the theologian and the world of contemporary thought · pdf filethe theologian and the world...

The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought Stanley Brice Frost The Christian Minister and the Social Problems of the Day George W. Webber The Academic Teacher and the Practical Needs of the Clergy John Bright The Seminary—Academy and Chapel J. Robert Nelson The Seminary President: Teacher of Students and Confidant of Trustees Sherman E. Johnson Notes to: Administrators—Charles L. Taylor Trustees—Winston Paul Seminary Staff Officers—John A. Eichelberger Librarians—Raymond P. Morris Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler Postscript to Chapter Five of ‘Only One Way Left’ George F. MacLeod The Seminary Provides for Dialogue Franklin H. Littell A Model for Theological Education Walter D. Wagoner A Tertium Quid: The Church’s Seminary and the University Ernest Cadman Colwell The Location of Theological Schools Charles L. Taylor An Emerging Community of Theological Study W. S. Taylor Report: Autumn Enrollment in Theological Schools Members of AATS Faculty Business: Document 1—Principals of Student Financial Aid Document 2—Guidelines for Recruitment Notes to: Administrators—Charles L. Taylor Trustees—Walter N. Roberts Seminary Staff Officers—Randolf H. Dyer Librarians—Charles P. Johnson Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

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Page 1: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought Stanley Brice Frost

The Christian Minister and the Social Problems of the Day George W. Webber

The Academic Teacher and the Practical Needs of the Clergy John Bright

The Seminary—Academy and Chapel J. Robert Nelson

The Seminary President: Teacher of Students and Confidant of Trustees Sherman E. Johnson

Notes to:

Administrators—Charles L. Taylor

Trustees—Winston Paul

Seminary Staff Officers—John A. Eichelberger

Librarians—Raymond P. Morris

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Postscript to Chapter Five of ‘Only One Way Left’ George F. MacLeod

The Seminary Provides for Dialogue Franklin H. Littell

A Model for Theological Education Walter D. Wagoner

A Tertium Quid: The Church’s Seminary and the University Ernest Cadman Colwell

The Location of Theological Schools Charles L. Taylor

An Emerging Community of Theological Study W. S. Taylor


Autumn Enrollment in Theological Schools Members of AATS

Faculty Business:

Document 1—Principals of Student Financial Aid

Document 2—Guidelines for Recruitment

Notes to:

Administrators—Charles L. Taylor

Trustees—Walter N. Roberts

Seminary Staff Officers—Randolf H. Dyer

Librarians—Charles P. Johnson

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Page 2: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

The Bridston-Culver Report—Pre-Seminary Education Liston Pope

Pre-Seminary Education and the Theological School Robert E. Cushman

Pre-Seminary Education and the Undergraduate Department of Religion A. Roy Eckardt

Pre-Seminary Education and Undergraduate Arts and Sciences Frederick Sontag

Pre-Seminary Education: A Canadian View A. B. B. Moore

Continuing Education Looks at Pre-Seminary Education Theodore O. Wedel

Pre-Seminary Education: From the View of the Bible College Terrel B. Crum

Implications of the Seminary Population Data: A Sociologist’s View Thomas C. Campbell

Implications of the Seminary Population Data: A Psychologist’s View John M. Vayhinger

Notes to:

Administrators—Arthur R. McKay

Trustees—Hermann N. Morse

Seminary Staff Officers—Bill L. Barnes

Librarians—Robert F. Beach

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Page 3: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Theological School and the Minister’s Continuing Education Connolly C. Gamble, Jr.

Need of the Church’s Ministry Basic to Planning Continuing Education Reuel L. Howe

Patterns of Continuing Education

(1) Four Programs at Union in Richmond Connolly C. Gamble, Jr.

(2) Harvard’s Merrill Fellowship Program J. Lawrence Burkholder

(3) The Presbyterian Institute of Industrial Relations Marshal L. Scott

(4) S.T.M. Program at Gettysburg Herbert W. Stroup, Jr.

(5) S.T.D. Education at San Francisco Henry Babcock Adams

Should Primary Responsibility Rest on the Seminary? (Yes) Parker Rossman

(No) John Douglas Clyde

Advantages and Hazards for the Seminary in Continuing Education Lynn Leavenworth

How the Theological School Prepares for Continuing Education R. Lewis Johnson

Financing Continuing Education John P. Stump

Notes to:

Presidents—Robert V. Moss, Jr.

Trustees—Donald J. Parsons

Seminary Staff Officers—William A. Imler

Librarians—Thomas Edward Camp

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Page 4: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

The Formation of Ministers for the Late 20th Century: Community on Campus Ernest T. Campbell

Preparation of the Roman Catholic Priest as Person in the Community Stafford Poole, C.M.

Community within Diversity in a Large School James M. Ault

Lengthening the Ropes and Strengthening the Stakes in Smaller Schools Robert J. Page

Understanding Other Communities around the Seminary Community Howard Schomer

The Seminary as Part of a University Community Terence R. Anderson

The Seminary Wife: Her Role in Community Marion M. Kelleran

Seminary Worship Robert W. Duke

Notes to:

Administrators—Eric G. Jay

Trustees—Gardiner M. Day

Seminary Staff Officers—Herbert D. Thomas

Libarians—George H. Bricker

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Lecturer Clearinghouse—Aute L. Carr

The Evolution of Purpose in American Theological Education Elwyn A. Smith

The Purpose of Theological Schools in Great Britain Kenneth J. Woollcombe

The Purpose of the Theological Faculties of Continental Universities Heinz Eduard Todt

Patterns of Ministry and the Purpose of a Theological School Steven G. Mackie

What a Protestant Church Wants Its Seminaries to Be and to Do Walter F. Wolbrecht

Objective of the Roman Catholic Seminary James Michael Lee

The Problem of Purpose in the Theological University Robert T. Handy

Salaries in AATS Schools: A Biennial Report Jesse H. Ziegler and Aute L. Carr

Notes to:

Administrators—Duke K. McCall

Trustees—Walter W. Grosser

Seminary Staff Officers—Elinor Bunn Thompson

Librarians—Roland E. Kircher

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Lecturer Clearinghouse—Aute L. Carr

The AATS Faculty Fellowship Program

Page 5: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Theological Education: A Canadian Minister’s View George M. Birtch

A Critical Look at Seminary Curriculum by a U.S. Pastor Beverly A. Asbury

From Purpose to Curriculum Louis H. Gunnemann

Theological Education for Ministry: Central Issues in Curriculum Construction Gibson Winter

Functional Roles, Professional Identity, and Theological Curricula Walter L. Holcomb and John L. Maes

Two Kinds of Learning in Theological Education James A. Ashbrook

The Seminary as Participant Observer Calvin Redekop

Research in Medical Education—Participation of Faculty and Students Thomas Hale Ham

Notes to:

Administrators—Herman J. Riddler

Trustees—Ennis B. Hill

Seminary Staff Officers—Paul R. Dunn

Librarians—James J. Michael

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Lecturer Clearinghouse—Aute L. Carr

Page 6: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Charles L. Taylor: A Biographical Sketch, Favorite Psalms with Related Prayers Charles L. Taylor


Charles Taylor as Pastor’s Teacher Pitt S. Wiland

Charles Taylor as Dean James Garfield


An English Critique Frederick Dillistone

Reviewing Some Foundations—A Contribution from Canada Stanley Brice Frost

A Contemporary Mood: Some Issues and Questions about Prayer John B. Coburn

Church, Seminary, and World: An Uneasy Frontier Samuel H. Miller

and Some, Pastors

James A. Jones

The AATS and Theological Education Jesse H. Ziegler

Rome for the Protestant Scholar Walter D. Wagoner

Curriculum Revision at the Episcopal Theological School and Some Dynamics of Its Acceptance William J. Wolf

Creation, Cultus, and Faith in the Psalter Samuel Terrien

I Am Come Sherman E. Johnson

Page 7: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

By Charles R. Feilding

With the assistance of Thomas W. Klink, W. John Minter, James D. Glasse

I. Introduction

A. Occasion and History of the Study

B. Theory and Practice in Theological Education

C. Overview and Thesis

II. Impressions of Trouble

A. Flight from Pastorate to Ministry?

B. Theological Education does not Prepare for Ministry

C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

D. Miscellaneous Signs of Change

III. Seminary, Parish, and Ministry

A. The Seminary’s Purpose

1. Composition of the student body

2. Four goals of professional theological education

3. Primary purpose

4. The parish as a sphere of ministry

5. Ministry and ministries

B. The Parish

1. History, purpose, and form

2. Its congregation and the extra-parochial ministries

3. The other associations of parish members

4. Other agencies, secular and religious

5. The form of the parish today

C. Ministry and Ministries

1. Ministry in the dispersion

2. Ministry as profession

3. Education for existing ministries

D. Ministries in four perspectives

1. Communication of the gospel

2. Relation to the church

3. Concern for the individual

4. Relationship to the world

IV. Theological Education and Higher Education

A. The Concept of an Educational System

B. Individual Characteristics of Students

1. Personality

2. Social and economic background

3. Diversity in attitudes and values

4. Vocational aspiration

5. Student’s wives

C. Individual Characteristics of Faculty

1. Three functions of professors

2. The place of research

D. Environmental Characteristics

1. Student subcultures

2. Three educational activities

a. Teaching

b. Learning

c. Organizing curricula

Page 8: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

E. Educational Outcomes

1. Thinking critically

2. Professional competence

3. Professional values and attitudes

4. Motivation for continuing education

V. Professional Education for Ministry

A. How Far Have We Come?

B. Who is the Pre-Professional Student?

C. How Long Should the Course Be?

D. The Four Goals

1. Knowledge

2. Professional competence

3. Humanity

4. Christian formation

E. A Concluding Caution

VI. Supervision

A. A Definition of Supervision

B. Dimensions of Supervision

1. During a period of anxiety

2. A structure of activities and duties

3. To inform practice with knowledge

C. Techniques of Supervision

1. The seminar

2. The pastoral concerns group hour

3. The housekeeping session

4. The individual supervision conference

5. The evaluation conference

D. Principles of Supervision

1. The appropriation of new knowledge: categorical thinking and naturalistic observation

2. The “cross-grained” experience

3. Supervision is working with a student who is working with patients; not working with

patients through a student

E. The Career of Preparation for Ministry

1. The meaning of “career”

2. Directional self-placement

3. Integration of new patterns of dependence

4. Mastery of skills and knowledge appropriate to an advancing sequence of roles

5. Inhibition of diffuse behavior and intensification of behavior congruent with the roles

demanded by a profession and by preparation for it

6. Preliminary negotiations with reciprocating communities

7. Management of anxiety during the career

8. Internalization of the processes of professional formation

F. Choices in Education for Practice

1. Issues in the initiation of learning

a. Task assignment or institutional identification

b. Emphasis on the strange or the reasonable

c. Surrogate or independent status for the trainee

d. The educational contract and steps toward responsibility

2. Issues in the timing of supervisory intervention in the professional career

3. Issues in the choice of a setting for in-service education

a. A center where people are in crisis

b. A center where appropriate resources are available

c. A center providing competent supervision

d. A center where the supervisor’s work is fully integrated with the structure of the


Page 9: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

e. A center which provides significant tasks for professional students

f. A center where the student can function in roles appropriate to his present status in

his intended profession, (in this case, the status of proto-clergyman

g. A center where experience in depth with personality functioning facilitates the

transfer of learning

h. A center which supports the student financially

G. In Service Education and Issues in Learning Theory: Theories of Conflict and of Reinforcement

VII. Field Work

A. The Absence of Definition

B. Five Critical Questions

1. The student’s role

2. The seminary’s purpose

3. Control factors

4. The seminary’s responsibility

5. The director’s functions

C. Three Types of Field Work

1. Field employment

2. Field service

3. Field education

D. Programs of Field Education

1. First stage: the student’s vocation as Christian layman

2. Second stage: limited identification with ministerial roles

3. Third stage: assumption of ministerial responsibility

4. Fourth stage: specialization

E. Some Immediate Issues

1. Location of the program

2. Concurrent or independent placement

3. Denominational diversity

Page 10: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

The Education of Ministers in Contemporary Society Olin T. Binkley

The Significance of the Church—World Dialogue for Theological Education Harvey Cox

Response to Professor Cox—II Martin E. Marty

Theological Education and Societal Revolution John C. Bennett

Response to President Bennett—I Richard Shaull

Response to President Bennett—II C. Shelby Rooks

The Import of Ecumenical Developments for Theological Education—A Roman Catholic View Walter J. Burghardt, S.J.

