the upper room that understanding was to...

We started this newsletter as a means to call the men of PRC to an intentional life of prayer and devotion to God. We have offered three issues so far this being the fourth. Prayer, of course, acts as a catalyst that opens our hearts to all kinds of concerns that touch our lives. Prayer moves us to be concerned for the harvest, spiritual growth, the less fortunate and various other needs that touch our lives. THE UPPER ROOM MAN If we are called to “make” disciples, what will the “product” look like? The Upper Room Man Volume 1, Issue 4, April 5, 2011 News From Overseas Peerless Road Church - 3301 Peerless Road NW Cleveland, TN 37312 - (423) 303-2680 Shane Lawson & Jimmy Ledford Idleness is the Devil’s playground ~ An old English proverb For those who have heard, or even quoted, this insightful proverb, I first want to make it clear that you will not find this direct statement in the scriptures. But while this popular expression is not a direct quote from God‟s word, there are plenty of biblical references towards not being active in our faith and minds which can be spiritually detrimental if not destructive. It is for this reason that this topic, and simple phrase, easily applies to us Narrow-Road Warriors. The Traveling Man Newsletter Spotlight PRC Men’s Ministry News and Information News and Events Bill Stockham is in rehab at Syskin. Please continue to pray for his complete recovery. PRC Resurrection Celebration Weekend: April 23, Community wide egg hunt. April 24, special Easter Sunday dramatized message Next Men‟s Prayer Breakfast—May 14, at 8 A.M in the Skyridge dining hall. Make a note and bring a friend. Idleness in FAITH: As mentioned in my last article, it is important for those who will be traveling to distant places for a good deal of the week to find a local congregation of believers to fellowship with. It is very easy to get wrapped up in our own little world between the work site and hotel. We can sometimes forget that we have a mission to share Christ with the world. A local midweek fellowship (Or a full time church for those away from home in college or long term work situations) can help to maintain your focus on this mission with others. But always keep in mind that you MUST remain active in your faith outside of the church services by sharing with others as opportunities open up. Idleness in Mind: It is important, as a traveler, to remember that there is more to your life than watching television, or the internet, while in the room. I say this as a reminder to myself as I tend to go to my room, turn on the TV while I am tapping away on my laptop, and before I know it I am looking at a clock that tells me I will not be getting much sleep at night. Aside from the lack of sleep we always have to be mindful that we must be cognizant of what we allow into our brains and, without making this an anti TV and Internet article, remember that we can all can be influenced without even being aware of it…we have a smooth enemy who capitalizes on opportunities to turn us away from God. I have gotten much more consistent with walking about 30 minutes a night and have tried finding biblical subjects that interest me and studying them with the Bible that, believe it or not, most hotels still carry in the top drawer. If I am in a new place, I try to drive around and see new things I am interested in (Historical landmarks, etc.) without spending a fortune. Don‟t get me wrong, it still takes work...but sometimes it is the work of keeping our minds occupied with good things that can keep us from wandering into the battlefield. Getting out also keeps me from opening my laptop and working longer than I need to sometimes. There is so much more that can be written on this subject but I will leave you with this. Be mindful of God while you are out there…wherever you are. Talk to him daily…stay active in healthy ways and seek him constantly. Don‟t let your Faith and Mind sit idle to allow any leverage to the enemy. If you are one of „God‟s Narrow-Road Warriors‟ and want to connect feel free to give me a call at (423)331-4686 or you can email me at [email protected] . I can offer a friendly voice, prayer, or can help you find a church family in your new work area of the country. „On the narrow road with you‟ ~Randy B. In this issue, we would like to emphasis what many believe is the key to a successful walk with God. It is an issue that we give much lip service to but rarely do we see it taking place as dynamically as it should. This is the matter of true discipleship. Jesus‟ story offers a dynamic model of discipleship that consisted of proclaiming the gospel to large crowds, small group instruction and one- on-one relationships. The church is good at the large crowd thing. We are getting better with our small group gathering, but the level of commitment it takes for the on-on-one relationship is lacking. In this issue, you will be introduced to a friend of mine, Terry Phillips. Terry and I came to know the Lord around the same time at my father-in-laws church in Florida. I have asked Terry to share his story because it typifies so many of our lives as we struggle to find true meaning and significance in our walk with God. I think you will identify with his testimony. In the next two issues, you will be introduced to Colin Niven. Colin was instrumental in leading Terry into a more dynamic relationship with Christ through intentional discipleship. This was not a church program. Colin‟s life is one that models the Apostle Paul‟s call to become spiritual parents to others (I Cor. 4:14-16). This is a model that our Pastor is calling PRC to emulate. This is a call for the mature, maturing and not so mature to move towards in obedience to Jesus. Jesus instructed his