the sun. (new york, ny) 1873-06-25 [p ]. · h-ttte. sfn, wednesday, june 25. 1873... i vr.!)

H - TTTE . SFN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. 1873. . . I vr.!) v. jcni: w, nci A lllllsf tllt'llt To-llu- Pewerv '1 lostr " ' ' ' f t. Ofirn II m 1 .st. thttJ iin . I n.rsl I'aik l.atdiii ' I. I' r li Alt Mic 'lliuilr.' Ml Ma M.ilb Mbln. t.aidtli h- - t UlMnp r 1 hmlri' : H I hi atte Com que Clot. M.l'nifc I'i.I n Hfimr 'I lustre- - J... Mlo tl r. leel' I hlalir . ueij . Mil. mm 1 I.. H mair.; II. .J. M.tis.. Tersns on he Nun ni'lvrf v I '' . , f (I 00 lui W'.t,,,, )'' I! Iin la ..l.r . S OK If l mil, c t f . . 8ft Oil II '.,i t ... lISi..., ( fid Oil, l rji.r, ou .DIIA1tSl ?! Dasoiiar ADti.ttii.4, -r tin., . 4e... N'l Th' Its. II tl Pri. . N l . b '" vt.r. iM t',Oi,i. i., T.Vi. II Iru- N1I11 I. 10,1 Ml .ti ..S ll .f I. .. 11... & U i. ka.n.fta Vi.ri.a, with ' All. " .rt.r II, lf H... .... f I 69 fclll kl.TTIR, llk 'Atlr " ft...! II, III If tl IH..I I CO At. ... It W flt.l , IS- r.i-t- , f.f t n. ALL Ai'tl.min.r. l .r lle.i r I ll.l fC If ir. AtVkf'.MTO. S'ii W II. n ii. t I .fin AsTtRo.tvt... rl... . v for I' , ... r.r'r't C h t4il if .f 1. .v bii...l Ih.Wr.l )f .i t Vat W.blj, sllti-fti- l .Hi. rbjc. .1 lb. . n ef b. lamtlt.f Per the srcommo-lstli- il resident adver ' lilt Si s II' be twi nod at our rrpiilsr rntcn at llio si'vcrllseM nl .ue.. M' w i st lldrty-ieenn- street, jirirtiu i of llrnnlwr sn.1 sivlri iveinir, end mis WrM 1 vrctilv nurd street, upon.! j Lisua opcr lluu.r. I ruin A. M. tu p. M. 'I'Ih- - Ornntl Jtirv tint t Indicted tho Sun. WltJ.tAM II. K i:mhi.i- - of 1 lilldth'lplilu -- n iiiiiu iiliout wli.i-- i' ImMiu'vi pi im'iiili's (lie pulilic :i i mil Ml In utiy iluiilit nr unci riuliity. Mi- - lif ilivlnrntl tlu'iu, not imly In (hi' iiimt linM mill r I'klt'Hi. Imt nliu in llio uiii't l(in?u:i:;i'. 1 1 lias ciiiIi kIIuiI llii'in In tliu followiiii; Ur.-- o ami In k'T lei ti l: "Tm:isriiv DniiTMRNT nr 1'rnvi.vIjM , I II IIIIH6III li ;, .M m'li 'Jl. lsii:. I "Mv IlauiTllllN : All. 'Vino In liitr.iiliii'n to roil my i,irtii-iili- frioml Mr. iikoiiiis (). I'.v is. lli li iS it a ' of tine ni.unitiiilu tliut he iMsliM you to lic.ii til in In. Viit lilm tliMunli iu iiu u lil niu. llo iiiuli'rJt.imU lulilUinn, UlvU ili'ii. nnil pIIi'ik'i'. Vnurx, W. II. Ki.nIih.i;. "Tu Titian J. Coi Ki'.v. Ki(..ValiMiL'Uin, 1.U." Keuhm: lia.i tint only iiuvit ili'iih'il tlio iiutliuiitli'Jty of tliU lollir, but lio Iiiim gotto to far ii.i nolcinnly to ailnitt i t.-- gc'iiuhii'-iium- i, under oittlii lu n jinliciul nrouuoillus iH lu city. ThkHiw lni glvpn piililiclty to t tit M-t- cr iniuiy tlino-i- , anil on u lwciit oicjifloii priuti-- it comtiiiiulriitloti from I'lill:uli!l-plii- a cuiitiiiliitiK Mil letter mill nouiu other mattcr.-- i nlnnit Kcmiii.c. For tliu Uiii of tilt emiimunlra-tlo;- i it (inittil Jury of tins oily one that WLH gciii't-nll- ruppo.'oil to li;' a icfot'tii Gnttnl Jury luu luillciinl The Si-.n- . Wt Itircrt the iniaii'.'i of tin' nictti- - Iti'in coiiiponln;; tliU Onuul Jury, in onlcr thnt their fellow citui'tii tuny iinili'i'Miiiiil 'nho rail miller tho lhi),' of Adillll'in, JJlvhtou, iind Slknrc. Soitiu of them ru liuahii'tss men. Tho Inquiry inttitiiilly iirl.-e- , do they tnniitict litulne.i) on tho Ktiiiii.E system? If o, let them iu.'criliu In pliilu leltt'iD tho wordA vlddltloii, iJWlon,iiii(( Mfenre over thelriop doom. The following la the II. t : Chiklii I'AnTkUKix, (ortiiniD. firm of i'lnrittDOi A i. rtinuu.tiu in rcinutt, llruia .trecl. Uti 1 tfciK'r.0 Nfl tiflrruilut eirv. bmlKL W. Uu.Bii.ti, hrmrr, TO M.iilioa itrcel. 1 13 Kill Tutl tuiirlu tr Tl. IhiHiiii W hiuut, prutuiuot, Iti IVhL itrcel. Ilctl.''iai. l Hi.vt i. hmiHuTT. printer, BT ilerknunttrrrt. Itol - IIK vtriice d2d vif.t 1 nrittjr'tccuuil ttrr?t. hAMt'Kt. K. M'i.-- li. bu.luik uiikDonD. IleiMi-nct-i Ka ..t iMri'ruii'rutti itreot. Xt M. ViM'CRTi'oKr i&crU'r.o, VixpmTmRT A IUtMi, fct. Luuit, Mu.i, ury tooJi, t Mercer blU'jiiH W. c mitock, prorliloni, 2Ci Grrenwlcb 1 Itnet. Ut.lili'acc 2M Li.i ri hi) iliiru I'rri't. Wu, ('LAKkkiv. b.iukrr, it Will .Ufa. Kc.lJcncc 113 hut lruiy ihlra lnit. Jaiih r. Taiiih, unporn-r- , OWilktr itrcet. IUit- iibiv 4i utii Wii.UU.iuii t'.uirr. jAVfi A lli.ui, drt i'uuili, ni llroiilnir, Rett L tliurril tt tifurlhtinet. T in, iilaih. ,h . niilaii'irr, HI Writ Houitoa. Ilcmui'tii e iir' lur :) itn t. f ( i.iLAMi tiutiLiu, Luiur, mliltnco I't c.riaJ ittni 1 Minx. Tirnlihri, IT? Allium itrcct. RrililrnirUI Me.l I trr-- l. liitouoHit .Unri.c,u)ir.lii:.iuiiuiircil. llr.i 1 drai'i: Mhj Lcitnct'iu iiiiiuf. Hiui-N- i, ;it s. .nuri.hiut.ljriaeitrett. lleil deuce 8. V.iit ltb i ml Jrnc Oiklbt, loip, 51 Miimf itreet. ftciiileQcc It Win 1 til' tiujth uriet. (li'imii IIikht, tuo , M7 Writ Korljr-Gt- itrcel. lU'iim nrr 111 U'ft I crl v nin .it-- .t JoMTHiN I.. llYi'i. liiipiirT, .MiiileD lin HMt 1.,; Wrai rurti'liril .Iri'U. m. Comwiv, ifriti-- ' r, lilJi. llroittAftj. lt".Urnre 1 15) iWii t on) n uiti itr el llrvr.v M. 1 limn, oat m, 111 Pcirl itrret. ltiil- - dn rel Witt loclllU .Irrrl. I., mi: a Irii.ik. cluiluuie, 41 Kut roirteenlu ilreet. Ilf jMii4riiru lis I'liih iveiim. iB me 'I'Siireil that the DKtriet Attor- - ney'N ofllee had uothlii;; to do with tho lludlnx of thU ludletinent, mid that tiait'ly twelve tlieniiulslto lepil iiuinlier of the nruud Juroi-- uoiild bu brought up to the jiuiiit of rotiui; for It. tlio l'u tlic .Money. Tlmm loiitlnuei It bold of tlio l'hlhidolphia tiioro diihouo'it, ninl more of villain than tlio old till city which tho Time to overthrow. In tlio latet ' published lu the Tiinm the connection, bet ween tho K 1:11111.1; and tho City 1 touched upon; Wiliesr.K wan Infnrmed oni" tl'O ltl'f'irill .VI' lilt il 11 a t'i III' il r M ilmie iihiiii') piiil lulu lil, ultli e liy nf tlio St.iti-- . tin tin I 1.' 1 . hiiiI ilf. Imi'il llli itn il rfforuirr .ire li iruiiu mi I'vo u'"t iiHrllti'ii urilvr Irnin 'Ireniircri t'i put il tn Orioviiu' morn xcltcil, liu IKceplns iv flu wlmle iuviukiIuiii imffittif unl. '.Wlinl, i'i'i li.iii 1 mm'! - Inil linu't 1111 'if In (ii luif, ! In- - liKiTi'ntliii; Interview tunk li.tiikin Iiuiim' mi Tliiril he iiropor to mill Unit nn mm nay tliliu me wiiiUimI hero lint nl 11 tiiuiui. uiiii l,e .',U It In f f.'l.lli (fill! nf III' fl'fl il iiIi-- k h it umifinl uji 111 illl'l (111 III i .' " Koveruineiit, municipal money Mould for a t in Hi" hand of a man teti. hliiu tho principle. of The fact that 111 tho fliaiueli' expounder of Is allowed to keep any part ticaiiiro I a iiinut startlniK ul the depravity and King . ho rulo and Tyranny in Court .More Oppression M'linti'il. 1 Tho law writer of the dally Times thinks that .liidgo Hi'sr nhoiilil havn puiilshed the learned and eminent Judge Hkmiks for coiileuipl nheu that great law yer iiUed to t lmve the J111 y polled lu M.m AsriioNV's And wliy should not Judgo Ili'NT hart) ) done Dili? Kxaiupli' ol Judii lal net at- - 1 liumt n bad may be cited from the ret up 1 4 P ( of thu coinparatiiely daik ugei and 'when, in thu light of tho prcccnt day, and in ilelliiucu of onu ol tho pluiue-i- t piiivl-lo- u of tho t'linililn-- Hon of thu L'tllted Statu, 11 lY'deralJiulgo H denies In an accused peisou who pleads H Not (iullty the biiered right of u tl lal by H jury, why should hu not go 0110 step fur- - H Uiur ninl Imprison tho defendaul'ri oouiiel H for demanding thut tlio eoinmou pru;tiva 'H In 11 cno of conviction bo observed, uml (hut the Jury be polled? And yet in 0110 itpcct tho writer In the 7'fnc I1111 luhow of rcii0M in Id fnvorj for whi n the privilege of having iinyldlng to do with ileli'inilnlli a vi'i-dle- t lias been ittliltnuily denied to mi entire Jury, It Mould seem iii n:iMi';it, imt In fill l ldnil- - luiif, Uipn rl'iu-l- into (ho t'ommoii law Iglit of aklng every one of Ihetn ilidlvidil-iill- y If he cnneitncd ill the verdict. Wo would icipeetfully eilggc.t to tho wiltei In tho Yiiiiiw that there I 11 much belter wuv for court to win ti"pect than liy the piiniilrneiil of coiiiimiI who rimply 1 udeuvor ti do their whole duly ; ami thai belief way to win retpuet is by deserv- ing It. If Judge Ilt'vr jhoiild attempt to piinlh nil whoetitcrliiin couteiiipt for hi conduct on U1I.1 criminal trial for Ills dn.tnrdly de- nial Ion woman of the inot fiiereil to her by tho Constitution, whl' h ho was worn to support, then ho had liettcr enliuvfc the Jail lliulto light off. Wo should Mii-pc- thu'iotiMii of nny A tneilciiii cltUeti who would di'claliti nil feeling of contempt toward a Judge guilty of an iiuiiiptlon of de.poiio power. The question of Ml Anthony's nllcged misdemeanor Is entirely absot bed mid lost In contetiipl.ition of Judge Ilc.vr's gi eater mid oveih:id'iwing orfenei'. All expel ietteed mid dlstlluniMicd rrlml-na- l hiwj er write 11 In reference to Judgi' llf.M'H coerced verdict I "That thing is the most ffi.fififiniKiotitfdio crcr jicrjit'tt lidii Jri Ihhciiinttry." Such i' are confident will be the general voice of tin- - bar mid the people iu they come to uuder.-itaii- the subject. Itepret the Oiriec I'reldeiit (JuiNi's friend uro said to bo niixloiiii aboill hi llierealltg fondue for stimulant-- . So long c tlio gratification of th ippctite wit contlned toipilet frolics in private, or 111 tliehousesof personal D'ieud liku M111 or r.iittjoof llulT.ilo, or thu great war Senator from, they weie to his ft lend 11 murcuof grief mid iinnoyiineo. Hut now they fear that Ills political pro-poot- w uro eudiitigerod, Onco tho truth could bo shielded from thu public under tlio gttle nf nciiralzio attacks. Hut slnco tho recent attempt to whip Gun. Siiciii-HA- N with a small boy's cup In thu streets of Cetiuva, Wiseoiiilu, longer concealment Is iinpiwublo; and it is fonrod the fact may Injure ills elimieo of reelection in Wnile we hympathtzo with nil the other frli iiil of thu I'rcslilc nt 011 aoeouiit of till unfortunate publicity, we cannot but feel that they overestimate tho olTeet upon his Political future. No doubt thu strain upon hi constitution is furious, but it Is not prob.i'jlo that ho can break down be- fore lTii. That iilono only would rendur bun Ineligible as thu Uepublleau candi- date for l'roldeut, for oirV of the tlrt statesmen of Unit party has said In n pub- lic speech that Death Is thu only archer Unit can bring him down. Of course ho meant that could bring hint down per- manently, for we must regretfully confess that whiskey has tloorod him temporarily many a time. Hut wo are proud to state that though crushed to earth ho ruo again. (it'll. OniNT's friends nntl tht Renernl pitblln are apt to give too much weight to this trilling matter of drunkunucM. Not Ills private habit but his public acta havo to do with his Utiles for his high oillce. Tho question Is, Does ho maku 11 good Presi- dent 1 If (iiiANr drunk Is a better Presi- dent than nny other tnau would make eober, theu glvo us Ou.v.vr. Hut we pro-te- st against this iucessiuit harping upon tho PiVMilent's dnukiug. Wunppeal from his habits to his record. Who saved tho Union? fiiiiNT! WI10 bniui:ht about our unexampled properlty? (JuantI AVho paid thu jiulibo debt? GiuntI Who is over at hi post of duty, through hot weather and through cold? Giu.sil Who is alike 11 soldier, 1111 orator, uml a stuto-lnaii- ? Giiint! Ileyond all this, wo point with pride to hi Impartiality In his np-- 1 poiiitineuUs, even wliero hi own relatives were among the applicants i to his con-- , deiiinatiou of all jobbery and speculation nn tin part of ofllciiilj to the mornl stigma which he ha. Iirnuied upon bribe-takin-g; to hi rejection of Tiiluablu prcients to lilniM'lf mid his kin; to his wlo foreign policy ; to his happy solution of thu Indian problem; to thu rapidity with which hois bringing about a resumption of specie pay- ments; and above all to his paoillciitlou of the South. All great men havo their fallings; nono are immaculate. C.ksaii was ambitious, MAKMiuiioroii wns penurious, Naihi.kon was n fatalist; but Giiant combines the qualities of them all, (Siunt Is ambitions, (iiiANT is penurious, Giiant is destitute of religion seii'c, and in addition hn may bu fond nl whiskey; but he is our President at the rate of .V,(m i a year, and who knows that he will not wl-- h to bu President for twenty year to come? And If hu wish" It, who would bu so ba.e a to opposu hint? .11 ail nine I.ttrrn's Divorce Is It Ir- - regular Ma l'iinn Pai'mnk IiL'cca Is n popular prima donna, Imt tho pleasure given by tier singing and acting mils! not bu nl-- I lowed to hide thu peculiar circumstances attending Iter divoiee suit. The validity of tho decree of absolute divorce lu Madame M'tvA'ri cao ha been que-llnii- ; and owing to tho largo num- ber of irregular and worthless dlvoi-ce- s which are obt. lined lu thu United State annually, the subject is worthy of Inquiry and On the '.'d of June Judge Fanch r.n grant- ed to Madame I.I'ica an absolute de-ci- of dlvorco from her husband, the llaron von Uiiaiik, 1111 nlllcer lu (ho (!er-111.1- Iinperial Guard. To her the omtody of the child was iiwmded, with permission to marry again. Madaiuo I, item was married to tho Haron lu but has not llvod with him since 1h;h. On the l.'th of lastMaieh the com- plaint in her divorce suit was sworu to, In this It liifet forth that (he was married to AiAiM'ii von K a 1 1: lu llerlln 011 Nov. l!S, IMl'i; that thu defendant subsequently lived a prothguto II I e, and squandered the plaintiff's earning lu riotous living; that lie was an hablliial gambler; ami that the plalntiir veiily believed that ho had lived adiiltcrou.sly wllh two women of Merlin. She prayed for divorce on these grounds, and that tho custody nt her child, Madia lluxvA, born Nov. 15, ldTO, should bo um an kul to her. The case was sent to IltciiAiiK C. Hnv.M-is- u, i;i 11s refeiee, 011 tho llth of May, and slioi liy aflerwaid the testimony wu taken before him. The only witnes be- sides the plaintiff win a deteotivo iiauied Kkssi.kii, by trado a cigar maker or cigar seller, wlio had been employed to tiaek mid watch the Union lu Dei Iin, The djd not appear lu person nor by counvil. Tho wholo prooordlng win pnio-tlcal- ly et parc, und It seeim very doubt- ful whether llaron von Khadk ha over received any notice of tho application, Mill If tile evidence showed that at the time of tho eomuils ion of the iillcged offelici) mid lit the (lino of tiling the complain! Mida-n- li.vrt wns an iictu-i- l l).,nufttlc inhalil.iiut of t'.il State, the de-cr- Is regular uml valid; ot'i-r- wi c It Is void mid wot titles; mid on this point uo evidence I llecessibli' to the public. Prei lou lo April l.'i, IrKTi, in such cases u that of Madame titicc.v, a divorce could be gniiitcd only when thouiarihige bad taken place wltlilu the Stale. Hut In IHI'.', by simply sti Iking Ihe word "mid" from the statute mid siilisUtutltig lu Us place thu word "or where,'' till wa clumped, and divorces may now be granted In snub cases although thu liiarrlugo may Imvo taken plate elsewhere. That this relaxation of (hn lav was advisable Is very doubtful. A dlvorco could have been obtained under tho old law In every enso when) It should havo been grunted. As It Is now, the opporttinltle for fraud mid manufactured testimony are v cry great. Tho whole mut- ter, .is lu this I.ccca case, Is conducted quietly, K'ci ctly, and swiftly, und long be-- f i no thu defemtatit Is uwaro of It lio Is dlvoiced. The statute fliotild he mneiidcd, mid its rcqiilicr.U'iits thoiild bo made more rigoious. The .1 r:niiri M f nor, whit li Is a bitter ad- vocate of tlic pulley of uxii'riiilii.tllin; the In- dian", makes n iry ilocliirnllon ef tlio prltirlplo on wtili li It Inisus Its itui'trhii'. It ns: "Tlio history of the world cue to show that illftVrriit rni-- ratinnt live tiincther In poni-o- . Tliu 1 u will outdo so wllh tin) white mini, nor n 111 tlio tiivrn; so wo must Mibmtt or weur tlit'in 011I--1- 1 dill) fnrwti!eli (led seem to have iti'Lilli'it ur." Hut t.10 Jiiui is en I'Hilliik'ly when tlio liilliia iinilt'rtiikrs to carry Into t'lfi'i-- t lis unit I'lliiclplvs byatti'iiipllng to "wc.Hr out" tliu wlilto limn, mul run linnlly llml wnnli totixpri's Its lintrt'il nf thu red fiend who ro-- f use to submit to the wearing-nu- t proecw. I.lka tho IVit' In Iinll.i who tlioiik'lit luuillliK the titier line spurt, lint remarked that when tho titter took tu hiinthn; the liuiitertliouiiiuscmeiit reuuil to be IntereslUi!, thooilltir of the Jf trier Omls It n most ikcrtfi'.ililo ot'cup.itlon to oxter-niltui- to tho savnses, but ilcclJodly objocu ton reversal of tlio oiicrntlon. dipt. IIau, namislnn Arctic promontory Funnier Headland, "iiflcr the BcuKKii, the oritur and I'nltcd States Seuator." In Hixou Iloiioii.v's publlfhed chart and report on tho voyiwe of the 1'ol.trls, ho rolls It Summer Headland. S unoof uiircnntciiipurorlesOliil fault with this. It U mean anil cniitctiiptihlf, wurthy of Mr. Uoiicson ; ami It Is not so bad ns taklnc 111.110 out of the tre.uurv In ill ret MoUtitui of j a stutiito lu return for "a present lou lady' of the value uf S.UO. The borax Ileitis of Nevada having at- tracted tho attention of capitalists are liclnc rapidly dotclnpo.1, ami their regular proiliii'tlim I assiimlmr Importance, One marsh, Ti:i.'s, ciubrai-e- s 1.0 ) acres of lior.n l.int1,eontaliilni:. It Is estimated, 'AU.00 tout of crude bnrix. About l.'