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Page 1: The True Third Secret of Fatima Revealed : Chapter, there is the story of “Hottentot Venus”
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2 The True Third Secret of Fatima Revealed : Chapter III

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3 The True Third Secret of Fatima Revealed : Chapter III

[PASTOR MELO TOKO NZEYITU JOSIAS [Tapez le résumé du document ici. Il s'agit généralement d'une courte synthèse du document. Tapez le résumé du document ici. Il s'agit généralement d'une courte synthèse du document.]

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“My people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4: 6)

As mentioned in our introduction, if the Mystery of Fatima is a true bomb, it

is because it exposes the “Big Lie.” It must tear to pieces any notion of

racial supremacy. We will see that the Third Secret is a message heralding

the end of such savagery.

From enslavement of blacks in the 16th century to the methodized torture-

murders of Khazar Jews and millions of “racial inferiors” by Nazis, to the

“ethnic cleansing” mass murders of the Balkans, humankind has shown an

incomprehensible compulsion to inflict pain upon its own species. The

World’s official religious institutions have complicited themselves, perhaps

more reprehensibly than those among their flocks who took direct roles as

slave masters and tormentors; these latter did, after all, take guidance from

the pulpits. These centuries of lunacy have reached the point where Divine

intervention has become necessary.

Acceptable social behavior has traditionally flowed out to individuals from

their religious institutions, which also color and determine the character of

educational institutions. Members of these societies develop their individual

behavior around the beliefs they are taught from these centers. They will

defend the beliefs they learn from religious sources, sometimes into

murderous fanaticism.

Innocents who have been taught lies will defend those lies until they learn

better. For many who were not born with the skin tones arbitrarily called

“black”, it may seem difficult to recognize the magnitude of the “Big Lie”

they have been taught, and defended, for so many generations. In fact,

racially discriminating authorities have “used and abused” history to impose

and encourage a false sense of superiority over so-called primitive peoples,

whom they call “black”.

During the sixties, there was a televised debate between African American

writer James Baldwin and a somewhat right-wing editor from Vermont. He

asked Baldwin: “What have blacks ever contributed to the civilization in the


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The right-winger seriously expected to humiliate Baldwin; what could he

reply but “nothing?” Baldwin instead responded humbly with a considerable

list of the accomplishments of black individuals throughout history. The

right-wing editor, nonplussed, fell silent.

That editor’s prejudice represents the basis of the extraordinary sufferings

endured by whole continents of human beings over and beyond four

centuries of modern history. His prejudice is still shared by many people who

have in common a false sense of superiority, attributed to themselves over

the black races, merely for differences in skin colorings.

This painted image of blacks having made no contributions to humanity was

not an accident. It was part of a psychological strategy of eurocentrics to

subdue peoples whose lands they would conquer and resources they would

then loot by military force.

“Most military strategies are based on deceit. A skilled general, with

experience must usually master the art of creating an illusion in order to

confuse and delude the enemy. His indispensable primary target, in

consideration with a battle, is to attack the mind of the enemy.1

Europeans falsified history with the aim of attacking the minds of people of

the black races by inoculating them with a kind of poisoned education. This

strategy was carried out on two fronts, theological and scientific. They were

designed to deprive blacks of a semblance of cultural heritage and of any

prestigious patrimony inherited from their ancestors.

Didn’t Napoleon remark that “History is a fallacy agreed upon?”2 The famous

French general’s men destroyed the plainly negro nose of the ancient statue

of the Sphinx while in Egypt, and removed an obelisk from its ancient

foundations to place it in the heart of Paris instead.3

1 SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Introduction to Sun Tzu, The Art of War, p. 41 2 GEORGE JAMES, Stolen Legacy, Introduction to the 1976 Reprint 3 The Obelisk of the Concord in the center of Paris

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Supremacist, jingoist Europe made its historical deceptions efficiently. In

artwork, Christ became a fair-haired Italian man; biblical characters, most of

whom common sense would prompt one to understand were dark-skinned

and black-skinned, now looked white. As the centuries wore on, the

“whiteness” superimposed upon the depictions of saints and prophets and

Christ were universally distributed, leaving the darker skinned children to

hate themselves for not resembling the now flaxen-haired euro models of old

African Egypt.

By the 20th century, broadcasting, cinema and television biblical dramas had

attained such a ludicrousness that even whites thought it was funny to hear

the wealthy, highly Cro-Magnon actor Charlton Heston declare through

gritted teeth as he played Moses: “What kind of a God would keep his people

in slavery for so long?” Milky skinned British and American starlets, none of

whom looked like even so much as Romans, played black Egyptians and

Phoenicians and so on. Eventually, the imaginations of innocent black

children were pushed away from a sense of kinship of their own ancestors,

who created the actual historical roles that all these white people


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For a small but concise illustration of the psychological destruction executed

by racial “supremacists”, let us recall two historical cases.

First, there is the story of “Hottentot Venus”. This young, black South

African toured Europe until she succumbed to misery and homesickness and

died on December 29, 1815, at age 25. She was an ordinary teenager of the

Khoikhoi, or Hottentot, people. Built with an exceptional camber, like most

women of her tribe, an Afrikaaner kidnapped her from her home in 1810.

After some months, carried by ship across the Atlantic, she was displayed to

whites in France and England in a cage, like a wild animal. She became a

main attraction at circuses, museums, and universities in London and Paris.

