''reldencT of '.lie Hon. J. V. CmiiLiv, li lalwrlng to promnts unity in the party In a way that can hardly fail to provo ttrj cOoetiinl. On Tl.tirmlny lat it do. (laircly icfuacd lo ctitertnln a propoaitlon for a icor(titlz.iiiini cf tbs Ward ", nnd lliq election of a new (iun-cr- Commlllco repreaenting etery rrcllon of llepiibiiesniare. N Jl It procerdnl to deter-m- i i io ciwcs of ciintc i d tl 'diuD to Iti own hi ten dlnti'Ha (.f the city. cnoa have been pcnlint tinea hut autumn, bating been Leit open until nmr in ordir that tlio In I lie Home, i' Oflii-c- , nml Interna! Kctrnne ofliccs mii(lit bo completed beforo lli"V settled. With to aerrn cf ll.c-- o trn tl.t action nt aboil, sharp, nnd Tbo tpei-li- l ciiinmillee wbicli bad been n pointed to lnrostlle llicm leeoinnirnded that II o tUim of tlio coutcilnnl aliould bo rtjeclod, anj that Dm silting members aliould he declatod entitled to llielr seats, Tblt was adnptod liy a l.anJtomo majority, the tilling mmber.i In qiirtion, tomo forty In number, nil niiAnlmonaly rulinj; to retain llielr placet. Hi opportunity waa siren the con. tcttanta to defend tbeir ilaiin. In tho reiiubiing tlirce diatricta the sitling tnembera were oil outateil, nnd m order wu ndupled fur a new ".7nii i of Hie dulrlct a- t- ocititj ;nf," Among tlio gentlemen tlitit expolled wers nirti men at Nontit SrATio", Senator l.iiMOtsn, Cimncllman 1'ili.mim, and StMi'ti. OaxTsriL. Hie reaton for turning them out aei iiird to be that in point oi opinion ami piefercucca they Here not antirily In unison ttilb the liiajniily nf tliit (leneral Cuiiiinillcc. At tliit mle II will In- - to teemo entire iinaulniily cf fee ling In the (li neral I'ommitlee, but tbo gtrrngUi of Hie patty in tin city will bo dimliiitlii'd. We remember when (lie pollrj of tbo Masaarhuvtta Hrniocinls not lo keep tin ir partr nt tmnll at praetienble, in order thai there iiiiglil bo fetter men In bold the 1'eiU'ial ofTiret in tlio H lute. It loiAs at tlioiij;li the Tnenly-tcc- i nil alreol llepublieniia tteru ilbpotvd to adopt n timi. line of action. Tho Cincinnati Untitle denim that It Jiiiin lli'sari.1 Yne.vo on tlio immornl ground Unit it It right to ilcfuiiil the Astiiciuted I 'rem. Tliit it cnditnble to that otlieittise unprincipled pnper. Although tho formal completion of tho I'licidu llnilroml did not take jilurc on Saturday, atlia.l lii-r- cipccteil, lull wat Dotlponcd till to- day, tlio celebration of tho crrnt in serernl placet trat not on that account delayed. At Spring, field, Matt., tlio entire forcu of workmen of JUnos'a car manufactory formed a procestlon, headed by the Armory band and accompanied by tbo Union Ilattery, and marched from tlio sbopa of tlio Company through the principal alrectt of llio r'lly, cadi man bearing aome ton) or Imple- ment of bit trade. Tluro wero alto baiiuera bearing "Our cart unlto tho Atlantic ami " Four hundred car buildtrj celebrnto the opening uf tho 1'ueiflo llailroad ;" " l'or Han l'rnnciteo, connecting with ferry to China," Ac. At riiiUilclplint, fltigH neio ditplared from both public and privuto bulldingt, nnd the Commercial nchniigu aeut a congratulatory dot. patch by telegraph to tho Hercliunla' exchange of Son l'rnnciteo. , furtunately, the nevta of tbo poitponement nnt received in time to pro- ven! tho Intended solemnities. y at noon, bottcTcr, the Chamber of Commerce will send its congratulations to Son l'rnnciteo, oml at 1 lAlnck tlio services appointed fur Saturday wilt bo held at Trinity Church. Many of tho nowspapers nre praising MnJ.-(lt-n- . lliiittt WALniiiiuii en occasion uf liit as Comuiiiisinncr uf tho l'acillo Hall-roa- They say, what they think and feel, that the (leneral it a very mnait man and n very good fellow. Wo tlnill nntdUpulo tlieni but there la ono thing for width ho can never forgive (len, WALtinmur. It wna through hit meant Unit the Hon. Homes (Incr.Lsr lust the appointment of Minister to llngbiiid. Among the fashionable Intelligence In thnt ttcll-liif- i rined and accurate journal, Iforper'i liiair, we fiud tbo following interesting state- ment : "Tlio lords oro becoming moro aprrccla- - tlto of American beauty und cletcioest. A few da) 8 since Hie Iter. Ur. Auiut'a church, Madlton square, wat crowded with tlio beauty, weallb, and worth of tint 'Koildng'to Wear' renlun, lo witness tho ntip-tlal- of Mr Miui.T, son of Lord JIaciiy, and nephew of the IJuke of ALTiiont', and Hll SUlus (latl.iT, a charming and accoinplltlied lady, well known lu the higher circles of New York soclity." This may be all light, and wo sincerely trust it is; but, luifuitiiiiiitily, n careful search through the must authentic records of tho llritish peerage shows that thcro is no Lord iUrnr and no Duko of Altiiubp in ull the United Kingdem. How then can tho marriage uf a relative uf tliojo noblcuicu bo taken as prut Ing that tho Appreciation of lhigllsh lords fur the beauty and wit of American women It un the increase f Twelve years ngo no horse cars wero al- lowed to rim on Sundaya in llrouktyu. Tboiroik-le- g people were dlssatislled, and began an aglta. tiou which resulted in a repeal uf the odious law. Threo yeart ago no street cars wero run In I'ldla-dclphi- un tnimlaya. Tlio workingmcn insisted on n change, and tho wealthy church members strenuoiuly upheld tho restriction. So bitter was the fight that It was finally carried Into tho Penn- sylvania legislature, whcio a law was pasted which swept owuy tho last murk of higutry, and gave tho working classes tho i cliff they desired. In lew of these precedents, wo can baldly for tho bitter war now beluj,' ttagod uter this matter in Newark, N. J. Newurk is ono of tho first manufacturing citica in tlio United Flairs. A vust majority of Ita Inhabitants nro libeling inon, u largo pcrcvnliigo of whom aro Ocrmiins. They eornestly dctliv Irmelllng fucll-itic- s on Kuuday, but thus far their wishes havo been disregarded, Tho rulh-oiu- l companies aro milium (o comply with tlu-i- withes, but nro burred out by n municipal ordinance forbidding the running nf cars on the Sabbalh, Tbo church, goers, especially thuto owning horses and car-- I logos, seem bitterly opposed to the repeal of th law. Wo moy except tho Jews and Hcvcuth-iln- llupllits, who probably favor tho working classet, Tho agitation has raged in Netrt-r- for sumo twoycars. Now, lijdit Is duwiilng. The Common Council has steadily refused to repeal tho lawj but un 1'iiduy evening last tho Hoard of Alder- men, bv a truto of IS tu 11, passed a rosolutiou re- turning the repealing ordinance- - to a Committee, with lustructiuua to add a section submitting f tho question to the people. Whether or not not this section eventually ptsse the Newark Com- mon Council, the time cannot bo far distant when New Jersey will follow tbo lead of New York and Pennsylvania in wiping out this rcttlge of religious Intolerance. Meanwhile, wc call upon the editors iif the wlde-nnuk- XttcarL Courier tnd kindred sheets to vigorously ttrhold the demandj of the Industrial community on this subject. 'When the atrolmen of tho Mctrojiolitan Pollco petitioned for an Increase of their salarlct, tho Commliiiotiera set Ihclr faces ngalnt the menj nnd when tlio sergeants, captains, and In- spectors held a meeting to urge the Legislature to Incrcato their salaries, the proceeding trot disapproved by (leneral Older. The Leglilatiirit having increased the annual salaries of I he Police ('immltsloncrt to tli.M"1 1 each, will the Hoard disapprove Ihelr action t -- MfA.M;.vr.i. I'liiLntnuotic Cokcsrt. Tin Philharmonic HocJtty made amends for I'jo remarkably bad con- cert that It gave four weeks sii by tbr remarkahl) good one of last ctenlnj. We do rot remember any more thoroughly Interettlng programme- - It was blessed by ll e most r.,rlnnnle abtiueo of any works by Lltztor any of kit bret'iern of lliomtd tihoul or miwlclsnt, Tho Interest centrad In a wotk of a kind thst ta seldom heard la our eon .;rl litll-t- . Mr. V. Iwln llocitli rnnl llyron't trtjtc rwm " Manlreil," to which Schumann eutnposd the Incidental ami descriptive music, ai.Mendlaohn hat to the " Nlght'a Dream." It was a most rar ami hippy comhlntilon or the Intellrrtnal and l pint oil fitments. C.icli aided In the perfect comprrhf nilon of the ntl.f r. Tilt mutk wove about evsry line of the pomu an eiqnislle of tune lh-i- t with eunanramaU art developed and Intentiflei the author's mnanlnir, while the poem In Ita turn gate form and purpose U the maMclan's delicate fsnelrs, and lnru-r- d life and meaning InU bit untuh.lanlUI ihoulit. tr. lkiolli rtw.l with most an.itle and reAned aporeclatiua of the poem. Ills eloeullnn never teemed more clear and at hour- ly. Tho of hit volio wcreaweitaad mntlcal, and In brtullriil aeeord with tho ntooBipanr-lu- g orchestral liarmunlet. The dramsUe purls wero read with Intense feeling and eaprtsion, and with yet never for an Instnnl hecmn Ing extravaxni t or forgetful of tin mt "3; !" -- I"' '1 at the rcaillnje'-i- k and le.t upon the sUije. He wia listened to with Interne. Interest by the large so Atnnnz themwrre rasny of the eiergy, u"on whom thelessnn in cl .rali.iii llut they reixived 1. Ill, we hne, not be alloettier thrown away. Wood's TiiXAvsr.. Oii rluturday tli first perfiirmanc of a most spirited hurleriiuo called "Itoblnsun t.'rusoc" took place, iumeruus delsys, unsvuidable In preparing a work uf such iu.rlcary, resulted In rxelllng public Interest lo the pitch of crowding tho thealro to lit ut ii.iat limit, ll wut tl o'clock befiro the eorlain lo-- tlih.iugh tl.eer-forniane- e began a hu'f hour earlier with I lie be) a In the gallery, who kepi the hone in good humor by eheertnx every peiauii of note In the audienre. The bmtftijuols tho wurk of an Knglish plawiljtht Clitt Millwsrd and Is as guod ns the av raito, lull nf puna, Jokes, and calrhe. The ttory uf Crusoe Is filrty followed, no further violence being duno tu n child's notions of poor HohlnMin's Island than by making It the nbide of fairies and ettra at well as eannlbali. The harlraqtie artnra are nil very gn I, cscclallyso Miss Marluti Taylor. Her flrsl entrance waa greeted wllli the warmth due lo a luii'ltuuis fnec and ftgnie, and tho awolo cnlhusiasm by lur voire and mnslcul culture, which Is so far abovo any sli cing actress e hive had ss to place her In the front rank. Mist Longmorent IMIiifon (r'cKwiit the Clirlslmss eilltlon ofllmwork In flue clothes. Her presence is plei slng and rellned. dances ami arts well, and msJc quite a hit. Mr. nnd .Mrs. living, aa 117- - AUInt and JUly Mulnbrtict, are very good In Ihclr respective pnrls-l- he former not so well en- dowed with tho comic power as tomeotarr burlesque actor". He l, however, a viry good dancer and sing- er. Mr. I'ateman at ft Hay carried oft" most of the honors, He It a mime of remarkable vigor and lithe-nes- t, His dnmb descriptions were caught hy the au- dience and duly appUob-d- . King Klrktraboo and Lis cannibal attendants aro very good in their tra- ditional staxe negro the fleU Lavtni been so will gleaned tint un actor well nlghlu-sptrr- to produce u now Id en on the suhji ct. Tl r burtesque Is followed by Ibc pantomime which nn HuRlMiinon so desily luves. It has as mneli to do with "Itoblnson C'rnsoe," liowever, nt wllli the AI nhama cluhnl. The Columbine la sweetly pretty j the Clown, by C. Abbull, an artist who would held bit own Willi Humify Ihimpty hlmtrlf : wbilo l'aula loon, Harlequin, and Ilabby Hie latter being an uukownto the Indian liiirnturaorilic pun tumlnie aro eirr.lint. The ciHtumes wcie, of eourse, fresh and eiiremrly rich, the ma-k- a grotisquo and elTectlve. At yet the processions oie a little hltehy, but they III prove moro acwpinhle It ta i, parllenlarlv a drum corps of thirty or forty girls, which was highly tpprrclated by the young- sters. Tho scenery Is by an limll-- h artist, .lames Kolirts. and In many r.'apu-t- s It unlqiu lr beautiful. Much money and care have been ei pi tided on the lniiruteniints -- an utnlislon of much nf the cave scene beltu tin pmnlpul une will Insure success. l'ua.M-- A new opera, and by a com-pos- nutytt hmrd among us, it lu be produced this evening, and lo be plajed etery alternate night, at the fifth Avenue tlrt House. It Is by A. .Mail-lar- and It entitled " Los llragons de Vlilirt." The scenrr) Is new, and theooslnmis have been Im- ported expressly for this pieee. Mile. Irraa and MM. Aujac and I.ignfluul art In Uie cast. Tits Wavkuixt. A new company known as tto "London Ilnrlesqus t'omMnatiun" likes poses lion of tliit theatre this evening. The principal ei eont of this "combination" are Mr. Kellx lingers, Mist Jennlo Wllhuore, and Mist I.lxslo Wlllmore They nre spoken of both by tht En.lih prss and by (he rhltsdilphli pipers (In which city they Lnvj lately been playing) In tl.e raot favornl le terms, Mr. Hogers being referred lo nt a flrtl-rlas- s comedian, and the Wlllmou- slsten at both brilliant ind pretty. They n pear this evening In three pieces, " .Miriam's Crime," tho " Middy Ashore," and let on parlo Francois." Orimt Dasutric Norrt." Casio" is succeed Ing well at Wallack's, as It deserve. A better com-cd- or ono bettej aclts.1, U uat now to bo found 111 tho cltv. At Iluoth't, " Othello" le continued with the tame cast at last week, Mr. llooth Inking the tide role. Next Saturday la anuoniictd as tho last luatiuco cf this play. At Nlblo'a preparations are In progress for a change the Hallni" will be brought out In about a fortnight, until which tlmo the " l'orty Thltvcs" w 111 keep Itt place upon the atago. Oltupio Tiikstrs. This is tho last week of "HuuiptyIumptj,"ahiiowhu has had tho most raarvclliius run In tbo record! of the staje. Pivc hundred consecutive representations Is sonietlnng that will counect his namo and that of Mr. Fox In- separably la tlio history of the dramatic art in this country. Tho successor of "Humpij"sto bo our other nurs-r- y filcnd, "Llttlo lied Hiding Hood," who Uket the stage nrxt Monday evening. At tho Tammany, " Koblnson Crusoe" has nut with a decided and couitautly increasing earvrst. Tho performances nro diversified by tho daring feats uf tho Kitarcll lliuthcrs. At the Howery a new sad. Judging from its name, ?.!T.'."1. "?,,,c.-!lr?- ".. entitled "Wliiis to tho Muidcr at tl.u Four Wil- lows." IH n- - flail un (he Tux Levies. Ai.iukt, ifliT 8. I dciire nn niv personal and oBlclal to contradict the gaibled und Itillainpottnr) representations m snnie im. , rs res:i g them.viiltuileoitl.cTui Livus. Tlusc arc tho lueis, stated with tho iieecsarj n le.'raplilc succinct betas 1 huumuuiitou ttio 1 ax Lev for ibis y. nr. IrrcsiK-ctlv- of bunds, Issued inu.uly lor city lu.prot m'"-si.