the top 10 reason why invest at hong kong

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  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Hong Kong

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    25/F, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

    Tel: (852) 3107 1000 Fax: (852) 3107 9007

    E-mail: [email protected] Website:

    Hong Kongs international business environment, strategic location,

    dynamic people and cosmopolitan lifestyle will help make your

    business in Hong Kong a success, and an integral component of your

    overseas operations.

    InvestHK is the award-winning department of the Hong Kong SAR

    Government responsible for supporting overseas, Mainland and

    Taiwanese companies to set-up and expand in Hong Kong. We have

    offices in 27 business cities worldwide and industry specialists based

    in our Hong Kong headquarters.

    Every year hundreds of small and large companies use InvestHKs free

    and confidential services to help build their businesses. Our clientstell us these are the top 10 reasons why they chose to invest in Hong


    Please get in touch to find out how InvestHK can help your business

    succeed in Hong Kong:

    E-mail: [email protected]


  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    Strategically located at the heart of Asia

    Hong Kong is positioned at the gateway to China and the Pearl River

    Delta the factory of the world. All Asias key markets are within

    3-4 hours flight time and half the worlds population is within 5 hours

    flight time.

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    Gateway to Mainland China

    For more than 150 years, Hong Kong has been the preferred entry point

    to Mainland China for businesses. The Closer Economic Partnership

    Arrangement (CEPA), a free trade agreement between the Central

    Peoples Government and the Government of the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region, allows any Hong Kong company, regardless of

    nationality, preferential access to the Mainland China market. All goods

    qualified as Hong Kong origin may be exported to the Mainland tariff

    free. Moreover, Hong Kong service suppliers in 42 areas are eligible to

    receive preferential treatment in providing services in the Mainland.

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    Low and simple tax system

    From a tax standpoint, Hong Kong is one of the best places to live in

    the world. It has the lowest tax misery in Asia Pacific (3rd lowest in

    the world), 37 points less than Singapores and 117.5 points less than

    Mainland Chinas, according to the Forbes Tax Misery Index 2009. Profittax is a maximum 16.5% and salary tax is a maximum 15%. The city has

    no goods and services levy and does not tax offshore income, dividends,

    interest, capital gains or inheritance income. And the duty on both wine

    and beer is zero.

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    A stable and efficient pro-business environment

    Hong Kong has the second best opacity in the world after Finland

    (source: 2009 Opacity Index, Milken Institute). The Opacity Index

    measures high-frequency, low-impact risks: corruption, legal system,

    efficiency, economic and enforcement policies which indicate poorlyfunctioning governments and increased cost of doing business and

    business risk. Hong Kong has a clean pro-business government, an

    independent legal system and practices free market principles.

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    Worlds freest economy

    Hong Kong enjoys free flow of capital, talent, information and goods

    and services. The city has been ranked the Worlds Freest Economy for

    over a decade (sources: Heritage Foundation/Wall Street Journal and

    Fraser Institute).

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    One of the worlds most competitive locations

    Hong Kong is ranked the second most competitive location in the world

    (source: IMD World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2009). Hong Kong

    ranked first in business efficiency, second in government efficiency and

    third in economic performance.

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    World-class infrastructure: transport and


    Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is one of the worlds top

    international airports and the worlds fifth busiest international

    passenger airport, handling nearly 50 million passengers in 2008. Over

    85 airlines operate out of HKIA, linking Hong Kong to more than

    155 worldwide locations. HKIA was the worlds busiest international

    cargo airport for the 12th consecutive year (source: Airport Council

    International). Hong Kong has one of the worlds busiest container

    ports. Hong Kong has been ranked as one of the most e-ready

    economies in the world (source: Economist Intelligence Unit). Hong

    Kongs telecommunications sector is fully privatised and has one of the

    highest mobile penetration rates in the world.

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    A leading international financial centre

    Hong Kong is Chinas international financial capital and one of the

    most competitive financial centres in Asia (source: The Global Financial

    Centres Index, March 2009, City of London Corporation). Hong Kong

    ranks first in Asia and second in the world in terms of access to capital:Its general financial environment is among the worlds best, with a

    sound banking system, a relatively large equity market and diversified

    sources of business funding, including venture capital. (source: Capital

    Access Index 2008, Milken Institute)

  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    Efficient, productive, skilled and multi-lingual


    Hong Kong people have an essential mix of international market savvy,

    combined with an appreciation of the business culture in the fast-

    growing Mainland China cities and across Asia. English is the usual

    language of business and contracts are written and executed in English.

    Many people in Hong Kong speak English, Cantonese and Putonghua.

    Hong Kong thrives on its strong work ethic and can-do attitude,

    industrial action is extremely rare. Hong Kong has liberal immigration


  • 8/8/2019 The Top 10 Reason Why Invest at Hong Kong


    Asias most popular city for international

    business, with a cosmopolitan lifestyle

    and vibrant expatriate community

    The city has a wide array of shops, bars and restaurants catering for allinternational cuisines. Over 40% of Hong Kong is made up of protected

    country parks, comprising mountain tracks and un-spoilt views over

    turquoise seas and isolated islands. There is a wide variety of sports

    and activities. Spouses have the right to work and there are over 50

    international schools for all age levels. Hong Kong has a high quality

    public and private healthcare and a crime rate which is the envy of cities

    worldwide, creating a comfortable living environment for families.