the vision hotel market plan

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  • 8/14/2019 The vision Hotel Market Plan


    The HotelHospitality L eadership thr ough learn ing

    Strategic Marketing Plan

    Year 2013-2014

    Maracas Royal Road

    St Joseph,

    Trinidad, WI

    Onika Blandin

  • 8/14/2019 The vision Hotel Market Plan


    Table of Contents


    o Aim of Studyo Restrictions

    Situational Analysis

    o Market Trends

    o Opportunity

    Marketing Plan

    o Vision

    o Mission

    o Business Overview

    o Customer Overview

    o Market Segments

    o Objectives

    o SWOT Analysiso Competitor Informationo Marketing Objectives

    o Product

    o Pricing

    o Promotions

    o Budgets

    o Supportive findings

  • 8/14/2019 The vision Hotel Market Plan



    Marketing of any kind of services can be challenging but at the same timeinteresting. How to market a product in a way that it awakens peoples interest and

    make them think, I want to have that? Especially since people are more and more

    aware of their needs and wants and will not settle for less.

    Aim of the study

    The aim of the research is to assess the current accommodation market situation what

    possible needs and gaps it might have and create a strategic marketing plan with realistic

    and applicable marketing theory.


    Marketing can be a very broad concept and it has numerous different aspects to it. For the

    purpose of this exercise the research was limited to the perspective Hospitality and

    Tourism, with regards to data access accommodation providers unwillingness to share

    information and schedule deadline posed some challenges.

    Situatiaionl a Analysis

    The current diversification initiatives of Trinidad and Tobago economy and the

    recognition of Tourism as a viable industry has been the catalyst of many

    government funded tourism development programs. Best Practices in Linkages with

    Intermediaries has lead to certificate and tertiary level expansion as a vital part of the

    countrys hospitality and tourism industry thrust. Strategic partnerships with other

    CARICOM member states to develop and promote intra-Caribbean tourism by the two

    main regional organizations, the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) and

    the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), in the key areas of:

    Marketing, branding and promoting the region

    Training and human resource development

    Market research and statistics

  • 8/14/2019 The vision Hotel Market Plan


    Environmental conservation and sustainable development (Tewarie)

    The extent to which education is incorporated at the tourism policy and planning

    stage could be crucial in achieving sustainable development outcomes, as well asimproving the overall human development. (Edwards) The University of the

    Southern Caribbean is ideally positioned to gain opportunity and create value within

    this context, because of its established School of Business Hospitality and Tourism

    management program and Business Management, partnerships with Government

    Ministries national, regional and international SDA community.

    These programs, policies and shifted demand for training and the provision of

    accommodation for education, business and leisure travelers are relevant to USC

    continued growth, better serviced its students and by extension society.

    Market Tr ends

    Market Trends can be categorized as follows: Global Travel Trends, Local Business

    Trends, and Social Trends.

    Student and educational travel is becoming increasingly more important within global

    tourism. According to youth travel consulting and development company Student

    Marketing in collaboration with United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

    The educational travel is set to double by 2020. The trend will be driven mostly by

    educational and experiential travel and offers a huge opportunity to providers.

    Educational travelers stay longer (on average over 50 days) and higher spend (on average

    US$1,000 to US$6,000 per trip compared to US$1,450 for average tourist) delivering

    a significant business opportunity. (World Tourism Organization)

    Higher Education continues as a high revenue generator

    Language Travel presents a 4.9% market increaseEmerging countries are the markets that look interesting for development and expansion

    and will define the industry. They are recovering and rising faster than developed

    countries - gaining an increasingly more global market share.
  • 8/14/2019 The vision Hotel Market Plan


    Internet is used more for reference, social content (reviews, rankings, sharing, and

    recommendations) and travel planning (destination research) (World Tourism

    Organization) see figure 1Local Business Trends: There is an increase period of low activity in the area of

    conferencing and business catering with local companies electing to conduct

    meetings and seminars on their own premises in order to cut cost. This is changing

    however as group bookings, incoming visitors and day use of conference facilities is

    on the increase.

    Social Trends: SDA statistics have shown that there has been steady increase in the

    number of people converting their lives to Christianity thus increasing the need for

    accommodations that caters for the need of this growing market. See Figure 2Because

    more people are becoming more health conscience the demand for nutritious meals is also

    increasing. Finally the use of technology and social media is commonplace and has

    become an effective and convenient way to accesses, communicate, review and purchase

    goods and services.


