the us national debt in 2013: a fresh start

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  • 7/29/2019 The US National Debt in 2013: A Fresh Start


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    The US National Debt in 2013

    Source of info complied below

    Figure 1: The growth in the US National Debt since Jan 1835 when the debt wasactually $0, when Andrew Jackson (see $20 bill) was President. The table below

    gives the values obtained from the Bureau of Public Debt.











    1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050

    Time, t [Year]


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    Table 1: The Growth of the US National Debt

    Year National Debt

    $ Trillions

    1835 0

    1863 0.001

    1943 0.1

    1982 1.142

    1992 4.064


    2009 10.627

    2013 16.433

    On Jan 22, 2013, $16,432,571,159,411.57 = $16.433T (Obama's 2nd term begins)

    On Jan 20, 2009, $10,626,877,048,913.08 = $10.627 T (Obama's takes office)

    On Jan 22, 2001 $5,728,195,796,181.57 George Bush Presidency starts

    Historical Debt Growth Data

    On Jan 01, 1835, $33,733.05 (became $0 during this week and started rising)

    On July 01, 1863 $1,119,772,138.63 Crosses $1 billion mark (Civil War era)

    On Jun, 30, 1943 $136,696,090,329.90 Crosses $100 B (WWII era)

    On Sep 30, 1982, $1,142,034,000,000.00 Crosses $ 1T (Reagan Presidency)

    On Sep 30, 1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66 Crosses $4T (Senior Bush Presidency)

    On Sep 30, 2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06 Bush-II 1st term started on Jan 20, 01

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    The national debt crossed the $1T mark in 1982 during Reagan's first term,

    quadrupled and crossed $4T in 1992, during the Senior Bush presidency and then

    quadrupled again and crossed $16T in Sep 2012 during the Obama first term.

    You can see here the national debt quadrupled from $1T to $4T (with RepublicanPresidents in office) and was $10.63 T when the junior George Bush left office.

    Thus, we have added nearly $6T (now at $16.43T) during the Obama first term.

    Just think about it. The debt climbed to $10.63T between 1835 to 2009, or 174

    years. It took only 4 more years to add $6T to the debt, or an average of about

    $1.5T per year. At this rate when Obama leaves office in 2016 the debt will be

    greater than $22T.

    While this is surely alarming, let us also remember that the sky has not fallen. The

    US is still solvent, although in severe crisis mode. But, did it ever occur to anyone

    that, perhaps, this "crisis" is NOT half as bad as the Republicans want us to believe

    it is?

    How did the US manage to finance $1.5 T per year since Obama took office? This

    was done by "borrowing". From whom? Study carefully who is holding the US

    national debt.

    Your bank holds your personal debt. When the bank asks you to pay up, you have

    to pay. As long as monthly payments are made, banks usually will NOT call the


    The same goes with the US National Debt. Until the creditors ask the US to pay

    up, all we have to do is keep paying the interest on the debt (which is several

    billions per month). But, no creditor is going to risk asking the US to pay up. Why?

    The risk is outright war with the US. The US can default. The consequences will

    be felt globally. So, this will NEVER happen.

    It is just an empty threat held by racist and extremist elements of the RepublicanParty. It is time to IGNORE them and move forward with a unified vision to

    restore the country's prosperity. President Obama is to be commended for his

    brilliant (second) inaugural address, although now already being critiqued by the

    Republican extremists (hey, even Eric Cantor and Newt Gingrich found nothing

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    wrong with the Presidents vision) and extra-governmental shrills like the NRA, as

    being too partisan.

    So, let us get past all this "fake" crisis and concentrate on how to grow the

    economy and spend the money approved wisely to create jobs. Once people areemployed, they will pay taxes and government receipts will automatically increase.

