the tri ngle - welcome to the slingsby village …...the tri ngle serving fryton, slingsby &...

THE TRINGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / [email protected] Closing date for the next issue of 2016 [October/November] is Tuesday 20th September 2016. Please send news & event information to David Thornley, The Dower House, The Balk, Slingsby [Tel 01653 627210] August 2016/September 2016 No. 35 Non-subscribers: £1.20

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Page 1: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016

THE TRINGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / [email protected]

Closing date for the next issue of 2016 [October/November] is Tuesday 20th September 2016. Please send news & event information to

David Thornley, The Dower House, The Balk, Slingsby [Tel 01653 627210]

August 2016/September 2016 No. 35 Non-subscribers: £1.20

Page 2: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016

Three Weddings…!

Slingsby was host to two weddings on

Saturday 28th May 2016.

Charlotte Hoggarth married David Critchley at All Saints’ Church (right).

Becky Ward married Jack Winpenny at

Slingsby’s Methodist Church (below & see page 5).

Lucy Harrison (whose parents Gill & Tony were also married at All Saints’) married Daniel Durrant at All Saints’ on Saturday

4th June 2016 (below). Very many congratulations to all the happy couples.

Page 3: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016



PLEASE CAN YOU SPARE AN HOUR TO HELP? We are very grateful to the volunteers who join the church cleaning rota and thank them for their continued support. Once a year we try to tackle some of the extra things we don’t always have time for to keep the church at its best to welcome visitors and worshippers. Keeping this large building looking good is a considerable task for the regular congregation. Can you spare an hour to come & help? Mid-morning refreshments will be provided. Please assemble from 10.00am, bringing sweeping brushes, dusters etc. for the jobs you feel you can help with such as (inside) dusting, sweeping, window cleaning, polishing, higher cleaning, cleaning the kitchen, brass & silver cleaning or (outside) removal of ivy from around the walls, clearing weeds, sweeping the porch & pathways & mowing the ashes burial area. Thank you.


10TH SEPTEMBER from 10.00am to 1.00pm (inside the church if wet)

Refreshments, cake and produce stall, raffle and good quality second hand stall. Enjoy a cup of coffee and cake and see if there is anything on the stalls to take your fancy. At 11.00am there will be a guided tour of the church for visitors and local people who wish to learn about the unique historic features of the building. This event coincides, as last year, with the Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust Open Day, ‘Ride and Stride’, which encourages all churches across Yorkshire, including those which are not regularly accessible, to be open to visitors. Some use it as an opportunity for sponsored cycle and car tours for fundraising, and others just follow the trail for interest. More information can be found on www.yhct, The All Saints’ Church heating and lighting are in need of serious repair and upgrading and the PCC is raising funds to tackle this major project and also to create other facilities such as a toilet to make the building fit for twenty-first century use. This event is intended to raise funds for this project. Donations of fresh produce, cakes and sweets for the Children’s Tombola would be greatly appreciated and can be left at the church from 9.30am onwards. Thank you.

The picture on the back page shows the contents of the new Time Capsule which was re-buried in the church on Sunday 12th June on the occasion of the Queen’s 90th Birthday weekend, at a very well attended and lively celebration service devised by Kate Giles & presented by both All Saints’ & Methodist Church members. The capsule was blessed by the Reverend John Warden at the end of the service and has now been sealed. We hope to install a newly inscribed stone cover to mark its presence next year on the 150th Anniversary of the start of the rebuilding of the church. The final contents of the capsule (a glass cylinder packed inside a lead box) are: a series of children's drawings of Slingsby plus explanatory map and notes, all printed on acid free paper; photos of HM The Queen’s 90th Birthday Street Party; Victorian coins and modern coins; a small Nokia mobile phone; a Morrison’s ‘March & More’ Card; a Yale key (all locks could be electronic in a few years’ time); a small model of a current make of 4 x 4; a poll card for the recent Referendum; photo of Maypole dancing in 2016. A New Church Guide for Children has been produced with help from Slingsby CP School’s pupils. This details the interesting historic features of the church, many of which are closely connected to the history of the village. The new publication is now available at the church. A comprehensive guide for adults is also being produced, following detailed doctoral research, and will be available soon. New Audio System: All Saints’ PCC has received permission for a new loud speaker system to improve audibility. The system, which will also include a hearing loop, is due to be installed in September, and is part of the church’s wider plan to improve access for all. Performance at All Saints’ by St John’s Ranmoor Church Choir, Sheffield: St John’s gave a wonderful performance of the anthems they have sung at recent services on the afternoon of Sunday 3rd July. Our association with St John’s, a large parish on the west side of Sheffield, goes back a long way. St John’s has a fine tradition of choral singing and still attracts young and committed singers. The concert raised over £300 towards our current appeal. It was followed by a magnificent tea, which went down very well with the choirboys in particular. Very many thanks to the members of the choir and the boys’ parents who gave up their Sunday to come all the way to Slingsby. Grateful thanks also to those who organised the tea in the village hall afterwards and to those who contributed towards it.

