the tribÜne. bv m-srninff's...

THE TRIBÜNE. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20 ~e'QR PRESIDES T, e_L of KJtXTVCKT. -ry Democratic Wllj£ General Commit- .¿¿Ly** York. DeC<.mber5. :«*.3.-'i i«f Demociatic « hi? £ ectors of th* <- it-y «and County of New leanesxea to AAsernbl'iDth-ar sev.ral Wan!** atth« audcrr->«.-nño«ied place«, AAxXt^.idiy L»eaing th«. 80th instant, at >ev«i o'clock, i-.i thùVSàpOSéOl dlCO-nng fir-.- Delegates from each Wer-', to ««>m«*nt th*eci in tl«-* I tmocrsiic Whig O*»-.-;-*. Committee for *be ye-ir :S14. «xd also fc»r t-c r-a-pos« of elecung Ward Lomm.»'***« and otherwise r_ inizing for the same yea- : 1st Ward.Thresher's Broad-Hrf-il llo'.ri. I«r Waid. - 5 .' Ss»-::-i Wai 1 Hotel. 87 Nat_y.ii ,t. 3 So-th Ri»e: Coffee Koiii--. 2(-2 Washingtcn *¦?. Shiksr*:--«- Hotel.cor. cf William k Du-'-; sts. .Majic-a House, t«SS »»'f.! Broadway, i " >ia*«C'a acuse, ¡-o »> t*: Dt t. " National HiÜ. Canal »tre*-t. j " Fratiwim H >u»e, corner RrUge] and ChftOT EU. «j " Howard H"a¿e. B.-o-idway. i " Northern Cxchaag-, Blevcíz: -.?.. jX .. Htli. lirandti. XI " Corner of A «-tnc* D »nd Foorlh »t » " At such ylac. tz '.hi Wvi Cciii:;. -T.ÍT dltecî. .*-> " do do . ) »4 " Broadway Home. 13 -. i'_a»r.t«jtion Hall. " H-izleton'j, c->rn*r £_.: «Ye**.**; anù 17th Street !*. " Henry Clay Hoai-*-. Av-r.ue Aaud Firtt s". " _ f'HlLlP HONK. Chauman. 7*f« %*i?.M J Secretaries. ¿11 4t l&h 20th Çj***»«- T h* Annual Ra>port of the Fire Department is iu type, and will be publi_i._.l in to-morrow'»paper. i»r_fi« __T Whips of the Cm* : Remember that the ****** «o Primary Meetings in the several War ci-: of the City take place this evening; and if you tire de¬ sirous that good mon 'r.^«.;»* be selected to sc* on the Committees for the coming year, see that you do your d_*y to-night by tasín* part i: lh racetim-f» in \o'jr r. speciive W_rtj~ : Beat;: or Jones Thomi-soï**..This distin- .rnished Judge died iast evening at his residence in PuUghkeepsie. His last hours were without -.üffí-rin? and his doath remarkably tranquil. Cm th*» announcempnt of the neves in the city the Court«: immedictely adjourned. The following is a brief »ketch o? life. In l*s'!2 Jud-r*- Thompson, then a younç* man, .w-»«« *»{»;-'.inte*¡ a Judge-of »he ¿upreme Court c«; N^ew.York, during the í_drniriií«*r8ri'«n of G^v G+or¿e Cliri'on. H.~ occupied a Peat there 17 yotira, ai.d during that time, with Kent, Living- sron, «"»pencer, Van Ness, and Platt, contributed h¡9 share to make the Judiciary of New.York i!. lustrioua. In ¡814, when Chief Justice Kent be- came Chancellor Kent. Judge Thompson was placed at thu head of the Court, and when we say that with Kent for his immediate predecessor and Spencer for his bucce.ssor, his réputation did not Buffer by his elevation, we give him yreat praise. In 1618 President Monroe appointed hint Secre¬ tary of the Navy to c-ucceod Mr. Crotvninshield, and in that station he waa associated wilh .Messt». Adams, Crawford, CaJhouu, and Wirt as the con¬ stitutional advisers of the President. In 1823 he resigned his place in the Cabinet. and was elevated to a scat on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States, an the nue- cesBor of Judge Livingston, deceased. On that bench for a long period of years he was worthily associated with Judges Marshal,and Washington, and Story, and took an active and able part in the settling of tho»e grc;;t principles which have j been discussed by thai Court for twenty years past, j In 182Ó he was an unsuccessful candidate tor Governor of the State of New.York in oppo. i sition to Mr.Van Buren and Solomon Southwick, when Mr. Van Euren was elected by a plurality vote. Judge Thompson waa a Democrat m the sense in which that term was understood till the Demo, cratic party, to which he had always belonged, adopted the principles of high prerogative and Strong executive Uovernnient which alienated so many emiuent Demócrata, and finally over- j whelmed the party in 1640 as similar principles j had ruined the Federal party in 1800. During an unusualiy long public career it was I his distinguished privilege always to ha~e been .one among men of rsmirkable ability in their eminent «station**, and to have tnjoyed a reputa- I tion free from suspicion. i He war. a :n¿n of the simplest and loast pre*. tending manners, and hi» unassuming dignity of ! deportment v, as in perfect keeping with the Doric chastencss and freedom from ornament.the quiet firmnes:; and love of justice which charac¬ terized him. Ills prompt straightforwardness was eomotimCB mistaken for rudeness by thoso who did not know him to be really and truly a kuid hearted gentleman. There are various surmises already about the City Hall as to who will be Appointed to fill the vacancy on the Bench of the Supreme Court. Among the most prominent of the names we have heard mentioned are those of His Honor Judge Birrs, of the District Court ; John C. Spencer and Judge Tallmame. The latter gentleman, late a highly distinguished Judge on the Bench of the Superior Court of this City, is said to bo on terms of personal intimacy with the President, and his appointment would not be unexpected. Wc have also heard Daniel Wlestch, Geo. Wood and Hon. Green C. Bronson named.. John Sargent of Philadelphia is also spoken of, a gentleman every way qualified for the station ; but the man whom we would suggest, is the Hon. Gclian C. Vkrpla.nck of this city, a gentleman not only of eminent lega! and literary acquire n.ents, but with a character pure and unblem¬ ished, a mind trained to el*»se aud accurate thought, careful -mri industrious in the i?;v<«t.ti_u. tion of nil tibftt/tct and 'titric-ite truths.ho would ut one*' bnn«£ t<» the disch-jrjje of hi»? duties as one oi the Jn-tt'.s «> ih>* ui'.s' auifiiKi] T«i- bu:i «i«. in the w irld, a«i un >U'.' of pa ie ! le *r«*ing and of ripe experience which it w.iuld be difficult to find united to the same extent in any other man in the Union. But auer all, from present indicntions, it seems to us most probable that the appointment lies b-rweeu Mr. Spencer and the Hon. D. B. Talmadge. O" In yesterday's Tribune we stated that Mr. Willis hed sued the Boston Transcript for libel. W-*. saw it so stated in another paper, but find :t ie an error. The Portland Tribune is the pane: sued. A refutation of thv lib-?! has been sent on to the Portland Advertiser, we understand. W«. shall try to give place to it in our columns. S3* Ws are indebted to Capt. J. L. Fitch for the Albany Atlas of the 13th, via Housatonic Kailroad and steamboat Eureka. {J^ Th» Expm» takuM the Commercial to Usk for stesl iagfrom other p***«m ! In the rtix paper in which th« re¬ proof imrrted th« Express -a«*!« » W* haT« before as lh* Aoaui! lUpoit cf Mr. Brou -*n, tno Auditor of ihr Sut« vi Ohio,"and then. Ukr*. from Tac Tribu»** ti Monday ai: ab¬ ura« of rso'iu.ut cf t> e R. pott. The th.t't is obvious, be* caus« the table of :».*.--!_». and *x«--«r.(!.:_¦-..», is hot iu the Ke port in ikr >haé>»* w- i*»*»«» up aud U-priurtr** i*» «.{¡t *£_. pr«-M, and th«* io«*l arnouiu of inerest, -s ¿ven by a«, c U >wh«*re be f uu«l in ih- R-piri. M<.r,;v>v«»r, :h«*rr was but o»ec»">py of the R-porl in tow», and tlint was in our postn« tion when ihr- Exprès* article wat ' cooktd orex ' ana ' toiled down ' from oars. n ag"*Ég_g__g__BBg_Bg_g-g-.----gB ! BSB rjoing^ IM Cougrcss.TlicTftríá-'attitcls.ed: Ld'.rorul Co.T**v,-oiid..ic»'' ""-"^A'Hîm'Ton. Monday, Dec. 18. Mr. Dana of N. Y. this morning gave notice A a bill to abolish the Franking Privilege, to far na it is extended to Members of Congreca, auci to modify the Raies of Postage. I find, on in» tjairy of ."Mr. D. that hi- bill now contemplates the case of Members oí" Congress only, and docs not extend to the Rates of Postage generally, I .lave a ho;>e that he may extend it when he in. troduces hi, bill. The H-u_»_ wasted over two hour, this morn- ¡Dg en t!ie proposition to print 3,000 copies of the President's Message in the German Language, to which was added a proposition to print 2,000 in Lho French. The proposition was zealously ad- «.?o-.ated by Messrs. C. J. Lngersoll and Rajisey of Pa. and ably opposed, among others, by Me?£r3. J. QtrtxcY Adams and D. D. Baknakd. It was finally nailed to the table by the casting rote of the Speaker. Yeas 86 , Nays 85. HCBRAH FOR THE TARIFF ! Mr. Rhett of S. C. offered a resolution in¬ structing the Committee of Ways and Means to report a bilí repealing the present Tariff, and en. acting instead one based on strictly Revenue principles, the average being 20 per cent. Ob- jection being made to the introduction of this resolution at present, (petitions- being in order,} Mr. Rhett moved the suspension of the Rule. a*id on this qncsrion the Yea-? and Nays were ieraanded and ordered: ¥<.__, seventy-seven; Nays, ont hundred and ten; nearly all the Van B_._.«_ Members from New-York, New-Jersey. Pennsylvania, and Ohi*). as well as those from C inesticut, Massachusetts and Vermont, voting against suspending the Rule, and thus indirect!} in f-ivo" of sustaining the present Tariff. Messrs j Beardsley, C. J. lngersoll, Wilkins, and R. D. Davis.all the Northern Van Buren leaders. voted against Mr. Rhett and in favor of the Ta. riff. I have no doubt, however, that the majority of the House will sustain a less manly and .*traigh*-.iorward attack on the Tariff. h. o. mi-i - O* The Ohio Whig State Committee has ap. j poir.ied Wednesday, the 10th drty of January 1 next, s the ¿ny for holding a State Convention at Columbas for the purpose choosing suitable candidates 'or Governor and Electors of Presi- dent and Vice President, for appointing two Del- ¡ egates to the Baltimore Convention, ami to take step, for a thorough and complete organization j ol the Whig Party in Ohio preparatory to the great political contest of 1614. O" Clï: Bcll's Concert at the Tabernacle last evening, was another jam. ile lias turned the city upside down with his fiddle, and now that he is going away, wc shall doubtless be favored with more impartial criticism of his certainly wonder- J"ul playing. We wish him, wherever he goes, the same favor which our citizens have shown him in no stinted manner. Stealing..Wc often sec articles of our own put in other paper«» as original matter, and it sometimes vexes u_ to be treated so cavalierly and some- times amuses us. But when we _a\v the other day in a religious paper, the New-England Pu. ritan, our condensation of the Post Office and Navy Reports, with our condensed .portions leaded as editorial, we confess wc were a little surprised. How a paper professing such strict integrity could lead a line of matter not its own, without giving credit for it, strikes us as rather strange.and to open the article by quoting our own language, " The Report of the Postmaster General is very long, and hence wc condense those portions that are of less importance," is rather t«.o cool. To hide the theft, or to escape the charge of it, the first part of one report and the latter part of the other arc cut off. 53" The Troy Whig gives the following -ketch of Mr. Copp, now under arrest in this city, on suspicion of having robbed or connived at the robbery of the trunk on board the steamer Uuoa : Mr. Ccpp is anativeofWakefield, New-Hamp¬ shire, and has long been a resident of this city.. Ho was for several year, a clerk in the broker's office of Calrlcr ¿c Co. which he left to enter into the servico of llarnden & Co. When Harnden «x Co. withdrew from the river, Mr. Copp. in i connection with Mr. Pullen, established Pullen _t Copp's X. Y-, Albany and Troy agenc.V which has enjoyed the unlimited conti- \ deuce of the bhnk directors and businessmen of the cities which it connects. During the present year, Fomeroy & Co. en- tered into an agreement with Pullen »__ Copp, by the term«, of which the latter were employed at« the mesaenj-ers of the former between Albany and New-York.transacting «'it the same time the business of their New.York and Troy ex¬ press on their own account. Mr. Copp has always been considered a man of the stnetebt integrity; as remarkably cau¬ tious, and particularly careful of all property en- tru-sted to his charge. In this community no suspicion of a want of honesty rests upon him. In the unfortunate transaction now under notice. be is regarded only as unpardonably and unaC- countabiy negiectiui of the interest of hi. em- j ployers. -.« *g_.¦ «n » ,- _7T' A tragedy was enacted on Saturday after- noOu, abuut e gut miles from Kinçsiou. A insu who called himself Morgau Hamilton Gií-.u shot Ins wife, (formerl) the widow AdZtt) aud afirrwards shot hiinielf. The bail ...If.'eJ lier I-:-,.., &nd I.--V- i:i li.r back, .ear t!«e -jiiie.. She Was ahve when last heaid ¡rum, .¡.-à liier.- is hope thai -tic miy recover. He ma¡ri«d the old ladj about twelv« mouth* «i-o. Im« tiiev li«eduuhappily together,and <ju ->_ii.r- .|.\ ht told her 10 pick h s thing-., _> he veas goiiig 10 leair her. M.* did n-«, <a1i.-u he c.lleU her imo il«e n.m where t-.r .icod wuli iw.i j.i ioU m his hi_,d. Ou seeing tieiu »he hrs»u.._, but he went up to her, pre» ¿eiited the |>'>t..l .1 her b.-etut _;id fired. S .<. »au OlUOtlh 'i- ¦'. -««r «hOUti ¡g Mill lie. ; a..d si;.:: f:ll OO II--' ¡.-.Ce \\ iirt; sh «.«l>ik ü u,. b> two men, who caj i-d In r into a hous u »r .'_., a d .... ;:. ¡i ¿utug to « irch toi O ft'en, ::.. -. mmly.tig .... ïxe fable mlusowu hou»e, dead, the bal ¦n1 _t g .... ihroiigti nu heart H-w__ _. American, a : tittup se_ hat the uHute !«e by v.,. an .....!.. uaiu-, « d m.- he Iviid b.-eu ...-. lniii.i'c of tOui- jveui ten i ii- iti the St te», for oi«^ cl' h-> h__d¿ «.-».is braodéd and parr i ofi.1» <-,r. cut u_T. [¡.i..g»;--, (>.'a.._d «) H«r_;d, 5th. JIT AgSheet Iron Factory has been cstablishet it BuontOD, N.J. It pays aouaaliv to its wo:k:nc_ *->^0,0.