the teesdale mercury—wednesday, ·...

CATTLE \ND DISTRICT BOY ICOUTS' ASSOCIATION. A Jumble Sale ibeld in the WITHAM H.VLL, H t p.m., on SATURDAY, the 17th tjtions ami Gifts of auy kind will l )j MDC . Persons desiriug to help i u ler an; requested to communicate Beretary. | R. A. POUNDER, 14, Coronation Stroot, Barnard Castlo. PBK BANK, BARNAKD CASTLB. •CROW, FKIDAY ami SATURDAY, 'THE HOTTENTOT." r a laugh ! That's what Then. H. I,,,.,, Been rights of " The Hottentot." Y,,y pin it—the fastest, funniest, oouw^h Never seen. X**ONllAY (1 Day Only). I^TTK.VTIOX : (.'LIVE I'.KO'iK IX OUT TO WIN" Hjnceessful Play from the Shaftesbury Theatre, London). CAST : •rracluugh .. ... •' ,.,- ., Ipchaiii Altar Lis ''double 1 ' THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1924. Sales by Auotio .RNARD CASTLE AND TEESDALE FARMERS' AUCTION MART Co., LTD. uK ABOVE MART IS CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TUESDAY NEXT, MAY turn; 1924. CLEVELAND ARMS HOTEL. MIDDLETON-IN TEESDALE. be SALE for all Classes of STOCK will i held at the above Hotel. Stock will be accepted for th is Sale from jcUletou, Lunedale, Holwicjt, ' rcS t, Middletou-iu-Teesdalo & Harwood, igglestouo. Sale to commence at 11 $0 a.m. j n connection with the above Sale, Lowe's fotor Char-a-banc will leave Gal gate, Barnard vstle. o u Tuesday at 11 a.m. pr<>mpt, returu- \Tfroui Middletou at 2 p.m. purchasers must liave Movement Licenses jnted by the local authority o; district into \iicli Cattle purchased are to b( l couutersigued by police at I Vendors are advised to makt hi B .iiuj; Stock to Sale that sanie come from Uninfected Area, f W. P. VVALLIS, F.A.I \uctiou Mart, Barnard Castle. \lso 26, Horse Market, Barnard Castle. taken, game Uiddleton. sure before Secretary. Ifington i liana- r Ernest A. Dougl^ bboutne il"u_'ir- E. Daijn.ill BjtFruyne' Employers v Robert Englj. s |, Jaclough's manservant! Jam s MeWiiliau, iDiest i The j Norman Pag, |1>|M J Rival •> A. B. Iiuca.^, ^renee J Syndicate \ [vo Daw«jq •aith 1 rr, , .1 Cainerou Can- T~ > Their Agents-J ,., .. u hie > , ' u l i U H i'licii elough (Ban-aclough's mother) Daisy Cainpl^ii T(his fiancee) Ireuc Nuriuig ^ (Marchioness of Queenslierryi IT- o* » / lYudenec Pon-oni",.. HIS Sifters •< , „, 1 7 l Jose Siianii,,,, end uf the Banar! mglis) Margaret Oesin,,,,,! aven (Barraclough'» eted lover) ... Catherine Calvert willing production will be shown Iwier M corameueiug G-1 and 8-15 p.m. Soeoaf •ce will be equal to first. JAY & WEDNESDAY, May 6 and 7, |lNovak and Bryaut Washburn in "TEMPTATION," Hf the root of all evil; a gripping story in nieu and WouiuU and the great g )( J Intent—the desire to possess what « c I* breeds the most seductive of all evils. Isn't miss seeiug " Temptation." I Prices: 3d., 5d., 81., and Is. The Busiucss Premises, [THE BANK, BARNARD CASTLE, jow occupied by Mr F . E . Colley, will shortly be opened by PATTERSON, M.P .S., Chemist, | M>, as a native of Barnard Castle, Bjr strict atteutiou to busiuess to obtain I a fair share of patronage. IACK ASCOUGH'S FOR IIS RACQUETS, BALLS, and Accessories. HJETS RE-STRUNG on the Premises, |OUT FISHING HOOKS, FLIES and GUT. (BANK, BARNARD CASTLL BDEN AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Beans, Beet, Spinach, LoHuce, I rsuip, Sprouts, Cabbage, Carr its, Parsley, Radish, Herbs, L-ek, Mustard, Cress | jRed Planting Shallots, 6d. per pound i)WEK SEEDS in Choice Variety. JDES, TURNIP, MANGOLD, ETC •L OUR SEEDS ARE TESTED, iuy them iu bulk and packet them | res, therefore We kuow the quality we kit. •have been Established over 70 years in |pwn, and you cauuot do bettor tin" ISC from tTCALFE, 9, Market Place. [for Samuel Finney's Grass and C'ovuf Seeds. ASON\S (E. HOLDSWORTH), i A It N A li D C A S T L E . THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET ugs & Appliances AND ill Kodak Supplies The Quickest and Best | Developing and Printing Service. m ASK FOR CATALOGUE. OPPOSITE WITHAM HALL fecial Hand-Loaded •ARTRIDGES.. I F A C T O R Y - L O A D E D PRICE* G. R I C H A R D S O N , GUtt MAKER, I A R N A K D C A S T J > MIUDLETON-IN-TEKSDALE. p uK MIDDLETO N - 1 N - T ] ! E S D A L E SHKKP and RAM SALE COMMITTEE p,G TO ANNOUNCE the follojwin SALE FIXTURES mL'RSDAY, AUGUST 21ST.—Ai: fy 4 t Sheep and LAMBS, [jIL'USDAY. SEPT. 18TH—Ann Classes of Keeping Sheep and uual Sale of lal Sale of all Lambs. IDAY, OCT. 3RD.—Great Annual Prize Show , m l Sale of Registered aud Unregistered 1 Swaledale Dales-bred Ramf and Ram Lamhs. iglUAY, OCT. 10TH.—Annual Sale of all ! Classes of Keeping Sheep. ICTOBKR (Date to Fix).—Youig Bulls, Store Cattle aud Buiioeks. OVEMBER (Date to Fix). Layiug-off i Calvcrs aud all Classes of Cattl j and Sheep, JOSEPH AV. DKN'P, Secretary Fait View, Middleton-iu-Teesd lie pit THIS DAY. STAKTFORTH, BAKNA RD OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARM GRASS ACCOMMODATION FIELDS. |G.Tarn Bainbridge, Son It Handlcy /ILL Offf-r For Sale by Aictiou, at the WiriiAM HALL, Barnard Castle, at 3 p.m. [(subject to conditions of sale t( i be then read I or produced). LOT 1. SMART GILL FARM, itlic Paiish of Startforth, l uard Castle, extending to cabouts. LOT 2. | ACCOMMODATION FIKLI. rd Castle, aud adjoining I iniliu>; to 0.988- Acres or lieaut I'ussessiou. ' LOT 3. ^ACCOMMODATION FIELD 1 extending to 7.761 Acres dr thereabouts tut Possession. iFurt'iK-r Particulars and Plan! ptbt. oAoea of Huata W. J . A H . C. \V|ATSON, Solicitors, Barkiard Castle. ' THIS DAY. VACANT POSSESS] ON EGGLESTONE. f VALCAULB FREEHOLD STINTS FOR SALE TO B E SOLO BY AUCTIO^,' BY , Tarn Bainbridge, Son & Handlcy, At the WITHAM HALL, BARN :; U [p.m. (subject to the lit to be tbeu produced), J^Ll. umt Couipact Freehold id iiuowu as •' ORNELI. faP.ii-ii i.i Kggltstoui-, comprising 117 Acres SpBooi.s tl Perches ; togrlhel 80 SHEEP b'TlN'Tj! I E^lotoue C'umuiou. Foi luuiier particulars •jtiuLiers, 4-1, Iliyh Ro\t (Tel. . :y.j ; u r tu MtssKs DAWSON k Solicitors, Barnard Castl «AUi.> HALL, Near RICllfjOND, YORKS t 'lani Bainbridge, Son CASTLE. MiUs from W, Acres or situate at eerbolt Park, thereabouts. adjoiniug Lot can bo seen ARM A'ND HILL SALE ROOM, MIDDLETONIN- TEESDALE. F. J. without Smith W ILL Sell without reserve for Mr Glen- denning and others, on SATURDAY, MAY 3RD, 1924, a largo quautity of Household FURNITURE. Sale at 1 o'clock. MARKET PLACE, MIDDLETONIN- TEESDALE. F. J . Smith I S iustructed by Mr Johu Thompson to Sell by Auction on •TUESDAY, MAY 6TH, 1924, Good Governess Car, by Farr, to carry six ; Useful Whitechapel Dog Cart, Four-wheeled Dog Cart, Set Silver-mounted Harness, Four Neck Collars, Trap Lamps, Sundry Harness, Chaff Cutter, Hay Sweep, a large quantity of Plough Chains, Back Bauds, Shoulder Chains, Ropes, Nets, Shovels, Gripes, Cart, Rolley, and Stack Covers, &c, Stable Utensils, and Sundries. Sale at 2 o'clock. HILL, NEWBIGGIN-IN-TEESDALE. S ALE of Surplus FURNITURE aud Imple- ments, Four B.F. Ewes and Lambs, etc., for Mr J . II. Watson, on SATURDAY, MAY 10TH, 1924. IMPORTANT Sale of FURNITURE for Mr 1 Weedy, Rig" Side, Harwood in-Teesdale, ou SATURDAY, MAY 17TH, 1924. Further commissions respectfully solicited. F. J . Smith, Auctioneer. Auction and Shipping Offices: Middletouiu- Teesdale. Telephone 4. Re A. S. O'Brien. OVINGTON HALL FARM, OVINGTON, Near WINSTON. G. Tarn Bainbridge, Son & Handley AND W. Stanley Robinson J OINTLY instructed by Mr W. Heslop (of Messrs Heslop & Sanson), Accountants, Darlington), Trustee iu Bankruptcy, will Sell by Aaictiop, the whole of the FARMING STOCK,fto.,on TUESDAY, MAY 6TH, 1924, including:—6 HOUSES. 11 DAIRY COWS. Large Field of IMPLEMENTS, several little worse than new. MACHINERY, including 20 h.p. Oil Engine, Grist Mill, Chaff Cutter, Turnip Cleaner and Pulper, Cake Crusher, Saw Bench, Shafting, &c. FORD SON TRAJTOR and PLOUGH. GEARS aud HARNESS. DAIRY UTENSILS. WHEAT MANURE, &c. Sale to commence at 12-30 o'clock. The whole for absolute sale. Offices: 44, High Row and Houndgate, Darlington. G A Y L E S Mr T. has been Sold) V K CASTLK, Condition* ARM, situate A FAUAI,' 'vith ujpply to Darlie the 'ton HICKS, & Handley from Mr John ig the Arable been sold) will Thomas Addison, H AVING received instructions from W. Donald (whoso Holdin will Sell by Auction, ou TUESDAY, MAY 6TB, 1924, His FARM STOCK, kc, comprising :—Red Heifer Stirk, Red Bullock Stirk ; 2 Wensley- dalo Ewes aud Lambs, 2 Wensleydale Gimnier Hoggs. 32 Young HENS aud COCKEREL. , 9 CHICKENS. Stamp of Prime HAY. Grandfather's Clock, iu perfect order; Ladder, Wire Netting aud Posts, Ladder, Wheelbarrow, Corrugated Sheets, Wood Hen House, Cow Bauds, Sundry Chains, Pig Troughs, Rakes, Forks, Scythe, Horse Clippers, Hay Chopper. 