the truth twisters cults by june hunt. what is a cult? a cult is a sect or group of people that...

The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt

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Page 1: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

The Truth Twisters


by June Hunt

Page 2: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

WHAT IS A CULT? • A cult is a sect or group of people that

holds to deviant doctrines• A cult is a system of religious beliefs

that distorts orthodox Biblical doctrine."Orthodox" refers to basic beliefs that conform to established doctrine.

"Doctrine" refers to a general teaching or a system of principles. Biblical doctrine is teaching based on the self-evident truths of Scripture.

Page 3: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

• The word cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means "worship" or "adoration."

• The word cult became an English word only in the 1600s. It is not used in Scripture. However, the Bible does refer to those who are "turning to a different gospel," whose leaders "pervert the gospel of Christ." (Galatians 1:6-7)

Page 4: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Every cult varies in its teachings from one or more of six (6) fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith:

Virgin Birth: Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.

Atonement: Only the shed blood of Jesus Christ can pay the penalty for personal sin.

Page 5: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Resurrection: Jesus Christ was raised from the dead in bodily form and was seen on earth by many.

Incarnation: Jesus Christ, who is God, took on human form and was fully God and fully man.

Page 6: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Eschatology: After Jesus Christ visibly returns to earth during the end times, a final judgment is a certainty, sending the unrighteous to eternal punishment and the righteous to eternal life.

Scripture: The Bible is wholly inspired by God, is without error in the original writings and revelation, and is the only authority for righteous living.

Page 7: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious



Page 8: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

"When you meet the friendliest people you have ever known, who introduce you to the most loving group of people you've ever encountered, and you find the leader to be the most inspired, caring, compassionate and understanding person you've ever met…

Page 9: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

…and then you learn that the cause of the group is something you never dared hope could be accomplished, and all of this sounds too good to be true; it probably is too good to be true!"

— Jeanne Mills (former follower of cult leader Jim Jones)

Page 10: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Cults exhibit similar psychological patterns...

— Closed-mindedness... not interested in a rational evaluation of the facts — Blind obedience to authority... the dogma of leader or founder is supreme — Controlled living... details of daily life are dictated by the leader — Contempt for outsiders... intolerance for any belief system other than their own

Page 11: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

2 Peter 2:1"There will be false teachers among

you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying

the sovereign Lord who bought them bringing swift destruction on


Page 12: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious



YES... A cult is a deviant organized religion.

WHILE…The occult refers to diverse practices used in religion as an attempt to gain supernatural power or knowledge apart from the God of the Bible.

Page 13: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

The word occult means "hidden" or "secret."

Although cults are not the same as the occult, some cults do engage in occultic practices. The Bible opposes all occult practices because reliance is on demonic spiritual power, not on the sovereign power of God….

Page 14: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (KJV) 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

Page 15: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or

sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a

medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is

detestable to the Lord.”

Page 16: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

The Truth Twisters


by June Hunt

Page 17: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Page 18: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Proverbs 30:5-6 5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield

unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he

reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Page 19: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Revelation 22:19

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God

shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the

things which are written in this book.

Page 20: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Deuteronomy 4:2

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye

diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD

your God which I command you

Page 21: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Revelation 22:18-19

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any

man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away

from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the

things which are written in this book.

Page 22: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious



• Jesus is not God• Jesus is not fully God & man• Jesus was not the Son of God• Jesus is not even a real person

(Colossians. 1:15-19; 2:9; John 1:1;14)

Page 23: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious



• Saved by working towards something• Saved by reincarnation• Saved by worshipping people as God• Saved by giving money, possessions,

people, self (sacrifice of self or others)

Page 24: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious



• Renounce family ties & certain friends• The leader takes precedence over all• Discontinue contact with society & usage

of modern devices (Become a recluse)

(Matt. 28:19-20; Col. 3:11; 2 Cor. 5:18-20)

Page 25: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTSWhat is the Message of Manipulation by

Cult Leaders?

The MAJOR Characteristic of all cult leaders is the belief that

they alone have the one true message from God

Page 26: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTSManipulation by Cult Leaders

• They present themselves as infallible authorities, requiring absolute loyalty.

• They persuade through their strong, charismatic personalities.

• They prohibit individual freedom, expecting unquestioned obedience.

Page 27: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTSManipulation by Cult Leaders

• They promote themselves as divine or as God's sole agent on earth.

• They possess "new truth" from God, while perverting Biblical truth.

• They provide simplistic answers for complex problems.

Page 28: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Romans 16:17-18 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark

them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which

ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches

deceive the hearts of the simple.

Page 29: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put

obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and

flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."

Page 30: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTSWhat is the Mentality of Cult Followers?

Cults thrive on people who know little or nothing of the Bible and who readily replace logical reasoning with emotional decisions. They willingly pledge allegiance to charismatic leaders who claim to have the key to deeper truths and the answers to all the details of daily living

Page 31: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTSWhat is the Mentality of Cult Followers?

• They follow the cult leader blindly. • They forfeit individual freedom. • They forsake friends and family to have

a new "family."

