the sun. (new york, ny) 1883-11-18 [p 5]. · 2017-12-16 · >n

> n <i < p THE SUN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 18 1883 5 < EXTRAORDINARY CUURCa CEREMONY Mass In thi Armenlnn lUte Coltjhrattjd In home by nit Orlentnl Prelnle ROT Oct 31Cnrdlnal Hassan celebrated Iontlflcal high mass In tho Armenian rite f I nt the Armnnlan Col loco of St Nicholas t Tolentlno this morning As It won tho t flrt tlmo In nearly four hundred yours that an Oriental Cardinal has said Pontifical rrmi In Rome tho church was crowded Tho ceremony wits very Impressive The ervtc- oInttt t oxor two hours Tim Cardinal was as- fl ted bysovon deacons five priests and 1 dozen altar boys Two Pontifical masters of ceremonies of the Latin rite purple and sur- plices ¬ assisted him and conducted tho cere- mony ¬ Tho altar boys cross bearer and all the assistant clornymcn wore Armenians Tho bob cre nrgo robs with wide sleeves of red color trimmed large bluo ribbons Tho robes were richly embroidered the shoulders snd on thn hack with silver and voId The deacons wore pink and yellow robes with large golden stolen txvlstod around their shoulders like 1 Seotch plultl Tim priests had fine coUl n copes and chasubles nnd beautiful bArrels In the form of 1 mall tiara with a Blolxxamln r rO1 on top Theso tiaras were made of sllx or The attart were decorated according to the Latin rltn nxiopt that betxveen tim Pontifical chairs and tho altar there were two curtain one of purewhlto ilnni and the other of onto IOU silk They woro alternately drawn during the ceremony A sort If I roreUo or compiirt with a golden screen had been erected f mont epistle elite In the transept for the mem- bers ¬ ti L of the Hftcrnd College- At 10 oclock many Cardinals took their places within this screen whore they were hown hy Monslenor Cretonl I the Secretary of Propaganda for Oriental Affairs Cardinal Jopoblnl Secretary of State Cardi- nal ¬ RlmAnlIrelolt of Propaganda Cardinal Cnrdlnl Angelo Jncohlnl Cardinal Sbarrott Crelnailurlolli Prefect of IHten anti of the Sacred College were tnere Many ll hops and Archbishops visiting Hom wero preanni anti many of the PonllDcal housebolil Including Monslgnorlllo cannl Pallotti Sammlnlntelll Martlnnllt- llnula the Master of the Sacred Palacn ant Archbishop Williams ot Boston The colleges nt the city wern rnnresonted bv their rector hdmftnynutls ft red gray and cos- tumes ¬ giving to audience a Quaint appear mce- At 10 oclock the procession moved from the ancillary to the main door to welcome Cardi ¬ nal Ilnssnn Ho I Is a very old looking gentle ¬ man with a long beard and long white hair He hns an expressive Oriental face deeply furrowed with years and cares He has been dreadfully persecuted nearly all his life As he went up to the altar the choir began a very low monotonous chant In the Armenian tongue The chnnt was accompanied by a prolonged note something like a groan which had an Impressive effect on the RuolenC Having prayed nnd knelt for a lonl Cardinal at dOIn lila throne lined with redvnl vet Ills cappa a sort of wide gown with plcoves worn exclusively by Hassan In the Ha rred College was removed and he put on the Ficred Mlmntl Those resembled those of nn ordinary hoexceDthe stole was wider anti that ho hood which looked like a high golden standing collar around the hack of bin nock His mitre was surmounted hy a golden cross over the vertex When hlR Eminence wee fully dressed the r roce fon marched around the church sine k inland giving Incense to all the altars This part of the Armenian mass I Is verylmprnslvn The cross hearer led the procession followed by a long line of altar boys In red and blue and without Biirplice Then came the seven den ¬ mnt carrying three silver crozler One was that of the Latin Bishops twisted like a shepherds crook Another was similar to the first except that on the top there was a cross around which two snakes the svmholof the evangelical prudence were twisted something like the CdICUI of Mercury A third had on the top a with a golden cross with two white silk veils hanging from It under the glohe After the seven deacons came two meek Bishop They wore high hats Long black veils floated over tholr shoulders contrasting strangely with tholr purple togas A Chaldean Archbishop lately converted from the schism to the Catholic Church and n Coptle Bluhop were In the procession Before the Cardinal eameolil- Monsignorjneeph Senhmtowlt of GreekBu- tenerlte Archhlshop tiular Theodnrlopolls and residing at Austria He wore a purple toga covered with sacred pictures mints nnn embroidered with jewels and gold Last of all among illvortlnrned priests In beautiful cores eaton Cardinal Haiunn In one hand he carried the threecandled trl cerium and from the other the censor was flung He made the tour of the church chantnl with chapels the choir and incensing the pie We- n the crowiMlon was over the mass JTb < ntlnr Jolemn thouzn somewhat monotonous The deacons read the epistle and the Gospel as In the Latin mll The embrace of peace was given at the orr tory and not before the communion as Latin rite At a given moment the rdrrin or velotyron was drawn During tlon the words were pronounced nloldlnd at the elevation the Cardinal kept visible for I IanI time Tim chanting of the ministers Wil accompanied by the jangle or little bells around thl head of cherub mounted on sliver staffs By twist Injr these stat the deacons kept the bell jingling r une wnne curtain was again drawn soc tne Cardinal changed his vestments When the velotyron was again shown the cnlehrant wore vestraentsof a rose sliver color He turned to- ward the worshippers showed the wine and the bread and then took holy communion The clergy and the altar boys received com munlon from his hand This ceremony was very Fol mn The chanting of the choir con- tinued during the whole mlAI Before the clofoof the services the announced In Latin that Emlnrntlsslmus Ranetro Romanrc Ecclnslro prnsbvtnr Cardlnalls Hassan by- peclal grant of RanctiRlmus Domini Nostr Papro Leonls XIII concodit omnibus hi- pnrsenlhus 100 dlerlum In forma Ecclesliu consueta The same announcement was read In tho Armenian tongue by another priest and 1- 0enrd the service Turkish Besldnnt Consul of Rome who is a Catholic was present at the ceremony In official costumn the new Armenian College being under the protection of the Sultan Many foreigners were In the church Sent had been reserved In the main alslo for distinguished persons- After the mass a collation was served In the bas of the college to the Cardinals the prelates and the other official guests A CLERGYMANS NARROW ESCAPE Trial er tie Preach Architect who Tried to Kill n EnilUkman- rrom tfte Lfmiton TIM i- AUIEXS Oct 25 Cochols a archi- tect YOUDR was arraigned today Asslzn Court of the Homme on the charge of an at tempt to murder the Rev O F Whidborno on the Northern Hallway on tho 28th of June last The presiding Judo In accordance with French nracedure began by exposing the ca reerot the accused up to the present tlmol minute detail Tho prisoner had It appeared fought several duels undergone imprisonment for a jewel robbery entered Into an extensive building contract now remaining unsatlslled and borrowed cash In all directions- The accused promptly ropllnd to the Presl dents queries HH acknowledged that he had hived by theft In order to most his bills and support his wife and child Cochols was accust- omed to travel on the Northern Railway first class by the express almost nightly for the lake of stealing the passengers luggage va and puries when the passengers pro- Ceeded to the buffet On tha morning the attempted murder at arrived itt flou On by the mall I 1217Abe When the was about to co back Mr Whilbrll asked whether anv one would Paris antI tho two travelled together They at rt slept Ittffore reaching Abbeville Coehol offered a draught to the clereyman from his auk vleh watt declined Mr Whldborne then aftin fail asleep turning bil back to Cochols five miles from Amiens h suddenly awoke lesllnglliree thrusts from come sharp Instru meat He Instantly rose receiving 1 fourth al us did so being a man h grappled rjj bantagonist nnd a fearful struggle en a The Clergyman wrested a formidable Carpenters chlsnt from the prisoners grasp whereupon tha assassin produced a IIven enaiDbered rnolor bil wits unable to rlhl bsing tightly The two IUAI dragga other from corner to corner the com IJrtraent Finding thut he was bullied Co Soik opepuil the door doubtless In order to fJIMr Whldhorno on the railroad track But Intlindeti letini I mid good hlis escape b- pi loboard uul watt nail y hauled into J ClrllotrUlt i i b > u lrolh r of Lord Lulgh anti S f IJnlh1n An all 1 was clve Ill tho brought stiindhtil fir IUt olnd Coehols besmeared wth j i t I tjnylni on the footboard lIe ueiii rail I nS V 11 ii I nil outrage The brake I luristi I vtilttt I n slitoC carnitign- 3eitltciI I IIII tie of this high w I i Ii 411IIu1 tilit II IIIIOIR The tr11 h 111 III COCIIIIiC ran ror 11111 r 1 > 11111111 i n night watlmun OII Ih lnrll I lI Ild1 n ott hit I UI1hIUI i l keman came I In of ii I Ih Pribonur who that nu toii lariiSf I I M I itvht rIght nr Thin train ugal Cc i Ir AIIn M Millet I Commissary o- itotMv 6 1 I litli i Iplul Inn colit iou ii Icated with liming the cuntody of the eirciwi hlcI5 IH1811 epek l He was Mr xviVii 111 four 1lree were found on him tle IIIlln l h I lartnlcht Ther o 11111 examined hut they t two OatlUsive rvdence Cochols who had ttuch com d drlu the proceeillngs wr trial J1by lila eounHefs address Th room Which hiti Insted five hours the curt Fnlin dn crowdlli otided in a u puVJ1 transportation for III- lroum 1 bl IdxntUdt eztnuatt- nafl llCrUnF8 OF THE BOVTlt cents In Taltalinisee Jest After tie Cleteof tie Ilcbtllliin LIE OAK Fin Nov 13 When I first came outh many years ago the negroes were a constant source of amusement to mo Tholr ways wore so different from anything I had ever soill their actions so childlike and tholr lon of freedom so extraordinary that to mo- it wee bettor titan a circus to observe them Freedom made 1 striking revolution In them socially They tried to drop at once all the catchword of former familiarity nnd adopted the most extravagant and olnhrall forms of courtesy It was lady gentleman and Mr and Mrs among themselves All ho ceremonies and genuflexions In use among- the former slnvoholdlnBarlstocracy were homo steaded as tholr own- I was riding through tho streets of Talln- lassoo one morning with Dr 8 B Conover then State Treasurer and owner of a fine plantation when an Incident occurred that has never loft my memory It had been reported that tho Doctor was looking for hands to work- on ills plantation When wo got opposite tho POlt Oftleo where 1 crowd was waiting for tho nail wo wore hailed by an old colored auntie- Oh Dr Conovcrl Oh Dr Conoverl she shouted stop here 1 minute please sir At her side was a woobegonelooklnc negro In complete rasgodness Any respectable Western cornfield scarecrow would have re used t exchange garments with him without- a heavy bonus The old unto had him by the arm As wo drew up she Dr Conover I done heord you wanted to sit some gemman t work on your place an I done sent for dls yereetnman to como to town sos you could hire him The ecmman was all the while looking sheepish and grinning to an alarming extent After a little conversation the contract was made and he wont out to the plantation to pick the Doctors cotton The negroes male SOil tamale were passion- ately ¬ fond of flue clothes and finery ot every description They eagerly Invested al the money they could earn In articles per- sonal ¬ adornment I was told by one of the most fashionable milliners In tho place that the finest and costliest bonnets and bats wore pur ¬ chased by the negro women White ladles were satisfied to dress more In consonance with ttto reduced state of their finances but tho recently liberated colored lady must have gorgeous lead gear avail If tho rest of her person was covered with dirty and ragged calico A lot of colored ladles on some streotcornerdiscussing questions of domestic economy or religious faith would exhibit a dazzling array of ribbons laces feathers and bright colors With them freedom meant to step at once from the sphere of tho cotton Held to tHe dressing room of the petted darlings of society and fashion A foot apparently eighteen Inches 1011 would often peep coyly out from Ilehlnl blue silk tires With perfumery were fascInated Many dusky belle to enhance the value of lien personal charms would Invest a hardearned dollar In cologne and empty the contents of the bottle on her head and garments- One beautiful Sunday morning In tho early spring as I was riding out on a pleasant coun ¬ try road I met I colored Adonis on way to church like a piece of altmlto brlcibrnc He wort a dress suit palmed oft on the Hebrew children as broadcloth lilt neck was encircled with n Cat Wagner collar and a naming rod scarf A high slUt hat crowned his noble brow But his fet wore bare His wealth had become exhausted by the time he got to his feet Hu did not seem to labor undr tIme least embarrassment however and stalked along the dusty road In bar rootedn08s a true child of freedom The strong point of f the negro bus always been his religious fervor One of their old fashioned revivals i Is calculated to fully die courage the devil anti all his imps After the usual eenlnl service the pastor redolent of fried and watermelon descended from the pulpit and surrounded by his stall of deacons all good mon and true prepared for a pitched battle with the hosts of the evil one The mourners crowded the altar groaning and shrieking Louder and louder rose tho sing- ing exhorting and praying The bodies of the saints and mourners svmyed rhythmic meas- ure ¬ with tho music Hands were patted as participating In a breakdown nnd tough feet stamped tho duty floor Sud- denly ¬ high over all the noise excitement and confusion there was a wild yell Ono of the female mourners became convicted of sin and leaped Into the swaying circle The breth- ren ¬ gathered around her praying exhorlnl and pouring wild promises In her twinkling or un Ire alt herein were washed away Him was so happy that sue tried to tear her clothing off In the effort to go straight- up to heaven Home converts on the floor foi al In a trance The voice of exhorter took or tone and the excitement became moro intense A calm succeeded Nearly all were converted and nearly nil were physically exhausted As a finale sonic happy brother struck UD somo thing like the following lCe got nn rl bock oh do Mernmi mule Blnnrr ton ynu tatI den moth like Afoot Lie brittle hit am tiltttr ite Hadrtle tilt am gold An Im boon fur In ten tn Abcrliamt fold Mi Ill rlfo I YI I nlll Au Ill rile right on to glory I lea tunic mv ilni In do lavfn pool An got on de hack nb de Metodlc mule An lur I itlrki tat er big til nek leel llrecti Till de ole mule tomp on de golden streets An Ill rlrtc Yen I nlll- Au Ill rldi right on to glory I Oh come from de chuch amid Bunny school An see tne nun on de Mefodtn mule Dem Ba tlMet aint got nn unrt 0 hw An I mile dem fluopal hones blow An Ill ride 111 will ride right straight to glory Saturday was the darkeys holiday On thai day the streets of Tallahassee woro crowded with all conditions ages nnd sizes Thrilled with tbe fever of shopping they packet the stores of tbe thrifty descendants ot 108el Impromptu business meetings were on the corners Occasionally there was a butting match between two stalwart negroes unduly excited by cheap liquor The political situa- tion ¬ was discussed with all earnestness and gravity The negroes spent their money for any article for which they took a fancy regard- less ¬ of Its value thebenefltthat might accrue from It Ono of them fell In love with a large bottle of cucumber pickles price SI I had some fancy emblems on that pleased his art ¬ tic eye Ho bought It He went out 1 tree on the edge of the public square and de- liberately sat down uncorked the bottle and In time most dignified manner ate every pickle It contained and drank the vinegar It hail no more effect on him than a tumbler of whlske would on a professional cornet bagcer nnd 1 expect that ho Is Htlll voting that good olo publican ticket- itlometlmes two good aged colored ladles old time friends would meet unexpectedly and the conversation would run about like this With an elaborate bow Why MIs Williams good mornln maam How Is your health dls mornin maam- RUht pohty Mis Brown I thank you ninnm Ice got a sort misery In thn back but I dont complain much thank God How Is you and Mr Brown an dechlllnn maam- Tollable 1 tollable only tollable Mis Vii Hams Mr Brown Is jest sorter stickln to- gether ¬ thank you maam He hits a rieln on his hand but he put some anarchy on hit an hits right smart better now I reckon you heerd my dator Lizas gwlno got married 1 Why now Mis Drowl you sprlse me Drown used Oi does Who gwlno marry Mis Why a young gemman who works on Major Goldon plantation Hes an nxhortor too and kin Milt om ni holerlnll prayer I know do Lord I Uoodby- maam You mus come an see tot Thank YOI I feels proud to do so Mis Brown maam And HO they separate each to tier little world- A favorite amusement among th negroes was to catch a rat saturate It with kerosene set fire to It and then turn It loose where there would be no danger of constructive arson I once saw the waiters at ono of the hotels have a largo rat a recular veteran which they hut to thin ordeal of tire After soaking him thor- oughly In kerosene they took hll In the back yard touched u match to him started 1 him on II run down the path An old Brayheadei negro was so heartily amused that bo rolled oer and over In a Inl of delight About 9 oclock one beautiful moonlight night I was Idly strolling 1 along one of tho quiet back IlrMII when I Imard tho plaslng or built vocal anti Instrumental On turn- ing tint naarest corner I saw a coloruu motto ami a Pickaninny sitting on the eilu I of the sidewalk Time man bad an old battered banjo with only two strings on whlih he was play- ing tho boy vocally The KOIU pcomllnllelr of an unfortunate rabbit- It ran thus as near nn I can remember III rsMlt mi I rlII I Inc He Mile rioI An In inter It unit hIlrlll I conic lllldr liruiin eta CHeer If xnri flnn of iHonJiiliiiieiit anu consternatlo oil the part nt tile ralitilll Hltf rrd ruth too Jligcjtrt ratIO boo The negro very early lu freedom developed a surprising enthusiasm for patent medicines especially when they came In Ins lmapm of pills Ills faith lu them hordttred on the subllmr N timelier what milled him 0ldfl18hlulPo unlversa misery cut finger colic sore LOU or anunlntf else town went half I dozen pills or 1 dose of liver regulator He wa always Impatient of r results and nrefenw- iathartlomedlultieto any other kind Ii and as most of his Ills arose trout too free In ulIO In sugarcane or watermelon or wer mslnly Imaginary the pills answered all pur- iiio PMu ol any kind WM lbs nwnron pwilon c i i T On Saturdays when the town ws full of coon ry hankies with their wives children sweet- hearts unelRS cousins and aunts let sonic iisky warrior produce n ilrnm auven If It wan mndu of nn empty nail ken with 1 coon skin trntched over tho ends hake his position In middle of the roiul nnd strike up ant n tl wan soon formed Thnymarihed Irolllnn hour with no object In view ally bthind the music tmm thuinimrolled its stirring note upon tho ohm men women anti children swelled tho ranks and followed where It led Happy In their one Idea of freedom giving no thought to the morrow trusting the future with 1 simple childlike faith no happIer race ever eavo a more plclurestiuo outline to his- tory ¬ HAMILTON JAY IN ADTEffrVRK J111 A SERPEX- Tlr Rodney Harlem Iriilutrul Esrerlene In nn OhIo Cavern SmiNOFiELD Nov 17Mr Rodney Hnr hem a gentleman hiving near this city relates ho following story which would ho nlmost In rodlblo were It not from n perfectly trust- worthy ¬ source and well nuthcnlcltClln every particular Last Friday company his athorlnlaw Mr James Crumbauch nnd a neighbor Mr Gore Stlcknoy Mr Harlem vent on 1 nuttlnir and hunting expedition to Clifton n romantic and rocky spot near the londwntors of tho Miami At ono point tho rocks rise to a height of 10 feet or moro along tho stream and < ninny fissures and mall caves As the hunlnl party were wind tig around these n narrow path ono of them slipped and In falling his feet raped ho side of the rock below the path until he finally got a foothold on 1 lodge I few feet be- low Ho Immediately recovered himself anti on looking at the place whore he had slid Ion tho rock ho was Hiirnrlse- do HOC that his feet In slipping had laid mro a holo In tho aide of thin rock by brushing aside some undergrowth which md concealed It Ho Immediately called tho others and soon nil were standing on the nar- row ¬ ledge below thin path looking at tho opon Inl In tho rocks After tho remaining under brush hud been removed tlio opening was ound In bo about 3x1 ftet In size A damp wind wit blowing Irnm thu mouth 01 the upon ngwlth conMflnrnblnclrnuuht Tho party mmlH a cursory examination ono by ono with so bit of Ichtod candle which showed nothing 101 1 narrow tortuous passage ndout twenty length turning abruptly I to tho right The floor was strewn with the bones of birds and slllnnlmlll It was only I one of the many caves with which tIm region abounds the party with the exception of Mr Hurltun who wits much interested In thocuxo nlxindonndthonx- ploratlon They cnutlonod him to bo 01 his guard against coneual cleltl and him- to lire his gun if he needed help Harlem after lighting a cundlo and getting his shotgun ready for natlonintered tho open- Ing on hands anti knees The bottom of tile laxsnge wits dry but the air blowing through I wan damp and xlukunlng causing the unmllo burn thin and blue iroplng cautiously for ibouttWHiity ret tho adventuiur cnmu to the turn which led Into a larger chnmlxir of thu cave Just IM hn turned thu corner ho stum blll and II Ktendylnu himself put his mnd on floor tho cavo whore ho wits shocked to foul something anti smooth Starting back with roune hI mixed tho candlu high above his head looked down There lay the colic of a huge serpent In his terror Mr Harlem let fall tho rnmlliv and rcirmiiHd mo tonlnB with f fear on lilt knees As I tick would the candle did not gn out butt remained sucking In tIme sand on thin for of thin tutu anti throwing a dim light over tho nd ne Llk a flttHh tha hideous head of tInt serpent dlrttd ur from I Ito floor nnd the colls belll to move Mr Harlem said he could had not something Deemed to chain him to thin spot It as If enormous weights eruhuneon evr slomee memhpl of his body absolutely pro The petpunts eyes iippnrrd to give forth n bluu phosphoreHcent light us they Inobelln the irloom Slowly thin Irftur its hnad In circles its 10 pro duco Ihl sauna elluct as the memerlst who subject to sleet by FVUUM with 111 Euts Gradually thou colts drew neirer to victim Mr Harlem says ho knew all the limit that the head was approaching by decrees a mid that the clrclll were gradually narrowing Hi know was experiencing what lacillml the fascination of serpents hut 10lnl It im- possible ¬ to break the spell nitrves scented completely ooxverless anti his pulse suemod to stop and his skin wits moist with cold perspiration Noxurthole hil mlne was reasonably clear unit the eVlnts his life ran In quick succession be ¬ his mental vision With auuulsh he thought of tha home which ho had loft but a few hours before The feeling of hnliilessnciss seemed f Increase Suddenly ho thought of his pun He dared not remove hIs OIS Irom tho snake long enough to look Pun gun which 1m hud dropped on the floor In his ex- citement ¬ becauso he felt that the moment ho turned away from the creature It would be upon him Ho groped on the liner with hula right hnnd end nt last found thin gun and raised it to his Ride The snake was too near for him to male the sun to his shoulder and ho simply Held It at his side and reached baok until he felt the trigger At the deafening report he fell back uncon- scious ¬ and knew no more until ho found his friends bathing his face in vinegar and water- It seems that his companions as soon ns they hoard the report of tlio gun crawled into thug clove and found him lying unconscious Their first thought was that hn had shot himself but a few drops of water revived him Mr Harlem was removed a n hhborfnl farmhouse where hu soon r cOlred clontlyto be taken home lie I is just re- covering ¬ from his nervous prostration Front the neighbors It wits learned that a traveling show which had hind an exhibItion near there some tune ago haul lost a boa con- strictor ¬ and It Is lloved that this was tIle