the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1905-08-05 [p ].probably showers today mr to morrowi new york saturday...

Probably showers today Mr to morrowi NEW YORK SATURDAY AUGUST 5 1905 C Wr cM IWJ ftVn dtm PrWfno PuHn tuoefal PRICE TWO CENTS 4 I o j l f 7 u- t A1triJAT AU t1f11II2 S 10 n or LJIDlo 8S9 WfiW and w 1P r I 4 IVOL L = i SPOKESMAN KUBUJOt P- Kne vxitMa- Bnlnent Feterstmr Journalist Pi clare terxtntlemnlty Nor Cesslc- of TerrtttKTCta Be CdnftderedJMJsjt- pi Feebly H an STBaek isld all The actlvittss of the plenlpoten- trle yesterday were confined on the of the to attendance at churc services and a formal visit to the Preside br Mr Wittand For Japanese was a day of busy preparation for the thIa morning for OysU Bay and subsequently for Portsmoutl The owning Wai given over to soclnblllt In the WaldorfAstoria where Baron EC ram entertained at dinner twelve persons mostly Japanese gentlemen living in York Minister Tukahlro Uohlda and some of the Barons were By ell odde the not interesting ever ef the day waa the visit to Mr Boto spokesman for the Japanese envoys c N Briantchaninotf an at Russian gentleman who cam here on the eame Bteamer that brougi the Russian envoys and who represents the fltoroj a St Petersburg ranked as conservative in politics which is of the broad and not the narroi type of conservatism Mr Briantcbanlnol not only talked with Mr Sato bnt gay to the New York newspaper men nfte leaving Mr Bato an interview deddedl the most interesting of any that have boon forthcoming since the peace commissioner arrived his only reservation in regard t- it being a request that his own persona unimportance be insisted upon in whatever quotations from his remarks were made 1 the newspapers His request in this mitter was granted with some regret for in addition to being the representative of a newspaper of standing Kit Briantobanlnoff baa personal distinctions which need not be mentioned but whlol give much more than ordinary interest t what he bad to say The Russian gentlemans interview with Mr Sato was quite short It wa about Sakhalin the Russian newspape representative first spoke Recognizing that waa now in Japanese hands he wanted to know if Japan would restore Us political control to Russia for an and for fishing and other privi l g w Mr Sato on this point deeply ro fretted his inability to speak for Japan 01 FO Interesting a question an Inability which had Its origin In no lack of desire on hit part to gratify his Interlocutor wan due solely to hla own unhappy stati of ignorance as to how to such a proposition would impress Baron Komura and tbi other envoys Mr Briantchaninoff then asked if li would inot be possible should the peace negotiations terminate happily for the Japanese people thai they other to become friendly to establish In other words what the Mr Pipelet would have called a commerce cTamitH Mr Sato in language gracefully circum- locutory seemed to express the sentiment so far as it could be gathered that he ex- pressed any sentiment that that was c which it would be in order for the Japanese people to cross when they It That virtually ended the interview wltt Mr Sato but to the newspaper reporters later on Mrt Brlantohaninoff amplified hit ideas My belief la he said that the Russia people will be satisfied with no peace treats which sacrifice of Russia territory or the payment of a general in- demnity An to Sakhalin I do not bellev they will consent to the sacrifice of politic control even of that and with Russia political control would of course go th right to island end make it th hue for zone of control that would go with it as such a base But th Japanese have possession of it is ai accomplished and the I feel regard it as entirely proper to pay an indemnity for its veyanoe to Russias political control that they would willing to the as to the ex fisheries and other wealtl producing resources of the island But it political is vital to Rusalaa intorea on the Paolflo vital to the seourity of Vladl- vostolc and all other points on the Pooifli shore of the Russian possessions While the Russians would consent to the payment of a price for thi restoration of political control over Sak haHn thoy would not to the pay- ment of a war as in the of or to recoup Japan expenditures In carrying on the war The ease of and Germany ii the war of 187071 is not parallel In that case France declared war In this instance war was declared by Japan The Russian people did not want war They did not ex They did not prepare themaelvei for war While it may be granted that Rue ula was in a manner diplomatically for not responding with eufflcien promptness to Japans on the other hand we regard Japan as blamable actually beginning overt acts of war with- out the customary ultimatum and time for beginning hostilities in the event of receiving satisfactory response to made The Russian people fuDy recognize Japans right In any peace settlement that might now be demand not only what fiho to beginning the war hut also to the legitimate results of her sue COKSCS There would bo no objection the evacuation of Manchuria no objection to recognition of her preponderance ii no objection to her retention At the outset of the war Japan distinctly said that ehe was engaged in no campaign for territorial conquest This pledge the people arc and believing Japan will abide by Russia could not as a matter of honor consent to the sacrifice of political control of any terri- tory that Is hers The Russian people moreover are poor They have need for money In working out reforms in the coun try They could not consent to burden themselves with a heavy general Indem- nity even if there were no questions of tbo national honor What I about the estab- lishment of friendly relations between the People of Japan and the people of Russia was this We did not know people before the war Our knowledge of CoUvtAron Okeond Ptgt 1 l PIM II l W i part f BaronBoeen the I New the newspaper but in- demnity but whiob i j r now 1u10J bri sot- to for Tat tat ron abe Jape ont gel nat t J for not del t conclude i f to Core of I Involve ioNET LAID FORJAfl iron I t own mill l 1 t 3 I ach I 1 r4red grant therefore pent war blam- able t set t I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tfntDEKV STARIN BROKE aef SQQ B Has iafl la Uantlltti and No Assets Myndert btarinj son of John H Btarii at New Rochelle has flied a Won in bankruptcy with liabilities and no assets The debts were oontraote in New York city from 1870 to IMS and New Rochelle in 1BS2 and 1883 fortytwo creditors nwntlone in the thirtyeight ha obtained judgments against him at varlou times Be stated that he believes nine c the judgments aggregating 11701 although unsatisfied of recorc Among the creditors are Sol Sayle 1251 money loaned Honry 607 men e loaned Henry Herman IB12 mernflandlsi 427 Jewelry Jam clothing the Henry Hooke Company New Haven M12 carriage an- Koster Blal 104 gambling debt in 1891 NEW ROCHELLE N Y Aug 4Myndei- Btarin is the son of John H Starin who own Glen leland and the Starin Transportntlo lines and is one of the New York city Rapt Transit Commiualonors The elder M- iStarin is 60 years old and his son Myndei- is 80 For many years Myndert Starin ha managed Glen Island living there the summer months and winter at the Fifth Avenue Hotel Mr Starin Is well known in theatrical on sporting circles and although he manage Qlenisland it in said that he had nothing t do with Ito financial affairs When seen b reporters at Glen Island today Mr declined to talk about his affairs I know nothing the petition 1 bankruptcy said he How that gambling debt atEoste Vials the reporter Dont know anything about It he re piledSome of the debts mentioned in th petition are twenty years old said the re- porter Perhaps they are but lont bother m DOW saidMr JHU father is MANILA READY TO GREET Elaborate Preparation to Entertain th American Secretary and His Warty Sftctal cattt DnpatOt to Tmi SUN MANILA Aug 4 of War and the members are to arrive hero tomorrow morning Thi arrangements for their reception are com- pleted The city and the in bay are covered with bunting There wil be a magnificent electrical display on Luneta and tho Government bulldlngi tomorrow night Triumphal havi erected and in the wit feature of the occasion there will be r number of extraordinary floats represent- ing the industries of the islands Then will also bo a water parade Fifteen hundred persons have been in riled to a boll that will be given in the marble han of tho Ayuntamicnto in honoi of Miss Alice Roosevelt Prominent Fili- pinos will give many entertainments It honor of the visitors Reports from Jtho provinces show thai elaborate entertainments will be given tc welcome oxQov Taft Fifteen Qovernon are already In Manila and coming large delegations to the Chambers of give a banquet in their honor to which 85 guests have been invited The Filipino community will also give a banquet to BOO guests The entire party will be with prominent citizens and army officials The Philippine has arranged- to hold public to give the Senators and Representatives ing tho party an opportunity tobacco hemp and lumber men present party will spend fourteen days in making a tour of the southern islands the main cities of the archipelago SPECIAL TRAIN FOR COACHMAN Employee of J Dorden Is noshed to It to a Hospital Wnrra PLAINS N Y Aug 4 Ad- alak a coachman J Harriman who seat lount Elaco narrowly escaped death night when the horse he was driving depot wagon ran away and ran into ast freight train Tolak received a free tired skull Supt Bronson of the Harlem tailroad Company ran a special train t fount Eisco and the man to the White Plains Hospital in titus for the BUT to operate on him and possibly savo tie timo of the accident the coach nan was waiting at the Mount Elsco station members of tho Haitimon family to return from Manhattan The horse became lightened and ran away and before Talak could stop the animal It ran across the tation platform and the southbound track dashed into a moving freight train horse