the use of edmodo website to improve students...

THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS WRITING SKILL (Classroom Action Research of the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro in academic 2015/2016) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga By: MULYA CANDRASARI 113 11 048 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA 2015

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Page 1: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


WRITING SKILL (Classroom Action Research of the tenth grade

students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro in academic 2015/2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education


State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



113 11 048






Page 2: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the
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Page 5: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


“Think big, Dream big, Believe big, and the

Results will be big”

(Evan Carmichael)

Page 6: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


This graduating paper is dedicated to:

My beloved parents, who always love and support me. You are my

inspiration and my everything.

My beloved brother, sister and my big family.

My big family that supported for my education and finishing this paper.

Page 7: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, the Most Gracious

and the Most Merciful who always bless and help the writer so the writer can

finished the graduating paper. Bless and mercy is upon great Prophet Muhammad

SAW for his guidance that leads the writer to the truth.

However, this paper will not be finished without support, advices, help and

encouragement from several people and institution. Hence, the writer would like

to express special thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Ag, the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D, the consultant of this paper, who gives great

attention, suggestion and guidance for this paper from the beginning until

the end.

4. All of lecturers and staff of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of


5. Suyatna, S.Pd, M.Pd as head master of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro.

6. The teachers and students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro.

Page 8: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

7. My parents and my big family who always support and advice me.

8. All friends in wisma Safira, Najwa, and Najma.

9. My big family in KAMMI Komisariat Salatiga and LDK.

10. All of TBI 2011. Those cannot be mentioned one by one.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Page 9: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Candrasari, Mulya. 2015: “THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO


Action Research of the tenth grade students of SMKN 1

Wonosegoro in academic 2015/2016)”. A Graduating Paper.

Teacher Training and Education Faculty. English Education

Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga.

Consultant: Noor Malihah, Ph.D.

Key Words: Edmodo Website, writing skill.

This study was carried out to improve the students’ writing skill

through Edmodo Website of tenth grade students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro

in academic year 2015/2016. The subjects of this study consisted of 32

students in the class of X Multimedia 2 (TMM2).The method used in this

study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The classroom action

research design applied in this study was a collaborative classroom action

research. The writer was as a teacher in the teaching and learning process,

and writer had a partner (Ulfah Rahmawati) as observer who took notes

for all the process in teaching and learning activities. The writer used two

cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation and

reflection. Each cycle also consisted of two meetings. The data in this

study collected through documentation, field notes, questionnaire, and

test.The results of the study show that there was significant improvement

of students’ writing skill. At the end of two cycles show that 78.12% of the

students reach the KKM (75). At the first cycles, the mean of post-test

(58.20) is higher than pre-test (29.29). The t-test calculation shows that the

t-table is 2.04 while the t-test is 9.49. In the second cycle, the mean of

post-test (76.17) also higher than pre-test (68.75). The results of the t-test

is higher than t-table that is 6.03 from t-table 2.04. It means that there is

significant difference between pre-test and post-test. In conclusion,

Edmodo Website could improve students’ writing skill.

Page 10: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


TITLE ......................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ........................................................................................ ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ..................................................... iii

PAGE OF CERTIVICATION .................................................................. iv

MOTTO ...................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... x

LIST OF PICTURE, TABLE, AND FIGURE ........................................ xiv


A. Background of the Study................................................................ 1-4

B. Statement of the Problem ............................................................... 4

C. Objective of the Study.................................................................... 5

D. Benefit of the Research .................................................................. 5

Page 11: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

E. Limitation of the Study .................................................................. 6

F. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................ 6-8

G. Literature Review ........................................................................... 8-9

H. Research Paper Organization ......................................................... 9-10


A. An Overview of Writing ................................................................ 11-24

1. Definition of Writing ................................................................. 11-12

2. Function of Writing.................................................................... 12-13

3. Types of Writing ........................................................................ 14

4. Structure of Writing ................................................................... 14-18

5. Principle of Writing Process ...................................................... 18-22

B. An Overview of Website ............................................................... 22-24

1. Definition of Website ................................................................ 22

2. Website Elements ...................................................................... 22-24

C. An Overview of Edmodo ............................................................... 25-34

1. Definition of Edmodo................................................................ 25-26

2. History of Edmodo .................................................................... 26

3. Principle of Edmodo.................................................................. 26-32

4. The Benefits of Edmodo ........................................................... 32-33

Page 12: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Edmodo .............................. 33-34


A. Research Setting and Subject ......................................................... 35-45

1. Setting of the Research .............................................................. 35-44

2. Subject of the Research .............................................................. 44-45

B. Type of Research ........................................................................... 45-46

C. Procedure of Research ................................................................... 46-49

D. Technique of Collecting Data ........................................................ 49-52

E. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................... 52-54

1. Descriptive Technique ............................................................... 52-53

2. Statistical Technique ................................................................. 53-54


A. The Result of Pre-Questionnaire .................................................... 55-57

B. Cycle I .................................................................................... 55-65

1. The Steps of Cycle I .................................................................. 55-59

2. The Results of Pre-test and Post-test ......................................... 60-65

C. Cycle II .................................................................................... 65-76

1. Steps in Cycle II ........................................................................ 65-69

2. Results of Pre-test and Post-test ................................................ 69-74

Page 13: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

D. The Interpretation of Data .............................................................. 75-76


A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 77

B. Suggestion ...................................................................................... 78



Page 14: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Picture 2.1 - Edmodo First Page 27

Picture 2.2 - Edmodo Home Page 28

Table 3.1 - Organization Structure of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro 37

Table 3.2 - Teacher in SMKN 1 Wonosegoro 38

Table 3.3 - Staff in SMKN 1 Wonosegoro 41

Table 3.4 - Educational Facilities of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro 42

Table 3.5 - List of Students of Tenth Grade in Class TMM 2 44

Figure 3.1 - Nilai Kemmis and Taggart’s Model (1988) 47

Table 3.7 - Students’ Observation Sheet 52

Table 4.1 - The Results of Score Differences Between

Pre-test and Post-test 60

Table 4.2 - The Results of Score Differences Between

Pre-test and Post-test 70

Figure 4.1 - The Mean of Students’ Score 75

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A. Background of the Study

Reading, speaking, listening and writing are language skills that

are important in English subject. Writing as one of language skills is

challenging to learn. From writing, people allow to express what they want

or feel that cannot be easily expressed in oral communication. Different

from other skills, writing needs some practices to make a good writing

ability. According to Krashen as quoted by Viviana (1997), concept of

writing is as an output that requires comprehensible input. Comprehensible

input that is one step beyond the learner's ability must be meaningful,

functional and with a purpose to allow for writing (output) to occur.

Writing as all other language skills, will improve with practice, which in

turn develops fluency, that is, "the ability to get words down on a page

easily" and automaticity, "the ability to engage in a complex activity

without having to concentrate in each part of it" (Peregoy and Boyle, as

quoted by Viviana, 1997). The adult learner will benefit from

opportunities to write that are particularly meaningful, functional and with

a purpose. But, many students get frustation to improve their writing skill.

They have difficulty to start writing, to establish main idea and to arrange

word to word, etc. They often complain or look confused about what they

Page 16: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

should write. It happened because the students still think that writing is

burden, so that influences of students’ learning proccess.

Teacher has a significant role in the English teaching and learning

proccess especially writing. The teacher must be creative to find some

ways to help students overcome their problems in writing. The creative

teacher is also able benefitted medium development in this era. One

medium that can be used to teach writing is Information and

Communication Technologies (ICTs). ICTs make the world small, so

human is easy to comunicate to friends, family, teacher, and other that

they never met before. There are many kinds of ICTs, for example

telephone, radio, audio, video, TV, computer, mobile device, etc. Opting

for and adopting these technologies, learners utilize their time in purposive

way and effective manner. They are able to receive update information,

browse and access relevant study contents on web pages, communicate

with the concerned persons in real time, watch video lectures, or listen

audio recordings with connected the computer or mobile device in


The Internet can be used in a variety of ways to support process

writing as students develop their writing skills in various genres. Although

the internet is a naturally motivating tool and many young learners are

familiar with using information technology, it is important for teachers to

be active facilitators when the Internet is used for language learning. Since

the Internet is multilingual, there are many languages that user can use. An

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obvious issue is how to make sure that students use English for their

online tasks. In addition, teachers who have never used blogs or social

media for the development of writing process might feel lost about what

steps to take to make the activities interactive and motivating. Fortunately,

these instructors can consult widely available and user-friendly online

resources to make the technology accessible.

Nowadays, the popular tool in the world is social media, for

examples facebook, twitter, blogs, etc. It is easy to access anytime and

anywhere from computer, mobile phone, i-pad and others. The user of

social media is majority dominated by students. Most of their activities in

social media is writing, but when the writing activities applied in the

classroom many students look frustation and loss their interest. They think

that writing especially in English is difficult and complex to learn.

Students should master some aspects of English such as structure,

grammar, and vocabulary.

However, teacher that is aware about student problems in writing

always gives motivation that writing subject is the same as when the

students write something in social media. Students just write what they

want without being afraid of making a mistake. Teacher also seeks ways to

make students enjoy in writing like when they write in social media. If

students feel comfortable, they can compose word by word easily. It helps

teacher to teach structure pattern and theories about writing.

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Based on the above explanation, it is necessary to create a strategy

that can involve both the teacher and the student to participate in the

learning activities. One of the strategies that can be used to help the

students in developing their writing skill is the use of edmodo website.

Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

teaching and learning process. It can also make the students more

motivated to write. From the explanation above, the researcher is inspired


STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL (Classroom Action Research of the tenth

grade students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro in academic 2015/2016).

B. Statement of the Problem

Based on the explanation above, this research is aimed to answer

the following problems:

1. How can the implementation of edmodo website improve the students’

writing skill of the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro in the

academic year of 2015/2016?

2. Does the implementation of edmodo website improve the students’

writing skill of the tenth grade students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro in the

academic year of 2015/2016?

3. How significant is the influence of edmodo website in improving the

students’ writing skill of the tenth grade students of SMKN 1

Wonosegoro in the academic year of 2015/2016?

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C. Objective of the Study

The purposes of this research are as follows:

1. To describe the procedure of using edmodo website to improve

students’ writing skill.

2. To find whether the implementation edmodo website can improve the

students’ writing ability.

3. To find out how significant the use of edmodo website can improve

students’ writing skill.

D. Benefit of the Research

This research hopefully will be useful for the teachers, students and

researchers. There are the benefits of the research:

1. Theoretical benefit

The results of research can be used as the reference for teacher

about alternative media to improve students’ skill.

2. Practically benefits

a. The students will be motivated to write and enjoy in writing.

b. The result at this research can become an input to determine the

steps and strategy for teaching writing using edmodo website.

3. The research may be benefit for the writer in using online learning and

other reseachers as reference in make research.

