the test

THE TEST Written by Jeremy Saville [email protected]

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Page 1: The Test


Written by

Jeremy Saville

[email protected]

Page 2: The Test


A young couple, NATHAN ROBERTS, late 30s and handsome and JULIA BENNET also late 30s and attractive, watch the sun descend into the sea. He holds her from behind as they marvel at the beauty.

JULIAIt couldn’t possibly be any more beautiful.

NATHANI could think of something.

At this he gets down on his knee, and pulls out a sapphire diamond ring nestled in a blue ring box.

NATHAN (CONT’D)If you would marry me.

Julia is nonplussed. She lights up.

JULIAYes. Oh yes, Nathan.

He gets to his feet and kisses her.

The camera pans up to the gorgeous sky as we roll...



We pan down from the sky to reveal a small pub on a city corner. This is “The Tipsy Crow” the local watering hole. From inside we hear the sound of carousing, and we can pick out Nathan’s distinctive voice.

NATHANAnd then I just whipped it out.


Nathan sits drinking with 5 of his buddies at a booth.

BARRYYou mean right there on the beach?

NATHANFunny, Barry. But it was incredibly romantic.

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BARRYI’m sure it was.

DONOK, come on guys, our man Nate has finally gone and pulled the trigger, and we’ve lost another good one. So I say we raise our glass to him.

They raise their glass to toast, with the associated “Here’s to Nathan”, “Congratulations” toasts. TODD, sits in the corner sullenly nursing his beer.

TODDSo how do you know?

Everyone turns to look at him.

NATHANExcuse me?

TODDHow do you know...that she’s the one?

NATHANWhat do you mean? You just know. You know?

TODDOh you mean like- you get that special feeling in your happy place when she touches you?

They all laugh.

NATHANNo, you just know. You spend enough time with a person, you fall in love, and you want to spend the rest of your life with them.

TODDOh, so all the people who thought they “knew”, and then got divorced- they really didn’t know. But you know.

NATHANYeah...I mean...yeah.


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TODDI guess they just don’t have your methodology.

NATHANThis is stupid.

TODDNo, what’s stupid, is this naïve assumption that because you have a few things in common, and you

(Makes sex motion with hands)

like crazy every once in a while, you’re gonna live happily ever after.

ROBHey, leave the guy alone would ya? He just got engaged for Godsake.

LARRYYeah, come on leave him be.

TODDI’m only saying this because I care. Divorce rates in this country are practically 50%. That’s a 1 in 2 chance it ends badly.

ROBHey, even if you get married, and you spend your entire life with somebody they’re gonna die eventually.

MICKI’d say that’s a pretty bad ending.

RONLooks like it’s a no win situation.

BARRYHere’s to no win situations!

They toast again.

NATHANOK, you guys have fun. But I’m not going to sit here, and have you piss all over my parade. I’m ecstatic I’m getting married to Julia.



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She’s the most incredible person I’ve ever met. Not to mention beautiful.

TODDThat may be true- now. But people change. And until the shit hits the fan you don’t really know who they are.

NATHANWe’ve had our ups and downs.

TODDWhat, like you fought over what TV you were gonna buy?

NATHANNo, I mean, we did actually argue about that, but she came to her senses and realized a bigger screen was better for everybody.

TODDSounds like you really went through some tough times there, Nate.

NATHANOK, Todd, just because things haven’t worked out for you doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing.

TODDAll I’m saying is you don’t want to wind up a weekend dad- picking your kids up at the ex’s while some other dude is diddling her on your dime.

NATHANSo what’s your point?

TODDMy point is- Make sure you thoroughly check out the goods before it’s too late.

NATHANOK, genius, so maybe people do change. But there’s no way to know until it happens. So you just got to take it on faith, and trust you made the right decision. Right?



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TODDBut your decision’s based on a limited set of data. Right now she’s on her best behavior. Ask any guy who gets married to a crazed tigress-in-the-sack-wild- banshee, and then once she gets that ring- poof- she suddenly loses the passion for the action.

NATHANJulia’s not like that.

BARRYYeah, she’s not a crazed tigress in the sack banshee.

NATHANShe is too.

They all laugh.

TODDLook Romeo, you don’t have enough information to make an informed decision right now. You need to see what she’s like in a REAL crisis.

NATHANWell like I said, you don’t know- and you can’t know- until it actually happens.

TODDBut by then it’s too late, and hello Weekend Dad.

NATHANWould you stop saying that please.



RONWell, unless there was...



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RONYou know- a way to know.

NATHANNo, I don’t know. Do you know?

RONYou could set them up.

TODDYeah, like those reality shows. Candid camera style. People do it all the time.

NATHANSo what you’re saying is prank my fiance?

RONNo, not prank- test.

TODDYeah, they don’t just put cars on the road. They test ‘em over and over again. They do...

RON...stress tests. They put them through tests in highly stressful situations, and see how they hold up under pressure.

Nathan considers this for a minute. He imagines a visual of Crash test Dummies slamming into a wall, then dismisses it.

NATHANThe only thing being tested right now is my patience. Love is not a prank, it’s a beautiful thing to be cherished. So I’m going to going to go home right now to my beautiful fiance, and forget I ever had this conversation. And if you’re lucky I’ll consider still inviting you guys to the wedding.

He gets up and goes. The other guys shoot Todd a look. He shrugs.


Julia holds up earrings that Nate gave her. He sits on the couch with her.


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JULIAOh Nate, they’re beautiful.

NATHANI’m glad you like them.

JULIAYou always get me the perfect thing.

She kisses him. He smiles and looks at her.



JULIAOh come on, what is it?

NATHANIt’s just that I...

She looks at him, and he realizes he can’t say what he wants.

NATHAN (CONT’D)Love you so much.

JULIAI love you so much, too, baby.

NATHANAnd other people don’t really get our love.

JULIAWhat do you mean?

NATHANI mean we have a special love, Julia.

JULIAOf course we do, honey.

NATHANReally, really special.

JULIAYes we do, baby.


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NATHANI mean- we know each other. You know- like I know you and you know me. And we know - each other.

JULIAOf course we do, honey.

NATHANAnd we would NEVER ever do anything to hurt each other like run off with the other person’s money.


NATHANI’m just saying. Because people have been known to do that.

JULIANathan, what are you saying?

NATHANNothing. Look, I was just listening to some stupid talk radio show. I’m sorry- it’s ridiculous to even talk like this when we have such joy to celebrate.

JULIANow that’s better.

NATHANYou’re right, it is. So how’re the invites coming?


Her phone rings. She checks the caller ID.

JULIA (CONT’D)Oh, it’s Carrie.

Picks up the phone.

JULIA (CONT’D)Hey. Oh, nothing just going over the wedding plans. Oh really. Oh you’re kidding! Why? OK, then we’ll just cross Tom off the list. OK, I’ll talk to you later. Yeah I know.


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She hangs up.

JULIA (CONT’D)That’s so terrible.


JULIAShri and Tom are getting divorced.

NATHANDivorced? They just got married a year ago. We flew to Boston, and gave them those expensive presents.

JULIAI know.

NATHANWhy are they getting divorced?

JULIAI don’t know. Anyway, what table are we going to put Shri at now?

On Nate’s look we...



Todd opens his door. Nate stands there.

NATHANSo how would we do this?


Todd, Ron and Nathan scheme in the loft.

NATHANIt’s got to be something where I’ll know for sure.

RONShot of sodium pentothal should do it. Todd and I kidnap her, and we shoot her up, and then you get your answers.


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NATHANAre you crazy? We could go to jail for that. Besides, I don’t want to hurt her.

TODDNo, he just wants to test her.

RONWell, it is stressful, especially if we smack her around a little.

TODDJust shut up, would you.

NATHANWait. I got it.


An upscale restaurant. Julia sits alone at a table sipping wine waiting for Nathan to arrive. A waiter pours some water and walks away.

JULIAThank you.

Her phone rings.


NATHANHi. Listen, I’m running late. I had some things to take care of at the office, and traffic is really bad out there. So it might be another 20 minutes.


NATHANWhy don’t you just order?

JULIANo, no, I’ll be fine. I’ll just have another glass of wine. That way I’ll be more charming when you see me.


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We cut to a shot of him outside the restaurant looking at her through the window with surveillance equipment. (Small video cam, wireless mic receiver, and headphones.

NATHANI don’t see how that could possibly be possible. But OK, honey, I’ll see you soon.


A very handsome man at the adjacent table turns to address her.

TRENTDid you get stood up?

She turns to see this striking man addressing her.

JULIAExcuse me? No, I uh...

She gets caught in his baby blue eyes.

TRENTI’m sorry, I shouldn’t pry, but if you were my woman I wouldn’t let you out of my site.

JULIAThank you. That’s very flattering. (Catching herself.) He’s just caught in traffic. He’s usually very prompt. And I’m actually his fiancee.

