the truth about harold holt disappearance

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The Truth About Series Books, are about False Flag Terrorism carried out by corrupt Governments getting their Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies to carry out Terrorist Attacks against their own citizens, We Expose these Attacks and point the fingers right back at these people.


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    The OzBoy File

    The Truth About Harold Holt Disappearance

    Harold Edward Holt, 1908-67



    Lloyd T Vance & Steve Johnson

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    The Truth About Harold Holt Disappearance

    The Freedom Collective Is a group of like minded people dedicated to seeking peace and truth in a world of lies and deceit. In association with Truth Media Inc. Freedom Collective The OZBOY FILE and associated logos and certain images listed are copyright Trademarks and are not to be copied or reproduced without express permission. The images contained within this publication are shown and used for illustrative purposes, have been found on public domain and have used for educational use only and no ownership is implied or intended unless stated specifically.

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    The Truth About Harold Holt Disappearance

    Introduction Chapter 1 What happened to Harold Holt? Chapter 2 Gary Simmons Confession Chapter 3 Statesman Or Treasonous, Treacherous Traitor? Conclusion

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    The Truth About Harold Holt Disappearance

    Introduction Welcome to The OzBoy File The Truth About Harold Holt Disappearance There has been allot written about the Disappearance / Murder of Australian Ex-Prime Minister Harold Holt over the years, in this book we go in search of the truth, what really happen to Harold Holt. Sit back and enjoy the book. Chapter 1 What happened to Harold Holt? Harold Edward Holt CH (5 August 1908 presumed dead 17 December 1967) was an Australian politician who became the 17th Prime Minister of Australia in 1966. His term as Prime Minister was dramatically ended in December of the following year when he disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach near Portsea and was presumed drowned. Holt spent 32 years in Parliament, including many years as a senior Cabinet Minister, but he was Prime Minister for only 22 months.

    In the summer of 1967 in Australia, just before Christmas, Harold Holt, the country's Prime Minister, decided to go for a dip at his favourite beach.

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    Disregarding the blustery conditions, he waded into the rough surf near Portsea, south of Melbourne, and swam out. Friends on the shore glimpsed him on the crest of a wave and then he vanished, never to be seen again. Mr Holt's disappearance off Cheviot Beach stunned the nation, and many Australians refused to believe he had drowned. He was, they believed, an experienced swimmer who just before entering the water had boasted he knew that beach "like the back of my hand". A keen snorkeller and spear fisherman, 59-year-old Mr Holt liked to project the image of a blokey prime minister in his element outdoors. Soon, the conspiracy theories began to fly. Had Mr Holt been assassinated by the CIA because he intended to pull Australian troops out of Vietnam? Had he committed suicide? Had he been spirited away by a Chinese submarine because he was a spy for Beijing? Or had he faked his drowning - as the former British MP John Stonehouse did in 1974 - to join a lover in the south of France? For Australians, the mystery provided a home-grown version of the President John F Kennedy assassination intrigue. The absence of a body helped to fuel the wilder theories, and the police file was never closed. Now, 36 years on, the investigation into the country's oldest political whodunnit is about to be resurrected.

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    Graeme Johnstone, the Victoria coroner, announced that the Holt case would be re-examined as part of an inquiry into more than 100 unsolved deaths in the state. Mr Johnstone may hold an inquest, which means that witnesses would be called and - who knows? - new evidence could be unearthed. An inquest was not possible then without a body, but the law has changed, prompting police to go back over old files. The announcement sent a frisson through suburban living rooms, reigniting interest in one of the strangest episodes of modern Australian history. Mr Holt was nearly two years into his term of office when he flew from Canberra to Melbourne in a Royal Australian Air Force jet, planning to spend a weekend with friends including Marjorie Gillespie, his secret lover. Those were different times, and there were no security minders with him when he drove his maroon Pontiac Parisienne to his beach house in the fashionable resort of Portsea on the Friday night. Mr Holt's wife, Zara, stayed in Canberra because the couple were intending to go to Portsea for Christmas. On Saturday, the Conservative leader played tennis and went for a walk. The next morning, after delivering three lobsters to Ms Gillespie's holiday home, he took her to watch the English round-the-world solo sailor, Alec Rose, arrive at Port Phillip Bay. They were accompanied by Gillespie's daughter, Vyner, her medical student boyfriend, Martin Simpson, and Alan Stewart, a house guest of the Gillespies.