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Please submit news & details of future events to: [email protected]

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On Saturday 28th May 2016 the wedding of Becky Ward and Jack Winpenny took place at Slingsby Methodist Church. The reception was held at The Worsley Arms Hotel, Hovingham (the bride arrived in style below & see page two).

PRAYER WALK: On Saturday 13th August we are having a Prayer Walk which will start at Slingsby Chapel at 3.30pm. We will walk up Castle Howard Road and the Long Balk up to Slingsby Wood. Then we will head west along the wood to the Baxtenhowe Road and then head down to Fryton and back across the fields to Slingsby. The walk ends at The Chapel with a Bring and Share Tea. On the walk we will stop at various points to pray for local villages, the area of Ryedale and reflect on the world situations. We shall also build a cairn somewhere on route. We will provide transport for those who can’t walk the whole distance. Contact Rachel & Stephen Prest for details (tel: 628277)

OPEN AIR SERVICE – SUNDAY 14TH AUGUST We are joining with our friends from All Saints’ Church to hold an Open Air Service on The Green at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome.

AFTERNOON TEA – WEDNESDAY 17TH AUGUST We are having ‘Afternoon Tea’ at Stephen & Rachel’s home, The Old Fold, Railway Street at 3.30pm (the next Soupa Lunch will be in September). All are welcome but it would be helpful if you could let us know if you are coming just so we have an idea of numbers. There is no charge for this event. Tel: Stephen & Rachel 628277 or Trudy Carr 628302. Transport can be arranged.

SOUPA LUNCH: the next Soupa Lunch – a Harvest Special – will be on Wednesday 21st September in

Slingsby Methodist Schoolroom from 12 noon. Do come and join us for soup, sandwiches, a pudding and cup of tea. All are welcome especially seniors & those who live alone. There is no charge but donations welcome. Everyone is welcome – no need to book – just come along. Contact Stephen & Rachel Prest (628277) & Trudy Carr (628302).

Our HARVEST FESTIVAL is on Sunday 25th September at 10.30 am. It will be taken by Rev Ben Nicholson from Helmsley. After the service we will have a ‘Harvest Lunch’ in the schoolroom. All are welcome.

Don’t forget that THE FISH & CHIP delivery courtesy of Malton & Norton Lions Club will resume in October 2016. It has been very successful with up to twenty-five people benefiting from this great service.

Our minister Rev Jacky Hale is not well at the moment and may be off work for some time so if you would like to see one of the other ministers then please contact Audrey Foster who will arrange

this for you (tel: 628643). Stephen Prest

SLINGSBY LADIES’ GROUP In June, eighteen of our members went by coach to visit George Smith’s garden at Heslington. On arrival we were given a slide show showing how the gardens had changed over the years that he has lived there and what was in bloom at different times of the year. We were then able to wander around freely and we were invited to purchase plants which were for sale in the walled garden. It was a dull but warm evening and we were able to savour a glass of wine in the garden room after a very enjoyable evening. Our July meeting was a talk by Janet Pearson of Pearsons’ Soft Fruit at Sinnington. We heard how the business was founded by her grandfather in a small paddock and how they have expanded to seventeen acres. Workers were brought in to pick the fruit and it was all sent to wholesale markets but over the years as pick your own became popular Pearsons also changed and rather than supplying supermarkets they sell to local businesses plus being open for PYO. We were amazed at the number of varieties of strawberries that are grown and to finish the evening we were given a quiz and were then treated to cream scones with strawberries provided by Janet. Our next meeting – a talk given by the RSPB – is on Tuesday 11th October 2016 @ 7.15pm.

Shelagh Richards

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17th September 2016 at 2.00pm (Prize Giving 3.00pm) at Slingsby Village Hall

RAFFLE, TEAS & CAKES Admission is free (Donations gratefully received)

At the time of writing the Great British Summer has given us rain, gloomy clouds, a mini heatwave and perhaps a drop in the persistent winds at last! If any of you have successfully grown something worthy of showing this event is for you! Entry forms & the list of classes will be distributed in August and can also be collected from Tony’s Shop. The entry fee for all classes is 10p (entry for children’s classes 67 to 78 is free). First prize winners receive 60p. Second prize winners receive 40p. Third prize winners receive 20p. ALL completed entry forms and entry fees should be received by Mrs Trudy Carr (Mowbray Rise, Green Dyke Lane) before 8.00pm on Thursday 15th September 2016. The exhibits will be set up in the Village Hall between 8.30am & 10.00am on Saturday 17th September (exhibitors must leave at 10.00am when judging begins). This year the Raffle has been generously supported by numerous businesses and tourist attractions in the local area including the Yorkshire Aboretum, Wolds Way Lavender, Ryedale Folk Museum, The National Trust, Palace Cinema Malton and Scampston Walled Garden and many more. We look forward to receiving your entries! SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 2016: SPECIAL CLASSES 1. The Heaviest Pumpkin (N. & D. Stephenson Trophy); 2. The Heaviest Marrow (R Martin Cup; M Foster Trophy [exhibitor aged 16 & under]); 3. The Heaviest Onion (dressed); 4. The Longest Runner Bean; 5. The Heaviest Apple; 6. The Heaviest Potato; VEGETABLES 7. Three Carrots (six inch tops); 8. Three Parsnips (six inch tops); 9. Three Globe Beetroot (six inch tops); 10. Six Cherry Tomatoes; 11. Five Runner Beans; 12. Four Onions (undressed) red or white (winner of this class receives the J. Baxter Cup); 13. Four Onions under 10oz red or white (dressed); 14. A Cabbage (not red) three inch stalk; 15. Six Shallots (exhibition – over an inch); 16. Six Shallots (pickling – under an inch); 17. Four White Potatoes; 18. One Cucumber; 19. Two Marrows; 20. Four Tomatoes; 21. One Flower & One Vegetable; 22. Any other vegetable not scheduled (one specimen only); 23. Collection of vegetables (six kinds as per schedule – one specimen of each – R. Smith Cup); 24. Basket of Produce to be grown on Allotments only (Fruit, Flowers & Vegetables can be included) (J. W. Baker Cup is awarded for the most