TRENTLucky devil. I wish I would’ve had my chance.

JULIAI’m sorry, I don’t even know your name.

TRENTApologies. I’m Don.

JULIALast name, “Juan” by any chance?


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TRENTAnd she’s got a sense of humour! Who would’ve guessed- a ravishing creature with wit.

Cut to Nathan surveying.

NATHANOK, easy does it, tiger.

Cut back to Trent and Julia.

TRENTAnd who, may I ask, do I have the pleasure of meeting?

She extends her hand.

JULIAJulia. Julia Bennet.

TRENTAh, fair Juliette.

He kisses her hand.

I know I shouldn’t be so smitten with someone who’s spoken for but you really are quite a vision.

JULIAThank you.

TRENTYour fiancee is a very lucky man. I myself have not been as fortunate in love...thus far. And it gets so lonely in my house...with all that square footage it really is unsettlingly quiet at times.

JULIAHow big is your house?

TRENTOh, it’s a mere 20,000 sq. feet.

JULIAThat’s enormous.

TRENTOh it’s nothing compared to my place in St. Bart’s.


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TRENTYou and your fiancee- what’s his name?


Nathan looks on in shock as she tries to remember his name.

NATHANOh, come on, Julia.

TRENTTake your time.

JULIAWhat am I thinking, I know this of course? It’s...

NATHANOh, you got to be kidding me. And stop staring into his eyes like that.

JULIANathan. Of course. Nathan Roberts, my husband...


JULIARight, of course, my husband to be.

TRENTOr not to be, that is the question.

JULIANo, no it’s to be. Of course.

TRENTI’m sure it’s meant to be. As is our meeting.

JULIAI’m sorry?

TRENTDarling Julia, all things are meant to be. Aren’t they?


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JULIAUnless they’re not.


NATHANThat’s my girl.


TRENTTouché. But there’s no denying we’ve met, and I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe all things are the work of a much greater force. You might call it fate.

She pauses to consider this.

TRENT (CONT’D)Listen, why don’t I give you my card, and we can talk about destiny at some other time. In a more private setting perhaps?

He extends the card. She looks at it, it says TRENT HOLLOW Philanthropist. She hesitates, Nathan braces, then...

JULIANo. I’m sorry, I appreciate your offer, but I...just don’t think it would be a good idea.

Nathan’s ecstatic at her refusal.


TRENTAlright, I respect your decision, and it only makes me fonder of you.

JULIAThank you.

TRENTBut if fate does bring us together again, you’ll favor me with the honor of your company, and let me buy you a drink.



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TRENTAt St. Bart’s perhaps?

JULIAI don’t know about that.

TRENTWe’ll see.

Julia looks and sees Nathan coming through the door.

JULIAAnd speaking of seeing, I see my fiancee. So I’ll say good night. And it was nice to meet you.

TRENTLikewise, good night.

He turns back towards his table. Nathan comes up to Julia and kisses her.

NATHANHow is my beloved?

JULIAOh, Nathan, you are so sweet. And you made it so quickly- that wasn’t 20 minutes.

NATHANNo, suddenly it was all clear.

He sits.

NATHAN (CONT’D)So, who was that man you were talking to?


NATHANAt that table? When I walked in I saw you saying something to him.

JULIAOh, he dropped his fork, and I gave it back to him so he was just thanking me.



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Todd, Ron, and Nathan have just watched finished watching the video on a huge white wall. They’re seated on a couch. Ron is eating popcorn. It’s now on freeze frame.

TODDSo she lied about the conversation?

NATHANSo what, she had nothing to hide, I saw and heard the whole thing.

RONSounds a little fishy to me. I mean if she didn’t have anything to hide then why didn’t she just tell you she was talking to him in the first place.

NATHANWell she didn’t deny talking to him.

RONNo, she just lied about the content and the duration.

TODDI smell something rotten.

NATHANSo what? She passed the test. That’s the crucial thing. She refused his card. That’s what we agreed on. If she took the card she was culpable, but she was tempted and therefore refused temptation, so she (makes a “ding” sound effect) passes the test.

TODDI don’t know, buddy.

NATHANWhat don’t you know? We tested her fidelity, and she was faithful. I mean we threw a gorgeous looking millionaire at her, and to be honest I sensed she wavered, but who wouldn’t?


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TODDWho wouldn’t? Someone who doesn’t have eyes for anybody but you? I think you’re being a little easy on her.

NATHANNo not at all. Look, if I had the same test with some fantastic super model flirting relentlessly with me. Who by the way, had a mansion, and a place in St. Bart’s, and apparently a ton of money, I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t waver and buckle a bit.

TODDI think you’re being way too easy on her. Fact- she lied to you- fact- she wavered, and fact...

RONShe forgot your name.

NATHANShe did forget my name. But she remembered it.

TODDIs that what you want? Maybe for a wedding gift I should buy you a “Hi, my name is”- name tag. That way she wouldn’t forget.

NATHANYou’re being too hard on her.

TODDLook, I just want to see that she’s the right girl for you, that you’re not gonna get screwed. You’re a great guy, you deserve the best. And you could defend her all you want to me, but you might end up defending yourself in divorce court before long if you don’t make sure.

NATHANWell she didn’t take the card.

RONSee I have a problem with that too. I would’ve actually liked to see her take it.


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RONHear me out. See, I think it would be better if she actually took it, but then tossed it away. Because then you know, she was seriously tempted, but decided he wasn’t worth it in the end, because the gorgeous millionaire guy just doesn’t stack up to you. Then I would say she’s the one. But the fact that she didn’t take it, means that if she would’ve taken it, she’d be compelled to call him. So it means that right now she’s thinking about him.

TODDAnd when she’s thinking about him, that means she ain’t thinking about you. And a year from now, she’s carrying a baby whose paternity isn’t quite clear.

NATHANThat’s ludicrous. You guys are warped.

RONWe’re warped? You just set-up your fiance.

NATHANIt was your idea.

TODDYeah, but you did it.

NATHANOK, I’m going to walk out of here before my head explodes.

He starts to leave.

TODDOK, we’ll see you later...uh...uh...

Nathan turns back.


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NATHANOK, you guys laugh it up. But I know she loves me. And that’s enough.

TODDWhat if you lost your job, and you couldn’t pay for all those fancy vacations you go on? Would she still love you?

NATHANLook, just because you got burned doesn’t mean all women are gold diggers. Julia, granted, likes the finer things, but I’m sure if we didn’t have much she’d just want to be with me.

TODDOK, sounds good to me. Right, Ron, doesn’t that sound good?

RONYeah, that sounds real good.

NATHANThat’s it? You’re not gonna argue with me.

TODDLook man, if you’re that sure who am I to say anything? You just tell me when the wedding is, and I’ll show up.


TODDYeah. Have a good night.

Nathan’s confused. He looks to Ron.

RONHave a good night, Nate.


He walks out.


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Julia sits at the table working on the wedding plans. Nate is cooking in the kitchen.

JULIAThe band is going to cost a fortune, but it’s worth it. I always wanted a little orchestra. I just think a Rock n’ Roll band isn’t classy enough for us.

NATHANYeah, sure. I mean it’s a once in a lifetime event, right? I mean hopefully.


NATHANI’m joking.

JULIAAnyway, it’s a good thing we have money to pay for all this wedding stuff.

NATHANYeah. (Beat) What if I didn’t?

JULIAOh come on, Nate, you have a good job. You have plenty of money. It’s silly to even think like that.


JULIAYes. Now let’s go spend some more.

She goes back to the iPad. His smile fades into a worried expression.


Nate busts in on Todd.

NATHANOK, phase 2.


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Todd and Nathan are playing ping pong.

NATHANThink, think. What would be a good way for me to see if she just loves me for my money?

TODDOK, slow down there, Rockefeller! I think it’s clear she doesn’t want you just for your money. I mean let’s be serious.

NATHANOK, fine you’re right. It’s more if I didn’t have any if she’d still love me.

TODDAnd that’s strike #2. Nobody wants to be with a homeless guy so you can’t fault her there.

NATHANI know some chicks who’d be OK with it.

TODDYeah, and they’re also homeless.


TODDThe key here is to find out what she’d do if you were to suddenly encounter a severe financial meltdown- where the accustomed lifestyle were to diminish somewhat. You know- no more fancy dinners, cruises, trips to Jamaica- no high end toys- housekeepers...

NATHANNo, housekeeper. How bout an occasional cleaning service?

TODDYou can’t afford it.


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NATHANThat sound terrible. I can’t believe I’m that broke.

TODDAs long as she does.


Julia walks in, Nathan’s on the couch just sitting.

JULIAHi, Honey.


JULIAWhat’re you doing home this early? I thought you had a late business meeting with a client.

NATHANHoney, sit down.

JULIAWhat is it, Nate?

She sits.

NATHANI got fired.