13" TO-MORROW. W I T H A M BARNARD H A L L , CASTLB. J. Parkinson & Sons INSTRUCTED by Miss Elliot, of Ebor 1 House, and W. Hunton York, Esq., of Woodleigh, will remove to the above Hall, and Sell by Public Auction, ON THURSDAY, MAY 1ST, 1924, a large quantity of Excellent Household Furniture Etc. Sale at 9-30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Central Sale Rooms, BARNARD CASTLE. J. Parkinson & Sons INSTRUCTED by J . Howard, Esq., of 1 Cotherstone, aud other Clients, have removed to the above rooms, aud will Sell by Auction, on THURSDAY, MAY 8TH, 1924, A Large Quantity of Household Furniture AND CARPETS, viz.: FUMED OAK HALL STAND, 4ft. Oak Sideboard and Delf Rack, Walnut Desk, 1 3-PIKCB IHESTERFIELD SET, in Grey Moquette; AXMINSTER PILE CARPET, 3 x 3^ yds. ; Mahogany Sofa in Leather, Easy Chairs, 7-piece Oak Suite, in Green Saddlebags ; OAK EXTENDING DINING TABLE, Small ""RILEY" BILLIARD TABLE and Accessories, Marble Clock, Fumed Oak Oval Mirror, Book Shelves, Pictures, 5ft. FUMED OAK SIDEBOARD and RACK, Brass Kerb Sets, Large BLUE AXMINSTER CARPET, Tapestry aud Art Squares, Cutlery, Books, Sewing Machine, Bath Chair, Linoleum and Oilcloth, Deck Chairs, Basket Chairs, Cornice Poles, SATIN WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE with 4ft. 6in. Wardrobe, 3ft. 6in. SATIN WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, Complete ; White-enamelled Bedroom Tables, 4ft. 6in. Bedstead to match with Mattresses, Chairs, FUMED OAK BEDSTEAD, Wire and Wool Mattress, Swing Mirrors, Mahogany Chest Drawers, Painted Chest Drawers, Toilet Tables, Crockery, 2 Mahogany Bedsteads, Black aud Brass Bedsteads, Chcffonier Bed, Kitchen Press, Kitchen Tables, Child's Chair, 4 Prams, Wringer, Garden Seat, Portable Boiler, and a host of Suudries. Sale at 9-30 a.m. aud 1 p.m. Highly Important Sale of Stock. Valauable Farm WESTERNHOPE BURN, NEAR EASTGATE. Free Area. pAV i Ul.b with instruction) * P"«tii [who is relinquish i i ks Farm, winch has 1 Auction, ou Bi^ Xllt; KSD.VY, MAY Iwk 1924, f'AKMlNG STOCK, including :- *«"b>..\ •>•> CATTLE, 35 SHEEP. J" 1 "'" OF VOINO POULTRY. « j '•hMKNIS for 100 Acr s ui Tillage. 1.500 ! m " l,l >' o l TIMBER, comprising :— Fem., ' J ' cULiu « Stakes, 1,000 Larch tail-, lull new Larch Hurdles, 500 X «* Stakes, 50 Land! Poles, suitable , l ?" uls - Also appn.xi j.ately «Wj uF SYCAMORE TOP WOOD, dl ' u, 12iu, maximum diameter, topped '• "lameter. 8 to commence at 1 o'clock. —""V*" 10 * Station—Foi celt (L N.E.R). !C5 U ' ; 'I- Ihrfli Row, Darlington. •AKWUOD VIEW, cor ^ERSTONE. Eton Sv(lllcy S - H°tkson 1 p, '.' ! 1 U ' : b °y 'he Exorf of the late Miss wi- Cotherstoue will H O U S E H O L D C O A L . shall be glad to have enquiries^ Head prices charged, plus leadin'-!- Prices on application. NEWGATE FOUNDRY. BARNARD CASTLB. J. WRIGHT, Tl)B *TY;R, SIGN-WRITER & DECOR-* Thorngate, BARNARD CAS1LE. I ti. «beck 15 x X cwap, JUhc ^oldi, Quit V. «0d 1 Kitch Shad, Nnni t »WW *ith •Jew AHUKSDAY, MAY I'rtmises, No. '2 V »luable FURNITU j y hirkmau) >pleudid tone i ." uod coudiliou; Fiirt Chippeudai Settee and 4 a pining i au le, *•« table, Small Sell by auction 8m, 19-24, Marwood View, [{E aud Effects: overstr mg, irou frame, Turkey Carpet, Turkey Carpet Inlaid Suite, Jail Chairs ; Oval (good condition; _ Jak Table, '2 Easy iioiuaii, Overmantel, Mahogany Coal , 0 0 k c ase, Bras^ Curb with Rail yrous, Gong, Kitchuu Press, Several rV""** and Chairs, Deck Chair with t ar l"-ts,13 x lsu. and a x 4tt.; i',,,-; i l a t 8 ' Coco-Matting and >-"Uams; Mahogany Dressing Chest viu,, vl ' b W m « Dressing Chest tr,v? ln :V r ' "ashstmu with marble ,,v, tails - 2 F o o t JJ aths, 3 Lou Bed- w ** mounts gjym. Piiiuws, j^uroou, ohniw, Uuders and Fire Lawn Mower, t-lothes .Horses, S jriug Mattresses, Bolsters, Feather Commoae Chair, Irons, F'lour Biu. Carpet Swaeper Kuamel and Zinc - Stair a ' U K °° d Tubs,"2b Lii,, r , l,e v ^ ll . aulit >' of Crockery, clocK prompt, on application to ""ove may K'cuoiitcr fukolnje be seen hjno, Cotberfctone, *ia Darlington. Also for Mr Robert Barker (whoso Moor has b ou Sold), 40 Grand Young SVVALEDALE EWES with Lambs, by Wensleydale Tup. WENSLEYDALE TUP, 4 Shear. '2 Red aud White BULLOCK STTRKS. Sale at 2 p.m. Auctioneer's Address : Bowes, Darlington. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE. NORTHGILL FARM, LARTINGTON (1 Mile from Station). Thomas Addison, F AVOURED with instructions from Roliert W. 9fmpsou, Esq. (who is declining farming), will Sell by Auction, ou ' THURSDAY, MAY 8TH, 1924, The whole of his VALUABLE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c, comprising :— 4 HORSES. —Grey Mare,7 years old, 15-2h.h.; Brown Horse, 5 years old, 15-2 h.h. ; Browu Mare, 5 years old, 15-1 h.h., by " Duuure Vintage." The above are all quiet good workers. Browu Draught Filly, 3 years old, uubrokeu. 71 HEAD OF SUI-KRIOR CATTLK.—16 Black Galloway Cows and Suckers, by White Short- hoiu Bull; 19 Blue-Giey Yearling Bullocks and Heilers (suckers last summer) ; 4 Shorthorn Yearling Heitois, 2 S.H. Bullocks, 2 years old ; 5 Calves, from 3 weeks to 6 mouths old ; Blue- Grey Cow," newly calved ; White Heifer, duo June 6th ; White Cow, served November 2ud ; White Cow, served March 25th ; White Cow, served March 29th ; Roan Heifer, served t ebruary 29th ; Red Heifer, iu full milk; 2 White Siock Bulls, 2 years aud 14 mouths old respectively. « 7b SiiKhi'.—67 North Ewes (Cheviot aud Border Leicester Cross), with followers, by Oxford Tup; 11 North Gimmer Hoggs, 1 Oxford Down Tup. 30 HEAD OF. YOUNU POULTRY. IMPLEMENTS, &e.—Long Cart, Coup Cart, Kolley, to carry 30 cwts. with side aud sheep railo; Double-horse Grass Cutter (Massey- Harns); Swath Turuer (Bamford) ; New Strewer (Blackstoue) ; Horse Rake, 2 Sweeps, Weighing Machine aud Weights, Stamp Turnip Cutler, Sledge Manure Drill, Cake Crusher, Sack Lilter, 4 Sheep Racks on wheels, 6 Sheep Troughs, Pig Creel, 12 Sanitary Troughs, 2 Pig Troughs, Double-horse Chaiu Harrows, Sack Barrow, Wheelbarrow, Pig Crate, 2 Stack Sheets, Chicken Coops, Ziuc Coin Bin, Hay Spades, Ladders, Cow Bands, Rakes, Forks, etc. Set of Silver-mounted Harness, 2 Sets of Cart Gears, 2 Sets Plough Chains, S wiugletrees, Sundry Gears, etc., Eud-over-Eud Churn up to 141bs.; Butter Worker, Cheese Stand and Shelves, Butter Scales, Cans, Pails, Brass Bedstead aud Spring Mattress, as new; Folding Bed, etc. Sale at 12-30 p.m. prompt. Motor 'Bus will meet 10-47 a.m. train from Bishop Auckland at Barnard Castle, also the train arriving from Darlington at 11-35 a.m. Refreshments at reasonable charges. The Horses are quiet good workers and grand sorts. The Cattle are a grauu lot and not in auy way forced for Sale; the Galloway Cows have never been housed all winter; the Yearlings are a grand lot and in good condition; the Shorthorn Cows have good bags and are all young. The Ewes are fit, with a very large crop of weli-fed lambs. Implements and Gears are very little worse than new. Auctioneer's Address: Bowes, Daaiington. J. M. Ualkin and T. H. Vickers, A RE jointly honoured with instructions from Mr J. Walton, who is leaving the abovo Holding, to Sell by Auction, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 7TH, 1924, • his valuable FARMING STOCK, aud a Quautity of Surplus HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., inventory : 421 SHEEP.—100 Swaledale ewes, 4 to 6 y.o., with followers by Leicester Rams , 155 Swalcdale Ewes, Shearlings to 3-shear, with follower^ by Swaledale Rams; 53 Swaledale Wethers, 2 y.o.; 90 Swaledale Ewe Hoggs, 5 Swaledale Wether Hoggs, 11 Mule Ewe Hoggs, 1 Leicester Hogg and Lamb, 4 Swale- dale Rams, 2 Leicester Rams. 40 HEAD OF SHORTHORN CATTLE.— 2 Cows, recently calven; 1 Heifer, recently calven; 5 Cows, Autumu calvers; 1 Cow, December calver; 1 Heifer, due May 14th; 1 Heifer, due Juue 14th; 2 Heifers, 2 y.o.; 5 Heifers, 14 y.o.; 5 Heifers, yearlings; 5 Bullocks, H y.o.; 2 Bullocks, yearlings; 10 Calves, 4 to 6 months old. 2 HORSES.—Brown Mare, 15-2h., excellent worker iu all gears ; Browu Mare Pouy, 13-2 h., quiet to ride aud drive. POULTRY.—12 Head of Youug Barn-door Fowls , Pea Hen (Pullet). IMPLEMENTS.—Governess Car, by Farr ; Coup Cart, 2 Hay Bogeys, by Liddell; 2 Double-horse Grasscutters (oue by Wood, as new) ; 2 Swath Turners (one by Bamford, as new); Horse Rake, Hay Tedder, by Bamford; American Hay Sweep, Hay Sleigh, 3 Sheep Racks ; Plough, Seed Harrows, Ladders, Stack Cover; Scythe, Cow Chains, Rakes, Forks, Gripes, Shovels aud Sundries. HARNESS.—Set of Snv r-wou i .ed Trap Harness, Set of Cart Gears, Set of Plough Gears, etc. DAIRY UTENSILS.—End-over Churn to 60 lbs., in good condition ; Small Churn, Cheese Press, Butter Tub. FURNITURE.