the trinity times page 1 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 · time for conversation, study, learning and growing...

AUGUST 2020 The Trinity Times Published by Trinity Lutheran Church, Saint Peter, Minnesota, a congregation of the ELCA INSIDE THIS ISSUE: The Pastor’s Column 2 Adult Education 3 Children, Youth, & Families 4 Trinity Women 5 Calendar 6 General 8 Church Council & Committees 10 Contact Information 12 Virtual Coffee Fellowship Coffee time and conversation are happening again at TLC! After the 9:30 am Facebook wor- ship service on Sunday mornings, grab a cup of coffee (or milk or juice), a treat from your very own kitchen, click into the Zoom link that will be provid- ed in the comments, and visit with your TLC friends and neighbors. See you then! In Search Of There are Trinity members without access to the local tv cable channel 7 and/or computer broad- casts of our church services in their homes. If you have a small tv-dvd combo that is no longer being used in your house, we would be grateful to have it donated for their use. We could also use portable/travel dvd players. Please email Nancy Hanson, [email protected] or call 507-317-5436. Thank You For Cleaning Up Our Highway! Thank you to the members who helped clean up our Highway! Thank you Pei-loh for the water and granola bars and to the Mission Committee for organizing the event.

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Page 1: The Trinity Times PAGE 1 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 · time for conversation, study, learning and growing please join Pastor Joy on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Please RSVP by sending


A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

The Trinity Times

Published by Trinity Lutheran Church, Saint Peter, Minnesota, a congregation of the ELCA



The Pastor’s



Adult Education 3

Children, Youth,

& Families


Trinity Women 5

Calendar 6

General 8

Church Council

& Committees





Virtual Coffee Fellowship

Coffee time and conversation are happening

again at TLC! After the 9:30 am Facebook wor-

ship service on Sunday mornings, grab a cup of

coffee (or milk or juice), a treat from your very own

kitchen, click into the Zoom link that will be provid-

ed in the comments, and visit with your TLC

friends and neighbors. See you then!

In Search Of There are Trinity members without access to the local tv cable channel 7 and/or computer broad-casts of our church services in their homes. If you have a small tv-dvd combo that is no longer

being used in your house, we would be grateful to have it donated for their use. We could also use portable/travel dvd players. Please email Nancy Hanson, [email protected] or call 507-317-5436.

Thank You For Cleaning Up Our Highway! Thank you to the members who helped clean up our Highway! Thank you Pei-loh for the water and granola bars and to the Mission Committee for organizing the event.

Page 2: The Trinity Times PAGE 1 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 · time for conversation, study, learning and growing please join Pastor Joy on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Please RSVP by sending


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From the Pastor Dear Friends in Christ,

Certainty. Most everyone craves it. As a way of creating cer-tainty, we make plans. Some plans are short term, day to day or week to week. We plan out what we need from the grocery store for the week. Other plans need to be made over a long-er time frame. Long trips are planned for weeks or months ahead of time. Weddings are planned for months or a year or even more in advance. Savings accounts are started long before kids graduate from high school and head off to further their education. Savings accounts are started, too, long be-fore retirement day comes along. You get the idea. We like certainty. It makes us feel good, and so we make plans.

I like certainty just as much as anyone. In my 24 years as a pastor, I’ve always been quite certain of what I’ve needed to do every day, every week, every month. “Ordinary” and festi-val worship services created… sermons written...Sunday School, Confirmation, and other youth events planned… vol-unteers recruited and equipped… staff work planned and co-ordinated… visits made… meetings scheduled and organized. For that work to be accomplished, plans needed to be made. Of course, no matter how careful those things were thought through, things happened to throw those plans out of whack to some degree. Some of these things that seemed to be certain always were not.

You probably can see very well where this is going. Since the middle of March, when the pandemic began spreading our way, it’s been more than challenging to make any plans. Life has not been very certain. The things that have always hap-pened, like getting up every day and sending kids off to school, going to work, visiting with friends at worship services,

getting together with friends for lunch or for an even-ing, getting together for birthday celebrations, going to a community parade on the Fourth of July, and a multitude of other things we’ve felt so certain about in the past have recently been like a fruit-basket up-set. Everything has gone topsy-turvy since covid-19 made its way around the world.

