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The Trumpet ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH Jensen Beach, Florida The little church on the hill with a BIG heart! January 2021

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    Jensen Beach, Florida

    The little church on the hill with a BIG heart!

    January 2021

  • All Saints’ Cemetery, Inc.

    All Saints’ Thrift Shop








    Paul Neff, Senior Warden Jack Miller, Junior Warden Joan Whitting, Clerk Bill Winsemann, Treasurer (Ex Officio) Pam Hurd, Asst. Treasurer (Ex Officio) Louise Andrews, Sam Black, Duncan Hurd, Chris Lycke, Nancy Stone, Bob Taylor, Wally Wallace, Natalie Walters, Hardin White

    WELCOME! Speak with a Greeter or an Usher any Sunday for information about All Saints’ or to simply connect with us. If you’re visiting us for the first time, the Ushers will provide you with a welcome gift. BAPTISMS and pre-baptism classes are offered throughout the year. A person of any age may receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism. THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE is a rite to be cherished in our historic church. We require a minimum of 120 days notice to our office, as well as premarital counseling. An initial meeting with Father Tony should be scheduled by the couple to review the process and any special circumstances before a date is scheduled. Please contact Jenny McDonald at the office, 772-334-0610, or via email, [email protected] FUNERAL OR MEMORIAL SERVICES in our church may be arranged jointly with the Cemetery and Church Offices, and my include the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. To TRANSFER YOUR CHURCH MEMBERSHIP to All Saints’, please contact Joan Whitting, Membership secretary, [email protected] NEW TO ALL SAINTS? Please let us know you’re here. Contact Marilyn Mawhinney, our Welcome/Hospitality Host, at 772-334-4176 or call the office at 772-334-0610. Find out about the many ways to participate fully in the life of this parish through events, services, outreach, fellowship and more.

    Cover Image

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  • 9 Buddy Glover

    12 Michael Spurlock

    16 Joyce Alegi

    18 Fred Siddon

    21 Adrienne Sacco

    22 Richard Galante

    23 Gayle Schneider

    24 Marel Kenny

    26 Father Tony Holder

    28 Dominic Alegi

    29 Tom Sinagra

    31 Aleksi Holder

    It hardly seems possible that January 1 officially marks a full year of my ministry here at All Saints’, even though I was inducted and instituted on January 12. What an eventful and different year it has been! As I reflect on the past year, I am struck by how much we have accomplished in the face of such adversity. I started the year mapping out a plan to visit each of you in your homes. This was a grand plan, and one I still look forward to accomplishing. However, God had other plans. He helped us learn to work together while remaining remote. First, while I was quarantined by the Bishop after traveling to Barbados for my second mom’s illness and death; then while all of us were in the midst of a country-wide lockdown; next, as we navigated the Diocesan rules for reopening; and finally, as we reopened with COVID-19 protocols in place, social distancing, keeping our most vulnerable at home but staying connected. Phew! Do we feel like we ’ve grown over the last 12 months? I know I do!

    With all the turmoil of the year it might be easy to forget that we continued our spiritual journey with Bible Studies for the adults and First Communion classes for Andrew, Piper, and Dominiks in preparation for them to partake of their first communion on All Saints’ Day on November 1.

    Deacon Alan and our Lay Eucharistic Ministers continued to speak by telephone, and meet briefly with many of our homebound parishioners. The Ladies of Bethany remained committed to their sewing ministry, providing quilts for Safe Space. Other parishioners pulled together stockings and Christmas presents for House of Hope. I have blessed prayer shawls and quilts made with love for parishioners in need. I am so proud of our many members who have embraced technology, as difficult as it may be for some, and have faithfully worshiped many months remotely. We have learned how to broadcast and watch our services so that our little church could be a beacon of hope throughout the world. And a beacon it is. Persons have regularly worshiped with us remotely from South Florida (including my family), from Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ocala, Jacksonville, Indiana, Barbados, Scotland, Canada, and St. Vincent, and only God knows what other places. We ’ve learned how to Zoom for Bible Study and for Coffee Hour. Soon we’ll put those teachings to use for our Annual Meeting. We dug deep over the summer and built completely new protocols to reduce risk to our parishioners. We’ve created new ways of handling money, of sanitizing our hands, and of cleaning our building. And, most wonderous of all, we developed an entirely new way of