Page 32: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTSWhat is the Mentality of Cult Followers?

• They fear punishment for not conforming to legalistic rules and regulations.

• They feel misunderstood and persecuted by the outside world.

• They forego reason for emotion.

Page 33: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


• The need for love — "This group makes me feel like I'm really loved. They care about me.”

• The need for significance... meaning and purpose — "This group has given me a new purpose for living. I feel like my life now has meaning and direction.”

• The need for security... a sense of belonging —"My new family has given me the acceptance I've always wanted. I feel like I belong in the group.... I feel like I really fit in."

Page 34: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


• Between ages 18 to 28• Middle to upper class• Underachiever • Idealistic: reject practical consideration• Low self-esteem• Alienated from family

Page 35: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


• Experiencing a crisis• Religious background, but not spiritually

grounded • Looking for meaning and purpose to life• Disillusioned with life• Naive or too trusting

Page 36: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


• Demoralization of values • Deterioration of the family • Disillusionment with the "good life“• Demonic fascination with the occult • Decline of church influence • Decrease in doctrinal teaching

Page 37: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

“New recruits converted by cults initially experience a false euphoria. Along with rigid schedules of intense indoctrination, the mind control tactics of cults rob members of their independence and sense of well-being. The exhilarating highs typically take a downward turn as many leaders employ intimidation, which leads to emotional suppression”

Page 38: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


• Inability to make rational judgments • Loss of free will and control over the

choices of life • Identity confusion: cutting ties to the past• Inability to establish intimate friendships• Paranoia and irrational distrust of others

Page 39: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


• Guilt and fear of expressing doubts• Unhealthy dependency on the cult and

other cult members • Loss of spontaneous joy • Prolonged depression • Thoughts of suicide

Page 40: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

STEPS TO SOLUTIONThe ultimate questions concerning cults and their claims are...

• Who is God? • Who is Jesus? • Who or what is the final authority

regarding truth?

Page 41: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

Confusion over these three questions lies at the very heart of cults and their twisting of the truth. This explains why cults either ignore the Bible, interpret Scripture out of context or boldly rewrite passages to create another bible.

Page 42: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

“When people center their hearts and

minds only on the unchanging truths of the Bible, then they are not captured by erroneous religious


Page 43: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Reach Out through Relationship


Don't criticize or make fun of the cult leader and members—this only causes defensiveness.

Do... Be polite when reference is made to the cult and its leaders.

Page 44: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Reach Out through Relationship

Don't project negative emotions or get into arguments, in spite of your own discomfort.

Do... Allow Christ to control your anger, responding always with kindness.

Page 45: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Reach Out through Relationship

Don't interrupt, regardless of your disapproval. Instead, learn to listen without interruption.

Do... Listen more than you talk.

Page 46: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Reach Out through Relationship

REPLANT: Plant a seed of doubt in the mind of the cult member, which, in time, can grow into bigger and bigger doubts. This can help the person become more objective and see errors in the cult's teaching.

Page 47: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Reach Out through Relationship

• Plant specific proof of cult errors: show evidence of unfulfilled prophecies

• Plant a fresh awareness that their freedom to choose has been stifled.

Page 48: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Reach Out through Relationship

• Plant examples of inconsistencies within the cult's doctrinal teachings.

• Plant factual information on the cult, facts about which they are probably unaware.

Page 49: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


Reach Out through Relationship

RESTORE: Regain a sense of God-given worth and individuality lost during cult involvement. Help them establish a purpose for living. Help them establish a Christ-centered spiritual family.

Page 50: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


— Be convinced of your own faith.

— Be committed to the authority of God's Word.

— Pray continually for the Holy Spirit's guidance.

— Be informed about the nature of cults

Page 51: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


— Be prepared with answers from the Bible.

— Ask about their personal values.

— Ask for definitions of words like God, Christ and Scripture.

— Ask, "Can you explain to me (present a problem with the cult)?"

Page 52: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


BE a warm and loving church that…• Teaches sound Biblical doctrine

versus extra "new truth“• Stresses loyalty to Jesus as Lord

versus loyalty to human leaders

Page 53: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


BE a warm and loving church that…• Prioritizes a personal relationship with

Christ versus religious ritual• Relates Scripture to personal

experiences versus determining truth based only on experience

Page 54: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


BE a warm and loving church that…• Encourages fellowship with family

versus separation from family• Offers Bible studies that are inclusive

versus study groups that are


Page 55: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


BE a warm and loving church that…• Furnishes all teachings for public

scrutiny versus fostering an air of secrecy

• Encourages financial giving as God leads versus demanding specific amounts

Page 56: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious


BE a warm and loving church that…• Allows any member to freely leave the

church versus curtailing freedom with threats or guilt

• Invites critical thinkers to ask any question versus stifling those with objections

Page 57: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

“…The best deterrent from being deceived by

a cult is to know Biblical doctrine. It's

easy to detect the false when you know the


— June Hunt

Page 58: The Truth Twisters CULTS by June Hunt. WHAT IS A CULT? A cult is a sect or group of people that holds to deviant doctrines A cult is a system of religious

The Truth Twisters


by June Hunt