Actually, there is a certain, sure exception, to every-thing feeling topsy-turvy. There is something we can always be certain about… better yet… there is someone we can always be certain about. That One, of course, is our God. You and I can be abso-lutely, positively sure that God is for us and with us always, that God loves us unconditionally and eter-nally, that God’s grace and mercy and forgiveness are poured out on us, that, thanks to God, we have new life and eternal life. Take a look at the way the Apostle Paul wrote about this sure and certain God of ours in his letter to the Romans. Paul declared, “…If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of

us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (8:31-32, 35, 37-39)

Paul was not just 100% but 100,000,000% certain… confi-dent…sure about all this. You and I can be just as certain…confident…sure, too. God is for us and because he is for us there is nothing that will ever keep God from us or us from God. Nothing. Not one thing. Nothing past, present, or to come. Not a pandemic. Not even sin or death. God’s for-giveness, grace, mercy and love are real and they are for you, for me, for our family and friends, for all this world. What awe-some, spectacular news!!

Now, while I am certain of all this, there are other things of which I am not certain. As I write this article (after worship on July 19), a date has not yet been set for us to return to in-person worship services. Sunday School and Confirmation and a lot of other events at Trinity are not yet certain either. However, of this I am also sure and I want you to be rest as-sured too. Your pastors as well as Trinity’s Health Response Team and Council are working on these matters, just as we have been since the middle of March. The Minnesota Depart-ment of Health guideline is that the numbers of cases decline for two weeks before returning to in-person worship. We are watching numbers in Nicollet, Blue Earth and LeSueur coun-ties. We want to make the best decisions for the well-being of everyone. When these decisions are made, you can also be certain that we will get word out to you through the mail, through email, through our congregation’s Facebook page, and our website.

While we work toward that day, we will continue to provide worship as we have these last few months, through broad-casts on Facebook, Youtube, and our local cable channel. If you haven’t yet joined us for “coffee and conversation” fol-lowing the 9:30 Sunday morning service, please give it a try. It’s a great way to meet our need to visit with other Trinity folks. (By the way, even when we are able to have a limited number of people at the church for worship, we will not be providing coffee fellowship for quite some time. So, please join us for this next best option via Zoom.)

Certainty. Most everyone craves it. If you do, then be nour-ished, be strengthened by the certainty that God is for you, God is with you, God loves you and forgives you always. Of that you can be totally certain. Others crave that certainty, too, so pass the word on to everyone you meet.

In Christ,

Pastor Joy

Page 3: The Trinity Times PAGE 1 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 · time for conversation, study, learning and growing please join Pastor Joy on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Please RSVP by sending


Revved Up

Grace Street Bible Study is underway and you can still join us. This is available through Zoom! All you need is a computer or other device that allows you to have access to your email account or a telephone. Zoom is an interactive program that allows you to see and hear other participants and they will see and hear you, too! Please join us Thursdays at 10:30 am. All are invited to be part of this Bible study, whether or not you have participated in the past at Central Square Apartments.

If you are interested, please send an email to Pastor Joy at [email protected] to sign up.

Associate Pastor

Nikoli Falenschek


[email protected]

Lead Pastor

Joy G. Ekstedt


[email protected]

Contact the Pastor

Bible Study August Featured Books in the Trinity Library Nature HEALS…go hug a tree when you cannot hug

a person! Keeping optimistic and positive thoughts for this summer of the pandemic and our love for natural harmony.

The Day The Animals Came, (E 3125), by Frances Ward Weller and illustrated by Loren Long. A story of rapturous music and fellowship of St. Francis Day.

All God’s Critters Got A Place In The Choir, (E 545), words and music by Bill Staines. From the fiddling cricket to the hol-lerin’ hoot owl… you’ll recognize it from “A Prairie Home Com-panion.”

And It Was Good, (5L), by Madeleine L’Engle. Reflections on Beginnings. See the connections between ‘Made’and ‘Maker’ with long, loving glances.

When We Reach For The Sun, (5K), by Jim Klobuchar and Herbert W. Chilstrom. These two authors and photographers met through their shared appreciation of nature and the result is food for the eye, the mind and the soul.