was instantly killed and was tossed twenty feet VSSELL SAGE 89 Aged Financier Wish Dim Well at His Town House Russell Sage celebrated yesterday his birthday For the second time baa been in business downtown stayed away from the office on birthday Up to last year It had always icon a matter of pride with him to visit he office on Aug 4 Last year however rainstorm came up just as the financier as about to start downtown and Mrs ago refused to lot him go But later he ttcnded a of the directors of tho Ifth and took a drive in ho Mr Sago kept pretty closo o his house at 032 Fifth avenue Sinco long sickness last winter he has boon his office very seldom and ho didnt feel enough to go there Ac ordme to his friends he was quite strong as usual and well pleased to have birthday- Mr Sage has boon so regular In his at- tendance upon business that many of his at his office yesterday him there They wore nil E B Wesley the oldest director of the Inlon Trust Company and one of the oldest In was astonished to lear that his friend had not como James Talcott is a old Hi- nd telegrams of congratulation were Mrs Sago spent the day at the family auntry place at I I A was prepared there for th cad of the as the ofteracton by he Inclined make and decided to remain in a pet at of I have hn Tom dug Star abut abut Star AFT Sect Tat the the aha ben other wit pat Con amp the employ at lat lie for and The Talk MAN Fred enc a meting Park his ye tray I 1Jet fried to dow and the Spring wet not feel t r 11 Ther are which been 573 quar- tered and Injured harriman Borden I goons its roll is hi house who Chance banker also called letteis quietly > ¬ ° < GRAFT HUNT BITS SCANDAL IV TIlE BUREAU O Its Chief Admits That lie Was a Bcutn Partner of George E Howard W Patented the Labcii That Are to Iniprdtrd by the DnrraW- ABHWOTOW Aug 4 The Investigate of Secretary of Agriculture Wilson Is no centered In the Bureau of Animal Industr over whloh Dr Salmon has preside for many years That bureau Is expect to furnish the next sensational develoi ment in connection with the Dopartmei scandals Tho Howard Printing Company of th city has a contract with the Departmei of Agriculture to print a patented lab that Is attached to meat Inspected the direction of the Bureau of Animal Ii- dustry This contract amounts annual to many thousands of dollars On Tuesday of this week a Washlngtc despatch to TUE SUN told how a sclentli of the Department had been connects with the concern that manufactured labels attached to carcasses and that money to finance the concern was supplle by one of the scientists attached to tt Departmen- tIt now develops despite vigorous d nialfl that Dr D E Salmon was the businw partner of George E Howard when gelatin label was patented and also whet in June 1601 the first contract for the lab was awarded by the Department of Agr culture This and other facts are know to Secretary Wilson They are proved b Dr Salmons own admissions When asks today to toll his business relations wit George E Howard Dr Salmon said the had been in business six years I knew Mr said when h was on the National Tribune I regardo him as a very bright young man who needed a little capital to make a succea in the world He had no money and advanced the sum necessary to publisl the Feather a poultry journal in which b was interested We continued in the print- ing business and he became aware of th the Department of Agriculture fo label Being an ingenious young man he met the conditions and the paten was taken out on his device Did not you assist him in Inventing device No it was hla invention replied Dr Salmon But did you never give him suggestion tho label yes I suggestions free time to time I what the require meats were replied Dr Salmon I ala urged him to perfect some device aa I di companies that made a of We wore anxious be able to furnish a label that would b acceptable- Dr Salmon ws then naked If a eontrac bad been secured before ho and Mr Howari aooeod to be business partners Dr Salmon replied In the affirmative Some time in June 1901 be said th Department agreed to purchase 100 wortl of these labels It was July 1 before severed our business relations I had in tended to get out earlier but I was puttln he business in the my lawyer t wttlo up My sick and unable o undertake the work as early as I hoi expected Mr Howard wanted me tc remain in the printing company H said a separate company was to be formoc o handle the meat label and that it wai not fair for me to sacrifice my Interest ust at the time when itfpromlsed to become profitable I told him it was impossible orme to have any connection with tin neat label as an official of the Department md therefore I must get out of the print- ing company at once which I did HAnd you have no interest In the meat label now directly or indirectly Absolutely none was the answer ant have bad none since July 1 1001 What the printing contract iwarded Printing Companj iinoe that time I understand the Howard Printing Corn has done printing for the Department years Including your buread Yes was the response It appears that Dr Salmon was a partnei jMr about eight tci- tho a tc M offered to purchasers Including the Department of Agriculture- Dr Salmon was asked today the sports of alleged favoritism to rust in connection with the Inspection ol neatWe have had more or less complaint rom small meat packers he be of our inability to meat in poctors to them promptly The number- if inspectors Is not largo enough As a ule the small companies are not engaged n slaughtering for the export which act we are bound under the beer n mind We had some difficulty with a Now York firm which was slaughtering for lome consumption but some small portion- if the carcasses was sent out of the State ihlch made It necessary that the meat ihould be Inspected- Dr Salmon as well as Secretary Wilson lid not think there had been undue dis irimlnatlon in favor of tho big packing lousee although aware that there had loon morn or loss difficulty in complying irith requests of the smaller companies Announcement was made today that Secretary Wilson will not take a vacation his year are moving so rapidly n his now that Mr Wilson determined to stay and see the aveslleatlon to the end sold today hat ho would look into every rumor and eport suggesting graft in the Department of tho Mrs John of the former itatlsticlan was at tho Department of today She called to secure ho salary due her husband at the time of il resignation and departure from tho ity Mrs Hydes request was not granted m the ground that as the division of eta sties Is under Investigation no move could 10 taken that would in nay wa embarrass- ho Department of Justice in its Inquiry reason to Morgan H Beachs return o Washington will followed Indict in Department of Agriculture TRAIN FOR CONVENIENCE COMFORT The Pennsylvania the allroads between New York and alctco Xdt The Saratoga Limited train or Nw York mtral parlor can and DR SALMON ANIMA Met D E under the the the abut only I need the abut offer deg In I hand abut pay Hoar month abut sad tad Ting bas her sour Tore b met tie rol and No ai 1 dJpp- I h 1 END fJSEIE tags use has Arm betwein York era time IA > The West Virginia In Port After a Nail factory Teat Hun The armored cruIser West Virginia of the newest ships In navy arrive yesterday from Newport off She left Newport o Wednesday and on the trip ever thing on the ship horn the guns to tli- onglneu was tested by a board of Inspection They had no official comment to mel when they landed but frot officers of the cruiser It was learned none of the tests could have been more successful Tbe West Virginia has been In the for eight months and her bottom In prott foul but In spite of that fact she spurte along under forced druft at a rate c 21 i knots to show the what could do Tills Is only about half a knot slowe than she made on her official speed tria with a smooth bottom and it Is considers an especially good performance in rio of the fact that the engine room force very short Each with a run charge and at soveral angles but no Imperfection were brought to light by the test Capt Conway H Arnold said yesterday that h was delighted with the manner In wide his ship behaved The cruiser will go dry dock In tho Brooklyn navy yard in i few KINO AND KAISER MAY MEET German Plan to Take Sting Out of Conference With the Czar Spictal CablE Dt I filch to TUB SEN LONDON Aug newspaper in Vienna a few days ago printed a rumor that was impending between Kin and Emperor William and sue gcated that tho intention was to show the the meeting between the Czar and Raise had no special significance and that it wa not aimed against Great Britain The report seemed unworthy of specie notice but it has been received in variou quarters in Germany in a manner that such a meeting would be corned except by the lire eaters as a relic from the tension of the last few weeks It is known that Emperor William is golni to Wllhelmshohe on Aug 10 This plao Is within easy distance of Frankfortonthe Main the suggested rendezvous Kin Edward will arrive at Marienbad for i holiday on Aug 14 and will pass througl Frankfort on his way thither This is actually the basis of the report which cannot be confirmed in Berlin o London although the official repudiation- of knowledge of a meeting are given ii such a way as to cause belief that the plai- Is not Improbable SOCIETY WOVEN AS FIREMEN They Help to Save Several Thousand Do tars Worth of Property In Greenwich GREENWICH Conn Aug 4 Mrs I Pholpa Stokes Mtfc E A Ashfleld Mrs F D Welles and Mrs E Louise Finch fou society women from New York who an living summer at Bound Hill in Green- wich lost night helped to save aevera thousand dollars worth of property b their efforts Fighting fire came just ai handy to them aa automobiles- and to enjoy it Is in the in- surance business In awak enod by a big blaze near his house found that his stables were enveloped He hastened to let out his horses and hit wife ran to summon neighbors Then was no possibility of saving the but the horses were taken out