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    On the way home, they stopped for a swim. The patrolled beach at Portsea was closed because of poor weather, but Mr Holt was determined to swim at neighbouring Cheviot, infamous for its dangerous surf. Mr Stewart, the only person to join him, stayed in the shallows. Mr Holt mentioned the tide was high and plunging in, still wearing his sneakers. Then he disappeared, apparently sucked out to sea by an undertow. Ms Gillespie said later: "It was like a leaf being taken out. It was so quick and final." Zara Holt flew to Portsea with Tony Eggleton, her husband's press secretary. A massive air, land and sea search continued for three weeks. Fishermen, marine scientists and even astrologists were consulted. A shark caught near by had its stomach contents inspected. But there was no sign of Mr Holt. The sea claims dozens of lives every year in Australia, but many people were reluctant to accept that something as mundane as drowning had accounted for Mr Holt. Some suggested Australia's 18th prime minister had committed suicide because he faced a possible leadership challenge. But he had shown no signs of depression and his wife said "Harold was too selfish for that." In the fevered Cold War climate, conspiracy theories abounded.

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    One of the most outlandish came in a 1983 book by a British author, Anthony Grey, who claimed Mr Holt had been spying for China for 20 years. He had been rumbled by Australia's intelligence services, Mr Grey claimed, so China sent a submarine and two frogmen to whisk him to asylum. The CIA theory was equally fanciful, given that Mr Holt was famous for pledging to go "all the way with LBJ" during a visit to the White House in 1966. But he did have a colourful private life. In a television documentary in 1985, Ms Gillespie dropped a heavy hint that she had been his mistress. Zara Holt fired back the crushing riposte that Mr Holt had had lovers in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Hong Kong, as well as in Portsea. "She [Gillespie] was one of the queue formed on the right," she said. "It went on all the time." Nowadays most people believe the conventional version of events that Mr Holt was swept out to sea and drowned, his body consumed by sea lice that can strip a corpse of flesh in 24 hours. Friends said he was an excellent snorkeller who used to practise holding his breath for up to two minutes during dull spells in parliament. But he was not a particularly powerful swimmer, he was 59 and he had a long-standing shoulder injury. Months earlier, he had to be helped to shore by two friends after his snorkel sprang a leak at Cheviot Beach.

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    His biographer, Tom Frame, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that police made a full investigation at the time. Legal experts said they doubted fresh evidence would be found. His family, too, are sceptical of any new twist to the story. His son, Sam Holt, a Melbourne lawyer, called the reopening of the case "just a tidy-up operation as far as I'm concerned". He added "We've always believed the death was purely accidental. There was nothing sinister about it, and we've never had any doubt about that. He said the inquiry might "put a stop to silly rumours about Chinese submarines". Laurie Newell, the police inspector who led the search, said "He wasn't a young man any more. I think he fell for his own publicity. He believed he could not drown. Chapter 2 Gary Simmons Confession Since this event all them years ago back in 1967 there is a guy who has come forward who claims he was a Navy Driver and helped in the murder of Harold Holt, his part was to drag the body out to sea and anchor it. Judging by evidence given in Chapter 1, I think we can pretty well discard this guy Gary Simmons as a liar with a few screw lose up stairs.