A Heart Awake TO Beauty, (5 1653), by Dee Appel and art by Mark Keathley. Peace and gladness will be found with nature’s influence on the soul.

Adult E



Racism Study - What Can I Do…?

What can I do to be part of the solution and not part of the problem of racism? Perhaps you’ve asked the question in the past and are asking the question again after the tragic and wrongful death of George Floyd. If you’d like to be part of a time for conversation, study, learning and growing please join Pastor Joy on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Please RSVP by sending an email to [email protected].

Let’s Celebrate Women in Ministry

June 29 marks the 50th anniversary of the vote that made it possible for women to be ordained ministers in the Lutheran church. Cantor Emily Bruflat from First Lutheran Church in St. Peter, is working on a project to celebrate this milestone!

This event will be on Facebook, August 9, at 3:00 pm.

The event will feature special music with hymns and text written by women, church music leaders and reflection from Pastors who are women, including our own Pastor Joy. More information to come!

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Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

is Still Happening at Trinity!

We will be starting the programming year online and at-home.

Sunday School will kick off on September 6, Confirmation will

kick off on September 9, and High School Youth Group on

September 13—all programs will join a combination of online

content and physical materials, and none will meet in person.

In order to gauge how we can best structure these programs

and most sensibly serve our families, we will be sending a

survey to our families sometime soon. Please keep an eye

out for that survey and be sure to make your voice heard by


Job Opportunity at Trinity

The Program Director

oversees and administers

the children and youth

programs at Trinity Lu-

theran Church. This sup-

port position will empower the faithful growth and

discipleship of our youngest members and their

families through relational support, teaching, leader-

ship and development. In conjunction with the As-

sociate Pastor, the Program Director will provide a

model for Christian discipleship and community for

our congregation. For the complete job description

and how to apply go to our website at https://

Application deadline: August 9.

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PAGE 5 Trin

ity Wom


Quilting has been a long standing ministry at Trinity. Each year the Trinity Women lovingly craft quilts for donation to places like

Lutheran World Relief, Partners for Affordable Housing, and Habitat for Humanity. Last year they made 298 quilts! This year with

the onset of the pandemic in March they have only been able to complete 59. As we return to a new normal they may not be able

to gather in large groups like they used to for awhile so we wanted to offer a dedicated quilting space to allow for individuals or

small groups to come in and complete quilts. The quilting room is located in the education wing on the first floor. When the

Church Council and Health Response Team feel it is safe to do so quilters will be able to notify the office when they would like to

use the space and it will be cleaned between uses. We hope this helps to support the important ministries provided by our very

own Trinity Women of the ELCA!

New Quilting Room!

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PAGE 6 Sunday Monday Tuesday

2 9:30 am Worship Service on Facebook and YouTube Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 10:30 am Virtual Fellowship Hour 2:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 7:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

3 5:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

4 11:00 am Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 3:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 5:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting via Zoom 7:00 pm All Monthly Meetings

9 9:30 am Worship Service on Facebook and YouTube Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 10:30 am Virtual Fellowship Hour 2:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 7:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

10 5:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

11 11:00 am Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 3:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 5:30 pm CYF Committee Meeting 5:30 pm Finance Committee Meeting 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting

16 9:30 am Worship Service on Facebook and YouTube Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 10:30 am Virtual Fellowship Hour 2:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 7:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

17 5:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

18 11:00 am Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 3:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

23 9:30 am Worship Service on Facebook and YouTube Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 10:30 am Virtual Fellowship Hour 2:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 7:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

24 5:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

25 11:00 am Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 3:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 6:30 pm Green Team Meeting via Zoom

30 9:30 am Worship Service on Facebook and YouTube Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 10:30 am Virtual Fellowship Hour 2:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast 7:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

31 5:00 pm Public Access (Channel 7) Broadcast

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PAGE 7 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


5 9:30 am Staff Zoom Meeting 7:00 pm Racism Study-What Can I Do? via Zoom

6 10:30 am Grace Street Bible Study via Zoom 6:30 pm Health Response Team Zoom Meeting

7 8


9:30 am Staff Zoom Meeting 7:00 pm Racism Study-What Can I Do? via Zoom

13 10:30 am Grace Street Bible Study via Zoom 6:30 pm Health Response Team

Zoom Meeting




9:30 am Staff Zoom Meeting 7:00 pm NO Racism Study-What Can I Do? via Zoom

20 10:30 am NO Grace Street Bible Study 6:30 pm Health Response Team Zoom Meeting




9:30 am Staff Zoom Meeting 7:00 pm Racism Study-What Can I Do? via Zoom

27 10:30 am Grace Street Bible Study 6:30 pm Health Response Team Zoom Meeting

28 29

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Mary Jacobson's birthday drive by celebration was a success!