*e 1ZT Genejul Tom Thim» is about to embdrk for England in company with his parents ant- Mr. Barnum. of the American Museum of this city. He certainly is a lusus nature. Although now fleveu «ears of Ag», he acarcdy 15 i.;cher. in height vriih a proportiosable weight. The u»,.>.-. r»marknb!è thing about ¡ua* is his rprii-luliu-*,, aud iatelllgenc«». He is well proportioned, _iti»> aad -.troug, iud«d. min m mtniatare His imitation of ,E-.ap,r'* píOinei;ádiyg thoaghtft_Uy ihr solitary »ea-ahore of St. H?Iena, will doubtless pleas» John Bull ¿ready. The G-uer-l beiug a weil auibet*nested ¡*-r- aO-agr, aud no .ham, ha» bo*u a profitable speculation to Mr. Baaiuui, tai DCC'jubt Will attract much attvction on t«c other _idc of ll>« water. Such l're«_ks of Nature are rare, __«! are reallv »«eoitliy of atteutivii- No one can look on such s urall typ«? of a man without iutetrst, and can scarcrly rccou- eile the baby *ize, and the matured form, aiid the boy ¡sh feel» ! :a". They präsent a Judicious and strauge contiadictiou. .*->«. .. Tit». _feL_N-.lo> or Hirrivt-i-i" is th« name of a .iew (#.m< :".>r jrouajj folks, the apparatus ard directions fo» .. i;eh ire Mn.uf-ctured by S B. Iv#t of Sal.tii, Ma_a. Th O .me is -j'nte anamusinR one, and ¡. caîcuîared to atloi i-UUCliou ill more ways than one, a¡.d e-ijiecially will it*.««. j ¡Trniles in ready reckonins: *ind the quirk application 01 the rules of simple Addition. It is for sale at Lockwood'« ¡rreec Juvenile Deposiiory, «ill Broadway, and also by Sai- (On S; Miles, 205 Broadway. Bv This M-Srninff's Mail. o L'j;io:i*.! i. .---. -.; tden* p, Wajkx_cto'*t, Mrtu«_e«*. Dec. '._. There w.? a great batch of Nominations sent in to the Senate to-day, where thev were r-irnplv referred without any decisive action upon them. Most of them have already been announced, and *rc now of no interest. The following arc of some consideration : Ít-AAC íLll of N. II. to be Chief Ci¿rk in àa j Clothing Bureau here, vice Mr. Gtoldsborougb, j recently deceased. Salary §3,! Matteew St. Clair Cla~.ü£ late Clerk of î -h«: Housed to be Auditor of the' Post OiSce De- pertinent, vies El:::;*a '-V:iít rLL.Lv. declined..- S dary §'3,000. .It \i reported tliat the n*w Clerk of ihe House finds difficulty in giving bonds in the sum required..ñ-20,000.) il o. C O KGRE S S10$AL PRO CEElJlX G SY IKE EEFOSTES CF THS *-*J*^*-TC**J. DAILY î?.: = -.; E. WiSHi-CToy, Mosday.Dec 15.IS43. In the Ho-.'se of R2p**J2s£>'tatite6, to-day, Mr. Ashe of Tenn. gave notice of the introduc¬ tion of a bill for the establishment of a Naval De¬ pot at Memphis. Mr. Vance of Ohio -rave notice of the intro- duction of an amendment to the Constitution of the U. States providing for the inelegibiiity of the President of the L*. States fora second term. Mr. Dana of N. Y. gave notice of a bill to abolish the Congressional franking privilege, «and to modifj the rate of postage. On motion of Mr. Bidlack, îhc rules were - spended, and Mr. r rick of Pa. introduced ;: re¬ solution : the printing of 3,000 copies of the President's Message in the German laniuage.. After a debate of some length upon this resolu¬ tion, and on various amendments proposed, and the rejecti *n of several motions to lay on the ti¬ bie. Culls forth« previous question, &,c, a mption of Mr. Wise to lay on the table prevailing with .he aid of the casting vote cf the Speaker, '*.'.. is 36, Nays 66.) the subject was disposed of. Mr. Rhett objection being made; moved a «jusp-n*- on of the rules for the introduction of a r* «solution instructing the Committee of Ways 'and Means to inquire ¡he expediency of reporting _s snr.n as practicable n bill to repeal the [»resent. l';irift'act, ;«T-d in lieu thereoi to impose a maxi¬ mum rate * duty o< ~ per cent, ad valorem, d minating below this maximum only, and for re.-enuc purposes. \y : ': ¦' « Ash*-, Atkinson,Bel«-*>r, E. Í Black, '»-. v BI-* .. :: .. B r, B !i B yd, ï B ...*'., \.Hro:i '»' Brown, William J. .' ». B I, -, ... .'. A. Cl'¡.pn ... -»i Daniel Garrett D.vis, John '.'»". Davis, Dra«i, Deberrv, Dickinson, I) ugla Duncan, Du««. .,-. Ficklin, Harn' un, H ¡-s, Htrrick, Holmes, Hoge, H as- «on, Hub-ifd, iióu" es, Ja mes C. Hunt, Jam«¿son, Care. John- <nn, Andrew J im--.., A orge W. J ntts, Keuuedy, L»-»'-i>. Lacas, Lnm*.kiu, MacUy, McCMlao, McClernaad. Mc¬ Dowell. McKay, MatiVws, Moore, Mu phy, Norris, Owen, Cfti.t. David S. Il» id, Redi**-*, Rhetf. -Si Johrt, Sauu x-ts, T. H. Sfjmour, Simpson, Thomai« Smith. Robert Smith, Stct-nrod* S.'iies, S tone, Strong, Taylor, Thompson, Wel¬ ler, Went*- rih, Wise, Woodward.77. .»íats.Messrs. -dams, Anderson, Barrint-er, BanisrJ, Bp.i.-ii.tpy, Bentou, Bidlack, Jair.e^ Black, Bossier, Brad« head, Mi!; ¡i Í3r<.%«. u. Jeremiah Brown, Bnffington, Cald- well, Cary. Carroll, Cad in, Chappell, Chilton. Clingman, (.'linton, Cult'auier, Cranston, Dana, Richard D D.ivi.s, Del- iet, Dickey, Dilliugliam, Ellii, Elmer, Farlc-, Fish, Flor¬ ence, Foot. Foster, French, Frick, WilJU (jrc-i-i), Byrara Green Grinnell, Grider, Himlm, ii-rdin. Harper, Hays, Hopkins, H abbcll, Hudson, Hangerford Washington Hunt, Charles J. lugersoll, Josf-ph It lugersoll, Irvin, J-nks, IVr- i-y B. Johnson, Pr«á>tou Kmv. Da..i«-I P. King, Kirkpayick, Lahrauch«-, McCaasleu, Mel vaine, Ed.» aid J. Morri*, J.-- .»-ph Morris, IMoaelev, N c Newton, Parmemer, Paterson, Peyron, Phic iir, E H Potier. Emery D. Potter, Pratt, Pur- ly, R-m-y. Rathbun, C. M- R*-e-J,Reife.Ritter R. h n»on, íln«»«*ll, Sample, Senier, David L. Seymonr, "», Sli del!, Alben Smith. -J. T. Smith, Stephens, Stetson.Andrew Stewart, J««hn Stewart, Sykes, Thomaston, Tibbatts, Til. I«*n, Tyler, Vance, Vanmeter, Vinton, Whra'.ü.-,. While, Williams, Wilkni«. Wïnthrop, William Wright, Joseph A. Wrig it, Yost. 107. The resolution of Mr. G. Davis of Ky., in¬ structing the Committee on Election? to inquire into the validity of the claim»? under the consti. tution and laws of the -«;encr_l.ticket members to seat.«* in the House, with one or two amendments ¡iroposi'i-: a different reference, came up as the ¡Kmdin-j business. Mr. Jameson of Mo. a-;ain addressed the House in opposition to the resolution, claiminj; for him- ¿elf and the others of these members the same rights to t-eat"- as thoi-e of any of the members of the House, contending that not bein-: a question of contested seats (in that cese a proper subject of reference to the Committee on Elections;) bnt of the nf-ht**- of sovereign Stairs, it should be Acted upon by the House, and ail of its members have ari equal voice in its decision, «5-x. Mr. Kenneoy of la. (who in his teat a few days sin*:*', bo boastingly threw defiance and srorn upon thr law of Congress in question, declaring it a "nullity," fit only to be treated with ''cm. tempt") now proposed a very summary method of disposing of the subject, by a substitute for Mr- Davis'a resolution declaring ' that the noncrdl ticket member-, were c. much entitled t«,« their «-eats a-3 the members from any of trie States.". Before he had succeeded in definitively disposing of the matter, however, -and without farther busi- ¡10GP; the House adjourned. In Senate, after the presentation of eeverftl «-ommunieationf. from the Departments, peti- tion:;, &.C., Mr. McDcffxe gave notice of the introduction of a bill to renew the Compromise Act, and to model the present TarirT in conformity thereto, Mr. Barrow, on leave, introduced a bill making- appropriations for the improvement of the navigation of the .Mississippi. Mr. Miller introduced a bill for the improve¬ ment of Pennsylvania Avenue in thi*» city. Several resolutions of inquiry of the Depart¬ ment were adopted* ami the Senate, after a oriel Executive session, adjourned. -___- Tiling«, iu Piii«_d--lphia« CoiTespondence of ¦!;.- Tribune. PHiLADfiLFHia, Dec. 19.P >'. MoF.i. Vioi._nce..At .«h ear!) hour list evening, in Second-street, below Snipj>fß, au amck «»vis rnad? apon s loue man 'ïamfd (¿l.s.v n. believed io be _ i>it-r.ib«-r ol the F-iiniou!.» Engine Company, t>y.;-»-i_l peison-i unknown, A*h w -s severely b-üt-n. Tlif members of ihe !ncep?nd«>iice H«-*»--, ic their 1st.« 6ght with in«- Northern Liberty, laid */iolr_: ha-i'Js opon a be_uu- ful s.lver horn, which they rttair. as one of the trophies of ..i*»ir infnM'V. Real EslATE..Upward of S'21.000 woith of P-eA Es- ili >sa. »old !».-: r\- -Hij^ at the Exchiu¿-¿. Th.: Markets . The weather,sine« the clo»<- ol list -¦.'., ¡..i :...<.. ui As r.i-1». and t'.«- transaction-i ccnrrii ^ e upon qnite » 'nnit-'.i ».«.»'., ¦.>>-;.' C :«¦.:. %>*.icI> has mproved in dt»tna -1 T e Dr . to day, is '. fri-».'. tec, b;.t the wa*>i ai ü»-. s ibigh. C.'.'.'o.'i.« ««ir _i->ik-(. : ;c-* mj lutreport ':.'. s exhib I to rn.v... chnoc-j -.s ri-t-ard.» prier»; bul '.:,e n: nisi ck iu first h ds of thé fin«-i descriptions !.avr .nab!t-u lolders to obtAiu -fcHchl -..Iv- o- >«\ «(?¦¦.. ,,».¦<¦ ¡s .... Ii-s«* _r_ .«**, wiih s*t;»*s ol 10'i bales fail 0«*orci_ at 91* .airs ii-«-.'.- crop M.'f-iir 3*. 91 ; ^¡.«1 li 0 balt-s L'-.ií.id», in-r- ior :o *::' «ii*ii i*;. ;.t î4 . ¦**; Th- raai feet dbs<*s to d*y with m apw.i-d t- :ii^.-.c_\. and hold«?TS dr-clme selling at carr»*iii itr.». From p:t-»r:;: sppearance an advance of» «rr-nis infv- t.b'.e. T:-.t- -.-».ec» nein Eaxope are io^L. d i"oi with int*-r«->:. -' .Prim« Clover srrd i? «lot-r.ueh ioqaired after.of¬ fered j,tjSS 75. Flax Seed dull at '»»ï 3«? _, 1 40. Stock»*. The ùtlinc ¡s still upward ir. .-ur Stocks Mar- with ivirru-d transaction*. Th«? salt; t-^dav have reach*»*] (»eO.OOO cf Suw Sticiu-ities and Lca-:s 5ute Fives ros.1 _;- S ate Six»*». '-. Reading Bonds, 1. Rradü ; Shares. *, Fiiiirrs'.i*.u Mechanic-.' Biu-t, ;-. Teanesse« B-::Jí. -.. Philadelphia Baak. j; Mechanics1 Bai:_. A. Norristown, i. The sAes .: the Sec«-:_ Board were, $15.¿V« State Fi-»c» It 59;; Sl.!««MChesapeake and Delaware Canal L^a a: '.J. y.'ö.WO Hea.ltuí B.;».<Js at 77; 2 :.hares Phil add phi* Bank at «ii. 100 do Reading Railroad -'. -*.-, ^-'A-Oii gute bu«?.», 1?4*3, ai73r. Fim; Paintimcj.Th« -.up***« collection of Oil Paint- iiigs b> liM-.; E-iiL«».>ê*_i attist«, uoNv eihibiiins:, fríe to the public, At th«» coiutt of Broadway and Cr.»-nb<*:-3«_>e[., pre- icnta « rare opprtunity to onr tasteful citizens to decorate r.eir parlors with some of th* Soest woik» of _;t evei of* .Vrrd to the public. Naked wdl]«. are «becoming nnfashiona* Io, and we think they should be so. To those who think ith us we would 3ay, Go acd »-». then. fjQP- A mpeticcof the Bar U reqaested THIS MORN¬ ING (Wedntsdni .«,: 10 .-.'cl»->ck in ihe Common Covncii. Cha-OS«, City Hal!, to adopt suitable mea-sur» s : i manife«; their rtí.-pt'c: fot the memory of the late Mr. Jv-itick THO.«»ij,.*o.v,of the Supreme Court of the Uni*!*d States. »«.t»___Bjgg^g__gg"________|.iiiiiiiiMMi«..m COl'KT CALENDAR ... This Day. Co-uxos Pei-as-Nos.1.2,14,16,17,19,20,21 Sctekior Court.Nos. 5í. 3o. 80. 81, 82, 36, 22, 54, 60, 88, 69, 91, 92, 9-1. 95, »Jó, 7. '29, -J, 21, ,_-. 66, 97. 41, 71, 52, 27, 72, 24, 33. »S3. 17, -18, 1 12, 23, 20, 11. 13. 7¿, 19. 26, i. 4d, 31, 55, 56, 61, G I T Y T eITlTg EN C E. TUESDAT. * ". STATES CIRCUIT COCRT.Befóte Judf»? Br it the openinc of the Court. Mr. Hoffman. I trict Attorney, announced the death of the_ li S"-iTH Tho*ípso>*, lam Circuit Judcc of this 1 trici. ¿Viter pavinir a jusi tribute of eulogy to charactei leceaséd, Mr. H. ,aid tliat, a man be o a for his life, he regretted that he ce .. I rrnotioa to'adjoura tlic Court _. ;-.. ;., ..¦ ... few feeliug sentí xp - ... . .-.- ath hi, uncnted friend .. ,-,. ¡!« aid thai his eulog*. would be | -, nounced, but al another time and another place. "ai had progressed, he would not the C urtuntil itbadclosed. ["IT« trial of I -;.-. -. .-.- resumed and cond-ded. a Report of wl «focad onoorFirst l'a.-*. After thechaige bad I given, and etJai retired.] Mr. STAPLES r»,-** s a brief etilogiuni on th* h..'.. ol the ! : ¦; ;. .:;¦ n.. then moved that the C«i £ ...¡1 I'-" *day next. 'i \?i> Betts rose and --lid that i* »"u twe vrv. that en aei h '... tool" hif seat in I | Court, and out of thai long period they have =at ¡¡-ether for sixteen years. .During all mat time tl had sat in the createst harmonv.'and he (Judge j had received the most decided advantage from great learnine:, sound judgement and comprehens .- m' his lamented friend, ;»nd it »-vas needless him to sav thai he coai urred in the tribute paid the meraorv the deceased by th«.' District All v and Mr. Staples. The Court was then journed " Pues lay next. SUPERIOR COURT-Bef. Judges Joke a and Vanderpo Death of Judge Thojtpsok..Soon after : . .- Court, George Griffi.v, E?q. n -- .-. th death of Judge TfíOürsoN. and ...-.;... arks in r* Intion to his life a tnoiy. ' He pr« s ntcd a resolution expressing srret at"his lo..-. »fcc. and moving that the Court ¡burn. The ¡tions were seconded by ? Lorn). Chief Justi eJo>*_:5, in offering the respoi o:'tht- Court, paid an impressive and eloquent " to the public and private virtues of aeceas» The Court then adjourned to Wednesday. ! COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.Before Judge Ism Death of Ji dge Thompson"..Joshua Levi 1DGK. Esq. announced to the Court î'ic »It-nth ! Judge Thompson, and in highly effective und i pressive n marks alluded to his eminent services n [_*.*¦"] character, and moved that the Court adjou fron >. 11» bis memory. JudgeLvglishapp ap» -..:¦ :. an I th Court was thereupon adjoun" to vVedni - HT »F SES3H '\s.Before the Recorder, í Raw'son a .Vaterman. J. R. \Vhit_no, D. At ¡!:..-. :;¦ '-: J'i ..:-: Thompson..Ar the openi of the Court A ¦¦-. L. Jordan, Esq. rose and 8 ed the C m si illov. a : " I ::¦ ¦ ce th« melanch lv :::' of ! ¦¦. : '¦. n. Smith Tl nap , one of »I.-* A--'.ci -¦¦i .''.- ....¦- ;- C art of the United States, **- ¦.¡¡..I-:- residí in the county of Dutch«ss,Test.rdae ."> o'cl ick in the aft* uoon. " Th- di_tin_ui.