The Import of Ecumenical Developments for Theological Education—A Protestant View Paul S. Minear

Response to Professors Burghardt and Minear—An Orthodox View Alexander Schememann

Sources of Renewal Charles L. Taylor

Notes to:

Presidents—Robert T. Fauth

Trustees—Fred A. Replogle

Seminary Staff Officers—Richard D. Curley

Librarians—Niels H. Sonne

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Educational Developments—John H. Lawton

Appointment of Associate Director

Page 11: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Scholarship in the Public Domain Paul M. Harrison

The Posture of the Church in Relationship to the Increasing Study of Religion in College and University Wesley A. Hotchkiss

Religion and Academia Robert Michaelsen

Religious Studies in Roman Catholic Colleges and Universities Gerard S. Sloyan

Church Education and the Teaching of Religion in the Public Domain C. Ellis Nelson

Implication for Theological Education in Seminaries of the Study of Religion in the University E. Thomas Lawson

In-Parish Pastoral Studies 1960–66 Russell J. Becker

A View from the Field: A Supervising Pastor’s Experience in the in-Parish Pastoral Studies Program Jervis S. Zimmerman

Notes to:

Presidents—Ernest Cadman Colwell

Trustees—Harold C. Skillrud

Seminary Staff Officers—Donald J. Campbell

Librarians—Kenneth G. Peterson

Professors—Jesse H. Ziegler

Page 12: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

By Eugene V.N. Goetchius, Walter Harrelson, and George M. Landes

I. Introduction Walter Harrelson

A. Origin of Study

B. Procedures

C. Purpose of Study

D. The Basic Problem

II. Biblical Languages in the Theological Curriculum Walter Harrelson

A. The Authority of the Bible and Biblical Languages

B. Languages and Exegesis

C. Openness to the “World”

D. Language, Word of God, and Theology—the “New Hermeneutic”

III. What is Happening

A. In the Seminary Curricula Eugene V. N. Goetchius

B. In the Classroom Eugene V. N. Goetchius

C. In the Colleges George M. Landes

D. In the Work of Seminary Graduates George M. Landes

E. In Continuing Education George M. Landes

IV. New Developments in Language Teaching Eugene V. N. Goetchius

A. The Objectives of Biblical Language Teaching

B. Modern Linguistics

C. Teaching Aids

V. An Assessment of the Situation

A. What Can and Cannot Be Done in the Regular Academic Curriculum Eugene V. N. Goetchius

B. What Can and Cannot Be Expected From College Language Work George M. Landes

C. How Alumni Assess the Importance of Language Study George M. Landes

D. What Colleagues Outside the Biblical Field Expect From Languages Study George M. Landes

E. Prospects for Required Language Study George M. Landis

F. The Need For Specialists Eugene V. N. Goetchius

G. Proposed Summer Programs Eugene V. N. Goetchius

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VI. Recommendations Walter Harrelson

A. State Purposed and Objectives Clearly

B. Provide Flexibility in Curriculum to Enable Students to learn one or more biblical languages well to use

the language(s) in exegetical work

C. Cooperate with College and University Teachers of Religion in the Development of Undergraduate

Courses in the Biblical Language

D. Cooperate in Summer Programs

E. Continue and Accelerate Experimentation

1. in teaching method

2. in the use of modern linguistics

3. in philosophical and theological analyses of language

Notes to:

Administrators—Paul M. Robinson

Trustees—Harry M. Moffett

Seminary Staff Officers—Roland C. Matthies

Librarians—Calvin H. Schmitt

Professors—David S. Schuller

An Introduction to a Study of Patterns of Ministry and Theological Education Theodore E. Wedel

A Functional Approach to the Understanding of Ministry Philip R. Phenix

Form and Function in the Education of Ministers Keith R. Bridston

Professional Education and Theological Education Owen C. Thomas

Patterns: The 1967 Consultation in Perspective John E. Eiersdorf

Case Method in Theological Education David S. Schuller

They Deserve a First-Class Education Mark Gibbs

An Appeal for Firm Direction and Specific Guidelines Turner N. Clinard

Note to:

Presidents—Frederick C. Whittaker

Trustees—William C. Zimmann

Seminary Staff Officers—Henry W. Brooks

Professors—David S.Schuller

Librarians—Donn Michael Farris

Page 14: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Theological Education for a Revolutional Church E. Maynard Moore

Seminary Social Action: A Report and Some Reflections Charles W. Powers and David W. Hornbeck

The Lecture and Superficial Scholarship Paul H. Seely

Theological Education and Mass Communication Tom Emswiler, Jr.

A Prescription for Seminaries Six Yale Seminarians

Growth in Christ Through the Sacraments Kevin F. Tripp

Theological Education and Student Reaction in the United Kingdom Ian Ross

Rights and Freedom of Students as Members of the Academic Community A Joint Statement


Student Enrollment in Theological Schools

Salaries in AATS Schools Aute L. Carr

Notes to:

Trustees—Eugene Carson Blake

Presidents—Frederick K. Wentz

Librarians—Guy R. Lyle

Professors—David S. Schuller

Seminary Staff Officers—John A. Baird, Jr.

Page 15: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

I. Part I: Theological Education at Level II

A. Introduction

B. Entrance and Graduation Requirements

C. Orientation

D. The Core of the Curriculum

E. The Historical and Theoretical Resources for Theological Instruction

F. Common Life

G. Personnel

H. Physical Facilities

II. Part II: Theological Education at Level IIIA

A. Introduction

B. Relation of the Centers to the Level II Nuclei

C. Types of Centers

D. Areas of Instruction and Field Experience

E. The Education Process

F. Faculty, Administration, and Student Body

G. Physical Facilities and Cost Estimates

H. Application of Level IIIA Model Theory to Three Types of Centers

1. Family Life Cycle Center

2. Center for Business and Industrial Ministry

3. A Center in Theology and the Arts

III. Part III: Theological Education at Level IIIB

A. Introduction

B. The Academy Residency

C. Doctoral Programs

IV. Appendices

A. Organizational Chart for Cluster, Nucleus, and Centers

B. Job Descriptions for Organizational Chart

C. Distribution of Faculty within a Nucleus by Fields

D. Personnel for Orientation Programs

E. Continuum of Types of IIA Centers

F. Description of Metropolitan Intern Program

G. Description of Intensive Course in Christian Existence

V. Planning for the Future: A Key Question Jeral C. Brauer

VI. A Response Edward F. Malone

Notes to:

Administrators—Gordon E. Jackson

Trustees—George T. Peters

Seminary Staff Officers—Milton May

Professors—David S. Schuller

Librarians—Calvin Klemt

Page 16: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Chapter I: Theological Education in the 1970s: The Problem of Strategy

Chapter II: Objectives and Resources for Theological Education

Chapter III: Obstacles to Change

Chapter IV: Opportunities and Resources for Change


Exhibits 1–11

Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley) David S. Schuller

The Association of Theological Facilities in Iowa (Dubuque) David S. Schuller

The Interdenominational Theological Center (Atlanta) Aute L. Carr

The Toronto Graduate School of Theological Studies David S. Schuller

The Federal Theological Facility of the University of Chicago Aute L. Carr

Chapter I: Protestant Theological Education in 1968

Chapter II: The 1970s: Alternatives for Change

Appendix: Seminary Facility Planning: A Case Study of Alternative Approaches

List of Tables

List of Figures

Contexts for Theological Education in the Next Decade Robert V. Moss, Jr.

Essentials in Theological Curriculum Bernhard J. Cooke

The Morphology of Commitment in Theological Education Daniel Day Williams

American Seminaries in World Perspective—A Draft Balance Sheet Steven G. Mackie

Note to:

Presidents—Edward C. Fendt

Trustees—David T. Tomlinson

Professors—Riley B. Montegomery

Librarians—Marlin L. Heckman

Seminary Staff Officers—George W. Newlin

Page 17: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Resources Planning in Theological Education: A Response and an Offer Robert H. Bonthius

What’s Really Avant-Garde? Clustered Seminaries? No! Ecumenical School of Theology? Yes! Luther A. Gotwald, Jr.

The Place and Value of Laymen in Theological Education Winston Paul

Restudy of Possible Cluster Areas Required William E. Tucker

Serious Questions About the RPC Report Albert Curry Winn

A Continuation of the Dialogue on Facilities Planning Jesse H. Ziegler

Another Word on Library Planning Warren H. Deem

Theological Curriculum for the 1970s: A Critique James N. Lapsley

Theological Curriculum for the 1970s: A Dean’s Evaluation David M. Murphy

A Plea for Multiple Strategies in Theological Education Phillips Graduate Seminary Faculty

Notes to:

Presidents—Charles M. Cooper

Trustees—Albert O. Wilson, Jr.

Professors—David S. Schuller

Librarians—Maria Grossman

Seminary Staff Officers—Edward B. Lindaman

Page 18: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Chapter I: A Preliminary Raising of Issues Owen Clark Thomas

Chapter II: The Progress of Professional Education for Business Kenneth R. Andrews

Chapter III: Legal Education in Time of Change David F. Cavers

Discussion of the Paper J. Lawrence Burkholder

Chapter IV: The American Medical School: A Case Study in Professional Education Peter V. Lee

Discussion of the Paper Henry F. Allen, George P. Berry, John C. Nemiah, James L. Tullis

Chapter V: The Professional Education of Teachers: A Search for the Golden Mean Merle L. Borrowman

Discussion of the Paper Robert W. Lynn

Chapter VI: Theological Education as Professional Education James M. Gustafson

Chapter VII: Discussion Highlights

Appendix: Are the Clergy a Profession? Everett C. Hughes

Notes to:

Presidents—David S. Schuller

Trustees—Gerald B. Strickler

Professors—Benjamin A. Johnson

Librarians—Walter P. Sylvander

Seminary Staff Officers—Henry W. Brooks

Page 19: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

The Role of Seminaries in Recruitment C. Douglas Lewis

So Who Listens? Eugene I. Van Antwerp

A Reflection on Models James V. Fisher

Field Education as Locus for “Theological Reflection” James W. Bergland

Some Issues in Theological Education Owen C. Thomas

AATS, Educational Techniques, and Seminary Libraries Calvin C. Klemt

Self-Evaluation Guides in Clinical Pastoral Education Thomas W. Klink

The Grassroots Theologian Carnegie Samuel Calian

The Seminaries’ Responsibility in Overseas Theological Training Frances I. Andersen

Notes to:

Administrators—Richard L. Rising

Trustees—Matthew E. Welch

Professors—Herman J. Ridder

Librarians—Warren R. Mehl

Seminary Staff Officers—Alvar L. Lindgren

Double Messages in Seminary Training David K. O’Rourke

Key Issues in the Personal Preparation of Clergy Barton M. Lloyd

Self-Reflective Process in a Pastoral Field Training Program William P Heffernan

Theological Education and Field Education Robert S. Lowndes

Dissimilar Field Placement in the Pastoral Training Seminar: A Way of Instructing in the Pastoral Contact David K. O’Rourke

An Experiment in Education for an Overseas Pastoral Ministry Edmund V. Glomski

Mental Health, the Clergyman, and Marriage Counseling—A New Training Setting John A. Snyder

Processing a First Year Pastoral Training Program William C. Myers

The Use of “Reality Practice” in a Pastoral Counseling Course Robert A. Nykamp

Professional Supervision of Pastoral Work Denis J. Hanly

Dilemmas Confronting the Supervisor in Theological Education Hilda M. Goodwin

Page 20: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Change, Relevance, and Theological Librarianship C. Douglas Jay

The Library Versus the Streets Glen W. Davidson

The Library in Cluster Arrangements Maria Grossmann

Systems Analysis and the Theological Library Doralyn J. Hickey

Systems Analysis and the Theological Library: A Response John David Batsel

Regional Cooperation and Bibliographic Control among San Francisco Bay Area Seminary Libraries Stillson Judah

Pooling of Resources and Bibliographical Control Ronald E. Diener

The Theological Library and the Global Villiage James J. Michael

Planning and Designing Buildings for the New Theological Library Benjamin J. Stein

Traditional Library Functions and the Economic Factor John Dillenberger

Theological Libraries and the Financial Crisis: A Response Peter L. Oliver

Why This Issue? Robert H. Bonthius

Action Training: What is it? Robert H. Bonthius

Getting into Social Action—and Staying with It Robert H. Bonthius

Theological Practice in Action Training William R. Voelkel

Action Training: Does it work? Robert H. Bonthius

Some Organizational Problems Facing Action Training Centers J. Alan Winter

Action Training: One More Technology for the Seminaries—or a New Life Style? Robert H. Bonthius

Action Training and the Seminaries: Four Possibilities W. Paul Jones

Seminaries and the Social Project: Concluding Unsolicited Advice Richard Henry Lueke

Appendix: The Action Training Coalition

Page 21: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Why A Conference on the Black Religious Experience and Biblical Studies C. Shelby Rooks

Perspectives and Questions: The Black Religious Experience and Biblical Studies Charles B. Copher

Reflections and Meditations on the Training of Religious Leaders for the New Black Generation Vincent Harding

Black Power, Black Theology, and the Study of Theology and Ethics James H. Cone

Issues and Perspectives: The Practical Field and its Relationship to the Black Man’s Practice of the Christian Faith Henry H. Mitchell

Reports from the Workshop:

The Biblical Field—Robert A. Bennet

The Historical Field—Charles H. Long

The Practical Field—J. Archie Hargraves

Notes to:

Presidents—Reuben H. Huenemann

Trustees—C. Davis Weyerhauser

Professors—Eugene I. Van Antwerp

Librarians—Ronald F. Deering

Seminary Staff Members—Herbert L. Jones

The Purpose of Black Studies

Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid

Curriculum and Field Experience

Black Faculty

Some Areas of Research


The Committee

(Supplement is a Report of the Special AATS Committee—May 1970)

Page 22: The Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought · PDF fileThe Theologian and the World of Contemporary Thought ... Members of AATS ... C. Erosion of the Pastoral Image

Some Deliberately Immoderate Observations on Theological Education Arthur R. McKay

Confrontation at the Christian Theological Union Richard L. Rising

Reflections on “Confrontation at the Christian Theological Union” Thomas Campbell

Major Issues in the AATS 1970 Biennial Meeting Jesse H. Ziegler

“A New Degree Program . . . but the World is Still Messed Up” David S. Schuller

The Office of the Presidency in Denominational Theological Seminaries David Belgum

Comments on “The Office of the Presidency” John C. Bennett

Notes to:

Presidents—William D. Porter

Trustees—James E. Shapland

Professors—John Bluck

Seminary Staff Officers—Wilmina Rowland

Librarians—John Sayre

Seminary Staff Officers Set New Directions in Claremont Meeting Henry W. Brooks

Managerial Implications of Theological Education in the 1970s Jesse H. Ziegler

Crisis in Theological Education Charles Shelby Rooks

The Computer—For Seminaries? C. Richard Broome

Governance of the Theological School Wesner Fallaw

Student Power and Governance Gerald L. Painter and Raymond Bryan Brown

Theological Education: A Bird’s Eye Perspective Richard L. Rising

Action Training: A Methodology and Theology Nathan Kollar



Directory Changes

Bibliographic Suggestions

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Student Evaluation: Neglected Stepchild of Curricular Revision Donald C. Houts

Toward a More Genuinely Comprehensive Examination James C. Logan

The New Presbyterian System of Evaluation Candidates for Ordination Lewis A. Briner

Performance Evaluation in Ministry Henry Babcock Adams

Psychological Testing in Evaluation and Guidance of Seminary Students John B. McConahay

A Modified Form of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Religious Personnel William C. Bier, S.J.

