the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1904-06-06 [p...

j 1 j rl t ifu- r f k L RUSSIA TO TAKE OFFENSIVE v CZAR SEX OS NEW ORDERS T OEN KotnorATKi 4- S 3 Attempt to Nave Iort Arthur Comlilrri- Ukrly Orancl Connell and Rrnrr Staff Ajrce on a ClunKR In Tactli- Japanme fhartte of lYracher- Sftctal Cable nnpalcttn In SUN V PARIS June 6 The St Petersbur correspondent of the Idit Journal say there was a meeting of tho Grand and th General Siiff yesterday under Hi presidency the Cwir at which decisions Involving the of offennlv tactics in the present campnUn were renchei LoNDON June 0 Despatches from Si Petersburg mid other Hussliin centre describe the goneral feolltiK of great un- easiness prevailing in nil circles Th- rffill iiimouni riiiriii ir ui mi the decisions of the Russian Grand Counc and General Staff to ndopt onVnnlvo tactic IB supported by despntchos to Kxpr and Mail The correspondent of EJCPTCH the general popular fwllnt that Port must be saved at all routs linn overnonn the opinion of the lHt military ntithoritlcx- A a result but Kouropiilkln tills IXH- Minstnicted to attempt to gtt through relief force of 40000 or 10000 troops Tht Czar and the conrl ndviwn favor Ihb planThe correspondent nild Jlint ho Imi reason to believe that the force wilt imrel be kept ready and f1 l Kurokis army awilstliiK Port Artlmi by lessening forces nppowd to It IB stated that len Kouropiilkln IbM re- quested the CVnr to cancel thn instruction cent to him The correspondent of I ho Mail confirms the statement that It in I ho Intention of Russia to stand or foil by Port Arthur- aa in the event of the capture of tlw fort r by the Japnneso internal trouble in HiKia would bo Inevltablo Ho adiln that Count Lmsdorf Minister of Foreign AffuirH- haa hitherto be n protected by tho CVar who Is now lisplaying a Htrong wrnon- allty in an manner hut it U ox pected that the Minister will Iw wicriflced as a scapegoat to popular indignation It is freely suggested that den Hour opatkln has lost favor with the court but it is certain that no change in the command of the army is contemplated The St Petersburg correspondent of the Morning Poet says he has the highest au thority for stating that Russia Is preparing- to cope with a serious Chinese invasion- A despatch from Chefoo says that the Japanese army investing Port Arthur extends from Shulantarkoo on the west to Chlchengtsu on the east from twelve to fourteen miles from the fortriwi The Japanese outposts ore being gradually advanced to within four of the land defences The Japanese fleet has taken posseswion of two Russian torpedo boats that were abandoned at Dalny and another vessel that Is ashore in Tallenwan are indications that the Port Arthur fleet will make a desperate effort to sally from the port during the land attack RUSSIANS VSIXd nIHELESX Port Arthur In Communication With CYilnrae Territory Special cable Deipatcli to Tim SUN ToKIO June 5 It is suspected that the Russians at Port Arthur are communicating- with Chinese territory by means of wire- less telegraphy their instrument prow bly being on some small Islands off the coast The Japanese cruiser Chitose din four masts showing above IJao they were out of range of reported that several explosions accompanied by dense mosses of smoke were heard yesterday at Port Arthur The Japanese destroyer Ikazuchl has destroyed a mine at Nanwhan Island off the Liaotung peninsula The Japanese rear guard has repulsed 3000 Russian infantry one battery and some at Chuchiatun The Jap- anese casualties were eight A reconnoitring detachment from Gen Kurokls army has defeated 000 Hussions north of Fenfwangcheng LONDON June 6 A number of Shanghai correspondents report the belief in Japan that the French are install ng wireless telegraphy at Chenwantno In the hope ef exchanging news with Port Arthur CARRIER PIJEOS USED MetBacM Prom Port Arthur by That Means to Chefoo- aptOal Dttptictt lo THE SDK June Despatches from Chefoo report the receipt there of mes sages Bent by carrier pigeons from Gen BtoeaeeU the commander of the Port Arthur garrison which were forwarded without contents being divulged to St Peters- burg A junk arrived at Chefoo from valny on Saturday A Chinese passenger on of her who was recently in Port sayB the Russians there inclusive of 40000 Only four of the larger are undamaged The rest of the CLEARING ALIEN WAN HAl Removing the Mines for the Japanese Cable DeipaltH to TBS SUM 7 5 The Japanese are em ploying shell divers from Kuaturis to clear the mines in Talienwan Bay The divers Yolunteered for this work They are won derfully expert and are able to work half a day Hundreds of fishermen are volunteering assist in clearing the hay of and It U probable that some of be accepted FOR RUSSIAN REFORM M CrfflnK the Czar to Take Lp the liintlons- pftlol CW DupaiOi to TB Sew LONDON June despatch to the Standard from St Petersburg says that M Wltte U regaining his old influence In high quarter FTo is said to bo urging the Czar to consider advisability of authorizing- the Senate to investigate the general con ditlon of the people of the country with the view ultimately of making such ad mlnl tratlvi chongts as wilt tIring Russia more nearly into line with the Western Powers TELIS OF HISSI THEAfllKHY Oftlper Vtlilte Illll- fptelat ratilr Hnwlcli lo Tim Sew lx SDON him il A lsmtcli to the Ttltgraph from NiiKiiwtki an account of thn alms hy the of the white at the batIk of Xnn lmn Hill AH told a Jopftne officir who was wnumled and who arrived nt Mojl He We advanced and were on the point of tho white when they fired point tilank at us many was piece of l TH Council Import lint adopt Ion 1 r Journal is Ii arK it a I milk inK nl n t III unwonted i r f t mil Y Ba I f j 1 f cover t h- erS I t t r tnt Dbl i 1 bard tat sips leD Din Seal j I I t to mint j Wit I 6A j t th i i j at n han r f faR them who fall p v t IlIf tim Art tiii ti n I s t till I I I t I i t rrilere- I L I I 1 i 1 f ft r their i jri t t r c t i Japanese Iii la- MIirneiI gives I IIIIsiiatis J j has says c passing the ItIislnns displayed this I > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > treachery that for BrwKp of the CHANGE IN RUSSIAN VNIFOR3 Whole Army to Wear Tunlpa and Covers fipeelal Cabs Uripatcli to Sun ST IKTKKBBUHO June S Oen Kour patkln has United an order with the went of Viceroy Alexlpff that tunics nr cap covers of a gray tint shall be worn tlio wholearmy as soon o they cnn from In order to accelerate the change In uniform an attempt will I made to dye the white tunics gray Officers will be permitted to wear tunU with epaulettes hut their tunics and ca covers miiHt l e of the same color as thot to ho worn by the ordinary Koldlent OF COSSACKS irn Knrokl K iht lon Wc- rllravj Special Cabl unpalth lo Tnr HUN TOKIO Juno 5 The dffiiit of 6JO HiickH by a reconnoitring detachment Jen Kuroklt nnny took place Clinlinachi Oen Ktiroki says that KuMian hisses were heavy The Japanew one killed and three wounded J C A IN THE AHMY Twelve of nrprrirniBllTrii lEave ti the Front With the Troops The Young MenH Christian Awioclatlot made it known yesterday that six Japanefl unit six repr Y C in Japan have permitted to RI to the front with the Japanese Five of ure iiilNwionarieH Iliiir agency the Y M C A will rotahllal tents conlaininK correspondence nmteriaU rending matter musical instruments KniiicH antI oilier features as may be pro- vided for social nnd relief at principal CUIIIM in Corea its far north iu A fund to provide for tho enterprise- has been recent T M C A convention in Buffalo iOU was pledged New associations have sent out 500 and Japanese resident In American probably contribute an e tial amount Fisher at 3 Wet street Is receiving contributions It Is announced that llOOC morn will he required to see the enterprise through the year The act ax a of general helpfulness for the distribution of noldiers SHOT ITO A CHOWIt OF ROYS It Inp Iollpi Saved Mob Another Italian lull of rum anil must mischief without the slifhtift provo- cation created excitement in tim Fifth ward Brooklyn last ninht After tshocitinp- i boy he was chased by un angry mob arid would have broIl unmercifully harullcd lad it not been for the prompt arrival on the senne of Patrolmen 1helan and Tynan if the Adams street wtution As it was Patrolman Tynan was compulld to draw lis revolver to keep Iho infuriatiHl crowd it hay Shortly before 10 oclock last night a num er of boys were seated on the curb at street and Hudson avenue singing Polivino 22 years old of 332 Hudson avenue camo along nt this time Ho had een drinking and was In a fighting mood The singing of the boys annoyed him and without warning he pulled out a 32 calibre evolver and fired at them The boys an Louis Montgomery 14 years old of 73 Nassau street gave a cry and fell into iho gutter When some of the men asked him what was the matter he said Im hot Kill the Italianl shouted one of the men and then chase for by this time