.l tntles soullieait from Carson Is the Columbus Dorax Marsh, hero four maniifae-tiirh- u: compatilci are at work. In I.aLo 1'ith Valley larvo tiiaiitltles of borax nro protlucetl, while extensive tlepuslts of the same havo been discovered In Death Valley, about seventy miles south of (inlit Mountain. It Is estimated that tho monthly shipments o( borax from Columbus Marsh, Ttsh Lake Valley, Teal's March, and Hlioad'a Marsh will reacli WU tuns, with n larita Incroaso In prospect. productive salt marshes have also been found In .Nevada, likewise new deposit of tf quartz; but lu treasure It JoMb, the eloquvul ucceiior to Jiu .Nyi. The people of Tama countv, Iown, Imvo adopted a iliiL'tilar and expret.he means for maiiifestlin: their disapprobation nf tho Ulo Contrrrssluiial salary steal. Their Cmurressmau, Waijikn, who beloiiifod to tho Credit Moblher party, had drawn hi back pay. The Supervisors of llio ctnuitT determined to repiidlato tho ii of their representative In a praetlcol way. Tama county Is In tho old fourth district, mid the Supenior made a calculation to ascertain the portion of the plunder for which that entinty In proportion to its vote tulcht bo consldeiod re- sponsible hi h.tvlne sent .1 repicselitatlte who would avail himself of hi position to rob the people. The umount of this ill iro hallux been satisfactorily determined, the Siipertlsor voted to return the money to the Truuury of tho Culled Slate. It Is sahl iu tho tTnclnnnti f'omtncrffal ' that a ronvetitlon of the principal circus pro- prietors In the country ha been called to as- semble In this rlty on the Fourth of July, fur tho purpose of taklwr measure to suppress II ill-N- Thev say that Hiuncm, by hi extrava- gant system of advertising hi show, has mined tho business of all tho smaller exhibitions, and that 11 combination must be formed him. In the mean time IIihnlm's prollts are preater than the cross receipts of any other company. This iiffords a fresh illustration of the fact that there Is no better Investment for a limine man than tho uiuney he use for judicious adver-tlsln- s. Cuba belongs to Spain, at least so Don H.lMll.To.s Kimi K,iys. Two years ago the Span- - lh Curies decreed itn liitioiliietorv emancip.i- - Hon LIU for tho Island of Culm, liy It etilldii'ii born lifter Its i.ishiu;o wero declared free. Hut the following two atlviTtlsDment from the Dun bt itr In .lliirbui of Havana of Juno 13 will sliow (Her body how Spanish laws ure executed lu the cicr-falthf- "nut 8ii,r, A ne pren pood icrri&t mil t, ve ry fmth-fil- l sail liiiaif'li-- , u..t'..i'it vslu-'- . lo. Amis unit it to k'ouU Ironi r, ruun ttud teiuuiri-..- hiiii her Infuil of imtr tnolilb.. "I ilk' UnrliUC, No. Iia." "An eici'lh nt penersl enok, yountr. wllh tirr three cllil Ireil-H- ie eliti-.- a tllvi- tlvn s ulil, ti-r- pri tl) , itii'l ill tun others fr. e. 0110 of ftbuni is tlirie )i nr. obt aiel ollitr ato uiuuttu, Callo dI hul, So li." No comuieiils ure necessary. Sonioof our contemporaries nro trying to keep up the old plan of eieliauu'lm newspapers under thu new pnstiik'o law. Hut they Iiiimi to etiiiipllcato tlio mutter with odious tllstlucliuiis. Sumo Journals they ex liansn with even, other thoy reiiilro to puy iost.-u,-- both ways, other thev must cut olt altogether Ihuiuli they are sorry for It, ami so on. This won't work, and they will all of them soon adopt tho simple business like method of Tiir Hun and tho Stiinln-y.ntuii- nibscrlbi) mid pay for all the other newspapers that you requite, and let all the others that require your newspaper sub- scribe and pay for that likewise. It is n common oxpics.sloii among topcis that "a hair of tho dot: Is the best cure fur a bile :" their practical application of the adace being Uml u smart stimulant Is tho best remedy for tho unpleasant results of iiiiduo spirituous Indulgence, Tho saying undoubtedly had Its origin In an old rnictico still prevalent In Itussla 0.1 a preu-mlt- of hydrophobia. In that coun- try, when a person has been bitten by it dog Biipposcd to bo mad, It Is a usual custom to cut off u little of the dog's hair, wlihli Is builit crisp, and then, iitior puncturing Hie bitten part with a needle, the burnt hair is sprinkled over It, when tho wound Is hound up with a linen bambigo. Itusslan sailors generally have great faith In the fluency of this treatment, which, they say, Is often ii'cd lu their ciiuntry with cnmplclo success especially, It Is sale to prc- - when the dug liilllctlng the bit u li not Iatimo, Wu artt told that Gen. G 11 int'is friends havo provnlled upon him to take an eiiMtr.loii to the Adlrunducks, where It Is Imped thut the vuxe air and water ilU fully mtore his IwsJUt. A nOXMllirUT, MLhlAKH M.uvn. The Ashe nfTlitrti-Tw- n Hour In Colnrmtn "leirllort-lli- nv .Mr. John (Jnliirr Ailiini Itollbi .lliirie S. 1 1.00(1, 11 ml How Air. Cliiul A. t'onlt l.usi ike .Honey. of Tho Pan. Hot'MiHii Cirv, Colonido, Juno 10. To- il tv I met Mr John Qulney Adam Itolllus, lb' win tnitllliL' p.tst Mltehell's initio on hts wav to Deliver. Mr. Ib llliis Is n lull, broad gen-tle-- ti 111, with plem-Ii- fteo and maitln'r. nnd Iron-gra- y hair. Ho looks lll.o a sun of toll, lb' was dressed hi ministerial bl.tult, and worn rt white snlrt. wllh common china bultons In tho tu nee of studs, Mr. Itnllln Is pretty well olf, lie told a fold mineoiieo fur, nntl lis seen oiled In k ri uig the money, He Is il through nit thu Trrilloryiis tho man who made (U,JO0ut it iamo of billiards. MOW UK HIAIll! IT. In IM Mr. Rollins turned up In Denver. That city was filled wltu who won fortunes at various pursiiltsoiio davntid Inst them the next. About 2 o'clock In the lifter noon Itnllln dropped Into a Lllllnrd room! over llntndliliger's cigar store at tho Intersection of lllake and F streets, The room was filled with amateurs and profes- sionals. Alining the former was Mr. diaries A. Cook, at that time 11 banker, mid since then, Uranee to say. ime of the wealthiest men In the Teirllory. Cook nnd Itollliis entered Into eon lursallon, After exli.iusilif tho subject of real 1 stale nnd mining, the talk ran upon billiard. Conk appeared to halo considerable eotiKilt'tico III hi own skill, and hunched at Itoilins when the latter said that he could beat him, 'I his ex- cited Itnlliiis's Indignation, nnd he finally as- serted thnt he en id alio Cook twenty points In a hundred, mid lay him out. Cook said that ho couldn't tie it for !' a game, mid Unllhis tliiniplit Unit he iiiiibl. s,,u uuttiii was then uml there nrmiiL-od- , plnln' to begin Itnim-iI- i.uly. Itollut wan 10 glio Cnnk twenty point hi a game of it hundred. The stakes were to be t HO n side, anil llm game were to follow em it oilier mull one of the parte was exhausted. '1 he mail who mpiealeil first wn to forfeit tl.iul, 'I oe men ngreed In si Ulo nil li onion.' tin , nnd tun nl oni the iieee--- i' v f"r n tefeiee in iitnplre. They kept too run of tho u.itin - by chalking them upnn the Hour, 'lbe uuleh Wit p.ti)cd 011 11 carom lal le. Till'. t'lllST mm: nouns. All tho preliminaries having been nrratiged, both gentlemen drew off thelre alsan-ls- eeted I heir eue. 'i'iwv be an pi ivlng at II I', M. Itol- - bus look the leiid from tue start. Cook si rmt'd to im liming iiniisuilly bud luck. The bad broke horribly, and iiulorluii.ite klssos robliml him of iiihii) it cnrntti. Hill be showed remark- - I 11. do C'Hillies. His tntftirtuiies did Hot haze htm for an Instmit. Kieiyshut was mode with I u flrmnei ami deliberation that deserved sue- - j t'e-- s. Darkness came on. Itmtis ami cigars were lighted, and the cum continued. A rumor of w lint was going on spread over thu city, nud inn aloon wu 1 rowdett with spectators, livery-bo- d y examined the marks 1111 the floor. There w. is a pel feci nest of tallies tor Itollliis, ami but few chalks for hts antagonist. .Nine and ten o'clock i.used. and still Uiey were at It. The ti oiiey sat steadily oozing (ruin Cook's pocket Inln that of llullliis. 'the luoken.-o- n watched the gamo wllh interest, and the light danced wuhbi their Hgured shadai, bringing Into clear Mew the eager countenances ot the pla)ers. THE STIU.nOLi: IN TUB MOII.MNfl. At midnight tho spell was broken. Itolllnt showed signs of fatigue, ami Cook beg in In win. Ni elated was the tiller that ho proposed to raise the stake from tdil to stu a side. Hoi-ll- n iii'iileil. 1'bo Interest lu llm game was to- il mbled. Hie rtinui was packed, anil scores of persons wero clued together about the doors. I mis. cuntiiiiied to win until an hour before U .1 light, w ueli Kolllit got Ills second wind. Tlio wiiei-- l of fortune began to run Hie other wy. (onk's Im. I luck returned. He struggled like a man In the shuuh of despond, but It wo no use. Tun cliilK ran up against hi 111 dusplio eteryellurt. llENVlill ExriTrn, All day long the game continued. Tho city became excited, ."otue men clo.ed their places of for the burpo e of watihliig tho ila)ttig. Oriuslonull) the bunker made a bril- liant spun, mid seemed to surprise even him-sel- f, but tue Heady run of lurk was dead against bun. 'JI10 ilu)ers wero Ihe centra of all eye. Intense personal Interest Had eaten up tbelrde-ur- o for sleep, but llielr hsggard counleiiances bure witness to the fearful si rain upon their nerves. At noon Hulllus was smeral thousand dollars ahead. Hut ho did not relax hi cau- tiousness, livery thrust whs Iiojii. upon a de- liberate reckoning. Ha would calculate upon too positions of tlio balls while chalking Ills cue. und all his energies were beat uikiu leaving tnein ill a Uid place for his adversary. Cook plaed more like a Frenchman. He aimed at direct results, slid made some surprising runs. During the afternoon tie pulled, upconslderably, and his tally began to make a respectable but after the latnM were lighted In the evening fortune again Ueicrlvd hliu, and ho began to go to the bottom. tiik Asiita or TtuiiTV-rw- o nofiip. Thlrti-tw- o hours had gono by. The player looktd like gti'ists. '1 hey were as white as the Points of their cue. Cook had lost II-.I- but lie was pluck to the last. At the cud if each game he had spotted the ball as if he were euro of winning hi the end, but fate and the terms of tue match were aga list him. Itollin had dragged bis weary feet about the table until nature u eihausted. An hour before mid- night he throw up hi cue, forfeiting l,iiO,biit winning III.l'O. Tin spectator drew long breath, anil uverwhei ,cd the bar. The worn-ou- t plater shook hainls, drank a parting chain p.tgno tin ktad. and went to bed .Neither of tlieiu ever made any elicit In renew thu match, and 11 Is toasuliablo to suppusu that both weru latlstlud. ilia yAvys for,. tit kxitmtio.v. I AttiiIiIiii the Arrival or Hie TIsrreM t the ) lou lor a Three ear CruiM amiidi lbe lceberss. Is. pieparntlons for 11 polnr expedition, to bo conducted solely by the navy, are watched with great Interest by naval officers. The ex peditions that have sailed and failed were all viewed with Jealousy before they started, and their failure was greeted wltli an Implied "I told you so" by the trained scientists of the navy; consequently, now that the latter Is to have an opportunity, the Interest falls little short of excitement. Already the expoctod arrival of the Tigress has assembled at the Ilronklyn Navy Yard the highest ofUeer of the navy. Kniiuons, Chief of the bureau of En- gineers; Isaiah Ilanscom, Chief of the Con- struction llureuii; W. W. W. Wood, Chief of Ihe bureau of Steam Unzmecrlng ; and John 0. llradfoid, l'ayniuti'r-(iene- rl arrived yesterday, and Sccretury It-- esnn Is expected They, wllh ( apt. Greer, the commander of the relief expedition, will thorough!) Inspect the 'tigress when she arrives and upon tliu iiei-de- impinM-mc- . U m.d appliance 1'iuir of llio otticers to tho voyago litue reported at the yard, n.iinel) . Cnmmauder inocr, l.'.eutt While, l.ieuls. llerr) uml Wllkins. Musi of ('apt. Greer's s has been rendered as the Naval Acduiii), and he left the Professorship of Nav- igation llieto to volunteer for the expedition. Hn is Impatient at the of UioTigr-s- . "Iliery Hal's delay," said he, " Is 1111 added oh. staclo to llio suet-es- s of the expedlilon. The Antic milliner Is of such iincerlnlit duration llml even a din may retard the desiretl results lorn year." He does lint profess to have made any espocial study ot Arctic navigation, uml has no experience 111 high latitudes. .No one of the Navy Department seems tn know anything about tho Tlgr ss, She was built us a model craft for seal Ushing among Her lonna'e b tint lid uralelv kllown, llm best luiorinalion placing It at ;!. I'lu- - mutt-bi- r of her crew lannot be ileietuiiiied. us inr capacity to curry provisions und stores Is not known. '1 lie stores taken to Disco and those which the Tigress will can) will be satin lent for a three tears' lit course Ihe prluiai) object Is I ho relict of llio Polaris, but I' iippiirliiulty utter and Irciimsiimct warrant tapt. Un-e- will pushdur the open polar sea. ZM'II'.V in I'll D VtA D II l.'