the tabernacle was built bible passage: exodus...

4pm: 3yr - 5/K Classroom Schedule Gospel Project: Unit 6.2 The Tabernacle Was Built BIBLE PASSAGE: Exodus 35:4–40:38 MAIN POINT: God told His people to build the tabernacle. KEY PASSAGE: Exodus 25:8 3:45 – 4:00 Check-In / Playtime. One teacher take control of sign-in: Place the Check-In Sticker on Clipboard. If manually sign-in, give parent a nametag and write their cell number on it. They will use this for check out. One teacher lead orderly free play: 4:00 – 4:20 Coloring Sheet / Snack / Intro Activity COLORING SHEET: Have the kids color the sheet and ask them questions about the sheet. SNACK: Animal Crackers & Water Give each child animal crackers in a cup & water in a cup with a lid. Pray over them a simple prayer. INTRO ACTIVITY: “Follow Directions Relay” Invite the preschoolers to line up single file. Tell the preschoolers that when you say go, the first child in line is going to walk across the room. Once he is there, you will give him a simple task such as “hop three times.” Then he will walk to the back of the line, and the next child will go. Say: Great job following directions! You had to listen to complete the task the right way. In today’s Bible story, we’re going to learn that God had a special job for His people. God gave them special directions they had to follow exactly. We’ll see how they did! 4:20 – 5:00 Story and Craft STORY: Have the kids transition to the Jesus rug for story time Read the Bible Story in the bible story page provided in the teacher aid. Say: God told the people of Israel to build a tabernacle. The tabernacle was like a big tent where God met with His people. As part of His plan to save people from sin, God sent Jesus to earth to “tabernacle,” or meet with us. CRAFT: “Building the Tabernacle” Have the kids transition back to the chairs at the tables… Items Needed: Craft Sticks, Construction Paper, Glue. Instructions: Assist kids in gluing craft sticks on construction paper in the shape of a tent. Assist kids in decorating their tent with stickers and crayons. Say: The tabernacle was a special tent where God met with His people. God told His people to build the tabernacle because He wanted to be with His people. God designed every part of the tabernacle. The Israelites made it just like God said.

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4pm: 3yr - 5/K Classroom Schedule


The Tabernacle Was Built BIBLE PASSAGE: Exodus 35:4–40:38 MAIN POINT: God told His people to build the tabernacle. KEY PASSAGE: Exodus 25:8 3:45 – 4:00 Check-In / Playtime.

• One teacher take control of sign-in: Place the Check-In Sticker on Clipboard. If manually sign-in, give parent a nametag and write their cell number on it. They will use this for check out.

• One teacher lead orderly free play:

4:00 – 4:20 Coloring Sheet / Snack / Intro Activity • COLORING SHEET:

Have the kids color the sheet and ask them questions about the sheet.

• SNACK: Animal Crackers & Water Give each child animal crackers in a cup & water in a cup with a lid. Pray over them a simple prayer. INTRO ACTIVITY: “Follow Directions Relay” Invite the preschoolers to line up single file. Tell the preschoolers that when you say go, the first child in line is going to walk across the room. Once he is there, you will give him a simple task such as “hop three times.” Then he will walk to the back of the line, and the next child will go. Say:Great job following directions! You had to listen to complete the task the right way. In today’s Bible story, we’re going to learn that God had a special job for His people. God gave them special directions they had to follow exactly. We’ll see how they did!

4:20 – 5:00 Story and Craft

STORY: Have the kids transition to the Jesus rug for story time Read the Bible Story in the bible story page provided in the teacher aid. Say: God told the people of Israel to build a tabernacle. The tabernacle was like a big tent where God met with His people. As part of His plan to save people from sin, God sent Jesus to earth to “tabernacle,” or meet with us.

• CRAFT: “Building the Tabernacle” Have the kids transition back to the chairs at the tables… Items Needed: Craft Sticks, Construction Paper, Glue. Instructions: Assist kids in gluing craft sticks on construction paper in the shape of a tent. Assist kids in decorating their tent with stickers and crayons. Say: The tabernacle was a special tent where God met with His people. God told His people to build the tabernacle because He wanted to be with His people. God designed every part of the tabernacle. The Israelites made it just like God said.