“Breakdown of Society,” “Opinion Pollster,” and Ministry James E. Dittes and Carlton D. Blanchard

The Search for Parameters and Priorities Jesse H. Ziegler

Theological Education as Education for Church Occupations Edwin L. Becher

Theological Education as Education for Ministry David T. Shannon

Theological Education for Dual Occupations: Medicine and Ministry Granger E. Westburg

Law and Ministry Clinton D. Morrison, Jr.

Theological Education: Education for Liberators Miles J. Jones

Theological Education and the Emergence of Identity Wayne L. Proudfoot

Theological Education as Preparation for Teaching and Research James H. Nichols

The Theological Training of a Priest-Educator Sean McEvenue

Remarks Excerpted from “The Crisis in Rhetoric” Paul L. Holmer

Response to Paul Holmer Charles Shelby Rooks

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Seminaries and Professional Education James D. Glasse

Recruitment of Minority Groups Edward Wright, Jr.

The Seminary as Testing Ground W. Robert Martin, Jr.

Theologizing in Field Education Carl B. Trutter

Interprofessional Seminar on the Role of the Professions—A Report E. Clinton Gardner

Boston Area Communes and Their Implications for Theological Education David Finkelhor

A Theological Faculties Profile: A 1970–71 Survey of AATS Schools Marvin J. Taylor

Between Ignorance and Arrogance Frederick Herzog

Some Implications of the ACLS Study for Education in the Theological Seminaries Paul I. Bechtold, Arthur R. McKay, William E. Hull, and Claude Welch

Biblical Suggestions

The Leaven of Undergraduates in Graduate and Professional Education

What’s Happening Among Governing Boards of Theological Schools

Letter to the Editor

Report of Task Force on Spiritual Development






Persisters and Withdrawals Frederick A. Lonsway

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Editorial Introduction Emily C. Hewitt

Women with a Past: A New Look at the History of Theological Education Dorothy Bass Fraser

An Advocate’s Guide to Seminary Discussions of “The Woman Question” Beverly Harrison

Women’s Rising Consciousness: Implications for the Curriculum Karen L. Bloomquist

The Women’s Movement and Men in Seminary Lynn S. Larson

Woman Minister? Sarah Bently-Doely

The Invisible Women: Workers and Wives Virginia Lieson Bereton

Going Back to Seminary: An Old Wife’s Tale Marna McKenzie

To Catholic Women Contemplating Theological Education: “Que Vadis?” Margaret N. Maxey

Visions of Possibility: Women for Theological Education Peggy Ann Way

Women in Theological Education: Selected Resources Betty S. Pagett

The Wing Wherewith We Fly to Heaven Ewald B. Nyquist

Key Issues Facing AATS in 1972 Jesse H. Ziegler

Theological Education in 1972 Allix Bledsoe James

Report of the Task Force on Spiritual Development Paul W. Hoon

Education to the Ministry Henri J.M. Nouwen

The Trivial and the Ultimate: A Report on the Case Study Institute Keith R. Bridston

The Existing Malaise in the Theologizing of Field Experience Lucien Richard

Modern Art Sensitizing Agent for the Mature-Age Seminarian L. Paul Trudinger

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Theology: The Search for God and Man Walter J. Burghardt

New Things and Old: A New Testament Model for Theological Education Paul L. Hammer

An Alternative Model for Ministerial Education C. Daniel Batson and D. Campbell Wyckoff

Theological Education in the Free Church Tradition Ross T. Bender

Alternatives to Clustering Frederick Kirschenmann and James H. Legg

Case Study Materials and Seminary Teaching C. Samuel Calian

Simulation Games in Seminary Instruction Lucien E. Coleman, Jr.

Accreditation, Cooperation, Strategy: A Chance for Survival for Theological Libraries Ronald E. Diener

Impossible Possibility: On Teaching Church History in the D.Min. Curriculum James H. Smylie, H. McKennie Goodpasture, and Dean K. Thompson

“Embodiment”: A Way of Doing Theological Education Louis Weeks

The Classical and the Functional: Interdisciplinary Team Teaching Carl Bangs and Tex S. Sample

Teaching the New Testament for Professional Ministry Richard L. Scheef, Jr.

Changing Roles for Seminary Faculty in an Issue-Centered Curriculum: A Case Study L. Paul Trudinger

Eliciting Educational Awareness: Pre-education and Seminary Education Donald B. Rogers

An Exploratory Model of Clinical Pastoral Education Involving Seminary, Hospital, and Parish Paul R. Swanson

A Doctor of Ministry Program: Nature, Educational Philosophy, and Structure Warren F. Groff

Readiness For Ministry David S. Schuller

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A Preliminary Word from the TEF Directors In Search of Renewal in Theological Education Shoki Coe

The TEF and the Uncertain Future of Third World Theological Education James A. Berquist

Theology of Liberation—Liberation of Theology Educational Perspectives Aharon Sapsezian

Whither Theological Education?An African Perspective Desmond M.B. Tutu

Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology Advanced Theological Study in Context Ivy Chou

A Stance of Interdependence Herbert M. Zorn

Black American Graduate and Professional Doctors in Religion 1968–1973 Marshall C. Grigsby

A Special Report from The Fund for Theological Education, Inc. Edited by Charles Shelby Rooks and W. Robert Martin, Jr.

Some Reflections on My Ministry Almus M. Thorp, Jr.

A Ministry of Hope from a Double Minority James A. Forbes, Jr.

The Discovery of Self and Ministry Richard Erikson

Seminary Teaching and the Ministry Today Catherine L. Gunsalus

To Seize the Times Lawrence N. Jones

The Significance of the Fund for Theological Education Charles Shelby Rooks

Genuine Interest and a New Vitality W. Robert Martin, Jr.

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Cooperation in Theological Education in the United States and Canada—1973 Charles L. Taylor


Views on Cooperation

Weaknesses in Cooperation


Library Cooperation

Structure of Organization

Tests of Effective Cooperation


Cluster Curriculum Planning: Creative Coordination Robert J. Flinn and Donald F. Williams

The Assessment of Readiness for the Practice of Professional Ministry: An Abstract David Schuller

The Assessment of Readiness for the Practice of Professional Ministry: Rationale and Research Method David S. Schuller, Morton P. Strommen, and Milo L. Brekke

Fellowship Announcement

Evaluative Criteria for Seminary Governing Boards Warren H. Deem

Psychological Measurement in Theological Schools Richard A. Hunt

The Theological School Inventory: Is It Still Valid? Sue W. Cardwell

The MMPI Reconsidered: A Study of the Cart-Horse Problem in the Prediction of Success in the Ministry John M. Berecz

Assessing Simulated and Actual Job Performance Robert J. Menges

Maturity Appropriate for Advancement to the Theologate Alfred C. Hughes

Good News for Seminary Personnel Jesse H. Ziegler

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Metaphysics of the Mundane Keith R. Bridston

A Case Study Method for Moral Education Frederick S. Carney

The Case Method in Law Study Richard Strecker

Casuistry and Case Method: An Interview Richard A. Hill and Kevin A. Wall

Transferring Professional Training Models: The Case Method for Theological Education? Fred K. Foulkes

Case Study Methods for Historical Studies Louis R. Weeks

Case Study: Lyman Beecher (1775–1863) Louis R. Weeks

The Case Method Project At Lancaster Theological Seminary Arthur M. Sherman and James D. Glasse

Annotated Bibliography on the Case Study Method: Courses Using Case Study M. B. Handspicker

Ruminations of a Novice Case Study Teacher M. B. Handspicker

The Current Status of Theological Education by Extension Wayne C. Weld

Open Theological Education F. Ross Kinsler

Theological Education by Extension: Much More than a Fad Ted Ward

Theological Education by Extension: What Can It Offer Churches in North America? David R. Cochran

Seminaries Ought to be Asking Who as well as How C. Peter Wagner

In Defense of the Academic Seminary Colin W. Williams

Suggested Bibliography on Theological Education by Extension

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Theological Education—A Worldwide Perspective Shoki Coe

Executive Director’s Report to the Atlanta Biennial Meeting Jesse H. Ziegler

Some Contributions to Planning the Future of Theological Education: What is Most Needed in and from

Theological Schools? S. Loren Bowman; Gordon S. Cowan; Frank G. Dickey; Walter Harrelson; Mary Hennessey; Bess S. Jones; C. Benton Kline, Jr.; W. Robert

Martin, Jr.; Martin E. Marty; William T. McKee; Howard M. Mills; David M. Murphy; Merlyn W. Northfelt; Winston Paul; Porter

Routh; Eugene I. Van Antwerp; and Gayraud S. Wilmore

Differentiating Models of Supervision in Theological Field Education Donald F. Beisswenger

The Seminary Quarter for Women at Grailville: Toward a Feminist Approach to Theological Education Murphy Davis

Women Theologizing: Naming and Claiming our Style Susan Ross Clewell, Anita Herrick, Susan Haverstadt, Susan Vogel, and Susan Thorton

A Survey of Interests and Agendas of Women in U.S. Church Denominations Linda J. Hanson

Women in the Seminary: A Roman Catholic Perspective Joseph P. Brennan

Association of Theological Schools Affirmative Action Plan Arabella Meadows-Rogers

A Modest Proposal Fay Hollingshead Ellison

Men in Conversation About Men James W. Bergland, Tom F. Driver, Marvin Ellison, Bruce Robbins, Sidney D. Skirvin, and Arabella Meadows-Rogers

Doctoral Placement Service for Women in Religion

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By Ada Beth Heaton and C. Adrian Heaton

Origin and Scope of the Study

The Academic Levels of Students Entering Seminaries and Other Professional Schools

Investigative Methods, Theoretical Framework, and Issues Raised by the Consultants

Intellectual, Leadership, and Creative Qualities of High Achieving Students

Helping Intellectually Able Students Obtain Significant Information About Ministry

Persons Who Influence Them Toward Ministry

Values Able Students Consider Appropriate or those Planning to Enter Ministry

Helping Academic Achievers Select Theological Schools

Ways Indirect Change Agents can Facilitate the Work of Direct Interpreters and Enlisters

Long-range Planning to Improve the Interpreting-Enlisting Process for Talented Persons

Recommendations and Further Research Needed


Notes and Additional Relevant References

Announcements of Awards

Three Kinds of Talent (Figure)


Description of the Thirty-Three Sample Schools

First Professional Activities of the Entering Classes of 1963 and 1968 after Leaving Seminary

Types of Undergraduate Institutions Attended

Students Participating in Leadership Experiences

Students’ Self-rating of Their Intellectual Creativity

Other Occupations Seriously Considered

Significant Sources of Information about Ministry

Influence of Various Persons toward Ministry at Developmental Levels

Helpful Sources of Information about Seminaries

Factors Considered When Selecting Seminaries

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Creating a Model for Field Education George W. Baldwin and Paul B. Maves

Education Models in Field Education James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead

The Internship Year: Preparation for Professional Self-Development Robert A. Chesnut

Integration of Field Education into the Curriculum David M. Murphy

Spiritually and the Director of Field Education Marylu J. Fowler and James Simmons

Women in Field Education: Some New Answers to Old Questions Arabella Meadows-Rogers

Training Field Education Supervisors William S. Pregnall and Elizabeth E. Hampton

Ministry is an Art: Field Education and the Case Method as Loop System Keith R. Bridston

The Teaching Parish and the Supervising Pastor Robert K. Nace

Multilateral Brokerage in Governance William K. McElvaney

Reflections on Student Participation in Governance Carl W. Rohfs

Reflections on Administrative Life Style

Within a Church Related Seminary William H. Kade

Within an Evangelical Multidenominational Seminary Frank Bateman Stanger

Effects of Faculty Unionization on Seminary Governance

As Seen by a President Walter F. Peterson

As Seen by a Faculty Member Carnegie Samuel Calian

Models of Governance Dwight E. Stevenson

Divinity School Governance Within a University Structure

A Private Canadian University Perspective Elliott B. Allen

A Private U.S. University Perspective Krister Stendahl

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Report of the Task Force on Academic Freedom and Faculty Tenure Walter Harrelson, et al., 1975

Faculty Tenure, Term Appointments, and Retirement Policy in Theological Schools Barbara A. Laukaitis and Jesse H. Ziegler

Academic Freedom in the Service of the Church Jesse H. Ziegler

Personality Theory and the Formative Process Francis A. Lonsway

Theological Education and the “Liberal Arts” William E. Hull

Readiness for Ministry: Implementation in Church and Seminary David S. Schuller

Readiness for Ministry and Curriculum Design Neely D. McCarter and Sara Little

Basis of Dialogue Between Church and Seminary Joseph D. Quillian, Jr.