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E. Limitation of the Study

The learning process especially in writing subject will be

successful if supported by various aspects of writing. One of the

supporting aspects is the selection of appropriate media of learning. The

use of attractive media makes students enjoy to practice and develop their

writing skill. Therefore, this research focuses on the using of edmodo

website as a one of online-learning media to improve of students’ writing

skill in SMKN 1 Wonosegoro.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Website

Website is place connected to the internet, where a company,

organization, etc puts information that can be found on the world wide

web (Oxford university, 2008:503)

2. Edmodo

According to Flanigan as quoted by Turst (2012) Edmodo

( is a social networking site with a layout an

design very similar to Facebook. Edmodo has more than 6.5 million

users and hosts online conferences called EdmodoCon with thousands

of attendees. Every member has a profile page that displays groups,

communities, and latest posts. Members can also upload a profile

picture and share links and videos. Each member has a personal library

and can add resources shared from other members. Members can view

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their libraries from anywhere (home, school, while traveling). Edmodo

also features subject and publisher communities. Subject communities

include Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Health, World

Languages, Computer Technology, Creative Arts, Special Education,

and Professional Development. In subject communities, members can

share resources, ask questions, and solicit ideas on the community


One of the unique and beneficial features of Edmodo is that it

allows teachers to create groups for their classes. After teachers create

group page, they receive a special code that they share with their

students. The students use this code to join the group. Teachers can

post notes, alerts, assignments, quizzes, polls, and grades on the group


3. Improving

Improving is to make better in quality or make more productive to

become better (Webster, 1994:487). In other dictionary, we can find

the word of improve which means the process of becoming or making

to the better (Oxford university press, 2008:222).

4. Writing

Writing is clearly a system of human intercommunication by

means of conventional visible marks, but it is evident from what has

been said that what the primitive understood as writing is not the same

things as what we do (Gelb, 1962:12). Other definition, writing is a

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partial representation of units of language expression (Robert,


G. Literature Review

The writer takes review of related literature from the previous

researches that pertinent with this research. The first research taken from

Amelia (2014). She focuses on the improving of students’ writing skill

through Video Demonstration. During the researcher using Video

Demonstration media the students more encourages and interesting to

write English than before. The result of the research can be seen from the

mean score of pre-test and post-test. In pre-test of VIII C (control class) is

higher than VIII D (experimental class): 64,18 > 63,45. In post-test of VIII

D is higher than VIII C: 77,27 > 66,18. This is indicate that students

writing ability can improve with apply video demonstration media.

The second research is from Karyawati (2014), she describes

encourage and discourage factors in online learning through edmodo

website. The researcher also found the strengths and the weaknesses of

edmodo website when compared it with other social media in the teaching

and learning process.

The diferences of this research with both previous researches from

Amelia and Karyawati are on the method. In this research, the writer uses

classroom action research and focus on the process-oriented approach in

writing classes. It is focuses on the applying edmodo as a new media to

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improve writing skill. By using a new media in the teaching and learning

process, the researcher hopes it can help improve the writing skills of adult

students through the employment of edmodo website. With the process-

oriented approach students have been introduced to new concepts such as

draft writing, peer response, and evaluation.

H. Research Paper Organization

The writer arranges the research in systematic paper, that is divided

into five chapters in order to the reader easy to catch the content.

Chapter I is introduction. This chapter consists of the background

of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, benefit of

the research, limitation of the study, definition of key terms, literature

review and research paper organization.

Chapter II is theoretical framework. In this chapter the researcher

explains about an overview of writing, an overview of website and an

overview of Edmodo.

Chapter III is research methodology. It consists of research setting

and subject, type of research, prosedure of research, technique of

collecting data and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV is data analysis. It is contains of result and discussion

of the research. The writer present about results of pre and post-

questionnaire, the implementation of CAR (cycle I and cycle II) and

results of pre-test and post-test (cycle I and cycle II).

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The chapter V states about closing of this research by presenting

the conclusions, and suggestions.

The last part is bibliography and appendices.

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A. An Overview of Writing

In this section, the writer discusses in turn definition of writing,

function of writing, types of writing, structure of writing and principles of

writing process.

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is far from being a simple matter of transcribing a

language into written symbols, it is a thinking process in its own right.

Certain cognitive psychologists have described it as the most complex

and demanding of all cognitive activities undertaken by human beings

(White and Arndt, 1994). Widdowson (1993:34) remarks "...writing is

usually an irksome activity, an ordeal to be avoided whenever possible.

It seems to require an expense of effort disproportionate to the actual

result". According to Gelb (1969), writing is clearly a system of human

intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks. Writing

began at the time when man learned how to communicate his thoughts

and feeling by means of visible signs, understandable not only to

himself but also to all other persons more or less initiated into the

particular system.

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Other definition is from Raymond as quoted by Fajriyani (2011:6-

7). He defines that writing is more than a medium of communication.

It means that writing is not just the way to communicate to each other

but also as means of ideas and emotional expression. Writing makes

word permanent, and thus expands the collective memory of human.

Beings from the relatively small store that we can remember and pass

on orally to the infinite capacity of a modern library.

2. Function of writing

Writing, of course, is perfectly intelligible without these

missing ingredients. But then writing is a medium for language in it is

own right, and though it is, in the last analysis, constructed on the basis

of spoken language, the aim of writing is not usually to represent

actual spoken utterances which have occured (Abercrombie, 1965:36).

The main purpose of writing down speech, in fact, is to enable us to

study speech; it is certainly not to provide a model of what written

language ought to look like. According to Halliday (1994), written

language has three functions, they are:

a. Primarily for action

Public signs (on roads and stations), product labels and

instructional (on food, tools, toys purchased), recipes, maps,

menus, telephone directories, computer manuals, etc.

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b. Primarily for information

Newspaper, hobby magazines, non-fiction books,

textbooks, public notices, advertisement, etc.

c. Primarily for entertainment

Light magazines, comic strips, fiction books, poetry and

drama etc.

According to Braine and May as quoted by Fajriyani

(2011:8-9), there are four common purposes in writing: writing to

inform, writing to explain, writing to persuade, and writing to

amuse others. First, writing to inform means to educate the readers

about a topic of which we have some knowledge. Such writing

provides interesting details and facts to hold an audience’s

attention. It means that writers share interest knowledge to readers

knows. Second, writing to explain is to describe the topic which

was not clearly becomes more understandable, by using examples

or other facts. In other words, a writer takes what is unclear and

makes it clear. Then, writing to persuade is more demanding and

more ambitious than many other types of writing. It means that

writers convince the readers to accept the ideas. The last, writing to

amuse other means someone who uses language and established

forms well to express his or her point of view. It is writing to

entertain and give the reader something to enjoy.

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3. Types of Writing

a. Argument

Argument writing is used for many purposes such as, to

change reader’s point of view, to bring about some action on the

reader’s part, or to ask the reader to accept the writer’s explanation

or evaluation of a concept, issue or problem. An argument is a

reasoned, logical way of demonstrating that the writer’s position,

belief, or conclusion is valid.

b. Information/explanatory

Information/explanatory writing conveys information

accurately. This kind of writing serves one or more closely related

purposes, such as, to increase reader’s knowledge of a subject, to

help readers better understand a procedure or process, or to provide

readers with an enhanced comprehension of a concept.

c. Narative

Narrative writing conveys experience, either real or

imaginary, and uses time as its deep structure. It can be used for

many purposes, such as to inform, instruct, persuade, or entertain.

4. Structure of writing

To get the good writing results, the writer should pay attention

on each part of structure in writing. The writing is composed from

sentences and paragraphs that are coherent.

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a. Sentence

A sentence is a group of words that makes a complete

statement. Sentences can be commands, questions or direct

statements. English sentence structure includes three basic types of


1) Simple sentences

Simple sentences usually contain one subject and one verb.

For examples:

a) Kids love television.

b) Brazil and the United States are large countries.

2) Compound sentences

Compound sentences are usually made up of two simple

sentences (or independent clauses). Compound sentences need

a coordinating conjunction (connector) to combine the two

sentences. For examples:

a) Mega studied hard, so the test was easy for her.

b) Mega studied hard, but her brother did not study at all.

3) Complex sentences

Complex sentences are made up two parts. Complex

sentences, however, contain one independent clause and (at

least) one dependent clause. For examples:

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a) The hurricane struck while we were at the mall.

b) After president gave his speech, he answered most of the

reporter’s questions.

Here are some strategies for taking the circled information and

creating a new sentences according to Folse, et al. (2002):

1) Create time phrases to introduce or and a sentence: yesterday,


2) Find key noun: storm

3) Find key adjectives: strong

4) Create noun phrase: a strong + storm

5) Change word forms: movement→move

6) Create prepositional phrase: towards the North Carilina coast

There are some other strategies for constructing better


1) Use coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, yet, so, etc) to

connect two sets of ideas.

2) Use subordinating conjunctions, such as after, while, since, etc.

To connect related ideas.

3) Use relative pronoun, such as who, which, that, and whose, to

describe more about an idea.

4) Use pronouns to refer to previously mentioned information.

5) Use possessive adjectives and pronouns, such as my, her, his,

ours, and theirs.

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b. Paragraph

Paragraph is a group of related sentences that discuss one

(and usually only one) main idea. A paragraph can be as short as

one sentence or as long as ten sentences. The number of sentences

is not important, however, the paragraph should be long enough to

develop the main idea clearly. Parts of a paragraph are as follow:

1) Topic sentence

The topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. It

not only names the topic of the paragraph, but it also limmits

the topic to one spesific area that can be discussed completely

in the space.

2) Supporting sentence

Supporting sentences develop the topic sentence. That is

explain or prove the topic sentence by giving more information

about it.

3) Concluding sentences

The concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph

and leaves the reader with important point to remember.

Concluding sentences are customary for stand-alone paragraph.

However, paragraphs that are parts of a longer piece of writing

usually do not need concludng sentences.

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c. Mechanics

Mechanics explain the rule of punctuation and

capitalization. Punctuation marks work just like highway signs and

traffic signals to guide the reader and maintain the flow of written

ideas. There are eleven commonly used punctuation markers:

1) The Period (.)

2) The Question Mark (?)

3) The Exclamation Point (!)

4) The Comma (,)

5) The Semicolon (;)

6) The Colon (:)

7) The Dash ())

8) Parentheses, Brackets, Braces([{}])

9) The Hyphen (-)

10) The Apostrophe (')

11) Quotation Marks (“ ” )

d. Grammar

Grammar includes question transformations, negation,

tenses, and sentence combining.

5. Principles of Writing Process

Writing process is learning how to write by writing. This current

emphasis in writing instruction focuses on the process of creating

writing rather than the end product. The basic premise of process

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writing is that all children, regardless of age, can write. The initial

focus is on creating quality content and learning the genres of writing.

Obviously, grammar, aural comprehension, reading, and even oral

production are to varying degrees involved in writing. Certainly we

cannot teach a writing which never touches on these area (Allen and

Campbell, 1972:199). Writing is much more than an orthographic

symbolization of speech, it is most importantly, a purposeful selection

and organization of experience. When writing, the students must keep

in mind their purpose, and think about the facts they will need to select

which are relevant to that purpose, and think about how to organize

those facts in a coherent fashion. Because the combination of thought

and activity are unique to writing, we must plan writing curriculum

devise to exercise which necessitate intense concentration.

Obviously, just as writing is a process, so too is the teaching of

writing. Teacher must teach writing by stages from simple to complex.

Because we cannot expect students to understand all what they learned

about writing at once, or even in a short time, we must use some way

to make student easy in understanding the complexity of the writing.

The stages of writing process should involve at least four steps: pre-

writing, drafting, revising and editing.

a. Pre-writing

Pre-writing is anything the writers do before they write. It includes:

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1) Thinking

2) Taking notes

3) Talking to others

4) Brainstorming

5) Outlining

6) Getting information

b. Drafting

Drafting is when the writers put their ideas into sentences

and paragraphs. This is when the writers think about how they will

explain their ideas.

c. Revising

Revising is when the writer look at their writing and decide

what could be better. When the writers revise, they should make


1) The ideas are clear.

2) The sentences have a good structure.

3) The paragraphs have a good structure.

4) The ideas are well organized.

d. Editing

Editing is when the writers check their spelling, grammar and

punctuation. The writers should not edit their writing until the

other steps in the writing process are done.

