the w. wonderful invention^ zee celtti bmit clin, · :the liver when out of order, involves every...

: The Liver When out of order, Involves every organ of the body. Remedies for some other derange- ment are frequently taken without the least effect, because it is the liver which is the real source of the trouble, and until that is set right there can be no health, strength, or comfort in any part of the system. Mercury, lu some form, is a common specific for u slug- gish liver; hut a far safer aud more effective medicine is Ayer’s Pills. For loss of appetite, bilious troubles, consti- pation, indigestion, and sick headache, these Pills are unsurpassed. “For a long time I was a sufferer from stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, expe- riencing much difficulty in digestion, with ¦ severe pains in the lumbar region and other parts of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, including warm baths, with only temporary relief, about three months ago I : began the use of Ayer’s Pills, and my health Is so much Improved that I gladly testify to the superior merits of this medicine.” Wanoel Jorge Pereira, Porto, Portugal. “For the cure of headache, Ayer’s Cathar- tic Pills are the most effective medicine I ever used.”—R. K. James, Dorchester, Mass. “When I feel the need of a cathartic, I take Ayer’s Pills, and find them to he more effec- tive than any other pill I ever took.”—Mrs. B. C. Grubb, Burwellville, Va. I have found in Ayer’s Pills, an invalua- ble remedy for constipation, biliousness, and kindred disorders, peculiar to miasmatic localities. Taken in small aud frequent ! doses, these Pills Act Well on the liver, restoring Us natural powers, and 1 aiding it in throwing off malarial poisons.” C. F. Alston, Quitman, Texas, i “Whenever lam troubled with constipa- tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer’s i Pills set me right again.”—A. J. Kiser, Jr., Rock House, Va. In 1858, by the advice of a friend, I began the use of Ayer's Pills as a remedy fcr bil- iousness, constipation, high fevers, and ' colds. They served me better than anything I had previously tried, and I have used them in attacks of that sort ever since.” H. W. Hersb, Judsonia, Ark. Ayer’s Pills, PREPARED BY OR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. If You Have CONSUMPTIONICOUQHorCOLD BRONCHITIS I Throat Affection SCROFULA 1 I Wasting of Flesh Or any Dlsentt where the Throat and Zungt arc Inflamed, lack of Strength or Jen* Tower, you eon be relieved and Cured by SCOTT’S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Aik for Scott*a Emuleion, and tot no ex- planation or eolleitation induce you to accept a aubetitute. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT A BOWNE, Cham lets, N.Y. KNABE GRAND. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. These Instruments have been before the Pub- Uo for over fifty years, and upon their excel- lence alone have attained an UNPURCHASED PEE-EMINENOE which establishes them as UNBQUALBD in Tone, Touch, Workmanship and Durability. tWEvery Piano Fully Warranted for Five Years Second Sand Pianos. A large stock at all prices, constantly on band, comprising some of our own make, but slightly used. Sole Agents for the celebrated SMITH AMERICAN ORGANS WM. KNABE & GO., 22 A24 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore. 148 Fifth Ave., near 20th St., New York. 817 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C. 28sely E. J* CODD Sl Co*, Fmilery MacMne & Boiler Worts 253 to 261 S. Caroline Street, Near Philadelphia Depot, Baltimore Md BUILDERS OP Marine and Land Engines, Boilers, STACKS, TANKS, MILL MACHINERY. Ac. lon and Brass Castings, Pipe Fittings of ail descriptions. |3f*REPAIR WORK given special attention A number of second band and new Boilers and steam Pumps on au S. M. RANKIN. R. J. KANE. RANKIN & KANE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GIRO CEUS, AND DEALERS IN Flour, Feed & Fertilizers, Comer Gay and High Streets, BALTIMORE, Md. BfA full line of Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Wines, Liquors, &e„ at Lowest Prices. Par- ticular attention paid to orders by Maryland Cen- tral railroad. Orders by mail from responsi- ble parties promptly attended to. 21djoly * •ov ’saons ’sivh ‘siins auavnna paojjd-Mot ‘pooh oßiv a4 s 4u9i jo enn IRi V 183ZIS TTV Nl isaoiaa aiavuGsvaa iSXUS tSHXIIOI (IKY tSAOff SM.VS (IHV AVAkVXILIfill ‘SIOIA3HO QNV SaiVM ’MaHOSHHOO ¦w pa “aaois soraa aux xv Sinpia 3uuds 7VY3NI Washington St., below the Old Railroad Havre de Grace, Md., Will open, on the Ist of December, 1888, a fine assortment of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQUOR AND WINES, New England Rum, Fine Brandies, Cooking Wines, &c. |®“BOTTLED BEER a Specialty 30novl y THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That the sub- scriber has obtained from the Register of Wills of Harford county, Md„ Letters Testa- mentary on the estate of BENJAMIN SILVER, Jh„ late of Harford county, deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to exhibit the same with the legal vouchers thereof. On or before the 2 d day of February, 1890, or they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefits of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate P C?lv*en under my hand and seal, this 2d day of , August, 1890. FANNY H. SILVER, g au Executrix. FLORENT. 1 m This Imported French Coach MrtEJL Stallion will be found at the sub- wKlVLTk. soriber’s stable each day of the / n/K/w) wee>L ' except Friday and Satur- f "day, on which two days he will bo t J. P. Mitchell’s Stable, Aberdeen, from Sep- tember Ist to October Ist, 1800. HOfJKINB 29au4t Benson, Harford Co., Md; The jEgisftlntelligencer Bel Air, Mtf., September 5.1890. At Last. When on mv day of life the night is tailing. And in the winds from unsunned spaces blown I hear tar voices out of darkness calling My feet to paths unknown. Thou who hast made my home of life so pleasant, I.eave not its tenant when its walls decay: 0 love divine, O Helper ever present. Be Thou my strength and stay! Be near me when all else is from me drifting, Karth, skv, home’s picture, days of shade and thine. And kindly faces to my own uplifting The love which answers mine. 1 have but Thee, O Father! Let Thy Spirit Be with me then to comfort and uphold; No gate of pearl, no branch of palm 1 merit. Nor street of shining gold. Suffice it If, my good and ill unreckoned, And both forgiven through Thy abounding grace, I find myself by hands familar beckoned Unto my fitting place. Some humble door among Thy many mansions. Some sheltering shade where sin and striving cease. And flows forever through heaven's green expan- sions The river of Thy peace. There from the music round about me stealing I fain would learn the new and holy song. And find at last beneath Thy trees of healing The life for which I long. —John G. Whittier. No Evidence to the Contrary. A young Catholic priest, shortly after be- ginning bis labors in bis first parish, receiv- ed a visit from one of the older fathers. Anx- ious to show the progress he had made, be called up a class in catechism for question- ing. “Biddy Maloney,” he began, “stand up.” A slip of a girl, with blue eyes and brown freckles, arose in her place. “What, Biddy," said the young father, “is meant by the howly state of matrimony ?” “Sbure,” began Biddy, glibly, “’tis a sayson of tormint upon which the soul inters to fit it for the biissid state to come.” “Och,” cried the questioner, angry and mortified, “to the foot of the class wid ye, Biddy Maloney. It’s the m’aning of purga- tory ye’re afthur givin’.” But here the old priest interposed, with a quizzical smile. “Not too fast, me young brother,” he said, restrainingly, “not too fast. For aught you and Iknow to the con- thrary, the gurrul may be perfectly right.” —Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure constipation, bilious ness, sick headache, bilious headache, and al derangements of the stomach, liver and bowel?.