the sun. (new york, ny) 1886-09-23 [p ]....i vail 11fb a disfaolies-fisj l he confessed to...

r 0 i H Ije jTrj twVO- L L1VNO 23 NEW E THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 188G TRICE TWO CENTS BOBBED BY ITS PRESIDENT U M BARTiioLVMKir OF TIlE CUdnXl I VAiL 11 FB A DISFAOLIES- SJ L He Confessed to Taking SIOSOOO Ne tta far fI VIenradU HUd t10 Are 1j f Un und lllsuppexred Ie debledness My Ilenek 81000000T- lAitTioitD Supt 22Sinco tho disappear unco of Thomas F Plunkett tho Treasurer of tho Union Manufacturing Company anllrosl ¬ dent of tho lnrlorl Silk an discovery was a defaulter tho most so- rlous rumors concerning tho stability of George M Bartholomew President of tho Charter Oak Life Insurance Company anltho Union Manu- facturing ¬ r Company In circulation iRe was known to havo been a largo borrower lor i oars but was supposed to be worth a clean million and not likely to suffer for his endorse- ments ¬ of Plunketts paper for about 10000- Bma1 creditors aUaohol stocks and bonds In tho bnuks but wna thought ho woull como out all right Two days ago Pleld of Now York Bartholomews brother inlaw camo here nod this was supposed- to Indicate that Bartholomew would hnvo al tho temporary aid ho needed to carry through On Monday Bartholomew loft town it Is now learned that ho U a defaulter to Inl amount of ovor 125000 Of this sum 105 000 tsicash and thoro aro notes for 12 000 and 10000 Today tho Charter Oak Life In- surance ¬ Company applied for tho appointment of a receiver and Isaac Brook of Torrlngton and Edmund A Stedman of Hartford woro ap- pointed ¬ ThoChartor Oak has for years boon t weak but the Immediate oauso for this appli- cation ¬ was tho sum owed the company by Mr Bartholomew Tho fact that he was short In his accounts 1 with tho company to tho amount of 105 000 cash was mado known to tho directors by Mr Bartholomew himself on Saturday but ho said nothing about tho notes Tho directors wero durafoundod but agreed to give him time to mnko tho deficit good On Monday mornlDI they dibcovored two notes onoof tbo othor of 10 000 which larlhololol had discounted about two the proceeds for himsolf not for tho usol ran Than thoy calol ul In and asked him to resign nod ho 11 The same day be loft town rind has not boon seen since Ho Is sup POOl to bo In Canada Iho Charter Oak Company Is probably to- tally wrecked It has property valued at- 1t0174 but much of It Is not productive S a great deal Is considered not worth noar 1 Jnl amount paid for It Its lino building hero Is heavily mortgaged Slncn Pluukott left tho Investigation of his accounts Is said to have showed that paper on which ho and Bartholomew had raised mon y Is out to the amount ot HOOoQUO Tho ruin of the Cl nrtT Oak Company wilt hardly take with It amy nthoi concerns except thoso with which Mr Bartholomew was connected Bartholo- mew ¬ I A Co brokers tho leading member of tbo bolni Goo W Bartholomew a son of O Irl Bartholomew have been unable to moot their igatlons for tho past row days and aro expected to make an assignment tomorrow I ETheir liabilities aro rumored to bo nonrly 100 1 000 Thero i Is a large amount ot G M Barthol prnrwt paper In local banks but it Is believed that all wilt bo ablo to stand Iho loss Iho Schuvler Lloctrle Light Company It Is believed wi bo obliged to suspend I has cairlod for porno tlmo by Bartnolomow in putting c lip expansive plants at Norwalk Conn Itlcbmonil Ya It is thought hownvor Iul man make a showing that will enable It to con tlnuo Tho Connecticut lllver Banking Com ¬ pany has a larco amount of both Bartholomews ind bchuyloriUectrio Light COOpanyspapor nd will to forced to sacrifice It I believed to have amplo resources to carry It through Mr Bartholomew was a most secretive man In all hU business matorn and none of all his Associates over biL knowledge of his af- fairs ¬ t SJ It has n mutter of bank talk for the past twenty yours that nobody knew vThoth it n ho was worth a million or nothln but hIs I iroJlt his always stood high Ho lived very 1 plalnlYlnd made no pretensions ot any sort In business hero for fifty years a rraioueof tho citys most respected citizens ind was connected with Its most Important business enterprIses At one time ho endorsed for the Charter Oak Company- to the extent ol 1500000 to carry it ovor a place when no ono ulso was reatlv to holp nrl Ho was President of thi Holjoko Water Power CompnnjiandoltheUnlon Manufacturing Com- pany ¬ ant was interested otberlocnl corpora ¬ tion Ho rummaged tIme Hartford Providence pnd 1lshkll Itallroad for years very success- fully truitoo boforo Its consolidation with the Now York and Now England Ballroad lie ba loon a heavv endorser for tho hartford bIlk Company and thn Union Manufacturing 4 omianv and ills liabilities may reach 500 p DO0 the city I Is completely upset by tho roll lIons and there aro rumors of other lions or fiUlureBlint none has yet boon reported Previous to leaving town Bartholomew over 200000 tho funds of tho Hart turned Asylum of which hid wIfe was ut Tho funds had boon loft In his band for snfo keeping It Is reported tonlgbt hat tho American EmIgrant Company with a mono office hero and a land oClco In Iowa Is Involved U M Bartholomew was President indO W Bartholomew Treasurer of tho con porn which lied a capItal of 50UUOO Tonight ho bchuylor Electric Light Company has pro lured funds and line paid Its men Its man igei says this evening that he has seclrod ample backing to tIde over Iho ¬ cial of tho Connecticut lllver Banking Com- pany ¬ also say that they have ample collateral In good marketable bonds and stocks for all J the nnpor they hold and that thoy havo no- t lonsldnrabla amount of Bartholomews vapor I7 but principally Schuyler Electric Light paper wIth his endorsement This paper is conoid ret good- It has boon ascertained tonight that lIar ttiolomow Is In Montreal Besides beIng con- nected ¬ with tho corporation already named ho was a director In the AmerIcan National Dank the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and In- surance ¬ Company and the Orient Flro Insur- ance ¬ Company ho was also a director In tbo insane Itetroat and In the Hartford Hospital ind Iruaaurur of the Watklnson Library of which ho was one of the trustees Ho wal Vloo- Preeldent I of the Btnto SayIngs mind a j Member of the CorpomationofTrinlty- lie College is Indebted to the Holyoke Water Power Company but Insiders say that tho com ¬ pany Is fully protected Among somo of tho Bilk Companys paper with his endorsement is I I3COOJD rind of the Union Company ISO 000 already known Ills own Individual vapor Is- l 1 out to an extent not known and also the paper tf f his son endorsed by himself Tha Tiousurer of thu Florida Construction Company with which Bartholomew was cun- necte I t 1 ascertained several days < that there 50 ucon Biigui niBiipitropriiuiona its rufus lo was In tin city today nnd ascertained that I be loss will not exceed 10 000 He says that I 3arthoomowi services to the company have i been worth to It morn than the amount of their I loss Whotbnr certain trusts which Bartholo I l mow haIti suffer and I so to what extent l Is S j not yet clear In 1B H ho was olecteL n director of the Chi- cago ¬ and ItullroaJ and remained In tho Hoard until 1807 being associated with I Ramuol J Tllden Wm B Ocden und others I hewn a truatoo of tho Hartford Providence 0 ind rishklll Itallroad for twenty years and President of tho out Boston Hartford and Erie load for throe years anti also its receiver lie J ventlv ho was the receiver ol tha Qnlmemont Iron Furnaces In West Virginia and was con ¬ nected with many other concerns He lies always been a largo borrower never until ery recently furnishing collateral or making a statement Ho was supposed to hnvo I large property though It was not In sight It t Is animated that SnOOOOof iris tap r Is- ollin Hartford and much elsewhere It Is I oor fOOoOUO but no ono knows the I txact be thrown In Insolvon- ly I tomorrolythu removing attachments and prior claims For several years past tho Charter Oak Llfo Iniurineo Company tied desk room In an olllco- at I 71 Broadway only uinuloyee horn was a i erk although a sign on the door said the nice wns that of the rfll os tate depart- ment ¬ of tho company orr little business tts donut In ihli city Mr L C Hurt who was con nclUlw1h tho company several years ago prt of the offices at 71 roUway was touch I surprised when a HUN reporter aleL hint about Mr Bartholomews 1 hats Ibo first Ive heard of It he sad I Ivvouilnt halo thought that Bartholomew would do such a thini any moro thrum I would niysell or my fattier Mr Hurt said ho thought the company would not recover from this now blow Iho company failed once In 1S7H was reorganized In tho amo year anti hOI sInce boon run on tbo mutual plan The Only Nurvlturofu Fume Family Dying Wtmttm naror Sept 22Mice Margaret Blevie tin unj uu 1llleblt I of the lion Klchard W Utade- foinierli Minister lo Spain li hlngtrry i itt It iur rt4nc tltU city Sha I Is 71 ysrs ot ace sRI I Mesdes two binlhtra tha l let nn Ueorga U Wot I If tied the Isle Coinmodora llehard W ileatle wera torn whllhlr fstusr rapreMuttd tals couutiy at Ut Hll 11 TUB VERSUS la NOr VALID Rqalre fllcntd I Oe flay Too Let T Corporation Coannelsi Opinion Tbcro Is much anxiety manifested In Sub- way ¬ circles for th return of tho President of the Commission to the city The work Is not progressing satisfactorily on With avenue nor I Is Dorsett furnishing life coal tar pitch condultas rapidly as was prom sod It I Is rumored that thero I Is a bltob bo twoen blm and tho Consolidated Company the later refuting to enter into a contract with him a continuous supply as there general die satisfaction not morel with tho slow delivery of tho material but with its manifest Insocuro characte In addition to this since tho rupture with tho Western Union Telegraph Company the Subway Commissioners are not having so Plain sailing with tho other city departments Tnus tho Corporation Counsel has just advised tbo Commissioner of Public Works that Itollln M Squire had no authority to grant or sign any permits alter tho Governor bad attached ole signature to tho document dismissing him from ofllco Tnat dismissal was signed by tho Governor on Aug 25 whllo Into per- mit ¬ to tho Subway Commissioners to dig their trench In Sixth avenue wal ranted on Aug 20 by Rollln M SQuire missioner Public Works As a matter of fact Ilollln M Squire was not then Comml- islonT of Publlo Works and of courso bad no right to grant any such permit Th reforo Sixth avenue i U now bolng torn IIP without tho permission of tho Department of Publlo Works and all llablo to arrest and pun ¬ concrnoLaro much uneasiness and the more so slnco Ion Newton has de- clined ¬ as yet to grant a valid permit Tim success of the Western Union Telegraph Company In perfecting tholr connections with their cables on the Third Avenue Elevated Itnllroad desplto the opposition of the Com- mission ¬ antI tho fact that those cables aro now In actual ule11 also a thorn In the side of tho Subway Counsel Gibbons thinks that somebody ought to make a complaint and have the cables torn down but the Corporation Counsel says that If It Is anvbodys business to make such a complaint Is the business of the Subway Commissioners Counsel Glbbens will be back from Saratoga today and will probably take the matter up Meantlrao how over Western Union lawyers aro crnmmlnl themselves proparatory to an Commissioner of Publlo Works for a pormlt to extend tholr Dey street subway to Liberty street despite tho refusal of tho subway Com- mission ¬ to sanction suoh work FIllST ONK O1RL FAlItTBD Two Followed Suit und then Ike Wkole Shop Went Into llralerlci Sixty girls and half ns many mon and boys mako cigarettes on tho top floors of the build ¬ ings 5 and 7 Fulton street Brooklyn and down- stairs Mr Morris Hirsch sells tho cigarettes to those who will buy For a month not very long ago two of tho prettiest girls sat In Mr Illrschs shop window making cigarettes and If the girls up stairs havo half ns nice a tlma as the two In the window enjoyed they nro to bo envied Susie Lane was combining business with pleasure by laughing and chatting as she worked yesterday morning up stairs In No5 when unexpectedly I she complained of a oslo In the region ot her heart Tho girl who sat opposite helped her into the girls dressing- room whom SusIe fainted In a llttlo heap on tho lloor Why sire fainted not known nnLlt- may never bo known but she fainted tho story begins I Her friend whoso name 1 U Annie hiullli run to the door of tho dressing room and cried Shesdylngl Ilelpl Then sho too believing that Susie had dono exactly right proceeded to faint Then there was an uproar All tho girls got u it and shrieked and started for thodrosslmr room but In a mInute two dll thuds showed that two other girls had Thou tire up- roar ¬ Increased No moro girls fainted but thero was n race to see who could not hysterIcs quickest and girl No 20 WOO Ibo rest of tho girls tied forsecond and third places Two hit ¬ tie girls who wore too young either faint or to have hysterics ran down to tho store It L hoary WAi In tho store with Jacob HIrsch a boy II Tbo little girls said sim- ultaneously ¬ they havo got thorn awful bad u D stairs I and then they stopped with their mouths open and watched what Mr Henry would do Ho ran up stairs At thi door 11 thl girls who could stand up surrounded Henry and cried In concert I want to go homo Lots of the girls aro dead anti Im afraid Ill get throat next LIttle Jacob hirsch ran for Dr E B Jones nf 50 Sands street while Mr Henry and tho work- men ¬ began to sort out tho Injured The fore- man ¬ was annoyed us ho was helping Mr Henry carry out the hysterical girls front the ball dressing room by tugs on his coat tall anl a pumpkinseed elves to an anglers line Finally he turned One ot tho strlPpof named johnny hogan waspulni Im sick cried Please can I go and when ho was told that ho could ho wont Dr Jones came shortly and straight- ened ¬ out the gIrls with some restoratives and advlboi Mr Hlrvch to dismiss the shop for tho day Mr Hirach dismissed tho girls and then allowed tho boys to LO home too Tho men said they would llnlsli and they did so Susie LnnI and Annlo Smith and the two girls who for thlrl ulaco In tho hysterics raco wero sent a carriage but tho others wont homo as best they could Doubtless all will bo at work as usual today JB VI1KKF1KLD 31ES The Brllltnnt Hstrrlnao Ceremony at Two Wellknawa Americana LONDON Sept 22An event of great In ¬ terest to Americans Is tho marriage on Tues ¬ lay afternoon of Gen Daniel Buttorflold to Julia Lorlllard James widow of the late Frederick P James of Now York The cere- mony ¬ was Impressively performed ut bt Mar carets Westminster by tho Lord Bishop of Bedford assisted by tho venerable Archdeacon Farrar reotor ol the parish A full choral sor vIce added to the beauty of the occasion Tbo bride dressed In olive croon velvet with plain domltraln and satin front trimmed with cut stool passomontorlo ot Worths creation and bonnet of green grenadine was lol to tho altar by Dr Allchlnof London a nelr connec- tion ¬ of the happy bridegroom The gallant General In dark bluo Prince Albert coat anti a boutonnloro of gardenias attended by his best man Michael Moore of London awaited her at tbo chance Before the brldo marched tho choir of somo fifty boys singing beautifully The voice that breathed o er Ldeti that earliest wedding day After the benediction tho same choir sang Thin torevir Owl of Lot Among the distinguished ucstl present wore Gen Sir lUcbard 0 11 C B Lleut 001 George Itrgenrue aidedecamp repre- senting ¬ his lloynl Hluhuess the Duke of Corn ¬ bridge MajorGen Charles Frasor Ol Col Mijendlo Col Crufurl Duncan H PulPSton M P and a number of con- spicuous ¬ Americans Including Samuel B Bab- cock Keq Minister Phelps unavoidably ab- sent ¬ was represented by Secretary White A sumptuous wedding breakfast followed The Bishop of Bedford propound the bridol health In a felicitous international which the brilelroom feelingly sleec9 Ibo wedded their bridal tour com iniinclng In the Isle of Wight amid through 1nallL to tbo Continent oxtondlnl elude a too Comic do Paris I 111 Gen- erals ¬ former companion In arms Tho brldos travelling dross 1lan exquisite slindo of garnet trimmed gold braid Presents congratulations and