A Prayer During the Covid-19 Pandemic (adapted from Lutheran World Federation)

O God, our Healer, show your compassion for the whole human family that is in turmoil and burdened with illness and with fear. Come to our aid as the coronavirus spreads globally. Heal those who are sick. Support and protect their families and friends from being infected. Grant us your spirit of love and self-discipline so that we may come together, working to control and eliminate the coronavirus. Make us vigilant, attentive, and proactive in the eradication of all dis-eases, malaria, dengue, HIV and AIDS, and others that create suffering and often result in death for many people. Heal our self-centeredness and indifference that makes us worry only when the virus threatens us. Open ways beyond ti-midity and fear that too easily ignore our neighbor. Strengthen and encourage those in public health services and in the medical profession: care-givers, nurses, attendants, doctors, all who commit themselves to caring for the sick and their families. Inspire, give insight, and hope to all researchers focused on developing a vaccine. Sustain all workers and business owners who suffer loss of livelihood due to shut-downs, quarantines, closed borders, and other restrictions. Protect and guard all those who must travel. Guide the leaders of the nations that they speak the truth, halt the spread of misinformation, and act with justice so that all your family may know healing. Heal our world, heal our bodies. Strengthen our hearts and our minds, and in the midst of turmoil, give us hope and peace. Hold in your gentle embrace all who have died and who will die this day. Comfort their loved ones in their despair. Remember all your family, the entire human race, and all your creation in your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Voting As Faithful Service

It’s said that Roman Christian soldiers, when they immersed themselves in water for Baptism, would keep their sword hand out of the water. In this way, they could justify the horrors and they committed against others, living only part of their lives in faith. Some might say something similar of Chris-tians in the United States: that we hold our vote above water in our baptism. As Christians, we are called to steward every part of our lives to love our neighbor—in a democratic society like ours, this includes our vote! We don’t leave God or our call to love others outside the polling booth—in fact, we have great power in our vote to effect positive change in the world. We are called not to vote for our own self-interests, but for the interests of our neigh-bors, too.

To care for our vote in a faithful way, we need to stay educated about politi-cal issues and candidates—we also need to actually exercise our right to vote. Visit to check your registration status and register to vote. Visit to find your local elections office. This year, there are several options for voting in the primary:

Vote in person at your polling place on August 11. Check your pollling place at

Vote early in person through August 10. If you live in Nicollet County, cast an absentee ballot at the Nicollet County Courthouse in St. Peter.

Vote early my mail. Apply at to have an absentee ballot sent to you by mail.

ELCAVotes is our denomination’s initiative to remind each other of God’s presence in the polling booth and the Spirit’s claim on our civic selves. Learn more:

Page 9: The Trinity Times PAGE 1 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 · time for conversation, study, learning and growing please join Pastor Joy on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Please RSVP by sending


In Memory of

Karen Dupuis February 24, 1940 - July 20, 2020

Donna Mae Wick June 20, 1946 - July 23, 2020

Offering Options

It is important for us to maintain our levels of offerings during this time when we are not worshipping in person. If you usually give weekly while at church please mail your offering to Trinity. Here are some other options: Text: send message to 844-373-8817 with the amount you would like to contribute (example: 25). App: download GivePlus through your app store. Web: click on the Give button on our website. Thank you for supporting the mission and ministry of TLC.

Join us for Worship

Online Sunday morning at 9:30 am on Facebook.

Anytime on Youtube


St Peter Public Access Channel 7 Sundays at 9:30 am, 2:00 pm, & 7:00 pm; Mondays at 5:00

pm; Tuesdays at 11:00 am & 3:00 pm.

