the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1904-06-18 [p ]. · luliv upoh btfrnttlf y biu ait in and libert 17a high...

t J i i- VOlLXXLNO 292 NEW JUNE 18 1904CopyrIght PubllMiAoct lon PRIOt c flc17 k- L v L J 1 YORK SATURDAY bvTAeSwn PrIannd TO OJNTS < CLOSING WAR TRAP Japs Bellwd to Hava Out Gen SlMerg Off r BIG BATTLE NOW LIKELY Kouropatkin Reported Moving tc Save Threatened Force Vladivostok Ships Slaughtered Japantio- n the Tranipori Iltaoht Burned the Color and Then Commute Suicide Fleet Believed to Have B oprd the Pursuing Japanese Chlnn Refugee From Port Arthur Say Food There II Scarce Some Land Fighting Xptctal Cable Dtstntelul la Tax 5w LONDON Juno 18 Then are several reports that the retreat of Gen Stakelberg was defeated In the battle of Tellssu is imminently threatened if It has not beei already cut off and news of his complet Isolation is confidently expected here According to some of the reports anothe Japanese army quite independent of that which routed the RuBnIans baa been across tho line of thoee retreating Inv the account differ aa to whether it wa despatched from Sluyen or landed at Kal- chau The Impression IB that Gen Jsodzt commands It According to the Chronicle corre- spondent with Gen Kurokls headquarters fighting has been resumed tn the neigh borhood of Tellasu seemingly indlcatln that Gen Stakelberc is already confronted by his interceptors The oorresponden adds that on the result of this engagemen depends the movements of the Firat Jap- anese Army A report of this flghtlni- aUo qomos in a brief despatch from New chwang whence rumor have frequently proved to forestall event accurately Concurrently there are stories that Gen Kouropatkin Is movlng a force to cover Gen Stackelberg retreat He Is said t hay sent two divisions south for thi- purpoae but It Is believed vainly as Gen Nodxu is aald to be nearer tho retreating Russian than any of their support There is an unconvincing rumor tha Oen Kouropatkin himself left Ltoayanj- 8m Wednesday for th south P4 M June 17 Pres St Petersburg represent Stackelberf ea belnglna Tftry belB- nindwlched between Gen Npdcu and put of KuroWs army Gen Eouropatkli I condemned by military men for despatch leg Gen Stackelberg on a hopeleu enter- prise NO NEWS 01 SEA BATTLE Told Believe Vladivostok Fleet Spltlal CtM DtlpalOai to TKB SUN Tbcio June 17 The recurrent reports that Admiral Eamlmura has overtaken and 1 engaging the Russian Valdivosto squadron cannot be confirmed The Ad- miralty oontlnuea to declare it Ignoranc of any engagement and the best opinion discredit the reports believing that the Russians escaped In the fog Some of the newspapers however reprint one of the report stating that the Russian endear flunk has been sunk PABIS June 17 The St Petersburg oorreapondent of the MaIn reports that a naval batUe is In progress near Ten Island In th Corea Strait HABBIX June is reported here that several cruisers have returned safely- to Vladivostok SLAUGHTER OF JAPANESE haitians Fire Into Troops Herded M of TratMpMt Hitachi TOKIO June 17 Particular of the de struotlon of Japanese transport In theCoro trait by ve olof the Russian Yladlvoatok squadron were received here today Russian warships were encountered near Oklno Island directly In the course of any Japanese vemel bound westward from on Wednesday morning at 7 oclock that the transport Hitachi sighted the ene- my vessel two Cruisers and tw de- stroyer A blank ahot waa fired by one of th Ruaslan ablpi a a signal for the Hitachi- to stop Instead of obeying order the transport put on full speed and fled with- a RuasUn cruiser iii pursuit At 10 oclock tte Russians opened lire on th Hitachi with their cmaller guns their kppareot object being not to sink the vessel but to kill ths men on board Th troops were niustered on deck when- a Ruaslan endear steamed clone and poured tit fire of her machine guns Into her making her a shambles The soldiers In compli- ance with orders did not reply to the fire Afterward the Russians drew alongside had sent throe broadsides Into the ship The slaughter of men and horses terrible Col Suchl the officer In command of the soldiers on board burned the regimental colors to prevent them falling into tho en- emy a hands and as the ship was seen to be In a sinking condition he ordered his men to Jomp overboard and try to save them- selves by swimming There was no time to launch tho boats The Colonel had scarcely given order and was still peeking when ha was killed by a shell Most of the officers on board committed dulolde with their pistols or swords Tho skipper an Englishman of the name of Campbell jumped overboard The water Cwinnuti on TMrdP- ogill O loU wt r pushed from Oen poiltio Gen Hu Apia EacaPfCl nIt Deck srd4i implJWlf Sex Tb MoJI- It wee the r II s r ti r 1 f this h t it n r d I F I II I t cal to ru wee t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DEER CHASE A CITY Animal Leaps Through Windows Makes a Game Fight for MJLNCUSSTKB NH June small handsome spike horn deer dashed Into this oily today pursued by an agile yellow dog The deer took a number of fences and tha dog followed Finally to shake off tIe dog the doer made a leap through the plate glass front window of the the Hotel Worthen room to room danced the deer frighten- Ing some of the Inmatee of the house Finally getting to a room which offered n other exit the door shotout through anothe cloaed window carrying a lace curtain 01 his horns The animal took several more high fence and ran a number of utreet pursued b a crowd which he tried to elude by through the window of a private houst lie broke the window without gottlm through Joseph Deshalen whose how it wan ran out and tackled tho deer whlo planted both forefeet In the mans face tearing It horribly The deer next tried to dash through the window of a grocery store but was at law caught by four mon taken to a stable practically unhurt by his adventures Hi fought for liberty till the last Game Com raiutloner Wentworth will take the animal to the woods and release him tomorrow The State will pay the damages POSTMASTER STEPS OUT Accounts In Perfect Order Says Mr Moun- tath Voucher to Prove It Edward Mountain superintendent of th Tremont postal station has resigned hi place his resignation going into effect yesterday Ho sent It hi on Thursday It was accepted at once Mr Mountain when seen by a SUN reportor sold I resigned for reasons of my own 1 saw a chance for bettering myself in an other business so I askod for leave to at once and it wee granted I had absolutely no trouble with the Postmaster and horo is the auditors voucher showlnf that I turned my station over in perfect ordor Edward Smith chief clerk of Station L 12Sth street and Lexington avenue woi appointed acting superintendent of thi Tremont station Mr Mbuntaln has been in the service foi twenty years WKDDISO The President and Mrs Roosevelt Lea Washington to Attend It WASHINGTON Juno 17 The Preildeht Mrs Roosevelt and her sister Miss Carow left Washington tonight at 10 oclock t attend the wedding of the President niece Miss Helen Roosevelt to Theodor Douglas Robinson at Hyde Park N Y on Saturday at noon They were accom- panied by Assistant Secretary Barnes They will arrive at Hyde Park abou 1130 Saturday morning and will start or the return trip to Washington about th middle of the afternoon It Is their to spend Sunday with Attorneyflea eral Knox at Valley Pa where toe will arrive late Saturday evening Thi Presidents train will leave VAlley early Monday morning and roach Wash- Ington at 1132 oclock KNOX TO RESIGN 0V JULY 1 eoretary of the Navy Needy teSuoee Him as AtUraeyaeeralW- AiniNOTOK June AttorneyGenera Knox told the President this morning tha he would hand in his resignation to talc erect July 1 This arrangement is mad so he and Secretary of the Navy may wind up somo affairs in their respective Mr Moody will be appoints AttorneyGeneral on the day that Mr retires Secretary Moody returned to Washing- ton somewhat unexpectedly today fron Massachusetts and attended the regular meeting in the White House Hi would say nothing for publication abOut his selection to succeed Mr Knox as Attor neyGeneral nor as to how long he woulc hold that office in the event of Presiden- Roosevelts election for another term Mr Moody recently arranged to resume the practice of law in Massachusetts aftei March 4 next but there Is now good believe that be has abandoned ides and will hold the AttorneyGeneralship at long aa the President desires him to do ao The selection of Mr Moodys sucoesaoi- aa Secretary of the Navy has not been made RVXAWAY INJVnES TWO Herbert Raymond Thrown Girl Knocked Down and Injured Herbert Raymond a broker M years old of 16 Remsen street Brooklyn was drivlni- a spirited horse attached to a runabou yesterday afternoon when the horse be came at Thlrdavenue and Doan street and ran away At Fourth avenui and Dean atreet the runabout was and Raymond was thrown out He re Injuries to his spine aa well as lacerated the The horse which bad broken away from the but was dragging behind him ran to avenue and Warren street where the shafts struck Holes Whalen 8 old of US Fourth avenue knocking her down Her mother who wai the child up She refused it was attended by the physician night was Injured Raymond was to the Brook yn He waa