the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1904-08-05 [p ]....he used by the packers is now piling up in chicago...

ftuDAT AUGUST 51 Showers today and tornorpBir Sf fresh south winds NEW YORK FRIDAY t AUGUST 1904 CopiirtoMlVHbvThiSvnrrMinoand PvWiMna AnocMion PRICE TWO CENTS I I t L b YOLo 5 7r2- rPir I i ttit LXXLO34O ii LOCKOUT TODAY OF 33000 MEN IXLESS TIlE nVILDING TRADE INIONS RESUME WORK Kmployrrt Association Decides on Re tsllatory Measure Fourteen Trades Affected 15OOO laborers Will Suf- fer Knd or the Arbitration Agreement Thn board of governors of the Building J Trades Employers Association declared war yesterday on all the unions whose mem on strike In the eubway and on buildings In this city At n mooting of the board yesterday afternoon and evening a general lookout nAIl decided on to bring the unions to term With the exception of the plumber all tho members of these unions will be locked out If their members do not return to work this morning in accordance with an ultimatum sent to tho unions on Wednesday The plumbers union has until Monday Ivcauon It was shown that It did not re- ceive the notice on time This lockout will Involve not only New York city hut places within twentyfive miles of New York whore members of the pinployers association have contracts Including the plasterers It will affect nearly 33000 skilled workers Independent rf laborers The lockout has been threat- ened for two weeks but the employers wore reluctant to take such extreme ac The union which are not to be locked rut say they will not work It nonunion men are employed and believe that It will result in the collapse of the arbitration agree- ment which was designed to put an end to Mrikr and lockouts In the trade The r I i t are i f f 1 tkn J I f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ following am the unions of skilled Involved and the number of men Ilfotberhood of Carpenter Brotherhood of Painters Klerstor Constructors Union Shorera and Movers Union Jetirnrymen Stone Marble Polishers Union Hrulllo Lathers Union Motile Workers Union Plumbers and Oas Fitters Union operative Pluterers Society Tile 1ayerV Union Klrrtricsl Workers Union Cement Masons Union Blue Stone In Addition 15000 laborers and helpers will be thrown idle through the lockout of the skilled trades bringing the total number to nearly 48000 It the lockout continues for a number of in ether trades who are not on strike now will made Idle These will include struct- ural iron workers bricklayers alUed trades The meeting of the board of governors was preceded by a meeting of the emer- gency committee of the association in the at 48fl Fifth avenue where it was agreed to recommend the lockout As soon as the emergency committee came to the Building Trades dub the meet Ing of tho board of governors started U was the most exciting meeting they have ever held Tho heated discussion could be heard outside and when the lock out decision was reached it was received with cheers President Charles Eldlitz- of the Employers Association then came out and made the following statement We have come to the conclusion that we cannot settle the present troubles ID the build lug trades without using strong measures We hive tried our best but the repented vio- lations of the arbitration atonement by the unions has decided us to resort to strong measure Tomorrow alt the members or the unions which have ordered the strikes in the Midway arid elsewhere will be locked Ut if their members are tiot at work m the inormni- ri have excepted the who did not receive our and wo lave given them until Monday This lockout lll embrace n radius of twentylive miles around New York taking in all territory where niMnh r of our onsociitioii haTe contracts Tlu programme into effect in spite if the Ilinldini Trades Alliance The alliance we Irarn has ordered more strikes today on the West Ride and in Brooklyn If the lave other measures about which not prepared to talk now Wo have been forced into this tIght and it will be fought to a finish It is up to the unions to end it by ompliunca with our ultimatum The unions members are not a work Mr Eldlltz later will be put on the street on Monday The Plumbers Union will find its on the on Tuesday If Us are not at work on Monday Mr Eldlitz was asked whether It would any difference to the Employers Asso- ciation if the men who had until today reported for work tomorrow labor 11000 b000 f00 iou COO Union 1200 1 00 OQ 1100 000 6000 800 500 1nJ Cutters Unto 1000 Total 37800 be steam tter end olflce ot Otto M Eldllh ot the Employer Alllloclation j I plumber 1 lockout not the desired elect we who member Cuttcrs I president p V goes does hare I a Street make ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ Positively not he Sail It can make no difference whatever If we set the machine In motion it cannot be stopped on that short notice We shall act y After that the board of governors will have to decide Men who report for work on Saturday morning will not be excluded from our order Mr Eidlitz was asked if the other measures meant the open shop He declared he had no more to say In the meantime the delegates of the various who had waited outside to hear of the meeting said they expected it when they heard of the lockout and would at once begin ft war of strikes In reprisal The engineers who struck at Trinity Building returned to work as they did not want to embarrass the iron- workers who are not in the alliance In the meantime committees of the alliance are out canvassing and will try to induce- all tho to Join- A of the Tile Layers f This is the finish of agreement It was our throats and if the non union men to work all the other trades strike whether they are in the alliance or not Then all building will be tied up The alliance did not order the strike against the George A Fuller Company at the Sturtovant Hotel Twentynlnth street 7 Broadway but wilt order strikes they on all the Puller contracts today The lockout will tie up the painting work- on the subway which was being done by the Brotherhood of Painters because the latter has violated the arbitration agreement by ordering strikes on all the contract of H Nelson A Co All tha meml er will be locked out Besides those and the subway strikes strikes have from day to day been ordered on buildings throughout the city and Ofte a minutes New York 1 trade I Union among the water for dow ant I Isolate uGa m 0 Can Eull 8 u tomorr- ow who was said will I aicbt hori to- t i ¬ > WOMAN HELD FOR POISONING Mrs Kratisj of Hartford City Ind Charged With Killing StepdaughterIN- DIANAPOUB Aug 4 Miss Crystal Krause 18 years old the daughter of a druggist of Hartford City and tho most talented young woman of the place Is dead from strychnine poison and her stepmother in in the county jail charged with her murder The girl was first taken ill on Friday night last but rallied and woe out on Sun- day On Tuesday oho was again taken ill and two hours after physicians were called died in convulsions Tho physi- cians declared that the symptoms indicated strychnine poisoning and when a note was afterward produced saying she could not live without her lover her death was sup- posed to have resulted from suicide This was accepted till it was found that- a twelveyearold boy Lloyd Summer vllle had boon sent to a drug store by Mrs Krausn and had purchased a powder which the clerk told him was deadly poison When the noto to tIme druggist was pro- duced It was in the same handwriting as the note supposed to have been loft by the girl but was signed Mrs Showalter Mrs Krauss was questioned and declared that she did not send the lad to tho drug- store He said positively that Mrs Krauss gave him the noto and the money to buy the drug and the clerk said he let him have 15 cents worth of strychnine- The Coroner ordered tho arrest of Mrs she was locked up Mrs Krause years old and was married to Mr Krauss two years ago Before his marriage- ho made a will in which he bequeathed his property to his daughter This Is believed to be the motive for the crime as It would revert to tho wife In the event of the girls death I KrauS ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SAVKD Hill AT HWU SPEED PolIcemen Fat Auto Picks Her Up Over Handle liars Badly Hurt Henry Kupfraln a bicycle policeman attached to the Tremont station while pur suing a speeding automobile lost evening nearly ran down a girl and in trying to save her was so badly hurt that he had to go home Kupfraln gave chase to a rod au- tomobile which passed him at Wendover and Washington avenues going north on Washington avenue He says It was going over twentyfive miles an hour but start Ing with a handicap of a blockand a half ho had come up to within twentyfive yards of the machine In a mile chase to Troroont avenue At this point Mabel Mahoney 13 years old of 4154 Park avenue started- to run across Washington avenue behind the automobile Tho dust of tho machine hid the bicycle policeman from her and Kupfraln did not see the girl until he was right upon her Then he leaned over his handle bars and lifted her in both arms and policeman and girl rolled fifteen In the road The girl was rendered unconscious but Dr Dolan of Fordbatn Hospital who an swered an ambulance call found her worst Injury was a scalp wound Kupfraln had his uniform and his hip that he was re from duty He complained of a heart and Dr Dolan advised him to consult his family physician for fear he had sustained Internal Injuries The automobile the occupants of which are unknown did not stop BANKS AND TIlE MEAT STRIKE Money Piling Ip In Cliloaco and the Pack- er Paying UfT Notes CillCiao Aug 4 Chicago bankers com- plain that the meat strike Is having serious effect on the local money market Millions- of that und er normal business con he used by the packers is now piling up In Chicago banks The packers- are heavy borrowers under normal condi- tions They carry loans and