snake in tho cave It was Mr Hnrlom says about fourteen feet In length and mis thick as a mans thigh Residents In the vicinity com- plain of having lost poultry and turkeys a mysterious manner No further truce of the snake had been die covered anti it Is thought It was killed by Mr Harlem s shot No ono however cares to on tor the cave and eon I tho doad serpent Is there ONE inOVSATin RAT CATCHERS A Fierce Little Armr tknt ha Owner would Vot Melt for 8tOOOO I am fond ot rats mice moles roaches flies fleas moths ants scorpions and lIke vermin because I have studied their habits and ways nearly all my life said a little man In spectacles yesterday Ho sat at his desk In- n Imllshop In n busy street down town writ inl buely At his Hide was 1 pen about five foot lala two feet wide and three feet deep- In It were twenty or thirty ferrets coiled to Bother In an undulating moss of fur with here and there 1 champ muzzle and 1 pair of bright little eyes rising above the mass and looking Intently at the little moan who wrote at the dosk Thorn was a time many years ago con tlnued the little maui wheeling around In his chair when vormln wore more or lose ob noxious to ma hut I began to study theIr Ilblt and nuturun tutu In a short thnl I much interested In them nil dislike tile appeared I went Intotho huslneiis of deMrov ing them about 1H5U nnd flnco that I have Inn my hands full I nmku contracts to rid houses hotuls and Institutions of rats for ito mmummtii 1 year My clmrgus vary considerably For n goodslzod city roMdunco I remove till rats and keep them away for 1 year tom J50 How do you do It With those llttlo benutloH saul the little man turning nlTuctlonutely toward the pen AH he did so tile turrets wriggled nut of thin cosey tangle In which they had lain anti boundeilu- mltward with their fore naws In tho air am their hoadx thrown bank exhibiting joy itt every jump Thuy were prutty little creatures nboutas large In glith as an avuragu rut hit almost twice the lunglh Their head were shaped their four elnw very sharp anti tlialr activity tumid iiulcknuxt amazing I have a thousand of I hiemmm saId the rat ¬ catcher and wouldnt soil tliu lot for 1201X10 I have trained them oi PO thatthey obey me unhesitatingly When wish I tu clear a house of rate I like lornn of my fernits lUo or mix or ten and slip thoin Into the rut liMe I leave them thuru all night anti whlstlu I ito them on the following day They coma right to mo and I take them home No rat con Bhrii a remit File rats run from ferrets like mud hitit It isi- mhelmmeue Whuravur a rat gO a ferret can go The ferret catches a TiLl mid then eats t him i neb bono heir tall evurythlnir FerruU cannot hive without rats for any length of tlniu I tacit milt hair feathers unit fur regularly twlcn a Wherl do you get your ferrets- I 1 lirod them iJlflurent breeds can bo crossed i eailly as whit doit lie took a bltofiiwniHit In able pair of Iron nlpi er until liehl it at a heluht nf about four feet mlr ill oulll irrot Ktery nno of m- littln 1IIloIIICII fUr tnu m nt- Hu ml ult as only hall a dozen tlll bet 3 juinjixr suiveodud I III fiiKten- Idg thaI rjututc on it I Tohliowhow tenacioii ly the turrets held their grip the rat catchier swung lime meat around hits head ami slammed the furrets against the bides of the pen but they could not be sunken from their hold Then he elected one IZ111 hy this back of thu neck and tore It 100 thu meat This one tie sid holding It aloft I Is a- new breed Is nvl es l lqtviemi t this American minx nnd 1 Illrh ferret anti can stand t Ihl cllmiitH h tier ilmii I tIle uiicronseii breed I or ruts ieiiilr considerable vitro but I avoid any ctmmkliiiH diseases by a ery simple plan blt Is It As soon as a ferret Iet time least bit off I nhoot It and throw It is 1 wise plan- or the rest art nla troubled eeL t now TO WHITE noxns- trr > Stun hU Own VnclV Talk wlik- I liuliir None Writer Ho wit at I round table at Hopomfts In franklin street Tho remains of his dinner md MAn cloaneil away anti lie was drinking a handy gaff lie was the author ot Squeeze ho Lemon Gently heave tho Brickbat Lightly and other popular songs Ho was In n communicative mood Tho rhandy gaff loosened h1 tongue He began to talk to a score of listeners The tiny I It coming ho said whoa every man wilt bo his own Pot Wo arc treading on a higher plane of clvlllza ton and Impossible tImings are beginning to b possible Why forty or fitly years ago thuro wore only one or two Iool jewelry makers In the country Now are 1 thousand Just so with song writers Whorl there was one forty years ago there are a thousand now Its nn art that I Is easily mustered rime first nnd- mnolllPorlant leuulslto I is to posso sa knnwl without It there Is no charm IthiT I i In pout my or melody It mkht t be enlad- nslcadof thn poetry of motion thu motion of- loetry In looiilnKnvor tha crude effusions of oiing beginners them Is usually a glaring tin lelencv III this reaped although otherwlso tie sentlmnt of their lInes may oicrflow with merit anil originality He Hipped his shandy gaff anti continued It I Is morn than likely that b fore trying to compos your song you have an Idea to carry- out Your only diniculty Is how to ilo It You may bo an able humorist or a paragraph font oh lie nhlo to pour out yonr noul In gushlnso- vu letters I hilt when youwant to write n song you nre either ii 1I isti titui hind by lacking time nat- ural ¬ faculty or propwnslty or In yourhnstoto reach Parnassus you faorlflen rhythmical per ectlon to the doggerel of comenletieo Now suppose for Instance you wanted to write a song liken Silver Threads Among thin Gold nnleh Ills I to ho hoped you never willhow would you begin I will tell you You will observe that there nre just seven syllables In I thn lino I I ubnvn cjuotid thin nccont- on tho llrst anti last syllables For it metrical juldo wo will put down coven marks eomntluhng hike dashes one dash for well syllable1 Thou uncorking yourlnnnlrUlon you cut wilte any- thing ¬ you please thus t Sad loi corns are merit log sore Moth or tin not lock the dour and sn on to your satisfaction Or you mliht elaborate matters sotnexvlmt perhaps by put ting two syllables at the end such tie t a- ChuImof cv nlug ruth ring ncr U- KWhllft ne end Iv pace tilt fthnro rhyming the lines alternately Or you might rhyme tho three fret lines consecutively leav inc I liii fourth to nu into 1 with thu eighth Tho sum number of filliibles can hn con- structed ¬ by acciiituntlon an entirely dif- ferent ¬ metro comic or sentimental ns follows I At IeI the ott r is nlr- Tke leek Ills teem Ial that gsven- tIIera Is nnnthterstylelmnwitug t how varied and nocotuimoluttlng anti tjin attractions of the musu to thin tuuubltloumsnstrLi- I teSt hit III 11 use Iral iart lie lOSS tint relish itu rtll- lAIIIIul1 tuoutr ho gill tn mark Oh so mite lOuis dtiqel The next is that tamuhening guilt which ran he made IllIIrllll1llI hlllDflrOtlSor xllllsltel son tlmentlll without becoming silly a 1 t A fn M ° throiizh the win univ a lit t Ho nail peep Shes far friiin this land nhtromer yuuuuc hero sleeps Horn is another t A JJ f t a 4 The sun I IB urMInzthe luuir li lane rhre are nvmy andcvnrious other ways of adapMnurhvlhrnto the iicV hut In theMi mat- ters ¬ time writer I is to be reuulaiod by his own peculiar lIt Any Inogulirlty I In the nr- rincemnnt of poetic feotmustiippTir judicious tu thi reader olso It will not go If you must dwell on otto InMifllcMont syllable where thero ought tn be two or for tIle amo reason hurry over others that turn superfluous thme must hue- strum apparent niotivaorne j effect to ho at- tained ¬ Xow thwras u k Itnmots song Swent Violets a lovely melody but thin worilBnro hitched on trt It without rutty icgard for rhynun or rhythm Ed Harrigan hits ollle good points In his comic verses hut I doubt whether itt could wlto tismooth song Tony Iistor writes very Hmrothly so does Oils Williams Tnt IloonnrjfitK tiji half thj night composini Frank Howard lias some lilehlj- sneco iful sonsj now onltho market Hn sines them hlmslf otTiCtlvelyft Mr Charles Connol ¬ I ly as a cotnposor is t thnvjirldo of f lilt Bowery soiiganddnnce mep Ilugh Farmer McDor mqtt hues written some 9ulAlto songs W J Hcinlnn has made rrlnt 61nco ho became a composer Ho hoavwl 1 lone sigh anti drained the gob lot A song writer soon becomes woilthv- hn mthut I In a rVctlvt tone of vole About once a week hn drm up to his publishers door The publisher rushes out bareheaded through tho crowd and presents Mm with a check be- glnc him I to stay anil dine with him oral least join him In a bottle of wine Thin compoer with becoming dignity declines Ho hins him avay vlth a proud head anti a Imppy heart hies away to comet calm rotrent where his twodollar huh will milTlce for tin revels to en- tertain ¬ some klndrud spirit or hual in tho vi- vacious ¬ deportment of semite bartender In the words ot Oeorce Coupon Juuin ttikf a nlrco of mpcr ant a pencil nun pen A llttti gloss nf unduly In nnnint you nnw nnrl then Tut n and 1 I lute Igniter rhuyutue thiin as you go alonv Anti then coal know its nlra to be the father of a song wtvrvo WKinnyn lUNGS The ObserTullona uf n teiellFra Clerk ivko- ksii Mold Them In toll Hurt of Iople A shy young man wont Into a Broadway jewellers store yesterday anti looked at Ion tlomons rings fingering thorn anti asking questions about thorn oDd yet appearing to take only a forced luterest In them The jew ellers clork whispered to a bystander By and by he will como around to the wedding or on gagement rings That Is what l ho has com after Sure enough the young man presently pointed to a tray of flat gold bund rings Whnt are tluey for 7 he Inquired The clerk said tnat thoy were merely fancy rings worn by milieu anti gentlemen mind that sonic folks bought them for wedding rings The hY young man tried two or three on his little him gor anti flatting ono that would not quite go over his knucklu said Give me this one How much IAI- IIts I hn dollars said thn clerk hut If you vant a wedding ring would advise you not to buy It Every now and then we sell them tn people who Insist upon tmUng i them but mis soon as they find out tile fashion they como back and have I thorn limited 1111 I timid rolled u im Into this oldfashioned round tin in Tlio mil wedding ring Is tho round ring plain nn mmliii hIlt Olnimo a round one then satan size os this Hn got one anti wont away Thin clerk laughed and sail hn could toll when n voting mini wuntnd n would I 1mg or engagement rI mug every time though Hoiivitlinns I tuny ak to b- chown pluck biiieelctH or anything nil iitr than what they comn for Very many com right to the point though they mummer inn fuller about It iiulle painfully Others iigal nk frankly and boldly to ii en wlmt thy ttetit Them mixer huts lieun a lmiiM In thin faxlilo of woiul mug ml mugs wild 1 thn dirt t the plain round gold ring lias ulwtys I bmu the only eor reel I thing I MDnwimHllMieschoomtothnrkiiids I but women never mnkn thai mistake Do women choose their own weddlmug rings 7 Oh very oftnn Frnquontly they come I In alone lit a ring to the right linger mid leave I It for I lie prospuctlxi bridegroom to pay for HomctlmcH i t they pay tom It toil tako I Itnway am of ecu ran thn > oiing inun reimburses them Quite often tot I tint brides come I In with their mothers Very semiotIc nnd gram flue mother nnand show neither timidity nor siiitlmnnt They nsk for xvedding I rings t they look then oxer buy one and go mxiiy I Irish unit iiirinn ru girls ofiuii biing t their loxers tie xxell I UK thel imirtu hrs Fluent Is not II funnier night I In thin world I than to StIlt a clumsy felloxv hanging bo hind ami looking unutterably foolish whllo liii rxvimthenrt aiiil tier mother ilisiiiRs t hut nur- chiisij Thny PlY no attention t to him until thy coin to tlio IlimlBulictlon Then tliey tll huimut howmuch IB to I lui paid nnd hepivx it ant t they all in out I Irishmon are nut to hu clo buyiirs Thnyvlll scuerunly over buy iinvthlii- ivitliout knocking pniuuthlngoir thin price limIt no Irinhmim nxer liiggius over ut wlrllll or HiiLngnment ring It doH lint matter If th- weiMnii ring ho chooheH guInea us high as nIne ilolliirri H hums f tlin p rice wltliotita I murmur Many foreignorn purticuliuiy Gorman exchange xvmldlntf I ri mugs Tin bride pays fr tin groomtf ring unit vlrj VII II At the alum tile r exihniigii i hugo Tliuy count in togotho to buy them A hut Is thin fafihlnu In iingacmnent rings Oh thernlH no ahlon in I Ilnun partlcu larly Any pretty ring wd xvlth Htnall htnne- iloh fur thin nunoe TuriiuniH i anil imatl are popnlitr juit now timid i urn pai b- thn Kilxm Uiiniondi uru thn nigoxvitli muo put whll can alTnrd Ilium until Iroiu that thin prnilouH toad rtngn iluwn mini I In pucn t- ameihysts luiMgeiiiuiit rlngn rust from HII 1 to ttSD txedding rings from t5 to flS Very many persons hive initials duteo or mottoes emjraviirl in thulr weildlns rltus Mizpah or Thlim forexerarn favorites but tint com monoKt iustoin I Is to havo maroly the I initial lu1 111ItIJ I R to S J Nov Jl ISSJ cut I in the Inner xiirfarenf the ring Notblng I Is n- urnv1 In nnca Hineiit ring The manner o- weiirlng them lint ihanuvd I hovtexcr The > iihed I to hn xvorn on this Indux linger of i thn lmft hand iou know hut titus ladles think tliat u little too much of an adxartisumeni nowadays and they wear them on the third linger 01 tile right hand That finger of the left hand 1 Is cliii tho one on whlab wedding rings are worn A3IATEVK WORK OV TIlE nnwcu The nennns st MeeimnleHl Expert Gives fsr- Cnlllnit tile Noted IIrip sk fetched Job Under tho heading of a Botched Jobnn editorial tho Mechanical Engineer treats of tho cable railroad on tho Brooklyn Bridge In this article the editor says The troulde1 attending the running of mere on hits nrookjjrn fudge arise from many causes These are de- fective ¬ mechanical arrangements want of sj stein suet a competent manager The socalled grin for holding on tn Hie eohlh an absurd device In Itself and not properly made tot ttsilestfrn No engineer nf experience would ever attempt tn more ndead weight of ten tons without us load hr the eli ot sheaves or pulleys fusil lily fourteen nr sixteen Inches diameter emil liaxlngx- x linden faces let Into tIle Inni rims The wood mini haxlng nothing to hold It nr no facilities In the pulls for properly fastening It to the Iron tell OUt under the strain and use to tie consinntlr re newid Aside trout mimic olher perlegive war with the result ot re Ulrluir a suad of repairers 000ry time a air conies lu hven hits bearings uf mite nxed shafts nx er I Inch the ralde runs at either end get tot for watt of sufficient surfers for the work they Imxe to dn and this whnlu arrainrenienlls a reitroach I lo those who de- XIMdlt I The cable Is supported on pllllcxs when It rrosses the hrnlir aliout 21 > feet Stuart Theoe HUIIet s rr sav lii Itches In dlsinrler and run nn lusltiiancitnt farimrs one Inch puesiiiit nlii tint a quarter Inches lamrter situ nbniit I I tutor Inthis 1itiff An eianilnatlnn- if th entire ariHinienirnt lends Lxperiencid mi n tn tsmi l that It was iithitrnwl i ny anmteiirH er pirsnn who are tiiiaoiiiiilnteil null the work tn he done I It Is un- llfClDUilcal In every nppect As tctririU si stem there Is nmie- It I sii mi unfortunate tu speak mIMly that the strsteni- nf t nututiuru liar pas eiijrrrsncrn mite lirPUe shnnld han ttllen linn thts hands iif Intininpvtent pernons nnd that dnns kllunn In lr serilceatile nil oilier mails it Sri nut ailnptrd I mist ruth nf mruimn lout by the experience nf- nthirs the Itrunkhn lirhlg mansittrs have purrhased a litmus rut ihelr IIMII slot they and this puldlc wlui mire sn- nitnrtuiiKttf as In try ernsslng nil it t cry icr As this nnn now carried uut It IB n failure and until radically cliiiacFit 0 ill pro o it sutures ot cnnstant annniancu lu sit vuumuvenut- lA reporter of THE HUN called upon Mr Eg ¬ hart P Watson thin editor of that journal and asked him If ho would Rive morn In detail tho Points Ot which hu based thin above criticism Forln tiinen8iild time reporter why duets an eMimlnatlon of flue entire arrangements load to thn feeling that amateurs designed them Well xiilil Mr Watson look at thn Idlers or pulleys that turn tho cable You will notice that every llfth mrmiixthi dull bored omit of true aetna radially anti xom Hldoxvtsu The result In that thn citblo lbriitcs and chaws on time rims This Is cnrnloss workmanship and should tint have boon accepted Thorn Is no excuse for It Tho hearings ot these sheaves nro too smith for the work they haxn to per ¬ form TIme bearings of tIme larger Idlers or pill lays around which tho cablo PIHUOS turn also tutu Bulled tu the tremendous strain upon them They bear thuo tension of tivomlles ot cabin and nf cabin that Is not straight butt that rises and falls on tliii Inclines rut time bridge They are too small and nro continually I boating aud causing a uruat deal ol trouble The cabin Ire fluently slips alt them besides but thus Is tho result ot the ImpcrfLt nvHtom which requires the grip to be attiiehntlby hunt Men sonic limns miss and the cable fouls and runs off tim inalnldlern This has happened memvurmtl ti mutes on xvlmt account do you criticise the grip 7 Thu grip Is absurd In that there Is no title nuatn mtHiis of holding tilt wood lot Into thin llamiH Thn parts of the rlp are so light nnd so complicated that tlujy unrlne xxhun tlioy are strained until then this lining ohaxvs out So many ollsots In thn arms that t should bo straight cause thin arms to Kpring Thee grit in Knnnrnl use for cable roads Is tIme simplest pos Hlbli thins giving a direct pull with night angle connection Tin Idea of t thn bridge poo pit wits to avoid pnvlni for tho right to time tile patented grip but thoy must havo already spent ninny times morn than that xvnuld havo cot for what they havo got anti what thin > have got Is luipractknblu and unmuchanlcal in every aspect The arrangement by xvhlch two mnn- am leqnlriMlnt ouch und of thin bridge to lilt thin cable into tie grip at every trip of every ear Is a makeshift It nliould t ho automatic so that thn cur would let go mind pick up flue cablo nt any point on thi ethic road without the Inter xentinn of any man povxor If tIm trustees had bid for proposals said Mr Watson nflnring say 5 OuO bonus for the plan of tin most miocosKfnl cattle Hyntum 2500 for tile nuxt best timid perhaps JlOOO for thin thlid best In order that an unglnHur hoult not losn his tlmo wholly lucy would have hai the htinullt of thin l buet engineering talent In flue country Instead they have got the work of nn amateur n civil engineer as I under- stand ¬ who appears to bn entirely unfamiliar with mechanism This is shown by the devIce ho hue adopted Ytnu speak of there being no system the renortor said There heums to bo none In the running of thu roud This is soon at nxory point For In Blanco at flue end whom thin dummy sxvltchos- thn curs thin longth of both the cur and dummy being known all that Is necessary Is to sot ill a distance post at xvhlch thn engine shall ennui tim a utmuud Tha engineer would by thut moans know thn exact position his car with relation to tlio point at which thin grip Is connected Instead of this thuro Is no guide and groa confusion onsuos unless tho car happens to be properly stopped You iuuivui given your own opinions aa an engineer Do you hear other engineers ox press similar opinions 7 Yes and opinions a groat deal moro forcibly exprised I than mine I Thin engineers urn at- laughIntent thesn things They > como Into my olllce wIth their hauls in the air often with a burst of profanity saying that the tiling Is i dlsuraco it to American engineering emit tha thin > xxondor xxhat foreigners who Mo It will think of us Tho fact Is American mcchanlca engineers should bo ruth iuvai froth all responsl- blllty tot It for if any mechanical engineer hns hnd any part lu tIle undertaking It Is avl- dunt that lila suggestions haxn not boon fol- lovvnd Tim only good picco nf engineering work is to bo span in the engine room Tho on- eines thntdrlva tho cablo are sploudid pieces of workmanship ELJfT1Il CAltS AI > THE hIND The Chancea u Cur IVould lEave with tke- IllflVrent Kinds of Wlndi that Blow In signal service parlauco the wind In this cltyyestoiday afternoon was brisk Itwaa blowing at thus rata ot about twontyslx miles an hour with accnsional gusts that camo with considerably greater tpeod It was so brisk In tho moro elevated parts of the city say In upper Broadway that persons on foot xver- einxoluutiirlly swept nnound corners tumid Into gutter On time htretchos of high track on time westside ItnateJ rond thom Street of tho xvlm wits ulinoht strong enough to blow thu con liirtors anti braknmon from thn platforms of moving trains Morn than onn passnnger as- thn trains HXVHiitarnund thu high iumrvo at lllltl street and Klgnth avenue xvhnrn the trucks are betxvean soxonty arid elglity feet nboxo tlio- Htieot foil to speculating as to tbo result to passengers If tho cars should bo blown frou- tho Htructuro An empty car ot flue pattern used on time Klxth axenun linn xvnlghs 20UUU pounds anti a loaded car xtrolghs 2UUO pounds Thin xxoigh Is largely In thu trucks and in tho floor of tin car witch there am no pasaungurH and thin eon t re of gravity IK not greatly ralsod when thin ear is iillei Probably a pressure equal to thin xveluht of a car If uppllcd to tho curs side would throw It off thin track The body of a car IB about 40 fcut long and Its height IH about Its hid Tho Hide I therufotn presents Huniu WO iiinru feet of Hiirfacu The presaurn ot thin Wi md when It I is I bitmuvi flu itt liii given rate may bo obtained approximately by Hiking onolialf I thu bquaro of thin valocltv In miles and i point- ing ¬ oif two llguinH ton docimals When tlio wind Is bloxvingUU miles an hour ns justerduy- thu piiHsuru on each Hiiuuin foot of ii imyituhuli lug Hiirmce tim nuceti t I tic a hrondsldo tn I Itisaliniit- H4 pounds I On lie side of otto ot the ulnxated mil way cars thin tntal prurnuru In a little hiss than lflilil I pounds If thu I xvlml stri knit the ear xvith an upxvanl whirl thu surface presented i Is- nuirn than doubled for the area ot thin hoer Is greater than I that of tine side But thin tvl nil then blrlkes at un iingln ho I that thn total tires suionxnrtnd is not twice laui puundfi Wlion thin rate of flue xvlnd i Is fill miles an hour flue presdiirn on each Bquurn foot Is IJtJi pounds and 1 tin tliOHldnnf it ear it hue 4751 I pounds Tho wind sometimes i tlminli ruruly blows ut I ito ratn of Huxtmtyllvn tulles un hour I In I thin city If such a gain could strike n car squarely on tim Miln It xvould exert n prossuro ot seine lllGiIll pounds u lltllo moro than thaI f I Ito xvelghtiif an empty car It Is not easy to make an appiolumtn I pHtlmnto I us to how much I hue foriM xiould bn IncrcaHetl if the xvlnd had an upward whirl and thus caught Ibm bottom of t thn inr uts xvell I ns Its Hldu When tho vi rid comui lu gusts lImo pressure U greatly in- creased ¬ for n momuit If a train was round Ink a curxo the cuntrifugal force xvould aid tha- xvimi II both should act In thin santo direction II IH dltllcult to say how much Ions prnKsurn than that equal to the xvoight of a ear would bo- Hiilllclent >to hxvenp tho oar from thin track Ahsumlni that nothing loss xvould dn It tint xvnid xxnuld liavn to blow at i thn ratn of nearly 1 1HO miles I an hour lu I order to lift a train bodily fium t him I Hack i uutl hurl It down from thin hIgh htructuro providing I that tho formi wait euxerteud only on a sliln of tin car It I in a question how much lower tim rate cnuld bo anti yet throw the train from th track xvlth nn upward whirl iigalnNt both time sluice anti bottonm of tho cars Onn hundred and twenty miles an hour Is a ratn within hen mllos as fast as hurricane sptHl I though I It In imtlmated that gusts no cuuluti huttni mug highxvlnd storms often blow at- thu rain of ton miles a minute I A gut t of f I that nort would nxurt it prcsauro of munu iiS4lHH pounds on thnsldnof annlexaled railxvny car enough to bloxv it from olT Manhattan Inland Ihlef Kngliienr Sloan of thu Manhattan Itnil wily Oompniiy aaid yesterday that tho question of diingur to trains on thin high curve In con sequnncnof thn wind had been fully considered xvitn such inathemathlcal aid as could lie mado available In the tstlnmtus In any wind that Is likely to biow over this city ha aid the ele- vated ¬ railway cars were about as safe as in a calm In hurricanes arid tornadoes nothing was nifo arId there xvould be danger In the eluvatnd earn tim name as lu surface cars or In houses Time trucks of the citric are very heavy in com- parison ¬ xvlih flies bodies bringing tIme centre of gravity well down toward