Sharpening Goals and Evaluation in Field Education Nicholas B. Van Dyck

New Foundations for Institutional Assessment Eugene I. Van Antwerp

From Skeptic to Cautious Enthusiast: A Bureaucratic View Howard M. Mills

Curricula, Accreditation, and Ordination Meredith B. Handspicker

Developing Goals for Continuing Education Connolly C. Gamble

Readiness for Ministry and Career Development J. Bentley Peters

Revised D.Min. Standards: The D.Min. a Decade Later Allen J. Moore

The Doctor of Ministry: Once More to Serve Lloyd E. Sheneman

The D.Min. in a Canadian Cluster Setting J. Charles Hay

How much does a D.Min. Cost? Kenneth R. Hougland

The Role of a Congregation in a D.Min. Program Donald E. Miller

D.Min. Projects: The Horrifying End J. Randall Nichols

Some Reflections on the Development and Current Status of the D.Min. Marvin J. Taylor

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Freedom’s Holy Light Frederick W. Whittaker

ATS: 1974–76—The Executive Director’s Report Jesse H. Ziegler

Readiness for Ministry: Report on the Research

Milo L. Brekke, David S. Schuller, and Merton P. Strommen

The Role of the States in Theological Education Richard M. Millard

Indicators of Crisis in Theological Education Jesse H. Ziegler

Seminary Management from the President’s Perspective: A Bicentennial Overview David A. Hubbard

Rooted in the Communities of Faith: A Reaffirmation of a Learned Ministry Krister Stendahl

The Black Religious Experience and Theological Education—1970–1976: A Six-Year Assessment Marshall C. Grigsby

Hispanic Ministry: New York Theological Seminary George W. Webber

Towards a Bilingual Seminary: A Catholic Effort Urban Voll

The Place of the Theological College in the University Reginald Stackhouse

Clergy Supply and Demand: Research in Progress Jackson W. Carroll and Robert L. Wilson

Competence Model Education James P. Martin

An Attempt at an Interdisciplinary M.Div. Curriculum Walter A. Brueggemann

The Evaluation of Formation Based on Observable Behavior John F. Cross and William C. Eigel

Enhancing Learner Awareness Through Feedback Instruments Donald B. Rogers

Clio in the Classroom: The Use of Case Studies in the Teaching of History Garth M. Rosell

Simulation in Theological Education Donald E. Miller

Introductory Theological Interpretation as Competency Based Education Clyde J. Steckel and Donald R. White

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The Accreditation Complex Marvin J. Taylor

Non-Governmental Accreditation—Threats and Opportunities Kenneth E. Young

The U.S. Office of Education’s Role in Supporting Accreditation in the United States John R. Proffitt and Barbara J. Blinker

The ATS and the Regional Accrediting Commissions Marvin J. Taylor

Accreditation’s Responsibility to Education Consumers Elaine H. El-Knawas

The States and Accreditation: A Case Study William L. Baumgaertner

Future Pressures in Accrediting Affecting ATS Jesse H. Ziegler

The Understanding of Purpose in a Seminary Closely Related to the Church James I. McCord

Purpose in a University Divinity Colin Williams

Purpose in Roman Catholic Seminaries: In a Diocesan Seminary John A. Grindel

Purpose in Roman Catholic Seminaries: In a Jesuit Seminary Community Jean-Marc Laporte

Purpose in a School Faced with Mission to the City Donald W. Shriver, Jr.

A Reflection on Theological Education for the Whole Church Lawrence N. Jones

The Purpose of a Seminary which is Part of the Evangelical Movement Kenneth M. Meyer

The Purpose of Purpose: Goals of a University Faculty of Religious Studies Joseph C. McLelland

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The ATS in the 80s: Visionary Realism David A. Hubbard

Access to Professional Education Harold H. Wilke

Education Strategies in Theological Education Edward L. Hayes

Experience with Instructional Objectives Agnes Cunningham

Accreditation and Improvement of Theological Education Marvin J. Taylor

Accreditation—An Opportunity? Lloyd J. Robertson

Response to Marvin J. Taylor’s Essay Donald W. Shriver, Jr., and Malcolm L. Warford

Internationalizing Theological Education Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

Dukes’s Investigations into the World Mission of the Church McMurry S. Richey

The Catholic Tradition of Spiritual Formation Daniel Buechlein

Integrating Contemplation and Action Tilden H. Edwards, Jr.

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About Sound Teaching Thomas W. Gillespie

The Church Speaks to the Seminary Michael J. Murphy

The American Lutheran Church’s Expectations Resound Teaching David Preus

Preparation of Ministers Competent to Minister Porter Routh

The Seminary as the Church’s School F. Thomas Trotter

The Church Speaks to its Seminaries on Preparing of Christian Education Specialists A. Lloyd Shorten

Education Toward the Entire Church John Hurst Adams

The Lay Viewpoint Howard Butt

The Seminary Speaks to the Church about Trust, Freedom, and Support J. Charles Hay

A National Symbol of Confidence and Support Jameson Jones

Dream, Dream, Dream Charles Shelby Rooks

The Seminary Speaks to the Church about Opening Ministries for All Who are Prepared Helen M. Wright

Immersing For Ministry: Education and Evangelism in Church and Seminary John Lynn Carr

National Church Bodies and Interdenominational Theological Education Grant S. Shockley

Theological Reflections on Allocating Scarce Church Funds for Theological Education Marlin E. Miller

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Theological Education and Liberation Theology: An Invitation to Respond Frederick Herzog, with

Thomas Ambrogi, Robert McAfee Brown, Lee Cormie, Paul Hammer, Edward Huenemann, Thomas A. Langford, M. Douglas Meeks,

Lewis S. Mudge, Benjamin A. Reist, Theodore H. Runyon, George Telford

A Symposium of Response

1. What is Your Assessment of the Basic Thesis

2. What are its Specific Implications for Theological Education? John C. Bennett; Donald C. Bloesch; Katie G. Cannon; John H. Carwright; Harvery G. Cox, Jr.; Richard D. N. Dickinson;

Virgilio P. Elizondo; C. Douglas Jay; Ernest W. Lefever; Martin E. Marty; Schubert E. Ogden; Aharon Sapsezian; Peter Schineller;

Ronald J. Sider; Ronald H. Stone; Charles C. West; and Barbara Brown Zikmund

Faculty/Staff Development


On Writing Theological Scholarship and Research Grant Applications Joseph M. Kitagawa

Observations about Good Proposals John Hurd

What Makes a Winning Proposal in Administrative Staff Development? Dayton D. Hultgren

Gayraud S. Wilmore, Editor

Introduction Gayraud S. Wilmore

Collaboration and Challenge: Analysis of the Process (Abstract) James B. Ashbrook and Louis Charles Harvey

Our Reflection on the Lilly Project Paul Garlington, et al.

Commentary on the Process Gayraud S. Wilmore

The Project and Biblical Studies Werner E. Lemke

The Project and Historical Studies Richard M. Spielmann

The Project and Theological Studies Kenneth Cauthen

The Final Interviews with the Pastors Thomas H. Troeger

Concluding Commentary Gayraud S. Wilmore

Appendix—Biographical Sketches of the Participants

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I. Background, Goals, and Underlying Assumption of the Hartford Seminary D.Min. Program

A. Background

B. Purpose and Goals

C. Underlying Assumptions

II. Implementing the Assumption: Program Components and Design

A. Design of the Core Program

B. Design of the Parish Option

III. Research and Evaluation Design

IV. Who Came and Why: Clergy and Congregations in the Hartford D.Min. Class of 1977

A. Motivation for Pastors Entering the Program

B. Characteristics of Entering Clergy

C. Characteristics of the Parishes

D. Comparisons between Pastors and Parishes in the Two Options

V. A Lesson in Innovation: How the Program Components Worked

A. The Core Program in Operation

B. The Parish Option in Operation

C. More than Sugar Pills for the Control Group

D. Hidden Assumptions Jump Out

VI. Did It Make a Difference? Change in Clergy and Congregation

A. Parish Change

B. Factors Related to Parish Change

C. Factors Related to Pastor Change

VII. The Bottom Line: Program Changes, Cost/Benefits, and Implications for Theological Education

A. Doctoring and Redesigning

B. Costs and Benefits for the Seminary

C. Implications for Theological Education

D. Postscript

Commentary Loren B. Mead, J. Randall Nichols, and Perry LeFevre

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Gerontology in Seminary Training: Introduction and Overview Thomas C. Cook, Jr.

Spiritual Well-being Definition and Commentary


Aging and Theological Education David O. Moberg


Education for Ministry in Aging: Guidelines for Competency Objectives Thomas C. Cook, Jr.; Thomas W. Mahler; and Donna L. McGinty (Writing team)

Guidelines for competency Objectives—Development and Potential Thomas W. Mahler

Interdisciplinary Approaches and Concerns: Theological and Biblical Foundations Paul Maves

Life Contexts of Older Persons Mildred M. Seltzer

Process of Aging Dan G. Blazer, II

Policies and Aging Clinton W. Hess

Programs James A. Thorson and Bruce J. Horacek

Religious Education and Aging Jerry C. Grubbs

Action in Aging: A Religious View Herman H. Denning

Values and Aging Arthur H. Becker

Strategies for Using the Guidelines

. . . In Seminary Curricula Jesse H. Ziegler

. . . In Seminary and Continuing Education Clyde L. Manschreck

. . . In Congregational Settings Sanford Seltzer

. . . In Individual Competency-Building Samuel L. Gandy

. . . In Higher Education in Gerontology Mildred M. Seltzer

. . . In Developing Curricula in Secular Gerontology and in Professional In-Service Training Dan G. Blazer, II


Emerging Curricular Models for Education for Ministry in Aging Ministry with Older Persons Albert L. Meiburg

To Know With Feeling Mary Alice D. Edwards

The Life Span and Older Persons Marcus D. Bryant

Ministry of the Church with Older Adults Robert E. Fillinger

Aging: A Challenging Theme for Theological Reflection Maureen Egan

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Caring for the Aging Vernon L. Strempke

A Developmental View of Aging David W. Danner



Bringing Spirit to Aging Education in the 1980s Reuel L. Howe


National Consultants to Project-GIST and Project-GIST Staff

Participants in Project-GIST, 1977–79

Abstracts: GIST Participants Sub-projects

Organizations and Agencies with Direct Participation or Representation in Project-GIST

The Professional Manager within the Mission of the Theological School Dayton D. Hultgren

What We Need to Know About Law—Federal and State Wesley S. Walton

Government Aid—Buried Treasure Robert E. Broadwell

Government Aid—Hidden Curse John W. Baker

From Student to Ministry through Theological Education W. Robert Martin, Jr.

Resource List for Seminary Registrars Vera L. Watts

Marketing and Recruitment: Two Unholy Words and Their Possible Usefulness in Theological Education Lowell H. Fewster

What Is Theological Research? H. Darrell Lance

Spirituality Formation in Theological Schools: Ferment and Challenge

A Report of the ATS-Salem Institute on Spirituality Tilden H. Edwards, Jr.

The Seminary Enterprise: An Appraisal James I. McCord

The Accountability of Theological Education to the Mission of the Church Donald W. Shriver, Jr.

Unravelling the Library Mystique John Dillenberger

Dealing with PAIN: Preservation, Automation, Interpretation, and Negotiation John B. Trotti

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The Reform of Theological Education as a Theological Task Edward Farley

Notes toward a History:

Theological Encyclopedia and the Evolution of Protestant Seminary Curriculum, 1908, 1968 Robert Wood Lynn

Theological Education as the Historical Critical Appropriation of Traditions George Erik Rupp

Reform in Theological Education as Political Task Joseph D. Hough, Jr.

Theoria and Praxis: A Partial Response David Tracy

Theological Education from a Free Church Perspective Graydon F. Snyder

Reflection on the State of Theological Education in the 1980s Leon Pacala

Project Transition: An Assessment of ATS Programs and Services Jackson W. Carroll

Trends in Canadian and American Theological Education, 1880–1980: Some Comparisons Robert T. Handy

Responses: Lloyd Gesner

John Webster Grant

William E. Hordern

George A. Rawlyk

Laurence K. Shook

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Disconcerting Old and New Imperatives in Theological Education Robert N. Bellah

Responses: John H. Yoder

Paul H. Nichols

G. Russell Hatton

Michael J. Blecker

Presidential Address Harvey H. Guthrie, Jr.

ATS and the Corporate Imperatives of Theological Education Leon Pacala

Internationalization: Global Mission Shunji F. Nishi

Maintaining Educational Quality in Economic Gridlock Milton McC. Gatch

Contemporary Challenges to Issues of Vocational Preparation Sharon Parks

Ecclesiastical Imperatives in Theological Education Melinds Roper

A Theological Faculties Profile: 1981 Data Compared with the 1971 Study Marvin J. Taylor

The Magisterium in History: A Theological Perspective Avery Dulles

The Teaching Office in the Church and Its Applications for Ministry and Theological Education:

Questions and Discussion Edward J. Frazer

Authority and Theological Ecumenical Protestantism John B. Cobb, Jr.

The Protestant Minister and the Teaching Office of the Church David C. Steinmetz

Reflections on the New York Forum Joseph A. Komonchak

Reflection on the New York Forum: From Academy to Church George Lindbeck

Reflections on the St. Louis Forum: Teaching Offices in the Church Robert J. Schreiter

Reflections on the San Francisco Forum: The Teaching Offices of the Church and Theological Education Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

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Modernity and Its Disadvantaged: The Cultural Context of Theological Education Barbara Watts Hargrove

The Cultural Context: A Historical/Social Analysis John H. Cartwright

Vision, Reality and Challenge: Black Americans and North American Theological Education, 1959–83 Charles Shelby Rooks

The Preparation of Hispanics for the Ministry of the Church Ruben P. Arnedddriz

The Hispanic Search Beyond Biculturalism Felipe J. Estevez

Reflections on a Revival: The Native American Alternative Steven Charleston

The Role of Pacific and Asian Americans in Theological Education Roy I. Sano

Christian Feminists Speak I. Carter Heyward, et al.

Mind Reading: Notes on the Basic Issues Program David H. Kelsey and Barbara G. Wheeler

Foundations for a Practical Theology of Ministry James N. Poling and Donald E. Miller

Thinking about the Church’s Thinking: Toward a Theological Ethnography Lewis S. Mudge

The Education of Practical Theologians Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

The Seminary Ideal in American Protestant Ministerial Education, 1700–1808 W. Clark Gilpin

Foundational Theology and Theological Education Francis Schussler Fiorenza

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By Stephen L. Peterson

I. Introduction and Summary of Findings

A. Purpose and Structure of this Report

B. Summary of Finding and Recommendations

II. Context and Method of Project 2000

A. The Context of Project 2000

B. Method and Project Plan

C. Historical Setting of Project 2000

III. Roles of Theological Libraries

A. Introduction

B. Primary Roles of Theological Libraries

1. Representing the Tradition

2. Preserving the Fullness of Religious Life

3. Supporting the Curriculum

4. Shaping New Knowledge

5. Summary of Primary Roles of Theological Libraries

C. Collective Roles of Theological Libraries

D. Libraries and Life-long Education for Ministry

IV. Material Resources for Library Development

A. Introduction

B. Collection Development

C. Special Collections and Resources for Research

1. Documenting North American Religion

2. Documenting Third World Religion

D. The Continuing Need for Older Materials

E. Strategies for Securing Material Resources

1. A Theological Library Collection Profile

2. Machine Readable Bibliographic Records

3. Planning for Third World Documentation

4. A Preservation Program

F. Summary of Material Resource Needs

V. Personnel Resources

A. Introduction

B. The Need for Theological Librarians

1. Public Services

2. Collection Development

3. Administration and Planning

4. Bibliographic Description

C. The Preparation of Theological Librarians

D. Summary of Personnel Resources

VI. Physical Resources

A. Introduction

B. Library Buildings

C. A Strategy for Conserving Book Stack Space

D. Summary of Physical Facilities

VII. Coordinating Structures

A. Introduction

B. Bibliographic Systems and Computers

C. Special Collections

D. Budget Trends and Planning

E. Cooperation

F. Facilities

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G. Preservation

H. Personnel

I. ATLA Effectiveness

J. Personal Epilogue


A. Questionnaire Responses


A. Preservation Priorities

B. Graduate Preparation of Theological Librarians

C. How Schools will Provide for Library Growth

D. Use of Micro-Computers for Library Services

E. Special Theological Library Collections

F. Time Period and Formats of Special Collections

G. General ATLA Effectiveness

H. Importance and Effectiveness of Selected ATLA Programs

I. Local Library Needs


Theology That Tells People’s Passion Stories Choan-Seng Song

Babel and Beyond Leander E. Keck

The 1984 Presidential Address: Unity and Pluralism in Theological Education Vincent dePaul Cushing


James Franklin Hopewell: An Appreciation James T. Laney

A Congregational Paradigm for Theological Education James F. Hopewell

Theological Seminaries in the Future John C. Fletcher

Ministry, Sacred Space, and Theological Education: The Legacy of Victor Turner Robert L. Moore

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The Professional Model of Ministry—Is it Worth Saving? Jackson W. Carroll

“I Rose and Found my Voice” Black Church Studies and Theological Education James H. Evans, Jr.