.l DA'. rlunud View nt 1111 Iniiineiit Journalist. "I. lit Hi lei lilt (ViuM. TllRCTStl.N.MTI Couiiuitcni. OrriCE, I Juno h, ie', j II- A. X'crniUMr, Kitlor tVnffrKfn eri M. Dmn Mil! II has been mv piuposn tn try to gn tn thoiilihi Va'ley lllltorl ii Union, bill It Is plain now 10 me thai 1 cannot do 111. It would bo very satlsi.tctury to 1110 to bo there, nnd say lu response In the toast wllh which you have connected my name, that if tho editor will only oiuanc untie themselves from all forms of " ileaillii-iidlsm,- mid fi'ini nil participation In tliu swarm of puhlle swindles that tumble tho country and pmvert piibllo alf.ilrs, thoy would Uml It dlllleult to unduly magnify their oltlee. I'ulll our profeksiuli ell.ililcil lu a largo measure to ilo this. It is my Judgment that 1111 accession of modesty us to tlio luqioilmiuu und dignity of our business would be 1 lien, editors nitisl leain In claim nn "prltl-h'ke- s ' that other lillep-hav- o not. Olio has n right In sav as an editor w h .t ho lias 11 right to say us a e ileii nil lbe street tn 11 many of In feiinw i'111.ou a may Illintlho editor) i beard by lunro peisoit'i lliaiintliers. ho ought to havo it siinso of rcttpniis-nuit- lu nmo tlegn o III tiropottiuu to the sun nf Ins audience, If lbe editor thrusts about with rt longer pole than others employ, he may knot k more U nit Until the average of men ; but that nut a privilege Thut is power. The fact Is, wu would do well to remember Hint wo mo imt a peculiar people, but ter much liku other folks, M, IlAbSTKUl, Money deposited now lu tho Mutual benefit Hailug 11.11., blN buiiaiiitf, une.ll City 1111, will Irsw lultriait trout July l Us. TKMl'EllANCKM KM AT WORK a coxi'r.nn or nrsnvsrnn rnu- - HltllTlOMSIS l.V AI.1IASV. .Mlsplnreil Conflileiiei' In (!or. Dl ninl llio Keinilibeiin I'll IV- - A Di lint lor Ali.o l.ile I'loh b Ian And .11 mil Toll, ul 1'art) Anion. At.iUNV, June"!. The Convention r.ill'sl by the committee roiireiontiiig several tempir-niie- o oiga:ilatlnii, and of other friend of tern, peraii-- o nnd llio Sabbath, to take pclltm lu lb w of the failure nf the Iteptihllcuii party, through the Governor and tho Legislature, to redeem tin Pledge' repeatedly klvcn to drift a lineal Pro- hibition law, met ut 'TwciMIe Mull ut HI o'clock tills morning. Tho Hi n. II. J, (iron of Orange county was elected Chairman. On Inking thu chair Mr. (Iron said the Conven- tion did lint ropro cut any particular organiza- tion, but was composed of men rrprcsonllna tho friends of tho Habb.ith and the enemies of ftri.Acru coNrinr.Nrr. Hn said tho citizens had been In tho habit of trusting parlies; tint, they had placed their confidence In tho party.nnly to have, that rontldenro broken and violated. It was determined, therefore, no longer to tttist In pulltklaiis, (uiiplaii'c) but III principle only. Applause. He said it was Proposed to nonil-nal- i! men of undoubted Integrity men who would abide faithfully by the pilm-lpl- of tciu. penmen mid let them bo supported bv tlio political pat ties. I Iv bu 111 ans only could true temperaii u men bu brought to tho mint. The various ommliice wore then appointed. After 11 brief session of the ll.islnc Commit- tee. Mr. 11.(1.11 le, lis Chan in I), s tld Unit tint committee had determined, beforn making tin n report, that it would be host to ear expressions from tin) momliert of tho Convention from va- rious section of the Stile n to what business wns looked for. Ho therefore that mi hour or moro bo ili li'tetl 10 brief live-- i iluule spool lies, nail then the CoiiveutinU idljmirii till g 1' M., when the foiii'iihtee would bo ready to report, 'litis was ugnvil tn. AIHOM'TB I'llOIIIIIITIOS IIISMlNIIKtl, The Iter. Mr. Mclvoan of Albany en inly ws the llml In Ho said tlio teuiiieralieo tn-ii- of his weie thoroiiclilv iirtiused. owing 1. uf tho lust la'glsiulure. Ho then dt lulled Ihe action of tuo last loglslaturu mid the (loicrnor, stating Unit lbe lUeriitlvu hail pie settled an entirely new Idea In nn void mes'a.'o utl Idea that noter had been Uioiight of b) the teiupcraneo peoplu that lliern wo a iliffoieni n Letween malt mid ul oliollc lupinr. He contended thut these uiall llitiors wero a elfectlve for evil on the rS Ii us any other liquor, und the moral people of tu s county uro Inonnighly arniii oil to the necessity for itcUoli. 1.. P. Ilal-e- of Af ton, Chenango county, said his people were ready to lake a stand for entire btalo prohibition, mid not stop at local prohi- bition. They had seen (Jerrit Smith toko his position u a candidate, lu the face of defeat, when defeat was certain, und they admired and huuiiTvd him for it. So, too, now they want tho temperance and moral people of the State to take their stand and demand entire Stale pro- amnion. II, W, ltose.of Hudson, Columbia county, 'aid Ihe people of his county were ready fo notion. He declared that beer was Intoxicating, whether Iukcii In 1 umfurtable quantities nr not, W . Warrington, nf Dutchess eiiuntl, said the people 111 hi portion ot the county were lu favor ot emu action lor putting down itn. liquor truffle. IIITOSED TJ INDEI'r..M)l,T ACTION. A. W. Lanslnr. of Clinton county, editor of the l'laltsburg fenthitl. related the notion of the people of that fount), reading resolutions udopted at a meeting of the Temperance So- cieties, 111 king declarations opposed to tuo po- sition ol Unv. Dlx, but deprecating Independent point, nl actt n. Ho urged action In accordance wllh those resolution., belie vim If candid iles for oCico were to uc supported only us they carry out the wishes of their supporters the will conduct the, rnselies satisfactorily. Henry Ward of IZrlo said his people wanted unity of action above all things, but hey weie not prepared to gu for an Independent parly, They would cast the strength of their vote Willi either party which gave the best pruailse ol leuitjurmice Itglslatlon. A It A I' AT OO V. IIIX. Mr. Steams said he had listened with a hope thai the gentlauioti would explain was last fall that be announced that lieu. Dlx, If elected, wuuld sign a Prohibition bill, but had listened In vain. Mr. Ward said that was a personal matter wmch he bad thought best not to allude to, but as attention was called toll, he would relate the circumstances. When the Convention In Sep- tember last was about to meet, he (Ward) wo silting at a dinner tabid of a hotel, at which were seated Dr. Peck and Mr. Stearns, The qursllon was imt, "How do we know that Gen. lux, If elected, will sign a Prohibition bllir' Dr. l'cck replied that he knew from his personal knowledge that he would sign anything of a pro- hibitory character the temperance people would ask. 1 then asked him If lie (Dr. l'eck) would allow 1110 to u.i his name In making this nn- - I uuuiiceiuent, and Dr. Pock responded, " Yes, oil ins v use my name." 1 did so ongoing Into the Convention ul liuod 'templars, and with what effect has been teen, and what has been the ifefionemrfit lias also been seen. Mr. Stearns said tuts statement was correct. Tilt: WUMKN DISAPPOINTED. Messrs. Wilder of ll-a- and C. W. Hawley of Genesee laid I heir people were anxious to go into bailie on this ouesilou. N. II. Hanks of liteeiie spoke of the dlsap-- 1 Ik ntmeiit of the women and children lu tho Stole at the defe it ol lite Local I'roniuitlon bill. He to tho Civil Dumogo bill, mid said i mere Is the woman iu the calico dress; the woman who Is beaten and mauled day lu and day out, night In and night uut i how rail she obtain redress tiudcr the bill' II was all well enough lor our well-fe- d people people who can ride about and enjoy tueiu-aelve- s. I'ney are not damaged, civilly or other- wise. Hut how Is It with too poor women and children nf our Stale? This speaker declared liunsolt ready for the mot rudlcd measure, lie delivered u stirring w bleb waa greeted vi ith continuous applause. , Tllltl.E UtlllK OII'.NTIES I1KAI1D I'ltOV. II .1. Ferry of Jefferson said Ihe temperance ' people of that county were In fav-i- of Ihiiii law s laiial Prohibition and (.lib Damage. As 10 a third party, Uiere wo no talk of suei a move- ment; lull tho people were 111 m il disgusted when they found the temperance people pulling lu different directions. In union, be said, there was strength, and It w.m unit) of action Uie tem- perance ooople needed. James Morton ot Kings said the people of that county were much disappointed ul the action of tho Governor. 1 he Hon. John O'Dnnnell, speiklng for Lewis count), confessed to dlsaiiolutnielll iu not tho l.ocul Prohibition bill. shoot 11111 o. the scot. The Hcv. Mr. Craw font ald that the peoplo of Mnibson n inly had resulted that ir any man was found mil Inn ilow 11 the temperance ll.ig, to eliniil linn olt lite ,iot Mr. Ltiioli of M mi no county salt tho people of that eo my wanted it good cuiainon-seiis- u prohibitory law. Mr liibli of New Vork spnko In favor of the ino-- l aireuuniis measure. 'Ihe Chilli aniioun, cd that the credentials showed thai there wero lVi delegates present. 1 he Couvelilioti then took n icee-- s until g P. .M. When tho Convention assembled Mr. Spence moved that mi Invit ition be extended to llio liii'iubers of Hie other Cnmctitiun now being held lu tins ell) to nn el with this Convention, AKIt.Mll OF A Tit tit II I'AUTV. Mr. Lansing sild the oilier Convention committed ton plan for 11 third part), while this was .1 ilelloi-raliv- one ; that tl would be In- appropriate in Invite them In here, mid would be. wrong to bring hem Into carry this Mi. Ilriee of Albany advocated the motion on the ground tuat 111 union .here w.1.1 alriiiglh. Tue Itet . Vr. Hicks was Inr union and layer- ed tho im ItaihMi. linn. Smlili said that he wot, not nt ptescnt In favor ot u third party. Alter further til etissluit a motion to lay tho mot ton mi tlio table was c.triluil b) a vote of Ta lo (g. Mr. Stearns then moved that llrotlier Speneo be appointed a lounnitteo of nun tu invite Inn tlio other Convention lo meet here under mo 1.1II of tins C invention ('.lined. llio call for expression was then continued, nnd Various member udtlressed lite Conven- tion as In the seiitlmeiiu n their constituents. All lln'so specehe.. wero tu tone lo those delivered at the morning session. TIIIIILtllllK ltl.MII.VIT). Tho Committee 011 business then reported tho following: In "i't.i, riist Ihe traffic in Intoxicating ll.ptori he lug a erilili' doit ami, s.l l..wa. u sli.i-- re.pic ahlhl) Is g'voii ure li.e grial bill, nark of that irslIU-- , and Khlli- tiny riuuiu upon ihe statute honks gri-s- t suit aai-u- ucc sa cm tie reached to. I I Its auolltlali s Hit reluru It l Ihe lutpi duly ul llm ranee nn-- to mute iu tueir effort, tor lie I'liineduti' repeal uf all tueli lawa. Ilmul' 1 1, I hat In tin Ir iteiul, as the uue grral, linper-at- e need, should im- en.icleil Ian prohibiting ihe iato ul ul lutnilcatnig liquors as a Hut at the earliest possible period 1111 In the I oustlliitioii of the Male sl.oulit lie sicurc'l rendirlug uuil and void ah I. .1. mi ni loaaiu uignratiiiiiptliig lo hv-tl- Itn-s- i 01 such llauors us a I'l'lerat;!-- , and lirMluhllhig alien sal A'r.ooe.l, Hist so h ill oiiko luu ho I possible ue ol ill eiisllug I.ims heinu. ou ill" n't of totiiulln lipiur-1- ', ilit ir ion. I rl .1 iil- in iluou.n u," ln ner nilicori us uiiieuts ia sc. uruig the aiort-sun- l I.rtnhrj, Thst Hi" 111 inlksrsof this I'otiv-nt- l 111 fully symp t in .1. uliii tho n luiu ul ili. .pnauiiiii in aii nest ion Hindi at rs ino itit.r -- 1 .1, 111m tin, rniiiiiiiiiii-ni- it ol nn to on Unv. D.ituf ihe l.ocil h.,1 a. d.reet vt jwtlu ot Ihe plllited Isha uf iho lurt) hoiille iu the liinial and l Hid sialu uud uusortliy lis l.ieo itlto nead. ItKI'llllMt'lN TIIElCllltllV, i;etnhe.l, Tlisl tho leiiiliirsnf Ih beglslittira ho vo.-- lor teiiipi raiica ineasures inn iiu thu list .,iua 11!'.. si'l'i tl1;1!',1","1 lij'il'i rsiii c men ot that i' li.e llio leudi rs of I, e Keimlihcau .any wlio auv lied the Uovernur lnvilti the Local n hibiticu bill and uliiiis titi Here UdlUrrvut. tivtsille Itardlnvthenleileetof Hie tlsptihiicsn pirly deserve pie I lub .1: in retiiu" ol the lu . ut 01- - . of Ihe iitntefor tlielr ilutnl liy ninl li ry towir l tlio.e lo hIioiii la ) wi r i t.idcuted for aaccx.s in t e I isl po lillrftl csini algn " " .In tin- iririnlre I In euro from ( on ire.s soil frinii ttu' Im". of 'he ' w.l l bcrl mil 11 0.1 In 'iv era in dl I'ld I tl .i llpl'ir so tlliepr- te iiile exeiiioti'Mi of ft '"nii"r Irnin Itn re I li nous ol 11 in , sh lalll, 1, d olio r il, we re 10 in. 1I1 tier te mi 111 lie H li b thuiioi'ii' ) tiiinin- 'intii-i-11- ' s 111 11 ..' I" lli'lllll lltuil a.- - (lu-- Iv. .ll" of 1 no a d to Slli'SM iU.-il- l os- Slid ileillurd II. I'l'et 'tv fur Ml.'lliris I I lip II 11 tea, ns t I f e- " s,o,.i , test tin npub.l ill ilisL tut ni if inn i on i ry, a- ,"ii, Thnt wi let' mt'i lie sore aid neeept s ntiioiig the ill" suns ol the tunes the I ireisi'd sit n Ion aiueli nt late l. 4ir u san-i- l' Hi ev lis nf tut .mil 'lie tiieius for their sup re- - o.l, by tin- - n llgi. .lis Journals of Ih St it W .Hi an ear esl ret g mis pri ss. nil e r, -t pul II, an I a suiili in il ehurtli, liu sor. ul h a. ivins t e Uipo s Ir - woii.d he sot n airiimp1!. el, .mil a ari"it Ma .i.ime lo the spreaillug of llm pus l giut-al- i i, . .il, Thnl the use of sleirtn' e tlrmki I ir nieillel bi pur 'i'si-ll- l ttrenty w i and e loi'ie sil pro-- l ib. lory I .vts, ti.itll t tc iit ope- Iw i sllh Im' mo leal nieuuf Una Slat, , vvno lute lately cau leni:.-- d inch ue. I'ltlll'OSKII P.H.tTlCAl, ACTION, .v.orsif, T ist the teinpersnee enise li s'iperlor tor II inters s.sur obligations, sod list legist itloti for Is promotion should ne ailopied to pivokr Hie hesrty support of all true tnei, Irre pecllve ef tiarlr relation., henire f. Thai it I Hie luvratlve uf'-r-snc- i lectors tu vole only for iu li eaiididsirs lor uttlees. Hie iltltli-- of wldch re en u Cled wiln the eu si iineiil sad of a prohibitory law, ss are kuovru In lieiriuy (tvor sucn eiurtiii-n- t and enforce-ti- nt t and when no aucn pt rsuua am iin.nliuted by the poi.tieil parties it is alike the iiuiientivi- - duly lo unite upou and suvport Indrpe l leinperatire cindlilates. l,,,i, Tnal the educaipin of th pe.i l u o i Uie various phases uf toe temperance enterp'be Ues.eii till to ajtce.s, mid iltat the vtide tin illation of Hi piiDllestions of the National Tem.n ranee Soelity sic we I mlipted tn promo e tula re-l- l t. on i.i, lint s stale Ktettilive Temperance e ut hlue lie appoiluel uv lids tonvuittoli lu supervise the poitllCil wori of tempi-rane- iu lh. Malu liming Ihe c urn. igyeir. a. nl thai .toll entllil. .ttee have poser I ' s'td to Its nuiufH.r nue fro u l,a(orllll tll'trlet. It vat-a- les, an I utl riiuui- uie ifUaibcr bvees. sar) to constitute u ipi mini. - .'lust tne M..te Temperance Committee he suttiorizi-i- l lo call a tlsti- Cuiivititioii prior to Hit-l- t Cav of October next to complete plans tor polllcil ac- tion it tie tail r ictlon. Slol 'Oil lae eoiiltltlttee lie l.islrtielt-i- l In III'- luelslir-l- pr ,eel tiieiiusl tho at li org .uiAttiun In Ihe bev.-ia- l di.lri. Is oy l sl.iani-es- , etinveiitions, ur i . In ordi r lo si cure the elee-tu- nf Iti irotl.-lil- re 1 tie Irn-ii'- of lin.ieti In tin- netl St air a ol Asse uolr. a id we vl.,i reeomttu-ti- til t a pr perl) lie I i tin I una! lutlull ul " .r oiiiuisfttr s i smoi'iit to onlcr to prosecute ail VluUlloUsuf Hie pre eat lass. Ml Til I llt I'lllTV, A resolution was offered us a substitute for th- - .eieutli resiiliitloii pl'iipi'-uti- mi Indel'Oii-d- i in lomperaiit-- ti.o y, wiueh elicited a long debate, b it w.t- - rej fled. A reniniilliiii wis ndiipted celling nil Congress I 1'ivss a protitblior)' utw prohioittug tuo linpor-t- at ion uml iiimiul.iciiire uf Itiioxieating Ihptois. A long deb. tie was had oil thai wo record with plea-ur- e that (lov. Dlx recognized Li hi Veto (tussore tho prlm-qil- of prohlb.lliiu, wlieli tin Ultli lenoliilioii itiiovo given was mhipleil a it uhlltit. The Conven- tion then look s re.