disciples to go into the entire world and make other disciples. We call this the Great Commission (See John 20:21, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47, Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19, 20). The key here is that disciples make disciples. After reading these testimonies, it is our prayer that PRC will be filled with men who will answer the call and walk in obedience to Christ‟s commission to be and make true disciples. Steve Spears Links To Up Your Game A conversation with Dallas Willard on what it means to be an apprentice (disciple) of Jesus: The Apprentices Tips on how to improve your prayer life: Not A Prayer Warrior?. Looking back to a message offered by Evangelist Paul Ravenhill: Who We Are? Much contemporary success proves that if we demand little and put on a good show, you can get a crowd. In the long run, however, large crowds mean nothing. Obedience to the commission is the determined dedication to disciple making. Bill Hull Jesus Christ Disciplemaker Shane and Jimmy are settling in getting their routines down. There are many adjustments they must make as they face new challenges on a daily basis. Jimmy does have a contact number that is local (Cleveland). If you are interested in contacting Jimmy, let the office know and we will share that number with you. Jeannie Ledford had to have surgery on her broken femur. Let‟s keep her in our prayers. For all the latest news and events taking place at PRC, join our Facebook page by clicking Here . I was saved long ago but unfortunately spent the majority of those years running out of spiritual gas on a regular basis. Yes, I was going to church regularly. Yes, I was leading my family in the ways of the Lord but I did not plug into the personal, supernatural resources that Jesus left for us when he ascended into heaven over 2000 years ago. What happened to change that? Discipleship happened! I joined a men‟s accountability group in 2008, looking to take my walk to a new level. My family was getting older, my last child preparing to move away to college and I was beginning to see that I would have time for something like this. Little did I know that I was on the path to a life saving experience. My church in Florida started a men‟s group and I decided to give it a try. After several weeks, a brother by the name of Colin Niven joined our group. He quickly became a contributing member and while it did not necessarily strike me at first, there was something about Colin‟s life that resonated in my spirit. Colin appeared very knowledgeable about the Bible and was very passionate about his relationship with Jesus, something missing in my walk with God. Colin‟s influence would soon have a lasting impact in my life. Well, the men‟s group fizzled out after three short months. Several weeks later, after our group became absorbed into another small group at the church, I experienced an encounter with God that changed my life. During a two hour drive to Ocala, the Lord prompted me to realize that he had led me to the men‟s group in order to be introduced to Colin. The only thing I could think to do with that understanding was to immediately picked up my cell phone and called Colin. This was very much out of character for me. While he was still only an acquaintance, I asked him if I could see him to discuss my relationship with Christ and how I might better move along in my journey of faith. What I anticipated was going to be a one-on-one Bible study ended up being my introduction to the power of Christ centered discipleship. Colin started with incredible patience, allowing me plenty of room and plenty of time to discover the power of the Lord for myself. I gained a renewed passion for life and I have not looked back. I am now a firm believer that the most important thing we can do as Christians is to be available for discipleship. Jesus made it clear that this would be the foundation for a strong church body and I am living proof that it works! After a number of years of being fed, with Colin‟s urging and God‟s nudging, I have stepped out to assist in moving the church I attend towards a discipleship emphasis. To date approximately 60 members have taken a course, helping to prepare them for a life of discipleship. We are looking forward to seeing the fruits of obedience. The most important thing I have learned from this experience is not to wait until you are prepared. Taking courses will help you for sure but Just Do It! Jesus asked that we only be available and he will provide all of the tools and equipment that we need. I was unknowingly seeking and another brother answered the call. I am very thankful that this obedient disciple came into my life and that Jesus gave him the tools to make the word come alive for me. May God Bless You, Terry Phillips One Man’s Story Money Talks How Much is Enough? We understand from Pastor‟s teaching from the word that stewardship is the condition of our heart. We are instructed in Proverbs 6 “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise. It stores it provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” The bible instructs us to work hard but how much should we accumulate and for what purpose? Proverbs 21 tells us, “In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil. He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Do we work hard and strive to accumulate more than we need because we don‟t trust God to provide for our needs in the future? Jesus taught us, “Give us this day our daily bread. “ He said nothing about tomorrow. Tomorrow we will have to pray for its provisions and trust that our great provider will take care for us then as he always has done. Hard work is encouraged but a heart of trust in our creator is more important than accumulation. Pete Emerson