notes amount ing In the aggregate to nearly f 100000000 or this sum about 40000000 Is carried by Chicago Since the beginning of the are paying off loans and taking up notes Reports of a conference between tho packers and labor leaders alleged to have boon held this afternoon are declared by both sides to be without foundation It was reported today that beef luggers in alt the cold storage plants handling meat from the big packers were to be called out In aid of the striking stock yards men This would tie up the plants according to one prominent market man and shut off a source of supply for many meat dealers Police Inspector Hunt declared today that from tills time on the police who are on strike duty will answer showers of stones bricks and clubs with revolver shots not at the skies but at the rioters will shoot to kill spied scraped led dolaN bank d- irt Chasing feet ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ POLICEMAN SHOT Was Trying to Stop a Fight In the Riverside Casino At the Riverside Casino at 110th street and Amsterdam avenue shortly after 11 oclock last night a lot of young toughs mode their way to the balcony overlooking- the dancing floor and got into a row with one of the waiters Special Policeman John Stodlemuller who ran up to quiet the disturbance- was knocked down kicked and finally shot in the left side The man who did the shooting dropped from the balcony to the dancing floor fifteen feet dashed a and got away All the gang followed suit and were gone when two policemen arrived tho riot many noses wero smashed bruised Stodlomuller was hurried to the J Hood Wright ital He is In a very serious condition The Riverside Casino was formrly Wald rons dance hall Many residents In the neighborhood have protested against the licensing of the place MISTOOK HER FOR A BURGLAR Mrs Barrett Warned Her Husband Not to Her but He Did Pa Aug me for a burglar and shoot mo come back sold Mrs Charles E Barrett of Ridgeway last night to her husband as she started down stairs to got a drink Only partly awake Barrett dreamed of burglars who have boon operating in the town of Five minutes later when his wife returned ha grasped his rcvolror and shot her in the leg Whales Off Long Island The Hamburg American liner in yesterday from Hamburg passed yester day morning between Fire Island and Sandy Hook two large whale diving and spout- ing and a school of trough widow Dung Hoot 4Dont tae and Coal late r ¬ ¬ DYING WOMAN SENT TO A CELL CASE OF DRUNK SAID DOCTOR SKULL WAS CRUSHED Mr McKeever Fatally Beaten on Her Way to Home In Bronx From New noehrlle Money Husband Sayt May Be or Lumber Varfl Toughs Mrs Mary Garrlty who lives at 648 East 143d street heard somebody pounding- on the front door of the house between 1 and 2 oclock yesterday morning Sho put her head out of a window and saw a woman who swayed unsteadily trying- to open tho door Mrs Garrity ordered her away but the woman kept pounding at the door and made no reply Then the alarmed Mrs Garrity called Hall from his post near by The woman at tho door made no resistance to arrest She seemed unable to talk and when her tongue tried to form words nothing save an Incoherent mumbling- came from her lips Hall took her to the Alexander avenue station with some difficulty as her legs gave way under her several and phe seemed unable to control feet At the police station she was charged with drunkenness The sergeant however noticed that her hair was matted He called an ambulance At Hos- pital Dr Allen examined woman He saidThis Is a case of drunk She has a slight scalp wound and has been bleeding some Then the woman was sent to the Tremont avenue police station to be locked up Matron Fltzslmmons took charge of her lad tie wit OIl Policeman ¬ and put her in a cell matron to look in upon the prisoner a little later about 3 oclock in the morning end was to see her lying face downward floor unconscious her face quite bloodless Theres something more the matter with tills woman than drink said Matron Fitz the woman carefully re moving her dross Blue bruises covered the prisoners breast and shoulders and more bruises were on her The matron took a look at the If Im not badly mistaken weve got of fractured skull here she said to sergeant They revived the woman with whiskey and cold water and she became able to talk a bit Intelligently Then they found that she was Mrs Caroline MoKeover who lived at 157 West Ninetyeighth street She had got lost she told them where she didnt know She could not account for her injuries She didnt seem to know that she had been hurt Another ambulance took her to Ford ham Hospital and a messenger was sont for her husband Herbert MoKeever- He came before daylight and told them at the hospital that his wife had left home Wednesday afternoon at 8 oclock to visit her lawyer Frederick U Seacord In Sew Rochelle and to see about the up of her sisters estate In that sister he said was Mrs Kate Mahler a woman of some wealth who died about a year ago When his wife did not come home McKeever he was worried but supposed she had the night with her nephew Charles Maher who lives in Hugue- not street New Itochelle His wife had some valuable papers he said and sortie money He did not know how much At Fordbam Hospital Mrs McKeever rapidly gnw worse At noon yesterday she died without being able to explain her injuries In the afternoon Dr by order of Coroner OGonnan autopsy He round that the brain had been crushed by a blow at the back of the skull and that the inability to remember or to talk had come from this injury which had eventually caused death Mr Seaoord the attorney for Mrs McKeever said last night that bad been at his office consulting him about her sisters estate Wednesday afternoon She went to her nephews then be sold and had left for New York about 7 oclock in the evening he had heard He did not know whether she was carrying money- or not Coroner OOonnan thinks she may have been assaulted and robbed at 189th street between flyer and Third avenue in the lumber yard district a hangout for Bronx toughs Another theory that Mrs McKeever may have been struck by a trolley- car was not heeded by the police DetectIves wore put to work on the case The Coroner is conducting an investigation- of his own NBW ROCHELLE Aug 4 Frederick H Beocord counsel for Mrs Carrie McKeever said this evening state simon arm I a- ce I tUg sod Curt he happened ¬ ¬ Mrs McKeever was executrix of the will of her sister Mrs Catherine who last January at 131 Now leaving an estate of several thou- sand dollars I have known Mrs McKee vcr for time My knowledge of her has of the best She visited me Wednesday afternoon on business at my office and later wont to the home of her nephew Charles Mahler of Huguenot street I have been told that Mrs McKee ver left her nephews home about oclock and started by trolley for her home in after the death of her sister lived in New until last May when she She al bore reputation and made friends while UNDER THE PICTURE liAr Policeman Wonldnt Arrest Bellevnei Queerest Patient Dr Erdwum was busy with his reports at Bellevue Hospital last night when a voice In the doorway said Doctor Ive got a bad cold I think- It has settled In my The doctor saw a picture hat white dotted veil white shirtwaist and black short skirt The face was a bit indistinct behind the veil All right Raid Erdwum Go back to the womens reception room A nurse will examine you He went on writing but he dropped his pen and made a jump for the door when a womans scream rang through the hos- pital v- At the door of the womens reception- room the doctor learned that the patient was a man Dr Erdwum called Police- man Johnson who refused to arrest the patient who called himself Stella Engel They merely put him out place nirnett Extract U oUl br an the but evfjrwctf UrlS Male die sOle Mat Role move wry her- MAN lung j Va ala of the A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 2 DAYS IN ROCKY CREVICE Falling Mm Stuck Put Half Way Down aoo Foot Cliff on PalUadri Antonio Braccio who had been missing for two days was found yesterday morning tightly wedged in a rooks on tho side of a 300 foot precipice Hudson Heights North Bergen N J He was exhausted from his struggles to free him self and halt famished had been employed as a driller In a quarry He disappeared on Tuesday morning soon after reaching the quarry and tho foreman ho had simply quit work On morning the quarrymen reported that Braoclo go home and the foreman ordered a Tho men found no trace of him and another driller was put to work in his place The newcomer heard groans yesterday morning while drilling a jagged rock on the side of tho bluff Ho climbed to the top of the precipice and saw Braccio fast In the crevice 100 below Ho a rope around his a dozen hands lowered him to the imprisoned man He fastened a second rope around Bracalos body and both were lifted to tho top of the precipice Braooios fellow countrymen seized him in their arms and smothered him with kisses Ho couldnt explain how he fell into the Tho foreman thought he left the on which he liad been working- to nap and dropped between the rocks foot first Braccio was carried to Shadysldo on a stretcher THEFT NEARLY COST A LIFE Woman Jumped Off After Boy Who though dint tot tie loge ar crevice ¬ tinatchfd Her handbag Mrs Elizabeth Paland wife of Charles- W Palond a real estate dealer whose home is at 21 East list street was riding next the side rail in a southbound avenue car last night when Eightieth and Eightyfirst streets a dirty hand darted under the rail and tore her handbag from her wrist breaking the Paland tho blood running from her cut wrist jumped under the roll from the moving car screaming A north- bound Madison avenue car was coming up rapidly Mrs Paland was thrown directly on the track by the momentum of the car she had been riding In Tho motorman of northbound car brought It to a standstill with the wire scoop touching Mrs