the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1903-06-06 [p...

ar- VOL LXXNO 279 NEW YORK SATURDAY JUNE 6 1903 CowfoW WJ bv nt Bun Printing and PubUthhtt AuoetaHon SATURDAT JUNE 8 IMS Partly cloudy today fair tomorrowj light east winds PRICE TWO CENTS I m r I Afn j i I T- hI r e 3r i 1 r I r i I i i MORE POST OFFICE ARRESTS TWO OF MACIIEXS FORMER SUI- OltniXATES IN CUSTODY Thry Are Accused of Accepting 8OOO- BrtbM From a Pouch Manufnc- nrer The Government Pas SlSoo for PoaehM Could Have noniht for Grant Jury iilrli M ehen for Accepting Drtbi- WASIIINOTON June was of circle of Post Office Department scandals At 3 oclock this afternoon the Federal Grand Jury after ono of the shortest net nion n record Indicted former General August W Machen of tree delivery service on nine separat count charging him with having received bribes Amounting inall to 81888779 from the firm of Oroff BroH of this city manu- facturers of a patent fastener in uoe on street letter lx xes At 5 ocloo thi afternoon Thomas W McGregor C KlUworth Upton two of Mr Mochen former subordinates in the free division of the Post Office Department were arrested on warrants charging them with having received 8000 In bribes from Charles K Smith a pouch manu Ueturer of Baltimore arrests those Implicated in Post Office scandals will follow in a few days The complaint sets forth that McGrego and Lfiton agreed with Smith to obtain him orders for many thousands of leather pouclie such as are used by rural letter carrieni The price agreed upon was 0 cpnts per pouch the actual value was than M rents Smith was to pay them difference between 90 and 50 cents pouch It is said at the Department that the total number of pouches which were jurcha d exceeded 20000 for which the Government paid 90 cents each or 1800 In Smith received and retained of own use 10000 The remaining S000 was paid to McGregor and Upton The Government could have bought pouches from the manufacturers for SOOC McGregor was the clerk in charge of division of rural free delivery supplies and Upton was one of his assistants McGregor was taken into custody ns he had finished his work and was about to leave the Department When Deputy Marshal Springman showed him the and placed him under arrest ho fainted and It was some time before he wa able to leave his chair He was taken ti- the office of United States Commissioner Taylor and later releastj on 5000 bail hearing Upton was arrested in Baltimore and brought to this city He had difficult in finding a bondsman and wilt probably be held In custody until tomorrow Smith the leather manufacturer o Baltimore who Is charged with having bribed and Upton has not len arrested and no warrant has been sworn out against him In view of this and the what course be with to him is that the office inspectors in possession upon tin rrw wore made This Is strength of tho money he flovernment for tho Thn positive statement is made at Depart- ment as In the Machen ease Is conclusive documentary evidence ol guilt has been in ssrvlcf sine fll Ho was appointed from Ne- braska but is a District ol- tolumhlfi Upton is from and has ten Department since IROO Roth of the men were personal and business Intimates of were Interested with him in many business frherrwH An Inspection of tho contracts whirl as l their hands showed Mr HrlMow that the Government had about double the regular mail pouches used in rural tree and that tie two men iir really had arbitrary power- In awarding contracts A furl her Investigation resulted In tho dls- covcry of evidence upon which tho arrests were imde High Prst Office Department officials ling developments will follow few of men uiidur nur- vpilUiicfl learned hut it IH known that Information which will be presented to Grand Jury on Monday Itle of Tile vs John Doe is evidence upon which that will be asked to n former official of the postal service who severed his connection Department shortly after the ginning of tho present The decision of tho Grand Jury to Indict former Supt Mnclien alter n yrrsion last c minutes hacked thi ra- Mi oi frequently made Prstmnmer literal Payne Fourth Assistant IVst Bristow that the Gov- ernment wa In of conclusive evidence which showed Mnchens guilt beyond question Mnnhen loons like a nervous down wlien told of this indictment The Indictment embraces nine counts and covers about twentyfive type riiif n pages It Ill to have ills decision and nirx rintendent of delivery to a purchase of the influenced asked and obtained io Oroff brothers a promise that they would to him 4i cent sum which might be received them thereafter from States through thn Post Office Department payment the fast eases might he procured Machens advice Machen i charged with received cent nature of a commission- or a bribe on all sales The dates of the by Machen are recorded as follows lulr 2 1000 Machen procured the Issuance f calllne for of 6000 listeners half fasteners which 7534 wns paid hy Government and of which sum received 3mo July 10 iftoo innoo fasten costing h Government 6503 llacliens share j iMJ rlono fasteners contlnz the 7ino Machens share Julr 1 1600 2050 and 1IOS2 half i coftlnir the Government 13306 Machens share i i80i gx fasteners July 19 3000 Government lM3 Mschena share I7S30 Jl 4 half fasteners h Government 1352 Machen receiv- Au s iftoi 5000 fasteners contlnc the Qov rnment I 2SO Mftchen rncelvlnc I2SOO ooo fasteners costIng the Government 2o Machen n at 2W on July 8MO fasteners at 3750 sail on July n fanteners at 3125 Macbcn recelv int of the total 3 MO the bringing In of the indictment was on a bench warrant later released on ball a number of of Washington qualifying ns bondsmen In sum of o000- rviry one loves pleasure If oi are lookIng M try Ihe Day Line Adr A Story ror Everybody The Adventures of Harry Revel by Oulller- Ilerlna In NSW rot I 8 In I Tat In TodaY ono nMt tonal the ann mal of for the all thIs the the just nearly for gor tact of Pld that the warrant ghps Upton t r share I th and ben 1 rM to Machen t mon as lameR Inru r nnl h acton A a of an 40 ann the share received or Oct rut npr 22 ellht a the 1m and uIon I A WI tonUued daUyr Mill Been Superintendent general delivery less per warrant that the Department ofticlals will rmt regard 11 pct t3 IhO faet ats otwJiIoh and received pouch s de- livery gay st the 4 free transfer 2 3100 fasteners hah and Aug half costIng e fasteners 6oe After busi- ness tomOrrOW 7 bans b < ¬ ¬ > HYPNOTISED nomoni Leg Cut onr Without Pain Whl She Talked With footers Sptctal cabli Dtipatch to TUB SUN IONDON Juno The Daily Express relates what It describes as the first Instant In England of hypnotic suggestion tho place of nn anassthotlo In a perlot surgical operation A woman 38 years won suffering from a severely ulcerated log and It was decided that her life be saved only by the amputation of limb She desired to bo hypnotized for operation dreading the use of chloroform which It was believed would have dangerous In her cas Dr Clnplmm a suburb of London hypnotized her experimentally on several successive day the hypnotic trance lasting about an hour on each occasion- All the toots applied proved satisfactory and on Wednesday Dr Aldrich upon her in the presence of two other and a nurse All the doctors somewhat doubtful of success and provided chloroform In case of emergency The operation began at 450 oclock In afternoon While It was In progress patient chatted with the nurse and drank wine To an ordinary observer she would have appeared to have been conscious wholo time Nevertheless the operation was mid she was unaware of what was passing While operating Dr Aldrich said mn cutting ofT your log below the knee The patient laughed and said All right hold my hand One of the surgeons tool hold of her hand and when the nerves were severed the patient gripped the doc tors hand hard The operation was completed at 510 The patient was awakened at 55 the said I have pins and needles There were no symptoms of shock pulse and temperature we normal spirits are high and she eats well CONGER DEMANDS EXPLANATION Objects to Russian Ambassador Catslnl Statement on Manclmrlan Case tiptetat CaSte Dispatch to Tail SUN PKKIN June 5 The mall and newspapers containing the explanation of tho demands made upon China as given by Count Casslnl the Russian Ambassador at Washington have reached hero and tho explanation causes astonishment as it is held here that Count Casslni was Ignorant concerning nature of the demands Further astonishment is caused by amazing impeachment of the veracity and judgment of Mr Conger tho Ameri- can Minister here Mr Congers knowl- edge of the demands Is based on both the Russian and Chinese torts which were in Ills possession and which have already boon sent to Washington Count explanation Is accoptcc hero as unnecessary evidence of Russian duplicity though nobody concedes that the full enlightenment of Cassinl on the real deeds of in China by St Petersburg is possible Count Ca slnl is not regarded here as being quail to Judge Chinese affairs at present Conger has telegraphed demanding- that Count Cnssinl explain PETITION FOR fIVI TREATY IlesUlentt of the iMimms Lear Ruin If II- Is llrjertcdfi- prelQl Cable Despatch to Tall StX- COLOV Juno petition is being circu- lated on the Isthmus Congress- to the Panama treaty as its re- jection would cause complete ruin MISHAP TO TIIK CEDHIC- Mhltr Star llner Olillcnl to Stop Soon After Her Start for New York Spfrfu Cable netpalrli la Tea SIS LIVERPOOL June 5 Tho While Star Line steamer Cedrio which hence for New York at 5 afternoon suddenly flopped New Brighton Tin cause of her stepping I not kinwn Several artificers embarked on a tug at mid night ngd wero taken to the Ccdric It Is supposed that a mishap has occurred to her engins AMERICAN WANTS ION A ISLAND NfKollntlorn nn Ilrhalf of the Monks Abandoned fptctal Caltlr Despatch In SOS LONDON June 5The negotiations on behalf of the Carthusian monks who were expelled from Franco for the purchase of loriA Island