—Old Oak Corner Cupboard, Black Chiua Cabinet, Walnut Mautel Mirror, Chest of Painted Drawers, Round Table, Lougsettle, Rocking Chair, Odd Chairs, Feather Bed, Brussels Carpet, 2 Cases of Birds, Pictures, Quantity of Good Glass, Decanters, Cruet, and several other lots. Sale to commence at One p.m. sharp. The Auctioneers respectfully commend particular atteutiou to thia important event. Westernhope Burn has for many years been noted for excellence of Stock and this Sale will present one of the best selections of Sheep aud Cattle obtainable. The Sheep have been carefully selected and grazed at a high altitude. The Shorthorn Cattle, a few of which are pedigreed, are a select dual purpose herd of best breeding quality and colour. The Cows are youug and have capacious udders. The Implements and Harness are the usual used on a Grass Farm. Westerubope Burn is midway between Eastgate and Westgate Stations of the Wear Valley Brauch, L.N.E.R. A Motor Bus will meet 1 p.m. train at Eastgate Station. Sale Offices : 7 Marlboro Crescent, Newcastle- ou-Tyue, aud Grove House, Tow Law. Phone 14. P A R K I N S O N & SONS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, CENTRAL SALB ROOMS, BARNARD CASTLB. Established 1875. \VM. T A R N , AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. Sales of all descriptions undertaken. Prompt Settlements. HUNDERTHWAITE, ROMALDKIRK Head Office: , § LOMBARD STREET, B.C. 3. g = Over 1,600 Offices in England & == Wales, and several in India, Burmah and Egypt. DEPOSITS, fto. £341,600,728 g ADVANCES. Stc. £141,405,774 Lloyds Bank has Agents and Correspondents throughout the British Empire and in all parts of the World, and is a large Shareholder in the following Banks, with which it is closely associated :— The National Bask of ScotlaaJ Ltd. Bank of London and Sooth America Ltd. Lloydi & National Pro?incial Foreign Bank Ltd. Tie National Bank of New Zealand. Ltd. Bank of British Wait Africa, Ltd. The Britiih Italian Banking Corporation, Ltd. rul1II!llll!il]JlllllllllilHlHHH!l!Hllliiillii S Y D N E Y S. H O D G S O N , AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Sales of all descriptions. Prompt Settlements. ADDRESS:—REDSHOLME FARM, COTHERSTONE, via DARLINGTON. BRITAIN'S BEST BISCUIT— McVITIE & PRICE'S DIGESTIVE, TRY IT TODAY. She Seesdole (Depcuiuj BARNARD CASTLE, APRIL 30TH" 1924. At Thursday's Urban Council meeting a discussion arose from which it is hoped may come an improvement iu the Barnard Castle train service. Strangers have wondered why the inhabitants put up with so scanty a railway service. They who kuow a little more about it are surprised that the local authority has not done more to impress the railway people with a sense of their duty. *** " Occasioual Notes " are held over. UPPER DALE NOTES. [BY OUR CORRESPONDENT.] Forest Primitive Methodists celebrated their chapel anniversary last week-end. On Friday night a lecture was given by Mr H. Peart, St. John's Chapel, on " David Jones, the dauntless pioneer of Madagascar." Mr S. Watson presided. Supper followed. On Saturday, a concert was given by Mr Geo. Dickiuson and party, of Cockfield, Mr J . W. Temple presiding. On Sunday Mr Peart was the preacher. At the Easter.Vestry for St. Mary's Parish Church, Middleton, on Tuesday, the Rev. H. C. Perrott, Rector, presided and nominated Mr R. Peirse as his warden, Mr G. Prescott being elected people's warden. The Archdeacon of Auckland (the Ven. P. A. Derry) conducted the service at St. Mary's Church, ou .Wednesday evening last and dedicated a tablet in memory of the late Mr W. Oddie. The tablet is of Hoptou Wood stone, on a Swedish green marble base, and bears the iuscription :—" To the Glory of God and in memory of Wni. Oddie, for 48 years organist at this church and schoolmaster in this Parish; born May 17th, 1843 ; died August 22nd, 1923. This Tablet is erected, by Members of the Congregation, Old Scholars and Friends, in grateful remembrance of long and faithful service." The interior of the church has been cleaned aud re-decorated. Middletou Baptists had a special effort last week-end in aid of their school funds. On Saturday evening a concert was given by a party from Esh Winning. The artsites were Miss Johnson (soprano), Miss Trelford (contralto), Mr Peacock (tenor), aud Mr Bennington (elocutionist). Mr R. Gowling presided. The party gave a sacred concert on Sunday afternoon, when Mr W. Jackson, Esh Winning, presided. Mr Jackson was the preacher at the morning and evening services, the artistes taking part iu each. CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL. CHAMBER OF TRADE. T H O M A S ADDISON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. Sales of all Descriptions. Prompt Settlements. Salesman at Richmond and Barnard Castle Farmers' Auction Marts, every Saturday and Monday. ADDRESS :—BOWES, DARLINQTON W. P. W A L L I S , F.A.I., AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Farmers' Accounts Kept for Income Tax. ADDBJHSS:-12, VICTORIA TERRACE, BARNARD CASTLE. LOCAL AND DISTRICT. The committee of the Barnard Castle Agri- cultural Society announce that £80 10s. 8d. has been paid over to the Society's funds as a result of the two whist drives and dances held during the past winter. Easter Vestry. The Rev. H. W. Bircham, Vicar of Barnard Castle, who presided on Tuesday eveniug, at the Easter Vestry, nominated Mr William Hodgson as his warden for another year, Mr Hodgson accepting the position. Mr J . Appleby retired from the office of people's warden, aud there were three nominations for the office. Mr G. Moore received 8 votes ; Mr J. Shield, 9 ; aud Mr W. Banks, 9. Iu the fiual vote Mr Banks was elected by 16 votes to Mr Shield's 9. Mr G. Atkinson was elected warden for Westwick and Marwood, aud Mr Bewick for Staiutou aud Streatlam. Ua the suggestiou of Mr R. Wood sidesmen were appointed for the first time. The Vicar nominated Messrs J. Shield, G. N. Warues, aud J . Appleby, aud the Vestry appoiuted Messrs R. Brown, T. Erring- ton, aud R. B. Gent. Barnard Castle Wcslcyans. Sunday marked the begiuniug of the Sunday School anniversary. The Rev. W. A. L . Taylor, B.A., of St. Leonards, preached in a simple and earnest style calculated to be understood by the younger members of his audience, to whom he particularly addressed himself The seuior scholars rendered iu the afternoou a service of praise, those taking part including Nellie Little, Muriel Littlefair, Eua Metcalfe, Naucy Pratt, Dorothy Pegmau, Bessie Jackson, Harold Lowe, Allau Wear- mouth, George Hunt, George Ransomc, Tom Marquiss, Harry Ward, Mary Bainbridge, Lilla aud Cassie Harker, Mariou and Dorothy Robsou, Jessie Swiubauk, Eveline Wren, Nellie Marquiss, Alice Beuuet, Gladys Chapman, I Marion Myers, Lena Suowdou. Harry Ward sang " How beautiful are the feet " (Haudel), aud the solo iu the anthem " Come unto me." Mr Taylor presided. In the morning aud evening special hymns of which Mr Taylor is the author, were sung. The morning service also included a recitation (Kipling's " If ") by Cassie Harker. " Old Testament Heroes," a dialogue, was given by Jack Tiplady, Arnold Robinson, Robbie Close, aud Harry Watson ; aud Dorothy Robson recited " You never can tell," and Lena Suowdeu, " Don't Fret," at the eveniug service. Harry Ward repeated his solo of the afternoon, " How Beautiful are the Feet." The anniversary services are to be continued next Sunday. N.U.ROVhist Drive. This annual event took place iu the Witham Hall ou Wednesday, aud was a great success. Fifty-four tables were occupied tor whist, the M.C.'s being Messrs J . Shield, R. Doxford and F. Wilkinson. The prize winners were :— Championship highest-score, Mrs E . Allen. Ladies—1st, Miss Wright; 2, Miss Smith ; 3, Miss Wash ; 4, Miss L. Robson ; booby, Mrs Robsou ; sealed, Miss Urquhart. Gentlemen —1, Miss Burtonwood (playing as gentlemen); 2, Mr Henderson ; 3, Mr Lister; 4, Mr B. Brown ; booby, Mrs Youngs (playing as gentle- man) ; sealed, Mr A. Walker. Dr. J. Leishman presented the prizes, in the absence of the Mayor of Darlington. Prizewinners at the dance were : Elimination waltzes, Mr Hender- son and Miss Whitehead, and Mr Croft aud Miss D. Pedon. Spot waltz, Mr J . Iluntridge and Miss Kirk. Waltzing competition, Mr J . Hall aud Mr Brownless. The M.C.'s were Messrs H. Brownless and II. Pollard. 1 E. Holilsworth] IPhoto. MR A. H. NICHOLSON, J.P. Mr A. H. Nicholson, who has been uuaui- mously elected Chairman of the Barnard Castle Urban District Council, is a native of the towu. in which the whole of his life has been speut. On leaving school more than forty years ago Mr Nicholson entered the offices of Messrs W. J. and H. C. Watson, solicitors, aud some twenty years ago he was appointed to his present position of managing clerk for that firm. In many ways Mr Nicholson has served his native towu. For a number of years he was secretary of the Agricultural Society, succeeding the late Mr J. E. Tilburu. He was also secretary of the Fire Brigade. He has been for many years one of the secretaries of the Barnard Castle Conservative Club aud secretary to the Barnard Castle aud Teesdale Benefit Building Society. A sportsman of repute, he has represented Baruard Castle iu both cricket aud football fields, aud iu his early- days he acted as secretary of the Baruard Castle Football Club. He is a keen cueist aud cau bold his own with most people ou the greeu cloth. He was secretary of the Soldiers aud. Sailors Families'Association iu the early days of the war. Mr Nicholson is expected to take his spat ou the magisterial bench at Baruard Castle this morning. FOOTBALL. The gKiue in thefinalof the loeal Medal Competi- tion on Saturday, was contested with great keenness, hotli teams putting in all their worth. The honours went to StAindrop, although the consensus of opinion was that the Cocinthi ians showed the hatter form, and were unlucky ••> not wresting this, the Leal of the honours from their op[H>iicnls. The game wa< witnessed by a good crowd, and from start to IUMJ-II excitement Kin high', each side bang vociferously urged on by the partisans. The final score was Staindrop 2, Corinthians 1. Slaindrop now hold all the trophies of the league, \'u :—the League Championship Cup, Nursing Cup, and the Medal Competition Shield—truly a great achievement in a single season. Births, Marriages and Deaths. DEATHS. EVANS.