Italian was running Patrolman helan had heard shots Ho hastened ifter the Italian and caught him While Phelan was holding his prisoner the non were to get Tynan arrived and ordered the crowd Well kill the Italian if wo can get hold of him said one of the men Patrolman Tynan drew his revolver and kept guard arrival of the the meantime an ambulance tho Hospital bad sum noned y bad shot in the Uu was re to the hospital In the midst of excitement Rocoo- Tordasco 23 old of 119 street and asked what was the trouble that he had been with Pollvino he crowd knocked him down and stomped m him and cut his face He was ilso arrested the police He said he Polivino but been in company at the time of the shooting fired three shots at Polivino was up with olonloiiB won charged with having participated in the shooting OUNIt PARTS OF WOMANS ho Trnnrtarn River Furnishes the Ma trrlalR for Murder Mystery KXOXTIME Tenn Juno 5 Isaao John a fisherman whllo running his line in he Tennessee River this morning dtscov red a floating soap box containing dis- membered portions of a womans body n an island nearby a hand and arm were Uncovered This afternoon two miles further down ho river and t above the limits ome boys found a human head floating ear the shore The Coroner had just corn ileted an inquest over the re nains summoned to where he head was found No inquest was held iver the head The made no irogress with the mystery 9ROWXED ESCAPING FROM HEAT Two Men lump In to Cool Oil and lose TheIr UvnB- AtTiMonB Md June 5 Baltimore naugurated Its outing season today with he report of two drownlngs Overheated- ifter a baseball game William Brown H years of age jumped Into Colgate Creek o off was with cramps before assistant could reach him vas drowned Lewis Hornsteln 10 years tried he same trick at met pith n similar fate Both men were single bodies have been recovered KILLED IN A CARD GAME ircron Kntl IHipute hy a Free Use of Revolver Onr Wounded COLUMBIA S C June5 Jerry Dial and henry Sherman were killed and Warren iamples wounded in ashooting affair at iedmont this afternoon A party of negroes were playing cards n a cabin when a dispute arose The hooting followed The two dead negroes vere In the buck The other5 meml ers if the fled nnd it is not known who lid tlm shooting Molillrr Drowned TmrKet Practice Nkw IONDOX Cnn June 5 While the Robert Palmer was towing a floating argel off Fort Miohie Gull Saturday fternoon tim hawser Wamri entangled a and David Idler a private tempted to clear the rope and was swept over ward A deckhand seized a preserver nd jumped overboard in an to ave but the soldier was drowned lefore the deckhand could reach him Private Idlsr wa a member of the Twelfth Coast Artillery tati6ned it right Fishers aunt te ca l can by be pro- cured e Imf lan all Cal toward the f Gem troop Jt alan lund on lau the Patrol- man from ben Adam ben arrive knew locke a ed add age Their TWO a at tug with For ray Tug Russia lot its tim Id- A been these IrlnkCra rid 11th angr liOn ion Water > < > ¬ Dont worry the the little gltii sizzling Suppose It go Why care so long as your manly dome of thought is kept cool under a stylish becoming perfect fitting KNOX HAT Everything that is fashionable and superior in straw and Panama to select from lA enrle principal tile world ROWDIES ASSAULT MANY JEW CAUSE A RIOT IX TIIK WALL- Anm T SECTION OF WILLIAM am c- nrrak Store Window Attack Women Children Overturn Pustirarti Injure One Man Seriously Polio lleservrs Arrest Two Who Are held A crowd of young hoodlum t the Jewish quarter in Wallabout near Harrison avenue Williamsburg yester- day morning and made n savage attac men women and children ide- Mnmshlng show windows of stores pushcarts and soda fountains and doing other damage They had stones brick and sticks and without the slightest cation assailed everybody who crosse their path When Joseph Hailer a well known bus ness man of 38S Wallabout stmit remon- Htratod with tho rowdies he was hit in head with a brick anti fell senseless Jacob Neglor a neighbor of Bauer attempted tt aid him He received a terrific blow on head with a stick For nearly half un hour the rowdies were in possession of the street A number of Jews with long beards hat tufts of hair yanked out of their chins So intense was tho excitement among Jews that several hundred surrounded the Invaders but were no match for them Finally somebody sent word to the Clymer police station that a riot was li Copt Holahan turned out the re servos Tim roaches saw the ap- proaching and ran A number of savagely attacked kept tight grip on 18 of 89 street and Henry Lehman 21 63 Bart let t street taken to the station house followed 500 Hebrews A charge of disorderly conduct was made and when they were arraigned in the Lee avenue police court a won of Busier told Magistrate that his father was in a seri oils condition because of his encounter with the An additional charge of assault was ngulnM Palmer Lehman and KOK held in 600 for a hearing 500 on thu assault 100 on the ir PFnitY DIES i A HOTEL r nd nn or the Commodore a Nrptirw of CinrHrld anil a CloRrMouthrcl lan Emerson Walcott Perry a grandson of Commodore Perry and a nephew of ProsE lent Garfield died suddenly yesterday fore in the toilet room Gllsey House been dead there two before me of the porters discovered Dr Walter Flemmlng the house phy liclon identified the dead man In the ihysicians opinion Perrys death won due o heart When his pockets were searched papers iddressed to Perry at the Putnam House were found The clerk at that hotel sent cord that although Perry had been living hero for two years no ono in the hotel new anything about him and the only riend of Perrys that he knew was A V liver a Californian He didnt know vhere Oliver was to be found Coroner Brown gave n permit for the emovnl of the body from the iilsey House aid the Tenderloin police took charge of it They were about to send it to the Morgue rhen Oliver turned up and engaged an- indertaker Perry who was about 70 years old had a picturesque career was a and for had l When the old St James Hotel was ho was one of tho regulars there When it closed lie made his headquarters at lie Kliirtevant House that hotel wound career he over to tho Ititnom HOIISO- He was born In Vermont on the Perry ioine oad at Cream Jill on Lake His sister Mrs Hunt now lives Ho was graduated from Union C egn In the early 60s went Went and or many made his home in San Francisco made H money there and once WIts looked on as a Mr Oliver said of him last When I was a in San Francisco vas a bin man there Ho was in thereat state business and at one time he owned he property on which tho San Francisco- ity built He came hack there or thirty years He had when he Coast but I under itood that he a good deal of it in min np ventures Perry was one of the most reticent men over He went accompanied V his Uncle Garfield a f President Garfield The uncle was a He settled in Washington Territory tad built nn a He jecamotheTerritorial delegate of the State ater taught school in the Territory- or several years and then went to Froaciseo- He came back East when he Rot his Ue and he lost hi money How much he ltd left I dont but had sufficient o live on No man had a better family tree than he but he never talked about his an- cestors or their deeds He often used to chuckle at the Belmontp who lay FO much tress on their relationship marriage o Commodore Perry was a direct ilood descendant half of his acquaint mces didnt know it Oliver is staying at th Ashland House le will body to his old today OUD DEAD IN HOTEL ROOM W Parker of Francisco May Have Klllril Illmtrlf A man registered at the Bartholdi Hotel- n Saturday afternoon as W Parker of an Francisco and got n room on the hird He had hi dinner in the rest night and wanted the bill barged hut thin hotel folks objected Very well then let It hang over until omorrow he semi I havent any pody cash just nt present Parker stayed around the hotel for some linn after this and then wont to lila he chambermaid couldnt get In and lust night this door was arced oHti iarki vas In M Blood had flowed from his mouth but here was no visible Coroner nckson viewed the body and gave a permit- or its removal An autopsy l o n It today nor the hotel outs s v wbethor the man hud kllle iiin elf or had lied of apoplexy He had only 42 cents money and not a crap of in his tell who was There were no marks on his lothing except on his Mal In was name Parker It was bought andbaic hut itonlv n few articles f apparel abut In thee hot days cities tn and Invade hIs provo the his the sleet a uf mate hal other- I non hour Il pro- moter t hem welt plain pal Ier lank I Wet home for rom W I l llver L I nail ant Iii been old were kul ii hit PQrT Situ ni this reIn Pease lime MInneapolis Its a wearing > < ¬ > TsW- POLICESTOP THE SHOW AX MOIlllVliNS THE ARENA Attempt to Give 8t louts Fair Vliltoi a Spantth Spectacle Prevent Promoters Disappeared With R the Crowd