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There are the other steps in the writing process that teacher can

choose as stages to make students easy to learn:

a. choosing a topic

b. brainstorming

c. outline and rough draft

d. cleaning up the rough draft

e. peer editing

f. revising the draft

g. proofing the final paper

Writing also has strategies that includes cognitive and

metacognitive procedures writers use to control the production of

writing. The writing strategies involved in each form usually require

explicit teaching, frequent practice and information given to students

about their progress. According to Hedgcock as quoted by Boas

(2011), the procedural aspects of writing instruction for students are

often insufficient. In particular, the writing assignments in textbooks

published by international publishers do not always provide the

information students need in order to develop effective writing

strategies. Teachers should therefore plan their instruction to

encompass all the stages of the writing process: brainstorming for

ideas that are related to students’ lives and about which they will have

something to say; pre-writing that uses graphic organizers and outlines

to show students how to plan their writing; drafting, revising, and

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asking for feedback through peer review; and using assessment rubrics

that are shown to students before they produce their texts to make

expectations clear.

B. An Overview of Website

In this section, the writer discusses in turn definition of website and

website elements.

1. Definition of Website

The website is usually shortened to the “web” is a system of

interlinked hypertext documents accessed through the Internet.

Although many people use the terms “Internet” and “web”

interchangeably, in reality the Internet is the system that facilitates the

transfer of data and the web is the data itself. The web is just one of the

ways that data can be disseminated over the Internet. So the Internet is

not the web and the two terms should not be confused or used

interchangeably (Jackson, 2009). The WWW is a hypermedia-based

system for browsing Internet sites. It is named the web because it is

named the web because it is made of many sites linked together; users

can travel from one site to another by clicking on hyperlinks. Text,

graphics, sound, and video can all be accessed with browsers like

Mosaic, Netscape, or Internet Explorer.

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2. Website Elements

Every websites must have some elements, there are some

elements that is used to build a website:

a. Web Server

A Web Server is a computer intended to house and deliver

web content. The computer is secured so that only authorized

people can access it to make changes to the data. If they are on the

same network as the Web Server, they may be able to save the data

directly onto the Web Server computer (if authorized). If, however,

they are not on the same network as the Web Server, they must

connect to it remotely using a login and password specifically set

up for that purpose. In this case the data is sent to the server using

the FTP protocol or Secure FTP (which requires FTP or SFTP soft-

ware to be installed on local computer). The web server is

responsible for:

1) Accepting requests for content described by the url

2) Checking whether access is permitted and requesting

authentication if necessary

3) Sending (or serving) the content back to the browser

b. Web Hosting

Web Hosting or Hosting is hiring service of data space that

used to save website data in order to access website anywhere by

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Internet. The web data like html, php script, cgi script, css, image,

database and other file that needed to show web page.

c. Resource identifiers/ Uniform Resource Locators (URI, URL)

A Uniform Resource Locator (formerly Universal Resource

Locator) is An Internet address which tells a browser where to find

an Internet resource. For example, the URL for the ISS is There are three component of URL:


HyperText Transfer Protocol (http) is The protocol

most often used to transfer information from World Wide Web

servers to browsers, which is why web addresses begin with


2) Hostname

Hostname is the unique name that identifies a computer

on a network. On the Internet, the host name is in the form

""; if there is only one Internet site the host name

is the same as the domain name. However, one computer can

have more than one host name if it hosts more than one Internet

site (for example, "" and ""); in that

case "comp" and "home" are host.

3) Domain

Domain is an Internet address in alphabetic form.

Domain names must have at least 2 parts: the part on the left

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which names the organization, and the part on the right which

identifies the highest subdomain, such as the country or the

type of organisation. For example, an address of

“” shows that it is an organisation and

identifies it as an eductional institution in the Indonesia. There

are the common domain that used in the world:

a) .com : Business commercial

b) .edu : Educational institute

c) .gov : Government site anywhere

d) .org : Charity or similar

e) .mil : military

f) .net : Network Organization

g) .co : Business

C. An Overview of Edmodo

In this section, the writer discusses in turn definition of edmodo,

history of edmodo, principle of edmodo, the benefits of edmodo and

advantages and disadvatages of edmodo.

1. Definition of Edmodo

Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a

social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a

classroom. Edmodo is a social learning network and discussion

platform where teachers and students can interact and collaborate

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online. Using Edmodo, students and teachers can reach out to one

another and connect by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips.

A teacher can assign and grade work on Edmodo, students can

get help from the entire class on Edmodo. It is a safe environment.

There is no bullying or inappropriate content, because the teacher can

see everything that is posted on Edmodo. Also parents can join the

class to bring a level of transparency that is difficult to achieve without

technology. All in all Edmodo is a great companion to just about any


2. History of Edmodo

Edmodo is owned, operated, created, and funded by Nicolas

Borg and Jeff O'Hara in San Mateo, California, in 2008. Nic is a web

developer for the Kaneland Community School District in Maple Park,

Illinois and Jeff is a network administrator for the Community School

District in Wheaton, Illinois. Working in the field of education, both

men set out to bridge the gap between how students live their lives and

how they learn in school. They felt that teachers were not using

technology appropriately to connect with students.

3. Principle of Edmodo

What makes Edmodo is so unique compared to other Web, is

the fact that it is a secure, closed network. This gives both teachers and

parents peace of mind because they know that students will not interact

with any strangers. Edmodo combines many of the beneficial

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applications that are available on Facebook, Twitter and Blogger.

For example, it has an interface similar to Facebook. Also, students

can participate in discussions online that are similar to that of Twitter.

Not only that, but students can post their work just like Blogger. There

are the basic features of Edmodo:

a. First Page of Edmodo

Picture 2.1

Edmodo First Page

This page will be appear when open the edmodo link

( in your browser. The first time, user should

sign up before. User can choose their identity as a teacher or a


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b. Home Page of Edmodo

Picture 2.2

Edmodo Home Page

There are many menus that user can be use in the teaching and

learning process:

1) Home

The home bar is also called wall or porch will appear when

user open their edmodo account. User can choose some

activities and see their notification.

2) Progress

The progress is used to see students’ result attainment of

the lesson, it looked at from students projects.

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3) Library

The Library can be a handy tool. Every file (document,

picture, video, hyperlink, etc.) that gets uploaded on Edmodo

will end up in the Library. There is no limit to how many files

can be added to the Library.

4) Search box

It is used to search quickly of posts, groups, users, apps and


5) Edmodo spotlight

It is used to share the best teaching resources discover,

lessonplans, worksheets and more through Edmodo’s Global

educator network.

6) Notification

This is a handy feature to get a quick idea of what is a

waiting the user every time they log into Edmodo. It will tell

you if you have any new Direct messages, Replies, Turned in

assignments, or Alerts. To view the information, simply click

on what they want to see.

7) Account

This bar provides Invitation, setting, profils, help, and


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8) Planner/calender

The calendar is very versatile. Every assignment posted on

Edmodo will automatically be added to the calendar and the

calendar of each student in that Group.

9) Groups

Groups are basically classes for students to join. It is very

easy to create a group and just as easy for students to join that


10) Comunities

Communities will allow user to connect to other teachers

around the world through Edmodo. This will allow user to

share ideas, help other teachers, and join relevant discussions

from other professionals in their field. User is automatically

joined with the Support Community. If user have any problems

with Edmodo, they can post a question here, someone from

Edmodo will respond (usually within a day) to help they out.

11) The Basics of Posting

Now that user groups are created, let’s take a look at some

of the basic features that Edmodo has to offer. Most are

obvious and straightforward, and nearly all of them are mean

to help increase communication and make the class a better


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a) Posting Notes

This is the main feature of what makes Edmodo great.

The ability for teachers and students to post and respond to

other posts easily and in real time. It is very easy to do and

very helpful.

b) Posting Alerts

Alerts are used to send important messages to people or

groups. It is done the same way but will appear in larger

font and in bold. It will also show up in the Notifications.

c) Creating an Assignment

Like writing a Note, Alert, or Poll, creating an

Assignment is very easy. What is great about creating an

assignment in Edmodo is user can attach just about any

type of file they want to the assignment. They can add as

many files as user want to an assignment but they must add

them individually. In other words user cannot select ten

files and upload them simultaneously.

d) Posting Polls

Polls are pretty neat. User can create questions with

multiple choices and the people in the group vote on it.

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e) Creating a Quiz

Edmodo offers a way to create and give online quizzes.

Just like an assignment, once user create a quiz, it is saved

and they can give it again at a later date.

12) Menus Addition

Edmodo also has menu addition, there are store, manage

apps and apps launcher.

4. The Benefits of Edmodo

The use of Edmodo can give some benefits to the users. They are:

a. Discussion forum.

b. Learning material management.

c. Asynchronous document sharing.

d. Content Library allows teachers to store unlimited content for easy

sharing and re-use.

e. Secure platforms which ensures safety and privacy for users.

f. No private information is required from students.

g. Students join classes by invitation only from teacher/instructor (i.e.

via a group code).

h. Teacher/instructor has full management control.

i. Teacher/instructor can track student progress.

j. Mobile learning - anytime, anyplace.

k. Mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms.

l. Accessible via mobile browser (

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m. Updates and notifications on the go.

n. Ability to create polls, quizzes, assignments, notes, blogs and award

badges online.

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Edmodo

In using Edmodo, there are some advantages and disadvantages to

the users. They are:

a. Advantagesadvantages

1) Easy to use.

2) Cost is Free.

3) It is a very secure, closed network.

4) Teachers can create connections with other students from

different schools, states, or cultures.

5) Provides a multitude of community resources and connections

teachers can make with other teachers.

6) Teachers can differentiate instruction by creating subgroups of


7) Students can upload homework assignments, take quizzes, polls

and receive grades and feedback and suggestions from teachers.

8) Parents can be involved by viewing their child's work and

grades, and keep in touch with teachers.

9) Provides a method for sharing documents and digital media


10) Great tool for use with mobile devices and for mobile learning.

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11) The tool works with all browser types.

b. Disadvantages

1) Text messaging is not an available feature.

2) The interface (i.e. the look and feel) of the website is too plain

and boring for students and educators than business website.

3) If a student does not have access to a computer and the internet,

or a mobile device they would not be able to use the tool.

4) There is no face-to-face interaction which can lead to feelings

of isolation.

5) Lag time in feedback response from peers and/or teachers.

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This chapter discusses research setting and subject, type of research,

procedure of the research, technique of collecting data, and technique of data


A. Research Setting and Subject

1. Setting of the Research

The setting of the research is in the SMKN 1 Wonosegoro. It is

located in Wonosegoro-Guwo KM 1, Wonosegoro, Boyolali.

a. The Profile of SMK N 1 Wonosegoro

SMKN 1 Wonosegoro is the first vocational high school in

Wonosegoro. Wonosegoro as one of district in Boyolali. Since

2002 many Wonosegoro’ students interested in vocational high

school because it is taught about life skills and the students hoped

they would get a job as soon as possible. On the other side,

Wonosegoro only had 2 Senior high school and had no a

vocational high school. Based on the above consideration, dr.

Djaka Srijanta as a regent of Boyolali decided to built a vocational

high school located at Wonosegoro – Guwo KM 1. According to

the official letter Skep/65/III/2000 25 March 2002 the regent

successed to build a vocational high school in Wonosegoro. That

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was SMKN 1 Wonosegoro which had five study programs. Now,

SMKN 1 Wonosegoro has good improvement in all of aspects not

only in infrastructure but also in medium of teaching. Total number

of students in SMKN 1 Wonosegoro in the academic year of

2015/2016 is 955 students. Many students are interested in SMKN

1 Wonosegoro because it has good quality and study programs.

SMKN 1 Wonosegoro is the only vocational high school in

Boyolali which has Management Quality System ISO 9001: 2008.