--At Thorngate, lUinard Castle, o n the •2Clh in*., Oswald Brans, aged '21. To 1« interred ou Wednesday (to-day), ortege halving residence at '2-30 p.m. friends please accept ihi^ itlie only) intimation. THOMPSON.—At Manor Cottage, Bowes, no Apttl 25t*t, 11121, l'.li/alieth Thompson, aged 71 years.— Was interred at I'.owes on Monday, April 2Stli IN MEMORIAM. ALLINSOX.-Mrs Allinaon and family, psggaj-- thwaite, Kgglestone, witil to thank all kind fiiend- for tlieii- letters and kind expie.~«ion> of synipitla during their recent sad InMeavemenl. CAKTKK.—hi loving memory of Aimie I arter. ot Low Staitlorlh, who died May 2nd. 1921, R o t on. <lcur mother, thy labour's o'er. Thy wilUJftg hand will toil no more • A faithful mother, true and kind. " „ No friend on earth like thee we tuid. —Ever remembered by her husbind and family. HORNBY. —Mis- Hornby, Quebec Terrace, Mieklet.m. wishes to thank all kilid friend.- and neighKmi- f*r their kindness and letters of sympathy showu with her in her Had Lereavenient. STODI > ART. —The Family of the late William Stoddart wish to thank "all relation*; friends and neighbours for their.kind expto>-ion-of sympathy during their sad bcreavoiiivnt ; also for tloral tributes. « THE LARTINGTON HARRIERS. To the Editor of the " Teesdale Mercury." Silt,—Now that the late Master of the Lartington Harriers intends to hunt elsewhere next sea&on, do the would-be patchera up of this pack not think it would be best to allow them to die a natural death I They should know that this immediate district is not suitable for horsemen, and they ought also to know that the pack should never have existed I so near to an old established hunt of over r >0 years' I standing. —I am, Sir, .Vc., THOS. HELM Kit. Romaldkirk. HAPPY FUNCTION AT BARNARD CASTLE. The first dinner connected with the Barnard Castle Chamber of Trade was held at the Kings' Head Hotel on Friday night, about 30 members, including several ladies, being present. Mr J . W. B. Heslop, president of the Chamber, received the guests. After diuuer, the Presideut submitted tbe loyal and patriotic toast aud referred to tbe marvellous reception which the Royal Family had when opening the Wembley exhibition on Wednesday as an instance of the people's love for the King. An adjournment was then made upstairs where the remainder of the speichmakiug was interspersed with music and mirth. Mr G. Hepper, Stockton, was tbe entertainer aud with his illimitable store of anecdotes aud wit, always refined, be kept the company iu con- tinuous laughter. Mr J . Franklin ably accom- panied the songs on the piano. T11K Sl'EBC'HKS. Mr A. H . Nicbolsou, iu proposing the toast of the evening, " The Baruard Castle Chamber of Trade," was enthusiastically greeted. He remarked.tbat he felt it a great honour to be asked as" Chairman of the Urban District Council to propose the toast. Unfortunately at the present time trade in Baruard Castle and district, in fact throughout the county, was, he believed, very bad indeed. Being iu an agricultural area the towu relied to a great extent on the success of the agricultural indus- try. For five mouths the local auction mart bad been closed owing to the outbreak of the Foot and Mouth Disease, aud this undoubtedly had meant a great loss to tbe town. Speaking of auction marts, Mr Nicholson said they would have noticed that it was intended to form one at Middleton-in-Teesdale, and how that would affect Barnard Castle remains to be seen. He could not help thinking, however, that it would be a good thing if some suggestion could be put forward whereby the two marts could amalgamate. He trusted, now that the summer was approaching, better times would be in store for the town and neighbourhood. There were some people who were opposed to motors aud chars a-baucs coming to the town, but he personally was desirous of ».«iug as many as possible come, because not ouly did they bring a certain amount of money, but the more the people came the more it was advertised The Couucil has already approached the rail- way company with the object of gettiug an adequate traiu service, and this was a step iu the right direction. Iu conclusion. Mr Nichol- son assured the company that the Couucil would always be ready to receive suggestions from the Chamber of Trade for furthering the interests of the towu, and that anything they might propose would always receive the careful consideration of the Couucil. (Applause). CO-Ol'KBATIOS IN OKOAXISATIOS. The President, in reply, congratulated Mr Nicholson ou being elected Chairman of the Couucil. Like himself Mr Nicholson was a native of Baruard Castle, aud they were proud to kuow that he had risen to the highest position iu the town. (Applause). He thanked Mr Nicholson for what he had said about the Chamber of Trade, aud was glad to bear that any suggestion the Chamber might make to the Couucil would receive sympathetic con- sideration. When he (Mr Heslop) was appointed- President of the Chamber, the thought occurred to him that it would be nice to have a social gathering such as this—and be was giad that the ladies had beeu invited—where they could express their views upou matter.^ atlectiug the trade of tbe towu. Everyone of them had the well-being of Baruard Castle at heart, but he was afraid there were rather too many organiz- ations existiug for the same object. It was a mistake to have too many associations. What they needed was co-operation for the fnrther improvement ol the towu. Ho was glad that tbe Chairmau of the Couucil encouraged tbe coming of chars a bancs to Baruard Castle, convinced as he was that people ouly had to visit the town to become lovers of its beauty aud charm ; because it was, indeed, a beauty spot. (Hear, hear). Oue thing very much needed was a secondary school for girls, and be hoped everythiug would be done to have oue established iu the towu. (Applausei. " The towu and trade of Baruard Castle " was submitted by Mr R. Woodhauis, who referred to the difficulties experienced by the tradesnieu iu the towu attributable directly to the closiug orders necessitated by the outbreak of foot aud mouth Baruard Castle was essentially an agricultural district, aud when the farmers iu the neighbourhood could not sell their live stock it affected the towu to a very great exteut. He was giad, however, to know that strong representations were beiug inade to the Ministry of Agriculture to get the order suspended. T11K TOWN'S SKIPS. Mr .1. lugram l)aw-ou, Clerk to the Crbau Council, iu response, said that haviug beeu lu the towu 41 years be claimed to kuow some- thing of its requirements, its aspirations and failings. He said Baruard Cattle was a place of lost opportunity aud referred to the fact I that cousiderable improvements might have I beer, made at very iittle expeuse it tney bad I ouly exercised foresight. They must look ahead aud go forward, for staguatiou meant j death. They had many natural beauties aud j attractions. There were tbe lovely woods, ! which Lord Baruard opeueit to the town at a ' noiuiual reut; a museum which was the best I out of Loudou; a goli course, au auuual . eyclislb' meet which brought thousaud* ol visitors, aud a musical toiiruaiiKul whiei: probably brought more p. opie to the towu | thau au-ythiug eise; as well as ill—f other thiugs. But there were several things they lacked, inciudiug a new market house aud | municipal buildings worthy of the place. They I required business men ol foresight to ta^e au 1 active interest in the welfare ot the towu, aud be instanced the good doue by the late Mr Robert Barker, who. he saiu. always looked ••0 years ahead. It was he Who proposed Who (lagging ol the town, aini who also was the meaus ot getting the reservoir and tuauy other tlnugs. What they r.quired were meu who dreamed dreams and saw visious, l«cause th. ideal of today became, the real ol to-morrow. (Applause). The siugiugof tbe National Autium brought a most eujoyablc luuctiou to a close. IH)R01"HY." FOR BEST RESULTS ON BAKING DAYS USE LlNGFO R D8' BAKING POWDER CELLIEK'S OPERA AT B.VK.NAKU CAS I I.E. Last night, with the promise oi a success!iii run, the Barnard Caslie Amateur Operatic Society made their ajqvarauce with Celiier's comedy opera, " Dorothy." Judgiug by the booking ot seats, which beg.tu sctcrai weeks ago, the members ot the society stand high in the regard of local playgoers, aud it is to be hoped that those who uo not book their seats iu advance wiil show the same cucouiag - inent lor our local amateurs. It is impossible iu this week's paper to do mure thau mention the opening of the presentation. Opening nights do uot as a rule show the actors auu actresses at their b^si. ! uj from wiiat we have seen we are convinced that no pains have b-'eu , spared to make the week a i.,emorable oue iu i the annals of the local The piiuM.