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Page 1: THE UPPER ROOM that understanding was to immediately picked up my cell phone and called Colin. This was very much out of character

We started this newsletter as a means to call the men of

PRC to an intentional life of prayer and devotion to God.

We have offered three issues so far this being the fourth.

Prayer, of course, acts as a catalyst that opens our hearts to

all kinds of concerns that touch our lives. Prayer moves us

to be concerned for the harvest, spiritual growth, the less

fortunate and various other needs that touch our lives.


If we are called to “make” disciples,

what wil l the “product” look l ike?

The Upper Room Man

Volume 1, Issue 4, April 5, 2011

News From Overseas

Peerless Road Church - 3301 Peerless Road NW Cleveland, TN 37312 - (423) 303-2680

Shane Lawson & Jimmy Ledford

Idleness is the Devil’s playground ~ An old English proverb

For those who have heard, or even quoted, this insightful

proverb, I first want to make it clear that you will not find this

direct statement in the scriptures. But while this popular

expression is not a direct quote from God‟s word, there are

plenty of biblical references towards not being active in our

faith and minds which can be spiritually detrimental if not

destructive. It is for this reason that this topic, and simple

phrase, easily applies to us Narrow-Road Warriors.

The Traveling Man

Newsletter Spotlight

PRC Men’s Ministry News and Information

News and Events

Bill Stockham is in rehab at Syskin. Please continue to pray for his complete recovery.

PRC Resurrection Celebration Weekend:

April 23, Community wide egg hunt.

April 24, special Easter Sunday dramatized message

Next Men‟s Prayer Breakfast—May 14, at 8 A.M in the Skyridge dining hall. Make a note and

bring a friend.

Idleness in FAITH: As mentioned in my last article, it is important for those who will be traveling

to distant places for a good deal of the week to find a local congregation of believers to fellowship

with. It is very easy to get wrapped up in our own little world between the work site and hotel.

We can sometimes forget that we have a mission to share Christ with the world. A local midweek

fellowship (Or a full time church for those away from home in college or long term work

situations) can help to maintain your focus on this mission with others. But always keep in mind

that you MUST remain active in your faith outside of the church services by sharing with others

as opportunities open up.

Idleness in Mind: It is important, as a traveler, to remember that

there is more to your life than watching television, or the internet,

while in the room. I say this as a reminder to myself as I tend to go

to my room, turn on the TV while I am tapping away on my laptop,

and before I know it I am looking at a clock that tells me I will not be

getting much sleep at night. Aside from the lack of sleep we always

have to be mindful that we must be cognizant of what we allow into

our brains and, without making this an anti TV and Internet article,

remember that we can all can be influenced without even being aware of it…we have a smooth

enemy who capitalizes on opportunities to turn us away from God. I have gotten much more

consistent with walking about 30 minutes a night and have tried finding biblical subjects that

interest me and studying them with the Bible that, believe it or not, most

hotels still carry in the top drawer. If I am in a new place, I try to drive

around and see new things I am interested in (Historical landmarks, etc.)

without spending a fortune. Don‟t get me wrong, it still takes work...but

sometimes it is the work of keeping our minds occupied with good

things that can keep us from wandering into the battlefield. Getting out

also keeps me from opening my laptop and working longer than I need

to sometimes.

There is so much more that can be written on this subject but I will leave you with this. Be

mindful of God while you are out there…wherever you are. Talk to him daily…stay active in

healthy ways and seek him constantly. Don‟t let your Faith and Mind sit idle to allow any

leverage to the enemy.

If you are one of „God‟s Narrow-Road Warriors‟ and want to connect feel free to give me a call at

(423)331-4686 or you can email me at [email protected]. I can offer a friendly voice,

prayer, or can help you find a church family in your new work area of the country.

„On the narrow road with you‟ ~Randy B.

In this issue, we would like to emphasis what many believe is the key to a successful walk with

God. It is an issue that we give much lip service to but rarely do we see it taking place as

dynamically as it should. This is the matter of true discipleship.

Jesus‟ story offers a dynamic model of discipleship that consisted of

proclaiming the gospel to large crowds, small group instruction and one-

on-one relationships. The church is good at the large crowd thing. We

are getting better with our small group gathering, but the level of

commitment it takes for the on-on-one relationship is lacking.

In this issue, you will be introduced to a friend of mine, Terry Phillips. Terry and I came to know

the Lord around the same time at my father-in-laws church in Florida. I have asked Terry to share

his story because it typifies so many of our lives as we struggle to find true meaning and

significance in our walk with God. I think you will identify with his testimony.

In the next two issues, you will be introduced to Colin Niven. Colin was instrumental in leading

Terry into a more dynamic relationship with Christ through intentional discipleship. This was not

a church program. Colin‟s life is one that models the Apostle Paul‟s call to become spiritual

parents to others (I Cor. 4:14-16). This is a model that our Pastor is calling PRC to emulate. This

is a call for the mature, maturing and not so mature to move towards in obedience to Jesus.