  • Deacon’s Report

    As you receive this we will be in the time of celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ, God's only Son. But, it's very different this year in the midst of a pandemic when so many have been infected by COVID-19. Many persons have already

    died and the number of those infected has been steadily increasing. We can thank God for the vaccines that scientists have developed that will gradually decrease the infection rate. We enter this new year with considerable hope as we continue in our involvement in our Church now.

    In early December I attended a workshop for our Diocesan Deacons led by Deacon Joanna Seibert from Arkansas. She is a very spiritual person and has written several books on how we can increase our spirituality, to become closer to God, especially in this time of our “exile,” as she calls it, when we can’t gather in person and must wear masks, maintain social distance and keep ourselves constantly clean.

    She guided us in becoming closer to God so that we can, as Paul says in Galatians 5, “experience the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” There are so many ways to do this. Almost any activity can become a spiritual meditation. I even discovered that I can do this when I ride my bicycle and bought a book on this called Holy Spokes: The Search for Urban Spirituality on Two Wheels. The types of activities that will help us to feel better are almost infinite. If any of you are

    interested in seeing the bibliography she gave us, I am very willing to share it with you.

    Some of the areas we discussed were walking, praying in Color for adults and children, labyrinth meditating, breath praying, the Episcopal rosary, Lectio Divina, using the prayer of St Francis in creative ways, praying with icons, and centering prayer.

    What I think is so important today during the pandemic is finding ways to diversify our spiritual life in creative ways, so we are practicing our faith in

    different ways that are primarily safe. Deep felt prayer can be so helpful today as we contend with this virus that has devastated so many of us.

    I also think that pastoral care is so important now. We do have lay eucharistic visitors who are reaching out especially to our parishioners who are alone and can't get around that well. We are contacting people by phone and also with very short (contact-less) in-person visits. In this time of not being able to socialize, even with our family members, so many are feeling frustrated and in need of personal contact. Please advise me of anyone that you feel may be in need of more personal contact. It's hard sometimes to contact people for fear of not knowing what to say, but do it anyhow. Believe me, the Holy Spirit will guide you.

    In God's love, Alan

    Dear All Saints’ Family, Thank you so much to everyone for your prayers, cards and emails sent during our recovery from the coronavirus. We know they definitely helped! We want to let you know that everyone is well, including our children and grandchildren and we are ready to welcome in the New Year 2021! Happy New Year and Blessings to You All, Karen and Paul Neff

    Thank you

    Lectio Divina (Latin for "Divine Reading") is the practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's word. Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate.

  • Men’s Fellowship

    The Men’s Fellowship of All Saints’ met in person and by Zoom on December 7th. There was good attendance despite the hustle and bustle of the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. We discussed the success of the Women’s Holly Fair and sent our congratulations to the Women for their outstanding efforts. Special thanks was extended to Karen Neff, President of the Women’s Fellowship and Louise Andrews, Chair of the Holly Fair! Gratitude was also expressed to the men of the parish who volunteered during set up and take down and throughout the event. Many hands made light work! The business of the annual Pancake Supper was discussed and an appeal made to Father Tony for guidance as to how we may proceed with this important community and fundraising event. Special efforts will be required in light of coronavirus precautions.

    The Fellowship was advised to develop a plan for an outdoor event to be presented to the Diocesan Reopening Committee for approval. Event Chairman, Harry Kapple agreed to consult with Louise Andrews to develop a suitable plan.

    The previously elected officers of the fellowship, (Bill Winsemann, President, DJ Henderson, Secretary, and Harry Kapple, Treasurer) were officially installed by Father Tony during the 10 am service on Sunday, December 27th. Reminded our Fellowship’s purposes and mission, blessed by Fa-ther, and lifted up in prayer by the Saints of All Saints’ the brief installation ceremony was an inspiration to each of the officers.