-o- until li 1'. M. T lio uleiilng sessliiu w.t devoted to the of addie.scs, showing the evils of Intem- perance. Tho Convention mljoiirued sine die. The Amunv, Juiiu Ul. At tlio Convention which assembled hero to- day, resolutions were adopted which eudorso the platform and organization of tho National I'rnliUiltiuu party ; luvur prohibition by general and uniform laws ; advocate a prohibitory nmeiitlmoiit i recognize as the chief cause of the failures on the pari of temperaii e peoplo In the past a disposition tu compromise on tio least evil of pua'tles and adopt halfway measures, and lllslsl thai Credit Mobtller larteliv. Iho salary grub, kc, are tho results of the country being governed by luiiiiiciil parlies who bate ontllved their principles, and those wloi continue In ail with tlieiu make them- selves Indirectly parties to their crimes. jiii; liAvrivsr hoy is suw route. Craninisr 1H tn be Hepresenleit In Anuitpoll - A Helen lbl IV. ze Irnin Iho ihe Moo. David II, .HellUli. The c.r.imiiiiitlon of oaitdld.ites for the vacant cadetshlp In the Nuv.d Ac.idomy nt An- napolis was held yesterday III the hull of the Hoard of Fducatlou. It ai under the direct supervision of Superintendent Henry Kiddle, assisted by Assistant Superintendent Thomas F. Harrison. Mr. Kiddle sat on a raised platform, flunked on the left by the Uou.D.tvId II. Mclllsh, thu Congressman from the Ninth District, Irom whose hands the vacont cutetshlp wos to be given. He evinced great Interest In the exami- nation, looking over the records of the bo)s per- sonally, and making suggestions as to the proper mode of averaging the exercises. Only eleven applicants appeared at the ap- pointed hour, U o'clock. They were John C. Wilson, Jr., Id years of age; John T. Mills. IS; IMwarit J. Murphy, 15; Melvin Morris, 10; Itntt-r- rl L llatetnon, 11; Alouzo M. Snllli. It; Wtu. y.oelncr, 10: Terence McGowan, 15; John A. I.ce, HI; Win. 11. Konz, 13; and Ilnimas Mciiuiley, 17. They wero arranged in a seml-clrcl- e before the examiners, and to the rear sat parents and friend, who had all come In the earnest hopo to tee tueir boy bear olf the coveted prize, THE VICTDIl. The examination was written, and embraced reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, grammar, keography,uiid Itlstorv. Tile exercises consumed four hour, and all tho boys were thoroughly wearied lu mind and body at tbo eunclu.lun. Th li followed tive minutes of suspense, during which every boy's heart was In hi mouth. It wu curious to note the different feature. Soiito assumed au air uf inter Indifference, while oth- ers looked stcallhllv at the Superintendent mid ' Mr. Medish. intensely anxiou to re id In their fuces siiiiie token of the coming ilea isinn. length Mr. Medlsb aroie. lu hi nuud was iAl table of uverages. 'the hoys craned their forward, llo said: Il Is mv great pleiuuro to congratulate John I C. Wilson. Jr., upon having recorded tho high uvrrage of tui." The voting hears sank sadlyat the announce- ment, hut one Utile fellow, and he the smallest of them all, was oveiwht-lmc- wllh Joy. He laughed alt over, und turning tn hi nearest neighbors shook hands cordially with them, Tue lucky boy lis an eye of remarkable bril- liancy, and a bead of Intellectual proportions. Il Is covered b) a shock of heat y red hair, und his feature, ure regularly, almost delicate. y chis- eled, lie Is the son of a saddler, und resides at t'sii Seventh avenue. The boy wus formerly u member of (irammar School No. .V, but lias lately attended the free college. He was bom June -- 1. 15. and Is consequently Ju-- t Id years old. A happier boy eoiild not have been found In New lurk yesterday than little Johnny Vf nrr rim innh-om- . The honorable gentleman matin a speech In which he gave the averages of all tho inns and congratulated thein on their sin cos. fill exami- nation, lie was li. toned to with respectful (lo- ft reuce bv u disappointed audience, und with wt.e prudence he said but little Wnen hn there was n g ail round. His fellow competitor cuvsib-- nrooml little John-li- t mid coiigr.iltil .ted him with genuine on nest-ti- e. Then Mr Melhsb sIiouk hint bv the ham!, und tnld him Ilia: lie was hen. of .rtli to hold tho honor of Iho .Ninth Congressional Distrn t In ids keeping at Aiui.tpitl.. i( pruiut-e- il to act a a pr iteclnr to the young ft ub-ii- and Jol.U'i). nl bright eye fulrl) swim ulng In radiant smile, ran from tho romn to bear tiding to hi parents. There wit Joy lu tuo Wilson house- hold last night, and nue untlir nl least hud good reason In bo proud of her -- .in. Johuiii wa. intending to i nlet the stole of it wholesale ureter had he fulled In the oinmlnii-- I ii ni. He will start lor Annapolis sunn, anil .Mr. Melllsli sa)s Hut ho I. lie til hold his own wlt't uil cadet iu the Academy. Keiiiiit-li)- ' llml Hot. From ihe llirio-lthm- it ,. A little boy iiain.i'il Hob lives not n thou- sand mile from II irrtidsiiiu-g- , It si ve.irs "Id, and glows In ni.uure If not in grace utei't day. ll.s grandfather Is devoted to him and spoil lilm. Not buig ago the old gentleman was walk- - lug no and down the gallery, holding bis li.tlf-opc- u hand behind lilm a, i me ut of many people. Hot. bulked at htm n tleetllely for lully a minute. All .Home he dinppo ired, ent'-re- tlio kileheu. and n aiipcured holding a sun til foul ot llio between two sth-ks- . Just I. it'll bis grandfather wu walking slowly toward the oilier en I of tho gallery. Sivlfily and Hob stole iqi behind and dropped the coal Into the half-ilose- d palm, and tm-- ili. unpeued like a Hash The old's ii.uul iln-e- il cunvublvi'ly, anil then bo made n frantic e;ioitdo throw It away, llo hopped about mid capered like a Iw ell, and tin. till, that lit) nits burned, darted Inr llm vv.itei bucket, Inn. whleii lie plunged Id arm up lo Hie elbniv. Hut. ttla for Hob, hi mother hud .iriiiod just In tune to see lilm do Iho naughty deed, and, despite hi de lat Hum ho didn't go to do It, she Interviewed him mi el,'eclu.dl) that lie found It to sil down lor sovcrul d ,ys thereatter. During tho liiiertlew Hob howled lu hi most melodious and heart- rending iinnner, but h's vn thu only stood by the water bucket and nodded appro) inglv as tho sound of the coiitllct reached Ins ears, The l'n i ilon ol .111. Vlreluud, In the Muni of IAe .sail , Slit: 1 notice au atllele In Till; Sl'N or this .late, inpli-i- l from tue New tirlt am llo if.f, red rrh.g lo the pinlou of Mrs., vvhhli does au luju.tiie 'u tin- pi III in.un liailli la llli'lilluneu a. hums t ui ur d snnl ;. ir.lm. I ne author id .vvt.r .1, ite to kno i so null li la reait ll lo tin .o ..aita-n- ..t t a i.t.o, it, on 1, klluas io Mr. v lu- - ion on,, , ni.uirr , lu r natiii- ,s inn piur mo- I. t a so .at i, and i. i in t p .lae in tils CI) ill I .ii tni'.i nl im t lue pai.lou si.t gr.t, ti,i loan r. ens, ntst is mull- t.. tin- i...Liuur nut she i isheil la net uaipmv lit r i..ui:;iit. r er tl.ugli ir'i a -l liu HCnlioriili, lu. It , i. i tiiun .. null, ' "i ole. out Iiu.htei'a lllueis .iU)i-- l Iho J..,tt v lln- tiiohcHiou lor pitr.t.iu was wa.ii- I., n.o-i- . . nlser n i iil'is who ns.ile In tioitou, and siio ate must renin bio people, aim, at la lae lu.Ii.iii hi .wu ei-i- s, tiiiv ,.ukut Hie inilui-ui- nf a r. niau, shulieiug aasuri'iloi ino a ove lacii. n a r l Ino o. ion, 1 urilu r thu be lis. ne alius . t'Jge ur llilerest. w loua, Juue'll, 1871 XKvc()Ui!Tiiorsi:ri!An)s. run i.vinrrui i or iv. i;i., JM.V ( II i s ( n i , v. i' Centreing n I'r.uiiliileut c uon mi l (jr,.,, I lie Per I nt ihe l'i , ,, ,, 1 Andrew .1. liurvi'i' Mce l.lm,, i. ,4i ' Yeslei-da- inoriiliig soon an,,- In,,,. !,., mi unwon'ed foiiiii'ii.oti w.t. o . rv tbl.i tu ult District Atbirney' ofll Chief ,,f Irvlnif had bcon enn in enter, Tlio red ,i,i1 blf.s.uuion bad bei": nnii el at.iimd. Il. 'oi). p lives Heidelberg uml Tull) had ileiUt.-- grneefillly UiM igli tho corridor. The Hun I'll - Farloy had bo' ii dlscovcicd ru-l- g frmiJ ono apallinilll In the other. Mr. Dennv, (nl calm and courleuti. had lint bent observed i ruie his uuod on e his tick. Ihmu ,s ',1 politicians ascended the stubs, iioeiinloi! il t corridors, and ruiivetseil mvlerlo i.y ..." . siiterooin. Tim Son renortet. at liainl u u..7 presM-- lu among the throng mid found re ids r ndmllt lice wltlim Hi's pre.'biet In Mr " Pheliis's iirlvute mom were Alderman Cumin' t and Mr. Morgan Junes. ' ri.L'MUI.It AM) I'lltl.ANTIIIIOt'lsr. Outside the door were 0111, ors Heidelberg and Tully, 'llio iifilcirs know nntldiig. The lerki 1 Thu reporter took a chair . i.d waited for knovviodgo. I'rrsenily Alderman f Ooman nud Ml. .Morgan Junes, arcompmnii i,, , several friends, came Irom the Inner uluVc, Unshed nnd smllhi". hurried thruiigii the aulei room and departed. . Then tho Hon. I 'lilt. Farloy entered out n breath but exceed. n.-l- h biNoine. Il- - kue.s ! iioihing. Tho reporter followed nun nlung ' d rk Into u nfll e. , gentleman lu heavy glas.tsalnl light su'iuuei ' flothes wa seal, tl lu nn en y elior As !,, ! mi . I'll turned to collie out. he paspmi forth, pointing wtili In ling. r. " A"k hie.'' Ti Si repnrlo. fiilimvi'd lids advi'-- and was rewarded with amnio Information. in cumin itiiirsTrn. i On June II Ihe llrtti.l.lir) found eeri tin . ' dletmeiii galli.l pur-ou- s kiiivtu a. ueini,i.t( ot tho Now Court House King. Ve-t- - rdu) ,r,,. Ing Alderimili Ionian w is w d ed mi bv C.tpt, Irving and reqiic.i'.l to in c ..up utv him t . ins ' Cniirl Ibnlsf. Agonist Mr. C i.ii.ui lln-r- are eight llidlclltienls oin- - I. r bitbeiv ulil-iv- fur f iIkuIidi'i. 1 bo lii lb 'mollis for i ,y fotlld nut In seeti hylhcM'v re nirler. lis olht-- parties nut tel nrresled nr.- Im d ealed. Tho Ihdicimeiii set-- f. nth toa. In l:n. when Mr. I union wus Ciimiuiliiiiei of ihe .Vw( ut II 'Use, Ann lew .1. (Inrie) put in a fta i.t.ii. ut I III for f .Vi.(,i;i.r.i, m up of the cubjouiod Hem: ..Tor ork, Istior, sn I tiiAlcrlali on the New Court Ituuse In d.itel lu 3,T'i ilsjs' work at (4 piaj. ttreia.and urn&iiieiit tl suraers .114713 .id To keanutdlns.riggiug.iiiij canape 4v UC To piaster. II tie, incut, slid luuary material! for ornamental sin., rs 4,&2 rj To t.TbS days' work at paiuteis. Lk I3,:i3 lo psuils, uils.culorr, Ac i.'.zs oi 1u 2,.&1 da) s at .1, uu, c UAAu; Total .XU.IM tt I Till: n it I n Kit V. The Indictment charges lint Mr. Comm. knowing this nlll to be utterly fraudulent, iinj thut none of the work hud been done uml hunt ol the material supplied, ccillfiod Iho account, receiving for so doing five per cent, of tin amount, nr On this Indictment, whlib contains two other count, the bill was fixed nt f Mill nnd In e ii'.i of tlio seven conspiracy cases nl l,nl. Mr Morgan Jones of iViurt sire-- wns ueiepted a Mi. Cuuuu's bondaiuoo lu the full iituoiiui of f W.ftil before Mr. Cumun' bonds wero completed Mr. I'liinoa-sC- . ik In ilioTtn ( Ull.-e- t illered lu custody of u detective, the (iraiid Jury having louml turuo Indictments ugaint him fur furgtry, lu having on or ul.out January II, 11, signed tho nainet of Allen and Stevens on tho uacg of tnree war--r Hits Inr Iinnner lor tin- new Court House, drawn on tho Hro.idvvay II ink. tho amount ot tlio first being !.''; nf tliu second, f.l.Hl.. ti; mid of the third. JUMIS-'.u- i. lull was uied lit 5.IU1 iu Uie Drst ease, uiij at (bull each In Hie two oHi rs. Mr. P.itii.-- II . Iviugslaud of ,17 West I h street, the prisoner s la- ther, bocuiiio his surely. riiACn i i'ON rittnii. About the same tlmn otlleers Heidelberg and Tully entered with Tiioitios W. lt e .uid Piter Monahan, who eariv on the stationery business nl I.I W ail street, under the in name of Tims. W. Hoe y Co, They weiu indicted i y the (irsiid Jury on Juno C, for having niesenled a fraudu- lent bill, purporting to bo lor stationery supplied lo the Itecclver of Taxes, to tho an, mint ul The bill was tireseiitej lo Ihs Complruller. audited and allowed, and tb .Mayor's slgn.ituru was procured by tile 11 1 in Oct. 7. lS'.U. 'Ibry had ucuully nnl supplied one rent's worth of the articles named hi the bill. ThDiuns W. It e was bulled lu (lo.llll himseil In $A,UJ. ami a surely, Win. 1'. A. Hart ol ii l'riiico stieet. In t5,uuo. Peter Moiiaiiau wu balled similarly, his surety being Jonas Scbultt of the Howery. Oilier arrests are to be made speedily, but I hi authiirltie-- i decline lo give lbe Haines of the In- dicted pernins. 11 is .Id t, tat .uicauel Norton, James lugeraoil, and W.M. Iwuvd uie utuunjc iheiu. Public Itubbcrr it a Pr.utl-ei- l by the I'hlbtilot-pul- it II lug. I'AUtjdelpAa Corre.'.giite iJ Uie Aite York 71me. It in iti true to-d- a it was when tho Dull, fin spoke, Hi il mis, tue second city of tlio 1 tilled Males, is ruled b u set of rust als calling themselves Iteptibln uus, a..d dolly Hoisting that they ure Ulo men vvno s tved Ine Itepubllcait jiarty, wito are not nun vhlt better in private habits or piiulie prai Ib'es than tue gang wnliu Tweed ciiiuri'lleil In .New lork. Is tho corruption uf Ine ball an ubso-le- le abuse, or the scandalous employment uf tlio police to prolefl toal fiur.ipli).ir Is the pocking of grand Juries o isolete, when Maor Stokelr stated to the writer only a dy or two ago, In reference to tne paragraph III His J.nloYr about Ulo lottery lulls, tool tne da) after Its appearance "ino (i rami Jury louml tires true lulls uu less evldeu 'e than luey bad reject- ed one the day bolero I " Is the gas trust, winch sit with closed dnnrt and guards It so caref ulv, nut ...ilj those In Iho King know tnein -- Is nils an au.a- - lele abuse 'I 1 the building Commission, with Its unlimit- ed, Irresi ousiblc mid la iemi lorv power . vsi millions of the i ll) money, und which eels al dedauee the elforts o Pint ide.phia'. t cllb zens to cuitail Its viiiazing extern ol outnorlty Is tuts all abuse w on it I oOsole.e .' Is lite extortion 'il illegal lees bv the oflirlilt ot tbo How- - all bsolete ulillse, vvlieli in t lie last Leglsl.tturn the man no.v 1 be ii.imiuiled for run-riff- , au ortlcewluro tlmso fees aio largest, Hticfi'ssfull) exetled Ills powers as peaer lo smother a bill intended to s.iu.-Ulu- sal-ri- es for lliese uuinoueraUl) loci .liu 1. 1 Is con liplion lu lues) otllcesall ooaulole abt-.- s when, dtiliug weeu, a la.c ID eier in the uluco ot llegtstei ol M ills utlrau.ied a poor widow woman ..or little le.a ) m J- -'t uy taking out. In b.s .Ail, in toiler U she apphetl ioi,.iiidlhi n p tkel uz the inonev'r 'J his i no eiagti'iatn.o. i in statement nf mo woman i.ea ben'te ..e I the iinbiui .uiig f. niu, .il. ni win. ii n. uit exist In uu bu, ori.tul luio.n . lli.e. w eio i". on honing the ea I. It ro .e . I ...e p or vi con draw-u- llio won. o.l . t ' batik and piiekt-- i .lie u.ouev. reditu lo ins. Qui and tell Iho uumi i.uiulo vvi.l w t g ... er btmiuess. Hul i ul.-- in ,u w u . w t no luin .is UlllStur, who esc, tpe'il tile I'eil. ten . i.l. ) e.l-- ! tug tlio st.llille ill lolls ag.ttual a i .i.. kc at 1'iTJiii) una li.tu.l. iibbnth llreiikiiiu A.o.ii.j l.ieal I'eoplt la l.iubiuil. lain.l'il C, .em e iti lite t'.n i i . in 'k Hecctltly tlio viti loll ev.iiig. nath Us sent i iiepiitatlon all In.- w .. t v 1 witu llio object ol wi. n ' tlieiu is out it .ut .stnul.iv o - "j iiiiriaiii dot the t'ai.iisii si i n ni ti .h ve over wllh shouts so n iu. i ui . il wos the d.sgtisl of Ih-- S.,1 no. .r. in ot' ' s nn reading just itstho) wen s..iinog i " llli telegl.ti.i fnnii teinia. pii- ii- -i I ' llow-pa- p m nero. uu It ) o is- 'i ' Prince uf Wales and Prune Ai .a " letitiing lilvine service in no- l'i . . )usn'i'tl,iy leg. .v. tl nil lie nn- m ' in. uu- biiiiv in leniiii. I' . t li" ... '' ' tluicil ul the ll.'lliuig, .uu! .ui.. " ''' h. or tne upeia nl ' I hi. I." ''. " T tqiera House the lllltecs ai'e-i.- i.- - " given bv Count Ani.r.ts ) an t i ' 1. ml M.irhul of the Cn.ui " v. a' t ' ' nl nur lining'sii'cu. as we i . i lu Liurkuuwi'ii, im silliiik in. 'in- - ' .ihday ll th.) Pllll.e ol Mali . c i. wi)f Muronver, the publn e o iv . ' " l'i. - qlllellllgdlsi'iVelV lie- is juslas b.ul In all tin-- u her bud I. - bald that tlio poor w - a . ' ' powerless lo lioid baci. tue 1'i.u li 4 oath Inoaktiig propeiisi.'t s t iioveretl Uuil no lad) l liioii ! tg '" tend Minda) nperu and annua, i. , fall All l. nulla, and that in lo l U..-- - ' 4 viol slut is at" nil a V . - - '" lodv tall well be. Tlio ga)t-a'- - oi ' lllenil. Und uto-- t favor In net e. - i ' "" a iliiitcf r. her "inlur ii" ' i ' ," ; boeiiiiibig celeiualod. - ' " '" ' sue and llio kjueon'a d ug ii' is tutu n thoy talk q.i.uili ) u. I..ii ' ' ' ' llovvevel thu ma) ne, . el i.i u s t a man now iouin ,n. i ' '" laud aru itoloi loi-l- ) l i .i .i.n.ii i ' und that the) liatu lenibie.i i . ... J hi-i- etpiiihy lav. I'or v x.uu, h -- ' tu.ido .in t'.iinesl efforl ..t i. i . the gn at Itelolin 'lob. i.i ... t ' ' lt ago, In havo Ihe lull ill .1". li.siiti.llon Mull up on .... . ',. uvuinheliniiii uiajonl) n bei- - stinunl pi t ul t ai oi i . ,l "' d iy a eu oluois, I j The Pre. Ideal hu. mil h. '" Vn. u '. J, li. 'i I" - ' ' I.ON'f. llli t Si II, I till' '.' 'll. J,. ( Prcsideui tn. nit i . i ' out Poind Hi ui I 1 " . ,, llstl d ill III "il and - ' ' u Tho Presltient il i 10.1 u.-- " , uta one Is moie uitonfi. i t'i v M at i danger.