- f la- -t jenr only about f:VO.UU0. After rro, hiiui for the Interest 1111 the bunds uuthoiu. I bv the leil.n and deducting tho amount pro, id. .1 lor by tax relief1 bonds, the neW lues are est innti d in the sggroTate st about twenty-on- mid n half millions, end ure then two millions and a half Ics tliun it jcir. The rate of lax will probably not csceed two and n flfueili per cent., and ll was Iwu and a sixty ninth Issi year. The orulu of tho attack upon the lax is appirent tu tho waleliera ofpolltleal mae'dn-r- The maturity or the rienata t'ouiuinlce disireil tu ublalu a uputsllun for re mo- rn v. Tho majority of the House Cummiilee bid against them fur tl.e like result. Thus tl.u unanma of the cllr wero a tuko for a rural partisan gambler lo win popularity st home, where opposition to tho New York Tax Levies sicuili.gly coudonee duriog camimlgus for all tho other transgressions of their scmIob. aft, OA KEY UALU THE CUMX KEVOJaUTION. the ixr.rtT.iiit.r. rmtmrit or mi: 1! l; VOL VTlOSA It V J' A 11TY. Large llnei-rlll- Turtles of Cubans "accreted In Ihe I'nrcats-AiTnlll- na Hie ltnln Hn and l'ettllrnce lo lleatror Ihe Spnnlsti Army "A (food Time Com-I- floral Wnlt n 1,1 tt In Longer I" The L'aglr, from Havana, on Paturday broaghl letters from trustworthy and eltlens nf the l'nlte.1 Plates, among them ono from threo Amer- ican engineers, Orlin lo V. Hmllh, of Newark Alex- ander , of Newburgh; and Virgil C Wheaton, of Cape Mvy. Theso gentlemen were until recently emplnye-- l on sngir est tie, under the Jurisdiction of l"oettn l'rlnelf e, and had uncommon opportunities for tasking observations The nrgroea, notwithstanding the prodamstlnu of freedom, volun- tarily kept nn with their wmk as moal, nntil or dered by (he Insurgents to take the field, and then tl.e ttilir grinding erased. Messrs. Smith, Crumble, sod heaton mjde Ihrtr wny Iroin I'oerto Piinelpe by a elrrollons route In r rJ'r to avoid the mllltiry operallmis on the rnllw ay to Nacvtti. ind Ihene abl pped on a schooner lo this I tare. Hut Ing tte time they were at work the estaiet were nnt molests I by (sovernmrnt or lisnrreetionnrv forees, though some others in the vlelnlty were destroyed, the sugar ntannfatttired be-I- fed lo horse, who eat II with avidity, or scat- tered nri n tie . One of theatj est ilrs svti nwnel by tie tirothers rleaga. (ins of them. In the esrlv part of DeeeTtber. etlled his sltvs s together and Informeil thrm tint they were free men, and at libtrt) to go wherever they chute. He would rr-f- r to have them rem a'n w'ln Inn, nnttl (he rmn was In, and le would pay them for their labor mean- while. They hit announcement with mueli entbnsia-i- aui unioluiuusly decided to Aa with all ihe negroes, whei ruled tirwn to Jo!-- i tne Insurgent ranks, thev mtiilienietl their entire wllllhenesui, thuuUug, " I'fru Cuu llln.' ' " I'll a Ctgnitu"' rrem the sta'emrnts nt (hese en?lneen It Is rv. dent thst the nuninart t,i the oneentrntCAl bodies f Insurfuits, with arras for aararisslve or drunsite wr.rfurr, hsvr been ereatly rtacgerileit. No neh 'nree a, " and mn has evei luen e dlert-rci- , nor I" It rrobsbte that tuci oninber of c Drrtlte firearms can lie found In Cnuiaxuey The truth ts, no, as In the carl) Mr! of th' Insnrrertfon. the rebels goatsnut In small bands, numlirrlng from flit v to seventy five, vi ry msnv of them hut ihjirly artnoil and with lit lie- or discipline. Like tho uld High-- I nidi rs of si ofand. ns described by Heotl, the fl'ht ov. r. each on" retnrnt to tils 1 Hive pirn, if It so sunt bun, to look alter his business ur family alwtts rrudy at any moment to catch np hit weapon rgitr it (he onnd of the pibroch. Animated by 1 genuine spirit nf literty and fiercely determined io ver again to submit in Sp.mtah dumlnatlon, they not lo uiipreclate the nicesslty of nrganlsilloii and d'sclpMnc stl are eunal, aud orders are oheyid as the) Ifhewllhthr In llllilusl mil. Tliotigh thus sealterrd titer Ihe coiiiilry, Ihe sggregaro if the In surc-im- K very Isrgr, and any operation a e fores ran be eistly eellertet. There op--t d itn In his march froft llutnsji to I'neiUi rrtnclpe sun men thus rollerleil; hut aa Ibry t organUv Inn and unare.istomed tn acting together. e,en nnder the adrnntngrs of position they ccsuM not oppose the dhaclpllnoil troops. In the rarly i.ait of Anrtl a grand Junto or Con- gress was held nt N'oiub u, where w ere ga'heted rej resrnlatlves from all parts nf (he Island, e, n from tho vtclnlly uf Havana, t'espedes esldi-i- t was, b, a vote, iiiiinlmuusiv rlccn d In ('ho f of sit1 the forces In thel-lsn- and a r solution was mascd, without a dissenting voire, declaring that thu cuulrst is for auuexatlou tu Uo I'liilrd KUitl-s- . In Cimaguev. where Ilea the ehtrf strength of the patriots, the rainy season li at hand. Once opened, the hp in Ish IruoiHt will beunauie tu uiovi- Troui thulr rncam.nei.ts or oarra. ks In the rples, nor cm they tnnspori provisions fro-- the reset svtre lay rsllroid. Thirty thonaand men along the line of tl e road lYtnriie and Nue,ii-- cannot keep open the eoiiimtinlcattoii long enough tosiipily I'r'mlpe for the rtlny season. The r volnib.uisis are eoneen-inlin- every aval able msn to opp'i'O the rcimirtng of the roal und the UuusporuiUnn uf pru,lious, an.t ctthrr b preventing the r pair or by sut e qnently ciilln ' the rosd we shall prevent tin tup piles Iroin getting In. Unco the ratns roninu nre and all comtiiLnicatiun ceusis, the troops will soon bestarve't out from the Interior, and Puerto Principe nnd other cities of Impnrlmcr will I.1III11111 the hinds of the Insurgents. All the otieiatlont ua must ond by the time the siason is over the rebils will be will sum llcl with arms, and ready to meet t'10 ripanlardt In the ejien Hi 1. Agsln. tho season is at hand, and the vomlto Is rcciain to make deadly havue 111 the ranks of Itn- ftiamtrds, partn ntarly with tl ose recently arrived. hpvin will not be able much longer to carry on thu war. Phr ts bankrupt tu, and matters ate grow ingworsi-i-rir- day Lten though she should c ml W.oil niMltlonal men aiulnsl the tsltiid, It can hold out for two years, and long ere that her ctloiis must cesso from mere exhaustion. Owing to the scarcity or provisions the women snd etilMrei, are 1rtns;rstllly sent Ir,.,, luelu lilitrtpe They go to the plantations tu tl.e vicinity, and when the Irnups appear they flee to tho woods, where ibu Spaniaidt osie not follow thetn. Immense qoiiitl-tic- s of sugir an I other va'uabha era conciaird tn Ihi-s- forests, where the soldiers, though consii ntly the tmtiiuis for nut coming out, are alruid toenlir Scleral cues of starvation hate occurred In the city. Hilly taousand hogsheads of sugai are raised In the auction, of which Nuevluas Is the outlet, annually. This year not a hugshe..d wi.l be sent out. The Insurgents are amply p.urlde.1 with food. Ihey hn,o immense herds of cattlo within tlo.r lnus. an t tianinus, swut potittoes, yarns, vailrtna ui fru'.l and auiiill sti c are abuudsut. Cullce unit rice wire rather aesree. Many of the families have bouses lu the dense for- ests, wheiuthey reside lu perli-i- t safety, and 111 plep. ty. Hvi r) whi re and among all cla-se-n ta ciprveacd Ihe IntLiieest lulu mess tuAard Suln. and the uevor ugalii u submit to ripau.ah rule. Annltier Aiiicrlcnn'sj 1 letr tifllie Itiilurl l.nun lu be llxccnlcd. CorresKindeneeof It.e Hun. lUvass, Mny 1. Ocn. Marmol has under bit command fiom to l,tw) colon d troups, und l runnlug ntcr Ihe Santiago de ( ubn district, firing all the estates uf tho bpsi lards. Tlie (lovrrnmrnt Is unablo to pare thu nrceassry troops to combat him successfully. When lit troops approach any place, the Cubant Immediately retlro or dlspirso themselres, su that it Is almost Impossi- ble to find thim. When, howettr. tho regulars march about In small squads, tho rebels manage to come up with them tn some mountain fa,tness or thickly wooded turn of Ihe rood, and uceuduiiilly make sad havoc In Ihelr ranks. This is tbo kind uf warfare that cost the Spaniards so many lives In tho Ht. Domingo war, when-- , on una uccasiun, SOU blck troop" hirassed S.OoOHouidardsecvcral weeks, and at last the Oovrrnim-n- forces iwitetruted a Mile way Into the. tnteilnr, they had, liotn being eor.stuntli exposed to this kind of warfare, to re- turn to the coast, but with gioaily dlminiahud iiiim-bc- i s. Mlnano. the Oovernnr of Titnldid, leva ordeted all absent famllb-- to mum, under Hnally uf Im- - for dlsuhisllencc uf the ordMr. fr.sonment order of the day In the Jurisdiction of ringus the property of sboul thirty individu lis has been seirrd recenlly by Ihe (luvernuienl, and Ihe same thing Is being done In all parts of tho Island. lrom the best uccounts 10 br oblalued, it would seem that there arc. counting Manmu's l.Mitm n, S.fVtl Insurgents In the district of Hanllntn de t'nbs Tho insutgentt are really moving In eery direc- tion. 1 hey havo a eonsldi ruble body of troops ncir Nuchas an J 1'uerto Principe, ljuesada, the gcrcrullsslmo, la orgatuxlng his forcos as la-- t us pos- sible, and tbo nccounis which icaih us from the latter point nro In this partieul ir I Ighly Interesting. It is said that there aro acurul bo.lirs uf tru.ira.rot cavalry ueir Ihe latter city, splendidly armed and iquipped. Theso are ail ilresrd In uniform, each man having n Hpeneer ritle, a pistol, and machete. Tin re aro at the least oulculaUuu ubuul a,0JO mm lu t mtr files. A groat deal of suCerlng Is reported at Pucrtu Prlncipo on account uf tho scarcity ol pro- visions, and tt will be exceedingly difficult If not linposslhla for the (loveriimrut io protltion ti e pi ire. On tho ollu r hand, the Insurgents go hero they pleuse j ha, 0 imiiunso numbers ol c.ntle, und these, with tl c fruits of tLo earth, will be suff- icient for Ihcra oven should tho war cont.nue another year nr longi r. The a une atalo of things rxitia throughout lbs K litem aud Central lleparliuiiits. The etpaniards hold must ut the tuwiia, but ore siait up, andean go out tu bunt suppllit only when In force, und genenlly they meet null ui.secu cueunts, who oHrn Inllict upon tlicm scrlons losses. Tho Yui ila Abajo remains tranquil, but Ihe reason is plain: There the Cubans havo 110 urnis. Tho whole island Is revolutionary: there is no such feil-lo- g as giving np the coiitc-- t, and the conduct uf the (!o, eminent lu soiling the property ofausjutecs, and uf prumliK Ut Cubans li re, will but add fuel tu thu ilimi'. Hob a m.111 of the means uf aupportlng his faintly, and ho it In uo mood fur couipruuilso and submission. A prominent Cuban, lttfael I.irnzi, has been con- demned tu die. His mishaps hstebcen uianv. Latir-x- a Is an arduit revoluilonisi and was the Brit man put Into tho Mono Cattlo uftcr the commencement of the war. This was certain inflammatory documents ucru stid tu baso been found In bis possession. Lersundl released him with others pi evlous tu ids sailluir for Spain. As soon as llulcn declaied Ihe liberty 01 tlio Picas, lauxa startrd un orcun, dllcd the Convention 1,'eputilleano ; tho sumo night of tne day on w'ucA the first number of tho ue pupcr made its appear- ance, Lauzu was fuund at tne Ylllanucva tiicaire riot, and there he was u.alu urr it Is usacrted thai at the moment uf arrest ho had hit pmol pub at the heud of a riiunlth cutontl, On the luttl moiulng when Leon and hit comrade were led to tlio place of execution, ll wns said that Lanza spoke 10 Leon these words! "Itemember your promise" which was understood to be, that he, Leon, should make a speech before djlni, and glvo shouts for and Free Cuba. It It believed that It It on account of this last cuurge thnt the young man It to bo executed. Ho is about thlrfy-flv- years of age, and Is connecicd with the belt famlllciol Ihe Island his mother (now deid) wat a nltcoof the treat Ha- vana merchant, Juts' Maria Morales. To conclude; 11 may be aalely said that the Span- iards arc somewhat Not to with tho patriots. The latter hare an abiding confidence In the Justice aud anal ta lumen of their causa. coixjya jo.vrr rito.n im: iu:av. An Expose of the Coroner's ' lltng" How Dend lTedlet nre Turned Into (Ireentincks Dr. Dixon's I bnrges Confirmed In Uvery I'urllculnr. Vem iht Hte Fori Times. Prominent phrsielant and others have lately called attentlonto the fact that the toroncrt Coroners deputies, and a certain class of Id'o men who art on Coroners' Juries in this city ann rtrooklvn. bate formed a ' ring" for makint money out of Inqtieslt. Tne charge at made was very grnral, and hence In some mr.tsur'-sunjns- t snd exixgerat'it, as all snru rliarfea are apt to br, but In one nr two specified In. etantea the etidmce fully sutstautlatcd the charge. r.tixmsi, tug tisrs or fin paxu. TLe tnflot ryvmn.fl, as revei'el In these state- ments, I sornei idng as follows : (V, tuln meinbsts of 11, e who might be not Inaptly termed vam- pires or jackals carefully ciamlae each day tl.t list o'deaMia pnhltshed In the dally pipers, and also the certificate book o Ihe pioptr depirtmei t fur Itsulng cutlftenu. of burial. They thus become aware of the name and nddre"Sof deceased persons, the causes of death, and (he appointed honr lor burial, ir the. cause of death snouts ti e slightest en use fur an Inquest, a Jur Is ordered from Lie " rh ." nn t an Inquirv is malrat a cost to the city of tb) for each Inquest held. In manv eases tills no qila'tlonls unnccessi.y ami aa uatls,vj on the family of the dead. tiLICKMAtLIWl MWIUta AID IWIKUUSO TllSOir. 1 hns an Inquest was lately hel 1 on the person ol an elderly gentleman whu had died while under the car Ufa distinguished rhysielsn of high standing and acknowledged ability, from I'm clteetsnf a fall en tho Ke raoretlun twelve months pre vloutly. other g hi nnt Instances of this kind of Irtud are numerous, A late horrible Improvement on It Is letrnde I to blarknudl the family of the sub- ject as wen asaomdie thceity. Thcjuiyof vamptt-- s aresubpuusedto appiarat the Iste residence of the d. rias.Hl a few minutes before 'he hour appointed for the services, ami tl ey can only be i,t r.d o by the payment of 3 lee by the lamlfy, or, as lu one of Ihe uiii rtportcd, by the flrmneaa of tbn Timily phyalrlau in rrfu-i- the f oroner pcimsiiti lo examine the body after Ihe cer.lBrata of burial had been Issued. Tng VAurtnta nr nrjot ls. No sooner, however, bis the vampire Cornnfr been a.ooled than another Is eneonnirissl In the p,r. s '1 of ihe undertiki'. A meti ..itan lunri-i- s one of Ihe mo-- t hoirihie spectacles which can tie tinagined. tt Is either all Indecent dlsplsy, as In tl.e cis uf the prominent aud wealthy, or Indeeeit Insie, as In the case uf the more humble. No Wall strict apecslator s rou)o flushes thiough the streets wlfi greater haste thnn the hearse n the undertaker. We bate heard undcrtaktrs declare that tbry avoided Drissdway on week ds) because of the impuetiblllty uf makltig good time;" but un Hundays, when the Kieat tiioronghfaro Is mmparatlvrly open, the races uf the hearses are fre.pi nl and (lu Ihe drivers, highly eirh.iig. Presuming on the pa. lietier of grier, and the natunl rrluetai.rc of the todl-put- e the listripenset ut the deceased, the 0 .dc-ls- r never falls ta ir.akc his b.lla ut largo as iK.ssib.e. a rtni-it- t o.x Tng llEAD. Another species of anuoyancos Is of very late In- vention, s. me lady, whose name we cannot recall, h s d.siovere.l a means uf pieservlng natural tlow- - rs In all llilr freshmss of look, though not of sun II ; and alio has nUrrtd her services to the public, with u view uf 1 reserving the decorations 01 the deal This would all be well enough, and many p. would be glad to employ hT irt aud call In her aid, tf It were not fur the tact that she employs the uioat paluiul and ntfenslve method nf tendering her services. Mie employs herself 111 a dally ctsro-11- Ion uf Ihe of di utha In the papers ; and annoat elug the advantages, beauties aud pccu'.tii art. urr si nt In large num- bers, by mall addrr-se- d tn the persons who, by tnelr relitloiiship to the drcesssd nre thought to be most afhteted. It is a most jmiui und e on on the sacr- aues id private grief, and us to ranking mis gentle but Indlaciicl llower preseivei au g the suetal vuiiipln s. IIUW THE UIXISTP-- ISCXTRS t SC.VS VTIO.V. And then, last of all, but not least In the dlsplsy of offrnslve taste and 111 Judged manner, oemet tl.u minister. s 01 the funeral sermons tf the piesiut day are U? of aiidiesscs tu the calfiitated, and apparently Intet s1;d, tu har- row np their feelings. Funeral sermons urn looked upon us surceetlul tnli In pmpurtiun to tho sensa- tion produced un Ihe inuuriters and fr.ends who are present. Lulog urns of the most Hoi id style are p.onotinred on the dead; appeals of the most character aro made to tlio survivors; and soiemn and beantllul death Is turronudrd, as far as tho injudicua minister can do It by words, and tho utidcitukcr by display, and the other vamplics by ufllciousness, wllli all t 'St Is Iserrtble snd outra- geous. When sbsll we have more piivsey, less dis- play, and less bilk at uur funerals r When ahull the, bo at unce simple, silent, and solemn, as th?y ought to be, and unce were, In the primitive ages, when fashion did not dlctutu either the cut ul uur sables ur the deputations of our dead I How Mr. Juliu Juy wins Appointed 31lii!1rr In Vienna. From Ms tttntra Vrf. Mr. John Jay, it is said, went to President Oratit and asked with somr nltlveiieat for tbo nua-slo- n to llngisnd. 