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1 The USW Academic Curriculum Vitae 1. Personal Information Name Employee number 2. Current Appointment Post, grade and scale point Date of appointment to current post Academic Role Profile (Teaching and Scholarship; Teaching and Research; Research) Faculty/Department 3. Previous Substantive Appointments (to USW and previous academic institutions or other occupations) Date Appointment

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The USW Academic Curriculum Vitae

1. Personal Information


Employee number

2. Current Appointment

Post, grade and scale point

Date of appointment to

current post

Academic Role Profile

(Teaching and Scholarship;

Teaching and Research;



3. Previous Substantive Appointments (to USW and previous academic institutions or other


Date Appointment

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4. Other Appointments (e.g. clinical appointments, honorary appointments, secondments,


Date Appointment

5. Qualifications Achieved (post compulsory)

Date Title of award Subject Class Awarding


6. Membership of Professional Bodies

Date of


Professional body Level/Role

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7. Education/Teaching activity

7a Educational responsibilities in the current academic year Year

Module title


responsibilities (e.g. lecturer,

module lead, plus number of

hours you teach on the


Outline your evaluation of the

module (using the data

you’ve included at Appendix

1) and reflect how this can be

used to enhance your

teaching practice.

You may wish to draw on data

and other metrics from up to

the previous two years as

part of your evaluation.

Use section 7c) to outline any

planned changes to the

module as a result.

Points for discussion with

line manager (module


Level of study Number of


Relevant free-text comments

Cut and paste the above 7a for each module that you have taught on

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7b Summary of personal achievements in education (e.g. student voice nomination/winner/ ETLA/TELTA

commendation or awards, NFT, etc. Comment on any plans to disseminate good practice/support

needed to help with dissemination or career development).

7c Planned module or course activity (e.g. plans for changes to module, pedagogic research, or key

points that need to be brought to the attention of the line manager)

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8. Research

8a Summary of current research interests and activity (can include personal research plans, potential

avenues for research, potential collaborations)

8b Expertise in research (i.e. type of methodology/analysis, e.g. qualitative research, discourse analysis,


8c Summary of research since the last REF submission. If not REF submitted, include all activity since

the last REF submission period (e.g. 1/1/14)

8d Summary of significant personal achievements in research, including any impact beyond academia

(this may arise from the use of your research by others as well as by you)

8e Research grants and contracts awarded since 1/1/14 (including EFAS number)

Start and

end dates

PI and Co


Funding body Title of the project Amount


to HEI

Total amount

(if different)

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9a Research grants and contracts bids submitted since 1/1/14

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9. Publications and H Index (if known/relevant to your discipline)

Please attach your list of publications following the format below. [Ensure these are on Pure and

comply to Open Access where possible].

List all of your publications in chronological order (most recent first) grouped by category (e.g.

journal article, book), following the standard for bibliographic references.

Please would you identify:

your non-refereed outputs with NR directly after the reference

your especially significant publications with an asterisk * in a column before the reference and

where you are the main author with Y also in a column before the reference

H index =

Category * Main




Please insert number of citations where applicable

9b Major conference presentations since 1.1.14 (including current year)

Date Title and nature of involvement (e.g., keynote address)

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10b MSc/Doctoral studentships awarded

Source of funding (if any) Date of award

10c Details of MSc and Doctoral research students supervised to completion

Student name Degree and title of thesis Start date Completion


10. MSc and Doctoral Research Student Supervision (see Regulations for the list of eligible degrees)

10a Number of students

Degree (MSc/PhD)M Current Completed

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10d Additional achievements in supervision e.g., supported a student to publication (including BSc/BA

students), their future career, etc. Reflection of own impact in student skill development/impact

11. Contributions to Enterprise/External Partnerships

11a Summary of current contributions to enterprise

11b Previous contributions (* denotes on-going; add dates to any previous activity)

Date Nature of contribution Value to HEI

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12. Contributions to ‘Professional’ Practice

Details for the last three years (including current year) together with a summary of significant

contributions in previous years

Date Nature of contribution

13. Indications of Peer Esteem

Details for the last three years (including current year) together with a summary of significant

contributions in previous years e.g. external examinerships, honorary fellowships, editorial board

memberships and major awards, honours and prizes, nominations for ETLA, TELTA, etc.

Date Nature of recognition

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14. Contributions to Leadership, Management, Research and any other forms of Academic Leadership in

the University and/or School (including personal academic coaching/tutorials, etc.)

Details for the last three years (including current year) together with a summary of significant

contributions in previous years

14a School

14b University

Date Nature of contribution

15. Staff Development

15a Staff development activities undertaken over the last and current year plus any significant activities in

previous years

Date Activity Length (in days)

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15b Qualifications currently undertaking

Start date Expected



Title of


Subject Awarding body

15c Staff development activities co-ordinated, tutored, led or initiated over the last three years (including

current year) plus any significant activities in previous years

Date Activity Length (in days)

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15d Study/sabbatical leave taken over the last three years (including current year)

Date Purpose

15e Activities and achievements in the most recent period of study/sabbatical leave

Date Description of activities and achievements

16. International Activities

Details for the last three years (including current year) together with a summary of significant

activities in previous years

17. Other Relevant Information (please include contributions at other institutions)

Signed Date

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Appendix 1 – Module-level evaluation

a) Please attach/list the module evaluation data provided via ‘Loop’ and other feedback

mechanisms for each module on which you have taught.


Loop Module-level evaluation Teaching Assessment

and feedback

Overall Response

rate (sample