JULIAYou what? Why?

NATHANI’m being accused of insider trading.

JULIAYou did what?

NATHANI didn’t do anything. I said was being accused.

JULIAWell what are you gonna do?

NATHANMe? Don’t you mean us?


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JULIAWell you’re the one who got fired.

NATHANI was set up.

JULIAWho set you up?

NATHANI don’t know, the feds, a jealous co-worker. You know- people.

JULIANo, I don’t know. So are you gonna go to another firm?

NATHANI can’t, I’m suspended. I mean my license is suspended until my name is cleared.

JULIAI cannot believe this happened to me.

NATHANTo you? Now it’s you. Before it was me. It should be me. This happened to me.

JULIAIt happened to us. But you made it happen to us.

NATHANI didn’t make it happen. I was falsely accused.

JULIAOK, I’m sorry. I’m just upset.

NATHANWell think how I feel.

JULIAI know. I know. I should be more nurturing (Beat) This is so terrible.

We see the same Crash Test Dummy visual as before.


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Todd is lying on a lounge chair. He has cucumbers on his eyelids.

TODD‘Insider Trading’? Why’d you tell her that?

NATHANBecause that way I can see if she believes me.

Todd gets up and looks at Nathan, the cucumbers pop off.

TODDBut you’re lying to her.

NATHANI know, but I want to see if she’d believe me if I ever was in the situation where I was accused of something I didn’t really do.

TODDSo you’re lying to her now to see if she’ll believe you when you do tell the truth to her about not being dishonest.



Julia comes in, Nate works at the kitchen counter on his laptop.

JULIAYou didn’t do it, did you?

NATHANGod, no.

JULIAAre you sure?

He gives her a look.

JULIA (CONT’D)I’m sorry. It’s just been very upsetting for me.


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NATHANHow do you think I feel? I lost my livelihood- until I’m vindicated.

JULIAThis must be very difficult for you.

She sits next to him.

NATHANYes, it is. And now we probably have to scale back the wedding plans.

She recoils at the thought of this.


NATHANWell I’m not working. I don’t have any income.

JULIAWell can’t you sell stuff?

NATHANLike what, Amway?

JULIANo, I mean some of your assets.

NATHANWhat, you want me to sell my Beamer?

JULIAHow about stocks and bonds?

NATHANThat’s my rainy day fund.

JULIAI think it is a rainy day, Nate.

NATHANJulia, the wedding’s a bit lavish. We’re spending, and when I say we I mean I’m spending the lion’s share of almost $100,000.


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JULIANate, it’s our wedding. I want it to be special.

NATHANIt would be special if it was just us and a Justice of the Peace.

JULIAOh don’t even suggest that.

NATHANWhy not?

JULIABecause it’s my, I mean our wedding. And we’re going to do it once forever so I want a little pomp and circumstance.

NATHANBut there’s so much pomp. I mean the orchestra and the lavish decorations, and the violinists, and the expensive ballroom, and the video crew, and all these people we barely know eating that expensive catered food. I mean honey, I spent $12,000 on your engagement ring. Isn’t that enough?

JULIANate, how could you tell me how much it was?

NATHANBecause you seem to think it’s nothing. Look, I want nothing more than us to be married, but it’s about us being bonded forever not the frills.

JULIAI like the frills. And the pretty dress, and the ballroom, and the decorations and the camera crew following us around preserving it forever. What’s wrong with that?

NATHANNothing. But I just lost my job, and I might not get it back. I don’t know what I’ll do.


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JULIAYou’ll figure something out.

NATHANAnd what if what I figure out means a more modest lifestyle?

JULIAHow much more modest?

NATHANJustice of the Peace modest.

JULIAThat’s really modest.

NATHANLook, I’m not saying it’s gonna come to that. I’m just saying who knows.

JULIAI don’t know if I can live with “Who knows?”

NATHANI’m asking you to live with me.

JULIAAre you a “Who knows?”?

NATHANWho knows?

CU on Julia’s face.


They’re playing pool.

NATHANI don’t know if she’s gonna make it.

TODDWe’ll see.

NATHANYou don’t sound too sure.

TODDThat’s the point of the stress test. To see how people hold up.


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NATHANWell I don’t know how well I’m holding up.

TODDThen it’s a bit of a test for you, too, my friend.

NATHANYeah, I guess so.

TODDWhat if she finds out you haven’t been suspended?

NATHANThere’s no way, I got it covered. I’m taking the week off from work.

TODDWhat if she runs into someone from your work?

NATHANIt’s practically impossible they’re all the way on the other side of town. Besides she wouldn’t dare talk about it. I think she’s pretty embarrassed about the whole thing.

TODDShouldn’t she be outraged?

NATHANYeah, that too.


Julia is having cocktails with her friend Frannie at a very upscale restaurant.

FRANNIEDo you believe him?

JULIAWell I don’t know.

FRANNIEThat’s a problem.


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JULIAI mean he’s just so driven. And money has become a big thing for us. I mean the wedding is getting pretty expensive. So maybe...

FRANNIEHe bent the rules a little bit so he could stay ahead of the curve so he could get you everything you wanted?

JULIAYeah, maybe.

FRANNIESounds like the pressure might’ve been too much. Still he shouldn’t have done it.

JULIAWho says he did?

FRANNIEThe Feds- apparently. Look Julia, I like Nate. I think you’re a good match, but there’s a real possibility he might do jail time. I mean if they locked up Martha Stewart you can bet they’re going to throw the book at Nate.

JULIALook Frannie, you don’t know that he did it.

FRANNIEThat’s not important. What’s important is if the judge and jury think he did it. And you don’t want to go to San Quentin on your honeymoon.

JULIASo what? It’s not a life sentence. Martha Stewart got 5 months. I could live with that.

FRANNIELive with that? Who am I talking to here? Look at you- you like fancy things. We’re eating in a nice restaurant. You like to go to Europe once a year.



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You’re not an heiress, granted you make a nice living, but if Nate goes to prison, chances are he’s not going to recover in the job market anytime soon. We’re talking night manager at the Wendy’s or possibly Target if he gets lucky. Are you prepared for that kind of life? Can you live with that, Jules?

Julia is distant.


Nate’s on the computer. Julia comes in.

JULIAYou couldn’t have done that.


JULIABecause the man I’m marrying would never do that. So therefore you didn’t do it.

She smiles. (Beat) He says nothing.


NATHANOf course. That’s what I’ve been telling you.

JULIAI’ve spoken to my father, and I can get someone at the firm to defend you.

NATHANWait! You didn’t tell your father I’ve been accused of insider trading.

JULIANo. I just told him you might be needing a lawyer for some work related stuff, and he offered.



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NATHANThank you.

JULIAFor the lawyer?

NATHANNo, for believing me.

JULIAWhat kind of a relationship do we have if we can’t believe each other?


She sits down, and holds his hand.

JULIAI love you. I just know you’re going to be exonerated.

NATHANAnd what if I’m not?

JULIAWe’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

NATHANNo, what if I’m falsely imprisoned or even if I just lose my license, and we have to cut back?

JULIAI still work, Nate.

NATHANJulia, it’ll be different. What if we don’t have much, and we have to live in a crappy neighborhood and send our kids to Public School.

JULIANo Public School.

NATHANYes, the dreaded Public school.

JULIAI just think we need to cross that bridge if and when we come to it.


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Todd, Ron and Nate are shooting around.

TODDWell you got 1 out of 2.

RONYeah, that’s .500.

TODDPlus she didn’t seem like she’d leave you. She just wants to take it as it comes.

RONYeah, and we can’t approximate complete poverty in a short time. That would take months.

NATHANWell we don’t have months. We’re getting married in July.

RONWhat’d she say about scaling it down?

NATHANShe said her parents were willing to help us.

TODDThat’s good.

NATHANNo it’s not. I’m not a charity case. That’s not what I’m looking for.

TODDYou just want to find out if she’ll bail if you lose your dough.

NATHANYeah, that’s all.

RONBut at least now you know she’ll believe you when you tell her a gigantic lie. So that’s good for potentially so many reasons.


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TODDYeah, like if you get caught taking a “business trip” with another woman.

NATHANThat fact notwithstanding- it still doesn’t feel right. I still don’t know. I don’t get a real sense that no matter what she’d stay. I mean I just still don’t know if I can trust her.

Ron laughs.

RONOh that’s hilarious. You’re creating these heinously deceptive scenarios, and you don’t know if you can trust her.

NATHANOh come on, you know what I mean. The Stress Test- remember? You don’t put a car on the road unless it survives a battery of unbelievable tests to see if it can withstand the punishment.

TODDSo you want to dole out some more punishment?

NATHANI don’t want to become a “weekend dad”. That’s what I don’t want. I don’t want to wind-up in divorce hell because I didn’t do my Due D.

RONDid he say “Doody”? He just said my Doody!

