the traveling feather february 2012

FEBRUARY 2012 WE, THE TSE’KHENE NATION (PEOPLE OF THE ROCK) ARE PROUD PEOPLE MLIB The Traveling Feather McLeod Lake 1971 How to sell your artwork or jewelry online....... (we’ll show you) 18 No.

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Newsletter for MLIB


Page 1: The Traveling Feather February 2012


MLIB The Traveling Feather

McLeod Lake 1971

How to

sell your

artwork or


online.......(we’ll show you)


Page 2: The Traveling Feather February 2012

Hello everyone!!

Wow! Number 18 already. We still get 20+ new subscribers a month to the newsletter! The other day I started reading all the previous issues of The Traveling Feather! Lot of fun! I added all the old newsletters on the MLIB website at

The new MLIB website is very user-friendly. The previous website did not load very fast on older computers or slower connections. We hope that that problem is solved. The layout is very simple and almost looks like a big bulletin board. With a menu on the left side it is easy to find what you are looking for. The new website did go online Friday the 3rd of this month, so we will add a lot more info and content in the next two weeks. If you have any suggestions for the menu, please let us know!

Have a great day!


MLIB The Traveling Feather

Derek Orr, Adele Chingee, Jodie Ware, Kandy Klijnsmit, Ryan Bichon, Jenine Solonas, Fred Inyallie, Stephanie Chingee, Jen Dyble, Jodi Sharp, Doris

Prince, Barb Heine, Guy Rocheleau, Stephanie Rocheleau, Beth Cooper, Terra Tylee, Guy Rocheleau Geraldine Solonas & Marc P. Klijnsmit

McLeod Lake Indian Band address:

General Delivery

McLeod Lake, V0J 2G0

Toll Free 1-888-822-1143

MLIB Newsletter No.18

The Traveling Feather is published up to 12 times a year. Members of the McLeod Lake Indian Band and the

people of McLeod Lake can submit t h e i r n e w s a n d p i c t u r e s a t [email protected]

Office Opening Hours

The McLeod Lake Indian Band Office

is open Monday - Friday

8.30am - 4.00pm.


Very out of focus picture, but oh so nice!From left to right: Kathy Tylee, Beverly

Chingee, Doris Jackson, Seraphine, Gordon Solonas & Violet Chingee

Marc P. Klijnsmit

Page 3: The Traveling Feather February 2012

Adele Chingee - Band Manager


Dana chea’.It’s been an interesting 2012 Year so far. After a restful Christmas Break, MLIB faced challenges by disgruntled band members on January 3rd. After meeting with Chief and Council and voicing their concerns the individuals left the office. The issues and interests voiced by the few members were unsubstantiated and unwarranted. It’s disheartening to see that a small group of individuals feel they represent the majority of the Band and make their demands on behalf of all the band membership. In a democracy each band member has their own voice and most times speak up for themselves and their immediate family, but it is not democratic for a small minority to pretend it speaks for everyone. Unfortunately MLIB’s organization spent a lot of time and resources on damage control to offset the negative misinformation that was broadcast in the news in Northeastern BC. The misinformation that was released was potentially very damaging to our Band and organization. We can be thankful that Chief and Council and Administration have established positive relationships with Industry and Government, so that upon hearing the misinformation, both immediately showed their support of the Band and recognized that the misinformation was coming from disgruntled individuals a personal agenda. MLIB has taken pride in the fact that the Band received ‘’unqualified audits” in 2010 and 2009 and years previous and in these years, the Band’s audits have been accepted by Aboriginal Affairs. MLIB presents the results of the Annual Audits at the AGA in August and this is done by the Auditor – who is an independent 3rd party. During this time the Auditor is available to members who may have questions or want a closer review of what is presented.

We are very proud that we are in line with our Program and Services Delivery of Funds. The organization has demonstrated a good governance structure and financial accountability. This is a positive reflection on the current leadership and administration. I want to remind our members that MLIB has entered into a Community Tripartite Agreement (CTA) with Canada and BC. The CTA ensures the Band receives a culturally sensitive policing presence above and beyond the usual calls for service from police.