Theological Inquiry and Theological Education Charles M. Wood

Formation as a Unifying Concept of Theological Education George P. Schner

Convocation ’84: Issues in Theological Education Editorial Introduction

Reflections on Convocation ’84: Issues in Theological Education

A Theological Evaluation of Evaluations: The Evangelicals Bill J. Leonard

Measuring-Up for Ministry in the Roman Catholic Tradition James A. Coriden

A Theological Analysis of Evaluation within Protestantism Grayson L. Tucker, Jr.

The Evaluation of People in Theological Schools Daniel O. Aleshire

Program Evaluation: Some Practical Guidelines Barbara G. Wheeler

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I. The Globalization of Theological Education: Setting the Task Donald W. Shriver, Jr.

II. Globalization in Theological Education: Summary and Analysis of Survey Data David S. Schuller

III. Case Descriptions:

A. The Atlanta Theological Association Erskine Clarke

B. School of Theology at Claremont Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

C. Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary Ralph R. Covell

D. Fuller Theological Seminary Paul E. Peirson

E. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary J. Christy Wilson, Jr.

F. Harvard Divinity School Jane I. Smith

G. Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago David L. Lindberg

H. Princeton Theological Seminary Samuel Hugh Moffett

I. St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary Pilar Aurensanz

J. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Russell Staples and Madeline Johnston

K. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Justice C. Anderson

L. Toronto School of Theology Cyril Powles

M. Union Theological Seminary, New York City Kosuke Koyama

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Globalization of Theological Education Francis Cardinal Arinze

Responses to Keynote Address David A. Hubbard

Henry H. Mitchell

Barbara Brown Zikmund

Globalization and the Task of Theological Education Don S. Browning

On Bi-Nationalism and Globalization C. Douglas Jay

Contextualization and Theological Education Max L. Stackhouse

Editorial Introduction David S. Schuller

Doctor of Ministry Program: History, Summary of Findings, and Recommendations Jackson W. Carroll and Barbara G. Wheeler

Financial Issues Related to Director of Ministry Program Badgett L. Dillard and Anthony T. Ruger

Responses: Faith E. Burgess, William E. Lesher, J. Randall Nichols, and Ray S. Anderson

The Case for an Alternative Reading Walter A. Brueggemann

Ministerial Education in a Religiously Diverse World W. Clark Gilpin

A Recommendation Toward Humanistic Christian Witness Franklin I. Gamwell

Hermeneutics of Generosity and Suspicion: Pluralism and Theological Education Margaret R. Miles

The Vocation of the Theological Educator James M. Gustafson

Priorities in Theological Education James M. Gustafson

Spiritual Identity and Churchly Praxis Richard J. Mouw

Theory and Practice: Theological Education as a Reconstructive, Hermeneutical, and Practical Task Francis Schussler Fiorenza

Theological Education in a World of Religious and Other Diversities Gayroud S. Wilmore

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Editorial Introduction Maura Fortkort


Are We Lovers Anymore? Alan Jones

Responses: Sandra M. Schneiders, Dwight L. Grubbs, Ralph W. Klein, John Meyendorff

Spiritual Direction for Seminaries Forster Freeman

The Impact of Changing Ecclesiological and Christiological Models on Roman Catholic Seminary Education Edward J. Ciuba


Living on Two Levels: The Work of the Academic Dean in North American Theological Education Robert Wood Lynn

The Scholarly Vocation: Its Future Challenges and Threats Ronald F. Thiemann

The Dean’s Responsibility for Faculty Research Joseph C. Hough

Response: Jane I. Smith

The Nature and State of Theological Scholarship and Research Schubert M. Ogden

Review of Scholarly Works

Christian Ethics: Ethics From A Theocentric Perspective (Gustafson) Robin W. Lovin

Our Right to Choose: Toward a New Ethic of Abortion (Harrison) Peter J. Paris

The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics (Childress, Macquarrie) J. Phillip Wogaman


The Humiliation of the Word (Ellul) Donald G. Bloesch

Christian Theology: An Introduction to Its Traditions and Tasks (Hodgson, King) John B. Cobb, Jr.

Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology (Ruether) Ellen Leonard

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Editorial Introduction W. Clark Gilpin

Spiritual Formation and Theological Education George Lindbeck

Can Virtue Be Taught? Education, Character, and the Soul David Tracy


Theological Education as Character Formation? Douglas John Hall

Spiritual Awareness and the Formation of Character Jane I. Smith

Theological Education as Character Formation Robert P. Meye

Editorial Introduction Robert Wood Lynn

Reflections on the Literature on Theological Education Published Between 1955–1985 James M. Gustafson


Section One: Aspects and Contexts of Theological Education Addressed in the Literature

Section Two: Analysis of Perspectives in the Literature

Section Three: Thematic Reflections

Appendix: The Opportunities of a University Related Divinity School


Thinking Theologically About Theological Education Francis Schussler Fiorenza

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By Ellis L. Larsen and James M. Shopshire

Editorial Introduction Maura Fortkort

Foreward Ellis Leif Larson

A Profile of Contemporary Seminarians Ellis L. Larson and James M. Shopshire

I. Introduction: Why This Study?

II: What are Contemporary Seminarians Like?

III: What Draws People to a Seminary?

IV: How are Students Making it Financially?

V: What are Students Experiencing in Seminary?

VI: What does the Future Hold?

VII: What Can the Churches Expect?


A. Findings by Denomination

B. Basic Questionnaire

C. Seminaries Included in Sample

D. Methodological Principles Followed

E. Bibliography

Figures and Tables

Seminary Population by Age and Sex

Protestant Seminaries by Age and Sex

Roman Catholic Seminarians by Age and Sex

Age by Sex

Ranking of Average Age

Marital Status by Age and Sex

Race by Age and Sex

Major Field of Study by Age and Sex

Own Theological Position by Age and Sex

Stick to Religion by Age and Sex

Evangelism Priority by Age and Sex

Social Change Priority by Age and Sex

Practice of Prayer by Age and Sex

Worship Attendance by Age and Sex

Motivators Toward Ministry

Decision Definite by Age and Sex

Decision Gradual by Age and Sex

Call vs. Ability by Age and Sex

Home Church Size by Age an Sex

Locality of Home Church by Age and Sex

Church Theological Position by Age and Sex

Previous Worship Attendance by Age and Sex

Church Leader by Age and Sex

Church Meaningful as Youth by Age and Sex

Reasons for Selecting Seminary

Financial Resources in Seminary

Financial Aid by Age and Sex

Current Income by Age and Sex

Current Income by Age and Sex

Hours Employed by Age and Sex

Spouse Employed by Age and Sex

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Full/Part Time Student by Age and Sex

Indebtedness for Education by Age and Sex

Sources of Stress while in Seminary

Requirements Difficult by Age and Sex

Expectations Too High by Age and Sex

Curriculum Appropriate by Age and Sex

Teaching Methods by Age and Sex

Field E. Requirements by Age and Sex

Different Time for Courses by Age and Sex

Life Experiences by Age and Sex

Feel Part of Community by Age and Sex

Spouse a Part of Community by Age and Sex

Physical Facilities by Age and Sex

Seminary Housing by Age and Sex

Seminary Rules by Age and Sex

Self-confidence by Age and Sex

Self-esteem by Age and Sex

Hopefulness by Age and Sex

People Orientation by Age and Sex

Relationships by Age and Sex

Goal Orientation by Age and Sex

Current Life Satisfaction by Age and Sex

Vocational Aim by Age and Sex

Estimate of Education by Age and Sex

Expect Fair Placement by Age and Sex

Start at Bottom by Age and Sex

Free to Move for Placement by Age and Sex


Age and Sex by Denomination

Race by Denomination

Own Theological Position by Denomination

Evangelism Priority by Denomination

Social Change Priority by Denomination

Practice of Prayer by Denomination

Worship Attendance by Denomination

Home Church Membership by Denomination

Home Church Locality by Denomination

Home Church Theological Position by Denomination

Seminary Selection Reasons by Denomination

Personal Financial Resources by Denomination

Adequacy of Financial Aid by Denomination

Indebtedness for School by Denomination

Personal Income by Denomination

Appropriateness of Curriculum by Denomination

Vocation Aim by Denomination

Anticipated Fairness of Placement by Denomination

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Editorial Introduction David S. Schuller

On Science, and What It Might Suggest for the Church Charles H. Townes

The Arts in Theological Education for the Church John W. Cook

Theological Education as Advocate Barbara Brown Zikmund

Reflections on Theological Education as Character Formation David H. Kelsey

Reading Recommendations:

Worship Robert N. Schnaper

Liturgy Mary M. Schaefer

Pastoral Theology Rodney J. Hunter

Practical Theology Don Browning

Homiletics Thomas Long

Editorial Introduction: Commitment and Critical Inquiry W. Clark Gilpin

The Passion of Knowledge and the Sphere of Faith: A Study of Objectivity Edward Farley

Historical Study as Cultural Critique: A Proposal for the Role of Biblical Scholarship in Theological Education Vincent L. Wimbush

Theological Commitment and American Religious History Harry S. Stout

Objectivity and Advocacy John A. Coleman

The Theologian as Advocate Sallie McFague

Reflections on Discussions of “Advocacy and Critical Inquiry” in Theological Education David H. Kelsey

Basic Issues in Theological Education: A Selected Bibliography, 1980–1988 W. Clark Gilpin

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Editorial Introduction Toinette M. Eugene

Teaching Theology from an Intercultural Perspective Robert J. Schreiter

A Reflection on “Teaching Theology from an Intercultural Perspective” Fumitaka Matsuoka

The Case for Social Ethics: Lessons from the Civil Rights Movement Robert Michael Franklin

Revisioning the Preaching Curriculum Edwina Hunter

Teaching the New Testament from a Feminist Perspective Joanna Dewey

Reading Recommendations:

New Testament Susan R. Garrett

Vincent L. Wimbush

Daniel J. Harrington

Old Testament Joseph Blenkinsopp

Donna Runnalls

Douglas A. Knight

Editorial Introduction W. Clark Gilpin

Theological Faculties as Mentors of Ministers for the Church Roy I. Sano

Theological Foundations for Ethnic and Gender Diversity in Faculties or Excellence and the Motley Crew Marjorie H. Suchocki

Theology in the Context of the University Stephen Toulmin

The Future of an Illusion: An Inquiry into the Contrast between Theological and Religious Studies Ronald F. Thiemann

Research for a Theological Faculty John B. Cobb, Jr.

Emerging Issues and Theological Education Rebecca S. Chopp

Responses to Issues Research Seminar Garth M. Rosell and George P. Schner

The More Things Change—The More Things Change: Theological Education in the 1990s Stephen L. Peterson

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Editorial Introduction William E. Lesher and Robert J. Schreiter

Mapping Globalization for Theological Education S. Mark Heim

Pluralism at Home: Globalization within North America Fumitaka Matsuoka

Engaging the Other in the Global Village Mark Kline Taylor and Gary Bekker

Education for a Global Theology Marsha Hewitt, Cyril Powles, Carolyn Charp, John Sivalon, John Webster, and Ray Whitehead

Editorial Introduction Gail Buchwalter King

Theological Education, Pluralism and the Common Good Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

Responses: David T. Shannon, Eleanor Scott Meyers, and Fumitaka Matsuoka

The Future of Mission in a Pluralistic World Marian Bohen

Responses: Andrew D. MacRae and Donald W. Shriver, Jr.

Theological Publishing and Theological Education Barbara Wheeler

Supporting Faculty Scholarship Jeanne R. McLean

Editorial Introduction David A. Roozen

Globalization in Mid-America Richard F. Veith

Evangelicals in Transition Robert L. Stivers

Globalization is Closing in on Us Ronald C. White, Jr.

Globalization Begins at Home James N. Pankratz

Globalization in the Rising Sunbelt Erksine Clarke

Piece by Piece: A Mosaic of Global Theological Education Anne C. Reissner

Globalization: A Study of Institutional Change in Theological Education David S. Schuller

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Editorial Preface Gail Buchwalter King

Introduction: Who Shall Teach in a Theological School? Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

Thinking About Theological Education: The Implications of “Issues Research” for Criteria of Faculty Excellence David H. Kelsey

Faculty Development: A Shared Responsibility Jane D. Douglass

A Faculty Which Develop Themselves Thomas F. Gleeson

Issues in Achieving Pluralism in Faculty Development: The Challenge and Opportunity of Inclusivity Judith A. Berling

“Pluralism” as a Criterion for Excellence in Faculty Development Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.