from the Duke of Argyll have been abandoned The latest rumor Is that an American millionaire Is bidding for tho island MRS YOlXGS ACQUITTED Swoons In llrr rather Arm Court Room RInGs With Cheers RocHKSTEn June Lulu Miller Young was acquitted of the charge of murdering Florence MacFarlane her hints hands paramour by a jury tonight There was the wildest kind of a when the verdict was received Spectators Jumped up from their chairs and the room rang with cheers and with whistles Some of the court joined in the applause and it was fully minutes before order was Mm Youngs almost swooned In her others arms when the aged foreman of jury of farmers announced the verdict She gave a little hysterical scream and fell forward Her father caught her In his arms and saved her from to the Before tho applause had partly regained her composure shook hands with the jurymen and thanked them personally Tho trial was the shortest capital case held in Monroe county It opened Monday last The murder tho was but Insanity was pet BN a de Physicians sworn that Mrs Youngs was attacks and from actions on this day they adjudged her hysterically misaim New York Trarufer C- becki baggage from rcaldenc or hotel to dcslln I taking old the the hen halt Bur- geons had the the the I I Her her the his I CaR lnll Count HU fed 5A prying lid cork Carthn lan 5Mrs the tag for She tenet vii Lebl1 H FOR OPERATIO could operated wore pain- less where- upon nasa Tea Almost demon- stration attend- ants re- stored ever her lion yule Rid ¬ ¬ ¬ PRESIDENTS WELCOME HOME WASHIXGTOXIAXS TURV OUT I FORCE TO GREET HIM huh School Cadets Gtcort Him From Station to the Treasury Bulletins H- Hai Been Absent OO Days TravHIe- 140OO Miles and Made 2O3 Speechei WASHINGTON June 8 President ROOM velt came back to Washington at 7 oclocl this evening and found that for one of very few times in its history the city disposed to forget that it was so familiar with Presidents that it could let their comings goings pass In silence SpanishAmerica War veterans were lined up at the Penn sylvania station and High School cadets escorted the Presidents carriage from the station to the Treasury building A of public officials met tim President at the station Among those were Postmaster General Payne Secretary Hitchcock Secretary Cortelyou Assist- ant Secretary of State Loomis and the Com mlssloners of tho District of Columbia WashingtonIans turned out in force from the station to the House the sidewalks were lined The President stood up In his carriage- hat In hand behind Capt W S Cowlcs o the navy his brotherinlaw nearly nl the way from the station until the White House was reached At Fifteenth street the cadets forming tho escort drew opposite the Treasury building and while the Presidents carriage and those containing the members of tho Cabinet and others In the party passed by When tho White House was reached the Marine Band stationed in the rear played the StarSpangled Banner and the Presi dent stood up in his carriage and made happy little speech He expressed his gratification at finding himself In Washing- ton once more and his pleasure at the dem onstration which had been accorded him by the citizens of the national capital continued In this strain for a few mo- ments and then broke off suddenly alighted from his carriage with a jump to the assembled And now I hope you will pardon me if I run away for am very to see and I know aro an anxiously waiting for me Inside at this very The President spent the evening with his family Secretary who was the only went to White House at 9 o but remained only a few minutes He the only member of tm Cabinet In town who not met the President at tho train- A special Cabinet meeting has hen called for tomorrow morning at 10 oclock when the Post Office scandals and other matters will he discussed Tho President has been away sixtysix days He has travelled more although tIm original schedule which have been reported by the official stenographers and three or four which He has been im- portuned to make about three times as many more speeches It will take a week for force to track of the gifts which hae been put aboard his The last of the trip was at Altoona m of thanks to the several hundred people who had come down to the fought their through the gates to President Senator Bveridgn came through with the President from In Senator Fairbanks at Danville Ill and went through to Harrisburg where he loft to Princeton to sons graduation Knox dent in Pittsburg title List night tIne rretarv Wil- son Secretarylxvb Siirgeonfieneral Rixey Assistant Secretary Barnes and the two Indiana were the of the Seth Bullock horse Thieves Association in tho car The President was brought from hue oar through the train by a reception committee a Pullman the aisles of which were roped oft and guarded two grinning porters ono of whom presented a gun other u broom of the car were with congratulatory mottoes and with only nmrknbln thou those he lies seen on his The horso thieves noted as populace- and cheered and and cameras as he Thorn was n special menu Including such items as tracks on toast ronst bucking bronco served in prairie dog holes puree of Yosemite haunch of cinnabar mountain lion Ac No speeches were made hut various references to happy and unhappy occur- rences of the were on of entitled Instructions to Distinguished Ouests AT ROOSEVELT ItlXXER Senator Ankonyn Sort llenents Tntliern- Jllltltt In Illmtrlf Bride WALLA WALLA Wash June 5 Ncsrnlth- Ankenyeldest son of United States Senator Ankeny resigned the management of a 20000acre In Adams county and has gone to Spokane to get a job firing on ft railroad engine He was highly In- dignant because ho and his bride of a few months formerly a schoolteacher of this city were not Invited to the dinner given to President Roosevelt at his fathers house last week His brothers John and Robert were At the dinner which makes Nesmlth especially angry Nesmith is very independent In 1RH3 he left tho management of a flour mill at Dayton by his father and enlisted Company F Washington Volunteers nnd went to the Philippines When tho regiment returned ho came homo from San Francisco by train roOming to ride on tho steamer Queen chartered by his father Eight years ago ho was sent to a military school in Virginia but became tired of school life nod worked his way homo on railroads by the Southern Pacific to tho coast He is a very corn potent fireman WRR MARKET FOR RACE RETS Man Arrested and the Police Say Other Brokers Run Hooks Reginald Powers who says ho Is a curb broker living at in Twentyeighth street ienconhuret was held In 1500 hail in the Tombs police court yesterday on a charge accepting bets on the races He was arrested In front of 25 Broad street by De Conway and Rammer of the Old after he had accepted two bets they had sent him on horses running at jravesond The detectives were standing near Powers took tho money that they saw him record in a small The arrest was the result of a number of complaints soot to the Old station brokers who are running an a side issue Coroalne kills dandruff IUvn Irrtt Ion promotes a healthy growth of the Hair I FtnmjlTanl Limited rune to every day In tbe In 21 hlihrr de equipment and Jut on ult tune lablej the the was and group and Whit up stood- at a cock I for He made mare n morin hun RIO Rnnpplc pa TiE I ha own One of tot when hand- books Inc now Cblr o called 13750 2f3 speech and eaa see- the to- go NOT Ills ann boon schedule ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > UR WEBB TO USE EXPLOSIVES Summons Prof Myers to Ills Preserve With lilt lUlnMiklni Apparatus UTICA June 5Prof Carl Myers Frankfort a message from Burns Dr W Webb Nehasane Park today him report at the earliest possible the preserve with his rainmaking and endeavor to produce a of ram which alone can stop the fires In that vicinity Prof w probably go to Nehasane tomorrow Sunday and attempt to make good guarantee of producing a rainfall by off quantities of explosives at heights from balloons The citizens of mon have also become Impressed with the feasibility of Pro Myerss rainmaking Idea and at a this afternoon subscribed 400 to pn yule explosives for tho professors exper- mentH The attempt to a will be made on the Ilion baseball grounds on Tuesday unless the the Mohawk Valley is soon relieved Prof Myers has received scores of during the day from many corn munities hi the East to produce rain his time promises to be fully taken up In region If his work at Nehasano and proves the genuineness of his claim D riRROYS HOUSE ARLAZ Wife or the Politician Saves Her Hniband and Her Jewels Mrs Purroy the wife of Henry D Pu roy the politician had an exciting perience last night In a fire in the home jit 2597 Webster avenue The was by an electric light wire getting a trolley wire Tim fire started over the door between the library and dining room Mrs Purroj who was reading In her room on the floor ran downstairs and grabbed a num- ber of Mr Purroys private papers which were on a table and in a safe in the Then she called to the servants to down her trunk which contained her Jewelry The servants Instead of bothering the trunk ran past her into the street Purroy then went up and got the trunk herself and threw It down the stairs this time the halls were filled with smoke Mrs Purroy put a dress over her head and jumped througha window to tho of an extension She yelled to a man was passing on a bicycle to send for tin firemen but just then the engines came upThen Mrs Purroy climbed back through the broken window again thinking that some of the servants might be upstairs She was overcome by smoke and was out by Fireman fluffy of Engine 41 Purroy was standing in Fordham Square two from his home when of car blew out frwmlnutm the engines pawed he learned that his hoUse was iflr The fire destroyed the library and dIning and some of the rooms on the tippet Mrs Purroy said that a number of oil paintings had been ruined by fire and water Luckily she said an oil painting