Near by was the carriage house and to roof of this the husbands while their fair companions clad water from the wells near and far and bucketsful to them Tho work up for three but the women after they had carriage and the automobile and carriages therein remained up until morning thinking might be needed elsewhere for cinders were carried by the wind a quarter mile BUFFALO CITY DAZZLED A nIT lad VloePrealdent Fairbanks LlentOov- Uruoe and Jerome There In One Hotel BDFFAIO Aug 4 Tho town tonight was dazzled a bit for In one of its chief hotels were gathered for a spell resident Fairbanks LleutGov lost but not least District Attorney Mr Jerome is going down to hautauqua tomorrow to talk about pa rlotiem He talked about the legislative nsurance investigating committee here tonight saying that he had become firmly onvlnced that the committee would In estlgate the and kindred mat era properly and thoroughly Counse- lor the committee has been definitely hosen but the name cannot be made lubllo for a day or so Mr Fairbanks came into town from the oo where be had been taking part in the elobratlon of the fiftieth anniversary of he opening of the canals there Mr Fair he knew nothing of any special of Congress in the fall He has one on to Bar Harbor Mr Bruce stopped over in town on his to the Portland exposition where ho rill represent New York State on New York day BIOELOW GOT TillS 3100000 honda Sent to nil flank Were Sold for hits Private Account MILWAUKEE Win Aug 4 The fact come out that approximately bonds of tho Grand Rapids Mich Edison Company wore misapprop- riated G Blgelow the hank buster tow in prison and were by him if to innocent purchasers as to where these now b one that is worrying The Grand Rapids Edison Company lecdod 100000 at one time and as Digolow a director of the company he advanced he loan through his bonk The Edison ompany gave its note for the loon and QjaUdltlon gave as collateral 100000 in xmds which were intended for the rational bank hero The package addressed to F G Blgelow as resident It Is now declared that failed o turn these into the bank by money were intended to had advanced Instead it a said ho sold the bonds on his Individual iccount The Grand RapIds company have a market olue of par a of an 900000 due May 1 016 one tie yesterday that water boar was bade into day the 4A a meting Indicting the appear engage and stable the climb rae hour they Vice and I ban d way hag jut F dip ton bond was Fir however bOd over trying to ont abut ya JrjH j t is r J NWCflUSIflIAhS2L 141NOT and aiuoh iv eli house away Jerome by just Ian been Tho bonds are 5 per lesijt MIsd vamt 4I ¬ < + WARRANT FOR BELCHER NOW RUT PATEItSONS MAYOR hAS iOO HOVtt STAItT- invrtUgaUon Brine out still More HI- ritnne of Hit trtmei Htole at lrai 100000 Including the Estate i Ills Friend Congressman Mtewar The aulhorille1 of city of Patowo and lbs coimty of Pastnlo have decided I bring William H Belohrr the rcnegat reform Mayor to tho bur of justIce Tl- detialou was not reached hastily but on after for several Uiiy and conference In offices of Count Prosecutor Emley yc terdny morning the afternoon a hundred hours aft Belchers idlsappenrunce a warrant we placed In be hand of Acting Police Cat sin SIcOIrr It la that a alarm will be of country and a reward offered a fo1 dayThe warrant charges embezzlement complainant la John C Boo of Haledor treasurer of the Manchester Building Loan Association and a colndoner wit Secretary Alice of a Bobber 5400 Roe bases the accusation upon the prlation Bobber of 1820 paid to him fo the loan association by Mrs Cecelia Merit on Feb The payment as reporte In TUB Sum yesterday was in discharger a mortgage Indebtedness to the association After Mr Roe had submitted hU forma complaint to Isaac Noonberg the that official drew up the warrant the office of the police and read it with du solemnity are many skeptical persons ii who say that tho language of tli is the only thing solemn II to the fact that to an examiner of the Stat of Ranking and Insuranc- on Monday and inquire rather pointed why steps wore not taken at that time the day following If the authorise were wholly imbued with a desire for hi arrest Soon after the warrant was Issued i Paterson newspaper man reported t Prosecutor Emley that Belcher had lot his homo In Mldvale disguised by the lao of his mustache and was on a train ar- riving In Jersey City at 607 oclock Mr Emloy excitedly telephoned a deecriptioi to Murphy of Jersey City The the train but failed to find th Mayor He had a personal acqualntanc with the Mayor and wes ubHolutoly certaii he was not among the passengers Tbo extent of publlo knowledge of thi Mayors peculations broadened during day It was learned for instance that o the late Congressman James A Stewart estate of which Botcher was executor no only was there not a penny left but tha Belcher has left the Congressmans widov and daughter six months in arrears for the rent of thehouse in which they live Hi also left unpaid the Congressmans funera expenses and the price of the lot in whlcl his remains were laid at rest in Cedar Lawr Cemetery The trusted Mayor to such an extent that in drowinf up his will he expressly stipulated that the Mayor should not be required to fur- nish lbs customary executors bond Another and perhaps the largest thefi- f all was reported from It wai- f the property of who conducted a ribbon block factory Ir Paterson until four years ago when he sole t out and moved to Orlando He left valued at in Belcherf two years him tc eallzo on half of them and forward the noney Bobber realized but kept the noney and there was a demand made that he settle or be prosecuted- The demand came while Bobber was mgaged in the political campaign in which 10 the reform candidate was denouncing he standing of Democratic Candidate fohnson Botcher raised what money he could made a flying trip to and nanaged both to appease md to convince him of his Integrity accepted Belchers note in and left the remainder of the ecuritles in Botchers possession Mr itelsterman Is now on his way North to Lad out how he stands Some payments lave been made on Belchers note to him jut at any rate he Is a loser of several bousand dollars The extent of the petty larceny thievery he appropriation of small amounts paid 0 Belcher as of tho loan aosocla will not be computed for several days yesterday morning the officers notified of tho 324 members of the ease to send in his passbook for corn larisqn with the books hi tho main officio Intll those returns nreall In the number of he 1 2 and 10 thefts will not bo known Altogether as profits of the fake pass book game indorsements of notes appre- ciation of trust funds exchange of bad hecks for good ones personal loans bogus and polity larceny the Mayor eallzed something over 100000 Tills omputation does not take into consldera many which it is believed have indorsed by persona who are keeping Examiner Conklin devoted nil if his time yesterday to inspection of the ffairs of the Building and Association His research revealed mortgages upon the Mayors real state and many other mortgagee taken y the association through Belcher as inter- mediary Mr Conklin would not reveal result of the he the security ample in all cases to over the Indebtedness or whether held by tho association were good has begun to Mayor from office such a been suggested If he returns today and released on ball he will are full power to act as Mayor No ono cltevefl however that ho will return hero Is a general feeling that ho la mites away in some place carefully during years of his criminal life in atercon Some of the Mayors friends yesterday that they were him in part of last week and that he loft a to enter the office of ho North German Lloyd Line The state tent gave rise to a report otherwise un he sailed on the Kronprinz llholm Tuesday pporti Another Watch Stolen In the A man who said he was William McGowan f 41 West Twentyseventh street told the ollce of the West Fortyseventh street tation last night 150 watch fob had picked from his i the Hotel complaint anotherman was made to MUM oo Thursday pleat It I the a- long the bleed general tent pole the The and not 20 Reorder Thor wart abut fed forger Chef the the Ford site IWO Florid Mel tern ton ever ton quiet Lon the Inquirywhether con- sidered mor- tgage ben out the lent b thou- sand sad them 4 and J F iSf deliberation La- in l00 c- on Congressman 5 Actor o < ¬ < 8113000 FOR A TITIAN American Purrliairr for Portrait Cardinal Special rube nnpattlt to Tni Box PAnts AUR 4 U i undorqtoori nuKotlulionx have born practically but completed for tho purchase b- on of TlllanM portrait of Oirdina- Uembo for 2j000 It lit nUo said Ilia portrait of Aretlno will bo salt In on yet doubtful A high ai authority that Aretlno portrait 1 likely to go to America while another nu- thority declines that It has lBin boUfih for the National Oallcry In London Sir Casper Ilirdon Clarke director c the Metropolitan Muioura of Art snys thn the portrait of Cardinal Uembo IB ono o the least Tltlnn extant and that if It I bought by a private American It ought t lx placed in a museum He points out tin on average lire destroys ono valuabl collection of paintings In England annual for which reason many English collector are now content to have copies of the plcturex In heir homes confiding th originate to the safe keeping of publl galleries II O HAVEMEVER JR SUM The Fays of Boitnn Want KS4MM fo Accident Tbat Happened haiL Suinnier NEWPORT R I tug 4 Papers wer served on Harry 0 Havemoyer Jr toda by a deputy sheriff In a suit brought b Louise Fay William E Fay and Florono- E Fay of Boston for 55000 damages fo injuries they say they received In an dent which happened last summer Th Fays allege that they were thrown out o a carriage the horse having been ecarei by Mr Havemeyera automobllo Thi accident happened in Mlddletown- WORMSER DANGEROUSLY ILL The Operation on the flanker Left Vita With Weak heart and Pulse SARATOGA Aug 4 Isldor Jr was operated upon last night for tho re moral of a gall stone The