the tribal effect by the silva method

[1] THE TRIBAL EFFECT Any information that we process and that is taken in from our environment is always tinged by our experiences and the emotional response we are having when we take in this information. few months ago, we released the Firewire report. We received tons of awesome feedback and the Silva Community loved it. It was a huge breakthrough with over 10,000 downloads from all over the world. In a nutshell, the Firewire report exposed the truth about why we do the dumb things we do. As it turns out the reason we are stuck in many of our negative patterns is because we are actually physiologically addicted to them. The more we experience an emotion - good or bad - the more our body gets conditioned to the chemicals released when experiencing that emotion. When deprived of that chemical, the body sends signals to the brain to recreate it so it can get its fix. Take the chemical called Oxytocin for instance. When in love, our brain produces this chemical. It causes your body to relax, induces pleasure and feelings of bonding to the person that you have just experienced all these with. When you miss someone, it is the Oxytocin, or rather the lack of it, that causes that feeling because your body craves it like an addiction. Exclusive Report A

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Post on 13-May-2015



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You belong in a tribe. We all do. But your current tribe may or may not be the best one for you. Find out why the influence on your current tribe can determine how great your future self will be.


Page 1: The tribal effect by The Silva Method



Any information that we process and that is taken in from our

environment is always tinged by our experiences and the

emotional response we are having when we take in this


few months ago, we released the Firewire report. We received tons of awesome feedback and the Silva Community loved it. It was a huge breakthrough with over 10,000 downloads from all over the world.

In a nutshell, the Firewire report exposed the truth about why we do the dumb things we do. As it turns out the reason we are stuck in many of our negative patterns is because we are

actually physiologically addicted

to them.

The more we experience an emotion - good or bad - the more our body gets conditioned to the

chemicals released when experiencing that emotion. When deprived of that chemical, the body sends signals to the brain to recreate it so it can get its fix.

Take the chemical called

Oxytocin for instance. When in love, our brain produces this chemical. It causes your body to relax, induces pleasure and feelings of bonding to the person that you have just experienced all these with. When you miss someone, it is the Oxytocin, or rather the lack of it, that causes

that feeling because your body craves it like an addiction.

Exclusive Report


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To create these chemicals, nerve cells in the brain will 'fire'

and 'connect' to each other to cause a specific chemical reaction. It is proven that cells that fire together will wire together.

In other words, if you do

something over and over again, those nerve cells develop into a

deep and strong relationship. So if you get angry or frustrated on a daily basis, these feelings become rooted in you. Or if you suffer and give yourself reasons to be a

victim, you are actually rewiring

and reinforcing the firewire connection everyday.

In other cases, some people connect money with struggle or limit themselves because they hold the belief that money is the root to evil. Because of this

connection, making money will always be a struggle for them.

There are also some people who associate the feeling of love to disappointment. It is then no surprise that they will always end up disappointed in any relationship because of this connection.

Soon, that connection will form a long term relationship with all those other nerves cells. The

result is called an ‘identity’. You start to identify yourself with these emotions and connections, even if you don't want to.

How to Cut Negative "Connections"

To develop new habits and positive connections, you have to

'cut' your current negative firewire connections. First, you have to become aware of your current

negative addictions. Then, you

need to replace them with new


Firewire connections can only be severed over a long period of time. It takes discipline and determination. The stronger your firewire connection, the longer it takes to cut the ties. But with daily practice, ALL addictions can be eliminated.

Mastery - being a masterThe way to master anything is

to commit to daily practices that

will ‘cut’ these negative firewire connection. These daily practices will create new and positive connections in areas such as your health, work, love life and emotional well-being.

When you apply Silva Method exercises to your daily life, you will begin to see improvements that are no longer held back by your negative connections.

Once you master your mind - you become the master of your own reality. Just look at some of the Silva Masters out there now.


“In other words if you do something over and over again, those nerve cells develop and deep and strong

Daily practice, discipline and

repetition is the only path to


“Daily practices will create new and positive connections in areas such as your health, work, love life and emotional well-being.”