— One a dose. —? —“Eva,” he said softly, as they strolled through the park, “let me call you Eve. It will make the place seem still more like the Garden of Eden." “Certainly, George,” re- plied the bewitching maid, “but I can’t call you Adam. You—you are not my first man, you know. Not by several, George.” Can Yon Guess It? Two E’s and an I, an R and a P, Put them together and then you will see The name of the maker of "G. M. D.” VThe letters spell Pierce, of course—Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo. G. M. D. means "Golden Medical Dis- covery,” Dr. Pierce’s guaranteed cure for Con- sumption, it taken in time, aud for all bilious de- rangements, skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases.— Have you a backing cough, lassitude, low spirits, and other kindred symptoms. Take this remedy now, before it is too fate. It is guaranteed to bene- fit or cure, or money paid for it will be refunded. —“You are now 13 years old. Miss Fanny, and yet you can hardly write your own name.” Miaa Fanny—“ That's a tact; but it willbe such a short time before I get anoth- er that it is hardly worth while learning to write my present one.” —“Five years ago I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, audited been riven up by my physicians. I began to take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and after using two bottles of this medicine, was completely cured.”—Auga A. Lewis, Bicard, N. Y. —Tourist (to boy fishing)—“How many fish have you caught, my man ?” Boy—“Oh, I couldn’t count ’em.” Tourist —“Why, you haven’t caught any, yon little vagabond.” Boy—“That’s why I can’t count ’em.” —The only radical cure for rheumatism is to eliminate from the, blood the acid that causes the disease. This is thoroughly effected by the persever- Ing use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Persist until cured, the process may be slow, but the result is sure. —Mrs. Slucknpp—“ls this Mr. Slimpurse you have engaged yourself to a man of means?” Sensible Daughter—" Yes, moth- er. He means all he says, and tbal’a the sort of a husband I want.” Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world lor Cuts, Bmises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively cures Plies or no pay re. qulred. It is guaranteed to give perlect satisfac- tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by W. B. Evans & Co., Druggists, Bel Air) —lfany truth is found in the European report that Turkey is on the verge of dissolu- tion,; Russia will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The Pnlplt and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kansas, savs: "I feel it my duty to tell what wondsrs Dr. King’s New Dis- covery has done for me. My Lungs were badly dis- eased, aud my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery and am sound and well gaining 26 lbs. in weight/’ Arthur Love, Manager Love’s Combination, writes: “After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, beats ’em ail, aud cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge themto try it’ Free trial bottle at W. R. Evans & Co’s Drugstore. Regular sizes 50c. and SI.OO. —Love never has to be watched to see that it does a full day’s work. CATARRH. Catarrh Deafness—Hay Fever—A New Home Treatment. Sufferers are not generally aware that these dis- eases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of livingparasites inthe lining membrane of the nose and eustachiru tubes. Microscopic re- search. however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—This treatment is not a snuff or an oint- ment; both have been discarded by reputable phy- sicans as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp to pay postage, by A. H. Dixon, & Son, 337 and 339 West King street, Toronto, Canada.— Christian AO- vocale. Sufferers from Catarrh troubles should carefully read the above. —The man who goes to a seashore lesort for change frequently comes home without any. Piles I Piles ! Itching piles I Symptoms—Moisture; itching and stinging most at night; worse by scratching. Ifallowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore, Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulcerations and in most oases removes the tumors. At drug- gists, or by mall, GO cents. Dr. Bwayne & Sons, Philadelphia. Ask your druggist for It. •‘How to Care All Skis Diseases.’* Simply spply "Swayne’s Ointment.” No inter- nal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, Rob, erysipelas, all unsightly eruptions on the face, bands and nose, etc., leaving the akin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and cura- tive powers are possessed by no other remedy.— Ask your druggist for Swayne’s Ointment. DRUNKENNESS—LIQUOR HABIT—In all the World there is bnt one cure. Dr. Haines’ Golden Specific. It can be given in a cop of tea or coffee withont the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting s speedy snd permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousand* of drunkard* have been cured who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowl- edge, and today believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect result* from it* administration. Cures guaranteed. Send for cir- cular and full particulars. Address In confidence, Ooum Brycino Co., 186 Race Street, Cincinnati.O- -—ln stock with other liquors, Isaac Hecbt, Washington street, below the old railroad, Havre de Grace, Md., has the following brands of noted whiskies ; 8. J. Faust, Buckwalter, Monticello, Orient, Baker, David Faust. Jockey Club, Cincin- nati Distillery and other brands; also Brandies, Wines, Gins. Rums. Kimmel, and in fact anything yon want In the liquor line. 6uggenheimer,Weil & Co FACTORY, I STORE, Cor. Lombard and 109 E. Baltimore St., Liberty Sts., I BALTIMORE. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, of our own Importation from VIENNA, PARIS AND LONDON. LEATHER GOODS. DESKS. POCKET BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, FINE AND FANCY WHITINGPAPERS. B“WBDDING INVITATIONS A SPECIAL- TY/ Uno Harrison & Street!, UPPER CRONS ROADS, Bid., DEALERS IN BUGGIES & ROAD CARTS. BISSELL CHILLED PLOWS. ADVANCE HAT TEDDERS, EUREKA POW- ER AND PUMPING WIND ENGINES, NEW CHAMPION FORCE PUMPS. AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. jyPrloea Furnlahed upon application. 13je6m* TtelpiTi Association, Of Baltimore, Md. Liue, Resident Agents Wanted for the aale of Bond* on the Inatallment Plan.— A Bate, Sure and Profitable Investment. ¦1533.-* ¦W1590.46' OHAS. W. LOGAN’S Blood Purifying Tonic! CURES INDTGESTIONJAND DYSPEPSIA, RELIEVES BICK-HEADACHK, REMOVES PIMPLES AND SORES. IMPROVES THE COMPLEXION. MAKES ONE LOOK YOUNGER. BVPrepared and Sold by E. Sz S. FEET, 314 W. Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, Md. YOUR DRUGGIST TO GET IT. GOOD STOCK. We have all the facilities of large man- ufacturers for turning out Good Stock at the lowest cost. Take our $lO Suits as an instance ot how natty and well we make even low-priced goods. Large assortment at sl2, sl4, sls, sl6, $lB and |2O, and every additional dollar brings its full value in better materials and trimmings. CL "STa/tes Co., THE ) 6th and Chestnut Sts. YATES , 18th and Chestnut Sts. STORES. ' PHILADELPHIA. RrE, w ® CUSS Pure ANIMAL BONE. Dissolved ANIMAL BONE and ANIMAL BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE. Valuable Circulars and Samples Free on application, JOSHUA HORNER, JR., & COgSJSIJsr Baltimore, AE_ WM. H. RECKORD, Reckord, Md. Having purchased the old MillingProperty and Store of ray father. Henry Reckord, will say to my friends and the public in general that I will be pleased to have them call on me. I have on hand a full line of FLODE, MEAL, FEEI, LUMBER Ui COAL, Patent Roller AGENT FOR HORNER’S ABSOLUTELY PURE ANIMAL BONE FEBTILIZEBS, The Buckeye Binder , Mower, Reaper, South Bend Plows and Roland Chilled Plows on hand. A full line of Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods and Notions. Heavy Hauling done at short notice and at reasonable rates. Hay and Grain taken In exchange. Maryland Cycle Company American