which she recently bought in Seville had not touched The damage to the furniture and paintings she estimated at 11000 and- o the build ng at 2 00 ROOT FOR OOVERXORf Secretary or War Talked or for the States Head Plait to See the President Senator Platt it was said lost nigh- ts to go to Washington early next week have a talk with President Reese elt Now that the President line returned o Washington many things concerning in the State of New York to be discussed Incidentally so It said the presidency of the New York Ifpublican County Committee will come up for discussion U has printed in Toy SUN that Important Republicans in the State believed the Hon Hamilton Fish Jr Assistant YeaMirer of tine United States might be nominated for Governor In 1904 A number of other Republicans seemed to think that the nomination might go to lion Elihu Root whom Mr McKinley selected to IKJ Secretary of War to succeed cn Alger and whom Mr Roosevelt re tainted In that important There have time to within the last few months See Root was to retire as the War Department hut these reports were premature and now on the top shelf ore talking Root as the finest candidate to be lated for Governor by the Republicans the Empire State next year PENN TlXXEL PLAXS WAIT Wont Auk for BIds Till the Labor Market SteadIer Contractors who have been waiting for specifications of tho Pennsylvania tunnel job have been told that one of the reasons why have not given Is the unsettled state of the labor market A great mass of detail is Involved In preparation of the papers on which will be invited to make their proposals nnd while the proceeded rapidly they hurried at all as the management the Pennsylvania realizes It Is said that bidders will be dubious about entering contracts of such unless they lavoRomo definite knowledge of the labor market for tho three years that will be equlred to complete the work The will allow several months for the bidders to study tho specifications and prepare their tenders- It is understood that the contract for riving the under the North River b lot piece and for driving East River In another The tunnel Island will be divided many pieces as possible Tunnels must bo built on the Jersey side up to the level on the flats and on the Island side half a mile Inward Preltlrtt Trail In the West Rocky Mountain UnIted leaving Chicago 645- il Omaha Colorado Springs and Denver the prettleil train tn one ntchl- i the way t electricity Tickets and InformatIon nt Rock omens 401 Broadway SMb St and 5 h Av Ait Every Man Mania Map of Maachirla- Orcencr Commercial of the United Staid Vladlvoatock aava The Manchuria published by the New Central A copy oa receipt 01 Art cents la atarapi 0 H Daniels New York AH ot rived Sward moment- at shower tort or metI- ng drought- In but this ron 1 Paper ex Purroy curd bring abut By rot ca- rrie abut bloc loa and i rom and are been pIne timE that abut Mr of Safer the out the the engineer of Into tunnel the tunnel acre far r Is the or bet Is by Adirondack Major to ap- paratus his touch- Ing great down- pour re- quests fire second library been was that yes- terday tine been ap- parently Re- publicans Gets and been have been size Penn- sylvania will Long hted at I A PERMANENT LABOR COURT DVILDIXO BOSSES PROPOSE PLAX OF ARBITRATIOX In Each Trade a General Court of Appeal Employe and Men Equally Bepreientrd Wm- iIng Delegates Barred From the After many conferences the board governors of the Building Trades players Association made public yesterday plan for with unions and stable conditions In the It provides an elaborate scheme for arbitration of labor disputes and whll It recognizes the unions It stipulates that walking delegate or business agent not be recognized In any arbitration pro oeedlngs The board of governors of which M Eldlitz U president consists of three members of the executive committee each organization of employers and association Copies of the plan have sent to secretaries of sixty trades have asked to submit the their respective unions communicate the result to William K Hertlg secretary of the of governors The scheme provides arbitratIon board in each trade by which all difficulties In that trade may be adjusted and for a general arbitration board The gen eral arbitration board Is to be formed follows Each association represented In the Build Insr Trades Employers Association of the of New York shall elect two arbitrators who shall serve for not less than six months Each union the employers of which an represented In the Building Km- ployers Association shall arbl tratora who shall serve for not less than months and who shall be In the employment of a member of the Building Trades Employers Association at the time of their election The arbitrators from the unions shall be business agents or of any cen- tral board of From this body of general arbitrators not than four two from the employers association and two from the employees unions shall constitute a court of appeals They shall meet within fortyeight hours when notified so to do by the general secre- tary The arbitrators from the unions are guar anteed reemployment by their firm or cor- poration when tbe special case on which they have served has been disposed or Strikes are not to be ordered against member of the Employers Association and no lockout Is to be declared before the matter in dispute Is brought to the general arbitration board for settlement Where trades have regular trade arbitra- tion boards these are to bo used as a means of the general arbitration board as a court of final resort before a strike or lockout may be ordered Before arbitration proceedings are started complaints will bo made to the general secretary of the arbitration board Any union or any member of an employers may select from all the general arbitrators this persons preferred- as judges but no general arbitrator can Act In a dispute occurring In the trade he represents Stenographic reports of the proceedings- are to be taken and after a few trials prec- edents will be established and may be quoted as In courts of law of the Building Trades Em- ployers Association who wero seen last evening were particularly sore against the walking delegate They regard him as the main obstacle to industrial They said that while some wore probably honest there were others whose salaries were merely a side Issue and whose incomes were derived from methods akin to those of crooked politicians They would not go on record as mentioning names A prominent employer said that were on a wellknown walking delegate with a view to bringing him before the He also statement that a big firm of employers was being Investigated Vcause of Its alleged crooked methods The of Building Trades met for only minutes yesterday Sam of the Housesmiths and Bridge mens Union who swung the meeting around on Wednesday against a was not there President only routine matters were dls cussed It was learned that the Building Material Drivers Union which with the Building Material Handlers Union has until Monday o leave the board voluntarily has decided- to stick Donovan was asked if the board would expel the union How do I know he replied The two unions have been asked to leave the board And are given until Monday to do so What do o Monday I cannot say talk yesterday of a split in the owing to the forming of the Parks and Donovan factions The Housesmlths Brldgemen and Union held a mass at Maennerchor Iftyelxth street near Third Walking Delegate Sam to the official report of indorsed made a statement later In which he I am a man who Is instructed to pull on strike every job in city If I want to I dont want to Interfere with tho settle mont of the building tieup You can safely say that the ironworkers wont arbitration plan of Trades Employers Association Parks said that the design of the em foyers was to do away with the walking delegates He was not responsible he aid for th action of the Board of Building Trades on Wednesday as he had not even vote A member of the board of governors of Building Trades Association was asked last would be accepted as arbitrator if a plain of the union He replied n the said that If the unions wanted to continue paying walking was their own affair peclal Train Account TalePrinceton Baaeball Game June e leave Weal 23rd Street Penn sloppIer at Newark Lad Kuiabetn returning cava at or gun At i- SO Mite In 20 Hour new JOth Century Limited or the N w Central and does this every day effects a treat aavlair to the busy man who between the Eat and Vt l Adt Cheapest Trailing In the Combined with See unite charming fast and courteous on New York creates a steadily Ucmtlnr limBo Att A Boar a Bur of Em abut the of the ben the TheY and bard as Trade six not member any bard paN curt Ram pac plan aid rthat the bar hoard Ironworker Hal which Park ac- cording Park the hut the a the Employer delegate mEmber dele gale SturdY P Corlandl and Streema P N P cOO the and World Board Its bring- ing building shall Otto building been also cIty less investi- gations Parks Struct- ural was Building U 34 Des broeaes li4o 54 York travels time the Central ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IS MATTER ITSELF FAILIXG Are Atoms Flying Off and Will All flack Into a Formless Mitt T- Sptctol Cable Diipattli lo THI SCK- BBBUN June 5 Prof Crookes the well scientist In the course of before the International Chemical Congress drew from recent die coveries the deduction that It 1s conceivably Justifiable to doubt the permanent stablUt of matter He said The ohemcal atom may be actual suffering a catabolic transformation at so slow a that supposing a mllllo off second It would for Its weight to diminish by milligramme This fatal quality of atomic dissociation appears to be universal operates whenever we brush a piece glass with silk It the sunshine and raindrops In and flame It prevails the waterfall and the sea and al though the whole rango expert once la all too short to afford t paralla by which the date of the extinction of can