NATHANDue Diligence. Due D- you moron.

RONYou still said it.

Todd grabs the basketball and just holds it.

TODDI know.


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TODDWell the whole reason you don’t buy the last test is that she still had control. She said, “Well I still have my job.” So you guys wouldn’t be destitute. But what if she didn’t?

NATHANYou want me to get her fired?

TODDNo, none of this is real. We’re just creating illusions- slight of hand, right?


RONYeah, so?

TODDSo talk to her boss, and have them appear to lay her off. Then you can see if she flips out. That’s a true test of someone’s ability to cope with problems- when it’s their stuff on the line. Not if they’re forced to deal with another person’s problems. It’s too easy then.

NATHANYeah, then it has a double effect of her thinking that if she doesn’t have any income, and I may not get my job back- then she really does need to consider a dire future, and see if that works for her.


RONWait. You want her to consider a dire future? How does that work for anybody?


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TODDBecause he wants to see if she would love him no matter what.

RONSo you want to see that if even if she’s miserable and completely desolate that she’s still gonna love you.

NATHANRight. So the question is- how do we implement operation “Julia Canning”? I mean I just don’t see how I could make that happen.

TODDLeave it to me.


Julia walks down the street hysterical. She’s on her cell phone to Nate.


Nate, you are not gonna believe this!

NATHANWhat? What’s wrong, baby?

JULIAI just got fired.

NATHANFired? Why?

JULIAShe just said they were making changes.

NATHANBut you’re a senior editor?

JULIAI know. I asked why. She wouldn’t tell me.

NATHANOk, well just come home, we’ll figure it out.


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JULIAOh my God. I’m so upset. First you get fired. Now me. What is going on?

We cut to a visual of crash test dummies slamming into a wall.


NATHANJust come home, honey. I’ll see you soon.

He hangs up, and calls Todd. The following is intercut between Nathan and Tood.



NATHANWhat the hell did you do?

TODDWell it turns out the publisher for Julia’s mag is a frat brother of mine. So I called, and explained your situation, and voila.

NATHANVoila? You got my fiancee fired because the publisher is a frat brother.

TODDUn huh.

NATHANI don’t know if that’s great or evil. I mean why would he do it?

TODDTurns out he’s been divorced 3 times, and just loved the concept. He told me he wishes he would’ve thought of it. It would’ve saved him millions. Anyway he’s happy to reinstate her when I give him the word.



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And we might have to give them the rights to a magazine piece on it when it’s over.


TODDHe said might. We’re still negotiating.

NATHANOK, well at least you got it done.

TODDSo how’d she take it?

NATHANNot well.

TODDLooks like there might be some serious cracks in the chassis.

NATHANWe’ll see. I’m not giving up on her yet. I mean it just happened.


She’s still hysterical.

JULIAIt doesn’t make any sense. Why?! I think I’m cursed. First you- then me. What happened? We were doing so well.

NATHANI thought you said it was OK if I didn’t have my job.

JULIAThat was when I had my job. I could support us, but now we’re both fucked. And you might be going to jail.

NATHANBut I’m innocent.



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JULIAYeah, well who knows, they’ve fried many an innocent man.

NATHANThat’s true. But we’ll make it somehow.

JULIAI just can’t understand this. Everything was fine. They were so happy with my work. This doesn’t make any sense. I’ll sue.

NATHANYou can’t sue. They reserve the right to dismiss employees at will.

JULIAThen I’ll firebomb.

NATHANYeah, better idea. Then we’ll both be in jail.

JULIAI thought you said you were innocent.

NATHANI am. Look you’ve got to calm down.

JULIAI’m distraught. I’m frantic. Why does God hate us?

NATHANHe doesn’t hate us.

JULIAThen why would he fire us both at the same time?

NATHANFirst of all, God didn’t fire us- our companies did. Secondly, I was fired last week.

JULIAOh I think I’m gonna die.

NATHANThey’re just jobs.


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JULIANo they’re not, they’re our future. Without money- no kids, no private school, no Golden Retriever- no nothing.

NATHANWe still have each other.

She just stares at him.


NATHANIt’s too cruel.

TODDIt was your idea.

NATHANIt was yours.

TODDOK, well you approved it.

NATHANWell I’m gonna abort. She’s gonna go over the edge.

TODDIsn’t that the point? To see if she holds up.

NATHANBut these aren’t real world conditions anymore. They’re too extreme.

TODDIt’s a stress test. Remember the car analogy?

NATHANYeah, well, General Motors doesn’t drop an 18 wheeler on their cars, and expect them to hold up. I’m stopping this before I incur some permanent damage.

TODDAlright, it’s your call.


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Nathan walks in, Julia sits comatose staring into the TV.

NATHANWhat’re you watching?

JULIAMy life fall apart.


JULIAI was sitting here just imagining how it would be to be homeless, and you know what, Nate? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I mean other than being a transient without shelter and food a lot of the time, I think it wouldn’t be that bad. I mean think of the freedom we’d have to do whatever we wanted. We could just wander the country hitching rides or we could stowaway on a cruiseline until we got to Hawaii. I actually saw a guy who attached himself to the outside of a plane for a transatlantic flight and survived. The human will is an amazing thing. Then we could live on the beach in Hawaii. You know I’ve always wanted to live on the beach in Hawaii. Ideally I wanted to live in a house on the beach, but...

NATHANI got some good news.

JULIAYou’re a master at the art of spare changing?

NATHANNo, I got my job back.


NATHANYeah, Gary called me, and told me the charges were dropped, and the feds are walking away.


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JULIAOh my God- that’s great!

She gets up to hug him.

NATHANI told you I was innocent.

JULIAI never doubted you for a second. OK maybe a second, but not more than that.

NATHANIt’s OK, baby. And since I got the job back, no one here is going to be homeless.

JULIAWhat about me?

NATHANEven you won’t be homeless.

JULIANo, I mean what about my job.

NATHANI don’t want you to worry about that. There’re plenty of jobs out there. And who cares anyway. You’re gonna be my wife, I’ll always take care of you. Things will be fine, you’ll see.

JULIAOh Nate, I do love you so. You’re the best.

She hugs him, and we see the conflicted expression on his face as we fade out.


Nate at work.

FREDGlad to see you’re feeling better, Nate. We really missed you around here.


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NATHANYeah, nasty flu bug, Freddy. Feeling better, it’s good to be back.

His cell phone rings. He sees it’s Julia.

NATHAN (CONT’D)Hey, Honey.

JULIAHoney, honey- I got my job back. It’s like a miracle. I got my job back!

NATHANThat’s great! What happened?

JULIAJennifer called, and said they’d changed their mind, and they’re really sorry, but if I still wanted it they said I could come back.

NATHANThat’s great.

JULIAI almost told them to take their job, and shove it, and then we could just live off your salary.

His expression changes.

JULIA (CONTD) (CONT’D)But then I thought- no I like my job. So until we have kids I’ll stay there.

He’s relieved.

NATHANWell that’s a relief. See honey, I told you God doesn’t hate us. All’s well that ends well.

JULIAYes it is. It’s just so weird how the bad luck left as quickly as it came, like someone was fucking with us.


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NATHANWhat kind of sick terrible person would do something like that?

JULIAI don’t know, but I wouldn’t ever like to meet them.

NATHANOK, well I gotta get back to work here so I can keep the job this time. I love you.

JULIAI love you too, and when I see you tonight I’m gonna show you just how much.

NATHANThat’s a deal.


Todd and Nate sit eating sandwiches.

TODDSo that’s it? You’re satisfied? She passed the test?

NATHANYeah, I think so.

TODDWhat do you mean- you think so?

NATHANWell, even though I aborted the mission early, while she was ranting like an insane person she did say “WE would be homeless”. So that’s good by me.

TODDIsn’t that romantic? So success it is.




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NATHANNo, it’s...


NATHANNo, I shouldn’t, I mean...


NATHANWell it would be nice to see how she’d react if our lives were threatened?

TODDWhat do you mean?

NATHANI mean, what if- just for fun- we saw how she’d react if a masked gunman were to threaten our lives.

TODDYou’re kidding.

NATHANNo, I mean I know that she’s not in it for the money now, but...

TODDBut what?

NATHANWould she die for me?


NATHANI mean let’s say somebody shot at me, would she throw herself in the way of the bullet?

TODDWhat is she, secret service?


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NATHANNo, come on. I mean if you’re gonna devote your life to 1 person, don’t you want to know that they’d be willing to give their life for you.

TODDI’m not that romantic or twisted.

NATHANWell I am, I mean romantic. I’d take a bullet for her.

TODDThat’s very chivalrous.

NATHANNo, it’s just that that’s the kind of person I am. Love is really the only thing that matters. And I want that kind of to die for love.

TODDThis is wrong. (Beat) So how’re you gonna do it?