In 7 February 2012 PT TUV Rheinland Indonesia come to SMKN

1 Wonosegoro to make external audit. External audit is a routine

program in every year that has a goal to audit the management

quality system in SMKN 1 Wonosegoro.

b. Study programs

Study programs are one of the reasons why students

interested in vocational high school. Study program will make

students easier to improve their skill and talent. SMKN 1

Wonosegoro has five study programs, as follows:

1) Computer Technique

2) Multimedia Technique

3) Motorcycle Technique

4) Vehicle Technique

5) Electronic Industry

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c. The Organization Structure of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro

Every school needs a good management, because it will

influence the quality of the school. The organization structure of

SMKN 1 Wonosegoro could be seen in the following figure. The

Organization Structure of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro



Teachers and staff in SMKN 1 Wonosegoro are 76 people.

Teachers are the important aspect in teaching and learning process,

so all of teachers in SMKN 1 Wonosegoro have different duties

that appropriate with their educational background. A good

administration will help school to make improvement in every

Head Master

Suyatna, S.Pd, M.Pd


Drs. Muttaqin

Ka. Tata Usaha

Marjono, S. Pd






i M

. S






i K

, S

. K














f Y

, S






o S

, S



S 4




, S



S 3





i, S



S 2


ik N

, S




S 1






Page 52: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

academic year, so every school should have a good administrator

or staff.





1 Suyatna, M.Pd English/ Head Master

2 Indah purwaningsih,S.Psi Counseling

3 Drs. M. Akhyar History

4 Marwanto, S.Pd Mathematics

5 Drs. Mutaqqin Islamic Religion

6 Ibnu Munawar, S.Pd Mathematics

7 Dra. Anik Lestari Indonesian Language

8 Choirul hidayati, S.Pd Chemistry

9 Tacuk Hukus S, S.Pd KK.TMO

10 Anisah Yuliyati, S.Pd Entrepreneurship

11 Sri Rinaningsih, S.Pd Chemistry

12 Shodiq akhyari, S.Pd Entrepreneurship

13 Sri hartanti, S.Pd Culture

14 Ismah, S.Kom Information Systems

15 Dwi erna nurlistyawati, S.Pd Mathematics

16 Dwi Widiyawati, S.Pd Physics

17 Ahmad Jaelani, S.Pd Indonesian Language

Page 53: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

18 Koptianida, S.Pd Indonesian & Java Language

19 Prayitno, S.Pd Physics

20 Tutik Fahimah, S.Pd Civic Education

21 Tyas utami, S.Pd Mathematics

22 M. Sigit Wahyu N, ST KK.TMO

23 Zuntatik, S.Pd Javanese language

24 Maskur mujiono, S.Psi Counseling

25 Joko saptono, S.Pd KK. TMO

26 Adan Bagus AW, A.Md Multimedia

27 Arif Yulianto, S.Pd KK. TMO

28 Heri purwanto KK.TKJ

29 Mursyidun Niam, ST KK. TMO

30 Sri Jawari, S.Pd History

31 Teguh warih prakoso, S.Kom KK. TKJ

32 Muntafiah, S.Pd Mathematics

33 Didik Nuryadi, S.Kom KK.TKJ

34 Syamsiyah, A.Md KKPI/ KK.MM

35 Wakidah Heri Wahyuni, S.Pd Mathematics

36 Fani hidayat KK.TMO

37 Drs. Wasidi Social Science

38 Siti aisyah, S.Pd.I Religion

39 Joko Sutomo, S.Pd Sports

Page 54: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

40 Afif eko saputro, S.Pd KK.TMO

41 M. Yasin S.Ag Religion

42 Purnomo, S.Pd KK. TMO

43 Siwi Handayani, S.Pd Physics

44 Ina Saptaningsih, S.Pd English

45 Siwi pamungkas, S.Pd Indonesian Language

46 Suharsono, ST KK.TMO

47 Anik masykuroh, S.Si Chemistry

48 Syaifudin wismono, S.Pd Sports

49 Agung manic pralampita, ST KK.TMO

50 Suhardi, S.Pd KK.TMO

51 Rahayu maksum, S.Pd KK. TKJ

52 Kusmiyati maslihatul U,



53 Agus alfi makarim, S.T KK. TKJ

54 Andi Nur S, S.Pd Counseling

55 Dwi Agung Raharjo, A.Md Technique of Informatics

56 Putriana Puji N, S.Kom Technique of Informatics

57 Budi Utomo Sports

58 Nurul Hidayati, S.Ag Religion

59 Zeni Tutun H, S.Pd Culture

60 Kholifah Martha Y, S.Pd Javanese Language

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61 Ratna Widi Y, SS English

62 Nadiroh S.Pd English




1 Marjono, S.Pd Staff

2 Sri sundari, SE Staff

3 Dwi irawati, A.Md Staff

4 Dini arianingtyas, A.Md Staff

5 Hari sunarto, A.Md Staff

6 Sri aminingsih Staff

7 Sutikno Security

8 Tugiyo Staff

9 Susanto Staff

10 Solikin Staff

11 Hartoyo Staff

12 Ismadi Gardener

13 Suwari Gardener

14 Catur Wibowo Security

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d. The List of Educational Facilities

Facilities are needed in each school to support teaching and

learning process. If a school has good facilities, the students will

have great motivation to learn overall lesson. The teachers also will

have great enthusiasm to teach the students when supported by

good facilities. The following table shows the facilities of SMKN 1





No Facilities Total

1 Classroom 24

2 Computer Laboratory 2

3 Volley Ball field 1

4 Ceremony field 1

5 Head master’s office 1

6 Teacher’s office 1

7 Chief office 1

8 Administration office 1

9 Library 1

10 Cafeteria 3

11 Toilet 12

Page 57: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

12 Counselling room 1

13 UKS 1

14 Sains Laboratory 1

15 Multimedia room 1

16 Machine shop 4

17 Mosque 1

18 Security post 1

e. Vision and Misions of SMK N 1 Wonosegoro

1) Vision

Being a vocational high school that produce productive

employment, independent, competitive in global era and noble.

2) Missions

This school has several missions to achieve the vision. They


1. Implementing a competency-based learning systems and


2. Producting graduates who are devoted and noble,

competent and independent.

3. Establishing adaptive and innovative attitude, and have a

strong commitment to the results achieved.

4. Preparing graduates who are competent in their field and

able to compete in the employment.

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5. Improving the quality of Human Resources.

6. Building a reliable entrepreneurial spirit.

7. Optimizing community participation and Production Unit in

the development of the school.

8. Preparing graduates who can compete in the global era and

air-IMTAQ high.

2. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is the tenth grade students in SMKN 1

Wonosegoro of the academic year 2015/2016, class X Multimedia 2 in

number of 32 students. To keep the confidenciality of the students as

subject of the research, the name of students in the X Multimedia 2

wrote in code that is S letter and number. For example, for first

students’ data used code S1.


List of Students of Tenth Grade in Class Multimedia 2

No. Name Gender No. Name Gender

1 S1 Male 17 S17 Female

2 S2 Female 18 S18 Female

3 S3 Male 19 S19 Female

4 S4 Female 20 S20 Female

5 S5 Male 21 S21 Male

6 S6 Female 22 S22 Female

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7 S7 Female 23 S23 Female

8 S8 Female 24 S24 Female

9 S9 Female 25 S25 Female

10 S10 Male 26 S26 Female

11 S11 Male 27 S27 Female

12 S12 Female 28 S28 Female

13 S13 Female 29 S29 Female

14 S14 Female 30 S30 Female

15 S15 Female 31 S31 Female

16 S16 Female 32 S32 Female

B. Type of Research

According to Kember (2000), Classroom Action Research is a

problem-based research which its aims are to solve the problems that arise

in the class and to make an improvement in teaching learning activity

through cyclical process which involves some phases of planning, acting,

observing and reflecting.

Classroom Action Research is a study conducted to improve

yourself, work experience itself, which is carried out in a systematic,

planned, and introspektic (Kemmis and Mc. Taggart, 1988). Classroom

Action Research has a goal to improve and enhance the quality of learning

and to help empower of the teachers in solve learning problems in the

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school. According to Muslich (2012), Classroom Action Research has

some characteristics, they are:

1. The problem of Classroom Action Research begins with teachers.

2. The purpose of Classroom Action Research is to improve learning


3. Classroom Action Research is a collaborative research.

4. Classroom Action Research is the kind of research that make a specific

action to improve the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

5. Classroom Action Research can bridge the gap between theory and

practice of education.

C. Prosedure of Research

Classroom Action Research consists of some cycles. Every cycle

includes 4 steps: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. These cycles

are conducted one after another.

The writer conducted the research in two cycles: those are cycle I

and cycle II. The steps in every cycle are same. The steps in every cycle

are as follows:

Page 61: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the



1. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

a. Preparing materials; making lesson plan, and design the steps in

doing the action.

b. Preparing list of the students’ name and scoring.

c. Preparing Edmodo Website and teaching-aids.

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation

of teaching-learning process when the method or technique or

mode in applied).

Page 62: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students’ writing skill improve or


2. Action

After planning, the teacher and the researcher do some activities in

the classroom based on the planning. they are some schedules of the

research in each cycle:

a. Giving pre-test

b. Teaching the material

c. Team study

d. Giving opportunity to the students to ask about difficulties

e. Giving post-test

3. Observation

Observing is an observation activity to know how far the action

influence the students’ ability. In this step, researcher observed

teaching learning process. The researcher saw the students’ attitude

and took the students’ achievement. The aim of observation is to

collect data. Then the researcher evaluated the data of research

reflected them.

4. Reflection

The result of the observation is analyzed. It is to remember what

has been written in observation. Reflection seeks to memorize sense of

the process, problems and real issues in strategic action. It takes

Page 63: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

account of the comprehension the issues and it circumstance in which

they are arisen.

Reflection is an evaluation aspect, it asks the writer to expand the

experience, to judge whether effects were desirable, and suggest ways

of processing. Reflection is done by discussing the researcher with

collaborator. Then the next cycle can decide or designed.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data in this study is qualitative data and

quantitative data. The qualitative data used in this research consists of

questionnaire, documentation and field note. While for quantitative data

the writer uses the scores from pre-test and post-test.

1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a form containing a set of questions that is gives

to students about aspects of the classroom, curriculum or teaching

method. The purposes of the questionnaire is the researcher able to get

information from students before and after classroom action research.

2. Documentation

Documentation used to record visual data and take photo in the

teaching and learning proccess. It has purpose to get some datas and

evidences that needed of researcher.

Page 64: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

3. Field Note

Field Note used of researcher to record of teaching and learning

activities in the classroom. For examples are classroom atmosphere

description and students’ attitude. There are four uses of field note in

classroom research according to Hopkins (1993):

a. They can focus on a particular issue or teaching behaviour over a

period of time.

b. They can reflect general impressions of the classroom and its


c. They can provide an ongoing description of an individual child that

is amenable to interpretation and use in case study.

d. They can record our development as teachers.

4. Test

The test implemented in this study consists of pre-test and post-

test. Pre-test is given in the first time, before the researcher take an

action. While, post-test is implemented after classroom action research

in the last session of teaching learning activity. The test has purposes

to measure students’ ability and to know the effectiveness of method,

media or technique in improving students ability. Table 3.1 shows the

example of scoring sheet.