Jesus instructed his disciples to go into the entire world and make other

disciples. We call this the Great Commission (See John 20:21, Mark 16:15,

Luke 24:47, Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19, 20). The key here is that disciples

make disciples. After reading these testimonies, it is our prayer that PRC

will be filled with men who will answer the call and walk in obedience to

Christ‟s commission to be and make true disciples.

Steve Spears

Links To Up Your Game

A conversation with Dallas Willard on what it means to be an apprentice (disciple) of Jesus:

The Apprentices

Tips on how to improve your prayer life:

Not A Prayer Warrior?.

Looking back to a message offered by Evangelist Paul Ravenhill:

Who We Are?

Much contemporary success

proves that if we demand

little and put on a good show,

you can get a crowd. In the

long run, however, large

crowds mean nothing.

Obedience to the commission

is the determined dedication

to disciple making.

Bill Hull

Jesus Christ Disciplemaker

Shane and Jimmy are settling in getting their routines down.

There are many adjustments they must make as they face new

challenges on a daily basis. Jimmy does have a contact number

that is local (Cleveland). If you are interested in contacting

Jimmy, let the office know and we will share that number with


Jeannie Ledford had to have surgery on her broken femur. Let‟s

keep her in our prayers.

For all the latest news and events taking place at PRC,

join our Facebook page by clicking Here.

I was saved long ago but unfortunately spent the majority of those years running

out of spiritual gas on a regular basis. Yes, I was going to church regularly. Yes, I

was leading my family in the ways of the Lord but I did not plug into the personal,

supernatural resources that Jesus left for us when he ascended into heaven over

2000 years ago.

What happened to change that? Discipleship happened!

I joined a men‟s accountability group in 2008, looking to take my walk to a new level. My family

was getting older, my last child preparing to move away to college and I was beginning to see that

I would have time for something like this. Little did I know that I was on the path to a life saving


My church in Florida started a men‟s group and

I decided to give it a try. After several weeks, a

brother by the name of Colin Niven joined our

group. He quickly became a contributing

member and while it did not necessarily strike

me at first, there was something about Colin‟s

life that resonated in my spirit. Colin appeared

very knowledgeable about the Bible and was

very passionate about his relationship with

Jesus, something missing in my walk with God.

Colin‟s influence would soon have a lasting

impact in my life.

Well, the men‟s group fizzled out after three short months. Several weeks later, after our group

became absorbed into another small group at the church, I experienced an encounter with God that

changed my life. During a two hour drive to Ocala, the Lord prompted me to realize that he had

led me to the men‟s group in order to be introduced to Colin. The only thing I could think to do

with that understanding was to immediately picked up my cell phone and called Colin. This was

very much out of character for me. While he was still only an acquaintance, I asked him if I could

see him to discuss my relationship with Christ and how I might better move along in my journey

of faith.

What I anticipated was going to be a one-on-one Bible study ended up

being my introduction to the power of Christ centered discipleship.

Colin started with incredible patience, allowing me plenty of room and

plenty of time to discover the power of the Lord for myself. I gained a

renewed passion for life and I have not looked back.

I am now a firm believer that the most important thing we can do as Christians is to be available

for discipleship. Jesus made it clear that this would be the foundation for a strong church body and

I am living proof that it works!

After a number of years of being fed, with Colin‟s urging and God‟s nudging, I have stepped out

to assist in moving the church I attend towards a discipleship emphasis. To date approximately 60

members have taken a course, helping to prepare them for a life of discipleship. We are looking

forward to seeing the fruits of obedience.

The most important thing I have learned from this experience is not to wait until you

are prepared. Taking courses will help you for sure but Just Do It! Jesus asked that

we only be available and he will provide all of the tools and equipment that we need.

I was unknowingly seeking and another brother answered the call. I am very thankful that this

obedient disciple came into my life and that Jesus gave him the tools to make the word come alive

for me.

May God Bless You,

Terry Phillips

One Man’s Story

Money Talks

How Much is Enough?

We understand from Pastor‟s teaching from the word that stewardship is the condition of our

heart. We are instructed in Proverbs 6 “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise.

It stores it provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” The bible instructs us to work

hard but how much should we accumulate and for what purpose? Proverbs 21 tells us, “In the

house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil. He who pursues righteousness and love finds

life, prosperity and honor.” Do we work hard and strive to accumulate more than we need

because we don‟t trust God to provide for our needs in the future? Jesus taught us, “Give us this

day our daily bread. “ He said nothing about tomorrow. Tomorrow we will have to pray for its

provisions and trust that our great provider will take care for us then as he always has done. Hard

work is encouraged but a heart of trust in our creator is more important than accumulation.

Pete Emerson