expres- sions ¬ of regret at enforced nbsonco wore ro cehod from tho Comto dx Paris and Due do Chartren Lord Ablngor ComIc dn Holansos Huron Montfsqulen Lord anti Lady Randolph Cliunlilll Sir Jurats Cain LleutGeu Mac aid and many others lon ho bildegroouis LlIt to tha brldt was a rlvlen of sulltnlrnHwilli pendents of diamonds and inarD ten houbes nnd lots In Nol lurk cIty Dol fees of tire Bishop nnd deacon were contained In two purses of puro gold innnirfnctured for the ocuiiion In November the hnppy pair Ivll occupy tbo Mluturn mansion LO FIlth Primaries I lu the FoiirUenlk Tire County Democracy of Iho Fourteenth Atsiinbl district tilt at Washington Hall 22 Aunue A tail night and rank K Low nllJrd Ite < olutloni were ajoptel stating that the County Committee of thi ount > Democracy hat authorised their ominltlee on lredeiilltls to consider tire Question I of the lovalt ol- th < ourlriilli I dlHrlct I coinmlitru I tint I the tatter corn mlllctt hsl I ordered lirlrllu be t In the several election districts of vurlolib Assombly district on luuJI ensuing Sept fl UjUBCke rutd Peter La Roche of 7 Third avenue was fined S2uJ Mat fttlfer of Third avenue wee riiied liu Ipla Umious ysstsrday tot praollslm mtiuctaa Wr BATTLING FOR HOME RULE urn rinws or imau LEADERS OK TUB DEFEAT OF TUB LAND nlL miter Blracdei D ttren Tsnmstsad Lad lord Predicted Lord BsillsbarF on ike Tel of Ian Obslractlonlsla LONDOi Sept S2 Tlilrtyono Unionist voted with tho Tories lat night alalnst I rnol Land bill Nlnotyslx members wore Concerning tho results of tho defeat of Mr ParntUB Land bill Mr Plorco Mahoney mem- ber ¬ for North Month said to TUG SUN reporter this evening I You know there Is only ono course open now Tho rarnolllto members must recommend the Irish peoplo to moot and consider wol and carefully what would bo a fair offer mako to tho landlords Th Na- tional ¬ League should advlso the to this end and counsel thor to hold llrmlyto tholr proposals nnd not budge an Inch Tho League will oxort Itself to the utmost to provont out ¬ rages but evictions roust inevitably result In crime and It will bo a difficult matter to pro servo absolute order The Government Is cer- tainly ¬ aiming at coercion and I will surely follow within two months Tho Farnellltos would prefer that tho people offer only passive resistance pay no moio than a fair root go quietly when evicted and seek the protection- of tho League which will son to It that they do not suffer I tho people will do this nobody will tako land they vacate and the land- lords ¬ wlioso moro than they would by allow ¬ ing to remain arid pay what they wnro ahlo Mr Thomas W Ruisoll Liberal antihomo rule member for South Tyrone said Tho farming peoplo are tired of this norent movement 1 boy will pay tholr rents quickly enough with a little pressure and aro abund- antly ¬ able to do so The tenants havo a legal right to the value of tholr tlllaeo and they wouldnt bo such fools as to let the landlords have tho benefit of It by vacating tholr holdings rather than pay the fraction of rent that stands between tho proffer of the Iarnellltes and tho just duo of tho landlord Messrs Dillon Sexton and T P OConnor predict hitter struggles between tenant and landlord during tbo conning winter Thoyde chine to say what tho policy of the Parnullltoq will bo but Intimate that It will be a difficult matter to prevent violence If evictions are on ¬ forced and they entertain no hopo that they will b stayed In any part of Ireland Randolph Churchill give notice In the house Commons today of tho Intention of tho Government to Introduon early next sos alon measures for consIderable modifications- In tho present method of conducting public business In the house of Common Iho an- nouncement ¬ 1 la accepted as portending further repressive moaqures against the 1nrnollltos Mr Charles E Lewis Conservative member for Lon ondorrv city moved an Cnclallnfllry Into the < conduct of the m polco of Londonderry on July I when ho police wantonly attacked respectable citizens on the occasion of tho declaration of tho poll causing a saturnalia of violence Ho saIl ho hail never before witnossoul such a period ot horror and excitement This remark elicited laughter After SOlO debate tho motion was rejected by JJ7 to Sir Tanner Pnrnolllte after being twlco called to ordor because of irrelevant remarks was ordered to cease ponklnJ whereupon ho loft tho chamber shoutna This House Is ropUue for an I am disgusted with I The Appropriation bill was adopted the be House adJournol until Saturday when anl will The Fi eniinns iwi imJ declares that tho now royal lnml Commission Is packed with foes of the Irish farmers iho County Conservative Club of Hertford ¬ shire was oponolat Ht Albaus today Lord Salisbury necessary for tIre Conser- vatives ¬ to orcanla and labor untiringly to maintain the advantage they had already won and ol which ho could not wish a better ox nmolo than yesterdays division on tho Pnrnell Lund bill Thu Btoadlneas with which during these last six weeks tbo Conservative members of tho house of Commons bad held together the hearty and united support they had given tholr loaders and tholr devoted nnd resolute attendance during tho session wero a sploadld- exampleoud should stimulate 11 members of lo their utmost further tho cause Tho division yesterday showed n ro markabe record Every Conseratto had either voted or paired anti there was not single absentee Cheers Such an Instance R hearty work under discouraging conditions had bon unknown Ho continued condemns to labor know nothing like the mia ry cud dl4oittfort A muiibtr of the i Houroof I Com- mons undergoes through a night of Irish obstruction Irish obstructionists have greatly change I In cniara 10rmelI1 meant lit secure antI I perhaps lhevta mom their efforts ma oLIn n 101 cuuton a complete threshing and IIIJ of the ject They carry their opposition 10 Ulnoo posstMe I length todnv and this I skilful musiC l Is smoothing tr tally different from their former methodn It I Is an Instrument of ton turn to cotmtpet a mitjorlty lorrrnment by miter i hj steal suffering to concede this or that whatever the obPtriiLtloulstri set their risen on n1 1 majority mutt clt uud listen mt to arguments or lh homtlolin bUlln elaborate e0orts to watttt time t hid I art malo mfelr for the i urpose of keeping ttue lorltv up night after night In the hope that from titter fitlituethr wllUoncele nlolIJ which they know public duty compels I thrm Crle of hhauuej The mfleInbors of the House of Continual don tm parity Theirs I Is no sinecure If a representative Government Is to continue thli In- strtuneiit uf torture cannot be nermtttfd toiurrne It wIlt I parulye alt legislation and brlngdiscredlt uponi tha oldest Instrument of freedom In the world Cheers Lord Salisbury dented that he had said as Mr Gladstone hind charged that thnro were cases where judicial rents could not bo paid anti added that Mr Gladstone was a master ok misquotation Ha continued I rrllo note that Mess Jlatstnnei and Morley 1 a tendency to ridicule ana oppose the toy eminent roposals in the direction of creating a peasant proprietary In Ireland Mr Uladstone tlcsted them ha would strongly oppose the poly to substitute a small for n largo proprietary ol course would be matto with perftu Justice and j roper com peiistitlon all round the proposal to multiply small freeholds In Inland originated with Mr John llrlzht who psrtedQfrom Mr I lladitono this year Ullholropo1 was never a pry question I myself and many other supportel It for twenty years It II the trite policy of statesmen In a- Bound i systerut of peasant proprietary lies thefutnresi clam satvatlon of Ireland Cheers The old moorings hue bsen cut ant 1 we must seek a now anchorage TOe Liberal party of which Mr Gladstone I Is tha hoI I Is op- posed to the multlpt > lng of imiall freeholds but such atari ivlUI conduce to the prosperity security and happt ness of unhappy Ireland Cheers I Tile change may bo slow and gradual but our policy I Is to estublliu it In conclusion Lord Salisbury said nememher gentlemen we Ito engaged In a great struggle to mreicrve the I unity of ttie empire which Is our paramount object Do not relax your efforte to hand the empire down to posterity unimpaired A vote of thanks to Lorl Salisbury was unan ¬ imously paused SalsburyID thanking iris hoarer said that victory was largely duo to thus hearty support and brilliant speech of Lord Hartlngton Tko llulastrlaa Crisis Som Sept 22The Russian agent has ac- cented ¬ Ilia Bulgarian reply to tha Czar telegram un- modified with the exception of the withdrawal of tho statement that notes suet aa those the Kusilan agent presented might Jeopardize the quiet of the country Inl Frrmdenlilatt deprecates criticisms on no frlcnlly relations between Austria and Germany belief In which I Is firmly rooted In the minds of the Austrian ant Hungarian people It aIde In view of tile great object of the Imperial alliance which Is to preserve peat wo hope lite UOTrrninint during tha- conilugsmliuul the Itelchsralh will replr tolnterpel- lallons and rIO anxiety Judging truin Ituaslaa action up to time sha will only utilize her triumph oer Iriuce Alexander with due respect to all International rights ten Kaulbars bears with him lo Sofia an ultimatum from llussla to tIle Bulgarian Qo eminent Pitman Will Appcnl to Americans LoNDoN Sept 23Mr Parnell Intends to make a special appeal to Irishmen in America ta shut tenantsulcled I during tha coming winter to hold out against the landlords Firing Into n Crowd offllrlhtrs PEA000Y Mass Sept 22Four Iolceme war detallel tonight to escort John union workman from 1roclors tannery to the Salem line whence tie was lobe taken lo his house On the way toward Salem n mob ofan hither began throw- Ing stones at tiotormu one oi which thrown by Joel Welch struck Policeman Iratley in Itt back Vielsh was arrested an 1 Iho mob then begot police with ktulies rhe police fired four 1llullh crowd wounding a boy named hdward Caisldy Two or three other ersons Wet slightly wounded After the police fired tIm crosd fell bock One Doctor Ilorataw kips Another LONO ISt1D CtT Sept 22A horsewhip- ping 101r oecurd afternoou on one of the pnhllc streets The crion asialled was Jr Edward Itoth and the assailant Dr A F Rchlller Path are well knoHnph > lilaiis Ur kcltllhr alleges that Dr lutl defamed his charcle Ms Inolio There 1001 been bitter rl lun 11lwO time expecte I that Or lull I a warrant fur lb ii feat ul Ur Schiller otkIn Like 1 I Thirt no such other coinpendlutn of nna or mirror contemporary history ROTS Waiati v 1 ala Castorla a soothing mediclna for Infants and children Pleasant haruilesi and effective Itsllevca teething quiets pain allays fever dastroia worms regulates Ine bowtU glvM rut to mttiasr aaa health to cbtht4g Three Lost Uura Of Buffalo BII Wild West on Slasn lililJ Soifl for get iL5Js- Iliad l palpitations nervousness tremblIng coil ktacU ui teal ctu4 bjr cutut ItOO ttltsga IBB PRESIDENT IN rAIDINOrUN Col Lat 1 Ur MsinBlasT Ilnsni Bei- KBCd isad IVoiit Tithe ForeUsi Mission WAflniNOTOJf Sept 23 About fifty per ¬ sons wore nttho Daltlmoro and Potomac dopot when tho train bringing President Cleveland and his party arrived at 835 this evening The President disappoInted tho crowd by go lag out of tho roar of tho station nnd getting Into his carriage on the Sixth street side and bo was well on hit way to tho We I to House bo foro It was known that ho bad alighted tho train Ho was met by his faithful valet Sinclair as ho stopped from tho car Mrs Cleveland tripped quickly ahead of tho Presi- dent ¬ over the railroad trakstolho carriage and stepped lightly Into ho came UP The White House was brilliantly lighted and the attendants wore waiting about the doorway when tho oarrlaco drovo up Post misstoraonoral and Mrs Via wero within to give the party a welcome Col Lament was asked about tho reports of Bocrotary Mannings retirement Ho said Time President spent an hour with Secretary Manning this morning and found hInt In good health and spirits There Is no truth In tho roport that Mr Manning has resigned of course no foundation for tho story anl will accept a foreign mission AIDANT Sept ajProsldont Cleveland nnd Mrs Cleveland Mrs 1olsom and Col and Mrs Lamont arrived hero from Pittsburgh nt 3 oclock this morning Tho ¬ ing the party was switched on n 1Llnl The party breakfasted In tho car at 7H Clove land and Col Lamont wont to tho AiomaKlco- nt 845 where tbo President l was closeted with Secretary Manning for IHtyllvo minutes After tho consultation tho President and Secretary Manntciworo driven to the Wet Shore station Mlnnlcl picked Jiis way carefully through tho feeble Mr Man- ning ¬ anlecmetlulto special car wblol was attached to the 155 West Shore Now York and remained until the train was about to start He was tbondrlvtn to the office of his physician President Cleveland and hs party arrived at Little lorry Junction at I M yesterday- The oar was titan run over the Now York Bus quohanna nnd Wostr tracks to Marlon whore t It was In express train on the Ponusyhaula road TUB JOCKEY CLUBS flKCOYD TRIAL Jadao Moore Denies Ike Motion for Delay Tk Member of Ike Jnry Tho second trlnl of the Conoy Island Jockoy Club on an Indictment for allowing the grounds at Shoopsboad Hay to bo used for tire register- Ing and recording of bets was begun yesterday before Judge Moore In tho Court of Sessions Brooklyn District Attorney Itldgway was as- sisted ¬ by Wm C lioochor In tire prosecution- and Lawyers Do Wi Bowers and Wnrnborg again appeared tho defense Mr Bowers asked for an adjournment so that bo might mako application to tho Supreme Court to havo tho case removed to tho Court of Oior nnd Tormlncr on the ground that a prejudice ox Istnd against tho defendants The prejudice referred to by tho lawyer was ono which tho defense thinks exists In the mind of Judge Moore- In denying tho motion Judge Moore said tho motion watt the llrstof tho kind that had been made slnco the Court of Sessions had boon endowed with tbo same jurisdiction ns tho Court of Open and Termlner except In the Sjulro case Judge Churchill Inching his opinion In that case seemed to forgot that tho Court ttf I ho slons was tho equal of tbo Court of Open and Tormlnur If tho LegIslature thought- the Court of Sessions capable of doing justice In eases where human life Is Invoked time Court ought to bo competent to try a misde- meanor ¬ Ibroo hours were consumed in securing a jury which tho Court and tho opposing counsel considered satisfactory This is time jury Chr sti in Jensen cigar 22 dams street E D John- A tlorm Jeweller 70 lourth plate A 1 De Mono real etA NI4 Ute aenue tdvnrd Hclttetas shoemakfr Attolph fester leather dealer tOt 1rlnco street Jultn Ilkenhtin prlntor ula Deco slrevt Im per I Bvlloz shlrta J15 Irankltu avenue lltomas W lleagher carpenter IllS tickton street t Francis J Doyle hooks MM 1aclflo street Samuel llttwer plutti- ltr tiN UAta avenue Isaac tan hise butcher Now LoU Chart VID Uausehoteu bookkeeper 181 canton u uue After the jury had been sworn In and a motion ot Mr Do Witt to dismiss the complaint- on tho same grounds as wore urged at the pre- vious ¬ mini was denied throne was adjournment- until this morning It has not boon decided whether the witnesses will bo raoxamlnod or the testimony taken at limo fret trial submitted to tire jury Mr Itldgway made a proposition that the latter coursa bo adopted SOCIALISTS TALKIXO The Views or Sir Llebkneckl 5tr ATolnA and Jlr ArellDE OB rndei Moro thrtn 3000 persons crowded Into Cooper Union hall last night to hoar Horr Llobknoohti and his socialistic confreres dis- cuss ¬ trades unionism Herr Llobknecht held that trades unions wore good In tholr way but could attain groat success only by preparing the world socialism Ho said The way of tho capitalist has Compelled laboring mm to combine Eoclalsm has all along tried lo break down the Poe er of the capitalist The experience of all coun tries has shown that tor the old of machinery I sad the cunning distribution laltor the capitalist has betn con tlnuallv growing rIcher liiLugland titers arc many oo operative ansoclatloim that haYs mooney to back them tint the history of all show that they either became tie tools of capitalists or else fall Work la proper sod no Is the organization of labor Hut that organisation must have I an end something morn