the truth behind some bodybuilding lore and half-truths

Body Building Myths Laid out bare

Upload: jesse-jordan

Post on 12-Mar-2016




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Over time a number of bodybuilding myths have come and gone, but there are those that seem so deeply ingrained that beginners, most specially, think that these are "the way." Unfortunately, a number of these bodybuilding lore are the ones that prevent you from realizing your fitness goals, and in some instances, can endanger you. So let's go over some bodybuilding lore and half-truths and discover which ones work and which ones don't.


Page 1: The Truth Behind Some Bodybuilding Lore And Half-Truths

Body Building

Myths Laid out bare

Page 2: The Truth Behind Some Bodybuilding Lore And Half-Truths

he bodybuilding world has its own share of useless lore and half-

truths that are passed on to first-timers. The thing is, some of these

myths, can sometimes set you up for failure and at times, can be

dangerous. Now let’s look at some of these myths and see if there’s some

truth to them or they are just outright falsehoods.

Myth 1: Training to failure all the time speeds up muscle growth

False! Training to failure on every set can lead to overtraining which

increases your vulnerability to fatigue and injuries, and thus delay the

realization of your fitness goals. Experts suggest training to failure only on

the last set of an exercise.

Myth 2: The only way to get bigger and stronger muscles is to push

more weight

This is another lie as there are two ways of building muscle, sarcoplasmic

and myofibrillar hypertrophy. The former is triggered by increasing

repetitions, the latter by lifting heavier weight. Hence, it would be to your

advantage to cycle between the two methods in order to prevent the body

from adapting. Also, for all round development, you should instead use

progressive overload techniques, coupled with periodization.

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Page 3: The Truth Behind Some Bodybuilding Lore And Half-Truths

Myth 3: You must eat more to build bigger muscles

This myth has truth to it. For your muscles to grow you need to feed it. But

while bodybuilders do need to take in more calories than those who do not,

this should not be misconstrued as going on a 24-hour buffet. Remember,

your body can only take a certain percentage of your intake to build lean

muscle tissue and the rest will become adipose tissue. In order for you to

reach your fitness goals, you have to consume the right amount of calories

per day.

Myth 4: Working out every day will help you build muscles faster

This is a lie, and a dangerous one at that. Remember that workouts only

stimulate muscle growth, not build them. It is during your resting periods,

and sleeping time that your muscles grow. Incorporate rest days into your

workout plan for best results.

Myth 5: All supplements are effective and safe

Not all supplements that claim to be natural are safe. Some of them can

have very nasty side effects. Anabolic steroids, while effective, should also

be avoided because of their numerous adverse side effects including but

not limited to impaired thyroid and liver function.

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Page 4: The Truth Behind Some Bodybuilding Lore And Half-Truths

Myth 6: Whatever works for the pros work for me

Not true. Most people spend a lot of time, effort, and money following a

program that is not meant for their body type. For instance, a person of

lanky frame is setting himself up for failure following a bodybuilding

regimen made for mesomorphs, whose metabolism isn’t as supercharged

as his.

This is where Vince Delmonte’s training program succeeds. The Vince

Delmonte workout program is specially geared for hard gainers or those

who are genetically predisposed to have a lanky frame. The Vince

Delmonte training program also uses progressive and periodization

techniques, making it one of the more successful bodybuilding programs

for beginners. The Vince Delmonte workout system contains videos and

illustrated guides to help you perform the exercises safely and effectively.

Vince Delmonte fitness program also includes diet plans to help you

attain your fitness goals faster. Vince Delmonte fitness program

advocates natural bodybuilding without the use of steroids and


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