Palands sideThe woman was picked up unconscious with her dress torn half off her face cut and her arms and She won taken to time and later home sent In a serious condition In the meantime the cry of Stop thief had excited several hundred people time avenue Detective Schwartz trolman Argue of the East Eightytint street station hoard It and gave chase to a fleeing boy At Seventysecond street they caught him Mrs Polands handbag- In his hand He was locked up charged with highway robbery giving the name of William Bender 16 years old no home OBJECT NEGRO TROOPS Georgia Soldiers Told That None Will Camp Sear Them at Manmsa ATLANTA la Aug 4 There will be no negro in camp at ManansaH near troops are camped said Terrell today in unawor to time question if there would be any negro troops- In the sortie brigade with the Georgia sol diets For some reason the report was started several days ago that there would be u negro regiment btuldo tli Georgia soldiers in time coming big AH soon aa the report many of the soldiers who had agreed to go to Vir- ginia began to notify their commanding officers that there would b very few men in time camp if such a state of affairs won allowed Got Terrell took the up with the authorities at has received the information that there will be only one negro command at the encampment and that will bo In the Connecticut brigade and nowhere the Georgians The Gover- nor said If any negroes were to be camped with our boys I would not give the men per mission to leave tine State F wont stand for anything like that The Go rgla men must be camped with white soldiers or they do not leave title State Silo DOWN BY A BURGLAR flanker of Myersrlllr Sid Wounded In Three Places by a Thief I Main chan hand lacerate wont 7 soldier Got encampment mater lear O ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > MVKnaviLlK Md Aug 4 George M BiLlie one of the best known merchants- of this place and also treasurer and cashier of the Myersvllle Savings Bank was shot throe times and Injured seriously while defending his place of night against an attempt burglary midnight Mr Blttlo heard a noise at the store door and becoming suspicious- of an attempt at robbery secured a re- volver and went to the front door of his residence next door to the store In the darkness Mr Bittle saw a man prying at tho keyhole and he walked out of the door to the front pavement within a dozen steps- of the burglar The latter upon seeing Mr futIle whipped out a revolver and fired five shots at him in rapid succession one effect in the left arm one entering the and ono the right side Mr made an attempt to uso his the weapon failed to work Tho of time shooting brought assist ance wounded man and he was car- ried into tho house and physicians sent for Two of the wore removed A under surveillance Mr Biltle may recover MISS BOWLES WAKES CHARGES Wants line District Attorney to Prosecute Plttiburger for Crime Against Her Miss Virginia H Bowles accompanied by her father John P Virginia and her aunt Mrs Margaret E went to tho District Attorneys for the purpose of having a charge of assault entertained against the Pittsburg man who Miss Bowles says assaulted her in a hotel in this city after ho had made her drunk Assistant District Gnrvon who talked is understood come to time District office all that there Is no decision will bo until Acting District Attorney Rand The charge against Mrs Gertrude Taylor b beard a tb polios s urt today ting Bite Dole ball Cheek that has held In mae WetS Bowlos the same conclusion been Attorneys ¬ ¬ ¬ NO MURPHYMCARREN PEACE T4UV4Vr LEADER INVITED TO CONFERENCE 1IY SHEEHAN Went There but Stuck to It That McCarrrn Should Not Ic State Executive Chair- man Urackets hint With Devery SIo- Carrrn and Devery Dine Tdgetlirr Within twentyfour hours of the announce- ment of his appointment as chairman of the executive committee of tho Demo- cratic notional committee William F Sheehan started in to do some practical work He an endeavor to settle the between Charles F Murphy and Senator Pat McCarren which didnt seem to be very tar on the way toward settlement in the morning at which time Mr Murphy said to reporters at tho wigwam- If MoCarren is made chairman of the State executive commit too Dovery ought- to be chosen treasurer McCarren and Dovery would make a good team they are Just alike and are two of a kind Yesterday afternoon Mr Sheehan had conferences in his office at 32 Liberty street with DaLauoey Nlcoll the vicechairman of the national committee Thomas F Ryan and Mr Murphy Mr Ryan mot Messrs Sheehan and Nlcoll by appointment at 3 oclock The three were together for over an hour It U understood that Mr Sheehan sug- gested that Mr Ryajj use whatever in- fluence ha might have to induce tine Tam- many to drop the fight with Senator after election- At tho end of about an hours talk on this mae leer ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ matter Mr Ryan suggested that Mr Murphy- be for Mr Murphy ho explained- was time building Mr Murphy was upstairs on the fifteenth flour in J Sergeant Crams office Mr Murphy immediately responded to the invitation and went tQ Mr Sheehans office and it was not until nearly 6 oclock that time meeting broke up While none of those who were at the could be Induced to relate what happened It may be stated that the time after Mr Murphy entered the room was mostly taken up In discussing time feud between Mr Murphy and Senator McCarren Mr Sheehan is underutc have stated that If New York U to be itied for Parker next fall it will be necessary to put an end to all faotionul fights i4r Murphy U to have tb fullest support insisted that Mr McCarren ought not Co be made chairman of the State executive committee From friends of this conferees It was learned that Mr Sheehan explained that it would be unfair to SenatorMcCarron after time work he had done in helping to obtain the nomination of Judge Parker to sacrifice him und humiliate him These friends also related Mr Murphy could not bo persuaded to recede from the position lio hud taken ho was willing to concede almost everything else that might be asked of him but would not withdraw lila ob- jection to the election of McCarren as thp head of the Stutu committee When tine no de- cialou hud been reached no far as could be learned It was agreed to hold another meeting In a day or two In the meantime Mr Sheehau De Lancey Nlcoll and other Democratic leaders will It is understood endeavor to figure out some means whereby- Mr Murphy may be appeased without putting a slight on McCarren National Chairman Tuggart is expected In town to morrow und his advice will be sought Both Mr Sliwliiui und Mr Nlcoll It can be said are determined that the dispute be- tween Tammany und tIme McOurrunltes must bo ended without delay Mr Nicolln selection to take charge of time national Euateru headquarters was pleasing to Tammany leaders Although- Mr Murphy not comment on the choice Daniel F McMuhon and other big uun in Tammany said they were per ectly satisfied Mr Nicoll when he was yesterday If lie thought hU appoint- ment watt intended to insure tine loyalty of Tammany replied that he did not and added I cannot explain why I was chosen unless It was because Mr Taggart and other of tho national committee do certain work in the cam- paign and thought that I was the man for the place I do not consider myself Tammanys representative In the com- mittee although I have always been on friendly terms with Mr Murphy and other Tammany lenders Senator McCarren and Big Bill Devery dined together lost night at the Hoffman House which caused considerable amuse- ment among time politicians McCarren and Devsrv wore frequently chaired by lent t state promise that execute member con- ference aed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ their friends Ah caught with the goods on you said one roan to Devery Its you then for treasurer all right Ill tbe job if I can got it and Id like to it and say if its put up to me to look after the dough Ill make State headquarters a for the boys TAGGART STARTS EAST firings With Him Joseph T Fanning ai Confidential AdvlierI- NDUNAPOLIS Aug 4 Thomas Tag gait and Joseph T Fanning started East this evening and will reach New York before the meeting of tho national execu- tive committee which has been called for Monday Mr Fanning accompanies the chairman us his confidential friend and adviser and he will sustain this relation to him throughout tho campaign spending much time in New York and assisting Taggart In the Details of organization- Mr Taggart was undecided when ho left here AS to tine appointment of a finance committee but time subject will como up at Mondays meeting Stops are to bo put the party machinery in opera onco and money will be raised for that purpose No attempt it U understood line been made in the direction of financing- tho campaign but friends of the say this matter will bo attended to Joseph T Fanning who inns boon selected as adviser to Taggart i a well known politician and has a close friend of Taggart for years been the manager of some of Taggarts campaigns Mrs flrorsje K Davis Gets Her Divorce WILKKSIUIIKB Pa divorce- was granted today to Mrs Qeorgo K Davis formerly Miss helm C Gallatin or the well known New York family of that name from her husband who Is a tnino owner and operator In this They wore married I8J7 she charges in June 1903 he deserted her tae bag tko char hen ug 4A to tum t g I tat She estrangement is due society t S ¬ ¬ = SEVEN DROWN PROS YACHT Americans Perth Attempting to Reach Shore After Vessel Grounded DidBY N 8 Aug 4 Seven of the eight persons who were out on Commodore Irv ings yacht Onlda today were drowned by tho capsizing of a tender into which they attempted to reach shore the yacht had grounded on Bear Island bar near Smiths cove Among the dead are Mr OReilly said to be a York woman her daughter- and a old also George Leach of Masonvillo Capt Charles