    The Fellowship meets on the first Monday of each month from now until May 2021. Our next meeting is scheduled for January 4th. All male members of the church are invited to attend. Visitors are welcome.

    Bill Winsemann

    “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    EPHESIANS 6:10-11

  • Due to the COVID-19 virus, this year’s Holly Fair, was called “Holly Fair in the Gardens” as it could not be held in Houg Hall but in our gardens, for everyone’s

    health and safety. Father Tony submitted our plans, a map and health protocols to the Bishop’s Re-Entry Task Force and then waited for approval, which came! The date chosen was December 5th. Once approved in early October, the Women’s Fellowship began recruiting parishioners to help with these tasks: church tours,

    publicity, making baked goods, collecting items for the raffle baskets, making wreaths and other things to sell, collecting more holiday stuff to sell, manually setting up the fair outside in the gardens, working the sales booths during the fair, and dismantling everything afterward. The booths were: Raffle, Baked Goods, Christmas shop, Wreaths, Christmas Trees, Jewelry and free popcorn. More than 60 parishioners helped in one or more areas. CDC protocols were followed as more than 300 guests signed in at the entrance gate. Our fair allowed guests the opportunity to attend an event that was safe and outdoors. We had many positive compliments about our church including: Joyce’s tours, our health concerns for attendees, how much guests enjoyed attending the fair and, thanks to Gary Beckett’s live festive music, our fair got them into the real Holiday Spirit, the Birth of our

    Holly Fair in the Gardens

    Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    It was a LOT of work and Dedication by a LOT of people. After accounting for expenses ($506.29), and including monetary donations ($720) and the gross income, our net profit for the Holly Fair in the Gardens is $6,104.98. The expenses were for security, supplies, classified ads and updating yard signs. There were no expenses for tents as the Men’s Fellowship purchased the large tents and parishioners loaned many tents throughout the gardens. Monetary donations were from individuals who were unable to participate in the fair.

    Many who worked sales booths did not submit receipts for reimbursement but considered their expenditures a donation as well. December 5th was a phenomenal day for All Saints’ Episcopal Church. Those who visited us had a great day,

    had the opportunity to meet our very friendly parishioners and learn about our church. We have a number of persons who are now worshiping with us as a result of attending the Fair. Again, many THANKS to everyone who provided financial support and those who participated to make our “Holly Fair in the Gardens” such a huge success. It was a great team effort. Everyone who participated did a fantastic job! Louise Andrews Chair 2020 Holly Fair in the Gardens

  • I usually state that December is a quiet month for Women’s Fellowship because our Holly Fair was always in November and we have no meeting, but this year, our amazing Holly Fair in the Gardens was in December! With the help of Louise Andrews, Holly Fair Chairperson Extraordinaire, and more than 60 devoted volunteers, we were able to again have a very successful Holly Fair, regardless of the Coronavirus and the COVID-19 protocols! Please read Louise’s summary article of the event on page 6 of this month’s Trumpet.

    Our next meeting will be on Saturday, January 16th at 9:30 in Houg Hall.

    Louise will

    present a final report about the Holly Fair and we will make a final decision about whether or not to have the High Tea. Plus, another activity / guest speaker is in the works. Details will be forthcoming. We will still be wearing masks and practicing safe distancing plus zooming the meeting so, for those who feel safer at home, be sure to Zoom into the meeting. I’ll send the ID to get in through a Breeze email a few days before the meeting.

    Please remember that we are already planning for next year’s Holly Fair (what, already!!??) and will be accepting donations of Christmas items you no longer need or want. So, as you pack up your decorations, just plop some in a box and set that box outside the St. John room door and we will store them away for next year. Actually, anything, even non-Christmas, that you are ready to part with and you think will be great for part of a raffle or silent auction item (no matter how tiny), send it our way. We will really appreciate it!