then rails Tint nugo- ol t in truik U 4 teat 81 inches It would ro- qutru great iinssurn on thu sldn of a car to cant It over Mr Sloan said that If the wind should over strike a train with dangerous force thodancor would bo greater In an empty oar than in one that WM loaded ANOTUKR VJKW OF JAY OOOtD- RmlnUe iei of a NeboolmateGould it D- ceadstnt of llnct llnm Mom To THE EDITOR or THE 8ns Sin On rending your paper of Aug 12 my eye rested upon the tithe Jay Goulds Early Life the article purporting to have boon written by a person from Hoxbtiry N YMr Goulds for- mer home It Is unjust In Its review of the life and character of Mr mould TInt author claims to be Mr mould friend anti In tho spirit of friendship accuses him of cowardice rascality want ot manliness anti revengeful disposition From the standpoint of justice anti truth permit mn to ulvo you a low points as to Mr moulds early life which may bo veri- fied ¬ by Investigation Job B Gould tha father of Jaywos a farmer residIng In lloxlmry N Y when Jay was burnt He was a mnn superior In Intelligence to his neighbors a man ot Integrity and a groat reader Ho hind tho best library tn town Ho was a lover of history an authority for data md a sort of ancyclniiiudla for lube neighbors In short ho wits a man of usually right opln ions and fearless In thonnunclallou tit thorn Tho mother of Jay was Mary Morn whn o grandfather John More came from ntrnths lIar Scotland Hn was a llmuldefitendnnt ol thn- UucCiillum More styled Campbell thndront Thus gives u dash of blood to our subject H- Ulierlor to either an Astor or a Vanderbllt It emanates from thn Scotch and Kngllsh lieer- ign It Is therefore safe as far ns good blood Is concerned for tint hiuubloiuled aristocracy of Noxv York to acknowledge Mr Gould us their equal although his fortune may not hava- unun made by cheating unsophisticated In- dians ¬ or having Inherited Immcuxo sums of money anti a lesser amount of brains rIte sisters of Mr Gould woro and are ladles pt superior culture anti Intellgenco Thin fam- ily ¬ ivs a whole and In part xxoro coiiBpicuous In enterprise society and for charity In tho community In which they llxed As to tho nHHotllou that Mr Gould xvas not n manly boy qulto thin contrary is true If to bo- a Sullivan or ix Maori bo inanllneBn our sub Joel XVIIH nut manly limit ho xxas thuuithlful beyond his years He xvas ambitions and ho possessed a brain for searching uftor knoxvl edge that manly boys Ilku them arralgner ot hay Gould could not If they would understand AH to the charge that hn wus regarded as a dunce In all brunches but nintlioiiiittlcs It IB manifestly untrue The writer mum inmember him as hn stood baforn thin school pointer In hand domoiiHtrutlng problems In guumutry and outrlvalline even hula preceptor In his knowledge of history astronomy and geog- raphy ¬ Who undoiHiandit thin goagrntihy of flue world today better tItan Jay Gould 7 While hilt assailant may be taking hits dozen of eggs to market hu IH projecting vchomnB for linking Governments together by rail and electricity I do not say thut Jay was a Greek scholar but OH I remember hu was expert In Latin amid an acknowledged scholar In all time different branches taught In a school wherein pupils xxuro prepared for college hit wait a debater ol- no mean ability Many nn adversary withered under his denunciatory and iintinswnrablo thrusts Fortunate was thin side that hind him to oxpound Its merits A K 8 probably does not know that mathematics embraces arithmetic geometry nlgubra analytical gu- omctry and the dllTerontial and Integral cal- culus ¬ Ho who IH a mathematician can rank with a Saltier or a Noxvton- As a historian Mr Gould xvrote tho History Of Dolnxvnre Counts Nexv York amid made it noah ot the same in ligit I1 when only twenty years old He would then bo fortysexon years old at thin present time Instead of fiftytwo- As to hits being n entrant thin contrary IH true ate expry onu knows xvho knuxvH anything of his history When Mr Gould was about twenty ono years old ho caused n notorious drinking place In bin village to be closed by enforcing thn line and from his then scanty means con- tributed ¬ to the support of flit rumsellers family I knoxv that hn pent baskets laden with provisions to Ills family lav Gould has made nml lost fabulous sums of money If It is legitimate for ministers bankers lawyers anti peopln of tummy grade and profession to buy and soil stocks in mmhi Street xx by not for Jay Gould 7 Anti If hn possesses bv Godglum powers u brain which for poxvcr and fertility hits not bon equalled why should hn not bu acknowledged ns poor homes in thin art of money making The Van tlerbilts anti Asters xvoro millionaires when Jay Gnuld was a poor boy and while they bj legncios now enjoy hugu fnrtuneH this moden Hercules by Industry application and far nlghtedness by lube own brain Is now theIr rival and moro than peer Ax to his likes and dislikes his arralgner I nt Is tumult Ills charities are hy no menim small or limited Tho writer knows whero Mr Gould hits bestowed thousands In charity and his knoxxledgo Is extremely limited Aa to contributions to suffering humanity the record will show nice as providing an inch cunt and poor minister with n homo The writer can hardly say that Mr Gould I Is his friend hio huts no cimutmo ott huinuorvke versa antI tithe article was ritiggcstud to his mind b > rending the communication of A FH Th- xvritcrhas MrGoulds History dedicated t- Amusa J Iurker n centlemnn scholar anti juriHt formerly from Delaware county Now York anti flue man that was madu by Guuld be foro ho attained hm majority Forgenliis eon else and accurate detail will any ono chow Its equal when flue ago of the author and compile Is taken Into account A historian ut hun UK of 21 n millionaire at 15 at 47nhuniJrod mil lions or morn until every dollar mimcscd by himself As to his private iharacter his bom anti family nro first to him The library mit homo takes thin place nf clubs and whim thin heirs of millions urn basking in hAte delirium of time wino cup and lust Jay Gould is at rest tho In bosom of lila family mind in thin vast re sources of his library VEUITAS TRA VVIXa WIL I VA TH Tke fleeces nf Tkrrn New Ynrk Hunter I tke In IVooda r 1ennaylvnnln- Gcorso Whitosall Secretary of the Globe Wlro Works Friend Loon aud Ilobcrt Froyo of this city returned a foxv days ngo from a weeks hunting expedition In Monron county Pa They camped near the Piko county border on tIme head waters of the LIttle Iliishkl Crook They succeeded In killing only ouuo doer willed was shot by both Whitosall ant Fro > on TheIr guide llubn Jeffries killed a hugo boar although according to thn Now Yorkers It came near putting an end to bin Thuv hud bail luck with their elmer Alter kill- Ing I It xxus tiling up I In thu woods I hue dutys hunt having boon hardly begun When they returned to thin spot xvhorn they had left th ulcer It lund been torn to piecos and nearly all devoured Thin guide Informed thorn that t himi work had been untie by wildcats A largo wild- cat had boon killed by another party I in t ho vicinity Ito day before and minus lund lieei- Imnrd yelling I In I Ito xvoods fonexerul nighis ti Tliu loss of the deir xnih n cumulI disappoint- ment to the hunters lot It trims a linn I lurg buck and tho llrst ono either of t the New Vmk- hnntiTH hail ever killed Thn uuldn Hiiggostiu- thut I I if I limy xvould I Ilku i to bn iixengud on thin wildcats hn might hu ablo to glxn them i cliuiKo Thny desired tn liuxn thn uliunce- JefTi J lex wont to I lie cabin of a t trupiier a mil I Ii or HO from the spot and Imrinxvcd u slroni- Htnul trap Wildcats and punt hii > alter niakint a meal I i ulT of any cut rctcus nxxu > h bury thn ru- malmlerand return to eat nualn when hungry JetTries set thin trap ton tlu burlnd vunlson and thn party returned to their cabin Next morning I early the > xtenti out to look itt tholr trail 1 It t lay thn length of thn ehain from where It had been set and In It I was half of etnun torn leg of u xery lurti wildcat The gilidi said that HometlmnK xvlmn xvlldcats torn o In gnawed thulr legs loose from u I trap I In t hut why they XVIMO found hiding near by ginerull among thu branches ot u tree Whlln lit eta talking thu loud burking of hilt ilog was hearc oil i In thu woods They hurried to t hue snol anti dlscoxnred i tho rut crouching on the limb of un oak tree gunnIng ut i hue dog and with i ll Ii fur bristling I Whltena i was t thn llrNt onn to lire timid hn tumbled hut animal from time tree Thn dog aprnng upon It him t I In less than thru seconds cumin buick torn hiiiiu il rug nnd vol ph mug from tin contest It required two morn Mint to kill thin cut each mimic of limit Now Veim kiurs putting a ball I 111 i It I Jeffries mid I it XVIIH t item InrgiMi wildcat hut ovor uutu Hn estimated its weight nt Hlxty pounds Thn I trap xvas net for- t two niLhts ufterxxard und a wildcat wits cap tured nanh tlniu but they item much Hinallo than flue IIrut onn- Tho Now Yorkers returned to thin city xvltl the carcass of hue boar killed by their guide thin hklns of thin three wildcats it buck xvlikj they purchased front a hunter and it larg number of grouse mind other small gamo FishI HJOKIKS Titter tarpon taken at Xfavpor lie weighed re- spcttlxely Impounds lift pnuuds and ls puun Is Thus Visit In the Ilcktnif Illier trim at t dm surface of the water and ar > d lnirai an aiHrinniK rime tOut co bur out In skiffs repm tire larve cuttitli tOut their hands A remflrkaMi spernneli uf the Kuldfn rsrp was re ctntli takrn friiin the Thiimei lOver at XXallln furd I It wIll i inchis tug 1J i inctus In irlrth and wtulivd 51 pounds lleurje XVllllauis whilr sulininlnv In Jtikii runtiliart- rnln ltrtituoui miur juu nf a SAVI II it lainu nrnr linn and iinikr it hf uitinir t It a urtinh lIt < ceo u a < iititea IUIIK und had 44 titlhJ- iiliniiv Mitnahnn aked lit yetre honked a hulk In tie Mnhnwk itui tr uhli h ival lim liU fur him lu pull abtmre Me lunuied ui rbnard rlntchid tile nsli tiy Hit tfllU am- flnally lauded 11 I It ttclvhed nlns pnnnds- R Puntil nf Erie Ia fnund In the slnmach of a three pound xvhllentli u hullet HeUhlnir ITII grains Th- liullet is recoifniird by Uvnrire lusirr a xcterun of th war of 1MI j as uf the Saute size and cusps as thou Used lit hue Erie patriots aialust Vrltlsners lens Lawrenrenf Cyst Creek rape May caught a shark In till seine tIe loot hold ut I the shark situ attempted tn ihrnw It omit nf I the net The shark cituirh him hy me hip i lull seas furred tn let in hv ldu vs frm an nit It then cauiht Ianrriice hr tlnialf nf mite Iii and <vas killed ticfnrr ill hold cuiild It loostntd A shark attacked a innrnl man Asliluv frum a bnat I ha Ills Set annah Hn er lie bout huokKd the monster n iuiuutt was s reu feet la length end H dwtlird him out ot th boat litters he could reach the shnre lint a few > ard pit the shark truck him and severely ashed hit right leg lie sot uhore sod the shark WoOl on with tilt flsa tug tisL ii I rIvs4 SOME JNTIUZIISfIYG NOVELXJIfS I I flow ke Reformed Htm Frost rue 4iiumtgurqueJournuit t I1 A wellknown Santa Fi5 biislnccs man had a- ens I business stud wits inaklim tnomx mildh hut n SI- Rn Inveterate gambler hx ry nivbl wnulj find blue way frnm Ste wife et a tarn tnlde The 1ulukss Wed Mnntftmi cent where uSe trnutile trump and titus nhilit aftrr upper she asked Item Inifhitnd tu gu tI ith tier itt an- ther reuin There xt as a tare table a l lsnuit ami steels or hli < I > iiwsalilshet hans ftonsi brlnmilnK In toe tfl- ci ir nun rltfht xx hen > tIll want tn OIl lUitI comes here lie ae thundetiiruck and swine he would n xer I amble aealn- Nn snld she 1 dnnt ii ml html prmnlsf Veum can 4 fordtn hueS xery little money XVhat I lime jnncan ti lit I want xull to promise me I that > Sit ti ill never play i fern except hrre- lleprnmlsrdi I It smut thit fsrn larnuthxs tieen nsM for the set live innnths xxtth I u mist slit his Wilt frnm turn rsllnif herself she ha paid Jlii for n intcy nml Pullt it- rctti millie tunicS tntnmiuc it Itictu cost a little etr S I I mold her Input I the uhuie arratnrement tn her trunk tact week said the reclaimed trainldrr that I was Ired uf Kamtdlnff I shall nex er tnu h another cart The rnrrt siinnilent happinrd tnlnok ininn iimhllnfo- nm the nlher nUht Mew hnnrs after he h id heard this store There was a me gone nf firs celtic nn suit Stt nne rnrner nf the tuMr his limO niihil xxlth tim amlillm scitnismut 1Cm t Itutl huh chips nnd belt c stei 1- lj I sat the milan xthom hiie us it llicuuught iit list reformed VIll tkere be Another FriincurrnttUn War I- NothlncrhntBtnick t Frusitie 1PutitmlnijIt Iii Tu7rpiu mo moro heroin Hnmburit- htiu hits ivhlepprem belief unmtitf etliuntrd iorinau- tlmt within the IK M few > tat stint r ii ar w1th Krni- uImtahi i I to IsIs ilaco I Still hto tniliiUMlotfr ftKAJti IK the ttunltti of opinion imus henro on vttv 515 I It In not the vaporing of mnfon tic I thiiCuC but Ito rrtf ret fully etuutrut color opinion pxprcMHl iMthout x- cvpllun liv ttry tJ rnian I Im met Nolnitiir hut a en rile io eminent will On HI Krntirr sCy Ihb ilcrnian We ilnut uiitit tn HKht I tin if ntlacKtd iibfalu vr 0 lit take rare ue letiM A Ciutl f tiunfiit In I IK mull try that can keep iIuC jruc 5 trn if w C litre I to Kdern U our li > t hi all hnuJ H e C hirer thn romtilAlnt of the cnvrrl tiuMH- niTrred in I nuifc to flrmni trnx llrtk n- mrihlnt j I rial 1 tilts itentlcman 11 me h It i U hcoimujI- ntAicraiile Ihey ar tut tiniii it ire f no will mi Just nftirHIP ni ar Tir v tlareit nttioX tie it t hut ilreotlvI- U inarck or Vnn Moltkf ilir tutor ti lll he fonllih e tnoiniu to thiik tMev arc utrrmtf enotirfh to heal u tutu force m i A ncr no tile ilirl before 1 uaMlntiiftoiilv iat t nlifht Intltp rnuiprtuv of n proni- Inont I nftlrlnl of t ntte I Irrumii W nr I II purtnunt iirlnr hits online nf thus eetitlC Ihn ComtTfulini tin tint ui im t Ihf it treiitrth Ai of Iho Iriintn nrnn runt i fricim oC I multi ciii l KMnpom I Uf ntmn rouhl lull tutor I lf mVR- Cintti 1I inlu thn tltlil Thtre I tind pnu f ntit It touch I i Sell the itllcliil We cent mt IatniMinKii tntottii t hell exclu lr of treat e within time up ks soul i KiMril the hlznflrHiit word which nrn In terj Oerniana mouth shcu tnlktmr upon the subject of e ar WS shall lust o to flit it sucsiii toon i Lively hear Mtinoltnff- Frnm the Arltwi rttliw- P I N Boanmati nml a youni man hy the nanienf Irtuuih um nut him tim ni the Hi n itu t ititi i I at kinft whlln tin ii err I ri hug in trot ti shim ut doer Mr Ilonrdiuan htunl iuuuimiiug dnMi tin ritc if tim I mountain HptollI Mrhmil loMnicli tlust iii deer tilt tint get ua nlillc he is rid iloun ihr inniininin to fcrrt whim it wee lieu s fv mnKiutr thf i Uolc IVIitu it lint Hot nhout oiiethlrtl I of tho uiiyilmvn ho f aii a hltttlc object junt poliiR hehhitl n root eel l then another i tiTle rnniB up I ami luoVeil up at that lie at e utter av that the Iii Icr nn n irtfo hear Tie rained lime rule muiutI Miot him thn nun tIle rulit- ye I lit thin called tn McTnul to tur mini I tho lest unit rome atul net tho other lOst McFatil came il wn to where hi tinner ua nnd cdtiiik itliihtof ths other tear lUM he 1ft him havt A slum in tie top of the i heal The null psoui nut lliroiiult tlio I llirout nnn Im set Iheythrn Jumped tloun oil t the mules on i Mllch tlioy were ATM oklmifl their eamp nn 1 huntr U up out nf th reach of the cuui luteS and hvthat i tutu it wi o oclock nt- nfeht I The next duv the two men took muled situ w eat I up to get the tntat and ii hen they w era flMim down I the Hide ofmr tying thftnnlefi its CPus n i toed Ii hie to tin i phire Mr Itoarilmuii nlm vit t ahead tul- denly jitit mile foot out ii iiliift n tree rile d hlc title iui l I Strut much to the Mirprlnof hl Putt iii t tt huutu tile > rut to I the hntioiu tin r lit niinthvr htar dead Tlia Iml let panetd dlrettl through the heartt heel th iet A Ociiulne Niiako NlurT- frnm the tmt Hayn ifitttt 4i The Gazftfp learns of u monster rcptlln which 1 s Inhabit the iCitere of ilfaima Litr nun Fimk dry i j i In ifenunc At Interxaln for tin i mcci H nmitlm hue f riunt tie laen seoul iii th let It intl hst forty d feet lotitf suit wliiifi Mltti its het I four feet iiime tie I water IK torrid luiul is 55 beg as u ImlMitiftliel- nn nf lire On Mmtii ninnifjij it it its ceii bv holler Moore Will Miller suuu MHjnrn Job McGrew sal Hollli- ihiiurr all reiit nile ilizetii of Plta nnt lnke A wtllknoun eitueti Vuui pri cltc whiu r suites on lIe musk nf mho like M tile onnUo n few diva ecu an l sat s iti I n trriiieihlniH frpctn Inrc nronn as- a uusrrI Mr hiirlfv itm kill Cliii u list niiuni r us len It Wu ftnitinnliiif lili Cfluiio sO feet of it tnly loft llm uutrr I iiir Mll liAil lilt thou CUM tiumli him und tired at tIle utiHkf ii him wttuit ttlevt he Lould not titcertain ns tIe roiitile itlun Ct henMih thu purln i unit liu sett t it no more tiion tile Miik approaches the fhor tha Iaiii ml e bout > nntkitt thrnutiti the hushes fchoua Us l iy- lohe uf blifHrniiiKl UK tt tuirrtl SeCotai t lnuft hate l rn- iikir tnl to trnp liin niiiikenhtniirt u rtetermliied ettort will Iuu made Iti a few ilujo bo in in mitts semi I thin tirmrof the mule that it is ill not do to leigh or ravll In tlitHCfltiiifrtinti it nnv be mentioned I tint hiu racer- itwtle feet luiiff ure fr intiuly teen near tbe lake 1 L I Ntunchtcrlnt Wild Ducks t4j Front Me IiTtthmuore Site The most remmirlcutbls luck shooting over rm- u dolt ill ttio vzuilcy cc luut no liuui hake at ttue ftmrrroouuls- st nsuimin vs Iii fiso cuomlheiuen ens utinrnhng thte seek tIuOUt ins iiumtlu 4 stIll dcIin iii lucea coumutl cite lets whict rriouiiird lturimi thus noise tuut ore us u- tof thie feIr me umme mnnmniuuc iii muuestlnu 10l Wuiimau- iltiticartlmuer Ijiunrie I 1nukr J h Coke C tcSi- Vilinthe soul nrs ii it t out I II luke tut lay treok aoul ruuiemiefl tire out the itttcks lie rude stat teptm- iii fur tuhuulil lit o tuutur itiuluiuc it liii Ii the sontuid- Ii imi ul circle muruuuuui clue tuwum utiul stIlls huts a muon lIt waler ectin iiilii em h emil ut I ito tsvuu Iuuuiirs mltore wee fluti Ii ut hiuk ti tug sect ni I his iui tluu Its binds ss ore htoamiiug dm1 iui mite surfoce of the si aer Cot und line ol V evtidn fi- monu tFue lirolniuz rimterprls There Is comphnint ihtut rats uinii orormttnrmhng tIus low The ruuoo CelloS I is hi it huuuteeiie eltioghu her tf cults tlust it me iuein imuuIiuhrd ii liy luMit iusn tovi 7 Iuoyt us tiiuuiuucmti ii cot srnniuro frnu Itt liutiuc smie moo i testy suitli luiS air uzuun or pea rite crel ulutusni the niuiiiI I en ato are iuutl rancid mitt uterus C ma is are liulIltilely elite A ituin leniii miisutn a nomumh nan ut as mitiiriuiett imu ito ibtiut I ss hat Ito I lu uiuitt lit cisc thin nut ulnliltuf Or a murzhir I ttu tipper I ruuutuu 5 nhuuuuc tmp nears tiulut mmiii to haul lie luettutti minded mutt t Ic fluullt rrl niuat a ri- tiel cult iii lit stummy rueuu tmut is I ri Inc I muunke lit ts tuy Ut cuiiie tin Icr marl uf I Ito luoutet i it uuiiunah iiu1- muir mutuuulors nf mint suunut uutul of mitt iuutttuutuu iuf lie uiuur Is mItre uuirlue lit tsmiguii tiutss ito got lot tue ruouut 5 as a uitysts ri mut it iururtnliiiu uvm s nali uti- I let ituilit Tium it ii as cccii I iiutt it mtt luuui liutiit- a seailhi Ilmuim tiuiut moth ift emiuutiii i tie iillui- crc rrnuut SI iullm im tutu iuuut Cfltfls iii rt n mno the nuuulese j cut ii riiuiul is Iuhcii hiti hen eeuttunt of- fremii putimn itsiul to ieitiuuit thu rnuu ml ru tutu a dash tturuiuucmi tue wiitdtuw stud couwlit eumi ihio cameo OuC I A Title oTa Loon J Vnm thf fffiobitryh Hfjttttv A Nowburch flhirninn who wasi fishIng at little Intid u foe iltn lncf li id tliroivn IIIK HUH for out lui o tin wind ami ether witln a m mi nt rfcci ci n- hitn ji 4 uhlrh inrtilr blp 13 lml i JniKl UP lit sail reelitnf tu ti in and an I liii lid of thf Hnti tuuue ucftr lie hntl Miero- d r 555 a tluiieriiiK niinl uI ttuui t tohh Imrro nt i na i itii r there am tn th- ii e u tOm r And luiriil I to tU its > stir a imlifUr I- njlnvd tur hell OliT lio rihi rintiii- in 5i 0 I him In mile mitt fur fut ninim nm atil then iiitmhuut hit sifo lii ml tcmt Dif foul I urti die ilitul fur ti toll St liirh ill iii hiiin tlin t nuuk id ilklcnnniia- th j hut and luugct tier I the HHI cwalloved the moo t r The NIfiiitfhter of Adirondack Deer Frnm Furett an i MrraH- r 1 Ntmttcmu r rouit Nov hmIhuo open season for liuiiuuiluu Ott lithe 3 silt Into I Imn iinprerodrntidlid p f Mm- Il tl Ahfiut oritf hundred hound hte l iueti cm- il mit and ut JfiifL three hundred ulcer hfixo i Ifin killed Itt mite heel r KUtT n itett filnilr It IM inlililltnl liy 14 iltuisu iuutiuueu mit to juiIz eI Im luor luaus tuOit i tuticum itt litH Ailirii iiuK hy tin iif- tloul f uuummuer mit- esUuuti jiMt The niui- tttd l tot DM utiir Hie 4 iiuliiiurs mrs Kl Hith M flieuui iur ritlerI iriti- tjuil I 10 mit iumte tiuli tuiu iiirItrrum u0lunmuut i SI il IliHdriiln nliiout xttriniiiuiMin uf tin ifainq- irililfiii Is I tt which il M hn e l uur ift Ir l5lnturo- rv is ii inMtht nnd touiiujl I the uuino hutus in Miin it cir In fort1 It i IH too hut On tor twu nuirr t nrc ss tIll till inn ti half nioiMhtt ulult rrifcoii tm liim Hi tt ull I iuretmy l lKiciutII > tAtirnilhtie the l icor ia tithe ntuio A NuprrU Culimritli sreremu Jrruu flue uui uittCiiu rruiic t On hue morning of untity lufiire bm4t Oct 4 JH u mri nf liiintfru w ittie il i i iti of tli innt bril until i iiitiltloiii of imturni i orotiCtinf Iuliforni i hit e ttcr iM nfHorid 51 ith The i anv Mtniiu MviMtMtt- urday ufurnooti uuluI smuuin tin infill KJMIU ni Ji i A M lie i urr li lrltiit I union Inlf ii i ot aiV ° MirtH fur the l itoh I tf time xiniti to rut h the curly t liodtrnof the nth I fu n d linl UIH hut u nnlf tnt 1 Ills rnilrotil bridjt1 u t nllmnt Iila Iiu1uei to t in fin 5 skc iu hue dircili f MIIIII i riuiJnnnl I Loinnifncrd rfpidntdiiiHiutfinnt Km irl tt ne n ru hllh lh < Whets Slil ilnioi1 bhn liiur iinl tlic iiioinitilii utriI- ljtlnh to lit nen tu Film t ukMiiit iltu dr html Ilifhtrd i it > After fiihitt for o uutu IftiI- tifht ectuu4e mit5 slits MiutiUiily itiMtliiril inio u tutu nuof I MirkP- in C I touijuiiiiiil n itrlv httlf of Hit phit tie l iv HiJiMrn- lrtimrl like Ha ix Idlull tf a nUi I i tin i itrrk dunn tl Happen red tnt in thcdurktiix chit fol uuucoi mIt M- IIorliiii of ihi niftmr ronld b cr54 i ru iu j tm sri in thu Khii n f a hiikfi luill of llrt f H lm rul i sir rrnni tin mituit of its tirrtt l itishiLC forth nniil it ti ueruut- ti l the tarih nun fiil > a niiiiiittm inluui I und i n mire l musri > niilt In uieidiu Unit n to ttum iii i y WA- Iefr tthltiuei In Ito oiiiiirv I itinr ncnuurf It lIlt ci liire btrn t erlilid I hy u couple or in run us ttiim tie Hrlpil of it is vm morn gluts hut ttian tlut uf tl4 ii U nuiemmisut A 3tmIe ru fvnltiinon from ih ° rtuutij City Ttnt A Icily from JUtcholl who rnvo tho name ot Mr unMtkle slut I 4d list tin Miti J ui t liw r tnit to- MaMir nwnnjeMtpliv it ronid in ttnit h iiiM KI I jt clues from titr i a Mr lieu it itu lu tue C- Hern i mitt f lown lt icfinn tvttv UIM iii fi r mIte child cut Mr Dmi tIe i rourlt ih tn nil I Mrn Itosinn Paul Itiat tlir i titid Slits lucre the Mitor fimul flue Jltilt- kirl which cii lu rnmttur nod Hi tflM list i the u- siutiit ira t urn tuiitiHtiuh Then tim inuitruto rtlitid to tim iaul its I the btor ff > nniK uii Uril iou in a ciimiUr i smm- ea id set llnit Ihouifh he hsh I lui nrri Se lIlt uliirt in iete ii usrmulitut ut tile IuOui trl > hv ttfionKl nta IV- iitiiM ilnl nn etc fui hliti in thKbrvcU yin I h Inlirii- objrrtid t i thl nrdeal nnd in furl t th e zu winruthtr lire d liiM IIM I h > out it jr me the > indtii h ml lino MI- l tciuri Suloiniii Imlllutr ifit dupnti i itlureuc b iW MI that plan ii n rivet up Mr Iioui ii iiiulu udiiutu 4 mutt 0i1 l e H eS ma thug chills l itioiiur He Klirw bl < Int rloei I flmhlurmulum It cc 1ff Clii fittman- InillrrMuriel Ilue old luicer iomigfuhhow titus imutjo itu a hit op at his tieiitmtuh Irume L lutuue rare 51u I t ii lem iIlo hi taut itt us slush iut uuIiuiilrug in uoumruus i his tn ioeuiru wes tiutuut l5uti ygj if iii hail ttiii noseiimc cliii its iuulttes staid aomi tius tomursmrruvh a lucre a p a turuiui nIt ettut I rot rIte smlie oftru uuuu Whit a hue peters were scoring Luutigfuluuus wututil heel beck is nit mhiet s Ileni St tie thtu ilit ci I ictm lteii 5 tsr is the vusniuuutz fi iii otuiuh lentil iS it cmi I In Mas rcntei tel In xnilcii ihtui Stint tUt Ill > deslrstonVeiuriinilierihf MluKUlur FnVel of Muilun ftomtlit MtltueJourni- la T Peebles t a halt of Htmsn at a corn hucklnK the oilier nlirhl and I hulled a tutu liou > iour Ogwn bcture tie gel is tiuudrtd yards tout lug jdic Jni UIJ 5= cz- sftt 5 S