honey of Digby who was In charge of the yacht Mr Vodlto of Digby and another person The only one saved was Albert Vedlto of tide town The Onlda left lien this morning to take- out a party of Americans who were camp- ing at Pinkeys Point at the mouth of Bear River II YANDEllHILT FINED Pays Mlk and Costs for Ovvnuerdlns Ills Automobile In Newport NEWPORT It I Alg 4 Reginald C Vanderbilt appeared at the police station thU evening and pleaded guilty to over speeding till auto last night and was firmed IIS and costs The complaint was made lust night by Policeman Sweeney who at the time H Maitland Armstrong for the offence Sweeney was able to hold iii Armstrong and took him to the pollen station and this morning he paid u fine of 110 and costs The Vanderbilt machine was going too fast for Sweeney so a warrant was served- on Air Vanderbilt this I New year lame I after ar- rested ¬ ¬ SHOT AT TIlE KISSER IJIrls Korea ins on Clarrmont Heights Steps Brought a Hfscurr John Fredericks who lives near the top of a flight of wooden steps that lead from Webster avenue over Claremont Heights- to Clay venue Time Bronx heard a womans scream last night conning from the direc tion of the steps He got his revolver and ran to the steps He saw a girl running toward him and a man jumping down the steps in the other direction Tine girl told Frederick that the man had jumped out and tried to kiss her as she climbing the steps Fredericks fired four shots at the fleeing kissing bug but none took effect The girl refused to give her name KINGS SURGEON FOR MRS PAGET Ills Majesty lUqnests Sir Frederick Trrves to Visit Injnred American Woman Sftrlal C W Dupatelt to Tn sos LONDON Aug 4 King Edward line re quested that Sir Frederick Troves Ser- geant Surgeon in Ordinary to Majesty be called to consult with Dr Scott who Is attending Mm Arthur Pa got daughter of the late Mrs Paran Stevens of New York who on Monday was by falling down the elevator London residence WEDS HIS STENOGRAPHER Julia C Chamberlain Known Bridge- port Lawyer ShieD BKIDOKPOKT Conn Aug 4 Attorney John C Chamberlain known throughout Connecticut as a criminal lawyer of high standing and formerly a member of the New York bar surprised lila fclcndu yesterday by hU marring in Waterbury- to Miss Harriett L Slason who has been hi stenographer for five years Mr Chamberlain has practising law for thirty years and years was Prosecuting Attorney here He Is wealthy and Is about 55 years old Miss Slason is 25 years old and well educated Mr Chamberlain In a graduate of Yule HttOKE ARM IN PITCHEHS fOX Malone Threw the Ball So Hard He Snipped tine Bone Sear the Shoulder VERONA N J Aug Malone or the Scheuer baseball nine broke Ills ann In tine box at Verona Lake today He put special effort into one ball which he pitched As It left hits hand the spec tutors heard a loud crack and saw Malones- arm fall limply- Dr Whltehorn who was summoned found that tho pitchers arm had a com- pound fracture near the shoulder LEFT JEWELS IN LONDON HOTEL iris Injure Url Un ben 4Peter pltcha ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Chambermaid Makes Valuable Find After Circlets Americans Hail Sailed SpecIal CaW Dcivatch to TBS SON LONPON Aug 4 When a chambermaid employed at the Savoy Hotel was cleaning on Sunday the grate in a suite recently occupied by an his wife and daughter sire discovered In the ashpon a silk handkerchief containing five diamond rings a turquoise ring a diamond and necklace a diamond tiara a gold case a gold watch and a purse containing 20 in Bank of England notes and 120 In American notes The total value of the find is some thou- sands of pounds Up to yesterday the treasure was unclaimed and the manage met of the hotel was uncertain whether it belonged to the lost occupants of the suite who sailed on the Campania Satur- day or to others Last evening a wireless despatch was received saying Left something In the fireplace of room Please hold until we return Advise if found The three Americans came to London in April and then went to the Continent They returned to London a fortnight ago and stopped at the Savoy The young lady who Is supposed to have lost the valuables is about 18 years old COP SAVES DROWNING MAN Dived led Drought Him Up and Kept Him Alive Until Uootqr Canes A daring rescue was witnessed by a large crowd in the ocean off tho toot of Rcmson avenue Rockaway Beach yesterday after- noon John OBrien 19 years old of Ja maica while swimming beyond the lifelines suddenly called for help and sank Policeman James F Nancy of the Hock away Beach precinct was bathing at the j time and wont to OBriens aid He and brought him to the surface j nclous Both were picked up by Lifeguard Benjamine Boyoo who put out in his cain mnran Artificial respiration was resorted by Policeman Neary and the life saver to keep OBrien alive until Dr Schenck arrived U was later able to be taken boom peal I I dive j home I eta to ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JAPS FIRE INTO PORT ARTHUR TOKIO EXPECTS HOURLY TO HEAR OF STRONGHOLDS CAPTURE Hoped That Ilnstlnn Ships With He to Sea and live lUttle One llepnlied Ilalohene Occupied by Jap Troops Knrokl Nearer IJaoyanrI- picM Cable Deipalclui la TB Sex TOKIO Aug 4 The Japanese are hourly awaiting tidings of victory at Port Arthur It la known that the Japanese nopsa is gradually tightening and that their are pouring fire Into time fortress a diminishing circle It is believed that their fire will compel the Russian squadron to leave the harbor and engage Admiral Togos fleet It Is the Current belief that the Emperor expressed a desire that tine capture fortress bo effected with the smallest possible sacrifice of life Hence the care and precision in approaching tho defences and the extensive use of the larger engines of war In clearing the wny Otherwise It is coribldcred that as the Japanese Infantry will go anywhere and refuse to retire whatever Its losses Port Arthur could have been ruptured before now but only with a heavy sacrifice of life It in said t the Russians have been driven back to their last line of laud defences and FOld gus his j that the Japanese have 310 guns In action t destroyers four torpedo boats and several gunboats emerged from Port Arthur on Monday night The Japanese destroyers on guard tine port gave battle and there was- a brisk engagement for twenty minutes Then the Ruwiaim were driven back to port j LONDON Aug 5 The Chefoo correspon- dent of the Telegraph says that the Japanese positions at Port Arthur are exposed to tha fire of the torts and that the besiegers must either advance or evacuate the peel I tlons A despatch to the Telegraph from St Petersburg says that the Ministry of War U In possession pf information that although several thousand Russians have fallen In the recent engagements at Port Arthur there is no immediate danger of the fall of the fortress The forts on the northern and north western front are almost all held by the Russians who Uualt terrible destruction upon the Japanese in their recent attacks The Japanese advanced like beings j of dentin and Insensible to pain They were mowed down like grass JAbS OCCUPY HAWUENG- Utirokl Within Twenty Miles of UaoyaBK Troops Leaded at VlniKow- aptclal lieipntelui to Tun Spf- TOKIO Tiie Japanese occupied Halcheug which was abandoned by the Russians after their defeat at Slmucheng at noon yesterday Newchwang was also occupied yesterday by Japanese troops The Russians are continuing their northward from Halchcng Oku with 50000 men and Gen Nodzu another 00000 are pressing their advantage A Is expected soon north of Hal len Kurokis is within twenty miles of Llaoyaug on the northeast HU advance guard Is in wltb time Russians dally Time NlcM McM reports the taking of YushullnUu by the Japanese It Is antici- pated that time Russians will make a third attempt to Motlen Pass PARIS Aug 4 The Petit Journal that 20000 Japanese troops have at Yingkow time port of Newchwang- and are advancing rapidly in tine direction of Llaoyang The source of this report is not revealed A force marching from Ylugkow would take the Russians on the rightflank WASHINGTON Aug 4 The Japanese legation has received this despatch from Tokio Rulan I I Cal ret- reat Get bate wing acton retake re- port I be- fore heed- less ¬ ¬ ¬ len Oku reports that the enemy has been retreating northward continually since Aug 2 On Aug 3 our army occupied Halcheng and Newchwang which is thirty miles northeast of the of the same name BALTIC FLEET STARTST Eight Warship Said to Less stack Two In English CtunMl Special u Tax PARIS Aug 4 The Journal states four cruisers and tour torpedo boats Cronstadt yesterday morning on their way to the Far CALAIS Aug 4 fishing boat reports that two Russian cruisers entered time Eng- lish Channel from the direction of the North Sea this morning CHINESE MAY BOTHER RUSSIANS Ordered to Prevent Violation of Territory In Retreat Prom Japanese SpfriaJ Ctttlt Dupatch to TUB SUN TOKIO Aug is reported that Gen Yuen the Chinese commander in Man has his headquarters in Mukden despatches to his officers in charge of the Chinese west of theI woRlve instructing prevent the Russians in tho least offensive manner possible from violating tho neutrality of Chinese territory by crossing the river in case they should be driven Kick by tho Japanese from their present positions GERMAN INQUIRY ON THEA Her Sinking to He Made the Subject or ltrir Kentatlnns t llnssln- fipttial Catilr lttt tctit la Tim Srx- COMKINK Aug 4 A despatch to the flattltc from Rorlln states that the news or the of Ihn Nliatiixnli Tlmn by the Vladlvixttok of- ficially verified It will M iniuJi nu- ljiol of to K- lPotwslwrp mid iin inquiry Into thu cir- cumstances will he comnirncf l Tht owners report Is expected tomorrow HONO KONG Aug i ThetfouU CAin- aI alt ate Ben tat Est CIt churl who trop lOn I I Have letS act t p41 ink I rig Mt non Ira t ii him tnnid it i riinrsum I it I bins r ¬ ¬ > < ¬ <