    Their is no organisation in Trinidad and Tobago catering to these changeing

    demands patterns in a sigular loaction. It is the recomendation of these Hospitality

    Marketing Students, that the Univeristy of the Southern Caribben base on their

    perlimeray research findings and the University visoion for provieding qulity

    servic, that the offerings of a fully intergated business curiculum of a Teaching

    hotle would continue to keep USC as the leading provider of holistic devolometal

    experiences while maintaitng its compettive edge. For the purpose of this exersie the

    following marketing plan is proposed on the assumption that all devlopmental

    criteira has been completed and The Vision Teaching Hotle is in its introductry


  • 8/14/2019 The vision Hotel Market Plan


    The Vision HotelHospital ity Leadership through learning


    Change the face of Service one Student at a time.

    To be the leading teaching hospitality institution in the county, provide hands on

    training for future hospitality professional.

    Long term goals:

    To recruit more competitive and professional staff, train the current ones and

    develop them so that they are able to offer better services.

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    Page 1 of 18 | 7 November 2013 The Vision Hotel| Marketing Plan

    The Vision Hotel & USC School of Business

    The Vision Hotel is the platform for The University of the Southern Caribbean

    (USC) School of Business Administration, and, for many visitors.

    The University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) a private university owned and

    operated by the Caribbean Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The

    main campus is located on 384 acres (1.55 km2) of land in theMaracas Valley St

    Joseph. This 153-room full-service property includes a conference canter, three

    restaurants, and more than 14,000 square feet of meeting and banquet facilities.

    The Vision Hotel hosts campus visitors, visiting scholars, prospective and

    current students and their families, and alumni. With its elegant banquet rooms

    and state-of-the-art conference facilities, the hotel serves as the venue for many

    important campus events and meetings.

    As a Teaching Hotel, it integrates several courses into hotel operations and

    provides career-related job experience for students. It serves not only the

    school's undergraduate and graduate students, but also industry professionals

    from around the world who use The Vision Hotel while taking advanced

    hospitality service and management courses through the school's Office of

    Executive Education.

    Business Overview
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    Customer overview

    The Vision Hotel is located 20miles from the Piarco International airport in the

    lush valley of Maracas St. Joseph. It is centrally located between the city of Port-

    of Spain and the borough of Arima. Maracas-Saint Joseph is one of the largest

    valleys on the southern side of theNorthern Range;Lying north of the old

    capital ofSpanish Trinidad, the valley was one of the first areas to be settled in

    Trinidad. The Maracas Royal Road, which runs up the valley, is one of the oldest

    roads in the country. It is drained by the Maracas River a major tributary of

    theCaroni River.The lower parts of the valley are rapidly being developed for

    upscale housing. The Former Presentiment,George Maxwell Richards,is among

    the residents of the valley. The major attractions located in the valley are known

    as the maracas waterfall; the historical saint Michael Roman Catholic Church, La

    solidad the old supersestate. The Vision Hotel is also in close proximity of the

    medical association for those that are seeking medical assistance or coming to

    visit loved ones.

    Mark et Segment

    The Vision Hotel focus is that of four interest base markets;



    leisure travelers

    Christen interest groups,_Trinidad_and_Tobago,_Trinidad_and_Tobago
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    Positive elements detected.

    - Diversity of natural and cultural resources

    centrally located offers good accessibility

    and opportunities for practical training

    - Beautiful and clean environment

    - Geographic proximity to community

    attritions -

    - New contemporary design

    - Image of a safe destination

    -Supportive leadership from the userdepartments, Faculties and the school Councilat large.

    -Committed employees.

    -Enough space and land available forexpansion.

    -Strategic Direction.

    -Innovative and creative staff

    -Professional and experienced staff


    Negative or weak detected.

    Singular transportation access into the


    - Insufficient infrastructure inside the

    country (roads, public transport)

    - An initial stage for the development of

    product place promotion (PPP)

    - Insufficient information in Internet about

    the property offerings as a tourist


    - Not quite attractive museums, galleries,

    attractions that exhibit the Bulgarian

    cultural and

    historic heritage;


    Growing market with a significant SDA

    percentage (awareness of USC.)