Building, Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. JOHN F. OLDFIELD, Manager. —AOEfiTN FOR—- , Spring Fork Star Safeties, Maryland Stars, Original Stars and ALL KINDS of Crank Wheels. , We guarantee any bicycle we sell one year barring accidents. Again, we guarantee Star Bicycles to run Fifty per cent, easier than any other wheel. , On what did last year’s State champion Emerson ride ? On what wheel did Wilhelm make the fastest (4.3 i) lap ever made around Druid Lake, at Baltimore ? On what Bicycle, geared over sixty inches, did OLDFIELD, of Harford, rake in the hill climbing records at Baltimore, in competition with thirty other makes of Crank Wheels? It is echoed back ! WM. a. SAXTON, Gold and Silversmith, THE TALI SMA NIC MOONSTONE. iSF The remarkable peculiarity of the moonstone is, that while in all other gems internal seama are called Eaivs, and detract from their value, in the moonstone they are called " magic mirrors. because those favored mortals who are gifted wl,h the illumination (if the astral light can, by y i -'/ {:-’ / ~ Its aid, read on those surfaces of milkywhite the reflections of the past and the promises of the No. 30 East Baltimore Street. Baltimore. Md. BEDDING FEATHER BEDS, PILLOWS and BOLSTERS AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING HAIR & HUSK MATTRASSES. ¦ Also 5,000 Pounds of Prime Feathers To Suit. HAIR MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY. Fred.Walpert & Co., 106 North. Gay St., Baltimore, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CRUDE HUSK. BF“SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONE Y REFUNDED. Dmhiy a. a. tomb *Q, ~ MANUFACTURERS OP #JbrU~JaeJES Animal Bone Fertilizers, Harvest Queen Phosphate Mart Fore Bone Super-Phosphate zptjzr,:e Ground Bone and Bone Meal. Dissolved Pure Raw Bone and Raw Bone Phosphate Home Office and Factory, Newark, N. J. BRANCH OFFICE ; 202-206 BTJCH AIT AIT’S WHARF, , BALTIMORE, Md. son^l^wood G . nn,okP? , ForeßtHill. John Lamb. Upper Cross Roads. J. D. Markley. Lauravilie. Baltimore coun- Tucker. Forest MUI e> Q Hanway< Joppa< B and 0. Kailroad and J. B. Robinson. Cowenton Station. B. and O. Railroad. Mfeb GIVING CLOTHING AWAY! —oxjk.— : PRINCE ALBERT SUITS, ; ARE GIVEN AWAY r AT THE LOW FIGURE OP SBAO. Strasburger & Son, i RELIABLE clothing house. Cor. Gay and Front Streets. Baltimore, Md . Sap OX3 AUG-E By Orange Blossom, Dam Josle Bowman by Clark Chier, Will make season at Reckord. Md. Good pasturage for mares. ServlcefiSO, with return privilege. : W. P. RECKORD, Reckord, Md. ibap *A WONDERFUL INVENTION^ For Dairymen and Butter Makers. ft Celtti BMit Clin, WHICH WILL MAKE GILT-EDGED BUTTER In from 1 to 5 Minutes Every Time, and Pro- duce More Butter from same Cream than any other Churn. No farmer can afford to be without one. It will pay for itself in a few weeks in the increased amount of Butter, besides T3a.© S-A-T7TITG- LABOE. Read the Result of Tests With Other Churns. At James W. Hanna's. Fountain Green. July The temperature and quality of cream were 11, 1890.—The O. K. Churn, from 44 lbs. Cream, alike and the butter of same quality In each test. 8 n l ik Ul %i At Win, T. Sawyer's on July Bth, with thermnm- ® lbs.°fCream. eter AHB degrees. Butter was churned in liH pntduced 6 lbs. of Butter in 3X minutes. If all minutes, hard enough to print directly from the cream bad been churned by the Breakwater, chum the gain would have been 2!t lbs. of Butter. . _ ~ ... .. , , . ........ t . .. At Amos B. Hollingsworth s, it produced But- r' y ter hard enough to print in 1 minute and 55 The Stoddard Churn, froth 140 lbs. of Cream, produced 25% lbs. of Butter in 30 minutes. THE BREAKWATER, from SOlbsof Cream, At Cot. John Carroll Walsh’s, at Mr. Clement ? reduced 3 lbs. 13 ounces of Butter in 3 minutes. Dietrich’s, at Mrs. Wm. Dallam’s, at Dr. Wm. S. faU the cream had been churned by the Break- Richardson’s, at Robert F. Hanna’s and at many water the gain would have been 5 lbs. of Butter other places, it produced more butter and in a —to say nothing of the saving of time in each shorter time than any other churn, giving per- case. feet satisfaction. Xt Beats Tlaem. 1 And Costs No More Than Other Leading Churns. THE BREAKWATER is < Sold in Harford County only by David Hanway, Dealer in Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Cor. Main Street and Port Deposit Avenue, 3B bijT-i AIE, ILvdEcL. i ß ju Farmers’ Favorite Grain Drill! “As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap.” BICKFORD & HUFFMAN, XACEDON, N. T. Branch House, 408 S. Eutaw St., Balto. HARFORD COUNTY AGENTS. J. FRANK AMOS Upper Cross Roads. I J. W. BROWN Magnolia. W. S. FOKWOOD Bel Air. J. T. BALDWIN Aberdeen. F. C. NORRIS Fallston. I i"SESI FOR CATALOGUE AMD PRICE#. tnovl KIRWAN & TYLER, CAHS,^ Cases - sjxi. cL - SolcLer, 1409 EASTERN AVE., BALTIMORE, Md. LOWEST MARKET PRICES, EITHER CASH OR TIME. EP~CANNED GOODS HANDLED ON COMMISSION. febUeow Selling Their Coal and Wood Stoves. Since the introduction of the New Process Vapor Stove! many persons who have tried them are selling their other Cook Stoves / and intend to use only the Vapor Stove. IT KEEPS YOUR HOUSE COOL! IT SAVES EXPENSE and TROUBLE! It Does all that a Coal or Wood Stove Can Do- A Child Can Manage It. Every Stove Guaranteed or no Sale. Also The Summer Queen and Gem Oil Stoves. FOR SALE BY" -DAVID:: HANWAY,-- Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Paints, &c., Main St. and Port Deposit Ave., Bel Air, Md. GEO. W. BOETTINGER. *> GEO. WALTER, recently Watrlimster for -o—. j DI ASVIONDS ' formerly with Henneoan, bates & Co. Justis & armiqbb. Boettinger & Walter, Watchmakers, Jewelers, Fine Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, No. 205 Lexington St., Baltimore, Md., near Parle Ave. LARGE PNEUMATIC CLOCK on Curb. 13dec Tie Chesapeake Gmo Company’s Fertilizers. The sure test of experience by first-class, progressive farmers amply demonstrates the reliahill- y and adaptation of our fertilitizers to all crops and every variety of soil. Besides bringing im- mediate results they permanently improve the land. Ammoniated Alkaline Phosphat e, A special compound for Tobacco, Tomatoes, Potatoes, and all garden vegetables. No mistake can be made in buying thla excellent fertilizer. Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate FOR GRAIN ;OF ALLKINDS. Alkaline Dissolved Bone , Potash. Dissolved Bone Phosphate, Z? phOTioAc[(i ' We also manufacture W. 8. Symington's ORIOLE FERTILIZEES-BONE AND POTASH COMPOUND, it, and supply on order GROUND RAW BONE. KAINIT, MURIATE. NITRATE OF SODA AND LAND PLASTER. men wanted as agents In each neighborhood. Apply to WM. M. EDELIN, Fallston, Md., Who is onr Representative lor Kaltimore and Harford Cos. Main Office, 21 Postoffice Avenue, Baltimore. sijaiyn Jl ¦vaetl j If Makes Two Hundred and Thirty-seven different igLosMWFsBI W—Vytf styles of FISHING KEELS in sizes from twenty- 'trajPSi.W \ a Yi AK five to three hundred yards. % ¦at A* A. All styles and sizes of Flush Handle, Rubber Plate and Multlplyers are SCKEWEUREELS TMf* y&y constructed with Interchangeable Parts the same as gun or sewing machine parts. Our KEELS are made with improved automatic machinery, oper- ated by the best skilled labor, and are Superior In sbl- ¦ P’S. ____ Construction and Finish, and are indisputably UABLiI Huk /BMP Prices from 25 Cents to #14.00. All first class fit', i {{p UrtmJJl dtaltts sell t/urr.. Send fi r our Catalogue, and we l-B W 1 ' send any kind of Heel by mail on receipt of 1 The Andrew B. Hendryx Co., * New Haven, Conn. 28feb , H4C4C. jw" MANUFACTURER OF Fine Boots & Shoes. CUSTOM 'WORK A SPECIALTY. 