the voice of the larouche political movement volume 1 ... hamiltonian - 14.pdf · during the apollo...

NEW EPOCH FOR MANKIND Or, How The New York Times Became Irrelevant Following the discussions of potential- ly fundamentally new U.S.-Russia and U.S.-China economic relations by presi- dent-elect Donald Trump with the Rus- sian and Chinese presidents, this week- end’s Asia-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) conference in Peru may see the replacement of Obama’s failed TPP “trade deal” with a new trade agreement initiated by China with 19 other countries including Trump’s United States. e steady building of a new economic paradigm around the “Win-Win” great infrastructure projects of China’s New Silk Road, will then take another major step forward. e United States must join this orientation with a new national credit institution, and eliminate Wall Street with a new Glass-Steagall Act. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who will speak to the Peruvian Economists Association na- tional conference on the eve of the APEC conference, gave this send-off to New York State activists heading to Washington, D.C. to demand Glass-Steagall: “Obviously, this is a very important in- tervention, because the election result in the United States, which many people did not anticipate, is really part of a global pro- cess. All the explanations given by the U.S. media are, for the most part, a coverup, or some phony explanation, such as it being the FBI who cost Hillary the election, and so forth and so on. “What really is going on strategically, is that the masses of the population of the trans-Atlantic sector—in Europe and the United States in particular—have really had it with an Establishment which has consis- tently acted against their interests. Consid- er what they call the “flyover states”—the people in those states are not represented by the trans-Atlantic establishment. ey know that, because for them, the living and working conditions in the last decade, one can say, but really in the last 50 years, have become worse and worse. People have to work more jobs and cannot make ends meet. ey have many cases where their sons, and sometimes even their daughters, have gone to Iraq five times in a row, to come home completely broken. So people have have an experience that life is just get- ting worse for them, and they do not have any hope in the Washington-New York es- tablishment. “And you had the same phenomenon in the Brexit vote in Great Britain in June; which also was not just the refugees, and not just the obvious issues, even if they play a certain catalyzing role; but it was the same fundamental sense of injustice, and that there is simply no longer government which takes care of the common good. And whatever explanations they now come up with, this will not go away until the situ- ation is remedied, and good government is reestablished in the United States and Eu- rope and other parts of the world. “e immediate next point at which the same resentment probably will show, is in the referendum in Italy—where, on the Fourth of December, they will have a ref- erendum on the change in the constitution which, as the sentiment now goes, will also be a vote against the Renzi government. He promised, first, that he would resign; now he says he doesn’t want to resign: In any case, this process will continue until a rem- edy has been put in. “Now, obviously, the Trump victory is an open question, because it’s not yet clear what his presidency will become; but as Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized almost every day since the vote, this is not a local U.S. affair. is is a global issue; it’s an in- ternational question. “One major reason Trump won the elec- tion is because, especially in the last peri- od, he had emphasized that Hillary Clinton would mean World War III because of her policy concerning Syria, because she… was proposing a head-on confrontation with Russia. at was absolutely to the point, because we were on a very, very dangerous road to a confrontation with Russia and with China. “Trump, during the election campaign, said repeatedly that he would have a dif- ferent attitude toward Russia. And since he has been elected, he has been on the phone with Putin, and with Xi Jinping, and in both cases, said that he would work to improve the relations between the United States and Russia and with China, respec- tively. Now, that is obviously extremely im- portant; and the other extremely important question is: Will he carry through with his promise on Glass-Steagall, especially in his speech in Charlotte, where he reiterated that he would implement Glass-Steagall? “is really is the key. Because only if one terminates the casino economy, which is really the cause for war, can the situation really be brought back in shape. All the progressives—Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, even Nancy Pelosi—have already said that they would cooperate with Trump if he will go for this infrastructure/job cre- ation/Glass-Steagall economic program. “We should give him the benefit of the doubt; but we should also be aware that the entire Wall Street crowd, the neocons in the Republican Party will do everything not to have that. erefore, we have to have this intervention to really educate the Congress and the Senate on what is really at stake. e whole world is now looking—really holding their breath—over the question, will there be a change in American policy for the better? “Hopefully, there will. But it requires each measure. Glass-Steagall as an absolute pre- condition, without which nothing else will work; but that is not enough. Because we are not talking just about a banking reform. We are talking about a completely new par- adigm in the economic system. And that has to be defined by the Four Laws of Lyn- don LaRouche, which everyone should re- ally make sure that they understand when doing this kind of lobbying work. “Because Lyndon LaRouche has stressed that the key thing is to increase the produc- tivity of the labor force. Because of neo-liberal, or monetarist policies of the last decades, this productivity has gone down, in the trans-Atlantic sector, below the break-even point. is is why we need a national bank, in the tradition of Al- exander Hamilton; we need a national cred- it policy; we need an international credit system, a new Bretton Woods System; and we obviously need a ‘win- win’ cooperation of all nations on building the New Silk Road— also inside the United States—to become a world land-bridge. “Extremely important is the fourth of the Four Laws, which says that you cannot get an increase in productivity in the economy, unless you go for a crash program of fusion power; and an international program for cooperation for space research. Because only if you do these kinds of avant-garde leaps in productivity—fusion technology brings you to a completely different eco- nomic platform. With the fusion torch, you will be able to have energy security for the whole planet; you will have raw materials security because you will be able to use any waste, separate out different isotopes, and reconstitute new raw materials by putting the isotopes together in the way required. “So it’s a gigantic