«h-d ability, lrari'ing and i:-r» of deceased ... .Judge . his high standin; -i_ a c;ti7.en," and estimable qualities as unan, reader his death i public a ; rit .;¦ »Urait« of unusual occurrence. As a to_e_ of -.pecT'föf his imbue a-.d *)ri\_te virtues, I move that tl (J<-n-' «! »i »*>." ad¡ourn.*" The motion o.-.t-i seconded by Mr. Phillips, ;»<-tii District Attorney:. when his ITonorthe Kecord« after :i brief and eloquent expression of his symp thicí for the death vi so greai und good a man, ai so able and upright a Judge} and after a suitaL eulo-rium on his character, adjourned the Court Wednesday morning, 11 o'clock. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. This lju.-ir»! met this afternoon, un»! a»'ted upc the bill <.>f Sheriff Hurt, which «a* finally -?ettl< and passed. A communication wu.«- received r comrhendhig John VV. Hendrich us a pupil to tl institute for the Instruction of the Blino. The hi of Deputy ShcrifTMeeker for expenses incurred taking liarge of the brig Hope, belonsring to tl estate of Thomas Lloyd, on her return from Afrie was referred. The bonds of John Wintrington in: John A. Underwood were presented. A bill for un munition (amounting to .¦?l"-)"¡ supplied the trooj ou Evacuation Day was presented und withdraw] :.s it beioiics to the Common Council. Adiourne« MISCELLANEOUS. A .nt^v Judgement ok Solomon..A very re markable case was brought before Judire I'lshoe: fer îu-'.!ay. ¡n which, h colored man in this Cit; brought the two white necro boys, at Pcale's Mii .«ein::, up on a writ of habeas corjiut-, to establis his claim to them as their futhcr. He was oppose by Joseph Manual*, a colored man, from New Jei s_y. Lach swore positively that they .¦..ere hi children, and each was strongly supported in hi claim by -.everal respectable witnesses. The sin cerity of Jones nv.d his witnesses is undoubted while Mannah shod tears profusely. The case, wa adjourned, to allow the latter to brinç Idí» neighbor to swear to the identity of hi- children. ^__r" The body of an unknown woman, about 3.' vears of aj*..-. was found in the river at Hoboken oi Monday evening, Dec. 18. dressed in a »inrk calici rire^«. fight calico apron, black bonnet and calf-ski: ...iocs. .\ Coroner's Inquest was held, and a ver dict'of Accidental Drowning rendered. Further in formation may be obtained bj calling on Joshu. Benson, Coroner, ai Hoboken. Pi »LICE OFFICE. C'»i.t' i'lii.v r...'\ show ..a-:.:, contaiuinf S-\\ worth of sheets, collai--, handkerchief*, **-r., was sfo< leu ihiâ morning from before the door of th.»** -.tor»* o Benjamin Watcrbury, 189] Broadway, bv a mar named Reuben Swift, who was caught and com¬ mitted. Shoplifting..öam Richardson, colored, waa arrested for stealing ,6 worth of silk and worsted roods from the -tor«; of M. E. Austin, corner o' Greenwich and Murray streets. Theft..-Abigail La.rc.on was arrested charged with the theft boots, ilik velvet ridinj; cap, lace cape, kc fn.-m the pr^niutî «-t Charles Cose, 31 Chrystie n. 3'_-RciARr-.'VVilii-ra Kennedy,alia, Jami-s Williams, »nd John A *»Villiamr., «.vert- ?_rrcit^d for having broken into the rifi-^inp l_f: .t««re shop of Mrs_r». Mackey 6; Westt-rvrlt, corner of Coriaen .«.¡id Cherry streets, nndsteal¬ ing ihree-founhs <-f ton of torn.', rigging, worth Slr>0. Th«» {«'N V.O.S :*.u:.d a; the ¡unk shop of Allen H,,,--, 391 Ch-rry's:. A S.Yi_->R aM''N* S.«t_r.*:i.A color-d seaman r.amrd Oe r^.- Frr-rm.-.., brio'ik;ii.,' t'1 ')»«-bark Ducd'OrlrauS. last ii.i.t i :.. a house in Oranps str-t', where he was knocke I d >wn b;. three ci lored m-n and robbed of S»10 50 hy a colored woman i.ani-.l Hannah Miller, who fled. She v, .- ,-. y caught and committed. -IiGHWAi BBERY.lames Cassidy wai arr-'-tni bv i watclim-m, cbdrsed with having at - .'ci.'Ck on Suiida«, mornic? knocked down John i^uurll. 171 South street, 1 while walkinj; in R..ù-*-vr-!t -tre*_t, near Cherry, and robbed hm forcibly f?7. Cassidywas committed. Fp.j-'.'r».Complaiatwas mide at tlie Police byWaltei Adams, ci-^rk c Hosea Winchester, druggist, I3f. John *t-, charging Jonas M. Ball «*nd Williatn H. Bart I r it with ha? ¡ng on tue lO-!. « f Ol-:aber las: defrauded said. Winchest-i of SI 13 31 worth of druç-s and medicines, "which Ball bought, purportiiu: to be for cash. Th» compl _int, withoDl an arrest, was ordered to b* sent to the Grand Jury. Several nthers v\c¡e at the Police ¿* complainants against Ball and Bart'«.:., asieiting .niiilar frauds. fry The Albany Atlas, in allusion to the wcath- er &!-.d navigation, says.Th.* has nearly disappeared. The b"..'. came np ufaras Poughkeepsie yesterday, and will probabli r-mr :.. Hudson '.hi. ».v-.-'k. should tiier? be no C : Z*. '. " ither. Conuuereia] and "rloney Matters. "y For sales ct the St-^k Exchange, see First Pace. TrrsDav P. M. The busines, of the Board continues large, and eenerally prices are well maintained. Kentucky unprovea \ : Indiana ! i ; Illinois : Pennsylvania \ ¦ Alabama i : Lon? bland 1; ÍVIóhawk â* Har¬ lem 1 ; Canton \ : New-Jersey i : Stonington |. Fanners' Loan fell off . Norwicn -and Worcester 1 -. occasioned in part by the apprehension that the "Trustée» under the tr»;.-t wc mentioned yesterday would feel i* their duty to apply tor an injunction. Til T'.vi; .:._.' marki t is rather firmer to-day,the Runph I ing hmited. Sterline is 8 a * Francs ¦:. 10. Bickneirí Philadelphia Reporter says: '. Moaej aj. abuuda-t ü e-.t-r lu Phii-delphia. Thft Banks discount at -i per cent, while cut of doors we hear of ¿rst rate pip1"' negotiated in cases at 3-. Thedepo-iits conlioue uuusuaJiy l_r_- in our Banks. " The currency of Philadeliihia at the present time con¬ sists of specie and »pecie paying Bank notes. Relief notes \lthou_h now at a verv low rate of discount, scarcely circu¬ lât.» in the city it -11, from hand to hind. " Tii-r broken _f Philadelphia generally, on Siturd_y, re¬ fused to parchase the -"Miel notes of the Berks Co. Bank in coaseqneoce of a rumor of an over isiue having been dis- L-..v-r-d at H-rriibarc.'* The District Attorney at Dubur^ue, Iowa, ha.«- ob- tained leave of the Court t»i institute proceedings _- ;..-; ¦'-- .Miner-* Bunk, for the purpose of taking aw.iv it? charter. Domestics exported from Boston during the week ending December 1(3 : {To West Indies.30 ba.-»s South Amen<*a. H*- » Turkey (in Asia). ...... J3_ " Total.,.77*32 " Markets... Carefully reported fjr Tnc Tribune. Tvf.-d.vy. Dec. 19. VSHE-*>..-A few barrel? Pot?, about SO, have bec:: -»old at S*i Û0. The advance in Pearta is sustained, -"id we no-ice salea 10 barrels at ó 121. COTTON..There !-* a hi_:ii -»tarn* of the ?pe*'u- larivc fever exis*.**-: to-day. causod by the news fron* the ¿culli on tlic short crup basis. The .»a!'-*- are reported between 4000 ami 5000 bags, and the rates i<- per lb higher than li-»t werk. I'pland fair i-» 9 a '.j »-ont-» : New-Orleans 9i. a9j cents« FLOl'R. AND MEAL*..There i- no change to notice. The demand continues limited to rho trade, and the sales show rather a weak market. We no- sales «500 barrels Ohio, better than common, at i ".». and 500 do. a fair brand, at » 59. Gencsci is li* Id at î 69 trenerallv. with sales at 4 62J a 4 »«."«. A Jliotoi F M.--. 20Ô barrel«*, soid ai I .")«.;. Round Ohio worth I 'A-- Scratched ¡- in -roodde- nuuid at 144 a 4 37i : tin» middling 1 12" ; middling 3 50 a3l?2i ; ship stufls 1 75 a 3 2a. There is more doins in Southern de«5criptione. Georgetown seuf. ¡n lots al 1 62, a 1 75; Brandvwine 1 02] " t ¦>. witli sales 400 to 500 bárrela at I 69. "«A . also no- -Air. LOCK) barrels Richmond City, -Gallego, shipment at 550: »500 do Richmond Country ex¬ tra at I 871, and 2w do Frederickêburg -it 4 5l [ Richmond Country, common, 1 621, with sales 700 barrel; on private terms. For Meal there i- a light demand at -' 621 r 2 7:- for Jersev and Brandyw-ine Brandywine hh'ds $12. Rve Flour is §3 a 3 I2f, with very moderate sales. Buckwheat is not active at 3 50 a*4 25 for common and $5 a 5 25 tor fancy : bac-» $2 a 2 12* : half barrel-» $2 a 2 25. Short«- are nominallv 10 a 11 cents ; Ship Stuffs 13 a 14 cent?. GRAIN..The supply of Wheat has been still farther increased by a lot of Lon<: Island, 3200 bush¬ els, making about' 10,000 bushel? on the market. \Vc ha-»»? h* ard of no sale-. In Corn there ia not much doing. A sale of 1000 bushels New-Orleans was made at 52 cents, weight, and 1000 du new northern brouirht 44 cents, weight, delivered. .. sales 35 :'' bush*;- Rye : .<:¦¦..". de¬ livered, [n the slip it sells "at 61 cents. Orit** cop¬ ie dull, without change, 33 a 34 cent** ;it retail. Blackeycd Peas arc i 25 n 1 37¿ per bag ofnyo bushel?, with small sales. A small lot of Wl t* j,. ins sold at 12 »50 a $13 per tierce.We learn : the 1«»>* of L. island Wheat mentioned abovi w us sold, for the British Provinces, on terms not ti tis- pir -i. 1400 bushels North Carolina Cora t*old, sup« posed .it 48cenu«, »v. îîrht. WHISKY..Wc only hear of sales about;101 : I equal to Prison al '-J1 cents. The lot of New-Or¬ leans is. we believe, still unsold. Drudge is 23 cts, and in moderate demand. HAY..Nothing doins: excepting for rh<* supply of the retail demand. We quote ns before, 13 i 15 cents for the -. r __: » rute. HIDES..We notice farther di 2000 Savanilla on terms not made pul i:--, and 200 Dn Southern at :<; cents. SEEDS..Rough Flax is taken frech is offered .it $9. Wi notice a sale of 100 tierci s cí« un ut SIO. Old Ciover is 9 n 9'¿, with small sales. New is held '¦¦' c* nts an i above. Timothy i- inactive at §13 a s\l PROVISIONS..There is rather more activity, nnd we notice sales 500 barrels prime Ohio at 9 2d. *.îe?s is !" 75 a !" 871. State : $10 a 1" 25 and 11 'do ;i 11 37»}. Sai*»» lOil barn-Is city mess were made at 6 44, and 200 barrel.« country at 4 183 and 6 L8?. A lot of 100 barrels city prime was made, for . sport, on terms not made known. We have no -ales .if barrel Lard t.« notice, but 1400 kegs were taken at h\ cents. Cheese ¡s radier dull at U a5L We understand nearly all die prime Butter has been bought up and is held for liigher prices. Dead I ._¦ ~ are selling at 4_ u 4«? cents. COCOA..A lot of 100 bags Para changed hands at 6| cents, Long price. NAVAL STÖRES..Wc notice n sale ofCOObbls ^Vilminfi*1on Turpentine "¡i term.- hot transpire*!. SOAP..Sales 600 boxes Winchester's No. 1. IS lbs. 20 bars, at 1 25, cash, for shipment. TALLOW..The demand is not very nctivt*. About 30 io 40,000 lbs have been taken at cents. Sales of Real Estate... Dec. 19. By A. J. Bleecker Se Co. A vacant Im E. side ñth av. between 11th and l«2th- streets, 25 ft. 9] incheJ by 100 »Vet.$3,700 Vacant lot 5- side lith-.t. iiexx £>th av. 17 f:. l":ont 21) ft. rear and 103 ft. 3 inclus deep. 2,000 Y .if/tut lot on S. side 15th*st. between ôtlt and 6th avenues '2b by about 84 teat deep. \,¿00 *******- Fair..The juvenile Missionar*}* Association of the Allen street Church (Rev. Mr. Cheever*.) will hold a Fair for tli»* sale of useful and fancy arlicle», This AfteRXOON and Evj-mnc at No. 100 Forsyth street, two dojrs above Grand. The fair will be open l'roni two to ten F. M. --_.- QjJ" A very useful and scientific preparation for Coughs and Colds.Wilde'» Flaiseed and Iceland Moss L'auJy, be- in«; mad«»¿of pure loaf sugar ..nd eitraci of the above uset'ul articles. Sold al -tol Broadway, near Grand si. ...- Holiday r*iK?t.NTä..Persons wishing to i*v»l«i* presents in llie line of Watches and Jewelry, would do wtll to ca!! on «uir old frimd A. C. B'.RR. SO Bowery. They wil ItJiere fiad a fust rale -isbortmeut of articles ill that line. If you purchase you cao depend upon getting an article as good as reccra- mended by him. - r. . ECONOMY .«..«.'D ClEA.**LIí>E»3.CoiL SlKTKBS..Tb«*»« Sil'ter» are ;i ca»t iron truncated cone, revolving on -i horizontal The materials ax-* put into a hopp'r, and ttoin ihence nin info a »c««en. A few turns of a crank -».re suîfici.»nt to sep-trate the a*.hc, fr'.rn the c-A, depositing the ruhes iu one drawer and Lhecoal in iiioth«*r. We hav.» o:ie .sise irid'le for h-jleli And l.-.xgr establi-duneiits, to 51 the lop of a ba.n«?l e.u<\ sits '.hern until the baritl h> filled with _>he*J, <uid ih-> Diichui«- ii itoioveil io another, and v> on e.d in fini turn. The miiCliiu». i_ uo\i u->«d at the A.toi, Amrncaii, Ffd'.ik- liu, und ruui-t Otliei iirju.e« of the «Jity- JA.MF.8 II. BULL, 53 b..«uth Willum and 'dó Stone .trtet, Manufrtcl'irer -A Scdietj of evcrv variety. f**?** We ha.e ow of th"se machinei in mc in our orñ>:«*, .aid we tbink -rsith pr.iper ca.c il can be uiadc to ¿as, its c\- peas-: in a verv lew weeks. kid- Tub. 'Cy Splendid rerforni'«n*-.ei I his alt*riieon at the Ameii'jan Museum at J o'clock. and childrtn v-i!l .»...joya rich fund of aa*.ui»*cie3t with Ge«¡. Tom Thumb,'he Gií-si*í3, «kc. fee. rjTT" The *Whire N"-»j«*roes and the splendid performances at i**eale's Mu»**um will draw full hou¿»*s as u«uu. iZy PrNM-NsH!r.«-S--«* (toi.'omith'. advertisement. -JSy KcsaN Soa.P..The gneat diíñ'-nity in obrainin-r this ^o_-), çeuniiip, has indac»*'i the subscrib-r*. *o import a quantity direct. Those wishing the article will find the i>r«-s»-ii: su¡ - ply i.-esh-TtiJ of i superior nuali'v. G. SAUNDKRS . *«0\'. tll9 6t-od _____ Funiialiiii-; rftore, 163 Broadway Pr.F.Mit'M RaZOR Strops..The first premium a: the Fiirs ol the American lustitnte li^s b«-«-n «v> arded. v«*ar after rear, to G. Sdanders, ú»r the invention of the NÍ-r.Üic Tablet, with 'our si.irt.-No. 1 side ha*/ins the etf*-ct of a hone, -a irh- ou: Uiiu^- oil or water. The othrr udts ar- for keeping the lazor w:th a fine, smooth ed¿e, 30 that razor- can be kept in perfect order withont having recourue to a cutler or barber.. It is used and recommeudeJ by the »irst cutlvr^ in England, and certified by the most scientific -*entlemen i:i this country! It, zxt-it i-rl.brity ha_ caused counterft-iu and imitations in- pumerablc. which can easily h«r detected hy th*» coar:«-md imi»«-rf»:. t surf ire of what is called tlir- Tablet side, the origi¬ nal hei:ii <;m..o'h and polish«««!. Manufactory, No. 163 Broad¬ way, N»w-York. dl86teod Co-XE_yMagical Pai*- ExTRAcTOR.