Any committees or individuals that have in-formation for the September newsletter need to have it turned in no later than Thurs-day, August 20. Please use the Publishing Request Form which is available in the church office and send the information to: [email protected]. Thank you!

General In



End of June 2020

Spending is $13,922 under budget

Offerings are $11,077 below spending

Offerings are $25,699 below budget

Pei-loh & Adrian Lo 204 Dancing Waters Circle Mankato, MN 56001

Have you had a change of address or phone num-ber? Please let us know.

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Church Council Meeting Minutes— July 7, 2020

Reporting: Bev Pillers

Present: Bob Broeder, Jim Christenson, Carolyn Dobler,

Doug Minter, Bev Pillers, Pastor Joy Ekstedt

Absent: Cathy Carlson, Andrew Elofson, Sarah Nelsen, Mary Oberlander, Barbara Simpson, Pastor Nikoli Falenschek

Guests: Health Response Team members, John Lammert,

Jennifer Lammert, and Nissa Fell

The meeting was called to order. Pastor Joy Ekstedt gave the

opening prayer.

The agenda for the meeting was accepted by unanimous


A. BUSINESS DISCUSSED 1. Pastor Joy’s Report:

Pastoral Care – I have checked in with all of the Com-panions and things are going well in their contacts with TLC members. I also am making calls to folks on our home visit list and checking in with them.

I continue to meet weekly via Zoom with SW MN Synod Staff and colleagues in the synod for conversation about the Covid situation and how pastors and congregations are navigating this time. These meetings are very help-ful.

Grace Street Bible study meets weekly via Zoom. We are having great conversations about the upcoming Bible passages that will be read for worship services.

I began a new study/conversation group, What Can I Do?! which meets weekly via Zoom. This group, too, has been having great conversations about the sin of racism.


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The Health Response Team meets weekly—now on Thursday evenings instead of Sunday mornings. A phased approach for returning to in-person worship is being worked out for TLC.

I and Pastor Nikoli will be talking again about the needs of CYF at Trinity and hope to sched-ule interviews to fill our staff position later in August.

Our new camera equipment will be installed July 8-9 and I have contacted camera opera-tors to schedule a training session for them with VSI.

I will be on vacation July 22 and return to work August 4

2. Pastor Nikoli’s Report: No report at this time, on vacation.

3. Treasurer’s Report: General offerings for June 2020 were down

from 2019: $28,665 (2020) vs $37,540 (2019). Note: June 2019 had 5 Sundays.

General offerings for 2020 YTD were down from 2019 YTD: $205,321 (2020) vs $208,760 (2019).

Total spending for 2020 is $217,098 with net surplus (deficit) of (11,777).

Total spending for 2020 is under budget; budget for 2020 YTD is $231,020.

Bank balance on June 30, 2020 was $84,347. Controlled savings balance on June 30, 2020 was

$118,596. Capital Improvement Fund on June 30, 2020 was

$63,916. Building Improvement $ 44,407 Equipment Purchases/Improvement $ 252 Special Projects $ 19,257 Building Improvement Fund Offerings were up $24 from 2019: $11,398 (2020) vs $11,374 (2019). Building Improvement Fund Offerings were down $300 from 2019: $13,377 (2020) vs $13,677 (2019). M/S/P to accept the Treasurer’s report by unanimous consent.

4. Committee Reports: Personnel Committee: They contacted the second

cleaning company on their list they’d compiled previously, Caretakers of Mankato. They were available and could start when needed.

Property Committee: No report at this time. Community Life: No report at this time. Children, Youth and Family: No report at this time. Worship, Music and Arts: No report at this time. Mission: No report at this time. Adult Education: No report at this time. Stewardship: No report at this time.

5. Health Response Team: HRT advises phasing back in to services and use of the

building. State of Utah developed a color code method of phasing in opening that the Team recommend we incorporate into our opening plan.

Green – Pre Covid Yellow – Cautious for those at high risk Orange – Cautious for all Red – All closed

HRT says we are teetering between orange and red and they are waiting to see what is announced by the school system on their opening in September. Closely watching the uptick in cases of Covid-19 in the 20-39 age group.