points in Vegetable Classes); FRUIT 25. Four Cooking Apples; 26. Four Dessert Apples (The Lionel Lascelles Cup awarded for best exhibit in fruit & vegetable classes); FLOWERS 27. Three Asters; 28. Three Pansies; 29. Three Dahlias (decorative); 30. Three Dahlias (cactus); 31. Three Dahlias (ball); 32. Three Dahlias (pom – max two ins); 33. One Dahlia (plate); 34. Three Stems of Spray Chrysanths; 35. Three Roses; 36. Pot Plant; 37. One Fuchsia; 38. Five French Marigolds; 39. One Gladiolus; 40. Arrangement of Flowers (The A. Jerrams Cup is awarded for the best flower classes exhibit / The Raymond Ware Memorial Shield for the best Dahlia in Show / The Tony Baxter Cup for best Asters in Show); AGRICULTURAL 41. 4oz sample of Wheat; 42. 4oz sample of Barley; 43. Six (of your own!) Hens’ Eggs; HOME PRODUCE 44. Four Cheese Scones; 45. Four Fruit Scones; 46. Four Butterfly Buns; 47. One Victoria Sponge Sandwich (two cakes with jam in middle); 48. One Plain Chocolate Cake; 49. Six Round Ginger Biscuits; 50. Apple Pie, pastry top and bottom; 51. Decorated Cake; 52. Four Pastries (two Sweet, two Savoury); 53. 1lb Jar Raspberry Jam; 54. 1lb Jar Strawberry Jam; 55. 1lb Jar Lemon Curd; 56. 1lb Jar Apple Chutney; 57. 1lb Jar Tomato Chutney; 58. 1lb Jar Beetroot Chutney (W. Williamson Cup is awarded for most points in classes 44 to 58); 59. Knitted Garment/Article; 60. Needlework (Cross Stitch); 61. Needlework (any other kind); 62. Other Craft Article (The Jerrams Trophy awarded to the best exhibit in classes 59 to 62); Mrs G. Skaife Trophy awarded for the best exhibit in the Cookery Classes); PHOTOGRAPHY (Photographs not to be above postcard size [APS format allowed]) 63. One Photograph of your pet, taken since last show in Sept 2015; 64. One Photograph of a water scene, taken since last show; 65. One Photograph of a tree or trees, colour, taken since last show; 66. One Photograph of a Slingsby scene, taken since last show (A. Wormald Memorial Trophy awarded to winner of class 66); CHILDREN’S CLASSES (child’s age to be stated on entry form please) 67. Handwriting (children aged up to 6 yrs); 68. Handwriting (children 7–9 yrs); 69. Handwriting (10–11 yrs) (A. Ventress Cup awarded for best exhibit in Handwriting Classes); 70. Decorated Potato (any age); 71. Decorated Pebble (any age); 72. Decorated Welly (any age); 73. Craft 11–16 yrs; 74. Art (children up to 6 yrs); 75. Art (7–11 yrs); 76. Art (12–16 years) (art max A4 no backing); 77. Handmade Greetings Card; 78. Any vegetable grown by a child (cups are awarded for most points won by i) a child aged up to 6 yrs ii) 7–11 yrs; iii) 12–16 yrs; iv) for best exhibit in Craft Classes 12–16 yrs; G. Douthwaite Trophy awarded for best Craft Exhibit

[children aged 11 & under]). [Phew….! Co-Ed]

Page 7: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016

Slingsby Sowers and Growers The newly formed Slingsby Sowers and Growers visited Ness Hall in July. Alan Richardson, Gardener, showed us round the beautiful walled gardens full of beautiful roses and perennials on a glorious, rare sunny evening.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd August at 7.00pm in the Village Hall Committee Room and will be a Question & Answer Session with John Foxton. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Slingsby Sports Field Trustees sign New Lease

A new lease has been agreed and signed between Slingsby Sports Club and the owners of the sports field, Castle Howard Estates. The deal was finally completed in June ending years of uncertainty for the village.