--The mr.jt eTtra- ordioary amele ever nsj-.l for the following complainu : Bum» and.Scalds, Fraated Parts Chilblains, Chafe». Erysip^ Braises. Rinrwomis, Scrofula, Salt Hheum. Ulcers Enn- tion*-, Ferer Sores, Barbers' Itch, Sore Nipples '] ¡c Dolo- rea-x.Büe* Piles, Inñamed Skin. Cuts. Stabs ko ¿ .i,_VK«C_Any 'r""'1* l;yins '-'-A i-Ugical Extractor foi any of weaDo-e-named c mplamts and is not perfectly satisfied with » dl haveth- raoney refanded. To be had nly -renoine at C0l."",»:'_":ii'str'"'r: - -Sor:h Fifth-srreet, Philadelphia; Livi«:-; on a'ûrm all my ufe, I im rie«sarüy subject to such evils; bur- happily, your meal« ca.r«. 5-.4P reliriez me bkt a charm m two or three washings. xon are welcome to nnm this if v.«u '.!%._-, a_ the fad is known to all dm neighborhood ISABELLA PKOL'T. Bergen, N.J. Nov. 21,1-J43. l«sme-«.it>er. the only place in New Yoik-where th* above -*°?pls Io be had genuine, is at 6" Walker strvet--.0 cuts ¡er c?-»,*i- Buy do wr-.-rt rise.v»l,«-remar be hid cSourand"1 Spa- nun \Vhite, for beaatifvmg and whiunin«. the »ar-r^nele-idnt boxes.2o cents each, Gouraud's Liquid Vegretable Rons--.50 cents per bottle; Guu/aud's Poudre SuOtile, for *r_dic_tiij^ hair.5! p»«r bottle. » w_Ei ¦ Peters' Pill«..It is u*«r.eio<tr'- to w.' more than one word about Peters' Vegetable and Bilious Pills. They are more e**teasively used by Phys-ciani than any other pill er« nud.-. r or I-vers ofevery type.dv>¡«ep*.u,liv er cornpl_ at, jaundice, OMUUcdons, co»tiveh«*ss, loss of api-eiite, thev are <«mj ha*ic- aliytne orlat rimedt. Our eulo-*y is useless where thf are kn-j«-n. Let the doubting test their virtue. Principal of- fice 125 Faltan cor. Nassau st., and 50 North-Sixth st. Pnila- delphia; So, 2 Milk st. Boston. dl»j6t Zy See advertisement of Dr, Hou*em<_T_ German Couah Urops* _ u21 lmia** 5ebri56's Cqrpul is sold at .No. 6 Murray st o31 if ¡Josi.ii Ricliards, Auctioneer Ay Large Sale of Holyday Books» 6¿c- THIS EVENING and TO-XORROW EVENING Bangs Richards & Platt. 156 Broadway, will seil and eúen- meand rich cjllection of books suitable for gifts, consisting of ele-tant English AcnuaLs and embellished work-,, Ame-;,- .. Anauab lor IS4', splendid F.nCli_h and American Bii-le- Vh. ruU0L-»1,I^_ind Î'71*5' fine PÄy« book'' k-A-mfnl editiorli of the h.a¿li.h and American Poeu, in extra binding St.- Also, a collection of valuable standard works. ' AUç, ilargs collecdon of popular medical books, late-taud best editions. CatRlogue-* are now ready. ¿30 aiíirií,nniiTirm-r<rr, ¦ -.w t*ia^i\nv'nmxt»yaumi\i MARRIED: In this uiy, o-.: thi ¡J-.*,.by R, v. Dr. Wainwru-h', S. Hr««- rt Roise*» to EurajiETH M_.thfw, ¿-._..-_.-. :' k. . l> Wa-r.'*v.-¡_:-.'. ('n :.i- ¡uh in.t. bv Rev. S. H. Meeker, lloara; F_a.-. . M5 to '-.-.»aal«-»., .LjuJ.t-.-of Tr:.::i_, L. Jo..... DIED: On the : .: .**Ar.,»t M.i-i..,-.;iV .«f Stephen Van SottiUri it iu lb« .. : . . - ._,-.. Oatbe 17th, Amy Bu ? r ,*-,«.... /\v*!i,,m Kerney. i __US .-_; .' W . P. G re,-. Esq ot P.- viduño , -..- ; ArLHMiuwier.Maas.oodi :.:¦¦.. V i Thieu Ktioau, danghte'of lion. JOU15 Kendall..ig j A- S»l<;m, Ma>¡ - ' - .¦. '.'.' r. .- t joldi*« ot' the Revolution, *, id 89. Pn»--»eii_r;cr-- Arrived« IntheSr rAnnD, miA '* '.--' -. Demai \ Mn M ilrti md . htld, ' s /.'.; _.i . -Mr P! fn the brig A £ . riatanz ¡" .. /.1 '.- '"¦ '.:' -.¦ '.'. H ' R ». Ile, W «A 1..-. , A biddii fn the Bat k Anx .' .'--. !.-,.,';. .¡. r Bears: 01 D; r ,'. bark Mason tSarney, from Buen Ayres.Mits ij- r. Klir.ii - M ill In the '¦"_: Erightm Men --'¦. L îad M B* uK. Pajtseugers sailed. T . .'.*¦.-»..'- ¦'' a r- ¦¦' ¦¦ -. iv>, *-,- trick Lei - -\«> and fc C D-* Se*»-". '- '¦'¦. rertWH-n ... : Kici.»/«. H . cfTi .-.' ; Lieut J, R N, Canada; Mi Wallace Canada; K '¦- i ... An-..---«- Or; -'.-. ¿..J Ford AAi thor, md \V C olquhcun, atreal; » B Si-msa --_ h Mait- ii; ,, Qu.beC.1, -*jr Halifaz .C W Dixou, Mrs Rysa and M'«t«i R. in.3. ToaJ li. MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NF.W-VORK. DECEMBER 20. ' ' rUllE ALMANAC.THIS DAV. The - -- Ris« s. .7 23\ Srts. .1 J. lin. .'-. Fl Ll Si \ î . .9 451 Eveoioi;.t 5 London.N .¦-:.. - i . .N01 ember is Liven :. >..--:...:'. r-0 ins.. I ...te: 9 t L I .-.' : Loi , J. Griswold; Sh« \. .... t 1:'. ':,, .-¦....;;....' ..».-¦¦ _*: 5- .-.' .- Bare St Lir- : Bri-Ts S M «-¦ ti" ': «-'-. I»», S* i*»11 kle- .'. .'.. A \ I ; '. o- L a, 1¿ D Hiiílbot; i :..-.:.-..,- D m& üii üi_i id, >^.v- ...... .».; ;-,.*. 1 ,....,.,..,.... :;...,..-. Baltimore. Coole*. \i 1; Sanli Louiía. Follett, Si ti 1 .-. lite, Mo¡ 1 it N ¦¦' ¦--«. \;;t.l% 1 0. Ship Sabina, (whaler.) Sl-ite, 130 da from Oaho, 28 months '.-¦.it with2300 ools whale icdloodo sperm oil, to Slate,Oar» dioer&Howell. Spoke, May 22, Armata. Hall, of NLondon, bis; 26th, Dertmooth, vvunpsoy. ol NBedford, IÛ30 «!., v \ .._'k. r. 1: -p-June I, bark Ney,Smith, ilo, lwh: M, shin, Smirh.d tl Copia, Ta- ....:¦; 16th, >'.:¦ iani 1. Mayhew, do,2 ". Ann M irv Ann. AVinters, Pas Rirbor, 2 wh lies; :. b, ¡l:» :.-«-. Salfêr, NBi 1 « uh; 21-it, ' ¦'. :': ce. Read, I*Providence,i - "*»''-.¦ l*',,;- ford, Í100 wh, 11M s 1, Parker, d"»,7i»0 sp, I whales; ......;.. -, f Sas Harbor,2 whale. »utheN '.'.' ' OShu. Au«*- 0 '¦.:'.. tliza- :' ¡- .. town, v. :. boat's cieY. :.¦.¦..'. N- wburyport- o«' Salem for i-àntoo- a » ' unsiellaTion, Lmtt-fi -»¦ id Cyaue, KB > : ' ¦'¦ *""¦.' [.-'. k)S,1 2 '.'. Bayard,ol Oreeupoit, Ship V .--.'¦ hia.) Pern, f-otn Manilla, July -. .'..;., ..-.«.¦ i- ;... U.c. ... der. ?AÍ!«*d in Company with ship W.des,"VVaitî*. Éo -'¦ "'. '.' Louvre. C»r»»en, an at Mantua, 24th July from . -. Paul, Osl n; S Jersey,Bai ..' ft* n 3d July. The Venice i-sed AoRt«*r8th Sept. ¡' «-At»:.-»» an shi LTni :oru, lC8ris horn Boston for Mouilla, had pas-ed a fe\* d 1 elbre. 0c. 20th, lit 11 Í7 S, loup 62. W,spoke« by ti.^ i". h.u, i.^d;..:,, of Grcenock; reported ar, shi j ï«: Paul,at St He'ena* S'ov6, lat 8 ? S. lone 13 51 W, Brbng (>c> .-:. Bii.ic. of New < .i:.:'e, from Rordeiux, for Isle of France; N'oi 19 N, long ST 2G W, bark Syren 28 days from **: An In \\«. N 15 for ba«loe_; 29th, lal 21 18 N, lonK 5S 0 '.V, bris Gipsy 16 dslr Bridgeport, Ct, for Demerara; L'-<-3. Iat27, lon¿65, British 74, staudine to soothward; Dec 9 to^ 13, strong gales in (.»nil* Si ?*.::-.-. 17th, passed shin Nassau, Chai leston Packet^! inshî. B'irk M'S"ii Barney, Scot', 76 days from Boenoa Aj 1^3 with hide., Stc to W W DeForesl \. » 0. Left ships rio« liuof, Elwell, for Boston, in 15days;Brutus, Aduns. NYo.-k- -i» days; barks Active, Gardner, 25dys; Three Brothers,Con- way, SaUm, uncertain; K tabella, Bailv, dodo; Potomac, Bearse, for NYork, in 21 days; La Plata, Michaels, Philadel¬ phia! I2ds; Hnhart .Collier, une: B:i_s Henry Otn lor ^0..- ton, iu 15_u_; KÜtii K;üu'. M ..-..¦_, ?-'..> JailrUO, SOOD* Me*» senior, | Sam 1 son, B.s: n, uocerraid. November :.0th, 1 titode .'! Li1, N, loiiiitu le 62 .u H", s; .kt- brig Kriph« of Bath, II il'.y-i from Wilmington, > C, for Point Peter, Gaudalcnpe. Died, December 13, Martin Whitnev, teaman, the ship Herald, formerly of Baltimore, bot condemned .md ...¡.I .; Montevideo in March, lhl-'. was captured i>> the Ax- -.entineSqaadroo and setitto Buenos Ayres. !: ^.*.s under¬ stood at bueuc- Ayres that th» Herald had 1 ci rtifiçate that îhe had heeu sold at auction at Montevideo by « nativeof the place and purchased by i. h*. Bun ws, Esq. This certiöcate was Kranted l",- che U. S. Consul at Moule video, bot that »be had no ill of sale, crew list, i.--i.«<- r. 01 ship« ingarticl. «, a::-! thai theU. S. ''oa-ul at Bueno. A. res had aaciiued, «'«-»-.kid- ^riiii the Herald as entitled to .«nii under the-lag ofthe United Si it-1. Birk Ann Louisa, Nlarschuk, 20 day, from Vt»ra Cruz, specie, mdie, Sic. to Hrirgous, Brothers ic Co. L»-fr, shij>~ *«i-.i:-..i. discharging; Tippecanoe, for New.Orlean» in -day»; bark Bayona . Higgins, for^Tobasco next dav. Dec. 12. lat. 30 10, Ion:*. 71 S>y »aw a bark _:i0.«!_c « lignai with Ictteis I . \V. M..' staudinu Southward. ^.Bnc Levant. Webster, 25,ds fm Tobasco. !ogwoo*l to Nes« mit':;. Leeds St Co. L*-:': biigs Sciem e md Sea Flower, both I. .-I'd. Brie Brighton k ing, 58 ds im Montevideo, hi.e-.fcc : to L Lei-nd. ship Brutu*-and bng Jew^y both went aanote ta a k *de from the South East. Oct8, aBueaosixiaxt »cturof war fouudered at »ochors and all haxut* perished fío date. I Lit 7 Oo lost 33. .-,'*«ke Br brig CouutvM, of Leiat«r, fmLivei- pool, for ' ..¡cuttt. Bne R*»r*ubliv. G.«.:*».«. 1J ds fm A'"i"acr.icol_, co:t..n, kc, to E » Hurlbutit Co. B'fi B**l!e. Myers, 1 d. fm Wilmington, N C n.*-_l scoit:. ! to E S Powell. Brig Antartic,Thompson, from Sr Thomas Dec I,ballast. to .V W Pratt. Left birks I«.»i! «, Wh«-eJer B.itiniorr, u«?t- day: Hecla, Williams, New-York, 6th; Guillord, Smith, ui.. .Vladouna, Wise, New-York, 6th; William Kenedy, Martin. une; Rio Grande, Cousins, just arrii d f cm Ne»/rport,Wal*s, reports having »poken whale ship W .' Nye, of Ntw-London, On Not 20th. i . lat 10 30, long l_; 'mti^¿ Pel disg; Porto y.¡co. Graves, unr. Schi Samuel Roberts, K_>-, from Rio Brazzos, Tr*\».*. ton and hides, to J II Brower. Left sloop Jase nnd Eliz-i. Knapp, going op the river; sehr S«!:»», from Ncw.York, 1*. Velasco, bi und ._;¦ ti.»- river. Dec ¡'-, Iat38, lotuc 71 27, board¬ ed die brig Levant, from Tobasco foi New-York; leth.ípok«* sclir Naucy and Jane, for New-York.»did not learn «herí from; ime, sein Thomas Hoopi -, of Baltimore, bound south .exnerien.! very bad v..-.:1- r, s.iu Harriet atnith, Smith, I2ds from Havana,oranges. *x< < o I' Balen. Sehr Clara Fisher, Bhuiey, 13 ds from Newbern.NC, naval store», t«) B Blossom. Sehr Louisa, Le*»'is, 13 ds fm Georgetowu, S< cotton to T.-.,' St Phillips. Sclir AnnD. Bedell, 5 ds fin "**«¦*.-f f..»lk, cotton mo tobacco »o Utilise« S; Cleann !.-:. S..!,r <.'ohiu»!*-t, Biir!*»tt. U «'.» i'ioqi Bsr,r^o, tyb-CCO, to Avtnar Cf. Sehr Maria, Atwood, from Balt_m<_ie. culze to J t N Brix«--. Sehr Horatio, Anes, S___ford,l2C- luiTauutvn, topper ar.d lud u to older. Sehr Si'1-.-ad.u, Dyer, 6 ,*- fm P,.rtl_ud. provisions to crde; Sehr Lebanon. Brown. 16 ds from Curler. Me, 10 master. Sehr Fmii<-s- E Uekker, 4 d-\fu: Phila.lelphia, mdi m-v»tf r. S'.-hr Or>, Juhnsou, ll) ds from E__:¡>Oi-¿, ¡ish, t- 11 So- viu- ii Son. Si-h.-i."«nnbri.lK^ Hall, 6 ¿, f.orn Bc«.ton. md_e. to ¡vftzttr. Slocp H^ii.-y, Gibb,,2d* from Fall Kiv-r n:i!_e. Sloop Isaac li Borden, Brown, 2 ds fr^tr. F<tll Kiv.r, oil. Sloop Vicli r.-, from Providence, oil. Sloop Three Brothers, from Bristol, F.I, mdre. ESLOWj A sh!pan<l2bri?s. Wind 5 S ".'»*. SIE-IORj NL'A. 1 :.*» V-sseb bonnd ro the Eastward >r- «till detained,owing to the east wii «!, in I thii k t- ,r. 1 h- ¡. ttei h*n if the rickec . »hip New-York, will be kept open onülhaJf pasca o'clock this m ;:.::.,-. '7y First Waril .Pursuant to ¿ reconim'ndanon of the Democratic Whig C'*u<-r-l Committee, the "»Vhig Elect¬ ors <-» l" t - Fir.- Ward a p requested t assemble at Threaher-a Br-.'-id Street Hi tel, comer 1" P«?arl ami Bro,d «tre^.-s. un the eve incofWe-lnesdav. the 20th insi at 7 o'cloek, lorth**nur« roi«"- 01 i»!-erii¡¿ liv- D-ilegales to r-p.-**-,ent this VV,ird in Gen« era] Committee :.-r the ensuing year, and also . Ward Com¬ mittee, ßv ..rdrr of <'. i'.PABOCK.Cinirra-in. Johv T. Lorto**, S^-cr-f-- d!9 2t - m "*"""-~-* Spcon, "»iVaT-l.-.Piirsuint to óie r.-.-..tnr«ien'!atioii the 'vV'.i!' <i-i:-¡'I '¦-. the Dem .«»-.tic Whig» of «»¦..¦..: Wa r- nested to meet at Jones. -; '¦oo\ VVanl Hocel. S .,.-.- on WEDNESDAY EVENING, De r the 1 arpóse cf a| ¡.... t- i r 1 -_- Dele« itesi ., . ;. ¦' losing t V.'..-¦'. Comm "- i"r í' - By .. .. - .'A «ES KELL -, ( ..-.-.. Tlaird ".V;¡rcl.-- ... ., ,. s0* e Wl »'. ¦. - V |. . f .'.- - ','.'.;! .-- .-.-.:-. -.1 r> ._-(, 0., WednesdÄW .'.:.l-.g, mst. .:.....-.. ».- ,,-, i the G ¡ral Cm itiee of'811, id * ' ".-. r :'¦¦- yê". By.-. ..--:. . .-.» rmttree ': ': - .-' l_"-:"'<; DL7EB Cliairtn L- ?" w-nn**-- ".V-iTî. -, .-. Elector» of the ' W-irl irerí-qnes; . ... . |j u COr*;Vr n: \- uliam « ¡«i .¦. : -, ;ned ... t, ..,: ., [.-'¦' 7 . : I-:-.- D «»tel '¦'¦¦. - " "' .'».. ¦'¦ .. ¦¦¦¦....¦:::¦-. nuxB >"«''. By . r p'r' -".'.! .,...- . ... ,. . THOMAS M. ADRIANCE, Chsirm-E. OHJJll.CS CHa-HBERLAUf, S«: r .". ,13 2t* "" r}fdh Ward..Ia pursuance to líotice of ÚM De mocratic \\ big (. ner.1 I ¡ommittee, the Whigs of this Waid ir"u-i'_' """¦' *-° *î,r'* 8t t!:!' v «fl":i House, 10. Chapel ;:i»««i on Wednesday eveubg tl»-20'h in-t, at "i. to ieiect live Dele- Wtesio represent the Ward in General < o:nmittee; also, *. >> <ird Committe« for the comm- year. Other bn-iiifs*of ini- p-oitauce will te laid h»fo.-*- thr meetinc ALEX. EL SCHCLTZ. Chairman. Darin < .«,r.r*:«,TKB,*» c , Jon* Hk-aiit, Jr. \ ^«-'let-ines. jÎS 2t (Tf Sixth Ward..The Democratic Whigs of th«; Sixth Wcsrii *r- requested to meet al Nacional Hall, Canal jt.erl. on Wednesday EreninK,the20_hiù»t.at7 o'clock,J?» the purpose ofchoosing'^ v-¡Delegates to represencthe Ward m the G-iieral Commitire forth« veai '!.'.!. ami also to apupiot ¦*. V.' .rd Committee for the ensuing year. By of to* Ward Committ-e. W M. JONES, Ch-iman. L.Beadlt, Secretary. di9 2t -.__«.». ry Seventh TV*a*rd»»--Pu«uanttoarecomm«iilatioB «.'.' ¡Tie Democratic Whig i."-» *.-l Committee,the Demoeranc Whhr Electors of the Seventh Ward .re requeated to assem¬ ble at the Franklin H,'«-¡ .comer of.Cherrv iiul l-ut*.'*-rs iu- on Wedneaday evening, 2»lth iastant, at 7 o'clock, forth«* pur* |.o .^ of ehoosi.-tj: live Delegates *o the Democratic H '!,r,, | i,eral Committee, for the year 1841, and also to choose a W tni Committee. <md transact such other business --s may be brotu;"» before them. By oidrr of the Ward Commrt'e dir» JAS. R. TERRY. Sec r**.