'the I'lcsldent replied that he wua sorry be oold not oblige l.lm ; but he bad sent In tu the C'oinmlttec on Foreign Affairs thr names of srveral gentlemen, suy une 01 w hum ho wus will, ing to liuiinnale ; und lbs 1 uiuioliisn wero able le sgrro unanimously un but nno man, Mr Motley, whom, llicrcfuie, bo had nominated, ur rfmlied lo nominate. " llui," said tie President, "wnn't jon tike aomeli.liig elect Wuuid not the mission lo Anstrls suit you 1" No; Mr day would go to laindon or re, be aald, and returned lo New Yuik. There he tuld the tale lu Irlimis, whu ripruucbi d bun lur outgoing to Autn 1. " Yuu want tu go uhroao," they sail; "Vienna ts a plcasaiit and ItiilHjrtuil post ; whv not got ' Mr. Jay changed mind, and oue.ized three friends tu go at ouce to the President to tell htm -- o, nnd ask the nppoliitmint tn Vienna Tl eso Kl i.ta. men were, I am told, Mr. John A Orlswohl. Mr. Iav.L.I. Uailev, ard .Mi. .1 ickson rJ. Sthullz, all well known In your eiti aud rii.tto. Ttjse three aceordiuiiy Isstemd to Washington. When they gut lu the white llnuso thty were In- formed 1I1.1I the President was at dinner, .Nut to be put ult, they detamdrd to know huw long he usd ben radng. "Half an hour," was the retry. "'I hen take In our cards, aud tell the President we ha,o uri-u- tluy said. Piescnt'y a message came that (Mi. tiiant would sen them 11 Ihey would wait In tho (wrlur. The l'res.drnt came in, and, after soma preliminary talk, they tlaled thill ubji et. ' I am sorry for Mr Jiy," replied the President "but 1 made up my mind to Uur ll e Austrian mis- sion tu Mr. iiliatn Ciillen liriaut, snd Just bumo loucumein 1 telegraphed him tu that elicit. Yuu ar too lati ." At tl Is, I am told, thcro was n brief silence sniong Mr. Jaj's dilecules: but rrisciitly they began lu thu President that Mr. llrysut would not lake the pl.iei-- : he waa not, they told Mr. Onul.illfposud lo wecept " llui," urged tho President, "you see It Is too Lite ; I ha,e ulrrraphtd tu Mr. Ihjanl " Afur souie tuither cunveisaiton, Intendrd to tho Prisidiiit (nit Mr. Ilrvunt wunld tcfuse thr place. It occurred lo una uf the gcnt.eincu 10 usk It It wus certain Ihe despatch haJ gone, 'li e Presi- dent lung a bed uud a cluk appeircd, whu, as luck w ould have It, held In his hand the despatch to Air. Hi, ant, whkbhc was just tending oil wkcu he was culled. Tucn Mr. Jay's friends renewed their arguments wun tho President, tn Induce him tu withhold tho despalch and appoint Mr. Jay lustradofMr. llratit ; und their repr. senlallons wctc so urgent that at last .Mr. t.i.oit euiisciitid, lure up the despatch, and agreed to give Mr. Jay the Austrian mlssiuu. Tho Orlsvvold College Modem's MileldCe From, tht liarctiport (oirni r7a eir. Hay I. Parly yesterday afternoon, (leurgo Clayton, a studenr at (lrlwold College, called ut the rrsideneo m Mr John Haley, and invited Ins daughter Maiy I" bote a ride Into the country. Yum Clajtun bad bc pa log I er some stn niton, und as she w us oir y nt out 11 years of age, her intner had requested Is r to tease him. Whin lio made his wishes known, she refustd tn go with him. 1 1,1 urtol lu-- to co, suitmi that tt would be the last tunc he would ever ntk her. Tne gbl eousulled r mot icr. nnd wus ilveu tTrmission tu lo, with tho utiiicisiuiidlng that tluy should not be gonoinoro than ball an hour The line hoists uud atjl.sli bugg wi re at thu door, and the youngcouplo started oil tu enjoy the besulilul May afternoon, '. lajlon, uuug and lull uf ruuiautic fervur, wus lively and serunngly happy. He druvc into the cor.iitry threo miles away, and then turned toward 'nc city. u lisd come this way but a shuit dlsluice, when he naked Mist Haley tu take the remi, 81.0 diuvc a shoil distance, when Clavlon pill lilt hind in a si le pocket of hit coat, and told lur bo had "got some- thing here." "What Is lit" He pallid lurtli soul! uvuliir, asking, "Do you liauk this will shoot I" - Why, nn; thnt Is nrthlug hut a pity pistol." "I'll show that it will shoot,'' said Clas ion, placing tho platol auainst her tcmplo bhe supposed that he was In sport, and, putt. ni her Hand up quickly, pushed Iho ptsUd away, and told him to 'shout Into the road.' He turned Its muzilo toward his head, about nlno Inches from his riglit temple, and Und. He felt forward on bis knees, with hit head ovor the dishboard. Tho girl, supposing that be was still playing, oekrd him 10 get up and attend to the horse Ills ouiy ri'ly waa a moan, flhe took hold of bun, lined him back sgalnsl the seat, aud saw the blood 011 bis face. Then the realized her situation, Khu tried lo lift bin upon the seal ; the burse made u fresh start, aud Cluytoa Ml upon the wheel, evi- dently uncuurciout, Her presence of nilod did not desul her. hho crusred tie reins stopped the horse, and fladn g III it I 'lay ton was still unconscious, wuuud the runs about the und luukeu for assistance- - Twenty rods away stood a lainur'a house, and she hurried to the pi ice, tuld Iho woman w hii had huprcned, askt d her to summon help, and ran back to Uiebuggr, When sho readied it Ciujtou waa standing on tlio ground with his hand on Ihe scat, the blood uniting down bis face, bhe him, "Why did you shuut yuuiBClf." He in.iilo no reply, but turned aud gut Into the buggy, A tanner d uvu tbo young sulci, lo home, and be died that mJU He wus eighteen years of ao. The Hun's Itaiildly.lucri-uslu- Circulation. lb Ihi IMtornf Tl.) iui. Sin I bad tho curiosity this poir-.'n- r, on ray way from Harlem to Kipbt'a frtfef, via loird sve-nu- e cats, to nodes the rale of paoert, tnd she nstilt was I On H oWuf, one 7'H4un, ont Herald, tun Times, and fteries Euns. Bi. Mr. yottr hght Is appreciated, and lou can confidently count upou u hundred thousand clrculuUoa by bcpuuihcr. s a b ux nr. a ms. liy an ordinance of llaltlmorr, minors arc lo ' be excluded from the billiard rooms of that city. 1 For several days last week tbo mountains of v Berkshire county, Miss., were whlto with snow, f Land that sold in VIrglula four years ngo fox!, I six dullsrs an acre will bow bring thirty, I There aro a million Uaptisls In Croat ErHaJr ' and Ireland. Duels nre now of almost dally occurrence ta i Paris. Sometimes as many as two or three a day aro recorded. A bill has been presented in tho Italian Senate prohibiting the Illicit deportation of boys ts ' organ grinders. 1 litre hare been 200 patents Issued t tboj Patent Office, Washington, for vcloclped.s during the it twelve months. The Pope gave the golden roes this year to Ihe Duke Ilobert of I'arma, who has Just msrrloJ the Princess Maria l'ta of glrlly. . ! An Iowa man telegraphed thus (oon Illinois sheriff: " Arrest C. P. W . eloplni with my wits, Owes me (lit). If ho pays, let him yo." A gmn.l "srpitlter so, ertdgnly" war Is 1 threatened Id Kansas by cltlrtns who dun't want to 1 be ouitcd fiem their lands by ludmn treaties. I Money and freight which left Now York fit I S P. M, Monday, May 3, wns delivered to ntnks and merchants la bt. Louis before 3 P. M., M.iy 3. Tho latest thing iu Ihe lijio hue is itn tuliort 1 mrei soli. mm nude of bread. T ie pipes harden at d ( Color biau'.ilully, close!) rt ic u' 1c lubri t ncir- tchaaa. 1 l' The equestrian latuc of W'asliinglou dcs j tlneil far Ike Public rial den of lloslou Is lapidly sp pmaching completion at the Ames establishment la Cblcopee, Muss. , Csscsdillv Place, one of the temporary build. I Ings of turucll I'ulverslty, has required three tuni I of coal cruty to haul It, aud 70, W fjet uf gus peg month to ll.-l- .t It. An lnanc man with money In his possession wandered Into a drinking shop In thr cit, and tha ( proprietor took from List 8.I1, and delivered to I, tho police suthorUlea Iho man and the moo y A California ptier culls Whlto Pine n "slu- - 1 Kndout ifrhaps." There is lees mining than tcllinj , 1 out. Aa soon ss ore Is struck lu a clulni work is 'I stopped, for fear It may "psur out," and the mine la fit for sale. tljl Madame Hosslnl oontlnues at Pass,, at bor Iff dying husband's request, her l'rldty dinner parties. mm lios.inl's vnraut chair Is still at the ucsd or the table, fl bat Ids fivonte dish of maccnroul is otuliu-- from in the list of viands. J IT Hie latest Idea for fashionable churches la a 1 I retiring room, like that of the opera la use, whera ' 1 ladles can leave their cloaks, parasols, etc., in I, thus i disencumbcii-d- . listen to tho Word In all the glory ' ' of gorgeous raiment. s, Miss (.itharhie F. II. Mtcresdy, eldest jura i vtvlog daughtrr of the tragedian, die I on the Sltli tilt., on her homeward voj age from Madeira. Hha was 31 jrurs old, snd bad given evidence of con. V I sldrrabte poetical talent. The orator who was chosen by the bar of Loulsvlllo to pieaent a cane to a brother barrister, ( nssurod the beneflctary tint the cnuo camo from 11' fi lends "around tbo ten Jl lis uf whose bear's l.lj (jll Image was lnsrpirahly woven." k II A scheme is on foot t cut a ship canal I through Ireland, from Dublin to Oalwav. a disunco I of about n hundred milts. The object Is to Improro tbo conimunlcultou between Lowland anj America, and It la sild that the whole of the necessary capital can be Immediately obtained. Ail Intliiidual lu Texas publishes a card L stating that his brother Is candidate for h, riff of tt e county becanso he himself Is disfranchised, but that 1.0 Is lo be the real ulfleer. " Y'ou aie voting for me, and that Is for my beniflt, and 1 am to re- ceive all the pay If 1 am elected." An cxtuporatcd dealer in skates, who ban been several times badly "stuck," writes aa ful' Ion a: " I never wroto up 'Hkates to sell,' Trusting to fickle n..tute's law, Ant a lvriilsed ana uutfed 'cm w. II Confound Ul but 'twas sure to thaw " A vino dlseaso of a new character is reported R "I to have attacked tho wine growing district of tho if 1' south of France. The disease Is attributed to ml- - jl nute Insects found on the leaves of tho plants, and B ' appears to follow the coiirao of the It'aune, hivluj I extended a distance uf nluely miles frum the moutU ll of that river. Ij Curt 011 tho fast railway line between Liver. I pool and I.oiidon can now be driven at the lalo of B fifty miles an hour, and Iho whole dlstanco CJOO - mhet) accomplished In four hours, Thcro la no jfc stopping for wuler, this being sroopej up from, f ft troughs beueen tLo trarka while tho train tt run umg at full speed. ' The "Clrcumbcutlnn OfTico" Is not new In. England. In ICtiO Iho " Commissioners fur register. 1 Ing seamen proposed that tho Inds of the Admiralty 1 would tlraia to move the Lords Jullcis to direct I the Ixirds of the Treasury to order tho Custom 1 House officers not to permit vessels to bo cleared without gl, Ing bond fur the payment of sixpence per month out of their wages." Tbo Lantatttr (Missouri) I'xetlrior knows of a gill In Pchujlcr country, whu, "ouo night last summer, attended a ball, danced all night, went homo in the morning, got breakfast, dinner, and supper for len bartist hands, did a)two weeks' wash. f tng and the milking, mado a calico dross, 11 her music lesson, went nlackbcrrjlng. gathered a sj gallon, walked to town lu the evening to Ulead B a concert, and wutked homo again beforo brdtlmo." V A gentleman residing iu a town near llrislon, C while attending dlvlnc ecnicc a Sunday ur two ugi) was, uud.-- ll c Soothing Inllueuco of tho le.-j- ,, t lulled Into a pleasant ilmnber. He was .Vn'dlydls-tuibe- d by the tuuch ufa conViujullon bi 1 lu tha hands of 0110 uf the doacou j., ,t ",0 WJ, t.xlc in up 1 col. lecUon; but. without urieiiing Ida lyes, thu sleeper ejaculated and sank hick to rceumo bill n ip. II is unt.yotsary to say taut ho was a seaaca-ticke- t passeryf-e- r on a railroad. UupjrrPtatt has Just boon in New York. Hq went, to une of tho theatres', and saw playcaJU-- J "'Hie Tempest," "It was," ho says, " l!io most appalling liutancc of tho louttdcrlng of a canal boat in a storm thut was cverwilneased, I thourht, whllo the shipwreck continued, of those touching lines ol tho Indiana bard tilllug uf tl.o loss of Ms bruadhura rJusan Auu : t She heavi'1 and rot, nndso( and heavc-1- ' And high her rudder flung. I And elLiy lituu she beavid uud sot, A bigafer luuk stia sprung.' " A luarino vclocipcdu Is the centro of altraei I Hon on the w hai f at Uiglnaw, Michigan. It is in d ot tin, about twcnty-Ov- feet long, very sharp and pointed at the inds, not moro than flittcn tncl.n wide, aud Is prorelleu by a wheel under Ihe middle, similar lo the screw propeller of larger craru, Tho motion .Is ;gi, en to the wheel by cranks attached 10 the shafting by bed gear. The steering .ippara. tus Is also In tho centre ol the boat, and wurkcl bj the feet. The boat, for the spt cc of ten feet from each end, lias chambers. Tho laic Hector Ilcrlloz was in Ids youth ag ci.thuslutttc admirer of Cluck aud Havdtt. lis knew their works by heart, and tbl'owcd wlthlnv I tense Interest tbe represent illons of thotn ut tlio opera. Ouo nlaht ho sud luily arote, and shaking J Ids fist at the orchestra (xclnlmed, " Cymbjlt ha,o j 110 business In that passige I" A lew lalnutes a(1-- r- J ward ho arose again tudcilod with a'l 1,1a mliht, f " Cymbals ajaln? He never wrote cymbals f'Tefc I" fl Ho was utout of tho house. Old Prince Metlir. tfl i.lch was as lki orant of music as possible. One day, J after betrli g un orchestra of (Ivo hundred pieces tl conducted by Ilerlloz, ho asui-- tho Utter, " flu yoa If 0 ton write music for flto hundred ierfortners 1" "No," replied Utrhox, "not oltcn, One rally I I onlj wtllo for four hundred and tiny." When tho young autociatof Ithodo Islatii if. and Providence Plantations was shout lo be united ll Inmjir.l.-- u to Miss Chase. Ilithou Clark was tout ffi moucd to follow him to Washington, nod there wall IJ his p. asure. I'lpalty tho gicit event was consum- - Jl mated, aud without receiving any fee, tl.o coco 11 shop ritiirntd to his hitots. He wua of count III somewhat suipilted that he wns not at least rcini. fell burscd fur Ins ixpcnscs uf liavcl and rcslduicc al il I Ihe capital. 'Jhe sluiy finally leaked Mr, sh Spratuc's agent at onco came lu the Ilnhop with 1 ') check fur fl.OJD. ThU the Bishop refuted, on tht grouud that It waa too muo'i. "Oh, no," sulJ Hit, M ogcut, " this Is probably what ho woald havo giverj,,, M ou if he liod thought auythlng uhoal ll ut the tinnier. M and ho will b glad whea ho learns that I ha,o laka M core of the matter." m