Above: Trustees Malcolm Lloyd, Dave Calvert & Ron Collier sign the lease securing the future of Slingsby

Sports Field for the next twenty-five years

The original lease for the field was signed in 1980 when the Club (originally Slingsby Sports Field

Association) took over responsibility for the field at the request of the Parish Council, and the lease’s twenty-eight year duration finished in 2008. Castle Howard allowed the lease to ‘run on’ under the same terms as the former lease but would not grant a new lease at that time. This was because the Castle were putting the field forward to Ryedale District Council as a possible development site for housing in the revision of the Local Development Plan. The Local Plan – after long delays – finally discounted the sports field for housing development in late 2015 and officials for Castle Howard and the Sports Club entered into negotiation of a new twenty-five year lease.

The deal has now been finalized allowing the three Trustees of Slingsby Sports Club to sign the lease, securing the sports field as a recreational asset to the village for the next twenty-five years. It was important to the Club to have a lease of twenty-five years duration as a long lease is needed in order to apply for grants to improve facilities. Several items of repair, maintenance and improvement have been on hold since 2008 due to the uncertainty of its future and the opportunity now exists to start applying for grant aid to bodies such as Ryedale District Council and Sport England. Although grant aid is not as readily available as was the case before the country’s 2008 financial problems, the Club is optimistic about the future of the sports field and its facilities.

Membership of the Sports Club is only £5 per couple per year (£4 for couples over sixty) and even less for individual members. New members are very welcome and membership subscription time is from 1st June. For further information please contact Club Chairman Dave Calvert on 01653

628268. Geoff Brooks _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Domestic Refuse & Recycling Collections The current domestic refuse & recycling collection calendars showing bank holiday collections run until the end of August 2016. Our villages are covered by Calendar 1 [Friday: South Holme] Calendar 2 [Monday: Slingsby / Tuesday: Fryton] (both available on Ryedale District Council’s website). Collections during the week beginning Bank Holiday Monday 29th August 2016 will occur a day later than usual (see the Pink Pages). As soon as the new calendars are available information can be made available on the village website & in the next Triangle.

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The Yorkshire Aboretum has a range of summer activities planned for the holidays this year. Every Wednesday from 27th July to 24th August inclusive will be a drop-in ‘Discovery Day’. This is ideal for children between four and eleven years of age (accompanied by an adult please). The hour-long sessions explore the natural world through different weekly activities. Sessions start on the half hour from 10.30am until 2.30pm. Each Monday from 8th to the 22nd August inclusive will be ‘Explorer Days’ when we have lots of nature-based activities for intrepid young explorers aged 6-11. Beasts, creative art and active learning are the themes for the three sessions. Each Explorer Day runs from 10.00am until 3.00pm. Children don't need to be accompanied by an adult and are welcome to attend on just one or on all of the dates. Booking is essential however please. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Slingsby Oil Consortium 2016

For members of the Oil Consortium, orders must reach Geoff Bishop by 29 August, 31 October & 28 November 2016. Deliveries are made during the second week of the month for which orders are placed. Being a member is free & last year saved participants in Slingsby & surrounding villages at least £3,000. If you are not yet part of the group why not join? Please telephone Geoff on 01653 628055 or email: [email protected]


Page 9: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016

News from Alan Henderson In November 2016 I will be travelling to Kampot Province, Cambodia, to help build a new classroom for the primary school. The current school building has decaying walls and floor and a damaged roof which barely provides shelter from the elements. This is a huge risk to the safety of the pupils and teachers and creates an uncomfortable learning environment. It also leads to poor attendance and the cancellation of classes. These challenges hamper a child’s personal development and lead to high drop-out rates and poor exam results, further exacerbating the cycle of poverty. With your support, and some hard graft on my part, we can provide a safe and secure classroom. If you would like to find out more you can visit or if you would like to donate you can visit ‘Alan's Cambodian First Hand Experience’ page at Many thanks. Alan Henderson

* In 2012 ActionAid built a new school building in Ou 'Toung, Cambodia. Yeart, aged nine, said, 'Comparing this classroom to the old classroom in a hut, I feel this new classroom is very comfortable and very much better. I will try to work hard on my studies because now I have a nice place to learn.'

MUSIC IN THE GARDEN Sunday 4th September 2016 2.00pm until 4.00pm

at Burwood, Railway Street, Slingsby Admission: £5.00 (adult) / £10 (family ticket)