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Page 1: THE TRIBÜNE. Bv M-Srninff's… · tion free from suspicion. i Hewar. a:n¿n of the simplest and loast pre*




-ry Democratic Wllj£ General Commit-.¿¿Ly** York. DeC<.mber5. :«*.3.-'i i«f Demociatic « hi?

£ ectors of th* <- it-y «and County of New leanesxea to

AAsernbl'iDth-ar sev.ral Wan!** atth« audcrr->«.-nño«ied place«,AAxXt^.idiy L»eaing th«. 80th instant, at >ev«i o'clock, i-.i

thùVSàpOSéOl dlCO-nng fir-.- Delegates from each Wer-', to

««>m«*nt th*eci in tl«-* I tmocrsiic Whig O*»-.-;-*. Committeefor *be ye-ir :S14. «xd also fc»r t-c r-a-pos« of elecung Ward

Lomm.»'***« and otherwise r_ inizing for the same yea- :

1st Ward.Thresher's Broad-Hrf-il llo'.ri.I«r Waid. -

5 .' Ss»-::-i Wai 1 Hotel. 87 Nat_y.ii ,t.

3 So-th Ri»e: Coffee Koiii--. 2(-2 Washingtcn *¦?.

Shiksr*:--«- Hotel.cor. cf William k Du-'-; sts..Majic-a House, t«SS »»'f.! Broadway,i " >ia*«C'a acuse, ¡-o »> t*: Dt

t. " National HiÜ. Canal »tre*-t.j " Fratiwim H >u»e, corner RrUge] and ChftOT EU.

«j " Howard H"a¿e. B.-o-idway.i " Northern Cxchaag-, Blevcíz: -.?..

jX .. Htli. lirandti.XI " Corner of A «-tnc* D »nd Foorlh »t» " At such ylac. tz '.hi Wvi Cciii:;. -T.ÍT dltecî..*-> " do do . )

»4" Broadway Home.

13 -. i'_a»r.t«jtion Hall.H» " H-izleton'j, c->rn*r £_.: «Ye**.**; anù 17th Street!*. " Henry Clay Hoai-*-. Av-r.ue Aaud Firtt s"."


f'HlLlP HONK. Chauman.7*f« %*i?.M J Secretaries. ¿11 4t l&h 20th

Çj***»«- T h* Annual Ra>port of the Fire Department is iu

type, and will be publi_i._.l in to-morrow'»paper.i»r_fi«

__T Whips of the Cm* : Remember that the****** «o

Primary Meetings in the several War ci-: of the

City take place this evening; and if you tire de¬sirous that good mon 'r.^«.;»* be selected to sc*

on the Committees for the coming year, see that

you do your d_*y to-night by tasín* part i: lhracetim-f» in \o'jr r. speciive W_rtj~ :

Beat;: or Jones Thomi-soï**..This distin-.rnished Judge died iast evening at his residencein PuUghkeepsie. His last hours were without-.üffí-rin? and his doath remarkably tranquil. Cmth*» announcempnt of the neves in the city theCourt«: immedictely adjourned. The following isa brief »ketch o? hü life.

In l*s'!2 Jud-r*- Thompson, then a younç* man,.w-»«« *»{»;-'.inte*¡ a Judge-of »he ¿upreme Court c«;

N^ew.York, during the í_drniriií«*r8ri'«n of G^vG+or¿e Cliri'on. H.~ occupied a Peat there 17

yotira, ai.d during that time, with Kent, Living-sron, «"»pencer, Van Ness, and Platt, contributedh¡9 share to make the Judiciary of New.York i!.lustrioua. In ¡814, when Chief Justice Kent be-came Chancellor Kent. Judge Thompson was

placed at thu head of the Court, and when we saythat with Kent for his immediate predecessor andSpencer for his bucce.ssor, his réputation did not

Buffer by his elevation, we give him yreat praise.In 1618 President Monroe appointed hint Secre¬

tary of the Navy to c-ucceod Mr. Crotvninshield,and in that station he waa associated wilh .Messt».Adams, Crawford, CaJhouu, and Wirt as the con¬

stitutional advisers of the President.In 1823 he resigned his place in the Cabinet.

and was elevated to a scat on the bench of the

Supreme Court of the United States, an the nue-

cesBor of Judge Livingston, deceased. On thatbench for a long period of years he was worthilyassociated with Judges Marshal,and Washington,and Story, and took an active and able part inthe settling of tho»e grc;;t principles which have jbeen discussed by thai Court for twenty years past, j

In 182Ó he was an unsuccessful candidate tor

Governor of the State of New.York in oppo. isition to Mr.Van Buren and Solomon Southwick,when Mr. Van Euren was elected by a pluralityvote.

Judge Thompson waa a Democrat m the sense

in which that term was understood till the Demo,cratic party, to which he had always belonged,adopted the principles of high prerogative and

Strong executive Uovernnient which alienated so

many emiuent Demócrata, and finally over- jwhelmed the party in 1640 as similar principles jhad ruined the Federal party in 1800.

During an unusualiy long public career it was Ihis distinguished privilege always to ha~e among men of rsmirkable ability in theireminent «station**, and to have tnjoyed a reputa- Ition free from suspicion. i

He war. a :n¿n of the simplest and loast pre*.tending manners, and hi» unassuming dignity of !deportment v, as in perfect keeping with the Doricchastencss and freedom from ornament.the

quiet firmnes:; and love of justice which charac¬terized him. Ills prompt straightforwardnesswaseomotimCB mistaken for rudeness by thoso who

did not know him to be really and truly a kuidhearted gentleman.

There are various surmises already aboutthe City Hall as to who will be Appointed to fillthe vacancy on the Bench of the Supreme Court.Among the most prominent of the names we haveheard mentioned are those of His Honor JudgeBirrs, of the District Court ; John C. Spencerand Judge Tallmame. The latter gentleman,late a highly distinguished Judge on the Benchof the Superior Court of this City, is said to boon terms of personal intimacy with the President,and his appointment would not be unexpected.Wc have also heard Daniel Wlestch, Geo.Wood and Hon. Green C. Bronson named..John Sargent of Philadelphia is also spoken of, a

gentleman every way qualified for the station ; butthe man whom we would suggest, is the Hon.Gclian C. Vkrpla.nck of this city, a gentlemannot only of eminent lega! and literary acquiren.ents, but with a character pure and unblem¬ished, a mind trained to el*»se aud accurate

thought, careful -mri industrious in the i?;v<«t.ti_u.tion ofnil tibftt/tct and 'titric-ite truths.ho wouldut one*' bnn«£ t<» the disch-jrjje of hi»? duties as one

oi the Jn-tt'.s «> ih>* ui'.s' auifiiKi] T«i-bu:i «i«. in the w irld, a«i un >U'.' of pa ie ! le *r«*ingand of ripe experience which it w.iuld be difficultto find united to the same extent in any otherman in the Union. But auer all, from presentindicntions, it seems to us most probable that the

appointment lies b-rweeu Mr. Spencer and the

Hon. D. B. Talmadge.

O" In yesterday's Tribune we stated that Mr.Willis hed sued the Boston Transcript for libel.W-*. saw it so stated in another paper, but find :t

ie an error. The Portland Tribune is the pane:sued. A refutation of thv lib-?! has been sent on

to the Portland Advertiser, we understand. W«.shall try to give place to it in our columns.

S3* Ws are indebted to Capt. J. L. Fitch forthe Albany Atlas of the 13th, via HousatonicKailroad and steamboat Eureka.

{J^ Th» Expm» takuM the Commercial to Usk for stesliagfrom other p***«m ! In the rtix paper in which th« re¬

proof i» imrrted th« Express -a«*!« » W* haT« before as lh*Aoaui! lUpoit cf Mr. Brou -*n, tno Auditor of ihr Sut« vi

Ohio,"and then. Ukr*. from Tac Tribu»** ti Monday ai: ab¬ura« of rso'iu.ut cf t> e R. pott. The th.t't is obvious, be*caus« the table of :».*.--!_». and *x«--«r.(!.:_¦-..», is hot iu the Keport in ikr >haé>»* w- i*»*»«» tí up aud U-priurtr** i*» «.{¡t *£_.

pr«-M, and th«* io«*l arnouiu of inerest, -s ¿ven by a«, c

U >wh«*re be f uu«l in ih- R-piri. M<.r,;v>v«»r, :h«*rr was but

o»ec»">py of the R-porl in tow», and tlint was in our postn«tion when ihr- Exprès* article wat ' cooktd orex ' ana' toiled down ' from oars.

n ag"*Ég_g__g__BBg_Bg_g-g-.----gB ! BSB

rjoing^ IM Cougrcss.TlicTftríá-'attitcls.ed:Ld'.rorul Co.T**v,-oiid..ic»''

""-"^A'Hîm'Ton. Monday, Dec. 18.

Mr. Dana of N. Y. this morning gave notice

A a bill to abolish the Franking Privilege, to farna it is extended to Members of Congreca, aucito modify the Raies of Postage. I find, on in»tjairy of ."Mr. D. that hi- bill now contemplatesthe case of Members oí" Congress only, and docsnot extend to the Rates of Postage generally, I.lave a ho;>e that he may extend it when he in.troduces hi, bill.The H-u_»_ wasted over two hour, this morn-

¡Dg en t!ie proposition to print 3,000 copies of thePresident's Message in the German Language, towhich was added a proposition to print 2,000 inLho French. The proposition was zealously ad-«.?o-.ated by Messrs. C. J. Lngersoll and Rajiseyof Pa. and ably opposed, among others, by Me?£r3.J. QtrtxcY Adams and D. D. Baknakd. It wasfinally nailed to the table by the casting rote ofthe Speaker. Yeas 86 , Nays 85.

HCBRAH FOR THE TARIFF !Mr. Rhett of S. C. offered a resolution in¬

structing the Committee of Ways and Means to

report a bilí repealing the present Tariff, and en.

acting instead one based on strictly Revenueprinciples, the average being 20 per cent. Ob-jection being made to the introduction of thisresolution at present, (petitions- being in order,}Mr. Rhett moved the suspension of the Rule.a*id on this qncsrion the Yea-? and Nays wereieraanded and ordered: ¥<.__, seventy-seven;Nays, ont hundred and ten; nearly all the VanB_._.«_ Members from New-York, New-Jersey.Pennsylvania, and Ohi*). as well as those fromC inesticut, Massachusetts and Vermont, votingagainst suspending the Rule, and thus indirect!}in f-ivo" of sustaining the present Tariff. Messrs

j Beardsley, C. J. lngersoll, Wilkins, and R. D.Davis.all the Northern Van Buren leaders.voted against Mr. Rhett and in favor of the Ta.riff. I have no doubt, however, that the majorityof the House will sustain a less manly and

.*traigh*-.iorward attack on the Tariff. h. o.mi-i -

O* The Ohio Whig State Committee has ap.j poir.ied Wednesday, the 10th drty of January1 next, s the ¿ny for holding a State Conventionat Columbas for the purpose oí choosing suitablecandidates 'or Governor and Electors of Presi-dent and Vice President, for appointing two Del-

¡ egates to the Baltimore Convention, ami to take

step, for a thorough and complete organizationj ol the Whig Party in Ohio preparatory to the

great political contest of 1614.

O" Clï: Bcll's Concert at the Tabernacle lastevening, was another jam. ile lias turned thecity upside down with his fiddle, and now that heis going away, wc shall doubtless be favored withmore impartial criticism of his certainly wonder-J"ul playing. We wish him, wherever he goes, thesame favor which our citizens have shown himin no stinted manner.

Stealing..Wc often sec articles ofourown putin other paper«» as original matter, and it sometimesvexes u_ to be treated so cavalierly and some-

times amuses us. But when we _a\v the other

day in a religious paper, the New-England Pu.ritan, our condensation of the Post Office andNavy Reports, with our condensed .portionsleaded as editorial, we confess wc were a littlesurprised. How a paper professing such strict

integrity could lead a line of matter not its own,without giving credit for it, strikes us as ratherstrange.and to open the article by quoting our

own language, " The Report of the PostmasterGeneral is very long, and hence wc condensethose portions that are of less importance," israther t«.o cool. To hide the theft, or to escapethe charge of it, the first part of one report andthe latter part of the other arc cut off.

53" The Troy Whig gives the following -ketchof Mr. Copp, now under arrest in this city, on

suspicion of having robbed or connived at therobbery of the trunk on board the steamer Uuoa :

Mr. Ccpp is anativeofWakefield, New-Hamp¬shire, and has long been a resident of this city..Ho was for several year, a clerk in the broker'soffice of Calrlcr ¿c Co. which he left to enter intothe servico of llarnden & Co. When Harnden«x Co. withdrew from the river, Mr. Copp. in

i connection with Mr. Pullen, established Pullen_t Copp's X. Y-, Albany and Troy express.anagenc.V which has enjoyed the unlimited conti-

\ deuce of the bhnk directors and businessmen ofthe cities which it connects.

During the present year, Fomeroy & Co. en-tered into an agreement with Pullen »__ Copp, bythe term«, of which the latter were employed at«

the mesaenj-ers of the former between Albanyand New-York.transacting «'it the same timethe business of their New.York and Troy ex¬

press on their own account.Mr. Copp has always been considered a man

of the stnetebt integrity; as remarkably cau¬

tious, and particularly careful of all property en-tru-sted to his charge. In this community no

suspicion of a want of honesty rests upon him.In the unfortunate transaction now under is regarded only as unpardonably and unaC-

countabiy negiectiui of the interest of hi. em-

j ployers.-.« *g_.¦ «n » ,-

_7T' A tragedy was enacted on Saturday after-noOu, abuut e gut miles from Kinçsiou. A insu who calledhimself Morgau Hamilton Gií-.u shot Ins wife, (formerl)the widow AdZtt) aud afirrwards shot hiinielf. The bail...If.'eJ lier I-:-,.., &nd I.--V- i:i li.r back, .ear t!«e -jiiie..She Was ahve when last heaid ¡rum, .¡.-à liier.- is hope thai-tic miy recover. He ma¡ri«d the old ladj about twelv«mouth* «i-o. Im« tiiev li«eduuhappily together,and <ju ->_ii.r-.|.\ ht told her 10 pick h s thing-., _> he veas goiiig 10 leairher. M.* did n-«, <a1i.-u he c.lleU her imo il«e n.m where t-.r.icod wuli iw.i j.i ioU m his hi_,d.Ou seeing tieiu »he hrs»u.._, but he wentup to her, pre»

¿eiited the |>'>t..l .1 her b.-etut _;id fired. S .<. »au OlUOtlh'i- ¦'. -««r «hOUti ¡g Mill lie. ; a..d si;.:: f:ll OO II--' ¡.-.Ce \\ iirt; sh«.«l>ik ü u,. b> two men, who caj i-d In r into a housu »r .'_., a d .... ;:. ¡i ¿utug to « irch toi O ft'en, ::.. -.

mmly.tig .... ïxe fable mlusowu hou»e, dead, the bal¦n1 _t g .... ihroiigti nu heart H-w__ _. American, a

: tittup se_ hat the uHute !«e by v.,. an _».....!..

uaiu-, « d m.- he Iviid b.-eu ...-. lniii.i'c of tOui- jveui ten i ii-iti the St te», for oi«^ cl' h-> h__d¿ «.-».is braodéd and parr ofi.1» <-,r. cut u_T. [¡.i..g»;--, (>.'a.._d «) H«r_;d, 5th.

JIT AgSheet Iron Factory has been cstablishetit BuontOD, N.J. It pays aouaaliv to its wo:k:nc_ *->^0,0.*e

1ZT Genejul Tom Thim» is about to embdrkfor England in company with his parents ant-

Mr. Barnum. of the American Museum of thiscity. He certainly is a lusus nature. Althoughnow fleveu «ears of Ag», he 1» acarcdy 15 i.;cher. in heightvriih a proportiosable weight. The u»,.>.-. r»marknb!è thingabout ¡ua* is his rprii-luliu-*,, aud iatelllgenc«». He is wellproportioned, _iti»> aad -.troug, iud«d. min m mtniatareHis imitation of ,E-.ap,r'* píOinei;ádiyg thoaghtft_Uy ihrsolitary »ea-ahore of St. H?Iena, will doubtless pleas» JohnBull ¿ready. The G-uer-l beiug a weil auibet*nested ¡*-r-aO-agr, aud no .ham, ha» bo*u a profitable speculation to Mr.Baaiuui, tai DCC'jubt Will attract much attvction on t«c other_idc of ll>« water. Such l're«_ks of Nature are rare, __«! are

reallv »«eoitliy of atteutivii- No one can look on such s

urall typ«? of a man without iutetrst, and can scarcrly rccou-

eile the baby *ize, and the matured form, aiid the boy ¡sh feel»! :a". They präsent a Judicious and strauge contiadictiou.

.*->«. .. Tit». _feL_N-.lo> or Hirrivt-i-i" is th« name of a

.iew (#.m< :".>r jrouajj folks, the apparatus ard directions fo».. i;eh ire Mn.uf-ctured by S B. Iv#t of Sal.tii, Ma_a. ThO .me is -j'nte anamusinR one, and ¡. caîcuîared to atloii-UUCliou ill more ways than one, a¡.d e-ijiecially will it*.««.

j ¡Trniles in ready reckonins: *ind the quirk application 01

the rules of simple Addition. It is for sale at Lockwood'«¡rreec Juvenile Deposiiory, «ill Broadway, and also by Sai-(On S; Miles, 205 Broadway.

Bv This M-Srninff's Mail..« o

L'j;io:i*.! i. .---. -.; -¦ tden* p,

Wajkx_cto'*t, Mrtu«_e«*. Dec. '._.There w.? a great batch of Nominations sent

in to the Senate to-day, where thev were r-irnplvreferred without any decisive action upon them.Most of them have already been announced, and*rc now of no interest. The following arc ofsome consideration :

Ít-AAC íLll of N. II. to be Chief Ci¿rk in àa

j Clothing Bureau here, vice Mr. Gtoldsborougb,j recently deceased. Salary §3,!