be calculated protyle the mist may again supreme the hour have one revolution PLENTY OF WEn DOXT WORRY This Town Wouldnt Run Dry ir It Dlrin ruin All Summer TIters Is no danger of a water famine this city despite of the scare reports which were printed yesterday In Croton and Byram watersheds there i enough water stored to supply the city months oven If there should not be a single shower all summer Despite the long continued drought the levels In the reser- voirs are not appreciably lower than they were at this time last year Commissioner Monroe of the Water Supply Department said yoeterdaythat the supply storage reservoirs in the Croton and Byram Bheds amounted to 46000000000 gallons Since May 1 this reserve has been drawn upon for only 000000000 gallons The city is now using 280000000 gallons dally Of this amount the Croton River is sup- plying 100000000 gallons and the drain the reserve la consequently 180000000 gal Ions a day PKXSIOX FOR A CONFEDERATE lie hanged Ills View During the FIght for It LAPORTE Ind June S Judge Paul J Colby was advised today of the granting to him of a pension after waging a fight for nearly thirtyseven years ilLs case is said to be without precedent Ho en- listed in the Confederate Army at the out break of the civil war and won rapid pro- motion He changed his views in 1M3 and laid aside the gray to wear the serving with equal distinction in the Army The Government refused to recognize him as a pensioner because of his first en- listment with the army of the South but by the Department will now give handsome pension and arrears which aggregates a small fortune SHOT EACH OTHER TO DEATH The Way Enemies Become Down In Texas NEW ORLEANS LA June 5 A shooting affray at Eagle Pass Tex resulted in the death of City Marshal W R Kinard and W L McDow a citizen of Eagle Lake Kinard was In Main street when McDow armed with a rifle McDow first striking Kinard in the side He continued to advance and Kinard who had fallen rose pulled his plstal and both men went to shooting Seven shots were fired McDow said to the We have killed each other wo aro now friends Both died before they could be home Pierce Hammon of Ltssie was In the leg and groin by a stray bullet GOVERNOR AIDS MOUNT KISCO State Secret Service Mm to Help Run flown Firebugs There WniTK PLAiNS N Y June 5 Col Fred Feign of Mount Klsoo who appealed to Oov Odell to have the State detectives- aid the villagers In running down the fire- bugs who have burned fifteen houses and harris and poisoned a dogs that buildings they desired to ie from the Governor The Governor says that State Secret Service men will bo sent to Mount Klsoo and he has also ordered Sheriff Miller to give the Mount Kisco citizens aU the sheriffs they want for their A CHURCH MERRYGOnoUXD MoneyMaking te Churches In INDIANAPOLIS Ind June S The Baptist and the United Brethren churches of Washington Davless county In an effort raise money have Invested In a merry The churches will sell tickets church will get onethird of the the remaining third going to the The Rev Mr Miles of the Baptist Church and the Rev Mr Robson of the United Brethren Church are taking an active In the sale of tickets Danced lOfl Time at Her Wedding Miss Mary a Polish girl who married of 97 Van Horn street Jersey City on Thursday afternoon lanced with 101 guests her wedding reception in Blatts Hall Pine and Maple streets during tho afternoon and evening In addition to this she danced five times with her husband Gould Sends MOOO to Flood Sufferers KANSAS dry Mo June 6 Among the subscriptions to the flood relief fund today was one from George Gould for ttOOO to I Kansas City Kan ntercolltgtat Regatta rUle 30th Pomg- hkcpiUUlghla d Cole Observation train tickets are now on sale at Cesl Shore ticket oOcei 107 SU 671 UK Broad 27S columbua Ave East d St and US- Pulton St Brooklyn Up lot Stein Women Boys and Cllrls 0 snow The Adventurer ot Harry Revel ee tomorrows New Tribune it will be continued dally Ait Three Railroad Racer The Pennarlvanla Limited The LimIted The St Louis United oiler unparalleled service Att know I but rat atm take one of work In story mater ono rig co- mplete In Some the for In on lAn bile acton Fend h- ome bystander mn takEn dozen larded bur deputY A Anne to ground proceeds Mire at and and Turn a and and War In- terest She George way tort ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LOCKED ARMS AND JUMPED MRS in R DE FOREST AXD LA BORER IX RUXAWAY AUTO Wine ShoppIng and Caller Him M Machine Wai Running A ay Both Rolled over anti Over In fleet but NeIther Ilnrt Man Not Known NRWPOBT R I June 5 Mr George B Do Forest of New York who ooouptoi Train Villa at Newport had an exciting experience this afternoon In an automobile- and had It not been for a worklngman whose name could not be ascertained she would undoubtedly have wrlotuly Injured Mrs De Forest was one of the first of the woman cottagers to take up auto moblllng and eho Is considered one of the most expert drivers in the colony The accident this evening was due to no of hers but to a faulty brake Forest left her villa soon after 4 oclock and started for the shopping district tak ing a roundabout way She had no sooner turned into Bull street which is one of the steepest hills In the city than she saw that the brake on tho machine was working badly She hut off the power and tried to apply the brake but It would not work The momentum- of the machine was Increasing and Uri De Forest saw that something must bo and done quickly Several workmen were walking along the sidewalk and De Forest one of them and asked him If not jump Into the vehicle and try to put on the brake He dropped his lunch box and with some difficulty caught up with the machine which was then going at a good clip and was about a third of the distance down the hill After gaining tine seat beside Mm the man tried to apply the brake hut he was not able to budge It Then he and Mrs De Forest put their united effort on the brake lever but it would not move It was evident that something must b done To jump out meant the probable of a leg or arm De Forests suggestion the two locked arms stood on the step of the machine and let themselves fall Into the street The automobile Is a low one and the fall was not enough to them to roll ever a few times They got up none the worse except that Mrs De Forest had bruised an arm in the tail and both covered with dust Mrs De Forest expressed her apprecia- tion for the timely assistance given by the workman who refused to give his name brushed off his clothes picked up lunch box and went on his way H was about holt way down the hill where the two rolled out of the machine which continued on at a rattling rate When near the bottom it swerved shot up on the sidewalk and ran into a fence Mrs DeForest called a cab and continued shopping trip NINE HURT AT EAGfjg ROCK Cur Starts at the Top Without the Motor- man and Overturn ORANGE N J June S Nine persons were hurt here tonight by the overturn- ing of a trolley car that ran wild down Eagle Rock on Its way to Orange Ono of them William Curtis the conductor is no badly hurt that ho may die According to people who were in the oar It was standing on the track at the top of Eagle Rock waiting for passengers The motorman was not in the car about 11 oclock when the car was scheduled- to leave for Orange a passenger who got Is said to have struck the brake handle by accident and thus to have loosened the brakes The car went on nod before the brakes could be set again was tearing down the illl at a frightful pace It turned one curve all right but gathered such speed that when tho second was reached the wheels loft the rails and the It landed on KM top and was badly smashed Two ambulances were sum mooned from the Orange Memorial Hospital nine persons were there are wild to have been only lengers Of the injured who were taken to the hospital four were so slightly hurt that they were able to go home after having treated The Injured are William Curtis the con doctor Mr Cryan of Lincoln Park Newark Mrs Cavanngh of Llewellyn Park Gus loss F P Jones of Jersey City Gus of Bloomfield Fred Bagley of John Flynn and C T Van Cart FIGhT TO SAVE DROWNING ROY rnonnell Adds Another to His Long or llescues lied hair Helped him William ODonnell a young plasterer if 1741 Avenue A added to his lifesaving record by jumping Into the East River Ninetyfirst street and saving ten earold Robert Shannon of 1811 Second avenue early last evening The water off the wall is forty deep and its treachery it name of the death trap The that forty children have been there In tho last three years The Shannon boy was climbing Into the rear of an ice wagon when the came down suddenly and he water A half dozen of his raised a cry for help The cry WM heard by ODonnell who just walked up through the E t Side with his two small sons He ran to wall and without stopping even to his hat plunged In Just aa ODonnoll went lawn the surface the boy bobbed up again as ODonnell canto to tine surface after dive ODonnell saw in a flash what happened and made another dive missed Then he dlvedagaln Shannon has a crop of bright red hair and saved hli life for when ODonnell the third time he saw the hair and it Then he brought the boy to the surface Shannon was unconscious The two Into a rowboat and landed Young Shannon was rolled over a barrel t the boat club for half an hour and brought hack to consciousness and to bed ODonnsll was BO exhausted he had to bo helped home and to ODonnells neighbors say h saved illy fifty boys from drowning H s- affy on rescuing1 the way they put It T ff I Going Is I ben oj taut i 1 dOle haled i J braking but use a her l i i Just I I i Car over- turned and Tee Org j abut fet polO tai bar Park the blow just had that dived Help Mrs t De- Forest were his I j I on I been Free- man p List off say play- mates had take- off his and grabbed were taken was sent that put bed ham I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Post on 27-May-2018