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1883-11-18 [p 5]. · 2017-12-16 · >n

> n<i < p


Mass In thi Armenlnn lUte Coltjhrattjd Inhome by nit Orlentnl Prelnle

ROT Oct 31Cnrdlnal Hassan celebratedIontlflcal high mass In tho Armenian rite

f Int the Armnnlan Col loco of St Nicholas

t Tolentlno this morning As It won thot flrt tlmo In nearly four hundred yoursthat an Oriental Cardinal has said Pontificalrrmi In Rome tho church was crowded Thoceremony wits very Impressive The ervtc-oIntttt oxor two hours Tim Cardinal was as-

fl ted bysovon deacons five priests and 1dozen altar boys Two Pontifical masters ofceremonies of the Latin rite purple and sur-plices


assisted him and conducted tho cere-mony


Tho altar boys cross bearer and allthe assistant clornymcn wore Armenians Thobob cre nrgo robs with wide sleeves of redcolor trimmed large bluo ribbons Thorobes were richly embroidered the shoulderssnd on thn hack with silver and voId Thedeacons wore pink and yellow robes with largegolden stolen txvlstod around their shoulderslike 1Seotch plultl Tim priests had fine coUl ncopes and chasubles nnd beautiful bArrels Inthe form of 1 mall tiara with a BlolxxamlnrrO1on top Theso tiaras were made of sllx or