    Hope to see you at our next meeting and remember! If you attend All Saints’ Church, then you are already a member of All Saints’ Women’s Fellowship, so join us on January 16.

    Karen Neff President of All Saints’ Women’s Fellowship

    All Saints’ Women’s Fellowship

    Daughters of the King

    As Christians around the world continue to celebrate the commemoration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, we await the Epiphany' (January 6th) which is also called 'Three Kings Day' since it is on this day we celebrate when the Magi 'found' baby Jesus after following the star. All Saints' Daughters of the King Chapter meeting for members will be held on Monday evening, January 4th beginning promptly at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary. All Diocesan and Parish protocols, including the wearing of face masks and maintaining social distancing will be followed for the safety of all. With unwavering faith and continued enthusiasm, every Daughter continues to pray specifically for the spread of Christ's Kingdom as well as for all those on our Prayer List and for our Rector and his family. We also hold up in prayer the general needs of our world, healthcare workers worldwide and first responders as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. President Iris Langran will lead us in specific prayers as well as conducting our meeting as we study the lives of Saints. We all pray 2021 will bring our Parish members excellent health and renewed faith to do God's will in all we think, do and say in our daily lives. Blessings to all. ASEC DOK

  • Unfortunately, due to my extended illness, Sunday School had to be cancelled for the month of December! Our planned Advent Wreath ornaments, symbolic of preparation for the birth of Jesus, were not made (we’ll save the project for next year!) But I do know that the children were involved in preparing for Christmas Day at home with decorations and setting up their own Nativities. Also, we were not able to have our Christmas Pageant this year due to COVID-19 protocols but next year it will return!

    Luckily, I was well by December 22 so Andrew, Graham, Piper and Cooper met with me at the church where they decorated the Chrismon Tree in time for the Christmas Eve service and season. The word “Chrismon” is a contraction for Christ and monogram. Chrismon ornaments are ornaments made from Christian symbols. All the crosses and angels on our tree were made by the children. A little paint, glue, glitter and sticky gems turns wooden shapes into beautiful ornaments!

    Sunday School classes will resume on Sunday, January 3rd, the second Sunday after Christmas. Epiphany, which is the day that is set aside to recall the visit of the three wise men to Bethlehem, is on January 6th. The

    season of Epiphany lasts from January 6th till Ash Wednesday, February 17th. Epiphany means several things; a gift received and the gift must be shared. We will continue to learn about the gift of Jesus that we have received and how we can share that gift through our thoughts, words and deeds.

    Spread the word to your family and friends about our wonderful Sunday School program! There’s always room for more!

    Karen Neff Children’s Christian Education Director

  • The Annual Meeting of the parishioners of All Saints’ Episcopal Church will be held on Sunday, January 17, 2021, immediately following a single 9 a.m. Service. You may attend either in person or remotely through Zoom.

    You can reserve your place to attend in person by calling Jenny, our Manager in the Church Office at: 772-334-0610, or by emailing her at: [email protected], or by using the All Saints' Eventbrite page at this link. Please note that you will need to make separate reservations for the Service and the Annual Meeting. A Zoom link will be sent to members at a later date for persons who desire to participate remotely.

    There are a number of items that require your vote: Approval of the Consent Agenda, Approval of Amendments to the By-Laws, and Election of New Members to the Vestry. We will also be reviewing the 2021 Church’s Budget.

    For those attending in person, we will be voting by a show of hands where possible, and paper ballots in the case of the Vestry election. For persons attending remotely, you will be voting electronically within the Zoom app.

    Practice sessions for various aspects of remote participation, including the use of the church camera and electronic voting, will take place during the next two Virtual (Zoom) Coffee Hours (January 3 and 10), following the 10 a.m. Sunday service. If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, via Zoom, you may want to attend one of these Coffee Hours.

    The Annual Meeting will take place in the Church building, with Houg Hall being available for overflow. The same COVID-19 protocols will be in place for the meeting as used for Sunday services. Links to the Agenda, the Budget, the Annual Report Handbook, and the amended By-Laws will be sent with the Zoom link information.