A First Nation Policing Constable is designated to work with the community to address all priorities. What that means is that MLIB is provided service of a First Nation Policing Constable – through the RCMP Mackenzie Detachment. The services provided by the

Page 4: The Traveling Feather February 2012

First Nations Police are set out in the Letter of Expectation (LOE). Some examples of priorities set out in the LOE are the Police will provide services in the community; attend community meetings; work with Children, Youth and Elders; regulate traffic; intervene in srug and alocohol related incidents; and so on. A copy of the LOE is available at the office. Yes, we do invite the Police to attend our community meetings to “keep the peace” because in the past we’ve had members showing up intoxicated and behaving in an unruly manner, very disruptive to the meeting. Since we’ve started having Police presence, the interruptions and intoxicants have declined drastically. We’re very happy with the statistics. It’s another example showing that the leadership and administration is doing their part in keeping people safe and moving towards a healthy community. In order to protect band assets and documents, Chief and Council approved the band office renovation. Prior to the renovation, the reception area, Band mail and office equipment was very exposed. To make it more professional and private the Reception desk and office equipment will be behind closed walls with a window for visitors to still have access to the Receptionist. MLIB wants to apologize for the clutter and confusion during the construction phase.

The Health and Safety Committee continue to meet to be compliant with WCB Rules and also the Canada Labor Code.

BC Hydro will be coming to the community on February 2nd from 10 a.m to noon to give an update to the Site C Project and answer any questions band members may have on the Site C Project. Band Members are encouraged to attend and bring up their questions and concerns with BC Hydro representatives.

MLIB will be setting community meetings and doing mail outs on the MLIB Custom Election Code Amendment. A working group has been reviewing the current document and suggesting some very necessary changes. The current document is very vague and sometimes challenging in the interpretation. Thus Chief and Council identified this as one of the priorities of the community and committed to improving the existing Custom Election Code. The last amendments date back to 2004 and before that was 1999. It is good practice to keep Codes and Documents up to date and current with the times.

We’ve hired a full-time Controller just recently. The new Controller, Michael Shaker is a certified public accountant and has experience working with First Nations. He is tasked with making improvements to MLIB’s accounting system, which was never set up properly, and thus created problems with the hundreds of general ledger charts of accounts to manage, etc. We look forward to working with the new Controller and also look forward to the new accounting system.

Page 5: The Traveling Feather February 2012


On a much lighter note, the days are getting longer and Spring is around the corner. We hope to schedule an Ice Fishing Day for the staff and as always community members are welcome to attend. We certainly got our fair share of snow fall again which is important for our rivers and lakes once Spring and Summer arrive. I want to thank the members who come up and show their support for me as I do my job. The best times are when we reminisce about the old days and burst out in laughter. I have lots of memories of living in the community and miss those days and miss all our people who we have lost but they are always there in our memories.

Take care all.


Adele Chingee

Page 6: The Traveling Feather February 2012



Email:"[email protected]"Medicine(Camp((Feb(6th(to(8th)(

- 4"Elder’s"welcome"to"attend."- If"interested,"please"call"me"for"more"details!!!!"


- 9am"to"3pm"daily"- ‘How"to"host"sharing"circle’"- If"interested,"please"call"me"for"more"details!!!!"

February(2011(Sunday( Monday( Tuesday( Wednesday( Thursday( Friday( Saturday(





1( 2(BC"Hydro"Site"C"Update"in"ML"



5( 6(Medicine"Camp"(PG)"



9( 10( 11(

12( 13( 14("Elder’s"Meeting"at"Band"Hall"

15( 16( 17(All"Nation"Elder’s"Day"Camp"in"PG"



20( 21( 22(Beading"Day"in"ML"

23( 24(Language"Conference"in"Kamloops"


26( 27( 28( 29( $If$you$have$any$more$ideas,$please$feel$free$to$share$them$with$me,$open$door$policy!!!$



- Teaching"LaHal"in"PG"- March"1st;"Lord"of"the"Dance"in"PG;"10"tickets"available!!!!!"

- March"2nd;"Cultural"Presentations"at"CNC"Mackenzie"with"Kwadacha"&"Tsay"Keh"



Page 7: The Traveling Feather February 2012


Thanks to everyone who helped cleaning up!!

Page 8: The Traveling Feather February 2012

Dear Members,

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a great holiday and enjoyed time with their loved ones. There have only been a couple of new developments since our last meeting in December. The two major developments are the court action brought by West Moberly and other First Nations in the Treaty 8 Tribal Association concerning the western boundary of Treaty 8 territory; and Chief and Council signing a Consultation Agreement with BC Hydro in regards to the proposed Site C Dam.

As we move forward into 2012, Chief and Council continue to work towards developing a budget focusing on goals of community and business development as well as Policy and Program Development.

Western Boundary Dispute

Several years ago The Treaty 8 Tribal Association brought an action against B.C. for a declaration concerning the western boundary of Treaty 8. The boundary question was left unresolved at the time McLeod Lake signed the Adhesion Agreement, with Canada and McLeod Lake saying the boundary is the Arctic/Pacific divide, and the Province saying the boundary runs through the mountains and the Pine Pass. The outcome of this litigation has a direct effect on McLeod Lake’s rights under the Adhesion Agreement, and we received a few years ago at the order of the Court a notice asking if McLeod Lake wanted to participate in the hearing in order to defend McLeod Lake’s rights. A decision was taken at that time that McLeod Lake had to participate, and the members were informed and involved.