Page 65: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the




of Writing

Scores Indicators






Relevant to the topic and easy to understand

Rather relevant to the topic and easy to understand

Relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to


Quite relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to







Most of the sentences are related to the main idea

Some sentences are related to the main idea

Few sentences related to the main idea

The sentences are unrelated to each other








A few errors in choice of words, spelling and


Some errors in choice of words, spelling and


Occasional errors in choice of words, spelling and


Frequent errors in choice of words, spelling and


Grammar 4 A few grammatical inaccuracies

Page 66: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the




Some grammatical inaccuracies

Numerous grammatical inaccuracies

Frequent grammatical inaccuracies

E. Technique of Data Analysis

There are two ways to analyze the data, there are:

1. Descriptive Technique

A descriptive technique is used to know the students behavior

during the teaching and learning process. In descriptive technique, the

researcher analyzes the observation sheet that has been made before.

The observetion is presented in table 3.2






Note A B C D






Page 67: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


A : Paying Attention

B : Activeness in asking questions

C : Activeness in responding question

D : Enthusiasm in doing test

2. Statistical Technique

A statistical technique is used to know the results of using

Edmodo Website toward improvement students’ writing skill from pre-

test and post-test. Based on Arikunto (2010) the steps are:

a. Mean

This Mean calculation this to know the average of the

students’ score. The formula is:

M =Fx



M : Mean of the students’ score

𝐹𝑥 : The sum of students’ score

𝑁 : The total number of students

b. SD (Deviation Standard)

The formula used for calculating standard deviation is as


SD = √∑D2

N− (

∑ D



Page 68: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

c. T-test

After calculating the Deviation Standard, the writer will

calculate t-test to know is there any significant differences or no

between pre-test and post-test by the following formula:


(∑ DN )


√N − 1)


to : T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D : Difference between pre test and post test

N : Number of observations in sample

Page 69: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the



In this research, the writer analyzed data collected from 32 students of the first

grade of SMK N 1 Wonosegoro in the academic year of 2015/2016. In this

research, the writer acts as the teacher and learning process observed by her

partner Ulfah Rahmawati. The writer had two cycles. The steps were: planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting.

A. The Results of Pre-Questionnaire

The pre-questionnaire was conducted to know about the students’

response about English lesson especially in writing skill. The questionnaire

was given to the students in X Multimedia 2 (TMM 2) SMKN 1 Wonosegoro

on Thursday, 3 September 2015. The description of the pre-questionnaire is

as follow:

1. The students’ response toward media that their teacher used in English

specially in writing subject .

The results show that all students said that the teacher up till now

used write board and marker as the media to teach. Thus, it is clear that

teachers and students in the X TMM 2 never use Edmodo Website in the

teaching and learning proccess. This could be inferred that teachers in the

class did not use variation in media while teaching writing. In other

Page 70: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

words, the teachers lacked of innovation especially dealing with the use

of various media in teaching proccess.

2. The students’ response to the question about their opinion for the media

that their teacher used.

The results show that 100% students are satisfied and enjoyed with

the media their teacher currently used. The writer assumed that students

did not complain anything to their teachers dealing with the use of

monotonous media, because they never know other media. So, they

never compare the current media used (white board and marker) to other

because they did not know.

3. The students’ response toward their improvement of writing motivation

using their teachers’current media (white board and marker).

The results show that 28% of the students thought that the use of

white board and marker did not improve their motivation to write. On the

other hand, 13% of the students stated that the use of white board and

marker improve a bit their writing motivation. Meanwhile, 59%

answered that their motivation is improved, however the reason were

students not because of the use of white board and marker their

motivation improved in their writing class. Their motivation improved

was because the way their teachers motivated the students in words.

From this questionnaire, it cannot be inferred anything about whether the

use of white board and marker can improve the students’ motivation. But

Page 71: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

at least 41% students do not find the use of white board and marker can

motivate them to write.

4. The students’ response toward Edmodo Website.

The results show that all the studdents did not know about Edmodo

Website. They just heard about the terminology of Edmodo Website from

this questionnaire.

5. The students’ response toward Edmodo Website using.

Since, all the students just heard about Edmodo Website, thus the

results of this question show that they never use it in the teaching and

learning proccess.

B. Cycle I

1. The Steps of Cycle I

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer and the partner made a planning for the

action based upon the problems faced by students toward writing

ability. In this case, the writer determined the selected material and

exercises into a lesson plan using Edmodo Website. The writer also

prepared field notes or observation sheet to observe the students’ and

the teachers’ activities in teaching learning process whether it was in

line with the lesson plan had made before or not. And the writer also

prepared the pre-test and post-test 1 to collect the data; to know

whether there are some students’ improvement scores from pre-test to

Page 72: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

post-test. The last, the writer prepared the class that is computer

laboratory that has internet connection.

b. Action

Action of the first cycle was done on 2 and 4 September 2015.

The writer implemented the teaching learning process based on the

lesson plan had been made. In the first meeting, the teacher started to

convey what materials that would like to be learned by students and

explain the concept of Edmodo Website and how to work with

Edmodo Website, she began class presentation. The writer taught

descriptive text through powerpoint and asked the students to make

exercise about descriptive text based on the topic given and post their

work in the Edmodo Website. In the second meeting, the students and

teacher corrected students’ work that have been posted in the Edmodo

Website. The teacher explain about steps of writing and ask students

to make a draft. The final draft was the data for the post-test 1.

c. Observing

In this phase, the observer observed the teaching learning

process through field notes; it might be about class situation, students’

response, and teachers’ performance in presented the material. Related

to the students’ response, many of students pay attention on teacher

explanation. Then, they gave up and lazy if they did not find some

words what they are going to write. The teacher had taught in line

Page 73: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

with the lesson plan had been made. The situation of the classroom

was noisy but the teacher could handle it.

In the second action of the first cycle, the students seemed more

focus and so motivated to learn. Then, the teacher could intensive

guide to students in made draft. After teaching learning process

finished, in this observing phase was also carried out the post-test 1.

Based on the result of the post-test 1, the data showed that the mean

score of post-test was 58.20. There were 9 students who passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM)

75. Meanwhile, 23 students did not passed the KKM.

e. Reflecting

In this phase, the writer and the observer discussed about the

conclusion of implementing the action. Then, they tried to modify the

action in order students’ writing ability and in order 75% of students

in the class could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) because in the result of post-test 1

showed only 28.12% of students who passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Meanwhile, field

notes showed that the teaching learning activities has done well

although there were some problems that should be solved. From the

reflecting phase, there must be more efforts to improve students’

writing skill. It needed to be improved again in the next cycle.

Page 74: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

2. The Results of Pre-test and Post-test

The pre-test has been given to the students before the action. It was

conducted on Thursday, 2 September 2015. Whereas, the post-test was

given to the students on Saturday, 4 September 2015. The results of both

pre-test and post-test in cycle I is presented in table 4.1.




No. Name X Y D 𝐃𝟐

1 S1 25 37.5 12.5


2 S2 25 75* 50


3 S3 25 50 25


4 S4 31.25 50 26.25


5 S5 56.25 56.25 0


6 S6 25 50 25


7 S7 25 75* 50


8 S8 37.5 75* 37.5


9 S9 25 50 25


10 S10 25 50 25


11 S11 25 56.25 31.25


12 S12 25 75* 50


13 S13 25 43.75 18.72


Page 75: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

14 S14 25 50 25 625

15 S15 37.5 75* 37.5 1406.25

16 S16 25 50 25 625

17 S17 25 56.25 31.25 976.56

18 S18 43.75 62.5 18.75 350.43

19 S19 25 50 25 625

20 S20 43.75 25 -18.75 350.43

21 S21 25 43.75 18.75 350.43

22 S22 25 68.75 43.75 1914.06

23 S23 43.75 81.25* 37.5 1406.25

24 S24 31.25 75* 43.75 1914.06

25 S25 31.25 50 26.25 689.06

26 S26 25 75* 50 2500

27 S27 25 56.25 31.25 976.56

28 S28 31.25 75* 43.75 1914.06

29 S29 25 62.5 37.5 1406.25

30 S30 25 56.25 31.25 976.56

31 S31 25 56.25 31.25 976.56

32 S32 25 50 25 625

Total 937.5 1862.5 902.47 34199.26

* : The students who past KKM ( 75 )

X : The result of pre-test

Page 76: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Y : The result of post-test

D : The difference score between pre-test and post-test

From the table, there is no one of students of X TMM 2 who

passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) in the pre-test. After did the cycle I, students who did not pass the

Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) is 23

students or 71.88% of the students in the post-test. While, just 9 students

or 28.12% of the students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

After knowing the results of pre-test and post-test, the writer also

found out the mean of pre-test and post-test to know the difference scores

between pre-test and post-test. The calculation is as follows:

a. Mean of pre-test

M =Fx


M =937.5


M = 29.29

b. Mean of post-test

M =Fx


M =1862.51


M = 58.20

Page 77: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Mean of pre-test = 29.29

Mean of post-test = 58.20

Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

There is an improvement of writing skill throught Edmodo Website

between pre-test I ( before the action) and the post-test I (after the


However, the writer worked further to know whether the

improvement is significant or not. Thus the writer calculated the

standart deviation and the t-test as follows:

c. Standart Deviation of post-test and pre-test

From the data above, the teacher calculated SD pre-test and


SD = √∑D2

N− (

∑ D



SD = √34199.26

32− (



SD = √1068.72 − 795.24

SD = √273.48

SD = 16.53

Page 78: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

d. t-test calculation


(∑ DN )


√N − 1)



32 )


√32 − 1)











t-test calculation is 9.49

t-table < t-test calculation = 2.04 < 9.49

The score of the results above shows that the students’ score

increases from the pre-test to the post-test. The mean of pre-test is

29.29 while the mean of the post-test result is 58.20. Based on the

comparison, the students’ writing skill enhances since they got the

treatment. It means that using Edmodo Website is successful in

improving the students’ writing skill.

Page 79: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

The t-test also shows that there is significant influence of

using Edmodo Website in improving the students’ writing skill

because t-table < t-test. The t-test shows that the t-table is 2.04 while

the t-test is 9.49. However, only 9 students reached KKM and 23

studentss did not reached KKM (see B.2). as the students get KKM is

less the 75%, so the writer decided to conduct cycle II.

C. Cycle II

1. Steps in Cycle II

a. Planning

The planning phase of the second cycle was implemented into a

lesson plan. In this case, the writer modified the previous lesson plan

based on the result of reflecting phase in the first cycle. There were

not significant differences with the previous lesson plan. The material

still related to descriptive text but it is focus on procedural descriptive

text. However, there were some modifications in the second cycle;

that was the teacher needed to give interesting explanation by using

picture related to the topic and asked students to bring dictionary

because the students has limited vocabulary. Beside of that, the writer

still also prepared field notes to note the classroom activities, and also

prepared pre-test and post-test 2 to collect the data.

Page 80: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

b. Acting

The action of the second cycle was done on 10 and 12

September 2015. In the first meeting, the teacher gave pre-test to

sudents. the writer introduce a new topic about places and animals.

The teacher asked the students to make draft based on their favorite

places and pets. Then, the teacher given assignment that posted in the

Edmodo Website. In the second meeting, the students and teacher

discussed the error of students assignment. The last, teacher gave

post-test and post-questionnaire to the students.

c. Observing

In the second cycle, generally the class condition in

learning process was better than the previous cycle. It could be

seen from the result of field notes that the students who were able

to focus and to pay attention on the teacher explanation and when

they followed the writing lesson, they enjoyed doing exercises.