    - Increase conference and seminars from

    university-related events.


    - Economic and financial crises

    - Market followers

    -Weather conditions that sometime cause

    major floods and landslides.

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    - Development of specialized types of

    tourism training. E.g. hospitality

    management students at the university. An

    integrated business curriculum

    - Increase demand for educational training


    - Domestic tourism and tourism from the

    neighbouring countries for weekend


    - Improvement of the qualification and skills

    of staff;

    - Attract investment into tourism linkages

    programmes public sector service training

    The University of the West Indies

    hospitality and Tourism management


    - Competitors from established

    neighbouring market leaders in the

    hospitality industry;

    - Negative impact of social ills major

    circumstances such as crime.

    Inferior environmental

    infrastructure.(drainage and resulting


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    Competitor Information



    Location Product Price Rooms

    1Pax Guest


    Mount St Benedict

    Tunapuna, Trinidad

    A Budget House

    Catering to


    Twin with



    Twin with


    facilities 79

    Single with

    washbasin 85

    Single with


    facilities 103


    bedrooms either

    with spectacular

    views of the bay

    or of our tiered

    flower garden.



    Santa Margarita

    Circular Rd | St.

    Augustine, Tel: 1

    868 662 5449. Fax:

    1 868 662 5451. E-


    A budget hotel

    catering to



    Smoking and

    alcohol are

    prohibited in

    keeping with


    Christian values.

    18Units - 15

    guest rooms and

    3 suites


    SoledadEP 192 Royal

    Road, Maracas,

    Saint Joseph

    outdoor and



    event venue and

    resort with

    several facility
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    and guest

    capacity options

    4The Oasis


    #19 Lennox

    Phillips Drive,

    Maracas Gardens

    St. Joseph,

    Trinidad and




    Large studio

    apartments or a

    fully self



    Rooms are

    outfitted with air-


    cable TV, Wi-Fi,

    washer/dryer and

    kitchen facilities.

    The Oasis Inn is

    located in a

    secure gated




    $ 70.00 US



    $90 US



    $110 US

    5University of the West Indies

    University on site accommodation and Milner Hall is a co-ed Hall of Residence at

    the St. Augustine Campus of the University of the West Indies. Milner Hall is very

    accessible both from campus internally and externally. The Hall borders the campus

    on the north-east and is within five minutes walking to all campus' facilities.


    Buildings comprise five blocks.

    Present configuration provides for 2 blocks (60 spaces) for males only. 1 blocks (32

    spaces) females only and 1 block (32 spaces) for both males and females. There

    are also accommodations for Postgraduate students (male and female) in the

    Postgraduate block (20 spaces). The Hall is fully equipped with kitchen facilities,

    Common Rooms and both private and shared bathrooms and toilet facilities.

    Other facilities include a central laundry area and one large Common Room, which

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    is used as a recreation area, a meeting hall and for storage of trophies, and equipped

    with cable TV, VCR, and sports equipment.

    Spacious grounds and close proximity to the various playing fields on campus and

    the Student Activity Centre.

    Pay Phones.

    Tuck shop.

    Cleaning services of Kitchenette and Common areas.

    Porter Services.

    Maintenance services through Works Department and an in -house Maintenance


    Hall houses computer room with internet access that is free of charge to resident

    6The Trinidad and Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute .

    Is located in Chaguaramas, in the north-western peninsula of Trinidad

    Female Accommodation Only

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    Competi tor Analysis

    Analysis 1 2


    4 5 6

    Outside presentation * * * * * * * * *

    I nteri or and facil ities

    Meeting rooms



    Distance to Air Port


    * *






    * * *













    Range, presentation* * ** ** ** ** **


    Friendliness, dress,

    name badges

    Product Knowledge,

    speed. Do They

    Approach you

    * *










    * * *





    * *





    * *






    Visibility of pricing

    * * 0 0 ** 0 0

    Marketing and

    promotion: Website,

    brochure, advertisin g

    * * * ** ** ** **


    *** Strong

    ** Average

    * Poor

    O Not offered


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    Building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationship with our


    Being customer centered in our continuous product and service improvements.

    Marketing Objectives

    Maintain positive, steady growth each quarter.

    Experience a growth in new customers who are turned into long-term


    To continue to communicate our strategic objectives to our target markets


    To provide a positive hotel experience to all our guests.