The action has been dormant for a while, but recently Chief and Council have been notified that the Treaty 8 Tribal Association is going to proceed with the case. On January 18, Chief and Council met with Gary Nelson, the lawyer we have hired to represent us in this case to discuss the status of Treaty 8 Boundary Case. Mr Nelson was part of our legal team back when we were litigating the adhesion to Treaty, and has particular knowledge arising from that case about the boundary issue. The Kaska Dene Council has also intervened in the case.

The province alleges that the boundary of Treaty 8 territory. This allegation, if proven, will have direct effects on McLeod Lake’s territory and rights, so McLeod Lake Indian Band must be involved to protect our lands, our rights as Aboriginal peoples of Canada and our members. The Treaty 8 Tribal Association lawyers have estimated the case will take 154 days in court. We are currently working to find and budget court cost. Estimated court costs are $650,000

Page 9: The Traveling Feather February 2012

BC Hydro

On January 12, 2012 McLeod Lake Indian Band signed a Consultation Agreement with BC Hydro in relation the proposed development of the Site C Dam. BC hydro is in the third stage (Environmental Assessment Stage) of a five stage process in the development of the proposed project. The Consultation Agreement defines the relationship between MLIB and BC Hydro as we move forward. In addition the Consultation Agreement also provides capacity funding that will allow us to hold meeting to keep our Members informed. BC Hydro has allowed us to ensure the scope of the studies we must undertake are broad enough to cover our members concerns. This is a concession from them to us because before they were insisting on more limited studies. Many of our Members oppose the project. However it is through the environmental assessment process that the governments will decide whether to move forward with the proposed development. If MLIB is to make its voices heard, it must participate in the environmental assessment process or risk being ignored. It is clear that the Government have already given public support to the project and are more than likely going to approve project. Despite overwhelming challenges McLeod Lake Indian Band is working with other Treaty 8 First Nations and Environmental groups to oppose the proposed development of Site C Dam.

Policy Development

On January 24-25, 2012 I participated by teleconference to discuss proposed amendments to our Custom Election Code. Chief and Council are working with legal counsel, Albert Peeling and former Electoral Officer, Gina Beddome to help assist McLeod Lake Indian Band to develop a draft amended Election Code that can be brought forward to our Membership for direction and comment before a final draft is submitted for ratification.

Community Development

Chief and Council are currently working towards the development of community boat launch, cultural camp and waiting on the completion on a feasibility study on the development of our Gas Station. There are also a number of other developments which MLIB is working towards and these items will be reported and discussed at our next quarterly meetings.

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 250-981-1332


Chief Derek Orr

Page 10: The Traveling Feather February 2012


Environmental Technician Program

Date: May 7 - June 8, 2012

Place: CNC Mackenzie Campus

Telephone: 250-997-7200

Fax: 250-997-3779

Toll Free: 1-877-997-4333

Time: TBA - full days

Monday - Friday

Cost: $5600 plus personal equipment

HOUSE OF LEARNING Dune Koh Koodaihide (Kwadacha Nation)

Koh Ah’Kowde’ih De (Tsay Keh Dene) Whodu’ih Koh (McLeod Lake Band)

The Environmental Technician Certificate Program (ET) consists of five 1-week courses that involves classroom instruction and practical application of skills. The courses include:

Land Monitoring Skills Water Monitoring Skills Construction Site Monitoring Skills Fish and Fish Habitat Monitoring Skills Essential Environmental Skills

The ET certificate will train practitioners in environmental monitoring skills and abilities required to assist: biologists, environmental technicians, engineer, hydrologists, and site restoration and environmental monitoring professionals. Graduates find employment with private industry (consultants, mining companies, forestry companies, and oil and gas companies, etc. and First Nations Councils/Bands.

Prerequisites: Current Occupational First Aid Level 1 Certificate

Program Evaluation: Participants will need to meet or exceed the following program stan-dards in order to successfully complete the program and receive their certificate. There are no formal exams.

90% attendance for the program Demonstration of practical field skills Completion of field journal assignments

Registration is required by April 24, 2012

Page 11: The Traveling Feather February 2012


RCMP Newsletter Report

Mackenzie RCMP is reporting a decline in calls for service on

McLeod Lake Indian Band’s Community in all files plus the more

serious files under the Criminal Code of Canada.