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VOL LXXNO 279 NEW YORK SATURDAY JUNE 6 1903 CowfoW WJ bv nt Bun Printing and PubUthhtt AuoetaHon

SATURDAT JUNE 8 IMSPartly cloudy today fair tomorrowj

light east winds






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Thry Are Accused of Accepting 8OOO-

BrtbM From a Pouch Manufnc-

nrer The Government Pas SlSoofor PoaehM Could Havenoniht for Grant Juryiilrli M ehen for Accepting Drtbi-

WASIIINOTON June wasofcircle of Post Office Department scandalsAt 3 oclock this afternoon the FederalGrand Jury after ono of the shortest netnion n record Indicted former General

August W Machen oftree delivery service on nine separatcount charging him with having receivedbribes Amounting inall to 81888779 fromthe firm of Oroff BroH of this city manu-facturers of a patent fastener inuoe on street letter lx xes At 5 ocloothi afternoon Thomas W McGregorC KlUworth Upton two of Mr Mochenformer subordinates in the freedivision of the Post Office Departmentwere arrested on warrants charging themwith having received 8000 In bribes fromCharles K Smith a pouch manuUeturer of Baltimore arreststhose Implicated in Post Office scandalswill follow in a few days

The complaint sets forth that McGregoand Lfiton agreed with Smith to obtainhim orders for many thousands of leatherpouclie such as are used by rural lettercarrieni The price agreed upon was 0cpnts per pouch the actual value wasthan M rents Smith was to pay them

difference between 90 and 50 centspouch It is said at the Department thatthe total number of pouches which werejurcha d exceeded 20000 for which theGovernment paid 90 cents each or 1800In Smith received and retained of

own use 10000 The remainingS000 was paid to McGregor and Upton

The Government could have boughtpouches from the manufacturers for SOOC

McGregor was the clerk in charge ofdivision of rural free delivery suppliesand Upton was one of his assistants

McGregor was taken into custodyns he had finished his work and was aboutto leave the Department When DeputyMarshal Springman showed him theand placed him under arrest hofainted and It was some time before he waable to leave his chair He was taken ti-

the office of United States CommissionerTaylor and later releastj on 5000 bailhearing Upton was arrested in Baltimoreand brought to this city He had difficultin finding a bondsman and wilt probablybe held In custody until tomorrow

Smith the leather manufacturer oBaltimore who Is charged with havingbribed and Upton has not lenarrested and no warrant has been swornout against him In view of this and the

what course be withto him is thatthe office inspectors in possession

upon tinrrw wore made This Is strength

of tho moneyhe flovernment for tho Thn

positive statement is made at Depart-ment as In the Machen easeIs conclusive documentary evidence olguilt

has been in ssrvlcfsine fll Ho was appointed from Ne-

braska but is a District ol-

tolumhlfi Upton is from andhas ten Department since IROORoth of the men were personaland business Intimates ofwere Interested with him in many businessfrherrwH

An Inspection of tho contracts whirlas l their hands showed Mr

HrlMow that the Government hadabout double the regular

mail pouches used in rural treeand that tie two men iirreally had arbitrary power-

In awarding contracts

A furl her Investigation resulted In tho dls-covcry of evidence upon which thoarrests were imde

High Prst Office Department officials

ling developments will follow fewof men uiidur nur-

vpilUiicfl learned hut it IH knownthat Information which will be presentedto Grand Jury on MondayItle of Tile vs John

Doe is evidence upon which thatwill be asked to n former

official of the postal service who severedhis connection Department shortlyafter the ginning of tho present

The decision of tho Grand Jury to Indictformer Supt Mnclien alter n yrrsion last

c minutes hacked thi ra-

Mi oi frequently made Prstmnmerliteral Payne Fourth Assistant IVst

Bristow that the Gov-ernment wa In of conclusive

evidence which showedMnchens guilt beyond question Mnnhenloons like a nervous downwlien told of this indictment

The Indictment embraces ninecounts and covers about twentyfive type

riiif n pages ItIll to have ills decision and

nirx rintendent of deliveryto a purchase of the

influenced asked and obtainedio Oroff brothers a promise that they

would to him 4i cent sumwhich might be received them thereafterfrom States through thn PostOffice Department payment the fasteases might heprocured Machens advice

Machen i charged with receivedcent nature of a commission-

or a bribe on all sales The dates of the

by Machen are recorded as followslulr 2 1000 Machen procured the Issuance

f calllne for of 6000listeners half fasteners which7534 wns paid hy Government and of

which sum received 3moJuly 10 iftoo innoo fasten costing

h Government 6503 llacliens share

j iMJ rlono fasteners contlnz the7ino Machens share

Julr 1 1600 2050 and 1IOS2 halfi coftlnir the Government 13306Machens share

i i80i gx fasteners July 19 3000

Government lM3 Mschena share I7S30Jl 4 half fasteners

h Government 1352 Machen receiv-

Au s iftoi 5000 fasteners contlnc theQov rnment I 2SO Mftchen rncelvlnc I2SOO

ooo fasteners costIng theGovernment 2o Machen

n at 2W on July8MO fasteners at 3750 sail on July n

fanteners at 3125 Macbcn recelvint of the total 3 MO

the bringing In of the indictmentwas on a bench warrant

later released on ball a number ofof Washington qualifying ns

bondsmen In sum of o000-

rviry one loves pleasure If oi are lookIngM try Ihe Day Line Adr

A Story ror EverybodyThe Adventures of Harry Revel by Oulller-

Ilerlna In NSW rot


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HYPNOTISEDnomoni Leg Cut onr Without Pain Whl

She Talked With footersSptctal cabli Dtipatch to TUB SUN

IONDON Juno The Daily Expressrelates what It describes as the first InstantIn England of hypnotic suggestiontho place of nn anassthotlo In a perlotsurgical operation A woman 38 yearswon suffering from a severely ulceratedlog and It was decided that her lifebe saved only by the amputation oflimb

She desired to bo hypnotized foroperation dreading the use of chloroformwhich It was believed would havedangerous In her cas DrClnplmm a suburb of London hypnotizedher experimentally on several successiveday the hypnotic trance lasting aboutan hour on each occasion-

All the toots applied proved satisfactoryand on Wednesday Dr Aldrichupon her in the presence of two other

and a nurse All the doctorssomewhat doubtful of success andprovided chloroform In case of emergency

The operation began at 450 oclock In

afternoon While It was In progresspatient chatted with the nurse and drankwine To an ordinary observer she wouldhave appeared to have been consciouswholo time

Nevertheless the operation wasmid she was unaware of what was

passingWhile operating Dr Aldrich said

mn cutting ofT your log below the kneeThe patient laughed and said All righthold my hand One of the surgeons toolhold of her hand and when the nerveswere severed the patient gripped the doctors hand hard

The operation was completed at 510The patient was awakened at 55

the said I have pins and needlesThere were no symptoms of shockpulse and temperature we normalspirits are high and she eats well


Objects to Russian Ambassador CatslnlStatement on Manclmrlan Case

tiptetat CaSte Dispatch to Tail SUN

PKKIN June 5 The mall and newspaperscontaining the explanation of tho demandsmade upon China as given by Count Casslnl

the Russian Ambassador at Washington

have reached hero and tho explanationcauses astonishment as it is held here thatCount Casslni was Ignorant concerning

nature of the demandsFurther astonishment is caused by

amazing impeachment of the veracityand judgment of Mr Conger tho Ameri-

can Minister here Mr Congers knowl-

edge of the demands Is based on both theRussian and Chinese torts which were inIlls possession and which have alreadyboon sent to Washington