Bused Ruetlon ST Louis June 5 Tho bullfight whlc was advertised to take place near 1 worlds fair grounds this afternoon wa prevented by officers of St Louis count who placed the manager H A Tullridgi under arrest When the disappointed patrons that the fight would not bo permitted the stormed the offlco of the company all the windows and then sot fire to th large arena burning it to the ground majority of the 2800 persons who had pal the admission price of 1 formed the mob Hlchard Karris the proprietor of th grounds and his associates sneaked of the office In disguise after the mob ha begun to demolish the windows and clamor for the return of their money carrying the gate with them An attempt to arrest one of the men wh was seen throwing a stone through th window precipitated a riot in which dozen of revolvers were drawn Several officer stood however and after some of the mob with the butt ends of revolvers arid threatening to shoot other managed to disperse the crowd- A riot call was sent in to the St Lout police department and a message wa- nt to Sheriff Henoken By the time th officers had responded however the flame had already the fury of the mob had somewhat sub nlded Thin was about 7 oclock and the crowi stood about peacefully watching the flame shoot up from the fine structure while few firemen sent out from the worlds fat grounds busied themselves saving furniture and several small stands and houses ad jacent to the arena Tim cost of the arena was 110000 The show began 3 oclock and two hours were enter with a creditable display of riding shooting and roping At 5 oclock the gate were opened and two horses with riden costumed in flaming red Jacket follower by six Spanish toreadors entered They went to the centre of the arena where the manager stood The order t bring In the hull went out but Deputy Sheriff Ossenfort stepped forward will three other officers and read the Mr Tullldge The mob took the chairs from the boxes smashed them over the railing and threw he pieces out into the arena Boards were kicked loose and the long scantlings were used as a battering ram In thii way u great part of the structure was de- molished Two small boys were wildly heered when they drove three of the here if eighteen bulls from their stalls into the irena liad twittered thf doors down The amphitheatre was soon full of people again and the boys amused the audience by waving pieces of a red quilt at the animals which huddled up in fear They were jommonest kind of Texan steers and re to show any fight meantime some of the mob had stolen a dozen of hay from a nearhy camp and set on fire under northwest corner of the structure MALPIX AGAINST PERRY Coming for Republican or the aith Republicans who have become dissatis- ed wlththeconduct of affairs in the Twenty eventh district under the leadership ame V Perry have decided to oppose he latter at the primaries in August ion 5 A McAlpin has been chosen to lead Ight against him A meeting will bo held it the Cadillac Hotel on Wednesday evening Thu call for the signet jy ion Howard Carroll Edwin Einstein Dr E Valentine Buick Thurlow Weed Adam Engel and others They that in the six which Mr lender there has been H steady of the vote listrict which gave Iow a plurality of only 300 lost tail tho ality for Odell was over 2VX The ties been rated as one of he heavy Republican districts of assuming the twice for Congress Uirton Harrison Usa McAlpin was retired Uov Odell- is treasurer the Republican Stale com nitt e in favor of Stern last April tie lives most of the time Ht Ihow who ore putting him up fur leader that he to future Those who are opposing Perry stay thnt Perry will be beaten o to one One wison is that B Ayraar Sands he lawyer has had too much to about which have been made down own in what Mr calls the Twenty loventh District Republican at ion Broadway No Mr Perrys assert maintains a f the district 0VC CHASE FOR A AlTO oitrr Mllllktna Driver Made Run For It bat WM Caught at Int When a big automobile with one man in whlared post Bicycle Policeman Billy schneider at Park avenue and Seventieth treet yesterday afternoon he gave chase as bard as he knew before he got the auto He called o the driver to but the latter only aughed BO Schneider was sent along at a font to Fiftyeighth street where the driver west to avenue arId headed Couth The bicycle was almost ex lamted when landed the driver of automobile at Fortysixth street Schneider says his man when two street cars and a truck blocked street The prisoner was taken to Fiftyfirst He said he vies of 84 East Eiehtvfifth treet and that he was employed by Foster lilltken of 127 West street WIMIAU A ItAUi ARRESTED William A Hall of thus HerringHaU- tarvln Safe Co was arrested yesterday fternoon Policeman with speedlnc his automobile in Rlverdalo avenue near Mosholu He gave 1100 cash hail in the station 101 83 and away without giving the iaire of the four women who were vith him He was much put out over his t and wild Unit he not exceeded- he speed limit SECHKTAin FLORY RESIGNS Imult of DURrnslim In the Com minimi of the HI ST 10MH Juno 1 Owing to dissensions n thin national commission of thin worlds air Joseph Klory lisa tendered his restgna ton as secretary to taken effect on July I Ir will IK succeeded by Laurence irnliHtn an eastern newspaper pooonal friend of f the causes loading lo his resignation nothing to at present beyond- he fact that taken step onsintent with conditions as they now list I shall have something to later Friends of Mr Fiery when he loss talk at least one high officer In the be ihown up n an unpleasant light J RIOT tlpt and found A out clubbing their ond rol and the abut for abut warrant- to the fuse bale the Contest of Ham hal been und been defeated the time Of Perry cub a It pal how the the th- eFt char ed Park- WAY atonal f lorv J ian und Mr to make on Mill have I BUta1GflttURNTO A S p heal break- ing cant Leader- ship the last ISV statement iia < MUSIC ROLL CO- M WrtlJM SI N Y Cl- ltlOV MVKPflY HACK SatIsfied With Corlciyoi Falrbanki Coy Franklin Murphy of New got back yesterday aboard the White Bis liner Celtic from weeks vacatloi which he him the fall campaign fo He said I left word to nil my friends and m secretary not to send me any letters o so that I might be absolutely aloo and political affairs I wen away seeking health and found it walked from fifteen to tWenty silica a day and lived chiefly on a bread and milk Now that I feel go well I shall take part in the national campaign of Hepublican party I am not much of orator hpwever in fact I make speeches when I cant help it Sena- tor death has been severe in the Republican national committee very well is a bright able adaptable will I prove equal to de tnands of any Who is your candidate for the Vice think Senator Fairbanks is i capital man for the I believe that no man should be nominated for the Vice who U not to the Presi Fairbanks in able and popular- As for the Presidency Mr naturally the to be though- of I we could not on last Hepublican platform But whatever i or it may say in It platform no party can away from it own people are I believe by A V0 INSTRUCTIONS IN TEXAS Result of the Primaries Held Saturday Favors Mrlthrr Parker Nor hearst DALLAS Tex June 5 Neither nor Parker has carried Texas in held yesterday The uninstructed vote will hold the balance of power in the State convention Less than fifty of 247 counties of the State have been heart from conclusively but these show the drift of the work yesterday In the vote Parker does not seem to have any advantage Hearst and In the vote II there is any material advantage It seem to Hearsts An estimate from returns so far received would give each candidate from 300 to 350 votes con vention leaving from 300 to 400 votes unta structed hearst Calnft In Minnesota DUMJTII Minn June will have at least 100 of tho ISO delegates in Democratic county convention which will in this city Saturday and will be the St Louis county dolpgatioi to the State convention as as the con- vention of the Eighth district This statement was out by prominent Democratic the closed Inelur Gray Slave lIon In unaware WILMINGTON Del Juno results of the Democratic primaries on Saturday indicate that the supporters of Judge GrAY in the State convention to be held on The day havti a narrow margin although the forces that believe in gates are claiming a majority WOME STANIt liY POLYGAMY lah DrmorraU Ankrd Not to VotrAgalnut tile Prtcllcc at Ht louis SALT IMKP Utah Juno Prominent ff Ulnh are being visited by a ornmiltpe of Mormon women fer pur- pose of securing pledges to oppose lon of an by the rm- ional Democratic convention Mho com- mittee is headed by Dr faUi Hugbos- onnon a polygamous wife if August H annon formr president of tho Salt Joke ifike of tho Mormon Church- Men who arc looked upon as probable lologotes to the St Ixmis convention are eiiiR interviewed by the women who wise their request wholly upon the ground thaI time