operation wa pronounced successful but doubt caleb as to his recovery B Mr Wormser and his family who arrived on July 29 are occupying hotel cot 62 It was there that the operatic i took place It was performed by Dr Cam meyer assisted by Dra Stemberger Den ton Stedman and May all of Now York city and Dr G F Comstock of Saratoga Springs- Dr C 8 May at 11 oclock tonight while admitting the precarious condltloi of Mr Wormser sold that If nothing un- foreseen occurs and Mr Wormser continue to hold his own ho may ultimately recover notwithstanding his heart and pulse are Mr Wormser Is conscious and his situation FROM BURNING LAUNCh Party ef Young People Narrow Escape on the Hudson TAHBTTOWN N Y Aug party o young people who went out on the In a this afternoon bad a close shavi tank of their launch tool fire while they were in the middle of river Ray Gamble the owner of thi was severely burned and la HOT home suffering greatly The party was composed of his friend Dan three erine Storms Miller and Florence Mlnnerly daughter of Chief of Police Min nerly of North Tarrytown The party bad been out only a short time when the gasoline tank got afire Duell who tried to turn the valve soon discovered that hit clothes were on fire and saved himself jumping overboard remained aboard with the frightened ilmost into hysterics There wore two or other sailing parties in soon aa they saw the flames jut out to the rescue and took off the young people from the burning The was badly damaged VY TORN FROM COURT HOUSE Sand Dlastlnc Contract lt for the Ring BolltUnr Workmen to strip from ho walls of the County Court House the which has thickly on all sides tho structure it was erected The outside of the building IB to be and to allow for thlatreatment the vy is to be torn away When the Qty Hall was subjected to the nd bloating process last spring there Indignation The case of the County House is worse The chief exterior ttraction of that building architects say- s the ivy which has climbed around it md hidden its lines Mr Abeam was not in town yesterday- md the only satisfaction which could be btalned from his subordinates was that ho ivy would grow again and that anyway Ivy had a deteriorating effect on stone SEEING FOREIGN POST OFFICES r Wllleox Thinks London Methods the Brit In the World Sptcial Cable Dispute to THE Sew LONDON Aug Postmaster Wllloox of Jew York alter studying the postal methods f Berlin and Paris is now In London in ostlgatlng the methods employed lo considers the London service the i the world as the facilities the Government fiords are greater than those in New York Je The room allowed in publlo buildings- s a striking feature There Is no crowding there are sufficient men to do tho work lulckly and correctly In the St Martin lo- jrand station alone there are 2000 letter jarriers compared with 2400 In New York sity giving London twelve deliveries daily What New York needs is more substations ind more men GIRL ATTEMPTS MURDER Twice and Dangerously Wounds a Young Man BIRMINGHAM Ala Aug 4 Miss Mice sell 17 years of age daughter of a citizen of Joneaboro Ala toy hot and dangerously wounded Emett Inch 20 years old in front of her fathers tome The young man rode by the house na bicycle and the girl took a double larreled shotgun and fired at him missing aim A little later tbo young man rode ack and the girl took deliberate aim and Ired the barrel at him Her sister and knocked the girls rm just as she took aim and the shot and literally peppered tho young nans face u- I i the shooting e was arrestsd sad sjav tie that not nb olutlly lan nays ho fur- l the r Worm r her wok fully RESCUED lisTs 4A lunch the lunch Gable and Duel by Gable the the they bat lunch Tee gown of Vas her yet boot promi- nent her fend and he a cnditon deli to to t f t I JJ 11 scot a Hu iso vicinity Another Ivy sand- blasted says injured Is desperate make as the Of p0to 4PIt 3 i- riiiL < > CLASH IN QUARANTINE f ARv VESSEL TIle Sheriff Takes PositMlon of the tloaf and the Captain and Crew Aro tHTlic CnpUire It I Thought willvj- Mnd the Clianrp of a More Senses flails H fi Nsw QniRANS Aug 4 Tho first the boundary Ing out of the quurantlrin war between two StutM occurred this morning the Jipony of the Mississippi fleet was captured by the Louialana troops ffi under Lieut Ivy of the Fern noting tho truclloni of SherllT Nunes of St Bernard No wore fired but the S capture wax nomowhnt dramatic Tjia Jjw- BJipsey1 wuij lying at the HJRolotN in LoUlsl attn waters waiting to Intercept Louisiana 3- vcMsols When tho Fern In which there SH a largo party of Naval Reserves con coaled from view came the Jlps y vfflS Intercepted her and demanded her desUho B Tho captain hoarded the J j then surrendered without firing a shot The Jlpsey was taken possession of Sheriff Nunez and convoyed to St Bernard m waters while the captain and crew worn looked up In the parish jail Copt Walter A Blunt of tho Mississippi flagship Grain asked for go to Mississippi consult the authorities there he should tlo and allowed to depart The third Mississippi war vessel which WM fe blockading tho Chef Menteur entrance into M Winona from this that the jMj Mississippi quarantine authorities have abandoned their blockade of the Louisiana and their right of search of Louisiana W In addition are manned by 100 of the Louisiana Naval Jj Reserves Tho Mississippi force consisted- of six quarantine boatathe Grace being largest one of the others being captured today The Mississippi vessels have for several days been In Louisiana 4el Into The Grace kept watch at the entrance of and the Canal Q other vessel at Chef Monteur Louisiana j vessels were stopped by the quarantine boats which donanded their port of des s- Unatlon the Issue between the two States being practically the right of search which Jp caused the war of 1812 are sold to have been captured and to the United States quarantine station Ship Jslati j It that p ova aa Gov Blanobard has instructed 5 the Louisiana forces not to enter MUeln- slppl waters but to make sure that the J Mississippi vessels cease their depredations mand will be mode for the return of the Louisiana boats already captured Ship Island has not yet been S but the demand will probably be made jj on the United Department cutter Wlnona and are now under J Federal control at Ship Island United States Senator McEnory today g- urgeonGenerol Wyman of the United j- tates Marine Hospital Service protesting gainst the part the reveni e officers toot J- n the outrage Gor Blanchard denounoM be action of the Mississippi quarantine te lest na no less than piracy fa The Louisiana troops at the boundary are 3 under the command of Commander Bostiok if the Louisiana Naval Reserves They are j- ubjoct to the orders of the Sheriffs of St Bernard and Orleans parishes District Gov Bloncbard to Investigate the con Itlons there reported today that the r w action of the Mississippi troops was grossly v- wlolatlve of law and that the perpetrators f the outrage were liable to indictment the Grand Jury of New Orleans for Jff- irrestlng Louisiana citizens in Louisiana ljs- rritory without warrant of law The Mississippi forces were increased fe- ast night by the arrival of the so that the two opposing mill jl any forces are about equal In point of lumbers There is not likely to be any m urther trouble unless tho Mississippi army ya- r navy invades Louisiana territory land ir waters when the Instructions are to M- rrest them and land them in jail here K Ala Aug 4 The Louisville f- o abandon its passenger service between Orleans and Montgomery ere report that it is costing between 15000 JM nd 0000 a day to operate In the quaran Inc section Another case of fever has itt levelopod at Orvlsburg Miss near liens j the quarantine tightens soldiers being ent to tho city The Mobile and Ohio 8t- ailroad Company lies notified the banana mport Ing firms of Vaccaro Bros and Otrf yjjii- k Co who their business here on ccount of fever at New Or M inns that it cannot handle their bus j0u- sinesa the quarantine plfsrapni Federal Authorities to Keep Hands Off the Local Contest WASHINQTON Aug 4 Further tale raphlo correspondence between Secretary f the Treasury Shaw and Gov Blanchard f t ho Governor telegraphed that he con Idered that tho revenue cutter Wlnona as serving the interests of Mississippi i that States contest with Louisiana and lat all authority of law had been exceeded BATON ROUOK La Aug 3 IW5 L M Show Htcrclary Treotvry Grow discrimination In favor MJsslHippi- pilnflt LoulHlatia for She scorns to bo under direction r statlonnd at gne and t3 t FonCI SUSSII1 J I l lon loul under 1 ton Fed at once to away on from the Unite revenue cat The are much two of the I of 1 and the rapid gun the the Tom two I t the water the tnt 1 the at the i of the i of the end the fn 1 ant d Stat over the ave to t Parker who was b I t- hy Wen Guard i i MOBILE I New and 1 move frs have 00 nItNClARn f i b f Thee la tim Hon It to shn doln she ana with J din MIMI oblet to MI of I In to Wui- n the view It band o i 8 I I rI 0 i II tIp LOZIIM4X4 C41TUflII j1 ti I eked p 4lanaM lrlsiplI the when et shot was insight lacrd uner arrest by i- to as what was Mississippi Sound called nOtice States cutter c 4 Louisiana forces the largest including six vessels them Marie flagship Commander Postick t Maestio being tinned with Colt firing steam the Tipsey blockading three Lake Borgno Lake Borgne Tipsay Rigolets Straits and an j All Eighteen Louisiana fishing fleet so is thought the hap Tlpsey will chance of a sen clash Louisiana teiuitory Whether any dr as the turned by the MississIppi quarantine officials to rove telegraphed Secretary Bonaparte anti ttorney sent to the scene y Today a company road is hourly expected j4 The 0111 ears The will to abandoert PflOTESTS I i took place late yesterday 1 are as Treasury Department today i Wcshinton I revenue outter Underpretens- I quarantine has vntereti Loulal 7 waters interfered d conception her qusr right waters Mississippi iii a i between and Federal uthoritlee should beep off 1k rLW < <