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Page 1: THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, · 2011-12-13 · Pulper, Cake Crusher, Saw Bench, Shafting, &c. FORD SON TRAJTOR and


A Jumble Sale ibeld in the WITHAM H.VLL, H t

p.m., on SATURDAY, the 17th

tjtions ami Gifts of auy kind will l ) j

M D C . Persons desiriug to help i u

ler an; requested to communicate Beretary. | R. A . POUNDER,

14, Coronation Stroot, Barnard Castlo.


• C R O W , FKIDAY ami SATURDAY, ' T H E H O T T E N T O T . " r a laugh ! That's what Then. H. I,,,.,,

Been r i gh t s of " The Hottentot." Y,,y p i n it—the fastest, funniest, oouw^h Never seen.

X**ONllAY (1 Day Only). I ^ T T K . V T I O X : (.'LIVE I'.KO'iK IX

O U T T O W I N " Hjnceessful Play from the Shaftesbury

Theatre, London). CAST :

•rracluugh . . ... •' ,.,- ., Ipchaiii Altar Lis ''double 1 '


Sales by Auotio



TUESDAY N E X T , MAY turn; 1924.


be SALE for all Classes of STOCK will i held at the above Hotel. Stock will be accepted for th is Sale from jcUletou, Lunedale, Holwicjt,

' r c St, Middletou-iu-Teesdalo & Harwood,

igglestouo. Sale to commence at 11 $0 a.m.

j n connection with the above Sale, Lowe's fotor Char-a-banc will leave Gal gate, Barnard vstle. o u Tuesday at 11 a.m. pr<>mpt, returu-\Tfroui Middletou at 2 p.m. purchasers must liave Movement Licenses jnted by the local authority o; district into

\iicli Cattle purchased are to b( l couutersigued by police at I Vendors are advised to makt

hiB.iiuj; Stock to Sale that sanie come from „ Uninfected Area, f W. P. VVALLIS, F.A.I \uctiou Mart, Barnard Castle. \lso 26, Horse Market, Barnard Castle.

taken, game Uiddleton.

sure before


Ifington i liana- r Ernest A. Dougl^ bboutne il"u_'ir- E. Daijn.ill

BjtFruyne' Employers v Robert Englj.s|, Jaclough's manservant! Jam s MeWiiliau, iDiest i The j Norman Pag, |1>|M J Rival •> A. B. Iiuca. , ^renee J Syndicate \ [vo Daw«jq •aith 1 r r , , . 1 Cainerou Can-T~ > Their Agents-J ,., .. u

hie > , ' u l i U Hi'licii elough (Ban-aclough's mother)

Daisy Cainpl^ii T(his fiancee) Ireuc Nuriuig

^ (Marchioness of Queenslierryi I T - o* » / lYudenec Pon-oni",.. HIS Sifters •< , „, 1 7

l Jose Siianii,,,, end u f the Banar! m g l i s ) Margaret Oesin,,,,,! aven (Barraclough'» eted l o v e r ) ... Catherine Calvert

willing production will be shown Iwier M corameueiug G-1 and 8-15 p.m. Soeoaf •ce will be equal to first.

JAY & WEDNESDAY, May 6 and 7, |lNovak and Bryaut Washburn in

" T E M P T A T I O N , " Hf the root o f all evil; a gripping s t o r y

in n i e u and W o u i u U and the great g ) (J Intent—the desire to possess what « c

I* breeds the most seductive of all evils. Isn't miss seeiug " Temptation." I Prices: 3d., 5d., 81., and Is.

The Busiucss Premises, [ T H E BANK, BARNARD C A S T L E , jow occupied by Mr F . E . Colley,

will shortly be opened by

P A T T E R S O N , M.P.S., Chemist, | M>, as a native of Barnard Castle,

Bjr strict atteutiou to busiuess to obtain I a fair share of patronage.


IIS RACQUETS, BALLS, and Accessories.

HJETS R E - S T R U N G on the Premises,




Beans, Beet, Spinach, LoHuce, I rsuip, Sprouts, Cabbage, Carr its, Parsley, Radish, Herbs, L-ek, Mustard, Cress |

jRed Planting Shallots, 6d. per pound i ) W E K S E E D S in Choice Variety.


iuy them iu bulk and packet them | res, therefore We kuow the quality we

kit. •have been Established over 70 years in |pwn, and you cauuot do bettor tin" ISC from tTCALFE, 9, Market Place. [for Samuel Finney's Grass and C'ovuf



i A It N A li D C A S T L E .


ugs & Appliances AND

ill Kodak Supplies The Quickest and Best

| Developing and Printing Service. m



fecial Hand-Loaded

• A R T R I D G E S . . I F A C T O R Y - L O A D E D P R I C E *

G . R I C H A R D S O N ,

GUtt M A K E R ,

I A R N A K D C A S T J >


puK MIDDLETO N -1 N - T ] ! E S D A L E S H K K P and RAM S A L E C O M M I T T E E

p,G TO ANNOUNCE the follojwin S A L E F I X T U R E S

mL'RSDAY, AUGUST 21ST.—Ai: fy4t Sheep and LAMBS, [jIL'USDAY. SEPT. 18TH—Ann Classes of Keeping Sheep and

uual Sale of

lal Sale of all Lambs.

IDAY, OCT. 3RD.—Great Annual Prize Show , m l Sale of Registered aud Unregistered

1 Swaledale Dales-bred Ramf and Ram Lamhs.

iglUAY, OCT. 10TH.—Annual Sale of all ! Classes of Keeping Sheep. ICTOBKR (Date to Fix).—Youig Bulls, Store Cattle aud Buiioeks. OVEMBER (Date to Fix). — Layiug-off

i Calvcrs aud all Classes of Cattl j and Sheep, JOSEPH AV. DKN'P, Secretary

Fait View, Middleton-iu-Teesd lie




|G.Tarn Bainbridge, Son It Handlcy / ILL Offf-r For Sale by Aictiou, at the

W i r i i A M H A L L , Barnard Castle, at 3 p.m. [(subject to conditions of sale t( i be then read I or produced).


itlic Paiish of Startforth, l uard Castle, extending to cabouts.


rd Castle, aud adjoining I iniliu>; to 0.988- Acres or

lieaut I'ussessiou. ' L O T 3.

^ACCOMMODATION F I E L D 1 extending to 7.761 Acres dr thereabouts

tut Possession. iFurt'iK-r Particulars and Plan! ptbt. oAoea of

Huata W. J . A H. C. \V|ATSON, Solicitors, Barkiard Castle.


E G G L E S T O N E .


TO B E SOLO B Y AUCTIO^, ' B Y , Tarn Bainbridge, Son & Handlcy, At the WITHAM HALL, BARN

: ;U [p.m. (subject to the lit to be tbeu produced),

J^Ll. umt Couipact Freehold id iiuowu as •' O R N E L I .

faP.ii-ii i . i Kggltstoui-, comprising 117 Acres SpBooi.s tl Perches ; togrlhel

80 S H E E P b'TlN'Tj! I E^lotoue C'umuiou. Foi luuiier particulars

•j t iuLiers , 4-1, Iliyh Ro\t (Tel. . :y.j ; u r tu

MtssKs DAWSON k Solicitors, Barnard Castl

«AUi.> H A L L , Near RICllfjOND, YORKS

t ' lan i Bainbridge, Son

C A S T L E .

MiUs from W, Acres or

situate at eerbolt Park,


adjoiniug Lot

can bo seen


H I L L S A L E ROOM, M I D D L E T O N I N -T E E S D A L E .

F . J . without


W I L L Sell without reserve for Mr Glen-denning and others, on

SATURDAY, MAY 3RD, 1924, a largo quautity of Household F U R N I T U R E .

Sale at 1 o'clock.


F . J . Smith

IS iustructed by Mr Johu Thompson to Sell by Auction on

• T U E S D A Y , MAY 6TH, 1924, Good Governess Car, by Farr, to carry six ; Useful Whitechapel Dog Cart, Four-wheeled Dog Cart, Set Silver-mounted Harness, Four Neck Collars, Trap Lamps, Sundry Harness, Chaff Cutter, Hay Sweep, a large quantity of Plough Chains, Back Bauds, Shoulder Chains, Ropes, Nets, Shovels, Gripes, Cart, Rolley, and Stack Covers, &c, Stable Utensils, and Sundries. Sale at 2 o'clock.

H I L L , N E W B I G G I N - I N - T E E S D A L E .

SA L E of Surplus F U R N I T U R E aud Imple­ments, Four B.F. Ewes and Lambs, etc.,

for Mr J . I I . Watson, on SATURDAY, MAY 10TH, 1924.

IMPORTANT Sale of F U R N I T U R E for Mr 1 Weedy, Rig" Side, Harwood in-Teesdale,

ou SATURDAY, MAY 17TH, 1924.

Further commissions respectfully solicited.

F. J . Smith, Auctioneer. Auction and Shipping Offices: Middletouiu-

Teesdale. Telephone 4.



G. Tarn Bainbridge, Son & Handley AND

W. Stanley Robinson

JO I N T L Y instructed by Mr W. Heslop (of Messrs Heslop & Sanson), Accountants,

Darlington), Trustee iu Bankruptcy, will Sell by Aaictiop, the whole of the FARMING STOCK, fto., on

T U E S D A Y , MAY 6TH, 1924, including:—6 HOUSES. 11 DAIRY COWS.

Large Field of I M P L E M E N T S , several little worse than new.

MACHINERY, including 20 h.p. Oil Engine, Grist Mill, Chaff Cutter, Turnip Cleaner and Pulper, Cake Crusher, Saw Bench, Shafting, &c.


Sale to commence at 12-30 o'clock. The whole for absolute sale.

Offices: 44, High Row and Houndgate, Darlington.


Mr T . has been Sold)

V K i» CASTLK, Condition*

ARM, situate A FAUAI,'


ujpply to Darlie

the 'ton

H I C K S ,

& Handley from Mr John ig the Arable been sold) will

Thomas Addison,

H AVING received instructions from W. Donald (whoso Holdin

will Sell by Auction, ou T U E S D A Y , MAY 6TB, 1924,

His FARM STOCK, kc, comprising :—Red Heifer Stirk, Red Bullock Stirk ; 2 Wensley-dalo Ewes aud Lambs, 2 Wensleydale Gimnier Hoggs.

