the swot analysis and development strategy of china tire

I The SWOT Analysis and Development Strategy of China Tire Project Investment in Indonesia ---Case Study of PT. Eastern O’Green By Ai Chaofei ID: 014201000224 A skripsi presented to the Faculty of Business President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in Economics Major in Management February 2014

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The SWOT Analysis and Development Strategy of China

Tire Project Investment in Indonesia

---Case Study of PT. Eastern O’Green


Ai Chaofei

ID: 014201000224

A skripsi presented to the Faculty of Business President

University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor

Degree in Economics Major in Management

February 2014



The Panel of Examiners declares that the skripsi entitled “The

SWOT Analysis and Development Strategy of China Tire Project

Investment in Indonesia” that was submitted by Ai Chaofei majoring in

Management from the Faculty of Business was assessed and approved to

have passed the Oral Examinations in February, 2014.

Ir. Yunita Ismail Masjud, M. Si

Chair-Panel of Examiners

Ir. Erny E. Hutabarat, MBA

Examiner 1

Dr. Erwin Ramedhan, DEA

Examiner 2



This skripsi entitled ―The SWOT Analysis and Development

Strategy of China Tire Project Investment in Indonesia‖

prepared and submitted by Ai Chaofei in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of bachelor in Faculty of Business has been

reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a skripsi fit to

be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Cikarang, Indonesia, February, 2014

Acknowledged by: Recommended by:

VinsensiusJajat K., SE, MM, MBA Erwin Ramedhan

Head of Management Study Program Skripsi Adviser



I declare that this skripsi, entitled “The SWOT Analysis and

Development Strategy of China Tire Project Investment in Indonesia”

is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that

has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to

obtain a degree.

Cikarang, Indonesia, February, 2014

Ai Chaofei



This study was about China tire project investment factors analysis and the business

development strategy in Indonesia. This case is using SWOT analysis method for PT.

Eastern O‘Green to research the company environment factors and the development

strategy in the Indonesia market. PT Eastern O‘Green is established in 2012 and also

can called new company in Indonesia. As a new company they mustanalysis the

company environment in the marketto know how to make development strategic. This

skripsiuses qualitative research method and is supposed to use the SWOT Matrix to

develop the strategies based on the SWOT Analysis. Based on SWOT Analysis,

researcher has helped make the strategies to develop the business as follow: 1.

through distributors to build the strong brand in Indonesia market; 2. improve the

service quality and production technology to compete with competitors and pay

attention to create of customer value; 3. take full advantage of Shandong O‘Green

headquarters‘ support; 4. develop the company culture and make good training and

recruitment plan; good brand image and product reputation to develop new

markets and at the same time maintain the core value and build the core competencies;

6. improve the R&D capability and enlarge the distribution channel and pay attention

to strengthen the HR management; 7. outstanding the financial management to face

the threat of currency exchange rate instability. The Indonesia tire market is attractive

and competitive for PT. Eastern O‘Green, and the government policy, the potential

market, the promising economy and so on are good for PT. Eastern O‘Green business

development in Indonesia.

Key Words:Investment, SWOT, Development strategy



Time flies very fast. It‘s still very surprising but the university life in President

University has almost come to the end. It has been a very rewarding experience for

me.Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who havehelped and

supported me to complete this thesis.

First of all, I would like to express the deepest gratitude to my advisor---Mr. Erwin

Ramedhan for his invaluable advice, support, supervision and useful suggestions

throughout this research work. His moral support and continuous guidance enabled

me to complete my work successfully.

Secondly, I would like to give my appreciation to my family who has always become

a blessing through their love, care and support.

Not to forget, I would like to give the thanks to the people in PT Eastern O‘Greenwho

have given me the opportunity to do the internship program there. Especially thank

those people who give me the useful informationin the communication team.

Finally, to all President University lecturers, staffs and other people who ever give me

a help, I cannot mention one by one, I am truly thank you all.

The author of this final project would like to thank all involved parties in President

University.And I believe that there is no perfection, but excellence. So, this thesis

report is constructed as one form of my best effort in arranging my research

experience starting October 2013 up to January 2014.

Cikarang, Indonesia, February, 2014

Ai Chaofei



SKRIPSI ADVISOR RECOMMENDATION LETTER ..........................................I

DECLEARATION OF ORIGINALLY .................................................................... II

PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................III

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ IV

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................................................... V

TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................. VI

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of study............................................................................................. 1

1.2 Problems Identification ........................................................................................ 2

1.3 Statement of Problem ........................................................................................... 3

1.4 Research Objectives ............................................................................................. 4

1.5 Significance of the study ...................................................................................... 4

1.6 Scope and Limitation of Study ............................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................. 6

2.1Understanding of SWOT Analysis ........................................................................ 6

2.1.1 Background and History of SWOT Analysis ................................................ 6

2.1.2 Early Research on SWOT Analysis .............................................................. 7

2.1.3 SWOT Analysis Framework ......................................................................... 7

2.1.4 SWOT Analysis Definition ........................................................................... 8

2.1.5 Advantages of SWOT Analysis................................................................... 14

2.2 Understanding of SWOT Matrix ........................................................................ 15

2.3 Development Strategy Study .............................................................................. 18

2.3.1 Understanding of Strategy ........................................................................... 18

2.3.2 Development Strategy Planning .................................................................. 19

2.3.3 Development Strategy for Different Market Objects .................................. 19

2.4 Factors Influencing Foreign Investment............................................................. 20

2.4.1 Macroeconomic Performance...................................................................... 20

2.4.2 Human Capital ............................................................................................. 21


2.4.3 Investment Climate...................................................................................... 22

2.4.4 Infrastructure condition ............................................................................... 23

2.5 Investors‘ Choice of Location ............................................................................ 26

2.6 Theoretical Framework ...................................................................................... 27

2.6.1 Explanations of SWOT Analysis................................................................. 27

2.6.2 The SWOT Matrix....................................................................................... 29

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ......................................................................... 32

3.1 Research Method ................................................................................................ 32

3.2 Research Time and Place.................................................................................... 33

3.3 Operational Definitions ...................................................................................... 33

3.4 Research Instrument and Data Collection .......................................................... 34

3.5 SWOT Analysis and SWOT Matrix ................................................................... 35

3.6. The BCG Growth-Share Matrix Analysis ......................................................... 37

3.7. The PEST Analysis............................................................................................ 39


4.1 Indonesia Country Profile................................................................................... 41

4.2 Company Profile................................................................................................. 43

4.3 Data Analysis...................................................................................................... 44

4.3.1 The SWOT Analysis of PT. Eastern O‘Green............................................. 44

4.3.2 BCG Analysis of PT. Eastern O‘Green ....................................................... 68

4.3.3 PEST Analysis of PT. Eastern O‘Green ...................................................... 69

4.4 Interpretation of Results ..................................................................................... 69

4.4.1 S-O Strategies .............................................................................................. 69

4.4.2 W-O Strategies ............................................................................................ 71

4.4.3 S-T Strategies .............................................................................................. 74

4.4.4 W-T Strategies ............................................................................................. 76


5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 78

5.2 Recommendation ............................................................................................... 79

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................. 81


APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ 85



Table 2.1- The SWOT Matrix Analysis ................................................................... 16

Table 2.2- Key Determinants and Factors for Foreign Investment Inflow .......... 24

Table 2.3-The main foreign investment location factors and sub-factors ............ 25

Table 2.4 – SWOT Matrix ......................................................................................... 29

Table 4.1- Analysis of the total investment constitutes........................................... 46

Table 4.2- Tire price in the Indonesia market......................................................... 52

Table 4.3: Top Five Natural Rubber Producers 2011 ............................................ 61

Table 4.4- Indonesia Economic Growth statistics ................................................... 62

Table 4.5-The indicators of infrastructure in Indonesia, China and Vietnam..... 65



Figure 2.1--SWOT Analysis Framework ................................................................... 8

Figure 2.2-SWOT or TOWS Matrix of Whirlpool ................................................. 17

Figure 2.3 –Theoretical Framework......................................................................... 27

Figure 3.1- BCG Growth-Share Matrix................................................................... 38

Figure 3.2- PEST Matrix ........................................................................................... 39

Figure 4.1- Average hourly wage, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and India (US$ per

hour) ............................................................................................................................ 59

Figure 4.2-Indonesia GDP growth from 1993 to 2012 ............................................ 62

Figure 4.3- The proportion of labor force with tertiary education in Indonesia . 66

Figure 4.4-The exchange rates between IDR and USD in 2013 ............................. 67

Figure 4.5-Distribution Channel............................................................................... 70




1.1 Background of study

Many companies have recognized the importance of conducting business activities

outside the home country. Industries that were essentially national in scope only a few

years ago are dominated today by a handful of global companies. In most industries,

the companies that will survive and prosper in the twenty-first century will be global

enterprise. When a company has decided to enter or expand overseas it must decide

the organizational nature of its operations in that foreign country. And the company

must know the investment condition and the competition environment of the market.

From the market environment factors to analysis the company‘s competitive strength.

That will be clearly to understand the company‘s business development direction. If

people have a well-known investment and market analysis and perfect developmental

strategy, they are determined to win. Firms nowadays are internationalizing much

more than before, they are also internationalizing faster than ever, more and more

company go to abroad to look for the good investment (Schill, 2012). Indonesia is the

largest economy in Southeast Asia and is one of the emerging market economies of

the world. The country is also a member of G-20 major economies. It has a market

economy in which the government plays a significant role by owning more than 164

enterprises and administers prices on several basic goods, including fuel, rice, and

electricity (Hollem, 2008). The Indonesia market was a very huge potential market, if

people have a well-known investment condition and market analysis and perfect

developmental strategy, they are determined to win.

Chinese tire industry is at an important break point. Developed countries in tires new

products, new technologies, new materials and other fields is one innovation after


another, India, Brazil and other rising countries, the tire industry is rapidly growing to

become the hot investment place in the world. To content the growing of market

demand, adjust the product structure of the company, increasing production

proportion of heightening, in order to improve China environmental performance

semi-steel radial tire TBR tire technology, products and exports, actively develop

overseas rubber, steel and other resources, to learn foreign advanced tire

manufacturing technology, after extensive comparison site, thus China tires project

needs to move out and look for the new investment country. However, Indonesia has

abundant natural resources, the "tropical treasure island" said. Rich in palm oil, rubber

and other agricultural and forestry products, which palm oil production is the first one

in the world, natural rubber production in the world second. Indonesia's

industrialization level is relatively high, there are more than 30 different kinds of

departments of manufacturing, mainly are textiles, electronics, wood processing, steel,

machinery, automotive, pulp, paper, chemicals, rubber processing, leather, shoes,

food and beverage and so on. Among them, textile, electronics, wood processing,

steel, machinery, automobile are important categories of export for earning foreign

exchange. Currently, there are many companies into Indonesia for investment. And

some small and medium sized companies often start with ignorance about foreign

investment and markets condition, which makes the business decline. The investment

environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization.

1.2 Problems Identification

Tires as an important part for frequent replacement and consumables of the car , the

market prospects are inextricably linked with automotive industry and mechanical

engineering industry, the two production capacity determines the tire supporting

market, the holdings of the two industry determined tire replacement market capacity.

The automotive industry is one pillar industry of Chinese national economy, China

Association of Automobile Manufacturers statistics data show that in 2008 Chinese


auto output close to 10 million, and in 2010 production of car is over 12 million. It is

predicted that within the next three years, China auto industry will remain around 15%

growth rate, China has become the largest automobile producers and market of the

world with annual sales of nearly 14 million vehicles in 2009.Whether it is from the

original import or from the replacement tires, the domestic tire market demand will

support the China tire industry and showed a trend of development, which is expected

to increase about 25%. In 2011, the Chinese tire industry is facing more uncertainty,

industry development restricted by resource, energy andenvironment factors, tire

exports facing the ordeal of more technical, trade barriers. Overall in tire capacity,

there is a structural excess of production capacity, same product qualitative

phenomenon prominent. In 2011, China tire production was 465 million and increase

8%, which is 375 million radial tires and radial rate of 81%. Chinese tire industry will

continue maintain high growth development. China is one of the largest tire producers

in the world (LIN, October,2013 ). According to the China Rubber Industry

Association statistics, Chinese tire production is the fastest growing market in the

world, the market size is about $ 8 billion, accounted for the world tire market share

of 9%. It can be seen Chinese tire industry in the certain condition of development

stage, not only to maintain high growth development, but also production and sales

both boom, profits also increased. Thus Considering the tires demand condition in the

future, more and more Chinese tire project has went abroad to invest.Thus it's easy to

understand and analysis the investment environment factors influence business

development.Based on the difference of China and Indonesia, that‘s why the

researcher needs to find out what are the strengths, weakness, opportunity and threat

for China tire project investment in Indonesia.

1.3 Statement of Problem

Based on the background of the above problems, then the problem can be formulated

as follows:


(a) What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of PT. Eastern

O‘Green in Indonesia investment?

(b) What are the development strategies to make the investment expand well based

on the SWOT analysis?

1.4 Research Objectives

The purpose of this thesis was conducted with the aim of the SWOT analysis and

development strategy of China tire project investment in Indonesia; the researcher

will mainly study from the investment company's strength, weakness, opportunity and

weakness in Indonesia these four aspects to make the business development strategy

in the tire market.

Through researching the evaluation of the SWOT analysis of PT. Eastern O'Green in

Indonesia, it will further understanding for the Indonesia tire market condition, what‘s

more, it will help to make the business development strategy for the company.

1.5 Significance of the study

The research aims to contribute highly to the following institutions:

a). For the Company

This research can try to find out what are the advantages and disadvantages for

investing in Indonesia. Why the Chinese tire project do the investment in Indonesia.