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    The reason I say this is, I quote from the Eye Witness on the day. Quote: The patrolled beach at Portsea was closed because of poor weather, but Mr Holt was determined to swim at neighbouring Cheviot, infamous for its dangerous surf. Mr Stewart, the only person to join him, stayed in the shallows. & Mr Holt mentioned the tide was high and plunging in, still wearing his sneakers. Then he disappeared, apparently sucked out to sea by an undertow. Ms Gillespie said later: "It was like a leaf being taken out. It was so quick and final." But if I dont mention what Gary Simmons has to say about the disappearance readers may be disappointed if they come across what this guy says elsewhere. So I am going to mention what Gary Simmons had to say publicly about the disappearance. Contrary to the above, Holt was murdered, because he was opposed to American bases such as Pine Gap being built on Australian soil. Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered late Saturday night on the 16th of December 1967 and was reported missing around midday on Sunday the 17th of December 1967 while swimming. There was no evidence to support the "official" report of Harold Holt drowning, nor was there any evidence of a Chinese submarine abducting him and of course "they" all knew this and it was 6 months after this website was up "they" then get the Victorian State Coroner to hold an inquiry into Harold Holts

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    disappearance to have an Official finding 38 years later how Harold Holt drowned on the morning of 17th December 1967. The Victoria Coroner ignored my request as shown by the below letter sent to him 16 months earlier, to give evidence at the inquest into Harold Holts disappearance and where the Coroner also ignored my Brisbane Supreme Court sworn Affidavit, file No: BS 1127/04, in which pargraph (12), I state "As part of my duties I engaged in several clandestine operations, one of which was the removal of the body of the then Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt from his home out to a waiting fishing boat the night before it was reported he disappeared while swimming" and was also stated in my Supreme Court Affidavit, file No: BS 9166 / 03. Again why I say this Gary Simmons is lying and making everything up because there was a witness go back to the beginning of this Chapter and read, this witness was standing in the shallows of the water. So is Gary Simmons saying this witness lied? And what about Harold Holt secret mistress whom he was visiting with is she also lying? So it is of The Ozboy File Team, that we agree with the Official story was told in Chapter 1. Chapter 3 Statesman Or Treasonous, Treacherous Traitor? While I was researching The OzBoy File The Truth About The USS Liberty Attack I came across Operation Cyanide, just like Australian Ex- Prime Minister John Howard sold Australia & The Australian people down the road in 2001.

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    Join Australia up to United States of America & Israel War On Terror which is a cover for their real plans, ambitions, agenda it would seem Harold Holt and his Government also sold Australia out to United States of America & Israel plans back then which was Operation Cyanide. The plan was for Israel to carry out an attack upon the USS Liberty Ship, the blame would be put on Egypt and Russia and America would drop a Nuclear Weapon upon Egypt and start a War with Russia, end results would be America and the Zionist Jews in Israel would control Middle East Oil supplies. Operation Cyanide and The Grand Plan Over the years, there have been numerous reports indicating that the unprovoked assault caught the White House and the military by surprise. New information, however, reveals that officials in various agencies in the U.S. government played a key role in setting up the Liberty for the purpose of drawing the Soviet Union into a fight in the Middle East and ultimately igniting World War III. For those who follow the intrigues and explosive events surrounding the relationship between America and Israel over the last four decades it is easy to get into a rut so to speak and blame every single catastrophic event solely on the treachery of Israel. The tragedy though (and certainly the hardest part to swallow by patriotic Americans who would sooner take their own lives than betray their fellow countrymen) is that there have been and are players on the American side of the equation whose hands are just as dirty as those of their Israeli counterparts.

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    Whether it was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of JFK, the bombing of the twin towers in 1993, the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995 or the events taking place on 9-11, the only way these could have taken place is if elements within the U.S. government cooperated with the planning, execution and subsequent dissemination of propaganda in the aftermath of these operations. Now, a new and terrible tale has surfaced indicating yet again that elements of the U.S. government were involved at the highest level in even more criminal acts against the very same American people whom it is charged with protecting. The case in question involves the June 8, 1967, attack on the USS Liberty by the air and naval forces of the state of Israel during the height of the Arab-Israeli war that led to the deaths of 34 American servicemen. Long believed that players within the Johnson administration simply assisted in the cover-up of the attack so as not to embarrass Americas greatest ally, Israel, it now it appears that American political, intelligence and military persons played a key role in setting up the Liberty for the purpose of igniting WW III in what was code-named Operation Cyanide. It was a heady time, to be sure. The United States and the Soviet Union were neck-deep in the Cold War, and by all appearances it seemed that a shooting match between the two superpowers was inevitable. The incident in question took place only a few short years after the Cuban Missile Crisis and at a time when America seemed unable to stop the spread of communism in Asia and other parts of the world. In the Middle East, states such as Egypt, with dynamic, fiery and recalcitrant leaders such as President Gamal Abdel Nasser, were forming strong bonds with the Soviets for military and economic aid.