than merely getting a little higher price for labor Mrs Kloanor Avollng daughter of Karl Marx and wife of Dr AnIDI spoke of trades unions- In England 1 I that they worn merely aids to capitalists as they pay to the union men out of employment moro than tho In- crease ¬ they tao gained In wages thus lower Ing tho tax English employers pay tho poor rates No man there sho towarl be come n member of a union unless ho has served a long apprenticeship at his trade and this shuts out groat many from unions who earn however just as much as union men Dr Atellng said that trade unions were very good proldol that they sought to brine out Ila He said I you niarched on Sept 0 Labors mull day > on heard Site clanking of chains hanging on the feet if labor I wonlerlf the capitalists looking on knew ttey were looking not on freemen but on slaves I want 3 ou In understand > ou are not in a free country As long Os two classes cailtalUts who possess but do not produce anti I laborers who rroduce but do not pos- sess are t Hied against each other so tong there can bo- nn freedom Capitalism In America has not been as in Europe of slow growth but line sprung up like mush- rooms Dr Avollng approved of tho nomination of Henry George for Mayor Ills roeriuco to Mr George was received with groat applauso 7IJ2 nEd TY 1IIT11 CANADA 1 Provide fur lleclproenl Trade and Settles the kickers Dispute OTTAWA Sept 22Tho Ilbliory question seems now to bo In a fair way for I speedy and amicable settlement Information has been received that 0 commercial treaty has been drawn up between the English and United States Governments relative to Canada and that It Is now being submitted to the Canadian Government for suggestions as to details This treaty provides for an amlcabll settlement of tho fishery dispute also reciprocal trado relations with the two countries A Cabinet meeting- was IbId here yostorday when the now treaty was laid before tho Ministers for considera ¬ tion The lion Mr Thomson Minister of Justice said this evening that tho treaty had not been definitely concluded Ho tacitly ad- mitted ¬ however that limo provisions were on tire whole satisfactory It Is probable a Cabinet mooting will bu held tomorrow for the final sottlornontof the question Obituary James Howe foundor of tboAVo York Spirit of l fOe Tiers now irilifi i Sylrlt oj tlte Times died lu Lafayette hlI I jestsrday lu his Both fr Horace Oreelr was einrloje1 b > him on this I paper ai printer I and tiusy formed an Intimate acquaintance which con llnuid unll Mr Ureele s death ten on Btlebt of the German army died ruierdar at frnkrur italics II Fllchelt a leading resldtnt of Highland Fall and ex Deputy collector of Inleruullieveuue tiled esi rday mornlug I 11 Irani taut husk Irk Chief of Police of Daonne of heart disease on luedsy night He was Ml ears 010 He lanced during tile nar as jiajor lu tile Tweim first New Jersey olunltcrs Leah iilxas HI tears oil I a spinster nl I an aunt of the butter llenjiimln Nathan who was injslerl ou7 murdered III his rcsldrme Tuvoiutthtrd street snit tll menu fifteen years aco tiled suddenly on She ll l with a nurse atis Rein Korty street Her death was rtitorted to tile i oronrrs hll and ysstords Poput > Corojer Jenkins decided that sui Cud of old age CHARLESTON SHAKEN AGAIN A LONG AND TEltniDLK SHOCK FKLT- MOF FEd 2JJIZDA 1 1UnNINO Irioni Fled rein their Houses and Took la Ikei Tent Meek tne aitasi Cud bJ Prof WUtlaa Lu Prediction CIIAIILESTON Sept 22The earthquake shooki on Tuesday morning cast a gloom over the city which It will take weeks to overcome Many families who had just returned to their houses ffero frightened out of thorn and fled to their tents again Others sought slooplna berths on boarl tho shipping In the harbor Tho however was not as great a might have boon expected considering the de- moralized ¬ condition of a largo population al- most ¬ homeless Tho night was cold and raw and camp quarters wore anything but pleas- ant There wero no shocks during the Dlaht and when daylight came n moro Ing prevailed only to bo dispelled how- ever at 740 this morning when an- other ¬ visitation of tho horrible subter- ranean ¬ dlsturbanco which seems to haunt this stricken city was experienced Tho shock was long and terrible although It did not shako down any additional buildings Your correspondent was standing In the mar ¬ ket at tho tlmo The market will be romom bored as a range of sheds running from Moot lug street to the river It la one of tho few landmarks of Charleston that escaped com- paratively ¬ uninjured Tho underground rum ¬ hung was quite distinct and tho movement of tho oarth appeared to bo up and dOlnso much so that your correspondent leaning over tho stall writing 0 recommenda ¬ lion for rations for an aged negro woman was unable to continue writing It Is the rocurrencoof these disturbances that makosllfo so hnrl here The people aro facing tho situation all tire pluck and fortitude they can command They are going right on with repairs and are attending to theIr busi ¬ ness with a pluck and perseverance that Is commendable but the situation Is enough to appal any community In tho world A house- holder ¬ who has boon endeavoring to repair his brick residence says that he ha to pay t50 or moro for every thousand laid counting the cost of material and tho high price ol labor Then throne Is always the horrible fear of what may come n fear kopt constantly alive by the constantly rocurrlni rumblings anlrowlnal of the They are lutely living without hope a community which goes to Us couches at night with no assurance that the dread spectre may not bury thorn In tho ruins of tholr houses before day dawns John E OlOI tho actor who owns the theatre hero has just arrived to look after his proPerty described time situation when ho said Tho ueoplu are plucky throne Is no denying it but Its no use talking about couroco In the face ot such an unseen and unknown foe Tim city presents a curious spectacle One cannot walk n square without passing a hal dozon scaffolds Nearly otory third surrounded by scaffolding nnd there Is hardly an uninjured building to bo found In spite of this thousands ot houses are loft without any attempt at repairing simply on account of tbo unmercifully high prices nskod Itt mechanics and laborers A very small number of North- ern ¬ mechanics have como hero 1 hose got from JJ to f5 per day and are boarding nt n cost of from fifty to soontjflvo cents per day Many hundreds could llud omploj mont hero at oiiually reuiunnramo prices About llfty me- chanics ¬ from Now York filmed hero toJay oil tho steamer Vomassao and at once obtained work at remunerative wages The prediction ot Prof Wieln winch wan prInted today created unite a ianlc hero arid added to the gloom that pervaded tho city Willie no ono boiinos in the ability of iguius to foretell r n oirthauakn the fact that ho has announced It adds greatly to the uneasiness felt hero As bad as time Injury to ft Mlclincln Church appears on the outside the aumnuo to tho In- terior ¬ Is quito as creat Tho heavy arches under the galleries are shattered and tho walls and ceiling cracked in many places Nearly all tho plastering In down and the entire place seems to bo torn up Time organ has boon taken down arid moved The mural tablets and stained elan cbanccl window however are uninjured The work of removing poit- ics and the west and north walls two proceed Ing slowly The earthquake on Tuesday morning caused the front pediment of the Custom House to separate threouuartors of an Inch moro from tIre main building and It Is the opinion of the Government engineers that It would have fallen down completely had It not boon for heavY timbers with which it Is shored up The shock also produced additional fractures In tho stone colling at the tot of both the front anti roar porches NEV OIIFASS Sept 22 Thoro Isconsidora bo excitement and indignation bore over the Wiggins prediction of an earthquake that will destroy New Orleans on the JJth Inst The prediction hH boon the subject ol general dis- cussion ¬ today and whllo Intelligent people ridicule It there Is some excitement among nervous women and a possibility of a serious and troublesome frleht among tbo largo mass ot negroes in this city Home ten years ago a Weitorn sharp predicted ft tidal wave that would sweep over Now Orleans and destroy It U aroused tire most Intense octtornont among limo negroes and Ignorant whites and it was all the press could do to prevent a minnie as tho time for the tidal wave drew nigh Whether Wlgginss prediction will have tho same effect will depend largely whether tho negro preachers use It for a ser- mon ¬ to exhort tbnlr congregations to re- pentance ¬ as they did the comet of four yours ago There Is however good foundation for a fright Aaguo belief prevails that AVlgglns predicted tho lato Charleston earthquake and tire shock felt there yesterday line convinced many that the earthquake Is liable to break out again in this vicinity At Otto ol the Lib- erty ¬ street churches tonight tim negroes had an earthquake prayer meeting end should the matter bo taken up religiously there are chances of considerable demoralization and panic among them which will prove trouble some and Injurious Interfering with work Tire papers hao nearly all serious editorials on the subject and 1rof Dernard astronomer of Yundorbllt University arid tire United Mates Observatory at Washington hate been tolo cranhed to to learn whether Mgglnsn astro- nomical ¬ assertions arc truo that Saturn and Jupiter will be In conjunction on Sept 21 which ho assorts will produce tho onrthijiiako and whether thero Is any possibility of this having an effect on the earth Ono of tile vapors Inter ¬ viewed the leading doctors horn tills morning and they unanimously say thnt Wlgglnss pro ¬ dictions are liable to lo much harm Dr Jones halo 1residont of the Louslana Board of Health declares that ha bus mot many nervous per ¬ sons more or less frightened and that In case of heart disease excitement and apprehension produced by predictions like these may prove serious on fatal DEAD IN AX ELEVATED CAR Sir IVIIkenea nndylCnrrled lo n Police Bio tlonlVklle his Carriage Wnlted Theodore VYllkons a rich Importerof plushes and dealer In upholstery goods at 77 flowery left his oftlce about 4 oclock jeiterJay afternoon to go to his hours In 1rospect at cnne and IKd street Ho appeared to hare fallen asleep In the elevattd rallronl car and when at KOlh street the conductor called Alt out Mr nlikens didnt more lie was found to bay tiled In lute seat probably ot heart disease The body was taken to time police station In 120ih street and from letters In his pockets > lr tvllkensi identity was discovered lilt carriage was walling for him nt he station aIr Wilkens came to New York front inuthermu let many over thirty years sco a poor man He began life list as a keeper of a com stand In Noutli areit lie afterward opened a grocery store then a saloon anti finally Imlng saved consIderable money he started the business wnfcli he ouducted until his death her the past six years tub business ire been located al 77 Uowery Mr likens owned a lingo amount of real estate In Morrlsaula and his fortune Is said to amount to nearly half a million dollars He was 01 years of age Mr Wllkens went to Liuropa something over a year agoforpleasura sod White abroad was attacked Mlth heart disease He came lioma immediately and Willie ha apparently recovered his health he was always afterwarl apprehensive of a so Iden death such as hai now terminated lila life Mr likens leaes a sort and a daughter Ills a ICe died a fw mouths ego TerrtOc Hull Storm In south Hind SOUTH BEND Ind Sept 22IIoavy black clouds appeared In time northern horizon al l > i tills after- noon At 24 rain and hall began to fall and at 2 the sic rut wu at III height Hailstonsi rouging In site front amarhlc to a hens nt felt aol did Incalculable damsge TImers l it not a building In tltls dir that lint a whole i aue of glass facing north or east Man heavy I lisle elsie MlinJotva Hero uiao bruKtn The btrceti attl Cidawaiks art to utklit cohered nIt ihhere 1 iclan The Siuleliatter Wagoit Louuumiatuy hat 7 MJO panei broken and UK OilIer maiuriciil- lOUKI liitr vtiiaLlUliiiiciit green aild CtlUrtlJrl lUff I r iivavily Tin roof were rtomlvil tiy it icy niiiull Tile Osnia rt H ill Amount to lliotisainJi ut ilollarc Tt- utttiilliK i Iliutiian pfdjdo vtio were tile Nortlirrn luJUi Pair Lecaino paulo trrki and nian sure ieOerely cruilicJ The ball felt for tHcutr ininuttu Killed Just sos he aied hIs hand lokla UIIV J U Klrchnor and wife ot thl city spent Hit summer Uh friends In Mlddlttowu Yesterday tluy were returning home on time ErIe lUllway hit Klrchner who was ltuiyesrs old had bCenin the smoking car Vi hen His train was approaihlug tin Uergcn short cut Junction this side of lildgewood N J he pasted out ot the smoking car lo return to his wife who was sitting lu the next ear behind As ha tupped on ins platform be could lee his wife through lha hue door ma hi waved his haul to list Just then lbs train iteuck a Sharp curve Ur klrchner was thrown oft the lttaiCefzii Py lie sudden iurcti tail WM UuiuUr k1hsl CUICAUO ttUAltli OF IllADK SCANDAL One of the Meet rramlaenl Coraraliiloai Firms Aeenied efSwUdllDH VrBoMces ChICAGO Sept MAn inkling of ono of the greatest scandals the J3oard ot Trade has experienced since the famous lard case leaked out today The main points are that W P Dickinson who was confidential man for Mo Gooch Evorlnaham A Co during the big lard deal which resulted in their failure then confidential man for their succes- sors ¬ Crlttendon A Harvey and still later for W H Harvey Oo has tiled with the di ¬ rectors charges of swindling against W II Harvey and Frank Crlttondon The latter as receiver for the firm of W It Harvey A Co has lied counter charges against Dickinson ot dis- honest ¬ practices Each asks that the others bo expelled mom the Board harvey A Co failed Aug 4 and Crlttondon ft former partner of tho llrm wits appointed re- ceiver ¬ to settle up the firms affairs In looking over the books Crlttendon found over 1UO 000 bushels of wheat charged to the ncount of two or three of the firms largest customers whoso business Dickinson was in the habit of looking after They denied that they had given Dickinson orders to purcbnso the stuff Ho was brought boforo the receiver and It Is sold confessed In tho presence nf four witnesses that he tied made the trades for himself and charged threat to the customers accounts Dickinson was nsked to surrender his mem- bership ¬ to partly liquidate his indobtodntn but this ho refused to do and charges of dis ¬ honest conduct wore accordingly tiled with the directors Dickinson Immediately filed elaborate charges of swindling practices by bout harvey and Crlttondon and specified Individual cases giv¬ ing names dates and figures whoro custom ¬ ors had boon grossly Imposed upon and refer nina tim directors to the books of the concern verification The books wore brought before the ilIrortoM and Messrs Hatolv Moore and NT Wright wore appointed members a committee to In veatigate The alleged victims Include many prominent business men throughout the country as well as largo local speculators and members of time Board The amounts Involved are said to roach a very large total JXALD SlQVADB OFF XO CANADA Ill Friends Say He line Gone to Bee Ills Bom Who li Sick There ExAldermnn Arthur J HcQuadc who 13 under 23000 ball for voting to grant the Broadway franchise to Jako Shorn for the sake of boodlo Is out ol town Ho wont away on Tuesday afternoon Inspector Bvrnos Is out of town too and although ho went away be- fore ¬ the oxAlderman there aro those who think the double departure suspicious In ¬ spector Byrnosa detectives say they dont know where ho Is and couldnt oven telegraph to him If thor wanted to over so much At ox Alderman McQuados house last night It was said that bo had loft town but It was not known where ho bud uono ho would bo back todav or tomorrow however Tbo oxAldormans friends who wore spoken to on the subject said un hind gone to Montreal not to join the boodlo Aldermen anti ox Aldermen alroadj In exile there bat to seo his son a etudont In Notm l amo Collect in that ctV Who Is ill Mr JlcOtiade it woe nja il haul bean uuinionoil by tho Praildont of the college who couui Jored the