technological leap. And the same thing goes for space technology, because it will have the same impact as during the Apollo Program, when every investment in space technology, in rockets, in other new materials, brought 14 dollars back for every dollar of investment. And everything from computer chips to Teflon cookware, to all kinds of benefits, occurred as by-products of space research. “And to get the world economy out of its present condition, especially in the trans-Atlantic sector, you need that kind of reorientation towards scientific and technological progress, increases in energy flux density. And all of this Green ideology—which is really a no- development ideology—has to be replaced; and the world has to go back in the direction where the real physical laws of the physical universe are the criteria for truth, and not some ideology.” Mankind’s Triumph, Obama’s Demise By Dennis Speed “Behold the Cranes of Ibycus!” — Friedrich Schiller, from the poem e Cranes of Ibycus Although in less than 60 days the world will finally be liberated from the Presidency of Barack Obama, the best way for that Pres- idency to conclude would be with Obama’s impeachment. e covering up for the Sau- di role in 9/11, the illegal war on Libya, the resultant 2012 Benghazi affair, the arming and supplying of terrorist factions such as al-Nusra through the “Syrian anti-Assad moderate” cover, all supply a competent basis for such an action. e reason for the impeachment, however, is that for every day that Obama is leſt even with a fraction of the power he once enjoyed, he is capable of both provoking and launching a thermonuclear war. True, President-elect Trump has held phone discussions with both President Putin of Russia, and President Xi Jinping of Chi- na, which may have significantly addressed, if not lessened tensions, particularly with Russia. e fact that Trump has made clear throughout the campaign that he agrees with the “Allied coalition against interna- tional terrorism” orientation put forward by Vladimir Putin at the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in Sep- tember, 2015, is notable. A great weight—”a dead hand upon the brain of the living”— has been finally liſted from the minds of the American people. Obama’s chosen successor, Hillary Clin- ton, has been defeated. e nightmare that began with the September 11, 2001 “Reich- stag Fire” coup against the Constitution of the United States, and that was sustained through almost sixteen years, including those of the George W. Bush, and the de- rivative Obama Administrations, has been temporarily punctured. is is not due to the qualities of the candidate, Donald Trump, now the President-elect—though Trump’s successful candidacy was a significant fac- tor. is was due to a force that Obama, his supporters, and his proxy candidate, Hillary Clinton, unleashed themselves, and still re- fuse to recognize. Obama, in denial, cannot believe that his own crimes—the defense of Wall Street, the assassination of Qaddafi, the Tuesday weekly killing sessions, the ignoring of the conditions of America’s inner cities—have re- turned to defeat him. He, not Hil- lary, was the cause of the defeat of the Democratic Par- ty. “e arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” at force behind Obama’s defeat is called Nemesis. It Weren’t Local e forces that acted in the con- text of the Ameri- can election, Lyn- don LaRouche emphasized to his associates, can- not be competently understood within the United States as such. “[e election] was not national, it was international in its en- tire character. And that’s because Germany was big in this thing. Germany was a big factor in this thing. Putin was a big factor in this situation. “So that’s the pattern. It’s not the pattern of local groups in the United States, though they have significance. But they are not something you can parcel out under cate- gories. You have to see the larger total value. And that’ll become evident, once we start to treat the economy seriously. In other words, instead of trying to figure out how to get this particular product out in a certain way and so forth, the point is, you’re going to start on a global basis. What we’re dealing with is a global basis. “Now, this has been the actual condition for some time. But it has not been evident because the people have not categorized these things in the proper way. What they’ve done is they’ve accurately looked for things that they think are important, and they are important; but the issue here that governs, is international, global… “What you’re looking at is a breakdown of the entire previously existing area of life in the world. And when you see that, then you get the whole picture. I mean, the import- ant thing on Germany—Germany was a big thing. Bill Clinton by himself was a crucial figure in this whole process. He set it up, in part. “And so, you’ve got to look at this thing from the standpoint, not of what guy is important in this area or not; you’ve got to look at the overall picture, otherwise, you don’t get the right answer.” If this assessment is understood, then the principle here called “Nemesis” is compre- hended as a non-mystical, efficient acting principle in the current history—not the current event called the Presidential elec- tion—which has not just occurred, but is unfolding in unknown ways as you read this. Warning Sign Nemesis first appeared in the form of the September 28, 2016 override of Obama’s veto of the JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act) bill. Weeks earlier, sur- prisingly, Obama had been forced to release the suppressed 28 pages of the Joint Con- gressional Intelligence Committee’s 2002 report on 9/11, pages of a the report which featured the long-denied role of Saudi Ara- bia in that attack. e Senate vote against the supposedly invincible veto of Obama on the JASTA legislation was a devastating and embarrassing 97-1 in favor of the over- ride, with two abstentions—Bernie Sanders and Tim Kaine. e measure also passed by a heſty margin in the House of Representa- tives, and thus became law, despite Obama’s instructions to prevent that from occurring. Obama, standing alone, was rebuffed, ig- nored. Being Obama, however, he and his court chose in their hubris not to read the signs. As the election campaign neared its end, and candidate Hillary Clinton became ever more bellicose toward Russia—calling for a no-fly zone over Syria, which could have provoked a direct military confrontation with the Russians, for example—Americans were deeply, though perhaps silently affect- ed by the sheer lunacy of her approach. Even more evident to them was the arro- gant disregard—by both Obama and Clin- ton—of the deteriorating American work- force, and of the “General Welfare” clause of the Constitution. For Obama and his court the term “Rust Belt” carries no connotation, even aſter the election, of a national failure of his Presi- dency to restore the productive powers of labor of e United States, but merely the regrettable but necessary result of global- ization. Undaunted, Obama and his court The Hamiltonian November 18, 2016 Volume 1, Number 14 e Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement Helga Zepp-LaRouche Continued on Page 2