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SFN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. 1873. . . I

vr.!) v. jcni: w, nci

A lllllsf tllt'llt To-llu-

Pewerv '1 lostr " ' ' 'f t. Ofirn II m 1 .st. thttJ iin .

I n.rsl I'aik l.atdiii ' I.

I' r li Alt Mic 'lliuilr.' Ml Ma M.ilbMbln. t.aidtli h- - tUlMnp r 1 hmlri' : H

I hi atte Com que Clot. M.l'nifc

I'i.I n Hfimr 'I lustre- - J... Mlotl r. leel' I hlalir .

ueij . Mil. mm 1 I.. H mair.; II. .J. M.tis..

Tersns on he Nun

ni'lvrf v I '' . , f (I 00lui W'.t,,,, )'' I! Iin

la ..l.r . S If l mil, c t f . . 8ft OilII '.,i t ... lISi..., ( fid Oil, l rji.r, ou.DIIA1tSl ?!

Dasoiiar ADti.ttii.4, -r tin., . 4e...N'l

Th' Its. II tlPri. . N l . b '" vt.r. iM t',Oi,i. i., T.Vi.II Iru- N1I11 I. 10,1 Ml .ti ..S ll .f I. .. 11... & U i.ka.n.fta Vi.ri.a, with ' All. " .rt.r II, lfH... .... f I 69fclll kl.TTIR, llk 'Atlr " ft...! II, III If tl

IH..I I COAt. ... It W flt.l , IS- r.i-t- , f.f t n.ALL Ai'tl.min.r. l .r lle.i r I ll.l fC If ir.AtVkf'.MTO. S'ii W II. n ii. tI .fin AsTtRo.tvt... rl... . v for I' , ... r.r'r't C ht4il if .f 1. .v bii...l Ih.Wr.l )f .i t Vat W.blj, sllti-fti- l

.Hi. rbjc. .1 lb. . n ef b. lamtlt.f

Per the srcommo-lstli- il resident adver' lilt Si s II' be twi nod at our rrpiilsr

rntcn at llio si'vcrllseM nl .ue.. M' w i stlldrty-ieenn- street, jirirtiu i of llrnnlwr sn.1 sivlriiveinir, end mis WrM 1 vrctilv nurd street, upon.! jLisua opcr lluu.r. I ruin A. M. tu p. M.

'I'Ih- - Ornntl Jtirv tint t Indicted tho Sun.WltJ.tAM II. K i:mhi.i- - of 1 lilldth'lplilu --

n iiiiiu iiliout wli.i-- i' ImMiu'vi pi im'iiili's(lie pulilic :i i mil Ml In utiy iluiilit nrunci riuliity. Mi- - lif ilivlnrntl tlu'iu, notimly In (hi' iiimt linM mill r I'klt'Hi. Imtnliu in llio uiii't l(in?u:i:;i'. 1 1

lias ciiiIi kIIuiI llii'in In tliu followiiii; Ur.--o

ami In k'T lei ti l :

"Tm:isriiv DniiTMRNT nr 1'rnvi.vIjM , I

II IIIIH6III li ;, .M m'li 'Jl. lsii:. I

"Mv IlauiTllllN : All. 'Vino In liitr.iiliii'n toroil my i,irtii-iili- frioml Mr. iikoiiiis (). I'.v is.lli li iS it a ' of tine ni.unitiiilu tliut heiMsliM you to lic.ii til in In. Viit lilm tliMunli iu

iiu u lil niu. llo iiiuli'rJt.imU lulilUinn, UlvUili'ii. nnil pIIi'ik'i'. Vnurx, W. II. Ki.nIih.i;."Tu Titian J. Coi Ki'.v. Ki(..ValiMiL'Uin, 1.U."

Keuhm: lia.i tint only iiuvit ili'iih'il tlioiiutliuiitli'Jty of tliU lollir, but lio Iiiim gottoto far ii.i nolcinnly to ailnitt i t.-- gc'iiuhii'-iium- i,

under oittlii lu n jinliciul nrouuoillusiH lu city.

ThkHiw lni glvpn piililiclty to t tit M-t- cr

iniuiy tlino-i- , anil on u lwciit oicjifloiipriuti-- it comtiiiiulriitloti from I'lill:uli!l-plii- a

cuiitiiiliitiK Mil letter mill nouiu othermattcr.-- i nlnnit Kcmiii.c.

For tliu Uiii of tilt emiimunlra-tlo;- iit (inittil Jury of tins oily one that

WLH gciii't-nll- ruppo.'oil to li;' a icfot'tiiGnttnl Jury luu luillciinl The Si-.n-


Wt Itircrt the iniaii'.'i of tin' nictti- -

Iti'in coiiiponln;; tliU Onuul Jury, in onlcrthnt their fellow citui'tii tuny iinili'i'Miiiiil'nho rail miller tho lhi),' of Adillll'in,JJlvhtou, iind Slknrc. Soitiu of them ruliuahii'tss men. Tho Inquiry inttitiiillyiirl.-e-, do they tnniitict litulne.i) on thoKtiiiii.E system? If o, let them iu.'criliuIn pliilu leltt'iD tho wordA vlddltloii,iJWlon,iiii(( Mfenre over thelriop doom.The following la the II. t :

Chiklii I'AnTkUKix, (ortiiniD. firm of i'lnrittDOi Ai. rtinuu.tiu in rcinutt, llruia .trecl. Uti

1 tfciK'r.0 Nfl tiflrruilut eirv.bmlKL W. Uu.Bii.ti, hrmrr, TO M.iilioa itrcel.

1 13 Kill Tutl tuiirlu tr Tl.IhiHiiii W hiuut, prutuiuot, Iti IVhL itrcel. Ilctl.''iai.l Hi.vt i. hmiHuTT. printer, BT ilerknunttrrrt. Itol -

IIK vtriice d2d vif.t 1 nrittjr'tccuuil ttrr?t.hAMt'Kt. K. M'i.-- li. bu.luik uiikDonD. IleiMi-nct-i

Ka ..t iMri'ruii'rutti itreot.Xt M. ViM'CRTi'oKr i&crU'r.o, VixpmTmRT A

IUtMi, fct. Luuit, Mu.i, ury tooJi, t Mercer

blU'jiiH W. c mitock, prorliloni, 2Ci Grrenwlcb1 Itnet. Ut.lili'acc 2M Li.i ri hi) iliiru I'rri't.

Wu, ('LAKkkiv. b.iukrr, it Will .Ufa. Kc.lJcncc113 hut lruiy ihlra lnit.Jaiih r. Taiiih, unporn-r- , OWilktr itrcet. IUit-iibiv 4i utii Wii.UU.iuii t'.uirr.jAVfi A lli.ui, drt i'uuili, ni llroiilnir, Rett

L tliurril tt tifurlhtinet.T in, iilaih. ,h . niilaii'irr, HI Writ Houitoa.Ilcmui'tii e iir' lur :) itn t.

f ( i.iLAMi tiutiLiu, Luiur, mliltnco I't c.riaJittni

1 Minx. Tirnlihri, IT? Allium itrcct.RrililrnirUI Me.l I trr-- l.

liitouoHit .Unri.c,u)ir.lii:.iuiiuiircil. llr.i1 drai'i: Mhj Lcitnct'iu iiiiiuf.

Hiui-N- i, ;it s. .nuri.hiut.ljriaeitrett. lleildeuce 8. V.iit ltb i mlJrnc Oiklbt, loip, 51 Miimf itreet. ftciiileQccIt Win 1 til' tiujth uriet.(li'imii IIikht, tuo , M7 Writ Korljr-Gt- itrcel.lU'iim nrr 111 U'ft I crl v nin .it-- .t

JoMTHiN I.. llYi'i. liiipiirT, .MiiileD lin 1.,; Wrai rurti'liril .Iri'U.

m. Comwiv, ifriti-- ' r, lilJi. llroittAftj. lt".Urnre1 15) iWii t on) n uiti itr el

llrvr.v M. 1 limn, oat m, 111 Pcirl itrret. ltiil- -

dn rel Witt loclllU .Irrrl.I., mi: a Irii.ik. cluiluuie, 41 Kut roirteenlu ilreet.Ilf jMii4riiru lis I'liih iveiim.

iB me 'I'Siireil that the DKtriet Attor- -ney'N ofllee had uothlii;; to do with tholludlnx of thU ludletinent, mid that tiait'lytwelve tlieniiulslto lepil iiuinlier of thenruud Juroi-- uoiild bu brought up to the

jiuiiit of rotiui; for It.

tlio l'u tlic .Money.

Tlmm loiitlnuei It boldof tlio l'hlhidolphia

tiioro diihouo'it, ninl moreof villain than tlio oldtill city which tho Time

to overthrow. In tlio latet '

published lu the Tiinmthe connection, bet ween tho

K 1:11111.1; and tho City1 touched upon;

Wiliesr.K wan Infnrmed oni"tl'O ltl'f'irill .VI' lilt il 11 a

t'i III' il r M ilmieiihiiii') piiil lulu lil, ultli e liynf tlio St.iti-- . tin tin

I 1.' 1 . hiiiI ilf. Imi'il llli itnil rfforuirr .ire li iruiiu mi

I'vo u'"t iiHrllti'ii urilvr Irnin'Ireniircri t'i put il tnOrioviiu' morn xcltcil, liuIKceplns iv flu wlmle iuviukiIuiii imffittif

unl. '.Wlinl, i'i'i li.iii 1 mm'!- Inil linu't 1111 'if In (ii luif,

! In- - liKiTi'ntliii; Interview tunkli.tiikin Iiuiim' mi Tliiril

he iiropor to mill Unit nn mmnay tliliu me wiiiUimI hero lint

nl 11 tiiuiui. uiiii l,e.',U It In f f.'l.lli (fill! nf III' fl'fl

il iiIi-- k h it umifinl uji 111

illl'l (111 III i .' "

Koveruineiit, municipalmoney Mould for a

t in Hi" hand of a manteti. hliiu tho principle. of

The fact that 111

tho fliaiueli' expounder ofIs allowed to keep any partticaiiiro I a iiinut startlniK

ul the depravity andKing . ho rulo and

Tyranny in Court .More OppressionM'linti'il.

1 Tho law writer of the dally Times thinksthat .liidgo Hi'sr nhoiilil havn puiilshedthe learned and eminent Judge Hkmiks forcoiileuipl nheu that great law yer iiUed to

t lmve the J111 y polled lu M.m AsriioNV's

And wliy should not Judgo Ili'NT hart)) done Dili? Kxaiupli' ol Judii lal net at- -1 liumt n bad may be cited from the ret up 1 4

P ( of thu coinparatiiely daik ugei and'when, in thu light of tho prcccntday, and in ilelliiucu of onu ol thopluiue-i- t piiivl-lo- u of tho t'linililn--Hon of thu L'tllted Statu, 11 lY'deralJiulgo

H denies In an accused peisou who pleadsH Not (iullty the biiered right of u tl lal by

H jury, why should hu not go 0110 step fur- -

H Uiur ninl Imprison tho defendaul'ri oouiielH for demanding thut tlio eoinmou pru;tiva


In 11 cno of conviction bo observed, uml(hut the Jury be polled?

And yet in 0110 itpcct tho writer In the7'fnc I1111 luhow of rcii0M in Id fnvorj forwhi n the privilege of having iinyldlng todo with ileli'inilnlli a vi'i-dle- t lias beenittliltnuily denied to mi entire Jury, ItMould seem iii n:iMi';it, imt In fill l ldnil- -luiif, Uipn rl'iu-l- into (ho t'ommoii lawIglit of aklng every one of Ihetn ilidlvidil-iill- y

If he cnneitncd ill the verdict.Wo would icipeetfully eilggc.t to tho

wiltei In tho Yiiiiiw that there I 11 muchbelter wuv for court to win ti"pect thanliy the piiniilrneiil of coiiiimiI who rimply1 udeuvor t i do their whole duly ; ami thaibelief way to win retpuet is by deserv-ing It.

If Judge Ilt'vr jhoiild attempt to piinlhnil whoetitcrliiin couteiiipt for hi conducton U1I.1 criminal trial for Ills dn.tnrdly de-

nial Ion woman of the inot fiiereilto her by tho Constitution,

whl' h ho was worn to support, then ho hadliettcr enliuvfc the Jail lliulto light off. Woshould Mii-pc- thu'iotiMii of nnyA tneilciiii cltUeti who would di'claliti nilfeeling of contempt toward a Judge guiltyof an iiuiiiptlon of de.poiio power.

The question of Ml Anthony's nllcgedmisdemeanor Is entirely absot bed mid lostIn contetiipl.ition of Judge Ilc.vr's gi eatermid oveih:id'iwing orfenei'.

All expel ietteed mid dlstlluniMicd rrlml-na- lhiwj er write 11 In reference to Judgi'

llf.M'H coerced verdict I "That thing isthe most ffi.fififiniKiotitfdio crcr jicrjit'tt lidiiJri Ihhciiinttry."

Such i' are confident will be the generalvoice of tin- - bar mid the people iu theycome to uuder.-itaii- the subject.

Itepret the OiriecI'reldeiit (JuiNi's friend uro said to bo

niixloiiii aboill hi llierealltg fondue forstimulant-- . So long c tlio gratification ofth ippctite wit contlned toipilet frolics inprivate, or 111 tliehousesof personal D'ieudliku M111 or r.iittjoof llulT.ilo, or thu greatwar Senator from, they weie tohis ft lend 11 murcuof grief mid iinnoyiineo.Hut now they fear that Ills political pro-poot- w

uro eudiitigerod, Onco tho truthcould bo shielded from thu public undertlio gttle nf nciiralzio attacks. Hut slncotho recent attempt to whip Gun. Siiciii-HA- N

with a small boy's cup In thu streetsof Cetiuva, Wiseoiiilu, longer concealmentIs iinpiwublo; and it is fonrod the fact mayInjure ills elimieo of reelection in

Wnile we hympathtzo with nil the otherfrli iiil of thu I'rcslilc nt 011 aoeouiit of tillunfortunate publicity, we cannot but feelthat they overestimate tho olTeet upon hisPolitical future. No doubt thu strainupon hi constitution is furious, but it Is

not prob.i'jlo that ho can break down be-

fore lTii. That iilono only would rendurbun Ineligible as thu Uepublleau candi-

date for l'roldeut, for oirV of the tlrtstatesmen of Unit party has said In n pub-lic speech that Death Is thu only archerUnit can bring him down. Of course homeant that could bring hint down per-manently, for we must regretfully confessthat whiskey has tloorod him temporarilymany a time. Hut wo are proud to statethat though crushed to earth ho ruoagain.

(it'll. OniNT's friends nntl tht Renernlpitblln are apt to give too much weight tothis trilling matter of drunkunucM. NotIlls private habit but his public acta havoto do with his Utiles for his high oillce. Thoquestion Is, Does ho maku 11 good Presi-dent 1 If (iiiANr drunk Is a better Presi-dent than nny other tnau would makeeober, theu glvo us Ou.v.vr. Hut we pro-te- st

against this iucessiuit harping upontho PiVMilent's dnukiug. Wunppeal fromhis habits to his record. Who saved thoUnion? fiiiiNT! WI10 bniui:ht about ourunexampled properlty? (JuantI AVho

paid thu jiulibo debt? GiuntI Who isover at hi post of duty, through hotweather and through cold? Giu.sil Whois alike 11 soldier, 1111 orator, uml a stuto-lnaii- ?

Giiint! Ileyond all this, wo pointwith pride to hi Impartiality In his np-- 1

poiiitineuUs, even wliero hi own relativeswere among the applicants i to his con-- ,deiiinatiou of all jobbery and speculationnn tin part of ofllciiilj to the mornl stigmawhich he ha. Iirnuied upon bribe-takin-g;

to hi rejection of Tiiluablu prcients tolilniM'lf mid his kin; to his wlo foreignpolicy ; to his happy solution of thu Indianproblem; to thu rapidity with which hoisbringing about a resumption of specie pay-ments; and above all to his paoillciitlou ofthe South.

All great men havo their fallings; nonoare immaculate. C.ksaii was ambitious,MAKMiuiioroii wns penurious, Naihi.konwas n fatalist; but Giiant combines thequalities of them all, (Siunt Is ambitions,(iiiANT is penurious, Giiant is destitute ofreligion seii'c, and in addition hn may bufond nl whiskey; but he is our President atthe rate of .V,(m i a year, and who knowsthat he will not wl-- h to bu President fortwenty year to come? And If hu wish"It, who would bu so ba.e a to opposu hint?

.11 ail nine I.ttrrn's Divorce Is It Ir- -regular

Ma l'iinn Pai'mnk IiL'cca Is n popularprima donna, Imt tho pleasure given bytier singing and acting mils! not bu nl-- Ilowed to hide thu peculiar circumstancesattending Iter divoiee suit.

The validity of tho decree of absolutedivorce lu Madame M'tvA'ri cao ha beenque-llnii- ; and owing to tho largo num-ber of irregular and worthless dlvoi-ce- s

which are obt. lined lu thu United Stateannually, the subject is worthy of Inquiryand

On the '.'d of June Judge Fanch r.n grant-ed to Madame I.I'ica an absolute de-ci-

of dlvorco from her husband, thellaron von Uiiaiik, 1111 nlllcer lu (ho (!er-111.1-

Iinperial Guard. To her the omtodyof the child was iiwmded, with permissionto marry again.

Madaiuo I, item was married to tho Haronlu but has not llvod with him since1h;h. On the l.'th of lastMaieh the com-plaint in her divorce suit was sworu to, Inthis It liifet forth that (he was married toAiAiM'ii von K a 1 1: lu llerlln 011 Nov. l!S,

IMl'i; that thu defendant subsequentlylived a prothguto II I e, and squandered theplaintiff's earning lu riotous living; thatlie was an hablliial gambler; ami that theplalntiir veiily believed that ho had livedadiiltcrou.sly wllh two women of Merlin.She prayed for divorce on these grounds,and that tho custody nt her child, MadialluxvA, born Nov. 15, ldTO, should boum an kul to her.

The case was sent to IltciiAiiK C. Hnv.M-is- u,

i;i 11s refeiee, 011 tho llth of May,and slioi liy aflerwaid the testimony wutaken before him. The only witnes be-

sides the plaintiff win a deteotivo iiauiedKkssi.kii, by trado a cigar maker or cigarseller, wlio had been employed to tiaekmid watch the Union lu Dei Iin, The

djd not appear lu person nor by

counvil. Tho wholo prooordlng win pnio-tlcal- ly

et parc, und It seeim very doubt-ful whether llaron von Khadk ha overreceived any notice of tho application,

Mill If tile evidence showed that at thetime of tho eomuils ion of the iillcgedoffelici) mid lit the (lino of tiling thecomplain! Mida-n- li.vrt wns an iictu-i- l

l).,nufttlc inhalil.iiut of t'.il State, the de-cr-

Is regular uml valid; ot'i-r- wi c It Is

void mid wot titles; mid on this point uoevidence I llecessibli' to the public.

Prei lou lo April l.'i, IrKTi, in such cases u

that of Madame titicc.v, a divorce could begniiitcd only when thouiarihige bad takenplace wltlilu the Stale. Hut In IHI'.', bysimply sti Iking Ihe word "mid" from thestatute mid siilisUtutltig lu Us place thuword "or where,'' till wa clumped, anddivorces may now be granted In snub casesalthough thu liiarrlugo may Imvo takenplate elsewhere. That this relaxation of(hn lav was advisable Is very doubtful. Adlvorco could have been obtained undertho old law In every enso when) It shouldhavo been grunted. As It Is now, theopporttinltle for fraud mid manufacturedtestimony are v cry great. Tho whole mut-ter, .is lu this I.ccca case, Is conductedquietly, K'ci ctly, and swiftly, und long be--f

i no thu defemtatit Is uwaro of It lio Is

dlvoiced. The statute fliotild he mneiidcd,mid its rcqiilicr.U'iits thoiild bo made morerigoious.