The attart were decorated according to theLatin rltn nxiopt that betxveen tim Pontificalchairs and tho altar there were two curtainone of purewhlto ilnni and the other of ontoIOU silk They woro alternately drawn duringthe ceremony A sort IfI roreUo or compiirt

with a golden screen had been erectedf mont epistle elite In the transept for the mem-bers


ti L of the Hftcrnd College-At 10 oclock many Cardinals took their

places within this screen whore they werehown hy Monslenor Cretonl I the Secretary ofPropaganda for Oriental Affairs

Cardinal Jopoblnl Secretary of State Cardi-nal


RlmAnlIrelolt of Propaganda CardinalCnrdlnl Angelo Jncohlnl CardinalSbarrottCrelnailurlolli Prefect of IHten anti

of the Sacred Collegewere tnere Many ll hops and Archbishopsvisiting Hom wero preanni anti many of thePonllDcal housebolil Including Monslgnorlllocannl Pallotti Sammlnlntelll Martlnnllt-llnula the Master of the Sacred Palacn antArchbishop Williams ot Boston The collegesnt the city wern rnnresonted bv their rectorhdmftnynutls ft red gray and cos-tumes


giving to audience a Quaint appearmce-

At 10 oclock the procession moved from theancillary to the main door to welcome Cardi ¬

nal Ilnssnn Ho IIs a very old looking gentle ¬

man with along beard and long white hairHe hns an expressive Oriental face deeplyfurrowed with years and cares He has beendreadfully persecuted nearly all his life As hewent up to the altar the choir began a very lowmonotonous chant In the Armenian tongueThe chnnt was accompanied by a prolongednote something like a groan which had anImpressive effect on the RuolenC Havingprayed nnd knelt for a lonl Cardinalat dOIn lila throne lined with redvnl

vet Ills cappa a sort of wide gown withplcoves worn exclusively by Hassan In the Ha

rred College was removed and he put on theFicred Mlmntl Those resembled those ofnn ordinary hoexceDthe stole was wideranti that ho hood whichlooked like a high golden standing collararound the hack of bin nock His mitre wassurmounted hy a golden cross over the vertex

When hlR Eminence wee fully dressed ther roce fon marched around the church sine

k inland giving Incense to all the altars Thispart of the Armenian mass IIs verylmprnslvnThe cross hearer led the procession followedby a long line of altar boys In red and blue andwithout Biirplice Then came the seven den ¬

mnt carrying three silver crozler One wasthat of the Latin Bishops twisted like a

shepherds crook Another was similar to thefirst except that on the top there was a crossaround which two snakes the svmholof theevangelical prudence were twisted somethinglike the CdICUI of Mercury A third had onthe top a with a golden cross withtwo white silk veils hanging from It under theglohe After the seven deacons came two meekBishop They wore high hats Long blackveils floated over tholr shoulders contrastingstrangely with tholr purple togas A ChaldeanArchbishop lately converted from the schism tothe Catholic Church and n Coptle Bluhop wereIn the procession Before the Cardinal eameolil-Monsignorjneeph Senhmtowlt of GreekBu-tenerlte Archhlshop tiular Theodnrlopollsand residing at Austria He wore apurple toga covered with sacred picturesmints nnn embroidered with jewels and goldLast of all among illvortlnrned priests Inbeautiful cores eaton Cardinal Haiunn Inone hand he carried the threecandled trlcerium and from the other the censor wasflung He made the tour of the churchchantnl with

chapelsthe choir and incensing the pie

We-n the crowiMlon was over the massJTb < ntlnr Jolemn thouzn

somewhat monotonous The deacons read theepistle and the Gospel as In the Latin mllThe embrace of peace was given at the orrtory and not before the communion asLatin rite At a given moment the rdrrinor velotyron was drawn Duringtlon the words were pronounced nloldlnd atthe elevation the Cardinal keptvisible for IIanI time Tim chanting of theministers Wil accompanied by the jangle orlittle bells around thlheadof cherub mounted on sliver staffs By twistInjr these stat the deacons kept the belljingling r

une wnne curtain was again drawn soc tneCardinal changed his vestments When thevelotyron was again shown the cnlehrant worevestraentsof a rose sliver color He turned to-ward the worshippers showed the wine andthe bread and then took holy communionThe clergy and the altar boys received communlon from his hand This ceremony wasvery Fol mn The chanting of the choir con-tinued during the whole mlAI Before theclofoof the services the announced InLatin that Emlnrntlsslmus Ranetro RomanrcEcclnslro prnsbvtnr Cardlnalls Hassan by-

peclal grant of RanctiRlmus Domini NostrPapro Leonls XIII concodit omnibus hi-pnrsenlhus 100 dlerlum Informa Ecclesliu consueta

The same announcement was read In thoArmenian tongue by another priest and 1-0enrd the service

Turkish Besldnnt Consul of Rome whois a Catholic was present at the ceremony Inofficial costumn the new Armenian Collegebeing under the protection of the Sultan Manyforeigners were In the church Sent had beenreserved In the main alslo for distinguishedpersons-

After the mass a collation was served In thebas of the college to the Cardinals theprelates and the other official guests


Trial er tie Preach Architect who Tried toKill n EnilUkman-rrom tfte Lfmiton TIM i-

AUIEXS Oct 25 Cochols a archi-tect YOUDRwas arraigned today AsslznCourt of the Homme on the charge of an attempt to murder the Rev O F Whidborno onthe Northern Hallway on tho 28th of June lastThe presiding Judo In accordance withFrench nracedure began by exposing the careerot the accused up to the present tlmolminute detail Tho prisoner had It appearedfought several duels undergone imprisonmentfor a jewel robbery entered Into an extensivebuilding contract now remaining unsatlslledand borrowed cash In all directions-

The accused promptly ropllnd to the Presldents queries HH acknowledged that he hadhived by theft In order to most his bills andsupport his wife and child Cochols was accust-omed to travel on the Northern Railway firstclass by the express almost nightly for thelake of stealing the passengers luggage va

and puries when the passengers pro-Ceeded to the buffet On tha morning theattempted murder at arrived itt flouOn by the mallI 1217Abe When the

was about to co back Mr Whilbrllasked whether anv one wouldParis antI tho two travelled together They atrt slept Ittffore reaching Abbeville Coeholoffered a draught to the clereyman from hisauk vleh watt declined Mr Whldborne thenaftin fail asleep turning bilback to Cocholsfive miles from Amiens h suddenly awokelesllnglliree thrusts from come sharp Instrumeat He Instantly rose receiving 1fourth alus did so being a man h grappledrjj bantagonist nnd a fearful struggle en

a The Clergyman wrested a formidableCarpenters chlsnt from the prisoners graspwhereupon tha assassin produced a IIvenenaiDbered rnolor bil wits unable to

rlhl bsing tightly The two IUAI draggaother from corner to corner the com

IJrtraent Finding thut he was bullied CoSoik opepuil the door doubtless In order to

fJIMr Whldhorno on the railroad track ButIntlindeti letiniI mid good hlis escape b-

pi loboard uul watt nail y hauled intoJ ClrllotrUlti ib > u lrolh r of Lord Lulgh anti

S f IJnlh1n An all1 was clveIll tho brought stiindhtilfir IUt olnd Coehols besmeared wthj

it I

tjnylni on the footboard lIe ueiii railInS V 11 iiI nil outrage The brake

I luristi I vtilttt I n slitoC carnitign-3eitltciII IIII tie of this high

wI i Ii

411IIu1 tilit IIIIIIOIR The tr11

h 111 III COCIIIIiC ran ror 11111r

1> 11111111 in night watlmunOII Ih lnrll I lI Ild1 n otthitIUI1hIUIi l keman came IIn ofii IIh Pribonur who that nu toii

lariiSfI IMI itvht rIght nr Thin train ugalCc i Ir AIIn M MilletI Commissary o-

itotMv6 1Ilitlii Iplul Inn colit iou ii Icated with

liming the cuntody of theeirciwi hlcI5 IH1811 epekl He wasMr xviVii 111 four 1lree were found on himtle IIIllnl h Ilartnlcht Thero 11111 examined hut theyttwo OatlUsive rvdence Cochols who had

ttuchcom d drlu the proceeillngs wr

trial J1by lila eounHefs address Throom Which hiti Insted five hours the curtFnlin dn crowdlli otided in au puVJ1 transportation for III-

lroum1 blIdxntUdt eztnuatt-nafl


cents In Taltalinisee Jest After tie Cleteoftie Ilcbtllliin

LIE OAK Fin Nov 13 When I first cameouth many years ago the negroes were aconstant source of amusement to mo Tholrways wore so different from anything I hadever soill their actions so childlike and tholr

lonof freedom so extraordinary that to mo-

it wee bettor titan a circus to observe themFreedom made 1 striking revolution In themsocially They tried to drop at once all thecatchword of former familiarity nnd adopted

the most extravagant and olnhrall forms ofcourtesy It was lady gentlemanand Mr and Mrs among themselves Allho ceremonies and genuflexions In use among-the former slnvoholdlnBarlstocracy were homosteaded as tholr own-

I was riding through tho streets of Talln-lassoo one morning with Dr 8 B Conover

then State Treasurer and owner of a fineplantation when an Incident occurred that hasnever loft my memory It had been reportedthat tho Doctor was looking for hands to work-on ills plantation When wo got opposite thoPOlt Oftleo where 1 crowd was waiting for thonail wo wore hailed by an old colored auntie-

Oh Dr Conovcrl Oh Dr Conoverl sheshouted stop here 1minute please sir

At her side was a woobegonelooklnc negroIn complete rasgodness Any respectableWestern cornfield scarecrow would have reused texchange garments with him without-a heavy bonus The old unto had him by thearm As wo drew up she Dr ConoverI done heord you wanted to sit some gemman

twork on your place an I done sent for dlsyereetnman to como to town sos you couldhire him

The ecmman was all the while lookingsheepish and grinning to an alarming extentAfter a little conversation the contract wasmade and he wont out to the plantation to pickthe Doctors cotton

The negroes male SOil tamale were passion-ately


fond of flue clothes and finery ot everydescription They eagerly Invested al themoney they could earn In articles per-sonal


adornment I was told by one of themost fashionable milliners In tho place that thefinest and costliest bonnets and bats wore pur ¬

chased by the negro women White ladles weresatisfied to dress more In consonance with tttoreduced state of their finances but tho recentlyliberated colored lady must have gorgeouslead gear avail If tho rest of her person wascovered with dirty and ragged calico A lot ofcolored ladles on some streotcornerdiscussingquestions of domestic economy or religiousfaith would exhibit a dazzling array of ribbonslaces feathers and bright colors With themfreedom meant to step at once from the sphereof tho cotton Held to tHe dressing room of thepetted darlings of society and fashion A footapparently eighteen Inches 1011would oftenpeep coyly out from Ilehlnl bluesilk tires With perfumery werefascInated Many dusky belle to enhance thevalue of lien personal charms would Invest ahardearned dollar In cologne and empty thecontents of the bottle on her head and garments-

One beautiful Sunday morning In tho earlyspring as I was riding out on a pleasant coun ¬

try road I metI colored Adonis on way tochurch like a piece of altmltobrlcibrnc He wort a dress suitpalmed oft on the Hebrew children asbroadcloth lilt neck was encircled with n CatWagner collar and a naming rod scarf A highslUt hat crowned his noble brow But his fetwore bare His wealth had become exhaustedby the time he got to his feet Hu did notseem to labor undr tIme least embarrassmenthowever and stalked along the dusty road Inbar rootedn08s a true child of freedom

The strong point off the negro bus alwaysbeen his religious fervor One of their oldfashioned revivals iIs calculated to fully diecourage the devil anti all his imps After theusual eenlnl service the pastor redolent offried and watermelon descendedfrom the pulpit and surrounded by his stall ofdeacons all good mon and true prepared for apitched battle with the hosts of the evil oneThe mourners crowded the altar groaning andshrieking Louder and louder rose tho sing-ing exhorting and praying The bodies of thesaints and mourners svmyed rhythmic meas-ure


with tho music Hands were patted asparticipating In a breakdown nndtough feet stamped tho duty floor Sud-


high over all the noise excitement andconfusion there was a wild yell Ono of thefemale mourners became convicted of sinand leaped Into the swaying circle The breth-ren


gathered around her praying exhorlnland pouring wild promises In hertwinkling or un Ire alt herein were washedaway Him was so happy that sue tried totear her clothing off In the effort to go straight-up to heaven Home converts on the floorfoialIn a trance The voice of exhorter took

or tone and the excitement becamemoro intense A calm succeeded Nearly allwere converted and nearly nil were physicallyexhausted As a finale sonic happy brotherstruck UD somo thing like the following

lCe got nn rl bock oh do Mernmi muleBlnnrr ton ynu tatI den moth like AfootLie brittle hit am tiltttr ite Hadrtle tilt am goldAn Im boon fur In ten tn Abcrliamt fold

Mi Ill rlfoI

YII nlllAu Ill rile right on to glory I

lea tunic mv ilni In do lavfn poolAn got on de hack nb de Metodlc muleAn lur I itlrki tat er big til nek leel llrectiTill de ole mule tomp on de golden streets

An Ill rlrtcYenI nlll-

Au Ill rldi right on to gloryI

Oh come from de chuch amid Bunny schoolAn see tne nun on de Mefodtn muleDem Ba tlMet aint got nn unrt 0 hwAn I mile dem fluopal hones blow

An Ill ride111 will

ride right straight to glory

Saturday was the darkeys holiday On thaiday the streets of Tallahassee woro crowdedwith all conditions ages nnd sizes Thrilledwith tbe fever of shopping they packet thestores of tbe thrifty descendants ot 108elImpromptu business meetings were onthe corners Occasionally there was a buttingmatch between two stalwart negroes undulyexcited by cheap liquor The political situa-tion


was discussed with all earnestness andgravity The negroes spent their money forany article for which they took a fancy regard-less


of Its value thebenefltthat might accruefrom It Ono of them fell In love with a largebottle of cucumber pickles price SI Ihadsome fancy emblems on that pleased his art ¬

tic eye Ho bought It He went out 1tree on the edge of the public square and de-liberately sat down uncorked the bottle andIn time most dignified manner ate every pickleIt contained and drank the vinegar It hail nomore effect on him than a tumbler of whlskewould on a professional cornet bagcer nnd 1expect that ho Is Htlll voting that good olopublican ticket-

itlometlmes two good aged colored ladles oldtime friends would meet unexpectedly andthe conversation would run about like this

With an elaborate bow Why MIs Williamsgood mornln maam How Is your health dlsmornin maam-

RUht pohty Mis Brown I thank youninnm Ice got a sort misery In thn backbut I dont complain much thank God HowIs you and Mr Brown an dechlllnn maam-


tollable only tollable Mis ViiHams Mr Brown Is jest sorter stickln to-gether


thank you maam He hits a rieln onhis hand but he put some anarchy on hit anhits right smart better now I reckon youheerd my dator Lizas gwlno got married 1

Why now Mis Drowl you sprlse me

Drownused Oi does Who gwlno marry Mis

Why a young gemman who works on MajorGoldon plantation Hes an nxhortor tooand kin Milt om ni holerlnll prayer Iknow do Lord I Uoodby-maam You mus come an see tot

Thank YOI I feels proud to do so MisBrown maam

And HO they separate each to tier little world-A favorite amusement among th negroes

was to catch a rat saturate It with keroseneset fire to It and then turn It loose where therewould be no danger of constructive arson Ionce saw the waiters at ono of the hotels havea largo rat a recular veteran which they hutto thin ordeal of tire After soaking him thor-oughly In kerosene they took hll In the backyard touched u match to him started1 himon II run down the path An old Brayheadeinegro was so heartily amused that bo rolledoer and over In a Inl of delight

About 9 oclock one beautiful moonlight nightI was Idly strolling1 along one of tho quiet backIlrMII when I Imard tho plaslng or

built vocal anti Instrumental On turn-ing tint naarest corner I saw a coloruu motto

ami a Pickaninny sitting on the eiluI of thesidewalk Time man bad an old battered banjowith only two strings on whlih he was play-ing tho boy vocally The KOIUpcomllnllelr of an unfortunate rabbit-It ran thus as near nn I can remember

III rsMlt mi IrlII I IncHe Mile rioI

An In inter It unit hIlrlllI coniclllldr liruiin eta

CHeer If xnri flnn of iHonJiiliiiieiit anu consternatlooil the part nt tile ralitilll

Hltf rrd ruth tooJligcjtrt ratIO boo

The negro very early lu freedom developed asurprising enthusiasm for patent medicinesespecially when they came In Ins lmapm of pillsIlls faith lu them hordttred on the subllmr Ntimelier what milled him 0ldfl18hlulPo unlversa

misery cut finger colicsore LOU or anunlntf else town went half Idozen pills or 1dose of liver regulator He waalways Impatient ofr results and nrefenw-iathartlomedlultieto any other kind Ii

and asmost of his Ills arose trout too free In ulIOIn sugarcane or watermelon or wermslnly Imaginary the pills answered all pur-

iiioPMu ol any kind WM lbs nwnron pwilon

c i iT

On Saturdays when the town ws full of coonry hankies with their wives children sweet-

hearts unelRS cousins and aunts let soniciisky warrior produce n ilrnm auven If It wanmndu of nn empty nail ken with 1 coon skintrntched over tho ends hake his position In

middle of the roiul nnd strike up ant ntl wan soon formed ThnymarihedIrolllnn hour with no object In viewally bthind the music tmm thuinimrolledits stirring note upon tho ohm men womenanti children swelled tho ranks and followedwhere It led

Happy In their one Idea of freedom givingno thought to the morrow trusting the futurewith 1 simple childlike faith no happIer raceever eavo a more plclurestiuo outline to his-tory




Tlr Rodney Harlem Iriilutrul EsrerleneIn nn OhIo Cavern

SmiNOFiELD Nov 17Mr Rodney Hnrhem a gentleman hiving near this city relatesho following story which would ho nlmost Inrodlblo were It not from n perfectly trust-worthy


source and well nuthcnlcltClln everyparticular Last Friday company hisathorlnlaw Mr James Crumbauch nnd aneighbor Mr Gore Stlcknoy Mr Harlemvent on 1 nuttlnir and hunting expedition toClifton n romantic and rocky spot near thelondwntors of tho Miami At ono point thorocks rise to a height of 10feet or moro alongtho stream and < ninny fissures andmall caves As the hunlnlparty were windtig around these n narrow path ono

of them slipped and In falling his feet rapedho side of the rock below the path until hefinally got a foothold on 1 lodge I few feet be-

low Ho Immediately recovered himselfanti on looking at the place whore he hadslid Ion tho rock ho was Hiirnrlse-do HOC that his feet In slipping had laidmro a holo In tho aide of thin rock

by brushing aside some undergrowth whichmd concealed It Ho Immediately called thoothers and soon nil were standing on the nar-row


ledge below thin path looking at tho opon

InlIn tho rocks After tho remaining underbrush hud been removed tlio opening wasound In bo about 3x1 ftet In size A dampwind wit blowing Irnm thu mouth 01 the uponngwlth conMflnrnblnclrnuuht Tho party mmlHa cursory examination ono by ono with so bit ofIchtod candle which showed nothing 101 1narrow tortuous passage ndout twentylength turning abruptly Ito tho right Thefloor was strewn with the bones of birds andslllnnlmlll It was onlyI one of the manycaves with which tIm region abounds the partywith the exception of Mr Hurltun who witsmuch interested In thocuxo nlxindonndthonx-ploratlon They cnutlonod him to bo 01 hisguard against coneual cleltl and him-to lire his gun if he needed help

