the twice monthly ncf newsletter twice monthly ncf newsletter issue 9: sunday 7th may 2017 god is at...

Onward The twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved?

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Page 1: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved

Onward The twice monthly NCF Newsletter

Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017

God is at work here.

How are you involved?

Page 2: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved



Many of us will have been involved in voting in elections re-

cently. There was the Local County Council Elections last Thursday,

the South Korean Presidential Election, as well as the French Presi-

dential Election today and the UK General Election on 8th June. We

get a choice of where to put our X when we look at the ballot paper.

We decide who is the best candidate and vote for them.

Having choices is something we all face every day, though

sometimes there aren’t many options. What to wear? What to eat?

What time to get up? Where to fill up with fuel? Which DVD to

watch at the weekend?

There is a very important question everyone in the world has to

consider. What do you think about Jesus? There are two options. Do

you welcome Him as your Saviour or do you decide to ignore what is

true and reject Him? Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth to sort out

the awful problem of sin. At Easter we especially remember how He

did this. God is still at work around the world. He is at work in the

Nuneaton area. He calls us to put our hand in His and to walk with

Him as He touches those who feel alone, rejected and hurt, as well as

those who feel brilliant and totally satisfied with life.

We can pray: “God, be in charge of my life today. Help me to

follow You and learn more about You. I choose to rely on You and

put You at the centre of my life. Thank You for providing a way so

that my life can be made new, fresh and beautiful.”

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world

that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son,

so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him

shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost)

but have eternal (everlasting) life.

For God did not send the Son into the world

in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world,

but that the world might find salvation

and be made safe and sound through Him.

John 3:16, 17 [Amplified Bible]

John Stephenson

[email protected] 07982 404 951

Page 3: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved

May God in whose furnace faith is forged;

In whose being beauty breathes;

From whose dawning darkness flees,

Shine on you.

May the Father whose love for you

Beats with a rhythm, time itself can’t stop

Whose presence in your exile is the promise of home

Whose certainties are deeper than the cellars of your city

Whose breath is life

Breathe on you.

May the Son whose story is a mirror of your own

Who has journeyed into darkness

To find a key to your prison

Who has dived the deepest oceans

To find pearls for your wisdom

Who has looked into your heart

And found a beauty worth the battle

Who has written your name

On a white stone carved in secret

Hold you.

May the Spirit who has waited millennia to fill you

Who shaped the word that moved the wind

Of the morning that conceived you

Who holds the earth on which you stand

As an artist holds a candle

Who fully knows you:

Wholly own you.

So may

God the faithful Father,

God the scarred Son,

God the sculpting Spirit

Journey with you.

Gerard Kelly (2010)

Page 4: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved

Window on the World WEC International

Worldwide Evangelization for Christ International was

founded by CT Studd (a Missionary and very famous and able

cricketer - his name is on The Ashes’ Urn) in 1913. He was one

of The Cambridge Seven.

WEC’s primary goal is to take the gospel to the least-reached

peoples of the world, and to see churches planted and growing

among them. Over 1,800 workers are undertaking mission in

about 90 countries.

They work with many local churches to evangelise, translate

Scriptures, run clinics and hospitals, rehabilitate addicts and

show compassion to wherever God sends them and to inspire,

mobilize and train for cross-cultural mission.

They have published 7 editions of Operation World to enable

the Church to pray for every country of the world.

After 50 years of being based in Bulstrode, Buckinghamshire,

last December they moved to Coventry. Pray that this new sea-

son will help them to continue to train Christians and to further

spread the Gospel around the world.

Two representatives will be joining us on 18th June at 11.00am

to describe their work and history in

more detail.

“If Jesus Christ be God and died for

me, then no sacrifice can be too great

for me to make for Him.”

C.T. Studd (1860-1931)

Further info here:

Page 5: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved
Page 6: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved

Christian Name? Joy (Seunghee


In which country were you born?

South Korea

Have you a favourite musical artist

or group? The Beatles.

How many capital cities have you

visited? 7: Rome, Paris, London,

Seoul, Tokyo, Bangkok and Ma-


Which languages do you speak

well? Korean and English.

How long have you had a relation-

ship with God? 39 years.

How did it begin? All my family

are Christians.

In what ways does God speak to

you the most? Through pictures

and dreams.

Have you a favourite book of the

Bible? The Psalms.

Do you have a set time or format

for your Quiet Time with God?

Night time.

Do you use Bible-reading notes?


Do you have any hobbies? Cook-


What’s your favourite time of the

year? Summer.

What was the last film you

watched? Harry Potter.

Do you have any sort of hero?


Are you a morning or evening per-

son? Evening.

Have you a favourite meal?

Bulgogi - grilled marinated beef.

Good to meet you….

Page 7: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved

Speakers and Worship Leaders

in May:

7th May The True Vine

Speaker: Andy Thomas

Leader: Gill Stephenson

14th May The Bread of Life

Speaker: SeungJin Kim

Leader: Lynne Wood

21st May The Messiah

Speaker: Andy Thomas

Leader: Fiona Holton

28th May The Alpha

and the Omega

Speaker: Jean Gapelbe

Leader: John Stephenson

Davit’s Baptism - 16th April 2017

The continuing dream.

Page 8: The twice monthly NCF Newsletter twice monthly NCF Newsletter Issue 9: Sunday 7th May 2017 God is at work here. How are you involved? Ponderings: Hello, Many of us will have been involved

Sunday 7th

From 10.00am Prayer - pop in or stay for a while

From 10.30am Free refreshments in the Lounge - have a chat

11.00-12.30pm: Morning Service

6.00-6.50pm: Evening Service

Monday 8th

8.00pm: Housegroup in the Lounge

Thursday 11th

9.45-11.30am: Sunshine Corner

12.30-3.00pm: Luncheon Club

Sunday 14th

From 10.00am Prayer - pop in or stay for a while

From 10.30am Free refreshments in the Lounge - have a chat

11.00-12.30pm: Morning Service

Wednesday 17th

8.00pm: Prayer Meeting in the Lounge

Thursday 18th

9.45-11.30am: Sunshine Corner

1.30-3.00pm: Prayer Meeting

Sunday 21st

From 10.00am Prayer - pop in or stay for a while

From 10.30am Free refreshments in the Lounge - have a chat

11.00-12.30pm: Morning Service

6.00-6.50pm: Evening Service

June Sunday 4th International Sunday (celebrating Pentecost)

Sunday 11th Healing Service

Sunday 18th WEC UK - 2 representatives are coming to share

Sunday 25th Prayer Sunday

Rev Paul Wood 07946 230 613

John Stephenson 07982 404 951

[email protected]

58 Pallett Drive, Nuneaton, CV11 6LT

Apple Podcasts: NCF Sunday Talks

Looking Ahead