interesu of tIm Church demand that no plank of this nature li put in the A majority of tho men rippraoched ir ospectlvo of religious contend from delegation bad and would not result In n benefit to the Church Therefore declined to pledge themselves in to tlie It is Iwlloved women are under the Church authorities- The Authors Club of Salt Luke has for warded its notice of withdrawal to the Society of the General Fencratlon of VomenH Clubs The Authors Club Is almost wholly of women md its action U a of resolution ed the biennial ion of the federation at St Louis in ilav 35 The the federation on coord as opposed to the affiliation of om ns any sect inimical to he Constitution of United States or to tho principles of American iomanhood- EYEHE STORM IN IIALTIMORE- JKhtnlnc Plajt Havoc Wltli thr Wires Torrent of Rain In the City BALTIMORE Juno JUM as the bay ixeumlonlsls were on the return trip to the city this evening an electrical storm which in the end proved to be the of the early HummerHeason Those eturning from their outing were almost error stricken but cool heads prevailed and accidents were averted In the city there was a veritable cloud The atoim tumo on shortly before anti continued for several hours The streets in several parts of the city were erltablw rivers dls IrictH the lightning played havoc Tele- phone and suffered so antI communication In various in itAiiceH wa cut off At the Park exchange of the and Company u thunderbolt let fire to the toll boned and a time consternation prevailed The rIce was extinguished but not eon iiderahlo damage lx en done Wires were HUbiirha and street car raftlu was interfered with Thn storm on tho and Its tributaries vos startling but up to a late hour to no worn The nrioiw companies are endeavoring to pdtore aa rut lisle hut the condition of the itreets and roads U making their task omewhat difficult Piano Ca Vac r nornfri The the Manhattan Piano Case V at OflMklll N J were destroyed y fire yeterd j i I Jersey ali declare hlH party pap I diet the But Oe rge whom I know man going to judge the party I think the goo one Heart the I I over would the the met able I tonight i 5The I I Democrats thin I t my lila nk I t that be hap the Instruction from Moron Moron am I I but bUrt ou fOrt for nl I work of a A1IPI rs Ill Faorlt5 fer icePrestflent greatly He looks Presidency its record manes 5 Hearst had flay S he adrp ant belIef hev I < ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > B have the most complete facilities for taking up and caring for floor coverings of alt kinds CARPETS AND RUGS CLEANED AND STORED- at our own warehouse especially equipped- for this purpose We make frequent exam- ination of loads storedwith us and there is no extra charge for fire insurance or cartage Our new Compressed Air Cleaning of the latest been completed Telephone 2200 Qtatnercy Carpet Cleaning Dept Broadway and 19th Street 2L Alimmt DRESSMAKING and TAILOR DEPARTMENT GOWNS made to order of Summer materials- in styles appropriate for Yachting Touring Town and Country Wear Third Floor B Altmin Co announce that during the months of June July August and September the hours for closing their establishment will be J2 noon on Saturdays and 5 P M on other busmen days niHtftcMir Sixth JHxn new York Forsythes Waists MOST IMPORTANT SALE Summer Dress Waists Less Than Price Exquisite dressy allover Lace Net d and Batiste Novelties P I OU Regular Prices 25 27 30 Immense variety Choicest imported novelties our very best styles No such genuine bargains have ever been offered 865 John Forsythe Between The Waist House i yth and i8th Sts U WJSLOANE uuu u S in- cluding Broadway I iii- I VV lhi wmwEI- hIttNll SI j ¬ ¬ Golf Notes Seven inclusive cif the cbnmpionstiii- oiii are In open championship treat Britain to be held at Sandwich ni next Wednesday und Thursday The even brings together the lending professionals i world a few nmatrurH iilso start In eluding by established custom the nnniteii- clinnnloii of the year Such a stickler precHnnt Trnvin therefore In sure to be A starter but if unpltred he In In any de- cree disgraced Lust yenr Maxwell- Jr who led the other fliniitcnrs finished in thirteenth pluco with HIS while the winner Hurry Varilon nnre l nn In the Anirrlciu upon championship InM yenr Travis vn un pliictMl dolnic 32t und wits litl linine by who vnt rl lnli a Hclnhnrt 3li In tlieni r m llpyon before at lardru City TravlH mid Ktewar- tinrtlner nt Sla wore tied for n vinil plutn to- Aiichtvrlonlf who did ni7 TKIVIH on s n tine wore two on n course that suits him Golf often termed the old It In certainly this cities that tttickt longest to the The large field at tile UnIt Club lest week in the cup diver llfly proves thnt the In not alone for the yauriBMem anti no front the the famous of tin jink Fosur had a round over the old at St Andrew on Monday lth Toni play of the veteran was somewhat remarkable Sir Walter one third he best him by and 1 to play out Toni took 4V wlillt his card for the return Joumry Showed 4d a total of HereIn llr uhf feature of thr lamp In the ordlnarj route of events a takrs twenty toni or even strokes jeers thirty Is years old 10 do a full round Tom be M next month did U In rltvrn atrokes above asr 1U shaft polio waa hIs lay within a yard of the lone bolt with till third white be wu on the green wtih his second shot JAMAICA June 3 Team matches for Indi- vidual on the nchfrtuln of this CioU Club I earn No t delrntcd No 2 and Team So 3 defeated Team No 4 The scores Team I O T Watts 3 C H Havlland 0 B ttonnell 0 n F UuflUld 0 v Harrison j 3 Total 10 Team No J F L Mills 0 J H 2 W F 2 T H Chapman I P MrynrV 0 E U Skldmorr I I H 0 J F 0 tnBf o Tout ft Team No E C 1 J H Rrdnrld 0 E W Hartcora a K H Tassel o G K Mry nen t J H HIWe 0 W Baldwin 0 H F Bay U 1 B J Humphrey 0 Total 7 Team 4 McFarland ft R A Doo little JCJoo t Jr 0 VLeiSnerJ F R Sehllllni I J H 0 B A Curling 0 Total OREENWICB June i8ecretnry George P Sheldon was for day nt the aIrfield County Crli Hub James MrCulcheoit won from Kmnk Lockvrood default 11 M Day Jr won from C K Menlo by default A V WMirman defeated William up and to play K C Converse defeated u 4 10 Sheldon defeated R W Russell a up and J to play W M Copp defeated W I Cammann up 1 to play H Warford up ao STRAWST- HE or LATEST VOGUE 200 and tsOO Summer 1904 pill f for lit I or bOlt hOI Count not tOt cur e h- owl Unit o 1 I n aupt I C Haupu r ron Hlo H an J 0 J Wick 0 b S W 6 and pIa ° S flu hrlr but f A T 5 B mv St hits cit the amid as too it tier minus t Cu ra I iliiM his J22 unit t his Ut scveIiu y been mulls grime 2 Alt were v u p EleyOT Young Hirdion Ft ti 5 ester it p < ¬ > and J M Mason brat I R Donner 4 up and 3 to Second Pound Bay defeated McCutcheon 7 up and i to play Converse brat Whlteman a up and 4 to defeated Sheldon 2 up and play and Mason defeated llourlicllr o up and i PiAlMiFin lime Tie chief event tin Hillside nnd loll Club yesterday wits the weekly play for the olf commlttre- cii The lp t Hcores were llobert Abbott 71 0 71 and Wllhird Wndoworth 7t 573 In the of the He seven con tostnnts In the Kickers on Memorial l iy II I WrlKht WHS th winner with n list score of MI and leorKP E Cut heart woo the jln ofT tin with 11 C M tinner lor the cup with a net ncore of 7S In the weekly for the pr ff dents cups nt the Inrk Golf IMih- ponied of K Maxwell Honoyrrinn- az M II C WoliP ins 21 X4 inul Miss ri p won the innd pontost from Memorlnl with a score of 0 I Lincoln Trust Company Madison Square- For nonresidents this If company assumes the care of leasing A collecting rent pay- ing insurance and in at small expense j INTEREST ON DAILY BALANCES I SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES AT SPECIAL An Interesting Booklet on i MARRIED ilELCHERDE SEIniNG On Friday June A- IM4 at the residence of the brides parents Flatbush L I by the Rev T G Jackson Helen elder dauihterof Edward F and Adeline de Seldlnt to John Stevens Melcber of N w York city DIED GOOIWIN On Sundal June 5 at his late rent dears 58 Weit M l Jlernard Goodwin beloved husband of Goodwin Notice of funeral hereafter HKlVKKFVAl UvlnfMon Place Sew Brighton Slaten Island on June 4 iDol Juilav HelntHen- la tile 70th year Funeral from hli late residence on Monday June o al II A M 1IOWAHH On Saturday June I 1904 Thomas II win of Era W antI Kllrabclh Stuyvesanl Howard In the Jrt year of hl use Funeral at ChrW Clmrch Hyde Park V V Monday lunr n at 3 oclock P M Train hives Grand Central Station at I P M tNTKBH On June 4 Antu t M fniced dearly beloved son of Christina Intred Funeral Tuesday I P M from hit late residence 3tfl West 115th M- WAtKKK On Juno 4 IIKM James son of George and Marcaret Walker In the lh year of bull lie at Sarauao N Y CEMETERIES Great M l w Omtleir la Ue world i West MtK 4 I WEre Jr I I IP I 1 post 1 I I estate I I tae i I RATS i I all Len y- 4C S sit 1 stunts pju ii non g I lit imiternoomi the two best set tilt real re- pairs c Mary lAke < > ¬ >