lads condition pro caniouui In regard to a report which obtained circula- tion yesterday that Mcljiiiido bad gone away with time permission of tho Dstrict Attorney obtained at a tCteiVtctn just boforo his do pirturo Mr Martian said yesterday Miyuado into not boon near mo for months and I did not give him permission to go to Canada Ho wont there as I understand it to see his little boy who Is nt school thorp mind who Is very HI I have no Idea that Dlctjundo will not return Throne was no reason for his toeing the jurisdiction nt tills time Ills trIal was not moved nor was It likely to bo for a few weeks His bond is good at nil events though 1 have no doubt that bo wilt como back I do not know that any other Indicted Alderman of 18S4 U outside of tile jurisdiction and I have not given permission to any other ono of theta to do BO iixxics uri KCrVBLlCAXS Nominating McOIll tor Governor How 1receillnB the lamination St PAUL Sept 22Thu Kopubllcan Statu Convention mot this morning at the Imposition Rink Dr A C Wedge of Albert Lea was chosen Chairman An Informal ballot for Gov- ernor ¬ resulted as follows A It McGlll 15S C A Oilman 103 John JJ Glbbs OS Neces- sary to a cbolco 180 The first formal ballot was then ordered and while the votes were being counted tho platform was road of which the following 1 is a synopsis The warehouse and rnllroal tow ihonll be ntnondel to securu an oren out free market fr the irodlitucf the noil lltillro idn where it can legull bed luuuc khould- be restrained from hoi ting free land txempt front teL ntliin Il dges the marry to fefciuo tutu s rohlbltlng tile further use of watered Sleek to aiiund the tuix maw 10 tux huh ers shall not Into lrornrti ttirouclu rrori of of Seen tttrohlllt railroad ccnipanlei trom furnUnlitg- I mosses to legtslitors to do all iniinfclpul ii ork I ly the day antI not tuy lontntct to i ny women name as mttii for tile same ruben and to prohltjit chll I labor 1 rUon labor Is oppoeeil ant arbitration is defenlel Ieil > Utli u U favored to renew the free coinage ot silver und loreviis tile tariff so that taxation on tile necessaries of life may bo reduced The first formal ballot resulted JIcQlll 1C3 Gllman 101 GlbbsJO On the second formal ballot ono moro vote was vast than there were delegates and tire ballot was declared void amid the greatest confusion For several minutes pandemonium reigned The Hpeakor pounded the table with the gavel while scores of delegates jumped on chairs clamoring for recognition Finally the Convention took a recess for ono hour At the evening session the balloting was con- tinued ¬ which resulted In the nomination of MoGHI on tIm fourth ballot A K Blco wax nominated for Lieutenant Governor on tho llrst ballot Itomlnaltd far Congress The Republicans of Philadelphia yesterday matte the following nominations for tongrets 1 im district Henry II Illngliam Second district Charles OStlll lourlli dlitrlot VVIUam 1 Ktlley link dis- trict AlfredI C Manner In time Third district rein xnted by Hamunl J Itaudall 110 destine action woe Mctor Daughm PresIdent of the Chesapeake aol I Ohio anal u as yesterday nominate 1 as tlm Uein- cratlc candidate for OoliLTtit In the Sixth Man land dli tic 1twill P Augur a prosperous farmer of VI11erdd Conn and a suit of the rrohlbltlontd candidate fur Liiutenaul Governor waiycsterda iiiiniinaud fur Ctn steel by the Prohibitionists of the becoud Lonutcticut district Tha IJemocrati of time Ninth Indiana district hays nominated Ilenjamln F Ham a farmer I Ii raswell Kepubllcan first wiaconsin district The IieinocratiCjconferrees of the THcnt tint Ienn aylvanla district hive nominated Ullberl T ItafferO a coke dealer of Allegheny ronntv- Tha Democrats of tile Klgnth district nf IlllsoU nato nominated II II Cody Ilualneii Troubles Julius Llppmnnn manufacturer ot bats and caps at 410 Urootnc street anti at South Norwalk Conn has confessed Judgment for 51017 and tile Sheriff hiss taken posiesslon Sir Uppmsnn has been In builneii about ten years lie owned the Union lint Manufactur- Ing Company Early this sear ha formed this firm of hawley lairlck A Co which did not remain In bull ness tong liii hisblhilles are retorted to about 5uut Cbaniea MO en iaaher lii doming and mmis furuich log goots at lt511 Third avenue flied au asalgliuuue- iitvastrlay in tisunire Meyer giving prefcrncee for h37 liii iiabuiilles ste reruorted to be atrut 1t4tCI0 hiax hi Iterit end tViiiiauu 3 tleruusn colnpoahng hue Sri of hi hi llert 5 lirinai nuouniactilners of fur Srinunlimiles St 41 liont street muuada an susijniietut yes terdey hI hraukiin 1410 whir about 5lliis ilabulihies- Charles E llowar I dealer in boots set shoos al 3J7- 1llroadway mitts cnnfetsrd Judgments for fatbo to three creditor on which the aiiena took possession Llabill ties about Jouo Must Cokn Keep the ChrIstine Inbbotk I In the Special Sessions yesterday Isaac Colin was lined f3 for violation of tile Sunday law by selling ft list on Sunday In tits store at 241 Qrand street Tho- defence claimed that as Colin was a believer In the Yew Ish faun lull his ticy of worship was Hsturda he lull lint violated the law The tine was raIl I uuiir l I murteat sill notice of apieul was given Judge lilJerslecva gave pcrmlislou lu appeal to tIlL Ueneral Session Alhrlgkls Inemlea limed Ncvvti Popt 22 Thoro was avery exciting primary election delegates to tile Democratic Slate Convention In bsirx county tonlghl lln anti Albright mulch ruler the leatlershlp of Allermen James Smith Jr amid J ames V Conno l> won a signal t lctorv lucy elecled 7outof lh BT ilrlegates Ills predicted tint iIis result i radically kills Albright Chances fur this Uovftruorsnlp Six Iluuan Mkeleloaa Slug li Workmen digging collars for now buildings alisoaud lltiWesl Urcalwaj yesterday unearthed a number of human bonus about four test below the stir face ot the ground Upon digging dsepir they cam across Hi skulls sad tones suffleleut lo make up six skeletons Word was sent to the Coroneri office and the bontiwara taken te the Morgue Iollce CapUln BUiu WM UuUuctil lo mill ia lamtulUou LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS DASHES anna AND TIIRRK or- a 7Ufl IA5 cniQuiious HKFUHTERS The Movement In nominate Henry Oeerce far Murai Ilsls toBtnlnlac ItQUO ATsimei of 1crioas Iledged to Vote for IIIm The Com ml It oo on Credentials of the worklngmons independent political move mont mot last night at 141 Eighth street II was reported that every organized trado and labor union In this city hid nodded the corn mltteo that It would join tho movement la many Instances tho unions had exacted Indl- vldualtDlodgcs from members to support the worklngmons candidate for Mayor and hoof floors of the unions had said they had no doubt that the members would faithfully support Henry George If bo wore nominated by the worklngmon him Mauhattin Association of the Knlshta- of Labor composed of the employees of Iho Ilroadwav llnllrond nro to hay n ptenlo la Lion Park out nnxt Tuesday In the evening It will bo turned Into n George ratification mooting It In oxpwcted that hoary George ami Dr McQlynn will speak Iho Credentials Committee have recalled the old cards Issued to delegates on Auir 5 and will today lisun now cards to delegates for a Convention It will take place In Clarendon Hall nnd only dologatos with cards will bo ad milled Henry George li working quietly now anti BOOB every worUnuman who mils at imiq office 10 Amor place Dr McGlytin was with hints last night He Bald that ho unit seen lists with 11000 names endorsed upon them promising him their vote aol ho supposed that only about onebait of the lists had boon turned in- to him Ho Is announced to speak at an open air ratification meeting in Jackson square floyd ike Wkyo Caught lu Iklladrlpkla Frank Boyd who Is said to bo n particular promising jounir member of the ttmmyo Uang at alleg d stole a nauh front latac Cohen In Turk row on Aug 21 The Grand Jury liming Inllcted lilin lie was taken t tu the General Sessions on Thursday tact to plead hot as he entered the corridor lie throw aside tIle handcuff out of which he had slyly sllpprtl till wrlit uthed his chilnmite agahit Court Ofllcer O llrlin who was guarding them and ilartril ut uf tile building across the itv lull 1ark Slit into Broftdwa at a ttrcod thai soon jell a long string of tinner out of hUhl lie wal toot sipn iroln down Chain ers ilrtet Detective hoer cmnta VIcMaliui and Lyuuuaut of 1 lmiepctor Hyrncn slat inrented Mm jencrday In Ihlladelphla mind will bring huh buck totmiclly Ilovd though hardly of age eald a policeman last evening Is regarded I my detectlvca al cue cf limo atomS expert wringers en clicks or In everyday English Pickpockets uilh nil edit abIlity It gftthtrln watches In Rue city Me I U call to have sorrel terms atrendyln Michigan unil IV mm U atttn He borrow route money front fill eel mate in t the Tninba on tie moriitnx of till e cnpc shotting that ho Inten led to try to gel away Ihut money link lilm to acrleyN J Wit re thtra was n farmers fair lie wrung u clock otherwise stolo a Wfttili there toll it In tho nost town nnd went to riilladolpltifl Iherp he Mai nrrtcttd for anothir mar coiiv jiii m tunic for bcrgennts M chlorite rind L> uiau M gel nun Arrests McOlory and Harry Ullli Policemen Cooper Collins and McCord oi the Central Jlllco were lent out by hurerlntendcnt Murray icct night to arrest loatora of the Kxclsalaw Time policemen Kent to Billy McQlor > ulnutce bail in Hciter strict and bouirht beer from Halter Hugh Mo Mamin Cooper nat Lolllni nrr ateil UcMimm anuS walked Mm out quietly whllo Mel ord wetut up loth bar and wi fircl with leer b > InrlcuJcr lrort Kmitti Smith Whit also iirrc tid Thrum the t olicemea- iutn llorr jliIi Sr l ft tiitiri e 1i in th Larroo un the CtLii nut lloor Marry lichaii tin I bar ttndcrnlin Oentl theta oo ai arreilet hut n as balled M atue if IIIIU frkn l > 1 he Atltiie In lilcrcktr pincer lImit 1 the Urt Jitun aitul Mcurl I tilt ci lu Ureat Jones xttect aura trot tliiltd by the juice Imp Piled Around a Horse nand Fired John borarnllo astablcmnn found a hotel hay on fire Just liul lo of Irtakmaii Edward dIne stable In the lane at < l ltatte street nt about I 11 I M on Tues- day ¬ As thor are crick lu time timer It looked as 1C some one aiC dent illy or cumluerwicu had thrown tk litrti met match Insl lo toummons Ills I ut tile tire out before It iMd done HII > harm Tot o hours tftenuo and Iollceinaa Ito v itiuuuii of llio lilncu Cu reit iuad uw hilt > aohit biirntin In tn it tLr which he exIliiKUlihc I with Soul crllk nil This Hint tin nuts tiivl turlbly burned Mr CHIT fltjo liorxe nn from the WHV lime itsy which oa on tire had t ecu lila aroun 1 Hie ntiiinal i It looked as It tbo hor e dffttli Jim t been Intended As It I the borne was so bully burned trial It mi > lave t Ls Shied Fire Jliirhul MIC dou wil Inveitlgatf Mr Knox Slay ke llouahl the flIght Tho question as to the right of E U Knox to maintain a stand oj tile holmium street tide of hli lint store at llroa lwa and Fulton street mil Ut It to iummatlI dealers coca up ye ttrdi > btforo Julife Andrews la- Supremo Court Chambers on Mr hitoxit application f trail Injut uloii 10 reiIriIt i the Hun luot Incuinbrnnrel fruit reiuuuuo inc tha aitm t I otiiiiliiint 10 tin bureau Mr Knotiii 1 a iuuoilo h > a milan named Ivalalu who one Ituse I the itai il lb eats tliut Ualiti otirtd to silt Iht rllumutr fur floii am thitt an filler ct the Iii routut ndtUed lit to uuitl te to W alilis de i rnd Mr i Knox cl ttms lint lie purtltHSv I from i lit I city the riitht ta- ociui the tin com queitli lLCljiou n us rucrvoJ lie Died Aluaril the Ilzkciklp- Coct LUerinitnn of tho Winter Quarter Bhoals LIghtshIp lied on lord time lnjithlji on lul rldai It w as not umlaut n ashore until a rteeil brought the news to tort on Sunday Ctpt O 11 tt hltt Li htkhlp Iii ptrtor hnfl tiufonumuell Mr LUerninnn that hcrhuH tan itici I of licinurrhi wo troiuht on hp n Mulent lit ol- Luiithlitf c alt 11 tit rinai u woo a Llcutetu Omit In thi niiy utter ioinmodttri9 Liitt throtitfli tiui war and eUht years net lio wa app inlel Cai lain of thullirlit- chlji lie hat lived on bottiil utmost nil of tide title nuay fruit his fiinti w ho IU a lit I V trlar neil W imams burtrh The but b nrrhid HI Mr 1 liycrumlmtnula t residence on lucsjo and the funeral will tako pinto motley Mr K A Drake Resigns Mr E A Drake who has for many years Sent ed as a member ol the Governing Coimnltteo of tIme Stock xihauxe and has been especially acthe In tIme management of the UxcliuliKe In lilt cm nelly of chair mult of the ominlUei i n Arrutuciiif eurrrlfed hll associates jkStciduy by re IIIUK lliiue oltlces Mr Drake iravo as it real in for hU uLtion tie accumulation of lIlt Clubs botli M an ottkir and In his butlneits The reiUiintUn was atn ptrtl Sill lesolutlons ixpresslufl ai reclallou of Mr l > raku sin icea a ore adoptuX A SchoolgIrl Bkot Frances Curio a schoolgirl of 410 East 120tb street entered thu hallwaj ol lIen home on Sunday even jug utah1 coo two men taking there One held a revel Mir In his lOin Just as sue enterel tlue wespon was dlsclnrge mutt the ball Intlictcd aslicht wound In hem t trutit In lIme e turk a lie I ourt > t sierday site actuse4 llllam Mahoit of 4tJ 1 iat NltiFterittli street ol slmootinr tier tIle girt i otild not ch irie that Mahony tntemit I tonhoot liar Mahouy pleaded not guilty amid Justlto It ltllc hiU him for mat- A Cainden Murrlniir Sirs Sarah Olirion of Ihlladolpbln accused young Klchard Harms In tie Tombs Police Court jeV- terdny of abductiui hcrtlauiditer 10 rear suit 4 inouthi- nt age The Jouie couilc tod tile Jnitlco that tha7 were marrli 1 on bert 4 In tititi iou N J a fMiiout ijretui ulnaouiuy tnu ittv Father hurl imy I llariitbi I mother tesiitlcd to her knoululgn of the ninrriage and tlo chlldrcutjuitled the court room baud in hand- Held na rt Witness Airalnsl Don IlrlseolU Ever since Dan Dnlscoll of the Wbyos killed his sweetheart Ittzle larrlttr with a pistol shot la tattled for a man with wlo n ho had Tucrtllcj the po- lice hutyr Len Idklttg for a glum rallr I Klill c urincf who can give Important lesllitioii utraliikt Urlxcolt Ue tcctlve MulholUnd saw the girt on Tuesday night at thi liowery emit 1 lit < tir street and Site has been sent tu thiS House of IJeteutlon Settled Wit n tVeditlo May Moran a pretty blackeyed girl of 301 Fast Eleventh street told Justice Patterson In tIme Essex Mmirket Polite Court testerday that 1 hllip McKane ol H7 ihrUtoiititr atret Iia4 t hours > ed hur outer prointsf of inarrhtire McKane whom kha haul lint arre te 1 talked slOt liar a little while aiim1 then they itarUd off accompanied b > frlendf to mind clergyman RIgnielUffle I 1redlelloa- Mttltt local rains followed br fair weather ilUhtly warmer southerly winds JU1IIXU3 AUUUT lOWS This police were asked J esterday In look out for a vachl named Palsy which na stolen front Lest lloituuou HunU- Muntlers of the Joiiriicyineii numbers Union sail > ester lay that the lint opined half a dozeu coopers Ue hoiiu tIle coy Alfred Anderson of f 3 flowery accuse I nf roiLing Louis Hliniuoiis the llo tttu farmtr was held for trial evterday lit Juotici Jaltitrson I li tlttfl I ball John bail GOiarsoU a alnter while at work jea henley on the cornice of time four story building at 164 East Hglil first street ill from tIme scaRuld emit na killed Superintendent Murray hal a long conference jitter 1a > oo itit DKirict Attorney Marline In mumim II Is understood to n more Ugoroua uclou lualnst uolatoM ol tIle lxclse laws Tin Board of Trustees cf SI Johnt College Fnrdhain ha emorlnagl tIle nlnct flu e ittni itt UndHlili IM > college aiti I other biilldlntfs lo the Pinlgrant Industrial t ailn < 4 Sank fur mm > ear for veceu Th winter > enlug ctaises of time tii g Mens brie tlanAiso latlnn uncut on Oct I lucy compriie mitdirn languaiM honograph music bookieeilng and the usual bnglltli branches Members see admitted free UllllamU tthlluey and Cornelius aitt1erbllt receIved psriniKlon from the Aldermen leilerdar to i ate thi street In front f their rest Ieuc > I aurt I 2 Wst Hfty aeventh stnel with ranilt block paveutsut alUielruwB expense Herman Harrlts who U under bondi to appear for tried for forgery alleged to h ten bean committed willis hi was a buyer lot VVhllall Tatum A Co at 40 Uarclar mIDst wu arrested yesterday ga 5 charge vt ttL4 lzceey btm the tuat ftrai