    To accomplish our growth targets within the given time and budget.

    Expand our markets and identify new markets for our product and



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    The Vision Hotel presently uses mainly the internet as a major promotion tool.

    This is done through the use of the Universitys website where accommodation

    at the Vision Hotel is advertised extensively. However, in an effort to expand our

    market and to foster growth and development, we do intend to work in a

    collaborative effort with the Tourism Development Company of Trinidad and

    Tobago to aid in advertising our product to a wider community and we also

    intend to undertake our own advertising initiatives through the use of the

    students who currently occupy the Vision Hotel by creating an atmosphere of

    loyalty through fulfilling our promise and commitment to providing excellent

    and consistent service so as to encourage brand advocating through the students

    themselves. This is the most cost effective method of promotion as it does not

    require heavy financial investment and is a very personable form of promotion as

    it involves personal interaction which is much more effective than actual

    advertisements. In addition to this we intend to form s trategic alliances with tour

    guiding bodies so as to cater to the needs of leisure travellers. For the business

    traveller, we intend to construct a new website separate from the universitys

    website that would allow one to make reservations online and to experience

    virtual tours of the facilities. As a teaching hotel, we hope to integrate and foster

    the extensive student exposure to the operations of the hotel and get them

    involved in the functioning of the hotel so as to further encourage and establish

    brand identity as the students would then gain pride in the schools hotel and

    would be motivated to further promote it. With regards to our competitors,

    according to research, most of them are not well recognized, in terms of persons

    not having much knowledge on them as their advertising is at a minimal. As

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    most of our competitors stem from religious bodies, most of the advertising is

    done through the church and TDC to an extent in terms of its hotel listing.

    Therefore, in our undertaking, we decided to focus on using a people approach

    in terms of using personal selling as our major marketing tool in an effort to

    establish and maintain fruitful relationships rather than to just educate the public

    about The Vision Hotel.


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    Action Plan

    Market value (selected sectors):

    Figure 1 Source (World Tourism Organization)

    Supportive fi ndings

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    Figure 2 (Adventis)

    AnalysisThis research studied the current trends in marketing. The aim was to form a new

    strategic marketing plan for a hotel emphasizing on how the hotel could improve

    their marketing and what marketing efforts are needed. The aim was to give a

    framework on how the hotel should proceed with its marketing; what aspects of

    the current marketing actions could be improved and what kind of new marketing

    actions could be added.

    As the research was conducted, insights to competitors wakens and new opening

    was realised. The results of the research formed the strategic marketing plan with

    situational analyses, marketing objectives and strategy and a pending action

    plan /budget f rom thefi nance department.

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    Page 14 of 18 | 7 November 2013 The Vision Hotel| Marketing Plan

    The outcome of the research can serve as a framework on how to proceed with

    differentiation of a new hotel through market research and planning. It might

    offer new ideas and point out the areas that need improvement. The research

    could be continued for example with a more detailed time line and the division of

    areas of responsibilities between the Administration and staff members.

    The results of the research shows that there is new market expansion potential

    as well as taking steps forward to gaining new customer groups as well as taking

    a new approach on how to keep the regular customers satisfied and keep them

    coming back. The promise of the Vision hotel has many advantages and potential

    for its resources to be innovative, and to keeping a marketing image of


  • 8/14/2019 The vision Hotel Market Plan



    Adventis, Seventh Day. Annual Statistical Report. 12501 Old Columbia Pike

    Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6600: The General Conference of

    Seventh-day Adventists, 203. March 2013.


    Edwards, Larry Dwyer and Deborah. Understanding the Sustainable

    Development of Tourism. Sustainable Tourism Planning(2010): 24. 28

    March 2013.


    Hotel, Hossana.Hosana Hotel. n.d. 20 March 2013.

    . n.d. 20 March 2013.


    Tewarie, Dr. Bhoendradatt. Building Competit iveAdvantage Six Strategic

    Business Clusters and Enablers. n .d.


    The department of Natioan heritage Scotish. The Guide to the Safety at Sports

    Grounds (The Green Guide) . n.d. 20 April 2013.


    World Tourism Organization. Youth Travel Matters Understanding the Global

    Phenomenon of Youth Travel. Madrid, Spain: the World Tourism

    Organization,, 2008. 12 March 2013.