32 Young HENS aud C O C K E R E L . , 9 C H I C K E N S .

Stamp of Prime HAY. Grandfather's Clock, iu perfect order;

Ladder, Wire Netting aud Posts, Ladder, Wheelbarrow, Corrugated Sheets, Wood Hen House, Cow Bauds, Sundry Chains, Pig Troughs, Rakes, Forks, Scythe, Horse Clippers, Hay Chopper.

1 3 " T O - M O R R O W .



J . Parkinson & Sons I N S T R U C T E D by Miss Elliot, of Ebor 1 House, and W. Hunton York, Esq., of Woodleigh, will remove to the above Hall, and Sell by Public Auction,

ON THURSDAY, MAY 1ST, 1924, a large quantity of Excellent

Household Furniture Etc.

Sale at 9-30 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Central Sale Rooms, BARNARD C A S T L E .

J . Parkinson & Sons I N S T R U C T E D by J . Howard, Esq., of 1 Cotherstone, aud other Clients, have removed to the above rooms, aud will Sell by Auction, on

THURSDAY, MAY 8TH, 1924, A Large Quantity of

Household Furniture AND CARPETS, viz.:

F U M E D OAK H A L L STAND, 4ft. Oak Sideboard and Delf Rack, Walnut Desk,

1 3-PIKCB I H E S T E R F I E L D S E T , in Grey Moquette;

AXMINSTER P I L E CARPET, 3 x 3^ yds. ; Mahogany Sofa in Leather, Easy Chairs, 7-piece Oak Suite, in Green Saddlebags ; OAK E X T E N D I N G DINING T A B L E , Small " " R I L E Y " BILLIARD T A B L E and Accessories, Marble Clock, Fumed Oak Oval Mirror, Book Shelves, Pictures, 5ft. F U M E D OAK SIDEBOARD and RACK, Brass Kerb Sets, Large B L U E AXMINSTER C A R P E T , Tapestry aud Art Squares, Cutlery, Books, Sewing Machine, Bath Chair, Linoleum and Oilcloth, Deck Chairs, Basket Chairs, Cornice Poles, SATIN WALNUT BEDROOM S U I T E with 4ft. 6in. Wardrobe, 3ft. 6in. SATIN WALNUT BEDROOM S U I T E , Complete ; White-enamelled Bedroom Tables, 4ft. 6in. Bedstead to match with Mattresses, Chairs, F U M E D OAK B E D S T E A D , Wire and Wool Mattress, Swing Mirrors, Mahogany Chest Drawers, Painted Chest Drawers, Toilet Tables, Crockery, 2 Mahogany Bedsteads, Black aud Brass Bedsteads, Chcffonier Bed, Kitchen Press, Kitchen Tables, Child's Chair, 4 Prams, Wringer, Garden Seat, Portable Boiler, and a host of Suudries.

Sale at 9-30 a.m. aud 1 p.m.

Highly Important Sale of Stock.

Valauable Farm

W E S T E R N H O P E BURN, NEAR E A S T G A T E . Free Area.

p A V i Ul.b with instruction) * P"«tii [who is relinquish i

i ks Farm, winch has1

• Auction, ou B i ^ X l l t ; KSD.VY, MAY Iwk 1924,

f'AKMlNG S T O C K , including : -*«"b> . . \ •>•> C A T T L E , 35 S H E E P .

• J" 1 " '" O F VOINO POULTRY. « j '•hMKNIS for 100 Acr s ui Tillage.

1.500 ! m " l , l >' o l TIMBER, comprising :— Fem., ' J ' c U L i u « Stakes, 1,000 Larch

tail-, lull new Larch Hurdles, 500 X«* Stakes, 50 Land! Poles, suitable

, l ? " u l s - Also appn.xi j.ately « W j uF SYCAMORE TOP WOOD,

d l ' u, 12iu, maximum diameter, topped '• "lameter.

8 t o commence at 1 o'clock. — " " V * " 1 0 * Station—Foi celt (L N.E.R) . !C5 U ' ; ' I - Ihrfli Row, Darlington.

• A K W U O D V I E W , cor ^ E R S T O N E .

Eton S v ( l l l c y S - H°tkson 1 p, '.'! 1 U ' : b °y 'he Exor f of the late Miss

wi- Cotherstoue will

H O U S E H O L D C O A L .

shall be glad to have enquiries^ Head prices charged, plus leadin'-!-

Prices on application. N E W G A T E F O U N D R Y .


J . W R I G H T , T l ) B

* T Y ; R , S I G N - W R I T E R & D E C O R - *

Thorngate, BARNARD CAS1LE.

I ti.

«beck 15 x • X cwap, JUhc oldi,

Quit V . «0d 1 Kitch Shad, Nnnit

»WW *ith


A H U K S D A Y , MAY I'rtmises, No. '2

V»luable F U R N I T U jy hirkmau)

>pleudid tone i . " u o d coudiliou;

Fiirt Chippeudai Settee and 4 a pining i a u l e ,

*•« table, Small

Sell by auction 8m, 19-24, Marwood View,

[{E aud Effects: overstr mg, irou frame,

Turkey Carpet, Turkey Carpet

Inlaid Suite, Jail Chairs ; Oval (good condition;

_ Jak Table, '2 Easy iioiuaii, Overmantel, Mahogany Coal , 0 0 k case, Bras^ Curb with Rail

yrous, Gong, Kitchuu Press, Several rV""** and Chairs, Deck Chair with


a rl"-ts,13 x l su . and a x 4tt.; i',,,-; • i l a t 8 ' Coco-Matting and >-"Uams; Mahogany Dressing Chest viu,, vl ' b W m « Dressing Chest tr,v? l n :V r ' "ashstmu with marble ,,v, t a i l s - 2 F o o t JJaths, 3 Lou Bed-w * * mounts

g j y m . Piiiuws, j uroou, ohniw, Uuders and Fire

Lawn Mower, • t-lothes .Horses,

S jriug Mattresses, Bolsters, Feather Commoae Chair, Irons, F'lour Biu.

Carpet Swaeper Kuamel and Zinc

- S t a i r a ' U K ° ° d Tubs,"2b Lii, , r , l , e v ^ l l . a u l i t > ' of Crockery,

clocK prompt, on application to

""ove may K'cuoiitcr fukolnje

be seen

hjno, Cotberfctone, *ia Darlington.

Also for Mr Robert Barker (whoso Moor has b ou Sold),

40 Grand Young SVVALEDALE E W E S with Lambs, by Wensleydale Tup.

W E N S L E Y D A L E TUP, 4 Shear. '2 Red aud White B U L L O C K STTRKS.

Sale at 2 p.m. Auctioneer's Address : Bowes, Darlington.


(1 Mile from Station).

Thomas Addison,

FAVOURED with instructions from Roliert W. 9fmpsou, Esq. (who is declining

farming), will Sell by Auction, ou ' THURSDAY, MAY 8TH, 1924,

The whole of his V A L U A B L E FARM STOCK, I M P L E M E N T S , &c, comprising :—

4 HORSES. —Grey Mare,7 years old, 15-2h.h.; Brown Horse, 5 years old, 15-2 h.h. ; Browu Mare, 5 years old, 15-1 h.h., by " Duuure Vintage." The above are all quiet good workers. Browu Draught Filly, 3 years old, uubrokeu.

71 HEAD OF SUI-KRIOR CATTLK.—16 Black Galloway Cows and Suckers, by White Short-hoiu Bull; 19 Blue-Giey Yearling Bullocks and Heilers (suckers last summer) ; 4 Shorthorn Yearling Heitois, 2 S . H . Bullocks, 2 years old ; 5 Calves, from 3 weeks to 6 mouths old ; Blue-Grey Cow," newly calved ; White Heifer, duo June 6th ; White Cow, served November 2ud ; White Cow, served March 25th ; White Cow, served March 29th ; Roan Heifer, served t ebruary 29th ; Red Heifer, iu full milk; 2 White Siock Bulls, 2 years aud 14 mouths old respectively. «

7b SiiKhi'.—67 North Ewes (Cheviot aud Border Leicester Cross), with followers, by Oxford Tup; 11 North Gimmer Hoggs, 1 Oxford Down Tup.

30 HEAD OF. YOUNU POULTRY. IMPLEMENTS, &e.—Long Cart, Coup Cart,

Kolley, to carry 30 cwts. with side aud sheep railo; Double-horse Grass Cutter (Massey-Harns); Swath Turuer (Bamford) ; New Strewer (Blackstoue) ; Horse Rake, 2 Sweeps, Weighing Machine aud Weights, Stamp Turnip Cutler, Sledge Manure Drill, Cake Crusher, Sack Lilter, 4 Sheep Racks on wheels, 6 Sheep Troughs, Pig Creel, 12 Sanitary Troughs, 2 Pig Troughs, Double-horse Chaiu Harrows, Sack Barrow, Wheelbarrow, Pig Crate, 2 Stack Sheets, Chicken Coops, Ziuc Coin Bin, Hay Spades, Ladders, Cow Bands, Rakes, Forks, etc. Set of Silver-mounted Harness, 2 Sets of Cart Gears, 2 Sets Plough Chains, S wiugletrees, Sundry Gears, etc., Eud-over-Eud Churn up to 141bs.; Butter Worker, Cheese Stand and Shelves, Butter Scales, Cans, Pails, Brass Bedstead aud Spring Mattress, as new; Folding Bed, etc.

Sale at 12-30 p.m. prompt. Motor 'Bus will meet 10-47 a.m. train from

Bishop Auckland at Barnard Castle, also the train arriving from Darlington at 11-35 a.m.

Refreshments at reasonable charges. The Horses are quiet good workers and grand

sorts. The Cattle are a grauu lot and not in auy way forced for Sale; the Galloway Cows have never been housed all winter; the Yearlings are a grand lot and in good condition; the Shorthorn Cows have good bags and are all young. The Ewes are fit, with a very large crop of weli-fed lambs. Implements and Gears are very little worse than new.

Auctioneer's Address: Bowes, Daaiington.