suffering from shook BOOKSELLERS COMBINE The Tabard Inn Corporation Formed Capital llBOOOOOT- BBNTON N J June 17 The Tabbard Inn Corporation capital 12500000 was chartered here today to do business as wholesale and retail booksellers The will acquire the of the Inn Company Pub- lishing tho Philadelphia Book Store Company capital is 8820000 the t ILLS WIFE AND HER FATHER Alabama Planters Domestic Troubles End In a Double Murder MOBILE Ala June 17 Dan Foster a planter who lives in Choctaw county teat his wife and his fatherinlaw Foster his wife separated some months ago He called at of his Father and eked that she return to him The father asked Foster to not to 111 treat his wife This angered Foster and he fire killing Instantly Footer escaped luliV upoh Btfrnttlf Y BIU Ait IN and Libert 17A high parlorof From o slid I and ROBIlSO nOOSE ELI Inten- tion orge Moody Knox Cabln t rea on- to I outA eari to the ambulance surgeon to and carried the Where company uslne are Seymour Eaton E Bryant P W Hpiers tarT unf re- sign For permit attd Mrs Whiten Librar aoTs President iohn wife a TEa LAFOLLETTE MEN THROWN SPOOLER DELEGATES GET SEATS IN ATIOAL CONVENTION Committee Poll Btamp ef Regulartt on the Wisconsin Stalwarts Plgh to Be Renewed en Convention Floor Effect en Ticket May Be Serloni CHICAGO June 17 Wisconsins bitter Republican family quarrel came befor the Republican national loommlttee today and the result waa that the lette or radical wing of the party Wall thrown out of court unanimously The Spooner or conservative wing wa de dared regular and Ito delegates put on temporary roll The question was raised In a contes instituted by Senator Spooner to have blg four elected by the bolting conven that he led recognized When the convention was held on May 1 I consisted of lOOSdelegates Of thews628 ll were classed as administration or La Fol lette men 484 2J as Stalwarts or Spoonei men and 10 who were excluded fron the temporary roll because of contest In which they figured This gave control of the organization of the convention to theLaFollettofactloi by a majority of 4S 23 The La FolletK people declared that twenty of the dele- gates In the contested districts were con- ceded to them by the Stalwarts anyway and that with them they would have hat control of the convention no matter who had happened This the followers of Sen- ator Spooner deny Because of the autocracy of Gov Le- Follette and the manner in which they were treated the men walked out of the State convention and held soothe convention denominated the rump con- vention by the La Follette people at whlol they elected as delegates at large Unltec States Senators Spooner and Quarles Con- gressman Babcock the chairman of the Re- publican Congressional tee and Emil Bttensch The La Folletta convention oalUng Itsell regular elected Oov La Follette Isaac Stephenson James H Stout and W I Connor delegates at large and both partlei presented themselves before the national committee for recognition and a place or the temporary roll All of these considerations combined this contest the most Interesting ot that came before the committee but tho practical effect of the quturel on tho national ticket in Wisconsin in Novem- ber is also of deep importance Under the Wisconsin law the name ol no candidate for ofllce con appear upon the official ballot more than once The Stalwart and the Administration ol tho party agreed to nominate the for Presidential electors but the Stalwarts refused to for Governor Seven of the men nominated for electors have declared their intention to on the La Follette ticket Thus two tickets are Unavoidable and the candidates for Presidential electora cannot appear on both of them Which one U entitled to have them at Its head U a question for the courts to decide and the1 Stalwart believe that in winning of tho national committee they have won the whole fight for it is their opinion that tho courts of Wisconsin will take Into consideration the attitude of the authorities and class the Stalwarts organization It is the opinion of every one familiar with the customs of national conventions and their committees on credentials that the convention itself will support the vet dint of the national committee when before it I Wisconsin contest Is brought before the convention on Tuesday next it will probably be the only enlivening Incident- of the day Such cases are rare however No one was surprised when the committee decided against La Follette for when it met In the morning the Governors friends had been told that he would be thrown out AU of the La Follette people said didnot this state- ment believing that their in the right and that the committee would give- a judicial hearing on the whole matter and decide tho matter on its merits ViceChairman Payne com to order and aside Wisconsin cue was taken up because of the personal interest that he had in the matter his friendship being entirely with Senator Spooner and his party Sena- tor Bay Soott of Went Virginia and the Spooner people went at their side of the question hammer and tongs- J M Olin of Madison Wis and W G Jeffriea of Janesvllle appeared for the StalWarts and told of the terrible things that La Follette and his friends would do to the and had already done to it They three hours in making their side to the committeeand then coffee and sandwiches were for all binds in the committee room The La Follette people were represented- by Gilbert E Roe New York a and former law ot arguments advanced w people were more popular than the and had not only in the State convention election talked loud and roars could be heard from the floors little while when some exhausted committee- man left the room for a moment and opened Seven hours were spent deciding the La were on crossexamination by the com mlttMonen will to their case before the national convention on the floor and to from it a reversal of the ver- dict of the committee Senator that the com bo sustained at committee on credentials and by the convention but that edents will have an thn minds of the jurists of Wisconsin that the courts will put La Follette out in the oold too leave only one Republican ticket In the field Cook the Spooner nominee for Governor CENTRAL and Kentucky Farrarri can Get caStS by Telephone CincHiNATlOhloJunel7 Company today tho local weather bureau- to receive the weather forecast on Sundays and as soon as prepared promptly furnish Itrto n and Hamilton coun- ties Ohio and In Campbell Kenton Boone Pendlelon and KentUcky This service will enable the the counties mentioned to obtain the reather forecast up tbe jhief operator at the I OUT La Po the the ton camp t- ome wigs sty the pry t- hc h cit clod the mite Nat pay ere L BW One of the TOt tire door matt mite the ASK For Suburb by any l Day ap- proval sad principal FOR THEWL4THER MilS did ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SHERIFF GETS DYNAMITERS Arrest Made In the Colorado Outrage Rut Against the Governor CBIPPLK CHEEK Col Juno n Thi the man who pulled the wire setting o tho dynamite under the Independent la in the custody of the Sheriff an live confederate are known the claim of the authorities here today Under Sheriff Parsons declared the men were in the county Jill but n fused to state who they are Neither would he disclose any of the again them President Mayor is expected hei from Tellurlde on Sunday Bebretary Hay- ward for whom a warrant was issue yesterday cannot be fountj In Denver DENVER June 17 James F Burn president of the Port land mine has opens war upon and Gon along Ute line His attorneys the complaint n his 100000 against the Governor and for closing the Portland mine Tho Governor wax notified that wl sue In the Federal court at restraining order tq prevept further Intel ference with the Deration of the mine b the authorities Mr Burns will pa the expenses of some fifteen of th men to Denver from their ten Mr Burns has declare his Intention of upending 250000 If necct wry to carry this miners case through- In addition to this l W reported that 1 place of the usual open shop placards the Portland mine a notice will be postc upon the opening that only union will be employed The effect of ouch move It would be impossible to eetlinati- It is said that such action beptt vented by AdjutantGen Bell supporto by th Governor LEFT WOMAN TO RlR- Thltvn Bound and Gagged Her and Net Ileuie on Fire Atroom June 17 Two well dretsci young men called at the lodging house o Mrs Barbara Young this afternoon asked If she had any rent Sh replied that shs could to a goo place and turned to get the address when they pushed Into the house One drew a revolver arid threatened hei The other closed the door They demandei her money 8h told them the did no have any She attempted to run and they seize her her until she was unconscious and bound her to a chair and gagge her the house was ransacked from top to and the womans little saving of 18 taken The men set fire to all thi beds on the upper floor and tuft the womai to burn The driver of a wagon saw the Ore turned In an alarm The first company 01 the scene was the one of which Wllllan Young the womans son Is foreman Hi found his mother and out Tin house was saved escaped FOUND BRIDE IN TIlL SLUM Wealthy Boston Sinns HetlUment Won Ends In a Romantic Marriage BOSTON June 17 Victor