After knowing the situation, this research will give some developmental strategies

based on the SWOT Matrix. Hopefully the company‘s performance can be better.

b). For President University


This research is about the analysis of the Chinese subsidiaries in Indonesia. The

students will know much about the difference of business culture and management

between two countries and the economic growth trends. PU students can implement

the class knowledge into real research and get meaningful findings. It also can provide

some references to the following students and help them to make their thesis better.

c). For the Researcher

The research can use the knowledge of the researcher and enrich it. And the

researcher can be more familiar with the tire project and current market. By knowing

the result, researcher uses the company – PT. Eastern O‘Green . It can be true and the

reader will be more understanding.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of Study

Since this research is about the Chinese investment company which is in Indonesia.

The limitation of conditions is this research just can be done in Indonesia

headquarters office and the tire project investment in Indonesia which can‘t be

analyzed fully in one research, thus this research just focus on the SWOT analysis and

get the development strategy. In Indonesia, there are many tires investment company

to research the SWOT analysis, this thesis just focus on the PT. EASTERN O‘Green

as the example in Jakarta. So the results maybe will have some limitations.

Besides, the research is about tires project, it needs some data such as market

condition and investment environment. Actually the researcher knows the information

about the company is in the internship period. The researcher only can use the full

year‘s data from 2012 to 2013 to do the research. When the researcher finished the

internship, the researcher is out of some information. So the researcher just can use

the data which the researcher got during the internship to analyze.




There should be a great deal of discussion about the factors and SWOT analysis that

influencing the tire investment conditions towards Indonesia. It‘s known that almost

every company, for their own product investment in another country, will have their

own stress. Whether the internal environment or external environment affects the

company‘s investment conditions and development, that's why the company should

pay attention to it. SWOT Analysis is widely used in the business operation and is the

usual tool to know much about the situation of a company or project development.

Because many conditions will have different influence on the project or company,

thus the investors need to know its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Thus the existing literature below is about the investments and SWOT analysis for

China tire project investment in Indonesia.

2.1Understanding of SWOT Analysis

2.1.1 Background and History of SWOT Analysis

The origins of the SWOT Analysis technique is credited by Albert Humphrey, who

led a research project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s. The origins of

SWOT are believed to have started with the term SOFT, not SWOT. SOFT:

Satisfactory (good in the present), Opportunity (good in the future), Fault (bad in the

present), Threat (bad in the future).And now more and more company, especially the

top companies would like to use data from many top companies

( that time, the questions which were about ―what

is good in the present is satisfactory, good in the future is an opportunity; bad in the

present is a fault and bad in the future is a threat.‖, it was asked by Albert Humphrey

and the original research team. They worked together and got the information from


the authoritative institutions and the strong companies to try to prove the analysis was


Some researchers reference the 1965 publication ―business policy, text and cases‖ by

Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guth (from Harvard University) in which a

framework is used which closely resembles SWOT, however these words are not used

and certainly the framework is not described as simple as the company know it today.

If the company does the SWOT Analysis in detail, it also gets complicated. Because it

should be collected much information, both internal and external. It may waste our

time to do this, but it‘s a must in order to develop the company condition. Over the

past few decades one strategic management technique that has gained increased

acceptance or which has rather excelled in the field of strategic planning is the SWOT


2.1.2 Early Research on SWOT Analysis

There were so many researchers choose SWOT Analysis to do the study research.

Early, this method was used by the Indigenous Australians in order to find out the

disadvantaged and advantages of creating a tourism micro-enterprise in Australia, this

research was done by Don Fuller (1931), Jeremy Buultjens (1764) and Eileen

Cummings (1946). Because the SWOT components give the researchers the clear

mind, the researcher can follow those components and compare with the data it needs.

It will be more correct. Actually, this method has grown in its credibility since it has

been used by many companies in their attempt to recreate themselves.

2.1.3 SWOT Analysis Framework

The SWOT Analysis framework is both simple and authoritative. It‘s easy to

understand for strategy development. However, like any planning tool, SWOT is only

as good as the information it contains. We can do the planning based on that


framework before we make the market research. By the way, market research is

important to find the necessary information in the internal and external environment

for the SWOT Analysis. (

Strengths and weaknesses belong to internal environment. It focuses on internal

factors to meet what the company‘s target market needs. It has its own advantages and

disadvantages so that the company can find the market demand.

The External Analysis which is determined the opportunities and threats in the

external environment. Every company must have its opportunities and threats. The

company should consider what are the opportunities and threats that exist in its

external environment. If the company wants to find out the answer, it should analyze

external factors.

Figure 2.1- SWOT Analysis Framework


2.1.4 SWOT Analysis Definition

Situation analysis is in which internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization,

and external opportunities and threats faced by it are closely examined to chart a

strategy. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.SWOT is

an acronym used to describe the particular Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and


Threats that are strategic factors for a specific company or certain condition. A SWOT

Analysis should not only result in the identification of a corporation‘s core

competencies, but also in the identification of opportunities that the company is not

currently able to take advantage of due to a lack of appropriate resources (Wheelen

Hunger, 1998, p.107).

Basically, the strengths and weaknesses are the factors relative to competitors. The

opportunities and threats are opposite factors that come from company‘s external

environment. The SWOT Analysis is used as a company‘s structured approach that

helps the managers to analyze the situation that affect the accomplishment of the

corporate‘s culture such as vision, mission, goals, and value. The SWOT Analysis can

easily evaluate the past, present, and future information to consider internal and

external environment.In this research, the researcher can judge SWOT Analysis is a

planning approach and developmental tool. SWOT is widely used in the part of a

strategic planning process. To list what the situation is now which includes the

internal and external factors.

a). Strengths

Strengths can show the advantage of a company. Strengths should be an important

factor that needs to focus on. By strengths it means the resources, products, and

capabilities available which enable to achieve a competitive advantage. Here are some

questions that can use to help determine company‘s strengths


1). Do you have strong organization support?

2). Do you have any production advantages?

3). Do you make use of exclusive distribution rights?

4). What do you do better than anyone else for your product?


5). How is your distribution channel?

It‘s the positive tangible and intangible attributes, internal of an organization.

Understanding the strengths of the company, the company are investing in is a big

deal. For many companies, leveraging its strengths is what has made the company

successful over the years. Every company and every market will have different

strengths. Many tech and pharmaceutical companies rely on patent protection for its

products, however, these patents are granted because of people or research, or maybe

good acquisitions. It is important to know the whys and analyze the strengths.

Strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for development

a competitive advantage. Examples can include: patents; strong brand names; good

reputation among customers; cost advantages from proprietary resources; favorable

access to distribution networks. Strengths also can be the qualities that enable us to

accomplish the organization‘s mission. These are the basis on which continued

success can be made and continued/sustained. Strengths can be either tangible or

intangible. Strengths are the beneficial aspects of the organization or the capabilities

of an organization, which includes human competencies, process capabilities,

financial resources, products and services, customer goodwill and brand loyalty.

Examples of organizational strengths are huge financial resources, broad product line,

no debt, committed employees, etc (

b). Weaknesses

Weaknesses are the qualities that prevent us from accomplishing our mission and

achieving our full potential. These weaknesses deteriorate influences on the

organizational success and growth. Weaknesses in an organization may be

depreciating machinery, insufficient research and development facilities, narrow

product range, poor decision-making, etc. Weaknesses are controllable. They must be

minimized and eliminated. For instance - to overcome obsolete machinery, new

machinery can be purchased. Other examples of organizational weaknesses are huge


debts, high employee turnover, complex decision making process, narrow product

range, large wastage of raw materials, etc. Weaknesses are the limitations that block a

company to develop. If the company wants to analyze the markets, it should start the

analysis from both strengths and weaknesses. Especially the weaknesses, the company

should not be weaknesses to customer requirements. Only those strengths that relate

to satisfying a customer need should be considered true core competencies. The

absence of certain strengths maybe viewed as a weakness, for example each of the

following maybe considered weakness: lack of patent protection; a weak brand name;

poor reputation among customers; high cost structure; lack of access to the best

natural resources; lack of access to key distribution


This is just as important as knowing the strengths of the company—the weaknesses

will tell the potential downfalls. Many times, it can be hard to figure out a company‘s

weaknesses because most work very hard to only show its strengths. A good place to

look for company weaknesses is in the annual report, especially the notes to the

financial statements. It is in this section that the company discloses their potential

liabilities, as well as where they see potential competition. With this information, the

researcher can gauge the company‘s weaknesses and make a more informed

investment decision Once again, depending on the market; every company‘s potential

weakness will be different. Take a look at utility companies; they don‘t have to worry

about competition because they have a monopoly over their service area. However,

regulation of utilities can impact financial strength, and can also create high liabilities

in areas such as environment or safety

( for- investments).

Weaknesses are obviously the opposite of strengths or even just the absence of

strengths in particular areas.Here are some questions that can use to determine a

company‘s weaknesses:

1). If you have a weak brand awareness in oversea market?


2). What do your competitors do better than you?

3). What might your competitors see as your weakness?

Factors that are within an organization‘s control that reduces from its ability to

acquire the desired goal such as the lack of equipment operators in the ports so that

the company cannot provide the service as well as possible.

c). Opportunities

Opportunities are presented by the environment within which our organization

operates. These arise when an organization can take benefit of conditions in its

environment to plan and execute strategies that enable it to become more profitable.

Organizations can gain competitive advantage by making use of opportunities.

Organization should be careful and recognize the opportunities and grasp them

whenever they arise. Select the targets that will best serve the clients while getting

desired results is a difficult task. The external environmental analysis may reveal

certain new opportunities for profit and growth. Some examples of such opportunities

include: an unfulfilled customer need; arrival of new technologies; loosening of

regulations; removal of international trade barriers.

Opportunities are usually related to the company‘s advantage. So the company should

be better to find the opportunities as much as possible so that it can bring the company

much more benefit.This can be a hard one for individual investors to figure out. It

basically means determining what opportunities this company has to grow further, or

otherwise increase profitability for shareholders. Some companies can benefit from

macro-economic trends that are easy to spot, but for other companies it can be much

more difficult


It‘s the external factor that represents the reason for an organization to exist and

develop. To know that what opportunities exist in the environment, which will propel


the organization? If the company meets the high season of the goods, the volume of

incoming and outgoing cargo will be increased. That‘s a good opportunity to find

more customers.Opportunities may arise from market, competition, industry and

technology. Increasing demand for telecommunications accompanied by deregulation

is a great opportunity for new companies to enter telecom sector and compete with

existing companies for revenue.

Examining the external environment may result in identifying new opportunities.

Another way to approach this is to examine a company‘s completed strengths and

determine if any of them could evolve into opportunities. Additionally, the company

could examine its weaknesses to see if resolving any of them would lead to

opportunities. Here are some questions to help identify opportunities:

1). What are the trends in government policy?

2). Are there new markets for your opportunity?

3). How is the new market?

4). Why do you choose the Indonesia for investment?

d). Threats

Changes in the external environmental also may present threats to the firm. The

external factors, out of the company‘s control, which could affect the company‘s

operation. It‘s a risk. The company may be afraid that the competitors of surrounding

ports use the strategies such as pricing and promotion to attract customers.Some

examples of such threats include: shifts in consumer tastes away from the firm‘s

products; emergence of substitute products; new regulations; increased trade barriers.

That‘s why every investor needs to look at direct threats to their investments. This is

more than just the weaknesses of the company—these are direct impact items that

everyone needs to pay attention to. For example, a weakness of a toy company could


be that it has high liability potential around selling toys to kids. However, the direct

threat to the company can be pending litigation around toy safety. Every company has

threats, and these external factors need to be carefully considered by potential

investors. Once again, the notes to the financial statements can provide great insights

into potential threats to the company

( for- investments).

Here is to list what changes in the external environment could pose a threat


1). What‘s the threat from the competitors?

2). Is new competition coming?

3).What barriers are the company facing in Indonesia ?

4). Is the currency exchange rate instable impact your business benefit?

Threats arise when conditions in external environment jeopardize the reliability and

profitability of the organization‘s business. They compound the vulnerability when

they relate to the weaknesses. When a threat comes, the stability and survival can be

at stake. Examples of threats are - unrest among employees; ever changing technology;

increasing competition leading to excess capacity, price wars and reducing industry

profits; etc. ( are

uncontrollable. Threats also exist in the external environment. If the competitor exists,

the company must face the threats. The best thing it should do is try to avoid the

threats and think out the solution.

2.1.5 Advantages of SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. It is a strong

tool, but it involves a great subjective element. It is best when used as a guide, and not

as a prescription. Successful businesses build on their strengths, correct their

weakness and protect against internal weaknesses and external threats. They also keep


a watch on their overall business environment and recognize and exploit new

opportunities faster than its competitors

( It is commonly used in

business development and marketing, but it is a great tool to apply to long-term

investing strategies as well. When making any investment decisions about a company,

people should carefully analyze these points. As such, there are different aspects to

consider when making an investment in an individual company.

SWOT Analysis helps in strategic planning in following manner:a) It is a source of

information for strategic planning. b) Builds organization‘s strengths. c) Reverse its

weaknesses. d) Maximize its response to opportunities. e) Overcome organization‘s

threats. f) It helps in identifying core competencies of the company.

The main advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis is that it has little or no cost -

anyone who understands your business can perform a SWOT analysis. You can also

use a SWOT analysis when you don't have much time to address a complex situation.

Another advantage of a SWOT analysis is that it concentrates on the most important

factors affecting your business. Using a SWOT, you can: understand your business

better; address weaknesses; deter threats;capitalize on opportunities; take advantage

of your strengths; develop business goals and strategies for achieving


ot-analysis/benefits- limitations-swot-analysis)

2.2 Understanding of SWOT Matrix

The concept of determining strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities is the

fundamental idea behind the SWOT model. To present the model in a more

understandable way, scholars came up with so-called SWOT matrix. SWOT matrix is

only a graphical representation of the SWOT framework.A SWOT Matrix is 2 x 2


matrixes which is basically divided by having one factor determine each axis of the

matrix. Once the factors are aligned within the matrix the SWOT matrix helps us

decide the strategies which an organization can use. SWOT Matrix gives a set of

strategies by analyzing internal capacity of the company and external environment of

the industry. It is a matching tool for constructing four types of strategies which are:

SO, WO, ST, and WT. Here it should be noted that there is no best set of matching

external and internal factors due to which analysis becomes difficult to some extent



Table 2.1- The SWOT Matrix Analysis





Opportunity-Strength (OS)

Strategies: use strengths to

takeadvantage of



(OW) Strategies: overcome

weaknesses by taking

advantage of opportunities


Threat-Strength (TS)

Strategies: use strengths to

avoid threats

Threat-Weakness (TW)

Strategies: minimize

weaknesses and avoid




Figure 2.2-SWOT or TOWS Matrix of Whirlpool




SWOT Matrix for Whirlpool is provided in the above figure. SWOT Matrix contains

nine cells in which four are key factor cells, four strategy cells and one blank cell.

