the verb get

The 4 main uses of GET + some phrasal verbs and expressions with GET

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Page 1: The verb get

The 4 main uses of GET+ some phrasal verbs and expressions with GET

Page 2: The verb get

GET THE FOUR MAIN USES 1. Get + Noun 2. Get + Adjective 3. Get + to + place 4. Get in/out/on/off

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1. Get + Noun =

a. receiveb. buyc. fetch (definition)d. find

You GET itYou don’t have something

You have it

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1. Get + Noun

Examples:a) Did you get my e-mail? (receive)b) I like your sandals. Where did you get

them? (buy)c) I threw the ball and the dog got it.

(fetch)d) Are you going to the beach? Yes, if I

can get my bathing suit.(find)

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Get + Adjective =

o become (definition)Examples:a. After people exercise, they get thirstyb. It’s getting hot. Can you turn the air conditioner on?

You are not hungry

You GET hungry You are


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Get + to + place =

o arriveExamples:a. I always get to class late. Get home and downtown (without

“to”)b) I got home from work at 8:00pm.

Get to

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Get in/out/on/off =enter/exit

Get in (car) Get out(car)

Get on (bus/train/plane) Get off (bus/train/plane)

Luisa Oliveira
GET IN and GET ON mean TO ENTER. When you enter your house, your apartment or your car, you should say GET IN, but when you enter a bus, a train or a plane, you should use GET ON! GET OUT and GET OFF mean TO EXIT, when you exit a bus, a train, or a plane, you should say GET OFF, but when you exit your house, an apartment or your car, you should use GET OUT.
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Phrasal Verbs and Expressions with Geto get (something) across -To make understandable or clear: I tried to get my point across. -To be convincing or understandable: How can I get across to the students?o get along

-To be or continue to be on harmonious terms; to have a good relationship:

She gets along with the in-laws.

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Expressions with Get

o get away -To break free; escape: I got away from the thieves -To leave or go away: They wanted to come along, but couldn't get

away. o get back -To return to a person, place, or condition: We

were just getting back to the subject

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Expressions with Get

o get on (with) -To make progress; continue: They have to get on with the

performance.o get over -To recover from: She finally got over the divorce.

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Expressions with Get

o get even -To obtain revenge: Her busisness partner robbed her and

now she wants to get even.

o get hold/a hold of -To communicate with, especially by

telephone: I called her many times, but I couldn’t get a

hold of her.

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ACTIVITIESRead the dialogue. Are Peter and Susan enjoying working on their latest film?

S: What are you getting up to at the weekend?P: I am going out with Tom and Catherine even though I don’t get on with them that well. How about you?S: Not much I guess. I’m still getting over the flu. Do you think I can get away with taking Monday off?P: You can ask the director…. but probably not. He’s the worst director I’ve ever worked with. He’s really getting at us, isn’t he?

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ACTIVITIESS: Yes, I wish we could get rid of him.P: Yes, you’re right. I’m glad we got out of doing that last scene today because of the bad weather. We got off lightly for once.S: Yes, I’ve tried to get through to him that we are working too hard.P: I know, but we shouldn’t get too wound up about it. After all we are earning 17 million each for this film.Read the dialogue again. Underline all the phrasal verbs with get:E.g. He’s really getting at us, isn’t he?NOW UNDERLINE THE PHRASAL VERBS WITH GET IN THE DIALOGUE

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Match the phrasal verbs from the dialogue to the meaning.

A. get up to 1) be successful in somethingB. get on with (so) 2) Avoid something you don’t want to doC. get over (st,so) 3) Get angry about somethingD. get away with (st) 4) recover fromE. get at (so) 5) To experience less suffering than expectedF. get rid of (st,so) 6) Successfully explain somethingG. get out of (doing st) 7) doH. get off lightly 8) have a good relationshipI. get through to (so) 9) criticise someone repeatedlyJ. get wound up (about st) 10) Remove/throw away something unwantedst = something so = someone