704 and 706 E. Pratt St., Branch Store, 611 E. Baltimore Street, Near Market Space. (9~New System of Repairing. Original Sowing or Pegging half sole and healing, 75 cents and > sl. Call and See. gSjuly 1 One Of the coming men who will hav grown up to the idea of washing hie ¦ shoes clean, and will always uphold “THE BLACKING MOTHER USED.’ s ti. 1 -r IJIf ~ Wolff'sACMEßlacking . Your irait of Cherry stained furniture looks time- worn. To stain anew requires scraping off of the old finish, that is laborious and expensive. What do you think of painting it over the old finish and make, it y Walnut or Mahogany, if you like. t If yon are interested try a'.chair with 8 JDIK-OON < M A PAINT THAT ONE % *7 "Jpy* /T* m CAN S££ rHNOUON.m m / H 9 WOLFF it RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. I Ask in Drug , Paint and House Furnishing Stores. LOST! I LOST WHAT? ; NO TIME IN GOING TO J. G. Rouse & Son. FOUND, FOUND WHAT? Lots of Beautiful New Things i there. They Certainly have some Startling Bargains. ESfThe senior member put in three full days in Philadelphia this week, and if he didn’t find there the Bottom Prices, "there are no Quakers there.” J. G. BOUSE fe SON. Warm Weather is Coming and you should prepare for it in time by going to GHAS. HIGDON’S CHEAP STORE, Chestnut Hill, Harford Co., Md. I have for your inspection a nice assortment of Summer Dress Goods, of desirable fabrics, all well selected and of the most fashionable styles, ALL CHEAPER THAN EVER. Hats, Summer Shoes, in short all kinds of Summer Goods, together with choice Groceries, Hardware. Paints, Oils, Segars and Tobacco, China and Glass Ware, Notions. Ho- siery. H ousekeeping Articles—almost every thing you want. Remember, my prices are low. &~1 pay the Highest Prices for Produce while I sell all my goods very low. Give me a call and compare prices. octß CHARLES RIGDON. ill 01 BUST! Are we going to be lost In the shuffle or soaked inth soup? Not it we kn w it; we are here to compete with all comers, stock again- 1 stock and dollar against dollar. We are after the SHINING HEKELS And we expect to get ’em by giving value for them. We don’t want ’em on any other terms. Come and see us and you’ll find us Death on the Dicker. We take no man's dust on the trade track.— We won't be bluffed out of the business game. We will see Any Price That’s Made elsewhere, and go it one better. Come and size up our pile of goods and you’ll see we’re FIXED TO STAY in the game. No fakements or shenanigan with us. A fair deal to all is our motto. SLEE & KENLY, ABERDEEN, Md. 9my Patent Medicine Depot Ammonia, pint bottles 15 cents, v Ammonia per pint, purchaser 3 wj furnishing bottle 10 5 B Ayer's Sarsaparilla 68 -j. J Ayer’s Pills .. 13 J £ Alcock’s Porous Plasters..’ 10 = o Beef, Wine and Iron 45 S S Brand relh’s Pills 15 " * * Cuticura Resolvent 75 " •< Carter's Little Liver Pills 15 o S* Ely’s Cream Balm 35 t 5 Hereford's Acid Phosphate 35 " ¦a § Jamaica Ginger 10 2. Jayne’s Expectorant 73 2 S Liver Pills 10 •* ? 2. Mellin’s Infant Food 38 " Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup 18 8. S. S. Swift’s Specific 65 ** % Sozodont 48 Warner’s Safe Kidney Cure 80 S 203 FAKK AVENUE, First door N. of Lexington, BALTIMORE, Md 22mhly C. I. & C. B. MACKENZIE, DEALERS IN CARRIAGE GOODS AND WAGON MATERIALS, 310 W. Baltimore Street, 3lJanly BALTIXOKE. ESTABLISHED 1876. * SPECIAL —Grain and Mill Feed in Car Lots. DANIEL RIDER, 1 Grain, Hay and Straw | COMMISSION. BF“Pereonal attention to all consignments.— - Sales guaranteed. References: Theo- F. Wil- cox, Cashier Old Town Bank. Office and Warehoam, Corner Ureen- mount anemic and Eager Sla. Siorage Warehouse, 853 Hreenmonnl Avenue, Baltimore. 1 I Bel Air Machine and Boiler Works. F. L. REIGLE, EHGIIEEE and UACHEIST, . BEL AIR, MD. UW~Machlnery of every description repaired Promptly. Repairs of Agricultural, Milling,Can- ning House Machinery, &c., ordered and fitted without delay. Pipe-Fitting in all its branches. Plumbers’ Supplies on hand. Second-hand Boilers and Engines, of all sizes, from one to seventy- five Hoise Power, in perfect order, at less that city prices. All work guaranteed as represent- 1 td. 26auxy HAVE YOU SEEN PHILIPPOTEAUX’S WON- DERFUL CYCLORAMA 1 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG ? If not, don’t fail to seel’ w’on von visit Balti- more. It's worth a trip ot lUu uinc-. .o see PleV- etts’s O real Charge of 17,000 men. If you do not see It you will always regret It. CORNER MT. ROYAL and MARYLAND AYE- I NUBS, Near Union Depot. Open all day and yening. JljylOt Zee Creetma. FOR THE SEASON of 1890 IN UNLIMITEDQUANTITY. Notwithstanding the mild winter I am pre- pared to supply the public with ice oi^e^im: of the best quality ami In any quantity at short notice. Ice Cream when made from northern Ice will hold in condition for a longer time. Only a slight advance over the price of last season will be charged. ALSO FOB SALK. D. P. HOLLINGSWORTH, 2my Fallston, Md. ICE CREAM For the Season of 1890. Having procured a supply of NORTHERN ICE, I am prepared to supply my friends and the public with the Best lee Cream in tbe County, being made of Cream from one of the fluest Jer- sey herds in Harford. Also a fine selection of Groceries, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. BTAlways on hand Fresh Bread. Pies, Rolls and Cakes. Large Ornamental Cakes for Wed- dings, a specialty. 7T T. C EHTTV, Main St., Bel Air, Md. 16my The Besjlce ream. I have fitted up Ice Cream Parlors in Whitaker & Bro’s New Building, adjoining their store on Main street, and invite ladies and gentlemen to pay me a visit- They will find a large, airy, comfortable room, with every accommodation, and will he served the NICEST ICE CREAM to be found anywhere. HfFAMILIES, PIC NIC PASTIES, FESTI- VALS. &c., supplied with Ice Cream, by the quart or gallon. 33. S. ROMER, 20Je3m Main St., Bel Air, Md. W.Basslior&Co. BOILERS, ENGINES & PUMPS, Pipes and Fittings, Process Kettles, No. 28 LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, Md. Sfebiy BECKER BRO. & SON, RTYT! A TVT PAGKIN6 BOX MANUFACTURER, 209 & 211 N. Frederick St. B.A.LTJtIv'COK.E. BP-Packing Boxes of every description.— Boxes stamped free. Orders solicited and promptly filled. 25janly MILLER & CO., Produce - Commission - Merchants, AND DEALERS IN BUTTER, GGS AND POULTRY. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns. 213 N. BACA St., Baltimore. Md. 23my BARGAINS for EVERYBODY. T. L. HANWAY & Co., ABERDEEN, Md. Our store is now filled with a choice line of carefully selected Bargains in IsasiiiMiliyfliiig FANCY GOODS, NOTI ONS, Ac. CLOTHI3STG. A full stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, at lowest possible prices. SILOES. Our stock is large and more complete than in any previous season, embracing full Hue of HAND AND MACHINE MADE GOODS. In fact, our customers will find an endless vuiivty of everything kept In a FIRST-CASS COUNTRY STORE ISf-Hlghest Market Prices for Produce, In om- ohange for Goods. T. L. HANWAY & Co., ABERDEEN, Md lOap B. H. BARITES, ABERDEEN, Harford County, Md. A FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER and BUILD- ING MATERIAL, wholesale and retail, at Slices to suit the times. Doors, Sash, Frames, iouidiug. All kinds of Finishing Lumber. Air- Lime Plaster constantly on band. Send for prices or call and examine. Can bo delivered by Pennsylvania or B. and O. railroads and their branches. 18ap SPENCER & McGONIGALL, LAPIDUM, Md., —DEALERS IN— Lumber and Building; Materials, Fer- tilizers, Coal, Malt, Seeds, Lime, Blaster, Hair, Ac. Orders Solicited and promptly filled. 18aply Wanted—Agents TO SELL E. C. Morris & Go’s FIRE AND BURGLAK-PROOP , The Best Safe in the World ! Over 100,000 in Use! Always Preserve their Contents ! 100 SOLD IN LYNN Sreat S’lxe. 0F"5O subjected to intense heat preserved their contents. CHAMPION RECORD also in exeat Chicago, Boston. Haverhill and Eastport. Also Marblehead Fires. ESfSEND FOR CATALOGUE. E.C. MORRIS & CO., Boston, Mass 7febly TURNIP SEEDS, ALL VARIETIES. RUFA UEWA FOR CATTLE FOOD. BEST GERMAN MILLET. CUCUMBERS FOR PICKLING. WEST QUALITY. LOWEST PRICES. BTAGENTS FDR SLUG SHOT, the best Bug Killer. J. BOLGTANO & SON’S SEED HOUSE, SM s. Cal vert St.. Baltimore, Md. To Canners I am Prepared to take orders fer Labels of All Styles At the Lowest Prices, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. A number of haudaome'designs in stock an -cw designs fumishid to order. F W. BAKER, ASgU Office, Bel Air HA.