First of all, the four key factor cells are completed which are labelled as: S, W, O, and

T then the four strategy cells will be constructed which are labelled as: SO, WO, ST,

and WT.

It is important to note that not all the strategies developed in the SWOT Matrix will be

selected for implementation. The matrix only points out the possible strategies which

can be implemented. It does not help in determining the best strategies for


ot-or-tows-matrix-analysis.html). A company should not necessarily pursue the more

lucrative opportunities. Rather, it may have a better chance at developing a


competitive advantage by identifying a fit between the company‘s strengths and

upcoming opportunities. In some cases, the company can overcome a weakness in

order to prepare itself to pursue a compelling opportunity


The SWOT is a very powerful tool in identifying the intenal and external factors that

affect peoples‘ business, it‘s useful to do one every 6 months and helpful in analyzing

the constant or dynamic aspects of the business. It‘snecessary in determining short

and long term goals for business, thus all of the SO, ST, WO, WT strategies can be

put into the goal and the business plan.

2.3 Development Strategy Study

Today‘s companies must face their strong competitors. So understanding customers is

the first step in the competition environment. We should build the good relationships

between the company and customers. If only to build a good relationship with the

customers for developing the company strategy is not enough. To get more

competitive advantage, companies must use this understanding to design market

demand so that we can win much more customers.

2.3.1 Understanding of Strategy

Strategy is a deliberate search for a plan of action that will develop a business‘s

competitive advantage and compound it. For any company, the search is an iterative

process that begins with recognition of where it is and what it has now. The

company‘s most dangerous competitors are those that are most like itself. The

differences between the company and its competitors are the basis of its advantage. If

the company is in business and are self-supporting, it already have some kind of

competitive advantage, no matter how small or subtle. Otherwise, the company would

have gradually lost customers faster than it gained them. The objective is to enlarge

the scope of its advantage, which can happen only at someone else‘s expense

(Montgomery and Porter, 1997, p.5). Look up ―strategy‖ in any d ictionary, or in


almost any of the thousands of books and articles on the subject. There is clear

consensus on what that word means, and it is not pattern, but plan, in one form or

another, that is, some intentions for the future (Henry Mintzberg, 2007, p.3).

2.3.2 Development Strategy Planning

Once having evaluated the affecting competition in an industry and their basis reason,

the corporate strategist can identify the company‘s strengths and weaknesses. The

important strengths and weaknesses from a strategic standpoint are the company‘s

attitude and development.

People can make a plan of action that may include:

a). Positioning the company so that its capabilities provide the best defense against the

competitive force‖ (Montgomery and Porter, 1997, p.22)


b). Influencing the balance of the forces through strategic moves, thereby improving

the company‘s position (Montgomery and Porter, 1997, pp.22-23).

c). Exploiting industry change (Montgomery and Porter, 1997, p.23)

2.3.3 Development Strategy for Different Market Objects Development Strategy for Market Challenger

A market challenger must first define which competitors to challenge and its strategic

objective. The challenger can attack the market leader, a high-risk but potentially

high-gain strategy (Kotler, 2009, pp. 509-510)

There are several strategies available:


a). For the direct attack, improve the product in quality, advertise its product, make

some promotion activity. It can attack the competitor‘s strengths rather than its


b). For the indirect attack, to cover the competitor‘s market with the competitor‘s

weaknesses. Development Strategy for Market Follower

Challenges are easy to take by the leaders. If the challengers make the strategies with

low prices, good customer service or additional product, the leader can quickly follow

these strategies to reduce the attack. Market followers must balance to find out the

solution which can acquire the customers from the leader and try to avoid the

retaliation. Each follower tries to use its variable advantages to its target market such

as location, brand and good quality services.

2.4 Factors Influencing Foreign Investment

Given the complexity of global economy and the diversity of opportunity that firms

face in different countries, it is not surprise that numerous factors may influence a

firm‘s decision to undertake investment.

There has already been a great deal of discussion about the factors that determine the

investment flows towards countries. The existing literature includes a large number of

surveys and case studies, and a number of econometric studies, In general, they

conclude that the main factors, which have driven investments in countries here we

present some of that important studies:

2.4.1 Macroeconomic Performance

Until recently, there was a strong consensus in the literature that multinational

company invest in specific locations mainly because of strong economic fundamentals

in the host countries for example, large market size, stable macroeconomic


environment etc. (Dunning 1993, Globerman and Shapiro 1999; Shapiro and

Globerman 2001).

The literature on the determinants of multinational company decisions and foreign

investment location is quite substantial, though arguably still in its infancy. A more

recent body of literature has begun to frame such multinational company decisions in

a general equilibrium framework and generates predictions of how fundamental

country- level factors affect aggregate country- level foreign investment behavior. A

large body of literature examining determinants of foreign investment begins with a

partial equilibrium firm-level framework based in industrial organization and finance

to motivate empirical analysis. These studies then typically examine how exogenous

macroeconomic factors affect the firms foreign investment decision, and a small body

of literature focus on government infrastructure and multinational company strategies

in host countries. (UNCTAD 1998)

2.4.2 Human Capital

Borensztein et al. (1998) carried out a cross-section empirical analysis to examine the

effect of foreign investment on economic growth. Their results suggest that foreign

investment is an important vehicle for the transfer of technology, contributing

relatively more to output growth than domestic investment. However, the higher

productivity of foreign investment holds only when the host country has a minimum

threshold stock of human capital. Thus, they argue that foreign investment contributes

to economic growth only when a sufficient absorptive capability of the advanced

technologies is available in the host economy.

Labor costs depend on productivity as well as on wage rates. Productivity is highly

dependent on the educational level of the workforce and several papers find education

and skills of the workforce to be important in multinational firms‘ location decision.

The level of education varies, of course, with the type of production, but even


relatively simple manufacturing typically requires at least basic literacy and numeracy.

For more sophisticated production, the skill requirement of the workforce is higher.

For foreign investors, the host country policies on the repatriation of profits and

capital and access to foreign exchange for the import of intermediaries, raw materials

and technology are particularly important.

2.4.3 Investment Climate

Reportedly, foreign investments are increasingly pursuing complex integration

strategies. MNCs "Increasingly seek locations where they can combine their own

mobile assets most efficiently with the immobile resources they need to produce

goods and services for the markets they want to serve" (UNCTAD 1998). This is

expected to have two related consequences regarding the determinants of FDI. The

Host countries are evaluated by FDI on the basis of a broader set of Policies than

before. The number of policies constituting a favorable Investment climate increases,

in particular with regard to the creation of Location-specific assets sought by FDI.

The relative importance of FDI location determinants have changed. Even though

Traditional determinants and the types of FDI associated with them have not

disappeared with globalization, their importance is said to be on the decline. More

specifically, "one of the most important traditional FDI determinants, the size of

national markets, has decreased in importance. At the same time, cost differences

between locations, the quality of infrastructure, the ease of doing business and the

availability of skills have become more important" (UNCTAD 1996: 97).Brewer

(1993) discusses various types of government policies that can directly and indirectly

affect FDI through their effects on market imperfections. It is argued that same

government policy can increase and/or decrease market imperfections and thereby

increase and/or decrease FDI inflows. The review of host country determinants is

closely linked with the role of national policies and especially the liberalization of

policies, a key factor in globalization, as FDI determinants. Location specific

determinants have a crucial influence on a host country‘s inflow of FDI. The relative


importance of different location-specific determinants depends on at least three

aspects of investment: the motive for investment (e.g., resources, market or

efficiency-seeking), the type of investment (e.g., services or manufacturing), and the

size of the investors (small and medium MNEs or large MNEs) (UNCTAD 1998a).

2.4.4 Infrastructure condition

Wheeler and Mody (1992) conduct an early and important study of foreign investment

determinants and found that agglomeration – measured by infrastructure quality – is

an important determinant while taxes are not a significant determinant.

The cost of production is particularly important for location of vertically integrated

production networks, and the cost depends on a host of factors including wages,

productivity and infrastructure. The authors in Ando et al. (2006) pay much attention

on FDI environments in host countries, especially to the presence of supporting

infrastructure, including costly communications and coordination infrastructure.

Electronics has been the most important sector for international production networks.

International electronic firms were already in the 1960‘ and 70‘ looking at

possibilities to locate labor intensive parts of the production in foreign countries. East

Asian countries were the prime location for these firms. For instance, Texas

Instruments, and National Semi-conductors, located production in Singapore have

already existed in the 1960s (Sjöholm, 2003a). They were attracted to Singapore by

subsidies but also by an efficient bureaucracy that, for instance, enabled Texas

Instruments to start production 50 days after their investment decision (Huff 1994, p.

325). Table2.2 lists three key determinants and factors associated with the extent and

pattern of FDI in developing host countries: attractiveness of the economic conditions

in host countries; the policy framework towards the private sector, trade and industry,

and FDI and its implementation by host governments; and the investment strategies of



Table 2.2: Key determinants and factors for foreign investment inflow




Size; income levels; urbanization; stability

and growth prospects; access to regional

markets; distribution and demand patterns

Resources Natural resource; location


Labor availability、cost、skill、trainability;

management technical skills; access to

inputs; physical infrastructure; supplier

base; technology support

Host country


Macro policies

Management of crucial macro variables;

ease of remittance; access to foreign


Private sector

Promotion of private ownership; clear and

stable policies; easy entry/exit policy;

efficient financial market and other support

Trade and


Trade strategy; regional integration and

access to markets; ownership controls;

competition policies

FDI policies Ease to entry/exit; ownership; incentives;

access to inputs; transparent and stable






Risk perception

Perception of country risk, based on

political factors, macro management, labor

markets and policy stability




Company strategies on location, sourcing of

products/inputs, integration of affiliates,

strategic alliances, training, technology

Source: by Lall(1997)


Table 2.3: the main foreign investment location factors and sub-factors

1 Market factors 1) Large size of host markets

2) Demand in host country

3) Level of competition in host market

4) Economic stability

2 Political and legal


1) Political stability

2) International trade agreements

3) Tax reduction in host country

4) Benign environmental legislation towards FDI

3 Cost factors 1) Labor costs

2) Transpiration/ logistic cost

3) Low cost of raw materials

4) Return on investment

4 Infrastructure and



1) Level of infrastructure

2) High industrial concentration (Clustering)

3) Availability of well qualify of work force

4) Access to reliable and corporative suppliers

5 Social & Cultural


1) Cultural distance

2) Attitude of the local community toward the firm

Source: by FawazBinsaeed 2009


2.5 Investors’ Choice of Location

Firms face many options when they extend operations abroad: FDI, exporting,

licensing or entering into a joint venture or strategic alliance. Traditional theories of

international business cite the advantages of ownership, location and internalization –

widely known as the OLI Paradigm, as described by Dunning in 1993 – to explain

why multinational enterprises (MNEs) choose FDI. Ownership advantages are those

assets of a firm that allow it to compete successfully in overseas markets, despite

having less knowledge of the local market than do local firms, and despite the costs of

setting up a foreign affiliate. Ownership advantages usually include superior

technology and management knowledge. Location advantages are those benefits that a

host country can offer a firm: large markets, low labor or production costs or both,

and a good infrastructure. Internalization advantages refer to transaction costs, and

occur when it is cheaper to exploit ownership and location advantages through FDI

than it is to export. While ownership and internalization advantages vary by the

investor, the location advantage is specific to the host country. However, this latter

advantage may have gained importance in investors‘ decision-making process as host

countries compete increasingly to attract investment:

Investment is an important source of capital and economic growth in developing

countries. It provides a package of new technologies, management techniques, finance

and market access for the production of goods and services. However, attracting

investment is a major challenge for host countries as it faces the challenge of

identifying the major factors that motivate and affect the FDI location decision. After

reviewing the literature we identify the most important major location factors for

investment, which are the cost factors, market factors, infrastructure and technological

factors, political and legal factors, and social and cultural factors.


2.6 Theoretical Framework

The SWOT framework can be used for an analysis of the internal and external

environment. Internal analysis includes strengths and weaknesses, that‘s the company

own characters. External analysis includes opportunities and threats. It effects by the

external environment which can try to grab or avoid. The framework (see Figure 2.3

listed) below shows how SWOT fits in to the environmental scan.

Figure 2.3 – Theoretical Framework


2.6.1 Explanations of SWOT Analysis Strengths

Strengths are the company‘s internal factor. The company owns the strengths the

more the better. It can be used as a tool to compete with others. Strengths could


a). Capital strength


b). Reputation/image

c). Brand awareness

d). Customers

5). Location Weaknesses

Weaknesses are the things that bad for the company. But every company absolutely

has its weaknesses. It cannot be avoided but it can be minimized. Weaknesses could


a). Poor or indifferent reputation/image

b). Lack of brand awareness

c). Lack of competencies/skills

d). High costs

e). Location

2.6.13 Opportunities

Opportunities are external. The company should find out the opportunities as many as

possible. That is an advantage for competition so that the company has the strong

position to stand in the market. Opportunities could include:

a). New markets

b). Monopoly market

c). New technology

d). Economic turn up Threats

Threats are the factors that company should pay attention to. Threats like a symbol of

risk. The company cannot make some decision without knowing the current and the

future threats. Threats could include:

a). Competitor activity


b). European crisis

c). Economic turn down

d). Government policies

e). Cash flow problems

2.6.2 The SWOT Matrix

After the SWOT Analysis, the research can continue with SWOT Matrix to develop

the strategies. The SWOT Matrix (see Figure 2.4) can be used for analyze the

development strategy. The strategies should be discussed and developed.