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    SJ L He Confessed to Taking SIOSOOO Ne tta farfI VIenradU HUdt10 Are1jf Un und lllsuppexred Ie

    debledness My Ilenek 81000000T-lAitTioitD Supt 22Sinco tho disappear

    unco of Thomas F Plunkett tho Treasurer oftho Union Manufacturing Company anllrosl ¬dent of tho lnrlorl Silk andiscovery was a defaulter tho most so-rlous rumors concerning tho stability of GeorgeM Bartholomew President of tho Charter OakLife Insurance Company anltho Union Manu-facturing


    r Company In circulationiRe was known to havo been a largo borrowerlor i oars but was supposed to be worth a cleanmillion and not likely to suffer for his endorse-ments


    of Plunketts paper for about 10000-Bma1 creditors aUaohol stocks and bonds Intho bnuks but wna thought ho woullcomo out all right Two days agoPleld of Now York Bartholomews brotherinlaw camo here nod this was supposed-to Indicate that Bartholomew would hnvo altho temporary aid ho needed to carrythrough On Monday Bartholomew loft town

    it Is now learned that ho U a defaulter toInl amount of ovor 125000 Of this sum105 000 tsicash and thoro aro notes for 12 000

    and 10000 Today tho Charter Oak Life In-surance


    Company applied for tho appointmentof a receiver and Isaac Brook of Torrlngtonand Edmund A Stedman of Hartford woro ap-pointed


    ThoChartor Oak has for years boont weak but the Immediate oauso for this appli-


    was tho sum owed the company by MrBartholomew

    Tho fact that he was short In his accounts1 with tho company to tho amount of 105 000

    cash was mado known to tho directors by MrBartholomew himself on Saturday but ho saidnothing about tho notes Tho directors werodurafoundod but agreed to give him time tomnko tho deficit good On Monday mornlDIthey dibcovored two notes onooftbo othor of 10 000 which larlhololol haddiscounted about twothe proceeds for himsolf not for tho usolran Than thoy calol ulIn and asked himto resign nod ho 11 The same day be lofttown rind has not boon seen since Ho Is supPOOl to bo In Canada

    Iho Charter Oak Company Is probably to-tally wrecked It has property valued at-

    1t0174 but much of It Is not productiveS a great deal Is considered not worth noar

    1 Jnlamount paid for It Its lino building heroIs heavily mortgagedSlncn Pluukott left tho Investigation of his

    accounts Is said to have showed that paper onwhich ho and Bartholomew had raised mon yIs out to the amount ot HOOoQUO Tho ruin ofthe Cl nrtT Oak Company wilt hardly take withIt amy nthoi concerns except thoso with whichMr Bartholomew was connected Bartholo-mew


    I A Co brokers tho leading member of tbobolni Goo W Bartholomew a son of OIrlBartholomew have been unable to moot

    their igatlons for tho past row days and aroexpected to make an assignment tomorrow

    I ETheir liabilities aro rumored to bo nonrly 1001 000 Thero iIs a large amount ot G M Barthol

    prnrwt paper In local banks but it Isbelieved that all wilt bo ablo to standIho loss Iho Schuvler Lloctrle LightCompany It Is believed wi bo obligedto suspend I has cairlod forporno tlmo by Bartnolomow in putting

    c lip expansive plants at Norwalk ConnItlcbmonil Ya It is thought hownvor Iulman make a showing that will enable It to contlnuo Tho Connecticut lllver Banking Com ¬pany has a larco amount of both Bartholomewsind bchuyloriUectrio Light COOpanyspapor

    nd will to forced to sacrificeIt Ibelieved to have amplo resources to carryIt through

    Mr Bartholomew was a most secretive manIn all hU business matorn and none of all hisAssociates over biL knowledge of his af-fairs


    tSJ It has n mutter of bank talk forthe past twenty yours that nobody knew vThoth

    it n ho was worth a million or nothln but hIsI iroJlt his always stood high Ho lived very1 plalnlYlnd made no pretensions ot any sortIn business hero for fifty years

    a rraioueof tho citys most respected citizensind was connected with Its most Importantbusiness enterprIses At one time hoendorsed for the Charter Oak Company-to the extent ol 1500000 to carry it ovor aplace when no ono ulso was reatlv to holp nrlHo was President of thi Holjoko Water PowerCompnnjiandoltheUnlon Manufacturing Com-pany


    ant was interested otberlocnl corpora ¬tion Ho rummaged tIme Hartford Providencepnd 1lshkll Itallroad for years very success-fully truitoo boforo Its consolidationwith the Now York and Now England Ballroadlie ba loon a heavv endorser for tho hartfordbIlk Company and thn Union Manufacturing4 omianv and ills liabilities may reach 500p DO0 the city IIs completely upset by tho rolllIons and there aro rumors of otherlions or fiUlureBlint none has yet boon reported

    Previous to leaving town Bartholomewover 200000 tho funds of tho Hart

    turned Asylum of which hid wIfe wasut Tho funds had boon loft In his

    band for snfo keeping It Is reported tonlgbthat tho American EmIgrant Company with amono office hero and a land oClco In Iowa IsInvolved U M Bartholomew was PresidentindO W Bartholomew Treasurer of tho conporn which lied a capItal of 50UUOO Tonightho bchuylor Electric Light Company has prolured funds and line paid Its men Its manigei says this evening that he has seclrodample backing to tIde over Iho ¬cial of tho Connecticut lllver Banking Com-pany


    also say that they have ample collateralIn good marketable bonds and stocks for allJ the nnpor they hold and that thoy havo no-t lonsldnrabla amount of Bartholomews vapor

    I7 but principally Schuyler Electric Light paperwIth his endorsement This paper is conoidret good-

    It has boon ascertained tonight that lIarttiolomow Is In Montreal Besides beIng con-nected


    with tho corporation already named howas a director In the AmerIcan National Dankthe Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and In-surance


    Company and the Orient Flro Insur-ance


    Company ho was also a director In tboinsane Itetroat and In the Hartford Hospitalind Iruaaurur of the Watklnson Library ofwhich ho was one of the trustees Ho wal Vloo-PreeldentI of the Btnto SayIngs mind aj Member of the CorpomationofTrinlty-lie

    Collegeis Indebted to the Holyoke Water

    Power Company but Insiders say that tho com ¬pany Is fully protected Among somo of thoBilk Companys paper with his endorsement is

    I I3COOJD rind of the Union Company ISO 000already known Ills own Individual vapor Is-

    l 1 out to an extent not known and also the papertff his son endorsed by himselfTha Tiousurer of thu Florida Construction

    Company with which Bartholomew was cun-necteI t 1 ascertained several days Democracy hat authorised their ominltleeon lredeiilltls to consider tire QuestionI of the lovalt ol-th < ourlriilliI dlHrlctI coinmlitruI tintI the tatter cornmlllctt hslI ordered lirlrllu be t In the severalelection districts of vurlolib Assombly district onluuJI ensuing Sept fl

    UjUBCke rutdPeter La Roche of 7Third avenue was finedS2uJ Mat fttlfer of Third avenue wee riiied liuIpla Umious ysstsrday tot praollslm mtiuctaaWr


    urn rinws or imau LEADERS OKTUB DEFEAT OF TUB LAND nlL

    miter Blracdei D ttren Tsnmstsad Ladlord Predicted Lord BsillsbarF on ikeTel of Ian Obslractlonlsla

    LONDOi Sept S2 Tlilrtyono Unionistvoted with tho Tories lat night alalnstI rnol Land bill Nlnotyslx members woreConcerning tho results of tho defeat of Mr