Uiddelenaand Ellery Harding Clark th famous allround amateur champion were married yesterday afternoon at th home of the brides parents on Chandle street It was culmination of a Several yrs ago Mr Clark left the born of his father onBay State road and tool up his abode in Hotel Florence a tenemen house on Washington street Here amid poor surroundings ho met and fell in lov with Victoria Maddelena who with he lived In the Hotel Florence Mr Clark with wealth at Ida command educated the girl and she in turn becami deeply interested in the philanthropic labors of her future husband who b wldel connection with the settlemen Lincoln House- B C Clark father of the groom B Pres- ton Clark a brother and his wife and daugh attended the wedding SVBMARINE SIONAL SlSTKM- t Records Bound From a Great DUtanc With Promptness and Accuracy Mass June 17 Th- chooner Mary IXarty Capt Charles H Zany just returned front the southen fishery was fitted with sub aarlne signalling apparatus which was Ivena thorough and exhaustive trial Capt tarty says that the apparatus proved uccessful remaining in perfect he Sounds from a great distance were recorded with and aa- uracy By Aid of ho was ble to hear plainly the noise of the paddle rheel of an approaching steamer at night rhlle she was throe miles away and not in Ight The noise of tho paddles could not from the deck at all but was water by the apparatus nd to the receiver In the cabin apt is of the opinion that the ap aratus will be of great value to battle hips for it a submarine boat makes any while coming under water the sub signalling system cannot fall to warning of her approach before she is tear enough to do damage MINERS MAY STRIKE tthraelte Workers Ready to Co Out If Their Demand Are Turned Down WiLKXSBABBB Pa Juno 17 A strike f acme 12000 mine workers depends upon he decision of the Scranton Coal Com lanys 6WO employees at their meeting oroorrow they will take action pon the of the company to from their wages the assessment for laying the chock welghman and the check locking bosses Tho Temple Coal and Iron Companys loc employees with a similar grievance rill do as the Scranton Coal Company men do and the 3400 employees of Coxo irothera A Co also await the decision In utter to take similar action The officials the union are all con to ome- o an amicable agreement FROM BURNING FLAT r Pardte Walled So Long That He Was Overcome Smoke- A fire which in cellar of the tat at 37 street yestor afternoon wrecked the kitchen ex melon of the building and the ipper floors the Everybody got of tho y way without difficulty except J K Pordee who He lingered so long gathering ID valuables wee overcome lie smoke The firemen upon Inn in tho and carried dept 1 that 00 today fled Burs a Stat deport men J Thru Pa and room bat Ten and carrie athlete tie ProW know ter mot age prompt hear cried nol give laO de- duct doln SHED b ted th d apron mi- n out stumble hal i B- all N Mary ro- mance as IC refusal West 4 < ¬ < > FIGHT FOR DUNDAS MILLION REMARKABLE STORY OF PLO- tTING AND INTRIGUE Attorney Declares That Venn Man Who Claims to Be an lllegltlmat of Mrs funds K the lllegltlmat cr an English Woman of TlUi PHILADELPHIA Jqne 17 Today heai Ing In the oult of Arthur Fltzroy Somerci Dundas the young Londoner who I anxloi to shore hi tho milllona left by mother Mrs Anna Maria brought out a from Attome John tl Jolmwon who declared that th claimant instead of being the son of Mn WurtzDundas and Arthur arquhai an English army the lllegltlmat child of an English woman of title who name has been withheld This countor accusation which the lawyer said ho would convince the court was sup by the evidence taken on behalf o ww nude at tho outset o tho Unfonca In thli remarkable case tntriguq and scandal Mr Johiibon In opening Iris addrfisi reminded the throe Judges presiding the Mrs Dundin and liar hiubitnd Major Wur- DUndoH both died In 1801 Two ohlldre wore born to thorn ono died and Ralp- lWurtsDundau whom he represented vp the only child remaining About two years after tho death of hi parents Ralph for the first time o the claims of lllegltlmat- child of his mother and he won conf rontw with tho most extraordinary story aocuslni his mother of having deserted a child ii the most heartless manner nineteen year before Mr Johnson challenged anybod to explain how these secrets wore kept the birth of the child concealed for so long a time unless It was by trumping up charge and threatening Innocent persons If the contentions of the other side wen sustained the lawyer continued thei Mrs Dundas would be adjudged guilt of unbelievable heartlesDness and bar borlty and devoid of the sentiment o human nature that distinguish every mother Such an Idea Is absolutely preposterous continued the lawyer and 1 will shoe you that this proceeding Is the result of i plot to conceal the true of this boy Arthur Somerset I do not know bu Mrs Dundee was In love with Taking advantage of that he her to compromise herself so that he thereafter have entire control over hor Tho story of that child Is without the slight est foundation but the control he got over iier enabled him and Hear Petre to play the game they were wait- ing for Farquliar was a end of the vilest was tho young son of a wealthy EnglUl but was because ot the vile life be followed In order to proteo this English woman of title save from disgrace Farquhar decided to aaori hoe Mrs Dundee the American woman 4t was that the scheme of making her appear mother of the washatched iMr Johnson then commented on the fact of Farquliar getting Mrs Dundaai jewels to pawn and how she at last re- volted at some of tho things he wanted hei to do and appealed to his brother for pro lection This was two weeks before the alleged birth of tim child The keynote of the whole ease Mr John Boll declared was plotting and intrigue- on the part of Farquhar to sacrifice Mrs Dundas to his favorite English beauty He then referred to hush money put Uf by Major Dundas to suppress the publi- cation of the scandal but said tho demands of the schemers became so heavy that the Major although desiring to save his lick wife was finally forced to defy them He threatened them with and they by threatening continued Mr Johnson It wai not until seven years later that they dared to make the exposure On the outcome of the courts decision depends whether or not a stigma will be allowed to rest on the name of Mrs WurU Dundas Tho young man declares that was born In Paris in 1880 and that his lather was Capt Arthur Farquhar a dashini British Army officer who was afterward killed In the Soudan MCLENAHAN IN A RUNAWAY Banker Was Thrown Prom Runabout but Landed In a Marsh Praotlpally Unhurt POUT CHESTKH N Y Juno 17 James McClenahan president of the Mutual Bank of New York was thrown from a runabout and barely escaped serious in jury this morning while driving from his home in Port Chester to the railroad station The horse driven by the banker took fright at an automobile in King street Mr McClenahan who is an expert horse man accidentally dropped the reins and the along for nearly half a rails down a hill and overturned the runabout The banker was thrown Into- a marsh and escaped with a few slight bruises The runabout was demolished GIRLS MYSTERIOUS DEATH Found III Dies In HospItal Probably of PoUori Had In a Htrncgle PAssaic N J A youngwoman probably of foreign birth about 28 years old died today In the General Hospital here Tho name and the residence the girl are unknown to tile authorities for they could not get her to talk before she was taken to the hospital and she died twenty minutes after admittance She was found ill early this morning In the yard of George In Bloomflold avenue and the called She was taken to tho staton house where alter a few minutes rest she said that she to go to her home In Second could not tell the The driver of the patrol wagon to that section of the city and left her he with friends A short time afterward Policeman Flynn round the girl lying In an alleyway She poemed to bo was to the station house City Physician sold that her condition was and to tho hospital While tho physicians at the were working over she died An what may glrrs death was onusd by hem brought about It Is the drank the to work in one of the mills and her clothing which was of of a struggle The body wax taken to the morgueto An lon h COpt pored herd r and F qua could kin- dle ten alt retied he I anima Ben Lyon want numb though ten ho and It WM determined Inter thought 1 ti list repute ac c- love his witness and illegitimate chik ent- er mlcon ¬ ¬ ¬ ItAtilEL HACKING tLBVELAN Virginia Senator Visit P- Leads to That lUciuioNO Vs June 17 Whether Sac star John W Daniel Who will be chalrfna of delegation at St Louis I siding the attempt to secure the nornlna- tlori of drover Cleveland Ita caused greatest Interest Mr L nl l ha from a eec fereric P Ryan in New York Mr with being one of vigorous supporter of the exPresl1 Senator Daniel Was largely reeponslbli for the defeat of the reflation indorslni Parker before the State Democratic eon ventlon on he ground that the delegatloi should not have 1U hand tled1 His subsequent Visit to Mr Ryan U be llfved by many to indicate he will b for Cleveland when It In Parke cannot be nominated Senator Daniel ad lisPing had a talk with Ryan bu