Harlem after lighting a cundlo and gettinghis shotgun ready for natlonintered tho open-Ing on hands anti knees The bottom of tilelaxsnge wits dry but the air blowing through

Iwan damp and xlukunlng causing the unmlloburn thin and blue iroplng cautiously for

ibouttWHiity ret tho adventuiur cnmu to theturn which led Into a larger chnmlxir of thucave Just IM hn turned thu corner ho stumblll and IIKtendylnu himself put his mnd on

floor tho cavo whore ho wits shocked tofoul something anti smooth Startingback with roune

hI mixed tho candlu highabove his head looked down There laythe colic of a huge serpent In his terror MrHarlem let fall tho rnmlliv and rcirmiiHd motonlnB with ffear on lilt knees As Itick would

the candle did not gn out butt remainedsucking In tIme sand on thin for of thin tutuanti throwing a dim light over tho nd ne Llka flttHh tha hideous head of tInt serpent dlrttdur from IIto floor nnd the colls belll to move

Mr Harlem said he could had notsomething Deemed to chain him to thin spot It

as If enormous weights eruhuneonevrslomeememhpl of his body absolutely pro

The petpunts eyes iippnrrdto give forth n bluu phosphoreHcent light usthey Inobelln the irloom Slowly thin Irfturits hnad In circles its 10 produco Ihl sauna elluct as the memerlst who

subject to sleet by FVUUM with 111Euts Gradually thou colts drew neirer tovictim Mr Harlem says ho knew all the limitthat the head was approaching by decrees a mid

that the clrclll were gradually narrowing Hiknow was experiencing what lacillmlthe fascination of serpents hut 10lnl It im-possible


to break the spell nitrvesscented completely ooxverless anti his pulsesuemod to stop and his skin witsmoist with cold perspiration Noxurtholehil mlne was reasonably clear unit theeVlnts his life ran In quick succession be ¬

his mental vision With auuulsh hethought of tha home which ho had loft but afew hours before The feeling of hnliilessncissseemed f Increase Suddenly ho thought ofhis pun He dared not remove hIs OIS Iromtho snake long enough to look Pun gunwhich 1m hud dropped on the floor In his ex-citement


becauso he felt that the moment hoturned away from the creature It would beupon him Ho groped on the liner with hularight hnnd end nt last found thin gun andraised it to his Ride The snake was too nearfor him to male the sun to his shoulder and hosimply Held It at his side and reached baokuntil he felt the trigger

At the deafening report he fell back uncon-scious


and knew no more until ho found hisfriends bathing his face in vinegar and water-It seems that his companions as soon ns theyhoard the report of tlio gun crawled into thug

clove and found him lying unconscious Theirfirst thought was that hn had shot himself buta few drops of water revived him

Mr Harlem was removed a n hhborfnlfarmhouse where hu soon r cOlredclontlyto be taken home lie Iis just re-covering


from his nervous prostrationFront the neighbors It wits learned that a

traveling show which had hind an exhibItionnear there some tune ago haul lost a boa con-strictor


and It Is lloved that this was tIlesnake in tho cave It was Mr Hnrlom saysabout fourteen feet In length and mis thick as amans thigh Residents In the vicinity com-plain of having lost poultry and turkeys amysterious manner

No further truce of the snake had been diecovered anti it Is thought It was killed by MrHarlem s shot No ono however cares to ontor the cave and eon I tho doad serpent Is there


A Fierce Little Armr tknt ha Owner wouldVot Melt for 8tOOOO

I am fond ot rats mice moles roachesflies fleas moths ants scorpions and lIkevermin because I have studied their habitsand ways nearly all my life said a little manIn spectacles yesterday Ho sat at his desk In-

n Imllshop In n busy street down town writinlbuely At his Hide was 1 pen about fivefoot lala two feet wide and three feet deep-In It were twenty or thirty ferrets coiled toBother In an undulating moss of fur with hereand there 1 champ muzzle and 1 pair of brightlittle eyes rising above the mass and lookingIntently at the little moan who wrote at the dosk

Thorn was a time many years ago contlnued the little maui wheeling around In hischair when vormln wore more or lose obnoxious to ma hut I began to study theIr Ilbltand nuturun tutu In a short thnl Imuch interested In them nil dislike tileappeared I went Intotho huslneiis of deMroving them about 1H5U nnd flnco that I have Innmy hands full I nmku contracts to rid houseshotuls and Institutions of rats for ito mmummtii 1year My clmrgus vary considerably For ngoodslzod city roMdunco I remove till rats andkeep them away for 1 year tom J50

How do you do ItWith those llttlo benutloH saul the little

man turning nlTuctlonutely toward the penAH he did so tile turrets wriggled nut of thincosey tangle In which they had lain anti boundeilu-mltward with their fore naws In tho air amtheir hoadx thrown bank exhibiting joy ittevery jump Thuy were prutty little creaturesnboutas large In glith as an avuragu rut hitalmost twice the lunglh Their head wereshaped their four elnw very sharp anti tlialractivity tumid iiulcknuxt amazing

I have a thousand of I hiemmm saId the rat ¬

catcher and wouldnt soil tliu lot for 1201X10I have trained them oi PO thatthey obey meunhesitatingly When wish Itu clear a houseof rate I like lornn of my fernits lUo or mix orten and slip thoin Into the rut liMe I leavethem thuru all night anti whlstlu Iito them onthe following day They coma right to mo andI take them home No rat con Bhrii a remitFile rats run from ferrets like mud hitit It isi-

mhelmmeue Whuravur a rat gO a ferret can goThe ferret catches a TiLl mid then eatst himineb bono heir tall evurythlnir FerruUcannot hive without rats for any length of tlniuI tacit milt hair feathers unit fur regularlytwlcn a

Wherldo you get your ferrets-I


lirod them iJlflurent breeds can bocrossed i eailly as whit doit

lie took a bltofiiwniHit In able pair of Ironnlpi er until liehl it at a heluht nf about fourfeet mlr ill oulll irrot Ktery nno of m-

littln 1IIloIIICII fUr tnu m nt-Hu ml ult as only hall adozen tlll bet 3juinjixr suiveodud IIII fiiKten-Idg thaI rjututc on itI Tohliowhow tenacioii lythe turrets held their grip the rat catchierswung lime meat around hits head ami slammedthe furrets against the bides of the pen butthey could not be sunken from their hold Thenhe elected one IZ111 hy this back of thuneck and tore It 100 thu meat

This one tie sid holding It aloft IIs a-

new breed Is nvl es llqtviemit this Americanminx nnd 1Illrh ferret anti can stand tIhlcllmiitH h tier ilmiiI tIle uiicronseii breed I orruts ieiiilr considerable vitro but I avoid anyctmmkliiiH diseases by a ery simple plan

blt Is ItAs soon as a ferret Iet time least bit off I

nhoot It and throw It is 1 wise plan-or the rest art nlatroubled

eeL t

now TO WHITE noxns-

trr> Stun hU Own VnclV Talk wlik-I liuliir None Writer

Ho wit at Iround table at Hopomfts Infranklin street Tho remains of his dinner

md MAn cloaneil away anti lie was drinking ahandy gaff lie was the author ot Squeezeho Lemon Gently heave tho BrickbatLightly and other popular songs Ho was Inn communicative mood Tho rhandy gaffloosened h1 tongue He began to talk to ascore of listeners The tiny IIt coming hosaid whoa every man wilt bo his own PotWo arc treading on a higher plane of clvlllzaton and Impossible tImings are beginning to

bpossible Why forty or fitly years ago thurowore only one or two Iool jewelry makers Inthe country Now are 1 thousand Justso with song writers Whorl there was oneforty years ago there are a thousand now Itsnn art that IIs easily mustered rime first nnd-

mnolllPorlant leuulslto Iis to posso sa knnwlwithout It there Is no charm

IthiTI iIn pout my or melody It mkhtt be enlad-nslcadof thn poetry of motion thu motion of-loetry In looiilnKnvor tha crude effusions ofoiing beginners them Is usually a glaring tin

lelencv III this reaped although otherwlso tiesentlmnt of their lInes may oicrflow withmerit anil originality

He Hipped his shandy gaff anti continuedIt IIs morn than likely that b fore trying to

compos your song you have an Idea to carry-out Your only diniculty Is how to ilo It Youmay bo an able humorist or a paragraph fontoh lie nhlo to pour out yonr noul In gushlnso-vu letters I hilt when youwant to write n songyou nre either ii1Iisti titui hind by lacking time nat-ural


faculty or propwnslty or In yourhnstotoreach Parnassus you faorlflen rhythmical perectlon to the doggerel of comenletieo Nowsuppose for Instance you wanted to write asong liken Silver Threads Among thin Gold

nnleh IllsI to ho hoped you never willhowwould you begin I will tell you

You will observe that there nre just sevensyllables InI thn linoI I ubnvn cjuotid thin nccont-on tho llrst anti last syllables For it metricaljuldo wo will put down coven marks eomntluhnghike dashes one dash for well syllable1 Thouuncorking yourlnnnlrUlon you cut wilte any-thing


you please thust

Sad loi corns are merit log soreMoth or tin not lock the dour

and sn on to your satisfaction Or you mlihtelaborate matters sotnexvlmt perhaps by putting two syllables at the end such tie

t a-

ChuImof cv nlug ruth ring ncr U-KWhllft ne end Iv pace tilt fthnro

rhyming the lines alternately Or you mightrhyme tho three fret lines consecutively leavinc I liii fourth to nu into1 with thu eighth

Tho sum number of filliibles can hn con-


by acciiituntlon an entirely dif-


metro comic or sentimental ns follows

IAt IeI the ott r is nlr-Tke leek Ills teem Ial that gsven-

tIIera Is nnnthterstylelmnwitugt how variedand nocotuimoluttlng anti tjin attractions of themusu to thin tuuubltloumsnstrLi-

I teSt hit III 11 use Iral iartlie lOSS tint relish itu rtll-

lAIIIIul1 tuoutr ho gill tn markOh so mite lOuis dtiqel

The next is that tamuhening guilt which ran hemade IllIIrllll1llI hlllDflrOtlSor xllllsltel sontlmentlll without becoming silly

a 1 t A

fn M ° throiizh the win univ a litt Ho nail peepShes far friiin this land nhtromer yuuuuc hero sleeps

Horn is anothert A JJf t a4The sun IIB urMInzthe luuir li lane

rhre are nvmy andcvnrious other ways ofadapMnurhvlhrnto the iicV hut In theMi mat-ters


time writer Iis to be reuulaiod by his ownpeculiar lIt Any Inogulirlty IIn the nr-

rincemnnt of poetic feotmustiippTir judicioustu thi reader olso It will not go If you mustdwell on otto InMifllcMont syllable where theroought tn be two or for tIle amo reason hurryover others that turn superfluous thme must hue-

strum apparent niotivaornej effect to ho at-tained


Xow thwras u k Itnmots songSwent Violets a lovely melody but thin

worilBnro hitched on trt It without rutty icgardfor rhynun or rhythm Ed Harrigan hits olllegood points In his comic verses hut I doubtwhether itt could wlto tismooth song TonyIistor writes very Hmrothly so does OilsWilliams Tnt IloonnrjfitK tiji half thj nightcomposini Frank Howard lias some lilehlj-sneco iful sonsj now onltho market Hn sinesthem hlmslf otTiCtlvelyft Mr Charles Connol ¬

Ily as a cotnposor is tthnvjirldo off lilt Bowerysoiiganddnnce mep Ilugh Farmer McDormqtt hues written some 9ulAlto songs W JHcinlnn has made rrlnt 61nco ho became acomposer

Ho hoavwl 1 lone sigh anti drained the goblot A song writer soon becomes woilthv-hn mthutI In a rVctlvt tone of vole Aboutonce a week hn drm up to his publishers doorThe publisher rushes out bareheaded throughtho crowd and presents Mm with a check be-glnc himI to stay anil dine with him oral leastjoin him In a bottle of wine Thin compoerwith becoming dignity declines Ho hins himavay vlth a proud head anti a Imppy hearthies away to comet calm rotrent where histwodollar huh will milTlce for tin revels to en-tertain


some klndrud spirit or hual in tho vi-


deportment of semite bartender In thewords ot Oeorce Coupon

Juuin ttikf a nlrco of mpcr ant a pencil nun penA llttti gloss nf unduly In nnnint you nnw nnrl thenTut n and1 Ilute Igniter rhuyutue thiin as you go

alonvAnti then coal know its nlra to be the father of a


wtvrvo WKinnyn lUNGS

The ObserTullona uf n teiellFra Clerk ivko-ksii Mold Them In toll Hurt of Iople

A shy young man wont Into a Broadwayjewellers store yesterday anti looked at Iontlomons rings fingering thorn anti askingquestions about thorn oDd yet appearing totake only a forced luterest In them The jewellers clork whispered to a bystander By andby he will como around to the wedding or ongagement rings That Is what lho has comafter Sure enough the young man presentlypointed to a tray of flat gold bund rings

Whnt are tluey for 7 he Inquired The clerksaid tnat thoy were merely fancy rings wornby milieu anti gentlemen mind that sonic folksbought them for wedding rings The hYyoung man tried two or three on his little himgor anti flatting ono that would not quite goover his knucklu said Give me this one Howmuch IAI-

IIts Ihn dollars said thn clerk hut If youvant a wedding ring would advise you not tobuy It Every now and then we sell them tnpeople who Insist upon tmUng ithem but mis

soon as they find out tile fashion they comoback and have Ithorn limited 1111I timid rolled u im

Into this oldfashioned round tin in Tlio milwedding ring Is tho round ring plain nnmmliii hIlt

Olnimo a round one then satan size osthis

Hn got one anti wont away Thin clerklaughed and sail hn could toll when n votingmini wuntnd n would I 1mg or engagement rI mug

every time though Hoiivitlinns Ituny ak to b-

chown pluck biiieelctH or anything nil iitrthan what they comn for Very many comright to the point though they mummer innfuller about It iiulle painfully Others iigalnk frankly and boldly to iien wlmt thy ttetit

Them mixer huts lieun a lmiiM In thin faxliloof woiul mug ml mugs wild1 thn dirt tthe plainround gold ring lias ulwtys Ibmu the only eorreel IthingI MDnwimHllMieschoomtothnrkiiidsI

but women never mnkn thai mistakeDo women choose their own weddlmug

rings 7

Oh very oftnn Frnquontly they come IInalone lit a ring to the right linger mid leave IItfor Ilie prospuctlxi bridegroom to pay forHomctlmcHi tthey pay tom It toil tako IItnway amof ecu ran thn > oiing inun reimburses themQuite often tot Itint brides come IIn with theirmothers Very semiotIc nnd gram flue mothernnand show neither timidity nor siiitlmnntThey nsk for xveddingI rings tthey look thenoxer buy one and go mxiiy IIrish unit iiirinn ru

girls ofiuii biing ttheir loxers tie xxellI UK thelimirtu hrs Fluent Is not II funnier night IIn thinworld Ithan to StIlt a clumsy felloxv hanging bohind ami looking unutterably foolish whllo liiirxvimthenrt aiiil tier mother ilisiiiRs t hut nur-chiisij Thny PlY no attentiont to him until thycoin to tlio IlimlBulictlon Then tliey tll huimut

howmuch IB to Ilui paid nnd hepivx it anttthey all in out IIrishmon are nut to hu clobuyiirs Thnyvlll scuerunly over buy iinvthlii-ivitliout knocking pniuuthlngoir thin price limItno Irinhmim nxer liiggius over ut wlrllll orHiiLngnment ring It doH lint matter If th-weiMnii ring ho chooheH guInea us high as nIneilolliirri H hums ftlin p rice wltliotitaI murmur

Many foreignorn purticuliuiy Gormanexchange xvmldlntfI ri mugs Tin bride pays frtin groomtf ring unit vlrj VII II At the alumtile r exihniigii ihugo Tliuy count in togothoto buy them

A hut Is thin fafihlnu In iingacmnent ringsOh thernlH no ahlon in IIlnun partlcu

larly Any pretty ring wd xvlth Htnall htnne-iloh fur thin nunoe TuriiuniH i anil imatlare popnlitr juit now timid i urn pai b-

thn Kilxm Uiiniondi uru thn nigoxvitli muoput whll can alTnrd Ilium until Iroiu that thinprnilouH toad rtngn iluwn mini IIn pucn t-

ameihysts luiMgeiiiuiit rlngn rust from HII1

to ttSD txedding rings from t5 to flS Verymany persons hive initials duteo or mottoesemjraviirl in thulr weildlns rltus Mizpahor Thlim forexerarn favorites but tint commonoKt iustoin IIs to havo maroly the Iinitiallu1 111ItIJI R to S J Nov Jl ISSJ cut Iinthe Inner xiirfarenf the ring Notblng IIs n-

urnv1 In nnca Hineiit ring The manner o-

weiirlng them lint ihanuvdI hovtexcr The >

iihedI to hn xvorn on this Indux linger of ithn lmfthand iou know hut titus ladles think tliat ulittle too much of an adxartisumeni nowadaysand they wear them on the third linger 01 tileright hand That finger of the left hand 1Iscliii tho one on whlab wedding rings are worn

A3IATEVK WORK OV TIlE nnwcuThe nennns st MeeimnleHl Expert Gives fsr-

Cnlllnit tile Noted IIrip sk fetched JobUnder tho heading of a Botched Jobnn

editorial tho Mechanical Engineer treats oftho cable railroad on tho Brooklyn Bridge Inthis article the editor says

The troulde1 attending the running of mere on hitsnrookjjrn fudge arise from many causes These are de-fective


mechanical arrangements want of sj stein sueta competent manager The socalled grin for holdingon tn Hie eohlh an absurd device In Itself and notproperly made tot ttsilestfrn No engineer nf experiencewould ever attempt tn more ndead weight of ten tonswithout us load hr the eli ot sheaves or pulleys fusillily fourteen nr sixteen Inches diameter emil liaxlngx-x linden faces let Into tIle Inni rims The wood minihaxlng nothing to hold It nr no facilities In the pullsfor properly fastening It to the Iron tell OUtunder the strain and use to tie consinntlr renewid Aside trout mimic olher perlegive war with theresult ot re Ulrluir a suad of repairers 000ry time aair conies lu hven hits bearings uf mite nxed shaftsnx er I Inch the ralde runs at either end get tot for wattof sufficient surfers for the work they Imxe to dn andthis whnlu arrainrenienlls a reitroach Ilo those who de-XIMdltI The cable Is supported on pllllcxs when Itrrosses the hrnlir aliout 21 > feet Stuart Theoe HUIIet s

rr sav lii Itches In dlsinrler and run nn lusltiiancitntfarimrs one Inch puesiiiit nlii tint a quarter Incheslamrter situ nbniitI I tutor Inthis 1itiff An eianilnatlnn-if th entire ariHinienirnt lends Lxperiencid min tn

tsmi l that It was iithitrnwl iny anmteiirH er pirsnn whoare tiiiaoiiiiilnteil null the work tn he done IIt Is un-llfClDUilcal In every nppect