Matteew St. Clair Cla~.ü£ late Clerk ofî -h«: Housed to be Auditor of the' Post OiSce De-pertinent, vies El:::;*a '-V:iít rLL.Lv. declined..-S dary §'3,000..It \i reported tliat the n*w Clerk of ihe

House finds difficulty in giving bonds in thesum required..ñ-20,000.) il o.


WiSHi-CToy, Mosday.Dec 15.IS43.In the Ho-.'se of R2p**J2s£>'tatite6, to-day,

Mr. Ashe of Tenn. gave notice of the introduc¬tion of a bill for the establishment of a Naval De¬pot at Memphis.

Mr. Vance of Ohio -rave notice of the intro-duction of an amendment to the Constitution ofthe U. States providing for the inelegibiiity of thePresident of the L*. States fora second term.

Mr. Dana of N. Y. gave notice of a bill toabolish the Congressional franking privilege, «andto modifj the rate of postage.On motion of Mr. Bidlack, îhc rules were

- spended, and Mr. r rick of Pa. introduced ;: re¬solution : the printing of 3,000 copies of thePresident's Message in the German laniuage..After a debate of some length upon this resolu¬tion, and on various amendments proposed, andthe rejecti *n of several motions to lay on the ti¬bie. Culls forth« previous question, &,c, a mptionof Mr. Wise to lay on the table prevailing with.he aid of the casting vote cf the Speaker, '*.'.. is

36, Nays 66.) the subject was disposed of.Mr. Rhett objection being made; moved a

«jusp-n*- on of the rules for the introduction of ar* «solution instructing the Committee of Ways 'andMeans to inquire ¡he expediency of reporting_s snr.n as practicable n bill to repeal the [»resent.l';irift'act, ;«T-d in lieu thereoi to impose a maxi¬mum rate * duty o< ~ per cent, ad valorem, d s«

minating below this maximum only, and forre.-enuc purposes.\y : ': ¦' « Ash*-, Atkinson,Bel«-*>r, E. Í Black, '»-.

v BI-* .. :: .. B r, B !i B yd, ï B...*'., \.Hro:i '»' Brown, William J. .' ». B

I, -, ... .'. A. Cl'¡.pn ...

-»i Daniel Garrett D.vis, John '.'»". Davis,Dra«i, Deberrv, Dickinson, I) ugla Duncan, Du««. .,-.Ficklin, Harn' un, H ¡-s, Htrrick, Holmes, Hoge, H as-

«on, Hub-ifd, iióu" es, Ja mes C. Hunt, Jam«¿son, Care. John-<nn, Andrew J im--.., A orge W. J ntts, Keuuedy, L»-»'-i>.Lacas, Lnm*.kiu, MacUy, McCMlao, McClernaad. Mc¬Dowell. McKay, MatiVws, Moore, Mu phy, Norris, Owen,Cfti.t. David S. Il» id, Redi**-*, Rhetf. -Si Johrt, Sauu x-ts,T. H. Sfjmour, Simpson, Thomai« Smith. Robert Smith,Stct-nrod* S.'iies, Stone, Strong, Taylor, Thompson, Wel¬ler, Went*- rih, Wise, Woodward.77.

.»íats.Messrs. -dams, Anderson, Barrint-er, BanisrJ,Bp.i.-ii.tpy, Bentou, Bidlack, Jair.e^ Black, Bossier, Brad«head, Mi!; ¡i Í3r<.%«. u. Jeremiah Brown, Bnffington, Cald-well, Cary. Carroll, Cad in, Chappell, Chilton. Clingman,(.'linton, Cult'auier, Cranston, Dana, Richard D D.ivi.s, Del-iet, Dickey, Dilliugliam, Ellii, Elmer, Farlc-, Fish, Flor¬ence, Foot. Foster, French, Frick, WilJU (jrc-i-i), ByraraGreen Grinnell, Grider, Himlm, ii-rdin. Harper, Hays,Hopkins, Habbcll, Hudson, Hangerford Washington Hunt,Charles J. lugersoll, Josf-ph It lugersoll, Irvin, J-nks, IVr-i-y B. Johnson, Pr«á>tou Kmv. Da..i«-I P. King, Kirkpayick,Lahrauch«-, McCaasleu, Mel vaine, Ed.» aid J. Morri*, J.--.»-ph Morris, IMoaelev, N c Newton, Parmemer, Paterson,Peyron, Phic iir, E H Potier. Emery D. Potter, Pratt, Pur-ly, R-m-y. Rathbun, C. M- R*-e-J,Reife.Ritter R. h n»on,íln«»«*ll, Sample, Senier, David L. Seymonr, "», Slidel!, Alben Smith. -J. T. Smith, Stephens, Stetson.AndrewStewart, J««hn Stewart, Sykes, Thomaston, Tibbatts, Til.I«*n, Tyler, Vance, Vanmeter, Vinton, Whra'.ü.-,. While,Williams, Wilkni«. Wïnthrop, William Wright, Joseph A.Wrig it, Yost. 107.The resolution of Mr. G. Davis of Ky., in¬

structing the Committee on Election? to inquireinto the validity of the claim»? under the consti.tution and laws of the -«;encr_l.ticket members to

seat.«* in the House, with one or two amendments¡iroposi'i-: a different reference, came up as the¡Kmdin-j business.Mr. Jameson of Mo. a-;ain addressed the House

in opposition to the resolution, claiminj; for him-¿elf and the others of these members the same

rights to t-eat"- as thoi-e of any of the members ofthe House, contending that not bein-: a questionof contested seats (in that cese a proper subjectof reference to the Committee on Elections;) bntof the nf-ht**- of sovereign Stairs, it should beActed upon by the House, and ail of its membershave ari equal voice in its decision, «5-x.

Mr. Kenneoy of la. (who in his teat a few dayssin*:*', bo boastingly threw defiance and srorn

upon thr law of Congress in question, declaring ita "nullity," fit only to be treated with ''cm.

tempt") now proposed a very summary method ofdisposing of the subject, by a substitute for Mr-Davis'a resolution declaring ' that the noncrdlticket member-, were c. much entitled t«,« their«-eats a-3 the members from any of trie States.".Before he had succeeded in definitively disposingof the matter, however, -and without farther busi-¡10GP; the House adjourned.

In Senate, after the presentation of eeverftl«-ommunieationf. from the Departments, oí peti-tion:;, &.C.,Mr. McDcffxe gave notice of the introduction

of a bill to renew the Compromise Act, and to

model the present TarirT in conformity thereto,Mr. Barrow, on leave, introduced a bill

making- appropriations for the improvement ofthe navigation of the .Mississippi.

Mr. Miller introduced a bill for the improve¬ment of Pennsylvania Avenue in thi*» city.

Several resolutions of inquiry of the Depart¬ment were adopted* ami the Senate, after a

oriel Executive session, adjourned.-___-

Tiling«, iu Piii«_d--lphia«CoiTespondence of ¦!;.- Tribune.

PHiLADfiLFHia, Dec. 19.P >'.MoF.i. Vioi._nce..At .«h ear!) hour list evening, in

Second-street, below Snipj>fß, au amck «»vis rnad? apon s

loue man 'ïamfd (¿l.s.v n. believed io be _ i>it-r.ib«-r ol theF-iiniou!.» Engine Company, t>y.;-»-i_l peison-i unknown,A*h w -s severely b-üt-n.Tlif members of ihe !ncep?nd«>iice H«-*»--, ic their 1st.« 6ght

with in«- Northern Liberty, laid */iolr_: ha-i'Js opon a be_uu-ful s.lver horn, which they rttair. as one of the trophies of..i*»ir infnM'V.Real EslATE..Upward of S'21.000 woith of P-eA Es-

ili >sa. »old !».-: r\- -Hij^ at the Exchiu¿-¿.Th.: Markets .The weather,sine« the clo»<- ol list-¦.'., ¡..i :...<.. ui As r.i-1». and t'.«- transaction-i ccnrrii ^

e upon qnite » 'nnit-'.i ».«.»'., ¦.>>-;.' C :«¦.:. %>*.icI> hasmproved in dt»tna -1 T e Dr . to day, is'. fri-».'. tec, b;.t the wa*>i ai ü»-. s ibigh.

C.'.'.'o.'i.« ««ir _i->ik-(. : ;c-* mj lutreport ':.'.s exhib Ito rn.v... chnoc-j -.s ri-t-ard.» prier»; bul '.:,e >¡ n: nisi

ck iu first h ds of thé fin«-i descriptions !.avr .nab!t-ulolders to obtAiu -fcHchl -..Iv- o- >«\ «(?¦¦.. ,,».¦<¦ ¡s ....

Ii-s«* _r_ .«**, wiih s*t;»*s ol 10'i bales fail 0«*orci_ at 91* '¦

.airs ii-«-.'.- crop M.'f-iir 3*. 91 ; ^¡.«1 li 0 balt-s L'-.ií.id», in-r-

ior :o *::' «ii*ii i*;. ;.t î4 . ¦**; Th- raai feet dbs<*s to d*y withm apw.i-d t- :ii^.-.c_\. and hold«?TS dr-clme selling at carr»*iiiitr.». From p:t-»r:;: sppearance an advance of» «rr-nis infv-t.b'.e. T:-.t- -.-».ec» nein Eaxope are io^L. d i"oi with

int*-r«->:.-' .Prim« Clover srrd i? «lot-r.ueh ioqaired after.of¬

fered j,tjSS 75. Flax Seed dull at '»»ï 3«? _, 1 40.Stock»*. The ùtlinc ¡s still upward ir. .-ur Stocks Mar- with ivirru-d transaction*. Th«? salt; t-^dav havereach*»*] (»eO.OOO cf Suw Sticiu-ities and Lca-:s 5ute Fivesros.1 _;- S ate Six»*». '-. Reading Bonds, 1. Rradü ; Shares.*, Fiiiirrs'.i*.u Mechanic-.' Biu-t, ;-. Teanesse« B-::Jí. -..

Philadelphia Baak. j; Mechanics1 Bai:_. A. Norristown, i.The sAes .: the Sec«-:_ Board were, $15.¿V« State Fi-»c» It59;; Sl.!««MChesapeake and Delaware Canal L^a a: '.J.y.'ö.WO Hea.ltuí B.;».<Js at 77; 2 :.hares Philaddphi*Bank at«ii. 100 do Reading Railroad -'. -*.-, ^-'A-Oii gute bu«?.»,1?4*3, ai73r.

Fim; Paintimcj.Th« -.up***« collection of Oil Paint-iiigs b> liM-.; E-iiL«».>ê*_i attist«, uoNv eihibiiins:, fríe to thepublic, At th«» coiutt of Broadway and Cr.»-nb<*:-3«_>e[., pre-icnta « rare opprtunity to onr tasteful citizens to decorater.eir parlors with some of th* Soest woik» of _;t evei of*.Vrrd to the public. Naked wdl]«. are «becoming nnfashiona*Io, and we think they should be so. To those who thinkith us we would 3ay, Go acd »-». then.

fjQP- A mpeticcof the Bar U reqaested THIS MORN¬ING (Wedntsdni .«,: 10 .-.'cl»->ck in ihe Common Covncii.Cha-OS«, City Hal!, to adopt suitable mea-sur» s : i manife«;their rtí.-pt'c: fot the memory of the late Mr. Jv-itickTHO.«»ij,.*o.v,of the Supreme Court of the Uni*!*d States.

»«.t»___Bjgg^g__gg"________|.iiiiiiiiMMi«..mCOl'KT CALENDAR ... This Day.

Co-uxos Pei-as-Nos.1.2,14,16,17,19,20,21Sctekior Court.Nos. 5í. 3o. 80. 81, 82, 36,

22, 54, 60, 88, 69, 91, 92, 9-1. 95, »Jó, 7. '29, -J, 21,,_-. 66, 97. 41, 71, 52, 27, 72, 24, 33. »S3. 17, -18, 1

12, 23, 20, 11. 13. 7¿, 19. 26, i. 4d, 31, 55, 56, 61,


* ". STATES CIRCUIT COCRT.Befóte Judf»? Brit the openinc of the Court. Mr. Hoffman. I

trict Attorney, announced the death of the_ liS"-iTH Tho*ípso>*, lam Circuit Judcc of this 1

trici. ¿Viter pavinir a jusi tribute ofeulogy to

charactei leceaséd, Mr. H. ,aid tliat, a man beo a for his life, he regretted that he ce

.. I rrnotioa to'adjoura tlic Court_. ;-.. ;., ..¦ ... few feeliug sentí xp -

.... .-.- ath hi, uncnted friend

.. ,-,. ¡!« aid thai his eulog*. would be |-, nounced, but al another time and another place.

"ai had progressed, he would not'¦ the C urtuntil itbadclosed. ["IT« trial ofI

-;.-. -. .-.- resumed and cond-ded. a Report of wl«focad onoorFirst l'a.-*. After thechaige bad I

given, and etJai retired.] Mr. STAPLES r»,-**

s a brief etilogiuni on th* h..'.. ol the !: ¦; ;. .:;¦ n.. then moved that the C«i

£ ...¡1 I'-" *day next.'i \?i> Betts rose and --lid that i* »"u twe

vrv. that en aei h '... tool" hif seat in I

| Court, and out ofthai long period they have =at

¡¡-ether for sixteen years. .During all mat time tlhad sat in the createst harmonv.'and he (Judge

j had received the most decided advantage fromgreat learnine:, sound judgement and comprehens

.- m' his lamented friend, ;»nd it »-vas needlesshim to sav thai he coai urred in the tribute paidthe meraorv oí the deceased by th«.' District All

v and Mr. Staples. The Court was thenjourned " Pues lay next.SUPERIOR COURT-Bef. JudgesJoke a and VanderpoDeath of Judge Thojtpsok..Soon after

: .

.- Court, George Griffi.v, E?q. n-- .-. th death of Judge TfíOürsoN. and

...-.;... arks in r* Intion to his life a


He pr« s ntcd a resolution expressingsrret at"his lo..-. »fcc. and moving that the Court¡burn. The ¡tions were seconded by ?Lorn). Chief Justi eJo>*_:5, in offering the respoio:'tht- Court, paid an impressive and eloquent" to the public and private virtues of aeceas»

The Court then adjourned to Wednesday.! COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.Before JudgeIsm

Death of Ji dge Thompson"..Joshua Levi1DGK. Esq. announced to the Court î'ic »It-nth

! Judge Thompson, and in highly effective und ipressive n marks alluded to his eminent services n

[_*.*¦"] character, and moved that the Court adjoufron >. 11» bis memory. JudgeLvglishapp

ap» -..:¦ :. an I th Court was thereupon adjoun"to vVedni -

HT »F SES3H '\s.Before the Recorder,í Raw'son a .Vaterman. J. R. \Vhit_no, D. At¡!:..-. :;¦ '-: J'i ..:-: Thompson..Ar the openi

of the Court A ¦¦-. L. Jordan, Esq. rose and 8ed the C m si illov. a :

" I ::¦¦ ce th« melanch lv :::' of

! ¦¦. : '¦. n. Smith Tl nap , one of »I.-* A--'.ci-¦¦i .''.- ....¦- ;- C art of the United States, **-

¦.¡¡..I-:- residí in the county of Dutch«ss,Test.rdae."> o'cl ick in the aft* uoon.

" Th- di_tin_ui.«h-d ability, lrari'ing and i:-r» ofdeceased ... .Judge . his high standin; -i_ a c;ti7.en," andestimable qualities as unan, reader his death i public a

; rit .;¦ »Urait« of unusual occurrence. As a to_e_ of-.pecT'föf his imbue a-.d *)ri\_te virtues, I move that tl(J<-n-' «! »i »*>." ad¡ourn.*"The motion o.-.t-i seconded by Mr. Phillips, ;»<-tii

District Attorney:. when his ITonorthe Kecord«after :i briefand eloquent expression of his sympthicí for the death vi so greai und good a man, ai

so able and upright a Judge} and after a suitaLeulo-rium on his character, adjourned the CourtWednesday morning, 11 o'clock.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS.This lju.-ir»! met this afternoon, un»! a»'ted upc

the bill <.>f Sheriff Hurt, which «a* finally -?ettl<and passed. A communication wu.«- received r

comrhendhig John VV. Hendrich us a pupil to tlinstitute for the Instruction of the Blino. The hiof Deputy ShcrifTMeeker for expenses incurredtaking liarge of the brig Hope, belonsring to tlestate of Thomas Lloyd, on her return from Afriewas referred. The bonds of John Wintrington in:

John A. Underwood were presented. A bill for un

munition (amounting to .¦?l"-)"¡ supplied the troojou Evacuation Day was presented und withdraw]:.s it beioiics to the Common Council. Adiourne«

MISCELLANEOUS.A .nt^v Judgement ok Solomon..A very re

markable case was brought before Judire I'lshoe:fer îu-'.!ay. ¡n which, h colored man in this Cit;brought the two white necro boys, at Pcale's Mii.«ein::, up on a writ of habeas corjiut-, to establishis claim to them as their futhcr. He was opposeby Joseph Manual*, a colored man, from New Jeis_y. Lach swore positively that they .¦..ere hichildren, and each was strongly supported in hiclaim by -.everal respectable witnesses. The sincerity of Jones nv.d his witnesses is undoubtedwhile Mannah shod tears profusely. The case, wa

adjourned, to allow the latter to brinç Idí» neighborto swear to the identity of hi- children.

^__r" The body of an unknown woman, about 3.'vears of aj*..-. was found in the river at Hoboken oi

Monday evening, Dec. 18. dressed in a »inrk calicirire^«. fight calico apron, black bonnet and calf-ski:...iocs. .\ Coroner's Inquest was held, and a ver

dict'of Accidental Drowning rendered. Further information may be obtained bj calling on Joshu.Benson, Coroner, ai Hoboken.