Julia and Nathan sleep. Suddenly we hear a noise and Julia wakes up. She has on her eye cover.

JULIANate, Nate.


JULIAI just heard something.

NATHANIt’s nothing. Go back to sleep.

A beat. Then another loud noise.

JULIAOh my God. Somebody’s in the house.

NATHANCalm down- I’ll take care of it.


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JULIAWhere’s your gun?

NATHANI got rid of it.


NATHANYou said you didn’t want it in the house.

JULIAYou actually listened to me?

More noise.

JULIA (CONT’D)Oh my God, he’s coming in here!

A tall guy wearing a ski-mask brandishing a gun enters.

KENTWhere’s the jewels and the valuables?

JULIAPlease don’t hurt us.

KENTYou 2- out of bed now! Come here, get on your knees.



JULIA(To Nathan)

He sounds like your friend Kent.

Kent’s guilty eyes shoot to Nate who looks at Julia and shrugs. Kent lowers his voice tone.

KENTI don’t know who this Kent guy is, but I’m not playing games, lady. Get over here now, and get on your knees.


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NATHANOK, OK please just don’t hurt us.

KENTOK, where’s the safe?

JULIAI don’t know.

He puts a gun to the head.

KENTI said- where’s the safe?!

JULIAI don’t know.

NATHANWe don’t have one.

KENTBullshit. People like you always have a safe. Where’s the f’n safe?

NATHANWe don’t have one.

KENTI will blow her head off.

JULIAOh my God, no! Nathan!

KENTShut up, lady! Stop screaming.

NATHANOh please don’t hurt her. Kill me if you don’t believe us, but leave her alone.

The burglar trains the pistol on Nathan.

KENTOK, maybe I will kill you.

Nathan stares at Julia in a weird way.


NATHANHoney, shouldn’t you say “Don’t kill him- kill me instead?”


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JULIAHoney, I don’t want either of us to be killed.

NATHANBut I mean if one of us has to go.

JULIAHoney, you just told him not to kill me to kill you instead.

NATHANI know, but don’t you want to return the favor.

JULIANathan- this is not the time to stand on ceremony. Our lives are at stake.

NATHANApparently just mine is.

JULIANate! We’re being threatened by a psychopathic killer (To him.) No offense.

KENTNone taken.

JULIANow is not the time to argue. This might be our last few moments together.

NATHANMore than you know.

JULIAWhat is that supposed to mean?

NATHANI’m just saying he might kill me.

KENTIf you don’t tell me where the safe is, and what the combo is I will.

JULIAWell tell ‘em, Nathan!

NATHANHoney, we don’t have one.


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KENTThen why did she tell you to tell me?

NATHANBecause she’s stalling. She’s trying to save our lives.

KENTHow will that save your lives? I’ll find out.

NATHANWho knows, she’s under duress!

KENTMaybe I should put her out of her duress.

NATHANNo, please, if you’re gonna put anybody out of their duress, put me. She’s just an innocent.

Again he stares at her.


NATHANAren’t you gonna try to take the bullet or something?

JULIAAgain with that?


JULIAHow would it help us?

NATHANIt would just be a nice gesture. It’s not like I’d let you or anything.

JULIANathan, this man is threatening our lives.

NATHANNo, he’s threatening my life. Your life is no longer being threatened.


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KENTWill you two shutup? I’m gonna pop somebody.

NATHANWell apparently it should be me since I’m the only one willing to die for anyone in this room.

JULIAMaybe if you told him where the safe was and the combo. No one would have to die.

KENTAha, I knew there was a safe!

NATHANThere’s no friggin safe!

KENTThen why did she say that?

NATHANShe’s under duress. I told you.

KENTI think you twq are full of it.

NATHANCould you give us a second, please! We’re trying to figure something very important out.

KENTLike what, if you have a safe?

NATHANNo, like if she’d die for me.

JULIAWhy is that so important right now?

NATHANIt just is. If I’m going to my grave, I want to know you’d be willing to die for me.

JULIAOK, I’m willing to die for you, now will you just drop it.


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KENTHow bout I kill both of you? Then you won’t have to decide.

NATHANIt’s in the den.


NATHANOh you should have seen ole Kent. He almost blew it. And then when he heard us arguing he almost really killed us. It’s a good thing there were blanks in the gun.

TODDYou did make sure of that, right.

NATHANWell I figured, Kent...

TODDKent’s a moron. There was a very good chance that....

NATHANDon’t even suggest it. Anyway, I filed a police report, and I gave Kent $500. And as long as he keeps his mouth shut we’ll be fine.

TODDAnd Julia?

NATHANWhat about her?

TODDThe test? How’d she do?

NATHANOh, well, nothing conclusive.

TODDWhat do you mean?

NATHANShe said she’d die for me. But it really didn’t seem like it, so I don’t know. Maybe it wasn’t such a good test. Besides we got into a terrible fight.


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NATHANDuring the robbery.

TODDYou two argued in front of the gunman?

NATHANIt was just Kent.

TODDShe didn’t know that.

NATHANI know, but I couldn’t help it. I mean the woman wouldn’t take a bullet for me. Although later she claimed she would.

TODDMaybe you should of had him shoot you, just so she could’ve felt guilty.

NATHANBelieve me, I thought about it.

TODDSo what’s next?

NATHANI don’t know.

TODDI mean are you satisfied with your quest? Does she pass the test?

NATHANWell let’s see, she passed the flirt test.

TODDCheck. But with a caveat on your part.

NATHANRight, but I’ll give it to her.

TODDOK, then check.


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NATHANShe passed the golddigger test.


NATHANPassed the taking my side test.


NATHANKind of passed the- she and I lost our jobs and income, yet still hangs in there test.

TODDWith an assist from you.

NATHANI call that the mercy play.

TODDOK fine so 3.5 out of 4.

NATHANBut this “Would she take a bullet for me?” test was highly suspect. I mean claiming you’d do it, just for the sake of yessing me off, really didn’t leave me with a good taste in my mouth.

TODDYou’d prefer she would’ve taken the bullet, that would’ve made you feel better.


Todd shakes his head.

NATHAN (CONT’D)You know what I mean. So let’s say 4 out of 5 as I’ll give her 1/2 point for that last one just to give her the benefit of the doubt.

TODDWell that’s 80%. We’re talking a solid B.


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NATHANSolid B? How can I marry a solid B? No, no way. I need an A. I need the mother of my child to be an over-achiever when it comes to me and her undying loyalty in the face of disaster.

TODDSo, the question becomes- What are you gonna do?

NATHANI’ll tell you what I’m gonna do- Final Exam.


NATHANIt’s got to be big.

TODDNeeds to be enormous.

NATHANSomething that would leave no doubt as to my decision to forsake all others.

TODDThat’s what I’m talking about.

NATHANOh my God!

TODDWhat? You fake your own death, and see how much she cries at the funeral- then wait around to see how long it takes before she hooks up with another guy, and then just when she’s in danger of becoming an old maid you pop-up along with Elvis and Jim Morrison and say “Surprise! We fooled you.” And all is forgiven because she’s so relieved that you’re still alive?

NATHANNo, but close. Very close.

TODDWhat then?


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TODDOh my God, it’s twisted evil genius. Just the knockout punch we’ve been looking for. But how do you manoeuver something like this? This masterpiece of deception. How do you execute a plan so brilliant when in God’s green earth we all know there’s no way you can pull it off? What with the medical issues and the family disturbances, and just the general faking of the vital stats alone will take virtuoso skills on the level of a Houdini to pull off.

NATHANYeah, it’s gonna be tricky, but what must be done, must be done.



TODDAlthough, it is a stroke of genius- pardon the pun- when looked at in this particular situation. I’m going to have to counsel against it.


TODDBecause it’s, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this word after all that’s happened, but- wrong. There, I said it, man do I feel dirty.

NATHANWhy is it wrong?

TODDOh my God, just the fact you’re asking that question means you’ve gone way beyond the point of no return.



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This is like that “Heart of Darkness” movie about the making of Apocalypse Now where you are really in danger of crossing over to the dark side.

NATHANOK, I admit it is possibly cold blooded to make the love of your life...

TODDGranted, the potential love of your life.

NATHANNonetheless, to make your beloved believe that you are actually in a coma, and in serious danger of dying. But it might be the only way I might ever get to know.

TODDKnow what?

NATHANIf she’s able to live without me.

TODDMy God man, of course she’ll be able to live.

NATHANBut the question is would she want to?

TODDAre you getting existential on me? Have you been reading Sartre again?

NATHANNo. Todd, if Julia stands by while I’m in a coma then I know that this is truly a woman worth knotting my eternal soul with.

TODDThe problem is you might not have one to knot by that time. What you’re doing is fundamentally- and I stress mentally- W. R. O. N. G. OK. It’s going too far. I think you have enough data.




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OK, so she wouldn’t take a bullet for you, but so what? Do you really want to be with a woman who is that nuts anyway?