    The photos and brief biographies for each candidate to the Vestry are toward the end of this newsletter. Note that there are seven (7) candidates for four (4) available positions. I wish to thank these persons for offering themselves in this election process. Such participation speaks well for our Church Family. If you have any questions for any of the candidates, we encourage you to contact them directly.

    Thank you for your active participation in the life of our parish…and wish you a happy New Year.

    In November 2018 and in November 2019, the Cemetery Board selected a different landscaping firm. The job covers the Thrift Shop yard, Coffey Hall, Houg Hall & the Garden for lawn mowing, edging and hedges.

    On the nine acres of the cemetery, they are to mow the grass and edge of all the grave markers. Unfortunately, the contractors that we replaced have had repeated complaints and dissatisfaction by visitors, the staff and Board. We are hopeful that our new contractor,

    Greenwell Landscape Company, will continue to maintain our Cemetery in the exemplary manner that they began their work with us December 10th and 11th. Above and to the right you will find the before and after photos to give you some idea as to what we hope will be the standard they maintain. Joyce Fletcher Menard President All Saints’ Cemetery

    All Saints’ Cemetery, Inc.

  • holding the Holly Fair—in the Garden which added a delightfully new way to hold the an-nual fund rais-er. We improved our buildings by adding UV lights to our AC systems to kill mold, bacteria; we leveraged the capital fund to invest in new hurricane rated windows for Houg Hall; and we further developed the plans and permits for bringing water and fire suppression to our church. We developed new ways of shuttering the windows on the church to reduce manual labor. And added Lexan over the “rose” window above the choir loft to protect it in the event of a windstorm. We also brought structure to areas of our church campus that needed it. Our hurricane preparedness plan has been enhanced and tested (thankfully, with a hurricane that did not impact us). The plan will be reviewed annually for updates. Our various ministry leaders undertook a full inventory this summer so we have pictures and valuation of the various items that we use every day; a critical ele-ment of the hurricane preparation. We added an outdoor service for Rogation Sunday and acquired equipment to enable us to broadcast services from the Garden in the future.

    Oh the places we have been! So what shall we do for next year!? We are all anxious to have the vaccine work out in such a way that will allow us to once again gather for worship and fellowship. I have several goals in mind—beyond the vaccine—for next year. I hope this doesn’t come as a huge surprise to you, but I would like once again to schedule time with each of you to visit you in your homes and learn about you, your families, and your spiritual journey. We may even be able to start these meetings by taking advantage of the temperate weather and meeting outside when the virus begins to wane. I have my hands clasped in prayer that this will be sooner in 2021 rather than later.

    I also want us to work together, with God’s help, to increase the church and God’s kingdom here on earth. St. Paul tells us that we are to plant and water and God gives the growth. So, we need to plant and water well. Our Treasurer tells us that we have 5 new pledging units (individuals or families) this year, which is tremendous during the time of COVID-19. If we can create this type of growth during a year of campus closure, just imagine what we can do in 2021! New growth means more children in Sunday School, more people in the pews (when we can use them all!) and online, and more opportunities for Christian formation and fellowship. New growth means more first communions, more baptisms and more weddings. Finally, I look forward to developing our music ministry. I have just commissioned a Music Leader-ship Task Force to help discern what to look for when we begin our search for a new organist and Music Leader. This team is will be meeting in earnest, beginning this month, and will soon be in touch with the congregation to ascertain what we are looking for in the way of a Music Leader. Other goals will come as a result of my meeting with each and every one of you, but for now, these are my preliminary goals for our parish. Judith and our children are looking forward to being in the Treasure Coast community, and it was wonderful having them to celebrate Christmas with me. We wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. “ Numbers 2:24-26 With every blessing!

    Father Tony

  • Attached to an architectural rendering, on the letterhead of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, with the address of P.O. Box 305, when the Rector was the Rev. Jonathon B. Coffey and the Curate was the Rev. Timothy J. Shaw, the following letter was found — written in the Rector’s cursive handwriting dated December 20, 1984.