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Page 1: The Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement Volume 1 ... Hamiltonian - 14.pdf · during the Apollo Program, when every investment in space technology, in rockets, in other new materials,


Or, How The New York Times Became IrrelevantFollowing the discussions of potential-

ly fundamentally new U.S.-Russia and U.S.-China economic relations by presi-dent-elect Donald Trump with the Rus-sian and Chinese presidents, this week-end’s Asia-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) conference in Peru may see the replacement of Obama’s failed TPP “trade deal” with a new trade agreement initiated by China with 19 other countries including Trump’s United States. The steady building of a new economic paradigm around the “Win-Win” great infrastructure projects of China’s New Silk Road, will then take another major step forward. The United States must join this orientation with a new national credit institution, and eliminate Wall Street with a new Glass-Steagall Act.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who will speak to the Peruvian Economists Association na-tional conference on the eve of the APEC conference, gave this send-off to New York State activists heading to Washington, D.C. to demand Glass-Steagall:

“Obviously, this is a very important in-tervention, because the election result in the United States, which many people did not anticipate, is really part of a global pro-cess. All the explanations given by the U.S. media are, for the most part, a coverup, or some phony explanation, such as it being the FBI who cost Hillary the election, and so forth and so on.

“What really is going on strategically, is that the masses of the population of the trans-Atlantic sector—in Europe and the United States in particular—have really had it with an Establishment which has consis-tently acted against their interests. Consid-er what they call the “flyover states”—the people in those states are not represented by the trans-Atlantic establishment. They know that, because for them, the living and working conditions in the last decade, one can say, but really in the last 50 years,

have become worse and worse. People have to work more jobs and cannot make ends meet. They have many cases where their sons, and sometimes even their daughters, have gone to Iraq five times in a row, to come home completely broken. So people have have an experience that life is just get-ting worse for them, and they do not have any hope in the Washington-New York es-tablishment.

“And you had the same phenomenon in the Brexit vote in Great Britain in June; which also was not just the refugees, and not just the obvious issues, even if they play a certain catalyzing role; but it was the same fundamental sense of injustice, and that there is simply no longer government which takes care of the common good. And whatever explanations they now come up with, this will not go away until the situ-ation is remedied, and good government is reestablished in the United States and Eu-rope and other parts of the world.

“The immediate next point at which the same resentment probably will show, is in the referendum in Italy—where, on the Fourth of December, they will have a ref-erendum on the change in the constitution which, as the sentiment now goes, will also be a vote against the Renzi government. He promised, first, that he would resign; now he says he doesn’t want to resign: In any case, this process will continue until a rem-edy has been put in.

“Now, obviously, the Trump victory is an open question, because it’s not yet clear what his presidency will become; but as Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized almost every day since the vote, this is not a local U.S. affair. This is a global issue; it’s an in-ternational question.