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Post on 28-Sep-2020




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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1905-08-05 [p ].Probably showers today Mr to morrowi NEW YORK SATURDAY AUGUST 5 1905 C Wr cM IWJ ftVn dtm PrWfno PuHn tuoefal PRICE TWO CENTS 4 I o j l 7

Probably showers today Mr to morrowi

NEW YORK SATURDAY AUGUST 5 1905 C Wr cM IWJ ftVn dtm PrWfno PuHn tuoefal PRICE TWO CENTS 4





7 u-

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LJIDlo 8S9 WfiW and w








Bnlnent Feterstmr Journalist Pi

clare terxtntlemnlty Nor Cesslc-

of TerrtttKTCta Be CdnftderedJMJsjt-

pi Feebly H an STBaek isld all

The actlvittss of the plenlpoten-trle yesterday were confined on the

of the to attendance at churcservices and a formal visit to the Presidebr Mr Wittand ForJapanese was a day of busy preparationfor the thIa morning for OysUBay and subsequently for PortsmoutlThe owning Wai given over to soclnbllltIn the WaldorfAstoria where Baron EC

ram entertained at dinner twelve personsmostly Japanese gentlemen living inYork Minister TukahlroUohlda and some of the Baronswere

By ell odde the not interesting everef the day waa the visit to Mr Botospokesman for the Japanese envoys c

N Briantchaninotf an atRussian gentleman who cam

here on the eame Bteamer that brougithe Russian envoys and who representsthe fltoroj a St Petersburgranked as conservative in politicswhich is of the broad and not the narroitype of conservatism Mr Briantcbanlnolnot only talked with Mr Sato bnt gayto the New York newspaper men nfteleaving Mr Bato an interview deddedlthe most interesting of any that have boonforthcoming since the peace commissionerarrived his only reservation in regard t-

it being a request that his own personaunimportance be insisted upon in whateverquotations from his remarks were made 1

the newspapers His requestin this mitter was granted with some regretfor in addition to being the representativeof a newspaper of standing KitBriantobanlnoff baa personal distinctionswhich need not be mentioned but whlolgive much more than ordinary interest twhat he bad to say

The Russian gentlemans interviewwith Mr Sato was quite short It waabout Sakhalin the Russian newspaperepresentative first spoke Recognizingthat waa now in Japanese handshe wanted to know if Japan would restoreUs political control to Russia for an

and for fishing and other privil g w Mr Sato on this point deeply rofretted his inability to speak for Japan 01

FO Interesting a question an Inability which

had Its origin In no lack of desire on hitpart to gratify his Interlocutorwan due solely to hla own unhappy statiof ignorance as to how to such a propositionwould impress Baron Komura and tbiother envoys

Mr Briantchaninoff then asked if li

would inot be possible should the peace

negotiations terminate happily for theJapanese people thai

they other to becomefriendly to establish In other words what

the Mr Pipelet would havecalled a commerce cTamitH

Mr Sato in language gracefully circum-

locutory seemed to express the sentimentso far as it could be gathered that he ex-

pressed any sentiment that that was c

which it would be in order for theJapanese people to cross when they

ItThat virtually ended the interview wltt

Mr Sato but to the newspaper reporterslater on Mrt Brlantohaninoff amplified hitideas

My belief la he said that the Russiapeople will be satisfied with no peace treatswhich sacrifice of Russiaterritory or the payment of a general in-

demnity An to Sakhalin I do not bellevthey will consent to the sacrifice of politiccontrol even of that and with Russiapolitical control would of course go thright to island end make it thhue for zone of control thatwould go with it as such a base But thJapanese have possession of it is aiaccomplished and theI feel regard it as entirely

proper to pay an indemnity for itsveyanoe to Russias political controlthat they would willing tothe as to the ex

fisheries and other wealtlproducing resources of the island But itpolitical is vital to Rusalaa intoreaon the Paolflo vital to the seourity of Vladl-

vostolc and all other points on the Pooiflishore of the Russian possessions

While the Russians wouldconsent to the payment of a price for thi

restoration of political control over SakhaHn thoy would not to the pay-

ment of a war as in theof or to recoup Japan

expenditures In carrying on thewar The ease of and Germany ii

the war of 187071 is not parallel In thatcase France declared war In this instancewar was declared by Japan The Russianpeople did not want war They did not ex

They did not prepare themaelvei

for war While it may be granted that Rueula was in a manner diplomatically

for not responding with eufflcienpromptness to Japans on theother hand we regard Japan as blamableactually beginning overt acts of war with-

out the customary ultimatum and timefor beginning hostilities in the event ofreceiving satisfactory response tomade

The Russian people fuDy recognize Japansright In any peace settlement that mightnow be demand not only whatfiho to beginning the warhut also to the legitimate results of her sueCOKSCS There would bo no objectionthe evacuation of Manchuria no objectionto recognition of her preponderance ii

no objection to her retentionAt the outset of the war

Japan distinctly said that ehe was engagedin no campaign for territorial conquestThis pledge the people arcand believing Japan will abide by Russiacould not as a matter of honor consent tothe sacrifice of political control of any terri-tory that Is hers The Russian peoplemoreover are poor They have need formoney In working out reforms in the country They could not consent to burdenthemselves with a heavy general Indem-nity even if there were no questions of tbonational honor

What I about the estab-lishment of friendly relations between thePeople of Japan and the people of Russiawas this We did not knowpeople before the war Our knowledge of

CoUvtAron Okeond Ptgt





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BaronBoeen theI






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town mill




3 I







pent war











aef SQQ B Has iafl la Uantllttiand No Assets

Myndert btarinj son of John H Btariiat New Rochelle has flied a

Won in bankruptcy with liabilitiesand no assets The debts were oontraotein New York city from 1870 to IMS andNew Rochelle in 1BS2 and 1883

fortytwo creditors nwntlonein the thirtyeight haobtained judgments against him at varloutimes Be stated that he believes nine c

the judgments aggregating 11701although unsatisfied of recorc

Among the creditors are Sol Sayle 1251money loaned Honry 607 men eloaned Henry Herman IB12 mernflandlsi

427 Jewelry Jamclothing the Henry Hooke

Company New Haven M12 carriage an-

Koster Blal 104 gambling debt in 1891

NEW ROCHELLE N Y Aug 4Myndei-Btarin is the son of John H Starin who ownGlen leland and the Starin Transportntlolines and is one of the New York city RaptTransit Commiualonors The elder M-

iStarin is 60 years old and his son Myndei-is 80 For many years Myndert Starin hamanaged Glen Island living therethe summer months andwinter at the Fifth Avenue Hotel

Mr Starin Is well known in theatrical onsporting circles and although he manageQlenisland it in said that he had nothing t

do with Ito financial affairs When seen breporters at Glen Island today Mrdeclined to talk about his affairs

I know nothing the petition 1

bankruptcy said heHow that gambling debt atEosteVials the reporterDont know anything about It he re

piledSomeof the debts mentioned in th

petition are twenty years old said the re-

porterPerhaps they are but lont bother m

DOW saidMrJHU father is


Elaborate Preparation to Entertain thAmerican Secretary and His Warty

Sftctal cattt DnpatOt to Tmi SUN

MANILA Aug 4 of Warand the members areto arrive hero tomorrow morning Thiarrangements for their reception are com-

pleted The city and the inbay are covered with bunting There wilbe a magnificent electrical display onLuneta and tho Government bulldlngitomorrow night Triumphal havi

erected and in the witfeature of the occasion there will be r

number of extraordinary floats represent-ing the industries of the islands Thenwill also bo a water parade

Fifteen hundred persons have been inriled to a boll that will be given in themarble han of tho Ayuntamicnto in honoiof Miss Alice Roosevelt Prominent Fili-

pinos will give many entertainments Ithonor of the visitors

Reports from Jtho provinces show thaielaborate entertainments will be given tcwelcome oxQov Taft Fifteen Qovernonare already In Manila and coming

large delegations to theChambers of

give a banquet in their honor to which 85

guests have been invited The Filipinocommunity will also give a banquet toBOO guests The entire party will be

with prominent citizens and armyofficials

The Philippine has arranged-to hold public to give theSenators and Representativesing tho party an opportunitytobacco hemp and lumber men present

party will spend fourteen days in

making a tour of the southern islandsthe main cities of the archipelago


Employee of J DordenIs noshed to It to a Hospital

Wnrra PLAINS N Y Aug 4 Ad-

alak a coachman JHarriman who seatlount Elaco narrowly escaped death

night when the horse he was drivingdepot wagon ran away and ran into

ast freight train Tolak received a freetired skull Supt Bronson of the Harlemtailroad Company ran a special train tfount Eisco and the man to theWhite Plains Hospital in titus for the BUT

to operate on him and possibly savotie

timo of the accident the coachnan was waiting at the Mount Elsco station

members of tho Haitimon family toreturn from Manhattan The horse becamelightened and ran away and before Talakcould stop the animal It ran across thetation platform and the southbound track

dashed into a moving freight trainhorse was instantly killed and

was tossed twenty feet


Aged Financier Wish Dim Wellat His Town House

Russell Sage celebrated yesterday hisbirthday For the second time

baa been in business downtownstayed away from the office on

birthday Up to last year It had alwaysicon a matter of pride with him to visithe office on Aug 4 Last year however

rainstorm came up just as the financier

as about to start downtown and Mrsago refused to lot him go But later hettcnded a of the directors of thoIfth and took a drive inho