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-08-05 [p ]....he used by the packers is now piling up In Chicago banks The packers-are heavy borrowers under normal condi-tions They carry loans and

ftuDAT AUGUST 51Showers today and tornorpBir Sf

fresh south winds

NEW YORK FRIDAY t AUGUST 1904 CopiirtoMlVHbvThiSvnrrMinoand PvWiMna AnocMion PRICE TWO CENTS

II t L b

YOLo 5



i ttitLXXLO34O ii



Kmployrrt Association Decides on Retsllatory Measure Fourteen TradesAffected 15OOO laborers Will Suf-

fer Knd or the Arbitration Agreement

Thn board of governors of the BuildingJ Trades Employers Association declared

war yesterday on all the unions whose memon strike In the eubway and on

buildings In this cityAt n mooting of the board yesterday

afternoon and evening a general lookoutnAIl decided on to bring the unions toterm With the exception of theplumber all tho members of these unionswill be locked out If their members do notreturn to work this morning in accordancewith an ultimatum sent to tho unions onWednesday

The plumbers union has until MondayIvcauon It was shown that It did not re-

ceive the notice on timeThis lockout will Involve not only New

York city hut places within twentyfivemiles of New York whore members of thepinployers association have contractsIncluding the plasterers It will affectnearly 33000 skilled workers Independentrf laborers The lockout has been threat-ened for two weeks but the employerswore reluctant to take such extreme ac

The union which are not to be lockedrut say they will not work It nonunionmen are employed and believe that It willresult in the collapse of the arbitration agree-ment which was designed to put an end toMrikr and lockouts In the trade The



i t




f 1









following am the unions of skilledInvolved and the number of menIlfotberhood of CarpenterBrotherhood of PaintersKlerstor Constructors Union

Shorera and Movers UnionJetirnrymen StoneMarble Polishers UnionHrulllo Lathers UnionMotile Workers UnionPlumbers and Oas Fitters Unionoperative Pluterers SocietyTile 1ayerV UnionKlrrtricsl Workers UnionCement Masons UnionBlue Stone

In Addition 15000 laborers and helperswill be thrown idle through the lockoutof the skilled trades bringing the totalnumber to nearly 48000 It the lockoutcontinues for a number of inether trades who are not on strike nowwill made Idle These will include struct-ural iron workers bricklayers

alUed tradesThe meeting of the board of governors

was preceded by a meeting of the emer-gency committee of the association in the

at 48fl Fifth avenuewhere it was agreed to recommend thelockout

As soon as the emergency committeecame to the Building Trades dub the meetIng of tho board of governors startedU was the most exciting meeting theyhave ever held Tho heated discussioncould be heard outside and when the lockout decision was reached it was receivedwith cheers President Charles Eldlitz-of the Employers Association then cameout and made the following statement

We have come to the conclusion that wecannot settle the present troubles ID the buildlug trades without using strong measuresWe hive tried our best but the repented vio-lations of the arbitration atonement by theunions has decided us to resort to strongmeasure Tomorrow alt the members orthe unions which have ordered the strikesin the Midway arid elsewhere will be locked

Ut if their members are tiot at work m theinormni-

ri have excepted the who didnot receive our and wolave given them until Monday This lockout

lll embrace n radius of twentylive milesaround New York taking in all territory whereniMnh r of our onsociitioii haTe contracts

Tlu programme into effect in spiteif the Ilinldini Trades Alliance The alliance

we Irarn has ordered more strikes todayon the West Ride and in Brooklyn If thelave other measures about which notprepared to talk now Wo have been forcedinto this tIght and it will be fought toa finish It is up to the unions to end it byompliunca with our ultimatum

The unions members are not awork Mr Eldlltz later

will be put on the street on Monday ThePlumbers Union will find its onthe on Tuesday If Usare not at work on Monday

Mr Eldlitz was asked whether It wouldany difference to the Employers Asso-

ciation if the men who had until todayreported for work tomorrow




iou COO

Union 12001 00




1nJCutters Unto 1000

Total 37800

besteam tter


olflce ot Otto M Eldllh ot theEmployer Alllloclation

j I


1 lockout not the desired elect we









does hareI

a Street









Positively not he Sail It can makeno difference whatever If we set themachine In motion it cannot be stoppedon that short notice We shall act

y After that the board of governorswill have to decide Men who report forwork on Saturday morning will not beexcluded from our order

Mr Eidlitz was asked if the other measuresmeant the open shop He declared he hadno more to say

In the meantime the delegates of thevarious who had waited outside tohear of the meeting said theyexpected it when they heard of the lockoutand would at once begin ft war of strikesIn reprisal The engineers who struck at

Trinity Building returned to work asthey did not want to embarrass the iron-workers who are not in the alliance Inthe meantime committees of the allianceare out canvassing and will try to induce-all tho to Join-

A of the Tile Layers

f This is the finish ofagreement It was ourthroats and if the nonunion men to work all the other trades

strike whether they are in the allianceor not Then all building will be tied up

The alliance did not order the strikeagainst the George A Fuller Company atthe Sturtovant Hotel Twentynlnth street

7 Broadway but wilt order strikes theyon all the Puller contracts today

The lockout will tie up the painting work-on the subway which was being doneby the Brotherhood of Painters becausethe latter has violated the arbitrationagreement by ordering strikes on all thecontract of H Nelson A Co All thameml er will be locked out Besides thoseand the subway strikes strikes have fromday to day been ordered onbuildings throughout the city

and Ofte a minutes New York




Union among the water

for dow




uGam 0 Can Eull8u


who was said



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Mrs Kratisj of Hartford City Ind ChargedWith Killing StepdaughterIN-

DIANAPOUB Aug 4 Miss CrystalKrause 18 years old the daughter of adruggist of Hartford City and tho mosttalented young woman of the place Isdead from strychnine poison and herstepmother in in the county jail chargedwith her murder

The girl was first taken ill on Fridaynight last but rallied and woe out on Sun-day On Tuesday oho was again takenill and two hours after physicians werecalled died in convulsions Tho physi-cians declared that the symptoms indicatedstrychnine poisoning and when a note wasafterward produced saying she could notlive without her lover her death was sup-posed to have resulted from suicide

This was accepted till it was found that-a twelveyearold boy Lloyd Summervllle had boon sent to a drug store by MrsKrausn and had purchased a powder whichthe clerk told him was deadly poisonWhen the noto to tIme druggist was pro-duced It was in the same handwriting asthe note supposed to have been loft by thegirl but was signed Mrs Showalter

Mrs Krauss was questioned and declaredthat she did not send the lad to tho drug-store He said positively that Mrs Kraussgave him the noto and the money to buythe drug and the clerk said he let him have15 cents worth of strychnine-

The Coroner ordered tho arrest of Mrsshe was locked up Mrs Krause

years old and was married to MrKrauss two years ago Before his marriage-ho made a will in which he bequeathed hisproperty to his daughter This Is believedto be the motive for the crime as It wouldrevert to tho wife In the event of the girlsdeath I







PolIcemen Fat Auto Picks HerUp Over Handle liars Badly Hurt

Henry Kupfraln a bicycle policemanattached to the Tremont station while pursuing a speeding automobile lost eveningnearly ran down a girl and in trying to saveher was so badly hurt that he had to gohome Kupfraln gave chase to a rod au-

tomobile which passed him at Wendoverand Washington avenues going north onWashington avenue He says It was goingover twentyfive miles an hour but startIng with a handicap of a blockand a halfho had come up to within twentyfive yardsof the machine In a mile chase to Troroontavenue At this point Mabel Mahoney13 years old of 4154 Park avenue started-to run across Washington avenue behindthe automobile Tho dust of tho machinehid the bicycle policeman from her andKupfraln did not see the girl until he wasright upon her Then he leaned over hishandle bars and lifted her in both arms andpoliceman and girl rolled fifteen In theroad

The girl was rendered unconscious butDr Dolan of Fordbatn Hospital who answered an ambulance call found her worstInjury was a scalp wound

Kupfraln had his uniform andhis hip that he was re

from duty He complained of aheart and Dr Dolan advised him

to consult his family physician for fear hehad sustained Internal Injuries

The automobile the occupants of whichare unknown did not stop


Money Piling Ip In Cliloaco and the Pack-er Paying UfT Notes

CillCiao Aug 4 Chicago bankers com-plain that the meat strike Is having seriouseffect on the local money market Millions-of that und er normal business con

he used by the packers is nowpiling up In Chicago banks The packers-are heavy borrowers under normal condi-tions They carry loans and notes amounting In the aggregate to nearly f 100000000or this sum about 40000000 Is carried byChicago Since the beginning ofthe are paying off loansand taking up notes