We are delighted that the Thornton-le-Dale Ukuleles have agreed to perform in Pat’s garden on Sunday 4th September. Their leader, John Scoble, on retiring from teaching, was looking for a new challenge and decided to form a band of ukulele players for people with little or no experience of music. John’s enthusiasm and great musical ability soon got the band started and like Topsy it has grown and grown until now there are sixty to eighty people involved. No one can listen to the band and stay quiet for long – John gets everyone involved playing, blowing, or tapping and the sound is so exciting – do come and join in; or just listen if you can resist the temptation to have a go. One person drawn into the band is Allan who had a stroke several years ago and was trying to put some extra interest into his life. So now despite his disabilities he plays the wash-board in the band, adding a bass beat to the ukuleles. Hence we are sharing the proceeds of our afternoon with the Ryedale Stroke group of which Allan is a member. The afternoon’s activities will be organised by the Maypolers of Slingsby who will also be baking cakes and scones for the teas. The children’s games will be spread around the garden, giving everyone the chance to explore every corner of this large garden, to feed the hens and geese, and to watch for the barn owl if it returns to its box. The Maypolers’ share of the proceeds is to fund the running of Mayday on Monday 1st May 2017 with the traditional maypole dancing and bands. We are hoping for a sunny, warm day to round off this year’s summer which so far has not been very ‘summery’ but maybe by September it will have improved. However, we do have the gazebos purchased by Slingsby, Fryton, and South Holme CIC and these will be up giving shelter from either the sun or the rain. So whatever the weather we are hoping for a lively, fun-packed afternoon in Pat’s garden at the end of the school holidays for the whole family.

Music will be provided by the Thornton–le-Dale Ukulele Band / Games including a bran tub, bat-the-rat & crafts / Tombola / Tea with homemade scones & cakes [Proceeds to be shared between the Maypole Fund of Slingsby & Ryedale Stroke Group. For further information please contact Pat Thompson (628620).] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 10: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016

Pins and Needles Sewing Group We meet on the first and third Tuesday of every month beginning on Tuesday 6th September 2016 at Slingsby Village Hall (1.30pm to 3.30pm). Please contact Ann Bayes for further details (628416). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A Notice A box containing a small oval pearl broach was kindly donated to sell at the Car Boot Sale (raising funds for the Queen’s 90th Birthday Street Party). Will the person who donated this item please contact Janet Clarke on 01653 628625. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

And a Big Thank You Marjorie Ventress would like to say a big thank you to friends and neighbours for the gifts, flowers and forty-two birthday cards which were much appreciated on the occasion of her 90th birthday. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prescription Delivery Service It may be useful for readers to know that Beechams Chemists (Tel: 692380) on Norton Road, Malton is happy to deliver prescriptions to Tony’s Shop in Slingsby. This may be useful for some patients who find it difficult to get into Malton. The delivery will usually be late on a Friday afternoon. You will need to tell the Surgery that you wish to use Beechams and then ask Beechams to deliver it to Tony. It would also be a good idea to mention it to Tony too, once arranged. David Thornley _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answers to Triangle 34 Disney Competition 1.Fantasia 2.Frozen 3.Pinocchio 4.Mowgli 5.Mickey Mouse 6.Lady & the Tramp 7. The Sword in The Stone 8. 101 Dalmatians 9. Dumbo 10. Bambi 11. Bashful 12. Goofy 13. Beauty & The Beast 14. Robin Hood 15. Peter Pan 16. Pocahontas 17. Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee 18. Jiminy Cricket 19. Donald Duck 20. Baloo.

The first correct answer out of the hat was Emma Hatfield who wins the £20 voucher. Congratulations Emma and thank you to the other entrants for supporting The Triangle’s Quiz. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Car Boot Sales – August/September 2016 There will be two August Car Boot Sales this year on Sunday 14th August 2016 & Bank Holiday Monday 29th August 2016 beginning at 7.00am and finishing at 2.00pm (providing that weather and ground conditions are suitable). The final Car Boot Sale for 2016 will be held on Sunday 11th September 2016. If you would like any additional information or have any queries please ring the Sports Club on 627124 or Dave & Pat Calvert on 628268. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fryton Catering’s Coffee House at Nunnington Studios

Villagers may know that Fryton Catering opened their Coffee House at Nunnington Studios in April. Visit for lazy breakfasts, light lunches, afternoon tea or simply a warming drink by the fire. For further information please call 01653 628774 or email [email protected]

Slingsby Sports & Social Club

Chairman: Dave Calvert 01653 628268

New Butcher now delivering in Slingsby Readers will remember that Michael Walker, a butcher whose family has worked throughout Malton, Welburn, Terrington & the Wolds for the past fifty years, has confirmed that he is willing to delivery to Slingsby during his Friday rounds. He asks only that there should be a minimum of three customers. Telephone 01653 693891/07957 587194 for further details. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ADVANCE NOTICE THE THEMED PUDDING PARTY* WILL BE HELD AT SLINGSBY VILLAGE HALL ON FRIDAY 14TH OCTOBER FROM 7.00PM [* ALL WILL BE REVEALED IN THE NEXT TRIANGLE – IT’S WORTH THE WAIT…!] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

New Arrivals

Welcome to Balksyde to Richard & Rebecca Meakin. Richard hails from Solihull & Rebecca, who is from York, read for her arts degree at Sheffield Hallam University. Richard works in the scaffolding industry. Both are kept in line by their dog Keith (who is not named after The Triangle’s former editor…!)

To Railway Street from London are Nick & Beki Robshaw with their twenty-one month old twins, Thomas & Jake. Nick, when not on twin management duties, is a commercial airline pilot.