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Post on 17-May-2018




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Attempt to Nave Iort Arthur Comlilrri-Ukrly Orancl Connell and RrnrrStaff Ajrce on a ClunKR In Tactli-

Japanme fhartte of lYracher-

Sftctal Cable nnpalcttn In SUNV PARIS June 6 The St Petersbur

correspondent of the Idit Journal say

there was a meeting of tho Grandand th General Siiff yesterday under Hi

presidency the Cwir at whichdecisions Involving the of offennlvtactics in the present campnUn were renchei

LoNDON June 0 Despatches from Si

Petersburg mid other Hussliin centredescribe the goneral feolltiK of great un-

easiness prevailing in nil circles Th-

rffill iiimouni riiiriii ir ui mi

the decisions of the Russian Grand Councand General Staff to ndopt onVnnlvo tacticIB supported by despntchos to Kxprand Mail

The correspondent of EJCPTCH

the general popular fwllnt that Portmust be saved at all routs linn overnonn

the opinion of the lHt military ntithoritlcx-

A a result but Kouropiilkln tills IXH-

Minstnicted to attempt to gtt throughrelief force of 40000 or 10000 troops Tht

Czar and the conrl ndviwn favor Ihb

planThe correspondent nild Jlint ho Imi

reason to believe that the force wilt imrelbe kept ready and f1 l

Kurokis army awilstliiK Port Artlmi

by lessening forces nppowd to It

IB stated that len Kouropiilkln IbM re-

quested the CVnr to cancel thn instructioncent to him

The correspondent of I ho Mail confirmsthe statement that It in I ho Intention of

Russia to stand or foil by Port Arthur-aa in the event of the capture of tlw fort r

by the Japnneso internal trouble in HiKiawould bo Inevltablo Ho adiln that Count

Lmsdorf Minister of Foreign AffuirH-

haa hitherto be n protected by tho CVar

who Is now lisplaying a Htrong wrnon-

allty in an manner hut it U ox

pected that the Minister will Iw wicriflcedas a scapegoat to popular indignation

It is freely suggested that den Houropatkln has lost favor with the court butit is certain that no change in the commandof the army is contemplated

The St Petersburg correspondent of theMorning Poet says he has the highest authority for stating that Russia Is preparing-to cope with a serious Chinese invasion-

A despatch from Chefoo says that theJapanese army investing Port Arthurextends from Shulantarkoo on the west toChlchengtsu on the east from twelve tofourteen miles from the fortriwi TheJapanese outposts ore being graduallyadvanced to within four of the landdefences

The Japanese fleet has taken posseswionof two Russian torpedo boats that wereabandoned at Dalny and another vesselthat Is ashore in Tallenwanare indications that the Port Arthur fleetwill make a desperate effort to sally fromthe port during the land attack


Port Arthur In Communication With CYilnraeTerritory

Special cable Deipatcli to Tim SUNToKIO June 5 It is suspected that the

Russians at Port Arthur are communicating-with Chinese territory by means of wire-less telegraphy their instrument prowbly being on some small Islands off thecoast The Japanese cruiser Chitose din

four masts showing above IJaothey were out of range of

reported that several explosionsaccompanied by dense mosses of smokewere heard yesterday at Port Arthur

The Japanese destroyer Ikazuchl hasdestroyed a mine at Nanwhan Island offthe Liaotung peninsula

The Japanese rear guard has repulsed3000 Russian infantry one battery andsome at Chuchiatun The Jap-anese casualties were eight

A reconnoitring detachment from GenKurokls army has defeated 000 Hussionsnorth of Fenfwangcheng

LONDON June 6 A number of Shanghaicorrespondents report the belief in Japanthat the French are install ng wirelesstelegraphy at Chenwantno In the hopeef exchanging news with Port Arthur


MetBacM Prom Port Arthur by ThatMeans to Chefoo-

aptOal Dttptictt lo THE SDK

June Despatches fromChefoo report the receipt there of messages Bent by carrier pigeons from GenBtoeaeeU the commander of the Port Arthurgarrison which were forwarded without

contents being divulged to St Peters-burg

A junk arrived at Chefoo from valny onSaturday A Chinese passenger onof her who was recently in PortsayB the Russians there inclusive of

40000 Only four of thelarger are undamaged The rest ofthe

CLEARING ALIENWAN HAlRemoving the Mines for the

JapaneseCable DeipaltH to TBS SUM 7

5 The Japanese are employing shell divers from Kuaturis to clearthe mines in Talienwan Bay The diversYolunteered for this work They are wonderfully expert and are able to work halfa day

Hundreds of fishermen are volunteeringassist in clearing the hay of and

It U probable that some of beaccepted


M CrfflnK the Czar to Take Lp theliintlons-

pftlol CW DupaiOi to TB SewLONDON June despatch to the

Standard from St Petersburg says that MWltte U regaining his old influence In highquarter FTo is said to bo urging the Czarto consider advisability of authorizing-the Senate to investigate the general conditlon of the people of the country withthe view ultimately of making such admlnl tratlvi chongts as wilt tIring Russiamore nearly into line with the WesternPowers


Illll-fptelat ratilr Hnwlcli lo Tim Sew

lx SDON him il A lsmtcli to theTtltgraph from NiiKiiwtki an accountof thn alms hy the of the white

at the batIk of Xnn lmn Hill AH tolda Jopftne officir who was wnumled

and who arrived nt Mojl HeWe advanced and were on the point of

tho white when they fired point tilankat us many was piece of




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Whole Army to Wear Tunlpa andCovers

fipeelal Cabs Uripatcli to SunST IKTKKBBUHO June S Oen Kour

patkln has United an order with thewent of Viceroy Alexlpff that tunics nrcap covers of a gray tint shall be worntlio wholearmy as soon o they cnn

from In order to accelerate

the change In uniform an attempt will I

made to dye the white tunics grayOfficers will be permitted to wear tunU

with epaulettes hut their tunics and cacovers miiHt l e of the same color as thotto ho worn by the ordinary Koldlent


irn Knrokl K iht lon Wc-rllravj

Special Cabl unpalth lo Tnr HUN

TOKIO Juno 5 The dffiiit of 6JO

HiickH by a reconnoitring detachmentJen Kuroklt nnny took place

Clinlinachi Oen Ktiroki says thatKuMian hisses were heavy The Japanew

one killed and three wounded


Twelve of nrprrirniBllTrii lEave

ti the Front With the Troops

The Young MenH Christian Awioclatlotmade it known yesterday that six Japaneflunit six repr Y

C in Japan have permitted to RI

to the front with the JapaneseFive of ure iiilNwionarieH

Iliiir agency the Y M C A will rotahllaltents conlaininK correspondence nmteriaUrending matter musical instrumentsKniiicH antI oilier features as may be pro-vided for social nnd relief atprincipal CUIIIM in Corea its far north iu

A fund to provide for tho enterprise-has been recent T M C Aconvention in Buffalo iOU was pledgedNew associations have sent out

500 and Japanese resident InAmerican probably contributean e tial amount Fisher at3 Wet street Is receivingcontributions It Is announced that llOOC

morn will he required to see the enterprisethrough the year Theact ax a of general helpfulnessfor the distribution ofnoldiers