    ParntUB Land bill Mr Plorco Mahoney mem-ber


    for North Month said to TUG SUN reporterthis evening IYou know there Is only onocourse open now Tho rarnolllto membersmust recommend the Irish peoplo to moot andconsider wol and carefully what would bo afair offer mako to tho landlords ThNa-tional ¬League should advlso the to thisend and counsel thor to hold llrmlyto tholrproposals nnd not budge an Inch Tho Leaguewill oxort Itself to the utmost to provont out ¬rages but evictions roust inevitably result Incrime and It will bo a difficult matter to proservo absolute order The Government Is cer-tainly


    aiming at coercion and Iwill surelyfollow within two months Tho Farnellltoswould prefer that tho people offer only passiveresistance pay no moio than a fair root goquietly when evicted and seek the protection-of tho League which will son to It that they donot suffer I tho people will do this nobodywill tako land they vacate and the land-lords


    wlioso moro than they would by allow ¬ing to remain arid pay what theywnro ahlo

    Mr Thomas W Ruisoll Liberal antihomorule member for South Tyrone said Thofarming peoplo are tired of this norentmovement 1 boy will pay tholr rents quicklyenough with a little pressure and aro abund-antly


    able to do so The tenants havo a legalright to the value of tholr tlllaeo and theywouldnt bo such fools as to let the landlordshave tho benefit of It by vacating tholr holdingsrather than pay the fraction of rent that standsbetween tho proffer of the Iarnellltes and thojust duo of tho landlord

    Messrs Dillon Sexton and T P OConnorpredict hitter struggles between tenant andlandlord during tbo conning winter Thoydechine to say what tho policy of the Parnullltoqwill bo but Intimate that It will be a difficultmatter to prevent violence If evictions are on ¬forced and they entertain no hopo that theywill bstayed In any part of IrelandRandolph Churchill give notice In thehouse Commons today of tho Intention oftho Government to Introduon early next sosalon measures for consIderable modifications-In tho present method of conducting publicbusiness In the house of Common Iho an-nouncement

    ¬1la accepted as portending further

    repressive moaqures against the 1nrnollltosMr Charles E Lewis Conservative member

    for Lon ondorrv city moved an CnclallnfllryInto the lng of imiall freeholds but suchatari ivlUI conduce to the prosperity security and happtness of unhappy Ireland CheersI Tile change may boslow and gradual but our policy IIs to estublliu it

    In conclusion Lord Salisbury saidnememher gentlemen we Ito engaged In a great

    struggle to mreicrve theI unity of ttie empire which Isour paramount object Do not relax your efforte tohand the empire down to posterity unimpaired

    A vote of thanks to Lorl Salisbury was unan ¬imously paused SalsburyID thankingiris hoarer said that victory waslargely duo to thus hearty support and brilliantspeech of Lord Hartlngton

    Tko llulastrlaa CrisisSom Sept 22The Russian agent has ac-


    Ilia Bulgarian reply to tha Czar telegram un-modified with the exception of the withdrawal of thostatement that notes suet aa those the Kusilan agentpresented might Jeopardize the quiet of the country

    Inl Frrmdenlilatt deprecates criticisms onno frlcnlly relations between Austria and Germanybelief In which IIs firmly rooted In the minds of theAustrian ant Hungarian people It aIde In view oftile great object of the Imperial alliance which Is topreserve peat wo hope lite UOTrrninint during tha-conilugsmliuul the Itelchsralh will replr tolnterpel-lallons and rIO anxiety Judging truin Ituaslaaaction up to time sha will only utilize hertriumph oer Iriuce Alexander with due respect to allInternational rights

    ten Kaulbars bears with him lo Sofia an ultimatumfrom llussla to tIle Bulgarian Qo eminent

    Pitman Will Appcnl to AmericansLoNDoN Sept 23Mr Parnell Intends to

    make a special appeal to Irishmen in America ta shuttenantsulcledI during tha coming winter to hold outagainst the landlords

    Firing Into n Crowd offllrlhtrsPEA000Y Mass Sept 22Four Iolcemewar detallel tonight to escort John

    union workman from 1roclors tannery to the Salemline whence tie was lobe taken lo his house On theway toward Salem n mob ofan hither began throw-Ing stones at tiotormu one oi which thrown by JoelWelch struck Policeman Iratley in Itt back Vielshwas arrested an 1 Iho mob then begot policewith ktulies rhe police fired four 1llullh crowdwounding a boy named hdward Caisldy Two or threeother ersons Wet slightly wounded After the policefired tIm crosd fell bock

    One Doctor Ilorataw kips AnotherLONO ISt1D CtT Sept 22A horsewhip-ping 101r oecurd afternoou on one of the pnhllc

    streets The crion asialled was Jr Edward Itothand the assailant Dr A F Rchlller Path are wellknoHnph > lilaiis Ur kcltllhr alleges that Dr lutldefamed his charcle Ms Inolio There1001been bitter rl lun 11lwO timeexpecteI that Or lull I a warrant fur lbiifeat ul Ur Schiller

    otkIn Like 1 IThirt no such other coinpendlutn of nnaor mirrorcontemporary history ROTS Waiati v 1 alaCastorla a soothing mediclna for Infants and children

    Pleasant haruilesi and effective Itsllevca teethingquiets pain allays fever dastroia worms regulates InebowtU glvM rut to mttiasr aaa health to cbtht4g

    Three Lost UuraOf Buffalo BII Wild West on Slasn lililJ Soifl forget iL5Js-



    palpitations nervousness tremblIng coilktacU ui teal ctu4 bjr cutut ItOO ttltsga

    IBB PRESIDENT IN rAIDINOrUNCol Lat 1 Ur MsinBlasT Ilnsni Bei-KBCd isad IVoiit Tithe ForeUsi Mission

    WAflniNOTOJf Sept 23 About fifty per¬sons wore nttho Daltlmoro and Potomac dopotwhen tho train bringing President Clevelandand his party arrived at 835 this eveningThe President disappoInted tho crowd by golag out of tho roar of tho station nnd gettingInto his carriage on the Sixth street side andbo was well on hit way to tho We I to House boforo It was known that ho bad alightedtho train Ho was met by his faithful valetSinclair as ho stopped from tho car MrsCleveland tripped quickly ahead of tho Presi-dent


    over the railroad trakstolho carriage andstepped lightly Into ho cameUP The White House was brilliantly lightedand the attendants wore waiting about thedoorway when tho oarrlaco drovo up Postmisstoraonoral and Mrs Viawero within togive the party a welcome

    Col Lament was asked about tho reports ofBocrotary Mannings retirement Ho said

    Time President spent an hour with SecretaryManning this morning and found hInt Ingood health and spirits There Is no truth Intho roport that Mr Manning has resignedof course no foundation for tho story anlwill accept a foreign mission

    AIDANT Sept ajProsldont Cleveland nndMrs Cleveland Mrs 1olsom and Col and MrsLamont arrived hero from Pittsburgh nt 3oclock this morning Tho ¬ing the party was switched on n 1Llnl Theparty breakfasted In tho car at 7 H Cloveland and Col Lamont wont to tho AiomaKlco-nt 845 where tbo Presidentl was closeted withSecretary Manning for IHtyllvo minutes Aftertho consultation tho President and SecretaryManntciworo driven to the Wet Shore station

    Mlnnlcl picked Jiis way carefully throughtho feeble Mr Man-ning

    ¬anlecmetlulto special car wblolwas attached to the 155 West ShoreNow York and remained until the train wasabout to start He was tbondrlvtn to the officeof his physician

    President Cleveland and hs party arrived atLittle lorry Junction at I M yesterday-The oar was titan run over the Now York Busquohanna nnd Wostrtracks to Marlon whoretIt was In express train on thePonusyhaula roadTUB JOCKEY CLUBS flKCOYD TRIAL

    Jadao Moore Denies Ike Motion for DelayTk Member of Ike Jnry

    Tho second trlnl of the Conoy Island JockoyClub on an Indictment for allowing the groundsat Shoopsboad Hay to bo used for tire register-Ing and recording of bets was begun yesterdaybefore Judge Moore In tho Court of SessionsBrooklyn District Attorney Itldgway was as-sisted


    by Wm C lioochor In tire prosecution-and Lawyers Do Wi Bowers and Wnrnborgagain appeared tho defense Mr Bowersasked for an adjournment so that bo mightmako application to tho Supreme Court to havotho case removed to tho Court of Oior nndTormlncr on the ground that a prejudice oxIstnd against tho defendants The prejudicereferred to by tho lawyer was ono which thodefense thinks exists In the mind of JudgeMoore-

    In denying tho motion Judge Moore saidtho motion watt the llrstof tho kind that hadbeen made slnco the Court of Sessions hadboon endowed with tbo same jurisdiction nstho Court of Open and Termlner except Inthe Sjulro case Judge Churchill Inching hisopinion In that case seemed to forgot that thoCourt ttfI ho slons was tho equal of tbo Court ofOpen and Tormlnur If tho LegIslature thought-the Court of Sessions capable of doing justiceIn eases where human life Is Invoked timeCourt ought to bo competent to try a misde-meanor


    Ibroo hours were consumed in securing ajury which tho Court and tho opposing counselconsidered satisfactory This is time jury

    Chr sti in Jensen cigar 22 dams street E D John-A tlorm Jeweller 70 lourth plate A 1 De Mono realetA NI4 Ute aenue tdvnrd Hclttetas shoemakfrAttolph fester leather dealer tOt 1rlncostreet Jultn Ilkenhtin prlntor ula Deco slrevt Imper I Bvlloz shlrta J15 Irankltu avenue lltomas Wlleagher carpenter IllS tickton street t Francis JDoyle hooks MM 1aclflo street Samuel llttwer plutti-ltr tiN UAta avenue Isaac tan hise butcher NowLoU Chart VID Uausehoteu bookkeeper 181 cantonu uue

    After the jury had been sworn In and amotion ot Mr Do Witt to dismiss the complaint-on tho same grounds as wore urged at the pre-vious


    mini was denied throne was adjournment-until this morning It has not boon decidedwhether the witnesses will bo raoxamlnod orthe testimony taken at limo fret trial submittedto tire jury Mr Itldgway made a propositionthat the latter coursa bo adopted


    The Views or Sir Llebkneckl 5tr ATolnAand Jlr ArellDE OB rndeiMoro thrtn 3000 persons crowded Into

    Cooper Union hall last night to hoar HorrLlobknoohti and his socialistic confreres dis-cuss


    trades unionism Herr Llobknecht heldthat trades unions wore good In tholr way butcould attain groat success only by preparingthe world socialism Ho said

    The way of tho capitalist has Compelled laboring mmto combine Eoclalsm has all along tried lo break downthe Poe er of the capitalist The experience of all countries has shown thattor the old of machineryI sad thecunning distribution laltor the capitalist has betn contlnuallv growing rIcher liiLugland titers arc many oooperative ansoclatloim that haYs mooney to back themtint the history of all show that they either became tietools of capitalists or else fall Work la proper sod no Isthe organization of labor Hut that organisation musthave Ian end something morn than merely getting alittle higher price for labor

    Mrs Kloanor Avollng daughter of Karl Marxand wife of Dr AnIDI spoke of trades unions-In England 1I that they worn merelyaids to capitalists as they pay to the unionmen out of employment moro than tho In-crease


    they tao gained In wages thus lowerIng tho tax English employers pay thopoor rates No man there sho towarl become n member of a union unless ho hasserved a long apprenticeship at his trade andthis shuts out groat many from unions whoearn however just as much as union men

    Dr Atellng said that trade unions were verygood proldol that they sought to brine outIla He saidI you niarched on Sept 0 Labors mullday > on heard Site clanking of chains hanging on thefeet if labor I wonlerlf the capitalists looking onknew ttey were looking not on freemen but on slavesI want 3 ou In understand > ou are not in a free countryAs long Os two classes cailtalUts who possess but donot produce anti Ilaborers who rroduce but do not pos-sess are t Hied against each other so tong there can bo-nn freedom Capitalism In America has not been as inEurope of slow growth but line sprung up like mush-rooms

    Dr Avollng approved of tho nomination ofHenry George for Mayor Ills roeriuco to MrGeorge was received with groat applauso

    7IJ2 nEd TY 1IIT11 CANADA

    1Provide fur lleclproenl Trade and Settlesthe kickers DisputeOTTAWA Sept 22Tho Ilbliory question

    seems now to bo In a fair way for I speedy andamicable settlement Information has beenreceived that 0commercial treaty has beendrawn up between the English and UnitedStates Governments relative to Canada andthat It Is now being submitted to theCanadian Government for suggestions asto details This treaty provides foran amlcabll settlement of tho fisherydispute also reciprocal trado relationswith the two countries A Cabinet meeting-was IbId here yostorday when the now treatywas laid before tho Ministers for considera ¬tion The lion Mr Thomson Minister ofJustice said this evening that tho treaty hadnot been definitely concluded Ho tacitly ad-mitted


    however that limo provisions were ontire whole satisfactory It Is probable a Cabinetmooting will bu held tomorrow for the finalsottlornontof the question

    ObituaryJames Howe foundor of tboAVo York Spirit

    of lfOe Tiers now irilifi i Sylrlt oj tlte Times died luLafayette hlII jestsrday lu his Both fr HoraceOreelr was einrloje1 b > him on thisI paper ai printerIand tiusy formed an Intimate acquaintance which conllnuid unll Mr Ureele s deathten on Btlebt of the German army died ruierdarat frnkruritalics II Fllchelt a leading resldtnt of HighlandFall and ex Deputy collector of Inleruullieveuue tiled

    esi rday mornlugI11 Irani taut husk Irk Chief of Police of Daonne

    of heart disease on luedsy night He was Ml ears010He lanced during tile nar as jiajor lu tile Tweim firstNew Jersey olunltcrs

    Leah iilxas HI tears oilI a spinster nlI an auntof the butter llenjiimln Nathan who was injslerlou7 murdered III his rcsldrme Tuvoiutthtrd streetsnit tll menu fifteen years aco tiled suddenly onShe ll l with a nurse atis Rein Kortystreet Her death was rtitorted to tile i oronrrs hlland ysstords Poput > Corojer Jenkins decided that suiCud of old age





    Irioni Fled rein their Houses andTook la Ikei Tent Meek tne aitasiCud bJProf WUtlaa Lu Prediction

    CIIAIILESTON Sept 22The earthquakeshooki on Tuesday morning cast a gloom overthe city which It will take weeks to overcomeMany families who had just returned to theirhouses ffero frightened out of thorn and fled totheir tents again Others sought slooplnaberths on boarl tho shipping In the harborTho however was not as great amight have boon expected considering the de-moralized


    condition of a largo population al-most


    homeless Tho night was cold and rawand camp quarters wore anything but pleas-ant There wero no shocks during the Dlahtand when daylight came n moroIng prevailed only to bo dispelled how-ever at 740 this morning when an-other


    visitation of tho horrible subter-ranean


    dlsturbanco which seems to hauntthis stricken city was experienced Thoshock was long and terrible althoughIt did not shako down any additional buildingsYour correspondent was standing In the mar ¬ket at tho tlmo The market will be romombored as a range of sheds running from Mootlug street to the river It la one of tho fewlandmarks of Charleston that escaped com-paratively


    uninjured Tho underground rum ¬hung was quite distinct and tho movement oftho oarth appeared to bo up and dOlnsomuch so that your correspondentleaning over tho stall writing 0 recommenda ¬lion for rations for an aged negro woman wasunable to continue writing