While displayed at the Museum of Mankind in Paris she lived with dirt and

plaster molds all over her naked body. Saartjie Baartman, her Dutch

Afrikaaner name, gained a ghastly celebrity status in England and France

under this name. Homesick and brokenhearted at being treated as a mere

object of curiosity for gawking strangers, she survived only five years.

Georges Cuvier was a French scientist renowned for his study of European

geological evidence that supported the story of the Deluge of Noah. With his

popularity in paleontology and anatomy, it fell to Professor Cuvier to support

this scientific dehumanization before the public. Cuvier and his assistants

carved up the young woman’s body in an autopsy and made notes. Cuvier

wrote: “She is to be placed just a little above the Orang-Utan”.4 The study

4 Broadcasted on TV/France, Nov. 12, 1998

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was disregarded later, but not without having done more damage to the

esteem of black peoples in many ways.

The Pygmy Ota Benga

The second case is of the Pygmy named Ota Benga. Kidnapped in the

beginning of the 20th century from his homeland of Congo by the Belgium

King, Leopold II, who then claimed ownership of this immense territory of

more than two million square miles, Ota found himself thrown into a dark

tank in a ship on his way to New York City, USA. When he was delivered

there, the management immediately put him in the Bronx Zoo, next to apes

and monkeys.

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A newspaper of that time wrote:5

“Several thousand people took buses, subways, the elevated cars and some

drove to the Zoological Park, in Bronx, New York, yesterday, to see Ota

Benga, the Bushman, who had been put in a monkey cage for exhibition to

the public by the management of the zoo. The Bushman didn’t seem to

mind, and the sight extremely pleased the crowd. Although very few were

scandalized to see a human being placed in a cage with monkeys for

neighbors, it was clear that to the majority of the spectators, this display of

a Monkey-Man was the most exciting and interesting attraction at the park in

the Bronx.”

The demeaning equating of dark skinned individuals with monkeys would be

taken as nothing more than an abusive joke except for the previous

preachings of Charles Darwin, who gathered together various crackpot ideas

from among celebrated 19th century scientists which became known as the

“evolutionary theory.”

If Darwin was not inspired by a devil from without, then he was compelled by

a devil within who loathed his own father. The senior Darwin was famed

preacher of his day who enjoyed high celebrity.

Darwin didn’t want religious fame. He instead subscribed to different, albeit

scientifically unsupportable, theories of Creation. While his father bellowed

paeans from his pulpit testifying to the superiority of England in God’s eyes,

Darwin contrived lengthy testimonies anathema to his father’s preaching.

Darwin created an excuse to politely ignore God; the universe had been

formed entirely at random, he said, and so was essentially a meaningless

place, outside of some vaguely defined drive to get to the top of a heap.

Animals accidentally formed out of one another through a series of minute

chemical accidents over long unfathomable periods of millions of years.

Long after his fame overshadowed his father’s, Darwin confessed in a letter

to his brother that he knew no evidence could support his theory, but wished

someone would find it one day. He “witnessed” for evolution with less

testimony than there had been for the appearance of Christ. The new

faithful began to gather like troubled clouds and increased in number with

astonishing rapidity.

5 New York Times, September 10, 1906

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Millions of young Westerners who were equally fed up with the pomp of fire

and brimstone and damnation found Darwin’s alternative explanation of the

origins of the universe strangely liberating. This new science could supplant

the rigid and arbitrary thing that an essentially racist Christianity had

become by the 19th century. As this was science, conscience was not

required, nor was sensitivity to emotional damage considered a virtue.

Humans who were not conspicuously the offspring of northern European

tribes could now be displayed in zoos, rather than forced into a religion.

“Evolutionary” theory established a wobbling ladder of pseudoscientific

values. The “fittest” of humanity climbing the imaginary rungs to the

choicest fruits was judged on skin color. White would of course be on the top

of the ladder, plucking the finest apples from the tree, yellow in the middle

and the black or brown at the bottom, just above monkeys.

Arrogant nonsense such as this triggered so-called “social Darwinism”. Social

Darwinism postulated that superior individuals (such as the European nobility

and favored commoners, so long as they were white) were destined to rule

over masses of inferior people, and largely dispose of them as they saw fit.

In an arrogance grown into lunacy, Social Darwinism inspired European

imperialists to agree to divide Africa among themselves and subjugate the

people and rob it clean, in Berlin in 1885. It lubricated the rationale for the

mass murders of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and other “racial inferiors”, under the

Nazis. The “Big Lie” continues with “ethnic cleansings” between misguided


Is the Bible incorrect in citing the origins of humankind? It says Man was

created in the image of God.6 The Creation story took place in Africa.

6 Genesis 1 :26

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Preaching to Athenians from center stadium one day, Saint Paul made it

clear that God “hat made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all

the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and

the bounds of their habitation.”7

Recently, scientists concluded that the physical origins of the human being

are found in Africa. These conclusions are based on studies of genetic

biology and mitochondrial DNA. Honorably enough, the Vatican amended

itself on this subject at a congress of Pontifical Academy for Life, which took

place in Rome, in early 1999.8

All these crimes, all this rapacity, all these abominations against humanity

itself find origins in the “Stolen Legacy”.

It is with warmly honorable duty we dedicate this chapter to the African

American Scholar, George G. M. James. He wrote Stolen Legacy,9 a book that

stirred controversy and sensational news in the fifties. Professor James

exposed the Big Impostors. The Great Greek Philosophers, nearly all of them,

studied Egyptian philosophy and science. After returning to their country,

they often blithely plagiarized their Egyptian teachers; they are honored yet

for “discoveries” which in fact was age-old knowledge from Africa.