Reports of a conference between thopackers and labor leaders alleged to haveboon held this afternoon are declared byboth sides to be without foundation

It was reported today that beef luggersin alt the cold storage plants handling meatfrom the big packers were to be called outIn aid of the striking stock yards men Thiswould tie up the plants according to oneprominent market man and shut off asource of supply for many meat dealers

Police Inspector Hunt declared todaythat from tills time on the police who areon strike duty will answer showers of stonesbricks and clubs with revolver shots

not at the skies but at the rioterswill shoot to kill




















Was Trying to Stop a Fight In the RiversideCasino

At the Riverside Casino at 110th streetand Amsterdam avenue shortly after 11

oclock last night a lot of young toughsmode their way to the balcony overlooking-the dancing floor and got into a row withone of the waiters

Special Policeman John Stodlemullerwho ran up to quiet the disturbance-was knocked down kicked and finally shotin the left side The man who did theshooting dropped from the balcony to thedancing floor fifteen feet dasheda and got away All

the gang followed suit and weregone when two policemen arrived

tho riot many noses wero smashedbruised Stodlomuller

was hurried to the J Hood Wrightital He is In a very serious condition

The Riverside Casino was formrly Waldrons dance hall Many residents In theneighborhood have protested against thelicensing of the place


Mrs Barrett Warned Her Husband Not toHer but He Did

Pa Augme for a burglar and shoot mocome back sold Mrs Charles E Barrett ofRidgeway last night to her husband as shestarted down stairs to got a drink

Only partly awake Barrett dreamed ofburglars who have boon operating in thetown of Five minutes later when hiswife returned ha grasped his rcvolror andshot her in the leg

Whales Off Long IslandThe Hamburg American liner

in yesterday from Hamburg passed yesterday morning between Fire Island and SandyHook two large whale diving and spout-ing and a school of



Hoot4Dont tae

and Coal







Mr McKeever Fatally Beaten on Her Wayto Home In Bronx From New noehrlle

Money Husband Sayt May Beor Lumber Varfl Toughs

Mrs Mary Garrlty who lives at 648 East143d street heard somebody pounding-on the front door of the house between1 and 2 oclock yesterday morning Shoput her head out of a window and saw awoman who swayed unsteadily trying-to open tho door Mrs Garrity orderedher away but the woman kept poundingat the door and made no reply

Then the alarmed Mrs Garrity calledHall from his post near by

The woman at tho door made no resistanceto arrest She seemed unable to talkand when her tongue tried to form wordsnothing save an Incoherent mumbling-came from her lips

Hall took her to the Alexander avenuestation with some difficulty as her legsgave way under her several andphe seemed unable to control feetAt the police station she was chargedwith drunkenness The sergeant howevernoticed that her hair was mattedHe called an ambulance At Hos-pital Dr Allen examined woman He

saidThisIs a case of drunk She has a

slight scalp wound and has been bleedingsome

Then the woman was sent to the Tremontavenue police station to be locked upMatron Fltzslmmons took charge of her






and put her in a cell matronto look in upon the prisoner a little laterabout 3 oclock in the morning end was

to see her lying face downwardfloor unconscious her face quite

bloodlessTheres something more the matter with

tills woman than drink said Matron Fitz

the woman carefully removing her dross Blue bruises coveredthe prisoners breast and shoulders andmore bruises were on her The matrontook a look at the

If Im not badly mistaken weve gotof fractured skull here she said to

sergeantThey revived the woman with whiskey

and cold water and she became able to talka bit Intelligently Then they found thatshe was Mrs Caroline MoKeover who livedat 157 West Ninetyeighth street She hadgot lost she told them where she didntknow She could not account for herinjuries She didnt seem to know that shehad been hurt

Another ambulance took her to Fordham Hospital and a messenger was sontfor her husband Herbert MoKeever-He came before daylight and told them atthe hospital that his wife had left homeWednesday afternoon at 8 oclock to visither lawyer Frederick U Seacord In SewRochelle and to see about the upof her sisters estate In thatsister he said was Mrs Kate Mahler awoman of some wealth who died about ayear ago When his wife did not comehome McKeever he was worried butsupposed she had the night with hernephew Charles Maher who lives in Hugue-not street New Itochelle His wife hadsome valuable papers he said and sortiemoney He did not know how much

At Fordbam Hospital Mrs McKeeverrapidly gnw worse At noon yesterdayshe died without being able to explainher injuries In the afternoon Drby order of Coroner OGonnanautopsy He round that the brain had beencrushed by a blow at the back of the skulland that the inability to remember or totalk had come from this injury which hadeventually caused death

Mr Seaoord the attorney for MrsMcKeever said last night that badbeen at his office consulting him about hersisters estate Wednesday afternoon Shewent to her nephews then be sold andhad left for New York about 7 oclock inthe evening he had heard He did notknow whether she was carrying money-or not

Coroner OOonnan thinks she may havebeen assaulted and robbed at 189th streetbetween flyer and Third avenue in thelumber yard district a hangout forBronx toughs Another theory that MrsMcKeever may have been struck by a trolley-car was not heeded by the police

DetectIves wore put to work on the caseThe Coroner is conducting an investigation-of his own

NBW ROCHELLE Aug 4 Frederick HBeocord counsel for Mrs Carrie McKeeversaid this evening














Mrs McKeever was executrix of the willof her sister Mrs Catherine who

last January at 131 Nowleaving an estate of several thou-

sand dollars I have known Mrs McKeevcr for time My knowledge of herhas of the best She visitedme Wednesday afternoon on business atmy office and later wont to the home of hernephew Charles Mahler of Huguenotstreet I have been told that Mrs McKeever left her nephews home about oclockand started by trolley for her home in

after the death of hersister lived in New until last Maywhen she She al

bore reputation and madefriends while

UNDER THE PICTURE liArPoliceman Wonldnt Arrest Bellevnei

Queerest PatientDr Erdwum was busy with his reports

at Bellevue Hospital last night when avoice In the doorway said

Doctor Ive got a bad cold I think-It has settled In my

The doctor saw a picturehat white dotted veil white shirtwaistand black short skirt The face was abit indistinct behind the veil

All right Raid Erdwum Go back tothe womens reception room A nursewill examine you

He went on writing but he dropped hispen and made a jump for the door whena womans scream rang through the hos-

pital v-

At the door of the womens reception-room the doctor learned that the patientwas a man Dr Erdwum called Police-man Johnson who refused to arrest thepatient who called himself Stella EngelThey merely put him out place

nirnett ExtractU oUl br an the but evfjrwctf UrlS






jVa ala

of the







Falling Mm Stuck Put Half Way Downaoo Foot Cliff on PalUadri

Antonio Braccio who had been missingfor two days was found yesterday morningtightly wedged in a rookson tho side of a 300 foot precipice HudsonHeights North Bergen N J He wasexhausted from his struggles to free himself and halt famished

had been employed as a drillerIn a quarry He disappeared on Tuesdaymorning soon after reaching the quarryand tho foreman ho had simplyquit work On morning thequarrymen reported that Braoclogo home and the foreman ordered aTho men found no trace of him and anotherdriller was put to work in his place

The newcomer heard groans yesterdaymorning while drilling a jagged rock onthe side of tho bluff Ho climbed to thetop of the precipice and saw Braccio fastIn the crevice 100 below Ho arope around his a dozenhands lowered him to the imprisoned manHe fastened a second rope around Bracalosbody and both were lifted to tho top ofthe precipice

Braooios fellow countrymen seized himin their arms and smothered him with kisses

Ho couldnt explain how he fell into theTho foreman thought he left

the on which he liad been working-to nap and dropped between therocks foot first Braccio was carried toShadysldo on a stretcher

THEFT NEARLY COST A LIFEWoman Jumped Off After Boy Who



tot tie





tinatchfd Her handbagMrs Elizabeth Paland wife of Charles-

W Palond a real estate dealer whosehome is at 21 East list street was ridingnext the side rail in a southboundavenue car last night whenEightieth and Eightyfirst streets a dirtyhand darted under the rail and tore herhandbag from her wrist breaking the

Paland tho blood running fromher cut wrist jumped under the rollfrom the moving car screaming A north-bound Madison avenue car was coming uprapidly Mrs Paland was thrown directlyon the track by the momentum of the carshe had been riding In Tho motorman ofnorthbound car brought It to a standstillwith the wire scoop touching Mrs PalandssideThe

woman was picked up unconsciouswith her dress torn half off her face cutand her arms and Shewon taken to time

and later home sent In a serious conditionIn the meantime the cry of Stop thief

had excited several hundred peopletime avenue Detective Schwartztrolman Argue of the East Eightytintstreet station hoard It and gave chase to afleeing boy At Seventysecond streetthey caught him Mrs Polands handbag-In his hand He was locked up chargedwith highway robbery giving the name ofWilliam Bender 16 years old no home