The Faculty as Mentor and Model Max L. Stackhouse

Faculty as Mentors and Models Frederick H. Borsch

Faculty as Scholars and Teachers Richard Mouw

Faculty as Scholars and Teachers Barbara Brown Zikmund

The Graduate Education of Future Theological Facilities: A Catholic Perspective Richard P. McBrien

Looking Ahead at Theological Education Craig Dykstra

Editorial Introduction Gail Buchwalter King

Theological Education in the United States: A View from the Periphery M. Thomas Thangaraj

Feet Partly of Iron and Partly of Clay: Pedagogy and the Curriculum of Theological Education Ronald H. Cram and Stanley P. Saunders

The Historicity of Teaching Theology: A Catholic Perspective Bevil Bramwell

The Revolution in Jewish-Christian Relations: Is It to be Found in Christian Theological Seminaries?

A Preliminary Study B.A. Asbury

Political Correctness, the Reformed Tradition and Pluralism: Implications for Theological Education Glenn R. Bucher, Richard I. Deibert, Patricia Dutcher-Walls, Robert M. Franklin, Beverly R. Gaventa, and George W. Stroup

A Select, Annotated Bibliography for D.Min. Education George Brown, Jr.

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Introduction to the Leadership Study Project G. Douglass Lewis

The Presidential Experience in Theological Education: A Study of Executive Leadership Leon Pacala

A Retrospective Study of The Institute for Theological Education Management William L. Baumgaertner

Walking the Narrow Path: Female Administrators in ATS Schools Barbara Brown Zikmund

Theological Education and Racial/Ethnic Leadership J. Oscar McCloud

Principles for Developing Executive Leaders D. Douglas McKenna and Jeffrey J. McHenry

Nonprofit Executive Leadership Education Study David J. Nygren and Miriam D. Ukeritis

Introduction William E. Lesher and Robert J. Schreiter

Teaching the Introduction to the Old Testament from a Global Perspective Wade Eaton

Teaching Introduction to the New Testament from a Global Perspective Barbara E. Bowe, RSCJ

Globalization in the Teaching of Church History Justo L. Gonzales

Exploring New Approaches in the Native Ministries Degree Programme at Vancouver School of Theology Brian J. Fraser

Teaching the History of U.S. Christianity in a Global Perspective David D. Daniels

Christian Theology Between the Global and the Local Robert J. Schreiter

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Introduction William E. Lesher and Robert J. Schreiter

Globalization and Social Ethics: Claiming ‘The World in My Eye’! Toinette M. Eugene

Response: Marc S. Mullinax

Globalization and Mission Education Jonathan J. Bonk

Designing an Introductory Course in Liturgy from a Global Perspective Mark R. Francis, CSV

Forming Global Preachers Thomas A. Kane, CSP

Globalization and Christian Religious Education Ronald H. Cram

Teaching Pastoral Theology from a Global Perspective Homer L. Jernigan

Introduction David S. Schuller

Globalizing Theological Education: Beginning the Journey David S. Schuller

Globalization and the Task of Theological Education in North America Don S. Browning

If Our Words Could Make It So David A. Roozen

ATS Task Force Survey of Institutional Response to Global Theological Education

The Quest and the Questions Donald W. Shriver, Jr.

Contextualization from a World Perspective Robert J. Schreiter

Theological Education: Its Unities and Diversities Kosuke Koyama

Contextualization as a Dynamic in Theological Education Mercy Amba Oduyoye

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Introduction: The Good Theological School


The ATS Quality and Accreditation Project Daniel O. Aleshire

What is the Character of Curriculum, Formation, and Cultivation of Ministerial Leadership in the Good

Theological School? Donald Senior and Timothy Weber

What is the Character of Teaching, Learning, and the Scholarly Task in the Good Theological School? Philip S. Keane and Melanie A. May

What is the Character of the Institutional Resources Needed for the Good Theological School? James H. Evans, Jr. and Jane I. Smith

What is the Character of Administration and Governance in the Good Theological School? Robert E. Cooley and David L. Tiede


The ATS Basic Issues Research Project: Thinking about Theological Education David H. Kelsey and Barbara G. Wheeler

The ATS Globalization and Theological Education Project: Contextualization from a World Perspective Robert J. Schreiter

A Bibliography of Theological Education (Auburn Center)

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Introduction Wilson Yates


Characteristics of Art and the Character of Theological Education Frank Burch Brown

Theology, the Arts, and Theological Education Gordon D. Kaufman

Theological Education and the Arts: Four Comments Edward Farley

Arguments and Allies: The Yale Consultations and Recent Writings about Theological Education Barbara G. Wheeler

Art and Multiculturalism: Competitors or Allies in Theological Education? William A. Dyrness

Theology and the Arts Dialogue: Tasks for Theological Education Wilson Yates


A Willem de Kooning Triptych John W. Cook

The Revelatory Body: Signorelli’s Resurrection of the Flesh at Orvieto Margaret R. Miles

Sharpening Our Vision as a Mode of Theological Education William A. Dyrness

Three Functions of Arts in Theological Education Nicholas Wolterstorff


“What is Truth?” The Question of Art and Theological Education Peter S. Hawkins

“Writing for God After All”—Scripture, Poetry, and Proclamation Richard B. Hays

Literature and Theological Education: Notes on a Resurrected Romance James H. Evans, Jr.

The Place of Poetics in Theological Education: A Heuristic Inquiry Edward Farley


Ethical Vision and Musical Imagination Max L. Stackhouse

An Exploration of Music as Theology Victoria R. Sirota

Music and Human Existence: A Response Edward Farley

Reflections on Music and Theology Paul Westermeyer

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Introduction James L. Waits

Issues for Future Faculty Planning Joseph C. Hough, Jr.

Choosing and Nurturing Faculty for an Unconventional Seminary Barbara Brown Zikmund and William McKinney

Faculty Development: An Organic Perspective Samuel T. Logan, Jr.

Evaluating an Uncertain Craft: Faculty Assessment and Theological Education Mary C. Boys, SNJM

Standards for Innovation: The Case for Theological Librarians Stephen D. Crocco and Sara J. Myers

Riding the Whirlwind: The Community of Scholars as a Response to the Changing Face of Theological Education David D. Thayer, SS

By Ellis Leif Larsen

Introduction: Why This Study?

What Are Contemporary Seminarians Like?

What Does a Seminary Education Produce?

What Can the Churches Expect?

Significant Findings


Introduction James L. Waits

The Nature and Criteria of Theological Scholarship Don Browning

Theological Scholarship as a Form of Church Service George P. Schner, SJ

Theological Scholarship from the Perspective of a Catholic Woman Ellen M. Leonard

Theological Research and Scholarship as a Service of Faith: A Roman Catholic Perspective Peter C. Phan

Multicultural and Global Theological Scholarship: An Asian American Perspective Jung Young Lee

The Nature and Criteria of Theological Scholarship: An Evangelical Critique and Plan Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

An African American Perspective on the Nature and Criteria of Theological Scholarship Preston N. Williams

Cultivating Theological Scholarship Rebecca S. Chopp

A Brief Response Don Browning

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Introduction Neely Dixon McCarter

Leadership in the American Diocesan Seminary: Context, Institutions, and Personalities—1791 to 1965 Joseph M. White

The Effects of Institutional Change on the Office of Rector and President in the Catholic Theological

Seminaries—1965 to 1994 Robert J. Wister

By Erskine Clarke

Introduction Neely Dixon McCarter


The Office of President

Presidents and Finances

The President as Administrator

Relationships: Boards, Faculties, Staffs, Students, and Constituencies

Presidential Profiles


“Lord High Everything Else”: The Many Functions of the Seminary President

Concluding Remarks

Introduction Neely Dixon McCarter

Work and Calling: An Interpretation of Presidents’ Reflections on the Nature of Their Office Malcolm L. Warford

Toward Understanding the Seminary Presidency: Reflections of One President Robert E. Cooley

The Presidency in a Union School Vincent Cushing

Reflections on Fourteen Years as a Seminary President James C. Fenhagen

Reflections of a Pastor/President Douglas W. Oldenburg

The President as Pilgrim Donald W. Shriver, Jr.

On Becoming a Seminary President: Reflections on My Early Years at Hartford Seminary Barbara Brown Zikmund

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Introduction James L. Waits

The Quality and Accreditation Project Steering Committee for the Quality and Accreditation Project

Katarina Schuth, Chair

Recommendations of the Quality and Accreditation Project Steering Committee and the ATS Commission on

Accrediting and Plan of Implementation Steering Committee, Commission on Accrediting

Standards of Accreditation: Outline of Draft Three of the Redeveloped Accrediting Standards

General Institutional Standards

Degree Program Standards

Recommended Changes to the ATS Policies and Procedures for Accreditation

Current Procedures Related to Membership, Bulletin 41, Part 3

Proposed Accrediting Policies and Procedures

Introduction Michael A. Fahey

Excellence in the Professions: What Theological Schools Can Learn from Law, Business, and Medical Schools Elizabeth A. Dreyer

The Revolution in Ministry Training Harry L. Poe

Theological Education by Conversation: Particularity and Pluralism Mary Elizabeth Mullino Moore

Field Education and the Theological Education Debates Donald F. Beisswenger

The Questions of Distance Education Elizabeth Patterson

The Attraction and Retention of U.S. Hispanics to the Doctor of Ministry Program Kenneth G. Davis and Philip E. Lampe

Spiritual Formation in the Academy: A Unifying Model Gordon T. Smith

The Gifts of Urban Theological Education: A Personal and Professional Reflection Efrain Agosto

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Introduction Jeanne P. McLean

Academic Leadership: Roles, Issues, and Challenges Jane I. Smith

A New Dean Meets a New Day in Theological Education James Hudnut-Beumler

The Once and Future Dean: Reflections on Being a Chief Academic Officer Elizabeth C. Nordbeck

To a Candidate for Academic Leadership: A Letter Russell E. Richey

Of Force Fields and Aspirations: Being an Academic Dean in the Nineteen-Nineties Brian O. McDermott, S.J.

Academic Administration as an Inner Journey Gordon T. Smith

Developing the Community of Scholars James L. Waits

Introduction Elizabeth C. Nordbeck

Conversion of Mind and Heart in Theological Education Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ

Integrating Ministry and Theology: One Seminary’s Story Bruce E. Shields

Dialogue and Advocacy: A Case Study of a Course on Human Sexuality Susanne Johnson and Patricia H. Davis

Theological Education as Pastoral Care J. Earl Thompson, Jr.

Writing Practice and Pedagogy Across the Curriculum: Teaching Writing in a Theological Context Lucretia Bailey Yaghjian

Renewing the Practices of Ministry Malcolm L. Warford

Teaching Research Skills in Clinical Pastoral Education Margot Hover

Congregations and Theological Education and Research Thomas Edward Frank

Congregational Studies and Critical Pedagogy in Theological Perspective Robert K. Martin

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Introduction Michael A. Fahey

Delivering Theological Education That Works Kenneth O. Gangel

Understanding Adult Learners: Challenges for Theological Education Christine E. Blair

The Ashram as a Model for Theological Education Kraig Klaudt

Urban Theological Education: A Conversation about Curriculum Warren Dennis, Katie Day, and Ron Peters

Theological Education for Urban Ministry: A Survey of U.S. Seminaries Robert V. Kemper

The Shapes of Goodness: Theological Libraries Journeying to the Millennium Timothy D. Lincoln

The Art and Politics of Deaning Wilson Yates

The U.S. Bossey Assessment Project: An Introduction John B. Lindner and Linda-Marie Delloff

Ecumenical Formation: A Methodology for a Pluralistic Age John B. Lindner

Embracing Estrangement Linda-Marie Delloff

Worship and Prayer in Ecumenical Formation John H. Erickson and Eileen W. Lindner

Learning a Religious Tradition: Identity by Contrast Bertice Y. Wood

Does What Is Taught at Bossey Equal What Is Learned? Michael Gilligan

Two Agendas for Ecumenical Formation Heidi Hadsell

Ecumenical Formation: Ecumenical Reflections and Suggestions Alan C. Clark and Metropolitan Elias Audi

Supplementary Reading

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Introduction Michael A. Fahey

Seminary Sabbatical: A Guide to Interdisciplinary Travel Elaine Cathcart Nocks

When Professors Become Counselors: Ethical Land Mines in the Seminary Mark Davies

Training Church Musicians: What are the Appropriate Methods? Edward Foley, Capuchin

Wisdom Communities: Models for Christian Formation and Pedagogy Mary Margaret Pazdan

Who’s Mentoring the Mentors? The Discipling Dimension of Faculty Development in Christian Higher

Education Shelly Cunningham

U.S. Hispanics/Latinos and the Field of Graduate Theological Education Manuel Jesús Mejido

Black Theology on Theological Education Dwight N. Hopkins

Educational Assessment for Future Consideration Evelyn A. McDonald

The Vision, Values, and Vocation of a Development Officer in a School of Theology and Ministry Vincent Cushing, O.F.M.

Introduction Daniel O. Aleshire

Developing New Evaluative Structures and Procedures Susan E. Davies, Bangor Theological Seminary

Evaluation: Context, Lessons, and Methods James A. Meek, Covenant Theological Seminary

Assessment and Institutional Improvement: A Case Study David Hogue, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Under Review: Comments on the Reaccreditation Process

Using the New ATS Accrediting Standards William H. Brackney and R.E. Vosburgh, McMaster Divinity College

Set in Motion: The Story of Transitions at Memphis Theological Seminary Mary Lin Hudson, Memphis Theological Seminary

Evaluation and the Educational Effectiveness Circle Sarah Ann Sharkey, O.P., Oblate School of Theology

Assessment and Planning in a University-Related Theological School Dale Launderville, O.S.B., Saint John’s University School of Theology

Mission-Focused Evaluation: A Work in Progress Duane A. Priebe and Kathleen L. Priebe, Wartburg Theological Seminary

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Foreword Robert J. Schreiter, S.J.