Nick & Felicity Dean (formerly of South Holme & Balksyde) have welcomed the arrival of Amelie Jayne on 20th December 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Would you like to submit some news or details of an event to either the Triangle or the Village Website or both? Please send your copy to:

[email protected] & [email protected]

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There will be a regular working meeting on Tuesday 20th September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room. Those who have visited the North Yorkshire County Archive to look at the Lascelles boxes will report back on findings, plus update on other projects. Members will be contacted about other activities which may be arranged in the meantime by email. If you wish to be included on the circulation list please contact Margaret (email: [email protected]). Also of possible interest to members and others: Friends of Malton Museum Programme of Talks: the first event in the 2016/2017 season will take place on 21st September and is a hands-on session examining objects from the museum store, with Ann Clark, the archaeologist who has catalogued the entire Malton Museum Collection. All Friends meetings take place at 7.30pm in the Library, East Wing of Malton School on Middlecave Road, Malton. Entrance £3 (£12.00 for the full programme of talks). For younger readers who are keen on history and archaeology Malton Museum ( is offering a range of summer and half term holiday activities this year (from 1.00pm until 3.00pm): ALL SHOOK UP! – Thursday 4th August – Can you make butter? This workshop, suitable for 7 to 11 year olds, teaches you how to make your own butter and you get to taste your efforts as well! SHEARING THE SHEEP – Wednesday 10th August – Do you know what we can make from sheep’s wool? Learn new skills such as weaving, spinning & felting and take your finished article home (all ages). TALES FROM THE CASTLE – Wednesday 17th August – An interactive story of knights, dragons and princesses. Get into character by making your own mask, then whizz back to medieval times with our troubadour! (all ages). HOARDS OF COINS – Wednesday 26th October – Can you identify coins? Do you know how long we have been using coins? Handle and explore our collection of Roman coins. If you’ve found any coins bring them along to show our expert. You can also design your own coin (suitable for 5 to 11 year olds). Please visit or ring Malton Museum on 01653 691262 for further details and to book places on the workshops or leave a message and your telephone number and the Museum will contact you. There is a token admission fee of £1.00 per adult and £1.00 per child to cover the cost of materials.

FoSS ANNUAL DUCK RACE Twenty-fifth Anniversary Sell Out!

On Saturday 16th July a record 1,950 ducks were released into Slingsby Beck for Slingsby’s twenty-fifth annual duck race! Despite some very breezy weather, people from far and wide joined members of Friends of Slingsby School's (FoSS) organising committee to enjoy a day of family fun and to cheer on their duck. In first place was a duck sponsored by Helena Ebbs, a parent at the school, with Samuel Palmer coming second and S. Wilkinson third. This was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the duck race and in order to celebrate we invited along members of the original organising committee, displayed a photoboard of memories of the past and enjoyed a duck birthday cake kindly made by Julia Walker. The final total will be revealed in the next Triangle but FoSS would like to thank everyone who bought ducks, joined us on the day or helped in anyway. Special thanks are due to Slingsby Sports Club for again allowing us the use of the field. The money raised will in part contribute towards the continued development of an ‘outdoor’ classroom for pupils and other educational developments at

Slingsby CP School. Liz Wilson


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See also


Please submit news & details of future events to: [email protected]

Page 13: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016

HM The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration Sunday 12th June – A Feast fit for a Queen

Slingsby, Fryton & South Holme celebrated HM the Queen’s 90th Birthday in right royal style, with a day packed full of memorable events. After a united service in the morning at All Saints’, with members of the Church’s and Chapel’s congregations, together with the sealing of the new Time Capsule (see pages 2 & 3), Church Lane was transformed (not least by the most meticulously cut grass verge) – with tables, chairs, bunting, music and balloons – into the venue for a lively street party. ‘Magic Mike’ entertained the children and of course there was the most important ingredient: food. Residents pulled out all the stops and did Her Majesty proud by contributing a feast of fabulous fare. The tables in the Village Hall stretched all the way from the stage to the main doors and – heavily laden with savouries and sweets – were a sight to behold.

Mary Snowball & Freda Ware did the honours and cut the two beautifully decorated (with coloured ‘Royal’ icing) cakes. A big thank you to Debbie Firby for conjuring up these magnificent creations. It was then time to work off all those lovely treats with Terrington’s Tiefrung Gleemen Ceilidh. Even the most reluctant dancers were inspired to join in the routines, directed by an expert ‘caller’ who managed to keep everyone more or less in order

without any serious mishaps! To all those whose efforts made the day such a memorable occasion, particularly the hardworking team of organisers, and all those who kindly donated both time and funds (including £50.00 from the Parish Council), very many thanks from all the villagers & one of the footsore Ceilidh Dancers!