“One major reason Trump won the elec-tion is because, especially in the last peri-od, he had emphasized that Hillary Clinton would mean World War III because of her

policy concerning Syria, because she… was proposing a head-on confrontation with Russia. That was absolutely to the point, because we were on a very, very dangerous road to a confrontation with Russia and with China.

“Trump, during the election campaign, said repeatedly that he would have a dif-ferent attitude toward Russia. And since he has been elected, he has been on the phone with Putin, and with Xi Jinping, and in both cases, said that he would work to improve the relations between the United States and Russia and with China, respec-tively. Now, that is obviously extremely im-portant; and the other extremely important question is: Will he carry through with his promise on Glass-Steagall, especially in his speech in Charlotte, where he reiterated that he would implement Glass-Steagall?

“This really is the key. Because only if one terminates the casino economy, which is really the cause for war, can the situation really be brought back in shape. All the progressives—Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, even Nancy Pelosi—have already said that they would cooperate with Trump if he will go for this infrastructure/job cre-ation/Glass-Steagall economic program.

“We should give him the benefit of the doubt; but we should also be aware that the entire Wall Street crowd, the neocons in the Republican Party will do everything not to have that. Therefore, we have to have this intervention to really educate the Congress and the Senate on what is really at stake. The whole world is now looking—really holding their breath—over the question, will there be a change in American policy for the better?

“Hopefully, there will. But it requires each measure. Glass-Steagall as an absolute pre-condition, without which nothing else will work; but that is not enough. Because we are not talking just about a banking reform.

We are talking about a completely new par-adigm in the economic system. And that has to be defined by the Four Laws of Lyn-don LaRouche, which everyone should re-ally make sure that they understand when doing this kind of lobbying work.

“Because Lyndon LaRouche has stressed that the key thing is to increase the produc-tivity of the labor force. Because of neo-liberal, or monetarist policies of the last decades, this productivity has gone down, in the trans-Atlantic sector, below the break-even point. This is why we need a national bank, in the tradition of Al-exander Hamilton; we need a national cred-it policy; we need an international credit system, a new Bretton Woods System; and we obviously need a ‘win-win’ cooperation of all nations on building the New Silk Road—also inside the United States—to become a world land-bridge.

“Extremely important is the fourth of the Four Laws, which says that you cannot get an increase in productivity in the economy, unless you go for a crash program of fusion power; and an international program for cooperation for space research. Because only if you do these kinds of avant-garde leaps in productivity—fusion technology brings you to a completely different eco-nomic platform. With the fusion torch, you will be able to have energy security for the whole planet; you will have raw materials security because you will be able to use any waste, separate out different isotopes, and

reconstitute new raw materials by putting the isotopes together in the way required.

“So it’s a gigantic technological leap. And the same thing goes for space technology, because it will have the same impact as during the Apollo Program, when every investment in space technology, in rockets, in other new materials, brought 14 dollars

back for every dollar of investment. And everything from computer chips to Teflon cookware, to all kinds of benefits, occurred as by-products of space research.

“And to get the world economy out of its present condition, especially in the trans-Atlantic sector, you need that kind of reorientation towards scientific and technological progress, increases in energy flux density. And all of this Green ideology—which is really a no-development ideology—has to be replaced; and the world has to go back in the direction where the real physical laws of the physical universe are the criteria for truth, and not some ideology.”

Mankind’s Triumph, Obama’s DemiseBy Dennis Speed

“Behold the Cranes of Ibycus!” — Friedrich Schiller, from the poem The Cranes of Ibycus

Although in less than 60 days the world will finally be liberated from the Presidency of Barack Obama, the best way for that Pres-idency to conclude would be with Obama’s impeachment. The covering up for the Sau-di role in 9/11, the illegal war on Libya, the resultant 2012 Benghazi affair, the arming and supplying of terrorist factions such as al-Nusra through the “Syrian anti-Assad moderate” cover, all supply a competent basis for such an action. The reason for the impeachment, however, is that for every day that Obama is left even with a fraction of the power he once enjoyed, he is capable of both

provoking and launching a thermonuclear war.

True, President-elect Trump has held phone discussions with both President Putin of Russia, and President Xi Jinping of Chi-na, which may have significantly addressed, if not lessened tensions, particularly with Russia. The fact that Trump has made clear throughout the campaign that he agrees with the “Allied coalition against interna-tional terrorism” orientation put forward by Vladimir Putin at the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in Sep-tember, 2015, is notable. A great weight—”a dead hand upon the brain of the living”—has been finally lifted from the minds of the American people.