The .1 r:niiri M f nor, whit li Is a bitter ad-

vocate of tlic pulley of uxii'riiilii.tllin; the In-

dian", makes n iry ilocliirnllon ef tlioprltirlplo on wtili li It Inisus Its itui'trhii'. Itns: "Tlio history of the world cue to show

that illftVrriit rni-- ratinnt live tiincther In poni-o- .

Tliu 1 u will outdo so wllh tin) white mini,nor n 111 tlio tiivrn; so wo must Mibmtt or weurtlit'in 011I--1- 1 dill) fnrwti!eli (led seem to haveiti'Lilli'it ur." Hut t.10 Jiiui is en I'Hilliik'ly

when tlio liilliia iinilt'rtiikrs to carry Intot'lfi'i-- t lis unit I'lliiclplvs byatti'iiipllng to "wc.Hrout" tliu wlilto limn, mul run linnlly llml wnnlitotixpri's Its lintrt'il nf thu red fiend who ro-- fuse to submit to the wearing-nu- t proecw. I.lka

tho IVit' In Iinll.i who tlioiik'lit luuillliKthe titier line spurt, lint remarked that when thotitter took tu hiinthn; the liuiitertliouiiiuscmeiitreuuil to be IntereslUi!, thooilltir of the Jf trierOmls It n most ikcrtfi'.ililo ot'cup.itlon to oxter-niltui- to

tho savnses, but ilcclJodly objocu tonreversal of tlio oiicrntlon.

dipt. IIau, namislnn Arctic promontoryFunnier Headland, "iiflcr the Iliin.Ciliiil.ruBcuKKii, the oritur and I'nltcd States Seuator."In Hixou Iloiioii.v's publlfhed chart and reporton tho voyiwe of the 1'ol.trls, ho rolls It SummerHeadland. S unoof uiircnntciiipurorlesOliil faultwith this. It U mean anil cniitctiiptihlf, wurthyof Mr. Uoiicson ; ami It Is not so bad ns taklnc

111.110 out of the tre.uurv In ill ret MoUtitui of j

a stutiito lu return for "a present lou lady' ofthe value uf S.UO.

The borax Ileitis of Nevada having at-

tracted tho attention of capitalists are liclncrapidly dotclnpo.1, ami their regular proiliii'tlimI assiimlmr Importance, One marsh, Ti:i.'s,ciubrai-e- s 1.0 ) acres of lior.n l.int1,eontaliilni:.It Is estimated, 'AU.00 tout of crude bnrix.About l.'.l tntles soullieait from Carson Is theColumbus Dorax Marsh, hero four maniifae-tiirh- u:

compatilci are at work. In I.aLo 1'ithValley larvo tiiaiitltles of borax nro protlucetl,while extensive tlepuslts of the same havo beendiscovered In Death Valley, about seventy milessouth of (inlit Mountain. It Is estimated thattho monthly shipments o( borax from ColumbusMarsh, Ttsh Lake Valley, Teal's March, andHlioad'a Marsh will reacli WU tuns, with n laritaIncroaso In prospect. productivesalt marshes have also been found In .Nevada,likewise new deposit of tf quartz;but lu treasure It JoMb, the eloquvulucceiior to Jiu .Nyi.

The people of Tama countv, Iown, Imvoadopted a iliiL'tilar and expret.he means formaiiifestlin: their disapprobation nf tho UloContrrrssluiial salary steal. Their Cmurressmau,Waijikn, who beloiiifod to tho Credit Moblherparty, had drawn hi back pay. The Supervisorsof llio ctnuitT determined to repiidlato tho ii

of their representative In a praetlcol way.Tama county Is In tho old fourth district, midthe Supenior made a calculation to ascertainthe portion of the plunder for which that entintyIn proportion to its vote tulcht bo consldeiod re-

sponsible hi h.tvlne sent .1 repicselitatlte whowould avail himself of hi position to rob thepeople. The umount of this ill iro hallux beensatisfactorily determined, the Siipertlsor votedto return the money to the Truuury of thoCulled Slate.

It Is sahl iu tho tTnclnnnti f'omtncrffal '

that a ronvetitlon of the principal circus pro-

prietors In the country ha been called to as-

semble In this rlty on the Fourth of July, fur thopurpose of taklwr measure to suppress II ill-N-

Thev say that Hiuncm, by hi extrava-gant system of advertising hi show, has minedtho business of all tho smaller exhibitions, andthat 11 combination must be formed him.In the mean time IIihnlm's prollts are preaterthan the cross receipts of any other company.This iiffords a fresh illustration of the fact thatthere Is no better Investment for a limine manthan tho uiuney he use for judicious adver-tlsln- s.

Cuba belongs to Spain, at least so DonH.lMll.To.s Kimi K,iys. Two years ago the Span- -

lh Curies decreed itn liitioiliietorv emancip.i- -Hon LIU for tho Island of Culm, liy It etilldii'iiborn lifter Its i.ishiu;o wero declared free. Hutthe following two atlviTtlsDment from theDun bt itr In .lliirbui of Havana of Juno 13 willsliow (Her body how Spanish laws ure executedlu the cicr-falthf-

"nut 8ii,r,A ne pren pood icrri&t mil t, ve ry fmth-fil- l

sail liiiaif'li-- , u..t'..i'it vslu-'- . lo. Amis unit it tok'ouU Ironi r, ruun ttud teiuuiri-..- hiiii

her Infuil of imtr tnolilb.."I ilk' UnrliUC, No. Iia.""An eici'lh nt penersl enok, yountr. wllh

tirr three cllil Ireil-H- ie eliti-.- a tllvi- tlvn s ulil,ti-r- pri tl) , itii'l ill tun others fr. e. 0110 of ftbuni istlirie )i nr. obt aiel ollitr ato uiuuttu,

Callo dI hul, So li."No comuieiils ure necessary.

Sonioof our contemporaries nro trying tokeep up the old plan of eieliauu'lm newspapersunder thu new pnstiik'o law. Hut they Iiiimi toetiiiipllcato tlio mutter with odious tllstlucliuiis.Sumo Journals they ex liansn with even, otherthoy reiiilro to puy iost.-u,-- both ways, otherthev must cut olt altogether Ihuiuli they aresorry for It, ami so on. This won't work, andthey will all of them soon adopt tho simplebusiness like method of Tiir Hun and thoStiinln-y.ntuii- nibscrlbi) mid pay for all theother newspapers that you requite, and let allthe others that require your newspaper sub-

scribe and pay for that likewise.

It is n common oxpics.sloii among topcisthat "a hair of tho dot: Is the best cure fur abile :" their practical application of the adacebeing Uml u smart stimulant Is tho best remedyfor tho unpleasant results of iiiiduo spirituousIndulgence, Tho saying undoubtedly had Itsorigin In an old rnictico still prevalent In Itussla0.1 a preu-mlt- of hydrophobia. In that coun-try, when a person has been bitten by it dogBiipposcd to bo mad, It Is a usual custom to cutoff u little of the dog's hair, wlihli Is builitcrisp, and then, iitior puncturing Hie bitten partwith a needle, the burnt hair is sprinkled overIt, when tho wound Is hound up with a linenbambigo. Itusslan sailors generally have greatfaith In the fluency of this treatment, which,they say, Is often ii'cd lu their ciiuntry withcnmplclo success especially, It Is sale to prc- -

when the dug liilllctlng the bit u li notIatimo,

Wu artt told that Gen. G 11 int'is friendshavo provnlled upon him to take an eiiMtr.loiito the Adlrunducks, where It Is Imped thut thevuxe air and water ilU fully mtore his IwsJUt.

A nOXMllirUT, MLhlAKH M.uvn.The Ashe nfTlitrti-Tw- n Hour In Colnrmtn

"leirllort-lli- nv .Mr. John (Jnliirr AiliiniItollbi .lliirie S. 1 1.00(1, 11 ml How Air.Cliiul A. t'onlt l.usi ike .Honey.

of Tho Pan.

Hot'MiHii Cirv, Colonido, Juno 10. To-

il tv I met Mr John Qulney Adam Itolllus, lb'win tnitllliL' p.tst Mltehell's initio on htswav to Deliver. Mr. Ib llliis Is n lull, broad gen-tle-- ti

111, with plem-Ii- fteo and maitln'r. nndIron-gra- y hair. Ho looks lll.o a sun of toll, lb'was dressed hi ministerial bl.tult, and worn rt

white snlrt. wllh common china bultons In thotu nee of studs, Mr. Itnllln Is pretty well olf,lie told a fold mineoiieo fur, nntl lisseen oiled In k ri uig the money, He Is il

through nit thu Trrilloryiis tho man whomade (U,JO0ut it iamo of billiards.

MOW UK HIAIll! IT.In IM Mr. Rollins turned up In Denver. That

city was filled wltu who won fortunes atvarious pursiiltsoiio davntid Inst them the next.About 2 o'clock In the lifter noon Itnllln droppedInto a Lllllnrd room! over llntndliliger's cigarstore at tho Intersection of lllake and F streets,The room was filled with amateurs and profes-

sionals. Alining the former was Mr. diaries A.Cook, at that time 11 banker, mid since then,Uranee to say. ime of the wealthiest men In theTeirllory. Cook nnd Itollliis entered Into eonlursallon, After exli.iusilif tho subject of real1 stale nnd mining, the talk ran upon billiard.Conk appeared to halo considerable eotiKilt'ticoIII hi own skill, and hunched at Itoilins whenthe latter said that he could beat him, 'I his ex-cited Itnlliiis's Indignation, nnd he finally as-serted thnt he en id alio Cook twenty points Ina hundred, mid lay him out. Cook said that hocouldn't tie it for !' a game, mid Unllhistliiniplit Unit he iiiiibl. s,,u uuttiii was thenuml there nrmiiL-od-

, plnln' to begin Itnim-iI-

i.uly. Itollut wan 10 glio Cnnk twenty pointhi a game of it hundred. The stakes were to bet HO n side, anil llm game were to follow em itoilier mull one of the parte was exhausted.'1 he mail who mpiealeil first wn to forfeit tl.iul,'I oe men ngreed In si Ulo nil li onion.'tin , nnd tun nl oni the iieee--- i' v f"r ntefeiee in iitnplre. They kept too run of thou.itin - by chalking them upnn the Hour, 'lbeuuleh Wit p.ti)cd 011 11 carom lal le.

Till'. t'lllST mm: nouns.All tho preliminaries having been nrratiged,

both gentlemen drew off thelre alsan-ls- eetedI heir eue. 'i'iwv be an pi ivlng at II I', M. Itol- -bus look the leiid from tue start. Cook si rmt'dto im liming iiniisuilly bud luck. The badbroke horribly, and iiulorluii.ite klssos roblimlhim of iiihii) it cnrntti. Hill be showed remark- - I

11. do C'Hillies. His tntftirtuiies did Hot hazehtm for an Instmit. Kieiyshut was mode with I

u flrmnei ami deliberation that deserved sue-- j

t'e-- s. Darkness came on. Itmtis ami cigarswere lighted, and the cum continued. A rumorof w lint was going on spread over thu city, nudinn aloon wu 1 rowdett with spectators, livery-bo- d

y examined the marks 1111 the floor. Therew. is a pel feci nest of tallies tor Itollliis, ami butfew chalks for hts antagonist. .Nine and teno'clock i.used. and still Uiey were at It. Theti oiiey sat steadily oozing (ruin Cook's pocketInln that of llullliis. 'the luoken.-o- n watchedthe gamo wllh interest, and the light dancedwuhbi their Hgured shadai, bringing Into clearMew the eager countenances ot the pla)ers.

THE STIU.nOLi: IN TUB MOII.MNfl.At midnight tho spell was broken. Itolllnt

showed signs of fatigue, ami Cook beg in In win.Ni elated was the tiller that ho proposed toraise the stake from tdil to stu a side. Hoi-ll- n

iii'iileil. 1'bo Interest lu llm game was to-il mbled. Hie rtinui was packed, anil scores ofpersons wero clued together about the doors.I mis. cuntiiiiied to win until an hour beforeU .1 light, w ueli Kolllit got Ills second wind. Tliowiiei-- l of fortune began to run Hie other wy.(onk's Im. I luck returned. He struggled like aman In the shuuh of despond, but It wo no use.Tun cliilK ran up against hi 111 dusplioeteryellurt.

llENVlill ExriTrn,All day long the game continued. Tho city

became excited, ."otue men clo.ed their placesof for the burpo e of watihliig thoila)ttig. Oriuslonull) the bunker made a bril-

liant spun, mid seemed to surprise even him-sel- f,

but tue Heady run of lurk was dead againstbun. 'JI10 ilu)ers wero Ihe centra of all eye.Intense personal Interest Had eaten up tbelrde-ur- o

for sleep, but llielr hsggard counleiiancesbure witness to the fearful si rain upon theirnerves. At noon Hulllus was smeral thousanddollars ahead. Hut ho did not relax hi cau-tiousness, livery thrust whs Iiojii. upon a de-liberate reckoning. Ha would calculate upontoo positions of tlio balls while chalking Ills cue.und all his energies were beat uikiu leavingtnein ill a Uid place for his adversary. Cookplaed more like a Frenchman. He aimed atdirect results, slid made some surprising runs.During the afternoon tie pulled, upconslderably,and his tally began to make a respectable

but after the latnM were lighted In theevening fortune again Ueicrlvd hliu, and hobegan to go to the bottom.

tiik Asiita or TtuiiTV-rw- o nofiip.Thlrti-tw- o hours had gono by. The player

looktd like gti'ists. '1 hey were as white as thePoints of their cue. Cook had lost II-.I- butlie was pluck to the last. At the cud if eachgame he had spotted the ball as if he wereeuro of winning hi the end, but fate and theterms of tue match were aga list him. Itollinhad dragged bis weary feet about the table untilnature u eihausted. An hour before mid-night he throw up hi cue, forfeiting l,iiO,biitwinning III.l'O. Tin spectator drew longbreath, anil uverwhei ,cd the bar. The worn-ou- t

plater shook hainls, drank a parting chainp.tgno tin ktad. and went to bed .Neither oftlieiu ever made any elicit In renew thu match,and 11 Is toasuliablo to suppusu that both werulatlstlud.

ilia yAvys for,. tit kxitmtio.v.I AttiiIiIiii the Arrival or Hie TIsrreM t the

) lou lor a Threeear CruiM amiidi lbe lceberss.Is. pieparntlons for 11 polnr expedition,

to bo conducted solely by the navy, are watchedwith great Interest by naval officers. The expeditions that have sailed and failed were allviewed with Jealousy before they started, andtheir failure was greeted wltli an Implied "Itold you so" by the trained scientists of thenavy; consequently, now that the latter Is tohave an opportunity, the Interest falls little shortof excitement. Already the expoctod arrival ofthe Tigress has assembled at the Ilronklyn NavyYard the highest ofUeer of the navy.

Kniiuons, Chief of the bureau of En-

gineers; Isaiah Ilanscom, Chief of the Con-

struction llureuii; W. W. W. Wood, Chief ofIhe bureau of Steam Unzmecrlng ; and John 0.llradfoid, l'ayniuti'r-(iene- rl arrived yesterday,and Sccretury It-- esnn Is expectedThey, wllh ( apt. Greer, the commander of therelief expedition, will thorough!) Inspect the'tigress when she arrives and upon tliuiiei-de- impinM-mc- . U m.d appliance

1'iuir of llio otticers to tho voyagolitue reported at the yard, n.iinel) . Cnmmauderinocr, l.'.eutt While, l.ieuls.llerr) uml Wllkins. Musi of ('apt. Greer's s

has been rendered as the NavalAcduiii), and he left the Professorship of Nav-igation llieto to volunteer for the expedition.Hn is Impatient at the of UioTigr-s- .

"Iliery Hal's delay," said he, " Is 1111 added oh.staclo to llio suet-es- s of the expedlilon. TheAntic milliner Is of such iincerlnlit durationllml even a din may retard the desiretl resultslorn year." He does lint profess to have madeany espocial study ot Arctic navigation, uml no experience 111 high latitudes.

.No one of the Navy Department seems tnknow anything about tho Tlgr ss, She wasbuilt us a model craft for seal Ushing among

Her lonna'e b tint lid uralelv kllown,llm best luiorinalion placing It at ;!. I'lu- - mutt-bi- r

of her crew lannot be ileietuiiiied. us inrcapacity to curry provisions und stores Is notknown.

'1 lie stores taken to Disco and those which theTigress will can) will be satin lent for a threetears' lit course Ihe prluiai) object IsI ho relict of llio Polaris, but I' iippiirliiulty utterand Irciimsiimct warrant tapt. Un-e- willpushdur the open polar sea.

ZM'II'.V in I'll D VtA D II l.'.l DA'.

rlunud View nt 1111 Iniiineiit Journalist."I. lit Hi lei lilt (ViuM.

TllRCTStl.N.MTI Couiiuitcni. OrriCE, I

Juno h, ie', jII- A. X'crniUMr, Kitlor tVnffrKfn eri M.

Dmn Mil! II has been mv piuposn tntry to gn tn thoiilihi Va'ley lllltorl ii Union,bill It Is plain now 10 me thai 1 cannot do 111. Itwould bo very satlsi.tctury to 1110 to bo there,nnd say lu response In the toast wllh which youhave connected my name, that if tho editorwill only oiuanc untie themselves from all formsof " ileaillii-iidlsm,- mid fi'ini nil participationIn tliu swarm of puhlle swindles that tumbletho country and pmvert piibllo alf.ilrs, thoywould Uml It dlllleult to unduly magnify theiroltlee. I'ulll our profeksiuli ell.ililcil lu a largomeasure to ilo this. It is my Judgment that 1111

accession of modesty us to tlio luqioilmiuu unddignity of our business would be

1 lien, editors nitisl leain In claim nn "prltl-h'ke- s' that other lillep-hav- o not. Olio has n

right In sav as an editor w h .t ho lias 11 right tosay us a e ileii nil lbe street tn 11 many of Infeiinw i'111.ou a may Illintlho editor)i beard by lunro peisoit'i lliaiintliers. ho oughtto havo it siinso of rcttpniis-nuit- lu nmo tlegn oIII tiropottiuu to the sun nf Ins audience, If lbeeditor thrusts about with rt longer pole thanothers employ, he may knot k more U nit Untilthe average of men ; but that nut a privilegeThut is power. The fact Is, wu would do wellto remember Hint wo mo imt a peculiar people,but ter much liku other folks,


Money deposited now lu tho Mutual benefitHailug 11.11., blN buiiaiiitf, une.ll City 1111, willIrsw lultriait trout July l Us.


a coxi'r.nn or nrsnvsrnn rnu- -


.Mlsplnreil Conflileiiei' In (!or. Dl ninl llioKeinilibeiin I'll IV- - A Di lint lor Ali.ol.ile I'loh b Ian And .11 mil Toll, ul

1'art) Anion.At.iUNV, June"!. The Convention r.ill'sl

by the committee roiireiontiiig several tempir-niie- o

oiga:ilatlnii, and of other friend of tern,peraii-- o nnd llio Sabbath, to take pclltm lu lb w

of the failure nf the Iteptihllcuii party, throughthe Governor and tho Legislature, to redeem tinPledge' repeatedly klvcn to drift a lineal Pro-

hibition law, met ut 'TwciMIe Mull ut HI o'clocktills morning. Tho Hi n. II. J, (iron of Orangecounty was elected Chairman.