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1869-05-10 [p ]....!Some nf nur tlow coiitcniiirnrlef, lintli niul Hi'iiuMii'nti, nro iiiiKtil to nil rapusiirvH Unit ti'iid tutvnnl of any of the Vit India

4TrTMllf''fTWlffllWffi m ii mm

JSOWEnT THKATHU-Wh- o's to Win, anl El rirdcr.I Xiaunee on faturdav tM Monday.Jinil AVKNUK TIIEATIin-s- lh r. and Jltri li-

lies Dragons de Vitlsra (the Hermit's lull).WALL.ACK'S itolterltoa'a beautiful comedy- -" Cast "

Maimrt suttnrday.TBK TAJLixfANr-ltoblni- on Crnioe and lilt Man rnday,

y Aft. MatinCeonSslnrdsv.I r.OOTII'S TIIEATtlK.CVI St. between Sib an 1 ft, art.f i Othetlo. Maunfe on Saturday. .

OLTill'tC TllEATIlB-Ilunr- -ty rnmpty. Matinees atI ', MMiniin im Saturdays.! KIKLO'D OAUPKN-ro- rtr Thlevci or. "fUrtklng

OU'tn Tsmtty Jars." Matmr-eo- Batnrdsv.TUB COLISKUM-Itost- en, Jntc National

IVare Jtbttre tad VrsHrtl Fctlvil.isew y ohk vi:u)ciruui: acadi:my--i creihy

at. Now open.JKW rwiK cincPJ. Uth si. cprswlte Aesleaivof

Maue-IIM- ey's Japanese.WOOD'S MI'SEI'M, too ( nnot.R'ATrilLKV TIICATRC , hroslwar - Mirlsn.'a

Crime, MslJy Ashore, (in I tci on l"rtr rrancsis.Usttnee Sstarair.

MAMMlUlt niU.IAHI mAm.1llMKST ttl 10 5(5

WasMtsrtoa M, nrooklyu-Urs- nd cmnlnz Day,May n.

NATIONAL ACAPKUr OK flKlliiN, Cot N4 at tailtlLST.-ABBi- isd Et hit. 'ion.

, tH0AIWAT AND M.OOMK BTtir.KT -- Wonderful' ltn ind Co.

UOS PARK IIOTF.L Orsnd Opening Coticr-ft- .

it Mss r.f km


Terms (iMIir ftsm.Dsilt. pet ft ovs'l tlrcrlN rt trim! per yrsr t 00

Tsn copies to onr astdrrts is i

IWIIT Copses 10 one addicts a noFifty retries io one sddrees M Oil

Wzxilt, per year IfTwenty e' k one edd. ess I" on copii tn one s t li cm "J so

Addition! copies. In t lib packs. et, l ( u1) rales.riraut hl'trujlj In advance.

I1 tSriSIKd HATH.rotnt roE. rr in s cents

Three lines wordai or im 1s renin! fiTCISL MOTtcSt, per lint 30 ends' ItntjiEM .S'oticu. par .In 75

I.isnin Auraa-n-t tttSKTs charged oulj for tl.t toteccnpsrd.

1 WrnLT-p- fr tin m ihoro8i;x u wrroO lo uhpri'r l llmlr linmtt

ll,e Mrlropolllaa hi i: ccnlt ptr(Till; (Jrdti. rr lb pi ptr rcuolmJ t Uw ii. (id., tof Kmii and I raukrort tu , or tl in; of Ilia


a, Tho Wrrkll nn ...JlanVSr ooWHic! ..n nVirtiH"11"". JP!' '

liHtti I" i lltaii iniTniltr mrrnlTi.mrn wbwNt loraapn roHrili)- 'ininmrrt wip Pn.l tln4rlltlon i.fTiit 'Mi .a'l.ih'.' medium. A Hh.liM nuiu

of a Irr I imnll rnu tp I it w r.nlt per lint- 'IniDtarcinirrtion I'.cr nml tc lit-- It-- lu bfl.iro tu'i litck

, on TanHlajr ct ti.iii

I American A itrti t Ioiih for .rv Arriulfcl- - nur tlow coiitcniiirnrlef, lintli!Some niul Hi'iiuMii'nti, nro iiiiKtil to

nil rapusiirvH Unit ti'iid tutvnnl ofany of the Vit India lulniiJn nr nny jKjr-Ho-

of tlu IlrHiali MiKSPittoiiK tu tliln t'liinn.I It to n war wllli I'uroK'an )jith

Wu inlglit iiii'ol thiH HtinKfRtinn nt tlio out-ro- t

by nnUiifr, wliat fiinilaini'iitnl llfilitnny nutimi Imyninl tlio Atlntitlo Iikh

to object to nlliiinciD uliicli 'oo.lnilvclllii)f on tlio Norlli Aiiicrlcnii runtliiunt niny con fit tu furiii nniiiiitr tlicni-Bolvc-

or lo uucb i1Ifw;iIou of tlio Icrrllorlcntrlicrcon tliev r mUIo nn mitH llii-l- own

It tvitH In rcimtllntioti ortbistin pnit of (1 rout Drltnln,

that our thirteen Colonic vn;il tint war oftlio ltovoliit'.on. The Aiiii'ricnn ilnctrinn onthis Bulijict miib first irocbilmtil in tbn

of liiiU'M'nib'iiri'. nml It rrmrtlttitcitlio IiusIh on which our OmHtltutlon rostH, nH

well rut Hint whunim BtnmU nvcry (lovorn-men- t

In tlio Wivlcrn Ui'iHiriilicra which hiuiUimwn oil' tho yoV.o of Kuriiii nn monnrchlcH.

TuHtml by thin iriiiiorilln1 irliiciilii, thof otinimcHH of which no t'!iutmi Aiucilcnnwill iliHputo, neither Knclaml nor Hpiiln hastho ri,'ht to rulo nny niot in lliiH lit trilfjihorofor ono moinunt lunger tbnn tho innjorlty oftho liomu'liorn luhnbltniits thereof iluttim.

Tho Hop of their llnft for n clnj:ht hiflnntlivyoiul iIiIh jhtIihI Ih n clear UHurM(ion

which wnrrniitH nil nirinni,' of thu ho0o tolonr It down.

Hut It limy bo mid thnt tblt In n very illf-

itrciit (jut'elion from Hint of tbr nniit-xntio-

to thin oouiitry of poitloiiH of tho Ilritii-l- i orKpimlli provinces. Tins Is finely ooncctlwl ;

nor Is it projKiKtvl to annex them unless byptircliuw, or In pn.tliicnt of our cJiiIiiih, or bycoiKjueHt In houornblo war, tint 11 their peoplebitvo ilirauilvftl their connection with foreignrulers, nnd oxprcrtmil n wlbh to unite withthis republic.

This ouiioeHiinn, however, docs not inipnirtho right nml duty of our people to estendtholr iictivu sympathies to thu bi.ive Culmnswho nro struiriflintf to enct oil' the chains ofn foreign dusiiotism ; nor, tmbs our justclaims mo otherwleo ndjustixl, will it pre-

vent our (loveriiment nt mnio favonibleperiod in thu futuro from tiikine; mi much oftho Ililtlsh dominions lying nonr us ns blndlbo tieodlul to Inpiiduto our l de-- ,

innnils.Tho dcslro to cxtrnd our jurisdiction nil

around us is mi Inborn mid home bred nspi-rntio-

of tbo American mind. It uchievedIts first triumph in tho ncqulbllbm of lmUlsnit by Ji;i'ri:iiM).N moro than tlxty yearsngo. 'J'ho innrch of empire then moved on-

ward with unbroken step till it was nrrostodby tbo sectional jenlousies that sprung fromtho (Slavery controversy. That controversyhaving now dimppinred forever from thofield, tho line of march is nmnn resumed, mid

f that party or faction which attempts to crossi Its pulh will bo truinpUd down by the nds vauclng column.

v tVho Ouclit to Itnlo this City tTho Tri-'mi- bus bouu lor u lung timn n

f warm advocate of thu plan of governing thiscity through thu rgency of tho Htuto l.egs-luturo- .

According to Its habitual liuigniig ,

k tho innjority of our local juliticians nrothioves nnd rntcnls, our cltirons nre ono hullfools unil tho other half villains, nnd thoonly potelblo wny of preserving us from thodoom of Sodom and Oomorrah is to take ourbfl'alrs nut of our hands and place them lu

I charge of tho lawmakers who are annuallyBont to Albany from tho purer portions of tho

I State. How these latter gentlemen haveJ , performed tho tatk thus Iiiiqkx1 upon them,I J wo all Know only too well. They hnvo cro- -

I. , nUd conimlsfaluns fur tho mnnngi mi nt of ourjiolico, our fio department, our ttreets, ourvrharvej) tind piers, our almshouses, nml

ovtrythlng cIbo of that sort that they could

"lay hold cf ; nnd wo bollovo they havo even

harbored tho glgautlc prtjtct of abolishingv

ull our electivo ofllccs, nnd appointing oneulnglo commission over us instend.