Count explanation Is accoptcc

hero as unnecessary evidence of Russianduplicity though nobody concedes that thefull enlightenment of Cassinl on thereal deeds of in Chinaby St Petersburg is possible CountCa slnl is not regarded here as being quail

to Judge Chinese affairs at presentConger has telegraphed demanding-

that Count Cnssinl explain


IlesUlentt of the iMimms Lear Ruin If II-

Is llrjertcdfi-

prelQl Cable Despatch to Tall StX-

COLOV Juno petition is being circu-

lated on the Isthmus Congress-

to the Panama treaty as its re-

jection would cause complete ruin


Mhltr Star llner Olillcnl to Stop SoonAfter Her Start for New York

Spfrfu Cable netpalrli la Tea SISLIVERPOOL June 5 Tho While Star Line

steamer Cedrio which hence forNew York at 5 afternoonsuddenly flopped New Brighton

Tin cause of her stepping I not kinwnSeveral artificers embarked on a tug at midnight ngd wero taken to the Ccdric It Is

supposed that a mishap has occurred toher engins


NfKollntlorn nn Ilrhalf of theMonks Abandoned

fptctal Caltlr Despatch In SOS

LONDON June 5The negotiations onbehalf of the Carthusian monks who wereexpelled from Franco for the purchase ofloriA Island from the Duke of Argyll havebeen abandoned The latest rumor Is thatan American millionaire Is bidding for thoisland


Swoons In llrr rather ArmCourt Room RInGs With Cheers

RocHKSTEn June Lulu MillerYoung was acquitted of the charge ofmurdering Florence MacFarlane her hints

hands paramour by a jury tonightThere was the wildest kind of a

when the verdict was receivedSpectators Jumped up from their chairsand the room rang with cheers andwith whistles Some of the court

joined in the applause and it wasfully minutes before order was

Mm Youngs almost swooned In herothers arms when the aged foreman of

jury of farmers announced the verdictShe gave a little hysterical scream and fellforward Her father caught her In hisarms and saved her from to the

Before tho applausehad partly regained her composureshook hands with the jurymen and

thanked them personallyTho trial was the shortest capital case

held in Monroe county It openedMonday last The murder tho was

but Insanity was pet BN a dePhysicians sworn that Mrs Youngs

was attacks and fromactions on this day they adjudged her

hysterically misaim

New York Trarufer C-

becki baggage from rcaldenc or hotel to dcslln

















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huh School Cadets Gtcort Him FromStation to the Treasury Bulletins H-

Hai Been Absent OO Days TravHIe-140OO Miles and Made 2O3 Speechei

WASHINGTON June 8 President ROOMvelt came back to Washington at 7 ocloclthis evening and found that for one ofvery few times in its history the citydisposed to forget that it was so familiar withPresidents that it could let their comingsgoings pass In silence SpanishAmericaWar veterans were lined up at the Pennsylvania station and High School cadetsescorted the Presidents carriage from thestation to the Treasury building Aof public officials met tim President at thestation Among those were PostmasterGeneral Payne SecretaryHitchcock Secretary Cortelyou Assist-ant Secretary of State Loomis and the Commlssloners of tho District of ColumbiaWashingtonIans turned out in forcefrom the station to the House thesidewalks were lined

The President stood up In his carriage-hat In hand behind Capt W S Cowlcs o

the navy his brotherinlaw nearly nlthe way from the station until the WhiteHouse was reached At Fifteenth streetthe cadets forming tho escort drewopposite the Treasury building and

while the Presidents carriageand those containing the members of thoCabinet and others In the party passed by

When tho White House was reached theMarine Band stationed in the rear playedthe StarSpangled Banner and the President stood up in his carriage and madehappy little speech He expressed hisgratification at finding himself In Washing-

ton once more and his pleasure at the demonstration which had been accorded himby the citizens of the national capital

continued In this strain for a few mo-

ments and then broke off suddenly alightedfrom his carriage with a jump tothe assembled

And now I hope you will pardon me if Irun away for am very tosee and I know aro ananxiously waiting for me Inside at thisvery

The President spent the evening withhis family Secretary who was theonly went to White House at9 o but remained only a few minutesHe the only member of tm CabinetIn town who not met the Presidentat tho train-

A special Cabinet meeting has hen calledfor tomorrow morning at 10 oclock whenthe Post Office scandals and other matterswill he discussed

Tho President has been away sixtysixdays He has travelled more

although tIm original schedule

which have been reported by theofficial stenographers and three or fourwhich He has been im-

portuned to make about three times asmany more speeches It will take a weekfor force to track ofthe gifts which hae been put aboard his

The last of the trip was atAltoona mof thanks to the several hundred peoplewho had come down to thefought their through the gates to

PresidentSenator Bveridgn came through with

the President from In SenatorFairbanks at Danville Ill and wentthrough to Harrisburg where he loft

to Princeton to sons graduationKnox

dent in Pittsburg titleList night tIne rretarv Wil-

son Secretarylxvb Siirgeonfieneral RixeyAssistant Secretary Barnes and the twoIndiana were the of theSeth Bullock horse Thieves Association intho car The President wasbrought from hue oar through the train bya reception committee a Pullmanthe aisles of which were roped oft andguarded two grinning porters ono ofwhom presented a gun other ubroom of the car werewith congratulatory mottoes and with

onlynmrknbln thou those he lies seen on his

The horso thieves noted as populace-and cheered and andcameras as he

Thorn was n special menu Includingsuch items as tracks on toast

ronst bucking bronco served in prairiedog holes puree of Yosemitehaunch of cinnabar mountain

lion AcNo speeches were made hut various

references to happy and unhappy occur-rences of the were on

of entitled Instructions toDistinguished Ouests


Senator Ankonyn Sort llenents Tntliern-Jllltltt In Illmtrlf Bride

WALLA WALLA Wash June 5 Ncsrnlth-Ankenyeldest son of United States SenatorAnkeny resigned the management ofa 20000acre In Adams countyand has gone to Spokane to get a job firingon ft railroad engine He was highly In-

dignant because ho and his bride of a fewmonths formerly a schoolteacher of thiscity were not Invited to the dinner givento President Roosevelt at his fathershouse last week His brothers John andRobert were At the dinner which makesNesmlth especially angry

Nesmith is very independent In 1RH3 he lefttho management of a flour mill at Dayton

by his father and enlisted CompanyF Washington Volunteers nnd went to thePhilippines When tho regiment returnedho came homo from San Francisco bytrain roOming to ride on tho steamer Queenchartered by his father Eight years agoho was sent to a military school in Virginiabut became tired of school life nod workedhis way homo on railroads by the SouthernPacific to tho coast He is a very cornpotent fireman


Man Arrested and the Police SayOther Brokers Run Hooks

Reginald Powers who says ho Is a curbbroker living at in Twentyeighth streetienconhuret was held In 1500 hail in theTombs police court yesterday on a charge

accepting bets on the races He wasarrested In front of 25 Broad street by De

Conway and Rammer of the Oldafter he had accepted two bets

they had sent him on horses running atjravesond

The detectives were standing nearPowers took tho money that

they saw him record in a small

The arrest was the result of a number ofcomplaints soot to the Old station

brokers who are runningan a side issue

Coroalne kills dandruff IUvn IrrttIon promotes a healthy growth of the Hair I

FtnmjlTanl Limitedrune to every day In tbe In 21

hlihrr de equipment and Juton ult tune lablej











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Summons Prof Myers to IllsPreserve With lilt lUlnMiklni Apparatus

UTICA June 5Prof Carl MyersFrankfort a message fromBurns Dr W WebbNehasane Park today himreport at the earliest possible

the preserve with his rainmakingand endeavor to produce a

of ram which alone can stop thefires In that vicinity Prof wprobably go to Nehasane tomorrowSunday and attempt to make goodguarantee of producing a rainfall by

off quantities of explosives atheights from balloons

The citizens of mon have also becomeImpressed with the feasibility of ProMyerss rainmaking Idea and at a

this afternoon subscribed 400 to pnyule explosives for tho professors exper-mentH The attempt to a

will be made on the Ilion baseballgrounds on Tuesday unless the

the Mohawk Valley is soon relieved

Prof Myers has received scores ofduring the day from many corn

munities hi the East to produce rainhis time promises to be fully taken up In

region If his work at Nehasano andproves the genuineness of his claim

D riRROYS HOUSE ARLAZWife or the Politician Saves Her Hniband

and Her JewelsMrs Purroy the wife of Henry D Pu

roy the politician had an excitingperience last night In a fire in thehome jit 2597 Webster avenue The

was by an electric light wire gettinga trolley wire

Tim fire started over the door betweenthe library and dining room Mrs Purrojwho was reading In her room on thefloor ran downstairs and grabbed a num-

ber of Mr Purroys private papers whichwere on a table and in a safe in theThen she called to the servants todown her trunk which contained her Jewelry