NATHANYes. I mean no, it’s not crazy. It’s love.

TODDOK, Nate, this is where we part ways. I can no longer endorse these shenanigans. Fuckin’ marry Julia. Even I can see she’s a great girl, and I was the guy who started all this.

NATHANI’m sorry, Todd, I just can’t do that.

He starts to leave.

TODDWhere are you going? Oh let me guess, right...


Julia is working on wedding plans when the phone rings.

JULIAHello? Yes. Oh, my God. I’ll be right there.


Nathan lies on the hospital bed. His body is hooked up to tubes. Julia runs in. She’s a mess.

JULIANathan! No, Nathan.

She drops at his bed, and just sobs.

JULIA (CONT’D)Why? Oh god, why?

He lies there still. But we hear his interior monologue.



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NATHAN (V.O.)Oh this is perfect. She’s doing great.

Another Crash Test Dummy smashes into a wall.



It’s the next day. Julia is sleeping on a cot next to Nathan’s bed. The doctor comes in. She is roused.

DR. MARCUSGood morning, Miss Bennett.

JULIAPlease tell me he’s going to be OK, Doctor.

DR. MARCUSI’d love to, but right now I’m not sure. Listen, please do me a favor and step into the waiting room for a few minutes while I perform some procedural examinations on the patient.


She leaves.

DR. MARCUSYou got to be out of here by tomorrow.

Nathan opens his eyes.


DR. MARCUSI can’t risk my job. I can’t believe I did this to begin with.

NATHANCome on, you owe me. Remember that tip on Apple I gave you?


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DR. MARCUSWhy do you think I’m doing this in the first place, Nate? I could lose my license over this.

NATHANNo one can prove it.

DR. MARCUSWell how do we explain a man in a coma eating a sandwich?

NATHANDid anyone see that?

DR. MARCUSNo, but they could have. And the nurses are getting very suspicious that you have your own personal nurse that they’ve never seen before.

NATHANGreat attention to detail right?

DR. MARCUSYes, if this farce were an art project. This would be and I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but a masterpiece.

NATHANThank you.

DR. MARCUSThat wasn’t a compliment. Look I think your fiance got the point. You gotta end it. 1 day in here, and my performance is all we agreed on.

NATHANWell I still don’t have conclusive evidence.

DR. MARCUSThe woman slept in here with you for God’s sake.

NATHANSo what? That’s one day. That’s normal. After a month, we’ll see what she’s made of.


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DR. MARCUSA month? Are you out of your mind? Why don’t you just play crazy? It suits you better. I’m pulling the plug- no pun intended.

He starts to walk out.

NATHANWait that’s it!

The doctor turns back.


NATHANTell her, you have to pull the plug, and see how she reacts?

DR. MARCUSYou’re a sick man.

NATHANThat’s why I’m in a hospital.

The Doctor shakes his head. And walks out.


Dr. Marcus addresses Julia.

DR. MARCUSMiss Bennett could you come in here?


Dr. Marcus walks her into the room.

DR. MARCUSHe started to move a bit when I checked the reflexes so that’s an extremely good sign.

Suddenly Nathan opens his eyes.

JULIAOh my God, he’s opened his eyes! Nathan?!


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NATHANWho’s Nathan? Who am I? Where am I?


Julia is on the phone. Nathan sits in the background looking disoriented and childlike.

JULIAThe doctor said there was nothing physically wrong, and the trauma probably caused the coma and now the amnesia. I took him home, but I have no idea if he’ll ever be the same. He doesn’t even know who I am. So I don’t know what to do. This is just so bizarre. We’ve been through so much in the last few months. I feel like Job- like God is testing me or something.

We see Nathan’s eyes get wide on this statement.

JULIA (CONT’D)Yeah, I’ll keep you informed. No, I don’t think you need to fly out here. Yeah, I will. Bye.

She hangs up. She walks over to him, and looks him in the eye.

JULIA (CONT’D)(Wistfully)

Oh, Nathan.


He’s at a loss for her name.

EXT. PARK - DAY35 35

Julia is with her sister. Nathan’s running around like a child.

JULIAIt’s been 3 weeks, and he’s getting a little better.



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His motor skills have returned almost completely, but he still doesn’t remember much of what happened before the accident.

SHERIAnd you don’t know if he’ll ever be back to normal.

JULIANo. There’s no way to tell.

SHERISo what’re you gonna do?

JULIAI don’t know. I honestly don’t know.


Nate and Julia are eating dinner across from each other.

NATHANThis is a nice meal you made.

JULIAThank you. It is good.

Suddenly she starts to cry.

NATHANWhat’s wrong?

JULIAI’m just so upset, Nathan. You still don’t even know who I am?

NATHANYou’re Julia.

JULIANo, I’m not just Julia. I was the love of your life, and you were mine. And we were gonna get married even though we had both been through some really tough times. But it didn’t matter because we loved each other, and that was what was important, but now you don’t even know me, and quite frankly I’m forgetting who you are.




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And I would give anything to get you back. Just to have you back here with me, the way it was. How perfect we had it. I just really need it. And I think about being with someone else if you never come back, but the truth is I don’t want someone else, and I don’t want the non-you either. And I don’t know if you’ll ever come back. So I’m screwed maybe, but I’m willing to wait forever if that’s what it takes, because I do love you. And if you’re in there, and you can hear me. And you can really, really remember me. Who I am. Who you are. Who we were to each other, then goddamn it, would you do it quickly, because quite frankly I am dying inside. And it is so freaking lonely without you Nathan.

She looks across and sees him just staring.

JULIA (CONT’D)Oh what’s the use? You can’t even hear me.

She puts her head down.


She picks her head up.



JULIAYes, Nathan.

NATHANNo, I mean, Julia. It’s you. Right?




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NATHANJulia? Oh my God, I had the weirdest dream, that I was without you, and I didn’t remember who I was or you were. Who we were. And then I heard your voice calling me, and I woke up. What are we doing at the table? Was I sleep walking?

She just starts to cry.

JULIAOh Nathan.

She gets up and walks over to him. And just holds him and cries some more. He smiles.


Pomp and circumstance all around. Decorations-Camera Crews- musicians. It’s a really lovely affair. The general feeling is great joy.


Julia’s in her wedding gown. Her sister and friends surround her.

SHERIYou look just beautiful.

JULIAThanks. I just can’t believe after all this craziness that it’s finally here.

SHERIWell you earned it. And now’s your reward.

JULIAThanks so much. I feel so blessed. Things really did work out!


Todd and Nathan hang out.

TODDYou really pulled it off pal, I gotta hand it to you.


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NATHANYeah, well I feel like I had righteousness on my side.

Todd gives him a look.

NATHAN (CONT’D)I mean the end justified the means. And now I can confidently enter this union of marriage knowing I chose wisely.

TODDYou know, it actually is quite a good system. Maybe I should write a book about it.

NATHANDon’t you dare! Nobody must ever know anything about this. This is our secret. You can use the system when and if you want to get married. But you can’t tell anyone. I mean you haven’t told anyone have you.

TODDOther than my frat brother?


TODDNo. Are you crazy? Besides you, me and Ron, and the frat brother nobody knows.

NATHANGood, and the frat brother won’t tell.

TODDNo, I swore him to secrecy, but he still might want to do that magazine article.


TODDOK, OK, I’ll tell him he can’t do it.


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NATHANThat’s better. And of course Ron won’t tell.

They look at each other, hesitate, then collectively...



Julia and her maid of honor, Frannie walk down the staircase.

FRANNIEOK, it’s almost go time.

JULIAIt sure is.

FRANNIEI’m so glad it all worked out for you honey.

JULIAThanks, Frannie. Oh wait.

FRANNIEWhat did you forget something?

JULIANo, I got to go to the bathroom.

FRANNIEYou want me to go with you?

JULIANo, I don’t think there’s enough room in there for you, me and this dress.

FRANNIEOK, well hurry up, people are waiting. You can’t make ‘em wait too long.

JULIAHey, I waited a long time for this moment, if they need to wait a little that’s fine. I’ll be right back.

She heads to the bathroom.


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Julia looks at herself in the mirror. She smiles.


Nathan stands at the alter waiting with Todd for the bride. They’re looking at their watches.

NATHANWhere is she?

TODDShe’s a woman, she’s probably still primping.


Julia is fixing herself.

In this sequence we intercut between the conversation outside and Julia’s reactions inside.


Kent waits outside the bathroom. Ron walks up.

RONThis must be the line.


RONHey aren’t you Kent Clarkson?


RONRon Navers.

KENTOh hey.

RONSo I heard it got pretty crazy when you did your thing.

KENTWhat thing?


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RONYou know...the thing?!

KENTOh. You know about that?

RONKnow? I came up with the idea.

KENTYou came up with the idea to play a practical joke on her?