Georgia Soldiers Told That None WillCamp Sear Them at Manmsa

ATLANTA la Aug 4 There will beno negro in camp at ManansaHnear troops are campedsaid Terrell today in unawor to timequestion if there would be any negro troops-In the sortie brigade with the Georgia soldiets

For some reason the report was startedseveral days ago that there would be unegro regiment btuldo tli Georgia soldiersin time coming big AH soonaa the report many ofthe soldiers who had agreed to go to Vir-ginia began to notify their commandingofficers that there would b very few menin time camp if such a state of affairs wonallowed

Got Terrell took the up with theauthorities at has receivedthe information that there will be only onenegro command at the encampment andthat will bo In the Connecticut brigade andnowhere the Georgians The Gover-nor said

If any negroes were to be camped withour boys I would not give the men permission to leave tine State F wont standfor anything like that The Go rgla menmust be camped with white soldiers or theydo not leave title State


flanker of Myersrlllr Sid Wounded InThree Places by a Thief I



hand lacerate













MVKnaviLlK Md Aug 4 George MBiLlie one of the best known merchants-of this place and also treasurer and cashierof the Myersvllle Savings Bank was shotthroe times and Injured seriously whiledefending his place of nightagainst an attempt burglary

midnight Mr Blttlo heard a noiseat the store door and becoming suspicious-of an attempt at robbery secured a re-volver and went to the front door of hisresidence next door to the store In thedarkness Mr Bittle saw a man prying attho keyhole and he walked out of the doorto the front pavement within a dozen steps-of the burglar

The latter upon seeing Mr futIlewhipped out a revolver and fired five shotsat him in rapid succession one effectin the left arm one entering theand ono the right side Mr madean attempt to uso his theweapon failed to work

Tho of time shooting brought assistance wounded man and he was car-ried into tho house and physicians sent forTwo of the wore removed

A under surveillance MrBiltle may recover


Wants line District Attorney to ProsecutePlttiburger for Crime Against Her

Miss Virginia H Bowles accompanied byher father John P Virginia andher aunt Mrs Margaret E went totho District Attorneysfor the purpose of having a charge of assaultentertained against the Pittsburg manwho Miss Bowles says assaulted her in ahotel in this city after ho had made herdrunk

Assistant District Gnrvon whotalked is understood come to

time District office all thatthere Is no decision will bo

until Acting District Attorney Rand

The charge against Mrs Gertrude Taylor

b beard a tb polios s urttoday





that has held In




the same conclusion beenAttorneys






Went There but Stuck to It That McCarrrnShould Not Ic State Executive Chair-man Urackets hint With Devery SIo-

Carrrn and Devery Dine Tdgetlirr

Within twentyfour hours of the announce-ment of his appointment as chairman ofthe executive committee of tho Demo-cratic notional committee William FSheehan started in to do some practicalwork He an endeavor to settlethe between Charles FMurphy and Senator Pat McCarren whichdidnt seem to be very tar on the way towardsettlement in the morning at which time MrMurphy said to reporters at tho wigwam-

If MoCarren is made chairman of theState executive commit too Dovery ought-to be chosen treasurer McCarren andDovery would make a good team they areJust alike and are two of a kind

Yesterday afternoon Mr Sheehan hadconferences in his office at 32 Liberty streetwith DaLauoey Nlcoll the vicechairman ofthe national committee Thomas F Ryanand Mr Murphy Mr Ryan mot MessrsSheehan and Nlcoll by appointment at3 oclock The three were together forover an hour

It U understood that Mr Sheehan sug-gested that Mr Ryajj use whatever in-

fluence ha might have to induce tine Tam-many to drop the fight with Senator

after election-At tho end of about an hours talk on this








matter Mr Ryan suggested that Mr Murphy-be for Mr Murphy ho explained-was time building Mr Murphy wasupstairs on the fifteenth flour in J SergeantCrams office Mr Murphy immediatelyresponded to the invitation and wenttQ Mr Sheehans office and it was not untilnearly 6 oclock that time meeting broke up

While none of those who were at thecould be Induced to relate what

happened It may be stated that the timeafter Mr Murphy entered the room wasmostly taken up In discussing time feudbetween Mr Murphy and Senator McCarrenMr Sheehan is underutc have statedthat If New York U to be itied for Parkernext fall it will be necessary to put an endto all faotionul fights i4r Murphy U

to have tb fullest supportinsisted that Mr

McCarren ought not Co be made chairmanof the State executive committee

From friends of this conferees It waslearned that Mr Sheehan explained that itwould be unfair to SenatorMcCarron aftertime work he had done in helping to obtainthe nomination of Judge Parker to sacrificehim und humiliate him These friendsalso related Mr Murphy could notbo persuaded to recede from the positionlio hud taken ho was willing to concedealmost everything else that might be askedof him but would not withdraw lila ob-

jection to the election of McCarren as thphead of the Stutu committee

When tine no de-

cialou hud been reached no far as could belearned It was agreed to hold anothermeeting In a day or two In the meantimeMr Sheehau De Lancey Nlcoll and otherDemocratic leaders will It is understoodendeavor to figure out some means whereby-Mr Murphy may be appeased withoutputting a slight on McCarren NationalChairman Tuggart is expected In town tomorrow und his advice will be soughtBoth Mr Sliwliiui und Mr Nlcoll It can besaid are determined that the dispute be-

tween Tammany und tIme McOurrunltesmust bo ended without delay

Mr Nicolln selection to take charge oftime national Euateru headquarters waspleasing to Tammany leaders Although-Mr Murphy not comment onthe choice Daniel F McMuhon and otherbig uun in Tammany said they were perectly satisfied Mr Nicoll when he was

yesterday If lie thought hU appoint-ment watt intended to insure tine loyaltyof Tammany replied that he did not andadded

I cannot explain why I was chosenunless It was because Mr Taggart andother of tho national committee

do certain work in the cam-paign and thought that I was the manfor the place I do not consider myselfTammanys representative In the com-mittee although I have always been onfriendly terms with Mr Murphy and otherTammany lenders

Senator McCarren and Big Bill Deverydined together lost night at the HoffmanHouse which caused considerable amuse-ment among time politicians McCarrenand Devsrv wore frequently chaired by



state promise














their friendsAh caught with the goods on you

said one roan to Devery Its you thenfor treasurer all right

Ill tbe job if I can got it and Idlike to it and say if its put up tome to look after the dough Ill makeState headquarters a for theboys


firings With Him Joseph T Fanning aiConfidential AdvlierI-

NDUNAPOLIS Aug 4 Thomas Taggait and Joseph T Fanning started Eastthis evening and will reach New Yorkbefore the meeting of tho national execu-tive committee which has been called forMonday Mr Fanning accompanies thechairman us his confidential friend andadviser and he will sustain this relation tohim throughout tho campaign spendingmuch time in New York and assistingTaggart In the Details of organization-

Mr Taggart was undecided when ho lefthere AS to tine appointment of a financecommittee but time subject will como upat Mondays meeting Stops are to bo

put the party machinery in operaonco and money will be raised for

that purpose No attempt it U understoodline been made in the direction of financing-tho campaign but friends of thesay this matter will bo attended to

Joseph T Fanning who inns boon selectedas adviser to Taggart i a well knownpolitician and has a close friend ofTaggart for years been the managerof some of Taggarts campaigns

Mrs flrorsje K Davis Gets Her DivorceWILKKSIUIIKB Pa divorce-

was granted today to Mrs Qeorgo KDavis formerly Miss helm C Gallatinor the well known New York family of thatname from her husband who Is a tninoowner and operator In this Theywore married I8J7 she chargesin June 1903 he deserted her




ug 4A

to tum

t g I tat Sheestrangement is due


t S





Americans Perth Attempting to ReachShore After Vessel Grounded

DidBY N 8 Aug 4 Seven of the eightpersons who were out on Commodore Irvings yacht Onlda today were drownedby tho capsizing of a tender into which theyattempted to reach shore the yachthad grounded on Bear Island bar nearSmiths cove

Among the dead are Mr OReilly saidto be a York woman her daughter-and a old also George Leachof Masonvillo Capt Charles honeyof Digby who was In charge of the yachtMr Vodlto of Digby and another person

The only one saved was Albert Vedltoof tide town

The Onlda left lien this morning to take-

out a party of Americans who were camp-

ing at Pinkeys Point at the mouth ofBear River

II YANDEllHILT FINEDPays Mlk and Costs for Ovvnuerdlns Ills

Automobile In NewportNEWPORT It I Alg 4 Reginald C

Vanderbilt appeared at the police stationthU evening and pleaded guilty to overspeeding till auto last night and was firmed