The servants Instead of botheringthe trunk ran past her into the streetPurroy then went up and got the trunkherself and threw It down the stairsthis time the halls were filled with smoke

Mrs Purroy put a dress over her headand jumped througha window to thoof an extension She yelled to a manwas passing on a bicycle to send for tinfiremen but just then the engines came

upThen Mrs Purroy climbed back throughthe broken window again thinking thatsome of the servants might be upstairsShe was overcome by smoke and was

out by Fireman fluffy of Engine 41

Purroy was standing in FordhamSquare two from his homewhen of car blew out

frwmlnutm the engines pawedhe learned that his hoUse was iflr

The fire destroyed the library and dIningand some of the rooms on the tippet

Mrs Purroy said that a numberof oil paintings had been ruined by fire andwater Luckily she said an oil paintingwhich she recently bought in Seville had not

touched The damage to the furnitureand paintings she estimated at 11000 and-o the build ng at 2 00


Secretary or War Talked or for the StatesHead Plait to See the President

Senator Platt it was said lost nigh-ts to go to Washington early next week

have a talk with President Reeseelt Now that the President line returnedo Washington many things concerning

in the State of New Yorkto be discussed Incidentally so Itsaid the presidency of the New York

Ifpublican County Committee will comeup for discussion

U has printed in Toy SUN thatImportant Republicans in the State believed

the Hon Hamilton Fish Jr AssistantYeaMirer of tine United States might benominated for Governor In 1904 A numberof other Republicans seemed to think

that the nomination might go tolion Elihu Root whom Mr McKinley

selected to IKJ Secretary of War to succeedcn Alger and whom Mr Roosevelt re

tainted In that importantThere have time to

within the last few months SeeRoot was to retire as the

War Department hut these reportswere premature and nowon the top shelf ore talking

Root as the finest candidate to belated for Governor by the Republicans

the Empire State next year


Wont Auk for BIds Till the Labor MarketSteadIer

Contractors who have been waiting forspecifications of tho Pennsylvania

tunnel job have been told that one of thereasons why have not given

Is the unsettled state of the labormarket

A great mass of detail is Involved In

preparation of the papers on whichwill be invited to make

their proposals nnd while theproceeded rapidly theyhurried at all as the management

the Pennsylvania realizes It Is saidthat bidders will be dubious about entering

contracts of such unless theylavoRomo definite knowledge of the labor

market for tho three years that will beequlred to complete the work The

will allow several months for thebidders to study tho specifications andprepare their tenders-

It is understood that the contract forriving the under the North River

b lot piece and for drivingEast River In another The

tunnel Island will bedivided many pieces as possibleTunnels must bo built on the Jersey side

up to the level on the flats and on theIsland side half a mile Inward

Preltlrtt Trail In the WestRocky Mountain UnIted leaving Chicago 645-il Omaha Colorado Springs and Denver

the prettleil train tn one ntchl-i the way t electricity Tickets and

InformatIon nt Rock omens 401 BroadwaySMb St and 5 h Av Ait

Every Man Mania Map of Maachirla-Orcencr Commercial of the United StaidVladlvoatock aava The Manchuriapublished by the New Central A copy

oa receipt 01 Art cents la atarapi0 H Daniels New York AH



















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In Each Trade a GeneralCourt of Appeal Employe

and Men Equally Bepreientrd Wm-

iIng Delegates Barred From the

After many conferences the boardgovernors of the Building Tradesplayers Association made public yesterday

plan for with unions andstable conditions In theIt provides an elaborate scheme

for arbitration of labor disputes and whllIt recognizes the unions It stipulates thatwalking delegate or business agentnot be recognized In any arbitration prooeedlngs

The board of governors of whichM Eldlitz U president consists of threemembers of the executive committeeeach organization of employers andassociation

Copies of the plan have sent tosecretaries of sixtytrades have asked to submitthe their respective unionscommunicate the result to William K

Hertlg secretary of the of governorsThe scheme provides arbitratIon

board in each trade by which all difficultiesIn that trade may be adjusted andfor a general arbitration board The general arbitration board Is to be formedfollows

Each association represented In the BuildInsr Trades Employers Association of theof New York shall elect two arbitrators whoshall serve for not less than six months

Each union the employers of which anrepresented In the Building Km-

ployers Association shall arbltratora who shall serve for not less thanmonths and who shall be In the employmentof a member of the Building Trades EmployersAssociation at the time of their election

The arbitrators from the unions shallbe business agents or of any cen-

tral board ofFrom this body of general arbitrators not

than four two from the employersassociation and two from the employeesunions shall constitute a court of appealsThey shall meet within fortyeight hourswhen notified so to do by the general secre-tary

The arbitrators from the unions are guaranteed reemployment by their firm or cor-

poration when tbe special case on which theyhave served has been disposed or

Strikes are not to be ordered againstmember of the Employers Association andno lockout Is to be declared before thematter in dispute Is brought to thegeneral arbitration board for settlementWhere trades have regular trade arbitra-tion boards these are to bo usedas a means of the generalarbitration board as a court of final resortbefore a strike or lockout may be ordered

Before arbitration proceedings are startedcomplaints will bo made to the generalsecretary of the arbitration board Anyunion or any member of an employers

may select from all thegeneral arbitrators this persons preferred-as judges but no general arbitrator canAct In a dispute occurring In the trade herepresents

Stenographic reports of the proceedings-are to be taken and after a few trials prec-edents will be established and may bequoted as In courts of law

of the Building Trades Em-

ployers Association who wero seen lastevening were particularly sore against thewalking delegate They regard him asthe main obstacle to industrial Theysaid that while somewore probably honest there were otherswhose salaries were merely a side Issue andwhose incomes were derived from methodsakin to those of crooked politicians Theywould not go on record as mentioningnames

A prominent employer said thatwere on a wellknown

walking delegate with a view to bringinghim before the

He also statement that a bigfirm of employers was being InvestigatedVcause of Its alleged crooked methods

The of Building Trades met foronly minutes yesterday Sam

of the Housesmiths and Bridgemens Union who swung the meetingaround on Wednesday against a

was not there Presidentonly routine matters were dls

cussedIt was learned that the Building Material

Drivers Union which with the BuildingMaterial Handlers Union has until Mondayo leave the board voluntarily has decided-

to stick Donovan was asked if the boardwould expel the union

How do I know he replied The twounions have been asked to leave the boardAnd are given until Monday to do so What

do o Monday I cannot saytalk yesterday of a split in the

owing to the forming of the Parksand Donovan factions

The Housesmlths Brldgemen andUnion held a massat Maennerchor

Iftyelxth street near ThirdWalking Delegate Samto the official report of

indorsed made a statementlater In which he

I am a man who Is instructed to pull onstrike every job in city If I want to

I dont want to Interfere with tho settlemont of the building tieup

You can safely say that the ironworkerswont arbitration plan of

Trades Employers AssociationParks said that the design of the em

foyers was to do away with the walkingdelegates He was not responsible heaid for th action of the Board of BuildingTrades on Wednesday as he had not even

voteA member of the board of governors of

Building Trades Associationwas asked lastwould be accepted as arbitrator if

a plain of the union He repliedn the said that If the unions

wanted to continue paying walkingwas their own affair

peclal Train Account TalePrinceton BaaeballGame

June e leave Weal 23rd Street Penn

sloppIer at Newark Lad Kuiabetn returningcava at or gun At i-

SO Mite In 20 Hournew JOth Century Limited or the N w

Central and does this every dayeffects a treat aavlair to the busy man who

between the Eat and Vt l Adt

Cheapest Trailing In theCombined with See unite charming fast

and courteous on New Yorkcreates a steadily Ucmtlnr limBo Att








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Are Atoms Flying Off and Will Allflack Into a Formless Mitt T-

Sptctol Cable Diipattli lo THI SCK-

BBBUN June 5 Prof Crookes the well

scientist In the course of

before the InternationalChemical Congress drew from recent diecoveries the deduction that It 1s conceivably

Justifiable to doubt the permanent stablUtof matter He said

The ohemcal atom may be actualsuffering a catabolic transformationat so slow a that supposing a mllllo

off second It wouldfor Its weight to diminish by

milligramme This fatal quality of atomicdissociation appears to be universaloperates whenever we brush a pieceglass with silk