Table 2.4 – SWOT Matrix

Strengths Weaknesses


S-O Strategies


W-O Strategies



S-T Strategies


W-T Strategies


Source: S-O Strategies

It‘s the best fit. This strategies need to leverage our strengths to benefit from our


Company uses such strategies to grab the external opportunities by using the internal

strengths. For example, a company has a strong financial position but it is losing its

market share; now with the help of strong financial position it can introduce


innovative products by investing in research and development sector. Organizations

always try to overcome major weaknesses and make them strengths. Similarly,

organizations try to avoid threats and concentrate on opportunities


ix-analysis.html). These strategies should take advantage of opportunities that fit the

strengths of the business. Explain how specific company strengths could help the

company take advantage of market opportunities. S-O strategies pursue opportunities

that are a good fit to the company‘s strengths. W-O Strategies

To know how to ensure our weaknesses will not stop our development from the


W-O strategies overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities. These strategies should

enable it to overcome the weaknesses of the business while the company utilizes the

opportunities. These strategies are used for the purpose of improving internal

weaknesses by using external opportunities. Explain how the company can minimize

its weaknesses to take advantage of market opportunities. It is possible that a

company has good external opportunity but cannot avail it due to internal weakness.

For example, a company may find an opportunity of increasing its production by

introducing new technology but the company may lack the skil led workers required

for the production. In such case, a possible WO Strategies would be to hire and train

people with the essential technical skills


ix-analysis.html). S-T Strategies

S-T strategies are the ways that use our strengths to minimize the impact of threats.


These strategies are used by the organization for the purpose of reducing the impact of

external threats by using its internal strengths. For example, a company with strong

legal department (strength) can avoid external threats such as copying ideas,

innovations, and patented products. Similarly, an organization with strong line of

quality products may face the threat of low priced products of rivals. In such case the

organization can apply ST Strategy of mass production to reduce the unit cost of


-tows-matrix-analysis.html). These strategies should allow the use of strength sides,

while eliminate or reduce the threats from the environment. Explain how specific

company strengths could be used to avoid or minimize external threats. S-T strategies

identify ways that the company can use its strengths to reduce its vulnerability to

external threats. W-T Strategies

W-T strategies are the ways that need to fix weaknesses which can make threats have

a real impact. Try to decrease the weaknesses and avoid the threats as possible as it


W-T Strategies are mainly used by those companies which are not in a good and

stable position. Basically, these strategies are defensive because organizations try to

reduce internal weaknesses while avoiding the external threats. For example, if an

organization has weak financial position (weakness) and the demand for its products

is reducing (threat) then the possible WT Strategies would be to retrench or merge


ix-analysis.html). These strategies should allow the elimination of weaknesses and

preventing external threats to reach exact those weaknesses of the business. Explain

how, acting defensively, the company the company can minimize its weaknesses and,

in the process, avoid or minimize external threats. W-T strategies establish a


defensive plan to prevent the company‘s weaknesses from making it highly

susceptible to external threats.




This chapter enumerates different research methodologies in order for the researchers

to acquire information and necessary data in this study. This chapter includes the

research design, data collection procedures, the subject and settings of the study and

so on.. The Figure 2 below gives an overview of the headings of the chapter and how

these link together.

3.1 Research Method

Research method is important before researchers start the study. The researchers have

to figure out the research method which would be probably used later on. It is the tool

to ensure the whole study to carry out as planned, get the correct data they want,

prove the hypothesisand make conclusions as well. The research method in this study

is qualitative research method.

Qualitative research is a naturalistic, interpretative approach concerned with

understanding the meanings of certain observed phenomena or actions. It examines

analyzes and interprets observations for the purpose of discovering underlying

meanings and patterns of relationships in a manner that does not involve mathematical

models. On the other hand, qualitative research is more theoretical and provides

deeper understanding about the phenomena under deeper investigation, using tools

like personal or open interviews about a topic to acquire more detailed information, to

define and explain the problem. Qualitative research also provides explanation of

reasons and associations between social variables. The data in this type of analysis is

not in the form of numbers (Ritchie and Lewis, 2003; Royse 1999). Choosing

qualitative research, the researchers usually have to go to the people, setting, or

institution to observe or record behavior in its natural setting. It is mainly


demonstrated by the words and pictures. Definitely, this would be a huge work for the

researcher not only because collecting the data but also the analysis. Some examples

of data collection methods are through focus group discussions, interviews, field

observations, diaries, and memoirs, letters, reports, etc.

3.2 Research Time and Place

The researcher considers it is impossible to complete the research on a single day or a

short of time. So the study is repeated over an extended period of time. The source of

information and data which the researcher can get is from the internship. So it can be

said that the research time is from April 2013 until February 2014. But sometimes the

researcher needs more additional information if it‘s not too confidential, the

researcher also can ask the contact person in other city. And this study is about to

explore the factors that influence the company to do investment and developbusiness

in the Indonesian market. Due to the limitation, the researcher cannot come to these

cities to do the research. But the researcher can communicate with the contact person

in other cities‘ franchise stores who join PT. Eastern O‘Green. They can provide the

necessary information to finish the study.

3.3Operational Definitions

Investment is the accumulation of newly produced physical entities, such as factories,

machinery, houses, and goods inventories in economics and is the purchase of an

asset or item with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future and

be sold at the higher price in finance. ("Investment Definition".Investopedia.Retrieved

31 March 2013).

SWOT is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. A scan of

the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning

process. Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as


strengths (S) or weaknesses (W), and those external to the firm can be classified as

opportunities (O) or threats (T). Such an analysis of the strategic environment is

referred to as a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis provides information that is

helpful in matching the firm's resources and capabilities to the competitive

environment in which it operates. As such, it is instrumental in s trategy formulation

and selection (SWOT Analysis, In short,

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method that is often involved in ventures to

assess the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Prior to conducting

such analysis, it is essential that we focus on clear objectives of the ventures and

identify internal and external factors to achieve such objectives (Albert


Strategy Development, also known as strategic planning, is fundamental to creating

and running a business. Simply put, it‘s a game plan that sets specific goals and

objectives but like a game plan, it is capable of being changed in response to shifting

market dynamics. Do a SWOT Analysis, this enables you to honestly evaluate your

company‘s strengths and weaknesses, and based on the market data you‘ve gathered.

You will also be forced to evaluate opportunities and threats (

3.4 Research Instrument and Data Collection

Research instruments are tools used by the researcher to gather information, get data,

and analyze the target. Instrument that will be used to obtain data is list of question

(see Appendix 1), floppy disks, paper, and other documentation tools. The data will

be obtained from the relative persons of PT Eastern O‘Green in Indonesia who know

the company‘s entire information and market situation.

Interview as a method for a qualitative research involves a face-to-face meeting

between interviewer and interviewee to ask a series of questions. The qualitative

research interview is to describe and the meanings of central themes in the life world


of the subjects. The main task in interviewing is to understand the meaning of what

the interviewees say. There are seven stages of an interview investigation. They are

designing, interviewing, transcribing, analyzing, verifying and reporting (Kvale 1996,

88). Questionnaire, with a list of research, is one of a range of ways for getting

information from the people and collecting appropriate data when doing a soc ial

investigation. Researchers work out questions or tables to ask respondents for

opinions, suggestions, demands, feedback, complaints etc. according to the research

topic and objectives. (Gillham 2000, 16)

Besides from the questions interview to get the information, this research also uses

secondary data from the company during the researcher‘s internship period such as

daily report, weekly report, monthly report, minutes of meeting, financial statement of

every month, summary report, etc.

3.5 SWOT Analysis and SWOT Matrix

SWOT Analysis, method, or model is a way to analyze competitive position of PT

Eastern O‘Green in Indonesia. SWOT Analysis uses so-called SWOT Matrix to assess

both internal and external aspects of doing the business. The SWOT framework is a

tool for auditing an organization andits environment.In this research, the researcher

uses the method based on the project investment‘s strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats to do this study. From the questions of Chapter II, the four

elements of SWOT research as below:

a). Strengths

The strengths of PT Eastern O‘Green in Indonesia are the resources and capabilities

that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage as:

1). Owned asset advantage

2). Overseas investment advantage


3). Operation environment advantage

4). Product‘s quality and service advantage

5). Competitive price

PT Eastern O‘Green has these advantages above or more. These advantages will be

explored in this study. It‘s better to find out its strengths as many as possible. Because

the more strong and potential factor that exists in internal environment of the

company, the better, so that the company has the ability to compete with others.

b). Weaknesses

The advantages as listed above can be strengths and also can be weaknesses if the

company does not make use of them well. If the company is lack of resources or

capabilities that can prevent it to gain a competitive advantage, that‘s the weakness of

it. Moreover, PTEastern O‘Green was almost one year to run business in Indonesia

market; there exist the main weaknesses as below:

1) Lack of brand awareness in oversea market

2) Poor image of Chinese products

3) Labor problem/ HR management

c). Opportunities

There are some opportunities in PT Eastern O‘Green that provide the company with a

chance to improve its performance and its competitive advantage. These opportunities

may be forecasted, others may be unexpected. However, the key point is how to take

full advantage of these opportunities below:

1). Government policy

2). Market demand


3). Large population and cheaper labor force

3). Raw materials abundant and low cost

4). Indonesia economic development

d). Threats

The outside the company try to reduce the level of the company's performance, it

must be a threat in the business operation. Every company has its threats in the

business environment, so does PT Eastern O‘Green, the new company, the more

threats they have. The successful company always actively observes its threats and

gets the solution so that it has the strong position in the market. The threats of PT

Eastern O‘Green will be listed as follow:

1). Competitors have strong brand awareness

2). Poor infrastructure condition

3). Low educated labor force

4). Currency exchange rate instable

5). Tire importers‘ threat

After the researcher lists and explains the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and

threats of PT Eastern O‘Green, then we will combine strengths and opportunities,

strengths and threats, weaknesses and opportunities, weaknesses and threats themself

to analyze. And exploit the development strategies based on the SWOT Matrix.

3.6. The BCG Growth-Share Matrix Analysis

The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a portfolio planning model developed by Bruce

Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970's. It is based on the

observation that a company's business units can be classified into four categories


based on combinations of market growth and market share relative to the largest

competitor, hence the name "growth-share". Market growth serves as a proxy for

industry attractiveness, and relative market share serves as a proxy for competitive

advantage (, 2002). The growth-share matrix thus maps the

business unit positions within these two important determinants of profitability.

Figure 3.1-BCG Growth-Share Matrix


The four categories are:

Dogs - Dogs have low market share and a low growth rate and thus neither generate

nor consume a large amount of cash. However, dogs are cash traps because of the

money tied up in a business that has little potential. Such businesses are candidates for


Question marks - Question marks are growing rapidly and thus consume large

amounts of cash, but because they have low market shares they do not generate much

cash. The result is a large net cash con sumption. A question mark (also known as a

"problem child") has the potential to gain market share and become a star, and

eventually a cash cow when the market growth slows.


Stars - Stars generate large amounts of cash because of their strong relative market

share, but also consume large amounts of cash because of their high growth rate;

therefore the cash in each direction approximately nets out. If a star can maintain its

large market share, it will become a cash cow when the market growth rate declines.

The portfolio of a diversified company always should have stars that will become the

next cash cows and ensure future cash generation.

Cash cows - As leaders in a mature market, cash cows exhibit a return on assets that

is greater than the market growth rate, and thus generate more cash than they consume.

Cash cows provide the cash required to turn question marks into market leaders, to

cover the administrative costs of the company, to fund research and development, to

service the corporate debt, and to pay dividends to shareholders. Because the cash

cow generates a relatively stable cash flow, its value can be determined with

reasonable accuracy by calculating the present value of its cash stream using a

discounted cash flow analysis.

3.7 PEST Matrix Analysis

The acronym PEST is a scan of the external macro-environment in which the firm

operates can be expressed in terms of political, economic, social and technologicaland

used to describe a framework for the analysis of these macro-environmental factors. A

PEST analysis fits into an overall environmental scan as shown in the following


Figure 3.2- PEST Matrix

Environmental Scan

/ \

External Analysis Internal Analysis

/ \


Macroenvironment Microenvironment


P. E. S. T


Political factors include government regulations and legal issues and define both

formal and informal rules under which the firm must operate. Some examples

include:tax policy, employment laws, environmental regulations, trade restrictions

and tariffs, political stability.

Economic factors affect the purchasing power of potential customers and the firm's

cost of capital. The following are examples of factors in the macro-economy:

economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation rate

Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects of the external

macro-environment. These factors affect customer needs and the size of potential

markets. Some social factors include: health consciousness, population growth rate,

age distribution, career attitudes, emphasis on safety.

Technological factors can lower barriers to entry, reduce minimum efficient

production levels, and influence outsourcing decisions. Some technological factors

include: R&D activity, automation, technology incentives, rate of technological


The PEST factors combined with external micro-environmental factors can be

classified as opportunities and threats in a SWOT analysis.





4.1 Indonesia Country Profile

Indonesia is considered as Republic country. It declared its independence on 17th

August 1945 from Japan so 17th August is the national holiday. Indonesia‘s legal

rules and regulations are based on Roman-Dutch law. Their constitution has abrogated

by Federal Constitution in 1949 and Provisional Constitution abrogated in 1950 which

restored on 5 July 1959. (Sunderasan, 2009, p.5). In Indonesia after every five year

election is being contested for president and vice president post by direct vote of the

citizenry. Last time it was held on 8 July 2009 (next to be held in July 2014)

SusiloBambang has elected as president and Muhammad Boediono is the

Vice-President. Similarly, Cabinet also appointed by the president. So for next 5 years

there are more chances of stability of the government. Indonesia labor forces by

occupation have 42.1% on agriculture, 18.6% on industry, and 39.3% on services.