Professor James died a violent death shortly after the publication of his

book. He was a victim of a mysterious automobile accident while driving

from Nashville, where his family lived, to the University of Arkansas, where

he taught mathematics and latin-greek civilization.

Some suspected that the accident was a disguised crime. Professor George

G. M. James was added to an ancient and unfinished list of people who have

died while denouncing lies. He was led to question the dogma of an

immaculately original Latin-Greek civilization, appearing as though by a

spontaneous generation; there must also be an unfinished list of those who

would try to defend lies by destroying humanity.

Foreigners have usurped the inheritance that runs through the ancient veins

of our flesh, and its incalculable heritage.

“Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens…”

(Lamentations of Jeremiah 5:2).

7 Acts 17 :26 8 O DIARIO, Vaticano situa paraiso no continente negro, April 1999 9 GEORGE G. M. JAMES, Stolen Legacy.

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Let’s consider the African called Saint Maurice. While we cannot wave flags

over the fact that he was a hero in the Crusades, he had strongly impressed

the people of Europe. Many named their children after him, and “Maurice”,

which derives from the Greek Mavros, or “The Black”, became a common

Christian name. His standing portrait, a work of art by a German Artist of the

15th century, Matthias Grunewald, represents him as he was, a Black African.

A few years after his death, his portrait was bleached to white and the

meaning of Maurice (the Moor, the Black) fell into the limbo of history.

Another example is an African Pope, who headed the Church during the

conversion to Christianity of Emperor Constantine in 313. Miltiades was the

32nd Sovereign Pontiff, after Apostle Peter, according to Vatican

Chronicles.10 He also was posthumously bleached white.

The case of the ancient Egyptian history deserves special recognition. By

their own estimates, Egyptian civilization thrived for 11,000 years; although

this figure is disputed by later scholars, it is plain that Egypt was in cultural

flower through ages that most of the rest of mankind lived as migratory

savages. In ancient times, Egypt was already ancient, the classic place for

travelers from upstart Mediterranean civilizations like Greece and Rome.

They came as pilgrims to acquire scientific, religious, moral, social, and

philosophical knowledge.

If those who were the builders of the Great Pyramids were highly praised,

even by civilizations long since lost in the dust, their descendants have for

10 IVAN VAN SERTIMA, African Presence in Early Europe, p. 101

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centuries been treated as the most despised people in the world. Their

prestigious legacies of knowledge and art have passed into foreign hands

through successive foreign conquests.

If only the mummified Pharaohs could lift the covers of their coffins, remove

their bandages and get up and testify. What would they say?

They would say that they didn’t come from any “orient”, near or far, despite

the fictitious history cutting them from their African motherland. They

would have a few things to say to the art thieves who called them a “white

race having black skin” with the excuse that some of the sculptural

representations didn’t match what racist classifiers preferred a “black race”

should look like.11

They would shout “Stop your lies! Yes, you call us Egyptians in your books,

but have you made us all Greeks for the simple reason that Egypt is a Greek


“Didn’t our fathers, for thousands of years, respond to the name of Khem in

remembrance of the original ancestor of the Great Ham, the son of Noah?

Our land, generously watered by a noble river called Nile, which the source

is situated at the heart of Africa, our own source.12 Isn’t called Khemit in

honor of the same glorious ancestor?

“Wasn’t the first of our ancestors, called the powerful Kush, who fathered

Nimrod, the irresistible warrior, first ever to rule the entire world, that

people and nations adored him like a god?13 Doesn’t the head of Great

Nimrod yet appear on the emblem of this European country called Corsica?14

The voice of Pharaoh, soaring from the bottoms of their coffins, up to us,

breaking the sidereal silence of everlasting time, couldn’t be ignored.

Making their indignation ours, we have selected a few other witnesses,

testimony of the Elders. They saw the Pharaohs with their own eyes and

described them without beating around the bush. Let’s call to the bench our

first witness, a person named Herodotus.

11 It is as though, because they do not have the Negroid type defined by racists – frizzy hair, thick lips, flat nose – some contemporary African such as Ethiopians, Erythreans, Somalians, Peuhls or Tutsis, are no longer identified as blacks, but turn ipso facto whites. 12 The source of the Nile is in Uganda, where, according to his last will, the ashes of Mahatma Ghandi were scattered, a final homage to Mother Africa. 13 Genesis 10 :6-12

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He was a Greek, a scholar and adventurer of the 5th century before our era.

He is usually called the Father of History. This tireless traveler visited Egypt

in 447 BCE. He took care to write down everything he saw during his

adventure. Herodotus several times insisted that the Egyptians had Negro

characteristics. His testimony has never been in controversy.

During a trip around the Black Sea, Herodotus met a race of people called

Colches or Colchidians. He also remembered that this was the same area

where there lived the glorious Kush, son of Ham. Here is how Herodotus

describes them in one of his most famous writings:14

“Obviously, the Colchidians are of Egyptian race. Before hearing from others

what I say is of my own opinion. When I took this question in mind, I

interrogated the people of the two races. I found that Colchidians had more

remembrance of Egyptians than the Egyptians of Colchidians, but the

Egyptians told me that as far as they were concerned Colchidians are

descendants of Sesostris soldiers.”

“I studied them myself. Based on their physical features: first, because they

have black skin and their hair is curly (this does not prove anything, because

other people are also the same way). Furthermore, only among the men of

Colchidians, Egyptians, and Egyptians was circumcision practiced from the


In reality this is precious testimony. Take note that Herodotus places the

Colchidians, Egyptians and Ethiopians all in the same family. This

independently confirms the genealogy recorded in the Bible (Genesis 10).