denies knowledge of any scheme to secur- ClovnlandV nomination PQlIiST RISKED HIS LIFE Crawled lndtr Wrecked Engine to Atwolv a Thins Bngiaeer- CiHBtviU8 ill June It While Si- glneerL B List lay pinioned and burain under the wreck of here Thura day afternoon A priest whoaw Identlt has not heart learned crawled amongth debris aa for aa poesJbl administer absolution to him The priest wo a passenger on one of th wrecked trains List died literally alive before the Wreckage about could be removed PHIPPS ON ft IS WAY Talk or compromise In to Dlveree Cat Beaewed- DKXVEh June 17 An officer went t the home of Lawrence Phipp this af teraoo to arrest him on a charging his driving aa than th permit The officer that Mr Fbipp left yesterday for Yorit nd talk of a compromise of thePhlpr- divorce case la renewed William One swore out warrant again Phlpps also one against H 0 another wealthy citizen Quo claim two men raced along Coifax avenue sad the ho narrowly escaped being run Phipps has paid for last fore placing the blame on his importec Belgian FOR RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Princeton and a Butgeri Siadent the On- lJetieyraen to Pies ExamlMUea NEW BRUNSWICK N J June 17 Th special committee composed of Prcslden Wilson arid Dean Pine of Princeton Dr Scott of Rutgers today choose Benja Price of Oakmont Pa aa representative of the Rhode He Is a sean Iwary Bniger o- Ellaabeth other oandldat Now J rey college These twi were th tu tonulj r hi successfully pealed the tamlnatlon They were approved Oxf6rd Uril authorities the final aelectloi was left to the New Jersey committee DROWNED iff lATHING Aa sVe r01d Bey WMte His CeMMoloo- DMat Know White several boys were bathing in East River at the foot of Sixtythird stree yesterday afternoon on of them 8 years old whose name the riot know was seized with cramps and drowned Joe Burns one of the other boys dlve after him several times but failed to And him He wore dark blue knickerbockers- a blue striped shirtwaist bhie coat and i cap RUNAWAY ON GLENflLLE TRACK Harry E Devereox In tire tladdle Has at- BClUft Ride Three MUSs CiJt LKD June 17 Harry KDeVereUt one of the best known horsemen in the country had an exciting experience at the aienvllle track today He wu riding a runner to saddle and the horse ran with him and continued over the course at record breaking speed for three miles Mr Devaceux exerted his strength to stop the but hU effort were in vain resort be turned the horse upon the green sward wirer the steed stumbled and nearly threw Mr Pevereux to ground The animal recovered ita footing while Mr Devereux clung to the bridU reins keeping his seat In the saddle and continued ota Through the grass the rah at a rued gallop and continued to the table of 0 K O Billings When Mr Dev ureux dismounted his hands were badly lacerated and he was completely ORTVNK ON IIODJf UNCLAIMED OOO Worth Wemaa lied Rue May Wave HeW in Trait Of the money jewelry and other vain lOS taken from Uie bodies of the Blocums by Coroner 0Qorman and his uistanta and by them over to Core Berry all of the value of 160000 much was claimed by relatives- f the dead yesterday There is one of valuables however hioh nibody has claimed as yet The is done up in a brown and white triped ticking and part of It is esU to b worth between Ml000 and It wu on the body at flrst Opposed to bo Eva Kruger but has jot yet been identified The property consist of eight bank of nearly 25000 known aaviags institutions of tfew York two or three life Insurance xlloles amounting In ski to about 110000- r 18000 deeds to property in New York md elsewhere and a considerable amount n bank notes The the life insurance policies und books are all in the name of i poTion who it would seem is quite dlf erect from Eva Kruger Coroner Berry toes not wish the name to be made public- it present but It to no more like Krugor However than Smith U like n Eva Kruger may have had some ver the property becauae in the blank chocks signed in blank by in Jrust f r Coroner Perry la a good deal puzzled over he fact that the woman been ideo ti- led by anybody The thinks that L conservative estimate el all the n tire bag far from tone tbd hen wit the mOt tat mid roW HERR a Wart WIt told NeW the dow I and mil M ron the n R WOw the abut Whit hOle est ted toe t mate loud a boa howl dee ctrl foe I hot pry i l 1 l Belief tail siPs a front a b3 the Ut away the hors Its That be not > < > > > ¬ 562 DEAD FOUND But 40 of Ilia Vic Unclaimed in Norful RiVER STILL HOLDS MANY Oettifig Nearer to Placjitg tie Blame for the Lost aundpltM With the Valve Still Shut Be covered Prom the Hulk Testimony That the Ronmnnrre tire Wire Started Contained Barrrls of on and Vtml a little Straw City Spend 110001 Maun the Wrecked Bteamrr Proof a to Wfco Palled In His Duly Demand Ponlihmcnt Crows C r- Iel on Here InveitltaUni Funerals Pitt the Wllolr East Side In Mourning Careful tabulation of the dead and the reported missing alter tho disaster Slocum showed at midnight these Corpses Recovered 162 Identified Dead Bta Missing Now a I- Thls iras after the had carefully revised the lists of missing end had stricken many names out The result eemed to leave tim probable dead slightly above the original eatimato of ZOO Fifteen of the dead from burned steamer General Slocum wera carried to their yesterday Twice a more burled today The burials on Sunday will fill the Sast Ride of city with funeral train and mourning It seemed to obeerrers that every one of these outward signs of the woe of the bereaved increased the determination of dtl salts of New York that some one must be made to pay for the horrible devastation which came to so many homes in fifteen minutia on Wednesday morning CRT tO PONISH OU BODI for summers the people of the United States have had New York harbor pointed out to them a the safest cheapest raarrlest of amusement that there iff world steamers towed by tagi haTe bew plo U for tl anry of all It seemed to many as If thejrreen ahorea and the and the dancing waters of thtV harbor were msckeriesover wWchii d p05- Iblllty of another horror that which overtook the General Sloouxn haogs Ilka a menacing pall Many Sunday schools which had planned excursions by water have abandoned them Sonw on must b punished No such thing could happen unless sow one was wrong criminally wrong This In sub- stance waa the sentiment which any Us toner to the conversation bt Yorker yesterday heard buzzing m his ear Whether man to be held npolbl- Wa Capt Yen muter of the ten ral Slocum the members of the company owning the steamboat were to be made to pay the penalty or whither it some one In the States mipoction service no one oars DI800VBR1KS OF MKOLICr Coroners OGorman and Berry of The satisfied themselves that in the lamp room of the Blooum a room containing more than ono barrel of oil and a lot of inflammable packing material started when steamer a tar Blackwell Wand from the hulk of tine reael lying off Hunts Point uamUtakable evi dance that at least one of the standplpes in the vessel through which waa map posed to have been fire was shut off even after the fire was over Coroner went further than most of the comroentera on this discovery He that lie didnt believe there ever thrown on the fire Slocuma lie Intimated utoriea of of the crew bursting of the hose are attention away from the actual facllltlen of tire boat for fighting fire and disaster No hose taken from the wreck Mean- while Mate Flanagan who Is as brave a he la his employers aays that he didnt the reporters understood him to say yesterday that the hose it waa rotten but because kink airy UKBIY TO asIan TEX ynuex The attitude of the Knlckerboqkar Staam boat Company lies not no far bees at great assistance to tho authorities It I that there are probably a great puny corpse In tho under paddl box locum upper paddle box ala persona who had crawled into that wet place to escape the heat of tha flame and who were drowned there The other wheel is now burled in the mud Th wreck of the Slooum i now prop rely of the insurance companies TeSter lay there was a disagreement the Insuranoe men and the pany aa to the price to be paid for raising the wreck and the release of the bodies pinned under It Alter waiting for the steamboat company to do what seemed to it in this situation Police Com McAdoo took to have whole matter of raising taken fatX charge by the city at own expense President Prank Bamaby of the Enloker- bocker company retained personal counsel ymtorday and counsel for the corporation very active Assistant District Garvan to whom the Coroner turned over the shut off atandplpe andother evidence collected would not say whether there wa any reason for these evident j reparatlone for trouble COBTBLTOU ITERB Df CHAKQB Secretary George B Cortelyou of the Department of Commerce and Labor tine to New York yesterday to take per- sonal charge of the Investigation Into the resporulblltyot the United client boat Inspectors for the of the Bloouni especially a to feei UfeptweiTn cum fins f or f tot Lit pole grave I I many I- j tan hud N Shack Unit Bon the don- e rive war hint byte pup abu I Joy bur oft bet prop I ate bee f It i Stat 4 y Likely t t roe I J I r the I i the the the Its yesterday blue ski like the was vas was tulle be- loved The the A th Its 4 4 j I I I S t ¬ > >