Slingsby Residents’ Epic Cycle Ride

Simon Massey, Fraser Thomson and three of their friends have successfully completed the gruelling one hundred hour timed Raid Pyrenees challenge covering 720km in five days from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean through the Pyrenees with 42,000 feet of ascents across eighteen peaks and all for charity… and a medal! The route followed much of the infamous Tour de France route. We congratulate them on this significant achievement. [If anyone would like to support the charity it is The Robert Stephenson Trust which was set up after Rob, a popular player at Malton Rugby Club, was killed in a tragic accident aged just twenty-one. All monies raised in Rob’s name will go to support young people & their sporting activities. Visit:]

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Slingsby Village Hall If you are interested in booking the hall or have an enquiry about the facilities please contact Trudy Carr (01653 628302 / [email protected]) or Debbie Firby ([email protected]). Thank you.

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Cavendish Vale, High Street Construction of the new houses is now underway. When the residents start to arrive Keith will be busy encouraging them to subscribe to The Triangle!

Parish Council News

The Parish Council is making enquiries of the relevant bodies (Post Office, Yorkshire Housing & RDC) to see if some form of shelter can be provided for those using the Mobile Post Office Van (planning permission might be required & nearby residents have concerns which are being taken into account). In addition, the street light by the old phone box (now home to the Defibrillator) is going to be repaired. The bench on Sheep Walk has been removed. Research into the funding available for a replacement bench is being undertaken by Councillor Farnell. The level of public information provided about Planning Applications was discussed and it was agreed that all applications received since the previous meeting would be listed on the Agenda. An application from the Village Hall for a new single storey extension to create a new storage area (replacing the existing shed) was discussed. A further application (for a three bedroom house, garage and vehicular access north of Yew Tree Cottage, Railway St) was withdrawn. At the time of going to press a new Parish Clerk has just been appointed called Gail Cook (on Chris Adnitt’s retirement). Gail comes from Swinton. She takes up her position on September 1st 2016. Minutes: & on the noticeboard.

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Page 17: THE TRI NGLE - Welcome to the Slingsby Village …...THE TRI NGLE serving Fryton, Slingsby & South Holme / Closing date for the next issue of 2016

Slingsby Cricket Club The members of the cricket club have battled on valiantly this season but the weather has not been kind. The rain has been a constant and I’m afraid our batting and bowling has been as bad as the weather. The team has managed to win a match to get themselves to a Cup Final at Duncombe Park against Farndale (to be played on a Sunday in August – date & time to be arranged). By the time you receive this edition of The Triangle there will be one home match left to play – on Monday 1st August at home to Spout House. It really has been a struggle to get eleven players this year and I fear that this year could be the last for the Feversham League. I sincerely hope not but the future looks bleak. However we will do our best to keep it going and hopefully I will be able to keep reporting to you

on our progress. John Hatfield


Slingsby Badminton Club The new badminton season also begins in mid-October (and finishes at Easter). New members are always welcome to join this friendly group. There is no subscription (just a £2 fee per session on a Monday evening from 7.30pm until 9.00pm).

Slingsby Tennis Courts If anyone is interested in playing tennis the open session for all comers is at 7.00pm on a Tuesday evening. Make the most of the light evenings and come and test the (challenging) surface! If you would like additional information please contact Geoff Bishop (628055). The courts are available throughout the day as well so for those of you about to embark on your summer holidays there’s an opportunity to practice! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

All change at The Triangle This co-editor will be handing over her trusty red pen (there’s still a little bit of ink left!) to a worthy successor during the early part of next year. It has been a great pleasure to be entrusted with producing The Triangle over the past year or so –the contributions submitted are of an excellent standard – and the final issue I compile will be in February/March 2017. If any of our current subscribers feel able to fill this co-editor’s shoes please do let the Triangle team know ([email protected]). The job is not arduous: as co-editor with David you would be responsible for piecing together three, alternate issues of the magazine each year (consisting of

original articles & established advertisers’ artwork and the listing of events in the Pink Pages diary sheet). We have a very willing number of contributors and the three villages have such a vast range of activities on offer which means that there is always something interesting to report, publicize or celebrate. The time pressures come when trying to get everything ready for the printer (based in Scarborough) but with some newly introduced styles and the wonders of technology (the joys of WeTransfer!) it all comes together just in the nick of time! The ideal skills to have include computer literacy (the magazine is currently created within MS Word), familiarity with email, the ability to download text & image files and tweak said material accordingly. If you feel you would like to contribute some original writing – perhaps about an aspect of life in the villages now or in the past – there is often an opportunity for that also. The magazine is usually twenty pages in length with four pages in colour (the Christmas issue is colour throughout). Keith oversees the advertising side of things and he also collects the printed copies from Scarborough. The dedicated delivery crews then distribute the ‘hot off the press’ issue soon after. It’s a rewarding task and as co-editor you will be part of this most interesting process. If you would like to know more please don’t hesitate to have a chat with David & Keith. Many thanks to you all for your kind support & help in compiling the magazine in recent months which has been much appreciated. Naomi