Indonesia is considered as a developing country. Due to the government policies and

treasure of national resources, their GDP growth has been increasing rapidly from last

few years. They spend 23.5% of their GDP to develop their nation. According to 2007

announced budget they had revenues $92.62 billion and expenditures $98.88 billion in

2008. They have hub of natural resources such as in oil production, it has 23rd rank,

in natural gas production and in export it is on 8th position. (Sunderasan, 2009, p.7)

FDI is one of the most important factors for every country. It plays a vital role in

Indonesia growth rate. It is a developing country so they have good inflow of FDI. It

was $67.3 billion in2008 compare to $58.96 billion in 2007 and they are on 45th


position in FDI stock. Due to change in population, income, import and export in

Indonesia are increasing every year. The to tal import in 2008 was $125 billion

compare to $85.26 billion in 2007. The major import commodities are machinery,

equipment, chemicals, fuels and foodstuffs. The major import partners are Singapore

16.9%, China 11.8%, Japan 11.7%, Malaysia 6.9%, US 6.1%,South Korea 5.4%,

Thailand 4.9% (2008). In the same way due to economic growth improvement in

productivity, government policies, export is also increasing rapidly. It was $93.3

billion in 2008 compare to $83 billion in2007. The major export commodities are oil

and gas, electrical appliances, plywood, textiles and rubber. The major export partner

countries are Japan 20.2%, US 9.5%, Singapore 9.4%, China8.5%, South Korea 6.7%,

India 5.2%, Malaysia 4.7%. (Sunderasan, 2009, p.13)

Indonesia has a large population, which is increasing at a steady rate. It is on the 4th

position all over the world with total 240,271,522 populations which is growing at

1.13%. The birth rate in Indonesia is 18.84births/1,000 and the mortality rate is 29.25

deaths/1,000 populations. The total life expectancy rate is 70.76 years in which for

male its 68.26 years and for female its 73.38 years. 52% of total populations live in

urban areas which are increasing at3.2% every year.

Indonesia`s located between the Asian continent and Australia, the guards of out the

Pacific and the Indian Ocean as a gateway Malacca strait, occupies an important

strategic position in the world. Indonesia is the world's fourth populous country with

the population 237.6 million (source: census in Indonesia in 2010), among that nearly

60% of the population is concentrated in the island of Java. Through the view of

environment investment, the competition advantages of Indonesia is as following:

Political stability; Rich in natural resources; Promising economic growth and potential

market; The important geographical location and controlling of the important

international Marine traffic line; A large population, abundant and cheap labor; High

degree of marketization, financial markets are fully open. According to The world


economy BBS ―global competitiveness report 2011-2012‖, Indonesia ranks 46th in

the world's most competitive 142 countries and regions.

4.2 Company Profile

PT. Eastern O'Green is chosen as research objective, which is a branch company of

SHANDONG O‘Green Group and is a professional automotive tires manufacturing

enterprise for the producing, sales, and international trade of the truck tires, wheels

and tubes in China. It has six branches covering tires, wheels, tubes and international

trade and are now the first united enterprise for these three fields among domestic

companies. Now the production capacity of the company has significantly gone up:

the annual capacity of all-steel radial tires is two million sets, tubeless steel wheels

two million pieces, tube steel wheels one million pieces and tubes one million sets.

Especially, as the substitutes of the traditional tube steel wheels, the tubeless steel

wheels with a market rate only up to 15% is a potential large and promising market.

The five main brands of the company are "O‘GREEN", "LUGE","WOLUN"

"FLAMESTONE" and "TREAD LINE". In 2009, "O‘GREEN" was awarded as the

"Famous Brand of Shandong Province". Now the company has obtained certificates

of ISO/TS16949:2009, ISO9001:2008 and passed the national CCC authentication,

American DOT, European ECE, Germany TUV, Nigerian SONCAP and GCC. The

company has established more than 100 sales points network in China, which covers

more than 30 provinces and autonomous regions. The products not only meet the

domestic demand but also export widely to more than 50 countries and areas in

Europe, Mideast, Africa, Australia and South America. With excellent quality and

considerate after-sales service, O‘Green has won the trust and reputation from both

domestic and international clients. Even since the company‘s establishment, O‘Green

is always holding and developing the enterprise spirit: to develop with superior speed,

to pursue with superior efficiency, to devote to the superior quality and responsibility.

Following the philosophy of ‗scope decides space, competition decides position‘ and


relying on the excellent technology and innovation, O‘Green company is committed

to developing to be the best in the field of auto parts.

It‘s vision is ―to become a top-ranking tire production company in the domestic, and

even all the world, Meanwhile to establish more subsidiaries all over the globe‖, just

like French Michelin Company; and the mission is ―to provide the community with

quality products and high service, for employees to create a harmonious living‖;

and the objective is ―providing high quality product and service, making contribution

for the society and company, increasing the economic development‖; business

philosophy is ―deliberative pragmatic Dusing, innovation and development and

win-win‖; its management philosophy is ―to enhance the use of the system who

inspired people with the truth, there is cause to retain people, with the interests of the

people to maintain‖.

4.3 Data Analysis

4.3.1 The SWOT Analysis of PT. Eastern O’Green

1). Strengths

Strengths are one of the important factors to compete with other companies, thus the

company should try to find out all of its strengths. It‘s the advantages of competition.

Here are the strengths of PT Eastern O'Green below:

1. Headquarters strong support

a. Strong production ability and scale

PT Eastern O'Greenis one of the branch companies of Shandong O'Green Group,

which is established in July 2006, is located in one of the hundred-top-town:

Guangrao, Dongying, Shandong. The company, covering an area of 360000 square

meters, has a capital of two billion RMB and annual output of three billion RMB, has

over 1800 staffs and 260 technicians. O'Green Company is a professional automotive


manufacturing enterprise for the producing, sales, and international trade of the truck

tyres, wheels and tubes. Now they have six branches covering tyres, wheels, tubes and

international trade in the world and are the first united enterprise for these three fields

in China. The production capacity of the company has significantly gone up: the

annual capacity of all-steel radial tyres is two million sets, tubeless steel wheels two

million pieces, tube steel wheels one million pieces and tubes one million sets.

Especially, as the substitutes of the traditional tube steel wheels, the tubeless steel

wheels with a market rate only up to 15% is a potential large and promising market.

The company has established more than 100 sales points network across the country,

which covers more than 30 provinces and autonomous regions in China. The products

not only meet the domestic demand but also export widely to more than 50 countries

and areas in Europe, Mideast, Africa, Australia and South America. With excellent

quality and considerate after-sales service, O‘Green has won the trust and reputation

from both domestic and international clients.

b. Finance and project investment

PT. Eastern O'Green is funded by SHANDONG O'GREEN TIRE Co., Ltd. and

PT.VORICH WEALTHINDO Co., Ltd., which is a joint venture co-ways work and

Noted in the city of south Jakarta. Companies registered capital amount to

677,250,000,000 Rp Indonesia (U.S. $ 70 million), divided into 70,000,000 (seventy

million) shares, par value is 9,675 Rp Indonesia ($ 1). The investment in the project

include: production line civil works costs, equipment acquisition costs, installation

costs, other costs, contingencies and interest during construction and so on, which are

based on the relevant industry standards, regulations, standards; information about the

underlying data provided by the construction units; the information provided by the

relevant professional and text; Indonesia's main building material prices; Indonesian

construction budget related documents. After calculation, the total investment is

$ 270,970,000 (equivalent to RMB 1,703,859,400 yuan), of which: construction


investment is $ 225,543,300 (equivalent to RMB 1,418,216,300yuan), liquid capital

$ 37,526,700 (equivalent to 235,967,900 yuan), construction interest $ 7.9 million

(equivalent to 49.6752 million yuan).

This project investment constitutes analysis as follows:

Table 4.1- Analysis of the total investment constitutes


Project Name

Amount of Investment (ten

thousand U.S. dollars)

Accounted for the

investment ratio (%)

1 construction


22,554.33 83.24%

1.1 construction fees 4,454.68 16.44%

1.2 equipment, tooling

acquisition costs

10,125.26 37.37%

1.3 installation costs 616.68 2.28%

1.4 Other expenses 6,081.01 22.44%

1.5 Contingencies 1,276.71 4.71%

2 Liquidity 3,752.67 13.85%

3 construction period


790.00 2.92%

4 total investment 27,097.00 100.00%

Source: From PT. Eastern O‘Green Indonesian Project Investment

c. Equipment Asset

Companies focus on the new technologies and new products development, the

introduction of talent, and improve the quality level and technological content of

products effectively. Company equipment performance reached the international

advanced level, now; thecompany has 4500 sets of daily tire production capacity.

With the keen market insight and open up world vision, match wheel and tire two


leading products , supporting the production and sales aim at the high-end market of

domestic and abroad, realize the terminal supporting ; At the same time, strive for

innovation cooperation mode, focus on big foreign customers and high quality

customers, realize the mutual promotion of the domestic trade and foreign trade,

maintain the momentum of business make a spurt of progress, it has made gratifying

achievements ,gradually formed a pattern of the market that "tire /wheel assembly, the

domestic/foreign trade development, pay attention to foreign export, global sales

network". The project equipment selection principles are to meet production technical

requirements and ensure product quality fundamental, try to use mature technology

and stable performance domestic equipment what has passed the national acceptance.

Company equipment performance reached the international advanced level, now the

company has 4500 sets of daily tire production capacity. With the keen market insight

and open up world vision, match wheel and tire two leading products, supporting the

production and sales aim at the high-end market of domestic and abroad, realize the

terminal supporting; At the same time, strive for innovation cooperation mode, focus

on big foreign customers and high quality customers, realize the mutual promotion of

the domestic trade and foreign trade.

2. Product’s quality and service

a. product quality and technology certification

The radial tire technology of Shandong O'Green radial tire production are based on

the Italian Pirelli, USA Firestone, and Japanese Bridgestone Corporation, it's

combined with new equipment and new technology through digestion and absorption

to improve and enhance tire design and compound formulation and process conditions

for quality defects that occur during the tire using. Owning complete independent

property rights, now the company has more than 120 tire manufacturing experts,

including more than 60 professors and senior engineers, they enjoy a high reputation

in China and have a wealth of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. The

quality policy is constantly striving to ensure the highest quality of goods and based


on providing consistently high quality products and services in accordance to the

corporate objective and vision, and driving company growth and maximizing

customer satisfaction. Ensuring value for the customers is one of their top priorities.

Shandong O'Green Group achieves this by providing high-quality products and

superior services, throughout the world. O'Green strives to enhance the quality of life

at work and welfare of the communities, in which they operate every day. The

products not only meet the domestic demand but also export widely to more than 50

countries and areas in Europe, Mideast, Africa, Australia and South America. With

excellent quality and considerate after-sales service, O‘Green has won the trust and

reputation from both domestic and international clients. Their mission has five goals:

to remain a leader in customer satisfaction; to be one of the best tire brands in the

world; to consistently provide top-quality products; to maintain a highly

knowledgeable and motivated work force; to achieve significant growth and strong

financial results. Shandong O‘Green has their own R&D centers in the company and

continues to strive for new and innovative ideas in developing the highest quality of

products, their goal is to design and manufacture world-class tires for the customers.

The five main brands of the company are "O‘GREEN", "LUGE","WOLUN"

"FLAMESTONE" and "TREAD LINE". In 2009, "O‘GREEN" was awarded as the

"Famous Brand of Shandong Province". Now the company has obtained certificates

of ISO/TS16949:2009, ISO9001:2008 and passed the national CCC authentication,

American DOT, European ECE, Germany TUV, Nigerian SONCAP and GCC.Since

the company‘s establishment, O‘Green is always holding and developing the

enterprise spirit: to develop with superior speed, to pursue with superior efficiency

and to devote to the superior quality and responsibility. Following the philosophy of

‗Scope decides space, competition decides position‘ and relying on the excellent

technology and innovation, O‘Green company is committed to develop in the field of

auto parts to be the best.


b. Good service

Replacement Warranty: This limited warranty applies to the original purchaser of

any new tire manufactured by Shandong O'Green Group bearing Department of

Transportation prescribed tire identification numbers. Eligible tires shall be used on

the vehicle on which they were originally installed according to the vehicle

manufacturer's or company‘s recommendation. Casing of O'Green steel radial truck

& bus tires are warranted when tire becomes unserviceable or unretreaded due to

factors within manufacturer's condition, O'Green will provide predetermined casing

allowance. If customers have any question on product warranty, they can first contact

the nearest O'Green Tire Dealer. For dealer information, or if the question has not

been handled to customers' satisfaction, they can contact the O'Green Tire Technical


Quality Guarantee: the quality of O‘Green tire is based on providing consistently

high quality products and service in accordance to the corporate objective and vision

driving company growth and maximizing customer satisfaction. All the employees

adhere to the following: understand customer needs and reflect them in their

respective work; strive for constant improvement to prevent inferior products and

waste factors; strictly adhere to existing regulations while establishing a

self-managing system; grow with customers through development of new technology

and creation of high-value added.

Tire Care Guide: for the safety and protection against serious injury or death, the

following safety precaution and maintenance instruction must be observed at all times :

check tire air pressure periodically, inspect tire for uneven treadwear, cracks, bulges

or any sign of foreign material or trauma, remember & check your tire load carrying

capacity and speed ratings;inspect your tires frequently for uneven wear, scrapes,

bulges, separations, cuts, snags and other damage from road hazards; damage from

impact can occur to the inner part of your tire without being visible to the outside; the


load carrying capacity of the replacement tire must always equal or exceed the load

carrying capacity of the original equipment tire; tires that are loaded in excess of

allowable maximum will build up heat to cause sudden destruction of tire. When

replacing tires, consult the placard or the owner‘s manual for correct size and speed

rating.For improved overall performance and extended tread life under various

driving conditions and speeds, it‘s important that the tires are properly aligned. Poor

alignment occurs when the suspension and steering systems are out of adjustment.