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Vishen Lakhiani mastered Silva at a young age and now runs a 10 million dollar business while living a life of travel, adventure and fun.

Helene Hadsell became a Silva Master and learned how to win at every contest she ever entered, while helping her family and friends along the way.

Burt Goldman mastered Silva and became an entrepreneur, painter, musician, author and inspiring leader for many people worldwide.

Shakti Gawain took the Silva class and it inspired her so much that she wrote a best selling book called Creative Visualization.

Wayne Dyer is a Silva graduate and he had this to say about Silva: “I’ve used the Silva Method for many years. It has helped me overcome my own illnesses. I urge you to attend Mr. Silva’s training sessions that are presented around the world.”

Best selling author Richard Bach praised the course publicly: “Mental discipline and creative visualization are what’s behind the power of the Silva method,” he said in an article in Harper’s Bazaar magazine. Bach also credits inspiration from the Silva Method as having helped him finish his best-selling book, ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’.

Cutting your firewire

connections is the first step to

mastery. This is the only way to

control your internal environment to shape reality to the way you want to experience it.

But there is a catch.

The Big Catch: The External Enemy of Change

While your internal environment plays an integral part in how you live and experience life, the truth is, you do not exist in a vacuum.

Mastery can only be truly achieved when you have your

internal and external

environments working for you. Your external environment also plays a critical role in your living experience.

By external environment, I

mean the people you surround

yourself with. This could be your spouse, loved ones, co-workers, neighbors, basically the people you have the most contact with.

Let’s say you want to lose weight or stop smoking. By surrounding yourself with unhealthy people with bad lifestyles and dysfunctional habits, you will never be able to break that chain.

What you will need is to surround yourself with heathy people who watch what they consume and are passionate about loving their bodies. You will need to connect and identify with such people in order to change your life.

The relationships around you

are your ‘tribe’ and the influence they have on your life is called the Tribal Effect.

Stunning Facts to Support the Tribal Effect

Here are just a few things interesting research facts:

If someone became clinically

obese, their friends were 57% more likely also to become obese.

A friend of a friend of that

obese person was about 20% more likely to become fat, and this was the case even if the weight of the linking friend remained unaltered.

If a person began to smoke for the first time, the chances of their friend doing the same increases by


The research show that

influence can happen even

without conscious effort!

Your external environment plays a critical role in your living experience.

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The tribal effect

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with" - Jim Rohn

Think about the gravity of that statement for a second.

You may be the most conscious and smartest individual around, but if you are constantly surrounded by negative, fear-based people in your life, it will

have an impact on who you

eventually become.

There is an experiment attributed to Harry Harlow. Five monkeys are placed in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.

Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable.

Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the five monkeys ever attempt to climb the ladder.

One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room. Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious. But undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder.

All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why.

However, he no longer attempts to climb the ladder.

A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The

newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the living daylights out of him.

This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he is not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are

doing it. However, he has no idea

why he is attacking the new monkey.

One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who

tries, without having any idea


Harry Harlow’s experiment on monkeys show the direct results of our external environment.

The bottom line is this: Successful people tend to hang out with other

successful people.

Take a look at the diet group, Weight Watchers. This group credits their

70% success rate to the idea that people gather together with the common goal of losing weight.

The Entrepreneurs Organization get entrepreneurs to connect with each other and help each other become more successful. Members rave about being able to network with other successful people in order to keep them at their level.

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Harry Harlow’s experiment on monkeys show the direct results

of our external environment. Look into your life and try to recall instances where your choices are hampered by the people around you.

For example, say you’ve just started a new business. You constantly work late and even during the weekends. While you wish to concentrate on your new business, your spouse or close friends complain that you no longer have time for them anymore. This negative environment affects you.

Or let’s say you tried meditation but the people around you think it is a waste of time. They may even put you down by saying that meditation will not

change your current reality. Such

negative influences can

dampen your enthusiasm.