J . M. Ualkin and T. H. Vickers,

AR E jointly honoured with instructions from Mr J . Walton, who is leaving the abovo

Holding, to Sell by Auction, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 7TH, 1924, •

his valuable FARMING STOCK, aud a Quautity of Surplus HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,

E T C . , inventory : 421 SHEEP.—100 Swaledale ewes, 4 to 6

y.o., with followers by Leicester Rams , 155 Swalcdale Ewes, Shearlings to 3-shear, with follower^ by Swaledale Rams; 53 Swaledale Wethers, 2 y.o.; 90 Swaledale Ewe Hoggs, 5 Swaledale Wether Hoggs, 11 Mule Ewe Hoggs, 1 Leicester Hogg and Lamb, 4 Swale­dale Rams, 2 Leicester Rams.

40 H E A D OF SHORTHORN C A T T L E . — 2 Cows, recently calven; 1 Heifer, recently calven; 5 Cows, Autumu calvers; 1 Cow, December calver; 1 Heifer, due May 14th; 1 Heifer, due Juue 14th; 2 Heifers, 2 y.o.; 5 Heifers, 14 y.o.; 5 Heifers, yearlings; 5 Bullocks, H y.o.; 2 Bullocks, yearlings; 10 Calves, 4 to 6 months old.

2 HORSES.—Brown Mare, 15-2h., excellent worker iu all gears ; Browu Mare Pouy, 13-2 h., quiet to ride aud drive.

POULTRY.—12 Head of Youug Barn-door Fowls , Pea Hen (Pullet).

IMPLEMENTS.—Governess Car, by Farr ; Coup Cart, 2 Hay Bogeys, by Liddell; 2 Double-horse Grasscutters (oue by Wood, as new) ; 2 Swath Turners (one by Bamford, as new); Horse Rake, Hay Tedder, by Bamford; American Hay Sweep, Hay Sleigh, 3 Sheep Racks ; Plough, Seed Harrows, Ladders, Stack Cover; Scythe, Cow Chains, Rakes, Forks, Gripes, Shovels aud Sundries.

HARNESS.—Set of Snv r-wou i .ed Trap Harness, Set of Cart Gears, Set of Plough Gears, etc.

DAIRY UTENSILS.—End-over Churn to 60 lbs., in good condition ; Small Churn, Cheese Press, Butter Tub.

FURNITURE.—Old Oak Corner Cupboard, Black Chiua Cabinet, Walnut Mautel Mirror, Chest of Painted Drawers, Round Table, Lougsettle, Rocking Chair, Odd Chairs, Feather Bed, Brussels Carpet, 2 Cases of Birds, Pictures, Quantity of Good Glass, Decanters, Cruet, and several other lots.

Sale to commence at One p.m. sharp. The Auctioneers respectfully commend

particular atteutiou to thia important event. Westernhope Burn has for many years been noted for excellence of Stock and this Sale will present one of the best selections of Sheep aud Cattle obtainable. The Sheep have been carefully selected and grazed at a high altitude. The Shorthorn Cattle, a few of which are pedigreed, are a select dual purpose herd of best breeding quality and colour. The Cows are youug and have capacious udders. The Implements and Harness are the usual used on a Grass Farm.

Westerubope Burn is midway between Eastgate and Westgate Stations of the Wear Valley Brauch, L .N .E .R . A Motor Bus will meet 1 p.m. train at Eastgate Station.

Sale Offices : 7 Marlboro Crescent, Newcastle-ou-Tyue, aud Grove House, Tow Law.

Phone 14.

P A R K I N S O N & S O N S , A U C T I O N E E R S AND V A L U E R S ,


Established 1875.

\ V M . T A R N ,

A U C T I O N E E R A N D V A L U E R .

Sales of all descriptions undertaken. Prompt Settlements.


Head Office: , § LOMBARD S T R E E T , B . C . 3 . g

= Over 1,600 Offices in England & == — Wales, and several in India,

Burmah and Egypt.

D E P O S I T S , fto. £ 3 4 1 , 6 0 0 , 7 2 8 g A D V A N C E S . Stc. £ 1 4 1 , 4 0 5 , 7 7 4 f§

Lloyds Bank has Agents and Correspondents throughout the British Empire and in all parts of the World, and is a large Shareholder in the following Banks, with which it is closely

associated :— The National Bask of ScotlaaJ Ltd.

Bank of London and Sooth America Ltd. Lloydi & National Pro?incial Foreign Bank Ltd.

Tie National Bank of New Zealand. Ltd. Bank of British Wait Africa, Ltd.

The Britiih Italian Banking Corporation, Ltd.


S Y D N E Y S . H O D G S O N , A U C T I O N E E R A N D V A L U E R ,

Sales of all descriptions. Prompt Settlements. A D D R E S S : — R E D S H O L M E FARM,




T R Y I T T O D A Y .

She Seesdole (Depcuiuj BARNARD CASTLE, APRIL 30TH" 1924.

At Thursday's Urban Council meeting a discussion arose from which it is hoped may come an improvement iu the Barnard Castle train service. Strangers have wondered why the inhabitants put up with so scanty a railway service. They who kuow a little more about it are surprised that the local authority has not done more to impress the railway people with a sense of their duty.

*** " Occasioual Notes " are held over.


Forest Primitive Methodists celebrated their chapel anniversary last week-end. On Friday night a lecture was given by Mr H. Peart, St. John's Chapel, on " David Jones, the dauntless pioneer of Madagascar." Mr S. Watson presided. Supper followed. On Saturday, a concert was given by Mr Geo. Dickiuson and party, of Cockfield, Mr J . W. Temple presiding. On Sunday Mr Peart was the preacher.

At the Easter.Vestry for St. Mary's Parish Church, Middleton, on Tuesday, the Rev. H. C. Perrott, Rector, presided and nominated Mr R. Peirse as his warden, Mr G. Prescott being elected people's warden.

The Archdeacon of Auckland (the Ven. P. A. Derry) conducted the service at St. Mary's Church, ou .Wednesday evening last and dedicated a tablet in memory of the late Mr W. Oddie. The tablet is of Hoptou Wood stone, on a Swedish green marble base, and bears the iuscription :—" To the Glory of God and in memory of Wni. Oddie, for 48 years organist at this church and schoolmaster in this Parish; born May 17th, 1843 ; died August 22nd, 1923. This Tablet is erected, by Members of the Congregation, Old Scholars and Friends, in grateful remembrance of long and faithful service." The interior of the church has been cleaned aud re-decorated.

Middletou Baptists had a special effort last week-end in aid of their school funds. On Saturday evening a concert was given by a party from Esh Winning. The artsites were Miss Johnson (soprano), Miss Trelford (contralto), Mr Peacock (tenor), aud Mr Bennington (elocutionist). Mr R. Gowling presided. The party gave a sacred concert on Sunday afternoon, when Mr W. Jackson, Esh Winning, presided. Mr Jackson was the preacher at the morning and evening services, the artistes taking part iu each.



T H O M A S A D D I S O N ,

A U C T I O N E E R A N D V A L U E R .

Sales of all Descriptions. Prompt Settlements.

Salesman at Richmond and Barnard Castle Farmers' Auction Marts, every Saturday


W . P . W A L L I S , F . A . I . ,

A U C T I O N E E R A N D V A L U E R , Farmers' Accounts Kept for Income Tax.


LOCAL AND DISTRICT. The committee of the Barnard Castle Agri­

cultural Society announce that £80 10s. 8d. has been paid over to the Society's funds as a result of the two whist drives and dances held during the past winter. Easter Vestry.

The Rev. H. W. Bircham, Vicar of Barnard Castle, who presided on Tuesday eveniug, at the Easter Vestry, nominated Mr William Hodgson as his warden for another year, Mr Hodgson accepting the position. Mr J . Appleby retired from the office of people's warden, aud there were three nominations for the office. Mr G. Moore received 8 votes ; Mr J . Shield, 9 ; aud Mr W. Banks, 9. Iu the fiual vote Mr Banks was elected by 16 votes to Mr Shield's 9. Mr G. Atkinson was elected warden for Westwick and Marwood, aud Mr Bewick for Staiutou aud Streatlam. Ua the suggestiou of Mr R. Wood sidesmen were appointed for the first time. The Vicar nominated Messrs J . Shield, G. N. Warues, aud J . Appleby, aud the Vestry appoiuted Messrs R. Brown, T. Erring-ton, aud R. B. Gent.

Barnard Castle Wcslcyans. Sunday marked the begiuniug of the Sunday

School anniversary. The Rev. W. A. L . Taylor, B.A., of St. Leonards, preached in a simple and earnest style calculated to be understood by the younger members of his audience, to whom he particularly addressed himself The seuior scholars rendered iu the afternoou a service of praise, those taking part including Nellie Little, Muriel Littlefair, Eua Metcalfe, Naucy Pratt, Dorothy Pegmau, Bessie Jackson, Harold Lowe, Allau Wear-mouth, George Hunt, George Ransomc, Tom Marquiss, Harry Ward, Mary Bainbridge, Lilla aud Cassie Harker, Mariou and Dorothy Robsou, Jessie Swiubauk, Eveline Wren, Nellie Marquiss, Alice Beuuet, Gladys Chapman, I Marion Myers, Lena Suowdou. Harry Ward sang " How beautiful are the feet " (Haudel), aud the solo iu the anthem " Come unto me." Mr Taylor presided. In the morning aud evening special hymns of which Mr Taylor is the author, were sung. The morning service also included a recitation (Kipling's " If ") by Cassie Harker. " Old Testament Heroes," a dialogue, was given by Jack Tiplady, Arnold Robinson, Robbie Close, aud Harry Watson ; aud Dorothy Robson recited " You never can tell," and Lena Suowdeu, " Don't Fret," at the eveniug service. Harry Ward repeated his solo of the afternoon, " How Beautiful are the Feet." The anniversary services are to be continued next Sunday. N.U.ROVhist Drive.

This annual event took place iu the Witham Hall ou Wednesday, aud was a great success. Fifty-four tables were occupied tor whist, the M.C.'s being Messrs J . Shield, R. Doxford and F . Wilkinson. The prize winners were :— Championship highest-score, Mrs E . Allen. Ladies—1st, Miss Wright; 2, Miss Smith ; 3, Miss Wash ; 4, Miss L . Robson ; booby, Mrs Robsou ; sealed, Miss Urquhart. Gentlemen —1, Miss Burtonwood (playing as gentlemen); 2, Mr Henderson ; 3, Mr Lister; 4, Mr B. Brown ; booby, Mrs Youngs (playing as gentle­man) ; sealed, Mr A. Walker. Dr. J . Leishman presented the prizes, in the absence of the Mayor of Darlington. Prizewinners at the dance were : Elimination waltzes, Mr Hender­son and Miss Whitehead, and Mr Croft aud Miss D. Pedon. Spot waltz, Mr J . Iluntridge and Miss Kirk. Waltzing competition, Mr J . Hall aud Mr Brownless. The M.C.'s were Messrs H. Brownless and I I . Pollard.