The statistics, as shown below, is an indication of the collaboration

between Chief and Council, MLIB Administration and the

Mackenzie RCMP.

2009 – 77 files. 47 Criminal Code files.

2010 – 97 files. 57 Criminal Code files.

2011 – 67 files. 36 Criminal Code files.

Clearly the statistics show a reduction in 31% decline in calls for

service in 2011 from the previous years and 37% reduction in

Criminal Code cases.

It goes without saying that the overall goal is for the Health and

Safety of the MLIB members and the community. With joint

efforts and collaboration we will continue to meet that goal this

year and years to come.

Mussi Cho.

Mackenzie RCMP Detachment

Page 12: The Traveling Feather February 2012












H 100(students(are(on(the(Education(roaster(for(2011/2012(school(year.(

H Approximately(38(students(have(accessed(our(‘attendance’(incentive.(

o Attendance( Incentives( are( based( on( the( grade( of( the( child,( and( how( many(‘unexcused’(in(a(month.((If(a(child(has(more(than(4(unexcused,(they(will(receive($0.00( for( that(month.( (However,( if( a( child( receives( ‘excused’,( they(will( not( be(deducted( that( month( and( receive( the( full( allocated( amount.( ( Please( note,( in(order( for(your(child( to(be(considered( for( the( ‘Best(Attendance’(award,(he/she(must(not(miss(one(day(even(if(excused.(((

H Approximately(12(students(have(accessed(our(‘effort’(incentive.(

o Effort( Incentives( are( dispersed( as( they( are( received( and( processed( by( what(grade(your(child(is(in.((All(Elementary(children(can(expect(3(effort(incentives(in(one( school( year.( ( All( Secondary( children( can( expect( 4( effort( incentives( in( one(school(year;(this(may(vary(with(each(school(district/province.(((

H Please*note* that* is* it* the*parent’s* responsibility* to*ensure* that* their* child(s)*attendance/reports* are* faxed* here* on* a* regular* basis,* not* the* Education*Department.*((

H 3(students(have(accessed(our(tutoring(budget(

H Assisted(12(students(with(bus(pass,(school(fees,(etc…(

H 3( confirmed( graduates,( if( you( know( if( your( child( is( graduating,( we( do( have(

graduation( incentives,(please( call( or( email(ASAP( to(have(your( child’s(name(on( the(


H If(you(would(like(to(know(about(any(of(our(Elementary/Secondary(programs,(please(




H Three(things(I(always(look(for(when(applications(are(being(reviewed:(

• Be(offered(at(an(eligible(postHsecondary(institution((INAC(has(identified(eligible(


• Be(a(least(one(academic(year(in(length((this(normally(includes(at(least(8(months(


• Require( grade( 12( completion( for( admission( (an( institute( may( accept( an(



Page 13: The Traveling Feather February 2012

! The% deadline% for% applying% for% the% 2012/2013% school% year% is% APRIL% 1st,% otherwise%your% application% is% considered% late.% % This%may% or%may% not% have% negative% impacts,%depends%on%how%many%students%apply%to%the%Department.%%%

o To%date,%7%applications%have%been%distributed.%%%! Fall%2011%Update:%

o 15%students%full%time% 1%student%has%found%full%time%employment% 1%student%has%defaulted.% 1% student% was% not% aware% that% she% approved% for% sponsorship,% she%

continued%working.% % In% the%midst%of%my%absence%and% the% turnover% in%the%department,%her%application%has%been%deferred%for%2012/2013.%

1%student%did%not%continue%from%the%Winter%2011.%%! Winter%2012%Update:%

o 17%students%full%time% 2%new%upgrading%requests% 2% students% have% been% accepted% into% the% Mining% Industry% Certificate%





%I%am%working%very%closely%with%the%Terra%Tylee,%Employment/Training%Officer,%Doris%Prince,%Elder%Coordinator%and%Stephanie%Chingee,%Education%Assistant.%%We%all%try%to%meet%weekly%to%discuss%weekly%goals,%upcoming%events,%and%anything%else%that%may%need%support.%%Please%see%individual’s%reports%for%up!to!date%information.%%I%sit%on%the%Aboriginal%Steering%Committee% in%conjunction%with%CNC%–%Mackenzie%Campus,%Tsay% Key% Dene% and% Kwadacha.% % Geraldine% Solonas% is% also% another% representative,% Terra%Tylee%is%alternate.%%My%first%meeting%was%in%December%up%in%Tsay%Key.%%%%What%a%treat%to%sit%with%the%other%two%First%Nations,%very%neat%in%that%in%all%my%years,%I%have%not%seen%this%done.%%Together% we% are% all% working% towards% Phase% 2% Planning% for% the% implementation% of% the%Aboriginal%Service%Plan.%%Some%activities%conducted%so%far%are:%