IIS and costsThe complaint was made lust night by

Policeman Sweeney who at the timeH Maitland Armstrong for the

offence Sweeney was able to holdiii Armstrong and took him to thepollen station and this morning he paidu fine of 110 and costs

The Vanderbilt machine was going toofast for Sweeney so a warrant was served-on Air Vanderbilt this











IJIrls Korea ins on Clarrmont Heights StepsBrought a Hfscurr

John Fredericks who lives near the topof a flight of wooden steps that lead fromWebster avenue over Claremont Heights-to Clay venue Time Bronx heard a womansscream last night conning from the direction of the steps He got his revolverand ran to the steps

He saw a girl running toward him and aman jumping down the steps in the otherdirection Tine girl told Frederick thatthe man had jumped out and tried to kissher as she climbing the steps

Fredericks fired four shots at the fleeingkissing bug but none took effect Thegirl refused to give her name


Ills Majesty lUqnests Sir Frederick Trrvesto Visit Injnred American Woman

Sftrlal C W Dupatelt to Tn sosLONDON Aug 4 King Edward line re

quested that Sir Frederick Troves Ser-geant Surgeon in Ordinary to Majestybe called to consult with Dr Scott who Isattending Mm Arthur Pa got daughter ofthe late Mrs Paran Stevens of New Yorkwho on Monday was by fallingdown the elevator Londonresidence


Julia C Chamberlain Known Bridge-port Lawyer ShieD

BKIDOKPOKT Conn Aug 4 AttorneyJohn C Chamberlain known throughoutConnecticut as a criminal lawyer of highstanding and formerly a memberof the New York bar surprised lila fclcnduyesterday by hU marring in Waterbury-to Miss Harriett L Slason who has beenhi stenographer for five years

Mr Chamberlain has practising lawfor thirty years and years wasProsecuting Attorney here He Is wealthyand Is about 55 years old Miss Slasonis 25 years old and well educated MrChamberlain In a graduate of Yule

HttOKE ARM IN PITCHEHS fOXMalone Threw the Ball So Hard He Snipped

tine Bone Sear the ShoulderVERONA N J Aug Malone

or the Scheuer baseball nine brokeIlls ann In tine box at Verona Lake todayHe put special effort into one ball whichhe pitched As It left hits hand the spectutors heard a loud crack and saw Malones-arm fall limply-

Dr Whltehorn who was summonedfound that tho pitchers arm had a com-pound fracture near the shoulder




Url Un







Chambermaid Makes Valuable Find AfterCirclets Americans Hail Sailed

SpecIal CaW Dcivatch to TBS SONLONPON Aug 4 When a chambermaid

employed at the Savoy Hotel was cleaningon Sunday the grate in a suiterecently occupied by an his wifeand daughter sire discovered In the ashpona silk handkerchief containing five diamondrings a turquoise ring a diamond andnecklace a diamond tiara a goldcase a gold watch and a purse containing

20 in Bank of England notes and 120

In American notesThe total value of the find is some thou-

sands of pounds Up to yesterday thetreasure was unclaimed and the managemet of the hotel was uncertain whetherit belonged to the lost occupants of thesuite who sailed on the Campania Satur-day or to others Last evening a wirelessdespatch was received saying

Left something In the fireplace of roomPlease hold until we return Advise iffound

The three Americans came to London inApril and then went to the Continent Theyreturned to London a fortnight ago andstopped at the Savoy The young ladywho Is supposed to have lost the valuablesis about 18 years old


Dived led Drought Him Up and Kept HimAlive Until Uootqr Canes

A daring rescue was witnessed by a largecrowd in the ocean off tho toot of Rcmsonavenue Rockaway Beach yesterday after-noon John OBrien 19 years old of Jamaica while swimming beyond the lifelinessuddenly called for help and sank

Policeman James F Nancy of the Hockaway Beach precinct was bathing at the j

time and wont to OBriens aid Heand brought him to the surface j

nclous Both were picked up by LifeguardBenjamine Boyoo who put out in his cainmnran Artificial respiration was resorted

by Policeman Neary and the life saverto keep OBrien alive until Dr Schenckarrived U was later able to be taken

















Hoped That Ilnstlnn Ships With Heto Sea and live lUttle Onellepnlied Ilalohene Occupied by JapTroops Knrokl Nearer IJaoyanrI-

picM Cable Deipalclui la TB SexTOKIO Aug 4 The Japanese are hourly

awaiting tidings of victory at Port ArthurIt la known that the Japanese nopsa isgradually tightening and that theirare pouring fire Into time fortress adiminishing circle

It is believed that their fire will compelthe Russian squadron to leave the harborand engage Admiral Togos fleet

It Is the Current belief that the Emperorexpressed a desire that tine capture

fortress bo effected with the smallestpossible sacrifice of life Hence the careand precision in approaching tho defencesand the extensive use of the larger enginesof war In clearing the wny

Otherwise It is coribldcred that as theJapanese Infantry will go anywhere andrefuse to retire whatever Its losses PortArthur could have been ruptured beforenow but only with a heavy sacrifice of life

It in said t the Russians have been drivenback to their last line of laud defences and





that the Japanese have 310 guns In action tdestroyers four torpedo

boats and several gunboats emerged fromPort Arthur on Monday night

The Japanese destroyers on guardtine port gave battle and there was-

a brisk engagement for twenty minutesThen the Ruwiaim were driven back toport

jLONDON Aug 5 The Chefoo correspon-

dent of the Telegraph says that the Japanesepositions at Port Arthur are exposed to thafire of the torts and that the besiegersmust either advance or evacuate the peel

I tlonsA despatch to the Telegraph from St

Petersburg says that the Ministry of WarU In possession pf information that althoughseveral thousand Russians have fallen In

the recent engagements at Port Arthurthere is no immediate danger of the fall ofthe fortress

The forts on the northern and northwestern front are almost all held by theRussians who Uualt terrible destructionupon the Japanese in their recent attacksThe Japanese advanced like beings

j of dentin and Insensible to pain Theywere mowed down like grass


Utirokl Within Twenty Miles of UaoyaBKTroops Leaded at VlniKow-

aptclal lieipntelui to Tun Spf-

TOKIO Tiie Japanese occupiedHalcheug which was abandoned by the

Russians after their defeat at Slmucheng

at noon yesterday Newchwang was alsooccupied yesterday by Japanese troops

The Russians are continuing theirnorthward from Halchcng

Oku with 50000 men and Gen Nodzuanother 00000 are pressing their advantageA Is expected soon north of Hal

len Kurokis is within twenty

miles of Llaoyaug on the northeast HU

advance guard Is in wltb time Russians

dallyTime NlcM McM reports the taking of

YushullnUu by the Japanese It Is antici-

pated that time Russians will make a thirdattempt to Motlen Pass

PARIS Aug 4 The Petit Journalthat 20000 Japanese troops haveat Yingkow time port of Newchwang-

and are advancing rapidly in tine directionof Llaoyang The source of this report is

not revealed A force marching fromYlugkow would take the Russians on therightflank

WASHINGTON Aug 4 The Japaneselegation has received this despatch fromTokio





ret-reat Get













len Oku reports that the enemy hasbeen retreating northward continually sinceAug 2 On Aug 3 our army occupiedHalcheng and Newchwang which is

thirty miles northeast of theof the same name


Eight Warship Said to Lessstack Two In English CtunMl

Special u TaxPARIS Aug 4 The Journal states

four cruisers and tour torpedo boatsCronstadt yesterday morning on theirway to the Far

CALAIS Aug 4 fishing boat reportsthat two Russian cruisers entered time Eng-

lish Channel from the direction of the NorthSea this morning


Ordered to Prevent Violation of TerritoryIn Retreat Prom JapaneseSpfriaJ Ctttlt Dupatch to TUB SUN

TOKIO Aug is reported that GenYuen the Chinese commander in Man

has his headquarters in Mukdendespatches to his officers in charge

of the Chinese west of theI woRlveinstructing prevent the Russiansin tho least offensive manner possiblefrom violating tho neutrality of Chineseterritory by crossing the river in casethey should be driven Kick by tho Japanesefrom their present positions


Her Sinking to He Made the Subject orltrir Kentatlnns t llnssln-

fipttial Catilr lttt tctit la Tim Srx-COMKINK Aug 4 A despatch to the

flattltc from Rorlln states that the newsor the of Ihn Nliatiixnli Tlmn bythe Vladlvixttok of-

ficially verified It will M iniuJi nu-ljiol of to K-

lPotwslwrp mid iin inquiry Into thu cir-

cumstances will he comnirncf l Thtowners report Is expected tomorrow

HONO KONG Aug i ThetfouU CAin-






CItchurl who




Have letS



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