1 E . Holilsworth] IPhoto.

MR A. H. NICHOLSON, J.P. Mr A. H. Nicholson, who has been uuaui-

mously elected Chairman of the Barnard Castle Urban District Council, is a native of the towu. in which the whole of his life has been speut. On leaving school more than forty years ago Mr Nicholson entered the offices of Messrs W. J . and H. C. Watson, solicitors, aud some twenty years ago he was appointed to his present position of managing clerk for that firm. In many ways Mr Nicholson has served his native towu. For a number of years he was secretary of the Agricultural Society, succeeding the late Mr J . E . Tilburu. He was also secretary of the Fire Brigade. He has been for many years one of the secretaries of the Barnard Castle Conservative Club aud secretary to the Barnard Castle aud Teesdale Benefit Building Society. A sportsman of repute, he has represented Baruard Castle iu both cricket aud football fields, aud iu his early-days he acted as secretary of the Baruard Castle Football Club. He is a keen cueist aud cau bold his own with most people ou the greeu cloth. He was secretary of the Soldiers aud. Sailors Families'Association iu the early days of the war. Mr Nicholson is expected to take his spat ou the magisterial bench at Baruard Castle this morning.

F O O T B A L L . The gKiue in the final of the loeal Medal Competi-

tion on Saturday, was contested with great keenness, hotli teams putting in all their worth. The honours went to StAindrop, although the consensus of opinion was that the Cocinthi ians showed the hatter form, and were unlucky ••> not wresting this, the Leal of the honours from their op[H>iicnls. The game wa< witnessed by a good crowd, and from start to IUMJ-II excitement K i n high', each side bang vociferously urged on by the partisans. The final score was Staindrop 2, Corinthians 1. Slaindrop now hold all the trophies of the league, \'u :—the League Championship Cup, Nursing Cup, and the Medal Competition Shield—truly a great achievement in a single season.

Births, Marriages and Deaths. D E A T H S .

EVANS.--At Thorngate, lUinard Castle, on the •2Clh in*., Oswald Brans, aged '21. To 1« interred ou Wednesday (to-day), ortege halving residence at '2-30 p.m. friends please accept ihi itlie only) intimation.

THOMPSON.—At Manor Cottage, Bowes, no Apttl 25t*t, 11121, l'.li/alieth Thompson, aged 71 years.— Was interred at I'.owes on Monday, April 2Stli

IN MEMORIAM. ALLINSOX.-Mrs Allinaon and family, psggaj--

thwaite, Kgglestone, witil to thank all kind fiiend-for tlieii- letters and kind expie.~«ion> of synipitla during their recent sad InMeavemenl.

CAKTKK.—hi loving memory of Aimie I arter. ot Low Staitlorlh, who died May 2nd. 1921,

Rot on. <lcur mother, thy labour's o'er. Thy wilUJftg hand will toil no more

• A faithful mother, true and kind. " „ No friend on earth like thee we tuid.

—Ever remembered by her husbind and family. HORNBY. —Mis- Hornby, Quebec Terrace, Mieklet.m.

wishes to thank all kilid friend.- and neighKmi- f*r their kindness and letters of sympathy showu with her in her H a d Lereavenient.

STODI > ART. —The Family of the late William Stoddart wish to thank "all relation*; friends and neighbours for their.kind expto>-ion-of sympathy during their sad bcreavoiiivnt ; also for tloral tributes. «

THE LARTINGTON HARRIERS. To the Editor of the " Teesdale Mercury." Silt,—Now that the late Master of the Lartington

Harriers intends to hunt elsewhere next sea&on, do the would-be patchera up of this pack not think it would be best to allow them to die a natural death I They should know that this immediate district is not suitable for horsemen, and they ought also to know that the pack should never have existed

I so near to an old established hunt of over r>0 years' I standing. —I am, Sir, .Vc., THOS. HELM Kit.



The first dinner connected with the Barnard Castle Chamber of Trade was held at the Kings' Head Hotel on Friday night, about 30 members, including several ladies, being present. Mr J . W. B. Heslop, president of the Chamber, received the guests.

After diuuer, the Presideut submitted tbe loyal and patriotic toast aud referred to tbe marvellous reception which the Royal Family had when opening the Wembley exhibition on Wednesday as an instance of the people's love for the King.

An adjournment was then made upstairs where the remainder of the speichmakiug was interspersed with music and mirth. Mr G. Hepper, Stockton, was tbe entertainer aud with his illimitable store of anecdotes aud wit, always refined, be kept the company iu con­tinuous laughter. Mr J . Franklin ably accom­panied the songs on the piano.

T11K Sl'EBC'HKS. Mr A. H. Nicbolsou, iu proposing the toast

of the evening, " The Baruard Castle Chamber of Trade," was enthusiastically greeted. He remarked.tbat he felt it a great honour to be asked as" Chairman of the Urban District Council to propose the toast. Unfortunately at the present time trade in Baruard Castle and district, in fact throughout the county, was, he believed, very bad indeed. Being iu an agricultural area the towu relied to a great extent on the success of the agricultural indus­try. For five mouths the local auction mart bad been closed owing to the outbreak of the Foot and Mouth Disease, aud this undoubtedly had meant a great loss to tbe town. Speaking of auction marts, Mr Nicholson said they would have noticed that it was intended to form one at Middleton-in-Teesdale, and how that would affect Barnard Castle remains to be seen. He could not help thinking, however, that it would be a good thing if some suggestion could be put forward whereby the two marts could amalgamate. He trusted, now that the summer was approaching, better times would be in store for the town and neighbourhood. There were some people who were opposed to motors aud chars a-baucs coming to the town, but he personally was desirous of ».«iug as many as possible come, because not ouly did they bring a certain amount of money, but the more the people came the more it was advertised The Couucil has already approached the rail­way company with the object of gettiug an adequate traiu service, and this was a step iu the right direction. Iu conclusion. Mr Nichol­son assured the company that the Couucil would always be ready to receive suggestions from the Chamber of Trade for furthering the interests of the towu, and that anything they might propose would always receive the careful consideration of the Couucil. (Applause).

CO-Ol'KBATIOS IN OKOAXISATIOS. The President, in reply, congratulated Mr

Nicholson ou being elected Chairman of the Couucil. Like himself Mr Nicholson was a native of Baruard Castle, aud they were proud to kuow that he had risen to the highest position iu the town. (Applause). He thanked Mr Nicholson for what he had said about the Chamber of Trade, aud was glad to bear that any suggestion the Chamber might make to the Couucil would receive sympathetic con­sideration. When he (Mr Heslop) was appointed-President of the Chamber, the thought occurred to him that it would be nice to have a social gathering such as this—and be was giad that the ladies had beeu invited—where they could express their views upou matter. atlectiug the trade of tbe towu. Everyone of them had the well-being of Baruard Castle at heart, but he was afraid there were rather too many organiz­ations existiug for the same object. It was a mistake to have too many associations. What they needed was co-operation for the fnrther improvement ol the towu. Ho was glad that tbe Chairmau of the Couucil encouraged tbe coming of chars a bancs to Baruard Castle, convinced as he was that people ouly had to visit the town to become lovers of its beauty aud charm ; because it was, indeed, a beauty spot. (Hear, hear). Oue thing very much needed was a secondary school for girls, and be hoped everythiug would be done to have oue established iu the towu. (Applausei.

" The towu and trade of Baruard Castle " was submitted by Mr R. Woodhauis, who referred to the difficulties experienced by the tradesnieu iu the towu attributable directly to the closiug orders necessitated by the outbreak of foot aud mouth Baruard Castle was essentially an agricultural district, aud when the farmers iu the neighbourhood could not sell their live stock it affected the towu to a very great exteut. He was giad, however, to know that strong representations were beiug inade to the Ministry of Agriculture to get the order suspended.

T11K TOWN'S S K I P S . Mr .1. lugram l)aw-ou, Clerk to the Crbau

Council, iu response, said that haviug beeu lu the towu 41 years be claimed to kuow some­thing of its requirements, its aspirations and failings. He said Baruard Cattle was a place of lost opportunity aud referred to the fact

I that cousiderable improvements might have I beer, made at very iittle expeuse it tney bad I ouly exercised foresight. They must look

ahead aud go forward, for staguatiou meant j death. They had many natural beauties aud j attractions. There were tbe lovely woods, ! which Lord Baruard opeueit to the town at a ' noiuiual reut; a museum which was the best I out of Loudou; a goli course, au auuual . eyclislb' meet which brought thousaud* ol

visitors, aud a musical toiiruaiiKul whiei: probably brought more p. opie to the towu

| thau au-ythiug eise; as well as ill—f other • thiugs. But there were several things they

lacked, inciudiug a new market house aud | municipal buildings worthy of the place. They I required business men ol foresight to ta^e au 1 active interest in the welfare ot the towu, aud

be instanced the good doue by the late Mr Robert Barker, who. he saiu. always looked ••0 years ahead. It was he Who proposed Who (lagging ol the town, aini who also was the meaus ot getting the reservoir and tuauy other tlnugs. What they r.quired were meu who dreamed dreams and saw visious, l«cause th. ideal of today became, the real ol to-morrow. (Applause).

The siugiugof tbe National Autium brought a most eujoyablc luuctiou to a close.

• IH)R01"HY."




C E L L I E K ' S O P E R A A T B . V K . N A K U C A S I I . E .

Last night, with the promise oi a success!iii run, the Barnard Caslie Amateur Operatic Society made their ajqvarauce with Celiier's comedy opera, " Dorothy." Judgiug by the booking ot seats, which beg.tu sctcrai weeks ago, the members ot the society stand high in the regard of local playgoers, aud it is to be hoped that those who uo not book their seats iu advance wiil show the same cucouiag -inent lor our local amateurs. It is impossible iu this week's paper to do mure thau mention the opening of the presentation. Opening nights do uot as a rule show the actors auu actresses at their b^si. ! uj from wiiat we have seen we are convinced that no pains have b-'eu

, spared to make the week a i.,emorable oue iu i the annals of the local The piiuM.