! Phase%2%Planning%Position%o Chris%Kaip/Jen%Dyble%(Social%Dept)%implemented%this;%a%community%member%

was%hired%for%2%weeks%to%gather%information%on%interest% levels% in%Education%Opportunities.%

Page 14: The Traveling Feather February 2012

! Cultural(Awareness(Position(

o This( position( is( very( short( term;( I( have( worked( with( Chris( Kaip,( Social(

Worker( to( combine( with( another( staff’s( responsibility.( ( Nicole(

Thomas/Georgina( Chingee( will( be( working( on( doing( a( presentation( to( the(

College( of(New(Caledonia( –(Mackenzie( Campus( on( Friday(March( 2nd,( 2012.((


size( group( of( community( members( &( Elders( to( attend( these.( ( We( will( be(


! Career(Fair(

o McLeod(Lake(will(be(conducting(our(Career(Fair(on(Monday(March(5th,(then(

Kwadacha(on(March(7th,(Tsay(Key(on(March(8th.( (The(idea(is(that(we(will(all(





working(with(MLIB,( not( one( day( repeats( itself!!!!( The( possibilities( are( endless;( it’s( just( a(

matter(of(pooling( the(resources(and(putting( them(into(action.( (Thank(you( for(reading(my(

report,( if( you(have( any(questions,( concerns(or( ideas,( please(do(not(hesitate( to( call(me( at(

250!750!4415,(extension(848(or(by(email([email protected].(



Jodie Ware Supervisor(of(Education(&(Employment/Training(

Jodie Ware

Page 15: The Traveling Feather February 2012


NON INSURED HEALTH BENEFITS Eye and Vision Care…. Did you know that eye exams are not 100% covered?

NIHB covers a maximum of $46.17 of the eye exam fee. The remaining amount is YOUR responsibility.

TIP : Shop around to find the best price because eye exams range from $70 to $120.00. Eye exams are only covered every 24 months for a person 18yrs and over unless you have diabetes; then the eye exam is covered every year. The exam will also be covered if there is a change in your prescription. TIP: Find out when your last exam was and ask prior to your exam if NIHB has approved the exam fee. Eye Glasses are only covered up to a predetermined amount by

NIHB. If you are purchasing glasses which are more expensive than the allowed amount YOU will be responsible to pay the balance. TIP: Ask the optometrist what amount of the eyeglasses will be covered by NIHB. Progressive Lenses are NOT covered under the NIHB program; only bifocals are covered. If you choose progressive lenses then YOU are responsible for the difference in cost. TIP: Be sure to discuss the cost difference with the optometrist. If you have any questions as to what is or is not covered call Non Insured Health Benefits at 1800 317-7878 BEFORE you attend your appointment. Submitted by Barb Heine, Community Health Rep

Page 16: The Traveling Feather February 2012


January, 24/2012

Education Assistant Report

My name is Stephanie Michelle Chingee, I am a McLeod Lake Indian Band member, and I lived on reserve my whole life. I have two very beautiful children Lakota and Alyia; they give me strength, courage and inspiration every day. Lakota and Alyia are a part of my reason for trying for school and a new life for all of us. I want to show the other young mothers they can do something with their lives too…

Right now, I am working in the Education Department as Jodie Ware’s Assistant until the end of February 2012. I am learning new computer skills and how to do cheque requisitions. I am going to be learning more about the elementary and secondary programs, codes, students, policies, etc... I hope to learn different skills and have a variety of knowledge under my belt. I am also setting my goals in education. First of all, I need to get some upgrading done and get my grade 12 certificate. Another goal is to attend school for hairdressing, cosmetology and esthetics.

Short Term Goals: - I want to get my license - Learn more computer skills - Finish my education plan - Learn more about the Education Dept, E&T, while am here

Long Term Goals:

- Go to School to get my Grade 12 - Go to School and Classes to get my Salon Degree - Expend my knowledge on different skills by attending a variety of courses - Get healthy and active for my children and myself

Well that’s what I want to be able to do in my life so far, I may hit some bumps and turns to get there but I am sure I will!!!!! Thank you for reading about me and I look forward to working towards my goals. I can be reached at extension 847 or by email [email protected]. Sincerely, Stephanie Chingee Education Assistant

Page 17: The Traveling Feather February 2012


Councilor Report – Destiny Bear




































Page 18: The Traveling Feather February 2012

Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.
