Mr Sago kept pretty closo

o his house at 032 Fifth avenue Sincolong sickness last winter he has boon

his office very seldom and ho didnt feelenough to go there Ac

ordme to his friends he was quitestrong as usual and well pleased to have

birthday-Mr Sage has boon so regular In his at-

tendance upon business that many of hisat his office yesterday

him there They wore nil

E B Wesley the oldest director of theInlon Trust Company and one of the oldest

In was astonished tolear that his friend had not como

James Talcott is a

old Hi-

nd telegrams of congratulation were

Mrs Sago spent the day at the familyauntry place at I I A

was prepared there for thcad of the as the ofteracton

by he Inclined makeand decided to remain in












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andThe Talk







ye tray

I1Jet fried


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Injured harriman







hi house


banker also called letteis








Its Chief Admits That lie Was a Bcutn

Partner of George E Howard WPatented the Labcii That Areto Iniprdtrd by the DnrraW-

ABHWOTOW Aug 4 The Investigateof Secretary of Agriculture Wilson Is nocentered In the Bureau of Animal Industrover whloh Dr Salmon has presidefor many years That bureau Is expectto furnish the next sensational develoiment in connection with the Dopartmeiscandals

Tho Howard Printing Company of thcity has a contract with the Departmeiof Agriculture to print a patented labthat Is attached to meat Inspectedthe direction of the Bureau of Animal Ii-

dustry This contract amounts annualto many thousands of dollars

On Tuesday of this week a Washlngtcdespatch to TUE SUN told how a sclentliof the Department had been connectswith the concern that manufacturedlabels attached to carcasses and thatmoney to finance the concern was supplleby one of the scientists attached to ttDepartmen-

tIt now develops despite vigorous dnialfl that Dr D E Salmon was the businwpartner of George E Howard whengelatin label was patented and also whetin June 1601 the first contract for the labwas awarded by the Department of Agrculture This and other facts are knowto Secretary Wilson They are proved bDr Salmons own admissions When askstoday to toll his business relations witGeorge E Howard Dr Salmon said thehad been in business six years

I knew Mr said when hwas on the National Tribune I regardohim as a very bright young man whoneeded a little capital to make a succeain the world He had no money andadvanced the sum necessary to publislthe Feather a poultry journal in which bwas interested We continued in the print-

ing business and he became aware of ththe Department of Agriculture fo

label Being an ingenious youngman he met the conditions and the patenwas taken out on his device

Did not you assist him in Inventingdevice

No it was hla invention replied DrSalmon

But did you never give him suggestiontho label

yes I suggestions freetime to time I what the requiremeats were replied Dr Salmon I alaurged him to perfect some device aa I dicompanies that made a of

We wore anxiousbe able to furnish a label that would bacceptable-

Dr Salmon ws then naked If a eontracbad been secured before ho and Mr Howariaooeod to be business partners

Dr Salmon replied In the affirmativeSome time in June 1901 be said th

Department agreed to purchase 100 wortlof these labels It was July 1 beforesevered our business relations I had intended to get out earlier but I was puttlnhe business in the my lawyer twttlo up My sick and unableo undertake the work as early as I hoi

expected Mr Howard wanted me tcremain in the printing company Hsaid a separate company was to be formoco handle the meat label and that it wai

not fair for me to sacrifice my Interestust at the time when itfpromlsed to becomeprofitable I told him it was impossibleorme to have any connection with tinneat label as an official of the Departmentmd therefore I must get out of the print-ing company at once which I did

HAnd you have no interest In the meatlabel now directly or indirectly

Absolutely none was the answer anthave bad none since July 1 1001

What the printing contractiwarded Printing Companjiinoe that time

I understand the Howard Printing Cornhas done printing for the Department

yearsIncluding your bureadYes was the response

It appears that Dr Salmon was a partneijMr about eight tci-

tho a tcM offered to purchasers Including theDepartment of Agriculture-

Dr Salmon was asked today thesports of alleged favoritism torust in connection with the Inspection ol

neatWe have had more or less complaintrom small meat packers he be

of our inability to meat inpoctors to them promptly The number-if inspectors Is not largo enough As aule the small companies are not engagedn slaughtering for the export whichact we are bound under the beern mind We had some difficulty with aNow York firm which was slaughtering forlome consumption but some small portion-

if the carcasses was sent out of the Stateihlch made It necessary that the meatihould be Inspected-

Dr Salmon as well as Secretary Wilsonlid not think there had been undue disirimlnatlon in favor of tho big packinglousee although aware that there hadloon morn or loss difficulty in complyingirith requests of the smaller companies

Announcement was made today thatSecretary Wilson will not take a vacationhis year are moving so rapidlyn his now that Mr Wilson

determined to stay and see theaveslleatlon to the end sold todayhat ho would look into every rumor andeport suggesting graft in the Department

of thoMrs John of the former

itatlsticlan was at tho Department oftoday She called to secure

ho salary due her husband at the time ofil resignation and departure from thoity Mrs Hydes request was not grantedm the ground that as the division of etasties Is under Investigation no move could10 taken that would in nay wa embarrass-ho Department of Justice in its Inquiry

reason toMorgan H Beachs return

o Washington will followed Indictin Department of Agriculture

TRAIN FOR CONVENIENCE COMFORTThe Pennsylvania theallroads between New York andalctco Xdt

The Saratoga Limited train or N w Yorkmtral parlor can and



















Hoar month




Tingbas her





rol and No ai1 dJpp-I





has Armbetwein Yorkera time IA


The West Virginia In Port After a Nailfactory Teat Hun

The armored cruIser West Virginiaof the newest ships In navy arriveyesterday from Newportoff She left Newport oWednesday and on the trip everthing on the ship horn the guns to tli-

onglneu was tested by a board of InspectionThey had no official comment to mel

when they landed but frotofficers of the cruiser It was learnednone of the tests could have been moresuccessful

Tbe West Virginia has been In thefor eight months and her bottom In prottfoul but In spite of that fact she spurtealong under forced druft at a rate c

21 i knots to show the whatcould do

Tills Is only about half a knot slowethan she made on her official speed triawith a smooth bottom and it Is considersan especially good performance in rioof the fact that the engine room forcevery short

Each with a run chargeand at soveral angles but no Imperfectionwere brought to light by the test CaptConway H Arnold said yesterday that hwas delighted with the manner In widehis ship behaved The cruiser will godry dock In tho Brooklyn navy yard in i



German Plan to Take Sting Out ofConference With the Czar

Spictal CablE DtIfilch to TUB SEN

LONDON Aug newspaper in Viennaa few days ago printed a rumor that

was impending between Kinand Emperor William and sue

gcated that tho intention was to show thethe meeting between the Czar and Raisehad no special significance and that it wanot aimed against Great Britain

The report seemed unworthy of specienotice but it has been received in variouquarters in Germany in a mannerthat such a meeting would becorned except by the lire eaters as a relicfrom the tension of the last few weeks

It is known that Emperor William is golnito Wllhelmshohe on Aug 10 This plaoIs within easy distance of FrankfortontheMain the suggested rendezvous KinEdward will arrive at Marienbad for i

holiday on Aug 14 and will pass througlFrankfort on his way thither

This is actually the basis of the reportwhich cannot be confirmed in Berlin oLondon although the official repudiation-of knowledge of a meeting are given ii

such a way as to cause belief that the plai-

Is not Improbable


They Help to Save Several Thousand Dotars Worth of Property In GreenwichGREENWICH Conn Aug 4 Mrs I

Pholpa Stokes Mtfc E A Ashfleld MrsF D Welles and Mrs E Louise Finch fousociety women from New York who anliving summer at Bound Hill in Green-

wich lost night helped to save aeverathousand dollars worth of property btheir efforts Fighting fire came just aihandy to them aa automobiles-and to enjoy it