The detail about circumcision will be equally important when time comes to

show that the descendants of Abraham, the first to practice circumcision on

his son Isaac, belonged to the same black race.15

Another famous author of ancient time, Diodorus Sicilus, wrote:

“The Ethiopians say that Egyptians are one of their colonies taken to Egypt

by Osiris. They even pretend that the country of Egypt was part of the Sea,

but the Nile river dragged so much crude alluvium from Ethiopia, that at the

end it was filled and became a part of the continent. He added that

Egyptians learned from them, as their authors and ancestors, the majority of

cultural laws. It’s from them that they learned to honor their kings as gods

14 HERODOTUS, Book II 15 Genesis 17 :9-11

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and to bury their dead with such pump. The sculpture and writings started

with Ethiopians”.16

Thus, according to this testimony of Diodorus Sicilus, Egyptians learned

everything from Ethiopians, which in fact is more confirmed by archeological

excavations carried out in nowadays Sudan.

The opinion of all ancient writers about the race of Egyptians is summarized

by Maspero, a French Egyptologist matters:

“According to unanimous testimonial of ancient historians, they belong to an

African race, so called Negro, who first settled in Ethiopia, on the middle

Nile River, gradually descending and following the current of the river.

On the other hand, the Bible states that Mizraim, son of Ham, brother of

Kush and Canaan, came with his children from Mesopotamia to settle at the

banks of the river Nile.”17

It is worth underlining here that the entry of Egypt in the Arab-Islamic

sphere is a rather recent event based on several centuries of this country’s

history. This argument could not logically be used to explain the severing off

of Egypt from Black Africa, prompted by the biggest mythomaniacs in


Complementing this trickery, these people falsely distinguished Egyptians

from blacks as though they were different from Ethiopians. For example, the

French historian Delafosse,18 insinuated that “blacks were already found

above the Elephantine, meaning upstream of the first cataract, ones

sedentary, and the others were nomads, living side by side with Egyptians.”

In a single sentence, the jingoist professor blithely made liars out of

Herodotus, Diodorus of Sicilus, the Bible, and many other sources. In like

manner, Nazi scholars “discovered” Egyptians were blonde-haired, blue-eyed

“Aryans” (Nazi race “experts” also listed Hitler’s black hair as “blonde”).

The testimony of Volney, one of the scientists who accompanied Napoleon

during his conquest of Egypt in 18th century, is also worth mentioning.

“Returning to the subject of Egypt, the feedback it gives to history, offers

much to reflect in philosophy. What a subject of meditation, to see the

barbarism and the present ignorance of Copts, descended from the alliance

16 Universal History, Book 3 17 MASPERO, Ancient History of the People of the Eastern Nations 18 PAYOT, Les Noirs de l’Afrique, 1922

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of Egyptian genius and the spirit of Greeks, to think that this race of black

men, today our slaves and subject of disregard, is the one to whom we owe

our arts, sciences, and even language.”19

Again we bring you the testimony of a French philosopher, historian and

linguist, Fabre d’Olivet, who wrote in the 19th century:20

“For this purpose, I am taking myself back to a much remoter time than the

one we are living in today – and firming up my eyes, that a long prejudice

might have weakened, I stare, through the obscurity of centuries, at the

time when the white race to which we belong appeared in the world picture.

At that time – later I will try to determine the date – the white race was still

weak, savage, without laws, arts, and culture of any kind, stripped of

cultural memory and hopelessly lacked understanding. The white race lived

around the North Pole, where this race originated. The black race, older

than the white race, dominated the earth, and was holding the scepter of

the science and power: it possessed the entire continent of Africa and the

greatest part of Asia. During that time, the black race existed in all social

areas. The continent of Africa was covered by powerful nations. It also

possessed Arabia and expanded its colonies to all of the coastal areas in Asia,

and deep inlands. An unlimited number of monuments with African features

still exist in all these areas, bearing testimony to the greatness of people to

whom it belonged.

The enormous constructions of Mahabalipouram, the pyramids of Memphis,

the excavations of Thebes, and many other works that amazed imagination

attributed to giants, confirm the ancient existence of the black race and the

immense progress it accomplished in the arts”.

Closer to our time, let’s note the case of Mustapha Hefney, an Egyptian who

immigrated to the United States. He sued American authorities in court

because they classified him as white, whereas he considers himself black. A

native Egyptian, Hefney was proud of his African ancestry, which, according

to him, went all the way back to the pharaohs’ era. But when he migrated to

the United States in 1996, he was very upset when he was informed at his

arrival that he was white.

In U.S. immigration law, race is determined on geographic origin not ethnic

origin or the color of skin. This law states that blacks are only people

migrating from Sub-Saharan Africa.

19 C. F. VOLNEY, Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, p. 77 20 FABRE D’OLIVET, Histoire Philosophique du Genre Humain, p.80

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All people from Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East are automatically

classified as white ! With the refusal of American authorities to correct this

aberration, at least where he was concerned, Mustapha Hefney retained a

lawyer. “It is impossible to accept this”, he said. “Becoming officially white,

I have lost my identity”21. Thus this law, known as Number 15 is an official

confirmation of a big conspiracy against Africa and Africans by the


Aware of the impossibility of maintaining the dogma of white supremacy if

the region considered the cradle of civilization had been black from the

beginning, euro centrists simply separated Egypt and Palestine from the

geographic sphere and cultural compass of the African stock from which they


From its Negro origins, after the close of its thousands of years of exemplary

culture, Egypt was overrun by Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Arabs,

Ottomans, French and British – a gradual “whitening” that was unrelated to

to the architectural achievements that still draw millions of tourists

thousands of years later. The work of despoiling this country was capped by

removing Egypt from its African roots on the maps. “Stolen Legacy” indeed.