If you have any similar stories,

you can share them with the

Silva Community on the Silva

blog. You will be amazed to know many people succumb to the negative tribal effect. These people end up not changing anything about their lives due to the negative feedback they get from the people around them.

If you find yourself shoulder deep in such negative tribal effect due to the people you surround yourself with every day, how do you get out of this situation without needing to sever those ties?

Who’s in your tribe?

We, at the Silva Method, know all about negative tribal effect. To help you get out of that stagnant zone, we begun asking questions:

If the power of influence in our highly connected world is only

getting stronger by the day - how

do we reach more people,

improve more lives, and build

better communities?

How do we create more

experts to positively impact more people's lives - extend the tribe- and create more conscious leaders in the society?

How can we accelerate a

person's ability to master their

mind and connect with other people who have mastered their mind?

How can we empower our Silva tribe - so that they can empower their own tribe - their family, their coworkers and the people in their community?

The Solution to the Catch

We're creating another tribe, a positive one!

While investing in yourself is the best investment you can make, how many times have you told your friends or spouse about your new Silva technique or personal development program only to be met with skepticism or feigned interest?

Can this negativity affect the

power you have to grow? Yes, it can.

Conversely, imagine the power of being surrounded by like-minded, positive individuals? Imagine the possibility of growth in a tribe that is just like you?

This inspired us to bring the Silva community together on an online platform where people can interact and forge friendships. We

called it the Silva Master’s Circle.

How do we reach more people, improve more lives, and build better communities?

“Imagine the

possibility of growth

in a tribe that is

just like you”

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In the first season of the Silva Master's Circle, we were able to bring like-minded people together to help everyone reach their

fullest potential.

Back by popular demand!

The new season of Silva Master’s Circle

The goal of the Silva Method is to raise human potential by

connecting people who are fully

adapt at utilizing the power of

their minds. These are people who intend to use it change the course of their lives and as a result, the world.

Now imagine the impact when this is not only one person - but a whole, unified tribe of Silva Masters. This is what we want to create with the Silva Master's

Circle - and you.

When you are the best possible version of yourself, you contribute to the society at optimal capacity. The positivity,

success, joy and passion of a Silva Master influences - directly or indirectly - all members of their tribe.

The Silva Master’s Circle was designed to address the four main areas in your live in four insightful modules:

•Mastering meditation and managing your stress•Intuition

•Health and healing


Here’s what the Silva Master’s Circle offers:

Module 1 - Meditation and Stress Relief

Stress is an emotion you no longer feel. You are in direct control of your emotion. When negative emotions such as anger or jealousy hit you, you may experience them for a few minutes, but you are immediately able to dissolve them to a state of peaceful consciousness.

You are able to get into the alpha level of the mind in 30

seconds flat because you have complete control over your mind. Your meditation is so powerful you feel yourself vibrating with tingling energy each time.

You are continuously filled

with gratitude. You are seen as a highly positive person and people are drawn to you magnetically. You radiate intense charisma because your energy is so profound, people want to be with you.

Module 2 - Intuition

You are tapped into that inner

guiding voice. You can instantly make more accurate and better decisions.

You know that most successful people in their careers have been proven to be the type of people who rely on intuition.

You are able to surprise your coworkers by being able to

always source for ideas seemingly out of nowhere.

In relationships, you have high empathy. You know how to connect with people. You are instantly guided towards the right people and know where to avoid certain people.

Module 3 - Health and Healing

You are an extremely fit person. You can eat anything you want without needing to count the calories because you made a mental deal with your body. You can instantly change your eating habits to give up bad foods and to create a desire for healthy foods.

You are able to control your metabolic rate. Yes, it is possible to prevent your metabolic rate from going down as you get older.

You are able to lose weight on

command and not put them back on because you understand that weight gain is a function of mind and you know how to control this.

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You are able to motivate yourself to exercise and to stay fit. You are able to maintain radiant youthful health as you get older without having to spend 3 hours a day doing yoga because you understand that your body is a function of your mind.

Module 4 - ManifestationYou are wealthy. If you are not

wealthy, you haven’t totally embraced your ability to manifest...yet.