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    Using the same rationale that led to America inserting itself militarily into Korea and Vietnam, it was believed that, if not stopped, the Soviets would entrench themselves in the Middle East to the point that Americas access to the oil of that region would be directly jeopardized and that, just as the communists had predicted decades before, the West would be conquered without a shot being fired. It has long been assumed that Israels deliberate attack on the USS Liberty was just another of Israels made-to-order false flag operations done simply for the purpose of dragging an unwilling America into a Middle East war on the side of the Jewish state. However, new information uncovered reveals that the U.S. governmentand more specifically the administration of Lyndon Johnsonwas not as much the unsuspecting victim in all of this that Israel has claimed these last 40 years. Based on relatively new evidence, the attack on the Liberty was actually part of a much larger plan. The Liberty incident was just one domino in a series that had as the ultimate goal a real live shooting war between the United States and the Soviets. Had the Liberty been sunk with no witnesses as planned, the world would be a much different place as a resultand certainly not for the better. The plan for that awful day in American history was to sink the defenceless, unarmed American ship sailing in international waters off the coast of Egypt. The Soviets and their Arab allies (in particular Egypt) would then be blamed for the event.

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    As with the sinking of the USS Maine nearly 70 years earlier, the cry would be Remember the USS Liberty and Americas justifiable response to such a horrendous act would be the launching of nuclear weapons against Egypt, an ally of the Soviet Union. Working in tandem with the United States would be allies such as Israel, Great Britain and, interestingly, Australia. The end result would be a Middle East free of any Soviet presence, leaving America and her ally Israel in possession of Arab oil for the foreseeable future and in a better position to dictate terms to the communists. In the minds of powerful men such as thesemen who sit in comfortable offices and expensive chairs and who do not have to answer to anyone for their actions, the rationale for such an act was simple. It is better for 300 U.S. sailors to die in the service of their country than have the free world fall into the clutches of Soviet communism. What prevented all of this from taking place was thatsimply by the grace of Godthe Liberty did not sink, and the world was spared. Of course, there is no official confirmation of Operation Cyanide. In fact there is no mention of it at all. In various interviews that have been conducted over the years, individuals from Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara to Dean Rusk to Richard Helms to Mossad spy chief Rafael Eitan have demonstrated great intellectual and verbal dexterity for men their age when discussing various items. However, they clam up instantaneously when Operation Cyanide is mentioned as if they were witnesses to an organized crime hit and they feared for their lives.

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    However, the smaller players involved at the time have a different tale to tell. Piecing together all the small parts that they individually bring to the table fleshes out a picture that, although not crystal clear, is clear enough to suggest that America was involved in the murder of 34 young men on that day in a much deeper fashion than previously thought. Conclusion

    "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." It would seem from Chapter 3, Ex- Prime Minister Harold Holt and his Government sold Australia and Australian citizens out to the Americans & Israel and joined our country and our Military people up to Operation Cyanide, in my book this is Treason of the highest order to sign our people up to WAR based upon lies, this just shows how our country has been sold out by both

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    Mainstream Political Parties and the Politicans they put forward, King Charles 1, was tried and beheaded for the same treason many centuries ago. What a shame we cant hold politicians and Prime Ministers like Harold Holt and John Howard accountable for this treason and send them to trial and if found guilty beheaded. It would seem this is the greatest break down in our system and form of Government in this country Australia, treacherous, treasonous politicians selling our country down the drain for secret political agendas, ambitions, plans and goals they sign our country onto with the corrupt Americans. We hope you have enjoyed reading The OzBoy File The Truth About Harold Holt Disappearance, please look out for more of our books.

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