The vultures of history had nipped its carcass into pieces.


The black madonnas have always represented a mystery in Christian

iconography. They are so commonplace in certain regions of Europe, that

one would think there were once black communities there, if their modeling

qualities didn’t place them among the main Roman arts.

21 JEUNE AFRIQUE, November 25 to December 1, 1997, p.19

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In most catholic churches in Europe – France, Italy, Germany, Spain,

Portugal, etc. – Jesus Christ and his mother are portrayed as blacks. To

persuade yourself, one may just visit the cathedral of Chartres, the chapel of

the Virgin of Loretto, or the churches called Annunciate, Saint Lazarus, Saint

Stephen at Genes, Brixen in the Tyrol, to that of Padou; from the church of

Theodore in Munich, to the cathedral of Augsburg where the Madonna and

Child are displayed, to the church of Sainte Geneviève of Neuilly (Paris).

“While living in New York, author J. A. Rogers22 received a letter from a

German correspondent concerning the black Madonna of her native country,

Bavaria. Saying that for years she has been trying to tell Americans that

Christ and Virgin Mary were blacks, but they would not believe her.

“I myself was born in a strictly catholic country in South Germany”, she says.

“And in our churches, a great importance is attributed to Saint Mary in her

position as the Mother of God. We have statues of the Madonna as well as

icons, which are original sculptures or paintings, dating as far back as 800 to

1000 years and even more. The faces of these images are black and of

Negroid type, in particular the two depictions brought by Ritter von Heiligers

Lande over a thousand years ago, the Madonna of Constuchan at Tolers and

the statue of the Mother of God at Alt-Olting in Bavaria. These two Madonnas

are held in high esteem in catholic countries where hundreds of thousands of

people make pilgrimages each year to worship the Mother of Christ. It’s said

that healing of all kinds takes place. Every catholic knows that Santa Maria is

an Ethiopian (African).”


Let’s add this one, tacit, of John Paul II. It is tacit because the Pope remains

silent – although we are convinced that he was chosen to occupy the zenith

of Vatican hierarchy due to this nationality.

It would have been easier for him to reveal the Third Secret of Fatima

because of his devotion to the Black Madonna of Czestokowa, Poland. Each

year of his return to his homeland, since his election by cardinals in 1979, he

would kneel publicly before the Black Madonna. After surviving the

punishment attempt by the fanatical Agça in 1981, the Pope worshipped

publicly before the Lady of Fatima in Portugal and again at the Black Virgin

of Czestokowa. In the midst of these pilgrimages in 1983, John Paul II

declared to Catholics that the Black Madonna saved his life.

22 J. A. ROGERS, Sex and Race, p.275

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It is worth noting that the Pope will kneel publicly before the image of a

black woman, which itself dates to the legendary times of Saint Luke. Would

this be a silent admission to the truth?

In any case, the public activity of the Pope is always performed with a

studied symbolic intent. John Paul’s ceremonial visit to the Madonna of both

Fatima and Czestokowa intended to curry favor with the millions of

concerned Catholics who believe the ancient painting and the monument to

Fatima both represent the same personality – that this same Mother of Christ

appeared to the shepherd children.

More anciently, the Black Madonna symbolized Israel and the twelve tribes.

Many millions of people carry an intuitive sense for the inner reality that this

more ancient image of the Mother of God represents. It is comforting, and it

provides psychic reassurance of a vast wealth of hope. This way, in an

ancient language that is a little more God’s than our own, we read at Fatima

a message shouted with great jubilation to the descendants of those ancients

who also knew Her as their Black Madonna and Mother.

Her appearance to Apostle John reaffirms her image, for us to use as a way

of moving our thoughts across millenniums: “And there appeared a great

wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her

feet, and upon her head, a crown of twelve stars” (Revelation 12:1).

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These twelve stars represent the tribes of Israel. These tribes are African,

the children of the ancient Black Madonna, as we will elaborate further on in

this book.

Arriving in Poland toward the end of 14th century, the Black Madonna of

Czestokowa is a painting of our Lady with the baby Jesus. According to

legend, the artist was Saint Luke, one of Jesus’ followers. It is said that Luke

painted it on a piece of wood made by Jesus when he was still working as a


It was when he was making this portrait that Mary told Luke the details of

the Annunciation and childhood of Jesus, which explains why this Evangelist

was the only one who could depict those things with such detail.

Little is known about the painting during the first two centuries of its

existence. It is a fact that, during some unknown event, the painting

reappeared in 326 C.E.

Saint Helen discovered this painting during a trip to Jerusalem. She gave it

to her son, Emperor Constantine, who built a sanctuary in its honor in


During a critical battle against the Saracens, the painting was displayed on a

wall in town, and the Saracens were defeated. Full credit of the victory was

attributed to the Black Madonna.

Later on, this painting ended up in the hands of Charlemagne, who offered it

later to Prince Leon of Ruteny in Hungary. It stayed in the royal palace of

Ruteny until the country was invaded in the 11th century. The king prayed

and pleaded to Our Lady to help his small army. In response, a thick fog

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landed among the enemy troop. In confusion, these troops started attacking

each other. Thus, the town of Ruteny was saved, based on this miraculous

intervention. In the 14th century, in response to a request in a dream, Prince

Ladislau of Opala transferred the painting to the Hills of Light (the Sanctuary

of Jasna Gora of Poland).