As tctririU si stem there Is nmie-ItI sii mi unfortunate tu speak mIMly that the strsteni-

nf t nututiuru liar pas eiijrrrsncrn mite lirPUe shnnld hanttllen linn thts hands iif Intininpvtent pernons nnd thatdnns kllunn In lr serilceatile nil oilier mails it Sri nutailnptrd I mist ruth nf mruimn lout by the experience nf-

nthirs the Itrunkhn lirhlg mansittrs have purrhased alitmus rut ihelr IIMII slot they and this puldlc wlui mire sn-

nitnrtuiiKttf as In try ernsslng nil it t cry icr As thisnnn now carried uut It IB n failure and until radically

cliiiacFit 0 ill pro o it sutures ot cnnstant annniancu lusit vuumuvenut-

lA reporter of THE HUN called upon Mr Eg ¬

hart P Watson thin editor of that journal andasked him If ho would Rive morn In detail thoPoints Ot which hu based thin above criticism

Forln tiinen8iild time reporter why duetsan eMimlnatlon of flue entire arrangements loadto thn feeling that amateurs designed them

Well xiilil Mr Watson look at thn Idlersor pulleys that turn tho cable You will noticethat every llfth mrmiixthi dull bored omit of trueaetna radially anti xom Hldoxvtsu The resultIn that thn citblo lbriitcs and chaws on time

rims This Is cnrnloss workmanship andshould tint have boon accepted Thorn Is noexcuse for It Tho hearings ot these sheavesnro too smith for the work they haxn to per ¬

form TIme bearings of tIme larger Idlers or pilllays around which tho cablo PIHUOS turn also tutuBulled tu the tremendous strain upon themThey bear thuo tension of tivomlles ot cabin andnf cabin that Is not straight butt that rises andfalls on tliii Inclines rut time bridge They aretoo small and nro continuallyI boating audcausing a uruat deal ol trouble The cabin Irefluently slips alt them besides but thus Is thoresult ot the ImpcrfLt nvHtom which requiresthe grip to be attiiehntlby hunt Men soniclimns miss and the cable fouls and runs off timinalnldlern This has happened memvurmtl ti mutes

on xvlmt account do you criticise the grip 7Thu grip Is absurd In that there Is no title

nuatn mtHiis of holding tilt wood lot Into thinllamiH Thn parts of the rlp are so light nndso complicated that tlujy unrlne xxhun tlioy arestrained until then this lining ohaxvs out Somany ollsots In thn arms thatt should bostraight cause thin arms to Kpring Thee grit inKnnnrnl use for cable roads Is tIme simplest posHlbli thins giving a direct pull with nightangle connection Tin Idea of tthn bridge poopit wits to avoid pnvlni for tho right to time tilepatented grip but thoy must havo alreadyspent ninny times morn than that xvnuld havocot for what they havo got anti what thin > havegot Is luipractknblu and unmuchanlcal in everyaspect The arrangement by xvhlch two mnn-am leqnlriMlnt ouch und of thin bridge to liltthin cable into tie grip at every trip of every earIs a makeshift It nliould tho automatic so thatthn cur would let go mind pick up flue cablo ntany point on thi ethic road without the Interxentinn of any man povxor

If tIm trustees had bid for proposals saidMr Watson nflnring say 5 OuO bonus for theplan of tin most miocosKfnl cattle Hyntum 2500for tile nuxt best timid perhaps JlOOO for thinthlid best In order that an unglnHur houltnot losn his tlmo wholly lucy would have haithe htinullt of thin lbuet engineering talent Influe country Instead they have got the workof nn amateur n civil engineer as I under-stand


who appears to bn entirely unfamiliarwith mechanism This is shown by the devIceho hue adopted

Ytnu speak of there being no system therenortor said

There heums to bo none In the running ofthu roud This is soon at nxory point For InBlanco at flue end whom thin dummy sxvltchos-thn curs thin longth of both the cur and dummybeing known all that Is necessary Is to sot illa distance post at xvhlch thn engine shall ennuitim a utmuud Tha engineer would by thut moansknow thn exact position his car with relationto tlio point at which thin grip Is connectedInstead of this thuro Is no guide and groaconfusion onsuos unless tho car happens to beproperly stopped

You iuuivui given your own opinions aa anengineer Do you hear other engineers oxpress similar opinions 7

Yes and opinions a groat deal moro forciblyexprised Ithan mineI Thin engineers urn at-laughIntent thesn things They> como Into myolllce wIth their hauls in the air often with aburst of profanity saying that the tiling Is i


to American engineering emit thathin > xxondor xxhat foreigners who Mo It willthink of us Tho fact Is American mcchanlcaengineers should bo ruth iuvai froth all responsl-blllty tot It for if any mechanical engineerhns hnd any part lu tIle undertaking It Is avl-

dunt that lila suggestions haxn not boon fol-lovvnd Tim only good picco nf engineeringwork is to bo span in the engine room Tho on-

eines thntdrlva tho cablo are sploudid piecesof workmanship


The Chancea u Cur IVould lEave with tke-IllflVrent Kinds of Wlndi that Blow

In signal service parlauco the wind In thiscltyyestoiday afternoon was brisk Itwaablowing at thus rata ot about twontyslx milesan hour with accnsional gusts that camo withconsiderably greater tpeod It was so brisk Intho moro elevated parts of the city say Inupper Broadway that persons on foot xver-einxoluutiirlly swept nnound corners tumid Intogutter On time htretchos of high track on timewestside ItnateJ rond thom Street of tho xvlmwits ulinoht strong enough to blow thu conliirtors anti braknmon from thn platforms ofmoving trains Morn than onn passnnger as-thn trains HXVHiitarnund thu high iumrvo at lllltlstreet and Klgnth avenue xvhnrn the trucks arebetxvean soxonty arid elglity feet nboxo tlio-Htieot foil to speculating as to tbo result topassengers If tho cars should bo blown frou-tho Htructuro

An empty car ot flue pattern used on timeKlxth axenun linn xvnlghs 20UUU pounds anti aloaded car xtrolghs 2UUO pounds Thin xxoighIs largely In thu trucks and in tho floor of tincar witch there am no pasaungurH and thineon t re of gravity IK not greatly ralsod when thinear is iillei Probably a pressure equal to thinxveluht of a car If uppllcd to tho curs sidewould throw It off thin track The body of acar IB about 40 fcut long and Its height IH aboutIts hid Tho Hide Itherufotn presents Huniu WO

iiinru feet of Hiirfacu The presaurn ot thinWimd when It IisI bitmuvi flu itt liii given rate maybo obtained approximately by Hiking onolialfIthu bquaro of thin valocltv In miles andi point-ing


oif two llguinH ton docimals When tliowind Is bloxvingUU miles an hour ns justerduy-thu piiHsuru on each Hiiuuin foot of ii imyituhuli lugHiirmce tim nuceti t I tic a hrondsldo tn IItisaliniit-H4 pounds IOn lie side of otto ot the ulnxatedmil way cars thin tntal prurnuru In a little hissthan lflilil I pounds If thuI xvlml stri knit the earxvith an upxvanl whirl thu surface presented iIs-

nuirn than doubled for the area ot thin hoer Isgreater than Ithat of tine side But thin tvl nilthen blrlkes at un iingln ho Ithat thn total tiressuionxnrtnd is not twice laui puundfi Wlionthin rate of flue xvlnd iIs fill miles an hour fluepresdiirn on each Bquurn foot Is IJtJi poundsand1 tin tliOHldnnf it ear it hue 4751 I pounds

Tho wind sometimes itlminli ruruly blows utIito ratn of Huxtmtyllvn tulles un hour IIn Ithincity If such a gain could strike n car squarelyon tim Miln It xvould exert n prossuro ot seinelllGiIll pounds u lltllo moro than thaIf IItoxvelghtiif an empty car It Is not easy to makean appiolumtnI pHtlmntoI us to how much IhueforiM xiould bn IncrcaHetl if the xvlnd had anupward whirl and thus caught Ibm bottom oftthn inr uts xvellI ns Its Hldu When tho vi ridcomui lu gusts lImo pressure U greatly in-creased


for n momuit If a train was roundInk a curxo the cuntrifugal force xvould aid tha-xvimi II both should act In thin santo directionII IH dltllcult to say how much Ions prnKsurnthan that equal to the xvoight of a ear would bo-Hiilllclent >to hxvenp tho oar from thin trackAhsumlni that nothing loss xvould dn It tintxvnid xxnuld liavn to blow at ithn ratn of nearly11HO milesI an hour luI order to lift a train bodilyfium t him IHacki uutl hurl It down from thin hIghhtructuro providing Ithat tho formi wait euxerteudonly on a sliln of tin car It Iin a question howmuch lower tim rate cnuld bo anti yet throwthe train from th track xvlth nn upward whirliigalnNt both time sluice anti bottonm of tho carsOnn hundred and twenty miles an hour Is aratn within hen mllos as fast as hurricanesptHl Ithough IIt In imtlmated that gusts nocuuluti huttni mug highxvlnd storms often blow at-thu rain of ton miles a minuteI A gut t off Ithatnort would nxurt it prcsauro of munu iiS4lHHpounds on thnsldnof annlexaled railxvny car

enough to bloxv it from olT Manhattan InlandIhlef Kngliienr Sloan of thu Manhattan Itnil

wily Oompniiy aaid yesterday that tho questionof diingur to trains on thin high curve In consequnncnof thn wind had been fully consideredxvitn such inathemathlcal aid as could lie madoavailable In the tstlnmtus In any wind that Islikely to biow over this city ha aid the ele-vated


railway cars were about as safe as in acalm In hurricanes arid tornadoes nothing wasnifo arId there xvould be danger In the eluvatndearn tim name as lu surface cars or In housesTime trucks of the citric are very heavy in com-parison


xvlih flies bodies bringing tIme centre ofgravity well down toward then rails Tint nugo-ol t in truik U 4 teat 81 inches It would ro-qutru great iinssurn on thu sldn of a car tocant It over Mr Sloan said that If the windshould over strike a train with dangerous forcethodancor would bo greater In an empty oarthan in one that WM loaded


RmlnUe iei of a NeboolmateGould it D-

ceadstnt of llnct llnm MomTo THE EDITOR or THE 8ns Sin On

rending your paper of Aug 12 my eye restedupon the tithe Jay Goulds Early Life thearticle purporting to have boon written by aperson from Hoxbtiry N YMr Goulds for-

mer home It Is unjust In Its review of the lifeand character of Mr mould TInt authorclaims to be Mr mould friend anti In thospirit of friendship accuses him of cowardicerascality want ot manliness anti revengefuldisposition From the standpoint of justiceanti truth permit mn to ulvo you a low pointsas to Mr moulds early life which may bo veri-fied


by InvestigationJob B Gould tha father of Jaywos a farmer

residIng In lloxlmry N Y when Jay was burntHe was a mnn superior In Intelligence to hisneighbors a man ot Integrity and a groatreader Ho hind tho best library tn town Howas a lover of history an authority for datamd a sort of ancyclniiiudla for lube neighborsIn short ho wits a man of usually right oplnions and fearless In thonnunclallou tit thorn

Tho mother of Jay was Mary Morn whn ograndfather John More came from ntrnthslIar Scotland Hn was a llmuldefitendnnt ol thn-UucCiillum More styled Campbell thndrontThus gives u dash of blood to our subject H-Ulierlor to either an Astor or a Vanderbllt Itemanates from thn Scotch and Kngllsh lieer-ign It Is therefore safe as far ns good bloodIs concerned for tint hiuubloiuled aristocracyof Noxv York to acknowledge Mr Gould ustheir equal although his fortune may not hava-unun made by cheating unsophisticated In-dians


or having Inherited Immcuxo sums ofmoney anti a lesser amount of brains

rIte sisters of Mr Gould woro and are ladlespt superior culture anti Intellgenco Thin fam-ily


ivs a whole and In part xxoro coiiBpicuousIn enterprise society and for charity In thocommunity In which they llxed

As to tho nHHotllou that Mr Gould xvas not nmanly boy qulto thin contrary is true If to bo-a Sullivan or ix Maori bo inanllneBn our subJoel XVIIH nut manly limit ho xxas thuuithlfulbeyond his years He xvas ambitions and hopossessed a brain for searching uftor knoxvledge that manly boys Ilku them arralgner ot hayGould could not If they would understand

AH to the charge that hn wus regarded as adunce In all brunches but nintlioiiiittlcs It IBmanifestly untrue The writer mum inmemberhim as hn stood baforn thin school pointer Inhand domoiiHtrutlng problems In guumutryand outrlvalline even hula preceptor In hisknowledge of history astronomy and geog-raphy


Who undoiHiandit thin goagrntihy offlue world today better tItan Jay Gould 7 Whilehilt assailant may be taking hits dozen of eggsto market hu IH projecting vchomnB for linkingGovernments together by rail and electricity

I do not say thut Jay was a Greek scholarbut OH I remember hu was expert In Latin amidan acknowledged scholar In all time differentbranches taught In a school wherein pupilsxxuro prepared for college hit wait a debater ol-

no mean ability Many nn adversary witheredunder his denunciatory and iintinswnrablothrusts Fortunate was thin side that hind himto oxpound Its merits A K 8 probablydoes not know that mathematics embracesarithmetic geometry nlgubra analytical gu-omctry and the dllTerontial and Integral cal-culus


Ho who IIH a mathematician can rankwith a Saltier or a Noxvton-

As a historian Mr Gould xvrote tho HistoryOf Dolnxvnre Counts Nexv York amid made itnoah ot the same in ligitI1 when only twentyyears old He would then bo fortysexon yearsold at thin present time Instead of fiftytwo-

As to hits being n entrant thin contrary IH trueate expry onu knows xvho knuxvH anything of hishistory When Mr Gould was about twentyono years old ho caused n notorious drinkingplace In bin village to be closed by enforcingthn line and from his then scanty means con-tributed


to the support of flit rumsellersfamily I knoxv that hn pent baskets ladenwith provisions to Ills family

lav Gould has made nml lost fabulous sumsof money If It is legitimate for ministersbankers lawyers anti peopln of tummy gradeand profession to buy and soil stocks in mmhi

Street xx by not for Jay Gould 7 Anti If hnpossesses bv Godglum powers u brain whichfor poxvcr and fertility hits not bon equalledwhy should hn not bu acknowledged ns poorhomes in thin art of money making The Vantlerbilts anti Asters xvoro millionaires whenJay Gnuld was a poor boy and while they bjlegncios now enjoy hugu fnrtuneH this modenHercules by Industry application and farnlghtedness by lube own brain Is now theIrrival and moro than peer

Ax to his likes and dislikes his arralgner I


tumult Ills charities are hy no menim smallor limited Tho writer knows whero MrGould hits bestowed thousands In charity andhis knoxxledgo Is extremely limited Aa tocontributions to suffering humanity therecord will show nice as providing an inchcunt and poor minister with n homo

The writer can hardly say that Mr Gould IIshis friend hio huts no cimutmo ott huinuorvke versaantI tithe article was ritiggcstud to his mind b >

rending the communication of A FH Th-xvritcrhas MrGoulds History dedicated t-

Amusa J Iurker n centlemnn scholar antijuriHt formerly from Delaware county NowYork anti flue man that was madu by Guuld beforo ho attained hm majority Forgenliis eonelse and accurate detail will any ono chow Itsequal when flue ago of the author and compileIs taken Into account A historian ut hun UKof 21 n millionaire at 15 at 47nhuniJrod millions or morn until every dollar mimcscd byhimself As to his private iharacter his bomanti family nro first to him The library mit

homo takes thin place nf clubs and whim thinheirs of millions urn basking in hAte delirium oftime wino cup and lust Jay Gould is at resttho

Inbosom of lila family mind in thin vast re

sources of his library VEUITAS


Tke fleeces nf Tkrrn New Ynrk Hunter I


IVooda r 1ennaylvnnln-

Gcorso Whitosall Secretary of the GlobeWlro Works Friend Loon aud Ilobcrt Froyoof this city returned a foxv days ngo from aweeks hunting expedition In Monron countyPa They camped near the Piko county borderon tIme head waters of the LIttle IliishklCrook They succeeded In killing only ouuo

doer willed was shot by both Whitosall antFro > on TheIr guide llubn Jeffries killed ahugo boar although according to thn NowYorkers It came near putting an end to binThuv hud bail luck with their elmer Alter kill-Ing IIt xxus tiling up IIn thu woods Ihue dutyshunt having boon hardly begun When theyreturned to thin spot xvhorn they had left thulcer It lund been torn to piecos and nearly alldevoured Thin guide Informed thorn that t himi

work had been untie by wildcats A largo wild-cat had boon killed by another party Iin t hovicinity Ito day before and minus lund lieei-Imnrd yelling IIn IIto xvoods fonexerul nighist i

Tliu loss of the deir xnih n cumulI disappoint-ment to the hunters lot It trims a linn Ilurgbuck and tho llrst ono either of tthe New Vmk-hnntiTH hail ever killed Thn uuldn Hiiggostiu-thutI IifI limy xvould IIlkui to bn iixengud on thinwildcats hn might hu ablo to glxn them i

cliuiKo Thny desired tn liuxn thn uliunce-JefTiJ lex wont to Ilie cabin of a ttrupiier a milI Iior HO from the spot and Imrinxvcd u slroni-Htnul trap Wildcats and punt hii > alter niakinta mealI iulT of any cut rctcus nxxu > h bury thn ru-malmlerand return to eat nualn when hungryJetTries set thin trap ton tlu burlnd vunlsonand thn party returned to their cabin

Next morningI early the > xtenti out to look itttholr trail 1Itt lay thn length of thn ehain fromwhere It had been set and In ItI was half of etnuntorn leg of u xery lurti wildcat The gilidisaid that HometlmnK xvlmn xvlldcats torn oIngnawed thulr legs loose from u Itrap IIn thutwhy they XVIMO found hiding near by ginerullamong thu branches ot u tree Whlln lit etatalking thu loud burking of hilt ilog was hearcoil iIn thu woods They hurried to thue snolanti dlscoxnred itho rut crouching on the limbof un oak tree gunnIng ut ihue dog and with illIifur bristlingI Whltenai was tthn llrNt onn tolire timid hn tumbled hut animal from time treeThn dog aprnng upon It himt IIn less than thruseconds cumin buick torn hiiiiu il rug nnd vol ph mug

from tin contest It required two morn Mintto kill thin cut each mimic of limit Now Veim kiursputting a ball I111 iItI Jeffries mid Iit XVIIH t item

InrgiMi wildcat hut ovor uutu Hn estimated itsweight nt Hlxty pounds Thn Itrap xvas net for-tttwo niLhts ufterxxard und a wildcat wits captured nanh tlniu but they item much Hinallothan flue IIrut onn-

Tho Now Yorkers returned to thin city xvltlthe carcass of hue boar killed by their guidethin hklns of thin three wildcats it buck xvlikjthey purchased front a hunter and it largnumber of grouse mind other small gamo


Titter tarpon taken at Xfavpor lie weighed re-spcttlxely Impounds lift pnuuds and ls puun Is

Thus Visit In the Ilcktnif Illier trim at tdm surface ofthe water and ar > d lnirai an aiHrinniK rime tOut cobur out In skiffs repm tire larve cuttitli tOut their hands