On Inking thu chair Mr. (Iron said the Conven-

tion did lint ropro cut any particular organiza-tion, but was composed of men rrprcsonllna thofriends of tho Habb.ith and the enemies of

ftri.Acru coNrinr.Nrr.Hn said tho citizens had been In tho habit of

trusting parlies; tint, they had placed theirconfidence In tho party.nnly to have,that rontldenro broken and violated. It wasdetermined, therefore, no longer to tttist Inpulltklaiis, (uiiplaii'c) but III principle only.Applause. He said it was Proposed to nonil-nal- i!

men of undoubted Integrity men whowould abide faithfully by the pilm-lpl- of tciu.penmen mid let them bo supported bv tliopolitical pat ties. I Iv bu 111 ans only could truetemperaii u men bu brought to tho mint.

The various ommliice wore then appointed.After 11 brief session of the ll.islnc Commit-

tee. Mr. 11.(1.11 le, lis Chan in I), s tld Unit tintcommittee had determined, beforn making tin nreport, that it would be host to ear expressionsfrom tin) momliert of tho Convention from va-

rious section of the Stile n to what businesswns looked for. Ho therefore that mihour or moro bo ili li'tetl 10 brief live-- i iluulespool lies, nail then the CoiiveutinU idljmirii tillg 1' M., when the foiii'iihtee would bo ready toreport, 'litis was ugnvil tn.


The Iter. Mr. Mclvoan of Albany en inly wsthe llml In Ho said tlio teuiiieralieotn-ii- of his weie thoroiiclilv iirtiused.owing 1. uf tho lust la'glsiulure. Hothen dt lulled Ihe action of tuo last loglslaturumid the (loicrnor, stating Unit lbe lUeriitlvuhail pie settled an entirely new Idea In nn voidmes'a.'o utl Idea that noter had been Uioiightof b) the teiupcraneo peoplu that lliern wo ailiffoieni n Letween malt mid ul oliollc lupinr.He contended thut these uiall llitiors wero aelfectlve for evil on the rS Ii us any otherliquor, und the moral people of tu s county uroInonnighly arniii oil to the necessity for itcUoli.

1.. P. Ilal-e- of Af ton, Chenango county, saidhis people were ready to lake a stand for entirebtalo prohibition, mid not stop at local prohi-bition. They had seen (Jerrit Smith toko hisposition u a candidate, lu the face of defeat,when defeat was certain, und they admired andhuuiiTvd him for it. So, too, now they want thotemperance and moral people of the State totake their stand and demand entire Stale pro-amnion.

II, W, ltose.of Hudson, Columbia county, 'aidIhe people of his county were ready fo notion.He declared that beer was Intoxicating,whether Iukcii In 1 umfurtable quantities nr not,

W . Warrington, nf Dutchess eiiuntl, said thepeople 111 hi portion ot the county were lu favorot emu action lor putting down itn. liquortruffle.

IIITOSED TJ INDEI'r..M)l,T ACTION.A. W. Lanslnr. of Clinton county, editor of

the l'laltsburg fenthitl. related the notion of thepeople of that fount), reading resolutionsudopted at a meeting of the Temperance So-cieties, 111 king declarations opposed to tuo po-

sition ol Unv. Dlx, but deprecating Independentpoint, nl actt n. Ho urged action In accordancewllh those resolution., belie vim If candid ilesfor oCico were to uc supported only us theycarry out the wishes of their supporters thewill conduct the, rnselies satisfactorily.

Henry Ward of IZrlo said his people wantedunity of action above all things, but hey weienot prepared to gu for an Independent parly,They would cast the strength of their vote Willieither party which gave the best pruailse olleuitjurmice Itglslatlon.

A It A I' AT OO V. IIIX.Mr. Steams said he had listened with a hope

thai the gentlauioti would explain waslast fall that be announced that lieu. Dlx, Ifelected, wuuld sign a Prohibition bill, but hadlistened In vain.

Mr. Ward said that was a personal matterwmch he bad thought best not to allude to, butas attention was called toll, he would relate thecircumstances. When the Convention In Sep-tember last was about to meet, he (Ward) wosilting at a dinner tabid of a hotel, at whichwere seated Dr. Peck and Mr. Stearns, Theqursllon was imt, "How do we know that Gen.lux, If elected, will sign a Prohibition bllir' Dr.l'cck replied that he knew from his personalknowledge that he would sign anything of a pro-hibitory character the temperance people wouldask. 1 then asked him If lie (Dr. l'eck) wouldallow 1110 to u.i his name In making this nn- - I

uuuiiceiuent, and Dr. Pock responded, " Yes,oil ins v use my name." 1 did so ongoing Into

the Convention ul liuod 'templars, and withwhat effect has been teen, and what has beenthe ifefionemrfit lias also been seen.

Mr. Stearns said tuts statement was correct.Tilt: WUMKN DISAPPOINTED.

Messrs. Wilder of ll-a- and C. W. Hawley ofGenesee laid I heir people were anxious to gointo bailie on this ouesilou.

N. II. Hanks of liteeiie spoke of the dlsap-- 1

Ik ntmeiit of the women and children lu thoStole at the defe it ol lite Local I'roniuitlon bill.He to tho Civil Dumogo bill, mid said imere Is the woman iu the calico dress; thewoman who Is beaten and mauled day lu andday out, night In and night uut i how rail sheobtain redress tiudcr the bill' II was all wellenough lor our well-fe- d peoplepeople who can ride about and enjoy tueiu-aelve- s.

I'ney are not damaged, civilly or other-wise. Hut how Is It with too poor women andchildren nf our Stale? This speaker declaredliunsolt ready for the mot rudlcd measure,lie delivered u stirring w bleb waa greetedvi ith continuous applause. ,

Tllltl.E UtlllK OII'.NTIES I1KAI1D I'ltOV.II .1. Ferry of Jefferson said Ihe temperance '

people of that county were In fav-i- of Ihiiii law slaiial Prohibition and (.lib Damage. As 10 a

third party, Uiere wo no talk of suei a move-ment; lull tho people were 111 m il disgustedwhen they found the temperance people pullinglu different directions. In union, be said, therewas strength, and It w.m unit) of action Uie tem-perance ooople needed.

James Morton ot Kings said the people of thatcounty were much disappointed ul the action oftho Governor.

1 he Hon. John O'Dnnnell, speiklng for Lewiscount), confessed to dlsaiiolutnielll iu not

tho l.ocul Prohibition bill.shoot 11111 o. the scot.

The Hcv. Mr. Craw font ald that the peoplo ofMnibson n inly had resulted that ir any manwas found mil Inn ilow 11 the temperance ll.ig, toeliniil linn olt lite ,iot

Mr. Ltiioli of M mi no county salt tho peopleof that eo my wanted it good cuiainon-seiis- u

prohibitory law.Mr liibli of New Vork spnko In favor of the

ino--l aireuuniis measure.'Ihe Chilli aniioun, cd that the credentials

showed thai there wero lVi delegates present.1 he Couvelilioti then took n icee-- s until g P. .M.

When tho Convention assembled Mr. Spencemoved that mi Invit ition be extended to llioliii'iubers of Hie other Cnmctitiun now beingheld lu tins ell) to nn el with this Convention,

AKIt.Mll OF A Tit tit II I'AUTV.Mr. Lansing sild the oilier Convention

committed ton plan for 11 third part), whilethis was .1 ilelloi-raliv- one ; that tl would be In-

appropriate in Invite them In here, mid wouldbe. wrong to bring hem Into carry this

Mi. Ilriee of Albany advocated the motion onthe ground tuat 111 union .here w.1.1 alriiiglh.

Tue Itet . Vr. Hicks was Inr union and layer-ed tho im ItaihMi.

linn. Smlili said that he wot, not nt ptescnt Infavor ot u third party.

Alter further til etissluit a motion to lay thomot ton mi tlio table was c.triluil b) a vote of Talo (g.

Mr. Stearns then moved that llrotlier Speneobe appointed a lounnitteo of nun tu invite Inn

tlio other Convention lo meet hereunder mo 1.1II of tins C invention ('.lined.

llio call for expression was then continued,nnd Various member udtlressed lite Conven-tion as In the seiitlmeiiu n their constituents.All lln'so specehe.. wero tu tone lo thosedelivered at the morning session.

TIIIIILtllllK ltl.MII.VIT).Tho Committee 011 business then reported thofollowing:In "i't.i, riist Ihe traffic in Intoxicating ll.ptori he lug

a erilili' doit ami, s.l l..wa. usli.i-- re.pic ahlhl) Is g'voii ure li.e grial bill,nark of that irslIU-- , and Khlli- tiny riuuiu upon ihestatute honks gri-s- t suit aai-u- ucc sa cm tiereached to. I I Its auolltlali s Hit reluru It l Ihe lutpi

duly ul llm ranee nn-- to mute iu tueireffort, tor lie I'liineduti' repeal uf all tueli lawa.Ilmul' 1 1, I hat In tin Ir iteiul, as the uue grral, linper-at-

e need, should im- en.icleil Ian prohibiting ihe iatoul ul lutnilcatnig liquors as a

Hut at the earliest possible period 1111

In the I oustlliitioii of the Male sl.oulit liesicurc'l rendirlug uuil and void ah I. .1. mi ni loaaiuuignratiiiiiptliig lo hv-tl- Itn-s- i 01 such llauorsus a I'l'lerat;!-- , and lirMluhllhig alien sal

A'r.ooe.l, Hist so h ill oiiko luu ho I possible ue olill eiisllug I.ims heinu. ou ill" n't of totiiullnlipiur-1- ', ilit ir ion. I rl .1 iil- in iluou.n u,"ln ner nilicori us uiiieuts ia sc. uruig the aiort-sun- l

I.rtnhrj, Thst Hi" 111 inlksrsof this I'otiv-nt- l 111 fullysymp t in .1. uliii tho n luiu ul ili. .pnauiiiii in aiinest ion Hindi at rs ino itit.r -- 1 .1, 111m tin,rniiiiiiiiiii-ni- it ol nn to on Unv. D.ituf ihe l.ocilh.,1 a. d.reet vt jwtluot Ihe plllited Isha uf iho lurt) hoiilleiu the liinial and l Hid sialu uuduusortliy lis l.ieo itlto nead.

ItKI'llllMt'lN TIIElCllltllV,i;etnhe.l, Tlisl tho leiiiliirsnf Ih beglslittira hovo.-- lor teiiipi raiica ineasures inn iiu thu list .,iua

11!'.. si'l'i tl1;1!',1","1 lij'il'i rsiii c men otthat i' li.e llio leudi rs of I, e Keimlihcau.any wlio auv lied the Uovernur lnvilti the Local nhibiticu bill and uliiiis titi Here UdlUrrvut. tivtsille

Itardlnvthenleileetof Hie tlsptihiicsn pirly deservepie I lub .1: in retiiu" ol the lu . ut 01- - . of Iheiitntefor tlielr ilutnl liy ninl li ry towir l tlio.elo hIioiii la ) wi r i t.idcuted for aaccx.s in t e I isl polillrftl csini algn

" " .In tin- iririnlre I In euro from ( onire.s soil frinii ttu' Im". of 'he ' w.l l

bcrl mil 11 0.1 In 'iv era in dl I'ld I tl .i llpl'irso tlliepr- t e iiile exeiiioti'Mi of ft '"nii"r Irnin Itnre I li nous ol 11 in , sh lalll, 1, d olio r il, we re10 in. 1I1 tier te mi 111 lie H lib thuiioi'ii' ) tiiinin- 'intii-i-11- ' s 111 11 ..' I"lli'lllll lltuil a.- - (lu-- Iv. .ll" of 1 no a d to Slli'SMiU.-il- l os- Slid ileillurd II. I'l'et 'tv fur Ml.'lliris

I I lip II 11 tea, ns t I f e- " s,o,.i , test tinnpub.l ill ilisL tut ni if inn i on i ry,

a- ,"ii, Thnt wi let' mt'i lie sore aid neeept sntiioiig the ill" suns ol the tunes the I

ireisi'd sit n Ion aiueli nt late l. 4ir u san-i- l' Hiev lis nf tut .mil 'lie tiieius for their sup re- -

o.l, by tin- - n llgi. .lis Journals of Ih St it W .Hi anear esl ret g mis pri ss. nil e r, -t pul II, an I asuiili in il ehurtli, liu sor. ul h a. ivins t e Uipo s

Ir - woii.d he sot n airiimp1!. el, .mil a ari"itMa .i.ime lo the spreaillug of llm pus l giut-al-

i i,. .il, Thnl the use of sleirtn' e tlrmki I ir nieillel

bi pur 'i'si-ll- l ttrenty w i and e loi'ie sil pro-- l

ib. lory I .vts, ti.itll t tc iit ope- Iw i sllh Im' mo lealnieuuf Una Slat, , vvno lute lately cau leni:.-- d inch ue.

I'ltlll'OSKII P.H.tTlCAl, ACTION,.v.orsif, T ist the teinpersnee enise li s'iperlor tor II

inters s.sur obligations, sod list legist itloti forIs promotion should ne ailopied to pivokr Hie hesrty

support of all true tnei, Irre pecllve ef tiarlr relation.,henire f. Thai it I Hie luvratlve uf'-r-snc-

i lectors tu vole only for iu li eaiididsirs loruttlees. Hie iltltli-- of wldch re en u Cled wiln the eusi iineiil sad of a prohibitory law, ss arekuovru In lieiriuy (tvor sucn eiurtiii-n- t and enforce-ti-

nt t and when no aucn pt rsuua am iin.nliuted by thepoi.tieil parties it is alike the iiuiientivi- - duly lo uniteupou and suvport Indrpe l leinperatire cindlilates.

l,,,i, Tnal the educaipin of th pe.i l u o i Uievarious phases uf toe temperance enterp'be Ues.eiitill to ajtce.s, mid iltat the vtide tin illation of HipiiDllestions of the National Tem.n ranee Soelity sicwe I mlipted tn promo e tula re-l- l t.

on i.i, lint s stale Ktettilive Temperance e

ut hlue lie appoiluel uv lids tonvuittoli lusupervise the poitllCil wori of tempi-rane- iu lh. Maluliming Ihe c urn. igyeir. a. nl thai .toll entllil. .ttee haveposer I ' s'td to Its nuiufH.r nue fro u l,a(orlllltll'trlet. It vat-a- les, an I utl riiuui- uie ifUaibcr bvees.sar) to constitute u ipi mini.

- .'lust tne M..te Temperance Committee hesuttiorizi-i- l lo call a tlsti- Cuiivititioii prior to Hit-l- t

Cav of October next to complete plans tor polllcil ac-

tion it tie tail r ictlon. Slol 'Oil lae eoiiltltlttee liel.islrtielt-i- l In III'- luelslir-l- pr ,eel tiieiiusl tho at liorg .uiAttiun In Ihe bev.-ia- l di.lri. Is oy l sl.iani-es- ,

etinveiitions, ur i . In ordi r lo si cure the elee-tu-

nf Iti irotl.-lil- re 1 tie Irn-ii'- of lin.ieti Intin- netl St air a ol Asse uolr. a id we vl.,i reeomttu-ti-til t a pr perl) lie I i tin I una! lutlullul " .r oiiiuisfttr s i smoi'iit to onlcr to prosecute ailVluUlloUsuf Hie pre eat lass.

Ml Til I llt I'lllTV,A resolution was offered us a substitute for

th- - .eieutli resiiliitloii pl'iipi'-uti- mi Indel'Oii-d- iin lomperaiit-- ti.o y, wiueh elicited a long

debate, b it w.t- - rej fled.A reniniilliiii wis ndiipted celling nil Congress

I 1'ivss a protitblior)' utw prohioittug tuo linpor-t- at

ion uml iiimiul.iciiire uf Itiioxieating Ihptois.A long deb. tie was had oil

thai wo record with plea-ur- e that (lov.Dlx recognized Li hi Veto (tussore tho prlm-qil-

of prohlb.lliiu, wlieli tin Ultli lenoliilioii itiiovogiven was mhipleil a it uhlltit. The Conven-tion then look s re.-o- until li 1'. M.

T lio uleiilng sessliiu w.t devoted to theof addie.scs, showing the evils of Intem-

perance.Tho Convention mljoiirued sine die.

TheAmunv, Juiiu Ul. At tlio

Convention which assembled hero to-

day, resolutions were adopted which eudorsothe platform and organization of tho NationalI'rnliUiltiuu party ; luvur prohibition by generaland uniform laws ; advocate a prohibitory

nmeiitlmoiit i recognize as the chiefcause of the failures on the pari of temperaii epeoplo In the past a disposition tu compromiseon tio least evil of pua'tles and adopt halfwaymeasures, and lllslsl thai Credit Mobtllerlarteliv. Iho salary grub, kc, are tho results ofthe country being governed by luiiiiiciil parlieswho bate ontllved their principles, and thosewloi continue In ail with tlieiu make them-selves Indirectly parties to their crimes.

jiii; liAvrivsr hoy is suw route.Craninisr 1H tn be Hepresenleit In

Anuitpoll - A Helen lbl IV. ze Irnin ihe Moo. David II, .HellUli.

The c.r.imiiiiitlon of oaitdld.ites for thevacant cadetshlp In the Nuv.d Ac.idomy nt An-napolis was held yesterday III the hull of theHoard of Fducatlou. It ai under the directsupervision of Superintendent Henry Kiddle,assisted by Assistant Superintendent ThomasF. Harrison. Mr. Kiddle sat on a raised platform,flunked on the left by the Uou.D.tvId II. Mclllsh,thu Congressman from the Ninth District, Iromwhose hands the vacont cutetshlp wos to begiven. He evinced great Interest In the exami-nation, looking over the records of the bo)s per-sonally, and making suggestions as to the propermode of averaging the exercises.