4pm: 3yr - 5/K Classroom Schedule


4:50 – 5:10 “Kid’s Live” in Room #12 Count heads before and after Kid’s Live. 3yr olds: use the ring ropes to walk to and from Kid’s Live Leaders:

o Encourage orderly conduct, sitting in the chairs. o Engage in the worship and lesson with the children. o Encourage them to sit beside you, rather than in laps.

5:10 – 5:20 Return to Class / Activity / Bible Verse / Review

ACTIVITY: “Following Directions” Instruct preschoolers to perform an action. Examples of actions include: tiptoeing, bear crawling, jumping up and down, crab walking, walking backwards. Do not be concerned if some preschoolers have trouble completing the action. Encourage them and offer alternative actions if they become frustrated. Say:Doing some of those actions was hard! Sometimes doing things exactly right is hard. No one can keep God’s law except Jesus. Even when we mess up, God still loves us and wants to be with us. God told His people to build a tabernacle. As part of His plan to save people from sin, God sent Jesus to earth to “tabernacle,” or meet with us. Bible Verse: Exodus 25:8 *Use the Bible Verse Sheet located in the Teacher Aid section of the bin. (Read aloud several times) Say: Our key passage tells us that God wants us to be holy like He is holy. We can try really hard to do what is right, but we are still sinners. Jesus forgives us of our sin when we trust in Him. Review 1What did God tell the people to build? (God told His people to build the tabernacle.) 2. What did God give the people so they would know how to build the tabernacle? (Instructions) 3. What did the people do when the cloud lifted from the tabernacle (They moved with it.) 4. What was inside the cloud of the Lord at night? (fire) Say: Does anyone remember our Main Point? God told His people to build a tabernacle.

5:20 Parent Arrival

MAIN POINT: GOD TOLD HIS PEOPLE TO BUILD THE TABERNACLE. The Tabernacle Was BuiltExodus 35:4–40:38 20

Pre-K Coloring Sheet

© 2014 LifeWay • OK to Copy Preschool Journal Page

TitleKey Passage: 1 Corinthians 8:6

Big Picture Question: Why did God create the world? God created the world for His glory.

Session 1: God Created the World Genesis 1:1-25 God created everything.

Session 2: God Created People Genesis 1:26-2:25 God created people in His own image.

Session 3: Sin Entered the World Genesis 3:1-24 Adam and Eve sinned.

Session 4: Cain and Abel Genesis 4:1-16,25-26 God punished Cain for his sin.

Session 5: Noah and the Ark Genesis 6:5–9:17 God is holy.

Session 6: The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9 God created people to give Him glory.

God Is HolyKey Passage: Leviticus 11:45

Big Picture Question: Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.

Session 1: The Ten Commandments: Love Others Exodus 20:12-17 God gave us rules about loving others.

Session 2: The Tabernacle Was Built Exodus 35:4–40:38 God told His people to build the tabernacle.

Session 3: God Gave Rules for Sacrifice Leviticus 1–27 God provided a way to forgive His people.

Session 4: Worship Only God Deuteronomy 1; 3:23–4:40 The Lord alone is God.

Session 6: God Reminded His People of His Covenant Deuteronomy 5:1–6:25; 8:1– 11:1,26-28 God wanted His people to remember His promise.

© 2015 LifeWay • OK to Print Unit 6 • Preschool Journal Page

Pre-K Take Home Sheet



KEY PASSAGE: Leviticus 11:45


• Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law except Jesus.



• God wanted the Israelites to make a tabernacle for Him to be with His people.

• God gave Moses instructions for building the tabernacle.

• The people gave offerings and built the tabernacle just as God told them to build it.


• Share about a time you followed instructions.

• What are some skills God has given the members of our family?

• How do you see that God is with you today?


• Invite kids to draw a picture of your house. Talk about what it means to dwell in your home.

• Take it further: Read John 1:14. Talk about God’s plan to send Jesus to dwell with us on earth and rescue us from sin.

Preschool Activity PagesUnit 6, Session 2

The Right ToolsInstructions: Draw an X on the tools you would NOT use for building.