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VOlLXXLNO 292 NEW JUNE 18 1904CopyrIght PubllMiAoct lon PRIOt

c flc17 k-

L v L J 1




Japs Bellwd to Hava Out Gen

SlMerg Off


Kouropatkin Reported Moving tc

Save Threatened Force

Vladivostok Ships Slaughtered Japantio-

n the Tranipori IltaohtBurned the Color and Then CommuteSuicide Fleet Believed to Have B

oprd the Pursuing Japanese ChlnnRefugee From Port Arthur Say Food

There II Scarce Some Land Fighting

Xptctal Cable Dtstntelul la Tax 5wLONDON Juno 18 Then are several

reports that the retreat of Gen Stakelbergwas defeated In the battle of Tellssu

is imminently threatened if It has not beeialready cut off and news of his completIsolation is confidently expected here

According to some of the reports anothe

Japanese army quite independent of thatwhich routed the RuBnIans baa beenacross tho line of thoee retreating Inv

the account differ aa to whether it wadespatched from Sluyen or landed at Kal-

chau The Impression IB that Gen Jsodztcommands It

According to the Chronicle corre-

spondent with Gen Kurokls headquartersfighting has been resumed tn the neighborhood of Tellasu seemingly indlcatlnthat Gen Stakelberc is already confrontedby his interceptors The oorrespondenadds that on the result of this engagemendepends the movements of the Firat Jap-

anese Army A report of this flghtlni-

aUo qomos in a brief despatch from New

chwang whence rumor have frequently

proved to forestall event accuratelyConcurrently there are stories that Gen

Kouropatkin Is movlng a force to cover

Gen Stackelberg retreat He Is said thay sent two divisions south for thi-

purpoae but It Is believed vainly as GenNodxu is aald to be nearer tho retreatingRussian than any of their support

There is an unconvincing rumor thaOen Kouropatkin himself left Ltoayanj-8m Wednesday for th south

P4 M June 17 Pres StPetersburg represent Stackelberfea belnglna Tftry belB-

nindwlched between Gen Npdcu and putof KuroWs army Gen EouropatkliI condemned by military men for despatchleg Gen Stackelberg on a hopeleu enter-



Told Believe Vladivostok Fleet

Spltlal CtM DtlpalOai to TKB SUN

Tbcio June 17 The recurrent reports

that Admiral Eamlmura has overtakenand 1 engaging the Russian Valdivostosquadron cannot be confirmed The Ad-

miralty oontlnuea to declare it Ignorancof any engagement and the best opinion

discredit the reports believing that theRussians escaped In the fog

Some of the newspapers however reprintone of the report stating that the Russianendear flunk has been sunk

PABIS June 17 The St Petersburgoorreapondent of the MaIn reports thatanaval batUe is In progress near Ten IslandIn th Corea Strait

HABBIX June is reported herethat several cruisers have returned safely-

to Vladivostok


haitians Fire Into Troops Herded Mof TratMpMt Hitachi

TOKIO June 17 Particular of the de

struotlon of Japanese transport In theCorotrait by ve olof the Russian Yladlvoatok

squadron were received here todayRussian warships were encountered nearOklno Island directly In the course of anyJapanese vemel bound westward from

on Wednesday morning at 7 oclockthat the transport Hitachi sighted the ene-

my vessel two Cruisers and tw de-

stroyer A blank ahot waa fired by one of

th Ruaslan ablpi a a signal for the Hitachi-

to stop Instead of obeying order thetransport put on full speed and fled with-

a RuasUn cruiser iii pursuitAt 10 oclock tte Russians opened lire on

th Hitachi with their cmaller guns theirkppareot object being not to sink the vessel

but to kill ths men on boardTh troops were niustered on deck when-

a Ruaslan endear steamed clone and pouredtit fire of her machine guns Into her making

her a shambles The soldiers In compli-

ance with orders did not reply to the fireAfterward the Russians drew alongside

had sent throe broadsides Into the ship Theslaughter of men and horses terrible

Col Suchl the officer In command of thesoldiers on board burned the regimentalcolors to prevent them falling into tho en-

emy a hands and as the ship was seen to beIn a sinking condition he ordered his mento Jomp overboard and try to save them-

selves by swimming There was no timeto launch tho boats The Colonel hadscarcely given order and was stillpeeking when ha was killed by a shell

Most of the officers on board committeddulolde with their pistols or swords Thoskipper an Englishman of the name ofCampbell jumped overboard The water

Cwinnuti on TMrdP-


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Animal Leaps Through WindowsMakes a Game Fight for

MJLNCUSSTKB N H June smallhandsome spike horn deer dashed Intothis oily today pursued by an agile yellowdog The deer took a number offences and tha dog followed

Finally to shake off tIe dog the doer madea leap through the plate glass front windowof the the Hotel Worthenroom to room danced the deer frighten-Ing some of the Inmatee of the houseFinally getting to a room which offered nother exit the door shotout through anothecloaed window carrying a lace curtain 01

his hornsThe animal took several more high fence

and ran a number of utreet pursued ba crowd which he tried to elude bythrough the window of a private houstlie broke the window without gottlmthrough Joseph Deshalen whose howit wan ran out and tackled tho deer whloplanted both forefeet In the mans facetearing It horribly

The deer next tried to dash through thewindow of a grocery store but was at lawcaught by four mon taken to a stablepractically unhurt by his adventures Hifought for liberty till the last Game Comraiutloner Wentworth will take the animalto the woods and release him tomorrowThe State will pay the damages


Accounts In Perfect Order Says Mr Moun-tath Voucher to Prove It

Edward Mountain superintendent of thTremont postal station has resigned hiplace his resignation going into effectyesterday Ho sent It hi on ThursdayIt was accepted at once Mr Mountainwhen seen by a SUN reportor sold

I resigned for reasons of my own 1

saw a chance for bettering myself in another business so I askod for leave to

at once and it wee granted I hadabsolutely no trouble with the Postmasterand horo is the auditors voucher showlnfthat I turned my station over in perfectordor

Edward Smith chief clerk of Station L12Sth street and Lexington avenue woiappointed acting superintendent of thiTremont station

Mr Mbuntaln has been in the service foitwenty years


The President and Mrs Roosevelt LeaWashington to Attend It

WASHINGTON Juno 17 The PreildehtMrs Roosevelt and her sister Miss Carowleft Washington tonight at 10 oclock tattend the wedding of the Presidentniece Miss Helen Roosevelt to TheodorDouglas Robinson at Hyde Park N Y

on Saturday at noon They were accom-panied by Assistant Secretary Barnes

They will arrive at Hyde Park abou1130 Saturday morning and will start or

the return trip to Washington about thmiddle of the afternoon It Is their

to spend Sunday with Attorneyfleaeral Knox at Valley Pa where toewill arrive late Saturday evening ThiPresidents train will leave VAlleyearly Monday morning and roach Wash-Ington at 1132 oclock


eoretary of the Navy Needy teSuoeeHim as AtUraeyaeeralW-

AiniNOTOK June AttorneyGeneraKnox told the President this morning thahe would hand in his resignation to talcerect July 1 This arrangement is madso he and Secretary of the Navymay wind up somo affairs in their respective