    The plans by Hap Lewis never got past the talking stages; it was one of several sets of plans for expanding All Saints’ that never came to fruition. Hap and his partner Caroll Peackock founded Peacock and Lewis in 1961; incidentally the firm wisely hired our Senior Warden, Paul E Neff as a freshly minted architect upon his graduation from the University of Florida. Isn’t it a small world? According to his obituary, Mr. Lewis formed the architectural firm, Lewis & Associates, in 1992 to “do projects of his own choosing.” Also in 1992, Hap was ordained as an Episcopal Deacon. Eventually, his ministry led to him being named Canon Lewis, which is how we remember him today. His ministry was to be an advocate for people in need; “since he served on many boards, committees and organizations he was able to appeal to the people who could help them the most.” Hap entered into eternal life on Nov. 11th, 2018. Joyce Fletcher Menard, Historian

    Altar Guild: JANET GALANTE

    Bookkeeper: JIM VITALE

    Christian Education & Women’s Fellowship: KAREN NEFF

    Communications Lead: LOUISA BECKETT

    Daughters of the King: IRIS LANGRAN

    Endowment & Scholarship Chair: BOB TAYLOR


    Welcome/Hospitality Host: MARILYN MAWHINNEY

    Houg Hall Manager & Landscape Leader: LOUISE ANDREWS

    IT Coordinator: PAM HURD

    Key Office Volunteer: DOROTHY WHITE

    Membership Secretary: JOAN WHITTING

    Men’s Fellowship: BILL WINSEMANN

    Photography Team Leader: POSITION OPEN

    Thrift Shop Asst Director: DIANE DOUGIELLO

    Trumpet Editor: NANCY STONE

    Website Editor: DUNCAN HURD

    Mr. H.L. Lewis Peacock & Lewis 501 Flagler Dr., S West Palm Beach, FL

    Dear Hap,

    Thank you so very much for the interesting plans for enlarging our building here at All Saints’.

    You are most kind to devote the time & effort that must have been involved to produce this, & we are grateful indeed. Last week our Vestry met & discussed these plans & all sorts of ideas have come forth. We are still very much in the talking stage, & these plans provide a good springboard for developing interest. I’ll keep you posted on our developments here –

    Thanks again for your kindness. Have a blessed Christmas, & I hope to see you soon.—

    Faithfully, Jon B. Coffey

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  • Vestry Candidates

    Louisa Beckett

    Louisa is a “Cradle Episcopalian” who grew up in the New York City suburbs. After many years of attending various Episcopal and United Methodist churches in New York, Connecticut, and Florida, she and her husband, Gary, discovered All Saints’ Episcopal Church in 2012. The warm welcome they received convinced them to make All Saints’ their church home. Gary and Louisa usher at the All Saints’ 10 am Sunday service once a month, and Louisa subs for Pam Hurd in live-streaming services on alternate Wednesdays. Louisa was a member of the Rector Search

    Committee that called Father Tony to All Saints’ in 2019. She and Gary own Turnkey Communications & Public Relations, Inc., and she is delighted to bring her job skills to her role as Chairperson of the All Saints’ Communications Committee. Louisa served on the All Saints’ Vestry from 2014-2017, and is ready to do it again!

    D.J. "Jaime" Henderson D.J. was baptized in St. Augustan Catholic Church, in his hometown of Ossining, New York, in the lower Hudson River Valley. He attended St. Theresa’s Catholic School for first through eighth grade, while attending St. Theresa’s Church in Briarcliff Manor, NY. D.J. was introduced to All Saints Church by his sister, Barbee, during a visit in 2017. He moved to the Treasure Coast in 2018 and made his spiritual home here at All Saints. He received a B.A. degree in Journalism from Pace University in New York. His work experience

    includes 25 years as a radio broadcaster and 10 years as a master controller with a PBS affiliate, all in Watertown, NY. He has also received speaking and leadership training with Toasters International. He is looking forward to sharing his skills and experience with his Church.