    Businesses will boom, since jobs equals spending power for millions of


    Let us make sure that our tax laws ensure that businesses (especially large

    businesses) pay their fair share of taxes and eliminate all the loopholes. Let us also

    make sure that the rich pay their fair share, like it was done during World War I

    (President Wilson, top marginal tax rate was 77%, today it is 39.6%, what it was

    under Clinton) and during World War II (President FDR, top marginal tax rate was94%). Both Democrats and Republicans agreed to raise the top tax rate to these

    astronomical levels to finance these earlier wars. The US ran huge deficits during

    those years; see link below for the tax rates data.

    The top tax rate was 91% when President Kennedy took office and was reduced to

    77% by 1964 (after his assassination). It was 69.13% when President Reagan took

    office. It was President Reagan who famously said during his first inauguration,"Government is the problem." Later, he said, "We do not have a trillion dollar debt

    because we are not taxed enough. We have a trillion dollar debt because we are

    spending too much." (This is not an exact quote, but the gist of it.)

    This mantra of government spending gone out of control took hold and the top

    marginal tax rate was reduced to 28% using misleading pseudo-theoretical

    arguments of a maximum point on the graph of government receipts versus the tax

    rate (the Laffer curve). The argument was deceptive and simple: if the tax rate is

    0%, government receipts will go to zero. If the tax rate is 100%, again governmentreceipts will go to zero. So, there must a be maximum point on the graph with

    increasing tax rate, may be at tax rate of 50%, if we assume that the graph is a

    simple, symmetric parabolic curve (see photo). So, if we assume that we are past

    the maximum point, reducing the tax rate will actually increase government

    receipts (see arrow in the photo), the deficits will go down and the economy will
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    boom since all the rich folks who got their tax cuts will invest their money and

    create jobs.

    Well, it all seemed like a good idea at that time, especially after the dismal Carter

    years. Now we have "REAL DATA" regarding the effects of this Reaganism, orsupply side economics, as it was called. The fake argument about booming

    government receipts with reduced top tax rates defies the historical evidence of

    what happened in the USA during the two world wars. Amazingly, no economist

    worth his salt even dared to speak up and point out the effects of increasing the top

    tax rate to nearly 100%. Under President Bush (junior), the US entered into two

    wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, without increasing the top tax rates to finance the wars

    and reduce the deficit. Instead, junior President Bush pushed for a tax cut and the

    Democrats simply caved in.

    Now, we have REAL DATA regarding the effects of Reaganism and supply side

    economics. The US economy simply tanked in 2008, before the Presidential

    election. We do NOT need to know all the reasonsthe high and mighty academic

    reasons - as to why this happened. Just look the BIG picture above and the

    decisions made by Republican Presidents who got us from $1T to $10.63T of debt.

    We need a FRESH START now. But, it cannot be based on the fake premises of

    the Reagan-Bush I-Bush II eras.

    I say, let the debt rise to $22T or even $25T. But, let us demand that both

    Republicans and Democrats co-operate and work with the President and pass the

    annual budgets without the divisiveness and political brinksmanship. There are

    many wise ways to spend $3.5T or even $5T each year by investing in programs

    what will grow the economy in the long run.

    The urgent need of the WAS and IS ---- JOBS.

    Let us get the millions who are now unemployed and eager to return to the

    workforce back to work. Let us work towards a comprehensive tax reform, a fair

    and simple tax code that will, and cannot, be "tinkered" with on an annual basis.

    Let us take the power spending away from the legislative branch, at least

    temporarily, and let the President define the budget and his/her (the next President

    might just be a woman) vision for the country and set the priorities. The House and

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    Senate should simply approve the budget submitted with minimal debate (and

    constructive suggestions for improvement).

    We will all be better off in the long run. God Bless America.

    Figure 2: Schematic illustration of the Laffer curve which became the theoretical

    centerpiece of Reaganomics and supply side economics of the 1980s the disastrous

    effects of which endure to this day with out of control budget deficits and a

    national debt that has mushroomed to $16.433 T at the start of the Obama second

    term. The national debt crossed the $1T mark in 1982 when Reagan was President

    and the supply side experiment of increasing government receipts by cutting the

    tax rate began.

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

    Tax rate, T