Then, most of them were enthusiastic to choose their favorite place

and pet and made draft based on the topic given by the teacher.

Related to the teacher’s performance, she looked masters the

classroom and the material she gives. She checked the students’

work by walking to their table and giving comments.

Automatically, it led a good feedback from students’ response in

conveying their ideas and students were helped by the teacher to

comprehend the text. Next, students did not give up when they

Page 81: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

found unfamiliar words because they could look up in their

dictionary as suggested their teacher. In the second action of cycle

two, the teacher was held on post-test 2 regarding students’ writing

skill of desciptive text. Based on the result of the post-test 2, the

mean score of the class in writing test gained 76.17 in which there

were 25 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 75.

d. Reflecting

The reflection of Classroom Action Research (CAR) was

carried out after getting the result of field notes and post-test 2. The

writer and the teacher felt satisfied in as much their efforts to

improve the students’ writing ability had been realized. The result

of the post-test 2 showed that 78.12% of the students got the score

above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM). So it pass over the criterion of success that 75%

of the students must get the score above the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Therefore, the

teacher decided to stop the Classroom Action Research (CAR)

because it had already succeeded. According to the result of the

observation between the teacher and the observer, it could be

assumed that the implementing of Classroom Action Research in

improving students’ writing skill using Edmodo Website was

Page 82: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

appropriate. In this case, every action was planned as good as

possible so that the writing activities could be accomplished well.

In the last meeting, the writer also given post-questionnaire

to the students to know students response about media that writers’

used in the action. The results of the post-questionnaire are:

1) The students’ response toward media that the writer use in

teaching writing.

The results show that all students like learning with the

current media. They said that use the media in the learning

makes the material easy to understand and clear.

2) The students’ response toward whether Edmodo Website help

the students to understand in English subject.

The results show that 37.5% of the students’ answered

that Edmodo help the students to understand English subject.

The reason is because using Edmodo Website they can learn

again the difficult materials or share with their classmate in the

group everytime and anywhere. On the other hand, 25% of the

students’ assumed that Edmodo can not help to understand

English subject, it because they have difficulty in using

Edmodo. However, 37.5% of the students wrote “I do not

know”. It indicated that they not aware their improvement.

Page 83: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

3) The students’ response toward their feeling about writing.

The result after used current media (Edmodo website),

84.37% of the students like writing in English subject.

Whereas, 15.63% of the students do not like writing, because

their basic are do not like writing.

4) The students’ response toward whether Edmodo Website make

students easier to write.

The results show that 37.5% of the students assumed

that Edmodo make they easier to write because the used is like

facebook. While, 15.62% of the students said no because they

are rare in open the website. On the other hand, 46.88% of the

students are hesitant in answered.

5) The students’ response toward students’ improvement about

writing motivation.

The results show that 90.62% of the students said that

the writer’ media help to improve their motivation to write

because the media is very interesting. Whereas, 9.38% of the

students assumed it can not improve their motivation because

they do not like writing.

2. Results of Pre-test and Post-test

The pre-test has been given to the students before the action. It was

conducted on Thursday, 10 September 2015. Whereas, the post test was

Page 84: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

given to the students on Saturday, 12 September 2015. The results of both

pre-test and post-test in cycle II is presented in the table 4.2.




No. Name X Y D 𝐃𝟐

1 S1 50 62.5 12.5 156.25

2 S2 75* 75* 0 0

3 S3 56.25 68.75 12.5 156.25

4 S4 50 75* 25 625

5 S5 75* 75* 0 0

6 S6 75* 81.25* 6.25 39.06

7 S7 75* 81.25* 6.25 39.06

8 S8 75* 75* 0 0

9 S9 62.5 75* 12.5 156.25

10 S10 50 68.75 18.75 351.56

11 S11 62.5 68.75 6.25 39.06

12 S12 75* 87.5* 12.5 156.25

13 S13 75* 81.25* 6.25 39.06

14 S14 75* 87.5* 12.5 156.25

15 S15 75* 75* 0 0

Page 85: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

16 S16 50 62.5 12.5 156.25

17 S17 56.25 75* 18.75 351.56

18 S18 75* 81.25* 6.25 39.06

19 S19 56.25 75* 18.75 351.56

20 S20 75* 75* 0 0

21 S21 56.25 56.25 0 0

22 S22 81.25* 87.5* 6.25 39.06

23 S23 81.25* 81.25* 0 0

24 S24 75* 75* 0 0

25 S25 75* 87.5* 12.5 156.25

26 S26 75* 75* 0 0

27 S27 62.5 68.75 6.25 39.06

28 S28 81.25* 81.25* 0 0

29 S29 75* 81.25* 6.25 39.06

30 S30 62.5 75* 12.5 156.25

31 S31 75* 75* 0 0

32 S32 81.25* 87.5* 6.25 39.06

Total 2200 2437.5 237.5 3281.22

* : The students who past KKM ( 75 )

X : The result of pre-test

Y : The result of post-test

D : The difference score between pre-test and post-test

Page 86: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

From the table, there are 20 students or 62.5% of students of X

TMM 2 who passed KKM in the pre-test. While, 12 students or 37.5%

of students did not pass KKM in the pre-test. After conducting the

cycle II, students who reached the KKM are 25 students or 78.12% of

the students in the post-test and 21.88% did not reached KKM.

After knowing the results of pre-test and post-test, the writer

also found out the mean of to know the difference scores between pre-

test and post-test. The calculation is as follows:

a. Mean of pre-test

M =Fx


M =2200


M = 68.75

b. Mean of post-test

M =Fx


M =2437.5


M = 76.17

Mean of pre-test = 68.75

Mean of post-test = 76.17

Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test = 68.75 ≤ 76.17

Page 87: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

There is an improvement of writing skill by using Edmodo

Website between pre-test II ( before the action) and the post-test

II (after the action).

However, the writer worked further to know whether the

improvement is significant or not. Thus, the writer calculated the

standart deviation and the t-test as follows:

c. Standart Deviation of post-test and pre-test

From the data above, the teacher calculated SD pre-test and


SD = √∑D2

N− (

∑ D



SD = √3281.22

32− (




SD = √102.53 − 55.05

SD = √47.48

SD = 6.89

d. T-test calculation


(∑ DN



√N − 1)

Page 88: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the



32 )


√32 − 1)












t-test calculation is 6.03

t-table < t-test = 2.04 < 6.03

Based on the findings of cycle II, the improvement of the

students’ writing skill increases significantly than on the result of

cycle I. The students’ writing skill is getting increase by using

Edmodo Website. It is displayed in the score that the mean of pre-

test is 68.75 and the mean of the post-test increase into 76.17.

The t-test also shows that there is significant influence of

using Edmodo Website in improving the students’ writing skill

because t-table < t-test. The t-test shows that The t-table is 2.04

while the t-test is 6.03. Because of the students score reached KKM

(see C.2), so the writer decided to stopped the cycle.

Page 89: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

D. The Interpretation of Data



The table and the chart displays that the improvement of the

students’ writing skill is very significant from the cycle I to the cycle II.

The difference among whole results is obviously great. This means that the

treatment, can improve the students’ writing skill.

The mean of each cycle increases significantly. The table above

shows that the mean of cycle I improve; the mean of pre-test is 29.29 and

the mean of post-test is 58.20. But, in the first cycle not successful to

achieve the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) in score 75 because just 28.12% of students who passed the












Cycle I Cycle II

Pre Test

Post Test

Page 90: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

However, the comparison between the pre-test and post-test of cycle II is

not as significant as the cycle I. The score the mean of pre-test II is 68.75

and the mean of the post-test II increase into 76.17. In this case, the

difference happens because there is problem occurred. The students were

difficult to translate the text because they felt difficult to find the

vocabularies in the dictionary related with the text. This problem occurred

because the students were not familiar with looking up the vocabularies in

the dictionary. The result mean of cycle II is successful to achieve the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

78.12% of the students got the score above the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) from criterion of success is

75%. Automatically, it can be said that the Classroom Action Research

(CAR) is success and the cycle is stopped.

Page 91: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the



A. Conclusion

After conducting the research of writing skill to improve students’

writing skill using Edmodo Website, the researcher can conclude based on

the findings discussed in the previous chapter that:

1. The implementation of Edmodo Website in the tenth grade of SMKN 1

Wonosegoro in academic year 2015/2016 can improve students’

writing skill. The students could increase their vocabularies and could

write good sentences in a descriptive text. The students are motivated,

more active, and joyfull to write in English.

2. Based on the findings of the research, the students’ writing skill the tenth

grade students of SMKN 1 Wonosegoro in the academic year of

2015/2016 can improve through Edmodo Website. It is shown by the

mean score of pre-test and post-test in the two cycles. At the first cycle

the mean of post-test (58.20) is higher than pre-test (29.29). In the

second cycle, the mean of post-test (76.17) also higher than pre-test

(68.75). The increasing percentage of students who passed in writing

test is significant, from cycle I to cycle II are: 28.12%; 78.12%.

3. There is significant influences of using Edmodo Website to improve

students’ writing skill. It is shown by the result of calculation of t-test in

two cycles. In the cycles I, the t-test calculation shows that the t-table is

Page 92: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

2.04 while the t-test is 9.49. While in the cycle II, the results of the t-

test is higher than t-table that is 6.03 from t-table 2.04.

B. Suggestion

Based on the results of this research and conclusion that regarding

to teaching writing using Edmodo Website, the writer would like to

suggest as follows:

1. To the teacher

The writer suggests that the teacher should used various media

in the classroom because it can motivate their students and they will

not get boring. especially implement the Edmodo Website as an

alternative media in the teaching writing.

2. To the students

The students should practice more in writing and should not

shy to express their idea especially in writing. They should memorize

some words, it can improve their vocabularies. They must also change

their mindset that writing is difficult and try to love writing.

3. To the institution

The institution should facilitate the learning process to make

the learning more effective.

Page 93: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Trust, Torrey. 2012. Professional Learning Networks Designed for

Teacher Learning [Online]. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher

Education 28: 133-138. Available at: [Accessed: 10 Juni


Hopkins, David. 1993. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Open

University Press

Lado, Robert. 1964. Language Teaching (A Scientific Approach). USA:

McGraw-Hiill Inc

Allen, Harold Byron. 1972. Teaching English As A Second Language: A

Book of Readings. USA: McGraw-Hill Inc

Webster, Meriam .2004. The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of The

English Language. United States: Lexicon Publications Inc

Gelb, J. I. 1969. A Study of Writing. USA: The University of Chicago


Halliday, Michael. 1994. Spoken and Written Language. Victoria: Deakin

University Press

Boas, Isabela Villas. 2011. Process Writing and the Internet: Blogs and

Ning Networks in the Classroom [Online]. English Teaching Forum:

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Capella University. Grammar Handbook.Pdf [Online]. Available at:

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Hopkins, David. 1993. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research.

Buckingham: Open University Press

Muslich, Masnur. 2012. Melaksanakan PTK Itu Mudah. Jakarta: Bumi


Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan

Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Karyawati, Alif. 2014. A Descriptive Study On The Use Of Edmodo

Website For English Teaching And Learning Process In Salatiga

State Institute For Islamic Studies. Unpublished Graduating Paper.

Salatiga: Educational Faculty STAIN Salatiga

Amelia, Ayu Sunata. 2014. The Use Of Video Demonstration To Improve

Students Writing Skill (An Experimental Study At The Second Grade

Of Smp Negeri 3 Salatiga In The Academic Year Of 2013/2014).