Now, wo could stand this sort of thing tol

' )rably woll, If wo could bo euro funt our AI

bony rulers were as superior to tho native

thu habit of rfprcfentlnr; them to bo. Butjndglng frotnsoinr things In tho Into editionsof that paper, there Is ronsidrrnhlo doubt onthis point, to say tho least. On Saturday,the first paragraph nt tho top of tho secondcolumn of Its ctlitnrinl pugo was this:

"Ttiflilllismenillnir Ihf lOrhtry hvtn.l priirlj-In- s

tifrijniiiilt ni;liiil imtaralizallnn frauil, tj tninotlntntr- rpfclca of nnfplcJ gooil ;nfk, tncconfol.ft rn tlio Mantlet of the nnal AtrnnUv jeurtnf,

nd litto torn? lo the (Joternnr,"Imintxllntely after It enmo this:"Tholtifor rrtslr nn the mnnlii tlirmM have

been related at tent two mllllnnt. II bat liwsa bare tvro liandrM llmnand itoltam. ' la

fraud only ihwhI In thnratitr lit that pfrftlnMIMimornlng lj Ih AmnMy on our tWj nml coun'ylertM."

A little lower down In the name columnwe rend ns follows-

" lit UHeartral)fli4 Tammany Viintt at Albanylttttniay, rnetnori t for tba rollofof our otrr.croftileil atrreta trr, of cosric, tlauililcred."

In tho nnxt colnmn vran n long doublo-li-sde-

pnragrnph with thosowords: Tho brlbfrs nnd tho bribed lisvcwon their grcntt st victory nt Albany;" nndclosing thus:

N tf tVH cart U lugil ntul toi.1 In Albany for tryrift trofl., (or IMrly-ft- t hundrtl OMari ojntet, ,epromlit tt it thr-l-r infamjr ahall nut ilia will, tl.r ntmet Wow of HrpvUleani ho, on ot ofHi tftt o, nnlti-- Willi thu UcuiocraUlb tliltTtmmtnjr robbery I"

Similar cholco tlowurs of rhetoric haveloen npponring from time to tinio In tho7Wfcnr for tevcrnl days, find tho tjuoslitmnaturally rrnggsslH Itself: What has beengained by transferring tho city governmentto Albsuy? If wo nro to In roblxxl nndplundered any wny, why not l:rop tho Meal-

ing to In divided here, Instead of scattering1 belli abroad to corrupt the rural districts t

Sermusly, it la plnl.i from tho Tribunt'iiown confession thnt Itn prt plan affords nognnranteu against dii.honcsly, nnd that thosooner we rosturo to our citizens tho controlof their own ufliilm, thu pooncr Wo phnll benblo to put some ),lnd of thnek ujion tho

and miamanngoment under whlrhtto now groan.

New it... iCwTnl" Mr. Young.

We stinted nut on Nnttirdrty thnt there wnsno nitesslty to oblige tho Trihune to partwith its Managing I'lltor on nccount of hislielrnynl ot his trust in furnishing tho iiuhbelonging to tho Associated I'nss to ono ofhis two daily pnjiers In Philadelphia. Woshouiil that tho rules ol tho Associntlon didnot absolutely reipiiro thu dismissal of Mr.Yoi'No, or nnytlilng moro than that hitshould ho reprimanded. In volunteering totin this tbut bin own eouiiselhad not dune, and something, wo daro say,whlrh bad never ntcurrod oven to tho Tri-

bune men tin mcelves wo think wo evinceda generous nnd forgiving disposition townrdtho young limn who hud been misappropri-ating our properly. Wo showed how homight remain the practical head tho Man-ngin-

I'iblor of n grent and leading dallyjournal, devoted mainly to tho Inculcation ofmoral Idei.s. We felt proud of our plan, be.cnuso we llattercd ourselves that It wns origi-nal and unlcjuo. It seemed to us a happythought, bccatiso If, upon experiment, Mr.Younii should bo found to havo abandonedhis practlco of betraying his trust, tho samegreat journal which advocates moral reformwould hnvo In the enro of Its Managing lvll-tn- r

a conspicuous Illustration of tlioof reforuuitlou.

Wo regret to find thnt a further Investiga-tion of the enso leaven but littlu hope thatour plan can 1k adopted. It Is only for thofirst oll'cuco that the rules of the AssociatedI'ress provide that tho culprit mny bo h t oh"

with n reprimand ; and It Is charged thatMr. Yol'No's have been numerous.When first delected, ho undertook to bam-IkhiI-

.Mr. KlMii.NTO.v, tho agent of tbo Asso-

ciation, by lesnrting to various subterfuges,and Iieptonolloudlng. Korthos'vondollencothcro Is no alteruativo punishment; thorules are peremptory, nnd require tho dlsmis- -

sal of tho oil'endcr. Wo sco no way, there-fore, that Mr. Youmi can remain tho Man-

aging ICdltorof tho 7Woi(nc, nnd tho Tribuneremain a partner of tho Assoclnled l'rcss.

Will tho Tribune withdraw from theAssociation fur tho bul.e of retaining Mr.Youmi

Wo aro not sure that It will not. Mr.Youmi bus evinced a good ileal of newspa-per talent in his ability to conduct threedally papers two in 1'hiladelphla and ono inNew York at tho sumo timu. His extremeyouth only "7 Is n strong point hi his fa-

vor, boeauo It renders It probable that howill bo ublo to pcro as Mnnnging Editormany years longer. Tho Tribune hasadopted the plan nt least in tho ciisu of Mr.(Jiii:i:i.i:y of Insuring tho lives of ItH prin-cipal men, fur n largo sum, for tho benefit ofIts stockholders. Mr.'s life could bopermanently Insured now at n much lowerrut' than n much older man's.

Then If tho TrViune should withdraw fromtho Associated I'rees, there would Im no dan-gcro- f

Mr. Younu'b ever again misappropria-ting tho noun of tho Association, because howould not havo it to misappropriate. If thoTribune people should still bo afraid of his mis-

appropriating their ow n news, might they notnvold this danger by uniting his two Phila-delphia jmpers with their own, and havingall threo published by ono concern V

To guard ngaliikt tho danger ol Mr.Youmi'h prlvatily offering the Influence oftho Tribune fur sale, it might Ikj publiclyoffered in nn advertisement, by tho Tribuneitself, with directions to upply to some otherlimn In the olllcit.

licn If it should cost tho TrUmne twohundred thousand dollars per annum to getIts news Independently of the AssociatedI'ress, it would bo practicable to snvo thatamount by cutting oil unnecessary outbidsmudo under Mr. Younu's editorship, whenthu ran up to a million dollarsin n single year.

A monkey cannot Imltato a man betterthan Mr. Imitates Mr. Ur.r.i:i.i'sstylo of coiiipos.t'oiij mid there Is no likeli-hood that tho Tribune can ever jet any onei lse to do It no well.

Aa to Mr. You.Mi's charge ngnlnst Mr.that ho Is nn old fogy, why docs not

Mr. HiKCX.Mit suo him for libel? Or If hodoesn't want to do that, let him publish a curddenying that ho Is an old fogy, Kvcryhodywill licl ova him.

If Mr. should bo compelled finallyto retlro from the Tribune, ivo consolo our-

selves with tho reflection that ho will hnvotho hundred thouxand dollars If ho gets it

for Which ho has Sued Tun HrN, to llvn on,besides his two daily papers In Philadelphia.

Wo hnve now done nil that we ran thinkol to keep Mr. Ynt ro li tho TiPmnt. IfMr. Onr.Ki.r.V deems It inconsistent with hisown reputation to remain if Mr. Yol'jja does,why he can himself withdraw, boronm thoCage of Ohsppaipjn, and when not represent-ing his country at somo foreign Court, wrltoowr ,"iil article, over his own signature, fur

the ei Itimns of Titr. SrN nd for n nders naniiiii'-roii- ns tho sands on the shores of thopen.

Tho Trenton .SUile (htittlt publishes a veryinrnn nttnek on the Hon. Ilantrs (liieiinr, goingk fir h to Tine Hrs for holding him up frpublic uflic.

The Itepubllcnn Ocnsral Committee, whichbiibU its seiilons nt tbo corner of HromlvrKj amiTHcnly.-eon- d strut, under tbo l''reldencT of'.lie Hon. J. V. CmiiLiv, li lalwrlng to promntsunity in the party In a way that can hardly fail toprovo ttrj cOoetiinl. On Tl.tirmlny lat it do.(laircly icfuacd lo ctitertnln a propoaitlonfor a icor(titlz.iiiini cf tbs Ward ",

nnd lliq election of a new (iun-cr-

Commlllco repreaenting etery rrcllonof llepiibiiesniare. N Jl It procerdnl to deter-m- i

i io ciwcs of ciintc i d tl 'diuD to Iti ownhi ten dlnti'Ha (.f the city. cnoa

have been pcnlint tinea hut autumn, batingbeen Leit open until nmr in ordir that tlio

In I lie Home, i' Oflii-c-,

nml Interna! Kctrnne ofliccs mii(lit bo completedbeforo lli"V settled. With toaerrn cf ll.c-- o trn tl.t actionnt aboil, sharp, nnd Tbotpei-li- l ciiinmillee wbicli bad been n pointed tolnrostlle llicm leeoinnirnded that II o tUim oftlio coutcilnnl aliould bo rtjeclod, anj that Dmsilting members aliould he declatod entitled tollielr seats, Tblt was adnptod liy a l.anJtomomajority, the tilling mmber.i In qiirtion, tomoforty In number, nil niiAnlmonaly rulinj; to retainllielr placet. Hi opportunity waa siren the con.tcttanta to defend tbeir ilaiin.

In tho reiiubiing tlirce diatricta the sitlingtnembera were oil outateil, nnd m order wundupled fur a new ".7nii i of Hie dulrlct a-t-ocititj ;nf," Among tlio gentlemen tlitit expolled

wers nirti men at Nontit SrATio", Senatorl.iiMOtsn, Cimncllman 1'ili.mim, and StMi'ti.OaxTsriL. Hie reaton for turning them outaei iiird to be that in point oi opinion ami

piefercucca they Here not antirily In unisonttilb the liiajniily nf tliit (leneral Cuiiiinillcc.

At tliit mle II will In- - to teemo entireiinaulniily cf fee ling In the (li neral I'ommitlee, buttbo gtrrngUi of Hie patty in tin city will bodimliiitlii'd. We remember when (lie pollrj oftbo Masaarhuvtta Hrniocinls not lo keep tin irpartr nt tmnll at praetienble, in order thai thereiiiiglil bo fetter men In bold the 1'eiU'ial ofTiret intlio H lute. It loiAs at tlioiij;li the Tnenly-tcc- i nilalreol llepublieniia tteru ilbpotvd to adopt n line of action.

Tho Cincinnati Untitle denim that ItJiiiin lli'sari.1 Yne.vo on tlio immornl ground

Unit it It right to ilcfuiiil the Astiiciuted I 'rem.Tliit it cnditnble to that otlieittise unprincipledpnper.

Although tho formal completion of thoI'licidu llnilroml did not take jilurc on Saturday,atlia.l lii-r- cipccteil, lull wat Dotlponcd till to-

day, tlio celebration of tho crrnt in serernl placettrat not on that account delayed. At Spring,field, Matt., tlio entire forcu of workmen ofJUnos'a car manufactory formed a procestlon,headed by the Armory band and accompanied bytbo Union Ilattery, and marched from tlio sbopaof tlio Company through the principal alrectt ofllio r'lly, cadi man bearing aome ton) or Imple-ment of bit trade. Tluro wero alto baiiuerabearing "Our cart unlto tho Atlantic ami

" Four hundred car buildtrj celebrntothe opening uf tho 1'ueiflo llailroad ;" " l'or Hanl'rnnciteo, connecting with ferry to China,"Ac. At riiiUilclplint, fltigH neio ditplaredfrom both public and privuto bulldingt, nnd theCommercial nchniigu aeut a congratulatory dot.patch by telegraph to tho Hercliunla' exchangeof Son l'rnnciteo. , furtunately, the nevtaof tbo poitponement nnt received in time to pro-

ven! tho Intended solemnities. y at noon,bottcTcr, the Chamber of Commerce will send itscongratulations to Son l'rnnciteo, oml at 1 lAlncktlio services appointed fur Saturday wilt bo heldat Trinity Church.

Many of tho nowspapers nre praising MnJ.-(lt-n- .

lliiittt WALniiiiuii en occasion uf liitas Comuiiiisinncr uf tho l'acillo Hall-roa-

They say, what they think and feel, thatthe (leneral it a very mnait man and n very goodfellow. Wo tlnill nntdUpulo tlieni but there laono thing for width ho can never forgive (len,WALtinmur. It wna through hit meant Unit theHon. Homes (Incr.Lsr lust the appointment ofMinister to llngbiiid.

Among the fashionable Intelligence In thntttcll-liif- i rined and accurate journal, Iforper'iliiair, we fiud tbo following interesting state-ment :

"Tlio lords oro becoming moro aprrccla- -

tlto of American beauty und cletcioest. A few da) 8

since Hie Iter. Ur. Auiut'a church, Madlton square,wat crowded with tlio beauty, weallb, and worth oftint 'Koildng'to Wear' renlun, lo witness tho ntip-tlal-

of Mr Miui.T, son of Lord JIaciiy, andnephew of the IJuke of ALTiiont', and Hll SUlus(latl.iT, a charming and accoinplltlied lady, wellknown lu the higher circles of New York soclity."

This may be all light, and wo sincerely trust itis; but, luifuitiiiiiitily, n careful search throughthe must authentic records of tho llritish peerageshows that thcro is no Lord iUrnr and no Dukoof Altiiubp in ull the United Kingdem. Howthen can tho marriage uf a relative uf tliojo

noblcuicu bo taken as prut Ing that thoAppreciation of lhigllsh lords fur the beauty andwit of American women It un the increase f

Twelve years ngo no horse cars wero al-

lowed to rim on Sundaya in llrouktyu. Tboiroik-le- g

people were dlssatislled, and began an aglta.tiou which resulted in a repeal uf the odious law.Threo yeart ago no street cars wero run In I'ldla-dclphi-

un tnimlaya. Tlio workingmcn insistedon n change, and tho wealthy church membersstrenuoiuly upheld tho restriction. So bitter wasthe fight that It was finally carried Into tho Penn-sylvania legislature, whcio a law was pastedwhich swept owuy tho last murk of higutry, andgave tho working classes tho i cliff they desired.In lew of these precedents, wo can baldly

for tho bitter war now beluj,' ttagod uterthis matter in Newark, N. J. Newurk is ono oftho first manufacturing citica in tlio UnitedFlairs. A vust majority of Ita Inhabitants nrolibeling inon, u largo pcrcvnliigo of whom aroOcrmiins. They eornestly dctliv Irmelllng fucll-itic- s

on Kuuday, but thus far their wishes havobeen disregarded, Tho rulh-oiu- l companies aromilium (o comply with tlu-i- withes, but nroburred out by n municipal ordinance forbiddingthe running nf cars on the Sabbalh, Tbo church,goers, especially thuto owning horses and car-- I

logos, seem bitterly opposed to the repeal of thlaw. Wo moy except tho Jews and Hcvcuth-iln-

llupllits, who probably favor tho working classet,Tho agitation has raged in Netrt-r- for sumo

twoycars. Now, lijdit Is duwiilng. The CommonCouncil has steadily refused to repeal tho lawjbut un 1'iiduy evening last tho Hoard of Alder-men, bv a truto of IS tu 11, passed a rosolutiou re-

turning the repealing ordinance-- to a Committee,with lustructiuua to add a section submitting


tho question to the people. Whether or notnot this section eventually ptsse the Newark Com-

mon Council, the time cannot bo far distant whenNew Jersey will follow tbo lead of New York andPennsylvania in wiping out this rcttlge of religiousIntolerance. Meanwhile, wc call upon the editorsiif the wlde-nnuk- XttcarL Courier tnd kindredsheets to vigorously ttrhold the demandj of theIndustrial community on this subject.