Is in the in-

surance business In awakenod by a big blaze near his housefound that his stables were envelopedHe hastened to let out his horses and hitwife ran to summon neighbors Thenwas no possibility of saving the butthe horses were taken outNear by was the carriage house and toroof of this the husbands while

their fair companions cladwater from the wells near and far and

bucketsful to them Tho workup for three but the women

after they had carriageand the automobile and carriages thereinremained up until morning thinkingmight be needed elsewhere for cinderswere carried by the wind a quarter mile


lad VloePrealdent Fairbanks LlentOov-Uruoe and Jerome There In One Hotel

BDFFAIO Aug 4 Tho town tonightwas dazzled a bit for In one of its chiefhotels were gathered for a spellresident Fairbanks LleutGov

lost but not least District AttorneyMr Jerome is going down to

hautauqua tomorrow to talk about parlotiem He talked about the legislativensurance investigating committee here

tonight saying that he had become firmlyonvlnced that the committee would Inestlgate the and kindred matera properly and thoroughly Counse-lor the committee has been definitelyhosen but the name cannot be madelubllo for a day or soMr Fairbanks came into town from the

oo where be had been taking part in theelobratlon of the fiftieth anniversary ofhe opening of the canals there Mr Fair

he knew nothing of any specialof Congress in the fall He has

one on to Bar HarborMr Bruce stopped over in town on his

to the Portland exposition where horill represent New York State on New

York day

BIOELOW GOT TillS 3100000

honda Sent to nil flank Were Sold for hitsPrivate Account

MILWAUKEE Win Aug 4 The factcome out that approximately

bonds of tho Grand RapidsMich Edison Company wore misapprop-

riated G Blgelow the hank bustertow in prison and were by himif to innocent purchasers

as to where these nowb one that is worrying

The Grand Rapids Edison Companylecdod 100000 at one time and as Digolow

a director of the company he advancedhe loan through his bonk The Edisonompany gave its note for the loon and

QjaUdltlon gave as collateral 100000 inxmds which were intended for therational bank hero The package

addressed to F G Blgelow asresidentIt Is now declared that failed

o turn these into the bank bymoney were intended to

had advanced Instead ita said ho sold the bonds on his Individualiccount The Grand RapIds company

have a marketolue of par a of an

900000 due May 1



















rae hour




ban d


hag jut

F dipton bond





trying toont


yaJrjH j t is

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and aiuoh iv







Ian beenTho bonds are 5 per

lesijt MIsd vamt 4I






invrtUgaUon Brine out still More HI-

ritnne of Hit trtmei Htole at lrai100000 Including the Estate i

Ills Friend Congressman Mtewar

The aulhorille1 of city of Patowoand lbs coimty of Pastnlo have decided I

bring William H Belohrr the rcnegatreform Mayor to tho bur of justIce Tl-

detialou was not reached hastily but onafter for several Uiiy and

conference In offices of CountProsecutor Emley yc terdny morning

the afternoon a hundred hours aftBelchers idlsappenrunce a warrant we

placed In be hand of Acting Police Catsin SIcOIrr It la that aalarm will be ofcountry and a reward offered a fo1

dayThewarrant charges embezzlement

complainant la John C Boo of Haledortreasurer of the Manchester BuildingLoan Association and a colndoner witSecretary Alice of a Bobber 5400Roe bases the accusation upon theprlation Bobber of 1820 paid to him fo

the loan association by Mrs Cecelia Meriton Feb The payment as reporteIn TUB Sum yesterday was in dischargera mortgage Indebtedness to the association

After Mr Roe had submitted hU formacomplaint to Isaac Noonberg thethat official drew up the warrantthe office of the police and read it with dusolemnity

are many skeptical persons ii

who say that tho language of tliis the only thing solemn II

to the fact thatto an examiner of the Statof Ranking and Insuranc-

on Monday and inquire rather pointedwhy steps wore not taken at that time

the day following If the authorisewere wholly imbued with a desire for hiarrest

Soon after the warrant was Issued i

Paterson newspaper man reported tProsecutor Emley that Belcher had lothis homo In Mldvale disguised by the laoof his mustache and was on a train ar-riving In Jersey City at 607 oclock MrEmloy excitedly telephoned a deecriptioito Murphy of Jersey City The

the train but failed to find thMayor He had a personal acqualntancwith the Mayor and wes ubHolutoly certaiihe was not among the passengers

Tbo extent of publlo knowledge of thiMayors peculations broadened duringday It was learned for instance that othe late Congressman James A Stewartestate of which Botcher was executor noonly was there not a penny left but thaBelcher has left the Congressmans widovand daughter six months in arrears for therent of thehouse in which they live Hialso left unpaid the Congressmans funeraexpenses and the price of the lot in whlclhis remains were laid at rest in Cedar LawrCemetery The trustedMayor to such an extent that in drowinfup his will he expressly stipulated thatthe Mayor should not be required to fur-nish lbs customary executors bond

Another and perhaps the largest thefi-

f all was reported from It wai-

f the property ofwho conducted a ribbon block factory IrPaterson until four years ago when he solet out and moved to Orlando He left

valued at in Belcherftwo years him tc

eallzo on half of them and forward thenoney Bobber realized but kept thenoney and there was a demand madethat he settle or be prosecuted-

The demand came while Bobber wasmgaged in the political campaign in which10 the reform candidate was denouncing

he standing of Democratic Candidatefohnson Botcher raised what money he

could made a flying trip to andnanaged both to appeasemd to convince him of his Integrity

accepted Belchers note inand left the remainder of the

ecuritles in Botchers possession Mritelsterman Is now on his way North toLad out how he stands Some payments

lave been made on Belchers note to himjut at any rate he Is a loser of severalbousand dollars

The extent of the petty larceny thieveryhe appropriation of small amounts paid

0 Belcher as of tho loan aosoclawill not be computed for several daysyesterday morning the officers notified

of tho 324 members of the easeto send in his passbook for corn

larisqn with the books hi tho main officio

Intll those returns nreall In the number ofhe 1 2 and 10 thefts will not bo knownAltogether as profits of the fake pass

book game indorsements of notes appre-ciation of trust funds exchange of badhecks for good ones personal loans bogus

and polity larceny the Mayoreallzed something over 100000 Tillsomputation does not take into consldera

many which it is believed haveindorsed by persona who are keeping

Examiner Conklin devoted nilif his time yesterday to inspection of theffairs of the Building and

Association His research revealedmortgages upon the Mayors real

state and many other mortgagee takeny the association through Belcher as inter-mediary Mr Conklin would not reveal

result of the hethe security ample in all cases to

over the Indebtedness or whetherheld by tho association were good

has begun toMayor from office such a

been suggested If he returns todayand released on ball he will

are full power to act as Mayor No onocltevefl however that ho will returnhero Is a general feeling that ho la

mites away in some place carefullyduring years of his criminal life in

aterconSome of the Mayors friends yesterday

that they were him inpart of last week and that he loft

a to enter the office ofho North German Lloyd Line The state

tent gave rise to a report otherwise unhe sailed on the Kronprinz

llholm Tuesday

pporti Another Watch Stolen In theA man who said he wasWilliam McGowan

f 41 West Twentyseventh street told theollce of the West Fortyseventh street

tation last night 150 watchfob had picked from his

i the Hotel complaintanotherman was made to MUM

oo Thursday pleat





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bleed generaltent pole the






Thorwart abut

fed forger





site IWO








the Inquirywhether con-


tgageben out








JF iSf














8113000 FOR A TITIANAmerican Purrliairr for Portrait

CardinalSpecial rube nnpattlt to Tni Box

PAnts AUR 4 U i undorqtoorinuKotlulionx have born practically but

completed for tho purchase b-

on of TlllanM portrait of Oirdina-Uembo for 2j000 It lit nUo said Ilia

portrait of Aretlno will bo saltIn on yet doubtful A high ai

authority that Aretlno portrait 1

likely to go to America while another nu-

thority declines that It has lBin boUfihfor the National Oallcry In London

Sir Casper Ilirdon Clarke director cthe Metropolitan Muioura of Art snys thnthe portrait of Cardinal Uembo IB ono o

the least Tltlnn extant and that if It I

bought by a private American It ought t

lx placed in a museum He points out tinon average lire destroys ono valuablcollection of paintings In England annualfor which reason many English collectorare now content to have copies of theplcturex In heir homes confiding thoriginate to the safe keeping of publlgalleries

II O HAVEMEVER JR SUMThe Fays of Boitnn Want KS4MM fo

Accident Tbat Happened haiL SuinnierNEWPORT R I tug 4 Papers wer

served on Harry 0 Havemoyer Jr todaby a deputy sheriff In a suit brought bLouise Fay William E Fay and Florono-E Fay of Boston for 55000 damages foinjuries they say they received In andent which happened last summer ThFays allege that they were thrown out oa carriage the horse having been ecareiby Mr Havemeyera automobllo Thiaccident happened in Mlddletown-


The Operation on the flanker Left VitaWith Weak heart and Pulse

SARATOGA Aug 4 Isldor Jrwas operated upon last night for tho re

moral of a gall stone The operation wapronounced successful but doubt calebas to his recovery B

Mr Wormser and his family who arrivedon July 29 are occupying hotel cot

62 It was there that the operatic itook place It was performed by Dr Cammeyer assisted by Dra Stemberger Denton Stedman and May all of Now Yorkcity and Dr G F Comstock of SaratogaSprings-