You have no negative beliefs or bad attitudes toward money. You consider yourself having as much money as you want and money tends to flow to you. You are successful in your career or in your business. You are able to support the charity you want.

You have enough money to provide for your family in more ways than one. You know you will never have to worry about your kids’ education. You can do all of this because you have mastered the art of manifesting your desires and these desires may not just be about money.

You will also find that your goals tend to come to you easily. Coincidences, synchronicities, the right people, and opportunities show up in your life with ease because your thoughts tend to create reality at a rapid pace.

You watched the movie ‘The Secret’ and you laughed because you know everything described in that movie is your life.

The Silva Master’s Circle is back

And it going to be bigger and better!

The success of the first season of the Silva Master's Circle was so inspiring, we knew we had to bring it back again. The great feedback and life-changing stories from our graduates gave us valuable insights to make the

necessary improvements for the next season.

When you join the Silva Master's circle you are guaranteed Mastery - this is because the program is

designed to shape your reality

internally and externally.

The daily exercises and lectures will help you break your old firewire connections. By practicing on a daily basis, you

will break your old habits and addictions while creating new positive ones simultaneously.

After 120 days, these practices will be second nature to you. You will no longer have to think twice about these new habits because it has already been programmed in you like how you automatically brush your teeth or take a shower everyday.

And that’s not all. The Master's Circle will also be your

twice daily connection with your tribe. Imagine the positive benefits of connecting with positive, passionate and inspiring people just like you, not once but twice a day!

If you aren't all these things all the time, it’s ok! The real question is - Do you want to


If the answer is YES, then this is a tribe you want to be a part of.

Meditation and Stress Relief

Intuition Health and Healing Manifestation

Complete Mastery of all Essential Silva Principles

including Alpha and Theta level meditations, visualizations, caseworking and more

The Full Awakening Of Intuitive Senses

consistent and reliable intuitive guidance enhances all aspects of life

Advanced mind-body healing techniques

heal yourself and their loved ones of previously incurable diseases

Breakthrough manifestation techniques

amplify the ability to bend reality in your favor, and get what you want in life

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Now just imagine what your life would be like if you could....

...fully awaken your intuitive senses and receive consistent and reliable intuitive guidance in all areas of your life?

.... master advanced mind-body healing techniques that allow you to heal yourself and your loved ones?

..... learn breakthrough manifestation techniques to bend reality in your favor and achieve what you never previously thought possible?

... achieve mastery in all essential Silva principles like alpha and theta level meditations, visualization, caseworking and others.

Just think of what you could achieve with these skills.

Wouldn’t you like to gain control of your health, or lose

those last 5 pounds? Wouldn’t you like to rid your addiction to negative emotions like fear, jealousy or anger, and replace them with peace and joy?

Wouldn’t you like to finally set yourself financially free, thrive in your current workplace, or chase after those dreams you have always been putting off?

With your newly found manifestation skills, perhaps you would also be more successful at attracting your soulmate. Or perhaps, by improving and knowing yourself better, your current relationship would become more fulfilling and joyous than ever.

When you join the Silva tribe, these are all the possibilities that could change your life for the better.

But don't just think about what's going to happen to

you - think about the positive impact you are going to have on your current tribe.

By investing in yourself and consciously deciding to play at a higher level, you will be influencing the people in your tribe to do the same.

And without even knowing it, your peers, family, and colleagues will soon be inspired and uplifted by your presence.

Use the Tribal Effect in your favor!

So you have made it to the end of the report. Thank you for reading. I hope this was of value to you.

While the "Fire/Wire" is the internal part of the changes you must make, in order for changes to truly come around, you will also need to take care of your environment as well.

If you are experiencing negative tribal effect, you can start to balance that effect by joining another tribe will be there to fully support you as you evolved into a better and better person.

And even if you already belong in a positive tribal effect with family and friends who are fully supportive of your efforts, it is my hope that you take one more step further to be a master in the Silva Method.

The Silva tribe is now open for registration. Sign up here and be part of this powerful movement.