the true power in the blood


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Page 1: The True Power in the Blood


By WatchmanDean

April 29, 2014

Paul said

"I do not set aside the grace of God, for I tell you now that if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." (Galatians 2: 21)

Christians use this verse as their proof that the law is "dead" that it is "nullified" by Christ and that it "no longer applies at all." This is a terrible twist of scripture and is ridiculous if you read Galatians in its entirety.

You've probably heard the above said before, but have you ever considered what Paul is actually saying? Notice he speaks of the grace OF GOD here. Christians notoriously think Paul is talking about the grace that we receive because of the work of Christ (his death and resurrection). Yet, Paul does not say "the grace that comes through Christ" he says "the grace of God."

Did God not grant "grace" to men prior to the work of Christ?

Grace was not invented by Christ. Grace is mentioned some 39 times in the Old Testament. They had "the GRACE of GOD" before Christ came. What does this mean? It means, to hear official Christianity tell it, Christ came, died, and rose again for one purpose, to bring us "atonement and forgiveness once and for all for all our sins (both past, present and future). " They teach that Christ brought a NEW

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kind of grace, one that is FOREVER and non "refundable."

They do not realize what Paul was talking about in Galatians. Paul was talking about Grace UNDER THE LAW. What was Grace under the law? The same kind of Grace Christianity preaches. The only difference between the GRACE they taught under the law and the grace they teach under Christianity is, under the law grace and forgiveness (atonement) was granted for the death of an animal on an altar, the shedding of innocent ANIMAL blood, while under the grace Christianity teaches, grace is granted because of the shedding of Christ's blood. So, Christianity is STILL teaching that grace comes by the LAW of the shedding of innocent blood, the only difference is who's blood is being shed.

If Christianity is true, then Christ died in vain, for they already HAD a way whereby men received this SAME KIND OF GRACE Christianity teaches (whereby we are forgiven despite our human frailties). The shedding of animal blood did the EXACT SAME THING as the shedding of Christ's blood (if Christ's blood served the purpose Christianity claims). When they teach that righteousness comes merely by forgiveness and the shedding of blood they are teaching LAW, in which case, Christ is DEAD IN VAIN. That is what Paul taught us!

According to the "grace" taught in the churches Christ had no real mission. They teach that God became a man, to die for us, to shed his own blood, so that we could be forgiven of our sins. WE HAD THAT ALREADY and if that is all Christ's blood does then Christ clearly died in vain and his mission was an exercise in futility.

Not only that, Christianity quotes scripture that says Christ was "slain to receive power and glory" (Revelation 5: 12) and such scriptures are a

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waste of breath if Christ is God Incarnate. Why would God have to become and man and die to receive the right to be called our LORD? He was already our LORD!

Christians need to sit back and take a real long hard look at what they teach because it makes no sense and is not supported in scripture, for if Christ died to bring us forgiveness we had that already, if Christ died to receive power and a "name above all names" he had that already as well (if He's God Incarnate as they teach).

In short, the Jesus being preached by today's church makes no logical sense and was a "pointless" Christ.

If the shedding of blood for remission of sins is all that was promised by Christ (and that is what they clearly teach), they are teaching LAW and saying that Christ did not take OUR place on the altar but instead took the place of Rams and Bulls!

Christianity's answer to all of this? "Well, the blood of rams and bulls couldn't really pay the penalty for our sins." Really? So God was lying? When God gave the law and the shedding of animal blood he was LYING when he said it would atone for their sins? The writer of Hebrews was lying too? He said:

"For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:"

(Hebrews 9: 13).

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So, why was Christ's sacrifice a "better sacrifice?" They teach that it was done once and for all sins for all time. That Christ died just so a bunch of animals could be spared a death on the altar? That's the only reason Christ's sacrifice was better than animal sacrifice under Christian teaching! They also teach that the blood of animals was a "SHAM" and really couldn't atone. They quote Hebrews 10: 4 for this:

4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

They translate "take away sins" to mean "atonement" or "forgiveness" (in other words the PENALTY is taken away not the sin itself). It does not occur to the Christian that the Hebrews writer is saying that the only difference between Christ's shedding blood and the blood of animals is that Christ's blood literally "takes away" our sins and (animal blood didn't promise that for it couldn't deliver on such a promise, it couldn't bring "the power").

The blood of Christ does far more than ATONE for sin (for if that is all it did, he shed his blood in vain for we had ATONEMENT and FORGIVENESS ... grace... under the old law).

Christ's blood brings POWER to OVERCOME sins! It "takes away" our sins and has the promise of making us "PERFECT," (something the animal blood never promised). Christians completely MISS this about the blood of Christ and preach the shedding of blood for atonement that was UNDER THE OLD LAW.

Paul says, if shedding blood for atonement brings RIGHTEOUSNESS

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(through grace and forgiveness) then Christ is dead in vain for we had "propitiation" of sins and grace UNDER THE OLD LAW!

Christianity teaches the same grace and forgiveness that they had under the old law, all wrapped up in new packaging with the added lie that now that Christ has sacrificed and shed his blood they are righteous by his atonement (blood) and now his blood "hides their current sins from God" and when God looks at them he sees only the righteousness of Jesus.

They do not consider that Hebrews 10 says,

26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

The power in Christ's blood is far more than just "atonement" and "forgiveness" (perpetual grace) for if this were so Christ wasted his time, we had that already UNDER THE OLD LAW.

Hence Paul's words, "if righteousness come by the law, Christ is dead in vain."

Watchman Dean