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Page 1: The W. WONDERFUL INVENTION^ Zee Celtti BMit Clin, · :The Liver When out of order, Involves every organ of the body. Remedies for some other derange- ment are frequently taken without

: The LiverWhen out of order, Involves every organ ofthe body. Remedies for some other derange-ment are frequently taken without the leasteffect, because it is the liver which is the realsource of the trouble, and until that is setright there can be no health, strength, orcomfort in any part of the system. Mercury,lu some form, is a common specific for u slug-gish liver; hut a far safer aud more effectivemedicine is

Ayer’s Pills.For loss of appetite, bilious troubles, consti-pation, indigestion, and sick headache, thesePills are unsurpassed.

“For a long time I was a sufferer fromstomach, liver, and kidney troubles, expe-riencing much difficulty in digestion, with

¦ severe pains in the lumbar region and otherparts of the body. Having tried a variety ofremedies, including warm baths, with onlytemporary relief, about three months ago I

: began the use of Ayer’s Pills, and my healthIs so much Improved that I gladly testify tothe superior merits of this medicine.”Wanoel Jorge Pereira, Porto, Portugal.

“For the cure of headache, Ayer’s Cathar-tic Pills are the most effective medicine Iever used.”—R. K. James, Dorchester, Mass.

“When Ifeel the need of a cathartic, I takeAyer’s Pills, and find them to he more effec-tive than any other pill I ever took.”—Mrs.B. C. Grubb, Burwellville, Va.

“I have found in Ayer’s Pills, an invalua-ble remedy for constipation, biliousness, andkindred disorders, peculiar to miasmaticlocalities. Taken in small aud frequent

! doses, these Pills

Act Wellon the liver,restoring Us natural powers, and

1 aiding it in throwing off malarial poisons.”C. F. Alston, Quitman, Texas,

i “Whenever lam troubled with constipa-tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer’s

i Pills set me right again.”—A. J. Kiser, Jr.,Rock House, Va.

“In 1858, by the advice of a friend, I beganthe use of Ayer's Pills as a remedy fcr bil-iousness, constipation, high fevers, and

' colds. They served me better than anythingIhad previously tried, and Ihave used themin attacks of that sort ever since.” H. W.Hersb, Judsonia, Ark.

Ayer’s Pills,PREPARED BY

OR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.Bold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.

If You HaveCONSUMPTIONICOUQHorCOLDBRONCHITIS IThroat AffectionSCROFULA 1 I Wasting ofFleshOr any Dlsentt where the Throat and Zungt

arc Inflamed, lack of Strength or Jen*Tower, you eon be relieved and Cured by



With Hypophosphltes.PALATABLE AS MILK.Aikfor Scott*a Emuleion, and tot no ex-

planation or eolleitation induce you toaccept a aubetitute.

Sold by all Druggists.

SCOTT A BOWNE, Cham lets, N.Y.


PIANO FORTES.These Instruments have been before the Pub-

Uo for over fifty years, and upon their excel-lence alone have attained an

UNPURCHASED PEE-EMINENOEwhich establishes them as UNBQUALBD in

Tone, Touch, Workmanship

and Durability.tWEvery Piano FullyWarranted for Five Years

Second Sand Pianos.A large stock at all prices, constantly on band,

comprising some of our own make, but slightlyused. Sole Agents for the celebrated


22 A24 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore.

148 Fifth Ave., near 20th St., New York.817 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C. 28sely

E. J* CODD Sl Co*,

Fmilery MacMne & Boiler Worts253 to 261 S. Caroline Street,

Near Philadelphia Depot, Baltimore Md


Marine and Land Engines, Boilers,STACKS, TANKS, MILLMACHINERY. Ac.

lon and Brass Castings, Pipe Fittings

of ail descriptions.

|3f*REPAIR WORK given special attentionA number of second band and new Boilers andsteam Pumps on au




Flour, Feed & Fertilizers,Comer Gay and High Streets,


BfA full line of Choice Family Groceries,Teas, Wines, Liquors, &e„at Lowest Prices. Par-ticular attention paid to orders by Maryland Cen-tral railroad. Orders by mail from responsi-ble parties promptly attended to. 21djoly


•ov ’saons ’sivh ‘siins auavnnapaojjd-Mot ‘pooh oßiv a4

s4u9i jo enn IRi V

183ZIS TTV Nlisaoiaa aiavuGsvaa




¦w pa “aaois soraaaux xv

Sinpia 3uuds7VY3NI

Washington St., below the Old Railroad

Havre de Grace, Md.,Will open, on the Ist of December, 1888, a fine

assortment of



Fine Brandies, Cooking Wines, &c.|®“BOTTLED BEER a Specialty

30novl y

THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE—That the sub-scriber has obtained from the Register of

Wills of Harford county, Md„ Letters Testa-mentary on the estate of

BENJAMIN SILVER, Jh„late of Harford county, deceased. All personshaving claims against said deceased are herebynotified to exhibit the same with the legalvouchers thereof.

On or before the 2d day of February, 1890,or they may otherwise by law be excluded fromall benefits of said estate. All persons indebtedto said estate are requested to make immediateP C?lv*en under my hand and seal, this 2d day of

, August, 1890.FANNY H. SILVER,

gau Executrix.

FLORENT.1 m This Imported French Coach

MrtEJL Stallion will be found at the sub-wKlVLTk. soriber’s stable each day of the

/ n/K/w)wee>L ' except Friday and Satur-f "day, on which two days he will bo

t J. P. Mitchell’s Stable, Aberdeen, from Sep-tember Ist to October Ist, 1800.

HOfJKINB29au4t Benson, Harford Co., Md;

The jEgisftlntelligencerBel Air, Mtf., September 5.1890.


When on mv day of life the night is tailing.And in the winds from unsunned spaces blown

Ihear tar voices out of darkness callingMy feet to paths unknown.

Thou who hast made my home of life so pleasant,I.eave not its tenant when its walls decay:

0 love divine, O Helper ever present.Be Thou my strength and stay!

Be near me when all else is from me drifting,

Karth, skv, home’s picture, days of shade andthine.

And kindly faces to my own upliftingThe love which answers mine.

1 have but Thee, O Father! Let Thy SpiritBe with me then to comfort and uphold;

No gate of pearl, no branch of palm 1 merit.Nor street of shining gold.

Suffice it If, my good and ill unreckoned,And both forgiven through Thyabounding grace,

Ifind myself by hands familar beckonedUnto my fitting place.

Some humble door among Thy many mansions.Some sheltering shade where sin and striving

cease.And flows forever through heaven's green expan-

sionsThe river of Thy peace.

There from the music round about me stealingIfain would learn the new and holy song.

And find at last beneath Thy trees of healingThe life for which Ilong.

—John G. Whittier.

No Evidence to the Contrary.

Ayoung Catholic priest, shortly after be-ginning bis labors in bis first parish, receiv-ed a visit from one of the older fathers. Anx-ious to show the progress he had made, becalled up a class in catechism for question-ing.