    It Is the rocurrencoof these disturbances thatmakosllfo so hnrlhere The people aro facingtho situation all tire pluck and fortitudethey can command They are going right onwith repairs and are attending to theIr busi ¬ness with a pluck and perseverance that Iscommendable but the situation Is enough toappal any community In tho world A house-holder


    who has boon endeavoring to repair hisbrick residence says that he hato pay t50 ormoro for every thousand laid countingthe cost of material and tho high price ol laborThen throne Is always the horrible fear of whatmay come n fear kopt constantly alive by theconstantly rocurrlni rumblings anlrowlnalof the They arelutely living without hope a community whichgoes to Us couches at night with no assurancethat the dread spectre may not bury thorn Intho ruins of tholr houses before day dawnsJohn E OlOI tho actor who owns the theatrehero has just arrived to look after hisproPerty described time situation when ho said

    Tho ueoplu are plucky throne Is no denyingit but Its no use talking about couroco In theface ot such an unseen and unknown foe

    Tim city presents a curious spectacle Onecannot walk n square without passing a haldozon scaffolds Nearly otory thirdsurrounded by scaffolding nnd there Is hardlyan uninjured building to bo found In spite ofthis thousands ot houses are loft without anyattempt at repairing simply on account of tbounmercifully high prices nskod Itt mechanicsand laborers A very small number of North-ern


    mechanics have como hero 1hose gotfrom JJ to f5 per day and are boarding nt ncost of from fifty to soontjflvo cents per dayMany hundreds could llud omploj mont hero atoiiually reuiunnramo prices About llfty me-chanics


    from Now York filmed hero toJay oiltho steamer Vomassao and at once obtainedwork at remunerative wages

    The prediction ot Prof Wieln winch wanprInted today created unite a ianlc hero aridadded to the gloom that pervaded tho cityWillie no ono boiinos in the ability of iguiusto foretell r n oirthauakn the fact that ho hasannounced It adds greatly to the uneasinessfelt hero

    As bad as time Injury to ft Mlclincln Churchappears on the outside the aumnuo to tho In-terior


    Is quito as creat Tho heavy archesunder the galleries are shattered and tho wallsand ceiling cracked in many places Nearly alltho plastering In down and the entire placeseems to bo torn up Time organ has boontaken down arid moved The mural tabletsand stained elan cbanccl window howeverare uninjured The work of removing poit-ics and the west and north walls two proceedIng slowly

    The earthquake on Tuesday morning causedthe front pediment of the Custom House toseparate threouuartors of an Inch moro fromtIre main building and It Is the opinion of theGovernment engineers that It would havefallen down completely had It not boon forheavY timbers with which it Is shored up Theshock also produced additional fractures Intho stone colling at the tot of both the frontanti roar porches

    NEV OIIFASS Sept 22 Thoro Isconsidorabo excitement and indignation bore over theWiggins prediction of an earthquake that willdestroy New Orleans on the JJth Inst Theprediction hH boon the subject ol general dis-cussion


    today and whllo Intelligent peopleridicule It there Is some excitement amongnervous women and a possibility of a seriousand troublesome frleht among tbo largo massot negroes in this city Home ten years ago aWeitorn sharp predicted ft tidal wave thatwould sweep over Now Orleans and destroy ItU aroused tire most Intense octtornont amonglimo negroes and Ignorant whites and it wasall the press could do to prevent aminnie as tho time for the tidal wavedrew nigh Whether Wlgginss predictionwill have tho same effect will depend largelywhether tho negro preachers use It for a ser-mon


    to exhort tbnlr congregations to re-pentance


    as they did the comet of four yoursago There Is however good foundation for afright Aaguo belief prevails that AVlgglnspredicted tho lato Charleston earthquake andtire shock felt there yesterday line convincedmany that the earthquake Is liable to breakout again in this vicinity At Otto ol the Lib-erty


    street churches tonight tim negroes hadan earthquake prayer meeting end should thematter bo taken up religiously there arechances of considerable demoralization andpanic among them which will prove troublesome and Injurious Interfering with work

    Tire papers hao nearly all serious editorials onthe subject and 1rof Dernard astronomer ofYundorbllt University arid tire United MatesObservatory at Washington hate been tolocranhed to to learn whether Mgglnsn astro-nomical


    assertions arc truo that Saturn andJupiter will be In conjunction on Sept 21 whichho assorts will produce tho onrthijiiako andwhether thero Is any possibility of this havingan effect on the earth Ono of tile vapors Inter ¬viewed the leading doctors horn tills morningand they unanimously say thnt Wlgglnss pro ¬dictions are liable to lo much harm Dr Joneshalo 1residont of the Louslana Board of Healthdeclares that ha bus mot many nervous per ¬sons more or less frightened and that In caseof heart disease excitement and apprehensionproduced by predictions like these may proveserious on fatal


    Sir IVIIkenea nndylCnrrled lo n Police BiotlonlVklle his Carriage Wnlted

    Theodore VYllkons a rich Importerof plushesand dealer In upholstery goods at 77 flowery left hisoftlce about 4 oclock jeiterJay afternoon to go to hishours In 1rospect at cnne and IKd street Ho appearedto hare fallen asleep In the elevattd rallronl car andwhen at KOlh street the conductor called Alt outMr nlikens didnt more lie was found to bay tiled Inlute seat probably ot heart disease The body was takento time police station In 120ih street and from letters Inhis pockets > lr tvllkensi identity was discovered liltcarriage was walling for him nt he stationaIr Wilkens came to New York front inuthermu letmany over thirty years sco a poor man He began lifelist as a keeper of a com stand In Noutli areit lieafterward opened a grocery store then a saloon antifinally Imlng saved consIderable money he startedthe business wnfcli he ouducted until his death herthe past six years tub business ire been located al 77Uowery Mr likens owned a lingo amount of realestate In Morrlsaula and his fortune Is said to amountto nearly half a million dollars He was 01 years of age

    Mr Wllkens went to Liuropa something over a yearagoforpleasura sod White abroad was attacked Mlthheart disease He came lioma immediately and Willieha apparently recovered his health he was alwaysafterwarl apprehensive of a so Iden death such as hainow terminated lila life Mr likens leaes a sort anda daughter Ills a ICe died a fw mouths ego

    TerrtOc Hull Storm In south HindSOUTH BEND Ind Sept 22IIoavy black

    clouds appeared In time northern horizon al l >i tills after-noon At 24 rain and hall began to fall and at 2 thesic rut wu at III height Hailstonsi rouging In sitefront amarhlc to a hens nt felt aol did Incalculabledamsge TImers lit not a building In tltls dir that lint awhole i aue of glass facing north or east Man heavyIlisle elsie MlinJotva Hero uiao bruKtn The btrceti attlCidawaiks art to utklit cohered nIt ihhere1 iclan TheSiuleliatter Wagoit Louuumiatuy hat 7 MJO panei brokenand UK OilIer maiuriciil-lOUKI

    liitr vtiiaLlUliiiiciit greenaild CtlUrtlJrl lUff I r iivavily Tin roof werertomlvil ttiy it icy niiiull Tile Osnia rt H ill Amountto lliotisainJi ut ilollarc Tt-

    utttiilliKi Iliutiian pfdjdo vtio were

    tile Nortlirrn luJUi Pair Lecaino paulotrrki and nian sure ieOerely cruilicJ The ballfelt for tHcutr ininuttuKilled Just sos he aied hIs hand lokla UIIVJ U Klrchnor and wife ot thl city spent

    Hit summer Uh friends In Mlddlttowu Yesterdaytluy were returning home on time ErIe lUllway hitKlrchner who was ltuiyesrs old had bCenin the smokingcar Vi hen His train was approaihlug tin Uergcn shortcut Junction this side of lildgewood N J he pastedout ot the smoking car lo return to his wife who wassitting lu the next ear behind As ha tupped on insplatform be could lee his wife through lha hue doorma hi waved his haul to list Just then lbs trainiteuck a Sharp curve Ur klrchner was thrown oft thelttaiCefzii Py lie sudden iurcti tail WM UuiuUr k1hsl


    One of the Meet rramlaenl Coraraliiloai FirmsAeenied efSwUdllDH VrBoMces

    ChICAGO Sept MAn inkling of ono ofthe greatest scandals the J3oard ot Trade hasexperienced since the famous lard case leakedout today The main points are that W PDickinson who was confidential man for MoGooch Evorlnaham A Co during the biglard deal which resulted in their failurethen confidential man for their succes-sors


    Crlttendon A Harvey and still laterfor W H Harvey Oo has tiled with the di ¬rectors charges of swindling against W IIHarvey and Frank Crlttondon The latter asreceiver for the firm of W It Harvey A Co haslied counter charges against Dickinson ot dis-honest


    practices Each asks that the others boexpelled mom the Board

    harvey A Co failed Aug 4 and Crlttondon ftformer partner of tho llrm wits appointed re-ceiver


    to settle up the firms affairs In lookingover the books Crlttendon found over 1UO 000bushels of wheat charged to the ncount of twoor three of the firms largest customers whosobusiness Dickinson was in the habit of lookingafter

    They denied that they had given Dickinsonorders to purcbnso the stuff Ho was broughtboforo the receiver and It Is sold confessed Intho presence nf four witnesses that he tiedmade the trades for himself and charged threatto the customers accounts

    Dickinson was nsked to surrender his mem-bership


    to partly liquidate his indobtodntnbut this ho refused to do and charges of dis ¬honest conduct wore accordingly tiled with thedirectors

    Dickinson Immediately filed elaborate chargesof swindling practices by bout harvey andCrlttondon and specified Individual cases giv¬ing names dates and figures whoro custom ¬ors had boon grossly Imposed upon and refernina tim directors to the books of the concernverification

    The books wore brought before the ilIrortoMand Messrs Hatolv Moore and NT Wrightwore appointed members a committee to Inveatigate

    The alleged victims Include many prominentbusiness men throughout the country as wellas largo local speculators and members of timeBoard The amounts Involved are said toroach a very large total


    Ill Friends Say He line Gone to Bee IllsBom Who li Sick There

    ExAldermnn Arthur J HcQuadc who 13under 23000 ball for voting to grant theBroadway franchise to Jako Shorn for the sakeof boodlo Is out ol town Ho wont away onTuesday afternoon Inspector Bvrnos Is outof town too and although ho went away be-fore


    the oxAlderman there aro those whothink the double departure suspicious In ¬spector Byrnosa detectives say they dontknow where ho Is and couldnt oven telegraphto him If thor wanted to over so much At oxAlderman McQuados house last night It wassaid that bo had loft town but It was notknown where ho bud uono ho would bo backtodav or tomorrow however

    Tbo oxAldormans friends who wore spokento on the subject said un hind gone to Montreal

    not to join the boodlo Aldermen anti oxAldermen alroadj In exile there bat to seo hisson a etudont In Notm l amo Collect in thatctV Who Is ill Mr JlcOtiade it woe nja ilhaul bean uuinionoil by tho Praildont of thecollege who couui Jored the lads condition procaniouui

    In regard to a report which obtained circula-tion yesterday that Mcljiiiido bad gone awaywith time permission of tho Dstrict Attorneyobtained at a tCteiVtctn just boforo his dopirturo Mr Martian said yesterday

    Miyuado into not boon near mo for monthsand I did not give him permission to go toCanada Ho wont there as I understand it tosee his little boy who Is nt school thorp mindwho Is very HI I have no Idea that Dlctjundowill not return Throne was no reason for histoeing the jurisdiction nt tills time Ills trIalwas not moved nor was It likely to bo for a fewweeks His bond is good at nil events though1 have no doubt that bo wilt como back I donot know that any other Indicted Alderman of18S4 U outside of tile jurisdiction and I havenot given permission to any other ono of thetato do BO

    iixxics uri KCrVBLlCAXSNominating McOIll tor Governor How

    1receillnB the laminationSt PAUL Sept 22Thu Kopubllcan Statu

    Convention mot this morning at the ImpositionRink Dr A C Wedge of Albert Lea waschosen Chairman An Informal ballot for Gov-ernor


    resulted as follows A It McGlll 15SC A Oilman 103 John JJ Glbbs OS Neces-sary to a cbolco 180 The first formal ballotwas then ordered and while the votes werebeing counted tho platform was road of whichthe following 1is a synopsis

    The warehouse and rnllroal tow ihonll be ntnondelto securu an oren out free market fr the irodlitucfthe noil lltillro idn where it can legull bedluuuc khould-be restrained from hoi ting free land txempt front teLntliin Il dges the marry to fefciuo tutu s rohlbltlng tilefurther use of watered Sleek to aiiund the tuix maw 10tux huh ers shall not Into lrornrti ttirouclu rrori of ofSeen tttrohlllt railroad ccnipanlei trom furnUnlitg-IImosses to legtslitors to do all iniinfclpul ii ork Ily the dayantI not tuy lontntct to i ny women name as mttii for tilesame ruben and to prohltjit chllI labor 1rUon labor Isoppoeeil ant arbitration is defenlel Ieil > Utli u Ufavored to renew the free coinage ot silver und loreviistile tariff so that taxation on tile necessaries of life maybo reduced

    The first formal ballot resulted JIcQlll 1C3Gllman 101 GlbbsJO

    On the second formal ballot ono moro votewas vast than there were delegates and tireballot was declared void amid the greatestconfusion For several minutes pandemoniumreigned The Hpeakor pounded the table withthe gavel while scores of delegates jumped onchairs clamoring for recognition Finally theConvention took a recess for ono hour

    At the evening session the balloting was con-tinued


    which resulted In the nomination ofMoGHI on tIm fourth ballot

    A K Blco wax nominated for LieutenantGovernor on tho llrst ballot

    Itomlnaltd far CongressThe Republicans of Philadelphia yesterday

    matte the following nominations for tongrets 1 imdistrict Henry II Illngliam Second district CharlesOStlll lourlli dlitrlot VVIUam 1 Ktlley link dis-trict AlfredI C Manner In time Third district reinxnted by Hamunl J Itaudall 110 destine action woe

    Mctor Daughm PresIdent of the ChesapeakeaolI Ohio anal u as yesterday nominate 1 as tlm Uein-cratlc candidate for OoliLTtit In the Sixth Man land dlitic1twill P Augur a prosperous farmer of VI11erdd

    Conn and a suit of the rrohlbltlontd candidate furLiiutenaul Governor waiycsterda iiiiniinaud fur Ctnsteel by the Prohibitionists of the becoud Lonutcticutdistrict