It Inp IollpiSaved Mob

Another Italian lull of rum anil mustmischief without the slifhtift provo-

cation created excitement in tim Fifthward Brooklyn last ninht After tshocitinp-

i boy he was chased by un angry mob aridwould have broIl unmercifully harullcdlad it not been for the prompt arrival onthe senne of Patrolmen 1helan and Tynanif the Adams street wtution As it wasPatrolman Tynan was compulld to drawlis revolver to keep Iho infuriatiHl crowdit hay

Shortly before 10 oclock last night a numer of boys were seated on the curb at

street and Hudson avenue singingPolivino 22 years old of 332 Hudson

avenue camo along nt this time Ho hadeen drinking and was In a fighting mood

The singing of the boys annoyed him andwithout warning he pulled out a 32 calibreevolver and fired at them The boysan Louis Montgomery 14 years old of73 Nassau street gave a cry and fell into

iho gutter When some of the men askedhim what was the matter he said Imhot

Kill the Italianl shouted one of the menand then chase for by this timeItalian was running Patrolmanhelan had heard shots Ho hastenedifter the Italian and caught him WhilePhelan was holding his prisoner thenon were to get

Tynan arrived and ordered the crowd

Well kill the Italian if wo can get hold ofhim said one of the men

Patrolman Tynan drew his revolver andkept guard arrival of the

the meantime an ambulancetho Hospital bad sum

noned y badshot in the Uu was re

to the hospitalIn the midst of excitement Rocoo-

Tordasco 23 old of 119 streetand asked what was the trouble

that he had been with Pollvinohe crowd knocked him down and stomped

m him and cut his face He wasilso arrested the police He said he

Polivino but been incompany at the time of the shooting

fired three shots atPolivino was up witholonloiiB won charged

with having participated in the shooting


ho Trnnrtarn River Furnishes the MatrrlalR for Murder Mystery

KXOXTIME Tenn Juno 5 Isaao Johna fisherman whllo running his line in

he Tennessee River this morning dtscovred a floating soap box containing dis-

membered portions of a womans bodyn an island nearby a hand and arm were

UncoveredThis afternoon two miles further down

ho river and t above the limitsome boys found a human head floatingear the shore The Coroner had just cornileted an inquest over the renains summoned to wherehe head was found No inquest was held

iver the head The made noirogress with the mystery


Two Men lump In to Cool Oil andlose TheIr UvnB-

AtTiMonB Md June 5 Baltimorenaugurated Its outing season today withhe report of two drownlngs Overheated-ifter a baseball game William BrownH years of age jumped Into Colgate Creeko off was with cramps

before assistant could reach himvas drowned

Lewis Hornsteln 10 years triedhe same trick at metpith n similar fate Both men were single

bodies have been recovered


ircron Kntl IHipute hy a Free Use ofRevolver Onr Wounded

COLUMBIA S C June5 Jerry Dial andhenry Sherman were killed and Warreniamples wounded in ashooting affair atiedmont this afternoon

A party of negroes were playing cardsn a cabin when a dispute arose Thehooting followed The two dead negroes

vere In the buck The other5 meml ersif the fled nnd it is not known wholid tlm shooting

Molillrr Drowned TmrKet PracticeNkw IONDOX Cnn June 5 While the

Robert Palmer was towing a floatingargel off Fort Miohie Gull Saturdayfternoon tim hawser Wamri entangled

a and David Idler a privatetempted to clear the rope

and was swept overward A deckhand seized a preservernd jumped overboard in an toave but the soldier was drownedlefore the deckhand could reach himPrivate Idlsr wa a member of the Twelfth

Coast Artillery tati6ned itright Fishers

aunt te

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tim Id-

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Dont worry thethe little gltii sizzling

Suppose It go Whycare so long as your manly dome of

thought is kept cool under a stylish

becoming perfect fitting


Everything that is fashionable and

superior in straw and Panama to selectfrom

lA enrle principal tile world



nrrak Store Window Attack WomenChildren Overturn PustirartiInjure One Man Seriously Poliolleservrs Arrest Two Who Are held

A crowd of young hoodlum t

the Jewish quarter in Wallaboutnear Harrison avenue Williamsburg yester-day morning and made n savage attac

men women and children ide-

Mnmshlng show windows of storespushcarts and soda fountains and doingother damage They had stones brickand sticks and without the slightestcation assailed everybody who crossetheir path

When Joseph Hailer a well known busness man of 38S Wallabout stmit remon-Htratod with tho rowdies he was hit inhead with a brick anti fell senseless JacobNeglor a neighbor of Bauer attempted ttaid him He received a terrific blow onhead with a stick For nearly half un hourthe rowdies were in possession of the streetA number of Jews with long beards hattufts of hair yanked out of their chins

So intense was tho excitement amongJews that several hundred surrounded theInvaders but were no match for themFinally somebody sent word to the Clymer

police station that a riot was liCopt Holahan turned out the re

servos Tim roaches saw the ap-proaching and ran A number of

savagely attacked kepttight grip on 18

of 89 street and Henry Lehman21 63 Bart let t streettaken to the station house followed

500 Hebrews A charge of disorderlyconduct was made and whenthey were arraigned in the Lee avenuepolice court a won of Busier told Magistrate

that his father was in a serioils condition because of his encounter withthe

An additional charge of assault wasngulnM Palmer Lehman andKOK held in 600 for a hearing 500 onthu assault 100 on the


r nd nn or the Commodore a Nrptirwof CinrHrld anil a CloRrMouthrcl lanEmerson Walcott Perry a grandson of

Commodore Perry and a nephew of ProsElent Garfield died suddenly yesterday fore

in the toilet room Gllsey Housebeen dead there two before

me of the porters discoveredDr Walter Flemmlng the house phy

liclon identified the dead man In theihysicians opinion Perrys death won dueo heart

When his pockets were searched papersiddressed to Perry at the Putnam Housewere found The clerk at that hotel sentcord that although Perry had been livinghero for two years no ono in the hotelnew anything about him and the only

riend of Perrys that he knew was A V

liver a Californian He didnt knowvhere Oliver was to be found

Coroner Brown gave n permit for theemovnl of the body from the iilsey Houseaid the Tenderloin police took charge of itThey were about to send it to the Morguerhen Oliver turned up and engaged an-indertaker

Perry who was about 70 years old hada picturesque career was a

and for had lWhen the old St James Hotel was

ho was one of tho regulars thereWhen it closed lie made his headquarters atlie Kliirtevant House that hotel

wound career he over to thoItitnom HOIISO-

He was born In Vermont on the Perryioine oad at Cream Jill on Lake

His sister Mrs Hunt now livesHo was graduated from Union C

egn In the early 60s went Went andor many made his home in SanFrancisco made H

money there and once WIts looked on as aMr Oliver said of him last

When I was a in San Franciscovas a bin man there Ho was in thereatstate business and at one time he ownedhe property on which tho San Francisco-ity built He came hack there

or thirty years He hadwhen he Coast but I under

itood that he a good deal of it in minnp venturesPerry was one of the most reticent menover He went accompanied

V his Uncle Garfield af President Garfield The uncle was a

He settled in Washington Territorytad built nn a HejecamotheTerritorial delegate of the Stateater taught school in the Territory-or several years and then went toFroaciseo-

He came back East when he Rot hisUe and he lost hi money How much he

ltd left I dont but had sufficiento live on No man had a better family tree

than he but he never talked about his an-cestors or their deeds He often used to

chuckle at the Belmontp who lay FO muchtress on their relationship marriageo Commodore Perry was a directilood descendant half of his acquaintmces didnt know it

Oliver is staying at th Ashland Housele will body to his old



W Parker of Francisco May HaveKlllril Illmtrlf

A man registered at the Bartholdi Hotel-n Saturday afternoon as W Parker ofan Francisco and got n room on the

hird He had hi dinner in the restnight and wanted the bill

barged hut thin hotel folks objectedVery well then let It hang over until

omorrow he semi I havent anypody cash just nt presentParker stayed around the hotel for some

linn after this and then wont to lilahe chambermaid couldnt get In

and lust night this door wasarced oHti iarki vas In M

Blood had flowed from his mouth buthere was no visible Coronernckson viewed the body and gave a permit-or its removal An autopsy l on It today nor the hotel

outs s v wbethor the man hud kllleiiin elf or had lied of apoplexy

He had only 42 cents money and not acrap of in his tell who

was There were no marks on hislothing except on his Mal In was

name Parker It was bought

andbaic hut itonlv n few articlesf apparel

abut In

thee hotdays

cities tn












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Attempt to Give 8t louts Fair Vliltoia Spantth Spectacle Prevent