Pi »LICE OFFICE.C'»i.t' i'lii.v r...'\ show ..a-:.:, contaiuinf S-\\

worth of sheets, collai--, handkerchief*, **-r., was sfo<leu ihiâ morning from before the door of th.»** -.tor»* o

Benjamin Watcrbury, 189] Broadway, bv a marnamed Reuben Swift, who was caught and com¬mitted.Shoplifting..öam Richardson, colored, waa

arrested for stealing ,6 worth ofsilk and worstedroods from the -tor«; of M. E. Austin, corner o'Greenwich and Murray streets.

Theft..-Abigail La.rc.on was arrested charged with thetheft oí boots, ilik velvet ridinj; cap, lace cape, kc fn.-mthe pr^niutî «-t Charles Cose, 31 Chrystie n.

3'_-RciARr-.'VVilii-ra Kennedy,alia, Jami-s Williams,»nd John A *»Villiamr., «.vert- ?_rrcit^d for having brokeninto the rifi-^inp l_f: .t««re shop of Mrs_r». Mackey 6;Westt-rvrlt, corner of Coriaen .«.¡id Cherry streets, nndsteal¬ing ihree-founhs <-f ton of torn.', rigging, worth Slr>0. Th«»{«'N V.O.S :*.u:.d a; the ¡unk shop of Allen H,,,--, 391

Ch-rry's:.A S.Yi_->R aM''N* S.«t_r.*:i.A color-d seaman r.amrd

Oe r^.- Frr-rm.-.., brio'ik;ii.,' t'1 ')»«-bark Ducd'OrlrauS.

last ii.i.t i :.. a house in Oranps str-t', where he was

knocke I d >wn b;. three ci lored m-n and robbed of S»10 50hy a colored woman i.ani-.l Hannah Miller, who fled. Shev, .- ,-. y caught and committed.-IiGHWAi I« BBERY.lames Cassidy wai arr-'-tni bv i

watclim-m, cbdrsed with having at - .'ci.'Ck on Suiida«,mornic? knocked down John i^uurll. 171 South street,

1 while walkinj; in R..ù-*-vr-!t -tre*_t, near Cherry, and robbedhm forcibly f?7. Cassidywas committed.

Fp.j-'.'r».Complaiatwas mide at tlie Police byWalteiAdams, ci-^rk c Hosea Winchester, druggist, I3f. John *t-,charging Jonas M. Ball «*nd Williatn H. Bart I r it with ha?¡ng on tue lO-!. « f Ol-:aber las: defrauded said. Winchest-iof SI 13 31 worth of druç-s and medicines, "which Ballbought, purportiiu: to be for cash. Th» compl _int, withoDlan arrest, was ordered to b* sent to the Grand Jury. Severalnthers v\c¡e at the Police ¿* complainants against Ball andBart'«.:., asieiting .niiilar frauds.

fry The Albany Atlas, in allusion to the wcath-er &!-.d navigation, says.Th.* has nearly disappeared.The b"..'. came np ufaras Poughkeepsie yesterday, and willprobabli r-mr :.. Hudson '.hi. ».v-.-'k. should tiier? be no

C : Z*. '. " ither.

Conuuereia] and "rloney Matters.

"y For sales ct the St-^k Exchange, see First Pace.TrrsDav P. M.

The busines, of the Board continues large, andeenerally prices are well maintained. Kentuckyunprovea \ : Indiana ! i ; Illinois : Pennsylvania\ ¦ Alabama i : Lon? bland 1; ÍVIóhawk â* Har¬lem 1 ; Canton \ : New-Jersey i : Stonington |.Fanners' Loan fell off . Norwicn -and Worcester1 -. occasioned in part by the apprehension that the"Trustée» under the tr»;.-t wc mentioned yesterdaywould feel i* their duty to apply tor an injunction.

Til T'.vi; .:._.' marki t is rather firmer to-day,theRunph I ing hmited. Sterline is 8 a 8« * Francs

¦:. 10.Bickneirí Philadelphia Reporter says:'. Moaej i« aj. abuuda-t ü e-.t-r lu Phii-delphia. Thft

Banks discount at -i per cent, while cut of doors we hear of¿rst rate pip1"' negotiated in cases at 3-. Thedepo-iitsconlioue uuusuaJiy l_r_- in our Banks.

" The currency of Philadeliihia at the present time con¬

sists of specie and »pecie paying Bank notes. Relief notes

\lthou_h now at a verv low rate of discount, scarcely circu¬lât.» in the city it -11, from hand to hind.

" Tii-r broken _f Philadelphia generally, on Siturd_y, re¬

fused to parchase the -"Miel notes of the Berks Co. Bank incoaseqneoce ofa rumor ofan over isiue having been dis-L-..v-r-d at H-rriibarc.'*The District Attorney at Dubur^ue, Iowa, ha.«- ob-

tained leave of the Court t»i institute proceedings_- ;..-; ¦'-- .Miner-* Bunk, for the purpose of taking

aw.iv it? charter.Domestics exported from Boston during the week

ending December 1(3 :

{To West Indies.30 ba.-»sSouth Amen<*a. H*- »

Turkey (inAsia). ...... J3_ "

Total.,.77*32 "

Markets... Carefully reported fjr Tnc Tribune.Tvf.-d.vy. Dec. 19.

VSHE-*>..-A few barrel? Pot?, about SO, have bec::-»old at S*i Û0. The advance in Pearta is sustained,-"id we no-ice salea 10 barrels at ó 121.COTTON..There !-* a hi_:ii -»tarn* of the ?pe*'u-

larivc fever exis*.**-: to-day. causod by the news fron*the ¿culli on tlic short crup basis. The .»a!'-*- are

reported between 4000 ami 5000 bags, and the rates

i<- per lb higher than li-»t werk. I'pland fair i-» 9 a

'.j »-ont-» : New-Orleans 9i. a9j cents«FLOl'R. AND MEAL*..There i- no change to

notice. The demand continues limited to rho trade,and the sales show rather a weak market. We no-

sales «500 barrels Ohio, better than common, at

i ".». and 500 do. a fair brand, at » 59. Gencsci isli* Id at î 69 trenerallv. with sales at 4 62J a 4 »«."«. A

Jliotoi F M.--. 20Ô barrel«*, soid ai I .")«.;. RoundOhio worth I 'A-- Scratched ¡- in -roodde-

nuuid at 144 a 4 37i : tin» middling 1 12" ; middling3 50 a3l?2i ; ship stufls 1 75 a3 2a. There is moredoins in Southern de«5criptione. Georgetown seuf.¡n lots al 1 62, a 1 75; Brandvwine 1 02] " t ¦>.

witli sales 400 to 500 bárrela at I 69. "«A . also no-

-Air. LOCK) barrels Richmond City, -Gallego,shipment at 550: »500 do Richmond Country ex¬

tra at I 871, and 2w do Frederickêburg -it 4 5l [Richmond Country, common, 1 621, with sales 700barrel; on private terms. For Meal there i- a lightdemand at -' 621 r 2 7:- for Jersev and Brandyw-ineBrandywine hh'ds $12. Rve Flour is §3 a 3 I2f,with very moderate sales. Buckwheat is not active

at 3 50 a*4 25 for common and $5 a 5 25 tor fancy :

bac-» $2 a 2 12* : half barrel-» $2 a 2 25. Short«- are

nominallv 10a 11 cents ; Ship Stuffs 13 a 14 cent?.

GRAIN..The supply of Wheat has been stillfarther increased by a lot of Lon<: Island, 3200 bush¬els, making about' 10,000 bushel? on the market.\Vc ha-»»? h* ard of no sale-. In Corn there ia not

much doing. A sale of 1000 bushels New-Orleanswas made at 52 cents, weight, and 1000 du new

northern brouirht 44 cents, weight, delivered... sales 35 :'' bush*;- Rye : .<:¦¦..". de¬

livered, [n the slip it sells "at 61 cents. Orit** cop¬ie dull, without change, 33 a 34 cent** ;it retail.

Blackeycd Peas arc i 25 n 1 37¿ per bag ofnyobushel?, with small sales. A small lot of Wl t*

j,. ins sold at 12 »50 a $13 per tierce.We learn :

the 1«»>* of L. island Wheat mentioned abovi w us

sold, for the British Provinces, on terms not ti tis-

pir -i. 1400 bushels North CarolinaCora t*old, sup«posed .it 48cenu«, »v. îîrht.WHISKY..Wc only hear ofsales about;101 : I

equal to Prison al '-J1 cents. The lot of New-Or¬leans is. we believe, still unsold. Drudge is 23 cts,and in moderate demand.HAY..Nothing doins: excepting for rh<* supply

of the retail demand. We quote ns before, 13 i 15cents for the -. r __: » rute.HIDES..We notice farther di 2000 Savanilla

on terms not made pul i:--, and 200 Dn Southern at

:<; cents.SEEDS..Rough Flax is taken frech is offered

.it $9. Wi notice a sale of 100 tierci s cí« un ut SIO.Old Ciover is 9 n 9'¿, with small sales. New is held

'¦¦' c* nts an i above. Timothy i- inactive at §13a s\lPROVISIONS..There is rather more activity,

nnd we notice sales 500 barrels prime Ohio at 9 2d.*.îe?s is !" 75 a !" 871. State : $10 a 1" 25 and11 'do ;i 11 37»}. Sai*»» lOil barn-Is city mess were

made at 6 44, and 200 barrel.« country at 4 183 and6 L8?. A lot of 100 barrels city prime was made, for. sport, on terms not made known. We have no

-ales .if barrel Lard t.« notice, but 1400 kegs were

taken at h\ cents. Cheese ¡s radier dull at U a5LWe understand nearly all die prime Butter has beenbought up and is held for liigher prices. DeadI r« ._¦ ~ are selling at 4_ u 4«? cents.COCOA..A lot of100 bags Para changed hands

at 6| cents, Long price.NAVAL STÖRES..Wc notice n sale ofCOObbls

^Vilminfi*1on Turpentine "¡i term.- hot transpire*!.SOAP..Sales 600 boxes Winchester's No. 1. IS

lbs. 20 bars, at 1 25, cash, for shipment.TALLOW..The demand is not very nctivt*.

About 30 io 40,000 lbs have been taken at 7¡ cents.

Sales of Real Estate... Dec. 19.

By A. J. Bleecker Se Co.A vacant Im E. side ñth av. between 11th and l«2th-

streets, 25 ft. 9] incheJ by 100 »Vet.$3,700Vacant lot 5- side lith-.t. iiexx £>th av. 17 f:. l":ont 21)

ft. rear and 103 ft. 3 inclus deep. 2,000Y .if/tut lot on S. side 15th*st. between ôtlt and 6th

avenues '2b by about 84 teat deep. \,¿00

*******- Fair..The juvenile Missionar*}* Association of the

Allen street Church (Rev. Mr. Cheever*.) will hold a Fairfor tli»* sale of useful and fancy arlicle», This AfteRXOONand Evj-mnc at No. 100 Forsyth street, two dojrs above

Grand. The fair will be open l'roni two to ten F. M.--_.-

QjJ" A very useful and scientific preparation for Coughsand Colds.Wilde'» Flaiseed and Iceland Moss L'auJy, be-

in«; mad«»¿of pure loaf sugar ..nd eitraci of the above uset'ularticles. Sold al -tol Broadway, near Grand si.

...-Holiday r*iK?t.NTä..Persons wishing to i*v»l«i* presents in

llie line of Watches and Jewelry, would do wtll to ca!! on

«uir old frimd A. C. B'.RR. SO Bowery. They wil ItJiere fiada fust rale -isbortmeut of articles ill that line. If you purchaseyou cao depend upon getting an article as good as reccra-

mended by him.- r. .

ECONOMY .«..«.'D ClEA.**LIí>E»3.CoiL SlKTKBS..Tb«*»«Sil'ter» are ;i ca»t iron truncated cone, revolving on -i

horizontal The materials ax-* put into a hopp'r, andttoin ihence nin info a »c««en. A few turns of a crank -».re

suîfici.»nt to sep-trate the a*.hc, fr'.rn the c-A, depositing theruhes iu one drawer and Lhecoal in iiioth«*r. We hav.» o:ie

.sise irid'le for h-jleli And l.-.xgr establi-duneiits, to 51 the lopof a ba.n«?l e.u<\ sits '.hern until the baritl h> filled with _>he*J,<uid ih-> Diichui«- ii itoioveil io another, and v> on e.din finiturn.The miiCliiu». i_ uo\i u->«d at the A.toi, Amrncaii, Ffd'.ik-

liu, und ruui-t Otliei iirju.e« of the «Jity-JA.MF.8 II. BULL,

53 b..«uth Willum and 'dó Stone .trtet,Manufrtcl'irer -A Scdietj of evcrv variety.

f**?** We ha.e ow of th"se machinei in mc in our orñ>:«*,.aid we tbink -rsith pr.iper ca.c il can be uiadc to ¿as, its c\-

peas-: in a verv lew weeks. kid- Tub.

'Cy Splendid rerforni'«n*-.ei Ihis alt*riieon at the Ameii'janMuseum at J o'clock. and childrtn v-i!l.»...joya rich fund of aa*.ui»*cie3t with Ge«¡. Tom Thumb,'heGií-si*í3, «kc. fee.

rjTT" The *Whire N"-»j«*roes and the splendid performances ati**eale's Mu»**um will draw full hou¿»*s as u«uu.

iZy PrNM-NsH!r.«-S--«* (toi.'omith'. advertisement.

-JSy KcsaN Soa.P..The gneat diíñ'-nity in obrainin-r this^o_-), çeuniiip, has indac»*'i the subscrib-r*. *o import a quantitydirect. Those wishing the article will find the i>r«-s»-ii: su¡ -

ply i.-esh-TtiJ of i superior nuali'v.G. SAUNDKRS . *«0\'.

tll9 6t-od_____

Funiialiiii-; rftore, 163 BroadwayPr.F.Mit'M RaZOR Strops..The first premium a: the Fiirs

ol the American lustitnte li^s b«-«-n «v> arded. v«*ar after rear,to G. Sdanders, ú»r the invention of the NÍ-r.Üic Tablet,with 'our si.irt.-No. 1 side ha*/ins the etf*-ct ofa hone, -a irh-ou: Uiiu^- oil or water. The othrr udts ar- for keeping thelazor w:th a fine, smooth ed¿e, 30 that razor- can be kept inperfect order withont having recourue to a cutler or barber..It is used and recommeudeJ by the »irst cutlvr^ in England,and certified by the most scientific -*entlemen i:i this country!It, zxt-it i-rl.brity ha_ caused counterft-iu and imitations in-pumerablc. which can easily h«r detected hy th*» coar:«-mdimi»«-rf»:. t surf ire of what is called tlir- Tablet side, the origi¬nal hei:ii <;m..o'h and polish«««!. Manufactory, No. 163 Broad¬way, N»w-York. dl86teodCo-XE_yMagical Pai*- ExTRAcTOR.--The mr.jt eTtra-

ordioary amele ever nsj-.l for the following complainu : Bum»and.Scalds, Fraated Parts Chilblains, Chafe». Erysip^Braises. Rinrwomis, Scrofula, Salt Hheum. Ulcers Enn-tion*-, Ferer Sores, Barbers' Itch, Sore Nipples '] ¡c Dolo-rea-x.Büe* Piles, Inñamed Skin. Cuts. Stabs ko ¿.i,_VK«C_Any 'r""'1* l;yins '-'-A i-Ugical Extractor foi any ofweaDo-e-named c mplamts and is not perfectly satisfied with» dl haveth- raoney refanded. To behad nly -renoine at

C0l."",»:'_":ii'str'"'r: - -Sor:h Fifth-srreet, Philadelphia;

Livi«:-; on a'ûrm all my ufe, Iim rie«sarüy subject to such evils; bur- happily, your meal«ca.r«. 5-.4P reliriez me bkt a charm m two or three washings.xon are welcome to nnm this if v.«u '.!%._-, a_ the fad isknown to all dmneighborhood ISABELLA PKOL'T.Bergen, N.J. Nov. 21,1-J43.l«sme-«.it>er. the only place in New Yoik-where th* above

-*°?pls Io be had genuine, is at 6" Walker strvet--.0 cuts ¡erc?-»,*i- Buy do wr-.-rt rise.v»l,«-remar be hid cSourand"1 Spa-nun \Vhite, for beaatifvmg and whiunin«. the »ar-r^nele-idntboxes.2o cents each, Gouraud's Liquid Vegretable Rons--.50cents per bottle; Guu/aud's Poudre SuOtile, for *r_dic_tiij^hair.5! p»«r bottle.

» w_Ei ¦

Peters' Pill«..It is u*«r.eio<tr'- to w.' more than one wordabout Peters' Vegetable and Bilious Pills. They are moree**teasively used by Phys-ciani than any other pill er« nud.-.r or I-vers ofevery type.dv>¡«ep*.u,liv er cornpl_ at, jaundice,OMUUcdons, co»tiveh«*ss, loss of api-eiite, thev are <«mj ha*ic-aliytne orlat rimedt. Our eulo-*y is useless where thfare kn-j«-n. Let the doubting test their virtue. Principal of-fice 125 Faltan cor. Nassau st., and 50 North-Sixth st. Pnila-delphia; So, 2 Milk st. Boston. dl»j6tZy See advertisement of Dr, Hou*em<_T_ German Couah


u21 lmia**5ebri56's Cqrpul is sold at .No. 6 Murray st o31 if

¡Josi.ii Ricliards, AuctioneerAy Large Sale of Holyday Books» 6¿c-

THIS EVENING and TO-XORROW EVENINGBangs Richards & Platt. 156 Broadway, will seil and eúen-meand rich cjllection of books suitable for gifts, consistingof ele-tant English AcnuaLs and embellished work-,, Ame-;,- ..Anauab lor IS4', splendid F.nCli_h and American Bii-le- Vh.

ruU0L-»1,I^_ind Î'71*5' fine PÄy« book'' k-A-mfnl editiorli ofthe h.a¿li.h and American Poeu, in extra binding St.-Also, a collection of valuable standard works.