Mr Moody will be appointsAttorneyGeneral on the day that Mrretires

Secretary Moody returned to Washing-ton somewhat unexpectedly today fronMassachusetts and attended the regular

meeting in the White House Hiwould say nothing for publication abOuthis selection to succeed Mr Knox as AttorneyGeneral nor as to how long he woulchold that office in the event of Presiden-Roosevelts election for another termMr Moody recently arranged to resumethe practice of law in Massachusetts afteiMarch 4 next but there Is now good

believe that be has abandoned idesand will hold the AttorneyGeneralship atlong aa the President desires him to do ao

The selection of Mr Moodys sucoesaoi-

aa Secretary of the Navy has not been made


Herbert Raymond Thrown GirlKnocked Down and Injured

Herbert Raymond a broker M years oldof 16 Remsen street Brooklyn was drivlni-a spirited horse attached to a runabouyesterday afternoon when the horse became at Thlrdavenue and Doanstreet and ran away At Fourth avenuiand Dean atreet the runabout wasand Raymond was thrown out He re

Injuries to his spine aa wellas lacerated the

The horse which bad broken away fromthe but was draggingbehind him ran to avenue and Warrenstreet where the shafts struck HolesWhalen 8 old of US Fourth avenueknocking her down Her mother who wai

the child up She refused

it was attended by the physiciannight

was InjuredRaymond was to the Brook

yn He waa suffering from shook


The Tabard Inn Corporation FormedCapital llBOOOOOT-

BBNTON N J June 17 The TabbardInn Corporation capital 12500000 waschartered here today to do business aswholesale and retail booksellers The

will acquire the of theInn Company Pub-

lishing tho PhiladelphiaBook Store Companycapital is 8820000 the



Alabama Planters Domestic Troubles EndIn a Double Murder

MOBILE Ala June 17 Dan Foster aplanter who lives in Choctaw county teat

his wife and his fatherinlawFoster his wife separated some months

ago He called at of hisFather and eked that she return to himThe father asked Foster to not to111 treat his wife This angered Foster andhe fire killing InstantlyFooter escaped

luliV upoh Btfrnttlf Y BIU Ait




parlorof From










Cabln t

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to the ambulance surgeon toand carried the Where

company uslne

are Seymour EatonE Bryant P W Hpiers






permit attdMrs Whiten


aoTs Presidentiohn

wife a




Committee Poll Btamp ef Regulartton the Wisconsin Stalwarts Plghto Be Renewed en Convention Floor

Effect en Ticket May Be Serloni

CHICAGO June 17 Wisconsins bitterRepublican family quarrel came beforthe Republican national loommlttee todayand the result waa that thelette or radical wing of the party Wall

thrown out of court unanimously TheSpooner or conservative wing wa dedared regular and Ito delegates put ontemporary roll

The question was raised In a contesinstituted by Senator Spooner to haveblg four elected by the bolting conven

that he led recognized When theconvention was held on May 1 I

consisted of lOOSdelegates Of thews628 llwere classed as administration or La Follette men 484 2J as Stalwarts or Spooneimen and 10 who were excluded fronthe temporary roll because of contestIn which they figured

This gave control of the organizationof the convention to theLaFollettofactloiby a majority of 4S 23 The La FolletKpeople declared that twenty of the dele-gates In the contested districts were con-ceded to them by the Stalwarts anywayand that with them they would have hatcontrol of the convention no matter whohad happened This the followers of Sen-

ator Spooner denyBecause of the autocracy of Gov Le-

Follette and the manner in which theywere treated the men walked out

of the State convention and held sootheconvention denominated the rump con-vention by the La Follette people at whlolthey elected as delegates at large UnltecStates Senators Spooner and Quarles Con-

gressman Babcock the chairman of the Re-

publican Congressionaltee and Emil Bttensch

The La Folletta convention oalUng Itsellregular elected Oov La Follette IsaacStephenson James H Stout and W IConnor delegates at large and both partleipresented themselves before the nationalcommittee for recognition and a place orthe temporary roll

All of these considerations combinedthis contest the most Interesting ot

that came before the committeebut tho practical effect of the quturel ontho national ticket in Wisconsin in Novem-

ber is also of deep importanceUnder the Wisconsin law the name ol

no candidate for ofllce con appear uponthe official ballot more than once TheStalwart and the Administration oltho party agreed to nominate thefor Presidential electors but the Stalwartsrefused to for GovernorSeven of the men nominated for electorshave declared their intention to on theLa Follette ticket

Thus two tickets are Unavoidable andthe candidates for Presidential electoracannot appear on both of them Whichone U entitled to have them at Its head U

a question for the courts to decide and the1

Stalwart believe that in winningof tho national committee they have

won the whole fight for it is their opinionthat tho courts of Wisconsin will take Intoconsideration the attitude of theauthorities and class the Stalwartsorganization

It is the opinion of every one familiarwith the customs of national conventionsand their committees on credentials thatthe convention itself will support the vetdint of the national committee when

before it I

Wisconsin contest Is brought beforethe convention on Tuesday next it willprobably be the only enlivening Incident-of the day Such cases are rare however

No one was surprised when the committeedecided against La Follette for when itmet In the morning the Governors friendshad been told that he would be thrownout AU of the La Follette people said

didnot this state-ment believing that their in theright and that the committee would give-

a judicial hearing on the whole matter anddecide tho matter on its merits

ViceChairman Payne comto order and aside

Wisconsin cue was taken upbecause of the personal interest that he hadin the matter his friendship being entirelywith Senator Spooner and his party Sena-

tor Bay Soott of Went Virginiaand the Spooner people

went at their side of the question hammerand tongs-

J M Olin of Madison Wis and W G

Jeffriea of Janesvllle appeared for theStalWarts and told of the terrible thingsthat La Follette and his friends would doto the and had already done to itThey three hours in makingtheir side to the committeeand thencoffee and sandwiches were for allbinds in the committee room

The La Follette people were represented-by Gilbert E Roe New York a

and former law ot

arguments advanced wpeople were more popular

than the and hadnot only in the State conventionelection

talked loud and roars could beheard from the floors littlewhile when some exhausted committee-man left the room for a moment and opened

Seven hours were spent deciding theLa were

on crossexamination by the commlttMonen will to their casebefore the national convention on the floorand to from it a reversal of the ver-dict of the committee

Senator that the combo sustained at

committee on credentialsand by the convention but thatedents will have an thnminds of the jurists of Wisconsin that thecourts will put La Follette out in theoold too leave only one Republicanticket In the fieldCook the Spooner nominee for Governor


and Kentucky Farrarri can GetcaStS by Telephone

CincHiNATlOhloJunel7Company today

tho local weather bureau-to receive the weather forecast onSundays and as soon as prepared

promptly furnish Itrton and Hamilton coun-ties Ohio and In Campbell Kenton BoonePendlelon and KentUcky

This service will enable thethe counties mentioned to obtain thereather forecast up tbejhief operator at the



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Arrest Made In the Colorado Outrage RutAgainst the Governor

CBIPPLK CHEEK Col Juno n Thithe man who pulled the wire setting otho dynamite under the Independent

la in the custody of the Sheriff anlive confederate are known

the claim of the authorities here todayUnder Sheriff Parsons declared

the men were in the county Jill but nfused to state who they are Neitherwould he disclose any of the againthem President Mayor is expected heifrom Tellurlde on Sunday Bebretary Hay-

ward for whom a warrant was issueyesterday cannot be fountj In Denver

DENVER June 17 James F Burnpresident of the Port land mine has openswar upon and Gon

along Ute line His attorneysthe complaint n his 100000

against the Governor andfor closing the Portland mine

Tho Governor wax notified that wlsue In the Federal court atrestraining order tq prevept further Intelference with the Deration of the mine bthe authorities Mr Burns will pathe expenses of some fifteen of th

men to Denver from their tenMr Burns has declare

his Intention of upending 250000 If necctwry to carry this miners case through-

In addition to this l W reported that 1

place of the usual open shop placardsthe Portland mine a notice will be postcupon the opening that only unionwill be employed The effect of ouchmove It would be impossible to eetlinati-It is said that such action bepttvented by AdjutantGen Bell supportoby th Governor

LEFT WOMAN TO RlR-Thltvn Bound and Gagged Her and

Net Ileuie on Fire

Atroom June 17 Two well dretsciyoung men called at the lodging house oMrs Barbara Young this afternoonasked If she had any rent Shreplied that shs could to a gooplace and turned to get the address whenthey pushed Into the house