Several factors may be involved with poor alignment. Many drivers replace tires

rather than correct the real problem-the alignment. For the best results, when buying

new tires or replacing one, always go to the dealer to get them properly aligned. On

most vehicles, poor alignment results in excessive or uneven tire wear. In fact,

improper alignment can reduce a tire's life by more than 70%.

3. Exclusive Distribution Rights

In the tire industry, there are two major markets: one is the vehicle matching market;

another one is the retail replacement market, which occupies 2/3 of the entire tire

sales volume. And the retail replacement tire market network coverage depends on the

sales network, ―the fastest, at most " has been chasing a moving target by tire


Many manufacturers in the sale will also adopt several different channels, currently

O'Green Group sales channel can be divided into two modes: direct marketing

channels mode and indirect marketing channel mode. The direct sales channel model

simply is: Factory - distributor - end customers in the form of wholesale level. The

advantage of the direct marketing channel mode can build a close relationship with

manufacturers, coordinate and solve problems easily; vendors can control the channel

strongly and it's easy to control and prevent the price in the region; indirect sales

channel model is pyramid style: manufacturers - agents at all levels - various


distributors - end users, agents and distributors act as the bridge and link between

manufacturers and users in the indirect sales channel model, it's easy to pass and

spread the products to the user. The advantages of indirect marketing channel mode is

widespread distribution and the volume quickly, which can help companies quickly

grasp the market and can take advantages of the large market resources and reduce the

risk of market entry.

Shandong O'Green Group use the professional distribution channel to expanding the

market, they give the exclusive right to set the franchise stores in local market through

the effective cooperation, and make the franchise store operating to be as the company

organization system. Let the stores focus on the one brand to building the brand

awareness in the market. That makes the consumer get a different image with other

same industries product. This way makes the manager have an effective

communication in the business, also offers a good service level, reduces the customers‘

worried if there are some problem of products after they bought, and provides feeling

good for customers.The exclusive distribution for supplier can provides an big

advantage to the supplier because it permits the supplier to dictate some of the retail

strategies, makes supplier has more control of how they display the image. At the

same time, exclusive distribution gives the retailer a competitive advantage because if

the consumer wants to buy the product they must purchase it at that store. In return

retailers will provide the opportunity for the product to be displayed in a special

section. The franchise stores distribution are very fast way to branding the product

image and it can efficient management for the managers. Franchise stores operating as

company system distribution have a successful performance in China.

4. Good brand image and reputation

Since the company‘s establishment, O‘Green is always holding and developing the

enterprise spirit "to develop with superior speed, to pursue with superior efficiency, to

devote to the superior quality and responsibility". Following the philosophy of ‗scope


decides space, competition decides position‘ and relying on the excellent technology

and innovation, O‘Green company is committed to developing in the field of auto

parts to be the best. The products not only meet the domestic demand but also export

widely to more than 50 countries and areas in Europe, Mideast, Africa, Australia and

South America. With excellent quality and considerate after-sales service, O‘Green

has won the trust and reputation from both domestic and international clients. The

company has more than 2,000 employees, technical personnel more than 160 people.

O'Green brand was assessed as ―Shandong Famous Brand‖, and also many times was

assessed as" customer satisfaction" and ―Trustworthy‖ company. Since the company‘s

establishment, the company's development has been strongly supported by the

governments and the community.

5.Competitive price

Price is a critical element of the marketing mix and usually represents the value of the

product, the perceptions of customers and a relative position against other competitive

alternatives available in the market. Making sound pricing decisions is critica l for

business success.Once people know the customer base and the major trends in tire

industry, however, the pricing game becomes a matter of choosing a strategy and

moving on it for as long as it continues to yield a profit(Mark.s.Phd). there are some

data used to compare the product price in the Indonesia market between some brands.

Table 4.2- Tire price in the Indonesia market

Brand Type Price IDR


60) 195/60 VR14



60) 195/60 HR15




195/60 R14



195/60 R15





195/60 R15



195/60 R15



195/60 R15



Many people concerned the price more when they buy something, PT. Eastern

O‘Green sell the product at a competitive price from the data people can see.

2). Weaknesses

1. Lack of brand awareness in oversea market

O'Green Group has developed the business many years in China, because Chinese

market was big and potential, and sometimes the supply quantity are not enough for

Chinese customers. In the beginning year, O'Green Group focuses on domestic brand

building and development in the market. Those results in the products have a blank

market in overseas. In the recently few years, the O'Green Group have a rapidly speed

to develop and expand the production scales and begin to enter the global market,

therefore the O'Green brand still has a weak awareness in oversea market, which is

difficult to build a strong brand in the new market. And the company must have a

outstanding strategy to reflect the oversea market.


For the oversea market, it is necessary to understand regional differences and

recognize people all over the world have different needs, the originations must accept

the differences in values, customs, languages and currencies, which means that some

products will only suit certain countries and that as well as there being global markets.

it's different from the domestic market, thus it will be more difficult to develop the

business in the beginning. Just as the marketing environment has to be assessed at

home, the overseas potential of markets has to be carefully scrutinized. The potential

market size, degree and type of competition, price, promotional differences, product

differences as well as barriers to trade have to be analyzed alongside the

cost-effectiveness of various types of transport.

2. Poor Image of Chinese Products

There are many Chinese products entered Indonesia market; they offer a low price to

get the profit and the products quality cannot ensure it‘s good. That makes the

Chinese products have low images in local customers mind. For the local customer,

they think the Chinese product have low price with low quality, which makes some

great Chinese products developing good reputation very hard. The big Chinese

company wants to build a good image, which will be a long time to change their mind,

and initial development will have many barriers for business operation.

3. Lack of human resource in the branch company of Indonesia.

PT. Eastern O‘Green is established at 2012, which still lack many human resources no

matter the management level or the work force level in the company, especially as a

manufacturing company. Many workers need to bring in especially in the beginning,

but according to the Indonesian labor law, for the investment company, they just can

bring in the professional technical staff and the common labor is not permitted to

bring in in order to protect the domestic peoples‘ work problem. The company is the


manufacturing company, thus muchequipment can‘t be stopped at all the whole day,

thus the work is divided into three times one day, and the worker needs to work at

turns according to the daily work regulations. The company is running in Indonesia,

there are also many communication problems, the translation work needs to employ

many translators in order to help the manager dealing with the daily work, because

many things need to report to the headquarter in China. At the beginning, the lack of

human resource is a big problem for PT. Eastern O‘Green developing the business.

3). Opportunities

1. Government Policy

Since January 1, 2007, 6 kinds of strategic materials VAT is exempted by the

Indonesian government, that is original or dividing machine and tool factory of capital

goods, the raw materials of animals, fish feed or manufacturing feed, agricultural

products, agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery seedling or seed,

through the water channel of drinking water, and electricity. In February 2007, to

attract foreign investors enter to Indonesia, cooperate with local companies engaged

in the fish processing industry, the Indonesian government prepared to take a number

of tax measures, including exempt domestic processing of fish products export tax,

reduce the fishery processing machinery import duties, breaks income tax and

value-added tax, in comprehensive economic development zone and the eastern

region, the investment enterprises can also access to breaks land and construction tax.

In 2009, the Indonesian government further clears with exempt import duties of

machines, goods and raw materials for industrial development. In 2010, give financial

rewards or tax breaks to some investment industries. The Indonesian government will

provide financial incentives for at least ten business department to support its

development, namely food and beverage industry, textile industry, electronics

industry, transportation industry, communications industry, information industry, base

metals and machinery industry, petrochemical industry, livestock products processing

industry, forestry and Marine product processing industry, creative industry. In


addition, the Indonesian government also provides preferential tax breaks to

environmental protection enterprises, large-scale investment projects, investment in

backward area of infrastructure projects, as well as with more added value but provide

wide employment opportunities and using the advanced science and technology

industry, etc.

Due to the strong domestic consumption and the rising middle class, Indonesia now is

one of the fastest economy growing countries in the world. Experts believe that China

and Indonesia are rising abruptly developing countries, their economic structures have

strongly complementarity, strengthen mutual cooperation is the inevitable choice. At

present, the Indonesian government is committed to develop the economic, and they

implement a series of preferential investment policies, actively encourage Chinese

companies to investment in Indonesia.

Due to the joint efforts of two countries, China's investment field is continues

expanding in Indonesia, large-scale investment projects is increased obviously. At the

end of July 2012, the Chinese non-financial direct investment is more than 1.05

billion dollars. Especially from January to July, 2012, Chinese companies obviously

increased investment reach to $340 million in Indonesia, year-on-year growth is 341%.

Currently, Indonesia has become the second largest country for China investment of

10 ASEAN countries; the two countries have made great progress in cooperation in

project contracting, labor cooperation, industry, agriculture, tourism and other fields.

Even so, China's total investment accounted for only 0.5% of the in Indonesia‘s

foreign direct investment; there is a huge space for development. Indonesia's has

abundant in natural resources, and has a great potential for investment and

development. The direction of China‘s investment in Indonesia not only in the

mineral resources, but also in manufacturing, infrastructure construction, cleans

energy, Marine scientific research and fishery cooperation and so on. Analysts believe


that the next 5 to 10 years, China will have a lot development of investment in


2. Big and potential market size

Indonesia is also becoming a more interesting destination for investors thanks to

various factors, including government support. In 2010, Indonesia emerged as the

largest ASEAN market for the first time with sales of 850,000 vehicles. Indonesian

government designated itself as a major automobile manufacturing base for the

ASEAN region. It plans to produce 1 million vehicles per year by 2014 and 2 million

vehicles per year by 2020.Indonesia market is a very huge potential market, the

economic growth fast, the consumer have an increase tendency. That new market is a

good environment to building the valuable brand, and expands the performance in the

new market. Now there are many tire enterprises in Indonesia, most of them are

international tires brand investments. Mainly are Bridgestone, Pirelli, Michelin,

Hankooktire manufacturers, the currently total production of these tire enterprises in

Indonesia are: 3 million all-steel radial tire per year, 5 million half steel radial tire per

year. At present, every tire factory still focused on producing a lot of bevel nylon line

tire, which is about 70% of total capacity. However, in the global scope, steel wire

meridian tire replace bevel nylon line tire already is an inevitable trend, and Europe ,

the United States and other developed countries has been basically realize the

popularity of meridian tyre as early as the end of last century. China and other

developing countries were beginning to use tire radial tyre replace of nylon tyre after

2000. Indonesia as the largest Southeast Asia's developing country, limited by slow

development of domestic highway and other infrastructure, the prevalence rate of

radial tyre is less than thirty percent until now. But in recent years, the Indonesian

government increases the investment of domestic highway, ordinary highway

construction, to meet the needs of the present economic development of Indonesia.

Indonesia's highway traffic have been greatly improved, the new highway mileage is


growing more than ten percent per year. Therefore, Indonesia tire market prospect is


Radial tires with its excellent performance replace bias tires have become the trend.

However, from the situation of each country in the world, currently the Europe,

Japan and other developed countries radial tire radicalization rate has reached 100%,

the radicalization rate of TBR has reached more than 90%, engineering tires,

agricultural tires radial rate of approximately 70%. In comparison, although the rate of

radial each maintained are high growth rate of Chinese tire, but the radicalization rate

still not high. With the expected for future, radial tire replacement bias tire and

product consumption structure developing, radial tire radicalization rate are increasing,

radial tire demand will continue maintain high growth in the world. Tires as an

important part for frequent replacement and consumables of the car, the market

prospects are inextricably linked with automotive industry and mechanical

engineering industry , they two production capacity determines the tire supporting

market, the holdings of the two industry determined tire replacement market capacity,

especially in recent years the automotive industry develop very fast in Indonesia.

With Indonesian highway and transportation rapid development as well as the

automotive market rapid growth in recent years, private car quantity soar, market

demand for radial tires are growing. To meet the growing market demand, adjust the

product structure of the company, increase production proportion of heightening,

improve the environmental performance of TBR tire technology, products and exports,

and learn foreign advanced tire manufacturing technology, it‘s deserved to invest in


3. Large population and cheaper labor force

Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia, make up by 17,508 large or small islands

between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, the land area of 1,904,443 square

kilometers, sea area 31, 661, 639 Square kilometers . Indonesian archipelago is 5,300

kilometers from east to west, 2100 km from north to south, of which 6,000 islands are


inhabited. Indonesia`s location between the Asian continent and Australia , the guards

of out the Pacific and the Indian Ocean as a gateway Malacca strait, occupies an

important strategic position in the world.Indonesia is the world's fourth populous

country with the population 237.6 million after China、India and United States(source:

census in Indonesia in 2010), among that nearly 60% of the population is concentrated

in the island of Java.The United Nations Development Program predicts that the

population will reach 250.4 million by 2015. Like many developing countries,

Indonesia has a young population, with 30.6 percent of its people under the age of 15.

With the huge population, Indonesia has a greater labor pool to choose from. In

addition, it also provides a larger market for the investors to expend their market and

sell the goods it produces in Indonesia. Labor force with tertiary education is the

proportion of labor force that the labor who has a tertiary education, as a percentage

of the total labor forces. Labor force with tertiary education (% of total) in Indonesia

was 6.5% in 2007 and 7.10% as of 2008. Its labor force with tertiary education index

is 6.5% in 2007 ranked 108th among 121 selected countries which is far behind other

developing countries such as Malaysia got 20.3% ranked 59th and Mexico ranked

69th with 17.3%. Since advanced technology requires complementing human skills to

operate efficiently, it is often clear that skilled labor availability is one of the factors

that influence the location investment.

This is the average hourly wage among China, Vietnam, Indonesia and India ( US

$ per hour).


Figure 4.1- Average hourly wage, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and India (US$ per


Source: leave-china-vietnam-and-other- lccs

From the chart, people can see the average hourly wage in Indonesia is below USD

0.5 per hour which is much lower than the wage in China and Vietnam. There's no

doubt that Indonesia is the potential destination for locating manufactory industry

based on its lower-wage competitiveness.