From Prince Ladislau, this legend became more precisely documented. In

1382, the tartar invaders attacked a fortress of the Prince in Belz. During

this attack, a tartar’s spear landed on the neck of the Madonna. Fearing

capture by the enemy, the Prince took refuge, along with the icon, in the

convent of Czestokowa. The painting was placed in a small church, waiting

for a monastery and church to be built in its honor to house it with security.

In1430, the Hussites invaded the monastery and tried to steal the painting.

One of the invaders touched the painting with his sword twice, but before he

could touch it a third time, he fell to the floor in pain and died. Today, the

painting still has the cuts and hole inflicted by the sword.

Two centuries later, in 1655, Poland was almost defeated by the army of the

king of Sweden, Charles X. The only safe area was in the monastery where

the painting was kept. Inexplicably, the monks were able to resist for 40

days to the surprise of the Swedes, until Poland succeeded in chasing the

invaders out of its territory. After this event, Our Lady of Czestokowa

became a symbol of national unity and was crowned as the Queen of Poland.

King Casimir officially placed the country under the protection of the Black


It is for this reason that the Polish, for almost four centuries, have venerated

a black Madonna and Jesus without reservation. Lech Walesa, for example,

decided to fight against the Polish communist regime after placing his

struggle under the protection of the Black Madonna of Czestokowa.

His adventure was successful beyond anyone’s dreams. That’s why Walesa

seldom removed the Black Virgin badge he weared on his chest.

If the home country of the sitting Pope placed itself under the protection of

a black Madonna, it constitutes a “wide open window” on the disclosure of

the Third Secret of Fatima. John Paul II being Polish is less forgivable to keep

silent about this extraordinary news.

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Hanging on church and museum walls throughout Europe are a plethora of

painted images of Black Madonnas. Standing on plinths are a multitude of

statues of Black Virgins. Only on rare occasions have scholars and theologians

acknowledged that the paintings render the image of a black woman simply

because that was her skin color – the same as most of the people of the

original tribes of Israel.

A German clergyman, Father Van den Steen, after examining the official

face of the Mother of Jesus on a painting, admitted that she was black.

Other official specialists on this subject prefer the traditional eurocentrist

point of view, which always represented Mary as blonde (which leads us back

to a favorite Eurocentric fantasy; see the case of David outlined hereafter),

against all the evidence about the period she lived and her geographic tribal


We have selected just a few from the multitude of explanations advanced,

even frivolously, about the tanned skin (a euphemism) of the Black Madonna

of our “Stolen Legacy”.

1) The black color is attributed to an artist’s fantasy.

This is one of the less credible explanations, because we do not see why a

white artist would decide to represent Mary – a key character in the

European culture – as black, if she effectively was white!

2) Black artists made the statues.

Even if Roman art owes a lot to copies, it is less probable. Otherwise, we

should surmise that all representations of Black Madonnas were imported

from Africa, which is ridiculous.

3) The original prototypes (without any remaining trace) were carved

with a black substance.

The hypothesis is meaningless because the majority of these statues were

painted, rather than carved on wood.

4) With time, the statues turned black because of environmental effects.

This explanation has been repeated often. It asserts that the black color was

caused by smoke from candles by generations of pilgrims who visited them.

Since these statues were always covered with ceremonial coats, which only

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allowed the face and hands to be seen, only these would have turned black.

The Black Madonna’s color is supposedly due to soot!

Other whimsical explanations were also advanced. One was the probability

of oxidation emanating from fire or mineral salt, as though they were always

obliged to bury these statues underground during revolutions or religious


Another explanation for the sudden tanning of statues is based on the way

they were ritually honored. Supposedly, the ritual was to rub the statues

with oil and wine, as was being done to Our Lady at Apart in Dijon, France.

This hypothesis would not pass any exam. If these Madonnas were blackened

by residues from candles or any other outside effect, it would not be

possible to have white Virgins today; the white-skinned images would have

been exposed to the same aggressions and remain identifiable as such at a

casual glance.

It is worth noting that the (white) eyes and (red) lips of Black Madonnas kept

their colors. Logically, they should have also been darkened if their

explanation were correct.

5) The black color was selected because it portrayed the melancholy of

the closing Middle Age.

This explanation is a work of a French historian, Raoul Rochette, who sees

the face of the Virgin as being progressively covered with shades as the

society degraded. Are we expected to imagine that international councils

were held where church authorities made speeches such as “My fellow

clergymen, we all know how depressing these middle ages have become.

Therefore, let us darken all of our statues this every year until 1501?”

6) The black was selected to parallel what is said of Mary in Solomon’s

Song of songs.

“I am black, but comely, o ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar,

as the curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me because the sun hath looked

upon me; my mother’s children were angry with me: they made me the

keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept”.23 This is a

love song between King Solomon and his lover, a Sulamite. This song is non-

2323 Song of Solomon 1 :5-6. There are a lot of things to say about the apparent opposition black vs beauty that seems to be the focus of this passage, but this is not the main issue of this book.

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prophetic, written around 900 years before the era of Christ, without any

connection with the Madonna.

7) The Madonna is black because she belongs to a sinning race, and is the

Mother of Pains.