Promoters Disappeared With Rthe Crowd Bused Ruetlon

ST Louis June 5 Tho bullfight whlcwas advertised to take place near 1

worlds fair grounds this afternoon wa

prevented by officers of St Louis count

who placed the manager H A Tullridgiunder arrest

When the disappointed patronsthat the fight would not bo permitted thestormed the offlco of the company

all the windows and then sot fire to thlarge arena burning it to the groundmajority of the 2800 persons who had palthe admission price of 1 formed the mob

Hlchard Karris the proprietor of thgrounds and his associates sneakedof the office In disguise after the mob habegun to demolish the windows and clamor

for the return of their money carrying

the gate with themAn attempt to arrest one of the men wh

was seen throwing a stone through thwindow precipitated a riot in which dozenof revolvers were drawn Several officerstood however and aftersome of the mob with the butt ends ofrevolvers arid threatening to shoot othermanaged to disperse the crowd-

A riot call was sent in to the St Loutpolice department and a message wa-

nt to Sheriff Henoken By the time thofficers had responded however the flamehad alreadythe fury of the mob had somewhat subnlded

Thin was about 7 oclock and the crowistood about peacefully watching the flameshoot up from the fine structure whilefew firemen sent out from the worlds fatgrounds busied themselves saving furnitureand several small stands and houses adjacent to the arena Tim cost of the arenawas 110000

The show began 3 oclock andtwo hours were enterwith a creditable display of riding

shooting and roping At 5 oclock the gatewere opened and two horses with ridencostumed in flaming red Jacket followerby six Spanish toreadors entered

They went to the centre of the arenawhere the manager stood The order tbring In the hull went out but DeputySheriff Ossenfort stepped forward willthree other officers and read the

Mr TullldgeThe mob took the chairs from the boxes

smashed them over the railing and threwhe pieces out into the arena Boardswere kicked loose and the long scantlingswere used as a battering ram In thiiway u great part of the structure was de-

molished Two small boys were wildlyheered when they drove three of the hereif eighteen bulls from their stalls into theirena liad twittered thf doors down

The amphitheatre was soon full of peopleagain and the boys amused the audience bywaving pieces of a red quilt at the animalswhich huddled up in fear They werejommonest kind of Texan steers and re

to show any fightmeantime some of the mob had

stolen a dozen of hay from a nearhycamp and set on fire under

northwest corner of the structure


Coming for Republicanor the aith

Republicans who have become dissatis-ed wlththeconduct of affairs in the Twenty

eventh district under the leadershipame V Perry have decided to opposehe latter at the primaries in August ion5 A McAlpin has been chosen to leadIght against him A meeting will bo heldit the Cadillac Hotel on Wednesday evening

Thu call for the signetjy ion Howard Carroll Edwin EinsteinDr E Valentine Buick Thurlow Weed

Adam Engel and others Theythat in the six which Mr

lender there has been H steadyof the vote

listrict which gave Iow a plurality of only300 lost tail tho

ality for Odell was over 2VX Theties been rated as one of

he heavy Republican districts ofassuming the

twice for Congress

Uirton HarrisonUsa McAlpin was retired Uov Odell-

is treasurer the Republican Stale comnitt e in favor of Stern last Apriltie lives most of the time HtIhow who ore putting him up fur leader

that he to futureThose who are opposing Perry stay thnt

Perry will be beaten o to one Onewison is that B Ayraar Sandshe lawyer has had too much to about

which have been made downown in what Mr calls the Twentyloventh District Republican at ionBroadway No Mr Perrys

assert maintains af the district


oitrr Mllllktna Driver Made Run ForIt bat WM Caught at Int

When a big automobile with one man inwhlared post Bicycle Policeman Billy

schneider at Park avenue and Seventiethtreet yesterday afternoon he gave chase

as bard as he knewbefore he got the auto He called

o the driver to but the latter onlyaughed BO Schneider

was sent along at a fontto Fiftyeighth street where the driver

west to avenue arId headedCouth The bicycle was almost exlamted when landed the driver of

automobile at Fortysixth streetSchneider says his man

when two street cars and a truck blockedstreet The prisoner was taken to

Fiftyfirst He said hevies of 84 East Eiehtvfifthtreet and that he was employed by Fosterlilltken of 127 West street

WIMIAU A ItAUi ARRESTEDWilliam A Hall of thus HerringHaU-

tarvln Safe Co was arrested yesterdayfternoon Policeman

with speedlnc his automobilein Rlverdalo avenue near Mosholu

He gave 1100 cash hail in the station101 83 and away without giving theiaire of the four women who werevith him He was much put out over his

t and wild Unit he not exceeded-he speed limit


Imult of DURrnslim In the Comminimi of the HI

ST 10MH Juno 1 Owing to dissensionsn thin national commission of thin worldsair Joseph Klory lisa tendered his restgnaton as secretary to taken effect on July I

Ir will IK succeeded by LaurenceirnliHtn an eastern newspaperpooonal friend of

f the causes loading lo his resignation

nothing to at present beyond-he fact that taken step

onsintent with conditions as they nowlist I shall have something to later

Friends of Mr Fiery when heloss talk at least one high officer In the

be ihown upn an unpleasant light


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SatIsfied With Corlciyoi Falrbanki

Coy Franklin Murphy of Newgot back yesterday aboard the White Bisliner Celtic from weeks vacatloiwhich he him

the fall campaign foHe said

I left word to nil my friends and msecretary not to send me any letters o

so that I might be absolutely alooand political affairs I wen

away seeking health and found itwalked from fifteen to tWenty silica a dayand lived chiefly on a bread and milk

Now that I feel go well I shalltake part in the national campaign ofHepublican party I am not much of

orator hpwever in fact I makespeeches when I cant help it Sena-tor death has been severein the Republican national committee

very well is a bright able adaptablewill I prove equal to de

tnands of anyWho is your candidate for the Vice

think Senator Fairbanks is i

capital man for the I believe thatno man should be nominated for the Vice

who U not to the PresiFairbanks in able and popular-

As for the Presidency Mrnaturally the to be though-of I we could not onlast Hepublican platform But whatever i

or it may say in Itplatform no party can away from itown people are I believe



Result of the Primaries Held SaturdayFavors Mrlthrr Parker Nor hearst

DALLAS Tex June 5 Neithernor Parker has carried Texas in

held yesterday The uninstructedvote will hold the balance of power in theState convention Less than fifty of247 counties of the State have been heartfrom conclusively but these show the driftof the work yesterday

In the vote Parker doesnot seem to have any advantageHearst and In the vote IIthere is any material advantage Itseem to Hearsts An estimate fromreturns so far received would give eachcandidate from 300 to 350 votes convention leaving from 300 to 400 votes untastructed

hearst Calnft In MinnesotaDUMJTII Minn June will

have at least 100 of tho ISO delegates inDemocratic county convention which will

in this city Saturday and will bethe St Louis county dolpgatioi

to the State convention as as the con-vention of the Eighth districtThis statement was out byprominent Democratic the


Inelur Gray Slave lIon In unawareWILMINGTON Del Juno results

of the Democratic primaries on Saturdayindicate that the supporters of Judge GrAYin the State convention to be held on Theday havti a narrow margin althoughthe forces that believe ingates are claiming a majority


lah DrmorraU Ankrd Not to VotrAgalnuttile Prtcllcc at Ht louis

SALT IMKP Utah Juno Prominentff Ulnh are being visited by a

ornmiltpe of Mormon women fer pur-pose of securing pledges to opposelon of an by the rm-

ional Democratic convention Mho com-mittee is headed by Dr faUi Hugbos-onnon a polygamous wife if August Hannon formr president of tho Salt Joke

ifike of tho Mormon Church-Men who arc looked upon as probable

lologotes to the St Ixmis convention areeiiiR interviewed by the women whowise their request wholly upon the groundthaI time interesu of tIm Church demandthat no plank of this nature li put in the