Page 19: The Traveling Feather February 2012


Tsíh hasihkhats de wuwhusA mosquito bit me and it itches


By(Doris(Prince(Elder’s(Coordinator((Hello(all(M.L.I.B.(members,((My(name(is(Doris(Prince;(most(of(you(know(me(as(Mado(or(Madeleine.(((I(am(a(daughter(of(Anne(and(Andy(Prince.(((I’ve(been(to(Lejac,(I(was(born(in(1951.((I(have(seven(children,(fifteen(grand(children,(one(great(grandchild.((This(position(as(an(Elder’s(Coordinator(is(the(first(job(I’ve(had(with(the(M.L.I.B.((((I(would(like(to(thank(all(Elders(for(their(patience(while(I(am(gaining(experience(at(my(job.(((I(am(so(very(pleased(with(my(position(working(with(the(Elders.(I(am(also(looking(forward(to(the(work(shops(( (I(will(be(attending,(the(computer(classes.(These(activities(are(the(items(I(have( been( working( with( so( far.( ( ( Thanks( to( School( Board( 57( of( Prince( George( and(Mackenzie(the(elders(look(forward(to(do(different(sorts(of(activities(with(the(students.(Duz(Cho(Logging(has(also(contributed(to(events(at(the(C.N.(Centre(in(Prince(George.(I(also(have(our(February(calendar(of(events(that(will(be(distributed(shortly.((Mussi!((These(activities(are(the(items(I(have(been(working(with(so(far:(((((November(9,(2011(

• Caribou( siting( at( Kennedy( Siding( with( Morfee( Lake( students.( ( Had( 1( Elder(participate,(the(weather(was(very(snowy!((Thank(you(Josephine(Tylee!!!(

November(23,(2011(• Beading(with(the(Morfee(Lake(students.(


• Elders(/(Youth(Christmas(dinner(at(McLeod(Lake(band(hall.(• Kailuan(Dehua(Mine’s(group(of(six(joined(in(the(dinner.(• Also(had(a(dinner(planned(at(Windy(Pt.(with(K.D.C.((group(~(this(was(cancelled(

December(7,(2012(• Morfee(Lake(students(luncheon(at(Mackenzie(

December(12,(2012(• Elders(/(Youth(Christmas(luncheon(at(P.G.(Native(Friendship(center.(8(M.L.I.B.(Elders(


• I(had(started(a(bingo(as(a( fund(raiser.(The(total(pot(will(be(divided(up(equally,( the(proceeds(will(be(use(put(in(the(Elder’s(Society(Fund(raising(account.(

January(10,(2012(• Elder’s( Society( Monthly( Meeting( held( at( the( NRC( from( 10am( to( 2:30pm.((


January(15,(2012(• The(WWE(Smackdown(at( the(CN(Center( in(Prince(George.( (12(elders(attended(this(


Page 20: The Traveling Feather February 2012

o Attendees:(Alfred(Solonas,(Lawrence(Solonas,(Agnes(Solonas,(Grace(Solonas,(Albert( Isadore,(Doreen( Isadore,(Eugene( Isadore,( Julie(Cooper,(Keith(Cooper,(Mary( Prince,( Albert( Chingee,( Vera( Seymour,( Roy( Isadore,( Doris( Prince,( Jim(LeClair.(((

o Thank( you( to( Barry( Solonas( for( driving( the( Elders( in( from( McLeod( Lake,(using(one(of(the(Band(Vehicles!!(


• Luncheon( in( Mackenzie( with( Susan( McCook.( Discussed( ways( to( participate( in(activities(with(our(neighbourly(elders,(the(Tsay(Kay(Indian(Band.((I(would(like(to(see(more(activities(conducted(with(them(in(the(future.(((

January(18,(2012(• Beading(with(the(Morfee(students(was(postponed(due(to(the(cold(weather.(

January(19,(2012(• Clothing(sale(was(also(postponed(due(to(the(cold(weather.((This(idea(was(discussed(

at( the( Elder’s( meeting,( idea( was( to( sell( clothes( in( the( Band( office( from( donated(clothing(from(the(Elders;(proceeds(to(go(towards(Elder’s(fund.(

January(20,(2012(• Grace( Solonas( graduated( from( the( Aboriginal( Employment( Program.( ( Congrats(


• Invitation(to(the(Vancouver(Chinese(New(Year(Celebration(was(also(postponed(to(a(later(date.((The(Canadian(Kailun(Dehua(had(invited(a(group(of(Elders(to(join(them(in(their(celebration(of(the(Chinese(New(Year;(the(idea(was(to(take(a(difference(group(of(Elders.((

January(23,(2012(• A(luncheon(was(held(for(Alfred(Solonas,(Andy(Jr.(Solonas,(Allan(Jr.(Inyallie(and(Oak(