Unpublished Graduating Paper. Salatiga: Educational Faculty

STAIN Salatiga

Fajriyani, Tita Nurul. 2011. Improving Students’ Writing Ability Through

Clustering Technique (A Classroom Action Research in the Second

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Year of SMP Al-Hasra Bojongsari-Depok). Unpublished Graduating

Paper. Jakarta: Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Oxford University Press. 2008. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary

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Serlin Richard. 2005. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online

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Borg, Nic and Jeff O’hara. 2013. About Edmodo. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21 Juni 2015]

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Page 97: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Pre-Questionnaire for Students


Nama : ............................. No. Absen : ............... Kelas : ..............


Pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut ini berkaitan dengan pengajaran menulis/writing

pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Mohon diisi dengan sebenar – benarnya. Jawaban

tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris anda.

1. Media apa yang digunakan guru anda saat pelajaran menulis/writing dalam

bahasa Inggris?

2. Apakah anda merasa puas/senang dengan media yang digunakan oleh guru

anda? Kenapa?

3. Apakah dengan media yang guru anda gunakan dapat meningkatkan

motivasi anda dalam pelajaran menulis/writing?

4. Apakah anda mengetahui tentang Edmodo Website? Jika anda tahu,

apakah anda bisa cara penggunaannya?

5. Apakah anda pernah menggunakan Edmodo Website dalam proses

pembelajaran? Kapan?

Page 98: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Post-Questionnaire for Students


Nama : .......................... No. Absen : ............... Kelas : ............


Pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut ini berkaitan dengan pengajaran menulis/writing

pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Mohon diisi dengan sebenar – benarnya. Jawaban

tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris anda.

1. Apakah anda menyukai pembelajaran menulis/writing dengan media yang

sekarang? Berikan alasannya!

2. Apakah menggunakan media Edmodo membantu anda mudah memahami

materi bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan? Jelaskan!

3. Apakah anda sekarang senang terhadap pelajaran menulis/writing dalam

bahasa Inggris? Kenapa?

4. Apakah dengan menggunakan Edmodo Website mempermudah anda

dalam menulis/writing? Mengapa?

5. Apakah media sekarang meningkatkan motivasi anda dalam

menulis/writing? Kenapa?

Page 99: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Nama Sekolah : SMKN 1 Wonosegoro

Nama Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X / Gasal

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 2 JP

Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara level Novice

Kompetensi Dasar : Mendiskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu,

hari, bulan, dan tahun


Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik mampu:

1. Menyusun kalimat dengan tepat untuk mendiskripsikan benda, orang,

tempat, dan kejadian.

2. Mendiskripsikan gambar dengan tepat yang berkaitan dengan ciri fisik.

3. Menyusun kalimat sehingga menjadi paragraf diskriptive yang benar

berkaitan dengan benda, orang, tempat, dan kejadian.


1. Disiplin (discipline)

2. Tekun (diligence)

3. Tanggung jawab (responsibility)

4. Ketelitian (carefulness)

5. Kerja sama (cooperation)

6. Toleransi (tolerance)

7. Parcaya diri (confidence)

8. Keberanian (bravery)


1. Definition:

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Page 100: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

2. Struktur Descriptive Text (generic structure):

Identification (identifikasi) : This part identifies particular things to

be described.

Description (deskripsi) : This part describes the parts and


3. Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text :

Menggunakan simple present tense

Menggunakan kata sifat (adjective)

Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.

4. Example of Descriptive text:

My Mother

My mother is a beautiful person. She is not tall but not short,

and she has curly hair and brown. Her eyes color are like honey

and her color skin color light brown, and she has a beautiful smile.

Her weight likes 120 lbs.

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly,

patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because she

is a good example to me. She loves being in the Church, and she

loves sing and dance too.

She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes

care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized.

She a very organized person, and all things in the house are in the

right place. She doesn't like messes.

She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and

lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or went I wake up or when I

am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and

Page 101: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

when the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us

and to give us all her love.


1. Questions-Answer/discussion

2. Individual works/pair works/group works

3. Penugasan/Assessment/Homework

Pendekatan: Ketrampilan proses


1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Memberi salam dan tegur sapa.

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa.

Mengabsen siswa.

Memberi motivasi kepada siswa.

Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari tentang

kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa.

2. Kegiatan Inti


Guru memberikan pre-test kepada siswa

Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang media yang akan digunakan

dalam pembelajaran (Edmodo Website) dan bagaimana cara


Guru menjelaskan materi dengan menggunakan bahan pengajaran

dalam bentuk powerpoint.

Guru menjelaskan langkah-langkah menulis


Siswa membuat kerangka tulisan

Siswa membuat diskripsi tentang benda dan orang

Siswa mengepost hasil tulisan pada Edmodo Website

Page 102: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Guru bersama siswa bertanya jawab meluruskan kesalahan

pemahaman, memberikan penguatan dan penyimpulan

Guru bersama siswa membahas kesalahan siswa yang ada pada

hasil kerja yang telah di postkan pada group

Guru Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar

3. Penutup

Guru membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang sudah di pelajari

Melakukan refleksi terhadap jalannya proses pembelajaran pada

hari itu

Pada akhir pembelajaran, guru membagikan tes akhir kepada siswa

sebagai post test

Guru mengepost tugas yang harus di lihat siswa pada Edmodo

Website dan mempelajari materi selanjutnya yang telah di upload

guru di Edmodo Website.

Guru memberikan post-test kepada siswa


1. Sumber Belajar

Internet, dictionary, Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK Kelas X,

dan Syllabus

2. Media Pembelajaran

Papan tulis, Spidol, Edmodo Website, Power Point, and Picture


1. Teknik : Tes tulis

2. Bentuk : Tertulis


of Writing

Scores Indicators

Content 4 Relevant to the topic and easy to understand

Page 103: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the




Rather relevant to the topic and easy to understand

Relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to


Quite relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to







Most of the sentences are related to the main idea

Some sentences are related to the main idea

Few sentences related to the main idea

The sentences are unrelated to each other








A few errors in choice of words, spelling and


Some errors in choice of words, spelling and


Occasional errors in choice of words, spelling and


Frequent errors in choice of words, spelling and







A few grammatical inaccuracies

Some grammatical inaccuracies

Numerous grammatical inaccuracies

Frequent grammatical inaccuracies

NILAI = skor perolehan

skor total× 100

Page 104: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Wonosegoro, 01 September 2015

Guru Mapel Mahasiswa

Nadiroh, S.Pd Mulya Candrasari

Page 105: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Nama Sekolah : SMKN 1 Wonosegoro

Nama Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X / Gasal

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 2 JP

Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara level Novice

Kompetensi Dasar : Mendiskripsikan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu,

hari, bulan, dan tahun


Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik mampu:

1. Menyusun kalimat dengan tepat untuk mendiskripsikan benda, orang,

tempat, dan kejadian.

2. Mendiskripsikan gambar dengan tepat yang berkaitan dengan ciri fisik.

3. Menyusun kalimat sehingga menjadi paragraf diskriptive yang benar

berkaitan dengan benda, orang, tempat, dan kejadian.


1. Disiplin (discipline)

2. Tekun (diligence)

3. Tanggung jawab (responsibility)

4. Ketelitian (carefulness)

5. Kerja sama (cooperation)

6. Toleransi (tolerance)

7. Parcaya diri (confidence)

8. Keberanian (bravery)


1. Definition:

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Page 106: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

2. Struktur Descriptive Text (generic structure):

Identification (identifikasi) : This part identifies particular things to

be described.

Description (deskripsi) : This part describes the parts and


3. Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text :

Menggunakan simple present tense

Menggunakan kata sifat (adjective)

Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut.

4. Example of Descriptive text:

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis beach is well-known in Yogyakarta. Parangtritis has

uniqueness that is not found in the other place. The attractions besides

the big waves are also the existence of mountains of sand around the

beach, which is usually called dunes. This attractions has been

managed by Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities and

markets selling souvenirs of Parangtritis.

In Parangtritis, there are also horse and carriage horse that can be

rented for up the coast from east to west. In addition, Parangtritis also

a place for water sports.


1. Questions-Answer/discussion

2. Individual works/pair works/group works

3. Penugasan/Assessment/Homework

Pendekatan: Ketrampilan proses


1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Memberi salam dan tegur sapa.

Page 107: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa.

Mengabsen siswa.

Memberi motivasi kepada siswa.

Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari tentang

kompetensi yang harus dikuasai siswa.

2. Kegiatan Inti


Guru memberikan pre-test kepada siswa

Guru menjelaskan tentang descriptif text dengan menggunakan

topik baru dengan bantuan gambar


Siswa bersama rekannya bercerita tentang tempat favorit dan

hewan kesayangan.

membuat kerangka tulisan tentang tempat favorit atau hewan


Siswa mengepost hasil tulisan pada Edmodo Website


Guru bersama siswa bertanya jawab meluruskan kesalahan

pemahaman, memberikan penguatan dan penyimpulan

Guru bersama siswa membahas kesalahan siswa yang ada pada

hasil kerja yang telah di postkan pada group di Edmodo Website

Guru Menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar

3. Penutup

Guru membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang sudah di pelajari

Melakukan refleksi terhadap jalannya proses pembelajaran pada

hari itu

Page 108: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Guru mengepost tugas yang harus di lihat siswa pada Edmodo

Website dan mempelajari materi selanjutnya yang telah di upload

guru di Edmodo Website.

Pada akhir pembelajaran, guru membagikan tes akhir kepada siswa

sebagai post-test


1. Sumber Belajar

Internet, dictionary, Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK Kelas X,

dan Syllabus

2. Media Pembelajaran

Papan tulis, Spidol, Edmodo Website, Power Point, and Picture


1. Teknik : Tes tulis

2. Bentuk : Tertulis


of Writing

Scores Indicators






Relevant to the topic and easy to understand

Rather relevant to the topic and easy to understand

Relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to


Quite relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to







Most of the sentences are related to the main idea

Some sentences are related to the main idea

Few sentences related to the main idea

The sentences are unrelated to each other

Page 109: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the








A few errors in choice of words, spelling and


Some errors in choice of words, spelling and


Occasional errors in choice of words, spelling and


Frequent errors in choice of words, spelling and







A few grammatical inaccuracies

Some grammatical inaccuracies

Numerous grammatical inaccuracies

Frequent grammatical inaccuracies

NILAI = skor perolehan

skor total× 100

Wonosegoro, 09 September 2015

Guru Mapel Mahasiswa

Nadiroh, S.Pd Mulya Candrasari

Page 110: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Students’ Writing Scores in the Pre Test I

No Name Score Total

score Mean

C O V & M G

1 S1 1 1 1 1 4 25

2 S2 1 1 1 1 4 25

3 S3 1 1 1 1 4 25

4 S4 2 1 1 1 6 31,25

5 S5 3 2 2 2 9 56,25

6 S6 1 1 1 1 4 25

7 S7 1 1 1 1 4 25

8 S8 2 2 1 1 6 37,5

9 S9 1 1 1 1 4 25

10 S10 1 1 1 1 4 25

11 S11 1 1 1 1 4 25

12 S12 1 1 1 1 4 25

13 S13 1 1 1 1 4 25

14 S14 1 1 1 1 4 25

15 S15 1 1 1 3 6 37,5

16 S16 1 1 1 1 4 25

17 S17 1 1 1 1 4 25

18 S18 2 2 2 1 7 43,75

19 S19 1 1 1 1 4 25

20 S20 2 1 2 2 7 43,75

Page 111: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

21 S21 1 1 1 1 4 25

22 S22 1 1 1 1 4 25

23 S23 1 2 2 2 7 43,75

24 S24 1 2 1 1 5 31,25

25 S25 2 1 1 1 5 31,25

26 S26 1 1 1 1 4 25

27 S27 1 1 1 1 4 25

28 S28 1 1 2 1 5 31,25

29 S29 1 1 1 1 4 25

30 S30 1 1 1 1 4 25

31 S31 1 1 1 1 4 25

32 S32 1 1 1 1 4 25

Total 39 37 37 37 151 937,5

Mean 1,21 1,15 1,15 1,15 4,71 29,29

Minimum score 25

Maximum score 56,25

No Level Number of students percentage

1 75 ≥ 100 0 0%

2 74 ≤ 0 32 100%

Total 32 100%

Page 112: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Students’ Writing Scores in the Post Test I