A French ecclesiastic, Canon Brugiere, defended this thesis. He attributed

the dark skin of the Virgin to three moral considerations. First, she was the

daughter of Adam, clothed in the world’s sins, but as exempted by her

grace. Second, Joseph thought that Mary committed adultery, when he saw

her pregnant. And finally, at the death of Jesus at Calvary, she was

“deformed and blackened by the excess of her pain.”

The racist bias of the above is so obvious that it deserves no comment. It is

also to be noted that no such decrees or instructions regarding the required

coloration of statues exist. Why wouldn’t they?

8) The black Madonnas are copies of the Saint Luke icon.

We kept this explanation for last because it is closer to reality and attributed

the black color to the Madonna’s race.

Based on some findings, Luke was supposedly the sole disciple of Jesus who

did not belong to the tribes of Israel. He was probably Syrian; for this he

would not have been prone to strictly literal observance of the second

commandment: “You should not make unto thee any graven image, or any

likeness of anything”24 in painting the Madonna. It’s not very probable that

as a daughter of Israel, Mary went along with an exercise contrary to Mosaic


The elaborate intellectual contortions were contrived to push aside the only

natural and logical explanation. After all, the artists’ hearts sensed that

Black Madonnas represented a seal of historical authenticity. Thus came an

intellectual struggle against it.

In fact, it often happened that Virgins which were originally painted white,

were sent to factories to be transformed to Black Madonnas.

In the light of the preceding, we have a solid argument showing that the

original Israelites – in other words the twelve tribes of Isolele – were black,

as evidenced by the existence everywhere in Europe of Black Madonnas,

24 Exodus 20 :4

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without objections from the millions of white-skinned faithful who knelt at

these depictions for so many centuries.


Again, Revelation (12:1) refers to a lady who appeared “clothed with the

sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve

stars”, the Lady represents Isolele and its twelve tribes.

This fact being confirmed, we can now attack the mystery of the

disappearance of the Isolele’s tribes.

Why was it so important to the supporters of the white conception of Judeo-

Christian culture to turn the Egyptians white? Why draw an imaginary line

between Egypt and the rest of the black continent? The main reason, without

doubt, was psychological; to expand its nationalism, European psychologists

needed to reinvent myths of absolute superiority against those she intended

to subdue. Those psychologists were the doctors and clergy of the Vatican.

Evidence that the proud European conquerors owed their own roots to those

whom they have crushed humiliatingly underfoot could be, to say the least,

disturbing. It was well known, then, that the peoples who played out the

biblical stories, which became the foundations of European civilization, were

black-skinned; this would not do if this cultural Mother Race were to be

skinned of its resources to enrich European enterprises.

Forgers of history set up their undertakings. The Christ recognized as the son

of God couldn’t be “a man of pain, used to suffering, whose visage makes

people look away”. He needed to be a handsomer, more indomitable actor

for this new role. His banner no longer bore a message of hope for the poor

over the rich, or weak, over the powerful. The poor, He now sniffed, “we

would always have with us” above them rose a white King of the physical

planet, dressed in gold and finery, now the symbol of imperialism, squashing

inalienable human rights underfoot in diffident steps. According to a popular

saying, an alliance was born between the Bible and the gun.

This new imperialist Christ the King had merely inadvertently surfaced in a

region of the world defined as the cradle of humanity and the black race.25 It

became essential for them to erase this “mistake”, or at least, the non-

whites from the face of that nation where He was born.

25 HERBERT WENDT, It Began in Babylon, New York, Delta Dell Publishing Company, p.368

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Isolele as a nation was born in Egypt. With this in mind, it was time to turn

the basically black Egyptians white as far back as history would go. Historic

sources for the public were truncated, manipulated and forged.

During his Egyptian campaign, Napoleon had his men fire cannons at the

Sphinx’s nose to try to eradicate its African features. Mesopotamian and

Egyptian sculptures were decapitated and mutilated for the same reason.

Bible texts were translated or interpreted fallaciously. One example of

many, “you will not be ashamed” was changed into “you will not blush”,

leaving readers to presume the character concerned was white.

The same happened in the famous episode where the young David, future

king of Isolele, fought the giant Canaanite Goliath. Here again the deliberate

deception is plain. European translators led people to believe that David was

blonde : “And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained

him, for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of fair countenance”.26

The corresponding Hebrew word is adon, which simply means red. The

correct translation should have been “red”, not “ruddy” or “fair”. The

passage does not refer to the pinkish or blushed tones of the white skin of

young northern Europeans. Let’s put things back in their proper context.

Goliath and David belonged to the same race. What distinguished them was a

difference in skin tone. If you observe the mosaic of human colors that exist

in the black community, you’ll see that within the same nation, and among

the same ethnic background, skin tones range from very dark to the lightest.

In Africa and other regions of the world where blacks live, a light-skinned

person is said to be red, or buaki in the Kongo language.

For example, two attributive idioms of central Africa are buaki in Kikongo or

motane in the Lingala language, meaning “red”. This terminology is used to

differentiate skin tones.

We have, during our research, found only two versions of the Bible which

make the correct translation about David.27

They translated the following texts from Samuel as follows: “The Philistine

looked about, and saw David, and he disdained him: for he was but a youth

with clear (or lighter) skin and beautiful face”. This tone in sub-saharan

Africa is described as red, that is adon in Hebrew.

26 1 Samuel 17 :42 27 It is the TOB (Traduction Oeucuménique de la Bible) and the ABU (Alliance Biblique Universelle)

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Why did Goliath disdain David? In African tradition, warriors’ selection

counted substantially on their physical aspects. A mere glance of a warrior

was expected to instill awe and intimidation in an enemy. This was still true

centuries later.