“Biddy Maloney,” he began, “stand up.”A slip of a girl, with blue eyes and brown

freckles, arose in her place.“What, Biddy," said the young father, “is

meant by the howly state of matrimony ?”

“Sbure,” began Biddy, glibly, “’tisa saysonof tormint upon which the soul inters to fit itfor the biissid state to come.”

“Och,” cried the questioner, angry andmortified, “to the foot of the class wid ye,Biddy Maloney. It’s the m’aning of purga-tory ye’re afthur givin’.”

But here the old priest interposed, with aquizzical smile. “Not too fast, me youngbrother,” he said, restrainingly, “not too

fast. For aught you and Iknow to the con-thrary, the gurrul may be perfectly right.”

—Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure constipation, biliousness, sick headache, bilious headache, and alderangements of the stomach, liver and bowel?.—One a dose.


—“Eva,” he said softly, as they strolledthrough the park, “let me call you Eve. Itwill make the place seem still more like theGarden of Eden." “Certainly, George,” re-plied the bewitching maid, “but I can’t callyou Adam. You—you are not my first man,you know. Not by several, George.”

Can Yon Guess It?

Two E’s and an I, an R and a P,Put them together and then you will seeThe name of the maker of "G. M. D.”

VThe letters spell Pierce, ofcourse—Dr. Pierce, ofBuffalo. G. M. D. means "Golden Medical Dis-covery,” Dr. Pierce’s guaranteed cure for Con-sumption, it taken in time, aud for all bilious de-rangements, skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases.—Have you a backing cough, lassitude, low spirits,and other kindred symptoms. Take this remedynow, before it is too fate. It is guaranteed to bene-fit or cure, or money paid for it will be refunded.

—“You are now 13 years old. Miss Fanny,and yet you can hardly write your ownname.” Miaa Fanny—“That's a tact; but itwillbe such a short time before I get anoth-er that it is hardly worth while learning to

write my present one.”

—“Five years ago Ihad a constant cough, nightsweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, audited beenriven up by my physicians. Ibegan to take Ayer’sCherry Pectoral, and after using two bottles of thismedicine, was completely cured.”—Auga A. Lewis,Bicard, N. Y.

—Tourist (to boy fishing)—“How manyfish have you caught, my man ?” Boy—“Oh,I couldn’t count ’em.” Tourist —“Why, youhaven’t caught any, yon little vagabond.”Boy—“That’s why I can’t count ’em.”

—The only radical cure for rheumatism is toeliminate from the, blood the acid that causes thedisease. This is thoroughly effected by the persever-Ing use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Persist until cured,the process may be slow, but the result is sure.

—Mrs. Slucknpp—“ls this Mr. Slimpurseyou have engaged yourself to a man ofmeans?” Sensible Daughter—" Yes, moth-er. He means all he says, and tbal’a thesort of a husband I want.”

Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.

The best salve in the world lor Cuts, BmisesSores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all SkinKruptions, and positively cures Plies or no pay re.qulred. It is guaranteed to give perlect satisfac-tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per boxFor sale by W. B. Evans & Co., Druggists, Bel Air)

—lfany truth is found in the Europeanreport that Turkey is on the verge ofdissolu-tion,; Russia will celebrate ThanksgivingDay.

The Pnlplt and the Stage.Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brethren

Church, Blue Mound, Kansas, savs: "I feel it myduty to tell what wondsrs Dr. King’s New Dis-covery has done for me. My Lungs were badly dis-eased, aud my parishioners thought I could liveonly a few weeks. I took five bottles ofDr. King’sNew Discovery and am sound and well gaining 26lbs. in weight/’

Arthur Love, Manager Love’s Combination,writes: “Aftera thorough trial and convincingevidence, Iam confident Dr. King’s New Discoveryfor consumption, beats ’em ail, aud cures wheneverything else fails. The greatest kindness Icando my many thousand friends is to urge themtotry it’ Free trial bottle at W. R. Evans & Co’sDrugstore. Regular sizes 50c. and SI.OO.

—Love never has to be watched to seethat it does a full day’s work.


Catarrh Deafness—Hay Fever—A New HomeTreatment.

Sufferers are not generally aware that these dis-eases are contagious, or that they are due to thepresence of livingparasites inthe liningmembraneof the nose and eustachiru tubes. Microscopic re-search. however, has proved this to be a fact, andthe result of this discovery is that a simple remedyhas been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhaldeafness and hay fever are permanently cured infrom one to three simple applications made athome by the patient once in two weeks.

N. B.—This treatment is not a snuff or an oint-ment; both have been discarded by reputable phy-sicans as injurious. A pamphlet explaining thisnew treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp topay postage, by A. H. Dixon, & Son, 337 and 339West King street, Toronto, Canada.— Christian AO-vocale.

Sufferers from Catarrh troubles should carefullyread the above.

—The man who goes to a seashore lesortfor change frequently comes home withoutany.

Piles I Piles ! Itching piles ISymptoms—Moisture; itching and stinging

most at night; worse by scratching. Ifallowed tocontinue tumors form, which often bleed andulcerate, becoming very sore, Swayne's Ointmentstops the itching and bleeding, heals ulcerationsand in most oases removes the tumors. At drug-gists, or by mall, GO cents. Dr. Bwayne & Sons,Philadelphia. Ask your druggist for It.

•‘How to Care All Skis Diseases.’*Simply spply "Swayne’s Ointment.” No inter-

nal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema,Rob, erysipelas, all unsightly eruptions on theface, bands and nose, etc., leaving the akin clear,white and healthy. Its great healing and cura-tive powers are possessed by no other remedy.—Ask your druggist forSwayne’s Ointment.

DRUNKENNESS—LIQUOR HABIT—Inall the World there is bnt one cure.

Dr. Haines’ Golden Specific.It can be given in a cop of tea or coffee withont

the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting sspeedy snd permanent cure, whether the patient is amoderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousand*of drunkard* have been cured who have taken theGolden Specific in their coffee without their knowl-edge, and today believe they quit drinking of theirown free will. No harmful effect result* from it*administration. Cures guaranteed. Send for cir-cular and full particulars. Address In confidence,Ooum Brycino Co., 186 Race Street, Cincinnati.O-

-—ln stock with other liquors, Isaac Hecbt,Washington street, below the old railroad, Havrede Grace, Md., has the following brands of notedwhiskies ; 8. J. Faust, Buckwalter, Monticello,Orient, Baker, David Faust. Jockey Club, Cincin-nati Distillery and other brands; also Brandies,Wines, Gins. Rums. Kimmel, and in fact anythingyon want In the liquor line.

6uggenheimer,Weil &CoFACTORY, I STORE,

Cor. Lombard and 109 E. Baltimore St.,Liberty Sts., I


HOLIDAY PRESENTS,of our own Importation from VIENNA,PARIS





Harrison & Street!,UPPER CRONS ROADS, Bid.,







jyPrloea Furnlahed upon application.13je6m*

TtelpiTi Association,Of Baltimore, Md.

Liue, Resident Agents Wantedfor the aale of Bond* on the Inatallment Plan.—A Bate, Sure and Profitable Investment.

¦1533.-* ¦W1590.46'

OHAS. W. LOGAN’SBlood Purifying Tonic!



E. Sz S. FEET,314 W. Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, Md.


GOOD STOCK.We have all the facilities of large man-

ufacturers for turning out Good Stock atthe lowest cost. Take our $lO Suits as aninstance ot how natty and well we makeeven low-priced goods. Large assortmentat sl2, sl4, sls, sl6, $lB and |2O, andevery additional dollar brings its fullvalue in better materials and trimmings.

CL "STa/tes Co.,

THE ) 6th and Chestnut Sts.YATES , 18th and Chestnut Sts.



ANIMAL BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE.Valuable Circulars and Samples Free on application,

JOSHUA HORNER, JR., & COgSJSIJsr Baltimore, AE_WM. H. RECKORD, Reckord, Md.

Having purchased the old MillingProperty and Store of ray father. Henry Reckord, will say tomy friends and the public in general that I will be pleased to have them call on me. I have onhand a full line of




The Buckeye Binder , Mower, Reaper, South

Bend Plows and Roland Chilled Plowson hand. A full line of

Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods and Notions.Heavy Hauling done at short notice and at reasonable rates. Hay and Grain

taken In exchange.