Obama’s chosen successor, Hillary Clin-ton, has been defeated. The nightmare that began with the September 11, 2001 “Reich-stag Fire” coup against the Constitution of the United States, and that was sustained through almost sixteen years, including those of the George W. Bush, and the de-rivative Obama Administrations, has been temporarily punctured. This is not due to the qualities of the candidate, Donald Trump, now the President-elect—though Trump’s successful candidacy was a significant fac-tor. This was due to a force that Obama, his supporters, and his proxy candidate, Hillary Clinton, unleashed themselves, and still re-fuse to recognize. Obama, in denial, cannot believe that his own crimes—the defense of

Wall Street, the a s s a s s i n a t i o n of Qaddafi, the Tuesday weekly killing sessions, the ignoring of the conditions of America’s inner cities—have re-turned to defeat him. He, not Hil-lary, was the cause of the defeat of the Democratic Par-ty. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” That force behind Obama’s defeat is called Nemesis.

It Weren’t LocalThe forces that

acted in the con-text of the Ameri-can election, Lyn-don LaRouche emphasized to his associates, can-

not be competently understood within the United States as such. “[The election] was not national, it was international in its en-tire character. And that’s because Germany was big in this thing. Germany was a big factor in this thing. Putin was a big factor in this situation.

“So that’s the pattern. It’s not the pattern of local groups in the United States, though they have significance. But they are not something you can parcel out under cate-gories. You have to see the larger total value. And that’ll become evident, once we start to treat the economy seriously. In other words, instead of trying to figure out how to get this particular product out in a certain way and so forth, the point is, you’re going to start on a global basis. What we’re dealing with is a global basis.

“Now, this has been the actual condition for some time. But it has not been evident because the people have not categorized these things in the proper way. What they’ve done is they’ve accurately looked for things that they think are important, and they are important; but the issue here that governs, is international, global…

“What you’re looking at is a breakdown of the entire previously existing area of life in the world. And when you see that, then you get the whole picture. I mean, the import-ant thing on Germany—Germany was a big thing. Bill Clinton by himself was a crucial figure in this whole process. He set it up, in part.

“And so, you’ve got to look at this thing from the standpoint, not of what guy is important in this area or not; you’ve got to look at the overall picture, otherwise, you don’t get the right answer.”

If this assessment is understood, then the principle here called “Nemesis” is compre-hended as a non-mystical, efficient acting principle in the current history—not the current event called the Presidential elec-tion—which has not just occurred, but is unfolding in unknown ways as you read this.

Warning SignNemesis first appeared in the form of the

September 28, 2016 override of Obama’s veto of the JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act) bill. Weeks earlier, sur-prisingly, Obama had been forced to release the suppressed 28 pages of the Joint Con-gressional Intelligence Committee’s 2002 report on 9/11, pages of a the report which featured the long-denied role of Saudi Ara-bia in that attack. The Senate vote against the supposedly invincible veto of Obama on the JASTA legislation was a devastating and embarrassing 97-1 in favor of the over-ride, with two abstentions—Bernie Sanders and Tim Kaine. The measure also passed by a hefty margin in the House of Representa-tives, and thus became law, despite Obama’s instructions to prevent that from occurring.

Obama, standing alone, was rebuffed, ig-nored.

Being Obama, however, he and his court chose in their hubris not to read the signs.

As the election campaign neared its end, and candidate Hillary Clinton became ever more bellicose toward Russia—calling for a no-fly zone over Syria, which could have provoked a direct military confrontation with the Russians, for example—Americans were deeply, though perhaps silently affect-ed by the sheer lunacy of her approach. Even more evident to them was the arro-gant disregard—by both Obama and Clin-ton—of the deteriorating American work-force, and of the “General Welfare” clause of the Constitution.

For Obama and his court the term “Rust Belt” carries no connotation, even after the election, of a national failure of his Presi-dency to restore the productive powers of labor of The United States, but merely the regrettable but necessary result of global-ization. Undaunted, Obama and his court

The HamiltonianNovember 18, 2016 Volume 1, Number 14The Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement

Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Continued on Page 2

Page 2: The Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement Volume 1 ... Hamiltonian - 14.pdf · during the Apollo Program, when every investment in space technology, in rockets, in other new materials,

China’s Space Program: A Treasure for Mankindby Megan Beets

“[Chang’e-4 is] a breakthrough in human history.” —Ouyang Ziyuan, Founder of the Chinese Lunar Program

Now more than ever, the people of the United States are ready for a universal change—ready to soundly reject the failed and deadly policies of the past two presi-dents, and to crush the Wall Street swin-dlers who have literally gotten away with murder.