'When the atrolmen of tho MctrojiolitanPollco petitioned for an Increase of their salarlct,tho Commliiiotiera set Ihclr faces ngalnt themenj nnd when tlio sergeants, captains, and In-

spectors held a meeting to urge the Legislatureto Incrcato their salaries, the proceeding trotdisapproved by (leneral Older. The Leglilatiirithaving increased the annual salaries of I he Police('immltsloncrt to tli.M"1 1 each, will the Hoarddisapprove Ihelr action t

-- MfA.M;.vr.i.I'liiLntnuotic Cokcsrt. Tin Philharmonic

HocJtty made amends for I'jo remarkably bad con-

cert that It gave four weeks sii by tbr remarkahl)good one of last ctenlnj. We do rot remember anymore thoroughly Interettlng programme- - It wasblessed by ll e most r.,rlnnnle abtiueo of any worksby Lltztor any of kit bret'iern of lliomtd tihoul ormiwlclsnt,

Tho Interest centrad In a wotk of a kind thst ta

seldom heard la our eon .;rl litll-t- . Mr. V. Iwlnllocitli rnnl llyron't trtjtc rwm " Manlreil," towhich Schumann eutnposd the Incidental amidescriptive music, ai.Mendlaohn hat to the "

Nlght'a Dream."It was a most rar ami hippy comhlntilon or the

Intellrrtnal and l pint oil fitments. C.icli aided Inthe perfect comprrhf nilon of the ntl.f r. Tilt mutkwove about evsry line of the pomu an eiqnislle

of tune lh-i- t with eunanramaU art developedand Intentiflei the author's mnanlnir, while the poemIn Ita turn gate form and purpose U the maMclan'sdelicate fsnelrs, and lnru-r- d life and meaning InUbit untuh.lanlUI ihoulit. tr. lkiolli rtw.l withmost an.itle and reAned aporeclatiua of the poem.Ills eloeullnn never teemed more clear and at hour-ly. Tho of hit volio wcreaweitaadmntlcal, and In brtullriil aeeord with tho ntooBipanr-lu- g

orchestral liarmunlet. The dramsUe purls weroread with Intense feeling and eaprtsion, and yet never for an Instnnl hecmnIng extravaxni t or forgetful of tin mt "3; !" -- I"' '1

at the rcaillnje'-i- k and le.t upon the sUije. He wialistened to with Interne. Interest by the large so

Atnnnz themwrre rasny of the eiergy, u"onwhom thelessnn in cl .rali.iii llut they reixived 1. Ill,we hne, not be alloettier thrown away.

Wood's TiiXAvsr.. Oii rluturday tlifirst perfiirmanc of a most spirited hurleriiuo called"Itoblnsun t.'rusoc" took place, iumeruus delsys,unsvuidable In preparing a work uf such iu.rlcary,resulted In rxelllng public Interest lo the pitch ofcrowding tho thealro to lit ut ii.iat limit, ll wut tl

o'clock befiro the eorlain lo-- tlih.iugh tl.eer-forniane- e

began a hu'f hour earlier with I lie be) a Inthe gallery, who kepi the hone in good humor byeheertnx every peiauii of note In the audienre. Thebmtftijuols tho wurk of an Knglish plawiljthtClitt Millwsrd and Is as guod ns the av raito, lullnf puna, Jokes, and calrhe. The ttory uf Crusoe Isfilrty followed, no further violence being duno tu nchild's notions of poor HohlnMin's Island than bymaking It the nbide of fairies and ettra at well aseannlbali. The harlraqtie artnra are nil very gn I,

cscclallyso Miss Marluti Taylor. Her flrsl entrancewaa greeted wllli the warmth due lo a luii'ltuuisfnec and ftgnie, and tho awolo cnlhusiasm by lurvoire and mnslcul culture, which Is so far abovo anysli cing actress e hive had ss to place her In thefront rank. Mist Longmorent IMIiifon (r'cKwiitthe Clirlslmss eilltlon ofllmwork In flue clothes. Herpresence is plei slng and rellned. dances amiarts well, and msJc quite a hit. Mr. nnd .Mrs. living,aa 117- - AUInt and JUly Mulnbrtict, are very goodIn Ihclr respective pnrls-l- he former not so well en-

dowed with tho comic power as tomeotarr burlesqueactor". He l, however, a viry good dancer and sing-

er. Mr. I'ateman at ft Hay carried oft" most of thehonors, He It a mime of remarkable vigor and lithe-nes- t,

His dnmb descriptions were caught hy the au-

dience and duly appUob-d- . King Klrktraboo andLis cannibal attendants aro very good in their tra-

ditional staxe negro the fleU Lavtni beenso will gleaned tint un actor well nlghlu-sptrr-

to produce u now Id en on the suhji ct. Tl rburtesque Is followed by Ibc pantomime which nnHuRlMiinon so desily luves. It has as mneli to dowith "Itoblnson C'rnsoe," liowever, nt wllli the AInhama cluhnl. The Columbine la sweetly pretty j theClown, by C. Abbull, an artist who would held bitown Willi Humify Ihimpty hlmtrlf : wbilo l'aulaloon, Harlequin, and Ilabby Hie latter being an

uukownto the Indian liiirnturaorilic puntumlnie aro eirr.lint. The ciHtumes wcie, ofeourse, fresh and eiiremrly rich, the ma-k- a grotisquoand elTectlve. At yet the processions oie a littlehltehy, but they III prove moro acwpinhle It ta i, parllenlarlv a drum corps of thirty or fortygirls, which was highly tpprrclated by the young-sters. Tho scenery Is by an limll-- h artist, .lamesKolirts. and In many r.'apu-t- s It unlqiu lr beautiful.Much money and care have been ei pi tided on the

lniiruteniints --an utnlislon ofmuch nf the cave scene beltu tin pmnlpul une willInsure success.

l'ua.M-- A new opera, and by a com-pos-

nutytt hmrd among us, it lu be produced thisevening, and lo be plajed etery alternate night, atthe fifth Avenue tlrt House. It Is by A. .Mail-lar-

and It entitled " Los llragons de Vlilirt."The scenrr) Is new, and theooslnmis have been Im-

ported expressly for this pieee. Mile. Irraa and MM.Aujac and I.ignfluul art In Uie cast.

Tits Wavkuixt. A new company known astto "London Ilnrlesqus t'omMnatiun" likes poseslion of tliit theatre this evening. The principal eieont of this "combination" are Mr. Kellx lingers,Mist Jennlo Wllhuore, and Mist I.lxslo WlllmoreThey nre spoken of both by tht En.lih prss and by(he rhltsdilphli pipers (In which city they Lnvjlately been playing) In tl.e raot favornl le terms, Mr.Hogers being referred lo nt a flrtl-rlas- s comedian,and the Wlllmou- slsten at both brilliant ind pretty.They n pear this evening In three pieces, " .Miriam'sCrime," tho " Middy Ashore," and let on parloFrancois."

Orimt Dasutric Norrt." Casio" is succeedIng well at Wallack's, as It deserve. A better com-cd-

or ono bettej aclts.1, U uat now to bo found 111

tho cltv.At Iluoth't, " Othello" le continued with the tame

cast at last week, Mr. llooth Inking the tide role.Next Saturday la anuoniictd as tho last luatiuco cfthis play.

At Nlblo'a preparations are In progress for a changethe Hallni" will be brought out In about

a fortnight, until which tlmo the " l'orty Thltvcs"w 111 keep Itt place upon the atago.

Oltupio Tiikstrs. This is tho last week of"HuuiptyIumptj,"ahiiowhu has had tho mostraarvclliius run In tbo record! of the staje. Pivchundred consecutive representations Is sonietlnngthat will counect his namo and that of Mr. Fox In-

separably la tlio history of the dramatic art inthis country. Tho successor of "Humpij"stobo our other nurs-r- y filcnd, "Llttlo lied HidingHood," who Uket the stage nrxt Monday evening.

At tho Tammany, " Koblnson Crusoe" has nutwith a decided and couitautly increasing earvrst.Tho performances nro diversified by tho daringfeats uf tho Kitarcll lliuthcrs.

At the Howery a new sad. Judging from its name,?.!T.'."1. "?,,,c.-!lr?- ".. entitled"Wliiis to tho Muidcr at tl.u Four Wil-lows."

IH n- - flail un (he Tux Levies.Ai.iukt, ifliT 8. I dciire nn niv personal and

oBlclal to contradict the gaibled undItillainpottnr) representations m snnie im. , rs res:i g

them.viiltuileoitl.cTui Livus. Tlusc arc tholueis, stated with tho iieecsarj n le.'raplilc succinctbetas 1 huumuuiitou ttio 1 ax Lev for ibis y. nr.IrrcsiK-ctlv- of bunds, Issued inu.uly lor city lu.prot

m'"-si.- f la- -t jenr onlyabout f:VO.UU0. After rro, hiiui for the Interest 1111

the bunds uuthoiu. I bv the leil.n and deductingtho amount pro, id. .1 lor by tax relief1 bonds, the neWlues are est innti d in the sggroTate st about twenty-on-

mid n half millions, end ure then two millionsand a half Ics tliun it jcir. The rate of lax willprobably not csceed two and n flfueili per cent., andll was Iwu and a sixty ninth Issi year. The orulu oftho attack upon the lax is appirent tu tho walelieraofpolltleal mae'dn-r- The maturity or the rienatat'ouiuinlce disireil tu ublalu a uputsllun for re mo-rn v. Tho majority of the House Cummiilee bidagainst them fur tl.e like result. Thus tl.u unanmaof the cllr wero a tuko for a rural partisan gamblerlo win popularity st home, where opposition to thoNew York Tax Levies sicuili.gly coudonee duriogcamimlgus for all tho other transgressions of theirscmIob. aft, OA KEY UALU


the ixr.rtT.iiit.r. rmtmrit or mi:1! l; VOL VTlOSA It V J'A 11TY.

Large llnei-rlll- Turtles of Cubans "accretedIn Ihe I'nrcats-AiTnlll- na Hie ltnln Hn

and l'ettllrnce lo lleatrorIhe Spnnlsti Army "A (food Time Com-I-

floral Wnlt n 1,1 tt In Longer I"The L'aglr, from Havana, on Paturday broaghl

letters from trustworthy and eltlens nfthe l'nlte.1 Plates, among them ono from threo Amer-

ican engineers, Orlin lo V. Hmllh, of Newark Alex-

ander , of Newburgh; and Virgil C

Wheaton, of Cape Mvy. Theso gentlemen wereuntil recently emplnye-- l on sngir est tie, under theJurisdiction of l"oettn l'rlnelf e, and had uncommonopportunities for tasking observations The nrgroea,notwithstanding the prodamstlnu of freedom, volun-

tarily kept nn with their wmk as moal, nntil ordered by (he Insurgents to take the field, and thentl.e ttilir grinding erased.

Messrs. Smith, Crumble, sod heaton mjde Ihrtrwny Iroin I'oerto Piinelpe by a elrrollons route Inr rJ'r to avoid the mllltiry operallmis on the rnllw ayto Nacvtti. ind Ihene abl pped on a schooner lo thisI tare. Hut Ing tte time they were at work theestaiet were nnt molests I by (sovernmrnt orlisnrreetionnrv forees, though some others in thevlelnlty were destroyed, the sugar ntannfatttired be-I-

fed lo horse, who eat II with avidity, or scat-

tered nri n tie . One of theatj est ilrs svtinwnel by tie tirothers rleaga. (ins of them. Inthe esrlv part of DeeeTtber. etlled his sltvs s togetherand Informeil thrm tint they were free men, and atlibtrt) to go wherever they chute. He would rr-f- r

to have them rem a'n w'ln Inn, nnttl (he rmn wasIn, and le would pay them for their labor mean-while. They hit announcement with muelientbnsia-i- aui unioluiuusly decided toAa with all ihe negroes, whei ruled tirwn to Jo!-- i

tne Insurgent ranks, thev mtiilienietl their entirewllllhenesui, thuuUug, " I'fru Cuu llln.' ' " I'll aCtgnitu"'

rrem the sta'emrnts nt (hese en?lneen It Is rv.dent thst the nuninart t,i the oneentrntCAl bodies fInsurfuits, with arras for aararisslve or drunsitewr.rfurr, hsvr been ereatly rtacgerileit. No neh'nree a, " and mn has evei luen e dlert-rci- ,

nor I" It rrobsbte that tuci oninber of c Drrtltefirearms can lie found In Cnuiaxuey The truth ts,no, as In the carl) Mr! of th' Insnrrertfon. therebels goatsnut In small bands, numlirrlng from flit v

to seventy five, vi ry msnv of them hut ihjirly artnoiland with lit lie- or discipline. Like tho uld High-- I

nidi rs of si ofand. ns described by Heotl, the fl' ov. r. each on" retnrnt to tils 1 Hive pirn, if Itso sunt bun, to look alter his business ur family

alwtts rrudy at any moment to catch np hitweapon rgitr it (he onnd of the pibroch. Animatedby 1 genuine spirit nf literty and fiercely determinedio ver again to submit in Sp.mtah dumlnatlon, they

not lo uiipreclate the nicesslty of nrganlsilloiiand d'sclpMnc stl are eunal, aud orders are oheyidas the) Ifhewllhthr In llllilusl mil. Tliotigh thussealterrd titer Ihe coiiiilry, Ihe sggregaro if the Insurc-im- K very Isrgr, and any operation a e

fores ran be eistly eellertet. There op--t

d itn In his march froft llutnsji to I'neiUirrtnclpe sun men thus rollerleil; hut aa Ibry t

organUv Inn and unare.istomed tn actingtogether. e,en nnder the adrnntngrs of position theyccsuM not oppose the dhaclpllnoil troops.

In the rarly i.ait of Anrtl a grand Junto or Con-gress was held nt N'oiub u, where w ere ga'hetedrej resrnlatlves from all parts nf (he Island, e, nfrom tho vtclnlly uf Havana, t'espedes esldi-i- t was, b, a vote, iiiiinlmuusiv rlccn dIn ('ho f of sit1 the forces In thel-lsn- and a

r solution was mascd, without a dissenting voire,declaring that thu cuulrst is for auuexatlou tu UoI'liilrd KUitl-s-.