Maryland Cycle CompanyAmerican Building, Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md.


, Spring Fork Star Safeties, Maryland Stars, Original Stars andALL KINDS of Crank Wheels.

, We guarantee any bicycle we sell one year barring accidents. Again,we guarantee Star Bicycles to run Fifty per cent, easier than any other

’ wheel., On what did last year’s State champion Emerson ride ? On what

’ wheel did Wilhelm make the fastest (4.3 i) lap ever made around DruidLake, at Baltimore ? On what Bicycle, geared over sixty inches, did

• OLDFIELD, of Harford, rake in the hill climbing records at Baltimore,in competition with thirty other makes of Crank Wheels? It is echoedback

! WM. a. SAXTON, Gold and Silversmith,


iSF The remarkable peculiarity of the moonstoneis, that while in all other gems internal seamaare called Eaivs, and detract from their value, in

the moonstone they are called " magic mirrors. ”

because those favored mortals who are giftedwl,h the illumination (if the astral light can, by

y i-'/ {:-’/ • ~ Its aid, read on those surfaces of milkywhite the

reflections of the past and the promises of the

No. 30 East Baltimore Street. Baltimore. Md.




¦ Also 5,000 Pounds of Prime Feathers To Suit.HAIR MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY.

Fred.Walpert & Co.,106 North. Gay St., Baltimore,



a. a. tomb *Q,~


#JbrU~JaeJESAnimal Bone Fertilizers,Harvest Queen Phosphate

Mart Fore Bone Super-Phosphatezptjzr,:e

Ground Bone and Bone Meal.

Dissolved Pure Raw Bone and Raw Bone PhosphateHome Office and Factory, Newark, N. J.



son^l^wood G

. nn,okP? ,

ForeßtHill. John Lamb. Upper Cross Roads. J. D. Markley. Lauravilie. Baltimore coun-Tucker. Forest MUIe> Q Hanway< Joppa< B and 0. Kailroad and J. B. Robinson.

Cowenton Station. B. and O. Railroad. Mfeb




SBAO.Strasburger & Son,

i RELIABLE clothing house.Cor. Gay and Front Streets. Baltimore, Md . Sap

OX3AUG-EBy Orange Blossom, Dam Josle Bowman by Clark Chier,

Will make season at Reckord. Md. Good pasturage formares. ServlcefiSO, with return privilege.

: W. P. RECKORD, Reckord, Md.ibap

*A WONDERFUL INVENTION^For Dairymen and Butter Makers.


In from 1 to 5 Minutes Every Time, and Pro-duce More Butter from same Cream

than any other Churn.No farmer can afford to be without one. It will pay for itself in a few

weeks in the increased amount of Butter, besides


Read the Result of Tests With Other Churns.At James W. Hanna's. Fountain Green. July The temperature and quality of cream were

11, 1890.—The O. K. Churn, from 44 lbs. Cream, alike and the butter of same quality In each test.8n l

ikUl%i At Win, T. Sawyer's on July Bth, with thermnm-

® lbs.°fCream. eter AHB degrees. Butter was churned in liHpntduced 6 lbs. of Butter in 3X minutes. Ifall minutes, hard enough to print directly fromthe cream bad been churned bythe Breakwater, chumthe gain would have been 2!t lbs. of Butter. . _

~ .....

, , .

........ t . .. At Amos B. Hollingsworth s, it produced But-r'

y ter hard enough to print in 1 minute and 55The Stoddard Churn, froth 140 lbs. of Cream,produced 25% lbs. of Butter in 30 minutes.

THE BREAKWATER, from SOlbsof Cream, At Cot. John Carroll Walsh’s, at Mr. Clement

?reduced 3 lbs. 13 ounces of Butter in 3 minutes. Dietrich’s, at Mrs. Wm. Dallam’s, at Dr. Wm. S.faU the cream had been churned by the Break- Richardson’s, at Robert F. Hanna’s and at many

water the gain would have been 5 lbs. of Butter other places, it produced more butter and in a—to say nothing of the saving of time in each shorter time than any other churn, giving per-case. feet satisfaction.

Xt Beats Tlaem. 1And Costs No More Than Other Leading Churns.


Sold in Harford County only by

David Hanway,Dealer in Hardware and House Furnishing Goods,

Cor. Main Street and Port Deposit Avenue,3B bijT-i AIE, ILvdEcL. iß ju

Farmers’ Favorite Grain Drill!

“AsYe Sow, So Shall Ye Reap.”

BICKFORD & HUFFMAN,XACEDON, N. T. Branch House, 408 S. Eutaw St., Balto.

HARFORD COUNTY AGENTS.J. FRANK AMOS Upper Cross Roads. I J. W. BROWN Magnolia.W. S. FOKWOOD Bel Air. J. T. BALDWIN Aberdeen.F. C. NORRIS Fallston. I



Cases - sjxi.cL - SolcLer,1409 EASTERN AVE., BALTIMORE, Md.



Selling Their Coal and Wood Stoves.Since the introduction of the

New Process Vapor Stove!many persons who have tried them are selling their other Cook Stoves/ and intend to use only the Vapor Stove.


ItDoes all that a Coal or Wood Stove Can Do-A Child Can Manage It. Every Stove Guaranteed or no Sale.

Also The Summer Queen and Gem Oil Stoves.


-DAVID::HANWAY,--Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Paints, &c.,

Main St. and Port Deposit Ave., Bel Air, Md.GEO. W. BOETTINGER. *> GEO. WALTER,

recently Watrlimster for -o—. j DI ASVIONDS ' formerly withHenneoan, bates & Co. Justis & armiqbb.

Boettinger & Walter,

Watchmakers, Jewelers,Fine Watches, Jewelry and Silverware,

No. 205 Lexington St., Baltimore, Md., near Parle Ave.


Tie Chesapeake Gmo Company’s Fertilizers.The sure test of experience by first-class, progressive farmers amply demonstrates the reliahill-

y and adaptation of our fertilitizers to all crops and every variety of soil. Besides bringing im-mediate results they permanently improve the land.

Ammoniated AlkalinePhosphat e,

A special compound forTobacco, Tomatoes, Potatoes, and all garden vegetables. No mistake canbe made in buying thla excellent fertilizer.

Ammoniated Bone SuperphosphateFOR GRAIN;OF ALLKINDS.

Alkaline Dissolved Bone , Potash.

Dissolved Bone Phosphate, Z? phOTioAc[(i '

We also manufacture W. 8. Symington's


men wanted as agents Ineach neighborhood. Apply to

WM. M. EDELIN, Fallston, Md.,Who is onr Representative lor Kaltimore and Harford Cos.

Main Office, 21 Postoffice Avenue, Baltimore. sijaiyn

Jl ¦vaetl j If Makes Two Hundred and Thirty-seven different igLosMWFsBIW—Vytf styles of FISHING KEELS in sizes from twenty- 'trajPSi.W\ a Yi AK five to three hundred yards. % ¦at A*A.

All styles and sizes of Flush Handle, RubberPlate and Multlplyers are SCKEWEUREELS TMf*

y&y constructed with Interchangeable Parts the same asgun or sewing machine parts. Our KEELS aremade with improved automatic machinery, oper- •ated by the best skilled labor, and are Superior In sbl- ¦

P’S. ____Construction and Finish, and are indisputably

UABLiIHuk /BMP Prices from 25 Cents to #14.00. Allfirst class fit',i {{pUrtmJJl dtaltts sell t/urr.. Send fir our Catalogue, and we l-B W 1

' send any kind of Heel by mail on receipt of 1

The Andrew B. Hendryx Co., *“

New Haven, Conn. 28feb ,



704 and 706 E. Pratt St.,

Branch Store, 611 E. Baltimore Street, Near Market Space.(9~New System of Repairing. Original Sowing or Pegging half sole and healing, 75 cents and >

sl. Call and See. gSjuly 1

One Of the coming men who will havgrown up to the idea of washing hie ¦

shoes clean, and will always uphold


ti.1 -r


Wolff'sACMEßlacking .Your irait of Cherry stained furniture looks time-

worn. To stain anew requires scraping off of the oldfinish, that is laborious and expensive. What do youthink of painting it over the old finish and make, it yWalnut or Mahogany, if you like.

t Ifyon are interested try a'.chair with 8JDIK-OON <

M A PAINTTHAT ONE % *7"Jpy* /T*m CAN S££ rHNOUON.m m /H 9

WOLFF it RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.