It is urgent that U.S. citizens demand a return to the valid notion of economic val-ue advanced by two of the greatest geniuses in history: Lyndon LaRouche1 and Alexan-der Hamilton2. As found in their respective writings, the only true standard of econom-ic value is whether or not an activity within the economy contributes to an increasing development of the applied creative powers of the minds of the population, for which that economy exists.

The leading expression of that principle today is not found in the U.S. or Europe, but rather in China, as they commit their rapidly-progressing space program to breaking the boundaries of planet Earth, and moving mankind to the far side of the Moon. They have invited the U.S., and all nations, to join them.

China’s Extraterrestrial CommitmentIn 2018, a Chinese lander will touch down

on the far side of the Moon—a place that has never seen the presence of mankind,

1. “The Four New Laws to Save the U.S.A. Now! Not an Option: An Immediate Neces-sity”, See Hamilton’s four great economic reports, as recently republished in this book:

either human or robotic. The lander will deploy a small rover to explore the landing site, one of the largest impact craters in the solar system,3 and together with the rover and a relay satellite “parked” in orbit behind the Moon, will take the very first pictures of our universe in the very-low-frequency radio range. This lunar far side mission, Chang’e-4, will change mankind forever, as it opens the potential to fully unlock the Moon’s secrets, and to take the preliminary steps to establish mankind as a polyglobal species.

Over the next two years, leading up to that great achievement, China plans an am-bitious series of missions, some of which are already underway.

In 2017, the Chang’e-5 lander will be the first spacecraft since 1976 to travel to the Moon and return, bringing lunar samples back to Earth. Ouyang Ziyuan, father of the Chinese lunar program, assured that “We

are ready. Every lab is ready [to receive the samples]. Once the samples are back, we can begin our analysis right away.” In 2018, China will put the first compo-nents of their full-size space station into orbit (with com-pleted construction expected in 2022).

Three import-ant precursors to these missions were launched earlier this autumn.

On September 15, the Tiangong-2 space lab4 was put into orbit around Earth. One month later, Tiangong-2 was joined by the Shenzhou-11 space-craft, China’s sixth manned mission, which carried two taikonauts and is currently docked with the space lab for a 30-day stay in space—the longest yet of any Chinese crew.

On November 3, the launchpad at the recently-completed Wenchang Launch Center roared to life

as China carried out the first test launch of the heavy-lift Long March 5 rocket. The successful launch of the Long March 5 was a crucial step in the success of upcoming missions, which require the Long March 5’s larger capacity.5

3. The South Pole-Aitkin Basin is an intrigu-ing landing site. Among other interesting features, the exposed terrain is from deep geological layers, giving us a chance to see far into the Moon’s past.4. Tiangong-2 will be the final phase of the proto-space station, as China is now confi-dent to move forward with a full-size, long-stay station.5. The Long March 5 has a payload capacity of 25 tons to low earth orbit, and 8 tons to translunar orbit. The next generation, Long March 9, will be able to carry payloads com-

Other missions on the horizon are a land-er and rover on Mars, slated for 2020, an or-biter around Venus for the mid-2020s, and a clear trajectory toward manned missions to the Moon, once the success of the robotic missions is secured.

New Silk Road into SpaceChina has extended the “win-win” prin-

ciple of the New Silk Road beyond cooper-ation on Earth alone, inviting all UN mem-ber countries to participate in China’s space station.6 “Space exploration is the common dream and wish of humankind. We believe that the implementation of the agreements will definitely promote international co-operation on space exploration, and create opportunities for United Nations Member States, particularly developing countries, to take part in, and benefit from, the utiliza-tion of China’s space station,” said Gener-al Wu Ping, Deputy Director of the China Manned Space Agency.

China has also invited all other nations to make use of the communications relay satellite that will be launched as part of the Chang’e-4 far side mission, “for support-ing future manned and unmanned lunar exploration missions to the far side, and cis-lunar activities.”7

Other nations are eager for the coopera-tion!8 The European Space Agency, for ex-ample, is having its astronauts study Chi-nese, and European nations have provided four of the instruments on the Chang’e-4 far side mission. Also significant in this re-gard is the first meeting, held November 2, of representatives from the space agencies of the five BRICS nations. This begins a process of integrating and coordinating the assets and capabilities of these countries for space exploration.

Several of the nations involved in the burgeoning new paradigm in Eurasia have missions to the Moon planned for the next five years, including India,9 Russia,10 Japan,11 and Korea,12 all of which express an excitement for the progress of their own nations, and for mankind as a whole, to-ward a new capability of humanity in space.