Editor’s Introduction

Stumbling in the Right Direction William Lesher and Donald Shriver

The Changing Terrain of “Globalization” in ATS Conversations Fumitaka Matsuoka

Words and Deeds: An Informal Assessment of Globalization in Theological Schools Daniel O. Aleshire


Editor’s Introduction

The Calculus of Global Culture Kathryn Poethig

Religion and Theology in Global Culture Robert J. Schreiter, S.J.

with excerpts from The New Catholicity: Theology Between the Global and the Local Globalization, Faith,

and Theological Education Max L. Stackhouse

A Decade of Special Issues on Globalization in Theological Education


Collective Wisdom: What ATS Schools Have Learned about Establishing, Sustaining, and Evaluating Good Cross-

Cultural Relationships Judith A. Berling


Getting Down to Cases: Responses to Globalization in ATS Schools Judith A. Berling


Editor’s Introduction

Globalization, World Religions, and Theological Education M. Thomas Thangaraj

If Globalization Is True, What Shall We Do? Toward a Theology of Ministry Max L. Stackhouse

One in Christ: An Intra-Christian Conversation on Christianity and Difference in a Global World Robert F. Ferris and Judith A. Berling

Resistance to the “Globalization” Emphasis in ATS Schools from Theological Educators from Other Parts of the

World William Lesher and Barbara Brown Zikmund

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Introduction Daniel O. Aleshire

Theme Introduction The Editors

A Review of Literature on Distance Education Linda Cannell

A Survey of Accrediting Agency Standards and Guidelines for Distance Education Samuel K. Roberts

An Examination of Formational and Transformational Issues in Conducting Distance Learning Anne Reissner

Using Computers in Theological Education: Rules of Thumb Scott Cormode

Summaries of Two Experimental Distance Education Programs Jimmy Dukes and Gregory W. Bourgond

Report of the Survey of ATS Schools on Educational Technology and Distance Education Katherine E. Amos


An Integrated Approach to Theological Education Patricia A. Lamoureux

Pedagogy of the Repressed: What Keeps Seminarians from Transformational Learning? F. LeRon Shults

Writing Practical Christian Wisdom: Genre and the Doctor of Ministry Dissertation Timothy D. Lincoln

Introduction Daniel O. Aleshire

Some Reflections on Institutional and Cultural Issues Facing Theological Education Vincent Cushing, OFM

Theological Education Beyond 2000: A Canadian Perspective C. Douglas Jay

Reflections on My Twenty-Five Years in Theological Education Barbara Brown Zikmund

Theological Education at the Edge of a New Century Russell H. Dilday

Looking Forward, Looking Backward: A View of Theological Education at the Beginning of a New Millennium James L. Waits

Theological Education in the Twenty-First Century Luder G. Whitlock, Jr.


Our Words Are Beginning to Make It So: ATS Schools on Cross-Cultural Relationships and Globalization Judith A. Berling

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Phyllis Anderson

Theme Introduction Robin W. Lovin and Richard J. Mouw

The Public Character of Theological Education: An Evangelical Perspective David Jones, Jeffrey Greenman, Christine Pohl

The Public Character of Theological Education: A Perspective from Roman Catholic Schools of Theology and

Seminaries Jeremiah J. McCarthy, William Morell, O.M.I., William McGrattan, Daniel McLellan, O.F.M., Kevin O’Neil, C.Ss.R.

The Public Character of Mainline Theological Education Elizabeth C. Nordbeck, Douglas F. Ottati

The Public Character of the University-Related Divinity School Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, Robin W. Lovin, Richard J. Wood


A Contextual Theology of Leadership Diane Kennedy, O.P.

A Womanist Perspective on Spirituality in Leadership Emilie M. Townes

Teaching from a Community Context: The Role of the Field Educator in Theological Education Robert T. O’Gorman, Kathleen Talvacchia, and W. Michael Smith

Publications by Members of the Association for Theological Field Education: Survey Results Charlotte McDaniel


From “Talking Shop” to “Setting an Agenda”: Leadership Education Toward 2005 Jack L. Seymour, Edward L. Wheeler, and William R. Myers

A Womanist Perspective on Spirituality in Leadership Emilie M. Townes

Issues and Challenges in Theological Education: Three Reflections Joseph C. Hough, Jr., Richard J. Mouw, and Robert M. Franklin

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Theme Introduction Robin W. Lovin and Richard J. Mouw

Spirituality and Public Character: A Qualitative Cross-Sectional Study of Master of Divinity Students in Toronto Jeffrey P. Greenman and Yau Man Siew

Educating for Public Ministry: Models and Strategies for Mainline Seminaries Elizabeth Nordbeck and Douglas Ottati

From the Margins to the Center: Exploring the Seminary’s Leadership Role in Developing the Public Presence of

Pentecostalism Cheryl Bridges Johns

A Public Voice: Preaching on Justice Issues Ray John Marek, OMI, and Daniel E. Harris, CM

Making Connections: Faith in the Public Square Daniel McLellan, OFM

Connecting Faith and Vocational Discipleship at Covenant Theological Seminary Donald C. Guthrie and James A. Meek

Responsibility, Repentance, and Right Relations Phyllis D. Airhart and Roger C. Hutchinson

Geographies of Memory: Theological Reflections on Racial Reconciliation in South Africa and the United States L. Gregory Jones, Willie James Jennings


The Seminary Chapel Building as Spiritual Formation James F. White

Technology and Educational Practices Louis Charles Willard

ATS Work on Race and Ethnicity Daniel Aleshire and Marsha Foster Boyd

Diversity and Accreditation: A Measure of Quality Michael Gilligan

Diversity in Theological Education Charles R. Foster

Student Diversity and Theological Education Barbara Mei Leung Lai, Ruth Vuong, and Francis Lonsway

Reflections on Institutional Issues Related to Race and Ethnicity in ATS Schools Julia M. Speller and Jack L. Seymour

The Theological Education of U.S. Hispanics Edwin I. Hernández, Kenneth G. Davis, and Catherine Wilson

Theologies in Dialogue—Building Bridges Anthony Pinn and Benjamin Valentin


Cultivating a Culture of the Call: A Model for Lay Theological Education Susan Willhauck

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The Character and Assessment of Learning for Religious Vocation: M.Div. Education and Numbering the Levites Daniel O. Aleshire

Learning Goals and the Assessment of Learning in Theological Schools: A Preliminary Survey Gordon T. Smith and Charles M. Wood

Knowing and Caring Charles M. Wood

Getting to the Question: Assessment and the Professional Character of Ministry Victor J. Klimoski

What is the Literature Saying about Learning and Assessment in Higher Education? Carolyn M. Jurkowitz

Exploring the Process of Learning and Assessment: Report on the ATS Workshop on Assessing Theological

Learning Eleanor A. Daniel

Assessing Assessment: An Accreditation Visitor’s View of ATS Outcome-Oriented Standards Loyde H. Hartley


Worship and Learning E. Byron Anderson

Infusing the Graduate Theological Curriculum with Education about Disability Robert C. Anderson

Judicatory-Based Theological Education Lance R. Barker and B. Edmon Martin

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Introduction Jeremiah J. McCarthy

Holding Itself Accountable: The Board’s Responsibility for Self-Assessment Rebekah Burch Basinger

Presidential Assessment: The Delicate Balance Vincent Cushing, O.F.M.

Faculty Evaluation: Conversations with Colleagues Richard Benson, C.M.

Assessing Spiritual Formation in Christian Seminary Communities H. Frederick Reisz, Jr.

Student Evaluation at Kenrick School of Theology Lawrence C. Brennan, S.T.D.

Formational Initiatives at Wycliffe College Merv Mercer

A Call to Growth: The Potential of the Profiles of Ministry Program Francis A. Lonsway

The Pragmatics of Assessing Master of Divinity Students William R. Myers

Assessing a Doctor of Ministry Program Barbara Horkoff Mutch

Serendipity or Grace? What Evaluation Has Taught Us about Education and Ecclesiology in Distance Learning Charles E. Bouchard, O.P.

Assessment of Student Learning: Some Perspectives John H. Erickson

Assessment of Ministry Preparation to Increase Understanding John Harris


The Quality of Doctor of Ministry Education in 2002: What Program Directors Think Timothy D. Lincoln

Weaving Garments of Grace: En-Gendering a Theology of the Call to Ordained Ministry for Women Today Joy Ann McDougall

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Introduction David R. Stewart

What’s a Seminary Library for? Timothy D. Lincoln

Jam To-morrow and Jam Yesterday, but Never Jam To-day: The Dilemma of Theology Libraries Planning for the

Twenty-first Century Jack W. Ammerman

Changing Libraries, Changing Collections Donald M. Vorp

Is There Anything Worthwhile on the Web? A Cooperative Project to Identify Scholarly Resources

in Theology and Religion Eileen Crawford, Amy Limpitlaw, and Bill Hook

Incorporating Global Perspectives into Theological Education: The Role of the Library Martha Lund Smalley and Paul F. Stuehrenberg

Librarians and Teaching Faculty in Collaboration: New Incentives, New Opportunities Melody Layton McMahon

Is There a Strategic Alliance in Your Future? Lessons Learned from Library Consortia Ann Hotta

Information Literacy in Theological Education Douglas L. Gragg

Assessing Library Performance in a New Landscape, or “How Did We Do Today?” Jan Malcheski



Reducing the Identity Crisis in Doctor of Ministry Education Charles J. Conniry Jr.

Getting Them Through the Doctor of Ministry Dissertation Steve Delamarter

Thinking Again about the Reformed Tradition and Public Life Mark Douglas, Lewis Mudge, and Jim Watkins

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Interview Study of Roman Catholic Students Frederic Maples and Katarina Schuth

Interpreting Protestant Student Voices Yau Man Siew and Gary Peluso-Verdend

Learning from the First Years: Noteworthy conclusions from the Parish Experience of Recent Graduates of ATS

Schools Michael I. N. Dash, Jimmy Dukes, and Gordon T. Smith

To Theologians: From One Who Cares about Theology but is Not One of You Nicholas Wolterstorff

ATS Luce Consultation on Theological Scholarship, May 2003 The Association of Theological Schools

Crafting Research that Will Contribute to Theological Education Mark G. Toulouse


Academic Challenges for “Equipping the [new diverse] Saints for Ministry” Kathryn Mapes

Theological Education and Hybrid Models of Distance Learning Steve Delamarter and Daniel L. Brunner

A Response Regarding ATS Standard 10: Multiple Locations and Distance Education Louis Charles Willard

Theological Education Index: 1964–2004

Rethinking Pastoral Formation at Wartburg Theological Seminary: Using Graduates’ Experiences

in Parish Leadership Craig L. Nessan and David A. Roozen

Beyond Wish Lists for Pastoral Leadership:

Assessing Clergy Behavior and Congregational Outcomes to Guide Seminary Curriculum John Dreibelbis and David Gortner

Hearing the Congregation’s Voice in Evaluating/Revising the MDiv Curriculum:

The Church Relations Council Gary Peluso-Verdend and Jack Seymour

Reflection Seminars as Loci for Critical Thinking Charlotte McDaniel

Learning Congregational Leadership in Context: A Case Study in Contextualizing Theological Education Randy A. Nelson

Hearing the Congregation’s Voice in Theological Education: A Response to the Consultation Conversation Charles R. Foster

Discerning and Participating in God’s Mission: The Relationship between Seminaries and Congregations Inagrace T. Dietterich


Teaching Theology with Due Regard to Experience and Context Frank D. Rees

The Pastorate as a Metaphor for the Seminary Presidency: A Focus Study in the Theological Education Journal Roy A. Andrews

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Planning for Innovation: A Framework for Reflective Practice Victor Klimoski

What Does All This (Technology) Mean for the Church? John P. Jewell

Not Just One More Good Idea:

A Reflection on the Integration of Digital Technology in Theological Education Jan Viktora

Theological Reflection, Theology and Technology:

When Baby Boomer Theologians Teach Generations X & Y Edward Foley

Implications of a Digital Age for Theological Education William J. Hook

Mapping Structural Change David Neidert and John Aukerman

What Difference Does it Make? Digital Technology in the Theological Classroom Mary Hess

Low Cost Things One Can Do that Have an Impact James Rafferty

A New Tool or a New Way of Doing Theological Education? Steve Delamarter


Tethered Together: A Study of the Relationship between a Seminary and its Denomination David G. Forney

Is Preaching Taught or Caught? How Practitioners Learn Ronald Allen

Revisiting H. Richard Niebuhr’s The Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry:

Love of God and Neighbor as the Goal of Theological Education Frederick W. Guyette

Considering Consortia William R. Myers

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Vocation in a New Key: Spiritual Formation and the Assessment of Learning Mary Kay Oosdyke

Speaking Assessment in the Local Vernacular Linda Lee Clader

Leclercq among the Blue Devils: Assessing Theological Learning in the Modern University Willie James Jennings

Progressing Toward Ministry: Student Perceptions of the Dispositional Evaluation Process

at Emmanuel School of Religion Jack Holland

Preparing Leaders for Mission: The Experience of Assessment at Luther Seminary James L. Boyce and Richard W. Nysse

Practicing Assessment/Resisting Assessment Robert A. Cathey

Preaching, Proclamation, and Pedagogy: An Experiment in Integrated Assessment Elaine Park

Moving the Mission Statement into the Classroom Jo-Ann Badley

Evaluation Rubrics: Weaving a Coherent Fabric of Assessment Stephen Graham, Kimberly Sangster, and Yasuyuki Kamata

Toward an Integrated Model of Assessment Dennis H. Dirks


Profiles of Ministry: History and Current Research Francis A. Lonsway

Imagining Faith: The Biblical Imagination in Theory and Practice Mary Karita Ivancic

Summary Report I

Strategic Advances in Theological Education:

Theological Programs for High School Youth, 1999–2004 Carol E. Lytch

A Response to the Summary Report on Theological Programs for High School Youth Malcolm Warford

Summary Report II

Strengthening Congregational Ministry: A Report on a Program to Enhance Theological Schools’ Capacities to

Prepare Candidates for Congregational Ministry, 1999–2003 Kathleen A. Cahalan

Reflections on the Agency of Theological Schools:

A Response to the Strengthening Congregational Ministry Summary Report Jonathan P. Strandjord


The Churches and the Preparation of Candidates for Ministry Francis A. Lonsway

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Cross-Cultural Learning as a Paradigm for Encountering Educational Technology Gayle Gerber Koontz