    Harry Kapple Harry is seventy-two years old and has been married to Katherine for 25 years. He has three daughters and four grandchildren, with another on the way. He is retired and has attended All Saints’ for five plus years, and a confirmed Episcopalian for three years. Harry worked in a niche furniture industry for 26 years and sold accounts receivable / commer-cial collection services in Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina for 17 years. He served on the All Saints’ Vestry from 2017 to 2019, the Altar Guild, is treasurer of Men’s

    Fellowship and active in the Mardi Gras Pancake Supper and the Classic Car/BBQ lunch.

    Lelah Marzi Lelah is a seventh generation Floridian, having grown up in Lake Worth, Florida. She graduated from the University of Florida in 1973 with a BA in English, and attended the University of Mi-ami and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Connecticut in 1977. Lelah worked as an RN in different settings, while raising her two daughters. Later, she went back to school, and graduated from Impac University in Punta Gorda, Florida, in 2005 with an MBA. She worked principally as an advanced wound care center director for a number of

    years. In 2016, Lelah graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Masters in Nursing, and is now an APRN, certified in Adult-Gerontology Primary Care. Since then, she has worked mainly with Mobile Medical Associates in Stuart, making medical house calls to area communities. Lelah and her husband, Jacques, are now the proud grandparents of four. They have lived in Jensen Beach since 2017 and have attended All Saints since then. They have been singing in the choir until most recently, having paused due to the pandemic. Interestingly, Lelah’s paternal grandparents are buried here in our cemetery. Lelah loves this church, and she looks forward to continuing to serve All Saints’ as a member of the Vestry.

  • Vestry Candidates (continued)

    Robert Negron

    Robert was born to Puerto Rican parents in Perth Amboy, NJ. He moved to Florida in January 2015 to begin a new and happy life in recovery. Robert first visited All Saint's Episcopal church on Easter 2015 and fell in love with the beauty of it inside. So, he came back again and again. One day Father Frisby took Robert aside and said, “You should be more involved here.” So, he joined as an usher first, then the Altar Guild with guidance from Joyce Menard. After his brother Richard's untimely passing in Puerto Rico, the congregation showed so much compassion that it

    made him realize this church is his home. Robert was received in January 2018. His passions are his faith, his family, his friends and film.

    Tom Sinagra

    As a child Tom’s family were Christmas and Easter Catholics. Not too much church involvement. At 30 years of age, Tom moved to Florida where he decided he wanted to get more involved with God. He started going to the Catholic church; the church was big with lots of people. Not really what he wanted. Tom felt he needed to help do something that he would get some enjoyment out of. So, he became a big brother to a fatherless kid. On his birthday Tom asked him what he would like. He said he would like for Tom to go to church with him where he

    was an acolyte. That was his first step into All Saints’ 30 years ago. Tom has previously served on the Vestry (2011-2014). He has worked with several junior wardens to do repairs around the complex. He has helped on fairs several dinners, Bingo, and was a member of the mens club for years. Tom was married at All Saints’ 21 years ago, and still loves this small little church and the people as much as he did the first day he walked in. Tom would enjoy being a Vestry member again.

    Raymond Sirkle

    Ray was born in Martin County....Kentucky that is, but has been in this Martin County since 2006. As an adopted Episcopalian, he has been attending All Saints’ since 2008, and was confirmed here in 2011.

    His main claim to fame is being Addison’s grandfather. He and his wife, Sharyn, were blessed when she came to them in 2010, and they feel blessed again to have this church family in their lives. The family has been involved in several aspects of All Saints’ such as the thrift shop, repairing Coffey Hall, serv-ing at the High Tea, the Holly Fair and being ushers. Ray would be honored to serve on the Vestry and looks forward to working with Father Tony and the other Vestry members.

  • 2303 NE Seaview Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957


    9:00 AM—1:00 PM






    10:00 AM WEDNESDAY


    Mission Statement

    The Community of All Saints’ accepts the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel

    of Jesus Christ through worship of God, service to His people and stewardship of His gifts.