A New, Human StandardAs we in the United States experienced

during the 1960s, the space program is the driver for advancements in the capabilities of mankind beyond what would be possi-ble as merely a resident of Earth. The space program not only drove advancements in technologies, but it set an intellectual and

parable to NASA’s long-lost Saturn V.6. If the International Space Station is indeed decommissioned in the mid-2020s, The Chi-nese space station will be the only game in town.7. Wu Yanhua, vice administrator of China’s National Space Administration, on Sept. 26, 2016 at the International Astronautical Con-ference in Guadalajara, Mexico.8. This emphatically includes the scientific community in the United States. However, a juvenile and morally irresponsible ban on collaboration between NASA and anybody associated with the Chinese Space Agency has prevented such cooperative efforts. This ban must be overturned immediately—and its enforcers in Congress relocated to the nearest retirement community.9. Chandrayan-2.10. Luna 25-28, in cooperation with the Eu-ropean Space Agency.11. SLIM, Smart Lander for Investigating Moon.12. KPLO, Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter.

moral standard within the nation. It pushed the boundaries of our limitations into realms which were never thought of before. It began to remake man as a more power-ful species than ever before. A re-flection of this is the upward leaps in economic productivity which resulted from the introduction of completely new kinds of technol-ogies and materials into industrial and other processes.

However, this was not something particular to this time in the U.S. It is always the advancement of the creative human mind beyond what we knew or could have known in the past which drives our progress as a species, and hence, the econo-my. Today, China, with their space program, is leading the rest of the world in opening the door, once again, for great achievements of this nature. It is high time for the people of the United States to return

to our principles, and join China—to dump the system of Obama and Wall St., and to revive our space program as the leading driver of economic progress today.

The Hamiltonian — November 18, 2016

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Putin-Trump Discussion Globally Significant

“Not just of bilateral, but of global sig-nificance,” is how Lyndon LaRouche char-acterized the first telephone discussion be-tween president-elect Trump and Russian President Putin on November 14. The two leaders’ discussion of the need to develop U.S.-Russia trade and economic relations was particularly pregnant of change in the international prospects for economic and scientific progress, as well as for peace.

The report of the meeting from Trump’s office was as follows: “New York, NY, Nov. 14: President-elect Donald J. Trump today spoke with Russian President Vladimir Pu-tin, who called to offer his congratulations on winning a historic election. During the call the two leaders discussed a range of issues including the threats and challenges facing the United States and Russia, stra-tegic economic issues, and the historical U.S.-Russia relationship that dates back over 200 years.

“President-elect Trump noted to Pres-ident Putin that he is very much looking forward to having a strong and enduring relationship with Russia and the people of Russia.”

The office of the Russian President issued this comment: “The President again con-gratulated Mr. Trump on his victory at the presidential elections, wished him success in the implementation of the pre-election program, and noted his willingness to build a partnership dialogue with the new ad-ministration on the principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other....

“During the conversation, Putin and Trump not only agreed in assessing the current unsatisfactory state of bilateral rela-

tions, but also spoke in favor of active joint work to normalize relations and aim for constructive cooperation on a wide range of issues. The sides stressed the necessity of creating a solid foundation of bilateral ties through the development of trade and eco-nomic relations.

“Putin and Trump shared the opinion on the necessity to pool efforts against major common enemy—international terrorism and extremism. In this context, they dis-cussed issues of the settlement of the Syr-ian crisis… The sides agreed to continue telephone contacts with a possible personal meeting to be organized by representatives of both sides. It was noted that next year will see the 210th anniversary of the estab-lishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States, which is to prompt the sides to get back to pragmatic, mutually beneficial cooperation in the in-terests of both countries, as well as of stabil-ity and security in the world.”

It is worth noting that Prime Minister Abe of Japan will be presenting the pro-gram of collaboration between Japan and Russia—initiated during President Putin and Prime Minister Abe’s summit in Sochi, Russia earlier this year—at the upcoming APEC summit in Peru on Nov. 19. Prior to this summit in Lima, Peru, Prime Minister Abe will be meeting President-elect Trump in New York City.

With Russia, China, Japan, and the Unit-ed States in a state of potentially increasing collaboration, the Pacific century based on the common aims of mankind is starting to become a reality. Nothing can be allowed to undermine the consolidation of this new type of relations among nations.


In an editorial on Nov. 14, China’s Glob-al Times said, “Based on media reports, the content of the phone call is diplomatically impeccable and has bolstered optimism over bilateral relations in the next four years. It said the communication between the two heralds an important step in the transition of Sino-U.S. relations and is a good start for diplomatic contacts between the leaders of both sides.”

It noted that “the outside world does not know much about Trump, other than he is a businessman and a presidential candidate, and most knowledge about him comes from mainstream U.S. media. However, the election result showed that those reports and descriptions about him are to a large extent twisted. The outside world must es-cape traditional information channels to understand Trump as president.”