It was asked how we should respond when people ask us why can’t we open when other churches have. Our response is that we’re cautious

The HRT is made up of two public health professionals. The problem is that the virus is carried in droplets and aer-osol and the particles can linger for a while. The virus

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FINANCE COMMITTEE: Marc Bachman, James Brandt, Scott

Borgstahl, Joel Darge, Scott Fichtner

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Dave Arpin, Wendy Bachman,

David Detlefson, Casey Dunker, Deb Fichtner, Jennifer Lammert

ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE: Marc Bachman, Roger Bakken,

Al Hewitt, Darrell Jodock, Jim Kruger

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Paul Albers, Joan Davis, Tom Frey,

Sandy Grochow, Bob Lambert, Meredith Young

ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Eugene Grack, Nancy Hanson,

Laura Hulsebus, Andy Lo, Jim Timmerman


Alie Hermanson, Kelsey Janni, Jay Link, Will Nelsen, Kristi Portugue,

Joni Seitzer

COMMUNITY LIFE COMMITTEE: Lynn Burg, Kristie Gurrola,

Corinne Kreft, Nancy Kruger, Mary Snyder

MISSION COMMITTEE: Deb Fichtner, Justin Francis, Pei-loh Lo,

Margie Nelsen, Meredith Young

PROPERTY COMMITTEE: Mike Keller, Duane Krenz, Tom

Kretschmer, Chuck Puchta, Brad Sykora

STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE: Bridget Cooke, Brenda Dent,

Brian Fell, Tim Kennedy, Mark Oberlander


Sandi Minter, Cindy Steiner, Janell Stock, Nick Sykora


Council &





Bob Broeder (President)

Doug Minter (Vice President) Personnel Committee Chair

Bev Pillers (Secretary) Nominating Committee Chair

Carolyn Dobler (Treasurer) Finance Committee Chair

Barbara Simpson Adult Education Committee Chair

Sarah Nelsen Children, Youth & Family Committee Chair

Mary Oberlander Community Life Committee Chair

Andy Elofson Mission Committee Chair

Jim Christenson Property Committee Chair

Sandi Francis Stewardship Committee Chair

Cathy Carlson Worship, Music & Arts Committee Chair

Pastor Joy Ekstedt: Oversees Finance, Community Life, Adult Ed, Stewardship, Endowment, Personnel, Nominating, and Worship, Music & Arts Committees

Pastor Nikoli Falenschek: Oversees Property, Mission, Children, Youth & Families, and Worship, Music & Arts Committees

Keep Them Coming

We are still collecting Family Fresh receipts. Thank you

to those who have been sending them. The use of the

Direct you Dollar funds will be determined by Church

Council in the future. In the meantime, please send

your receipts by mail to the church or drop them off in

our “mailbox” by the parking lot entrance doors. The

mailbox is typically out during morning hours. Thank

you for supporting the ministry of Trinity.

needs a host and can’t replicate on it’s own. Masks help.

We don’t want to be the church with an outbreak. The HRT team has discussed surveying the congre-

gation. What should be asked? They are discussing logistics of how to distance, one

door to enter, other to exit. Need a video demonstrating the changes to proce-

dures of entering/exiting building and pews, no loi-tering, RSVP to attend services. Explain in video the color coding system.

Doug Minter said we should identify criteria of each code level.

Should Pastors wear a face shield or have a Plexi-glass shield in front of where they speak?

B. Actions Taken: none

C. Responsibilities Assigned: none

D. Next meeting: August 11, 2020

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PAGE 12 Trinity Lutheran Church

511 S Fifth Street,

Saint. Peter, MN 56082


ct Info



Lead Pastor: Joy G. Ekstedt 507-519-1004 [email protected]

Associate Pastor Nikoli Falenschek 763-482-1709 [email protected]

Church Secretary: Kristen Thomas 507-934-4786 [email protected]

Financial Sec./Admin. Asst: Jennifer Hubrig 507-934-4786 [email protected]

Custodian: Barry Wood 507-351-2205 [email protected]

Organist/Pianist: Judy Maharry 507-934-4786 [email protected]

Celebration Singers Director: Annette Meeks 507-934-4786 [email protected]

JOY! Choir Director: Nancy Sizer 507-934-4786


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

8:30 am to 5:00 pm


8:30 am to

12:00 pm

507 - 934 - 4786

[email protected]

Address label