Technology in the Classroom: A Missiologist’s Perspective Arun W. Jones

Using Film to Teach Theology Linda Mercadante

Beyond Entertainment: A Rationale for the Pedagogy of Technology in the Classroom Kenneth D. Snyder

Information Technology for Theological Education at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Elizabeth Van Kleeck

Technology Development at Ashland Theological Seminary Vickie Taylor and Dale Stoffer

The Times, They Are A-Changin’:

How a Training Seminar for Online Education Changed a Seminary One Faculty Member at a Time Jeff Groeling and Lester Ruth

A Case Narrative of Bethel Seminary’s InMinistry Program Kristin M. Anderson

Taking Control of our Future: Kenrick-Glennon Seminary Sebastian Mahfood

Establishing Social Presence in Online Courses: Why and How Mary Hinkle Shore

Web Site Design as a Dynamic Companion in Developing Learning Resources Barbara Anne Keely


A Dozen Qualities of the Good Dean Mark G. Toulouse

Using Participatory Action Research in Seminary Internships Cameron Harder

What’s in an Instrument? The Answer from the Profiles of Ministry Program Francis A. Lonsway

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Reflections of an “Investigative Journalist” on the Four Content Areas of the MDiv Robert T. O’Gorman

Curriculum Revision—Ongoing or Sporadic Shawn L. Oliver

For Such a Time as This: Why We Use an Outcomes-Based Model J. Dorcas Gordon

Mission Possible: Making Use of the School’s Mission Statement in Curriculum Review Michael Jinkins

Curriculum Revision and Assessment: Do Your Degree Requirements Still Make Sense the Day after Graduation Richard Benson

Best Practices in Master of Divinity Curriculum Revision: A Research Report Jack L. Seymour

The Common Vocation of Curriculum Building David C. Hester

OPEN FORUM Problem-Based Learning and the Master of Divinity Program

Hans Madueme and Linda Cannell

Consortia Redux William R. Myers

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Stewardship in Education: A World-Bridging Concept Timothy D. Lincoln

Who is it for? The Publics of Theological Research Efrain Agosto

Advancing Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Theological Education: A Model for Reflection and Action Fernando A. Cascante-Gómez

Crafting Theological Research Carl R. Holladay

Theoretical Perspectives on Integrative Learning Sarah Birmingham Drummond

Young Evangelical Church Planters Hutz H. Hertzberg and Francis A. Lonsway

Distance Hybrid Master of Divinity: A Course-Blended Program Developed by Western Theological Seminary Meri MacLeod

Theological Education in a Multicultural Environment: Empowerment or Disempowerment? Cameron Lee, Candace Shields, Kirsten Oh

DB 4100: The God of Jesus Christ—A Case Study for a Missional Systematic Theology Stephen Bevans

Making Haste Slowly: Celebrating the Future of Theological Schools Daniel O. Aleshire

Brief History of Task Force Meetings of the Theological Schools and the Church Project Faith Rohrbough

The Canadian Ecology Peter Wyatt

The Ecology of Evangelical Seminaries Ron Benefiel

The Turbulent Ecology of Mainline Protestantism James Wind

The Seminaries and the Church: Analysis of an Ecology from the Roman Catholic Perspective Charles Bouchard and Zeni Fox

The Church/Theological School Relationship in Canada: A Reflection on Historical and Recent Trends Sandra Beardsall

The Seminaries and the Churches: Looking for New Relationships Timothy P. Weber

Recommendations of the Task Forceof the Theological Schools and the Church Project Faith E. Rohrbough and Laura Mendenhall

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POINT-COUNTERPOINT Vocabularies Matter 1

William Greenway and Lee A. Wetherbee

ISSUE FOCUS Governance and the Future of Theological Education

Daniel O. Aleshire

Governance: What is it? G. Douglass Lewis

Faculty Powers in Shared Governance David L. Tiede

More than Simply Getting Along: The Goal of Shared Governance in Theological Schools Rebekah Burch Basinger

Report from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities Eleazar S. Fernandez and Richard D. Weis

Report from Iliff School of Theology Jacob Kinnard and Ann Graham Brock

Report from Multnomah Biblical Seminary John L. Terveen

Report from St. Peter’s Seminary John Dool and Brian Dunn

Report from Denver Seminary W. David Buschart and Bradley J. Widstrom

Report from Ashland Theological Seminary Wyndy Corbin Reuschling and Lee Wetherbee

Attending to the Collective Vocation Gordon T. Smith

The Academic Teacher and the Practical Needs of the Clergy John Bright

Gifts Differing: The Educational Value of Race and Ethnicity Daniel O. Aleshire

Engaging Borders: Lifting Up Difference and Unmasking Division Gary Riebe-Estrella

Latino/a Theological Education: Defining the Table David Maldonado

Case Study: Hood Theological Seminary Christopher R. Hutson

What Do We Do with the Diversity that We Already Are?

The Asian and Asian North American in Accredited Graduate Theological Education Lester Edwin J. Ruiz and Eleazar S. Fernandez

Online Theological Education: Perspectives from First-Generation Asian American Students Roger S. Nam

CORE: An Evolving Initiative Janice Edwards-Armstrong

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Three Coins in the Fountain: Female Leadership in Theological Education Barbara Brown Zikmund

Response to Personal Realities: Who is she? How did she get there? What does she think? How does she cope? Sharon Henderson Callahan

Better than Gold: Reflections on Section Two: Professional Relationships and Institutional Factors Sandra Beardsall

Systemic Challenges: One Dean’s Response Anne B. Yardley

A Tragedy of Women’s Leadership in Theological Education Michelle Sungshin Lim

Women in Leadership in North American Theological Education Eleanor Moody Shepherd

Women and Men in Leadership in Theological Education Barbara G. Wheeler and Sharon L. Miller

Women’s Well-Being in Seminary: A Qualitative Study Mary L. Jensen, Mary Sanders, and Steven J. Sandage

Leadership Success Strategies for Women Diane Kennedy

Crafting Research in the Service of Theological Education Joel B. Green

“Doers of the Word”: Research and Teaching in Theology Brian E. Daley, SJ

Crafting Research that Contributes to Theological Education Emilie M. Townes

History, Seminary, and Vocation E. Brooks Holifield

The Mystery of Meaning Kathleen O’Connor


Honoring the Body: Nurturing Wellness through Seminary Curriculum and Community Life Mary Chase-Ziolek

Faculty Vocation and Governance within a Consortium of Denominationally Accountable Seminaries Larry Perkins

Seminaries, Congregations, and Clergy: Lifelong Partners in Theological Education C. Franklin Granger

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Deconstructing the Gender Issue in the 2010 Standards of Accreditation Daniel O. Aleshire

Adaptive Leadership: Planning in a Time of Transition Nick Carter

MDiv: Still the “Gold Standard” Degree? Randy MacFarland

Adaptive Leadership: Planning in a Time of Transition Linda Cannell

Does A Secular Age Need the Seminary? Considerations on Alternative Forms of Ministerial Preparation Glenn T. Miller

Waiting for a Divine Bailout: Theological Education for Today and Tomorrow Alice Hunt

The Future has Arrived: Changing Theological Education in a Changed World Daniel O. Aleshire


Dancing a Cosmic Prayer: Creativity, Collaboration, and Spiritlinking in Women’s Leadership Sharon Henderson Callahan

Christian Hospitality and Pastoral Practices in a Multifaith Society: An ATS Project, 2010–2012 Stephen R. Graham

Christian Hospitality and Pastoral Practices from an Evangelical Perspective Sang-Ehil Han, Paul Louis Metzger, and Terry C. Muck

The Mainline’s New Moment: Hospitable Christian Practice in a Multireligious World Frances S. Adeney, Duane R. Bidwell, and Elizabeth Johnson Walker

Christian Hospitality and Pastoral Practices from a Roman Catholic Perspective Mary C. Boys and Scott C. Alexander

Guests of Religious Others: Theological Education in the Pluralistic World Amos Yong

Educating Religious Leaders for a Multireligious World: Outcomes and Learning David A. Roozen

Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for Conduct World Council of Churches, Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, and World Evangelical Alliance

OPEN FORUM Theological Diversity in a Liberal Seminary: United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities

Sharon M. Tan

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Taking Interfaith Off the Hill: Revelation in the Abrahamic Traditions Gregory Mobley

The Pastoral Practice of Christian Hospitality as Presence

in Muslim-Christian Engagement: Contextualizing the Classroom Mary Hess

Raising Awareness of Christian Hospitality and Pastoral Practices: Equipping Ourselves for a Multifaith World Barbara Sutton

Christian Hospitality in a World of Many Faiths:

Equipping the New Generation of Religious Leaders in a Multifaith Context Eleazar S. Fernandez

Caring Hospitably in Multifaith Situations Daniel S. Schipani

Interfaith Perspectives on Religious Practices Timothy H. Robinson and Nancy Ramsay

Putting into Practice an Intercultural Approach to Spiritual Care with Veterans Carrie Doehring and Kelly Arora

Table Fellowship with Our Buddhist Neighbors for Beloved Community Paul Louis Metzger

Developing a Cultural Competency Module to Facilitate Christian Hospitality and Promote Pastoral Practices

in a Multifaith Society Paul De Neui and Deborah Penny


Pedagogic Principles for Multifaith Education Rabbi Or N. Rose

Christian Hospitality and Muslims Amir Hussain

Muslim Studies in a Christian Theological School: The Muslim Studies Program at Emmanuel College in Toronto Mark G. Toulouse

2013, Vol. 48, No. 1 “Bifocaling” Faculty and Formation Reciprocal Ecology: A Comprehensive Model of Spiritual Formation in Theological Education

Mary E. Lowe and Stephen D. Lowe

Formation and the Education of Ministers Kathleen Hope Brown

Assessing a Program of Spiritual Formation Using Pre and Post Self-Report Measures Karen Kangas Dwyer and Edward M. Hogan

Held Hostage by Method? Interrupting Pedagogical Assumptions—Latinamente Carmen Nanko-Fernández

Does Our Understanding Lack Complexity? Faculty Perceptions on Multicultural Education Deborah Gin

Loving the Questions: Finding Food for the Future of Theological Education in the Lexington Seminar Mary Hess

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2014, Vol. 48, No. 2 Resourcing Theological Education Seminary and University: Challenges and Opportunities

John (Jay) Phelan

A Changed Game, and Changing the Game: Adapting to New Realities and Innovating New Solutions Jay Marshall, Matthew Hisrich, and Jane Marie Pinzino

Toward a Model for Consortial Sharing of E-books among Theological Libraries Stephanie Fletcher, Kevin Compton, and Rebecca Miller

From Resistance to Resurrection: Meadville Lombard’s TouchPointSM Model of Theological Education Michael S. Hogue

Friend or Foe? The Role of the Scholar in Emerging Christianity Steven Studebaker and Lee Beach

Theological Education and Economic Revitalization: Creating Sustainable Organizations through Authentic Engagement

Edward Antonio, Kelly Arora, Carrie Doehring, and Albert Hernández

Phased Faculty Retirement: A Positive Solution for Faculty and Seminaries Janet Craigmiles, James R. Moore, and Tite Tiénou

Disability and Theological Education: A North American Study Naomi Annandale and Erik W. Carter

2014, Vol. 49, No. 1 50th Anniversary, 1964–2014 What’s Theological About Theological Education?

Richard J. Mouw

Learning Amidst Transforming Traditions Mary Hess

The Rest of the Story: Edward Farley, Thinking About Things and Other Frivolities: A Life Glenn T. Miller

America’s Changing Religious and Cultural Landscape and its Implications for Theological Education Nancy T. Ammerman

The Change We Need: Race and Ethnicity in Theological Education Willie James Jennings

From the Last Fifty Years and into the Next Fifty Justo L. González

Theological Education at Fifty: Then and Now Stephen R. Graham and Eliza Smith Brown

Fifty Years of Accrediting Theological Schools Daniel O. Aleshire

CONTINUING THE CONVERSATION Finding the Right Niche: A Case Study on the Relationship between Seminary and University

Joseph P. Chinnici, OFM, and Mary Lyons

OPEN FORUM Beyond the Evangelical-Ecumenical Divide for Theological Education in the Twenty-first Century: A Pentecostal Assist

Amos Yong

A Few Words of Advice: Linking Ministry, Research on Ministry, and Theological Education Timothy D. Lincoln

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2015, Vol. 49, No. 2 The Changing Character of Faculty Work What Would Kant Tweet? The Utilization of Online Technology in Courses Involving Formation, Meaning, and Value

Ron Mercer and Mark Simpson

Online Education and Curricular Design James Spencer

The Itinerant Scholar-Teacher: Reflections on Twenty Years as an Adjunct Faculty Member Kathleen Henderson Staudt

A Future in the Hyphen: The Dawning of the Faculty-Administrator Michael R. Trice

What Is Expected from the Faculty of the Future? Tightened Budgets, Curricular Innovation, and Defining Faculty Identity at Luther Seminary

Matthew L. Skinner

Big Data for Faculty Development in Research and Teaching Andrew J. Peterson

A Pedagogy of Engagement for the Changing Character of the 21st Century Classroom Roy E. Barsness and Richard D. Kim

CONTINUING THE CONVERSATION A Response to “Phased Faculty Retirement”

Mark R. Ramseth

OPEN FORUM To the Ends of the Earth: Cultural Considerations for Global Online Theological Education

Melinda Thompson and Meri MacLeod

2015, Vol. 50, No. 1 Economic Equilibrium in Theological Education Economic Equilibrium and Theological Schools: A Project Report

Stephen R. Graham

OPEN FORUM Core Components of Successful Doctor of Ministry Programs

Elisabeth A. Nesbit Sbanotto and Ronald D. Welch

Learning from Canada: Canadian Religious History and the Future of Theological Education in North America Mark A. Noll

A Comprehensive, Holistic, and Integrated Approach to Professional Sexual Ethics in Theological Education Darryl W. Stephens and Patricia Beattie Jung

Online Theological Education: Three Undertheorized Issues Edwin Chr. van Driel

Antecedents to a Hopeful Future: Challenges for the Theological Faculty William R. Myers

What Progressive Protestants Can Learn from Jewish Engagement with Scripture Rachel S. Mikva