Pointing out the failure of the Obama presidency, the editorial said: “Over the past eight years, U.S. President Barack Obama is generally believed to have been a moderate president. But he has been pro-foundly affected by the U.S. elites’ tradi-tional political mindset. His understanding of the world is mainly based on a Cold War mentality. Therefore, he accepted former U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s dip-lomatic strategy—squeezing Russia’s stra-tegic space while promoting the rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy, which is exem-plified by a zero-sum mindset. All that has led to a number of contradictions in his foreign policies during the latter period of his presidency.”

Pointing out the obvious, the editorial said: “The world has changed. The basic causes for the traditional political game among big powers either have disappeared or altered. For instance, military expansion, which used to be popular, is difficult to use today and war has become unacceptable to most countries. But in front of new forms of competition and threats, Washington, in the past eight years or longer, has been reluctant to advance with the times, and has been mired in outdated mentality and practices.”

The editorial contrasts the eight years of Obama with their current hopes of the in-coming Presidency: “It seems that Trump is about to bring Americans’ attention back to economic development and social con-struction and make these fields the main emphasis of the work of the new govern-ment. By contrast, Obama claimed that the U.S. must be the one to write the rules, but he lacked support from the U.S. domestic economy as the whole world suffered from sluggish trade. All he could do was create turbulence in the global arena by using geo-political tactics.”

The editorial concludes by saying: “But Obama’s idea has become little more than empty words as he failed to lead the U.S. and West to get rid of their Cold War mentality. Trump’s experience and ideology match well with the new era. However, it is still uncertain how far he would go on the right path. Trump knows that he himself as well as the U.S. are standing at a crossroads. It is hoped that he could bring real surprises.”

Liu Yang, China’s first female taikonaut, flew on the Shenzou-9 mission in 2012, living in space for thirteen days.

In 2013, China became the first nation in forty years to make a “soft-landing” on the moon. Pictured here is their rover “Yutu” which operated for 31 months.

of entertainers, pundits, bloggers and late-night commentators, strutted on with Hil-lary Clinton in tow, to what was to be an abrupt, humiliating end.

What is History?From the very beginning of the Obama

catastrophe, the destruction of the Ameri-can manned space program, with his mo-ronic idea that, “We’ve been to the Moon, so why go back?”, showed him to be a threat not only to the future of the United States, but to the general welfare of mankind as a whole. That space program, once resurrect-ed, will provide the main engine for world peace and advanced economic collabora-tion particularly among Russia, The United States, China, and India.

It is precisely with the application of space technologies to non-Earth bound process-es of industrial production (such as the mining of helium-3 on the Moon, already

planned by the Chinese) as well as the high-er cultural platform provided by joint mis-sions of discovery, that mankind will step above the lethal level of today’s geo-politics. That was why The Hamiltonian headline for the November 8th issue, in response to last week’s definitive statement on the so-called “Obama Legacy,” properly read: Victory For The Universe.

Nemesis is the principle of universal law which supplies the corrective for those guilty of the sin of Hubris. Today, Neme-sis takes the form of Four Laws: drive the economy through a science driver, exem-plified by space exploration, to a new plat-form of productivity; finance this through a national system of public credit, earmarked for only great projects designated to be im-provements in the General Welfare of the nation as a whole; create a national bank for that purpose, independent of the Fed-eral Reserve; put those banking criminals in jail that have speculated with the nation’s money by reinstating Franklin Delano Roo-sevelt’s Glass-Steagall, thus evaporating all the speculative debt, while defending peo-ple’s savings and entitlements.

One commentator, Daniel Franklin, au-thor of Pitiful Giants:Presidents In Their Final Terms, said: “It doesn’t seem fair that given Obama’s popularity, he is about to be

almost totally repudiated. If he can get past that… he will provide the mechanism for transition even in facilitating his own [pol-icy] demise.”

Actually, Obama’s repudiation is not only eminently fair, but right, just, deserved and necessary. If there is any competitor for the worst American Administration in his-tory to that of Obama, it would be that of his predecessors, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. Even the pre-Civil War regime of James Buchanan would run a distant sec-ond.

The principle of Nemesis clearly went unnoticed by the entire coterie of sophists that make up Obama’s “news as entertain-ment” millionaires circle. Unable to see the actual American electorate through their dense cloud of legalized marijuana smoke, this group of deplorables deserve a further demonstration of the potential for a new paradigm-shift in the American political culture. The immediate reinstatement of Glass-Steagall as a bipartisan unity measure to protect the American people—and the world—from a new financial meltdown, which by itself could provoke a thermonu-clear confrontation, would place the United States on the right side of history—and put the hopeless changeless Obama Adminis-tration in the dustbin.

Mankind’s Triumph

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