One drew a revolver arid threatened heiThe other closed the door They demandeiher money 8h told them the did nohave any

She attempted to run and they seizeher her until she was unconsciousand bound her to a chair and gaggeher the house was ransacked fromtop to and the womans little savingof 18 taken The men set fire to all thibeds on the upper floor and tuft the womaito burn

The driver of a wagon saw the Oreturned In an alarm The first company 01

the scene was the one of which WllllanYoung the womans son Is foreman Hifound his mother and out Tinhouse was saved escaped


Wealthy Boston Sinns HetlUment WonEnds In a Romantic Marriage

BOSTON June 17 VictorUiddelenaand Ellery Harding Clark th

famous allround amateur championwere married yesterday afternoon at thhome of the brides parents on Chandlestreet It was culmination of a

Several yrs ago Mr Clark left the bornof his father onBay State road and toolup his abode in Hotel Florence a tenemenhouse on Washington street Here amidpoor surroundings ho met and fell in lovwith Victoria Maddelena who with he

lived In the Hotel Florence

Mr Clark with wealth at Ida commandeducated the girl and she in turn becamideeply interested in the philanthropiclabors of her future husband who b wldel

connection with the settlemenLincoln House-

B C Clark father of the groom B Pres-ton Clark a brother and his wife and daugh

attended the wedding


t Records Bound From a Great DUtancWith Promptness and Accuracy

Mass June 17 Th-

chooner Mary IXarty Capt Charles HZany just returned front the southen

fishery was fitted with subaarlne signalling apparatus which wasIvena thorough and exhaustive trial Capt

tarty says that the apparatus proveduccessful remaining in perfecthe Sounds from a great distancewere recorded with and aa-

uracy By Aid of ho wasble to hear plainly the noise of the paddlerheel of an approaching steamer at nightrhlle she was throe miles away and not inIght The noise of tho paddles could not

from the deck at all but waswater by the apparatus

nd to the receiver In the cabinapt is of the opinion that the aparatus will be of great value to battlehips for it a submarine boat makes any

while coming under water the subsignalling system cannot fall to

warning of her approach before she is

tear enough to do damage


tthraelte Workers Ready to Co Out IfTheir Demand Are Turned Down

WiLKXSBABBB Pa Juno 17 A strikef acme 12000 mine workers depends uponhe decision of the Scranton Coal Com

lanys 6WO employees at their meetingoroorrow they will take actionpon the of the company to

from their wages the assessment forlaying the chock welghman and the checklocking bosses

Tho Temple Coal and Iron Companysloc employees with a similar grievancerill do as the Scranton Coal Company

men do and the 3400 employees of Coxo

irothera A Co also await the decision Inutter to take similar action The officials

the union are all con to ome-o an amicable agreement


r Pardte Walled So Long That He WasOvercome Smoke-

A fire which in cellar of thetat at 37 street yestor

afternoon wrecked the kitchen exmelon of the building and theipper floors the

Everybody got of thoy way without difficulty

except J K Pordee whoHe lingered so long gathering

ID valuables wee overcomelie smoke The firemen uponInn in tho and carried

dept 1





























ted th
























Attorney Declares That VennMan Who Claims to Be an lllegltlmat

of Mrs funds K the lllegltlmatcr an English Woman of TlUi

PHILADELPHIA Jqne 17 Today heaiIng In the oult of Arthur Fltzroy SomerciDundas the young Londoner who I anxloito shore hi tho milllona left bymother Mrs Anna Mariabrought out a from AttomeJohn tl Jolmwon who declared that thclaimant instead of being the son of MnWurtzDundas and Arthur arquhaian English army the lllegltlmatchild of an English woman of title whoname has been withheld

This countor accusation which the lawyersaid ho would convince the court was sup

by the evidence taken on behalf o

ww nude at tho outset otho Unfonca In thli remarkable case

tntriguq and scandalMr Johiibon In opening Iris addrfisi

reminded the throe Judges presiding theMrs Dundin and liar hiubitnd Major Wur-

DUndoH both died In 1801 Two ohlldrewore born to thorn ono died and Ralp-lWurtsDundau whom he represented vpthe only child remaining

About two years after tho death of hiparents Ralph for the first time o

the claims of lllegltlmat-child of his mother and he won confrontwwith tho most extraordinary story aocuslnihis mother of having deserted a child ii

the most heartless manner nineteen yearbefore Mr Johnson challenged anybodto explain how these secrets wore keptthe birth of the child concealed for so longa time unless It was by trumping up chargeand threatening Innocent persons

If the contentions of the other side wensustained the lawyer continued theiMrs Dundas would be adjudged guiltof unbelievable heartlesDness and barborlty and devoid of the sentiment ohuman nature that distinguish everymother

Such an Idea Is absolutely preposterouscontinued the lawyer and 1 will shoeyou that this proceeding Is the result of i

plot to conceal the true of this boyArthur Somerset I do not know buMrs Dundee was In love withTaking advantage of that heher to compromise herself so that hethereafter have entire control over horTho story of that child Is without the slightest foundation but the control he got overiier enabled him and HearPetre to play the game they were wait-

ing forFarquliar was a end of the vilestwas tho young son of a wealthy EnglUl

but was because ot thevile life be followed In order to proteothis English woman of title savefrom disgrace Farquhar decided to aaorihoe Mrs Dundee the American woman4t was that the scheme of making herappear mother of thewashatched

iMr Johnson then commented on thefact of Farquliar getting Mrs Dundaaijewels to pawn and how she at last re-

volted at some of tho things he wanted heito do and appealed to his brother for prolection This was two weeks before thealleged birth of tim child

The keynote of the whole ease Mr JohnBoll declared was plotting and intrigue-

on the part of Farquhar to sacrifice MrsDundas to his favorite English beautyHe then referred to hush money put Ufby Major Dundas to suppress the publi-

cation of the scandal but said tho demandsof the schemers became so heavy that theMajor although desiring to save his lickwife was finally forced to defy them He

threatened them with and theyby threatening

continued Mr Johnson It wainot until seven years later that they daredto make the exposure

On the outcome of the courts decisiondepends whether or not a stigma will beallowed to rest on the name of Mrs WurUDundas Tho young man declares thatwas born In Paris in 1880 and that his latherwas Capt Arthur Farquhar a dashiniBritish Army officer who was afterwardkilled In the Soudan


Banker Was Thrown Prom Runabout butLanded In a Marsh Praotlpally Unhurt

POUT CHESTKH N Y Juno 17 JamesMcClenahan president of the MutualBank of New York was thrown from arunabout and barely escaped serious injury this morning while driving from hishome in Port Chester to the railroad stationThe horse driven by the banker took frightat an automobile in King street

Mr McClenahan who is an expert horseman accidentally dropped the reins andthe along for nearly half a rails

down a hill and overturnedthe runabout The banker was thrown Into-

a marsh and escaped with a few slightbruises

The runabout was demolished


Found III Dies In HospItal Probably ofPoUori Had In a Htrncgle

PAssaic N J A youngwomanprobably of foreign birth about 28 yearsold died today In the General Hospitalhere Tho name and the residence thegirl are unknown to tile authorities forthey could not get her to talk before shewas taken to the hospital and she diedtwenty minutes after admittance

She was found ill early this morning Inthe yard of George In Bloomfloldavenue and the called Shewas taken to tho staton house where altera few minutes rest she said that sheto go to her home In Secondcould not tell the The driver ofthe patrol wagon to that sectionof the city and left her he withfriends

A short time afterward Policeman Flynnround the girl lying In an alleyway Shepoemed to bo wasto the station house City Physiciansold that her condition was and

to tho hospital While tho physiciansat the were working overshe died An what may

glrrs death was onusd by hembrought about

It Is the drank theto work in one of

the mills and her clothing which was ofof a struggle

The body wax taken to the morgueto






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Virginia Senator Visit P-

Leads to ThatlUciuioNO Vs June 17 Whether Sac

star John W Daniel Who will be chalrfnaof delegation at St Louis I

siding the attempt to secure the nornlna-

tlori of drover Cleveland Ita causedgreatest Interest

Mr L nl l ha from a eecfereric P Ryan in New YorkMr with being one of

vigorous supporter of the exPresl1

Senator Daniel Was largely reeponslblifor the defeat of the reflation indorslniParker before the State Democratic eonventlon on he ground that the delegatloishould not have 1U hand tled1