(Due(to(the(limited(Elder’s(funds,(very(big(thanks(go(to(the(administration(that(found(monies(for( the(Elder’s(Christmas(gift( cards.( ( I( am(also( learning(how( to(eZ(mail(more( so( I( can(get(more(news(to(our(Elders(and(band(members.((In(closing,(“thank(you”(again(for(bearing(with(me(for(such(a(slow(start(with(my(job(but( like(I(also(said(I(couldn’t(be( in(a(better(position(than(working(with(my(elders.((If( you( have( any( other( questions( or( ideas,( please( phone( me( at( the( office( or( email([email protected].((In(Friendship,(Doris Prince (

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More AGA 2010 pictures at

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More AGA 2010 pictures at

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More AGA 2010 pictures at

Your place to sell

all things handmade

Last week we created an Etsy account for creative MLIB members. This is the place for everyone to sell their

handmade earrings, blankets, tables, paintings, doghouses and deerskin wallets. Would you like to sell something

handmade? Email clear pictures of the handmade items you would like to sell, add prices, your name and email

address to [email protected]

The items will be posted online and we’ll see if someone in the world wants to buy them.

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Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.

Al k’eh dischelhI am going to sleep in boughs




































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Mekha’diniCall her (or call him)

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Tsa chuba choodze utsutsBeavers eat poplar bark
















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Employment/Training Department

Good Day Members,

First off I would like to extend my deepest Condolences to the Community of Burns Lake and those that are greatly affected by this tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with your community.

Secondly I would like to update you about what is new with the Employment & Training Department:

Since around October 2011 our A.B.S.C (Aboriginal Steering Committee) has been planning and implementing community engagement Forums in regards to education barriers that First Nation’s learners face on a daily basis as part of our Aboriginal Service Plan. One of our activities was to find out from the three local communities (McLeod Lake, Tsay Keh Dene, & Kwadacha First Nations) what the community’s priorities and struggles pertaining to Education on reserve? I’m sure some of you had the privilege of talking with Anita and giving your opinion(s) about the challenges that we face with education. I would like to say a BIG “Thank you” to those members that so kindly gave us your opinion and input regarding the many priorities, & challenges that McLeod Lake Indian Band members face.

Other than meeting with the Aboriginal Steering Committee I have been busy learning and understanding my PGNAETA’s ASETS program which is homework in itself, I am still studying and trying to fully understand my program and file requirements for the many employment Interventions that are conducted on a daily basis. I have offered to work the week of December 19-23/2011 so I can take that time and reorganize my client files and read up on my ASETS Program funders.

To date I have had 1 successful member obtain a job in Fort St John and today he is still going strong. Way to go Johnny Solonas!!!!!!! Neil Solonas has just joined Johnny on this great employment opportunity for Macro Industries assisting in the Pembina Research dig. Way to go Boys.

I have also had one member inquire about getting his Class 1 Drivers License to help him become more employable! After he had come to see me and let me know of what his intentions were and why he was pursuing this type of training we started and completed the application process together in my office. I then directed him to contact the school that he wanted to acquire schooling from. He went then into to Prince George on his own and went to see the school directly to complete the schools pre screening process that takes place before you can be accepted into specific programs / courses. He then had the school fax me his pre screening tests to ensure me that he was accepted by the school. Upon the pre screening test this student came to see me and we went over the next steps for the application process. I am glad to report that this client was approved for funding and I wish him the best of luck!

I am pleased to also report that we also have a Career Fair that will be commencing here in McLeod Lake March 5/2012. I have been in contact with a few potential Employers that I would like to see at the Career Fair. So far I have contacted Peace River Coal whom is interested in attending this year’s fair! My question to you is: Who would you like to see at the Career Fair? If you have any ideas of Companies that you might have worked with in the past or Companies that you might know of ….

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Please do not hesitate to contact me with your ideas for the career fair because it is your career fair I would like to see you come up with ideas of where you want to work, type of work your interested in.

I am also pleased to touch on “Job Options” as some of you might be aware of I am in the process of trying to bring out the “Job Options” program that CNC Mackenzie has started. We had a meet with the program director Liz Blackburn and Yes it is a possibility to bring the job options to McLeod Lake but the class requires having a minimum of 12 students committed to the program. The program is for non E.I eligible clients 18 yrs and older. The program offers 6 weeks of facilitated group work followed by 4 weeks of work experience options. There is a training allowance that CNC Mackenzie will be paying to approved registered program students. The training allowance is $50/day and if you do not show up to the class you do not get paid. The program is to help you prep for employment, or where appropriate further training and up to 6 months of follow up support through CNC, also at the end of the program successful candidates will have an opportunity to train and work with a BC Employer! The program course will be catered to the community needs but will also cover and include in the program, Applied Human Relations, Career Development Skills, Computer Skills, Skills Certification workshop and Work Practicum Experience. We are still in the planning stages of the program and would like to bring out a “Community Information Session” here in McLeod Lake. The date is still being specified but I would like to encourage all members to attend for this program will cater to what type of training /courses/upgrading that you want to help you become that much more employable.