It the sunshine and raindropsIn and flame It prevailsthe waterfall and the sea and although the whole rango expert

once la all too short to afford t parallaby which the date of the extinction ofcan be calculated protyle themist may again supreme

the hour haveone revolution


This Town Wouldnt Run Dry ir It Dlrinruin All Summer

TIters Is no danger of a water faminethis city despite of the scare reportswhich were printed yesterday InCroton and Byram watersheds there i

enough water stored to supply the citymonths oven If there should not be a singleshower all summer Despite the longcontinued drought the levels In the reser-

voirs are not appreciably lower than theywere at this time last year

Commissioner Monroe of the Water SupplyDepartment said yoeterdaythat the supplystorage reservoirs in the Croton and ByramBheds amounted to 46000000000 gallonsSince May 1 this reserve has been drawnupon for only 000000000 gallons Thecity is now using 280000000 gallons dallyOf this amount the Croton River is sup-

plying 100000000 gallons and the drainthe reserve la consequently 180000000 galIons a day


lie hanged Ills View During theFIght for It

LAPORTE Ind June S Judge Paul JColby was advised today of the grantingto him of a pension after waging a fightfor nearly thirtyseven years ilLs caseis said to be without precedent Ho en-

listed in the Confederate Army at the outbreak of the civil war and won rapid pro-

motion He changed his views in 1M3

and laid aside the gray to wear theserving with equal distinction in theArmy

The Government refused to recognizehim as a pensioner because of his first en-

listment with the army of the South butby the Department will now give

handsome pension and arrearswhich aggregates a small fortune


The Way Enemies Become DownIn Texas

NEW ORLEANS LA June 5 A shootingaffray at Eagle Pass Tex resulted in thedeath of City Marshal W R Kinard andW L McDow a citizen of Eagle Lake

Kinard was In Main street whenMcDow armed with a rifle McDowfirst striking Kinard in the side

He continued to advance and Kinardwho had fallen rose pulled his plstal andboth men went to shooting Seven shotswere fired McDow said to the

We have killed each other wo aronow friends

Both died before they could behome Pierce Hammon of Ltssie wasIn the leg and groin by a stray bullet


State Secret Service Mm to Help Runflown Firebugs There

WniTK PLAiNS N Y June 5 Col FredFeign of Mount Klsoo who appealed toOov Odell to have the State detectives-aid the villagers In running down the fire-

bugs who have burned fifteen housesand harris and poisoned a dogsthat buildings they desired toie from the Governor

The Governor says that State SecretService men will bo sent to Mount Klsooand he has also ordered Sheriff Miller togive the Mount Kisco citizens aU thesheriffs they want for their

A CHURCH MERRYGOnoUXDMoneyMaking te Churches In

INDIANAPOLIS Ind June S The Baptistand the United Brethren churches ofWashington Davless county In an effort

raise money have Invested In a merryThe churches will sell tickets

church will get onethird of thethe remaining third going to the

The Rev Mr Miles of the Baptist Churchand the Rev Mr Robson of the UnitedBrethren Church are taking an active

In the sale of tickets

Danced lOfl Time at Her WeddingMiss Mary a Polish girl who

married of 97 Van Hornstreet Jersey City on Thursday afternoonlanced with 101 guests her weddingreception in Blatts Hall Pine and Maplestreets during tho afternoon and evening

In addition to this she danced five timeswith her husband

Gould Sends MOOO to FloodSufferers

KANSAS dry Mo June 6 Among thesubscriptions to the flood relief fund todaywas one from George Gould for ttOOO to I

Kansas City Kan

ntercolltgtat Regatta rUle 30th Pomg-hkcpiUUlghla d Cole

Observation train tickets are now on sale atCesl Shore ticket oOcei 107 SU 671 UK Broad

27S columbua Ave East d St and US-Pulton St Brooklyn Up

lot Stein Women Boys and Cllrls0 snow The Adventurer ot Harry Revel

ee tomorrows New Tribune it will becontinued dally Ait

Three Railroad RacerThe Pennarlvanla Limited The LimIted

The St Louis United oiler unparalleledservice Att



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Wine ShoppIng and Caller HimM Machine Wai Running A ay

Both Rolled over anti Over In fleetbut NeIther Ilnrt Man Not Known

NRWPOBT R I June 5 Mr GeorgeB Do Forest of New York who ooouptoiTrain Villa at Newport had an excitingexperience this afternoon In an automobile-and had It not been for a worklngmanwhose name could not be ascertainedshe would undoubtedly have wrlotulyInjured

Mrs De Forest was one of the first ofthe woman cottagers to take up automoblllng and eho Is considered one of themost expert drivers in the colony Theaccident this evening was due to noof hers but to a faulty brakeForest left her villa soon after 4 oclockand started for the shopping district taking a roundabout way

She had no sooner turned into Bull streetwhich is one of the steepest hills In thecity than she saw that the brake on thomachine was working badly She hut offthe power and tried to apply the brakebut It would not work The momentum-of the machine was Increasing and UriDe Forest saw that something must boand done quickly

Several workmen were walking along thesidewalk and De Forest one ofthem and asked him If notjump Into the vehicle and try to puton the brake He dropped his lunch boxand with some difficulty caught up with themachine which was then going at a goodclip and was about a third of the distancedown the hill

After gaining tine seat beside Mmthe man tried to apply the brake

hut he was not able to budge It Then heand Mrs De Forest put their united efforton the brake lever but it would not move

It was evident that something must bdone To jump out meant the probable

of a leg or armDe Forests suggestion the two

locked arms stood on the step of themachine and let themselves fall Into thestreet The automobile Is a low one andthe fall was not enough tothem to roll ever a few times They gotup none the worse except that Mrs DeForest had bruised an arm in the tailand both covered with dust

Mrs De Forest expressed her apprecia-tion for the timely assistance given by theworkman who refused to give his namebrushed off his clothes picked uplunch box and went on his way

H was about holt way down the hill wherethe two rolled out of the machine whichcontinued on at a rattling rate Whennear the bottom it swerved shot up on thesidewalk and ran into a fence

Mrs DeForest called a cab and continuedshopping trip


Cur Starts at the Top Without the Motor-

man and OverturnORANGE N J June S Nine persons

were hurt here tonight by the overturn-ing of a trolley car that ran wild downEagle Rock on Its way to Orange Ono of

them William Curtis the conductor is no

badly hurt that ho may dieAccording to people who were in the oar

It was standing on the track at the top ofEagle Rock waiting for passengers Themotorman was not in the car about11 oclock when the car was scheduled-to leave for Orange a passenger who got

Is said to have struck the brake handleby accident and thus to have loosenedthe brakes

The car went on nod before the brakescould be set again was tearing down theilll at a frightful pace It turned onecurve all right but gathered such speedthat when tho second was reached thewheels loft the rails and the

It landed on KM top and was badlysmashed Two ambulances were summooned from the Orange Memorial Hospital

nine persons were thereare wild to have been onlylengers

Of the injured who were taken to thehospital four were so slightly hurt thatthey were able to go home after having

treatedThe Injured are William Curtis the con

doctor Mr Cryan of Lincoln Park NewarkMrs Cavanngh of Llewellyn Park Gusloss F P Jones of Jersey City Gus

of Bloomfield Fred Bagley ofJohn Flynn and C T Van Cart


rnonnell Adds Another to His Longor llescues lied hair Helped him

William ODonnell a young plastererif 1741 Avenue A added to his lifesaving

record by jumping Into the East RiverNinetyfirst street and saving ten

earold Robert Shannon of 1811 Secondavenue early last evening

The water off the wall is fortydeep and its treachery it

name of the death trap Thethat forty children have been

there In tho last three yearsThe Shannon boy was climbing Into the

rear of an ice wagon when thecame down suddenly and he

water A half dozen of hisraised a cry for help

The cry WM heard by ODonnell whojust walked up through the E t Side

with his two small sons He ran towall and without stopping even to

his hat plunged In

Just aa ODonnoll went lawn thesurface the boy bobbed up again

as ODonnell canto to tine surface afterdive ODonnell saw in a flash what

happened and made another divemissed Then he dlvedagaln

Shannon has a crop of bright red hair andsaved hli life for when ODonnellthe third time he saw the hair and

itThen he brought the boy to the surface

Shannon was unconscious The twoInto a rowboat and landed

Young Shannon was rolled over a barrelt the boat club for half an hour and

brought hack to consciousness andto bed ODonnsll was BO exhaustedhe had to bo helped home and to

ODonnells neighbors say h savedilly fifty boys from drowning H s-

affy on rescuing1 the way they put It




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