RONPractical joke? Is that what he told you?

KENTYeah, I thought it was pretty twisted, but hell he gave me $500 bucks, so I didn’t ask too many questions.

RONOh that’s rich.

KENTWhat do you mean?


KENTOh come on, you can tell me.

RONNah, I shouldn’t.

KENTCome on, I won’t tell anyone.

Ron looks both ways.

RONOK. Nathan tested Julia.


RONYeah, he put her through a series of situations to see how she’d react.



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I mean, I for one, thought it was a little cruel, but in retrospect it’s kind of brilliant. In fact I’m probably gonna do something like that when I get married.

KENTThat’s incredible. I had no idea.

Julia bursts out of the bathroom in a fury.

JULIAYeah, neither did I.

She walks by them possessed.

RONOh shit!


All the guests are seated waiting for the ceremony to begin. Nathan stands with Todd checking his watch.

NATHANWhere is she?

TODDMaybe she got cold feet.


Just then she appears coming up the aisle like a banshee.

TODDThere she is.

NATHANShould she be running?

TODDShe looks mad.

NATHANYeah, furious.


She is barefoot, and the veil is off her head. She runs up the aisle, and confronts Nathan.



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JULIAYou Motherfucker!


JULIAYou tested me?! How dare you? It was all some fucking game to you! You lousy selfish, evil bastard! How could you do it? You say you love me? Is that how you love someone?

NATHANI had to know.

JULIAYou had to know?! Well now I know. I know what a turd you are. And everybody here knows what a turd you are!

She turns to the now traumatized crowd.

JULIA (CONT’D)Hey everybody, guess what my husband to be did? He tested me. And no, I don’t mean for STDs. I mean he made shit up to see how I’d respond. Isn’t that right shithead?


JULIAOh, and by the way- I passed the test. But you’re the one who failed it. If you love someone- really love someone- you trust ‘em, and you live with it- for better for worse in sickness and in health, but not in deceit. You pretended to be in a fucking coma! I can’t begin to tell you how seriously fucked up that is.

TODDShe’s right.

NATHANShut up.


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JULIAI swear to God, Nathan. If there weren’t so many witnesses I would shoot you dead right here. But you know what, you are me.

She takes her engagement ring and throws it at him. Then runs off crying. There’s an incredibly awkward moment as everyone just stares.

NATHANSo I guess- everyone can go.


Nathan sits across from his father. They’re both still in tuxedos.

NATHANI’m a schmuck.

FatherNo, you’re not a schmuck.

NATHANI’m not?

FATHERNo, you’re a putz. You’re not good enough to be a schmuck!


FATHERShutup. I can’t believe that this came out of my dick! Is there any reason I shouldn’t disown you right now?

NATHANYou love me., not good enough.

NATHANYou believe I’ll make it right.

FATHERI don’t believe anything about you right now except you’re a putz.



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You broke your mother’s heart, you broke my heart. You broke everyone at the wedding’s heart, I’m sorry at the non-wedding’s heart, which is almost impossible to do, and most importantly, you broke that little girl’s heart. Which is the most unforgiveable of all.

NATHANBut I had to know-

FATHERWhat? That one day she wouldn’t get up, and walk out on you? Well guess what- she did. Looks like you didn’t prepare for that scenario. Unless of course this is part of the test.

NATHANNo, I’m done testing.

FATHERYou want guarantees? Go to Midas they’ll give you one- for a muffler! A woman is not a muffler, although sometimes I wish I could muffle your mother, but I can’t. Relationships are hard work. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t. And sometimes there’s just nothing you can do about it. But the one thing you don’t do is to carry out an asinine plan to secretly test the woman you plan to spend the rest of your life with, unless you plan on being single for the rest of your life. Which in your case would be a good idea.


FATHERShutup. Until she forgives you- I do not want to hear another word out of you.

NATHANAre you disowning me?



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FATHERWhat did I just say? You can call it what you want, but your mother and I cannot be a party to any more of this mishegos. We thought you had gone into a coma. And right now I wish you were in one.


Nathan wanders into his office looking desperate and forlorn. Todd takes one look at him.

TODDI’m sorry.

NATHANYou’re sorry? My parents disowned me. My boss fired me for real this time. No one I know will talk to me, and my reputation has been completely destroyed. Not to mention- I lost the love of my life because of this stupid stress test you talked me into.

TODDI didn’t talk you into it- I just merely suggested...

NATHANIf I wasn’t so pathetic I might very well strangle you...but then I would be up for murder charges. Although at this point, life behind bars might be a step up.

TODDI don’t really see you surviving prison.

NATHANDon’t push it, Todd.

TODDLook, I know you’re mad. And I know you’re upset. And while I did suggest, alright talk you into doing this, there was a point where I urged to quit, but you just had to know.



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So if you want to blame me, you go right ahead, but let’s not kid each other. You took the ball and ran with it.

NATHANGuilty as charged.

He turns to leave.

TODDHey, where you going?

NATHANHell most likely.


On Julia staring at picture of she and Nate taken at their engagement on the beach. She’s listening to “I’m Not in Love”.  The lock in the door turns. She’s frightened. 

JULIAOh my God, you scared me. You scared me.  What are you doing here?  And why did you just come in?  Did I leave the door open. Oh my God, you scared me.

We reveal it’s her friend Frannie.

FRANNIENo, I used the spare key you gave me in case you got locked out. And I’ve been knocking for like 5 minutes. Didn’t you hear me?

JULIANo, I guess I was just...the music was too loud.

Frannie rushes to the remote to turn down the loud music.

FRANNIEWhat are you listening to?

JULIAIt’s uh...

FRANNIEIt’s your song. Isn’t it?!



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JULIAWhose? Mine? Do I have a song?

FRANNIECut the crap, Julia. This is your and Nathan's song, right?

JULIAWas our song.

FRANNIEWell why are you listening to it? You have to move on, Jules.

She open the shades/curtains/blinds.

FRANNIE (CONT’D)I understand you need to mourn, but it's been 6 months. You're young, you're beautiful...

JULIAAnd I'm still devastated. I mean why would he do that?

FRANNIEBecause he's a schmuck. And when you're a schmuck you do shmucky things- like test your fiance to see if she's worthy.

She sits next to her.

FRANNIE (CONT’D)Look, we've been over this a thousand times. I know you loved him, and maybe still do a little bit- though God knows why, but he did you a favor. He let you see a part of him you never would have had he not done it. Then you would've been married and realized one day that you married the devil. So consider yourself lucky. In fact, if I were you, I would send him flowers to thank him. Though hopefully they'll be placed on his grave.



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FRANNIEWhat? You wouldn’t like to see him dead?


FRANNIENot even a little bit?

Julia pauses for a second.

JULIAOK, maybe a little bit.


JULIANot really.

FRANNIEOK, look, when you're happily married you can be friend with him, and visit him in the insane asylum, which is where you'll be if you don't snap out of this.

JULIAYou know, I know you're right, and I keep telling myself I shouldn't care about him, but it doesn't seem to matter because I...


JULIAOh, you’re right. You know what I found?

FRANNIEWhat? Your sanity?

JULIANo, I was going through some of the stuff he left behind, and I found this.

She whips out a card with a headshot on it. Frannie takes it.

FRANNIEWho’s this.


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JULIAThat’s the actor he hired to flirt with me when he started to set me up.

FRANNIEHe is delicious. And the question is- why didn't you just dump Nate for this guy then? Talk about an ideal showering partner.

JULIAWell I did think about it.

She giggles.

FRANNIEAha! See maybe there's a vestige of good in Mr. Nathan Roberts afterall.

She pulls out her phone, and starts to dial.

JULIAWhat're you doing?

FRANNIEWell Nate set you up, and now I'm going to.

Julia gets up, and tries grabbing the phone.

JULIANo, no, no, Frannie don't you dare.

FRANNIEHello? Hi, is Trent there?

The following is intercut with Trent at his apartment.


Trent picks up the phone as he’s getting out of his car. He stands on the street and talks to her.

TRENTThis is Trent.

FRANNIE(Holding off Julia)

Hi, this is Frannie, I'm calling on behalf of the beautiful Julia.


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TRENTFrannie? Do I know you?

FRANNIENo, but you know Julia.

TRENTI'm sorry. I'm a bit confused.

FRANNIEYou were hired to fool her by her fiance, uh..former fiance.

TRENTOh God, I am so sorry. I didn't know what that was completely about. I was told it was a practical joke. I hope I didn't do any damage.

FRANNIENo, we don’t blame you. It was him.

TRENTOh good, because I could tell she was a really special girl- beautiful too, and I kind of felt bad doing it.

FRANNIEWell we're glad to hear it. Because Julia wanted to see if you'd like to make it up to her by taking her out to dinner tomorrow night. Unless of course you're married, or have a girlfriend or are gay or busy.