4. Abundant nature materials

Indonesia has abundant natural resources, the "tropical treasure island" said. Rich in

palm oil, rubber and other agricultural and forestry products, which palm

oilproduction is the first one in the world, natural rubber production in the world

second. The main mineral resources are oil, natural gas, tin, aluminum, nickel, iron,

copper, tin, gold, silver, coal reserves are very rich.Rubber is one of the most

important parts in producing automotive tires, known for its elastic quality, is a

commodity that is used in many products and applications around the globe. The

rubber tree needs constant high temperatures (26-32 degrees Celsius) and a wet

environment in order to be most productive. These conditions are found in Southeast


Asia where most of the world's rubber production is produced. Around 70 percent of

global production comes from Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. It takes seven years

for a rubber tree to reach a productive age. Hereafter, it can produce up to 25 years.

Due to the long cycle of the tree, any short term supply adjustments cannot be made.

It‘s the top five natural rubber producers 2011 with tonnes.

Table 4.3: Top Five Natural Rubber Producers 2011

1. Thailand 3,348,900

2. Indonesia 3,088,400

3. Malaysia 996,673

4. India 891,344

5. Vietnam 811,60

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

As the second- largest rubber producer, Indonesia supplies a substantial amount of

rubber to the international market. Since the 1980's, the Indonesian rubber industry

has shown a steady increase in production. Most of the country's rubber production -

around 80 percent - is accounted for by smallhold farmers. Government and private

estates thus play a minor role in domestic rubber production. Most of Indonesia's

rubber production stems from the provinces:1, South Sumatra; 2, North Sumatra; 3,

Riau;4, Jambi; 5, West Kalimantan. Around 85 percent of Indonesia's rubber

production is exported. Almost half of this export is shipped to other Asian countries,

followed by North America and Europe. The top five Indonesian rubber importing

countries are the USA, China, Japan, Singapore and Brazil. Domestic rubber

consumption is accounted for by Indonesia's manufacturing industries.


5. Promising economic growth

Indonesia's industrialization level is relatively high, there are more than 30 different

kinds of departments of manufacturing, mainly are textiles, electronics, wood

processing, steel, machinery, automotive, pulp, paper, chemicals, rubber processing,

leather, shoes, food and beverage and so on. Among them, textile, electronics, wood

processing, steel, machinery, automobile are important categories of export for

earning foreign exchange.

Figure 4.2-Indonesia GDP growth from 1993 to 2012

Source: Statistics Indonesia; *) Quarter III/2012

Table 4.4- Indonesia Economic Growth statistics

Year Economic growth rate


GDP per capita (us $)

2005 5.7% 1308

2006 5.5% 1663

2007 6.3% 1890

2008 6.1% 2245


2009 4.5% 2349

2010 6.1% 3005

2011 6.5% 3500

Source: BPS, BI, World Bank, Data Consult processed

As the ASEAN's biggest economic entity, Indonesia's economic growth is as high as

6.5% in the first half year of 2012, appears huge development vitality. Indonesia's

investment environment is continuous improvement, the Indonesian government

regard economic development as central goal, they will detrition the country's

medium and long-term development plans this year, included develop the six

economic corridors, develop six big island, also introduced some new measures to

attract foreign investment, so there are many opportunities for foreign investors.

In recent years, China and Indonesia have consolidated and developed the political

relations and economic cooperation constantly; the bilateral trade volume broke $62

billion in 2011, and is expected to break $80 billion2015. Indonesia has become

China's third largest trading partner in ASEAN countries. The project will be

constructed in Karawang industrial park, west Java, with large investment, high

efficiency, and has good interactions with local social.

4). Threats

1. Competitors have strong brand awareness

Indonesia has been a top priority for tire investment. Supported by rich natural rubber

resources, many global and local companies, such as Michelin, Goodyear, Gajah

Tunggal(GT), Achilles, Dunlop, Kingland, and Thunderbird, have built their own tire

plants in Indonesia, and most of which have good image and reputation in the local

tire market and have a long history in Indonesia. They have become the most major

suppliers to almost all the car-manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The Indonesian

made tires perform longer durability in many conditions a quality that has created

loyal customers around the world. There are at least 18 tire manufacturing


companies with various types of production. Some of the companies produce tires for

automobiles, motorcycle while some others focus their production for one type of tire

only. Tough market competition, both domestically and internationally, has forced

some of these companies to cut down their business size, but some others remain exist

and even dominated the market because of the famous brand in the Indonesia market.

Global brand goodyear is the pioneer of the tire manufacturing in Indonesia, which

established a tire plant in Bogor in 1935 and has become one of the country‘s major

tire exporters. Conducive investment climate has attracted other global players, such

as Michelin, Bridgestone, and Sumi Rubber, to invest in Indonesia. All of them have

strong brand awareness in the Indonesia tire market, however, comparing with those

famous brands, O‘Green are still young and faces this serious condition in the market,

if PT Eastern O‘Green wants to have good business in this market, it has to build

strong brand image and make nice strategy to develop well. It still has a long way in

the future.

2. Poor infrastructure condition.

Extensive and efficient infrastructure is critical for ensuring the effective functioning

of the economy, and well-developed infrastructure reduces the effect of distance

between regions, integrating the national market and connecting it at low cost to

markets in other countries and regions. Indonesia‘s infrastructure, ranked 82nd,

requires improvements across many areas. It is well behind more advanced ASEAN

members Singapore (2nd), Malaysia (23th), and Thailand (47th), and also less

developed than China (69th). All large Asian economies are experiencing rapid

economic growth, massive urbanization, a rising middle class, and increased openness

to trade. These trends increase the demand for infrastructure and strain that which

already exists, creating bottlenecks and highlighting existing shortages. For instance,

the number of vehicles in Indonesia quadrupled over the past decade to reach 11.3

million.Theinsufficient supply and quality of transport, energy, and

telecommunications infrastructures seriously limit Indonesia‘s output capacity. The


manufacturing and export sectors particularly suffer as this state of affairs translates

into limited connectivity and handling capacity, high costs, delays in shipments, and

production loss.Demand for infrastructure grows proportionally with the economy. In

order to meet this demand, investment must therefore increase.

A well-developed transport and communications infrastructure network is a

prerequisite for the access of less-developed communities to core economic activities

and services. Effective modes of transport, including quality roads, railroads, ports,

and air transport, enable entrepreneurs to get their goods and services to market in a

secure and timely manner and facilitate the movement of workers to the most suitable

jobs. Economies also depend on electricity supplies that are free of interruptions and

shortages so that businesses and factories can work unimpeded. Here are the main

indicators of infrastructure:


Table 4.5-The indicators of infrastructure in Indonesia, China and Vietnam

NO Indicators Country Mean Score World rank

1 Quality of road Indonesia


3.5 83

China 4.4 55

Vietnam 2.6 123

2 Quality of




3.1 52

China 4.6 22

Vietnam 2.5 71

3 Quality of port



3.6 103

China 4.5 56

Vietnam 3.4 111

4 Quality of airport




4.4 80

China 4.6 72

Vietnam 4.1 95

5 Quality of

electricity supply



3.7 98

China 5.5 49

Vietnam 3.3 109

Source: The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, World Economic Forum.

Note: [1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by internationalstandards]

3. Low educated labor force

With the huge population, Indonesia has a greater labour pool to choose from and

provides a larger market for the MNC to expend their market. however, the

education is poor in Indonesia. The exception is enrollment in primary ed ucation

which was keeping increasing in the last few years. Enrolment in tertiary and

secondary education has been lower than in most other countries in East Asia.

Moreover, there are signs that the quality of education is relatively poor. Labor force

with tertiary education, as of 2008, is lower, on average, than in many of the other


developing countries like Malaysia and Mexico. The proportion of the labor

population and over with no schooling is far above that in any other of the countries.

Only 7.1 percent of the total labor has completed tertiary education and it is ranked

108th among 121 selected countries, the lowest level among these countries. Labor

force with tertiary education is the proportion of labor force that has a tertiary

education, as a percentage of the total labor force.

Figure 4.3- The proportion of labor force with tertiary education in Indonesia

Source: International Labour Organization, Key Indicators of the Labour Market


Due to the skilled workers are not enough, it‘s a big problem for the future

development, after all, talent are everything in the competition market.

4. Currency exchange rate instability

Regarding the relationship between investment and exchange rate, when a country‘s

currency devalues, it is viewed as an opportunity for foreign investors to purchase

assets at a reduced cost. This is especially true when foreign firms have identified

specific assets in their targeted markets, and exchange rate volatility is one of the

contributors toward external uncertainty in the economy that have a major effect on

foreign investment inflow.


PT Eastern O'Green in Indonesia account payment deal with US dollars to suppliers,

and account receive to Indonesia rupiah with agencies. From the currency exchange

rate between USD and IDR between 8/18/2012 and 2/13/2013 (see Figure 6), the

currency exchange rates are very instability. In Indonesia market, the currency

payment with Indonesia rupiah, the US dollars rate increase that make the company‘s

profit and the solvency decrease. The instability current exchange rates affect the

company profit strategy in the development. The graph below shows historical

exchange rates between the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and the US Dollar

(USD)between 7/5/2013 and 12/31/2013.

Figure 4.4-The exchange rates between IDR and USD from 7/5/2013 to



5. Tire importers in Indonesia

Indonesia‘s economy is growing very fast in recent years, it‘s a good market for

import and export business, Indonesia's imports in the first 10 months of 2010 were

valued at US$159.18 billion or an increase of 9.35 percent on-year. In 2011, imports

rise further to US$ 177.3 billion (, 2012). Strong economic

growth and big population make the country a more attractive market for industrial

products; and the tire is very needed in the market with the development of


Indonesian transportation, that‘s why there are many tire importers and tire

manufactures in Indonesia because of the huge and potential market.

4.3.2 BCG Analysis of PT. Eastern O’Green

Tire industry is very promising and competitive in recent years, and the investment

for PT. Eastern O‘Green in Indonesia is very huge, thus by way of the BCG matrix

analysis based on the SWOT, it‘s easier to know the company business condition in

Indonesia and the product condition in the local market. With the development of

Indonesian economy in recent years, the automobile industry is developing day by

day and the logistic company are also more and more than before, thus the amount of

the tires‘ requirement are also large, this market become more and more bigger, based

on the BCG matrix, the researcher can know the the tire product is in the cash cow

part with big market share, more and more people need it; and with the investment of

PT. Eastern O‘Greenin Indonesia, it‘s still a newcomer and just built in 2012, the time

is not so long, however, the tire investment is very potential and the market is

increasing very fast, based on the BCG analysis, PT. Eastern O‘Green is in the

question mark part with high growth rate and high amount investment, it‘s clear to

know the business condition.

4.3.3 PEST Analysis of PT. Eastern O’Green

For the political and economic condition, the researcher can know China and

Indonesia are very good no matter in political or economic condition, China is the

largest trade partner of Indonesia, and Indonesia is the largest economy in ASEAN

and attaches great importance to economic integration in East Asia, there is great

potential for China and Indonesia to further expand trade and investment cooperation;

for the social and technology condition, Indonesia is rather better than other ASEAN

country, the population is large and the social condition is better relatively, and the

culture in Indonesia is also very multivarious, and for PT. Eastern O‘Green

investment in Indonesia, the company also bring in many excellent worker and


specialist in 2013. So, based on the PEST analysis, the researcher can see that PT.

Eastern O‘Greenis full of opportunity in the Indonesia market.

4.4Interpretation of Results

4.4.1 S-O Strategies

This strategy is using strengths to take advantage of opportunities and the explanation

is as below.

1). Build distribution network

A good distribution is a great opportunity that can accelerate the development in a

new market. If the distribution channel is successful to operation, it will be attract

others investor join it. Distribution has some advantages listed as follows: avoid the

unnecessary trial and error period in starting and operating a new business; lower

financial risk, compared to other ventures, because investment costs are lower and

profit margins are higher; business distribution format complete packages ensure a

ready to go ―turn-key‖ unit; managing a small business whilst depending on the

power of the company which has a bigger organization; the distribution also can

provideone opportunity to learn the latest developments and changes in the local and

global market and focus entirely on developing the sales revenues; by way of good

distribution, PT. Eastern O‘Green will have a good business development in the



Figure4.5 – Distribution Channel


2). Make differentiation strategy

Differentiation strategy is a marketing technique used by the manufacturer to establish

strong identity in the market and calls for the development of the product or service

that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers and the customers perceive

to be better than or different from the products of the competition; by way of this

strategy, the manufacturer can introduce different varieties of the same basic product

under the same name into a particular product category and thus cover the range of

products available in that category. To satisfy different customers' requirement, each

type of tire can be directed at a different segment of the tire market, the full line of

products available will help to establish the company's name, and positioning the

brand in such a way as to differentiate it from the competition and establish a good

image that is unique.Many customers have highly expected in the purchasing products

or service. In generally, customers want purchasing the differentiation products with

good deal price and service. For this expectation, focus on the strong backward

manufacturing ability, the company can make a flexible manufacturing system to

improve the flexibility of people and differentiation product and service to meet

different customers' needs. Based on the differentiation strategy, PT. Eastern

O‘Green will have a good development in Indonesia tire market.

3). Create of customer value


Customer value is the benefit that customers will get from the product or service in

comparison with its cost. This benefit can be measured in monetary terms but the

benefit also can be difficult to quantify, such as the enjoyment that the customer

receives from a product or service, and the product or service can provide value in

many ways. Along with helping the customer save money or providing enjoyment, it

also could save the consumer time, provide a benefit that could not be obtained

without the product or increase the value of something the customer already owns.The

customer value proposition can be developed based on the points of value that the

firm can create. In this respect, a customer value proposition must provide distinctive,

measurable, and sustainable value(Andersonet al., 2006). A distinctive value

proposition is superior to the competitor‘s offering, a measurable value proposition

allows customers to quantify value in monetary terms, and a sustainable value

proposition ensures that customers can continue to provide value to customers. A

customer value proposition can be constructed by identifying the barriers that limit

customers from getting a job done. The four most common barriers identified by

Johnson, Christiansen, and Kagermann (2008) are insufficient wealth, access, skill,

and time.If PT. Eastern O‘Green uses this strategy to develop its business, it will be

better for the market.

