the united states becomes an industrial giant the growth of industry

The United States becomes an Industrial Giant The Growth of Industry

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The United States becomes an Industrial Giant

The Growth of Industry

Industrial Revolution

• The First Industrial Revolution reached the United States in the early 1800s.

• Industry is the name given to business involved in manufacturing; transportation; and communications.

• Second Industrial Revolution was characterized by an increase in technology. Ex: Hand tools are replaced by factory machines, and farming is replaced by large-scale manufacturing.

Factors Encouraging Industrial Growth in the Late 19th Century

1. Natural Resources

An abundance of raw materials

materials was one reason for

the nation’s industrial success.

• Timber

• Coal

• Iron

• Copper

These resources were located in the American West

• The United States had enough iron ore and coal to provide raw materials for manufactoring.

• New Resource: Petroleum turned into Kerosene

• Discovery of oil.

Factors Encouraging Industrial Growth in the Late 19th Century

2. Population Growth

• It stemmed from two sources: large families and a flood of immigrants.

• Growth provided industry with an abundant workforce and created greater demand for consumer goods.

3. Technology

• Technologies and inventions eased transportation and communication. They encouraged new industries which in turn produced more wealth and jobs.

New Technologies help nation grow

• With new farm equipment, Midwestern farmers grew food to feed Northeastern factory workers.

• Midwestern farmers became a market for Northeastern manufactured goods.

• The growth of the textile factories increased the demand for Southern cotton.

Factors Encouraging Industrial Growth in the Late 19th Century

• 4. Government Policy.

• Laissez-faire a policy that government

should interfere as little as possible in the

nation’s economy.

• A economic system with little or no

government regulation is known as a free

enterprise system.

Developments of Major New Industries

Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller$ Standard Oil Co.$ Eventually owned all oil

companies in US.$ He bought out

competitors or drove them out of business.

$ He hated competition (he saw it wasteful)

$ Scottish businessman$ One of the first industrial

moguls to make his own fortune.

$ Owned the Carnegie Steel Company

$ Passion for supporting charities

80% of fortune went to education.

At time of death, he had given away – 350 million.

Developments of Major New Industries

Developments of Major New Industries

Cornelius Vanderbilt

• Became famous for consolidating a number of short railroad lines between NYC & Buffalo to the country’s first great railroad system; the NY Central Station

J. Pierpont Morgan

• Owner of the largest private banking & securities house of America. He reorganized many bankrupt railroads.

• In 1901; Morgan & his associates purchased the Carnegie Steel Co & merged it with other steel producers to form enormous monopoly known as US Steel Corp (nation’s first billion-dollar Co.)


Thomas Alva Edison

-Established the world’s first

research laboratory.

-Invented the light bulb

-Invented electrical system

1.Electrical power ran numerous machines, from fans to printing presses.

2. Became available to homes

3. Industry grew like never before

George Westinghouse

-The first air brake, making

braking a safer venture and thus

permitting train to travel at higher



Christopher Sholes

-Invented the typewriter

(Changed the world of work)

Alexander Graham Bell

-Invented the telephone

(open the way for worldwide communication network)


Thaddeus Lowe

• -Invented the ice machine; the basis of the refrigerator.

Gustavus Swift

• -Shipped the first refrigerator load of meat

Inside of Swift's Refrigerated Railroad Car


• Railroads were built faster and faster. Short lines began to join together to make huge railroad systems.

• All the new inventions and technologies made work more efficient and cheaper.

Inventors: Notable African-American & Women

Elijah McCoy

• An African-American who developed an automatic lubricator for steam engines.

• Others tried to copy but it didn’t work.

• Customers would ask for (the real McCoy) that’s where the famous expression comes from.

Madam C.J. Walker

• An African-American woman who invented a hair growing lotion for black women to use to relax hair.

• She became the first female African-American millionaire

Inventors: Notable African-American & Women

Sarah Goods- invented cabinet bedFirst African-American woman to receive a patent.

Patent-a document that certifies that invention & has been registered with the government to protect rights of the invention

Technology changed the way that people lived.

The End