His subsequent Visit to Mr Ryan U bellfved by many to indicate he will bfor Cleveland when It In Parkecannot be nominated Senator Daniel ad

lisPing had a talk with Ryan budenies knowledge of any scheme to secur-ClovnlandV nomination


Crawled lndtr Wrecked Engine to Atwolva Thins Bngiaeer-

CiHBtviU8 ill June It While Si-glneerL B List lay pinioned and burainunder the wreck of here Thuraday afternoon A priest whoaw Identlthas not heart learned crawled amongthdebris aa for aa poesJbl administerabsolution to him

The priest wo a passenger on one of thwrecked trains List died literallyalive before the Wreckage aboutcould be removed


Talk or compromise In to Dlveree CatBeaewed-

DKXVEh June 17 An officer went tthe home of Lawrence Phipp this af teraooto arrest him on a charging his

driving aa than thpermit The officer

that Mr Fbipp left yesterday forYorit nd talk of a compromise of thePhlpr-divorce case la renewed

William One swore out warrant againPhlpps also one against H 0another wealthy citizen Quo claimtwo men raced along Coifax avenue sad theho narrowly escaped being runPhipps has paid for lastfore placing the blame on his importecBelgian


Princeton and a Butgeri Siadent the On-lJetieyraen to Pies ExamlMUea

NEW BRUNSWICK N J June 17 Thspecial committee composed of PrcsldenWilson arid Dean Pine of PrincetonDr Scott of Rutgers today choose Benja

Price of Oakmont Pa aarepresentative of the RhodeHe Is a sean

Iwary Bniger o-

Ellaabeth other oandldatNow J rey college These twi

were th tu tonulj r hi

successfully pealed the tamlnatlonThey were approved Oxf6rd Uril

authorities the final aelectloiwas left to the New Jersey committee


Aa sVe r01d Bey WMte His CeMMoloo-DMat Know

White several boys were bathing inEast River at the foot of Sixtythird streeyesterday afternoon on of them8 years old whose name the riotknow was seized with cramps and drownedJoe Burns one of the other boys dlveafter him several times but failed to And

him He wore dark blue knickerbockers-a blue striped shirtwaist bhie coat and i



Harry E Devereox In tire tladdle Has at-

BClUft Ride Three MUSs

CiJt LKD June 17 Harry KDeVereUtone of the best known horsemen in thecountry had an exciting experience at theaienvllle track today He wu riding a

runner to saddle and the horse ranwith him and continued over the courseat record breaking speed for three milesMr Devaceux exerted his strength to stopthe but hU effort were in vain

resort be turned the horse uponthe green sward wirer the steed stumbledand nearly threw Mr Pevereux toground The animal recovered ita footingwhile Mr Devereux clung to the bridUreins keeping his seat In the saddle andcontinued ota Through the grass therah at a rued gallop and continued to thetable of 0 K O Billings When Mr Devureux dismounted his hands were badlylacerated and he was completely


OOO Worth Wemaa lied RueMay Wave HeW in Trait

Of the money jewelry and other vainlOS taken from Uie bodies of the Blocums

by Coroner 0Qorman and hisuistanta and by them over to Core

Berry all of the value of160000 much was claimed by relatives-f the dead yesterday

There is one of valuables howeverhioh nibody has claimed as yet The

is done up in a brown and whitetriped ticking and part of It is esU

to b worth between Ml000 andIt wu on the body at flrst

Opposed to bo Eva Kruger but hasjot yet been identified

The property consist of eight bankof nearly 25000

known aaviags institutions oftfew York two or three life Insurancexlloles amounting In ski to about 110000-

r 18000 deeds to property in New Yorkmd elsewhere and a considerable amountn bank notes

The the life insurance policiesund books are all in the name ofi poTion who it would seem is quite dlferect from Eva Kruger Coroner Berrytoes not wish the name to be made public-

it present but It to no more like KrugorHowever than Smith U like

nEva Kruger may have had some

ver the property becauae in theblank chocks signed in blank by

in Jrust f rCoroner Perry la a good deal puzzled over

he fact that the woman been ideo ti-

led by anybody The thinks thatL conservative estimate el all then tire bag far from



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Oettifig Nearer to Placjitg tieBlame for the Lost

aundpltM With the Valve Still Shut Be

covered Prom the Hulk Testimony

That the Ronmnnrre tire Wire StartedContained Barrrls of on and Vtml alittle Straw City Spend

110001 Maun the Wrecked BteamrrProof a to Wfco Palled In His Duly

Demand Ponlihmcnt Crows C r-

Iel on Here InveitltaUni FuneralsPitt the Wllolr East Side In Mourning

Careful tabulation of the dead and thereported missing alter tho disasterSlocum showed at midnight theseCorpses Recovered 162Identified Dead BtaMissing Now a I-

Thls iras after the had carefullyrevised the lists of missing endhad stricken many names out The resulteemed to leave tim probable dead slightly

above the original eatimato of ZOO

Fifteen of the dead from burnedsteamer General Slocum wera carried totheir yesterday Twice amore burled today The burialson Sunday will fill the Sast Ride of citywith funeral train and mourning Itseemed to obeerrers that every one of theseoutward signs of the woe of the bereavedincreased the determination of dtlsalts of New York that some one must bemade to pay for the horrible devastationwhich came to so many homes in fifteenminutia on Wednesday morning


for summers the people of theUnited States have had New York harborpointed out to them a the safest cheapestraarrlest of amusement that there iff

world steamerstowed by

tagi haTe bew plo U for tl anry ofall It seemed to many

as If thejrreen ahorea and theand the dancing waters of thtV

harbor were msckeriesover wWchii d p05-Iblllty of another horror that which

overtook the General Sloouxn haogs Ilka amenacing pall Many Sunday schoolswhich had planned excursions by waterhave abandoned them

Sonw on must b punished No suchthing could happen unless sow one waswrong criminally wrong This In sub-stance waa the sentiment which any Us

toner to the conversation bt Yorkeryesterday heard buzzing m his earWhether man to be held npolbl-Wa Capt Yen muter of the tenral Slocum the members of the

company owning the steamboat were to bemade to pay the penalty or whither itsome one In the States mipoctionservice no one oars


Coroners OGorman and Berry of Thesatisfied themselves that

in the lamp room of the Blooum aroom containing more than ono barrel of oiland a lot of inflammable packing materialstarted when steamer a tar

Blackwell Wandfrom the hulk of tine reael

lying off Hunts Point uamUtakable evidance that at least one of the standplpes inthe vessel through which waa mapposed to have been firewas shut off even after the fire was over

Coroner went further thanmost of the comroentera on this discoveryHe that lie didnt believe there ever

thrown on the fireSlocuma lie Intimatedutoriea of of the crewbursting of the hose areattention away from the actual facllltlenof tire boat for fighting fire and disaster

No hose taken from the wreck Mean-

while Mate Flanagan who Is as brave a hela his employers aays that he didnt

the reporters understood him tosay yesterday that the hoseit waa rotten but becausekink

airy UKBIY TO asIan TEX ynuexThe attitude of the Knlckerboqkar Staam

boat Company lies not no far bees at greatassistance to tho authorities It I

that there are probably a great punycorpse In tho under paddl boxlocum upper paddle boxala persona who had crawled into thatwet place to escape the heat of tha flameand who were drowned there The otherwheel is now burled in the mud

Th wreck of the Slooum i now proprely of the insurance companies TeSterlay there was a disagreementthe Insuranoe men and thepany aa to the price to be paid for raisingthe wreck and the release of the bodiespinned under It Alter waiting for thesteamboat company to do what seemed

to it in this situation Police ComMcAdoo took to have

whole matter of raising taken fatX

charge by the city at own expensePresident Prank Bamaby of the Enloker-

bocker company retained personal counselymtorday and counsel for the corporation

very active Assistant DistrictGarvan to whom the Coroner

turned over the shut off atandplpe andotherevidence collected would not say whetherthere wa any reason for these evidentj reparatlone for trouble


Secretary George B Cortelyou of theDepartment of Commerce and Labortine to New York yesterday to take per-sonal charge of the Investigation Into theresporulblltyot the United clientboat Inspectors for the of theBloouni especially a to feei UfeptweiTn













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