    Tha IJemocrati of time Ninth Indiana district haysnominated Ilenjamln F Ham a farmer

    I Ii raswell Kepubllcan first wiaconsin districtThe IieinocratiCjconferrees of the THcnt tint Iennaylvanla district hive nominated Ullberl T ItafferO a

    coke dealer of Allegheny ronntv-Tha Democrats of tile Klgnth district nf IlllsoU nato

    nominated II II Cody

    Ilualneii TroublesJulius Llppmnnn manufacturer ot bats and

    caps at 410 Urootnc street anti at South Norwalk Connhas confessed Judgment for 51017 and tile Sheriff hisstaken posiesslon Sir Uppmsnn has been In builneiiabout ten years lie owned the Union lint Manufactur-Ing Company Early this sear ha formed this firm ofhawley lairlck A Co which did not remain In bullness tong liii hisblhilles are retorted to about 5uutCbaniea MO en iaaher lii doming and mmis furuichlog goots at lt511 Third avenue flied au asalgliuuue-iitvastrlay in tisunire Meyer giving prefcrncee for

    h37 liii iiabuiilles ste reruorted to be atrut 1t4tCI0hiax hi Iterit end tViiiiauu 3 tleruusn colnpoahng hue

    Sri of hi hi llert 5 lirinai nuouniactilners of furSrinunlimiles St 41 liont street muuada an susijniietut yesterdey hI hraukiin 1410 whir about 5lliis ilabulihies-

    Charles E llowar I dealer in boots set shoos al 3J7-1llroadway mitts cnnfetsrd Judgments for fatbo to threecreditor on which the aiiena took possession Llabillties about Jouo

    Must Cokn Keep the ChrIstine Inbbotk IIn the Special Sessions yesterday Isaac Colin

    was lined f3 for violation of tile Sunday law by sellingft list on Sunday In tits store at 241 Qrand street Tho-defence claimed that as Colin was a believer In the YewIsh faun lull his ticy of worship was Hsturda he lulllint violated the law The tine was raIlI uuiirl Imurteatsill notice of apieul was given Judge lilJerslecvagave pcrmlislou lu appeal to tIlL Ueneral Session

    Alhrlgkls Inemlea limedNcvvti Popt 22 Thoro was avery exciting

    primary election delegates to tile Democratic SlateConvention In bsirx county tonlghl lln anti Albrightmulch ruler the leatlershlp of Allermen James SmithJr amid J ames V Conno l > won a signal t lctorv lucyelecled 7outof lh BT ilrlegates Ills predicted tintiIis result i radically kills Albright Chances fur thisUovftruorsnlp

    Six Iluuan Mkeleloaa Slug liWorkmen digging collars for now buildings

    alisoaud lltiWesl Urcalwaj yesterday unearthed anumber of human bonus about four test below the stirface ot the ground Upon digging dsepir they camacross Hi skulls sad tones suffleleut lo make up sixskeletons Word was sent to the Coroneri office andthe bontiwara taken te the Morgue Iollce CapUlnBUiu WM UuUuctil lo mill ia lamtulUou


    DASHES anna AND TIIRRK or-a

    7UflIA5 cniQuiious HKFUHTERS

    The Movement In nominate Henry Oeercefar Murai Ilsls toBtnlnlac ItQUO ATsimeiof 1crioas Iledged to Vote for IIIm

    The Com ml It oo on Credentials of theworklngmons independent political movemont mot last night at 141 Eighth street IIwas reported that every organized trado andlabor union In this city hid nodded the cornmltteo that It would join tho movement lamany Instances tho unions had exacted Indl-vldualtDlodgcs from members to support theworklngmons candidate for Mayor and hooffloors of the unions had said they had no doubtthat the members would faithfully supportHenry George If bo wore nominated by theworklngmon

    him Mauhattin Association of the Knlshta-of Labor composed of the employees of IhoIlroadwav llnllrond nro to hay n ptenlo laLion Park out nnxt Tuesday In the eveningIt will bo turned Into n George ratificationmooting It In oxpwcted that hoary Georgeami Dr McQlynn will speak

    Iho Credentials Committee have recalled theold cards Issued to delegates on Auir 5 andwill today lisun now cards to delegates for aConvention It will take place In ClarendonHall nnd only dologatos with cards will bo admilled

    Henry George li working quietly now antiBOOB every worUnuman who mils at imiq office10 Amor place Dr McGlytin was with hintslast night He Bald that ho unit seen lists with11000 names endorsed upon them promisinghim their vote aol ho supposed that onlyabout onebait of the lists had boon turned in-to him Ho Is announced to speak at an openair ratification meeting in Jackson square

    floyd ike Wkyo Caught lu IklladrlpklaFrank Boyd who Is said to bo n particular

    promising jounir member of the ttmmyo Uang at alleg dstole a nauh front latac Cohen In Turk row on Aug 21The Grand Jury liming Inllcted lilin lie was taken ttuthe General Sessions on Thursday tact to plead hot ashe entered the corridor lie throw aside tIle handcuffout of which he had slyly sllpprtl till wrlit uthed hischilnmite agahit Court Ofllcer O llrlin who wasguarding them and ilartril ut uf tile building acrossthe itv lull 1ark Slit into Broftdwa at a ttrcod thaisoon jell a long string of tinner out of hUhl lie waltoot sipn iroln down Chain ers ilrtet Detective hoercmnta VIcMaliui and Lyuuuaut of 1lmiepctor Hyrncn slatinrented Mm jencrday In Ihlladelphla mind will bringhuh buck totmiclly

    Ilovd though hardly of age eald a policeman lastevening Is regarded Imy detectlvca al cue cf limo atomSexpert wringers en clicks or In everyday EnglishPickpockets uilh nil edit abIlity It gftthtrln watchesIn Rue city Me IU call to have sorrel terms atrendylnMichigan unil IV mm U atttn He borrow route moneyfront fill eel mate in tthe Tninba on tie moriitnx of tille cnpc shotting that ho Inten led to try to gel awayIhut money link lilm to acrleyN J Wit re thtrawas n farmers fair lie wrung u clock otherwisestolo a Wfttili there toll it In tho nost town nnd wentto riilladolpltifl Iherp he Mai nrrtcttd for anothir marcoiiv jiii m tunic for bcrgennts Mchlorite rind L> uiau Mgel nun

    Arrests McOlory and Harry UllliPolicemen Cooper Collins and McCord oi

    the Central Jlllco were lent out by hurerlntendcntMurray icct night to arrest loatora of the KxclsalawTime policemen Kent to Billy McQlor > ulnutce bail inHciter strict and bouirht beer from Halter Hugh MoMamin Cooper nat Lolllni nrr ateil UcMimm anuSwalked Mm out quietly whllo Mel ord wetut up lothbar and wi fircl with leer b > InrlcuJcr lrortKmitti Smith Whit also iirrc tid Thrum the t olicemea-

    iutn llorr jliIi Sr l ft tiitiri e 1i in thLarroo un the CtLii nut lloor Marry lichaii tin Ibarttndcrnlin Oentl theta oo ai arreilet hut n as balledM atue if IIIIU frkn l > 1 he Atltiie In lilcrcktr pincerlImit1 the Urt Jitun aitul McurlI tilt ci lu Ureat Jones xttectaura trot tliiltd by the juice

    Imp Piled Around a Horse nand FiredJohn borarnllo astablcmnn found a hotel

    hay on fire Just liul lo of Irtakmaii Edward dIne stableIn the lane at < l ltatte street nt about I11 I M on Tues-day


    As thor are crick lu time timer It looked as 1Csome one aiC dent illy or cumluerwicu had thrown tklitrti met match Insl lo toummons Ills I ut tile tire out beforeIt iMd done HII > harm Tot o hours tftenuo and IollceinaaIto v itiuuuii of llio lilncu Cu reit iuad uw hilt > aohitbiirntin In tn it tLr which he exIliiKUlihcI with Soulcrllk nil This Hint tin nuts tiivl turlbly burned MrCHIT fltjo liorxe nn from the WHV lime itsy which oaon tire had t ecu lila aroun 1 Hie ntiiinal iIt looked as Ittbo hor e dffttli Jim t been Intended As It I the bornewas so bully burned trial It mi > lave t Ls Shied FireJliirhul MIC dou wil Inveitlgatf

    Mr Knox Slay ke llouahl the flIghtTho question as to the right of E U Knox tto

    maintain a stand oj tile holmium street tide of hli lintstore at llroa lwa and Fulton street mil Ut It to iummatlIdealers coca up ye ttrdi > btforo Julife Andrews la-Supremo Court Chambers on Mr hitoxit applicationf trail Injut uloii 10 reiIriIt i the Hun luot Incuinbrnnrelfruit reiuuuuo inc tha aitmt I otiiiiliiint 10 tin bureau MrKnotiii 1 a iuuoilo h > a milan named Ivalalu who oneItuseI the itai il lb eats tliut Ualiti otirtd to siltIht rllumutr fur floii am thitt an filler ct the Iii roututndtUed lit to uuitlte to W alilis de i rnd Mr iKnoxcl ttms lint lie purtltHSvI from ilitI city the riitht ta-ociui the tin com queitli lLCljiou n us rucrvoJ

    lie Died Aluaril the Ilzkciklp-Coct LUerinitnn of tho Winter Quarter

    Bhoals LIghtshIp lied on lord time lnjithlji on lulrldai It w as not umlaut n ashore until a rteeil broughtthe news to tort on Sunday Ctpt O 11 tt hltt Li htkhlpIii ptrtor hnfl tiufonumuell Mr LUerninnn that hcrhuHtan iticiI of licinurrhi wo troiuht on hp n Mulent lit ol-Luiithlitf c alt 11tit rinai u woo a Llcutetu Omit In thiniiy utter ioinmodttri9 Liitt throtitfli tiui war andeUht years net lio wa app inlel Cai lain of thullirlit-chlji lie hat lived on bottiil utmost nil of tide title nuayfruit his fiinti w ho IU a lit I V trlar neil W imamsburtrh The butb nrrhid HI Mr 1liycrumlmtnulat residenceon lucsjo and the funeral will tako pinto motley

    Mr K A Drake ResignsMr E A Drake who has for many years

    Sent ed as a member ol the Governing Coimnltteo of tImeStock xihauxe and has been especially acthe In tImemanagement of the UxcliuliKe In lilt cm nelly of chairmult of the ominlUei i n Arrutuciiif eurrrlfed hllassociates jkStciduy by re IIIUK lliiue oltlces MrDrake iravo as it real in for hU uLtion tie accumulationof lIlt Clubs botli M an ottkir and In his butlneits ThereiUiintUn was atn ptrtl Sill lesolutlons ixpressluflai reclallou of Mr l> raku sin icea a ore adoptuX

    A SchoolgIrl BkotFrances Curio a schoolgirl of 410 East 120tb

    street entered thu hallwaj ol lIen home on Sunday evenjug utah1 coo two men taking there One held a revelMir In his lOin Just as sue enterel tlue wespon wasdlsclnrge mutt the ball Intlictcd aslicht wound In hemttrutit In lIme e turk a lie I ourt > t sierday site actuse4llllam Mahoit of 4tJ 1iat NltiFterittli street olslmootinr tier tIle girt i otild not ch irie that MahonytntemitI tonhoot liar Mahouy pleaded not guilty amidJustlto It ltllc hiU him for mat-

    A Cainden MurrlniirSirs Sarah Olirion of Ihlladolpbln accused

    young Klchard Harms In tie Tombs Police Court jeV-terdny of abductiui hcrtlauiditer 10 rear suit 4 inouthi-nt age The Jouie couilc tod tile Jnitlco that tha7were marrli1 on bert 4 In tititi iou N J a fMiioutijretui ulnaouiuy tnu ittv Father hurl imy IllariitbiImother tesiitlcd to her knoululgn of the ninrriage andtlo chlldrcutjuitled the court room baud in hand-

    Held na rt Witness Airalnsl Don IlrlseolUEver since Dan Dnlscoll of the Wbyos killed

    his sweetheart Ittzle larrlttr with a pistol shot latattled for a man with wlo n ho had Tucrtllcj the po-lice hutyr Len Idklttg for a glum rallrI Klill c urincfwho can give Important lesllitioii utraliikt Urlxcolt Uetcctlve MulholUnd saw the girt on Tuesday night at thiliowery emit1 lit < tir street and Site has been sent tu thiSHouse of IJeteutlon

    Settled Wit n tVeditloMay Moran a pretty blackeyed girl of 301

    Fast Eleventh street told Justice Patterson In tIme EssexMmirket Polite Court testerday that 1hllip McKane olH7 ihrUtoiititr atret Iia4 thours > ed hur outer prointsfof inarrhtire McKane whom kha haul lint arre te 1talked slOt liar a little while aiim1 then they itarUd offaccompanied b > frlendf to mind clergyman

    RIgnielUffleI 1redlelloa-Mttltt local rains followed br fair weatherilUhtly warmer southerly winds

    JU1IIXU3 AUUUT lOWSThis police were asked J esterday In look out for a vachlnamed Palsy which na stolen front Lest lloituuouHunU-Muntlers of the Joiiriicyineii numbers Union sail

    > ester lay that the lint opined half a dozeu coopersUe hoiiu tIle coyAlfred Anderson of f 3 flowery accuse I nf roiLing

    Louis Hliniuoiis the llo tttu farmtr was held for trialevterday lit Juotici Jaltitrson Ili tlttflI ballJohn bail GOiarsoU a alnter while at work jeahenley on the cornice of time four story building at 164East Hglil first street ill from tIme scaRuld emit nakilledSuperintendent Murray hal a long conference jitter1a > oo itit DKirict Attorney Marline In mumim II Isunderstood to n more Ugoroua uclou lualnst uolatoMol tIle lxclse lawsTin Board of Trustees cf SI Johnt College Fnrdhainha emorlnagl tIle nlnct flu e ittni itt UndHlili IM >college aitiI other biilldlntfs lo the Pinlgrant Industrial

    t ailn < 4 Sank fur mm > ear for veceuTh winter > enlug ctaises of time tii g Mens brietlanAiso latlnn uncut on Oct I lucy compriie mitdirnlanguaiM honograph music bookieeilng and theusual bnglltli branches Members see admitted freeUllllamU tthlluey and Cornelius aitt1erbllt receIvedpsriniKlon from the Aldermen leilerdar to i ate thistreet In front f their rest Ieuc > I aurtI 2 Wst Hftyaeventh stnel with ranilt block paveutsut alUielruwBexpenseHerman Harrlts who U under bondi to appear for triedfor forgery alleged to hten bean committed willis hiwas a buyer lot VVhllall Tatum A Co at 40 UarclarmIDst wu arrested yesterday ga 5 charge vt ttL4lzceey btm the tuat ftrai