In Cimaguev. where Ilea the ehtrf strength of thepatriots, the rainy season li at hand. Once opened,the hp in Ish IruoiHt will beunauie tu uiovi- Troui thulrrncam.nei.ts or oarra. ks In the rples, nor cm theytnnspori provisions fro-- the reset svtre lay rsllroid.Thirty thonaand men along the line of tl e road

lYtnriie and Nue,ii-- cannot keep open theeoiiimtinlcattoii long enough tosiipily I'r'mlpe forthe rtlny season. The r volnib.uisis are eoneen-inlin-

every aval able msn to opp'i'O the rcimirtngof the roal und the UuusporuiUnn uf pru,lious,an.t ctthrr b preventing the r pair or by sut eqnently ciilln ' the rosd we shall prevent tin tuppiles Iroin getting In. Unco the ratns roninu nreand all comtiiLnicatiun ceusis, the troops will soonbestarve't out from the Interior, and Puerto Principennd other cities of Impnrlmcr will I.1III11111 the hindsof the Insurgents. All the otieiatlont uamust ond by the time the siason is over therebils will be will sum llcl with arms, and ready tomeet t'10 ripanlardt In the ejien Hi 1. Agsln. tho

season is at hand, and the vomlto Is rcciain tomake deadly havue 111 the ranks of Itn- ftiamtrds,partn ntarly with tl ose recently arrived.hpvin will not be able much longer to carry on thuwar. Phr ts bankrupt tu, and matters ate growingworsi-i-rir- day Lten though she should c mlW.oil niMltlonal men aiulnsl the tsltiid, It can holdout for two years, and long ere that her ctloiis mustcesso from mere exhaustion.

Owing to the scarcity or provisions the women sndetilMrei, are 1rtns;rstllly sent Ir,.,, luelu lilitrtpeThey go to the plantations tu tl.e vicinity, and whenthe Irnups appear they flee to tho woods, where ibuSpaniaidt osie not follow thetn. Immense qoiiitl-tic- s

of sugir an I other va'uabha era conciaird tnIhi-s- forests, where the soldiers, though consii ntly

the tmtiiuis for nut coming out, are alruidtoenlir Scleral cues of starvation hate occurredIn the city.

Hilly taousand hogsheads of sugai are raised In theauction, of which Nuevluas Is the outlet, annually.This year not a hugshe..d wi.l be sent out.

The Insurgents are amply p.urlde.1 with food.Ihey hn,o immense herds of cattlo within tlo.rlnus. an t tianinus, swut potittoes, yarns, vailrtnaui fru'.l and auiiill sti c are abuudsut. Cullce unitrice wire rather aesree.

Many of the families have bouses lu the dense for-ests, wheiuthey reside lu perli-i- t safety, and 111 plep.ty. Hvi r) whi re and among all cla-se-n ta ciprveacdIhe IntLiieest lulu mess tuAard Suln. and the

uevor ugalii u submit to ripau.ah rule.

Annltier Aiiicrlcnn'sj 1 letr tifllieItiilurl l.nun lu be llxccnlcd.

CorresKindeneeof It.e Hun.

lUvass, Mny 1. Ocn. Marmol has under bitcommand fiom to l,tw) colon d troups, und l

runnlug ntcr Ihe Santiago de ( ubn district, firing allthe estates uf tho bpsi lards. Tlie (lovrrnmrnt Is

unablo to pare thu nrceassry troops to combathim successfully. When lit troops approachany place, the Cubant Immediately retlroor dlspirso themselres, su that it Is almost Impossi-ble to find thim. When, howettr. tho regularsmarch about In small squads, tho rebels manage tocome up with them tn some mountain fa,tness orthickly wooded turn of Ihe rood, and uceuduiiillymake sad havoc In Ihelr ranks. This is tbo kinduf warfare that cost the Spaniards so many lives Intho Ht. Domingo war, when-- , on una uccasiun, SOU

blck troop" hirassed S.OoOHouidardsecvcral weeks,and at last the Oovrrnim-n- forces iwitetruteda Mile way Into the. tnteilnr, they had, liotn beingeor.stuntli exposed to this kind of warfare, to re-

turn to the coast, but with gioaily dlminiahud iiiim-bc- is.

Mlnano. the Oovernnr of Titnldid, leva ordetedall absent famllb-- to mum, under Hnally uf Im- -

for dlsuhisllencc uf the order of the day In the Jurisdictionof ringus the property of sboul thirty individu lis hasbeen seirrd recenlly by Ihe (luvernuienl, and Ihesame thing Is being done In all parts of tho Island.

lrom the best uccounts 10 br oblalued, it wouldseem that there arc. counting Manmu's l.Mitm n,S.fVtl Insurgents In the district of Hanllntn de t'nbs

Tho insutgentt are really moving In eery direc-tion. 1 hey havo a eonsldi ruble body of troops ncirNuchas an J 1'uerto Principe, ljuesada, thegcrcrullsslmo, la orgatuxlng his forcos as la-- t us pos-sible, and tbo nccounis which icaih us from thelatter point nro In this partieul ir I Ighly Interesting.It is said that there aro acurul bo.lirs uf tru.ira.rotcavalry ueir Ihe latter city, splendidly armed andiquipped. Theso are ail ilresrd In uniform, eachman having n Hpeneer ritle, a pistol, and machete.Tin re aro at the least oulculaUuu ubuul a,0JO mm lut mtr files.

A groat deal of suCerlng Is reported at PucrtuPrlncipo on account uf tho scarcity ol pro-visions, and tt will be exceedingly difficultIf not linposslhla for the (loveriimrut io protltionti e pi ire. On tho ollu r hand, the Insurgents go

hero they pleuse j ha, 0 imiiunso numbers ol c.ntle,und these, with tl c fruits of tLo earth, will be suff-icient for Ihcra oven should tho war cont.nue anotheryear nr longi r. The a une atalo of things rxitiathroughout lbs K litem aud Central lleparliuiiits.The etpaniards hold must ut the tuwiia, but ore siaitup, andean go out tu bunt suppllit only when Inforce, und genenlly they meet null ui.secu cueunts,who oHrn Inllict upon tlicm scrlons losses.

Tho Yui ila Abajo remains tranquil, but Ihe reasonis plain: There the Cubans havo 110 urnis. Thowhole island Is revolutionary: there is no such feil-lo- g

as giving np the coiitc-- t, and the conduct uf the(!o, eminent lu soiling the property ofausjutecs, anduf prumliK Ut Cubans li re, will but add fuel tu thuilimi'. Hob a m.111 of the means uf aupportlng hisfaintly, and ho it In uo mood fur couipruuilso andsubmission.

A prominent Cuban, lttfael I.irnzi, has been con-demned tu die. His mishaps hstebcen uianv. Latir-x- a

Is an arduit revoluilonisi and was the Brit manput Into tho Mono Cattlo uftcr thecommencement of the war. This was

certain inflammatory documents ucrustid tu baso been found In bis possession. Lersundlreleased him with others pi evlous tu ids sailluir forSpain. As soon as llulcn declaied Ihe liberty 01 tlioPicas, lauxa startrd un orcun, dllcd the Convention1,'eputilleano ; tho sumo night of tne day on w'ucAthe first number of tho ue pupcr made its appear-ance, Lauzu was fuund at tne Ylllanucva tiicaireriot, and there he was u.alu urr it Is usacrtedthai at the moment uf arrest ho had hit pmol pub

at the heud of a riiunlth cutontl, On the luttlmoiulng when Leon and hit comrade were led to tlioplace of execution, ll wns said that Lanza spoke 10Leon these words! "Itemember your promise"which was understood to be, that he, Leon, shouldmake a speech before djlni, and glvo shouts for

and Free Cuba. It It believed that It Iton account of this last cuurge thnt the young man Itto bo executed. Ho is about thlrfy-flv- years of age,and Is connecicd with the belt famlllciol Ihe Islandhis mother (now deid) wat a nltcoof the treat Ha-vana merchant, Juts' Maria Morales.

To conclude; 11 may be aalely said that the Span-iards arc somewhat Not to with thopatriots. The latter hare an abiding confidence Inthe Justice aud anal ta lumen of their causa.

coixjya jo.vrr rito.n im: iu:av.An Expose of the Coroner's ' lltng" How

Dend lTedlet nre Turned Into (IreentincksDr. Dixon's I bnrges Confirmed In Uvery

I'urllculnr.Vem iht Hte Fori Times.

Prominent phrsielant and others have latelycalled attentlonto the fact that the toroncrt Coronersdeputies, and a certain class of Id'o men who art onCoroners' Juries in this city ann rtrooklvn. bateformed a ' ring" for makint money out of Inqtieslt.Tne charge at made was very grnral, and hence Insome mr.tsur'-sunjns- t snd exixgerat'it, as all snrurliarfea are apt to br, but In one nr two specified In.etantea the etidmce fully sutstautlatcd the charge.

r.tixmsi, tug tisrs or fin paxu.TLe tnflot ryvmn.fl, as revei'el In these state-

ments, I sornei idng as follows : (V, tuln meinbsts of11, e who might be not Inaptly termed vam-pires or jackals carefully ciamlae each day tl.t listo'deaMia pnhltshed In the dally pipers, and also thecertificate book o Ihe pioptr depirtmei t fur Itsulngcutlftenu. of burial. They thus become aware ofthe name and nddre"Sof deceased persons, the

causes of death, and (he appointed honr lorburial, ir the. cause of death snouts ti e slightesten use fur an Inquest, a Jur Is ordered from Lie" rh ." nn t an Inquirv is malrat a cost to the cityof tb) for each Inquest held. In manv eases tills noqila'tlonls unnccessi.y ami aa uatls,vj onthe family of the dead.

tiLICKMAtLIWl MWIUta AID IWIKUUSO TllSOir.1 hns an Inquest was lately hel 1 on the person ol

an elderly gentleman whu had died while under thecar Ufa distinguished rhysielsn of high

standing and acknowledged ability, from I'mclteetsnf a fall en tho Ke raoretlun twelve monthspre vloutly. other ghi nnt Instances of this kind ofIrtud are numerous, A late horrible Improvementon It Is letrnde I to blarknudl the family of the sub-ject as wen asaomdie thceity. Thcjuiyof vamptt-- saresubpuusedto appiarat the Iste residence of thed. rias.Hl a few minutes before 'he hour appointedfor the services, ami tl ey can only be i,tr.d o by the payment of 3 lee by the lamlfy, or, aslu one of Ihe uiii rtportcd, by the flrmneaa of tbnTimily phyalrlau in rrfu-i- the f oroner pcimsiitilo examine the body after Ihe cer.lBrata of burialhad been Issued.

Tng VAurtnta nr nrjot ls.No sooner, however, bis the vampire Cornnfr

been a.ooled than another Is eneonnirissl In the p,r.s '1 of ihe undertiki'. A meti ..itan lunri-i- sone of Ihe mo-- t hoirihie spectacles which can tietinagined. tt Is either all Indecent dlsplsy, as In tl.ecis uf the prominent aud wealthy, or IndeeeitInsie, as In the case uf the more humble. No Wallstrict apecslator s rou)o flushes thiough the streetswlfi greater haste thnn the hearse n the undertaker.We bate heard undcrtaktrs declare that tbry avoidedDrissdway on week ds) because of the impuetibllltyuf makltig good time;" but un Hundays, when theKieat tiioronghfaro Is mmparatlvrly open, the racesuf the hearses are fre.pi nl and (lu Ihe drivers,

highly eirh.iig. Presuming on the pa.lietier of grier, and the natunl rrluetai.rc of the

todl-put- e the listripenset ut the deceased,the 0 .dc-ls- r never falls ta ir.akc his b.lla ut largoas iK.ssib.e.

a rtni-it- t o.x Tng llEAD.

Another species of anuoyancos Is of very late In-

vention, s. me lady, whose name we cannot recall,h s d.siovere.l a means uf pieservlng natural tlow- -

rs In all llilr freshmss of look, though not ofsun II ; and alio has nUrrtd her services to the public,with u view uf 1 reserving the decorations 01 thedeal This would all be well enough, and manyp. would be glad to employ hT irt aud call Inher aid, tf It were not fur the tact that she employsthe uioat paluiul and ntfenslve method nf tenderingher services. Mie employs herself 111 a dally ctsro-11-

Ion uf Ihe of di utha In the papers ; andannoat elug the advantages, beauties aud pccu'.tii art. urr si nt In large num-bers, by mall addrr-se- d tn the persons who, bytnelr relitloiiship to the drcesssd nre thought to bemost afhteted. It is a most jmiui und e

on on the sacr- aues id private grief,and us to ranking mis gentle but Indlaciiclllower preseivei au g the suetal vuiiipln s.


And then, last of all, but not least In the dlsplsyof offrnslve taste and 111 Judged manner, oemet tl.uminister. s 01 the funeral sermons tf thepiesiut day are U? of aiidiesscs tu the

calfiitated, and apparently Intet s1;d, tu har-row np their feelings. Funeral sermons urn lookedupon us surceetlul tnli In pmpurtiun to tho sensa-tion produced un Ihe inuuriters and fr.ends who arepresent. Lulog urns of the most Hoi id style arep.onotinred on the dead; appeals of the most

character aro made to tlio survivors; andsoiemn and beantllul death Is turronudrd, as far astho injudicua minister can do It by words, and thoutidcitukcr by display, and the other vamplics byufllciousness, wllli all t 'St Is Iserrtble snd outra-geous. When sbsll we have more piivsey, less dis-play, and less bilk at uur funerals r When ahullthe, bo at unce simple, silent, and solemn, as th?yought to be, and unce were, In the primitive ages,when fashion did not dlctutu either the cut ul uursables ur the deputations of our dead I

How Mr. Juliu Juy wins Appointed 31lii!1rrIn Vienna.

From Ms tttntra Vrf.Mr. John Jay, it is said, went to President

Oratit and asked with somr nltlveiieat for tbo nua-slo- n

to llngisnd. 'the I'lcsldent replied that he wuasorry be oold not oblige l.lm ; but he bad sent In tuthe C'oinmlttec on Foreign Affairs thr namesof srveral gentlemen, suy une 01 w hum ho wus will,ing to liuiinnale ; und lbs 1 uiuioliisn wero able lesgrro unanimously un but nno man, Mr Motley,whom, llicrcfuie, bo had nominated, ur rfmlied lonominate.

" llui," said tie President, "wnn't jon tikeaomeli.liig elect Wuuid not the mission lo Anstrlssuit you 1" No; Mr day would go to laindon or

re, be aald, and returned lo New Yuik. Therehe tuld the tale lu Irlimis, whu ripruucbi d bunlur outgoing to Autn 1. " Yuu want tu go uhroao,"they sail; "Vienna ts a plcasaiit and ItiilHjrtuilpost ; whv not got '

Mr. Jay changed mind, and oue.ized threefriends tu go at ouce to the President to tell htm -- o,nnd ask the nppoliitmint tn Vienna Tl eso Kl were, I am told, Mr. John A Orlswohl. Mr.Iav.L.I. Uailev, ard .Mi. .1 ickson rJ. Sthullz, all wellknown In your eiti aud rii.tto.