From the Horse’s Mouth

This has been my home for the last eleven months – from foetus to foal – cocooned in my own little world of dark buoyancy. I wasn’t expecting this so soon… Golly! I wish I had read the manual beforehand (or should that be ‘beforehoof’?)! Rosie has been sitting up with my mum for three nights – observing and monitoring her progress and waiting for my grand entrance (or rather my show stopping arrival!). I think I’m getting the hang of things now – nose and feet first – woosh (ow, oowww) – it’s getting a bit tight in here. C’mon Mum – push! I hope I can hang in there and hold my breath a little while longer. Push, Mum, push! I can see the light of day. Rosie’s grabbing my very slippery hooves and she’s easing me into the ‘human’ world. It’s not the same as the comfy home I’ve left behind. This is – ooch – spiky straw and what bright lights (wish I’d

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packed some Ray Bans before delivery!). I’m really cold and wet – shiver, shiver, brr, brr – but oh, what’s that? Ah, my mum is licking me and trying to warm me up a bit (I love her already!). Now then, let’s see, what’s next? Ooh, heck – it looks like an awfully long way up there. Where do I start? Front

legs first perhaps? OK, not bad – I seem to be getting the hang of this – there’s nothing to this… uh oh… oh no… spoke too soon… FLOP! Rather unceremoniously I'm back where I started. What do you mean I’m all legs? (Rosie’s nicknamed me Willie since it took me such a long time to stand up… ‘Will he? Won’t he?!’). It’s a well-known fact we young chaps take our time getting to our feet (unlike our sister fillies who seem to master these things much quicker). I’m desperate for some refreshment after all that exertion. My mum is nudging me – why’s she pushing me over here? Ah, the milk bar – oh bliss! My first breakfast (‘Filled with vital colostrum for a healthy, happy foal-dom’ you say. And how do you spell that?! Just seems like milkshake to me). Whoa, hang on – where are we off to now? Out there? Are you sure? OK then – if you insist. And you want me to wear this do you? What? A ‘foalslip’? OK, but it’s not very fetching and something tells me Rosie’ll have the advantage but fair enough (these legs are still a bit wobbly you know). Looks like I’m really going places! Catch up with my adventures next time when I try my hand at weaning and start preparing for the big world of

horse racing… Willie & Rosie

The Farming Column We are in the midst of the Agricultural Show season and there are so many to choose from with The Great Yorkshire Show which is England’s premier show at one end of the scale and small local shows

like Farndale and Rosedale at the other. On Sunday 3rd July we went to the Malton Show at Scampston Park (see page 19), a truly magnificent setting with the Hall on one side and the beautiful lake on the other. It was an interesting day with so much to see and do for all ages. It was great to see children zooming round a race track on mini quad bikes and lots of bouncy castles for them to get rid of some energy. The sheep and cattle numbers are improving again after going through a steady decline. I was particularly impressed with the Beef Shorthorns which not long ago were in the rare breed category but are now thriving. Morrison’s Supermarket offers a special contract for Beef Shorthorn cattle because the quality and flavour of their meat is so good. The only local people we saw with livestock entries were Robin & Ann Lacy from Airyholme with their Leicesters and rare breed sheep. They had a successful day winning several prizes. One of the highlights of the show is the ‘Vintage Section’ with old stationary engines, tractors, classic cars and motorbikes. It was good to see Mick Dixon exhibiting his David Brown tractor. It is one of the best vintage tractor shows anywhere around. Horses are a very important part of the Show with dozens of classes for all types of horse. It is always good to see the heavy horses in the main ring and there were three entries pulling different types of wagon including the well-known Wolds Wagon. The grand parade of cattle in the main ring was very impressive. The parade of sheep consisted of the champion ram which was driven round the ring in the back of a pickup truck. On our way out we paused to watch the sheepdog trials. The dog we saw didn’t believe in going too far round to fetch the sheep – in fact more often than not it took the shortest route which was straight through the middle, scattering sheep in all directions. When it came to the final penning a battle ensued between the sheep and the dog: the sheep won and refused to be penned. It reminded me of a sheep dog we had years ago called Tip who also had a habit of running straight through the middle of the flock scattering sheep everywhere. The Malton School Jazz Band was there entertaining the crowds. Slingsby’s Rachel Conyers and Ryan Perry were peforming in the band and they all played brilliantly. It was a real pleasure to stand and listen to them. All in all a Grand Day Out… and the weather was kind to us as well!

Stephen Prest

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Right: A lovely day out at Malton Show Below: a Time Capsule for the twenty-first century (see page 3) Bottom: Sowers & Growers’ Visit to Ness Hall (see page 6)

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2016 Twenty-fifth Anniversary

FoSS Duck Race

Thanks to Liz Wilson for all the wonderful Duck Race photographs, to Stephen Prest for the Malton Show pictures, to Kate Giles for the image of the time capsule contents, to the cyclists for their before and after pictures (!), to Carolyn Boots for images from the street party, to Willie & Rosie for proof that he managed to stay upright eventually (!), to Geoff Brooks for the picture of the signing of the new lease, to Fiona Dean for Ness Hall’s vibrant flowers and to all the brides, grooms and their families for sharing their big days with us! The picture of our cover girls Mary Snowball and Freda Ware was supplied by Stephen Prest.

And they’re off…!