Dr C 8 May at 11 oclock tonightwhile admitting the precarious condltloiof Mr Wormser sold that If nothing un-foreseen occurs and Mr Wormser continueto hold his own ho may ultimately recovernotwithstanding his heart and pulse are

Mr Wormser Is conscious andhis situation


Party ef Young People NarrowEscape on the Hudson

TAHBTTOWN N Y Aug party oyoung people who went out on theIn a this afternoon bad a close shavi

tank of their launch toolfire while they were in the middle ofriver Ray Gamble the owner of thi

was severely burned and la HOT

home suffering greatlyThe party was composed of

his friend Dan threeerine Storms Miller and FlorenceMlnnerly daughter of Chief of Police Minnerly of North Tarrytown The partybad been out only a short time when thegasoline tank got afire Duell who triedto turn the valve soon discovered that hitclothes were on fire and saved himselfjumping overboard remainedaboard with the frightenedilmost into hysterics There wore two or

other sailing parties insoon aa they saw the flames

jut out to the rescue and took off the youngpeople from the burning Thewas badly damaged


Sand Dlastlnc Contract lt forthe Ring BolltUnr

Workmen to strip fromho walls of the County Court House the

which has thickly on all sidestho structure it was erected

The outside of the building IB to beand to allow for thlatreatment the

vy is to be torn awayWhen the Qty Hall was subjected to thend bloating process last spring there

Indignation The case of the CountyHouse is worse The chief exterior

ttraction of that building architects say-

s the ivy which has climbed around itmd hidden its lines

Mr Abeam was not in town yesterday-md the only satisfaction which could bebtalned from his subordinates was thatho ivy would grow again and that anywayIvy had a deteriorating effect on stone


r Wllleox Thinks London Methods theBrit In the World

Sptcial Cable Dispute to THE SewLONDON Aug Postmaster Wllloox of

Jew York alter studying the postal methodsf Berlin and Paris is now In London in

ostlgatlng the methods employedlo considers the London service thei the world as the facilities the Governmentfiords are greater than those in New YorkJe

The room allowed in publlo buildings-s a striking feature There Is no crowding

there are sufficient men to do tho worklulckly and correctly In the St Martin lo-

jrand station alone there are 2000 letterjarriers compared with 2400 In New Yorksity giving London twelve deliveries daily

What New York needs is more substationsind more men


Twice and Dangerously Woundsa Young Man

BIRMINGHAM Ala Aug 4 Miss Micesell 17 years of age daughter of a

citizen of Joneaboro Ala toyhot and dangerously wounded Emett

Inch 20 years old in front of her fatherstome The young man rode by the housen a bicycle and the girl took a doublelarreled shotgun and fired at him missing

aim A little later tbo young man rodeack and the girl took deliberate aim andIred the barrel at him Her sister

and knocked the girlsrm just as she took aim and the shot

and literally peppered tho youngnans face u-

I i

the shootinge was arrestsd sad sjav



nb olutlly

lannays ho





Worm r


wok fully





Gable andDuel



the thethey

bat lunch










and he acnditon deli to

to tft I

JJ 11



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injured Is desperatemake

as the

Of p0to 4PIt3 i-riiiL





TIle Sheriff Takes PositMlon of the tloafand the Captain and Crew Aro

tHTlic CnpUire It I Thought willvj-

Mnd the Clianrp of a More Senses flailsH fi

Nsw QniRANS Aug 4 Tho firstthe boundaryIng out of the quurantlrin war betweentwo StutM occurred this morningthe Jipony of the Mississippifleet was captured by the Louialana troops ffi

under Lieut Ivy of the Fern notingtho truclloni of SherllT Nunes of StBernard No wore fired but the Scapture wax nomowhnt dramatic Tjia Jjw-

BJipsey1 wuij lying at the HJRolotN in LoUlsl

attn waters waiting to Intercept Louisiana 3-

vcMsols When tho Fern In which there SHa largo party of Naval Reserves con

coaled from view came the Jlps y vfflS

Intercepted her and demanded her desUho B

Tho captain hoarded the J j

then surrendered without firing a shotThe Jlpsey was taken possession of

Sheriff Nunez and convoyed to St Bernard mwaters while the captain and crew wornlooked up In the parish jail Copt Walter ABlunt of tho Mississippi flagship Grainasked for go to Mississippi

consult the authorities therehe should tlo and allowed to departThe third Mississippi war vessel which WM feblockading tho Chef Menteur entrance into M

Winona from this that the jMj

Mississippi quarantine authorities haveabandoned their blockade of the Louisiana

and their right of search of LouisianaW

In addition are

manned by 100 of the Louisiana Naval JjReserves Tho Mississippi force consisted-of six quarantine boatathe Grace beinglargest one of the others beingcaptured today The Mississippi vesselshave for several days been In Louisiana 4el

IntoThe Grace kept watch at the entrance of

and the Canal Q

other vessel at Chef Monteur Louisiana jvessels were stopped by the quarantineboats which donanded their port of des s-

Unatlon the Issue between the two Statesbeing practically the right of search which Jpcaused the war of 1812

are sold to have been captured andto the United States quarantine stationShip Jslati j It that pova aa Gov Blanobard has instructed 5the Louisiana forces not to enter MUeln-

slppl waters but to make sure that the JMississippi vessels cease their depredations

mand will be mode for the return of theLouisiana boats already capturedShip Island has not yet been Sbut the demand will probably be made jjon the United Department

cutter Wlnona and are now under JFederal control at Ship Island

United States Senator McEnory today g-

urgeonGenerol Wyman of the United j-

tates Marine Hospital Service protestinggainst the part the reveni e officers toot J-

n the outrage Gor Blanchard denounoMbe action of the Mississippi quarantine telest na no less than piracy fa

The Louisiana troops at the boundary are 3under the command of Commander Bostiokif the Louisiana Naval Reserves They are j-

ubjoct to the orders of the Sheriffs of StBernard and Orleans parishes District

Gov Bloncbard to Investigate the conItlons there reported today that the r w

action of the Mississippi troops was grossly v-wlolatlve of law and that the perpetratorsf the outrage were liable to indictment

the Grand Jury of New Orleans for Jff-

irrestlng Louisiana citizens in Louisiana ljs-

rritory without warrant of lawThe Mississippi forces were increased fe-

ast night by the arrival of the

so that the two opposing mill jlany forces are about equal In point oflumbers There is not likely to be any m

urther trouble unless tho Mississippi army ya-

r navy invades Louisiana territory landir waters when the Instructions are to M-

rrest them and land them in jail here KAla Aug 4 The Louisville f-

o abandon its passenger service betweenOrleans and Montgomery

ere report that it is costing between 15000 JMnd 0000 a day to operate In the quaranInc section Another case of fever has itt

levelopod at Orvlsburg Miss near liens jthe quarantine tightens soldiers being

ent to tho city The Mobile and Ohio 8t-

ailroad Company lies notified the bananamport Ing firms of Vaccaro Bros and Otrf yjjii-k Co who their business here onccount of fever at New Or M

inns that it cannot handle their bus j0u-

sinesa the quarantine

plfsrapni Federal Authorities to KeepHands Off the Local Contest

WASHINQTON Aug 4 Further taleraphlo correspondence between Secretaryf the Treasury Shaw and Gov Blanchardf tho Governor telegraphed that he conIdered that tho revenue cutter Wlnonaas serving the interests of Mississippii that States contest with Louisiana andlat all authority of law had been exceeded

BATON ROUOK La Aug 3 IW5L M Show Htcrclary Treotvry

Grow discrimination In favor MJsslHippi-pilnflt LoulHlatia for

She scorns to bo under directionr statlonnd at

gne and t3 t



l lonloul



ton Fedat once


away onfrom the Unite revenue

catThe are much

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and therapid gun thethe Tom two I


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tParker who wasb



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and 1


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to shn dolnshe

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In toWui-n the view It

bando i 8 II rI 0 i II






4lanaM lrlsiplIthe




lacrd uner arrest



to as whatwas

Mississippi Sound called nOticeStates cutter



Louisiana forces the largestincluding six vessels themMarie flagship Commander Postick t

Maestio being tinned with Coltfiring


the Tipsey

blockading three

Lake Borgno Lake BorgneTipsay Rigolets Straits and an j


Eighteen Louisiana fishing fleetso

is thought the hapTlpsey will chance of a sen


Louisiana teiuitory Whether any dr

as the turned by theMississIppi quarantine officials to rove

telegraphed Secretary Bonaparte anti

ttorney sent to the sceney

Today a company

road is hourly expectedj4

The 0111

ears The will to abandoert




took place late yesterday 1

are asTreasury Department today i

Wcshinton I

revenue outterUnderpretens-

I quarantine has vntereti Loulal 7

waters interferedd

conception her qusrright waters

Mississippi iii a i

between and Federaluthoritlee should beep off 1k