A majority of tho men rippraoched irospectlvo of religious contend

from delegationbad and would not result In n

benefit to the Church Thereforedeclined to pledge themselves in

to tlie It is Iwllovedwomen are under

the Church authorities-The Authors Club of Salt Luke has for

warded its notice of withdrawal to theSociety of the General Fencratlon ofVomenH Clubs The Authors Club Is

almost wholly of womenmd its action U a ofresolution ed the biennialion of the federation at St Louis inilav 35

The the federation oncoord as opposed to the affiliation ofom ns any sect inimical to

he Constitution of United States orto tho principles of American



JKhtnlnc Plajt Havoc Wltli thr WiresTorrent of Rain In the City

BALTIMORE Juno JUM as the bayixeumlonlsls were on the return trip tothe city this evening an electrical storm

which in the end proved to be theof the early HummerHeason Those

eturning from their outing were almosterror stricken but cool heads prevailedand accidents were averted

In the city there was a veritable cloudThe atoim tumo on shortly before

anti continued for several hoursThe streets in several parts of the city wereerltablw rivers dlsIrictH the lightning played havoc Tele-phone and suffered so

antI communication In various initAiiceH wa cut off

At the Park exchange of theand Company u thunderboltlet fire to the toll boned and

a time consternation prevailed TherIce was extinguished but not eoniiderahlo damage lx en done Wireswere HUbiirha and street carraftlu was interfered with

Thn storm on tho and Its tributariesvos startling but up to a late hour to

no worn Thenrioiw companies are endeavoring topdtore aa rutlisle hut the condition of theitreets and roads U making their taskomewhat difficult

Piano Ca Vac r nornfriThe the Manhattan Piano Case

V at OflMklll N J were destroyedy fire yeterd





alideclarehlH party



But Oe rge whom I knowman

going to judge the partyI think the goo








met able





Democratsthin I


my lila nk




hapthe Instructionfrom










Iwork of


A1IPI rs

IllFaorlt5 fer icePrestflent

greatlyHe looks




5 Hearst




he adrpant












B have the most complete facilitiesfor taking up and caring for floor

coverings of alt kinds


at our own warehouse especially equipped-for this purpose We make frequent exam-ination of loads storedwith us and there isno extra charge for fire insurance or cartage

Our new Compressed Air Cleaning of thelatest been completed

Telephone 2200 Qtatnercy Carpet Cleaning Dept

Broadway and 19th Street

2L Alimmt


GOWNS made to order of Summer materials-

in styles appropriate for Yachting TouringTown and Country Wear

Third Floor

B Altmin Co announce that during the months of JuneJuly August and September the hours for closing their

establishment will be J2 noon on Saturdays and 5 P M

on other busmen days

niHtftcMir Sixth JHxn new York


Summer Dress WaistsLess Than Price

Exquisite dressy allover Lace Net dand Batiste Novelties P I OU

Regular Prices 25 27 30Immense variety Choicest imported novelties

our very best styles No such genuine bargainshave ever been offered

865 John Forsythe Between

The Waist House i yth and i8th Sts



uuu uS








wmwEI-hIttNll SI




Golf NotesSeven inclusive cif the cbnmpionstiii-

oiii are In open championshiptreat Britain to be held at Sandwich ni

next Wednesday und Thursday The evenbrings together the lending professionals i

world a few nmatrurH iilso start In

eluding by established custom the nnniteii-clinnnloii of the year Such a sticklerprecHnnt Trnvin therefore In sure to beA starter but if unpltred he In In any de-

cree disgraced Lust yenr Maxwell-Jr who led the other fliniitcnrs finished in

thirteenth pluco with HIS while the winnerHurry Varilon nnre l nn In the Anirrlciuupon championship InM yenr Travis vn unpliictMl dolnic 32t und wits litl linine by

who vnt rl lnli aHclnhnrt 3li In tlieni r m llpyon

before at lardru City TravlH mid Ktewar-tinrtlner nt Sla wore tied for n vinil plutn to-Aiichtvrlonlf who did ni7 TKIVIH on

s n tine woretwo on n course that suits him

Golf often termed the oldIt In certainly this cities that tttickt

longest to the The large field at tileUnIt Club lest week in the

cup diver llfly proves thntthe In not alone for the yauriBMem antino front the the

famous of tin jinkFosur had a round over the old

at St Andrew on Monday lth Toniplay of the veteran was somewhat remarkable

Sir Walter one third he best him by and1 to play out Toni took 4V wlillt his cardfor the return Joumry Showed 4d a total ofHereIn llr uhf feature of thr lampIn the ordlnarj route of events a takrstwenty toni or even strokes jeersthirty

Is years old 10 do a full round Tombe M next month did U In rltvrn atrokes aboveasr 1U shaft polio waa hIs

lay within a yard of the lone bolt withtill third white be wu on the greenwtih his second shot

JAMAICA June 3 Team matches for Indi-vidual on the nchfrtuln of this

CioU Club I earn No tdelrntcd No 2 and Team So 3 defeatedTeam No 4 The scores

Team I O T Watts 3 C H Havlland 0B ttonnell 0 n F UuflUld 0 v Harrison j

3 Total 10Team No J F L Mills 0 J H 2

W F 2 T H Chapman I P MrynrV 0E U Skldmorr I I H 0 J F 0

tnBf o Tout ftTeam No E C 1 J H Rrdnrld 0

E W Hartcora a K H Tassel o G K Mrynen t J H HIWe 0 W Baldwin 0 H F BayU 1 B J Humphrey 0 Total 7

Team 4 McFarland ft R A Doolittle JCJoo t Jr 0 VLeiSnerJ F R Sehllllni

I J H 0B A Curling 0 Total

OREENWICB June i8ecretnry George PSheldon was forday nt the aIrfield County Crli Hub

James MrCulcheoit won from Kmnk Lockvrooddefault 11 M Day Jr won from C K Menlo

by default A V WMirman defeated Williamup and to play K C Converse defeated

u 4 10 Sheldondefeated R W Russell a up and J to play W MCopp defeated W I Cammann up 1 to play

H Warford up ao



200 and tsOOSummer 1904





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1 I n aupt I C Haupu

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vu p EleyOT Young

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and J M Mason brat I R Donner 4 up and 3 to

Second Pound Bay defeated McCutcheon 7 upand i to play Converse brat Whlteman a up and 4

to defeated Sheldon 2 up and playand Mason defeated llourlicllr o up and i

PiAlMiFin lime Tie chief eventtin Hillside nnd loll Club yesterdaywits the weekly play for the olf commlttre-cii The lp t Hcores were llobert Abbott

71 0 71 and Wllhird Wndoworth 7t 573In the of the He seven contostnnts In the Kickers on Memoriall iy II I WrlKht WHS th winner with nlist score of MI and leorKP E Cut heart woothe jln ofT tin with 11 C M tinner lorthe cup with a net ncore of 7S

In the weekly for the pr ffdents cups nt the Inrk Golf IMih-

ponied of K Maxwell Honoyrrinn-az M II C WoliP ins 21 X4

inul Miss ri p won theinnd pontost

from Memorlnl with a score of 0 I

Lincoln Trust CompanyMadison Square-

For nonresidents this If

company assumes the careof leasing A

collecting rent pay-ing insurance and in

at small expense j




An Interesting Booklet on i


IM4 at the residence of the brides parentsFlatbush L I by the Rev T G JacksonHelen elder dauihterof Edward F and Adelinede Seldlnt to John Stevens Melcber of N w

York city

DIEDGOOIWIN On Sundal June 5 at his late rent

dears 58 Weit M l Jlernard Goodwinbeloved husband of Goodwin

Notice of funeral hereafterHKlVKKFVAl UvlnfMon Place Sew Brighton

Slaten Island on June 4 iDol Juilav HelntHen-la tile 70th year

Funeral from hli late residence on MondayJune o al II A M

1IOWAHH On Saturday June I 1904 ThomasII win of Era W antI Kllrabclh StuyvesanlHoward In the Jrt year of hl use

Funeral at ChrW Clmrch Hyde Park V V

Monday lunr n at 3 oclock P M Trainhives Grand Central Station at I P M

tNTKBH On June 4 Antu t M fniced dearlybeloved son of Christina Intred

Funeral Tuesday I P M from hit late residence3tfl West 115th M-

WAtKKK On Juno 4 IIKM James son of Georgeand Marcaret Walker In the lh year of bull

lie at Sarauao N Y


Great M l w Omtleirla Ue world i West MtK 4


WEre Jr















S sit1 stunts

pju ii non g

I lit

imiternoomi the two best set


real re-