TRENTActually no, not married- just broke up with the girlfriend- definitely not gay, that I know of, and I'm just planning on going to the gym tomorrow night.

FRANNIEPerfect. Then it’s set.

Off Julia’s look we cut to.


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Julia is looking in the mirror as she’s made herself quite beautiful in anticipation of her date.  She gets a gleam in her eye, and decides to pick up the phone.  She dials.




JULIAYes. Hi Nathan.

NATHANOh my God, Julia it’s you. Thank God. I’ve left a million messages on your answering machine and I knew you didn’t want to talk to me. But I needed you to know just how sorry I am, and what an ass I was, and how much I miss you. And beg your forgiveness. And now my prayers have been answered and you call me. Thank God. How are you?

JULIAI’m great. Listen I don’t really have time to talk. I just wanted to call to thank you.

NATHANThank me, why?

JULIAWell for setting me up with such a great guy.

NATHANWhat are you talking about? What guy did I set you up with?


NATHANWho the hell is Trent?


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JULIAOh that’s right, maybe you know him as TRENT. You know, the guy you set me up with at the restaurant? Anyway I just wanted to thank you. He’s a dream.

NATHANOh my God, you’re dating him.

JULIAWell no, not officially yet anyway. But we have our first date tonight. And we’re going to Ki’s for dinner.

NATHANKi’s? That’s our place.

JULIAWe don’t have a place. There is no we. But I do love the food and the view there, so I suggested it to him.


JULIAAnyway, got to get ready. Toodaloo. And thanks again.

She hangs up. He’s devastated.

NATHANToodaloo? Toodaloo?


Nathan has moved into a really seedy place. There’s trash all over. He’s unshaven. He sits and drinks and passes out.


Julia and Trent sit across from each other at a casual yet elegant seaside restaurant. They’re drinking wine.


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TRENTSo, I get this call from my agent, and he says, “Do you want to play this practical joke on this girl?”, And I’m like, “What does it pay?” So I meet you, and think you’re totally beautiful, but you know, what can I do? I’m on a job, so I had to keep it professional. But I’m really glad it didn’t work out between the two of you.

JULIAWell I’m glad to see my loss is your gain.

TRENTI’d like to see that it’s your gain too.

JULIAOh, well let’s drink to gain. I’m so tired of loss and mourning, and craziness.

She raises her glass. He raises his.

JULIA (CONT’D)I just want a normal, happy existence.

On the word “normal”, from the window she notices a guy walking into the street and get clipped by a passing car.

TRENTI’ll drink to that.

He throws back his drink. She hesitates. He notices her screwed up visage.

TRENT (CONT’D)What’s wrong?

JULIAThat guy- he just got hit by a car.

Trent turns to look. Nathan staggers to his feet.

TRENTOh, he’s alright, he’s getting up, it’s probably nothing.


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JULIANo, he looks like he’s hurt and dazed. He’s wandering into the street a car could come by and kill him at any second.

TRENTNo, he’s fine, he’s probably just a little drunk and fell.

JULIASo if he’s drunk, and wanders out he’ll probably kill himself anyway. We gotta stop him.

TRENTStop him? You just said you didn’t want any more craziness.

JULIATrent, are you actually suggesting I should let that guy kill himself?

TRENTNo, I’m just saying you don’t need to rescue everyone.

Just as she’s about to respond, the guy turns around.

JULIAOh he just turned around. I’m sorry, you’re right, I’m just so tightly wound lately with this whole thing that happened to me. I just need to let loose, and let things take care of itself, and just take care of myself.

TRENTI’m glad to hear that, because a beautiful young woman like yourself should not be trying to save the world.

Throughout this exchange, Julia has been watching the guy out of the corner of her eye. Now she notices he’s heading towards them still limping into the middle of the street, and lies down in the middle of the road.


She gets up from the table, and starts to run out the restaurant toward the street.


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TRENTWhere are you going?

He gets up to run after her.


Julia runs toward the street where the man is lying down.

JULIADon’t do it! Don’t do it! Whatever it is- it’s not worth it.

As she approaches she sees it’s Nate on the street.

JULIA (CONT’D)Nate?! What’re you doing?

NATHANWhat does it look like I’m doing? I’m killing myself.

She takes a moment.

JULIAWell good luck with that.

NATHANWait a second. You were just screaming not to do it.

JULIAThat’s before I knew it was you.

NATHANOh, Julia, I’m so sorry.

JULIAIt’s too late for that, Nate. Now just get up.

Trent arrives running up to the street.

TRENTDon’t do it buddy.

JULIANo, no, it’s OK, he can do it.



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JULIAIt’s OK. It’s Nate.



TRENTOh, Nate. Hey, man. What is he doing here?

JULIAYeah, what ARE you doing here?

NATHANWhat do you think I’m doing here?

JULIAI know, I know- killing yourself.

TRENTJulia, I think you’re being a little callous.

JULIALook Trent, bud out. This is my business. If I want to be callous to this jerk who ruined my life, then I’ll be callous.

TRENTOK, OK, I’m just saying the guy’s a little down on his luck. So you might not want to push him over the edge. I mean he is lying down in the middle of the street. He’s actually got a fair shot at killing himself.

JULIAHe’s bluffing. It’s just another one of his sick pranks. He won’t do it.

NATHANOK, do you want to know what I’m doing here? After you called and told me you were going out with him, I just realized I had ruined my life, and I was never gonna get you back.



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So I didn’t want to live anymore. And I just wanted one last look at your face.

JULIASo you manipulated me again to try and save you? Really Nate, this just too much.

NATHANNo, it wasn’t like that. I just went down here to get a glimpse of you, then when I saw you two together, and how happy you looked I just didn’t want to live in a world without you. So that’s it no test, no manipulation. Just a really screwed up guy realizing there’s no turning back.

TRENTYou know that a car’s gonna come by any second.

JULIAWill you excuse us please? We’re talking. Look Nate, just because you lost me, doesn’t mean you have to kill yourself. Just learn your lesson, and don’t screw up next time.

NATHANYou don’t get it Julia, do you?

JULIAGet what, that you want to die? Like I did after I found out at my wedding that my fiance was the devil or for weeks afterward when I couldn’t get out of bed and face anyone I knew? You mean that?

TRENTReally guys, maybe we could continue this on the sidewalk maybe.

JULIARelax would you! (To Nate) You are already dead to me, Nate.




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So don’t go being dramatic, by killing yourself in front of me and further fucking me up for the rest of my life.

NATHANI can’t even kill myself right.

JULIAYou son of a bitch! Why did you have to do it?

TRENTYou know, you two need your privacy. I’m gonna get out of here, and go where it’s safe. I suggest you do the same.

JULIAWill you just please...


He leaves.

JULIAI mean really, Nate. I understand not being sure. Don’t you think I had my doubts, and they weren’t even the one’s brought up by your stupid games. But that’s life. You take the leap, and hope for the best. And here’s the problem- when you have real love you just can’t totally abandon that person even if they did something that no self-respecting person would ever even imagine forgiving them for. Because you can’t get them out of your heart, you keep seeing all those special tender moments you shared- all that sweetness, and intimacy that you just can’t forget. Even though you try. that kind of stuff won’t go away. So it makes you crazy. It makes you want to kill that person for betraying your trust. It makes you want to call them up, and tell them what you know- and in this case it’s that I’m dating the guy you set me up with at our special place- will send them over the edge.




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And Nate, I knew when I called you that I could send you over the edge, and you might do something like this. So I believe you’re really going to do it. But now that I see you here, I realize I failed that test you put me through. So you don’t have to kill yourself, because of me, because I’m not worthy. So looks like you found out. So get up, Nate.

By this time she’s a complete mess. He gets up, looks at her, and starts to laugh.

JULIA (CONT’D)What’re you laughing at?

NATHANWe’re crazy. First me, then you.

JULIAI’m not crazy. I’m just seeing things for what they are.

NATHANOh you’re crazy. That’s just what I thought when I was doing all that stuff to you, in the name of sanity.

He starts crying.

JULIAWhy’re you crying?

NATHANBecause love makes you crazy.

She starts crying too.

NATHAN (CONT’D)Why are you crying?

JULIABecause I still love you.

NATHANThen you’re definitely crazy.

She shakes her head, they kiss and embrace. Suddenly he pulls out.



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JULIAWhat’s wrong?

NATHANWe’re in the middle of the street. We’re gonna get killed. We are crazy.

They look and see a truck coming, blowing it’s horn.

JULIALet’s get out of here.

They narrowly escape the truck by running out of the street.


There’s a little wedding ceremony going on with a Justice of the Peace. Just a few people including Nate’s Dad.

Justice of the peaceIf there’s anyone present who knows any reason why these 2 should not get married let them speak now of forever hold their peace.

NATHANOh trust me, we’re good.

They giggle and kiss. As the camera cranes up we...

Roll credits