By 711 C. E., the Moors disembarked from Africa to conquer the Iberian

Peninsula. The front battalion of General Tarik bin Ziad was composed of

fierce black warriors who terrified the soldiers of the Visigoths who then

ruled Spain.

In David’s time, a warrior with red skin, i. e. lighter, conveyed too feminine

an aspect and would not have been taken as warlike. This is why Goliath

scorned David, who was young, smooth and red.

Back to Isolele : despite the efforts of the usurpers to silence the truth, the

facts remain and speak for themselves. Thus, the mysterious encounter of

Maza (Moses), the first legislator and founder of Isolele, with the Almighty

Lord, took place on the African land.28 It is also on African land, Mount Sinaï,

that God ordered the people of Isolele to leave the African land (Egypt) to go

to another African land (Canaan, which was their transitional promised


To the question “what is Africa?” Ali A. Mazrui29 responds laconically: “It is

what European finally decided it was”. Scholars who have studied this

question in depth, without racial prejudice, are unanimous about it.

28 As we shall see in the chapter on the revelation of the Secret, this information is a pillar in the understanding of the Mystery of Fatima. 29 Let us remember that Israel is situated in Palestine and that Palestine was originally called Canaan and that Canaan, Mitzraim (Egypt) and Kush (ancient Ethiopia) came from the same father, that is Ham, who, according to the Europeans theologians and Bible scholars themselves, are undoubtedly black.

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“The ancient land of Canaan was but an extension of the African land mass.

In biblical times, Africans frequently migrated from the actual continent

passing through Canaan/Palestine to the east, toward what was then

considered Asia, namely the Fertile Crescent” or the Tigris and Euphrates

Rivers of ancient Mesopotamia”.30

“This map shows the ancient connection of the African continent with the

mass of surrounding land of the northeast. Contrary to what occidental

historians taught about this geographic area of the world, students were led

to believe that Havilah (Saudi Arabia), Ethiopia, Assyria (Mesopotamia),

Persia, and Syria were separated and without link within their geographic

and historical context with Africa. Meantime, during the biblical era, they

were firmly connected. People traveled from the depth of Africa going up to

the northeastern part of Africa (Canaan/Palestine) or Israel. No water

barrier existed to separate these two regions. The Suez Canal was built in

the 19th century and only during World War II newscasters or reporters

started referring to north Africa and northeast Africas as the Middle East!

The term Middle East precludes Africa”.31

“Who decided that the Arabic Peninsula was not part of the African

continent? Two different considerable forces played a major role in this

decision. The first is the natural cataclysm that took place almost five

million years ago which created a split valley, snatching off the Arabian

peninsula from its original continent, with the exception of Isthmus of Suez”.

“The second force was that the European powers decided that Africa

stopped at the Red Sea and not at the gulf which separated Arabia and Iran


For all these reasons, Pastor Rudolph R. Windsor demonstrates with

supporting facts that the Bible is basically African. According to him, “just

studying the implication of Negro African nations in the Bible in comparison

with European nations is self-explanatory.”33

You will see, for instance, that the word Rome and its derivatives were

mentioned only in the New Testament, twenty times. Rome is not mentioned

in the Old Testament. The word “Greek” and its derivatives are mentioned

twenty-six times in the New Testament, but only four times in the Old

30 CAIN HOPE FELDER, The BISC (Biblical Institute for Social Change), Vol. 3, n°1, p.2 31 Africa : The Beginning, African Heritage Study Bible, p.106 32 ALI A. MAZRUI, The Africans : A Triple Heritage, Part PBS Documentary Series 33 RUDOLPH R. WINDSOR, The Valley of the Dry Bones, p.53

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Testament. This is insignificant compared to the people and Negro African


The African city of Sidon and the Sidonians, named after the first son of

Canaan (Genesis 10:15), are mentioned seventeen times. Ethiopia is

mentioned forty times. The Africa city of Tyr and its inhabitants are

mentioned more than fifty seven times. African people called Canaanites are

mentioned more than one hundred and fifty three times. The Egyptians are

mentioned more than seven hundred and twenty seven times.

From this perspective, the indication of blacks playing biblical roles is

considerably more probable than by whites. It is a geographical “black sea”.

The proof is so profuse that the truth of the matter could not surprise

rational biblists at all. Thus, nineteenth century English explorer and

missionary David Livingstone, on reaching Africa’s heartland said: “The

features of the Africans he met there reminded him more of those he had

seen in monuments in ancient Assyria”. This statement would not likely have

been supported by the ethnologists and anthropologists of his time, due to

prevailing racism.

The link observed by this English Christian between the regions that gave

birth to the Bible and Africa is confirmed by various independent sources. To

conclude, we will mention only two.

“In Sumer, which is often sold to us as the first civilization, the African roots

of the original inhabitants are indicated in the name they gave to

themselves, i. e. the black heads”. Moreover, the first capital of Sumer was

called Kish, the same radical as Kish in Egyptian, which designated Kush alias


“To have an idea of the mixed nature of the population in the ancient

orient, we have to diverge entirely from the current notion of race. The

Chaldeans, for example, who inhabited the land where Abraham, the

ancestor of Jews came from, were blacks”, according to Godfrey Higgins and

other researchers”.35

34 Sag Gig 35 CHARLES S. FINCH III, Echoes of the Old Dark Land : Themes From The African Eden, p.131