Well that is E & T in a nut shell!!!

If you have any other questions or concerns regarding the E/T Department, please give me a call or email me at [email protected], I would love to hear your ideas!


Employment/Training Coordinator

Terra Tylee

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Atsoo la utsogo aléh whesoodahíhGrandmother is teaching me

how to make drymeat

Hello everyone!

I have been working very close with the Employment and Training dept. in the last 3 months. This has proved to be very successful. I have 2 employable SA clients that are now gainfully employed and another two signed up for the six week Job Options Program coming to McLeod Lake in April. This program is through CNC in Mackenzie. Good News!

 I’d like to thank Terra Tylee for her hard work and dedication for working with me to make this successful.


Band Social Development Worker

Jen Dyble

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Udadoh la atse ughu’nus ual on la’hLong time ago grandpa used

to make dugout canoe

Info About My Department Community Health Rep!

Fitness Classes Tuesday and Thursday 12:00-12:30. For Everyone!

Run Walk Training program: starting in February. Meet 3 X per week to walk or learn how to run!

Wellness Wheel: weekly mini workshops on various topics around health and wellness. Next topic : Office ergonomics; how to set up your office or home computer station to avoid headaches, neck and back pain! 



Community Health Representative

McLeod Lake Indian Band


Barb Heine

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Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.

32 Agnes Solonas

Off Reserve Councillor Report By: Fred Inyallie Jr.

Happy New Year!!!! May each and every one of you have happiness, health and a very prosperous one as well. Christmas has come and gone, hope everyone had their fill of turkey and enjoyed time together with family and loved ones. We completed governance training back in November 2011 and again we will be attending another follow up training in Prince George in Feb 2012. Nov 29th 2011, we held a celebration luncheon for one of our Elders (Harry Chingee) who turned 89yrs old. As for the quarterly meetings in December 2011, we had a very good turnout. Glad all the band members came out and the reporting was positive. Pride Night on Dec 16th was a great turn out for the community and everyone had a blast with members and staff. I would like to thank Anita Tylee and Doris Jackson for helping with this event. The next day was a potluck and gift exchange for staff before the Christmas office closure. As we enter a new year we have some goals/things coming our way. We had a gentleman by the name of Dan Bodreau come and do a feasibility study on a possible gas/store/restaurant on north road ½ km past McLeod Lake or in Mackenzie across from the district office which is our traditional territory. Also a company called Edge Water is logging out behind the reserve from 2-9 km so please watch out for chip trucks on the Carp Lake road, they haul from Monday to Friday only. We will be introducing the new Dog By-Law soon as we move forward this year. I would like to also say that we are looking towards purchasing our own chipper mill in Mackenzie which could employ about 7 people, this would be awesome! As some of you may be aware we have hired a new controller, his name is Michael Shaker and he is from Terrace BC. Thank you again members for taking time to read my report and if you want to ask any questions feel free to ask me and I will answer the best I can. You can call me at the band office (250)-750-4415 or you can call my cell (250)-565-7577!!! Thank You, (Mussi Cho) Sincerely, Fred Jr Inyallie P.S Thoughts & Prayers to Babine Lake Forest Products for the loss of two people in a devastating fire recently.

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Udaadoh kí choodzeéh oosáh aghahí inle

Long time ago, people use make pails out of birch barks.

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Lands&Management&Coordinator&Newsletter&Submission&January&2012& Dog$Bylaw$Implementation$














Stephanie Rocheleau Lands$Management$Coordinator$


Stephanie Rocheleau

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Elizabeth Cooper

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Amazing art on the next two pages!! These two “Black & White” pictures from mid to late 1800!! During the last half of the 1800's, there was a very popular parlor hobby, which was to hand tint black and white

photographs and Cartes de Visites. People who might not have the talent or skill to create a full blown painting from scratch could develop the skill to bring life-like color to black and white photographs. Over the years, a

number of people created beautiful pieces, many of which have survived until today. Over time, the paints have aged, and these hand tinted photographs now have an eerie, yet still life-like quality.

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MLIB Newsletter No.19 will be available April 2012 online at or, on request, in print at the McLeod Lake band office.