4.4.2 W-O Strategies

Overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities which is explained


1). Build information system

For building good business, the successful information systems are a critical

component, which consists of the correct technologies, tools, methodologies,

processes and people; organization introducing information systems in an effort is to

improve efficiency and effectiveness; and the successful information systems can help

maximize the value for the organization and improve company's ability to compete in


the rapidly changing markets of today and in the future.Information system can help

to integrate the information about the government, competitors, technology, culture,

finance and resources; by way of this, PT. Eastern O‘Green can have a good

understanding about itself and the rivals in order to make great achievements in the


2). Develop the company culture and make good training and recruitment plan

―Company culture‖ is a broad term that is used to describe the general working

environment found within the business operation. Lots of factors can influence the

nature of this culture, including the policies and procedures developed for the

operation, the mission and vision statements of the business, and even the

personalities and management strategies employed within the company. Corporate

culture is vital to the life of the company and company culture is seen in the desire of

the company to grow. In order to do so, the ability to engage employees in capturing

the vision and devoting themselves to this goal requires understanding which aspects

of the company currently offer motivation and which ones tend to dampen enthusiasm

and lead to employees doing what they must and no more, and paying close attention

to management strategies, the type of benefits offered, and even the general attitude

that is cultivated on a manufacturing floor will provide important clues as to what can

be done to increase company loyalty and ultimately make it possible to pursue

growth.Good training and recruiting is very important not only to ensure find the right

person for a job opening, but also because the costs of bad recruitment decisions can

be very high in terms of both time and money.Recruiting people who are wrong for

the organization can lead to increased labor turnover, increased costs for the

organization, and lowering of morale in the existing workforce.Human resource is an

important resource for the company, that's why the company has to reduce and avoid

the lack of human resource. The manager must catch every opportunity to solve

human resource problems, make outstanding management p lanning and provide

training to increasing the employees‘ work ability. Only the company has a good


human resource, the company can have a good operation and achieve the targets and

increase organization stability. Therefore, develop good company culture and make

good training and recruitment plan can help PT. Eastern O‘Green have a good

development in Indonesia market.

3). Build good brand image and product reputation

Brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers connect

with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company who owns the

idea or image. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed so that it is

recognizable by more and more people, and identified with a certain service or

product when there are many other companies offering the same service or product.

Good brand is a way to build an important company asset, which is a good reputation

and image. Whether the company has no reputation or less than stellar reputation,

branding can help change that condition. Branding can build an expectation about the

company services or products, and can encourage the company to maintain that

expectation, or exceed them, bringing better products and services to the market

place.Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, no matter large

or small, retail or B2B. Effective brand strategy gives people a major edge in

increasingly competitive markets. Consistent, strategic branding leads to a strong

brand equity, which means the added value brought to the company's products or

services that allows people to charge more for the brand than what identical,

unbranded products command.The new market can be a good opportunity, but if there

have not to use the opportunity to build a new image of the product, the opportunity

well be a weakness of the company. That‘s why PT. Eastern O‘Green need to build

good brand image and product reputation in the oversea market.

4.4.3 S-T Strategies

Use strengths to reduce threats and the explanation is as below.

1). Maintain the core value and build the core competencies


Corevalues are most important ingredient to maintain long-term successful

relationship. The essential core values which are used to maintain long-term

successful relationships are commitment, responsibility, trustworthy, kindness,

punctuality, persistence, integrity, gratitude and forgiveness in general.Core Values

are like the roots of a tree and foundation of a building. The stronger and deeper are

the roots of the tree, higher the tree can grow with stability.And the idea of "core

competences" is one of the most important business ideas currently shaping our world.

It is one of the key ideas that lie behind the current wave of outsourcing, as businesses

concentrate their efforts on things they do well and outsource as much as they can of

everything else. The starting point for understanding core competences understands

that businesses need to have something that customers uniquely value if the company

wants to make good profits. In their key 1990 paper "The Core Competence of the

Corporation," C.K.Prahalad and Gary Hamel argue that "Core Competences" are

some of the most important sources of uniqueness: these are the things that a company

can do uniquely well, and that no-one else can copy quickly enough to affect

competition. By building the core competences on both corporate and personal levels,

the company's business can get ahead of the competition and stay ahead. Based on the

strengths of PT. Eastern O‘Green, core value and core competencies are very

necessary to maintain and build for winning the market in Indonesia.

2). Improve the R&D capability

Research and Development (R&D) capability plays a great role in the development of

business in the company; especially the company leaders face many challenges as

pressure to maximize return on R&D investment escalates. R&D is confronted with a

balancing act of delivering on the demands of today while maintaining resource

allocation to realize R&D‘s innovation objectives. It needs to meet ever- increasing

goals and improve speed to market while resources flat line, demonstrate value and

alignment with the business, and ensure the highest regulatory and compliance

standards.According to Kalypso‘sR&D Management Framework, it provides a


strategic cross-functional approach that identifies and integrates critical management

functions, processes, alliances, tools, and metrics that are crucial to develop an R&D

organization that cultivates success and delivers expectations. The R&D Framework

proportionally develops nine key dimensions of R&D excellence with balanced

strategic and organizational alignment: strategy; innovation; portfolio management;

project management; intellectual property management; talent management; sourcing;

operations management; regulatory and compliance. The R&D Management

Framework starts with an organization assessment and benchmarks the organization‘s

performance in each of the management functions. The expert team develops a

strategic roadmap of the improvement areas for each of these functions, detailing the

process, tools, organization and metrics for each to operate successfully. Therefore,

by way of improving the R&D capability, it‘s much better to integrate the

organizations‘ resource and develop the company business in the competitive market.

3). Enlarge the distribution channel

The company should continue to focus on franchise agency development, at the same

time build new sales channel to expand the market and try to contact with the

potential customers and develop the new customers in the market by way of new

channel.Distribution is one of the classic ―4 Ps‖ of marketing. It‘s a key element in

the entire marketing strategy which helps to expand company reach and grow revenue.

B2B and B2C companies can sell through a single channel or through multiple

channels that include: Wholesaler/Distributor; Direct/Internet; Direct/Catalog;

Direct/Sales Team; Value-Added Reseller (VAR); Consultant; Dealer; Retail; Sales

Agent/Manufacturer‘s Rep. Wholesalers, resellers, retailers, consultants and agents

have resources and relationships to quickly bring the product to market. If the

company sells through these groups instead of selling direct, treat the entire channel

as a group of customers – and they are, since they‘re buying the product and reselling

it. Understand the customer needs and deliver strong marketing programs; the


company will maximize the revenue in the process. To face the market threat, PT.

Eastern O‘Greenneed to enlarge the distribution channel to get the maximum profit.

4.4.4 W-T Strategies

Minimize weaknesses and reduce threats. The explanation is as below.

1). Strength HR management

Human Resource department is responsible for employee selection, development,

evaluation, compensation and employee relations, the role of Human Resource

management is being increasingly affected and reshaped by the growing diversity of

the workforce, global and domestic compensation, and complex legal and ethical

issues, the Human Resource department of the organization is faced with balancing its

responsibilities towards the organization it serves as well as the society in which it

operates. Human Resources evaluate the Human Resource activities in the

organization with a view to their effectiveness and efficiency. It is done with a view to

improve those activities, uncover shortcomings and address the deficiencies. The

audit is a quality control check on the Human Resource activities within a division or

company and as to how well the activities support the organization's overall strategy.

(Biles& Schuler, 1986). Strength the Human Resource can serve to remind members

of the Human Resource department of their roles and contributions to the organization,

serve to create a more professional image of the department in the eyes of both

management and the employees. Its most important contribution to the organization

and its employees is that it can correct problems and ensure compliance with a variety

of local laws and the strategic plans of the organization concerned. Therefore, based

on the PT. Eastern O‘Green current situation, it‘s a good way to develop the

organization by way of strength the HR management.

2). Outstanding the financial management


Financial management is very important because it is related to funds of company and

guides to finance manager to make optimum position of funds. A good financial

system enables people to accomplish important big picture and daily financial

objectives and make the operation more profitable and efficient.For those outstanding

account payable and account receivable, the relevant departments should make a good

financial plan in detail. It's a large amount. The company needs to talk to the

headquarters and remake the detail of account payable and payment method in the

contract in order to face the serious money market. The company may try the best to

collect the receivable and avoid these receivable become bad debt.I f PT. Eastern

O‘Greenhas a good financial management, it will help to improve the business better.




5.1 Conclusion

Overall, Indonesia has a good investment environment. Chinese enterprises to enter

the Indonesian have to fully ascertain the situation and make full preparation before

making investments.Indonesian labor market is huge and has lower labor costs;

Indonesia‘s economy is in a period of steady recovery, resource potential is abundant,

has sustainable development enormous potential; Indonesian companies own

investment ability is relatively good and the foreign-funded enterprises to invest in

Indonesia are more than promising,Indonesia's investment market is highly

competitive and attractive.

By having the whole research on the SWOT analysis and development strategy of PT

Eastern O'Green in Indonesia, the researcher can conclude several things that need to

answer the research questions and thus achieve the objective of this research. The

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of PT. Eastern O‘Green in Indonesia

investment can be included as follows:

Strengths are the headquarters strong support; product‘s quality and service; exclusive

distribution rights; good brand image and reputation; competitive price.

Weaknesses are the lack of brand awareness in oversea market; poor image of

Chinese products; lack of human resource in the branch company of Indonesia.

Opportunities are the government policy; big and potential market size; large

population and cheaper labor force; abundant nature materials; promising economic



Threats are the competitors strong brand awareness; poor infrastructure condition; low

educated labor force; currency exchange rate instability; tire importers in Indonesia.

The development strategies to make the investment expand well based on the SWOT

analysis can be included as follows:

S-O strategies are mainly building distribution network; makingdifferentiation

strategy; creating of customer value.W-O strategies are mainly building information

system; developing the company culture and making good training and recruitment

plan; building good brand image and product reputation. S-T strategies are mainly

maintaining the core value and building the core competencies; improving the R&D

capability; enlarging the distribution channel. W-T strategies are mainly strengthing

HR management; outstanding the financial management.

Even though the researcher sees the good aspects in the company from its strengths

and opportunities, there are still in a hard and longtime process to turn around the

people‘s mind of Chinese tire situation in terms of the threat and weakness.

5.2 Recommendation

Foreign investment enterprises are always full of risks and opportunities, they cannot

decide the investment country's political and economic situation, therefore, the only

thing can do for them is to averse approach and minimize its adverse effects. In this

research, the researcher analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

of PT. Eastern O'Green and gives some development strategies. Here are some

suggestions from the researcher as follow.

a) For Company

The S-O Strategies, W-O Strategies, S-T Strategies and W-T Strategies are analyzed

base on the S.W.O.T analysis of PT Eastern O'Green that the researcher exploits

during the internship program. Because it has the time limitation, those strategies only


can be used in a short-term period; therefore the researcher suggests that the company

should connect its latest internal and external environments which are strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats to search all the possible strategies. Meanwhile,

the company should have good assessment for investment country's political,

economic situation, try to focus on enhancing the core competencies, respect the local

customs, update and be familiar with the information from its competitors and

external business world so that it will have the strong status to beat others.

Furthermore, the manager in the company as the decision-maker should have the clear

and right direction to report to CEO and guide the employees, implement an internal

diagnostic system and improve the governance structure of foreign enterprises and

management structure, strengthen communication,strengthen the management of

foreign enterprises while maintaining its operational flexibility. What‘s more,

remember to motivate the employees, after all, employees are the main assets of the

company. Without reliable employees, Company strategies and programs could not be

executed well.

b) For Further Research

After finding out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in PT. Eastern

O‘Green and combine them to develop the strategies, the researcher suggests the

further research to explore the factors deeper, the more the better. If the aspects are

more complete, the study and strategies will be more successful. Especially if one

aspect or factor to be researched, try to compare with previous years‘ data, may be the

researcher can find out more things to prove that aspect or factor. Moreover, it

recommends for the further research that may find another company which has the

familiar character in the same industry and do the comparisons between the two

companies. The research can be persuaded stronger.




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How about the tire industry trading situation currently in Indonesia? How about the market

competition?Can you give me PT. Eastern O‘Green product competitive advantage in the market?


1). Do you have strong organization support?

2). Do you have any production advantages?

3). Do you make use of exclusive distribution rights?

4). What do you do better than anyone else for your product?

5). How is your distribution channel?


1). If you have a weak brand awareness in oversea market?

2). What do your competitors do better than you?

3). What might your competitors see as your weakness?


1). What are the trends in government policy?

2). Are there new markets for your opportunity?

3). How is the new market?

4). Why do you choose the Indonesia for investment?


1). What‘s the threat from the competitors?

2). Is new competition coming?

3).What barriers are the company facing in Indonesia ?

4). Is the currency exchange rate instable impact your business benefit?




1). PT. Eastern O‘Green have strong organization support from the mother

company in China no matter from the production scale, technology and

finance support; 2). The product quality and after sale service is excellent

with advanced skills and long term guarantee; 3). The mother company

have abundant experience in the exclusive distribution rights; 4). The

product has very good reputation and competitive price in China and some

foreign countris; 5). The distribution network is very good in the mother


Weakness 1). The product has a high reputation in China domestic market but the

oversea brand awareness is still weak because of the young age and the

China big market; 2). The competitors have strong brand awareness and

good product image in the Indonesia market ; 3). The human resource are

still not enough and complete now, it‘s still weak.

Opportunity 1). Indonesia has good policy to attract the foreign investors to come to

Indonesia; 2). Indonesia market is very big and potential; 3). Indonesia

population is large and labor force is cheaper. 4). Indonesia has abundant

materials for producing the tires, the Indonesia economy is promising.


1). The competitors have strong brand awareness no matter the foreign

brand or the local brand; 2). Tire importers are new competition apart from

the local manufacturing company; 3). Indonesia infrastructure condition is

poor and most of the labor force is low educated; 4). Indonesia currency

exchange rate is instability.