No Name Score Total

score Mean

C O V & M G

1 S1 2 2 1 1 6 37.5

2 S2 3 3 3 3 12 75

3 S3 2 2 2 2 8 50

4 S4 2 2 2 2 8 50

5 S5 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

6 S6 3 2 2 1 8 50

7 S7 4 3 3 2 12 75

8 S8 3 3 3 3 12 75

9 S9 2 2 2 2 8 50

10 S10 2 2 2 2 8 50

11 S11 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

12 S12 4 3 3 2 12 75

13 S13 2 2 2 1 7 43.75

14 S14 2 2 2 2 8 50

15 S15 3 3 3 3 12 75

16 S16 2 2 2 2 8 50

17 S17 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

18 S18 3 3 2 2 10 62.5

19 S19 2 2 2 2 8 50

20 S20 1 1 1 1 4 25

Page 113: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

21 S21 2 2 2 1 7 43.75

22 S22 3 3 3 2 11 68.75

23 S23 4 3 3 3 13 81.25

24 S24 4 3 3 2 12 75

25 S25 2 2 2 2 8 50

26 S26 3 3 3 3 12 75

27 S27 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

28 S28 3 3 3 3 12 75

29 S29 3 2 3 2 10 62.5

30 S30 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

31 S31 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

32 S32 2 2 2 2 8 50

Total 86 74 73 65 298 1862,5

Mean 2,68 2,31 2,28 2,03 9,31 58,20







No Level Number of students percentage

1 75 ≥ 100 9 28,12%

2 74 ≤ 0 23 71,87%

Total 32 100%

Page 114: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

Students’ Writing Scores in the Pre Test II

No Name Score Total

score Mean

C O V & M G

1 S1 2 2 2 2 8 50

2 S2 3 3 3 3 12 75

3 S3 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

4 S4 2 2 2 2 8 50

5 S5 4 3 3 2 12 75

6 S6 3 3 3 3 12 75

7 S7 3 3 3 3 12 75

8 S8 4 3 3 2 12 75

9 S9 3 3 3 2 11 62.5

10 S10 2 2 2 2 8 50

11 S11 3 3 3 2 11 62.5

12 S12 3 3 3 3 12 75

13 S13 4 3 3 2 12 75

14 S14 4 3 3 2 12 75

15 S15 3 3 3 3 12 75

16 S16 2 2 2 2 8 50

17 S17 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

18 S18 3 3 3 3 12 75

19 S19 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

20 S20 3 3 3 3 12 75

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21 S21 3 2 2 2 9 56.25

22 S22 4 3 3 3 13 81.25

23 S23 4 3 3 3 13 81.25

24 S24 3 3 3 3 12 75

25 S25 3 3 3 3 12 75

26 S26 4 3 3 2 12 75

27 S27 3 3 2 2 10 62.5

28 S28 4 3 3 3 13 81.25

29 S29 3 3 3 3 12 75

30 S30 3 2 3 2 10 62.5

31 S31 3 3 3 3 12 75

32 S32 4 3 3 3 13 81.25

Total 101 87 87 79 354 2200

Mean 3,15 2,71 2,71 2,46 11,06 68,75







No Level Number of students Percentage

1 75 ≥ 100 20 62,5%

2 74 ≤ 0 12 37,5%

Total 32 100%

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Students’ Writing Scores in the Post Test II

No Name Score Total

score Mean

C O V & M G

1 S1 3 3 2 2 10 62,5

2 S2 3 3 3 3 12 75

3 S3 3 3 3 2 11 68,75

4 S4 4 3 3 2 12 75

5 S5 3 3 3 3 12 75

6 S6 4 3 3 3 13 81,25

7 S7 4 3 3 3 13 81,25

8 S8 3 3 3 3 12 75

9 S9 3 3 3 3 12 75

10 S10 3 3 3 2 11 68,75

11 S11 3 3 3 2 11 68,75

12 S12 4 4 3 3 14 87,5

13 S13 4 3 3 3 13 81,25

14 S14 4 4 3 3 14 87,5

15 S15 3 3 3 3 12 75

16 S16 3 3 2 2 10 62,5

17 S17 3 3 3 3 12 75

18 S18 4 3 3 3 13 81,25

19 S19 3 3 3 3 12 75

20 S20 3 3 3 3 12 75

Page 117: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

21 S21 3 2 2 2 9 56,25

22 S22 4 4 3 3 14 87,5

23 S23 4 3 3 3 13 81,25

24 S24 3 3 3 3 12 75

25 S25 4 4 3 3 14 87,5

26 S26 4 3 3 2 12 75

27 S27 3 3 3 2 11 68,75

28 S28 4 3 3 3 13 81,25

29 S29 4 3 3 3 13 81,25

30 S30 3 3 3 3 12 75

31 S31 3 3 3 3 12 75

32 S32 4 4 3 3 14 87,5

Total 110 100 93 87 390 2437,5

Mean 3,43 3,12 2,90 2,71 12,18 76,17







No Level Number of students percentage

1 75 ≥ 100 25 78,12%

2 74 ≤ 0 7 21,88%

Total 32 100%

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Page 121: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Nama : Mulya Candrasari Jurusan/Progdi : FTIK/TBI

NIM : 113 11 048 Pembimbing Akademik: Ruwandi M. Pd


1 Orientasi Pengenalan

Akademik dan

Kemahasiswaan (OPAK)

STAIN Salatiga

20-22 Agustus

2011 Peserta 3

2 Achievement Motivation

Training (AMT) STAIN


23 Agustus 2011 Peserta 2

3 Orientasi Dasar Keislaman

(ODK) STAIN Salatiga 24 Agustus 2011 Peserta 2

4 Seminar Entrepeneurship dan

Koperasi STAIN Salatiga 25 Agustus 2011 Peserta 2

5 Pelatihan User Education UPT



20 September 2011 Peserta 2

6 Grand Opening Nisa LDK

Darul Amal STAIN Salatiga 24 September 2011 Peserta 2

7 Seminar Bedah Buku

Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa

Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI)

Komisariat Salatiga

8 Oktober 2011 Peserta 2

8 Ibtida’ LDK Darul Amal

STAIN Salatiga 8-9 Oktober 2011 Peserta 2

9 Silaturrohmi dan Diskusi

SEMA dan Mahasiswa Baru

STAIN Salatiga

13 Oktober 2011 Peserta 2

Page 122: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

10 Dauroh Marhalah 1 Kesatuan

Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim

Indonesia (KAMMI)

Komisariat Salatiga

21-23 Oktober

2011 Peserta 2

11 MILAD X LDK Darul Amal

STAIN Salatiga

30 April-17 Mei

2012 Panitia 3

12 Seminar Regional DEMA

STAIN Salatiga 3 Mei 2012 Peserta 4

13 Seminar Nasional Kristologi

dan Tabliqh Akbar oleh MUI

Kota Salatiga

20 Mei 2012 Peserta 8

14 Dauroh Mar’atus Sholihah

(DMS) LDK Darul Amal

STAIN Salatiga

26 Mei 2012 Peserta 2

15 Enterpreneur School dan

Training Kesatuan Aksi

Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia

(KAMMI) Komisariat Salatiga

8 Juni 2012 Peserta 2

16 Madrasah KAMMI (MK)

Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa

Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI)

Komisariat Umar Bin Khattab


21 Juni 2012 Peserta 2

17 Bimbingan Belajar

Menghadapi UAS Bhs. Inggris

& Bhs. Arab oleh CEC &

Ittaqo STAIN Salatiga

29 Juni 2012 Peserta 2

18 Training Kader (TEKAD) II

LDK Darul Amal STAIN


9-10 Juli 2012 Peserta 2

Page 123: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

19 Pesantren Kilat LDK Darul

Amal STAIN Salatiga di SMP

Negeri 1 Salatiga

30 Juli-4 Agustus

2012 Pemateri 4

20 Pesantren Kilat LDK Darul

Amal STAIN Salatiga di SMP

Negeri 9 Salatiga

6-11 Agustus 2012 Pemateri 4

21 Practicum Program

Pronounciation dan Intensive

Course Tradris Bahasa Inggris

STAIN Salatiga

28 April 2012 Peserta 2

22 Practicum Program Magazinne

Writing dan Public Speaking

Tradris Bahasa Inggris STAIN


24 September 2012 Peserta 2

23 Seminar Pra Youth Leadership

Training Kesatuan Aksi

Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia

(KAMMI) Komisariat Salatiga

6 Oktober 2012 Panitia 3

24 Daurah Marhalah (DM) I

Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa

Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI)

Komisariat Salatiga

2-4 Desember 2012 Panitia 3

25 Seminar Nasional Dewan

Mahasiswa (DEMA) STAIN


26 Maret 2013 Peserta 8

26 MILAD XI LDK Darul Amal

STAIN Salatiga 14 Juni 2013 Panitia 3

27 Festival Dakwah-MILAD XII

LDK Darul Amal STAIN


14 Juni 2014 Panitia 3

Page 124: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the

28 GARDIKA (Gema Ramadhan

di Kampus) LDK Darul Amal

STAIN Salatiga Pesantren

Kilat di SMPN 9 Salatiga

25-31 Juni 2013 Pemateri 4

29 A Three-hour Teacher

Training Workshop di IALF

Bali Language Centre

18 Juni 2014 Peserta 2

30 SK Pengangkatan Pengurus

LDK Darul Amal STAIN

Salatiga Masa Bakti 2014

31 Januari 2014





31 Public Hearing oleh Senat

Mahasiswa 10 Juni 2014 Peserta 2

32 Training Pengembangan Diri

dan Komunikasi oleh KAMMI


18 September 2014 Panitia 3

33 SK Pengurus Kesatuan Aksi

Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia

(KAMMI) Komisariat Salatiga

Periode 2014-2015

22 November 2014



n Humas


34 Seminar Kewirausahaan oleh

KAMMI Salatiga 21 Desember 2014 Panitia 3


Page 125: THE USE OF EDMODO WEBSITE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS … · Edmodo is social media that is suitable for both teacher and student in the


Full name : Mulya Candrasari

Nick Name : Sari

Date of Birth : August 14, 1994

Address : Dsn. Trumun Rt 002 Rw 003, Ds. Wonosegoro, Kec.

Wonosegoro, Kab. Boyolali

Mobile Phone : 085727638341

Education History:

1. SDN 2 Wonosegoro graduated in 2005

2. SMPN 1 Wonosegoro graduated in 2008

3. SMKN 1 Wonosegoro graduated in 2011

Organization Experience:

1. Staff of Kaderisasi LDK IAIN Salatiga (2012)

2. Staff of Nisa’ LDK IAIN Salatiga (2013)

3. Bendahara Umum KAMMI Komisariat Salatiga (2012-2013)

4. Chief of Human Relation Departement KAMMI Komisariat Salatiga


5. Staff of Social Society Departement KAMMI Komisariat Salatiga (2015)