A remflrkaMi spernneli uf the Kuldfn rsrp was rectntli takrn friiin the Thiimei lOver at XXallln furd IItwIll i inchis tug 1Ji inctus In irlrth and wtulivd 51pounds

lleurje XVllllauis whilr sulininlnv In Jtikii runtiliart-rnln ltrtituoui miur juu nf a SAVI II it lainu nrnr linnand iinikr it hf uitinirt It a urtinh lIt < ceo u a <

iititea IUIIK und had 44 titlhJ-iiliniiv Mitnahnn aked lit yetre honked a hulk In tie

Mnhnwk itui tr uhli h ival lim liU fur him lu pull abtmreMe lunuied ui rbnard rlntchid tile nsli tiy Hit tfllU am-flnally lauded 11 IIt ttclvhed nlns pnnnds-

R Puntil nf Erie Ia fnund In the slnmach of athree pound xvhllentli u hullet HeUhlnir ITII grains Th-liullet is recoifniird by Uvnrire lusirr a xcterun of thwar of 1MI j as uf the Saute size and cusps as thou Usedlit hue Erie patriots aialust Vrltlsnerslens Lawrenrenf Cyst Creek rape May caught a

shark In till seine tIe loot hold ut Ithe shark situattempted tn ihrnw It omit nf Ithe net The shark cituirhhim hy me hip i lull seas furred tn let in hv ldu vs frman nit It then cauiht Ianrriice hr tlnialf nf mite Iiiand <vas killed ticfnrr ill hold cuiild It loostntd

A shark attacked a innrnl man Asliluv frum a bnat IhaIlls Set annah Hn er lie bout huokKd the monster n iuiuuttwas s reu feet la length end H dwtlird him out ot thboat litters he could reach the shnre lint a few > ardpit the shark truck him and severely ashed hit rightleg lie sot uhore sod the shark WoOl on with tilt flsatug tisL



flow ke Reformed HtmFrost rue 4iiumtgurqueJournuit

tI1A wellknown Santa Fi5 biislnccs man had a-


business stud wits inaklim tnomx mildh hut n SI-

Rn Inveterate gambler hx ry nivbl wnulj find blueway frnm Ste wife et a tarn tnlde The 1ulukss WedMnntftmi cent where uSe trnutile trump and titus nhilit aftrrupper she asked Item Inifhitnd tu gu tI ith tier itt an-

ther reuin There xt as a tare table a llsnuit ami steelsor hli < I

> iiwsalilshet hans ftonsi brlnmilnK In toe tfl-

ciir nun rltfht xx hen > tIll want tn OIl lUitI comes herelie ae thundetiiruck and swine he would n xer Iamble aealn-

Nn snld she 1 dnnt ii ml html prmnlsf Veum can 4fordtn hueS xery little money XVhat I lime jnncan

ti lit I want xull to promise me Ithat > Sit ti ill never play ifern except hrre-

lleprnmlsrdiI It

smut thit fsrn larnuthxs tieen nsM forthe set live innnths xxtthI u mist slit his Wilt frnm turnrsllnif herself she ha paid Jlii for n intcy nml Pullt it-

rctti millie tunicS tntnmiuc it Itictu cost a little etr S I

II mold her Input Ithe uhuie arratnrement tn her trunktact week said the reclaimed trainldrr that I wasIred uf Kamtdlnff I shall nex er tnu h another cart

The rnrrt siinnilent happinrd tnlnok ininn iimhllnfo-nm the nlher nUht Mew hnnrs after he h id heard

this store There was a me gone nf firs celtic nn suitStt nne rnrner nf the tuMr his limO niihil xxlth tim

amlillm scitnismut 1Cm t Itutl huh chips nnd belt c stei 1-



sat the milan xthom hiie us it llicuuught iit list reformed

VIll tkere be Another FriincurrnttUn War I-



Frusitie 1PutitmlnijIt Iii Tu7rpiumo moro heroin Hnmburit-

htiu hits ivhlepprem belief unmtitf etliuntrd iorinau-tlmt within the IK M few > tat stint r ii ar w1th Krni-uImtahi

iII to IsIs ilaco I Still hto tniliiUMlotfrftKAJti IK the ttunltti of opinion imus henro on vttv 515IIt In not the vaporing of mnfon tic I thiiCuC but Itorrtf ret fully etuutrut color opinion pxprcMHl iMthout x-

cvpllun liv ttry tJ rnian I Im met Nolnitiir hut aenrile io eminent will On HI Krntirr sCy Ihb ilcrnian

We ilnut uiitit tn HKht Itin if ntlacKtd iibfalu vr 0 littake rare ue letiM A Ciutl f tiunfiit In I IK mulltry that can keep iIuC jruc 5 trn if w C litre I

to Kdern U our li > t hi all hnuJ H e C

hirer thn romtilAlnt of the cnvrrl tiuMH-niTrred in I nuifc to flrmni trnx llrtk n-mrihlnt j I

rial 1 tilts itentlcman 11 me hIt iU hcoimujI-ntAicraiile Ihey ar tut tiniii it ire f no will mi JustnftirHIP ni ar Tir v tlareit nttioX tie itt hut ilreotlvI-U inarck or Vnn Moltkf ilir tutor ti lll he fonllih e tnoiniuto thiik tMev arc utrrmtf enotirfh to heal u tutu force m iA ncr no tile ilirl before

1 uaMlntiiftoiilv iatt nlifht Intltp rnuiprtuv of n proni-Inont Inftlrlnl of tntte I Irrumii W nr III purtnunt iirlnrhits online nf thus eetitlC Ihn ComtTfulini tin tint ui imt

Ihf ittreiitrth Ai of Iho Iriintn nrnn runt i fricim oC I

multi ciiil KMnpom IUf ntmn rouhl lull tutor Ilf mVR-Cintti 1Iinlu thn tltlil Thtre I tind pnu f ntit It touch I iSell the itllcliil We cent mt IatniMinKii tntottiithell exclu lr of treat e within time up ks soul iKiMril the hlznflrHiit word which nrn In terj Oernianamouth shcu tnlktmr upon the subject of e ar W Sshall lust o to flit it sucsiii toon i

Lively hear Mtinoltnff-Frnm the Arltwi rttliw-



N Boanmati nml a youni man hy thenanienf Irtuuih um nut him tim ni the Hi n itu t ititi i Iat kinft whlln tin ii err I ri hug in trot ti shim ut doerMr Ilonrdiuan htunl iuuuimiiug dnMi tin ritc if tim I

mountain HptollI Mrhmil loMnicli tlust iii deer tilttint get ua nlillc he is rid iloun ihr inniininin to fcrrtwhim it wee lieu s fv mnKiutr thfi Uolc IVIitu it lintHot nhout oiiethlrtlI of tho uiiyilmvn ho f aii a hltttlcobject junt poliiR hehhitl n root eell then another itiTle rnniB upI ami luoVeil up at that lie at eutter av that the Iii Icr nn n irtfo hear Tierained lime rule muiutI Miot him thn nun tIle rulit-ye


lit thin called tn McTnul to tur mini Itholest unit rome atul net tho other lOst McFatil cameil wn to where hi tinner ua nnd cdtiiik itliihtof thsother tear lUM he 1ft him havt A slum in tie top of the iheal The null psoui nut lliroiiult tlioI llirout nnn Im setIheythrn Jumped tloun oil tthe mules oni Mllch tlioywere ATM oklmifl their eamp nn1 huntr U up out nf threach of the cuui luteS and hvthati tutu it wi o oclock nt-nfeht


The next duv the two men took muled situ w eat I

up to get the tntat and ii hen they w era flMimdown Ithe Hide ofmr tying thftnnlefi its CPus n itoed Iihie to tini phire Mr Itoarilmuii nlm vitt ahead tul-denly jitit mile foot out ii iiliift n tree rile d hlc title iui l I

Strut much to the Mirprlnof hl Putt iii t tt huutu tile >

rut to Ithe hntioiu tin r lit niinthvr htar dead Tlia Imllet panetd dlrettl through the heartt heel

th iet

A Ociiulne Niiako NlurT-

frnm the tmt Hayn ifitttt 4iThe Gazftfp learns of u monster rcptlln which 1 s

Inhabit the iCitere of ilfaima Litr nun Fimk dryi j iIn ifenunc At Interxaln for tin imcci H nmitlm huef riunt tie laen seoul iii th let It intlhst forty dfeet lotitf suit wliiifi Mltti its hetI four feet iiime tie Iwater IK torrid luiul is 55 beg as u ImlMitiftliel-nn nf lire On Mmtii ninnifjij it it its ceii bv hollerMoore Will Miller suuu MHjnrn Job McGrew sal Hollli-ihiiurr all reiit nile ilizetii of Plta nnt lnke Awtllknoun eitueti Vuui pri cltc whiu r suites onlIe musk nf mho like M tile onnUo n few divaecu an l sat s itiI n trriiieihlniH frpctn Inrc nronn as-a uusrrI Mr hiirlfv itm kill Cliii u list niiuni r us lenIt Wu ftnitinnliiif lili Cfluiio sO feet of it tnly loftllm uutrr Iiiir Mll liAil lilt thou CUM tiumli him und tired attIle utiHkf ii him wttuit ttlevt he Lould not titcertain nstIe roiitile itlun Ct henMih thu purln i unit liu settt itno more tiion tile Miik approaches the fhor thaIaiii ml e bout > nntkitt thrnutiti the hushes fchoua Us l iy-lohe uf blifHrniiiKl UK tt tuirrtl SeCotai t lnuft hate l rn-iikir tnl to trnp liin niiiikenhtniirt u rtetermliied ettort

will Iuu made Iti a few ilujo bo in in mitts semi Ithintirmrof the mule that it is ill not do to leigh or ravllIn tlitHCfltiiifrtinti it nnv be mentioned Itint hiu racer-itwtle feet luiiff ure fr intiuly teen near tbe lake 1


Ntunchtcrlnt Wild Ducks t4jFront Me IiTtthmuore Site

The most remmirlcutbls luck shooting over rm-

udolt ill ttio vzuilcy cc luut no liuui hake at ttue ftmrrroouuls-st nsuimin vs Iii fiso cuomlheiuen ens utinrnhng thteseek tIuOUt ins iiumtlu 4 stIll dcIin iii lucea coumutl

cite lets whict rriouiiird lturimi thus noise tuut ore us u-tof thie feIr me umme mnnmniuuc iii muuestlnu 10l Wuiimau-iltiticartlmuer Ijiunrie I 1nukr J h Coke C tcSi-

Vilinthe soul nrs ii it t out I II luke tut laytreok aoul ruuiemiefl tire out the itttcks lie rude stat teptm-

iii fur tuhuulil lit o tuutur itiuluiuc it liii Ii the sontuid-Ii imi ul circle muruuuuui clue tuwum utiul stIlls huts a muon

lIt waler ectin iiilii em h emil ut I ito tsvuu Iuuuiirs mltorewee fluti Ii ut hiuk ti tug sect ni I his iui tluu Itsbinds ss ore htoamiiug dm1 iui mite surfoce of the si aer

Cot und line ol V evtidn fi-

monu tFue lirolniuz rimterprlsThere Is comphnint ihtut rats uinii orormttnrmhng

tIus low The ruuoo CelloS I is hi it huuuteeiie eltioghuher tf cults tlust it me iuein imuuIiuhrd ii liy luMit iusn tovi 7Iuoyt us tiiuuiuucmti ii cot srnniuro frnu Itt liutiuc smiemoo i testy suitli luiS air uzuun or pea rite crel ulutusni theniuiiiI

Ien ato are iuutl rancid mitt uterus C ma is

are liulIltilely elite A ituin leniii miisutn a nomumh nanut as mitiiriuiett imu ito ibtiut I ss hat Ito I lu uiuitt lit ciscthin nut ulnliltuf Or a murzhir I ttu tipper Iruuutuu 5 nhuuuuc tmp nears tiulut mmiii to haullie luettutti minded mutt t Ic fluullt rrl niuat a ri-tiel cult iii lit stummy rueuu tmut is I ri Inc I muunke litts tuy Ut cuiiie tin Icr marl uf I Ito luoutet i it uuiiunah iiu1-muir mutuuulors nf mint suunut uutul of mitt iuutttuutuu iuf lieuiuur Is mItre uuirlue lit tsmiguii tiutss ito got lot

tue ruouut 5 as a uitysts ri mut it iururtnliiiu uvm s nali uti-II let ituilit Tium it ii as cccii I iiutt it mtt luuui liutiit-a seailhi Ilmuim tiuiut moth ift emiuutiii i tie iillui-crc rrnuut SI iullm im tutu iuuut Cfltfls iii rt n mno the nuuulese jcut ii riiuiul is Iuhcii hiti hen eeuttunt of-fremii putimn itsiul to ieitiuuit thu rnuu ml ru tutu adash tturuiuucmi tue wiitdtuw stud couwlit eumi ihio cameo OuC I

A Title oTa Loon JVnm thf fffiobitryh Hfjttttv

A Nowburch flhirninn who was i fishIng atlittle Intid u foe iltn lncf li id tliroivn IIIK HUH for outlui o tin wind ami ether witln a m mi nt rfcci ci n-

hitn ji 4

uhlrh inrtilr blp 13 lml i JniKl UP lit sail reelitnf tu tiin and an Iliii lid of thf Hnti tuuue ucftr lie hntl Miero-


555 a tluiieriiiKniinl

uI ttuui ttohh Imrro nt i na i itii rthere am tn th-

iie u tOm r And luiriil Ito tU its >

stir a imlifUr I-njlnvd

tur hell OliT lio rihi rintiii-in

5i 0I him In mile mitt fur fut ninim nm atil then

iiitmhuut hit sifo lii ml tcmt Dif foulI urti die ilitulfur ti toll St liirh ill iii hiiin tlin tnuuk id ilklcnnniia-

th jhut and luugct tier Ithe HHI cwalloved the moo t

rThe NIfiiitfhter of Adirondack DeerFrnm Furett an i MrraH-



Ntmttcmur rouit Nov hmIhuo open season forliuiiuuiluu Ott lithe 3 silt Into IImn iinprerodrntidlid p fMm-Il

tl Ahfiut oritf hundred hound hte liueti cm-il


and ut JfiifL three hundred ulcer hfixo iIfin killedItt mite heel r KUtT n itett filnilr It IM inlililltnl liy 14iltuisu iuutiuueu mit to juiIz eI Im luor luaus tuOit ituticum itt litH Ailirii iiuK hy tin iif-

tloulf uuummuer mit-

esUuuti jiMt The niui-tttd

l tot DM utiir Hie 4iiuliiiurs mrs Kl Hith M flieuui

iurritlerI iriti-

tjuilI 10 mit iumte tiuli tuiu iiirItrrum u0lunmuut iSI il IliHdriiln nliiout xttriniiiuiMin uf tin ifainq-


tt which il M hn e l uur ift Ir l5lnturo-rvis ii inMtht nnd touiiujl I the uuino hutus in Miinit cir In fort1 It iIH too hut On tor twu nuirr t nrc ss tIll

till inn ti half nioiMhtt ulult rrifcoii tm liim Hi tt ull Iiuretmyl lKiciutII > tAtirnilhtie the licor ia tithe ntuio

A NuprrU Culimritli sreremuJrruu flue uui uittCiiu rruiic

tOn hue morning of untity lufiire bm4t Oct 4

JH u mri nf liiintfru w ittie i li i iti of tli innt briluntil i iiitiltloiii of imturni iorotiCtinf Iuliforni i hit ettcr iM nfHorid 51 ith The i anv Mtniiu MviMtMtt-urday ufurnooti uuluI smuuin tin infill KJMIU ni Ji i AM lie i urr li lrltiit I union Inlf ii i ot aiV °MirtH fur the litohI tf time xiniti to rut h the curly tliodtrnof the nthI fu n d linl UIH hut u nnlf tnt 1Ills rnilrotil bridjt1 u tnllmnt Iila Iiu1ueit o t in fin 5

skc iu hue dircili f MIIIII i riuiJnnnlI LoinnifncrdrfpidntdiiiHiutfinnt Km irl tt ne n ru hllh lh <

Whets Slil ilnioi1 bhn liiur iinl tlic iiioinitilii utriI-ljtlnh to lit nen tu Film t ukMiiit iltu dr htmlIlifhtrd iit > After fiihitt for o uutu IftiI-tifht

ectuu4e mit5slits MiutiUiily itiMtliiril inio u tutu nuofI MirkP-

inC I

touijuiiiiiil n itrlv httlf of Hit phit tie liv HiJiMrn-lrtimrl like Ha ix Idlull tf a nUiI itini itrrk dunntl Happen red tnt in thcdurktiix chit fol uuucoi mIt M-

IIorliiii of ihi niftmr ronld b cr54i ru iu j tm sri inthu Khii n f a hiikfi luill of llrt f H lm ruli sir rrnnitin mituit of its tirrtt litishiLC forth nniil it ti ueruut-ti

lthe tarih nun fiil > a niiiiiittm inluuiI und i n

mire lmusri > niilt In uieidiu Unit nto ttum iii i y WA-

Iefr tthltiuei In Ito oiiiiirv Iitinr ncnuurf It lIltciliire btrn t erlilidI hy u couple or in run us ttiim tieHrlpil of it is vm morn gluts hut ttian tlut uf tl4ii U nuiemmisut

A 3tmIe ru fvnltiinonfrom ih ° rtuutij City Ttnt

A Icily from JUtcholl who rnvo tho name otMr unMtkle slutI 4d list tin Miti J uit liw r tnit to-MaMir nwnnjeMtpliv it ronid in ttnit h iiiMKII jt clues from titr i a Mr lieu it itu lu tue C-Hern imitt f lown lt icfinn tvttv UIM iii fi r mItechild cut Mr Dmi tIe irourlt ih tn nilI Mrn ItosinnPaul Itiat tlir i titid Slits lucre the Mitor fimul flue Jltilt-kirl which cii lu rnmttur nod Hi tflM list ithe u-

siutiitirat urn tuiitiHtiuh Then tim inuitruto rtlitid to tim

iaul its Ithe btor ff > nniK uii Uril iou in a ciimiUr i smm-

ea id set llnit Ihouifh he hshI lui nrri Se lIlt uliirt iniete ii usrmulitut ut tile IuOuitrl > hv ttfionKl nta IV-

iitiiM ilnl nn etc fui hliti in thKbrvcU yin I h Inlirii-objrrtid t i thl nrdeal nnd in furl tth e zu winruthtrlire d liiM IIM Ih > out it jr me the > indtii h ml lino MI-

ll tciuri Suloiniii Imlllutr ifit dupnti i itlureuc b iW MIthat plan ii n rivet up Mr Iiouiii iiiulu udiiutu 4mutt 0i1l e H eS ma thug chillsl itioiiur

He Klirw bl < Intrloei I flmhlurmulum It cc 1ff Clii fittman-


Ilue old luicer iomigfuhhow titus imutjo itu a hitop at his tieiitmtuh Irume L lutuue rare 51u I t ii lemiIlo hi taut itt us slush iut uuIiuiilrug in uoumruus i his tnioeuiru wes tiutuut l5uti ygj if iii hail ttiii noseiimccliii its iuulttes staid aomi tius tomursmrruvh a lucrea p a turuiui nIt ettut I rot rIte smlie oftru uuuu Whit a

hue peters were scoring Luutigfuluuus wututil heelbeck is nit mhiet s Ileni St tie thtu ilit ci I ictm lteii5 tsr is the vusniuuutz fi iii otuiuh lentil iS it cmi I

In Mas rcntei tel In xnilcii ihtui StinttUt Ill > deslrstonVeiuriinilierihf

MluKUlur FnVel of Muilunftomtlit MtltueJourni-

la T Peebles t a halt of Htmsn at a cornhucklnK the oilier nlirhl and Ihulled a tutu liou > iour

Ogwn bcture tie gel is tiuudrtd yards tout lug jdic JniUIJ

5= cz-

sftt 5S