Pre-K Take Home Sheet

The Gospel Project: 6.2 Pre-K MC Guide

The Tabernacle Was Built BIBLE PASSAGE: Exodus 35:4–40:38 MAIN POINT: God told His people to build the tabernacle. KEY PASSAGE: Exodus 25:8 Worship: (_:50) Play Video Countdown as kids arrive (3min): Go over Classroom Rules. Play Worship Video Background Have the kids all stand up and do the motions. Ask the teachers to help manage the kids but to stand to the outside walls so the kids can see. Pray a simple welcome prayer: Play Song 1: Your choice Play Song 2: Your choice Play Song 3: U6_Video Have the kids all sit down and tell them to stay in their seats. Lesson: (_:00) Play Lesson Video Background Today we are going to hear a Bible story about God’s people following specific directions from God to build a special tent called the tabernacle.

Timeline View:

Show the TimelinePic Today’s Bible story comes from the second book of the Bible, Exodus. Main Point: That brings me to today’s MAIN Point. Show the Main Point Everyone say that with me… Very interesting! Let’s take a look at how he did that. Bible Story: Play the Bible Story Video God chose the Israelites to be His people, and He wanted to be with them. God told His people tobuild the tabernacle. The tabernacle was like a big tent where God met with His people. As part of His plan to save people from sin, God sent Jesus to earth to “tabernacle,” or meet with us. Show the Main Point Repeat after me… Review Questions: Now it’s time to see what you remember from the Bible Story…

1What did God tell the people to build? (God told His people to build the tabernacle.) 2. What did God give the people so they would know how to build the tabernacle? (instructions) 3. What did the people do when the cloud lifted from the tabernacle (They moved with it.) 4. What was inside the cloud of the Lord at night? (fire)

Memory Verse: Show the Key Passage Music Video What a great song! That song is going to help us learn our Memory Verse over this series! Our key passage tells us That God is the only one true God! Show the Key Passage Repeat after me… Show Main Point Lets review our Main Point one more time… Repeat after me… Dismiss kids to class: (_:10) Play Dismiss Song Start with 3yr olds…once they are out the door… Send 4yr olds…once they are out the door… Send 5yr/K…

Bible Lesson:

When Moses was on the mountain with God, God said, “Tell the Israelites to make a tabernacle for Me so that I may be with them.” Then God gave Moses instructions for building the tabernacle, or tent of worship. God told Moses how to build everything that went inside it. “Make it exactly like I show you,” God said. So Moses gathered all of the Israelites together. He told them everything God had said, and he asked them to bring materials to build the tabernacle. Everyone who wanted to give brought an offering for the tabernacle. They brought gold jewelry; blue, purple, and scarlet yarn; fine linen and goat hair; animal skins; wood; oil; spices; and gemstones. God gave two men, Bezalel (BEHZ uh lehl) and Oholiab (oh HOH lih ab), special skills for building and creating things. Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the skilled people worked together to build the tabernacle for God. At the same time, people kept bringing offerings of what they had. Pretty soon, the workers came to Moses and said, “The people are bringing more than enough. We don’t need all of this to build the tabernacle as God instructed.” So Moses told the Israelites to stop bringing their offerings. Everyone working on the tabernacle built it just as God had said. The tabernacle had a wooden frame and places to hang the curtains and the roof of the tent. Inside the tabernacle, the people made a veil. They made an ark, a table, a lampstand, and many other parts. Everyhad said. When the time came, God told Moses how to set up the tabernacle. God told him how to anoint, or pour oil on, the tabernacle to make it holy. God told Moses to bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tabernacle. Aaron put on the holy clothing that the workers made, and Moses anointed him to be priest. Aaron’s sons were anointed to serve God as priests too. Moses did exactly what God commanded, and the tabernacle was finished. God was in a thick cloud. God made a sign for the people: If the cloud covered the tabernacle, the people would stay where they were. When the cloud lifted from the tabernacle, the Israelites would move and take the tabernacle with them. The cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle during the day, and fire was inside the cloud at night. All of the Israelites could see it as they traveled.

Christ Connection: God told the people of Israel to build a tabernacle. The tabernacle was like a big tent where God met with His people. As part of His plan to save people from sin, God sent Jesus to earth to “tabernacle,” or meet with us.