Ttjse three aceordiuiiy Isstemd to Washington.When they gut lu the white llnuso thty were In-

formed 1I1.1I the President was at dinner, .Nut to beput ult, they detamdrd to know huw long he usdben radng. "Half an hour," was the retry. "'I hentake In our cards, aud tell the President we ha,ouri-u- tluy said. Piescnt'y a messagecame that (Mi. tiiant would sen them 11 Ihey wouldwait In tho (wrlur. The l'res.drnt came in, and,after soma preliminary talk, they tlaled thillubji et.

' I am sorry for Mr Jiy," replied the President"but 1 made up my mind to Uur ll e Austrian mis-sion tu Mr. iiliatn Ciillen liriaut, snd Just bumoloucumein 1 telegraphed him tu that elicit. Yuuar too lati ."

At tl Is, I am told, thcro was n brief silence sniongMr. Jaj's dilecules: but rrisciitly they began lu

thu President that Mr. llrysut would not lakethe pl.iei-- : he waa not, they told Mr. Onul.illfposudlo wecept

" llui," urged tho President, "you see It Is tooLite ; I ha,e ulrrraphtd tu Mr. Ihjanl "

Afur souie tuither cunveisaiton, Intendrd totho Prisidiiit (nit Mr. Ilrvunt wunld tcfuse

thr place. It occurred lo una uf the gcnt.eincu 10 uskIt It wus certain Ihe despatch haJ gone, 'li e Presi-dent lung a bed uud a cluk appeircd, whu, as luckw ould have It, held In his hand the despatch to Air.Hi, ant, whkbhc was just tending oil wkcu he wasculled.

Tucn Mr. Jay's friends renewed their argumentswun tho President, tn Induce him tu withhold thodespalch and appoint Mr. Jay lustradofMr. llratit ;und their repr. senlallons wctc so urgent that at last.Mr. t.i.oit euiisciitid, lure up the despatch, andagreed to give Mr. Jay the Austrian mlssiuu.

Tho Orlsvvold College Modem's MileldCeFrom, tht liarctiport (oirni r7a eir. Hay I.

Parly yesterday afternoon, (leurgo Clayton, astudenr at (lrlwold College, called ut the rrsideneom Mr John Haley, and invited Ins daughter Maiy I"bote a ride Into the country. Yum Clajtun badbc pa log I er some stn niton, und as she w us oir ynt out 11 years of age, her intner had requested Is rto tease him. Whin lio made hiswishes known, she refustd tn go with him. 1 1,1

urtol lu-- to co, suitmi that tt would be the lasttunc he would ever ntk her. Tne gbl eousulled rmot icr. nnd wus ilveu tTrmission tu lo, with thoutiiicisiuiidlng that tluy should not be gonoinorothan ball an hour The line hoists uud atjl.slibugg wi re at thu door, and the youngcouplo startedoil tu enjoy the besulilul May afternoon, '. lajlon,

uuug and lull uf ruuiautic fervur, wus lively andserunngly happy. He druvc into the cor.iitry threomiles away, and then turned toward 'nc city. ulisd come this way but a shuit dlsluice, when henaked Mist Haley tu take the remi, 81.0 diuvc ashoil distance, when Clavlon pill lilt hind in a si lepocket of hit coat, and told lur bo had "got some-thing here." "What Is lit" He pallid lurtlisoul! uvuliir, asking, "Do you liauk this willshoot I"

- Why, nn; thnt Is nrthlug hut a pity pistol.""I'll show that it will shoot,'' said Clas ion, placing

tho platol auainst her tcmplo bhe supposed that hewas In sport, and, putt. ni her Hand up quickly,pushed Iho ptsUd away, and told him to 'shout Intothe road.' He turned Its muzilo toward his head,about nlno Inches from his riglit temple, and Und.He felt forward on bis knees, with hit head ovor thedishboard. Tho girl, supposing that be was stillplaying, oekrd him 10 get up and attend to the horseIlls ouiy ri'ly waa a moan, flhe took hold of bun,lined him back sgalnsl the seat, aud saw the blood011 bis face. Then the realized her situation, Khutried lo lift bin upon the seal ; the burse made ufresh start, aud Cluytoa Ml upon the wheel, evi-dently uncuurciout, Her presence of nilod did notdesul her. hho crusred tie reins stopped thehorse, and fladn g III it I 'lay ton was still unconscious,wuuud the runs about the und luukeufor assistance- - Twenty rods away stood a lainur'ahouse, and she hurried to the pi ice, tuld Iho womanw hii had huprcned, askt d her to summon help, andran back to Uiebuggr, When sho readied it Ciujtouwaa standing on tlio ground with his hand on Ihescat, the blood uniting down bis face, bhe asl.cdhim, "Why did you shuut yuuiBClf." He in.iilo noreply, but turned aud gut Into the buggy, A tannerd uvu tbo young sulci, lo home, and be died thatmJU He wus eighteen years of ao.

The Hun's Itaiildly.lucri-uslu- Ihi IMtornf Tl.) iui.

Sin I bad tho curiosity this poir-.'n- r, on rayway from Harlem to Kipbt'a frtfef, via loird sve-nu-e

cats, to nodes the rale of paoert, tnd she nstiltwas I On H oWuf, one 7'H4un, ont Herald, tunTimes, and fteries Euns. Bi. Mr. yottr hghtIs appreciated, and lou can confidently count upou uhundred thousand clrculuUoa by bcpuuihcr.


b ux nr.a ms.

liy an ordinance of llaltlmorr, minors arc lo 'be excluded from the billiard rooms of that city. 1

For several days last week tbo mountains of vBerkshire county, Miss., were whlto with snow, f

Land that sold in VIrglula four years ngo fox!, I

six dullsrs an acre will bow bring thirty, IThere aro a million Uaptisls In Croat ErHaJr

'and Ireland.Duels nre now of almost dally occurrence ta i

Paris. Sometimes as many as two or three a day arorecorded.

A bill has been presented in tho ItalianSenate prohibiting the Illicit deportation of boys ts 'organ grinders.

1 litre hare been 200 patents Issued t tbojPatent Office, Washington, for vcloclped.s duringthe it twelve months.

The Pope gave the golden roes this year toIhe Duke Ilobert of I'arma, who has Just msrrloJthe Princess Maria l'ta of glrlly. . !

An Iowa man telegraphed thus (oon Illinoissheriff: " Arrest C. P. W . eloplni with my wits,Owes me (lit). If ho pays, let him yo."

A gmn.l "srpitlter so, ertdgnly" war Is 1threatened Id Kansas by cltlrtns who dun't want to 1be ouitcd fiem their lands by ludmn treaties. I

Money and freight which left Now York fit IS P. M, Monday, May 3, wns delivered to ntnks andmerchants la bt. Louis before 3 P. M., M.iy 3.

Tho latest thing iu Ihe lijio hue is itn tuliort 1

mrei nude of bread. T ie pipes harden at d (Color biau'.ilully, close!) rt ic u' 1c lubri t ncir-tchaaa. 1

l'The equestrian latuc of W'asliinglou dcs j

tlneil far Ike Public rial den of lloslou Is lapidly sppmaching completion at the Ames establishment laCblcopee, Muss. ,

Csscsdillv Place, one of the temporary build. IIngs of turucll I'ulverslty, has required three tuni I

of coal cruty to haul It, aud 70, W fjet uf gus pegmonth to ll.-l-.t It.

An lnanc man with money In his possessionwandered Into a drinking shop In thr cit, and tha (proprietor took from List 8.I1, and delivered to I,tho police suthorUlea Iho man and the moo y

A California ptier culls Whlto Pine n "slu- - 1Kndout ifrhaps." There is lees mining than tcllinj , 1

out. Aa soon ss ore Is struck lu a clulni work is 'Istopped, for fear It may "psur out," and the mine la fitfor sale. tljl

Madame Hosslnl oontlnues at Pass,, at bor Iffdying husband's request, her l'rldty dinner parties. mmlios.inl's vnraut chair Is still at the ucsd or the table, flbat Ids fivonte dish of maccnroul is otuliu-- from inthe list of viands. J IT

Hie latest Idea for fashionable churches la a 1I

retiring room, like that of the opera la use, whera ' 1

ladles can leave their cloaks, parasols, etc., in I, thus idisencumbcii-d- . listen to tho Word In all the glory ' 'of gorgeous raiment. s,

Miss (.itharhie F. II. Mtcresdy, eldest jura ivtvlog daughtrr of the tragedian, die I on the Sltlitilt., on her homeward voj age from Madeira. Hhawas 31 jrurs old, snd bad given evidence of con. V I

sldrrabte poetical talent.The orator who was chosen by the bar of

Loulsvlllo to pieaent a cane to a brother barrister, (

nssurod the beneflctary tint the cnuo camo from 11'

fi lends "around tbo ten Jl lis uf whose bear's l.lj (jllImage was lnsrpirahly woven." k II

A scheme is on foot t cut a ship canal Ithrough Ireland, from Dublin to Oalwav. a disunco Iof about n hundred milts. The object Is to Improrotbo conimunlcultou between Lowland anj America,and It la sild that the whole of the necessary capitalcan be Immediately obtained.

Ail Intliiidual lu Texas publishes a card L

stating that his brother Is candidate for h, riff oftt e county becanso he himself Is disfranchised, butthat 1.0 Is lo be the real ulfleer. " Y'ou aie votingfor me, and that Is for my beniflt, and 1 am to re-

ceive all the pay If 1 am elected."An cxtuporatcd dealer in skates, who ban

been several times badly "stuck," writes aa ful'Ion a:

" I never wroto up 'Hkates to sell,'Trusting to fickle n..tute's law,

Ant a lvriilsed ana uutfed 'cm w. IIConfound Ul but 'twas sure to thaw "

A vino dlseaso of a new character is reported R "I

to have attacked tho wine growing district of tho if 1'

south of France. The disease Is attributed to ml-- jlnute Insects found on the leaves of tho plants, and B 'appears to follow the coiirao of the It'aune, hivluj Iextended a distance uf nluely miles frum the moutU llof that river. Ij

Curt 011 tho fast railway line between Liver. Ipool and I.oiidon can now be driven at the lalo of Bfifty miles an hour, and Iho whole dlstanco CJOO -

mhet) accomplished In four hours, Thcro la no jfcstopping for wuler, this being sroopej up from, f fttroughs beueen tLo trarka while tho train tt runumg at full speed. '

The "Clrcumbcutlnn OfTico" Is not new In.

England. In ICtiO Iho " Commissioners fur register. 1Ing seamen proposed that tho Inds of the Admiralty 1would tlraia to move the Lords Jullcis to direct Ithe Ixirds of the Treasury to order tho Custom 1House officers not to permit vessels to bo clearedwithout gl, Ing bond fur the payment of sixpence permonth out of their wages."

Tbo Lantatttr (Missouri) I'xetlrior knows ofa gill In Pchujlcr country, whu, "ouo night lastsummer, attended a ball, danced all night, wenthomo in the morning, got breakfast, dinner, andsupper for len bartist hands, did a)two weeks' wash. ftng and the milking, mado a calico dross, 11her music lesson, went nlackbcrrjlng. gathered a sj

gallon, walked to town lu the evening to Ulead Ba concert, and wutked homo again beforo brdtlmo." V

A gentleman residing iu a town near llrislon, Cwhile attending dlvlnc ecnicc a Sunday ur two ugi)was, uud.-- ll c Soothing Inllueuco of tho le.-j-,, tlulled Into a pleasant ilmnber. He was .Vn'dlydls-tuibe-

dby the tuuch ufa conViujullon bi 1 lu tha

hands of 0110 uf the doacou j., ,t ",0 WJ, t.xlc in up 1 col.lecUon; but. without urieiiing Ida lyes, thu sleeperejaculated and sank hick to rceumo billn ip. II is unt.yotsary to say taut ho was a seaaca-ticke- t

passeryf-e- r on a railroad.UupjrrPtatt has Just boon in New York. Hq

went, to une of tho theatres', and saw playcaJU-- J

"'Hie Tempest," "It was," ho says, " l!io mostappalling liutancc of tho louttdcrlng of a canal boatin a storm thut was cverwilneased, I thourht, whllothe shipwreck continued, of those touching lines oltho Indiana bard tilllug uf tl.o loss of Ms bruadhurarJusan Auu : t

She heavi'1 and rot, nndso( and heavc-1- 'And high her rudder flung. IAnd elLiy lituu she beavid uud sot,A bigafer luuk stia sprung.' "

A luarino vclocipcdu Is the centro of altraei IHon on the w hai f at Uiglnaw, Michigan. It is in dot tin, about twcnty-Ov- feet long, very sharp andpointed at the inds, not moro than flittcn tncl.nwide, aud Is prorelleu by a wheel under Ihe middle,similar lo the screw propeller of larger craru, Thomotion .Is ;gi, en to the wheel by cranks attached10 the shafting by bed gear. The steering .ippara.tus Is also In tho centre ol the boat, and wurkcl bjthe feet. The boat, for the spt cc of ten feet fromeach end, lias chambers.

Tho laic Hector Ilcrlloz was in Ids youth agci.thuslutttc admirer of Cluck aud Havdtt. lisknew their works by heart, and tbl'owcd wlthlnv Itense Interest tbe represent illons of thotn ut tlioopera. Ouo nlaht ho sud luily arote, and shaking JIds fist at the orchestra (xclnlmed, " Cymbjlt ha,o j110 business In that passige I" A lew lalnutes a(1-- r- Jward ho arose again tudcilod with a'l 1,1a mliht, f" Cymbals ajaln? He never wrote cymbals f'Tefc I" flHo was utout of tho house. Old Prince Metlir. tfli.lch was as lki orant of music as possible. One day, Jafter betrli g un orchestra of (Ivo hundred pieces tlconducted by Ilerlloz, ho asui-- tho Utter, " flu yoa If0 ton write music for flto hundred ierfortners 1""No," replied Utrhox, "not oltcn, One rally I Ionlj wtllo for four hundred and tiny."

When tho young autociatof Ithodo Islatii if.and Providence Plantations was shout lo be united llInmjir.l.-- u to Miss Chase. Ilithou Clark was tout ffimoucd to follow him to Washington, nod there wall IJhis p. asure. I'lpalty tho gicit event was consum- - Jlmated, aud without receiving any fee, tl.o coco11 shop ritiirntd to his hitots. He wua of count IIIsomewhat suipilted that he wns not at least rcini. fellburscd fur Ins ixpcnscs uf liavcl and rcslduicc al il IIhe capital. 'Jhe sluiy finally leaked, shSpratuc's agent at onco came lu the Ilnhop with 1 ')check fur fl.OJD. ThU the Bishop refuted, on thtgrouud that It waa too muo'i. "Oh, no," sulJ Hit, Mogcut, " this Is probably what ho woald havo giverj,,, M

ou if he liod thought auythlng uhoal ll ut the tinnier. Mand ho will b glad whea ho learns that I ha,o laka Mcore of the matter." m