AUç, ilargs collecdon of popular medical books, late-taudbest editions.CatRlogue-* are now ready. ¿30

aiíirií,nniiTirm-r<rr, ¦ -.w t*ia^i\nv'nmxt»yaumi\iMARRIED:

In this uiy, o-.: thi ¡J-.*,.by R, v. Dr. Wainwru-h', S. Hr««-rt Roise*» to EurajiETH M_.thfw, ¿-._..-_.-. :' k. . l>Wa-r.'*v.-¡_:-.'.

('n :.i- ¡uh in.t. bv Rev. S. H. Meeker, lloara; F_a.-. .

M5 to '-.-.»aal«-»., .LjuJ.t-.-of Tr:.::i_, L. Jo.....

DIED:On the : .: .**Ar.,»t M.i-i..,-.;iV .«f Stephen Van SottiUri

it iu lb« .. : . . - ._,-..

Oatbe 17th, Amy Bu ? r ,*-,«.... /\v*!i,,m Kerney. i__US .-_; .' W . P. G re,-. Esq ot P.- viduño , -..- ;ArLHMiuwier.Maas.oodi :.:¦¦.. V i Thieu Ktioau,

danghte'of lion. JOU15 Kendall..ig jA- S»l<;m, Ma>¡ -

'- .¦. '.'.' r. .- t joldi*«

ot' the Revolution, *, id 89.

Pn»--»eii_r;cr-- Arrived«IntheSr rAnnD, miA '* '.--' -. Demai \ Mn

M ilrti md . htld,?¦ ' s /.'.; _.i .-Mr P!fn the brig A £ . riatanz ¡" ..

/.1 '.- '"¦ '.:' -.¦ '.'. H' R ».Ile, W «A i» 1..-. , A biddiifn the Bat k Anx .' .'--. !.-,.,';.

.¡. r Bears: 01 D; r

,'. bark Mason tSarney, from Buen Ayres.Mitsij- r. Klir.ii - M ill

In the '¦"_: Erightm Men--'¦. L îad MB*uK.

Pajtseugers sailed.T . .'.*¦.-»..'- ¦'' a r- ¦¦' ¦¦ -. iv>, *-,-

trick Lei - -\«> and fc C D-*Se*»-". '- '¦'¦. rertWH-n ... : Kici.»/«. H .

cfTi .-.' ; Lieut J, R N, Canada; Mi WallaceCanada; K '¦- i ... An-..---«- Or; -'.-. ¿..J Ford AAithor, md \V C olquhcun, M» atreal; » B Si-msa --_ h Mait-ii; ,, Qu.beC.1, -*jr Halifaz .C W Dixou, Mrs Rysaand M'«t«i R. in.3. ToaJ li.



The - --

Ris« s. .7 23\ Srts. .1 J.lin. .'-. Fl Ll Si \

î . .9 451 Eveoioi;.t 5

London.N .¦-:.. - i . .N01 ember isLiven :. >..--:...:'. r-0 ins.. I ...te: 9

t L I.-.' : Loi , J. Griswold; Sh«

\. .... t 1:'. ':,,.-¦....;;....' ..».-¦¦

_*: 5- .-.' .- Bare St Lir-: Bri-Ts S M «-¦ ti" ': «-'-. I»», S* i*»11 kle-

.'. .'.. A \ I ; '. -» o-L a, 1¿ D Hiiílbot; i :..-.:.-..,-

D m& üii üi_i id, >^.v-...... .».; ;-,.*. 1 ,....,.,..,.... :;...,..-. Baltimore. Coole*.\i 1; Sanli Louiía. Follett, Si ti 1 .-. lite,Mo¡ :¦ 1 it N ¦¦' ¦--«.

\;;t.l% 1 0.

Ship Sabina, (whaler.) Sl-ite, 130 da from Oaho, 28 months'.-¦.it with2300 ools whale icdloodo sperm oil, to Slate,Oar»dioer&Howell. Spoke, May 22, Armata. Hall, ofNLondon,

bis; 26th, Dertmooth, vvunpsoy. ol NBedford, IÛ30 «!.,v \ .._'k. r. 1: -p-June I, bark Ney,Smith,

ilo, lwh: M, shin, Smirh.d tl Copia, Ta-....:¦; 16th, >'.:¦ iani 1. Mayhew, do,2 ". Ann

M irv Ann. AVinters, Pas Rirbor, 2 wh lies; :. b, ¡l:» :.-«-.

Salfêr, NBi 1 «

uh; 21-it, ' ¦'.:': .¦ ce.

Read, I*Providence,i - "*»''-.¦ l*',,;-ford, Í100 wh, 11M s 1, Parker, d"»,7i»0 sp, I whales;......;.. -, f Sas Harbor,2

whale. »utheN '.'.'' OShu. Au«*- 0 '¦.:'.. tliza-:' ¡- .. town, v. :. boat's cieY.

:.¦.¦..'. N- wburyport- o«'Salem for i-àntoo- a » ' unsiellaTion, Lmtt-fi-»¦ id Cyaue, KB > : ' ¦'¦ '¦ *""¦.'

[.-'. k)S,1 2 '.'. Bayard,ol Oreeupoit,

Ship V .--.'¦ hia.) Pern, f-otn Manilla, July-. .'..;., ..-.«.¦ i- ;... U.c. ... der. ?AÍ!«*d in Company with

ship W.des,"VVaitî*. Éo '» -'¦ "'. '.' Louvre. C»r»»en, an

at Mantua, 24th July from . -. Paul, Osl n; SJersey,Bai ..' ft* n 3d July. The Venicei-sed AoRt«*r8th Sept. ¡' «-At»:.-»» an shi LTni :oru, lC8ris

horn Boston for Mouilla, had pas-ed a fe\* d 1 elbre. 0c.20th, lit 11 Í7 S, loup 62. W,spoke« by ti.^ i". h.u, i.^d;..:,,of Grcenock; reported ar, shi j ï«: Paul,at St He'ena* S'ov6,lat 8 ? S. lone 13 51 W, Brbng (>c> .-:. Bii.ic. of New < .i:.:'e,from Rordeiux, for Isle of France; N'oi 19 N, longST 2G W, bark Syren 28 days from **: An In \\«. N 15 for«loe_; 29th, lal 21 18 N, lonK 5S 0 '.V, bris Gipsy 16 dslrBridgeport, Ct, for Demerara; L'-<-3. Iat27, lon¿65, British74, staudine to soothward; Dec 9 to^ 13, strong gales in (.»nil*Si ?*.::-.-. 17th, passed shin Nassau, Chai leston Packet^! inshî.

B'irk M'S"ii Barney, Scot', 76 days from Boenoa Aj 1^3

with hide., Stc to W W DeForesl \. » 0. Left ships C« rio«liuof, Elwell, for Boston, in 15days;Brutus, Aduns. NYo.-k--i» days; barks Active, Gardner, 25dys; Three Brothers,Con-way, SaUm, uncertain; K tabella, Bailv, dodo; Potomac,Bearse, for NYork, in 21 days; La Plata, Michaels, Philadel¬phia! I2ds; Hnhart .Collier, une: B:i_s Henry Otn lor ^0..-ton, iu 15_u_; KÜtii K;üu'. M ..-..¦_, ?-'..> JailrUO, SOOD* Me*»senior, | Sam 1 son, B.s: n, uocerraid. November :.0th,1 titode .'! Li1, N, loiiiitu le 62 .u H", s; .kt- brig Kriph«of Bath, II il'.y-i from Wilmington, > C, for Point Peter,Gaudalcnpe. Died, December 13, Martin Whitnev, teaman,the ship Herald, formerly of Baltimore, bot condemned .md...¡.I .; Montevideo in March, lhl-'. was captured i>> the Ax--.entineSqaadroo and setitto Buenos Ayres. !: ^.*.s under¬stood at bueuc- Ayres that th» Herald had 1 ci rtifiçate thatîhe had heeu sold at auction at Montevideo by « nativeoftheplace and purchased by i. h*. Bun ws, Esq. This certiöcatewas Kranted l",- che U. S. Consul at Moulevideo, bot that »behad no ill of sale, crew list, i.--i.«<- r. 01 ship« ingarticl. «, a::-!thai theU. S. ''oa-ul at Bueno. A. res had aaciiued, «'«-»-.kid-^riiii the Herald as entitled to .«nii under the-lag ofthe UnitedSi it-1.Birk Ann Louisa, Nlarschuk, 20 day, from Vt»ra Cruz,

specie, mdie, Sic. to Hrirgous, Brothers ic Co. L»-fr, shij>~*«i-.i:-..i. discharging; Tippecanoe, for New.Orlean» in -day»;bark Bayona . Higgins, for^Tobasco next dav. Dec. 30 10, Ion:*. 71 S>y »aw a bark _:i0.«!_c « lignai with Ictteis

I . \V. M..' staudinu Southward.^.Bnc Levant. Webster, 25,ds fm Tobasco. !ogwoo*l to Nes«mit':;. Leeds St Co. L*-:': biigs Sciem e md Sea Flower, bothI. .-I'd.Brie Brighton k ing, 58 ds im Montevideo, hi.e-.fcc

: to L Lei-nd. ship Brutu*-and bng Jew^y both went aanoteta a k *de from the South East. Oct8, aBueaosixiaxt »cturofwar fouudered at h« »ochors and all haxut* perished fío date.

I Lit 7 Oo lost 33. .-,'*«ke Br brig CouutvM, of Leiat«r, fmLivei-pool, for ' ..¡cuttt.Bne R*»r*ubliv. G.«.:*».«. 1J ds fm A'"i"acr.icol_, co:t..n, kc, to

E » Hurlbutit Co.B'fi B**l!e. Myers, 1 d. fm Wilmington, N C n.*-_l scoit:.

! to E S Powell.Brig Antartic,Thompson, from Sr Thomas Dec I,ballast.

to .V W Pratt. Left birks I«.»i! «, Wh«-eJer B.itiniorr, u«?t-

day: Hecla, Williams, New-York, 6th; Guillord, Smith, ui..

.Vladouna, Wise, New-York, 6th; William Kenedy, Martin.une; Rio Grande, Cousins, just arrii d f cm Ne»/rport,Wal*s,reports having »poken whale ship W .' Nye, of Ntw-London,On Not 20th. i . lat 10 30, long l_; 'mti^¿ Pel; Porto y.¡co. Graves, unr.Schi Samuel Roberts, K_>-, from Rio Brazzos, Tr*\».*.

ton and hides, to J II Brower. Left sloop Jase nnd Eliz-i.Knapp, going op the river; sehr S«!:»», from Ncw.York, 1*.

Velasco, bi und ._;¦ ti.»- river. Dec ¡'-, Iat38, lotuc 71 27, board¬ed die brig Levant, from Tobasco foi New-York; leth.ípok«*sclir Naucy and Jane, for New-York.»did not learn «herífrom; ime, sein Thomas Hoopi -, of Baltimore, boundsouth.exnerien.! very bad v..-.:1- r,s.iu Harriet atnith, Smith, I2ds from Havana,oranges.

*x< < o I' Balen.Sehr Clara Fisher, Bhuiey, 13 ds from Newbern.NC, naval

store», t«) B Blossom.Sehr Louisa, Le*»'is, 13 ds fm Georgetowu, S< cotton to

T.-.,' St Phillips.Sclir AnnD. Bedell, 5 ds fin "**«¦*.-f f..»lk, cotton mo tobacco

»o Utilise« S; Cleann !.-:.

S..!,r <.'ohiu»!*-t, Biir!*»tt. U «'.» i'ioqi Bsr,r^o, tyb-CCO, toAvtnar tí Cf.Sehr Maria, Atwood, dü from Balt_m<_ie. culze to J t N

Brix«--.SehrHoratio, Anes, S___ford,l2C- luiTauutvn, topper ar.d

lud u to older.Sehr Si'1-.-ad.u, Dyer, 6 ,*- fm P,.rtl_ud. provisions to crde;Sehr Lebanon. Brown. 16 ds from Curler. Me, 10 master.Sehr Fmii<-s- E Uekker, 4 d-\fu: Phila.lelphia, mdi m-v»tf r.

S'.-hr Or>, Juhnsou, ll) ds from E__:¡>Oi-¿, ¡ish, t- 11 So-viu- ii Son.

Si-h.-i."«nnbri.lK^ Hall, 6 ¿, f.orn Bc«.ton. md_e. to ¡vftzttr.Slocp H^ii.-y, Gibb,,2d* from Fall Kiv-r n:i!_e.Sloop Isaac li Borden, Brown, 2 ds fr^tr. F<tll Kiv.r, oil.Sloop Vicli r.-, from Providence, oil.Sloop Three Brothers, from Bristol, F.I, mdre.

ESLOWjA sh!pan<l2bri?s. Wind 5 S ".'»*.

SIE-IORj NL'A.1 :.*» V-sseb bonnd ro the Eastward >r- «till detained,owing

to the east wii «!, in I thii k t- ,r. 1 h- ¡. ttei h*n if the rickec .

»hip New-York, will be kept open onülhaJf pasca o'clockthis m ;:.::.,-.

'7y First Waril .Pursuant to ¿ reconim'ndanon ofthe Democratic Whig C'*u<-r-l Committee, the "»Vhig Elect¬ors <-» l" t - Fir.- Ward a p requested t assemble at Threaher-aBr-.'-id Street Hi tel, comer 1" P«?arl ami Bro,d «tre^.-s. un theeve incofWe-lnesdav. the 20th insi at 7 o'cloek, lorth**nur«roi«"- 01 i»!-erii¡¿ liv- D-ilegales to r-p.-**-,ent this VV,ird in Gen«era] Committee :.-r the ensuing year, and also . Ward Com¬mittee, ßv ..rdrr of

<'. i'.PABOCK.Cinirra-in.Johv T. Lorto**, S^-cr-f-- d!9 2t- m

"*"""-~-* Spcon, "»iVaT-l.-.Piirsuint to óie r.-.-..tnr«ien'!atioiithe 'vV'.i!' <i-i:-¡'I '¦-. the Dem .«»-.tic Whig» of«»¦..¦..: Wa r- nested to meet at Jones. -; '¦oo\

VVanl Hocel. S .,.-.- on WEDNESDAYEVENING,De r the 1 arpóse cf a| ¡.... t-i r 1 -_- Dele« itesi ., . ;. ¦' losing t

V.'..-¦'. Comm "- i"r í' -

By .. ..

- .'A «ES KELL -,( ..-.-..

Tlaird ".V;¡rcl.-- ... ., ,. s0*tí e Wl »'. ¦. - V |. . f .'.-

- ','.'.;! .-- .-.-.:-. -.1 r> ._-(, 0., WednesdÄW .'.:.l-.g,mst. .:.....-.. ».- ,,-,

i the G ¡ral Cm itiee of'811, id* '".-. r :'¦¦-

yê". By.-. ..--:. . .-.» rmttree': ':


.-' l_"-:"'<; DL7EB Cliairtn

L-?" w-nn**-- ".V-iTî. -, .-. Elector» of the' W-irl irerí-qnes; . ... . |j u

COr*;Vr n: \- uliam « ¡«i .¦. : -, ;ned ... t, ..,: .,

[.-'¦' 7 . : I-:-.- D «»tel '¦ '¦'¦¦.-" "' .'».. ¦'¦ .. ¦¦¦¦....:¦ ¦:::¦-. nuxB

>"«''. By . r p'r' -".'.! .,...- . ...


OHJJll.CS CHa-HBERLAUf, S«: r .". ,13 2t*"" r}fdh Ward..Ia pursuance to líotice of ÚM De

mocratic \\ big (. ner.1 I ¡ommittee, the Whigs of this Waidir"u-i'_' """¦' *-° *î,r'* 8t t!:!' v «fl":i House, 10. Chapel ;:i»««ion Wednesday eveubg tl»-20'h in-t, at "i. to ieiect live Dele-Wtesio represent the Ward in General < o:nmittee; also, *.>> <ird Committe« for the comm- year. Other bn-iiifs*of ini-p-oitauce will te laid h»fo.-*- thr meetinc

ALEX. EL SCHCLTZ. Chairman.Darin < .«,r.r*:«,TKB,*» c ,

Jon* Hk-aiit, Jr. \ ^«-'let-ines. jÎS 2t

(Tf Sixth Ward..The Democratic Whigs of th«;Sixth Wcsrii *r- requested to meet al Nacional Hall, Canaljt.erl. on Wednesday EreninK,the20_hiù»t.at7 o'clock,J?»the purpose ofchoosing'^v-¡Delegates to represencthe Wardmthe G-iieral Commitire forth« veai '!.'.!. ami also to apupiot¦*. V.' .rd Committee for the ensuing year. By of to*

Ward Committ-e. W M. JONES, Ch-iman.L.Beadlt, Secretary. di9 2t

-.__«.».ry Seventh TV*a*rd»»--Pu«uanttoarecomm«iilatioB

«.'.' ¡Tie Democratic Whig i."-» *.-l Committee,the DemoerancWhhr Electors of the Seventh Ward .re requeated to assem¬ble at the Franklin H,'«-¡ .comer of.Cherrv iiul l-ut*.'*-rs iu-

on Wedneaday evening, 2»lth iastant, at 7 o'clock, forth«* pur*|.o .^ of ehoosi.-tj: live Delegates *o the Democratic H '!,r,, |i,eral Committee, for the year 1841, and also to choose a W tni

Committee. <md transact such other business --s may be brotu;"»before them. By oidrr of the Ward Commrt'e

dir»JAS. R. TERRY. Sec r**.