I Ask in Drug , Paint and House Furnishing Stores.




J. G. Rouse & Son.


Lots of Beautiful New Thingsi there. They Certainly havesome Startling Bargains.

ESfThe senior member put in three full daysin Philadelphia this week, and if he didn’t findthere the Bottom Prices, "there are no Quakersthere.”


Warm Weather is Comingand you should prepare for it in time by

going to


Chestnut Hill,Harford Co., Md.I have for your inspection a nice assortment


Summer Dress Goods,of desirable fabrics, all well selected and of themost fashionable styles, ALL CHEAPER THANEVER.

Hats, Summer Shoes, in short allkinds of Summer Goods, together with choiceGroceries, Hardware. Paints, Oils, Segars andTobacco, China and Glass Ware, Notions. Ho-siery. Housekeeping Articles—almost every thingyou want. Remember, my prices are low.

&~1 pay the Highest Prices for Producewhile I sell all my goods very low. Give me acall and compare prices.


ill01 BUST!Are we going to be lost In the shuffle or soaked

inth soup? Not it we kn w it; we are here tocompete with all comers, stock again- 1 stock anddollar against dollar. We are after the

SHININGHEKELSAnd we expect to get ’em by giving value forthem. We don’t want ’em on any other terms.Come and see us and you’ll find us

Death on the Dicker.We take no man's dust on the trade track.—

We won't be bluffed out of the business game.We will see

Any Price That’s Madeelsewhere, and go it one better. Come and sizeup our pile of goods and you’ll see we’re

FIXED TO STAYin the game. No fakements or shenanigan withus. A fair deal to all is our motto.



Patent Medicine DepotAmmonia, pint bottles 15 cents, vAmmonia per pint, purchaser 3 wj

furnishing bottle 10 “ 5 BAyer's Sarsaparilla 68 “

-j. JAyer’s Pills .. 13

“ J £Alcock’s Porous Plasters..’ 10 “ = oBeef, Wine and Iron 45 “ S SBrand relh’s Pills 15 " * *

Cuticura Resolvent 75 " •<

Carter's Little Liver Pills 15 ”

o S*Ely’s Cream Balm 35 “ t 5Hereford's Acid Phosphate 35 "

¦a §Jamaica Ginger 10 “

2.Jayne’s Expectorant 73 “ 2 SLiver Pills 10 •* ? 2.Mellin’s Infant Food 38 "

Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup 18 “

8. S. S. Swift’s Specific 65 ** %Sozodont 48 “ •

Warner’s Safe Kidney Cure 80 “ S203 FAKK AVENUE,

First door N. of Lexington, BALTIMORE, Md22mhly



310 W. Baltimore Street,3lJanly BALTIXOKE.


SPECIAL —Grain and MillFeed in Car Lots.

DANIEL RIDER, 1Grain, Hay and Straw |

COMMISSION.BF“Pereonal attention to all consignments.— -

Sales guaranteed. References: Theo- F. Wil-cox, Cashier Old Town Bank.Office and Warehoam, Corner Ureen-

mount anemic and Eager Sla.Siorage Warehouse, 853 Hreenmonnl

Avenue, Baltimore. 1I

Bel Air Machine and Boiler Works.F. L. REIGLE,


UW~Machlnery of every description repaired •Promptly. Repairs of Agricultural, Milling,Can-ning House Machinery, &c., ordered and fittedwithout delay. Pipe-Fitting in all its branches.Plumbers’ Supplies on hand. Second-hand Boilersand Engines, of all sizes, from one to seventy-five Hoise Power, in perfect order, at less thatcity prices. All work guaranteed as represent- 1td. 26auxy



Ifnot, don’t fail to seel’ w’on von visit Balti-more. It's worth a trip ot lUu uinc-. .o see PleV-

etts’s O real Charge of 17,000 men.Ifyou do not see Ityou will always regret It.

CORNER MT. ROYAL and MARYLANDAYE- INUBS, Near Union Depot. Open all day andyening. JljylOt

Zee Creetma.FOR THE


Notwithstanding the mild winter I am pre-pared to supply the public with

ice oi^e^im:of the best quality ami In any quantity at short

notice.Ice Cream when made from northern Ice will

hold in condition for a longer time.Only a slight advance over the price of last

season will be charged.


D. P. HOLLINGSWORTH,2my Fallston, Md.

ICE CREAMFor the Season of 1890.

Having procured a supply of NORTHERNICE, Iam prepared to supply my friends and thepublic with the

Best lee Cream in tbe County,being made of Cream from one of the fluest Jer-sey herds in Harford. Also a fine selection of

Groceries, Confectionery,Cigars and Tobacco.

BTAlways on hand Fresh Bread. Pies, Rollsand Cakes. Large Ornamental Cakes for Wed-dings, a specialty.

7T T. C EHTTV,Main St., Bel Air, Md.


The Besjlce ream.I have fitted up Ice Cream Parlors in

Whitaker & Bro’s New Building,adjoining their store on Main street, and inviteladies and gentlemen to pay me a visit- Theywill find a large, airy, comfortable room, withevery accommodation, and will he served theNICEST ICE CREAM to be found anywhere.

HfFAMILIES,PIC NIC PASTIES, FESTI-VALS. &c., supplied with Ice Cream, by thequart or gallon.

33. S. ROMER,20Je3m Main St., Bel Air, Md.


ENGINES & PUMPS,Pipes and Fittings,Process Kettles,




209 & 211 N. Frederick St.B.A.LTJtIv'COK.E.

BP-Packing Boxes of every description.—Boxes stamped free. Orders solicited andpromptly filled. 25janly

MILLER & CO.,Produce - Commission - Merchants,



Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns.

213 N. BACA St., Baltimore. Md.23my


ABERDEEN, Md.Our store is now filled with a choice line of

carefully selected Bargains in

IsasiiiMiliyfliiigFANCY GOODS, NOTI ONS, Ac.


at lowest possible prices.

SILOES.Our stock is large and more complete than in

any previous season, embracing full Hue ofHAND AND MACHINE MADE GOODS. Infact, our customers will find an endless vuiivtyof everything kept In a

FIRST-CASS COUNTRY STOREISf-Hlghest Market Prices forProduce, In om-

ohange for Goods.


B. H. BARITES,ABERDEEN, Harford County, Md.

A FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER and BUILD-ING MATERIAL, wholesale and retail, at

Slices to suit the times. Doors, Sash, Frames,iouidiug. Allkinds of Finishing Lumber. Air-

Lime Plaster constantly on band. Send forprices or call and examine. Can bo delivered byPennsylvania or B. and O. railroads and theirbranches. 18ap



Lumber and Building; Materials, Fer-tilizers, Coal, Malt, Seeds, Lime,

Blaster, Hair, Ac.

Orders Solicited and promptly filled.18aply

Wanted—AgentsTO SELL


The Best Safe in the World !

Over 100,000 in Use!Always Preserve their Contents !

100 SOLD IN LYNN Sreat S’lxe.

0F"5O subjected to intense heat preserved theircontents.

CHAMPION RECORDalso in exeat Chicago, Boston. Haverhill and

Eastport. Also Marblehead Fires.


E.C. MORRIS & CO., Boston, Mass7febly





BTAGENTS FDR SLUG SHOT, the bestBug Killer.


SM s. Cal vert St.. Baltimore, Md.

To CannersIam Prepared to take orders fer

Labels of All StylesAt the Lowest Prices,

IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT.A number of haudaome'designs in stock an

-cw designs fumishid to order.

F W. BAKER,ASgU Office, Bel Air HA.