Only eleven applicants appeared at the ap-

pointed hour, U o'clock. They were John C.Wilson, Jr., Id years of age; John T. Mills. IS;IMwarit J. Murphy, 15; Melvin Morris, 10; Itntt-r- rl

L llatetnon, 11; Alouzo M. Snllli. It; Wtu.y.oelncr, 10: Terence McGowan, 15; John A. I.ce,HI; Win. 11. Konz, 13; and Ilnimas Mciiuiley, 17.They wero arranged in a seml-clrcl- e before theexaminers, and to the rear sat parents andfriend, who had all come In the earnest hopo totee tueir boy bear olf the coveted prize,


The examination was written, and embracedreading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, grammar,keography,uiid Itlstorv. Tile exercises consumedfour hour, and all tho boys were thoroughlywearied lu mind and body at tbo eunclu.lun.Th li followed tive minutes of suspense, duringwhich every boy's heart was In hi mouth. Itwu curious to note the different feature. Soiitoassumed au air uf inter Indifference, while oth-ers looked stcallhllv at the Superintendent mid

'Mr. Medish. intensely anxiou to re id In theirfuces siiiiie token of the coming ilea isinn.

length Mr. Medlsb aroie. lu hi nuud was

iAl table of uverages. 'the hoys craned theirforward, llo said:

Il Is mv great pleiuuro to congratulate JohnI C. Wilson. Jr., upon having recorded tho high

uvrrage of tui."The voting hears sank sadlyat the announce-

ment, hut one Utile fellow, and he the smallestof them all, was oveiwht-lmc- wllh Joy. Helaughed alt over, und turning tn hi nearestneighbors shook hands cordially with them,Tue lucky boy lis an eye of remarkable bril-liancy, and a bead of Intellectual proportions.Il Is covered b) a shock of heat y red hair, undhis feature, ure regularly, almost delicate. y chis-eled, lie Is the son of a saddler, und resides att'sii Seventh avenue. The boy wus formerly umember of (irammar School No. .V, but liaslately attended the free college. He was bomJune -- 1. 15. and Is consequently Ju-- t Id yearsold. A happier boy eoiild not have been foundIn New lurk yesterday than little JohnnyVf

nrr rim innh-om- .

The honorable gentleman matin a speech Inwhich he gave the averages of all tho inns andcongratulated thein on their sin cos. fill exami-nation, lie was li. toned to with respectful (lo-ft reuce bv u disappointed audience, und withwt.e prudence he said but little Wnen hn

there was n g ail round. Hisfellow competitor cuvsib-- nrooml little John-li- t

mid coiigr.iltil .ted him with genuine on nest-ti- e.

Then Mr Melhsb sIiouk hint bv the ham!,und tnld him Ilia: lie was hen. of .rtli to hold thohonor of Iho .Ninth Congressional Distrn t In idskeeping at Aiui.tpitl.. i( pruiut-e- il to act a apr iteclnr to the young ft ub-ii- and Jol.U'i). nlbright eye fulrl) swim ulng In radiant smile,ran from tho romn to bear tiding tohi parents. There wit Joy lu tuo Wilson house-hold last night, and nue untlir nl least hud

good reason In bo proud of her -- .in.Johuiii wa. intending to i nlet the stole of it

wholesale ureter had he fulled In the oinmlnii-- Iii ni. He will start lor Annapolis sunn, anil .Mr.

Melllsli sa)s Hut ho I. lie til hold hisown wlt't uil cadet iu the Academy.

Keiiiiit-li)- ' llml Hot.From ihe llirio-lthm- it ,.

A little boy iiain.i'il Hob lives not n thou-sand mile from II irrtidsiiiu-g-, It si ve.irs "Id,and glows In ni.uure If not in grace utei't day.ll.s grandfather Is devoted to him and spoillilm. Not buig ago the old gentleman was walk- -lug no and down the gallery, holding bisli.tlf-opc- u hand behind lilm a, i me ut ofmany people. Hot. bulked at htm n tleetllelyfor lully a minute. All .Home he dinppo ired,ent'-re- tlio kileheu. and n aiipcured holding asun til foul ot llio between two sth-ks- . JustI. it'll bis grandfather wu walking slowly towardthe oilier en I of tho gallery. Sivlfily and

Hob stole iqi behind and dropped thecoal Into the half-ilose- d palm, and tm-- ili.unpeued like a Hash The old's ii.uuliln-e- il cunvublvi'ly, anil then bo made n frantice;ioitdo throw It away, llo hopped about midcapered like a Iw ell, and tin. till,

that lit) nits burned, darted Inr llmvv.itei bucket, Inn. whleii lie plunged Id arm uplo Hie elbniv. Hut. ttla for Hob, hi mother hud.iriiiod just In tune to see lilm do Iho naughtydeed, and, despite hi de lat Hum ho didn'tgo to do It, she Interviewed him mi el,'eclu.dl)that lie found It to sil down lorsovcrul d ,ys thereatter. During tho liiiertlewHob howled lu hi most melodious and heart-rending iinnner, but h's vn thu only stood bythe water bucket and nodded appro) inglv as thosound of the coiitllct reached Ins ears,

The l'n i ilon ol .111. Vlreluud,In the Muni of IAe .sail ,

Slit: 1 notice au atllele In Till; Sl'N or this.late, inpli-i- l from tue New tirlt am llo if.f, red rrh.g lothe pinlou of Mrs., vvhhli does au luju.tiie 'utin- pi III in.un liailli la llli'lilluneua. hums t ui ur d snnl ;. ir.lm. I ne author id

.vvt.r .1, ite to kno i so null li la reait ll lo tin .o..aita-n- ..t t a i.t.o, it, on 1, klluas io Mr.v lu- - ion on,, , ni.uirr , lu r natiii- ,s inn piur

mo- I. t a so .at i, and i. i in t p .lae intils CI) ill I .ii tni'.i nl im t lue pai.lou si.t gr.t, ti,iloan r. ens, ntst is mull- t.. tin- i...Liuur nut shei isheil la net uaipmv lit r i..ui:;iit. r er tl.ugli ir'ia -l liu HCnlioriili, lu. It , i. i tiiun .. null,' "i ole. out Iiu.htei'a lllueis .iU)i-- l Iho J..,tt

v lln- tiiohcHiou lor pitr.t.iu was wa.ii- I., n.o-i- .. nlser n i iil'is who ns.ile In tioitou, and siio atemust renin bio people, aim, at la lae lu.Ii.iii hi .wuei-i- s, tiiiv ,.ukut Hie inilui-ui- nf a r., shulieiug aasuri'iloi ino a ove lacii. n a r lIno o. ion, 1 urilu r thu be lis. ne alius .

t'Jge ur llilerest.w loua, Juue'll, 1871

XKvc()Ui!Tiiorsi:ri!An) i.vinrrui i or iv. i;i.,JM.V ( II i s ( n i , v. i'Centreing n I'r.uiiliileut c uon mi l (jr,.,,

I lie Per I nt ihe l'i , ,, ,, 1Andrew .1. liurvi'i' Mce l.lm,, i. ,4i '

Yeslei-da- inoriiliig soon an,,- In,,,.!,.,mi unwon'ed foiiiii'ii.oti w.t. o . rv tbl.i tu ultDistrict Atbirney' ofll Chief ,,fIrvlnif had bcon enn in enter, Tlio red ,i,i1blf.s.uuion bad bei": nnii el at.iimd. Il. 'oi). plives Heidelberg uml Tull) had ileiUt.--grneefillly UiM igli tho corridor. The HunI'll - Farloy had bo' ii dlscovcicd ru-l- g frmiJono apallinilll In the other. Mr. Dennv, (nlcalm and courleuti. had lint bent observed i

ruie his uuod on e his tick. Ihmu ,s ',1politicians ascended the stubs, iioeiinloi! il tcorridors, and ruiivetseil mvlerlo i.y ..." .siiterooin. Tim Son renortet. at liainl u u..7presM-- lu among the throng mid found re ids rndmllt lice wltlim Hi's pre.'biet In Mr "Pheliis's iirlvute mom were Alderman Cumin' tand Mr. Morgan Junes.

'ri.L'MUI.It AM) I'lltl.ANTIIIIOt'lsr.

Outside the door were 0111, ors Heidelberg andTully, 'llio iifilcirs know nntldiig. The lerki1

Thu reporter took a chair . i.dwaited for knovviodgo. I'rrsenily Alderman fOoman nud Ml. .Morgan Junes, arcompmnii i,, ,several friends, came Irom the Inner uluVc,Unshed nnd smllhi". hurried thruiigii the auleiroom and departed. .

Then tho Hon. I 'lilt. Farloy entered out nbreath but exceed. n.-l- h biNoine. Il- - kue.s !

iioihing. Tho reporter followed nun nlung 'd rk Into u nfll e. ,gentleman lu heavy glas.tsalnl light su'iuuei '

flothes wa seal, tl lu nn en y elior As !,, !mi . I'll turned to collie out. he paspmi forth,

pointing wtili In ling. r. " A"k hie.'' Ti Sirepnrlo. fiilimvi'd lids advi'-- and was rewardedwith amnio Information.

in cumin itiiirsTrn. i

On June II Ihe llrtti.l.lir) found eeri tin . 'dletmeiii galli.l pur-ou- s kiiivtu a. ueini,i.t(ot tho Now Court House King. Ve-t- - rdu) ,r,,.Ing Alderimili Ionian w is w d ed mi bv C.tpt,Irving and reqiic.i'.l to in c ..up utv him t . ins '

Cniirl Ibnlsf. Agonist Mr. C i.ii.ui lln-r- areeight llidlclltienls oin- - I. r bitbeiv ulil-iv-

fur f iIkuIidi'i. 1 bo lii lb 'mollis for i ,yfotlld nut In seeti hylhcM'v re nirler. lis olht--parties nut tel nrresled nr.- Im d ealed.

Tho Ihdicimeiii set-- f. nth toa. In l:n. whenMr. I union wus Ciimiuiliiiiei of ihe .Vw( utII 'Use, Ann lew .1. (Inrie) put in a fta i.t.ii. utI III for f .Vi.(,i;i.r.i, m up of the cubjouiodHem:..Tor ork, Istior, sn I tiiAlcrlali on the New CourtItuuse In d.itellu 3,T'i ilsjs' work at (4 piaj.

ttreia.and urn&iiieiit tl suraers .114713 .idTo keanutdlns.riggiug.iiiij canape 4v UC

To piaster. II tie, incut, slid luuary material!for ornamental sin., rs 4,&2 rj

To t.TbS days' work at paiuteis. Lk I3,:i3lo psuils, uils.culorr, Ac i.'.zs oi1 u 2,.&1 da) s at .1, uu, c UAAu;

Total .XU.IM tt ITill: n it I n Kit V.

The Indictment charges lint Mr. Comm.knowing this nlll to be utterly fraudulent, iinjthut none of the work hud been done uml huntol the material supplied, ccillfiod Iho account,receiving for so doing five per cent, of tinamount, nr On this Indictment, whlibcontains two other count, the bill was fixednt f Mill nnd In e ii'.i of tlio seven conspiracycases nl l,nl. Mr Morgan Jones of iViurtsire-- wns ueiepted a Mi. Cuuuu's bondaiuoolu the full iituoiiui of f W.ftil

before Mr. Cumun' bonds wero completedMr. I'liinoa-sC- . ik In ilioTtn ( Ull.-e-

t illered lu custody of u detective, the (iraiidJury having louml turuo Indictmentsugaint him fur furgtry, lu having onor ul.out January II, 11, signed tho nainetof Allen and Stevens on tho uacg of tnree war--r

Hits Inr Iinnner lor tin- new Court House,drawn on tho Hro.idvvay II ink. tho amount ottlio first being !.''; nf tliu second, f.l.Hl..ti; mid of the third. JUMIS-'.u- i. lull was uiedlit 5.IU1 iu Uie Drst ease, uiij at (bull each InHie two oHi rs. Mr. P.itii.-- II . Iviugslaud of,17 West I h street, the prisoner s la-ther, bocuiiio his surely.

riiACn i i'ON rittnii.About the same tlmn otlleers Heidelberg and

Tully entered with Tiioitios W. lt e .uid PiterMonahan, who eariv on the stationery businessnl I.I W ail street, under the in name of Tims.W. Hoe y Co, They weiu indicted i y the (irsiidJury on Juno C, for having niesenled a fraudu-lent bill, purporting to bo lor stationerysupplied lo the Itecclver of Taxes, to tho an, mintul The bill was tireseiitej lo IhsComplruller. audited and allowed, and tb.Mayor's slgn.ituru was procured by tile 11 1 in Oct.7. lS'.U. 'Ibry had ucuully nnl supplied onerent's worth of the articles named hi the bill.ThDiuns W. It e was bulled lu (lo.llll himseilIn $A,UJ. ami a surely, Win. 1'. A. Hart ol iil'riiico stieet. In t5,uuo. Peter Moiiaiiau wuballed similarly, his surety being Jonas Scbulttof the Howery.

Oilier arrests are to be made speedily, but I hiauthiirltie-- i decline lo give lbe Haines of the In-

dicted pernins. 11 is .Id t, tat .uicauel Norton,James lugeraoil, and W.M. Iwuvd uie utuunjciheiu.

Public Itubbcrr it a Pr.utl-ei- l by the I'hlbtilot-pul- it

II lug.I'AUtjdelpAa Corre.'.giite iJ Uie Aite York 71me.

It in iti true to-d- a it was when thoDull, fin spoke, Hi il mis, tue second city of tlio1 tilled Males, is ruled b u set of rust als callingthemselves Iteptibln uus, a..d dolly Hoistingthat they ure Ulo men vvno s tved Ine Itepubllcaitjiarty, wito are not nun vhlt better in privatehabits or piiulie prai Ib'es than tuegang wnliu Tweed ciiiuri'lleil In .New lork.

Is tho corruption uf Ine ball an ubso-le- le

abuse, or the scandalous employment uftlio police to prolefl toal fiur.ipli).ir

Is the pocking of grand Juries o isolete, whenMaor Stokelr stated to the writer only a dy ortwo ago, In reference to tne paragraph III HisJ.nloYr about Ulo lottery lulls, tool tne da) afterIts appearance "ino (i rami Jury louml tirestrue lulls uu less evldeu 'e than luey bad reject-ed one the day bolero I "

Is the gas trust, winch sit with closed dnnrtand guards It so caref ulv, nut ...iljthose In Iho King know tnein -- Is nils an au.a--lele abuse 'I

1 the building Commission, with Its unlimit-ed, Irresi ousiblc mid la iemi lorv power . vsimillions of the i ll) money, und which eels aldedauee the elforts o Pint ide.phia'. t cllbzens to cuitail Its viiiazing extern ol outnorltyIs tuts all abuse w on it I oOsole.e .'

Is lite extortion 'il illegal lees bv the oflirliltot tbo How- - all bsolete ulillse, vvlieli in t lie lastLeglsl.tturn the man no.v 1 be ii.imiuiled forrun-riff-

, au ortlcewluro tlmso fees aio largest,Hticfi'ssfull) exetled Ills powers as peaer losmother a bill intended to s.iu.-Ulu-

sal-ri- es for lliese uuinoueraUl) loci .liu 1. 1

Is con liplion lu lues) otllcesall ooaulole abt-.- s

when, dtiliug weeu, a la.c ID eier inthe uluco ot llegtstei ol M ills utlrau.ied a poorwidow woman ..or little le.a ) m J- -'t uytaking out. In b.s .Ail, in toiler U

she apphetl ioi,.iiidlhi n p tkel uzthe inonev'r 'J his i no eiagti'iatn.o. i in sw.rustatement nf mo woman i.ea ben'te ..e I

the iinbiui .uiig f. niu, .il. ni win. ii n. uitexist In uu bu, ori.tul luio.n . lli.e. w eio i".on honing the ea I. It ro .e . I ...e p or vi

con draw-u- llio won. o.l . t '

batik and piiekt-- i .lie u.ouev. reditu lo ins. Quiand tell Iho uumi i.uiulo vvi.l w t g ... erbtmiuess. Hul i ul.-- in ,u w u . w t no luin .isUlllStur, who esc, tpe'il tile I'eil. ten . i.l. ) e.l-- !tug tlio st.llille ill lolls ag.ttual a i .i.. kc at1'iTJiii) una li.tu.l.

iibbnth llreiikiiiu A.o.ii.j l.ieal I'eoplt lal.iubiuil.

lain.l'il C, .em e iti lite t'.n i i . in 'k

Hecctltly tlio viti loll ev.iiig. ln.ilnath Us sent i iiepiitatlon all In.- w .. t v 1

witu llio object ol wi. n 'tlieiu is out it .ut .stnul.iv o - "j

iiiiriaiii dot the t'ai.iisii si i n ni ti .h ve

over wllh shouts so n iu. i ui . ilwos the d.sgtisl of Ih-- S.,1 no. .r. in ot' ' snn reading just itstho) wen s..iinog i "

llli telegl.ti.i fnnii teinia. pii- ii- -i I '

llow-pa- p m nero. uu It ) o is- 'i '

Prince uf Wales and Prune Ai .a "letitiing lilvine service in no- l'i . .

)usn'i'tl,iy leg. .v. tl nil lie nn- m 'in.uu- biiiiv in leniiii. I' . t li" ... '' '

tluicil ul the ll.'lliuig, .uu! .ui.. " '''h. or tne upeia nl ' I hi. I." ''. " T

tqiera House the lllltecs ai'e-i.- i.- - "

given bv Count Ani.r.ts ) an t i '

1. ml M.irhul of the Cn.ui " v. a' t ' 'nl nur lining'sii'cu. as we i . i

lu Liurkuuwi'ii, im silliiik in. 'in- - '.ihday ll th.) Pllll.e ol Mali . c i.

wi)f Muronver, the publn e o iv . ' "l'i. -qlllellllgdlsi'iVelV lie- is

juslas b.ul In all tin-- u her bud I. -

bald that tlio poor w - a . ' '

powerless lo lioid baci. tue 1'i.u li 4

oath Inoaktiig propeiisi.'t s t

iioveretl Uuil no lad) l liioii ! tg '"tend Minda) nperu and annua, i. ,fall All l.nulla, and that in lo l U..-- - ' 4

viol slut is at" nil a V . - - '"

lodv tall well be. Tlio ga)t-a'- - oi '

lllenil. Und uto-- t favor In net e. - i ' "" a iliiitcf r. her "inlur ii" ' i ' ," ;boeiiiiibig celeiualod. - ' " '" '

sue and llio kjueon'a d ug ii' is tutu n

thoy talk q.i.uili ) u. I..ii ' ' ' 'llovvevel thu ma) ne, . el i.i u s t aman now iouin ,n. i ' '"laud aru itoloi loi-l- ) l i .i .i.n.ii i '

und that the) liatu lenibie.i i . ... Jhi-i- etpiiihy lav. I'or v x.uu, h -- '

tu.ido .in t'.iinesl efforl ..t i. i .

the gn at Itelolin 'lob. i.i ... t ' 'ltago, In havo Ihe lull ill .1".

li.siiti.llon Mull up on .... . ',.uvuinheliniiii uiajonl) nbei- - stinunl pi t ul t ai oi i . ,l "'d iy a eu oluois, I

j The Pre. Ideal hu. mil h. '"Vn. u '. J, li. 'i I" - ' '

I.ON'f. llli t Si II, I till' '.' 'll. J,.(

Prcsideui tn. nit i . i'

out Poind Hi ui I 1 " . ,,llstl d ill III "il and - ' ' uTho Presltient il i 10.1 u.-- " , utaone Is moie uitonfi. i t'i v M at i
